Tharpana Manthras For Iyengars: Compiled by P.R.Ramachander
Tharpana Manthras For Iyengars: Compiled by P.R.Ramachander
Tharpana Manthras For Iyengars: Compiled by P.R.Ramachander
Tharpanam means “That offering which satisfies”. But what we mean by the word Tharpanam is the offering of water
mixed with gingelly to the manes.(dead ancestors).Though we have several ancestors, this offering is addressed to
three generations of father, grand father and great grand father along with their wives in our family and maternal
grand father, his father and grand father along with their wives in our mothers birth family. Only those whose father
is dead are eligible to do Tharpanam. If maternal grand father is alive Tharpanam should not be done for his family
but restricted to our family.
All the manes are supposed by our religion to live in the Pithru loka for some time and either be reborn as any being
or go to lokas like deva loka, Vaikunta etc or even attain salvation by getting mixed with god. The pithru loka is
populated by three group of pithru devas viz, Vasu, Rudra and Adhithya. These devas receive our oblations and make
it reach to our manes wherever they are and in whichever form they are. The pithru loka is supposed to be on the
unseen side of the moon. This portion gets exposed to sun on the new moon days. It is according to our concept lunch
time for the people populating the pithru loka. These pithrus, since they have left the world are solely dependent on
only their progeny to feed them. This feeding is done through Tharpanam. It is believed that if Tharpanam is not done
out Pithru devas will curse us so that we may not have male descendents to offer tharpanam to us.
There are several type of tharpanams: -
1.Gunda tharpanam- the tharpanam which is done in the first ten days of death.
2.Brahma yagna tharpanam-This is the oblation supposed to be done daily to the devas, rishis and pithrus.
3.Parheni tharpanam- this is the tharpanam which is supposed to be done on the next day after annual sraddha .This
at present is being done after sraddha on the same day , because the priest does not have time to come the next day.
Here the tharpanam is offered only to ones pithru varga (paternal side)
4 The regular tharpanam which is supposed to be done on all amavasyas. Four Month beginnings viz mesha,
karkidaga, thula and makara and eclipses.Our books have asked us to perform tharpanam on 96 days in a year but
this is not being done nowadays.
Several acharyas have codified the method of tharpanam. Some of them are Apasthabha, Bodhayana, Drahyayana
What is given below is the manthras and method of the Apasthabha sutra.of Yajur veda. There is slight differences in
the sankalpam among Iyers and Iyengars.The version followed by both groups of Sri Vaishnavas viz Thenkalai and
Vadakalai are given here.It is understood that the tharpanam for rik vedis is almost similar but that for Sama Vedis is
different. There is also differences brought about by local practice and family tradition. People are advised to follow
their traditions strictly. They have precedence over what is written down here. For example in many families
tharpanam is done without wearing Thiruman but there are certain families who do tharpanam wearing it. Some
people do avahanams of Pithrus on two koorchas. Some on one koorcha and some on spread durbhas..
There are several rules regarding tharpanam though many of them are not being followed by most of the people..
They are:-
1.On the day of Tharpanam, till tharpanam is completed we are not supposed to drink/eat anything.
2.On the day of tharpanam, the daily rituals like Sandhya vandhana have to be first performed. Then before
tharpanam one more bath has to be taken.
3.Wet cloth should not be worn during tharpanam nor is it right to wear cloth which was washed a day before and
dried. The cloth has to be made wet the same day and dried. Pure white silk cloth can also be worn, but wearing this
silk cloth you should not have eaten any food. If wet cloth is not dry, it should be seven times shaken dry in wind
before wearing it.
4.Except the tharpanam during eclipse all other tharpanams are to be done after 12 noon. Considering the difficulty,
our law givers have agreed that it can be done after 8.30 AM.
5.As mentioned earlier nothing should be eaten or drunk before performance of Tharpanam.
6.Oblations should be done with hand full of water and not drops or spoon full of water.
