Transportation Network Design: Dr. Tom V. Mathew

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Transportation Network Design

Transportation Network Design

Dr. Tom V. Mathew

1 Introduction
2 Traffic assignment
2.1 All-or-nothing assignment
2.2 Incremental assignment
2.3 Capacity restraint assignment
2.4 User equilibrium assignment (UE)
2.5 System Optimum Assignment (SO)
2.6 Example 1
2.7 Example 2
2.8 Stochastic user equilibrium assignment
2.9 Dynamic Assignment

3 Limitation of conventional assignment models

4 Bilevel
5 Examples of Bilevel
5.1 Network Capacity Expansion
5.2 Combined traffic assignment and signal control
5.3 Optimising Toll
5.4 Formal Notation

6 Formulation of capacity expansion problem

7 Numerical Example
7.1 Input
7.2 Output
7.3 Discussion


1 Introduction
This document discusses the aspects of network design.First a brief introduction of network design will be
given.Then various types of assignment techniques will be discussed including the mathematical
formulation and numerical illustration of the important ones.Then the concept of bilevel programming
and few examples will be presented.Finally one such example, namely the network capacity expansion
will be formulated as a bilevel optimization problem and will be illustrated using a numerical example.

Transportation network design in a broad sense deeds with the configuration of network to achieve
specified objectives.There are two variations to the problem, the continuous network design and the
discrete network design. Examples of the form include

The determination of road width.[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

The calculation of signal timings.

The setting of road user charges.

Although this document covers the continous network design in detailed, basis underlinig principles are
some form the discrete case. Conventional network design has been concerned with minimization of total
system cost.However, this may be unrealistic in the sense that how the user will respond to the proposed
changes is not considered. Therefore, currently the network designis thought of as supply demand
problem or leader-follower game.The system designer leads, taking into account how the user follow.
The core of all network design problems is how a user chooses his route of travel. The class of traffic
assignment problem tries to model these behaviour. Therefore, the traffic assignment will be discussed
before adressing bi-level formulation of the network design problems.

2 Traffic assignment
The process of allocating given set of trip interchanges to the specified transportation system is usually
refered to as traffic assignment. The fundamental aim of the traffic assignment process is to reproduce
on the transportation system, the pattern of vehicular movements which would be observed when the
travel demand represented by the trip matrix, or matrices ,to be assigned is satisfied. The major aims of
traffic assignment procedures are:

1. To estimate the volume of traffic on the links of the network and possibly the turning movements at
2. To furnish estimates of travel costs between trip origins and destinations for use in trip distribution.
3. To obtain aggregate network measures, e.g. total vehicular flows, total distance covered by the
vehicle, total system travel time.
4. To estimate zone-to-zone travel costs(times) for a given level of demand.
5. To obtain reasonable link flows and to identify heavily congested links.
6. To estimate the routes used between each origin to destination(O-D) pair.
7. To analyse which O-D pairs that uses a particular link or path.
8. To obtain turning movements for the design of future junctions.

The types of traffic assignment models are all-or-nothing assignment, incremental assignment, capacity
restraint assignment, user equilibrium assignment (UE), stochastic user equilibrium assignment (SUE),
system optimum assignment (SO), etc. These frequently used models are discussed here.

2.1 All-or-nothing assignment

In this method the trips from any origin zone to any destination zone are loaded onto a single, minimum
cost, path between them. This model is unrealistic as only one path between every O-D pair is utilised
even if there is another path with the same or nearly same travel cost. Also, traffic on links is assigned
without consideration of whether or not there is adequate capacity or heavy congestion; travel time is a
fixed input and does not vary depending on the congestion on a link. However, this model may be
reasonable in sparse and uncongested networks where there are few alternative routes and they have a
large difference in travel cost. This model may also be used to identify the desired path : the path which
the drivers would like to travel in the absence of congestion. In fact, this model's most important
practical application is that it acts as a building block for other types of assignment techniques.It has a
limitation that it ignores the fact that link travel time is a function of link volume and when there is
congestion or that multiple paths are used to carry traffic.[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

2.2 Incremental assignment

Incremental assignment is a process in which fractions of traffic volumes are assigned in steps.In each
step, a fixed proportion of total demand is assigned, based on all-or-nothing assignment. After each step,
link travel times are recalculated based on link volumes. When there are many increments used, the
flows may resemble an equilibrium assignment ; however, this method does not yield an equilibrium
solution. Consequently, there will be inconsistencies between link volumes and travel times that can lead
to errors in evaluation measures. Also, incremental assignment is influenced by the order in which
volumes for O-D pairs are assigned, raising the possibility of additional bias in results.

