Cultivation of Chlorella Vulgaris Using Nutrients Source From Domestic PDF

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Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207

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Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris using nutrients source from domestic

wastewater for biodiesel production: Growth condition and kinetic
Man Kee Lam a, *, Mohammad Iqram Yusoff a, Yoshimitsu Uemura a, Jun Wei Lim b,
Choon Gek Khoo c, Keat Teong Lee c, Hwai Chyuan Ong d
Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
Fundamental and Applied Sciences Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus, Seri Ampangan, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Owning to the presence of essential mineral nutrient content in wastewater, cultivation of microalgae
Received 12 January 2016 using wastewater sources provides an alternative and sustainable solution for biodiesel production.
Received in revised form Hence, the potential of using domestic wastewater as nutrient source to cultivate Chlorella vulgaris was
11 October 2016
presently studied. It was found that the microalgae was favoured to grow in domestic wastewater under
Accepted 15 November 2016
the conditions of 0.02 v/v of wastewater, initial pH of 3, and 0.03 v/v of initial amount of microalgae seed
Available online 24 November 2016
with 24 h of continuous illumination. Under these conditions, a high lipid content of 32.7% was
embedded within the microalgae biomass. From the analysis of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profile, the
extracted microalgae lipid was suitable for biodiesel production. The existing growth kinetic models
Biodiesel were able to predict the growth of Chlorella vulgaris using the domestic wastewater as nutrients source.
Domestic wastewater The fair model fitting was however limited to contaminant-free conditions, where the growth decays of
Chlorella vulgaris the microalgae was negligible.
Growth kinetic © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction acids, which can be extracted for subsequent biodiesel production.

It was reported that approximately 50% of the microalgae biomass
Biofuels are recognized as renewable energy since its precursors constituents are lipids, and sometimes may reached up to 80% by
are derived from biodegradable resources such as corn kernels, cultivating them under heterotrophic condition [12].
sugar cane, sweet sorghum, cassava, woody biomass, vegetable oils, Wastewater can be used as alternative nutrient source to grow
microalgae, waste cooking oil and etc. [1,2]. Commercially available microalgae, in which the wastewater will be simultaneously bio-
bioethanol is derived from sugar cane, cassava flour, corn starch remediated prior to discharge. Accordingly, the amount of nitro-
[3e6] whereas biodiesel is produced from oil crops [3,4] or waste gen and phosphorus sources can be eliminated to prevent the
cooking oil [7,8]. Due to the food for fuel dilemma, non-food crops eutrophication phenomenon in receiving water bodies of dis-
and aquatic microorganisms such as microalgae have been pro- charged wastewater. Hence, by using wastewater to cultivate
posed as an alternative feedstock for biodiesel production, whereas microalgae provides mutual benefit of producing biofuels while
lignocellulosic biomass [9] are increasingly used in the bioethanol removing nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon from the
production [10,11]. Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms wastewater [13]. However, wastewater-based microalgae cultiva-
that only require CO2, water and nutrients (e.g. nitrogen, phos- tion is still facing uncertainties and challenges, including variation
phorus and potassium) for their growth. The produced microalgae of wastewater compositions due to various sources, contamination
biomass contains a significant amount of lipid in the form of fatty by toxic compounds and presence of suspended solid particles that
may affect the light transmission efficiency in cultivating micro-
algae [14].
* Corresponding author. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the feasibility of
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.K. Lam). microalgae cultivation using unsterilized domestic wastewater. The
0960-1481/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
198 M.K. Lam et al. / Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207

effects of various cultivation parameters such as amount of nutri- The specific growth rate (m) and biomass productivity (P) were
ents, initial pH and amount of microalgae seed were systematically determined by using Equations (2) and (3), respectively:
investigated. Subsequently, the growth kinetic studies were con-
ducted to illustrate the growth pattern of microalgae cultivated in   ln N2

wastewater medium, rendering more information for scale-up m day1 ¼ N1

t2  t1
N2  N1
2. Materials and methods Pðg=L=dayÞ ¼ (3)
t2  t1

2.1. Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris using Bold’s Basal Medium where N1 and N2 are the biomass (g/L) at time t1 (day) and t2 (day),
(BBM) respectively.