7.The water should be poured out using the space between the thumb and the four fingers.
8.Every time a pinch of black til has to be taken. Care should be taken not to take it using the thumb and the index
9.Pithru tharpanam should always be done with poonal hanging from the right shoulder to the left side of the body.
10.The pavithram for pithru tharpanam should be made out of three durbha and the koorcham should be made of 7
or 9 durbhas.
11.We should preferably sit on seat made of durbha(durbhasanam) while doing tharpanam and in its absence put few
durbhas on the place we are going to sit,
12.Silver vessels are prescribed for used during tharpanam. If not available copper vessels can be used. Under no
circumstance should steel or other metal vessels are to be used.
13.Tharpanam should be done facing east or south. It is believed that it either should be done in our homes or in
public holy places like shore of the river, sea active you happen to do it in the place belonging to some one else. We are
supposed to compensate the owner of the property.
14.If Amavasya and the first of the month in which tharpanam has to be performed comes on the same day, then
tharpanam for the sankramanam(first of the month) should be done.
. Tharpanam*
1.Perform Achamanam
Take minute quantities of water(just sufficient to soak one grain of black gram) three times in the right hand and
take it with the following manthra.
1.Om Achyuthaya nama 2,Om Ananthaya nama 3.Om Govindaya nama
Touch with thumb both cheeks saying kesava -Narayana
Touch with ring finger both eyes saying Madhava –govinda
Touch with the first finger both sides of nose saying Vishno-Madhusoodana
Touch with little finger both ears saying Trivikrama-Vamana
Touch with the middle finger both shoulders saying Sreedhara-Hrishi kesa
Touch with all fingers the belly button saying Padmanabha
Touch with all fingers the head saying Damodara
Om Bhoo
Om Bhuva
Ogum Suva
Om Maha
Om Jana
Om Thapa
Ogum Sathyam
Om Tatsa vithur varenyam Bargo devasya dhi mahi dhiyo yona prachodayath
Om Apa
Jyothj rasa
Amrutham brahma
Touch the ears three times saying
Om, Om , Om
3. And then chant the following manthras:-
Om Bhoo
Om Bhuva
Ogum Suva
Om Maha
Om Jana
Om Thapa
Ogum Sathyam
Om Tatsa vithur varenyam Bargo devasya dhi mahi dhiyo yona prachodayath
Om Apa
Jyothj rasa
Amrutham brahma
Touch the ears three times saying
Om, Om , Om
Adya Sri Bhagavatha maha purushasya Vishnor Agnaya pravarthamanasya Adhya Brahmana Dweethiya parardhe
Swetha Varaha kalpe Vaivaswatha manvanthare ashta vimsathi thame kali yuge prathame padhe ,jambu dweepe ,
Bharatha varshe, Bharatha Khande , Mero Dakshine Parswe , Sakabdhe asmin varthamane vyvaharike
Prabhavadeenam sashtya samvatsaranam madhye (name of the year)* Nama samvatsare
, (dakshina./uttara ayane, (name of the season) rithou, (name of the month in
Sanskrit) mase, (Krishna/shukla) pakshe , Adhya (Name of the thidhi-moon phase) Punya thithou (name
of the day in Sanskrit)vasra yukthayam (name of the star in Sanskrit) nakshatra yukthayam Shubha yoga –Shubha
karana, Evam guna viseshana visishtayam asyam (Name of the thidhi) Punya thithou,
( Change the position of poonal from left shoulder to right shoulder(LEFT MODE))
(Your Gothram) Gothranam (Names of father, grand father, great grand
father)** Sarmanam, Vasu-Rudra-adithya swaroopanam asmad Pithru
–Pithamaha-Pithru Pithamahanam , (your Gothram) Gothraa (Names of mother. Grand mother, great grand
mother[1] ) Namnee , Vasu-Rudra-Adithya swaroopa Asmad Mathru[2]-pithamahi-Prapithamahischa, (Your
maternal grand father’s gothram) gothraanam (names of maternal grand father, his father and his grand
father) Sarmanam vasu –rudra -adithya swaroopanam asmad mathamaha, mathru
pithamaha, mathru prapithamahanam, (Your maternal grand father’s gothram) gothraa (Names of maternal
grand mother, maternal great grand mother, Grand mother of maternal grand father) Namnee , vasu-rudra –
adithya swaroopa asmad mathamahi[3]-mathru pithamahi, mathru prapithamahinam Ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam
akshayya thripthyartham amavasya[4] punya kale Thila tharpanam karishye.
