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Applies to power quality analyzers:
PQM-700, PQM-701(Z, Zr), PQM-702(A, T),
PQM-703, PQM-707, PQM-710, PQM-711

Wokulskiego 11
58-100 Świdnica, Poland

Version 4.3.0 1.10.2018

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Due to continuous development of our software, the actual appearance
of some screens may slightly differ from that presented in this operating
This manual describes the software and devices in the following versions:
Sonel Analysis – v4.3.0
PQM-700 – v1.10
PQM-701Z/Zr – v1.16
PQM-702, PQM-703, PQM-710, PQM-711 – v1.32
PQM-707 – v1.15
MPI-540 – v1.04

The latest version of the software may be downloaded from our website:

Detailed information about the analyzer functions may be found in the
operating manuals of specific analyzers.

The icon with the analyzer name (here: PQM-700) is placed next
to sections of the text that refer to specific features of the analyzer,
particularly to availability/unavailability of a given program function.

1 Installing and starting the program

1 Installing and starting the program ...........................................................5
1.1 Minimum hardware requirements ........................................................................ 5
1.2 Installation of the program ................................................................................... 5
1.3 Starting the program ........................................................................................... 8
2 Getting started .......................................................................................... 10
2.1 Connecting with the analyzer. ........................................................................... 10
2.2 Startup window.................................................................................................. 14
2.3 Analyzer settings wizard ................................................................................... 15
3 Analyzer Measurement Settings............................................................. 19
3.1 Analyzer settings ............................................................................................... 21
3.2 Measurement configuration ............................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Main Settings ............................................................................................................ 23 BASIC Tab ........................................................................................................... 23 ADDITIONAL tab.................................................................................................... 25
3.2.2 Analyzer settings according to Standard ................................................................... 27
3.2.3 Configuring the analyzer according to user settings .................................................. 31
3.2.4 VOLTAGE card ............................................................................................................ 32 BASIC Tab ........................................................................................................... 32 ADDITIONAL tab.................................................................................................... 35
3.2.5 CURRENT .................................................................................................................... 37
3.2.6 POWER AND ENERGY.................................................................................................... 38 POWER tab .......................................................................................................... 38 ADDITIONAL tab.................................................................................................... 40 ENERGY tab.......................................................................................................... 40
3.2.7 HARMONICS ............................................................................................................... 41 VOLTAGE tab ....................................................................................................... 41 CURRENT tab ........................................................................................................ 43 ADDITIONAL tab.................................................................................................... 43
3.2.8 INTERHARMONICS ........................................................................................................ 44 VOLTAGE tab ....................................................................................................... 44 CURRENT tab ........................................................................................................ 45 MAINS SIGNALLING tab .......................................................................................... 46
3.2.9 Default configuration profiles..................................................................................... 47
4 Actual Settings ......................................................................................... 48
4.1 <Time and security> card .................................................................................. 48
4.2 Probes Phase card............................................................................................ 50
4.3 Wireless connection card .................................................................................. 50
4.4 Serial connection card ....................................................................................... 52
4.5 Additional settings card ..................................................................................... 52
5 Analyzer database.................................................................................... 53
5.1 GSM connection settings .................................................................................. 55
5.2 Wi-Fi settings .......................................................................... 57
5.2.1 Configuring Wi-Fi in the access point mode. ............................................................. 57
5.2.2 Configuring Wi-Fi in client mode ............................................................................... 57
6 Live mode ................................................................................................. 60
6.1 Waveforms ........................................................................................................ 60
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

6.2 Timeplots........................................................................................................... 61
6.3 Measurements .................................................................................................. 62
6.3.1 Energy costs calculator ............................................................................................. 64
6.4 Phasor diagrams ............................................................................................... 65
6.5 Harmonics ......................................................................................................... 66
6.6 Interharmonics .................................................................................................. 68
7 Data Analysis............................................................................................ 70
7.1 Reading data from the analyzer ........................................................................ 70
7.1.1 Reading data from MPI-540 and PQM-707 devices ....................... 71
7.2 Reading data directly from the memory card ............... 73
7.3 Selecting the time interval for analysis .............................................................. 74
7.4 Analyzing obtained data .................................................................................... 76
7.4.1 GENERAL view ............................................................................................................ 76
7.4.2 MEASUREMENTS view ................................................................................................... 77 Time diagram ..................................................................................................... 80 Harmonics/interharmonics graph ........................................................................ 82 Cyclic waveform plot ........................................................................................... 83 User report ......................................................................................................... 83 Generate report on compliance with standard ..................................................... 84 Report according to standard - description.......................................................... 88 Summary report .................................................................................................. 94
7.4.3 Events ...................................................................................................................... 96 Value/duration graph .......................................................................................... 98 ANSI/CBEMA graph ........................................................................................... 98 Waveform/RMS1/2 graph ................................................................................... 100 Event Report .................................................................................................... 101
7.4.4 Energy cost report .................................................................................................. 101 Types of tariffs .................................................................................................. 101 Energy cost report – description ....................................................................... 102
7.4.5 Data export ............................................................................................................. 103
8 Other program options .......................................................................... 105
8.1 Analyzer status, starting and stopping recording............................................. 105
8.2 Deleting data ................................................................................................... 106
8.3 Configuration ................................................................................................... 107
8.3.1 Main Settings .......................................................................................................... 107
8.3.2 Analyzer configuration ............................................................................................ 108
8.3.3 Live mode ............................................................................................................... 113
8.3.4 Color settings.......................................................................................................... 113
8.3.5 Data analysis .......................................................................................................... 114
8.3.6 Report settings ....................................................................................................... 114
8.3.7 Media settings ........................................................................................................ 116
8.4 Upgrading software and firmware ................................................................... 118
8.4.1 Automatic software update...................................................................................... 118
9 Manufacturer .......................................................................................... 119

1 Installing and starting the program

1 Installing and starting the program

"Sonel Analysis 4" is an application required to work with power quality analyzers of PQM-7XX
series. It enables the user to:
 configure the analyzer,
 read data from the device,
 real-time preview of the mains,
 delete data in the analyzer,
 present data in the tabular form,
 present data in the form of graphs,
 analyze data for compliance with EN 50160 standard (reports) and other user-defined reference
 independent operation of multiple devices,
 upgrade the software and the device firmware to newer versions.

It is possible to simultaneously run multiple instances of Sonel Analysis.

1.1 Minimum hardware requirements

Table 1 presents the minimum and recommended configuration of a PC running "Sonel
Analysis 4" software.
Table 1. Minimum and recommended PC configuration.

Configuration Minimum Recommended

Processor 1.5 GHz 2,4 GHz


Free space on hard disk 200 MB 16 GB

32 MB, 128 MB with support for OpenGL,
Graphics card
resolution min. 1024x768 resolution min. 1280x1024
USB  
Internet access (for automatic

Operating system Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows 10

1.2 Installation of the program

In order to facilitate installing drivers for the analyzer, it is
recommended to install "Sonel Analysis 4" software (including
drivers as described in the following instructions) before connecting
a USB cable.

To start the installation of "Sonel Analysis 4" software, run the installation file (e.g. " Setup Sonel
Analysis 4.2.0.exe") included on the disk supplied with the analyzer or downloaded from the
manufacturer’s website

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 1. Installer - the initial screen.

