Time Frequency Analysis

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Time-Frequency Analysis

PhD Course November 10, 11,

and December 1, 2, 2003.
Arne Jensen

Aalborg University

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.1/96


The purpose of this course is to give you an introduction to

time-frequency analysis. Many of you have already had
some exposure to this topic, so a secondary purpose is to
try to answer some of your questions concerning
time-frequency analysis. It is a highly nontrivial subject,
both from the theoretical side, and from the applied side.
Prerequisites: Some knowledge of Fourier Analysis and
Signal Processing.

Query: Your background?

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.2/96

Course description

Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce the

participants to time-frequency analysis. A joint
time-frequency analysis of a signal can often reveal the
features in complicated signals. It is difficult to perform a
joint time-frequency analysis, due to the fundamental
limitations imposed by the uncertainty principle.
Compromises between resolution in time and in frequency
must always be made. The course will give an introduction
to this area. Topics include:

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.3/96

Course description

A short review of the Fourier transforms and a short

introduction to wavelet analysis.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.4/96

Course description

A short review of the Fourier transforms and a short

introduction to wavelet analysis.
The time-frequency plane.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.4/96

Course description

A short review of the Fourier transforms and a short

introduction to wavelet analysis.
The time-frequency plane.
The uncertainty principle and its different formulations.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.4/96

Course description

A short review of the Fourier transforms and a short

introduction to wavelet analysis.
The time-frequency plane.
The uncertainty principle and its different formulations.
Time-frequency analysis in the following forms: (a) The
short time Fourier transform (windowed Fourier
transform, Gabor analysis), (b) The wavelet transform,
(c) The wavelet packet transform, (d) General tilings of
the time-frequency plane and associated transforms.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.4/96

Course description

A short review of the Fourier transforms and a short

introduction to wavelet analysis.
The time-frequency plane.
The uncertainty principle and its different formulations.
Time-frequency analysis in the following forms: (a) The
short time Fourier transform (windowed Fourier
transform, Gabor analysis), (b) The wavelet transform,
(c) The wavelet packet transform, (d) General tilings of
the time-frequency plane and associated transforms.
Examples and applications.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.4/96

Course description

A short review of the Fourier transforms and a short

introduction to wavelet analysis.
The time-frequency plane.
The uncertainty principle and its different formulations.
Time-frequency analysis in the following forms: (a) The
short time Fourier transform (windowed Fourier
transform, Gabor analysis), (b) The wavelet transform,
(c) The wavelet packet transform, (d) General tilings of
the time-frequency plane and associated transforms.
Examples and applications.
How to choose a method for time-frequency analysis
(can be based on signals supplied by the participants).
Time-Frequency Analysis – p.4/96

I will use following the book for the material on the discrete
wavelet transform, the wavelet packet transform, and the
introduction to the time-frequency plane.
A. Jensen and A. la Cour-Harbo:
Ripples in Mathematics
The Discrete Wavelet Transform
Springer-Verlag 2001.
You will need to refer to your books on signal procesing or
other subjects for introductory Fourier Analysis.
A general introduction to the theory behind time-frequency
analysis is

K. Gröchenig: Foundations of Time-Frequency Analysis

Birkhäuser 2000.
Time-Frequency Analysis – p.5/96
Monday November 10

09:00–10:15 Review of Fourier Analysis

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.6/96

Monday November 10

09:00–10:15 Review of Fourier Analysis
10:30–12:00 Introduction to the Discrete Wavelet

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.6/96

Monday November 10

09:00–10:15 Review of Fourier Analysis
10:30–12:00 Introduction to the Discrete Wavelet
12:00–13:00 Lunch break

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.6/96

Monday November 10

09:00–10:15 Review of Fourier Analysis
10:30–12:00 Introduction to the Discrete Wavelet
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
13:00–13:15 Question session

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.6/96

Monday November 10

09:00–10:15 Review of Fourier Analysis
10:30–12:00 Introduction to the Discrete Wavelet
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
13:00–13:15 Question session
13:15–14:30 The time-frequency plane

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.6/96

Monday November 10

09:00–10:15 Review of Fourier Analysis
10:30–12:00 Introduction to the Discrete Wavelet
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
13:00–13:15 Question session
13:15–14:30 The time-frequency plane
14:30–15:00 Exercise

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.6/96

Monday November 10

09:00–10:15 Review of Fourier Analysis
10:30–12:00 Introduction to the Discrete Wavelet
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
13:00–13:15 Question session
13:15–14:30 The time-frequency plane
14:30–15:00 Exercise
15:00–16:00 Uncertainty relations I