Chlorella vulgaris was provided by Prof. Dr. Lee Keat Teong 2.4. Harvesting and collecting of microalgae biomass
(School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia). Prior to
the experiments, the microalgae was preserved and grown in BBM After the Chlorella vulgaris had reached the stationary growth
consisting of: (1) 10 mL per liter of culture medium with the phase, the aeration to the cultivation medium was stopped. The
following chemicals: NaNO3 (25 g/L), CaCl2$2H2O (2.5 g/L), microalgae biomass was left to settle naturally in the Erlenmeyer
MgSO4$7H2O (7.5 g/L), K2HPO4 (7.5 g/L), KH2PO4 (17.5 g/L), NaCl flask for three days. Two distinguished layers were then formed, in
(2.5 g/L) and (2) 1 mL per liter of culture medium with the following which water with suspended microalgae cells were located at the
chemicals: EDTA anhydrous (50 g/L), KOH (31 g/L), FeSO4$7H2O upper layer and concentrated microalgae biomass was deposited at
(4.98 g/L), H2SO4 (1 mL), H3BO3 (11.4 g/L), ZnSO4$7H2O (8.82 g/L), the bottom layer. The upper layer was carefully decanted, whereas
MnCl2$4H2O (1.44), MoO3 (0.71 g/L), CuSO4$5H2O (1.57 g/L), the bottom layer was transferred to 500 mL beaker and dried at
Co(NO3)2$6H2O (0.49 g/L) [15]. The initial pH of the medium was 100  C for 24 h. The dried microalgae biomass was scrapped from
adjusted to 3.5. The seed culture was grown in a 5 L bottles con- the beaker and kept in empty container for later use.
taining 4.5 L of medium, aerated with compressed air with sur-
rounding temperature ranging from 25 to 28  C and illuminated
2.5. Microalgae lipid extraction
continuously with cool-white fluorescent light.
1 g of dried Chlorella vulgaris biomass was placed in a 500 mL
2.2. Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris using domestic wastewater
conical flask containing 200 mL mixed methanolechloroform so-
lution (volume ratio of 2:1). The mixture was stirred at 400 rpm for
The wastewater samples were collected from a domestic
24 h at room temperature. After that, the biomass was filtered using
wastewater treatment plant (inlet point of secondary treatment) in
filter paper and the filtrate was evaporated in a rotary evaporator at
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak, Malaysia. The collected
100  C. The leftover crude microalgae lipid was collected after all
wastewater samples were left to settle tranquilly for 24 h. The su-
the solvent was evaporated. The filtered microalgae biomass was
pernatant of wastewater samples were then filtered using 1.2 mm-
then mixed with the solvent recovered from the rotary evaporator
pore size GF/C filter (Whatman co.) to avoid any false indication in
for second cycle of lipid extraction [16].
the microalgae growth study due to the presence of suspended
solid. Then, the filtrate was being analysed for total nitrogen and
2.6. Transesterification reaction of crude microalgae lipid and FAME
total phosphorus according to the HACH standard methods. Then, a
pre-determined volume ratio of the domestic wastewater to total
working volume (v/v) and seed culture to total working volume (v/
1 g of crude lipid of Chlorella vulgaris, 15:1 of methanol to lipid
v) were introduced into the Erlenmeyer flask with total working
molar ratio and 3 wt% of concentrated sulphuric acid were mixed
volume of 1 L. The pH of the cultivation medium was adjusted ac-
during the transesterification process. The reaction was carried out
cording to the intended study parameter. Subsequently, the
in a water bath shaker at 60  C for 3 h 1 mL of the reaction product
Erlenmeyer flasks were continuously aerated with compressed air
was subjected to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCeMS;
and illuminated with cool-white fluorescent light (light intensity of
PerkinElmer Clarus 600) analysis after the reaction was completed.
60e70 mmol m2 s1). All experiments were carried out in triplicate
The gas chromatography was equipped with a flame ionization
with ±5% error and average values were reported.
detector (FID) and Elite 5-MS column
(30 m  0.25 mm  0.25 mm). The initial oven temperature was
2.3. Measurement of microalgae growth
65  C, held for 2 min and raised to 280  C at a ramping rate of 8  C/
min and held at 280  C for 10 min [15].
Dry cell weight is commonly used to determine the biomass
production in biological process and it is obtained by measuring the
total suspended solids concentration in the culture medium. A 2.7. Kinetic growth model
correlation between the optical density of Chlorella vulgaris and
concentration of biomass was pre-determined. In this regard, the Three non-linear mathematical models, namely Logistic, Gom-
optical density was determined daily at 688 nm using spectro- pertz, and Richards models were used to validate the experimental
photometer (Agilent UV-VIS). Then, 20 mL of sample was dried in data of biomass production by Chlorella vulgaris. The experimental
an oven at 100  C for 24 h and the weight of biomass was deter- data were referred to the biomass yield of Chlorella vulgaris under
mined using weighting balance. The correlation between the the supplementation of different concentrations of wastewater in
microalgae biomass concentration and optical density was estab- 1 L cultivation setup.
lished as shown below:
2.7.1. Logistic model
Dry weightðg=LÞ ¼ 0:3793  OD688nm ; R2 ¼ 0:9674 (1) The logistic model describes the growth of microbial based on
the initial population density, time, growth rate and final
M.K. Lam et al. / Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207 199