The screen will be displayed as shown in Fig. 1. After clicking "Next>" button read the software
license agreement and click "I agree". Then you see the history of revisions. In the next screen (Fig.
2) indicate whether the application is to be installed for all users or just for the one currently logged-
in. The next screen allows you to select installation components (Fig. 3). The following two screens
indicate the location of the installation and location of the application with the program name, which
will be visible in the Start menu. To begin the installation, press "Install".

Fig. 2. Installer – selection of users.

1 Installing and starting the program

Fig. 3. Installer – choosing components.

At the end of the software installation, the window shown in Fig. 4 will be displayed. When box
"Launch Sonel Analysis 4.2.0" is ticked, then after pressing "Finish" button, the application will be

Fig. 4. Finishing the installation.

At this point, the analyzer may be connected to a PC. The system should automatically
recognize the connected device.
If the installation was successful, the computer is ready to cooperate with the analyzer.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

1.3 Starting the program

When the program starts, the main window appears as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. The main screen.

On the left side, the toolbar is displayed with the program functions most commonly used. The
toolbar may be moved by 'gripping' the dots at its top. The individual icons have the following
 STARTUP WINDOW – the window which groups the most frequently used operations (analyzer
settings, data preview, reading data from the disk or analyzer). Description in sec. 2.2.
 OPEN – depending on the context, it enables the user to load from the disk: the analyzer
configuration (files *.settings), saved analysis (files *.analysis), or saved recording (files
 SAVE – depending on the context, it enables the user to save the analyzer configuration on the
disk (while editing the configuration), save raw data or present analysis files (during the
 SETTINGS – measurement configuration module of the analyzer (Sec. 3),
 LIVE MODE – the mode of reading current, real-time values of mains (Sec. 6),
 ANALYSIS – the module for data analysis directly from the analyzer or from the memory card
(Sec. 7),
 CONTROL – window for controlling recording and changing the active measurement
configuration (Sec. 8.1),
 ANALYZER DATABASE – module for managing analyzers cooperating with Sonel Analysis (Sec.5),
 PROGRAM CONFIGURATION – module for configuring options of Sonel Analysis (Sec. 8.3) ,

1 Installing and starting the program

 DISCONNECT – ends the communication session with the analyzer.

Extensions of the files created by Sonel Analysis software are as follows:

 *.settings – measurement configuration files of the analyzer,
 *.config – Sonel Analysis configuration files,
 *.pqm7XX – recorded data files (source format of the analyzer),
 *.analysis – analysis files.

The user may select commands from the top menu, by clicking icons with the mouse, or by
using keyboard shortcuts (they are valid in the whole program):
 F2 – startup window,
 F3 – analyzers base,
 F4 – current analyzer settings (including time and security),
 F5 – analyzer configuration,
 F6 – Live mode - reading current values,
 F7 – Control window,
 F8 – data analysis,
 F9 – Sonel Analysis settings,
 CTRL+S – saves the analysis on the disk or saves a screenshot in the live mode,
 CTRL+O – opening of a file stored on disk.

There are many other keyboard shortcuts. Most of them are visible in the menu next to the
name of an item.

The user may select commands using a mouse / keyboard (standard
operation similar to Windows, ENTER - select option, ESC - Cancel, TAB
- move to the next button, etc.).

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

2 Getting started
2.1 Connecting with the analyzer.
Before sending any data to/ from the analyzer, the application must establish a connection with
the device. The connection screen is displayed automatically when the user wants to perform an
operation that requires such a connection, and the analyzer is not currently connected. A first-time
user may start from the Startup screen (described in sec. 2.2). When using it, the connection with
the analyzer is established when it is required.

In order to establish the connection with the analyzer:

 select any option that requires an active connection e.g. LIVE MODE, ANALYSIS or CONTROL,
 use ANALYZER DATABASE and connect to the indicated analyzer by selecting it from the list, then
use the CONNECT SELECTED option.

After choosing one of the above options (when no previous connection was established), the
program displays window CONNECTION and starts scanning in the search for available analyzers
(see Fig. 6). The analyzers are searched via cable (USB) and using wireless connections (when
OR-1 is connected to a PC and when a given analyzer offers this function). The user may also
activate the option in the program settings of searching analyzers connected via GSM (applies to
analyzers with built-in GSM modem) after enabling option TCP/IP OVER GSM in program
configuration. Analyzers operating with Wi-Fi may be found after they are correctly configured (see
sec. 5 and the manual of the analyzer) and after selecting option WIFI in section ACTIVE MEDIA.
After a successful scan, the list of detected analyzers appears on the screen. Analyzers are
displayed with their model, serial number and the type of communication link. Clicking on the
selected analyzer and pressing SELECT icon approves the analyzer selected from the list. The
analyzer may be also selected by double clicking on its field. Pressing SEARCH AGAIN restarts
scanning in the search for the analyzers.
It should be noted that the first listed option search for all analyzers listed in the analyzer
database and those directly connected with a USB cable, which extends the search process. At the
other hand, the second option (connecting to the analyzer indicated in the database) is trying to find
just the indicated analyzer, which significantly shortens the connection process, when the analyzer
database is extensive. Particularly large delay is related to the search of analyzers via the GSM
After selecting the analyzer, the program asks the user to enter PIN code, which protects it
against unauthorized access. It consists of three digits (0...9). By default PIN is set in the factory at

When wrong PIN is entered three times in a row, data transmission is
blocked for 10 minutes.

PQM-707 does not require a PIN code when connecting.

2 Getting started

Fig. 6. Analyzer Selection Window.

 Detecting an analyzer via OR-1 wireless module, Wi-Fi or GSM is possible
only when the unique serial number of this analyzer was earlier entered
into the analyzer database (doesn’t apply to PQM-707). Basing on this
number, the software filters other analyzers (e.g. those within the range
of radio interface) which are not owned by the owner of a given software
 The serial number may be entered into the database manually (section 5)
or after connecting the analyzer via USB, entering correct PIN code and
selecting STORE PIN IN DATABASE option (see Fig. 7). Then the analyzer
is added to the database of the analyzers (doesn’t apply to PQM-707).

If the STORE PIN IN DATABASE option is checked in the authorization window, the serial number
and the entered PIN will be associated, to avoid the need to entry it again during the next connection
(serial number and analyzer model are automatically added to the analyzer database). After a
successful connection, a window should appear to confirm the connection with the analyzer – see
Fig. 8. This screen displays the analyzer information, such as its serial number, firmware and
hardware versions.
If automatic log-in is unsuccessful, the window shown in Fig. 7 is displayed again.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 7. PIN code verification.

Fig. 8. The successful connection with the analyzer.

Entering incorrect PIN results in displaying window shown in Fig. 9.

When the transmission is blocked after three unsuccessful attempts to
enter the PIN, during the next attempt to connect to the analyzer, the
window will appear with the following message "Communication blocked!
Incorrect PIN code!"

2 Getting started

Fig. 9. Incorrect PIN.

An unsuccessful attempt to connect the analyzer for reasons not attributable to PIN will trigger
the error message. Press RETRY button to repeat the attempt, or go to the analyzer selection window
and select another analyzer, or rescan for available analyzers.
When during the communication the analyzer is switched off or the USB cable is plugged out,
or other event would prevent receiving answer from the analyzer, the message shown in Fig. 10 will
be displayed.