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.6/96

Tuesday November 11

09:00–10:15 Introduction to the wavelet packet


Time-Frequency Analysis – p.7/96

Tuesday November 11

09:00–10:15 Introduction to the wavelet packet

10:30–12:00 Interpretation in the time-frequency plane

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.7/96

Tuesday November 11

09:00–10:15 Introduction to the wavelet packet

10:30–12:00 Interpretation in the time-frequency plane
12:00–13:00 Lunch break

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.7/96

Tuesday November 11

09:00–10:15 Introduction to the wavelet packet

10:30–12:00 Interpretation in the time-frequency plane
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
13:00–13:15 Question session

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.7/96

Tuesday November 11

09:00–10:15 Introduction to the wavelet packet

10:30–12:00 Interpretation in the time-frequency plane
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
13:00–13:15 Question session
13:15–14:30 More Fourier analysis: Gabor transforms

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.7/96

Tuesday November 11

09:00–10:15 Introduction to the wavelet packet

10:30–12:00 Interpretation in the time-frequency plane
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
13:00–13:15 Question session
13:15–14:30 More Fourier analysis: Gabor transforms
14:30–15:00 Exercise

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.7/96

Tuesday November 11

09:00–10:15 Introduction to the wavelet packet

10:30–12:00 Interpretation in the time-frequency plane
12:00–13:00 Lunch break
13:00–13:15 Question session
13:15–14:30 More Fourier analysis: Gabor transforms
14:30–15:00 Exercise
15:00–16:00 Problems sets

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.7/96

Part 1

Review of Fourier Analysis

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.8/96

The Fourier transform

Review of the Fourier transform. There are at least four

Acronym Time Frequency
CTCFFT Continuous Continuous
DTCFFT Discrete Continuous
CTDFFT Continuous Discrete
DTDFFT Discrete Discrete

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.9/96

The Fourier transform

CTCFFT x(t) ←→ x̂(ω)

Z ∞ Z ∞
x̂(ω) = x(t)e−jωt dt x(t) = x̂(t)ejωt dω
−∞ 2π −∞
Z ∞ Z ∞
2 1
|x(t)| dt == |x(ω)|2 dω
−∞ 2π −∞

x(t) real-valued:
x̂(ω) = x̂(−ω)

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.10/96

The Fourier transform

DTCFFT x[n] ←→ X(ω)

Z 2π
X 1
X(ω) = x[n]e−jnω x[n] = X(ω)einω dω
2π 0

Z 2π
2 1
|x[n]| = |X(ω)|2 dω
2π 0

x[n] real-valued:
X(ω) = X(−ω)

CTDFFT Interchange role of time and frequency above.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.11/96

The Fourier transform

DTDFFT x ←→ x̂
Orthogonal basis for CN {ek }k=0,...,N −1 given by

ek [n] = ej2πnk/N , k, n = 0, . . . , N − 1

N −1 N −1
X 1 X
x̂[k] = x[n]e −j2πnk/N
x[n] = x̂[k]ej2πnk/N
N k=0

N −1 N −1
X 1 X
|x[n]|2 = |x̂[k]|2
N k=0

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.12/96

The Fourier transform

x ∈ CN realvalued. Then
X −1 N
X −1
x̂[k] = x[n]ej2πnk/N = x[n]e−j2πn(N −k)/N = x̂[N − k]
n=0 n=0

Comparing DTDF with DTCF we see that x̂ is obtained by

sampling X(ω) at the frequencies
0, 2π/N, . . . , 2π(N − 1)/N , ie

x̂[k] = X(2πk/N )

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.13/96


A continuous signal x(t) is sampled at times nT , n ∈ Z.

Fourier series with this time unit:
XT (ω) = x[n]e−jnT ω

Relation to the CTCFFT:

1X  2kπ 
XT (ω) = x̂ ω −
T k∈Z T

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.14/96


Illustration of aliasing effect (undersampling):

0 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.15/96

Short Time Fourier Transform

The Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) is based on

DTCFFT and a window function:
XSTFT (k, ω) = w[n − k]x[n]e−jnT ω

Let x be a signal of length N . Usual choice of k is for N

even is k = mN/2, m ∈ Z, and for N odd k = m(N − 1)/2,
m ∈ Z.
The window function w gives a localization in time.
Example is Hanning window:

w[n] = sin2 (π(n − 1)/N ), n = 1, . . . , N

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.16/96

Short Time Fourier Transform

Examples with N = 16: Rectangular, triangular, Hanning

and Gaussian windows.
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.17/96

Short Time Fourier Transform

The spectrogram is obtained by plotting

|XSTFT (k, 2πn/N )|2

for values of k determined by the length of the window, and
for n = 0, . . . , N − 1. Visualized in the time-frequency plane
by using cells of a size determined by the length of the
window in the frequency direction and by the length of the
signal and the overlap in the time direction.
Examples will be shown later.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.18/96

Part 2

Introduction to the Discrete Wavelet


Time-Frequency Analysis – p.19/96

A first example 1

A signal with 8 samples:

56, 40, 8, 24, 48, 48, 40, 16

We compute a transform as shown here:

56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

To interpretation

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.20/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 + 40
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16 56 − 48
48 8

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 8 −8

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 8 −8 0

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 16 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12
16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 2

First row is the original signal. The second row in the table
is generated by taking the mean of the samples pairwise,
put them in the first four places, and then the difference
between the the first member of the pair and the computed
mean. Computations are repeated on the means.
Differences are kept in each step.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.21/96

A first example 3

The transform is invertible. We start from the bottom row.

