Steel EPD

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as per /ISO 14025/ and /EN 15804/

Owner of the Declaration bauforumstahl e.V.

Programme holder Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU)
Publisher Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU)
Declaration number EPD-BFS-20180116-IBG2-EN
ECO EPD Ref. No. ECO-00000770
Issue date 25.10.2018
Valid to 24.10.2023

Structural Steel: Sections and Plates

bauforumstahl e.V. /

Umwelt Produktdeklaration Name des Herstellers – Name des Produkts

Picture: Residential buildings at Saselberg, Hamburg, Schulitz Architekten
1. General Information

bauforumstahl e.V. Structural Steel: Sections and

Programme holder Owner of the declaration
IBU - Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. bauforumstahl e.V.
Panoramastr. 1 Sohnstraße 65
10178 Berlin D-40237 Düsseldorf
Declaration number Declared product / declared unit
EPD-BFS-20180116-IBG2-EN The declared unit is 1 t of structural steel (sections and
This declaration is based on the product Scope:
category rules: This environmental product declaration covers steel
Structural steels, 07.2014 products rolled out to structural sections, merchant
(PCR checked and approved by the SVR) bars and heavy plates, intended for bolted, welded or
otherwise connected constructions of buildings,
Issue date bridges and other structures.
25.10.2018 This environmental product declaration is valid for the
following products:
Valid to Heavy Plates produced by:
- Dillinger with the sites in Dillingen (Germany) and
24.10.2023 Dunkirk (France)
Hot rolled sections produced by:
- ArcelorMittal on the sites Differdange (Luxembourg),
Dabrowa (Poland), Esch-Belval (Luxembourg),
Bergara (Spain), Hunedoara (Romania), Olaberria
(Spain), Warszawa (Poland) and Rodange
- Peiner Träger (Germany)
- Stahlwerk Thüringen (Germany)

The production shares in this EPD are 24% Basic

Oxygen Furnace route (primary steel production) and
74% Electric Arc Furnace route (secondary steel
production) based on the total yearly production
volume. The data used represent >95% of the annual
production of sections and plates from all
BauforumStahl member companies.

The owner of the declaration shall be liable for the

underlying information and evidence; the IBU shall not
be liable with respect to manufacturer information, life
cycle assessment data and evidences.
The standard /EN 15804/ serves as the core PCR
Independent verification of the declaration and data
according to /ISO 14025:2010/
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst J. Bossenmayer internally x externally
(President of Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.)

Dipl. Ing. Hans Peters Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Trinius

(Head of Board IBU) (Independent verifier appointed by SVR)

2. Product
2.1 Product description / Product definition
This EPD applies to 1 t of structural steel (sections and For the placing on the market of the product in the
plates). It covers steel products of the grades S235 to EU/EFTA (with the exception of Switzerland)
S960 rolled out to structural sections, merchant bars Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 (CPR) applies. The
and heavy plates. product needs a declaration of performance taking