Fig. 10. Connection lost.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

2.2 Startup window

Compared to its previous version, Sonel Analysis 4 offers a new tool that can help (especially
beginners) to work with the program and shorten the process of setting up the analyzer.
The first element of the tool is the STARTUP WINDOW, which may be displayed by clicking icon
on the toolbar, or selecting it from menu ANALYZERSTARTUP WINDOW. A window will pop-up, as
shown in Fig. 11:

Fig. 11. Startup window.

In the window there are four buttons:
 SET UP AND RECORDING – select this option to run Analyzer Settings Wizard. See more about
this tool in sec. 2.3.
 LIVE MODE – is used to start the live view of parameters measured by the analyzer. If the con-
nection with the analyzer has not been established yet, then connection window is shown (see
sec. 2.1). Selecting this option is the same as selecting LIVE MODE in the toolbar or menu (de-
scribed in sec. 6).
 GET RECORDED DATA – allows user to download and analyse the measurement data from the
analyzer. If the connection with the analyzer has not been established yet, then connection
window is shown (see sec. 2.1). Selecting this option is the same as selecting ANALYSIS in the
toolbar or menu (described in sec. 7).
 OPEN DATA FILE – this option is selected to open a file stored on the disk (extensions *.analysis
or *.pqmxxx) and its further analysis. Data analysis was described in detail in sec. 7).

2 Getting started

2.3 Analyzer settings wizard

Fig. 12. Settings wizard – main window.

Analyzer settings wizard is a tool that allows you to configure the analyzer for the most
common scenarios, applying "step-by-step" method.
To start the Wizard select from the toolbar ANALYZER SETTINGS (or from menu ANALYZERSETTINGS),
or use STARTUP WINDOW and select SET UP AND RECORDING. The window shown in Fig. 12 will be
 ANALYZER SETTINGS WIZARD – this option allows you to enter simplified settings using the "step-
by-step" method. The wizard is described later in this section.
 ADVANCED ANALYZER SETTINGS – the standard method for setting the analyzer with access to
all analyzer settings (method known from previous versions of Sonel Analysis). A detailed de-
scription is in sec. 3.
 OPEN SETTINGS FILE – opening a previously saved file with the measurement settings (files with
settings extension).

Settings in the wizard are simplified and divided into several steps, where the user selects one of
the recording parameters and the moves to the next screen.
 ANALYZER (Fig. 13) – in the first step of setting the analyzer, the user must select the type of
analyzer to be set. This step is required due to differences in the measurement capabilities of
individual analyzers.
 SCENARIOS (Fig. 14) – at this stage, user selects the type of measurements, these are two
mutually exclusive possibilities:
 SELECT SCENARIO – this option allows user to select one of the predefined measurement
 All parameters
 Data Logging (V, I, Hz, THD)
 Power Study / Energy audit
 Harmonics to Class A/S
 Power Quality to Class A/S

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

 SELECT STANDARD – recording for compliance with standard EN 50160 or other standard.
Select a relevant standard from the list. This setting will allow to generate a compliance
report for the specified standard.

Fig. 13. Settings wizard – selection of analyzer.

 MAINS SYSTEM– indicate the type of measured system/network,

 NOMINAL FREQUENCY FN – select frequency (50 or 60 Hz),
 NOMINAL VOLTAGE UN – select nominal voltage. The list indicates the applied phase voltage
(first value) and phase-to-phase voltage (second value). For measurements with voltage trans-
ducers you may select VOLTAGE TRANSDUCERS box and define parameters of a transducer (see
also description of setting the transducers in sec.
 PROBES TYPE –indicate the type of current probes used. If for a given setting the current meas-
urement is not required, select NONE option.
 MEASUREMENT INTERVAL – is a basic averaging period for measured parameters. Parameters
indicated in the scenario will be saved at the specified interval, which directly translates into a
volume of recorded data and the possible recording time. Approximate recording time is dis-
played at the bottom of the screen.
 TRIGGERING – you can choose option IMMEDIATE (recording started by the user after completing
the set up), or ACCORDING TO SCHEDULE (the user defines intervals, at which the analyzer rec-
ords the data. The intervals are defined on the next screen).

2 Getting started

 RECORDING SCHEDULE (optional step) – in this screen the user defines time intervals if at the
previous stage he/she selected option ACCORDING TO SCHEDULE. See also sec. and
schedule setup.
 WIZARD SUMMARY – the last step of the wizard (Fig. 15) allowing user to send the created
settings to the analyzer (click SEND SETTINGS). If the analyzer is not connected, the selection and
connection procedure will be started (sec. 2.1), and then the settings will be sent. Note: The
entire contents of the memory will be deleted. The wizard as default uses CONFIGURATION 1 of
the analyzer; it also reserves for it the entire analyzer memory space. The setting created with
the Wizard may be saved on the disk for later use as a file *.settings (option SAVE SETTINGS).
Alternatively, you can select ADVANCED SETTINGS, where the initial settings may be viewed and
modified and then sent to the analyzer (window ANALYZER SET UP, will be shown as in sec. 3.2).

Fig. 14. Settings wizard - Scenario selection.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 15. Settings wizard – summary.

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

Note: The analyzer measurement settings module is not available in MPI-540.
Note: The analyzer measurement settings module is not available in PQM-707.

After selecting option ANALYZERSETTINGS from the main menu (or clicking the icon) SETTINGS
window will be displayed as shown in Fig. 16. It is the most important part of the analyzer
configuration. Here the user determines which parameters will be recorded by the analyzer; the
mains type and nominal values of the parameters.
The left part of the screen is divided into two parts (Fig. 16): LOCAL and ANALYZER. Top part
(LOCAL) is used by the user for parameters modification, whereas the bottom part ( ANALYZER)
shows the current analyzer settings and is of read-only type. Each part has a drop-down tree divided
into four configurations and ANALYZER SETTINGS.

PQM-700 has only one measurement configuration.

Fig. 16. Measurement configuration - settings tree.

Each of the four measurement configurations is independent from others. This is the place
where the user defines the mains system, nominal voltage, frequency, type of probes and
parameters for recording and detecting events.

The icons next to the configuration may be displayed in various colors:

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

 grey - no connection with the analyzer,

 green - present configuration is synchronized with the analyzer configuration and with the
configuration saved on the disk.
 blue - current configuration is compatible with the analyzer, but differs from the one saved to
the disk,
 yellow - the configuration is not compatible with the analyzer, but is compatible with the one
saved to disk,
 red - the current configuration is not compatible with the analyzer and not compatible with the
one saved to disk.

RECEIVE SETTINGS button is used to read the analyzer current settings in order to edit them in the
computer. If the settings have been previously modified by the user, a warning message will be
displayed. The correct reading is also confirmed by a relevant message. Then all icons in the
measurement configurations tree will change to blue, which means that the settings in the
application and in the analyzer are identical.

SEND SETTINGS button is used to send the settings from the top part (LOCAL) to the analyzer.
Before sending the settings, the user is asked to confirm the operation (Fig. 17).

Fig. 17. Confirmation of entered settings.

Sending new configuration will erase all data on the memory card.
The user should read data previously collected from the analyzer
and save it to local disk.

