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Course Concepts :-

1) Intro of Web
3) CSS
4) JavaScript
5) JQuery
6) Revision Of Java
7) Oracle SQL
8) JDBC basics
9) Hibernate
10) Servlet
11) JSP
12) Project
13) Struts Framework

Internet :- tool to share information.

Web Page:- page contains information on internet.

Web Site:- Collection of inter-related and inter-linked web pages.

Internet follow client server architecture.

CLIENT Request to Server

Response From server to Client

Client is a software used to send Server is a software used to handle
request to server and handle the request of client , process the
response send by server. Such request, generate a response with
software is called Web Browser. appropriate message and send this
response back to client. Such
Software is Called Web Server.
Chrome , Firefox , Explorer , Apache , IIS( Internet information
Opera, Safari , Netscape Navigator services ) , GWS ( google Web
etc. Server ) , lightpd etc.

HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol responsible for establishing

connection between Client and Server.

Status Code :- It is a number indicates what status of your response.

200 OK

404 Not found

500 Server Error

HTTP HTTPRequest to Server

HTTPResponse with HTTP Status Code

From server to Client
HTTP has two features :-

1) Connectionless :- HTTP maintains connection of client and server

until the response is delivered.
2) Stateless :- HTTP never store client details on its round trip to

Due to this, For a server each request of client is treated as new web
request from client.

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

Markup Languages where tag concept is used.

<start tag> [ Content of the Tag ] </end tag>

HTML used to create web pages.

CSS Cascading Style Sheet used to define style rules for HTML page.

HTML + CSS = Web Page.

Using HTML and CSS , we construct static web pages.

Static Web Page:- page which content is change on manual effort.

Dynamic Web Page :- page which content is change on a User

Interaction or by system.

For Creating Dynamic Web Page we use script languages embedded

with HTML code.

These script languages code can be execute at Client and at server.

Client Side Script Server Side Script

Data Validation, UI enhancement, Database Interaction, To Build
Slide Show, Mega Menu Statefull application like login ,
logout features
Jscript , VBScript , [ Java Script ] ASP ( Activer server pages ) , Perl ,
Python , Ruby , Coldfusion, PHP (
HyperText PrePRocessor ) , JSP (
Java Server Pages )

XML :- eXtensible Markup Language

W3C World Wide Web Consortium It decide web standards. W3C build
XML as a standard format of data exchange between heterogeneous
format of data.

Main Branch ORACLE MYSQL New Delhi


IBM DB2 Kolkata

MS – SQL Bombay

Student Information is save in all branches. The Logical Structure

in all branches database is same.

Student Table

RollNo Name CourseName

1001 Rajesh BCA
1002 Mahesh BTech
The Physical structure to organize data is entirely difference
between these branches.

XML uses user defined tag to describe this data.

There is some grammar rules in XML document.

1) There must be only one root tag in which rest of the tags come.
2) Every start tag have an end tag. <x> </x>
3) Empty tag must enclosed with forward slash. <y/>
4) Nesting of tag must be proper
</y> This is not proper nesting of tag.
5) Attribute value must be enclosed with double quotes.
6) Tag name are case sensitive.

Above Student table structure representation in XML document.



<rollno> 1001 </rollno>

<name> Rajesh </name>

<course> BCA </course>

</student> …….


XSD / DTD :- XML Schema Definition / Document Type Definition

They decide structure of an XML document.

XML takes more memory to describe data as compare to original size of


JSON :- it takes less memory to describe data as compare to XML . Java

Script Object Notation

BSON :- Binary JSON It is the way of storing data in MongoDB. ( No SQL


Features on Internet :-

1) Google Suggestions
2) Addition of information on web page on scrolling
3) Chatting

AJAX :- responsible for generating background request and handling of

response build by this request. Asynchronous Java Script and XML

jQuery ;- ready made JavaScript Library to perform general operations

in internet.

Responsive Web Page :- Web page which adjust its content according
to screen changes.

Bootstrap :- HTML , CSS and JS framework to build responsive web


How to build Live Web Site, There are some steps :-

1) Create web site on development server. ( Local Machine )

2) Purchase a domain name by ICANN ( International Council of
Assigning Name and Number ). There are some vendor from we
purchase domain name like , etc.
3) We have to ready Web Hosting where your web pages reside and
this server deliver your web pages on request. There are two
types of hosting :- a) In-House b) Out-House.
4) Copy your web pages on web hosting using FileZilla or CuteFTP
software .

Profiles in Web :-

1) BDM Business Development Manager / Bidder :- To Interact with

client to convince them to create projects. Skills :- Communication
Skills and Marketing Skills
2) Web Designer :- To design layout of web pages. Skills :- HTML CSS
JAVASCRIPT JQUERY Photoshop Core Draw PageMaker Flash etc.
3) Web Developer :- To build logical handling of content of web
pages. Skills :- Servlet JSP Oracle SQL Hibernate Struts etc.
4) Content Writer :- To create content of web pages. Skills :- written
English to elaborate some thing.
5) Web Promotion :- To promote web site on web to increase traffic
on web site.
SEO – Search Engine Optimization
SEM – Search Engine Marketing
SMO – Social Media Optimization
SMM – Social Media Marketing
6) Network Administrator – To handle web site on hosting

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language used to decide presentation of

information on web page.

HTML is a specification designed by W3C.

This specification is implemented by Web Browser.

HTML has pre-defined tags.

There are many version of HTML specifications :- 1.0 , 1.1 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0
, 5.0

HTML is interpreted by web browser.

<!doctype html> this is an instruction to web browser to indicate that it

is version HTML 5.0

HTML has html as a root tag.

Root tag of HTML have two child tag:-

1) Head Tag :- It contains information regarding info about web

page. IT help in SEO.
2) Body Tag :- It contains content of web page.

Type of Tags :-

1) Presentation Tag :- They decide look of content of tag.

2) Semantic Tag :- They decide meaning of content of tag.
Screen Reader :- read the content of a web site and speak it.
3) Block Tag :- They cover screen area irrespective to its content. and
it cover whole area.
4) Inline Tag :- They cover screen area respective to its content.

Heading Tag :- h1 to h6 these tags are semantic tag.

Paragraph Tag :- p tag used to create paragraph. IT is also semantic tag.

Web Browser ignore white spaces ( new line , tab , spaces )

<br/> Tag for line break.

For spaces there are internal entities. Entities represent a chunk of
data. They begins with & and end with semicolon ;.

Pre tag :- This is for pre-formatted text.

Img tag used to insert image in web page.

<img src=”path of image”/>

Path can be absolute and relative.

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