(throw away the Durbha (only) held round the fingers along with Pavithram. Change position of poonal to the left
shoulder(usual mode), touch water with finger, change position of poonal to right shoulder(left mode))
Arrangement of Koorcham[5]
Pithru Varga Koorcham
North South
Mathamaha varga koorcham
Durbha Durbha
Wear the poonal in the left mode , take little ellu(black gingelly) and along with water keep on the Koorcha meant
for Pithru varga while chanting the following manthras:-
1.Aayatha pithara somya gambhirai padhibhi poorvai prajamasmabhyam dadhatho rayim cha deergayuthwam cha
satha saaradam cha.
2.Om bhorbuvaswarom
3,Asmin koorche (Your Gothra) gothran (Father’s, grand father’s and great grandfather’s name) sarmana vasu
Rudra adithya swaroopan asmad pithru-pithamaha-pithrupithamahaan (Your Gothra) gothraa (Names of mother,
grand mother, great grand mother1) namnee vasu Rudra adithya swaroopa asmad mathru[7], pithamahi-
pithrupithamahischa dyayami avahayami.
Wearing the poonal in the left mode , take little ellu(black gingelly) and along with water keep on the Koorcha meant
for mathru varga while chanting the following manthras:-
1.Aayatha mathu pithara somya gambhirai padhibhi poorvai prajamasmabhyam dadhatho rayim cha
deergayathwam cha satha saaradam cha.
2.Om bhorbuvaswarom
3,Asmin koorche (Maternal grand father’s gothra) gothran (Names of maternal grand father, maternal great grand
father and grand father of maternal grand father) sarmana vasu Rudra adithya swaroopan asmad
mathamaha-mathru pithamaha-mathru prapithamaha (maternal grand father’s gothra) gothraa (Names of maternal
grand mother, maternal great grand mother, grand mother of maternal grand father) namnee vasu
Rudra adithya swaroopa asmad mathamahi[9]-mathru pithamahi-mathru prapithamahischa dyayami avahayami.
Offer tharpanam with hand full of water mixed with black ellu on the koorcham for Pithru vargam after each manthra
10.jnaatha jnatha pithru varge tharpanam Oblation to unknown manes of paternal sides)
Offer tharpanam with hand full of water mixed with black ellu on the koorcham for Pithru vargam after each manthra
a.Matha maha tharpanam(Oblation to maternal grand father)
1.Udheerathamvara uthparasa,
Unmadhyama pithara somyasa
Asum ya eeyuravyaka ruthagna
Sthene avanthu pitharo harveshu
(Maternal grand father’s Gothra) gothran (Maternal grand father’s name) ,
Sarmana vasu roopan mama matha mahaan swadha namastharpayami.
2. .(Maternal grand father’s gothra) gothraa (Maternal great grand mother’s name)
Namnee Rudra roopa mama mathu pithamahi swadha namastharpayami
3. .(Maternal grand father’s gothra) gothraa (Maternal grand father’s grand mother’s name) .
Namnee adithya roopa mama mathu prapithamahi swadha namastharpayami
12.jnaatha jnatha matha maha varga tharpanam (Oblation to unknown manes of maternal grand father side)
a.Jnaatha jnatha mathu pithroon swadha namas tharpayami
b. Jnaatha jnatha mathu pithroon swadha namas tharpayami
c. Jnaatha jnatha mathu pithroon swadha namas tharpayami
Oorjam vahantheeramratham grutham paya keelalam parisrutham swadha stha tharpayatha me mathu pithroon
trupyatha thrupyatha thrupyatha.