Saving new settings in the analyzer is not possible when the device is in
the recording mode (an appropriate message will be displayed to inform
about this – Fig. 18).

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

Fig. 18. Programming impossible due to recording in progress.

3.1 Analyzer settings

The first element to be configured in the left-hand side of the configuration window is ANALYZER
SETTINGS. This part is divided into three tabs:
 ANALYZER TYPE: allows the user to choose the analyzer model for which the settings will be
modified. As the software provides support for several models of analyzers with different
capabilities, the user should pre-select the analyzer type from the list, to match the settings with
analyzer performance. If the user is already connected to the analyzer, the analyzer type is
selected automatically. In addition, the user may specify the type of the default analyzer in the
program configuration (see section 8.3.1),
 MEMORY ALLOCATION: this tab (Fig. 19) allows
user to allocate space of the analyzer’s memory card to the individual measurement
configurations. Use four sliders to allocate desired amount of memory to a given configuration
(in MB and %). In the middle part of the screen you will see a visualization of memory allocation.
All available card memory (100%) may be freely divided among the four configurations. It is
possible to allocate 100% of the memory to a single configuration; in such case recording in
other configurations is impossible - for them only "live" preview of mains parameters is available.
All measurement configurations have linear recording in the memory, when the memory
allocated to a given configuration is used up, the recording stops. Please remember that
modification of memory allocation will require deleting all data from the memory card. Thus, it
is advisable to download such data and save it on a local disk. New memory allocation is sent
to the analyzer after clicking SEND button (along with configurations of all measurement points).

 GPS SYNCHRONIZATION: two parameters included here

are provided to define the behavior of the analyzer when the time measurement source changes
during recording.
TIME RESYNCHRONIZATION THRESHOLD defines the time difference (in seconds) between the RTC
(Real Time Clock) of the analyzer and UTC (Universal Time Clock) received from the GPS
satellites. If the difference between the two clocks is greater than the time entered in the field,
then the analyzer immediately change its time to UTC. If the difference does not exceed the
threshold value, the analyzer will gradually reach UTC without the immediate (step) change.
TIME RESYNCHRONIZATION THRESHOLD set to zero disables the immediate time shifting and
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

ensures a gradual resynchronization. The speed of the re-synchronization is controlled by

RESYNCHRONIZATION FACTOR. It is a percentage value from 0 to 100, which defines how fast the
internal analyzer time will achieve UTC time during in the resynchronization process. When the
RESYNCHRONIZATION FACTOR is equal to 100%, then in every second, half of the second time is
skipped (shifted) forward or backward. At lower values of the factor, such correction is
proportionately slower, prolonging the re-synchronization time.
If the recording process is not active, then the change in the internal time is always immediate.

Fig. 19. Memory allocation.

3.2 Measurement configuration

To drop down the "tree" of a measurement configuration, click once on the triangle at the
configuration, or double-click on a given measurement point.
Highlighting (by single-clicking) selected configuration will result in displaying its main settings on
the right side of the screen. Main settings consist of two tabs: BASIC and ADDITIONAL.
After dropping down selected configuration, the following list is displayed:
 STANDARD – settings for recording in accordance with EN 50160 and other standards,
 VOLTAGE – settings of voltage-related parameters, divided into two tabs: BASIC and ADDITIONAL
 CURRENT – current parameters,
 POWER AND ENERGY – power and energy parameters divided into three tabs: POWER,

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

 HARMONICS – harmonics parameters divided into three tabs: VOLTAGE, CURRENT and
 INTERHARMONICS – interharmonics parameters divided into three tabs: VOLTAGE, CURRENT,

It is possible to transfer settings between different configurations. To copy the settings from one
configuration to another, right-click on the header of CONFIGURATION X (where X is the number of
the point) in the tree of configurations and select COPY. Then, to transfer these settings to another
point, right-click them (as above) and select PASTE (CONFIGURATION X) (where X is the number of
the configuration).
The next chapters presents the description of the main settings screen, and its individual cards.

3.2.1 Main Settings BASIC Tab

Main settings screen of the configurations and BASIC tab is shown in Fig. 20. It is divided into a
few sections: the mains-related settings are grouped in the top part, whereas the part located below
relates to recording according to the schedule and time intervals. In addition, here the user may
assign desired name to a configuration and assign the hysteresis used during the event detection.

Fig. 20. Setting the mains parameters, nominal mains parameters and transducers.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

The following parameters are defined in the part related to the mains:
 VOLTAGE UN: nominal voltage 64/110 V, 110/190 V, 115/200 V, 120/208 V, 127/220 V,
220/380 V, 230/400 V, 240/415 V, 254/440 V, 277/480 V, 290/500 V, 400/690 V (phase /phase-
to-phase, depending on the mains type; in case of two-phase network, the phase-to-phase
voltage is twice the phase voltage),
 FREQUENCY FN: Mains nominal frequency – 50 or 60 Hz,
 MAINS SYSTEM – one-phase, split-phase, wye with N, delta, wye without N, and Aron’s
measuring systems; a connection drawing for selected system is shown in the field below the
name. For mains of 3-wire type, the nominal voltage is the phase-to-phase value (the second
value specified in MAINS NOMINAL VALUES 'UN' field),
 PROBES TYPE – indicates the type of current probes used for the measurements. The user
may select C-4, C-5, C-6, C-7 CT probes or F-1/F-2/F-3 flexible probes. If the current
measurement is not required, select NONE option.
 VOLTAGE TRANSDUCERS – they define the voltage transducers ratio (when used). Please
select one of the three possible parameters of the transducer that will be calculated using the
other two:
 Selecting PRIMARY will grey out the primary voltage, which is calculated basing on two
other parameters that may be changed by the user: the voltage of the secondary circuit -
SECONDARY and RATIO. Primary voltage is calculated as the product of secondary voltage
and ratio.
 Selecting SECONDARY will grey out the secondary voltage, which is calculated by the
software, basing Primary voltage and Ratio. Secondary output voltage is equal to the
quotient of the primary voltage and ratio.
 Selecting RATIO will grey out "Ratio" field. The division is determined by defining the
primary and secondary voltage. Ratio is calculated as the ratio of the primary and
secondary voltage.
After turning the option of voltage transducers field VOLTAGE UN is greyed out; a new nominal
voltage is the primary voltage of the transformer.
 CURRENT TRANSDUCERS – define the current transducer ratio. The measuring range of
selected probes may be extended using external current transducers. The same method for
determining the ratio is used as in the case of the voltage transducers. Select one of the three
parameters, which will be calculated automatically based on the other two. The resulting
measuring range (primary current which does not exceed the nominal range of used probe) is
displayed below the probe selection list.
 ADDITIONAL MEASUREMENTS – use the additional option fields to define possible
measurements of additional parameters, such as neutral conductor current (with another probe,
if the system type is appropriate) and the N-PE voltage (for systems with separate N and PE
conductors). Please note that the analyzer will not measure these parameters, if they are not
checked in this place.
Note: In PQM-700 analyzer the N-PE voltage measurement is not available.
 AVERAGING PERIOD for measurements – use this field to define the basic results averaging
period. Available times (a set of available values may be different for different types of
analyzers) are as follows: half-period (special mode, only voltage and current RMS1/2 values are
recorded), 200 ms, 1 s, 3 s, 5 s, 10 s, 15 s, 30 s, 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min,
60 min, 120 min,

Note: For PQM-700 and PQM-701, if the user turned on the option of standard-
compliant recording in STANDARD tab, it will result in setting the averaging time on 10 minutes and
3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

the selection list block averaging period selection list. To change this settings, the user must first
disable the standard-compliant recording in the tab.

