B B S +2 B D: Longbow, Rare, Minimum STR 15

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Longbow, rare, minimum STR 15 Spear, very rare, attunement Wondrous item, rare, attunement
Damage 1d8 piercing Damage 1d6 piercing +2 While wearing these bracers, you gain a
Modifier Dexterity Modifier Strength +2 +2 bonus to AC if you are wearing no
Properties Light, Finesse, Thrown (20/60) Properties Thrown 20/60, Versatile 1d8 armor and using no shield.

Brutal shot. Before making an attack with Hunter's thirst. When you hit with a
this bow, you can spend your bonus melee attack using this magic spear and
action to make a STR check DC 12. If you reduce the target to 0 hit points, you gain
succeed, your next attack deals extra 2d6 temporary hit points.
damage equal to your STR modifier.
Additionally the attack pushes the target
away from you a distance depending on
their size:
tiny: 20 feet
small: 15 feet
medium: 10 feet
large: 5 feet


Wondrous item, uncommon Wondrous item, uncommon Javelin, uncommon

Smoke leaks from the lead-stoppered While wearing these dark lenses, you Damage 1d6 piercing
mouth of this brass bottle. When you use have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Modifier Strength
an action to remove the stopper, a cloud If you already have darkvision, wearing Properties Thrown (30/120)
of thick smoke pours out in a 60-foot the goggles increases its range by 60
radius from the bottle. The cloud's area is feet. Action, once per day. Hurl it and speak its
heavily obscured. Each minute the bottle command word, it transforms into a bolt
remains open and within the cloud, the of lightning, 5 feet wide line that extends
radius increases by 10 feet until it reaches from you to a target within range.
its maximum radius of 120 feet. Creatures in the line (not you and the
target) must make a DC 13 Dexterity
The cloud persists as long as the bottle is saving throw, taking 4d6 lightning dmg
open. Closing the bottle requires you to on a fail, or half on a success. The
speak its command word as an action. If lightning bolt turns back into a javelin
closed, the cloud disperses after 10 when it reaches the target. Make a
minutes. A moderate wind can also ranged weapon attack against the target.
disperse the smoke after 1 minute, and a On a hit, the target takes damage from
strong wind can do so after 1 round. the javelin plus 4d6 lightning damage.


Wondrous item, uncommon Staff, very rare, attunement Hand crossbow, rare
(requires attunement)
Damage 1d6 bludgeoning Damage 1d6 piercing
Modifier Strength Modifier Dexterity
While this polished agate is on your Properties Versatile (1d8) Properties Ammunition, (Range 30/120),
person, you gain a +1 bonus to ability Light, Loading
checks and saving throws.
Holding this staff grants a +1 bonus to
armor class. Vicious. When you roll a 20 on your attack
The staff contains 8 charges. While roll with this magic weapon, the target
holding the staff, you can cast one of the takes an extra 7 damage of the weapon’s
following spells: type.
Mage Armor (1 charge)
Shield (2 charges)
The staff regains 1d4+4 expended
charges each day at dawn. If the last
staffs charge is expended, roll a d20. On a
1, the staff shatters and is destroyed.

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