2.3 Capacity restraint assignment

Capacity restraint assignment attempts to approximate an equilibrium solution by iterating between all-
or-nothing traffic loadings and recalculating link travel times based on a congestion function that reflects
link capacity. Unfortunately, this method does not converge and can flip-flop back and forth in loadings
on some links.

2.4 User equilibrium assignment (UE)

The user equilibrium assignment is based on Wardrop's first principle, which states that no driver can
unilaterally reduce his/her travel costs by shifting to another route. If it is assumed that drivers have
perfect knowledge about travel costs on a network and choose the best route according to Wardrop's first
principle, this behavioural assumption leads to deterministic user equilibrium. This problem is equivalent
to the following nonlinear mathematical optimization program,


k is the path, equilibrium flows in link a, travel time on link a, flow on path k connecting

O-D pair r-s, trip rate between r and s.

The equations above are simply flow conservation equations and non negativity constraints, respectively.
These constraints naturally hold the point that minimizes the objective function. These equations state[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

user equilibrium principle.The path connecting O-D pair can be divided into two categories : those
carrying the flow and those not carrying the flow on which the travel time is greater than (or equal to)the
minimum O-D travel time. If the flow pattern satisfies these equations no motorist can better off by
unilaterally changing routes. All other routes have either equal or heavy travel times. The user
equilibrium criteria is thus met for every O-D pair. The UE problem is convex because the link travel time
functions are monotonically increasing function, and the link travel time a particular link is independent of
the flow and other links of the networks. To solve such convex problem Frank Wolfe algorithm is useful.

2.5 System Optimum Assignment (SO)

The system optimum assignment is based on Wardrop's second principle, which states that drivers
cooperate with one another in order to minimise total system travel time. This assignment can be
thought of as a model in which congestion is minimised when drivers are told which routes to use.
Obviously, this is not a behaviourally realistic model, but it can be useful to transport planners and
engineers, trying to manage the traffic to minimise travel costs and therefore achieve an optimum social


equilibrium flows in link a, travel time on link a, flow on path k connecting O-D pair r-s,

trip rate between r and s.

2.6 Example 1
To demonstrate how the most common assignment works, an example network is considered. This
network has two nodes having two paths as links.

Let us suppose a case where travel time is not a function of flow as shown in other words it is constant as
shown in the figure below.[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

Figure 1: Two Link Problem with constant travel time function

2.6.1 All or nothing

The travel time functions for both the links is given by:

and total flows from 1 to 2.

Since the shortest path is Link 1 all flows are assigned to it making =12 and = 0.

2.6.2 User Equilibrium

Substituting the travel time in equations 1 - 5 yield to

Substituting , in the above formulation will yield the unconstrained formulation as[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

below :

Differentiate the above equation w.r.t and equate to zero, and solving for and then leads

to the solution = 12, = 0.

2.6.3 System Optimization

Substituting the travel time in equation: (6-8), we get the following:

Substituting the above formulations takes the following form:

Differentiate the above equation w.r.t and equate to zero, and solving for and then leads

to the solution = 12, = 0, and = 120.

2.6.4 Comparison of results

After solving each of the formulations the results are tabulated in Table 1. One can infer that if the travel
time is independent of the flow, then essentially there in no difference between the various assignment

Table 1: Comparison of results for example 1


AON 10 15 12 0 120 120

UE 10 15 12 0 120 120
SO 10 15 12 0 120 120[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

2.7 Example 2

Figure 2: Two Link Problem with variable travel time function

Lets now take a case where travel time functions for both the links is given by:

and total flows from 1 to 2.

2.7.1 All or Nothing Assignment

Assume which makes 0 and . Since the shortest path is Link 1 all

flows are assigned to it making =12 and = 0.

2.7.2 User Equilibrium

Substituting the travel time in equations 1 - 5 yield to[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

Substituting , in the above formulation will yield the unconstrained formulation as


Differentiate the above equation w.r.t and equate to zero, and solving for and then leads

to the solution = 5.8, = 6.2.

2.7.3 System Optimization

Substituting the travel time in equation: (6-8), we get the following:

Substituting[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

Differentiate the above equation w.r.t zero, and solving for and then leads to the solution

= 5.3, = 6.7, and = 327.55.

2.7.4 Comparison of results

After solving each of the formulations the results are tabulated in Table 2. One can infer that unlike
earlier, the various assignment types shows considerable differences in the performace. AON has
obviously the worst solution and SO has the best.