 TRIGGERING of recording – enables the recording activation mode:

 IMMEDIATE – immediate measurement after pressing START/STOP button or starting the
recording process from the software,
 SCHEDULED – scheduled measurement; after recording starts (by pressing the button or
from the PC) the analyzer compares the present time with intervals defined in the
schedule and uses them to start and stop the recording,
 THRESHOLD – measurement after the limit for any active event is exceeded – after
activating, the device analyses the mains and waits until a parameter is exceeded - this
event triggers recording - at this moment data are recorded (logged) on the memory card.

Other elements of the settings screen (Fig. 20):

 SCHEDULED LOGGING (recording) – four time periods may be specified. After selecting a
given period by clicking the arrow, enter the start date and time (optionally you may specify the
end date/time). If the user sets the recording start without defining its end, the device will operate
until it is manually stopped or until the memory is filled-up. Time intervals must not overlap - the
program does not allow you to configure overlapping ranges. The following time intervals must
be set chronologically.
PQM-700 analyzer allows only one time period to be defined.
 CONFIGURATION NAME – the user may assign a name for selected configuration; it may
consist of maximum 32 characters,
 EVENTS DETECTION HYSTERESIS – it determines the size of the hysteresis used in determining
event detection thresholds. It may be set within the range of 0.01…10.00%. The typical size of
the hysteresis is 2%. More about this issue may be found in the operating manual of the
 CURRENT LIMIT – when current measurement is
enabled, then selecting this option enables user to set the threshold of RMS current, below
which the value will be zeroed with all related parameters. See additional description in the
operating manual of the analyzer. ADDITIONAL tab

Note: In PQM-700 and PQM-701 analyzers this tab is not available.

Fig. 21 presents the screen after selecting ADDITIONAL tab at MAIN SETTINGS of the
measurement configuration. Sliders are available in this screen for defining recording time of several
types of waveforms and plots:
 WAVEFORMS – determining the recording time for instantaneous voltage and current (sampling
frequency of 10.24 kHz) accompanying events detected by the RMS voltage (swells, dips and
interruptions, exceeding max. threshold values of UN-PE), DC voltage component, RMS current
(exceeding minimum and maximum values) and transient events. The user may specify:
 recording time from 100 ms to 1 s, in 20 ms steps,
 pretrigger time from 40 ms to 960 ms, in 20 ms steps.

Note: Recording time of waveforms may be different from the stated here, depending on the type
of the analyzer. Appropriate times can be found in the user's manual for individual analyzers.

Waveforms are recorded both at the beginning and at the end of the event.
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Pretrigger time defines the portion of the total recorded time that will be assigned as "pre-triggering"
period (both for starting and stopping). This time cannot be longer than the recording time.
Cyclic waveforms (recorded once per every averaging period) always have fixed time equal to
3 periods and this setting does not applies to them.
To simplify the process, recording and pretrigger times are provided in seconds or milliseconds,
but in fact the analyzer records with an accuracy of a single period of mains. For example,
setting the waveform recording time at 560 ms and pretrigger time at 380 ms, results in a
recording a total of 28 periods of mains and pretrigger equal to 19 periods (for 50 Hz mains).
This is important if the mains frequency deviates significantly from the nominal 50 Hz. In case
of mains with 60 Hz the situation is similar, but the number of periods is rounded down after
dividing the time set by the nominal period time of 16.67 ms.
In order to enable recording of the waveforms, select option RECORD WAVEFORMS AND RMS1/2
at VOLTAGE card and BASIC tab.
 RMS1/2 – determining the recording time for voltage and current RMS 1/2 values accompanying
events detected by the RMS voltage (swells, dips and interruptions, exceeding max. threshold
values of UN-PE) and RMS current (exceeding minimum and maximum values). The following
features may be set:
 recording time from 1 s to 30 s, in 0.1 s steps,
 pretrigger time from 0.1 s to 4.9 s, 0.1 s in steps.

Note: Recording time of RMS1/2 waveforms may be different from the stated here, depending
on the type of the analyzer. Appropriate times can be found in the user's manual for individual

RMS1/2 values are recorded both at the beginning and at the end of the event.
Pretrigger time defines the portion of the total recorded time that will be assigned as "pre-
triggering" period (both for starting and stopping). This time cannot be longer than the recording

Similarly to waveforms, recording and pre-trigger times are specified in seconds or milliseconds,
but in fact the analyzer records a specified number of RMS1/2 values, assuming one half-period
as 10 ms in 50 Hz networks and 8.33 ms in 60 Hz networks.
In order to start recording RMS1/2, select option LOG WAVEFORMS AND RMS1/2 at VOLTAGE
card and BASIC tab.

 TRANSIENT CHARTS – for determining recording time of high speed waveforms

for voltage channels, where transient events were detected. The following features may be set:
 recording time (depending on the selected sampling frequency of transients), up to 2 ms for
sampling rate 10 MHz and 200 ms for 100 kHz (recording range always includes from 2000
to 20000 samples),
 pretrigger time is between 10% and 90% of the recording time.
In order to start recording transient graphs, select option LOG WAVEFORMS AND TRANSIENT
CHARTS at VOLTAGE card and BASIC tab.

 MAINS SIGNALLING - for defining recording time of ripple

control signal waveforms, after detecting exceeded threshold of control signal amplitude (as
specified in settings). Consequent 10/12-period values are recorded (i.e. at approximately 200
ms) for the time indicated by slider: from 10 s to 120 s. After recording the entire waveform it is
possible to detect the following events of this type with successive time graphs.
Recording of control signals waveforms is activated after selecting LOG EVENTS (AND TIME PLOT)

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

 TEMPERATURE – temperature recording of external sensor may be activated (only PQM-

702T with ST-2 temperature probe). Temperature is recorded with the same averaging time as
the other parameters (AVERAGING PERIOD parameter in BASIC tab), provided that the
temperature readings are performed with a frequency of approx. 1 time per second. For
averaging periods shorter than this period, recorded temperatures will repeat.

Fig. 21. Additional settings of the measurement configuration.

3.2.2 Analyzer settings according to Standard

After selecting STANDARD position from the selection tree, the user may quickly choose analyzer
settings according to EN 50160 or other Standard (Fig. 22). This standard specifies the
characteristics and quality criteria that should be met by the distribution networks of low, medium
and high voltage. Settings shown in the list are defined in the program settings in the location:

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

The procedure of measurements for standard compliance is different for
different types of the analyzers:
• PQM-700, PQM-701(Z, Zr), PQM-707: activating standard-compliant
sets the required configuration parameters and blocks them to prevent
their modification by the user. Only the parameters required by the
selected standard are recorded.
• PQM-702(T), PQM-703, PQM-710, PQM-711: activating the standard-
compliance recording does not prevent the user to set the recording
parameters in the user configuration, as the analyzer allows simultaneous
recording of parameters required by the standard and completely
independent recording according to the user configuration (dual
recording). The only exception to the rule of independence are the
thresholds of voltage events, which are set in accordance with the
standard requirements and cannot be changed. The option of such
simultaneous recording is available in the specified analyzers, starting
from firmware version 1.17. When you want to record only the standard
parameters, turn off (uncheck) all parameters in the recording
configuration (leave only ENABLE LOGGING ACCORDING TO STANDARD field
active and optionally enable recording of control signals).

