Eatforlife®: Why You'll Love This Benefit
Eatforlife®: Why You'll Love This Benefit
Eatforlife®: Why You'll Love This Benefit
Learn how to make good eating habits stick and enjoy 30% off your monthly fee for eatForLife®, plus you earn points for staying
with the programme.
The programme is not about starvation or deprivation, but about making food fun and enjoyable – and most importantly: guilt free.
eatForLife® focuses on foods that will balance your blood sugar level which is the secret to losing weight and keeping it off.
Besides losing weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you also stand to gain from the medical benefits like: decreased
cholesterol, blood pressure, insulin dependence and an increased self-esteem.
As a bonus you will earn 200 points for every weekly session attended, up to a maximum of 2000 points per year (single) and 4000
points per year (family).
What you need to know
To join send an e-mail to or call 0861 00 55 66. You can visit to find the nearest branch
to book your place and attend sessions.
Application forms can be completed on arrival at the venue. Please take your ID and Multiply membership card or Multiply client
number with you.
Your discounted fee can be paid at the venue or as agreed with the dietician.
The Rules
• The benefit is available to the principal and partner on full and Base Multiply.
• The standard eatForLife® terms and conditions apply.
• Base members will be able to earn notional points for participation in the programme.
• The maximum discount available is 30%.
Momentum Interactive (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1971/006353/07), is a wholly owned subsidiary of MMI Group Limited. Terms and conditions apply.
Visit for full details. MMI Group Limited is an authorised financial services and credit provider.