We add and subtract the difference to the mean, and
repeat the process up to the first row.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.22/96

A first example 3

The transform is invertible. We start from the bottom row.

We add and subtract the difference to the mean, and
repeat the process up to the first row.

35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.22/96

A first example 3

The transform is invertible. We start from the bottom row.

We add and subtract the difference to the mean, and
repeat the process up to the first row.

32 38
35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.22/96

A first example 3

The transform is invertible. We start from the bottom row.

We add and subtract the difference to the mean, and
repeat the process up to the first row.

32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.22/96

A first example 3

The transform is invertible. We start from the bottom row.

We add and subtract the difference to the mean, and
repeat the process up to the first row.

48 16 48 28
32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.22/96

A first example 3

The transform is invertible. We start from the bottom row.

We add and subtract the difference to the mean, and
repeat the process up to the first row.

48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.22/96

A first example 3

The transform is invertible. We start from the bottom row.

We add and subtract the difference to the mean, and
repeat the process up to the first row.
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.22/96

A first example 4

We replace samples in the transformed signal below 4 by

zero (thresholding) and then repeat the reconstruction

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.23/96

A first example 4

We replace samples in the transformed signal below 4 by

zero (thresholding) and then repeat the reconstruction

35 0 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.23/96

A first example 4

We replace samples in the transformed signal below 4 by

zero (thresholding) and then repeat the reconstruction

35 35
35 0 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.23/96

A first example 4

We replace samples in the transformed signal below 4 by

zero (thresholding) and then repeat the reconstruction

35 35 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 0 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.23/96

A first example 4

We replace samples in the transformed signal below 4 by

zero (thresholding) and then repeat the reconstruction

51 19 45 25
35 35 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 0 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.23/96

A first example 4

We replace samples in the transformed signal below 4 by

zero (thresholding) and then repeat the reconstruction

51 19 45 25 8 −8 0 12
35 35 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 0 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.23/96

A first example 4

We replace samples in the transformed signal below 4 by

zero (thresholding) and then repeat the reconstruction
59 43 11 27 45 45 37 13
51 19 45 25 8 −8 0 12
35 35 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 0 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.23/96

A first example 5

We now replace samples in the transformed signal below 9

by zero (thresholding) and then repeat the reconstruction
procedure. The final result is:
51 51 19 19 45 45 37 13
51 19 45 25 0 0 0 12
35 35 16 10 0 0 0 12
35 0 16 10 0 0 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.24/96

A first example 6

Here is now a graphical representation of the results. Full

line original signal, and dashed line for thresholding, left
hand side 4, right hand side 9.
60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.25/96

Lifting 1

We now look at the transform in the first example. The

direct transform (a, b) → (d, s) is given by

s= ,
d = a − s.

and the inverse (d, s) → (a, b) by

a = s + d; ,
b = s − d.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.26/96

Lifting 2

They can be realized as in-place transforms in two steps.

The direct transform as
First step: a, b → a, 12 (a + b)
Second step: a, s → a − s, s.

and the inverse transform as

First step: d, s → d + s, s
Second step: a, s → a, 2s − a.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.27/96

Lifting 3

Notation: Finite sequence of numbers (samples of a signal)

of length 2j is denoted by sj = {sj [1], sj [2], . . . , sj [2j ]}.
Basic idea in lifting is given in this figure:
evenj−1 sj−1

split P U

oddj−1 dj−1

P : Predict
U : Update

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.28/96

Lifting 4

An alternative to the first example is difference and mean

computation, in that order:

a, b → δ, µ

δ =b−a
a+b δ
µ= =a+
2 2

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.29/96

Lifting 5

Predict: In the difference-mean case:

dj−1 [n] = sj [2n + 1] − sj [2n].

In general:
dj−1 = oddj−1 − P (evenj−1 ).
Update: In the difference-mean case:

sj−1 [n] = sj [2n] + dj−1 [n]/2.

In general:
sj−1 = evenj−1 + U (dj−1 ).