After choosing from the list a specific Standard, the analyzer marks on the
selection tree (of the measurement configuration) the parameters necessary to perform
measurements according to chosen Standard and locks them to prevent inactivating them by the
user. For example, if the averaging time was previously set to 3 seconds, after selecting "Enable
logging according to standard" and choosing specific Standard from the list, it will change into 10-
minutes and it will be grayed out, preventing any further changes. Additionally the following
measurement parameters are marked: average voltage, THD voltage, voltage harmonics, etc.

After selecting a specific Standard profile from the list, the

program modifies in the configuration only the thresholds of voltage events, leaving all other options
available to the user. The analyzer will automatically record all the parameters necessary to
generate a report on compliance with the Standard (switching on the recording of control signal is
left to the user). The recorded Standard parameters will also be available for viewing. Regardless
of recording data for compliance with the standard, the user may adjust almost all parameters for
own recording (except for the above mentioned thresholds for voltage events), according to own
averaging time and types of parameters. Such recording is called dual recording – both sets of
recorded parameters may be independently analysed in the ANALYSIS module. For example, it is
possible to enable recording for compliance with the standard (e.g. 10-minute averages will be
recorded for RMS voltage and harmonics, 10-second for frequency values) and the simultaneous
recording for diagnostic purposes covering the specified parameters with 1-second averaging
(including the average of 1-second voltage).

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

Fig. 22. 'Standard' tab for measurement configuration.

Basic mains measurement time, according to EN 50160, is one week. In this time, the following
parameters are measured: RMS voltage, frequency, Total Harmonic Distortion, levels of individual
voltage harmonics, unbalance (in three-phase mains), flicker. Because the week-long
measurements are related to gathering a large amount of data, it was decided to use averaging
algorithms. All the evaluated parameters, excluding the frequency and long-term flicker, are
averaged over 10 minutes. Thus, within a week, the user obtains 1008 values for each of these
parameters. These values are then evaluated by comparing them to the criteria defined in the
If all parameters are within the specified thresholds, it can be concluded that the measured
mains meets the quality requirements of EN 50160.
Table 2 contains the current criteria for measurements according to EN 50160 in LV networks
(up to 1 kV) and MV networks (36 kV). These settings are used by selecting the default settings for
EN 50160 profile.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Table 2. Criteria for power quality according to standard EN 50160 for mains voltage up to
1 kV (low voltage networks).
Parameter measurement Criterion
Slow changes in 10 minutes For LV networks:
voltage (RMS for 95% of the measurements the deviation from the nominal
voltage) voltage shall be within the range of ±10% Unom
for 100% of the measurements: –15%...+10% Unom

For MV networks:
for 99% of the measurements the deviation from the nominal
voltage shall be within the range of ±10% Unom
for 100% of measurements: ±15% Unom
Frequency 10 seconds For networks connected synchronously:
for 99.5% of the measurements the deviation should be within ±1%
fnom (i.e. for 50 Hz it is 49.5…50.5 Hz)
for 100% of measurements: –6%...+4% fnom (47…52 Hz)

For networks connected asynchronously (e.g. island networks):

for 95% of the measurements the deviation should be within ±2%
fnom (i.e. for 50Hz it is 49…51 Hz)
for 100% of measurements: ±15% fnom (42.5…57.5 Hz)
Flicker 2 hours for 95% of the measurements the long-term flicker severity PLT
should be ≤ 1
Voltage unbalance 10 minutes for 95% of the measurements of the negative-sequence unbalance
factor should be ≤ 2%
Total Harmonic 10 minutes for 95% of measurements, THD-F should be ≤ 8%
Distortion (THD-F)
Voltage harmonics 10 minutes For 95% of the measurements, the level of each voltage harmonic
component related to the fundamental component should be less
Odd order harmonics Even order harmonics
Relative Relative
Order Order
level level
3 5.0% 2 2.0%
5 6.0% 4 1.0%
7 5.0% 6 … 24 0.5%
9 1.5%
11 3.5%
13 3.0%
15 0.5%
17 2.0%
19 1.5%
21 0.5%
23 1.5%
25 1.5%

The procedure for setting the analyzer on the measurement compliant with the standard is as
follows. On the main screen for the measurement point settings, the user should set the correct
mains type, nominal voltage, frequency, type of probes, or select the appropriate transducers.
Then select STANDARD tab and enable ENABLE LOGGING ACCORDING TO STANDARD option. This
causes unlocking the standard version list. Then, from the list select the appropriate element.
After completing the settings, and after sending the configuration to the analyzer the user may
trigger the recording process from the PC program or by using START/STOP button. Before that
make sure that the correct measurement configuration is selected in the analyzer.

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

The user has the ability to edit the standard default settings defined in the preferences. It may
be useful in situations where the criteria defined in the Standards will change. The user will be able
to adjust the settings yourself without the need to upgrade Sonel Analysis software.

Although the EN 50160 standard does not provide for current measurement or testing the mains
parameters associated with the current, because of the frequent need to test 15-minute power and
tan average values, the analyzer allows simultaneous measurement of the mains for conformity
with EN 50160 and 15-minute average values of active, reactive and apparent powers, as well as
tan. To enable the recording of these parameters, select one of the Polish EN 50160 configurations
from the presented list. Profiles dedicated to Polish conditions: "Low Voltage", "Medium Voltage"
and "High Voltage" have enabled the recording (by default) of 15-minute average parameters:
tangent, and active, reactive and apparent power. The user must on its own activate the current
measurement in the measurement configuration settings (choose the correct type of probes and
optionally set transducers).

3.2.3 Configuring the analyzer according to user settings

If the user did not chose recording in accordance with the standard, then all
available parameters may be freely controlled by the user.

In PQM-702, PQM-703, PQM-710 and PQM-711 analyzers,

due to the dual recording functionality, activating the standard-compliance recording does not limit
control over recording acc. to the user settings (excluding the modification of threshold event voltage

All settings are included in the main card of the measurement configuration ( BASIC and
ADDITIONAL tabs) and five other cards (and their tabs): VOLTAGE, CURRENT, POWER AND
In most cases, the settings for the selected parameter may be divided into a section of cyclical
recording of parameter values according to the selected averaging time, and into the section related
to event detection. The user may select to record the value of average, minimum, maximum and
instantaneous parameter. For voltage and current the user may define an additional averaging time
that is used for detecting minimum and maximum values (depends on analyzer type). To clarify
these issues let us use an example.

For most of parameters the user may enable detection of events. "Event" is the term, which
describes the situation, when the measured value exceeds the threshold(s) set by the user.
Depending on a parameter, the number of thresholds may be as follows: only one (e.g. for negative-
sequence unbalance factor - exceeding the maximum value), two (e.g. for frequency - exceeding
the upper and lower limits), three - for voltages (exceeding the threshold of swell, dip and
Information about the event is recorded by the analyzer on the memory card at the time of its
completion. Then the following information is recorded:
 start time of the event,
 end time of the event,
 threshold value,
 parameter extreme value during the event,
 parameter average value during the event.