Change poonal to usual pattern from left shoulder
(Chant and rotate in the same place clock wise)
Devathabhya pithrubhyascha maha yogibhya eva cha
Nama swaadhai swaahayai nithyameva namo nama.
14.Namaskaram (salutations)
Change poonal to the left side pattern from right shoulder
Recite with folded hands
Pithru-Pithamaha-Prapthamahebhyo nama
Mathru –pitha mahi –prapithamahebhyo nama[18]
Mathamaha -mathru pithamaha-mathru prapithamahebhyo nama.
Mathamahi-Mathu pithamahi=mathu prapathamaheebhyo nama.[19]
15.Udwasanam [20]
1.Aayatha pithara somya gambhirai pradhibhi poorvai prajamasmabhyam dadhatho rayim cha deergayathwam
cha satha saaradam cha.
2.Om bhorbuvaswarom
3,Asmad koorchat (Your gothram) gothran (Names of father, grand father, great grand father) sarmana vasu Rudra
adithya swaroopan asmad pithru-pithamaha-pithrupithamahaan (Your gothram) gothraa (Names of mother, grand
mother and great grand mother) namnee vasu Rudra adithya swaroopa asmad mathru[21], pithamahi-
pithrupithamahischa yada sthanam prathishtapayami.Shobhanarthe kshemaya punaragamanaya cha.
4.Aayatha mathu pithara somya gambhirai pradhibhi poorvai prajamasmabhyam dadhatho rayim cha
deergayathwam cha satha saaradam cha.
5.Om bhorbuvaswarom
6,Asmin koorche(maternal grand father’s gothra) gothran (Names of maternal grand father, maternal great grand
father and his father) sarmana vasu Rudra adithya swaroopan asmad mathamaha-mathru pithamaha-mathru
prapithamaha (Maternal grand father’s gothra) gothraa (Names of maternal grand mother, maternal great grand
mother, grand mother of maternal grand father) namnee vasu Rudra adithya swaroopa asmad mathamahi[22]-
mathru pithamahi-mathru prapithamahischa yadasthanam prathishtapayami. Shobanarthe kshemaaya
punaragamanaya cha
Yesham na matha na pitha na bandhu na anya gothreena the sarve trupthimayanthu mayoth srushtai
Trupyatha, Trupyatha, Trupyatha
Remove pavithram , untie and throw it away, change poonal to right shoulder and touch the water.
Offer a hand full of water chanting.
Om Tat sat Brahmarpanamasthu
Do Aachamanam.
1.I keep always in my mind the devotees of the Lord of the venkata mountain as my religious teacher
2.With all my attention I bow before that teacher of teachers who are the first mother and father of this world.
3.I keep my mind on him who lies on the Adhi Sesha attended by Bhoo devi and Lakshmi
4. I meditate on the dark coloured Vishnu who has four hands and wears white silk and is always gracefully happy.
5.I bow before Vishwaksena so that what I am starting is completed without problems.
1. I meditate on the dark coloured Vishnu who has four hands and wears white silk and is always gracefully happy.
2.I bow before Vishwaksena so that what I am starting is completed without problems.
This manthra is a guide to a breathing exercise as also a prayer. While chanting Om bhoo,Om Bhuva, Ogum Suva,
Om Maha, om jana, om thapa, ogum satyam we are supposed to keep the left nostril closed and inhale through the
right nostril. While chanting, “Om tat sa vithur varenyam bargo devasya dhee mahi, dhi yo yona prachothayad”, we
are supposed to close both nostrils and hold the breath. After this the left nostril is opened and air exhaled till the end
of the manthra.