Table 2: Comparison of results for example 2


AON 10 15 12 0 467.44 552

UE 27.4 27.4 5.8 6.2 239.0 328.8
SO 30.1 25.6 5.3 6.7 327.5 327.5

2.8 Stochastic user equilibrium assignment

User equilibrium assignment procedures based on Wardrop's principle assume that all drivers percieve
costs in an identical manner. A solution to assignment problem on this basis is an assignment such that
no driver can reduce his journey cost by unilaterally changing route. Van Vilet considered as stochastic
assignmnet models, all those models which explicitly allows non minimum cost routes to be selected.
Virtually all such models assume that drivers perception of costs on any given route are not identical and
that the trips between each O-D pair are divided among the routes with the most cheapest route
attracting most trips. They have important advantage over other models because they load many routes
between individual pairs of network nodes in a single pass through the tree building process,the
assignments are more stable and less sensitive to slight variations in network definitions or link costs to
be independent of flows and are thus most appropriate for use in uncongested traffuc conditions such as
in off peak periods or lightly trafficked rural areas.

2.9 Dynamic Assignment

Dynamic user equilibrium,expressed as an extension of Wardrop's user equilibrium principle, may be
defined as the state of equilibrium which arises when no driver an reduce his disutility of travel by
choosing a new route or departure time,where disutility inclues, schedule delay in addition in to costs
generally considered. Dynamic stochastic equilibrium may be similarly defined in terms of percieved
utility of travel. The existence of such equilibria in complex networks has not been proven theoretical and
even if they exist the question of uniqueness remains open.

3 Limitation of conventional assignment

models[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

The specific limitations of the assignment models are highlighted below.

1. Most of the cost functions, such as the BPR function, do not take into consideration emission-related
2. Interactions between links are not considered; the travel time on one link is independent of the
volumes on other links. This is an obvious oversimplification. At intersections, link travel times are
affected by volumes on other approaches and opposing left turns. On freeways, merging and
weaving conditions can greatly affect travel times. Queuing caused by bottlenecks on other links can
also be a factor. Queues build as volumes approach the bottleneck
3. Although some software packages allow node-based capacities, delays, or performance functions
which allows for better modeling of intersection dynamics. However, many of the problems described
above cannot be eliminated through network solutions. Some of these issues can be addressed by
considering the effects of flows on other links and the delays at a junction, on the link under

4 Bilevel
The bilevel programming (BLP) problem is a special case of multilevel programming problems with a two
level structure. The problem can be expressed as follows: the transport planner, wishes to determine an
optimal policy as a function of his or control variables (y) and the users response to these controls,
where users response generally takes the form of a network flow (x). The transport planner then seeks
to minimise a function of both y and x, where some constraints may be imposed upony as well as the
fact that x should be a user equilibrium flow, parameterised by the control vector,y. There exists many
problems in transportation that can be formulated as bilevel programming problem.They include network
capacity expansion, network level signal setting and optimum toll pricing. They are discussed briefly here:

5 Examples of Bilevel
5.1 Network Capacity Expansion
The network capacity expansion problem is to determine capacity enhancements of existing facilities of a
transportation network which are, in some sense, optimal. Network design models concerned with adding
indivisible facilities (modeled as integer variables) are said to be discrete, whereas those dealing with
divisible capacity enhancements (modeled as continuous variables) are said to be continuous. Thus
network expansion problem is a continuous network design problem,which determines the set of link
capacity expansions and the corresponding equilibrium flows for which measures of performance index
for network is optimal. A bilevel programming technique can be used to formulate this equilibrium
network design problem. At the upper level problem, the system performance index is defined as the
sum of total travel times and investment costs of link capacity expansions. At the lower level problem,
the user equilibrium flow is determined by Wardrop's first principle and can be formulated as an
equivalent minimization problem. The most well-studied equilibrium network design problem is user
equilibrium network design with fixed transportation demand.

5.2 Combined traffic assignment and signal control

For a road network with flow responsive signal control and fixed origin-destination travel demands.
Combined traffic assignment and signal control problem tries to allocate the demand matrix to the
network subject to user equilibrium assumption and computes the optimal signal control parameter from
the generated link flows.Consider f and g, which denote respectively, a vector of link flows and a vector
of signal settings for the network; assuming that the signal plan structure is given (specified by number,[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

type, and sequence of phases), signal settings may consist of cycle length's, green splits, and

offsets.Traffic equilibrium, is a set of link flows satisfying satisfying Wardrop's first principle.