population density [17]. The original logistic function model was !

developed by Pearl and Reed (1977) and expressed as follow [18]: 1 X
y¼ yiobs (8)
AþC i¼1
y¼ (4) where, ‘n’ is referred to number of observation, ‘obs’ is referred to
1 þ expBðtMÞ
the observed data and ‘calc’ is referred to the calculated data.
where A is the asymptotic of ln Xt/Xo as t decreases indefinitely, C is
the asymptotic of ln Xt/Xo as t increases indefinitely, B is the relative (b) S2 and RMSD: Similar to coefficient of determination, these
growth rate at time M (day1), t is the residence time (day), M is the two indicators are frequently used for comparing the accu-
time at which the maximum growth rate is reached (day), Xt is the racy of different models that represent the experimental
biomass concentration at time t (g/L) and Xo is the initial biomass data. A model with smaller variance and RMSD indicate the
concentration (g/L). data are more accurate than a model with larger values of
these indicators. The following equations describe the
calculation of S2 and RMSD:
2.7.2. Gompertz model
Gompertz model has been widely used in literature and most of Pn
ðyi  yÞ2
the kinetic data were described based on model shown below [19]: S2 ¼ i¼1
y ¼ A þ C expexp½BðtMÞ (5) !2
1 Xn  2
RMSD ¼ y  yicalc (10)
where A is the asymptotic of ln Xt/Xo as t decreases indefinitely, C is n i¼1 iobs
the asymptotic of ln Xt/Xo as t increases indefinitely, B is the relative
growth rate at time M (day1), t is the residence time (day), M is the
where ‘n’ is referred to number of observation, ‘obs’ is referred to
time at which the maximum growth rate is reached (day), Xt is the
the observed data and ‘calc’ is referred to the calculated data.
biomass concentration at time t (g/L) and Xo is the initial biomass
concentration (g/L).