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.30/96

Lifting 6

The transform sj → sj−1 , dj−1 is called one step lifting. In

the the first example we repeatedly applied the transform
to the s-components, ending with s0 of length 1. Two step
discrete wavelet transform:
evenj−2 sj−2

evenj−1 sj−1
+ split P U

split P U −
oddj−2 dj−2

oddj−1 dj−1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.31/96

Lifting 7

The difference and mean computations in the in place

s3 [0] s3 [1] s3 [2] s3 [3] s3 [4] s3 [5] s3 [6] s3 [7]
s3 [0] d2 [0] s3 [2] d2 [1] s3 [4] d2 [2] s3 [6] d2 [3] P
s2 [0] d2 [0] s2 [1] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] s2 [3] d2 [3] U
s2 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P
s1 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s1 [1] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] U
s1 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] d0 [0] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P
s0 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] d0 [0] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] U

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.32/96

Lifting 8

The in place transform step by step:

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.33/96

Lifting 8

The in place transform step by step:

s3 [0] s3 [1] s3 [2] s3 [3] s3 [4] s3 [5] s3 [6] s3 [7]

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.33/96

Lifting 8

The in place transform step by step:

s3 [0] s3 [1] s3 [2] s3 [3] s3 [4] s3 [5] s3 [6] s3 [7]
s3 [0] d2 [0] s3 [2] d2 [1] s3 [4] d2 [2] s3 [6] d2 [3] P

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.33/96

Lifting 8

The in place transform step by step:

s3 [0] s3 [1] s3 [2] s3 [3] s3 [4] s3 [5] s3 [6] s3 [7]
s3 [0] d2 [0] s3 [2] d2 [1] s3 [4] d2 [2] s3 [6] d2 [3] P
s2 [0] d2 [0] s2 [1] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] s2 [3] d2 [3] U

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.33/96

Lifting 8

The in place transform step by step:

s3 [0] s3 [1] s3 [2] s3 [3] s3 [4] s3 [5] s3 [6] s3 [7]
s3 [0] d2 [0] s3 [2] d2 [1] s3 [4] d2 [2] s3 [6] d2 [3] P
s2 [0] d2 [0] s2 [1] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] s2 [3] d2 [3] U
s2 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.33/96

Lifting 8

The in place transform step by step:

s3 [0] s3 [1] s3 [2] s3 [3] s3 [4] s3 [5] s3 [6] s3 [7]
s3 [0] d2 [0] s3 [2] d2 [1] s3 [4] d2 [2] s3 [6] d2 [3] P
s2 [0] d2 [0] s2 [1] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] s2 [3] d2 [3] U
s2 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P
s1 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s1 [1] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] U

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.33/96

Lifting 8

The in place transform step by step:

s3 [0] s3 [1] s3 [2] s3 [3] s3 [4] s3 [5] s3 [6] s3 [7]
s3 [0] d2 [0] s3 [2] d2 [1] s3 [4] d2 [2] s3 [6] d2 [3] P
s2 [0] d2 [0] s2 [1] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] s2 [3] d2 [3] U
s2 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P
s1 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s1 [1] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] U
s1 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] d0 [0] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.33/96

Lifting 8

The in place transform step by step:

s3 [0] s3 [1] s3 [2] s3 [3] s3 [4] s3 [5] s3 [6] s3 [7]
s3 [0] d2 [0] s3 [2] d2 [1] s3 [4] d2 [2] s3 [6] d2 [3] P
s2 [0] d2 [0] s2 [1] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] s2 [3] d2 [3] U
s2 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P
s1 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s1 [1] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] U
s1 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] d0 [0] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P
s0 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] d0 [0] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] U

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.33/96

Lifting 8

In place transform with pattern of computed values:

s3 [0] s3 [1] s3 [2] s3 [3] s3 [4] s3 [5] s3 [6] s3 [7]
s3 [0] d2 [0] s3 [2] d2 [1] s3 [4] d2 [2] s3 [6] d2 [3] P
s2 [0] d2 [0] s2 [1] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] s2 [3] d2 [3] U
s2 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s2 [2] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P
s1 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] s1 [1] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] U
s1 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] d0 [0] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] P
s0 [0] d2 [0] d1 [0] d2 [1] d0 [0] d2 [2] d1 [1] d2 [3] U

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.33/96

Lifting 9

A second example of lifting: Base prediction on assumption

that signal is linear, ie sj [n] = αn + β. Prediction of
sj [2n + 1] is then 12 (sj [2n] + sj [2n + 2]), and we need to
save only dj−1 [n] = sj [2n + 1] − 12 (sj [2n] + sj [2n + 2]).
sj [2n + 2]
sj [2n + 1]

dj−1 [n]

sj [2n]

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.34/96

Lifting 10

The update step: Keep mean of sj [n] sequence equal to

mean of sj−1 [n] sequence. Final result is

dj−1 [n] = sj [2n + 1] − 12 (sj [2n] + sj [2n + 2]),

sj−1 [n] = sj [2n] + 14 (dj−1 [n − 1] + dj−1 [n]).

Inverse transform:
sj [2n] = sj−1 [n] − 14 (dj−1 [n − 1] + dj−1 [n]),
sj [2n + 1] = dj−1 [n] + 12 (sj [2n] + sj [2n + 2]).