2 Environmental Product Declaration bauforumstahl e.V. – Structural Steel: Sections and Plates
into consideration /EN 10025-1:2004 Hot rolled The rates of these additives depend on the steel
products of structural steels – Part 1: General technical grade.
delivery conditions/ and the CE-marking.
2.6 Manufacture
For the application and use the respective national In the integrated steel production route iron ore,
provisions apply. (typical mix based on ferro-oxides Fe2O3) coke
breeze, circulating components and other additives are
2.2 Application mixed and sintered in preparation for being fed into the
Structural steels are intended for bolted, welded or blast furnace together with coking coke, which is the
otherwise connected constructions of buildings, reducing agent. Also pellets and /or lump may be used.
bridges and other structures, or in composite steel and The pig iron produced in the blast furnace is
concrete structures. Examples are: transferred into the basic oxygen furnace. In this
 single storey buildings (industrial and storage vessel, the iron is converted into steel by lowering the
halls, etc.) carbon content of the iron by blowing oxygen into the
 multi-storey buildings (offices, residential melt (exothermic reaction). For temperature control,
scrap (up to 35%) is added to the melt.
buildings, shops, car parks, high rise, etc.)
 bridges (railway bridge, road bridge, In the electric steel production route scrap is molten in
pedestrian bridge, etc.) an electric arc furnace to obtain liquid steel.
 other structures (power plants, stadiums, Refining (lowering of sulphur, phosphorous and other
convention centers, airports, stations, etc.) tramp elements) and alloying (e.g. about 1% Mn, 0.2%
Si) and / or micro-alloying (e.g. about 0.01% V) is
applied to give the requested characteristics to the
2.3 Technical Data
This EPD is valid for plates and sections of varied At the end of the steelmaking process, the liquid steel
grades and different forms of delivery. Specific is transformed into a semi-finished product in a
information on dimension tolerances, constructional continuous casting machine, or in special cases,
data as well as mechanical and chemical properties poured into ingot molds to form blocks.
can be found in the relevant literature and/or the The semi-product (slab, beam-blank, bloom or billet) is
standards. hot-rolled into the final product dimensions (heavy
plate, wide flats, H-shape, I-shape, U-shape, L- shape
Constructional data and other merchant bars).
Name Value Unit
Density 7850 kg/m3 Quality control: /ISO 9001/ Monitoring according to the
Modulus of elasticity 210000 N/mm2 product standards, e.g. /EN 10025, Part 1/.
Coefficient of thermal expansion 12 10-6K-1
Thermal conductivity at 20°C λ 48 W/(mK) 2.7 Environment and health during
Melting point depending on the alloy manufacturing
1536 °C
proportions up to No measures relating to safety, health and
Shear modulus 81000 N/mm^2 environment protecting during the manufacturing
process extending beyond national guidelines are
Performance data of the product in accordance with
the declaration of performance with respect to its 2.8 Product processing/Installation
essential characteristics according to /EN 10025/, Hot Processing recommendations:
rolled products of structural steels. Further product Planning, processing, implementation and intended
standards: /ASTM A36/, /A572/, /A992/, /A913/, /A283/, use of section and plate constructions have to be
/A514/, /A573/, /A588/, /A633/, /A709/ and /A1066/. carried out depending on the respective applications
according to the generally recognized rules of
2.4 Delivery status engineering and manufacturer’s recommendations.
The dimensions of the declared products may vary The standards of /EN 1993/ and /EN 1994/
according to the intended application. (/EUROCODE EC3/ and /EC4/) apply to the design of
steel structures and composite steel and concrete
2.5 Base materials / Ancillary materials structures. They include the requirements regarding
Structural steels are non-or low-alloy steel products serviceability, bearing capacity, durability and fire
whose carbon content is between 0 and 0.6%. Iron is resistance of steel structures /EC3/ and composite
the main component of steel sections and plates. The steel and concrete structures /EC4/.
content of other elements is significantly less. The The Standard Parts 1+2 of /EN 1090/ apply to the
exact chemical composition varies depending on the execution of steel structures and include the
steel grade. requirements for factory production control.
In addition, the /European Standards/ will work in
Auxiliary materials: connection with national amendments, national
A. For the production route “blast furnace with basic instructions, guidelines and publications, as well as
oxygen furnace”: coking coal, coal, lime legal provisions.
B. For the production route “electric arc furnace”: lime Regarding transport and storage of sections and
For both production routes: plates, the generally accepted requirements for
aluminum, ferro alloys (ferro silicon, ferro manganese, securing loads have to be observed.
ferro-nickel, ferro niobium, ferro vanadium, ferro Instruction details of the manufacturer based on
titanium) verified standards and guidelines regarding welding,

3 Environmental Product Declaration bauforumstahl e.V. – Structural Steel: Sections and Plates
galvanizing as well as hot and cold forming are to be
observed in every case. Fire safety

Occupational safety / Environmental protection: Name Value

When processing/using steel sections and plates Building material class acc. /EN
pursuant to the generally recognized rules of 13501-1/
engineering there are no measures to be taken which
are going beyond the public occupational health and
safety. Water
The processing/using of steel sections and plates Steel is stable to water, insoluble and does not emit
pursuant to the generally recognized rules of substances in water. In case of flooding no impacts are
engineering does not release substantial to be expected.
environmental pollutants. Particular measures to Steel can corrode in the presence of oxygen in the
protect the environment are not required. water (= slow oxidation).