The equilibrium traffic signal setting is a pair such that is a traffic equilibrium when

signals are set at .


where is the signal settings corresponding to under specified control policy P;


If there exists a pair , then link flows and signal settings are


5.3 Optimising Toll

In general,traffic flow and queue size on a road network depend on road toll pattern and also traffic
control. An efficient pricing scheme should therefore take into account the effects of the altered network
flow pattern and queueing due to road pricing to achieve a global optimal solution. This requires
development of an efficient procedure for calculating optimal toll patterns in general road networks while
anticipating driver response in terms of route choice. The procedure should be able to estimate queueing
delay and queue length, both of which are critical in queue management in congested urban road
networks. Optimum toll pricing problem can be formulated as a bilevel programming in general road
networks. The users route choice behaviour under condition of queing and congestion in a road network
for any given toll pattern can be represented by the mathematical programming model.Global evaluation
of likely effects of road pricing thud becomes possible.The model can be formulated to find an optimal set
of link tolls such that a particular system performance criterion is optimized.A meaningful objective is to
optimize is to minimize the total network cost or to maximize total revenue raised from toll charges. In
this kind of problem,it is assumed that for any given toll pattern,u,there is a unique equilibrium flow
distribution,x,obtained from the lower-level problem. x is also called the response or reaction function.
An efficient toll pattern,u, will greatly depend on how to evaluate the reaction function x, or in other
words,how to predict route changes of users in response to alternative toll charges. This interaction game
can be represented as the following bi-level programming problem:
Lower Level:

(6)[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

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where is the signal settingd corresponding to under specified control policy P;


If there exists such a pair , then link flows and signal settings are


There can be be three types of formulation on upper level, one is total network travel cost , the sum

of travel times and queueing delays experienced by all vehicles:


The total revenue, denoted as , arising from toll charges can be expressed as:


A third objective function can be to maximize the ratio, denoted as , of the total revenue to total cost


where is travel cost is exit flows and are the queueing delay.[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

5.4 Formal Notation

Consider a road network and suppose that origin destination travel demand is fixed and known. Let x and
y denote respectively vector of link flows and a vector of network expansion policy. A Budget control
policy, denoted by B is in general any rule or procedure that can be used to determine the components of

'y' when 'x' is known. The network design problem consists of finding a pair ,such that is

at traffic equilibrium when capacity is .


where is the capacity improvement corresponding to a under specified Budget B and is the

function that gives the vector of link flows.


where is a function that given optimal capacity expansion vector for a given . If there exists

such a pair ( , ) then link flows and capacity improvement are mutually consistent or in

equilibrium , in the sense that users choice when controls are at yield link flows equal to those from

which arises under budget constraint B.In other words


or equivalently

(15)[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

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Figure 3: Bilevel

6 Formulation of capacity expansion problem

The following notation has been used for CNDP formulation:

Let A be the set of links in the network, the set of OD pairs, q the vector of fixed OD pair demands,q

= , K the set of paths between OD pair , f the vector of path flows between OD pair r,s on path

k which means f = [ ], x the vector of link flows, x = , y the vector of link capacity expansion,

y= , B the allocated budget for expansion, travel time on link a, is the coefficient of link

expansion vector y,, flow on path k connecting O-D pair r-s, trip rate between r and s.

Upper Level

(16)[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

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subject to



Lower Level


subject t





equilibrium flows in link a, travel time on link a, link capacity expansions in link a, ,

flow on path k connecting O-D pair r-s, trip rate between r and s. To illustrate how the bilevel

problem of network capacity expansion works an example network was considered.This network had four
nodes and five links.Two links were considered for improvement. The figure shows the network.

7 Numerical Example[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

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Figure 4: Bilevel example problem

7.1 Input





From To length(Km) Capacity(K) Speed(Km/hr)

1 2 0.15 4.0 1.0 20.0 60.0

1 3 0.15 4.0 1.0 20.0 60.0[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

Transportation Network Design

2 4 0.15 4.0 1.0 30.0 60.0

3 2 0.15 4.0 1.0 30.0 60.0
3 4 0.15 4.0 1.0 40.0 60.0

7.2 Output
no. x0* x1* x2* x3* x4* UE TSTT z1* z2* SO
1 42.5 38.71 52.87 10.37 79.09 317.39 692.8 5.36 4.64 609.41
2 38.78 42.27 56.05 17.27 75.65 296.85 564.23 5.79 4.21 564
3 38.61 42.44 55.67 17.06 76.02 296.73 564.48 5.95 4.05 564.45
4 38.45 42.56 55.58 17.13 76.07 296.53 563.5 6.02 3.98 563.5
5 38.51 42.53 55.48 16.97 76.21 296.68 564.61 6.04 3.96 564.61
6 38.5 42.53 55.46 16.96 76.22 296.66 564.6 6.04 3.96 564.6

7.3 Discussion
The initial link expansion vector is taken as 0. User equilibrium is performed to get the required link
flows. Now these flows are input to upper level from where we get a new set of link expansion vectors
which minimizes the system travel time.This iteration is repeated until the total sytem travel time from
lower level and upper level converges.

Y. Sheffi, Urban transportation networks: Equilibrium analysis with mathematical programming
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1984.

R. Thomas, Traffic Assignment Techniques.
England: Avebury Technical publication, 1991.

Prof. Tom V. Mathew 2006-10-02[10/20/2008 10:37:59 AM]

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