Movie Characters and Personality Disorders

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movie characters and personality disorders

Mind matters because life is felt from the mind. Birth to death, life ticks from the activities in
the mind. Interestingly, within the continuum of birth-life-death, the past one (death) is often
overlooked just as if we had been here forever. Actually, constant consciousness of death
will have crippled the way you lived our way of life. The point that it will not occur so is proof
an ample amount of nature's types of their own progression through "normal" life because of
its living beings. This design also provides inside some common behaviours, perceptions,
beliefs etc. among its thinking and feeling beings. The commonality falls in to a range. For
humankind in social living, this common range is accepted as "normal". Beyond and below
this, the buzz is to think about it as "abnormal". Personality disorders get identified in
society with this particular yardstick. Within an aware society (awareness being directly
proportional to education, freedom of thought, social development etc.), personality disorder
s are handled more objectively. Elsewhere, they may be badly handled causing agonies for
the affected ones and the people near to them creating disturbances in families and

The Personality disorders that are being discussed here are not the typical "madness"
which generally gets classified into psychosis, but are the types mostly falling to the group of
neurosis (mental distresses affecting behaviour). Broadly speaking, personality disorders can
be viewed as as a result when someone's behaviour, perception, belief etc. start affecting the
"normalcy" in the person's life or of those who are closely associated with him / her.

In the majority of societies (developed, aware or else), personality disorders are already
acquiring a raw deal. The manifestations of the disorders frequently get overlooked as
"personal" matters. The insensitive society along with the social system since they exist
today in most parts of the world usually let it rest at this.

List of personality disorders are as under:

1. Paranoid personality disorder involving irrational suspicion and mistrust of others

2. Antisocial personality disorder characterised by disregard for your rights of others and
deficiency of empathy (capacity to think and feel in the others' positions)

3. Borderline Personality disorder signified by instability in relationships and self-image

often leading to self-harm, harm to others and impulsiveness

4. Histrionic personality disorder with attention-seeking behavior and disproportionate


5. Narcissistic personality disorder where the affected person feels grandiosity with constant
requirement for admiration from others and too little empathy
6. Dependent Personality disorder using a psychological have to be constantly maintained
by other individuals.

7. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (distinctive from obsessive compulsive

disorder which is also generally known as OCD) involving rigidity in following rules,
perfectionism as well as a desire to control people and situations

8. Bipolar disorder involving instances of extreme mood swings between mania and

9. ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, adversely affecting children's as well as

adults' lives and development.

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