Residual material:
During processing residual pieces as well as turnings Mechanical destruction
are to be separately collected. This scrap steel is Due to the ductility of steel, steel-structures react
entirely recycled by melting and producing new steel resilient in the event of unforeseeable mechanical
products. destruction: In case of tensile load necking will occur
before cracking. In case of lasting high compression
2.9 Packaging load, components of steel may buckle or bulge. No
Structural steels are delivered unpacked. splintering or breaking edges shall result.

2.14 Re-use phase

2.10 Condition of use
Structural steels are non- /low-alloyed steel products General:
generated by alloying iron with other metals and non- Sections and plates of steel are recyclable by 100%.
metals (esp. carbon). Iron is the main component of Due to the magnetic properties of steel, 99% of the
steel sections and plates. The components are listed used steel is regained after dismantling /European
under chapter 2.5 “Base materials”. During usage no Commission Technical Steel Research/.
changes in material composition shall occur.
2.11 Environment and health during use Sections and plates can be re-used. Currently, around
The intended use of sections and plates does not 11% of the products are re-used after dismantling.
hazard health or environment in any known way.
2.12 Reference service life Sections and plates can be recycled without any
The reference service life is not relevant for problems after dismantling. Currently, around 88% of
consideration of the LCA. As construction products the products are used for closed-loop recycling.
with many different applications, a reference service Data from industry estimates based on the following
life for structural steel as sections and plates is not sources: /European Commission Technical Steel
declared here. Research/ and /Bundesministerium für Umwelt,
Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit/
The purpose, possible corrosion protection and
adequate maintenance are decisive for service life. 2.15 Disposal
Due to its high value as a resource, steel scrap is not
2.13 Extraordinary effects disposed, but instead fed into a well-established cycle
of reuse or recycling. However, in case of dumping due
Fire to collection loss no environmental impacts are
The material is class A1, i.e. not flammable per /EN expected.
13501/. Waste code according to European Waste Catalogue
The material does not emit fumes or fire-gases. /EWC/:
17 04 05 - iron and steel

2.16 Further information

Additional information on constructing with steel can be
obtained from

3. LCA: Calculation rules

3.1 Declared Unit Declared unit 1 t
The declaration refers to the functional unit of 1 ton of Conversion factor to 1 kg 0.001 -
Structural Steel: Sections and plates.
The LCA is calculated based on averaged volume
production data of the contributing plants.
3.2 System boundary
Declared unit Type of the EPD: cradle-to-gate - with options.
Name Value Unit

4 Environmental Product Declaration bauforumstahl e.V. – Structural Steel: Sections and Plates
Module A1-A3, Module C3 and module D were as a basis for calculating an EPD.
considered. For life cycle modeling of the considered products, the
GaBi 8 Software System for Life Cycle Engineering is
used /GaBi ts Software/. The GaBi-database contains
Modules A1-A3 of the structural steel production consistent and documented datasets which can viewed
include the following: in the online GaBi-documentation /GaBi ts
 The provision of resources, additives, and Documentation /.
energy To ensure comparability of results in the LCA, the
 Transport of resources and additives to the basic data of GaBi database were used for energy,
transportation and auxiliary materials.
production site
 Production processes on-site including 3.6 Data quality
energy, production of additives, disposal of All relevant background datasets are taken from the
production residues, and consideration of GaBi 8 software database. The study is based on high
related emissions quality data.
 Recycling of production/manufacturing scrap. This EPD is representative for the production of
sections and plates. The two main production routes
Steel scrap is assumed to reach the end-of- for steel, BOF and EAF oven, are covered in this EPD.
waste status once it is shredded and sorted, The data used represent >95% of the annual
thus becomes input to the product system in production of sections and plates from all
the inventory. BauforumStahl member companies.