3. Results and discussions

2.7.3. Richards model
Richards model is a four-parameter model as shown below [20]: 3.1. Effect of nutrients amount

y ¼ Að1 þ y exp½kðt  tÞÞð1=yÞ (6) Nutrient uptake by microalgae is usually affected by the overall
composition of nutrient available in the cultivation medium. In this
where A is the asymptotic of ln Xt/Xo as t decreases indefinitely, t is regard, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) source are usually required
the residence time (day), n and k are shape parameter whereas t is in the cultivation medium to support the growth of microalgae
time at the inflexion point (lag phase). biomass. Thus, the N/P ratio in the cultivation medium must be
fine-tuned properly in order to ensure the simultaneous utilization
of both nutrient sources by microalgae and attain optimal nutrient
2.7.4. Analysis of microalgae growth kinetic
removal efficiency [21]. Nevertheless, there are some limitations
A nonlinear regression technique was used to solve the growth
that need to be addressed when wastewater is used as nutrient
models by using POLYMATH 6.0. The algorithm for microalgae
source in cultivating microalgae, such as the resistance of micro-
growth kinetic analysis are as follow: (1) the values for ln Xt/Xo was
algae species towards biotic pollutants (e.g. bacteria, fungi and
calculated based on the experimental data, (2) the data was loaded
zooplanktons) that co-existing in wastewater [22].
to the POLYMATH program, (3) the respective growth model was
In the present study, different amounts of unsterilized waste-
then inserted to the POLYMATH program under the ‘Nonlinear’
water were filled into Erlenmeyer flask to study the effect of
column, (4) all the dependent, independent and model variables
wastewater towards the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. From Fig. 1,
are shown in the programme after inserting the respective model
Chlorella vulgaris was found to have higher biomass yield when
and checking, (5) initial estimates of the parameters values were
supplied with low amount of wastewater (0.02 v/v) than high
required and, (6) several statistic indicators were used to assess the
amount of wastewater (0.15e0.2 v/v). This observation was rather
quality of the estimated values and the regression models, such as
contradict to most of the previously published reports showing
coefficient of determination (R2), variance (S2), root mean square
high amount of wastewater tended to accelerate the growth of
deviation (RMSD), graph (experiment versus predicted) and re-
microalgae due to the immense availability of nutrients in the
sidual plot. The following guidelines were used in determining the
cultivation medium [23,24]. However, in the present study, the
goodness-of-fit of the data to the kinetic models:
wastewater source was directly utilized without sterilizing. This
led to the severe contamination by biotic pollutants from the high
(a) R2: The coefficient of determination is always used as an
amount of wastewater cultivation, in which inhibited the growth
indicator to represent the preciseness of model in fitting the
of microalgae. In addition, the polluted microalgae cultivations
experimental data. A coefficient of determination close to
were noticed turned into light brown colour and rotifers (micro-
one implies the accuracy of the model. The coefficient of
algae grazer) were detected under microscope observation. The
determination can be calculated based on the following
results were further supported by Fig. 2, showing the highest
microalgae biomass productivity (0.0409 g/L/day) was attained
Pn  2 with the minimum amount of wastewater (0.02 v/v). The cultiva-
2 i¼1 yiobs  yicalc tion of Chlorella vulgaris in the medium containing 0.02 v/v of
R ¼1 Pn  2 (7)
i¼1 yiobs  y wastewater also recorded the highest specific growth (0.30 day1)
as compared with other cultivations loaded with higher amount of
200 M.K. Lam et al. / Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207


Biomass, g/L





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Cultivation time (day)

0.02 v/v 0.05 v/v 0.1 v/v 0.15 v/v 0.2 v/v

Fig. 1. Effect of amount of wastewater towards the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. Other cultivation condition: pH ¼ 3, amount of seed ¼ 0.1 v/v and illuminated for 24 h continuously.

0.35 0.045


Biomass productivity, g/L/day

Specific growth rate, day-1

0.20 0.025

0.15 0.020


0.00 0.000
0.02 v/v 0.05 v/v 0.1 v/v 0.15 v/v 0.2 v/v
Amount of wastewater
Specific growth Biomass productivity

Fig. 2. Specific growth rate and biomass productivity of Chlorella vulgaris cultivated in different amount of wastewater.

3.2. Effect of pH production of green microalgae such as Chlorella vulgaris in

continuous cultivation was significantly affected by the pH in the
One of the important factors in microalgae cultivation is the pH culture medium [27]. The pH tolerance limits of the microalgae are
of the culture medium. This is because variation of pH in the culture determined either by chemical influence on the growth medium or
medium can ultimately affect the cell metabolism and growth of metabolic effects on the cells [27]. Goldman et al. (1981) asserted
the microalgae biomass [25]. Suitable pH for optimum growth of that the maximum tolerable pH is not influenced by the availability
most microalgae species lies in the neutral to alkaline range. of inorganic carbon. Nevertheless, the pH is the main determinants
However, there are some exceptional microalgae species (e.g. of the carbon species in water that regulate the availability of
Dunaliella) that are able to grow under very acidic condition of as different carbon sources used for microalgae photosynthesis.
low as pH 1 [26]. According to Goldman et al. (1982), the biomass Moreover, the effect of pH level to the microalgae cultivation is
M.K. Lam et al. / Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207 201