Hindus believed that that there were six holy worlds above the earth. These along with earth are remembered in the
first part. These worlds are bhooloka, bhuvarloka, suvarloka, maharloka, janaloka, thapaloka and satya loka. The
second part is the famous Gayathri manthram. It means
“I meditate on that savitha (the sun or the enlightenment within ourselves) which helps us in our though process, that
god which is within me and that all engulfing power.”
“ I meditate on the most holy shining aspect of that God, who helps in brightening our thought process.”
Then the third part means “ Om is water, it is the light, it is the earth which gives the food, it is the air which supports
life, and it is the ether which is spread all around .It is also the holy seven worlds.”
By touching the nose the hands are supposed to get polluted and this is removed by touching the ears thrice.
This is a preliminary rite in every Vedic action. We tell why we are doing what we do and we also tell, what we are
going to do every time. In some cases like the tharpanam we also tell when we are doing it and where.
To attain the grace of God, through destruction of sins committed by me, praying the lord of all worlds,
1.I pray god Lakshmi pathi and mention below the auspicious hour, day, star, moon phase, my knowledge base and
the strength of God and salute the feets of Lord Vishnu.
2.Whether one is in pure or impure state or whatever state one is in, just by remembering Pundarikaksha that is
Lord Vishnu, I get cleaned both outside and inside.
3.There is no doubt that the sins committed either by mind, or words or by action go away by remembering the
names of Lord Rama.Rama. Rama
4.The moon phase, the day, the star, the yoga and the happenings are all Lord Vishnu and thus the whole world is
filled with Lord Vishnu.Govinda, Govinda, Govinda.
5.In the second ionic division of lord Brahma who acted according to the wishes of the prime God Lord Vishnu, In
the great period of the white Varaha, in the extended reign of Vaivasvatha manu, in the 28th time period which is the
first step of Kali yuga,
At the Indian sub continent of the Indian continent of the great Jambu island, In the south of the Meru mountain,
In the year of the saka timeperiod starting with the year Prabhava, in the solstice, in the
season, in the month of
In the waning/waxing period of the moon, in the day of the moon crescents, in the day,
in the star, in the holy period which is for good action, which results in good, and in the period which has
many other good properties, in the day of moon crescents, I do oblations with thil(gingelly) and water
for destruction of all my sins and for the favour of the god, to my father whose name is who is of the form of
vasu, who belongs to the gothra , to my grand father whose name is who is of the form of Rudra, who
belongs to the gothra , to my great grand father whose name is who is of the form of adithya and
who belongs to the gothra , as also to my mother(grand mother if she mother is alive) who is of the form of vasu
and who belongs to the gothra and whose name is , to my grand mother (great grand mother if mother is
alive) who is of the form of Rudra who belongs to the gothra
And whose name is , to my great grand mother (her mother if mother is alive) who is of the form of
Adithya and who belongs to the Gothra and whose name is , to my maternal grand father who is of
the form of Vasu and who belongs to the gothra and whose name is , to my maternal great grand
father who is of the form of Rudra, who belongs to the gothra and whose name is , to my great
grand father of my mother who is of the form of Adithya and whose name is , to my maternal grand
mother who is of the form of vasu, who belongs to the gotra and whose name is , to my maternal great grand
mother who is of the form of Rudra, who belongs to the gothra and whose name is , to my great grand
mother of my mother who is of the form of adithya who belongs to the gothra and whose name is
.for their perennial satisfaction ,
a. Oblations to father
1.Let all those manes who are in the earth because they did not perform dutiful rites. Those manes who are great
because they carried out fire sacrifices and those of average stature because they performed the rites prescribed to
them, receive my oblations and bless me. Let those who do not trouble and know about the rites that I perform save
me. I offer this oblation of this food mixed with water to my father whose name is and who is born in the
gothra and who is the form of vasu.
2.Our manes who are known by names such as Angeeras, atharwas, and brugus ,are of very great character and they
all have great affection to their descendents. Let them who should be worshipped by doing fire sacrifices be is our
mind doing good and bless us. I offer this oblation of this food mixed with water to my father whose name
is and who is born in the gothra and who is the form of vasu.