3.7 Period under review

Module C3 takes into account the sorting and
The foreground data collected by the manufacturer are
shredding of after-use steel that is recycled, as well as
based on yearly production amounts and
the non-recovered scrap due to sorting efficiency
extrapolations of measurements on specific machines
which is landfilled. A conservative value of 1% landfill
and plants. The production data refers to the years
is considered.
2014-2017.Most of the necessary life cycle inventories
for the basic materials are available in the GaBi
Module D refers to the end of life of the structural steel
database. The last update of the database was 2018.
sections and merchant bars, including reuse and
3.8 Allocation
The used allocation methodology for the coking
processes and the crude iron production was
3.3 Estimates and assumptions
developed by the Worldsteel Association and
For all Input- and Output materials the actual transport
EUROFER in accordance with the /EN 15804/ /World
distances were applied or assumptions were taken.
Steel EUROFER/. Unless justified the methodology is
based on physical allocation and considers the
3.4 Cut-off criteria
changes in the input and output quantities that
All information from the data collection process has
influence the production of by-products in steelmaking.
been considered, covering all used and registered
The aim of the methodology is to separate the involved
materials, thermal energy, electrical energy and diesel
processes, functional or causal. Economic allocation
consumption. Measurement of on-site emissions took
was considered, as slag is considered a low-value co-
place and those emissions were considered.
product under /EN 15804/, however, as neither hot
Data for different sites were cross-checked with one
metal nor slag are tradable products upon leaving the
another to identify potential data gaps. No processes,
blast furnace (BF), economic allocation would most
materials or emissions that are known to make a
likely be based on estimates. Similarly slag from the
significant contribution to the environmental impact of
basic oxygen furnace (BOF) must undergo processing
the products studied have been omitted. On this basis,
before being used as a clinker or cement substitute.
there is no evidence to suggest that input or outputs
Worldsteel and EUROFER also highlights that
contributing more than 1% to the overall mass or
companies purchasing and processing slag work on
energy of the system or that are environmentally
long-term contracts which do not follow regular market
significant have been omitted.
dynamics of supply and demand.
It can be assumed, that all excluded flows contribute
less than 5% to the impact assessment categories.
3.9 Comparability
The manufacturing of required machinery and other
Basically, a comparison or an evaluation of EPD data
infrastructure is not considered in the LCA.
is only possible if all the data sets to be compared
were created according to /EN 15804/ and the building
3.5 Background data
context, respectively the product-specific
As a general rule, specific data derived from specific
characteristics of performance, are taken into account.
production processes or average data derived from
specific production processes shall be the first choice
. .

4. LCA: Scenarios and additional technical information

The end of life for average structural steel sections and The reused material receives a credit as avoided
plate products consists of 11% re-use, 88% recycling manufacturing of Sections and Plates.
and 1% landfill, with the corresponding benefits and Module D is based on the value of scrap methodology
burdens. from worldsteel. The credits and burdens in that study
represent a global steel scrap average and not

5 Environmental Product Declaration bauforumstahl e.V. – Structural Steel: Sections and Plates
necessarily the specific scrap value of the
manufactured Sections and Plates.

End of life (C3)

Name Value Unit
Landfilling 1 %

Re-use, recovery- and recycling potential (D)