crucial when flue gases are used to cultivate microalgae at indus- microorganisms.
trial scale. The selected microalgae species must be able to tolerate Fig. 5 shows the effect of amount of seed on the growth of
the inconsistency of CO2 concentration in the flue gases that results Chorella vulgaris. All of the 5 experiments exhibited a similar
in pH variation [28]. growth trends during the 12 days cultivation. From Fig. 6, the
Fig. 3 shows the effect of pH value in the culture medium to- highest biomass productivity was recorded with experiment con-
wards the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. From the figure, the growth tained 0.2 v/v of seed which was 0.0219 g/L/day, then followed by
of Chlorella vulgaris cultivated at pH 3 and 5 exhibited almost a 0.15 v/v, 0.10 v/v, 0.05 v/v and 0.03 v/v which recorded biomass
linear growth trend with maximum biomass attained at the range productivity of 0.0215, 0.0162, 0.0134 and 0.0086 g/L/day, respec-
of 0.18e0.25 g/L after 12 days of cultivation. For higher pH culti- tively. However, Chorella vulgaris showed the highest specific
vation medium (alkaline condition), the microalgae did not exhibit growth rate in the culture medium with the lowest amount of seed,
a satisfactory growth curves. The growth of microalgae at pH 7, 9 which was 0.1575 day1. Based on these results, cultivation me-
and 12 was stagnated demonstrating insignificant increment of dium with low amount of microalgae seed could enhance the
biomass after 12 days of cultivation. From Fig. 4, the pH 3 cultiva- specific growth rate which benefiting the nutrients removal from
tion medium recorded the highest specific growth and biomass wastewater. Nevertheless, as for biodiesel production, higher seed
productivity at 0.1466 day1 and 0.0169 g/L/day, respectively. These amount during the initial cultivation is necessary to boost higher
results indicated that the Chlorella vulgaris used in the present biomass and lipid productivity.
study could adapt very well at low pH medium which was an
advantage to inhibit other biotic contaminants (e.g. fungus) that
3.4. Nutrients removal
could present in the unsterilized wastewater culture medium. Be-
sides, it was also presumed that Chlorella vulgaris in the present
The presence of high concentration of nutrients (e.g. nitrogen
study preferred to assimilate carbonic acid (H2CO3) as the carbon
and phosphorus) in wastewater can impart eutrophication if this
source for growing. This is because at pH below 4.5, the cultivation
wastewater is discharged directly into the water bodies. Nitrogen
medium is dominated with free CO2 molecules or H2CO3 when CO2
can present in wastewater in the form of ammonium (NHþ 4 Þ,
is dissolved in water [29].
organically bound nitrogen or even nitrite (NO 2 Þ and nitrate (NO 
ions; while phosphorus commonly apprears as phosphates (PO4 Þ
3.3. Effect of amount of seed ions [22]. Thus, the nutrients availability in the wastewater can be
utilized for microalgae growth. For example, Chorella sp. had been
As the density of microalgae increases with time, the growth used in numerous studies due to its effectiveness in removing ni-
will slow down due to the depletion of nutrients and decrease in trogen and phosphorus sources from different wastewater streams
light penetration arises from increasing self-shading due to dense [31]. In addition, microalgae cultivation could be placed as a tertiary
microalgae population. Thus, sufficient aeration in the microalgae treatment in a typical wastewater treatment plant to further
cultivation system is important to agitate the microalgae cells and remove the remaining NO 3 after post-denitrification process [32].
to allow even distribution of light to reach the dense microalgae Fig. 7 depicts the result for the removal efficiency of nitrogen
population [30]. Nevertheless, introducing certain amount of and phosphorus sources in the wastewater samples by microalgae.
microalgae seed at the initial stage of cultivation is necessary to The concentration of total nitrogen in the wastewater sample was
initiate the fast growth rate of the microalgae (avoid long lag- reduced from 2.7 mg/L to 0.4 mg/L, or 85% of removal efficiency;
phase) and to increase the survival rate of microalgae with other whereas, the total phosphorus was reduced from 24.19 mg/L to


Biomass, g/L




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Cultivation Time (day)
3 5 7 9 12

Fig. 3. Effect of pH value on the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. Other cultivation condition: amount of wastewater ¼ 0.02 v/v, amount of seed ¼ 0.1 v/v and illuminated for 24 h
202 M.K. Lam et al. / Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207

0.16 0.0180

0.14 0.0160


Biomass productivity, g/L/day

Specific growth rate, day-1

0.02 0.0020

0 0.0000
3 5 7 9 12
Specific growth Biomass productivity

Fig. 4. Specific growth rate and biomass productivity of Chlorella vulgaris at different pH.




Biomass, g/L





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Cultivation time (day)

0.03 v/v 0.05 v/v 0.1 v/v 0.15 v/v 0.2 v/v

Fig. 5. Effects of amount of seeds on the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. Other culture conditions: Amount of wastewater ¼ 0.02 v/v, pH ¼ 3, and illuminated for 24 h continuously.