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.35/96

Lifting 11

Summary of one step lifting and inverse lifting:

evenj−1 sj−1 evenj−1
+ −

sj sj
split P U U P merge

− +
oddj−1 dj−1 oddj−1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.36/96

Generalized lifting 1

One can generalize the lifting step by allowing several pairs

of predictions and updates.
evenj−1 sj−1
+ + +

split P1 U1 P2 U2 P3 U3

− − −
oddj−1 dj−1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.37/96

Generalized lifting 2

An example, Daubechies 4

sj−1 [n] = sj [2n] + 3sj [2n + 1]
(1) 1
√ (1) 1
√ (1)
dj−1 [n] = sj [2n + 1] − 4 3sj−1 [n] − 4 ( 3 − 2)sj−1 [n − 1]
(2) (1) (1)
sj−1 [n] = sj−1 [n] − dj−1 [n + 1]

3 − 1 (2)
sj−1 [n] = √ sj−1 [n]

3 + 1 (1)
dj−1 [n] = √ dj−1 [n]

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.38/96

Generalized lifting 3

Last two steps are normalization steps, in order to

preserve the energy in the transform, ie
2 2
|sj [n]| = |sj−1 [n]| + |dj−1 [n]|2
n n n

now holds. Note that

√ √
3−1 3+1
√ · √ =1.
2 2

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.39/96


Finally we can introduce the Discrete Wavelet Transform

(DWT). Block diagrams are used for our lifting and inverse
lifting based one step transforms:

Ta Ts

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A DWT over four scales

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.41/96


A DWT over four scales

Ta dj−4
Ta dj−3
Ta dj−2

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.41/96


A DWT over four scales

Ta dj−4
Ta dj−3
Ta dj−2

The inverse DWT over four scales

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.41/96


A DWT over four scales

Ta dj−4
Ta dj−3
Ta dj−2

The inverse DWT over four scales

dj−4 Ts
dj−3 Ts
dj−2 Ts
Time-Frequency Analysis – p.41/96

A family of transforms (Cohen, Daubechies, Faveau)

dj−1 [n] = sj [2n + 1] − 12 (sj [2n] + sj [2n + 2])
CDF(2,2) sj−1 [n] = sj [2n] + 14 (dj−1 [n − 1] + dj−1 [n])
(1) 1
CDF(2,4) sj−1 [n] = sj [2n] − 64 (3dj−1 [n − 2] − 19dj−1 [n − 1]
− 19dj−1 [n] + 3dj−1 [n + 1])
(1) 1
CDF(2,6) sj−1 [n] = sj [2n] − 512 (−5dj−1 [n − 3] + 39dj−1 [n − 2]
− 162dj−1 [n − 1] − 162dj−1 [n]
+ 39dj−1 [n + 1] − 5dj−1 [n + 2])
dj−1 [n] = √1 d [n]
2 j−1
√ (1)
sj−1 [n] = 2sj−1 [n]
Time-Frequency Analysis – p.42/96
Examples 1

Now some examples on synthetic signals: The first

problem is how to visualize the action of the wavelet
transform. We start with a simple signal and perform a
three-scale Haar transform.
0.8 2
0.4 1
0 0
−0.4 −1
−0.8 −2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.43/96

Examples 2

The coefficients separately. Note vertical range in plots.


50 100 150 200 250

20 40 60 80 100 120

10 20 30 40 50 60
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time-Frequency Analysis – p.44/96
Examples 3

Multiresolution representation of the DWT of a signal:

Transform a signal Wa : s9 → s6 , d6 , d7 , d8 . Replace all
entries but one in the transform by zeroes, and do the
inverse transform. Schematically
W a : s9 → s 6 , d6 , d7 , d8
| {z }

z }| {
Ws : 06 , d6 , 07 , 08 → s09

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.45/96

Examples 4

Multiresolution representation of sine signal, three scales,

Haar transform.
06 , 0 6 , 0 7 , d8 0
06 , 0 6 , d7 , 0 8 0
06 , d6 , 0 7 , 0 8 0
s6 , 0 6 , 0 7 , 0 8 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time-Frequency Analysis – p.46/96
Examples 5

Singularity detection. Singularities can be localized in time

using DWT. A sine plus a spike located at position 200:
1 0
0.6 1
−0.6 −0.5
−0.8 1

−1 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.47/96

Examples 6

We do some denoising examples. First based on the Haar

transform. Here is the sine plus spike, and its
multiresolution representation:




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.48/96

Examples 7

The idea in denoising is to keep largest coefficients. Left

hand side 15%, and right hand side 10%.

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1

−1.5 −1.5

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.49/96

Examples 8

To get better performance one must use better wavelets.