Name Value Unit
Recycling 88 %
Re-use 11 %

6 Environmental Product Declaration bauforumstahl e.V. – Structural Steel: Sections and Plates
5. LCA: Results

Operational energy
Transport from the

Waste processing
Operational water

gate to the site


Raw material









A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
Parameter Unit A1-A3 C3 D

Global warming potential [kg CO2-Eq.] 1.13E+3 1.84E+0 -4.13E+2

Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer [kg CFC11-Eq.] 1.96E-9 6.85E-12 1.62E-6
Acidification potential of land and water [kg SO2-Eq.] 2.16E+0 5.84E-3 -8.07E-1
Eutrophication potential [kg (PO4)3--Eq.] 2.19E-1 6.69E-4 -6.66E-2
Formation potential of tropospheric ozone photochemical oxidants [kg ethene-Eq.] 4.02E-1 4.01E-4 -1.78E-1
Abiotic depletion potential for non-fossil resources [kg Sb-Eq.] 4.92E-4 8.92E-7 -8.92E-4
Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources [MJ] 1.02E+4 2.04E+1 -3.94E+3
RESULTS OF THE LCA - RESOURCE USE: 1 ton structural steel
Parameter Unit A1-A3 C3 D
Renewable primary energy as energy carrier [MJ] 1.52E+3 1.09E+1 1.98E+1
Renewable primary energy resources as material utilization [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Total use of renewable primary energy resources [MJ] 1.52E+3 1.09E+1 1.98E+1
Non-renewable primary energy as energy carrier [MJ] 1.15E+4 3.22E+1 -3.97E+3
Non-renewable primary energy as material utilization [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources [MJ] 1.15E+4 3.22E+1 -3.97E+3
Use of secondary material [kg] 7.86E+2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Use of renewable secondary fuels [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Use of non-renewable secondary fuels [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Use of net fresh water [m³] 4.19E+0 1.49E-2 -7.15E-2
1 ton structural steel
Parameter Unit A1-A3 C3 D
Hazardous waste disposed [kg] 1.06E-5 1.81E-7 -1.91E-4
Non-hazardous waste disposed [kg] 8.11E+0 1.00E+1 3.03E+1
Radioactive waste disposed [kg] 5.01E-1 4.67E-3 -5.51E-2
Components for re-use [kg] 0.00E+0 1.10E+2 0.00E+0
Materials for recycling [kg] 0.00E+0 8.80E+2 0.00E+0
Materials for energy recovery [kg] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Exported electrical energy [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0
Exported thermal energy [MJ] 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0

6. LCA: Interpretation
This chapter contains an interpretation of the Life (Module A1-A3), waste treatment (Module C3) and the
Cycle Impact Assessment categories with regard to the benefits and loads beyond the product system
functional unit. It focuses on the dominant contributions boundary (Module D).
during the production process. The following graph
shows the relative contribution of the production stages

7 Environmental Product Declaration bauforumstahl e.V. – Structural Steel: Sections and Plates
For most categories, the results for product stage (A1- Abiotic Depletion (elements) relates to the use of non-
3) contributes with the highest shares. Overall, C3 has renewable elements in the production of ancillary
a minimized contribution. The credits in Module D have materials/pre-products e.g. copper and molybdenum
a considerable share, due to the recycling and reuse (A1-A3). In this EPD, ADPE benefits from a dominant
rate. credit for module D, which is based on a worldwide
average steel production. In contrast, for module A1-
The most relevant and significant emissions on steel A3, country and site-specific data is used.
production: Abiotic Depletion Potential (fossil) is strongly
for GWP are CO2, CH4 dominated by the extraction and processing of raw
for AP are SO2 and NOx; materials and the generation of electricity, steam and
for EP are NOx heat from primary energy resources, including
for POCP are CO, SO2, NOx, and NMVOC. extraction, refining and transport (A1).

The results per site for the production (A1-A3) range Total use of renewable primary energy carrier (PERT)
between factor 2 for the BOF route and factor 0,5 for and total use of non-renewable primary energy
EAF route compared to the declared average. (PENRT) are dominated by the extraction and
processing of raw materials and the generation of
Global Warming Potential (GWP), Acidification electricity, steam and heat from primary energy
Potential (AP), Eutrophication Potential (EP) and resources, including extraction, refining and transport.
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP) are
mostly caused by onsite emissions and the generation Radioactive waste comes from the provision of
of electricity, as the steel production is an energy electrical energy, especially from the share of nuclear
intensive process (A1-A3), followed by the extraction power in the grid mix. Non-hazardous wastes include
and processing of raw materials and the generation overburden and tailings. Hazardous waste for
steam and heat. The benefits of Module D are related deposition is produced in small amounts during
to the replacement of primary steel by secondary steel production.
produced through Electric Arc Furnace (EAF).

7. Requisite evidence
This EPD covers semi-finished structural steel of hot- position of the component and the conditions of the
rolled construction products. Further processing and surrounding atmosphere (corrosivity categories
fabrication depend on the intended application. according to /EN ISO 12944-2/.
Therefore, further documentation is not applicable. If required, the surfaces of fabricated structural
components are usually protected with anticorrosion
7.1 Weathering performance material in order to prevent any direct contact with the
The rusting rate of unalloyed steel depends on the

8 Environmental Product Declaration bauforumstahl e.V. – Structural Steel: Sections and Plates
atmosphere. The weathering of this protection
depends on the applied protection system.