If the recording is interrupted during an event, information about this event is also saved, but
only within the following scope:
 start time of the event,
 threshold value,
 extreme value of the parameter recorded by the end of the recording process.
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Global averaging time has been set to 1 minute, while min/max
determination period for voltage has been set to 5 seconds. All four
voltage options have been checked: recording of average, minimum,
maximum and instantaneous values.
Question: How these values are determined and what is recorded on the
memory card?
1. Average value is determined as the RMS (root mean square) from
10/12-period measurements (approx. 200 ms). There will be approx. 300
of such measurements per 1 minute. Average voltage value is calculated
as the square root of arithmetic mean of squared input values:
∑𝑘𝑖=1 𝑈𝑎𝑛𝑑 2
𝑈𝑎𝑣𝑔 = √
Uavg – 1-minute RMS voltage,
k – number of gathered 10/12-period values,
Ui – RMS voltage of 10/12-period type.
2. Min/max averaging equal to 5 seconds means that firstly the analyzer
averages 25 successive Ui values (using the method described above).
Minimum and maximum values are selected from all 5-second average
values gathered during 1 minute. Both, minimum and maximum values
will be recorded.
3. Instantaneous value is the last 10/12-period voltage value measured
during 1-minute averaging period. This value will also be saved on the

For the following parameters: RMS voltage and RMS current, changes in the shape of the
voltage envelope and the voltage phase, the recording of waveforms and RMS1/2 values may be
enabled – at the beginning and end of the event. Recording time of waveforms and RMS1/2 is set in
ADDITIONAL tab, of the card for the measurement configuration settings (see sec.

3.2.4 VOLTAGE card

VOLTAGE card is divided into two tabs: BASIC and ADDITIONAL. BASIC Tab

Fig. 23 presents basic settings for recording voltages. Depending on the mains type, the settings
relate to phase-to-neutral voltages (single-phase, split-phase, three-phase 4-wire systems) or
phase-to-phase voltages (three-phase 3-wire systems). As a standard, the user may check the
recording of the average value (AVG), minimum (MIN), maximum (MAX) and instantaneous (INST)
of the RMS voltage. Option ALL selects all four, or remove them all. The same set of options is
available for the DC component of the voltage.
Measurement of minimum and maximum value is performed with the user-defined averaging
time (option MIN/MAX CALCULATION PERIOD). Available averaging times: ½ period, period, 200 ms,
1 s, 3 s or 5 s.

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

Averaging times 200 ms, 1, 3 and 5 sec. are actually expressed as
multiples of the mains basic period:
 200 ms – 10/12 periods (50/60 Hz)
 1 second – 50/60 periods
 3 seconds – 150/180 periods
 5 seconds – 250/300 periods

For systems with phase-to-neutral voltages (split-phase and three-phase with a neutral
conductor N), there is an additional option of recording RMS phase-to-phase voltages. In such case
only the average value is recorded.
Checking option LOG WAVEFORMS AFTER EACH AVERAGING PERIOD results in recording three
voltage waveform periods after each successive averaging periods (for example every 10 minutes).
The part related to events is located on the right side of the screen. Checking option LOG EVENTS
activate the fields for voltage threshold values. They may be entered as percentage or absolute
values. The setting ranges are as follows:
 SWELLS: 0.00…+20.00% with a resolution of 0.01% or in volts within the same range,
 DIPS: 0.00…-99.90% with a resolution of 0.01% or in volts,
 INTERRUPTIONS: 0.00...-100.00% with a resolution of 0.01% or in volts up to 0.00 V (the dip level
cannot be lower than the interruption level).

Switching between the threshold percentage values to absolute values results in automatic
calculation to selected unit.

When the user changes mains nominal voltage after the event threshold
have been set, the thresholds expressed in percentage values will remain
on the same levels.

For mains with neutral conductor, it is possible to set also the maximum N-PE voltage level –
option N-PE VOLTAGE OVER LIMIT. Exceeding this threshold in volts will trigger an event. Setting the
threshold to zero disables the detection of events of this type.
After selecting LOG WAVEFORMS AND RMS1/2 option, the analyzer will record the defined
number of periods for voltage and current waveforms and RMS1/2 values, at the beginning and the
end of an event. Recording time is set in ADDITIONAL tab, of the card for the measurement point
settings, see sec.

In addition, you can set the detection of voltage events by other methods than exceeding the
RMS voltage values that can help in network diagnostics:

• WAVESHAPE VARIATIONS: 1 ... 100% with a resolution of 1%,

In this method, two adjacent periods of the voltage waveform are compared with each other -
the difference between them is calculated and its maximum amplitude is checked, which is then
compared with the threshold set by the user. The percentage threshold refers to the nominal voltage
value. For example, for Un = 230 V and the detection threshold set to 10%, such waveform changes
are detected whose amplitude is greater than or equal to 23 V. If the voltage waveform in the next
period does not fit within the specified tolerance range (envelope), then an event is detected. The

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

analyzer, after the event is detected, records the time of occurrence, duration and the maximum
registered percentage difference between the compared waveforms.

It should be remembered that at low values of the detection threshold, the analyzer can detect
a very large number of events in a short time interval. For this reason, the user has the HOLD TIME
parameter in seconds. After the event is detected, the analyzer blocks detection of subsequent
events (in a given channel) for the time specified by this parameter. It can be set in the range from
1 s to 600 s. If the option LOG WAVEFORMS AND RMS 1/2 is also selected, it will also be able to
view oscilloscope waveforms and RMS1/2 plots accompanying the event in addition to the recorded

• PHASE JUMPS: 1 ... 360  with 1 resolution.

Selecting the PHASE JUMPS field enables the detection of sudden changes in the voltage fun-
damental phase angle. The detection algorithm compares the angles of the fundamental voltage
component of two or three neighbouring periods. If the difference in angles is greater than the
user-defined threshold expressed in degrees, information about the detection of the event along
with the measured value of the phase angle change is recorded. If the option LOG WAVEFORMS
AND RMS VALUES is also selected, then in addition to the recorded event, you will also be able to
see the oscilloscope waveforms and RMS1/2 graphs accompanying the event.


Checking field LOG RAPID VOLTAGE CHANGES (RVC) enables the detection of the
instantaneous RMS voltage disturbances, known as RVC. A more detailed description of such
events may be found in the operating instructions of the analyzers. The user enters two parameters:
THRESHOLD, which defines Umax value, above which a RVC event is detected, as well as HYSTERESIS.
The hysteresis must be less than the threshold. If you have enabled the detection of events such
as dip/swell/interruption, then the threshold for RVC events is limited to the sum of the thresholds
for dip and swell. This is related to the fact that RVC events may not exceed the thresholds of dip
and swell - such events are then treated as dips and swells, not as RVC events.
When the recording acc. to a standard is activated, and the standard defines the requirements
for the RVC, the user cannot modify these parameters – the change is possible only by modifying
the default profile of the standard in program configuration.
Similarly as for other events in this sheet, checking option LOG WAVEFORMS AND RMS 1/2 will
trigger the recording of oscilloscopic waveforms and RMS1/2 graphs that accompany the RVC event.
In polyphase systems, the device detects both single-phase events and polyphase events (in
accordance with IEC 61000-4-30).