15.67 mg/L, or 35% removal efficiency. The removal efficiencies of 3.5. Lipid extraction and biodiesel production from Chlorella
nitrogen and phosphorus sources in this study were also corre- vulgaris
sponding with the findings from the literature, in which Chorella
vulgaris recorded the average removal efficiency of nitrogen and Various microalgae species have been identified to have high
phosphorus of 72% and 28%, respectively, from wastewater sample lipid content which could be converted into biodiesel and thus,
[33]. In addition, the results also suggested that the relatively low providing an alternative source to petroleum based diesel [12].
yield of microalgae biomass obtained in Section 3.1e3.3 could be Generally, there are two methods to extract lipid from microalgae
due to the initial low nitrogen concentration in the wastewater. In biomass, namely chemical solvent method and mechanical press.
fact, the recommended nitrogen and phosphorus ratio for optimum One of the main advantages of using mechanical press is this
microalgae cultivation was 16:1 [32,34], whereas in the present method is conventionally suitable for most of the microalgae spe-
study, the ratio was only 0.11:1. Nevertheless, the shortfall of ni- cies. Nevertheless, it requires a thorough evaluation for large-scale
trogen concentration in the wastewater could stimulate higher extraction due to energy efficiency issue [35]. On the other hand,
lipid yield from microalgae biomass, which will be discussed after lipid extraction using chemical solvent is identified as the most
this section. reliable method to determine the overall microalgae lipid content
M.K. Lam et al. / Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207 203

0.18 0.025

Biomass productivity, g/L/day

0.14 0.020

Specific growth rate, day-1

0.04 0.005
0 0.000
0.03 v/v 0.05 v/v 0.1 v/v 0.15 v/v 0.2 v/v
Amound of seed

Specific growth Biomass productivity

Fig. 6. The specific growth and biomass productivity of Chlorella vulgaris at different amount of seed.


Amount of nutrients , mg/L




Before cultivation After cultivation

Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus

Fig. 7. Nutrients concentrations before and after microalgae cultivation.

due to the high polarity of fatty acids towards the chemical solvent microalgae cells. Under low nitrogen concentration, starch syn-
[15]. thesis pathway of microalgae cells is blocked and photosyntheti-
In the present study, microalgae lipid extraction was conducted cally fixed carbon is redirected into fatty acids production [36].
by using a mixture of methanol and chloroform with volume ratio Hence, higher accumulation of lipid within the microalgae cells can
of 2:1. The total microalgae lipid extracted was 32.7 wt%, which was
higher than our previous study (18.1 wt%) when the microalgae was Table 2
cultivated using organic fertilizer as nutrients source [15]. This was The R2, RMSD and variance values of different growth models for Chlorella vulgaris
probably due to the low nitrogen concentration in the wastewater cultivated with different wastewater concentrations.
used as cultivation medium, which induced stress condition on the Model 0.02 v/v 0.05 v/v 0.1 v/v 0.15 v/v 0.2 v/v

Richard 0.9942 0.8905 0.8053 0.8655 0.9146
Table 1 Gompertz 0.9935 0.8897 0.8027 0.8655 0.9140
Fatty acid composition. Logistic 0.9880 0.8900 0.8050 0.8612 0.9096
Constituents Fatty acid methyl ester Amount (%)
Richard 0.0183 0.0528 0.0758 0.0507 0.0474
C10:0 Methyl Dodecanoate 25.57 Gompertz 0.0193 0.0530 0.0763 0.0507 0.0475
C16:1 Methyl Palmitoleate 30.54 Logistic 0.0264 0.0529 0.0759 0.0515 0.0487
C17:0 Methyl Heptadecanoate 17.17 Variance
C18:0 Methyl Stearate 13.65 Richard 0.0061 0.0501 0.1034 0.0463 0.0404
C18:1 Methyl Oleate 10.25 Gompertz 0.0060 0.0449 0.0932 0.0412 0.0362
C18:2 Methyl Linoleate 2.82 Logistic 0.0125 0.0504 0.1036 0.0478 0.0428
204 M.K. Lam et al. / Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207