8. References
ASTM A588-15, Standard Specification for High-
Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel, up to 50 ksi [345
/IBU 2016/ MPa] Minimum Yield Point, with Atmospheric
IBU (2016): General Programme Instructions for the Corrosion Resistance
Preparation of EPDs at the Institut Bauen und Umwelt ASTM A633-18, Standard Specification for Normalized
e.V., Version 1.1 Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Plates
Berlin. ASTM A709-13, Standard Specification for Structural Steel for Bridges
ASTM A913-15, Standard specification for high-
/ISO 14025/ strength low-alloy steel shapes of structural quality,
DIN EN /ISO 14025:2011-10/, Environmental labels produced by quenching and self-tempering process
and declarations — Type III environmental (QST)
declarations — Principles and procedures ASTM A992-11(15), Standard specification for
structural steel shapes
/EN 15804/ ASTM A1066-11(15), Standard Specification for High-
/EN 15804:2012-04+A1 2013/, Sustainability of Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Plate Produced by
construction works — Environmental Product Thermo-Mechanical Controlled Process (TMCP)
Declarations — Core rules for the product category of AWS D1.1/D1.1M-15, Structural Welding Code – Steel
construction products AISC 303-10, Code of Standard Practice for Steel
Buildings and Bridges
PCR 2016, Part B, Requirements on the EPD for AVV, Verordnung über das Europäische
Structural steels - Institut Bauen und Umwelt Abfallverzeichnis (Abfallverzeichnis-Verordnung –
e.V., Berlin (pub.): From the range of Environmental AVV): Abfallverzeichnis-Verordnung vom 10.
Product Declarations of Institute Construction and Dezember 2011 (BGBI I S. 3379), die zuletzt durch
Environment e.V. (IBU), 2016 Artikel 5 Absatz 22 des Gesetzes vom 24. Februar
GaBi ts Software, GaBi ts. Software and Databasis 2012 (BGBI. I S. 212) geändert worden ist.
for Life Cycle Engineering. IABP, University of Stuttgart EN 1993:2010-12/ Eurocode 3,
und thinkstep AG, 2018. Design of steel structures
GaBi ts Documentation GaBi ts: Documentation of EN 1994:2010-12 / Eurocode 4, Design of composite
the GaBi datasets for Life Cycle Engineering. IABP, steel and concrete structures
University of Stuttgart und thinkstep AG, 2018. ANSI/AISC 360-16, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
ISO 12944-2:2017-11, Paints and varnishes - CPR, Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 laying
paint systems - Part 2: Classification of environments down harmonised conditions for the marketing of
ISO 14001:2015, Environmental management construction products and repealing Council Directive
systems - Requirements with guidance for use 89/106/EEC Text with EEA relevance
ISO 9001:2015, Quality management systems - European Commission Technical Steel Research,
Requirements Sansom, M. and Meijer, J.: Life-cycle assessment
EN 10025:2005-2, Hot rolled products of structural (LCA) for steel construction, European Commission
steels technical steel research, 2001-12
EN 1090:2018, Execution of steel structures and EWC, European Waste Catalogue
aluminium structures German Ministry of Environmental Affairs,
EN 13501:2010-1, Fire classification of construction “Instrumente zur Wiederverwendung von Bauteilen
products and building elements und hochwertigen Verwertung von Baustoffen“,
ASTM A 36-14, Standard specification for carbon (Umweltforschungsplan des Bundesministeriums für
structural steel Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit ;
ASTM A283-18, Standard Specification for Low and Forschungskennzahl 3712 32 319; UBA-FB 002208)
Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates Worldsteel, 2011 Life cycle assessment (LCA)
ASTM A514-14, Standard Specification for High-Yield- methodology report
Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate,
Suitable for Welding Worldsteel EUROFER, Bollen, J., Avery N., Millar, I.
ASTM A572-15, Standard Specification for High- and Broadbent, C.: Methodology to determine the LCI
Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural of steel industry co-products, 2013
ASTM A573-13, Standard Specification for Structural
Carbon Steel Plates of Improved Toughness

9 Environmental Product Declaration bauforumstahl e.V. – Structural Steel: Sections and Plates
General Information

bauforumstahl e.V. Structural Steel: Sections and

Published by Owner of the Annex
bauforumstahl e.V. bauforumstahl e.V.
Sohnstraße 65 Sohnstraße 65
40237 Düsseldorf 40237 Düsseldorf
Germany Germany