3.Let my manes who have not done fire sacrifices but have reached pithru loka arrive here by the path taken by Gods.
Let them get satisfied by this offering of food mixed with water and let them talk good of us in the other world and
bless us with further and further progress. I offer this oblation of this food mixed with water to my father whose name
is and who is born in the gothra and who is the form of vasu.
b. Oblations to grandfather
1.Hey gods who love water , carry suitable food, nectar, ghee, blood and toddy to my manes if by chance they are
born as men, tree, creeper and men of the lower caste and make it suitable food for them and also become food for
them. I offer this oblation of this food mixed with water to my grand father whose name is and who is
born in the gothra and who is the form of Rudra.
2.I salute my father, grand father and great grand father who like the food called swadha which is mixed with water
and offer them the food which is swadha. I offer this oblation of this food mixed with water to my grand father whose
name is and who is born in the gothra and who is the form of Rudra.
3.Hey God of fire who is all knowing, You know my manes who are present here, who are not present here, those who
are known to me because they departed not long ago, those are not known to me, . Please take this food with water,
which I am offering to them and let all my manes become happy. I offer this oblation of this food mixed with water to
my grand father whose name is and who is born in the gothra and who is the form of Rudra
2.Let night and day do me good. Let earth give me sweetness and very good quality food. Let the sky , which is like my
father not trouble me with no rain or excess rain and grant me pure pleasure. I offer this oblation of this food mixed
with water to my great grand father whose name is and who is born in the gothra and who is the
form of Adhithya.
3.Let trees bless me by giving fruits. Let Sun god give me energy without much hot weather. Let cows give me sweet
milk. I offer this oblation of this food mixed with water to my great grand father whose name is and who
is born in the gothra and who is the form of adhitya.
The Tharpanam for the manes of the maternal grandfather side(11 and 12) is same as that of paternal side except
the manes of the maternal grand fathers side are mentioned so as to avoid repetition this meaning is not given/
14.Namaskaram (Salutations)
This is the same as Avahana manthra except that the manes are asked to go their place and are requested to
come again and again.
16.Sarva Tharpanam.(general oblations)
Let all those manes who do not have mother, father, friends , others of their family or even others belonging to other
gotras to do tharpanam for them partake this water mixed with gingely and be satisfied., be satisfied, be satisfied.
I do give all this to the great god Brahma so that faults are pardoned.
II Brahma Yagnam
This is supposed to be done by all Brahmins daily after Madhyahnikam. This is a worship of Vedas and honouring
and satifying the devas, rishis and Pithrus.The Manthra starting with “Vidhyudhasi….” Means
Oh God, you are the lightning which is in between the clouds and you know my sins.and I seek the part of that power
of yours. Daily.
The vedic chants have the following meaning:-
1.I worship the god of fire who is the first god in all fire sacrifices, who is the one who conducts and who is the
conductior of the fire sacrifice and who is capable of giving all wealth.(Rik Veda)
2.Oh calves of cows, To supply us food as well as make us worship god, you graze and return. Let the god savithru give
you good grazing(Yajur veda)
3.Oh God of fire, be pleased to come.You should be pleased accept our worship.Please make the fire sacrifice that we
do to the devas.(sama veda)
4.Oh Gods who like water, Apart from quenching our thirsts, you should fulfill all our desires and grant us good
things.By your grace let sorrow vanish from our lives and let happiness come.(atharvana Veda)
Meaning for the sloka starting with “Vrushtirasi….”
You are rain,You will cut off my sins,.
After this several oblation is offered to devas, rishis, Vedas and pithrus.
1.Names of Nakshatras in Sanskrit for sankalpa
1.Sunday- Bhanuvasara
2.Monday- Induvasara
3.Tuesday-Bhouma vasara
4.Wednesday-Soumya vasara
5.Thursday- Guru vasara
6.Friday- Brugu vasara
7.Saturday- Sthiravasara