Same example, with CDF(2,2) (linear prediction) on the
left, Daubechies 4 on the right. 10% coefficiente retained.
2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1

−1.5 −1.5

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.50/96

Examples 9

Same example with Daubechies transforms of length 8 and

2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1

−1.5 −1.5

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.51/96

Examples 10

In the last example we show how to separate slow √ and fast

variations in a signal. The function log(2 + sin(3π t)),
0 ≤ r ≤ 1, sampled 1024 times, and spikes added:




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.52/96

Examples 11

Multiresolution analysis, 6 scales, CDF(2,2):

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.53/96

Examples 12

Slow variation removed: Reconstruction based on




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time-Frequency Analysis – p.54/96
Interpretation 1

We recall the first example. We now apply the inversion

procedure to the signals [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], and [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.55/96

Interpretation 2

1 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1
1 1 −1 −1 0 0 0 0
1 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 −1 −1 0 0 0 0
1 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.56/96

Interpretation 3

Linear algebra interpretation as a matrix:

 
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
 
1 1 1 0 −1 0 0 0
 
 
1 1 −1 0 0 1 0 0
 
 
1 1 −1 0 0 −1 0 0
Ws(3) =


1 −1 0 1 0 0 1 0
 
1 −1 0 1 0 0 −1 0
 
 
1 −1 0 −1 0 0 0 1
 
1 −1 0 −1 0 0 0 −1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.57/96

Interpretation 4

We do the same for the direct transform. Here is one

example computation:

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1
2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
1 1 1
4 0 4 0 2 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
8 8 4 0 2 0 0 0

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.58/96

Interpretation 5

The result in matrix form for direct transform:

 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
1 1 1 1
− 18 − 18 − 81 − 81 

8 8 8 8
 
1 1
− 14 − 14 0 0 0 0
4 4 
 
1 1
0 0 0 0 − 41 −41
Wa(3) 4 4

= .
1 − 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 
 1

 0 2 − 12 0 0 0 0 
 1

 0 0 0 2 − 12 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 − 21

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.59/96

Interpretation 6

Here is a graphical representation of the contents of Wa :
1 1

0 0

−1 −1

1 1

0 0

−1 −1

1 1

0 0

−1 −1

1 1

0 0

−1 −1
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.60/96

Interpretation 6

It is one of the nontrivial results in wavelet theory that there

always are either 2 or 4 waveforms behind each DWT.
These waveforms get scaled and translated. By
reconstructing from signals with zeroes except a single 1,
one can find these waveforms. Here is an example using
the inverse of the Daubechies 4 transform. We take the
inverse transform of a signal with a one at place 6, and
take lengths 8, 32, 128, 512, and 2048. The result is
shown on the next slide.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.61/96

Interpretation 7

Iterations, signal lengths 8, 32, 128, 512, 2048.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.62/96

Interpretation 7

Iterations, signal lengths 8, 32, 128, 512, 2048.




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.62/96

Interpretation 7

Iterations, signal lengths 8, 32, 128, 512, 2048.




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.62/96

Interpretation 7

Iterations, signal lengths 8, 32, 128, 512, 2048.




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.62/96

Interpretation 7

Iterations, signal lengths 8, 32, 128, 512, 2048.




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.62/96

Interpretation 7

Iterations, signal lengths 8, 32, 128, 512, 2048.




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.62/96

Interpretation 8

Another example: inverse CDF(2,2), signal length 64, 1 at

positions 40, 50, and 60.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time-Frequency Analysis – p.63/96
Interpretation 9

Example using direct CDF(2,2):

CDF(2,2), scale function, place k=8 CDF(2,2), wavelet, place 24

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0

−0.05 −0.05

−0.1 −0.1
0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.64/96

A generalization 1

We now present a generalization of the DWT to the

Wavelet Packet Transform. Block diagram representation
of one step DWT:

Ta Ts

Note that we now put the average s components on the

top, and the difference d components on the bottom, in this
one step representation.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.65/96

A generalization 2

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Ta Ta
Ta Ta
Ta Ta

(a) (b)

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.66/96

A generalization 3

Our first example, full decomposition:

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.67/96

A generalization 3

Our first example, full decomposition: Recall example

56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12
35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.67/96

A generalization 3

Our first example, full decomposition:

56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 0 6 8 −6
35 −3 13 3 3 −3 1 7

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.67/96

A generalization 3

Our first example, full decomposition:

8 + (−8) 56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
2 48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 0 6 8 −6
35 −3 13 3 3 −3 1 7

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.67/96

A generalization 4

Decomposition Reconstruction

56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16 3 −3

48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12 0 6 8 −6

32 38 16 10 0 6 8 −6 48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12

35 −3 13 3 3 −3 1 7 56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.68/96

A generalization 5

Possible representations of the signal:

56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16 48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12

32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12 35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

35 −3 16 10 0 6 1 7 35 −3 13 3 3 −3 1 7

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.69/96

WPT complexity 1

The number of possible representations of a signal grows

very fast with the number of decomposition steps. We
Number of levels Minimum signal length Number of bases
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 4 5
4 8 26
5 16 677
6 32 458330
7 64 210066388901
8 128 44127887745906175987802

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.70/96

WPT complexity 2

Aj Aj


The number of possible decompositions of a signal using j

levels is denoted by Aj . We have Aj+1 = 1 + A2j . We have
2j−1 2j 29
the estimate 2 < Aj < 2 . Example j = 10: 2 ≈ 10154
and 2 ≈ 10308 .