be attained [36,37]. Nevertheless, starch is the carbon and energy fatty acid composition of Chlorella vulgaris in the present study.
source for microalgae; reducing the starch content in the micro- The overall FAME composition of Chlorella vulgaris was mostly
algae cells can retard their photosynthesis efficiency and biomass consisted of C10:0 (Methyl Dodecanoate), C16:1 (Methyl Palmito-
productivity [38]. leate) C17:0 (Methyl Heptadecanoate), C18:0 (Methyl Stearate),
Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) is the main component of bio- C18:1 (Methyl Oleate) and C18:2 (Methyl Linoleate). As depicted in
diesel and therefore, the chemical composition of distinctive FAME Table 1, C16:1, C17:0, C18:0, C18:1 and C18:2 encompassed the
profile plays a critical role in determining the properties of bio- major percentages of the FAME Chlorella vulgaris with the sum of
diesel produced. It is important to determine the microalgae lipid 74.43%. These fatty acids are usually found in other oil bearing crops
profile as different cultivation conditions will induce significant such as soybean, sunflower and palm oil which have been
changes in the biosynthesis of the fatty acids [39]. Table 1 shows the confirmed to be suitable for biodiesel production [15,40].

3 2.5

2.5 2
Biomass, g/L

Biomass, g/L
1 Y-exp
0.5 Y-cal

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Cultivation time, day Cultivation time, day
(a) (b)
3 2.5


Biomass, g/L
Biomass, g/L

1 Y-exp
0.5 Y-cal

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Cultivation time, day Cultivation time, day
(c) (d)
3 2.5

2.5 2

Biomass, g/L

Y-exp 1.5
Biomass, g/L

1.5 Y-cal
1 Y-exp
0.5 Y-cal

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Cultivation time, day Cultivation time, day
(e) (f)
Fig. 8. Experiment (exp) versus calculated (cal) values. (a) Richards model with 0.02 v/v wastewater, (b) Richards model with 0.1 v/v wastewater, (c) Gompertz model with 0.02 v/v
wastewater, (d) Gompertz model with 0.1 v/v wastewater, (e) Logistic model with 0.02 v/v wastewater, and (f) Logistic model with 0.1 v/v wastewater.
M.K. Lam et al. / Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207 205

3.6. Growth kinetic study kinetic models were used to predict the growth of Chlorella vulgaris,
namely Richards, Gompertz and Logistic models. Table 2 shows the
Mathematical model has been widely used to predict the trend R2 values for the three mathematical growth models in describing
of cell growth through the estimations of maximum specific growth the growth kinetic of Chlorella vulgaris at different wastewater
rate, lag phase and maximum cell concentration, which are concentrations. At 0.02 v/v, all models provided a good fit
essentially required in the study of microbial growth and for the use (R2 > 0.98). However, continuous adding the wastewater to the
in industrial microbiology [17,41]. In the present study, three microalgae cultivation had resulted in unsatisfactory R2 values

0.5 0.6
yexp-ycal yexp-ycal
0.3 0.4
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.5 -0.6
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
y y

(a) (b)
0.5 0.6
yexp-ycal yexp-ycal
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.5 -0.6
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
y y

(c) (d)
0.5 0.6
0.4 yexp-ycal yexp-ycal
0.3 0.4
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.5 -0.6
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
y y

(e) (f)
Fig. 9. Residual plots. (a) Richards model with 0.02 v/v wastewater, (b) Richards model with 0.1 v/v wastewater, (c) Gompertz model with 0.02 v/v wastewater, (d) Gompertz model
with 0.1 v/v wastewater, (e) Logistic model with 0.02 v/v wastewater, and (f) Logistic model with 0.1 v/v wastewater.
206 M.K. Lam et al. / Renewable Energy 103 (2017) 197e207

(R2 < 0.98) for all the three kinetic models. This was probably due to Acknowledgement
the inaccuracy of the kinetic models to deduce the decay growth of
microalgae. As can be seen from Fig. 8, the predicted growths of The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support
Chlorella vulgaris by the kinetics models were only coordinated well received from Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia
with experiment carried out with 0.02 v/v of wastewater. However, (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) with cost center
for experiment with 0.1 v/v of wastewater, the decay growth of 0153AB-L25) Technical support from Green Technology Mission
microalgae was observed due to contamination. The models were Oriented Research and Center for Biofuel and Biochemical Research
only able to predict stagnant growth of Chlorella vulgaris during the (CBBR) of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS is highly appreciated.
decay growth phase (day 9e12) and thus, resulting in poor R2
values attained. The same trends were also observed for RMSD and
variance values (Table 2), in which low RMSD and variance values References
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