Declaration number Scope:

EPD-BFS-20180116-IBG2-EN This environmental product declarations cover blank
EPD-BFS-20180116-IBG2-DE and hot-dip galvanized steel products rolled out to
structural sections, merchant bars and heavy plates,
This Annex is based on an Environmental intended for bolted, welded or otherwise connected
Product Declaration: constructions of buildings, bridges and other structures.
Structural Steel: Sections and Plates, 10-2018 This environmental product declaration are valid for the
(EPD verified independently) following products:
Heavy Plates produced by:
- Dillinger with the sites in Dillingen (Germany) and
Dunkirk (France)
Hot rolled sections produced by:
- ArcelorMittal on the sites Ostrava (Czech Republic),
Differdange (Luxembourg), Dabrowa (Poland), Esch-
Belval (Luxembourg), Bergara (Spain), Hunedoara
(Romania), Olaberria (Spain), Warszawa (Poland) and
Rodange (Luxembourg)
- Peiner Träger (Germany)
- Stahlwerk Thüringen (Germany)
The production shares in this EPD are 30% Basic
Oxygen Furnace route (primary steel production) and
70% Electric Arc Furnace route (secondary steel
production) based on the total yearly production
volume. The data used represent >95% of the annual
production of sections and plates from all
BauforumStahl member companies.
Issue date LEED rating system and Version
2018 LEED v4
Valid to


Product description
1 t of structural steel (sections and plates). It covers steel products of the grades S235 to S960 rolled out to
structural sections, merchant bars and heavy plates.
Structural steels are intended for bolted, welded or otherwise connected constructions of buildings, bridges and
other structures, or in composite steel and concrete structures.
- single storey buildings (industrial and storage halls, etc.)
- multistorey buildings (offices, residential buildings, shops, car parks, high rise, etc.)
- bridges (railway bridge, road bridge, pedestrian bridge, etc.)
- other structures (power plants, stadiums, convention centers, airports, stations, etc.)

LEED - Materials and Recources (MR)

MR Credit 4: Recycled Content

List of waste materials during construction

Name Value Unit
Total weight of the product 1000 kg
Postconsumer recycled content 72 %
Pre-consumer recycled content 12,4 %


MR Credit 4: Recycled Content

Relevant for:
Every product.

Certified Report encouraged but not yet required: Indication of the recycled content distinct to Post- and Pre-
consumer recycled content.

Target on building level:

10-20% recycled content based on total costs of the building.

MR Credit 4: 1-2 points
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Tel +49 (0)30 3087748­ 0
Panoramastr.1 Fax +49 (0)30 3087748­ 29
10178 Berlin Mail info@ibu­
Deutschland Web

Programme holder
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Tel +49 (0)30 3087748­ 0
Panoramastr.1 Fax +49 (0)30 3087748­ 29
10178 Berlin Mail info@ibu­
Deutschland Web

Author of the Life Cycle

thinkstep AG Tel +49 711 341817­0
Hauptstraße 111­ 113 Fax +49 711 341817­25
70771 Leinfelden­Echterdingen Mail [email protected]
Germany Web

Owner of the Declaration

bauforumstahl e.V. Tel 0211­6707828
Sohnstraße 65 40237 Düsseldorf Fax 0211­6707829
Germany Mail [email protected]

Tel +352 5313 3010

ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products Fax ­
66, rue de Luxembourg ­ Mail
L­4221 Esch­sur­Alzette [email protected]

Dillinger Tel +49 6831 470

Werkstraße 1 Fax +49 6831 472212
66763 Dillingen/Saar Mail [email protected]
Germany Web

Tel +49 51 71 91­01

Peiner Träger
Gerhard­Lucas­Meyer­Str. 10 Fax +49 51 71 91­9573
31226 Peine Mail peiner.traeger@salzgitter­
Germany Web

Stahlwerk Thüringen Tel +49 3671 4550 0

Kronacher Straße 6 Fax +49 3671 4550 7107
07333 Unterwellenborn Mail info@stahlwerk­
Germany Web

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