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.71/96

Best basis algorithm 1

Solution to complexity problem is the best basis algorithm.

This is a very flexible algorithm, based on a cost function.
A cost function is denoted by K. It maps a finite length
signal a to a number K(a). [a b] denotes the concatenation
of two signals a and b. We require two properties:
K(0) = 0

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.72/96

Best basis algorithm 1

Solution to complexity problem is the best basis algorithm.

This is a very flexible algorithm, based on a cost function.
A cost function is denoted by K. It maps a finite length
signal a to a number K(a). [a b] denotes the concatenation
of two signals a and b. We require two properties:
K(0) = 0
K([a b]) = K(a) + K(b)

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.72/96

Best basis algorithm 1

Solution to complexity problem is the best basis algorithm.

This is a very flexible algorithm, based on a cost function.
A cost function is denoted by K. It maps a finite length
signal a to a number K(a). [a b] denotes the concatenation
of two signals a and b. We require two properties:
K(0) = 0
K([a b]) = K(a) + K(b)
An example: K(a) = number of nonzero entries in a.

5 = K([1, 0, −1, 22, 0, 0, 2, −7]

= K([1, 0, −1, 22]) + K([0, 0, 2, −7]) = 3 + 2

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.72/96

Best basis algorithm 2

Cost functions
Threshold Kthres (a) equals number of elements in a with
absolute value greater than the threshold ε . Example:

ε = 2.0 : Kthres ([1, 2, 3 0, −1, −4]) = 2

ε = 1.0 : Kthres ([1, 2, 3 0, −1, −4]) = 3
ε = 0.5 : Kthres ([1, 2, 3 0, −1, −4]) = 5

Problem: Look out for rescaling hidden in transforms.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.73/96

Best basis algorithm 3

Cost functions
`p -norm
Notation: a = {a[n]}, 0 < p < ∞ (useful values are
0 < p < 2)
K`p (a) = |a[n]|p .

Note that for p = 2 this is the energy in the signal.

Shannon entropy
KShannon (a) = |a[n]|2 log(|a[n]|2 )

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.74/96

Best basis algorithm 4

The best basis algorithm through the first example. Do a

full decomposition. Result is:
56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
32 38 16 10 0 6 8 −6
35 −3 13 3 3 −3 1 7

Cost function: Number of entries with absolute value > 1.

Compute cost of each vector in full decomposition:

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.75/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Cost values are computed, and components are marked

with cost values.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Last row is marked. Compare cost of a pair of elements

with the one just above. In case of lower or equal cost,
move up. Adjust marking, if necessary.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary. If lower component is cheaper,
keep, and replace cost value above with total cost of
components kept.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary. If lower component is cheaper,
keep, and replace cost value above with total cost of
components kept.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary. If lower component is cheaper,
keep, and replace cost value above with total cost of
components kept.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary. If lower component is cheaper,
keep, and replace cost value above with total cost of
components kept.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 3
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary. If lower component is cheaper,
keep, and replace cost value above with total cost of
components kept.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 2
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary. If lower component is cheaper,
keep, and replace cost value above with total cost of
components kept.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 2
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary. If lower component is cheaper,
keep, and replace cost value above with total cost of
components kept.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 5

4 2
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

Compare cost of a pair of elements with the one just

above. In case of lower or equal cost, move up. Adjust
marking, if necessary. If lower component is cheaper,
keep, and replace cost value above with total cost of
components kept.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.76/96

Best basis algorithm 6

Some things to note:

The best basis is not unique.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.77/96

Best basis algorithm 6

Some things to note:

The best basis is not unique.
A best basis with all components at the same level is
called a best level basis.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.77/96

Best basis algorithm 6

Some things to note:

The best basis is not unique.
A best basis with all components at the same level is
called a best level basis.
With J levels the search algorithm is of order
O(J log J). The full decomposition and the costs have
to be computed only once.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.77/96

Best basis algorithm 6

Some things to note:

The best basis is not unique.
A best basis with all components at the same level is
called a best level basis.
With J levels the search algorithm is of order
O(J log J). The full decomposition and the costs have
to be computed only once.
The size of the tree to be searched is independent of
the length of the signal.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.77/96

Time and frequency 1

Discrete signal with finite energy

x = {x[n]}n∈Z , |x[n]|2 < ∞

Frequency contents (j = −1):
X(ω) = x[n]e−jnω ,

or with period T , ie n corresponds to sampling time nT ,

XT (ω) = x[n]e−jnT ω .

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.78/96

Time and frequency 2

For a real signal XT (ω) = XT (−ω). Frequency contents in

any interval [kπ/T, (k + 1)π/T ].
|XT (ω)|

− 3π
T − 2π
T − Tπ 0 π


T ω

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.79/96

Time and frequency 3

Discrete signal x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], frequency interval

[0, π/T ].

|x[0]|2 |x[1]|2 |x[2]|2 |x[3]|2

0T 1T 2T 3T 4T

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.80/96

Time and frequency 4

Same signal downsampled by 2, frequency interval

[0, π/2T ].


|x[0]|2 |x[2]|2
0T 1T 2T 3T 4T

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.81/96

Time and frequency 5
FT of signal
Filter response

Product of FT
Original signal and filters

DWT IFT and 2 ↓

DWT low pass DWT high pass

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.82/96

Time and frequency 6

One step DWT, eight samples. Energy distribution.


|d2 [0]|2 |d2 [1]|2 |d2 [2]|2 |d2 [3]|2


|s2 [0]|2 |s2 [1]|2 |s2 [2]|2 |s2 [3]|2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.83/96

Time and frequency 7

Two step DWT, eight samples. Energy distribution.


|d2 [0]|2 |d2 [1]|2 |d2 [2]|2 |d2 [3]|2

|d1 [0]|2 |d1 [1]|2

|s1 [0]|2 |s1 [1]|2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.84/96

Time and frequency 8

Three step DWT, eight samples. Energy distribution.


|d2 [0]|2 |d2 [1]|2 |d2 [2]|2 |d2 [3]|2

|d1 [0]|2 |d1 [1]|2
|d0 [0]|2
0 |s0 [0]|2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.85/96

Time and frequency 9

The first example, again:

(1) 56 40 8 24 48 48 40 16
(2) 48 16 48 28 8 −8 0 12
(3) 32 38 16 10 8 −8 0 12
(4) 35 −3 16 10 8 −8 0 12

(1) 8 −8 0 12 (2)
56 8 48 40
40 24 48 16
48 16 48 28

(3) 8 −8 0 12 8 −8 0 12 (4)

16 10 16 10
32 38

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.86/96

Time and frequency 10

More examples:

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.87/96

Time and frequency 11

Explanation for previous example:








Time-Frequency Analysis – p.88/96

Time and frequency 12

Frequency contents in WP decomposition, ideal filters:


0 2 4 6 8 Hz

0 2 4 6 8 Hz 0 2 4 6 8 Hz

2↓ 2↓

H 0 (0) 2 (2) 4 (4) G H 0 (8) 2 (6) 4 (4) G

0 (0) 2 (2) 4 (4) 0 (0) 2 (2) 4 (4) 0 (8) 2 (6) 4 (4) 0 (8) 2 (6) 4 (4)

2↓ 2↓ 2↓ 2↓

0 (0) 2 (2) 0 (4) 2 (2) 0 (8) 2 (6) 0 (4) 2 (6)

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.89/96

Time and frequency 13

0 − 64
0 Hz 64 Hz

0 − 32 0 − 32 32 − 64 32 − 0
0 Hz 32 Hz 64 Hz 32 Hz
0 − 16 16 − 32 32 − 16 16 − 0
0 − 16 16 − 0 0 − 16 16 − 0
0 Hz 16 Hz 32 Hz 16 Hz 48 Hz 64 Hz 48 Hz 32 Hz

0−8 8 − 16 16 − 8 8−0 0−8 8 − 16 16 − 8 8−0
0−8 8−0 0−8 8−0 0−8 8−0 0−8 8−0
0 8 16 8 24 32 24 16 48 56 64 56 40 48 40 32
0 1 3 2 6 7 5 4
000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.90/96

Time and frequency 14

Solution: Swap order in every other application of the DWT:

0 − 64

0 − 32 64 − 32

0 − 16 32 − 16 32 − 48 64 − 48

0−8 16 − 8 16 − 24 24 − 32 32 − 40 48 − 40 56 − 48 56 − 64

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.91/96

Time and frequency 15

Significance of ordering, linear chirp.



Time Time

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.92/96

Time and frequency 16

Three frequencies, DWT and best level, J = 6.



Time Time

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.93/96

Time and frequency 17

A complicated signal, length 1024: Sum of

25 if n = 300 ,

1 if 500 ≤ n ≤ 700 ,
x[n] =

15 if n = 900 ,

0 otherwise .

sin(ω0 t) + sin(2ω0 t) + sin(3ω0 t) ,

with ω0 = 405.5419.

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.94/96

Time and frequency 18

The signal




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Time-Frequency Analysis – p.95/96

Time and frequency 19

Time-frequency plane, Daubechies 4, DWT and best level,

J = 6.


Time Time
Time-Frequency Analysis – p.96/96

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