PQM-700 and PQM-701 analyzers do not support recording of waveshape

variations, phase jumps and RVC events.


To enable the recording of events resulting from exceeding DC component, activate option LOG
EVENTS in the VOLTAGE DC part of the screen, which relates to the DC component. Entering a value
in volts in MAX field triggers an event after detecting a voltage DC is higher than the value
(threshold) entered in volts (the absolute value of the DC voltage is checked). Setting the threshold
to zero disables the detection of events of this type.

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

Fig. 23. Basic settings for voltage measurements.

In case of PQM-703 and PQM-711 analyzers the card includes a set of controls
enabling the user to activate and configure the block of transient detection (fast and short-term
disturbances in the mains voltage). The detection is triggered after selecting option LOG EVENTS
(TRANSIENTS). The user may set the following parameters:
 SAMPLING FREQUENCY - it is the sampling frequency of the transient detection block. One out of
five frequencies may be chosen: 100 KHZ (slowest), 500 KHZ, 1 MHZ, 5 MHZ, 10 MHZ
(fastest). The sampling frequency must be chosen depending on the expected frequency
content of disturbances in the network.
 Detection method: THRESHOLD or SLEW RATE. After selecting THRESHOLD option, set the minimum
amplitude of disturbances in the range from 50 V to 5000 V that should be detected as an
event and its recording. After selecting SLEW RATE the analyzer detects disturbances with slew
rate exceeding the value specified next to the selection box. Slew rate is changed indirectly, by
selecting the sampling frequency (from 100 V/500 µs for 100 kHz to 100 V/5 µs for 10 MHz)
 Recording time charts of detected transients with related 10.24 kHz waveforms may be
activated by selecting option RECORD WAVEFORMS AND TRANSIENT CHARTS. Recording time is set
in ADDITIONAL tab, of the card for the measurement configuration settings, see sec. ADDITIONAL tab

In this tab (see Fig. 24) the user defines recording parameters for the mains frequency, Crest
Factor, voltage flicker and voltage unbalance. Similarly to other parameters, the user may select
recording of average, minimum, maximum and instantaneous values. In the case of unbalance, the
recorded parameters include: three symmetrical components in volts (zero, positive and negative

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

sequence voltages) and two unbalance factors (in %): zero and positive unbalance. Additionally,
the user may enable event recording. The setting ranges are as follows:
 frequency: 40 ... 70 Hz with a resolution of 0.01 Hz or 0.01%, whereas the minimum value
cannot be higher than the defined mains reference frequency, and the maximum value cannot
be lower this reference value,
 crest factor: 1.00 ... 10.00, resolution 0.01,
 negative sequence unbalance : 0.00…20.00% every 0.01%,
 flicker (short-term PST and long-term PLT): 0.00 ... 20.00 in 0.01 steps.

Fig. 24. Additional settings for voltage measurements.

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

Screen of Basic settings is shown in Fig. 25.

This tab is not available if in the main measurement configuration screen
the current measurement was disabled by selecting NONE option in

The following elements are grouped here:

 recording RMS current,
 selection list of averaging times to determine minimum and maximum values (similarly to
voltage, the available times include: ½ period, period, 1, 3 and 5 seconds),
 recording current crest factor,
 recording unbalance factors and current symmetrical components (as in the case of voltage
 DC current component (only when C-5(A) current probes are selected).

Fig. 25. Current measurement settings.

For each parameter, the user may enable event logging:

 for RMS current two thresholds may be set : the maximum (upper limit) and minimum (lower
limit) value. The settings range is from 0.00 A up to the rated current measuring range (probes
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

and possibly current transducers). The minimum value cannot be greater than the maximum
value. For mains with neutral conductor, the user may set different thresholds for phase
channels and for neutral channel (if current measurement in N conductor is enabled).
 current crest factor: two thresholds (minimum and maximum); adjustment range: 1.00…10.00;
in 0.01 steps
 negative sequence unbalance: one threshold (maximum), range 0.0…20.0%; in 0.1% steps.
 for the DC component a current threshold can be defined. If the absolute value of DC current
exceeds the limit, the event will be recorded. This kind of event can be enabled only when
current probes with DC measurement capability are selected, that is C-5(A).


The configuration part relating to the power and energy settings has three tabs:

These tabs are not available if in the main measurement configuration
screen the current measurement was disabled by selecting NONE option
in PROBES TYPE field. POWER tab

Fig. 26 presents POWER tab.

Fig. 26. Power and energy – Power tab.

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

Similarly to voltage and current, the user may set recording average, minimum, maximum and
instantaneous values. The user may activate registering of the following parameters:
 active power,
 reactive power,
 apparent power,
 distortion power / apparent distortion power.

For each of these power types, the user may enable event recording (logging). Two thresholds
can be set for each power type (minimum and maximum) and the analyzer will detect every case of
their exceeding.
The setting range is 0.00 W ... 999.9 MW (for active power), 0.00 var ... 999.9 Mvar (for reactive
power), 0.00 VA ... 999.9 MVA (for apparent power), 0, 00 var / VA ... 999.9 Mvar / MVA (for
distortion power/ apparent distortion power).
At the bottom of the screen, the user may see the method for calculating reactive power. Two
alternative methods are available:
 as required by IEEE 1459-2010 standard,
 according to Budeanu's power theory (this method is not recommended).

Fig. 27. Power and energy – Additional tab.

This option has been added due to the doubts about the power measurement according to
traditionally used Budeanu’s method. IEEE 1459-2010 standard suggests slightly different
calculation methods for this power, providing correct results also in unbalanced systems with

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

distorted current and voltage waveforms. More about this issue may be found the operating manual
of the analyzer.
After selecting Budeanu option both reactive power Q and distortion power are calculated by
the analyzer based on the Budeanu's theory. After selecting IEEE-1459 option, the reactive power
is the Q1 reactive power of the fundamental component, and S N non-fundamental apparent power
(expressed in VA) is calculated instead of the distortion power. ADDITIONAL tab

ADDITIONAL tab (Fig. 27) shows parameters related to the power measurements:
 Power Factor: event threshold setting range 0.00 ... 1.00 in 0.01 steps,
 Displacement power factor / cosφ: event threshold setting range 0.00 ... 1.00 in 0.01 steps,
 4-quadrant tanφ, which is the ratio of reactive to active power. Event threshold setting range:
0.00…10.0 in 0.01 steps.
In every case both positive and negative values within the range are checked.

PQM-700 and PQM-701 analyzers do not record 4-quadrant tan. ENERGY tab

ENERGY tab is shown in Fig. 28. Apart from the option of enabling the recording process of
energy values with a defined averaging period, the user may also define event detection when
energy exceeds a given threshold. The setting ranges are as follows:
 Active energy EP: 0.00 Wh…9.90 TWh, with resolution of 0.01 Wh,
 Reactive energy EQ (4-quadrant): 0.00 varh…9.90 Tvarh, with resolution of 0.01 varh,
 Apparent energy ES: 0.00 VAh…9.90 TVAh with resolution of 0.01 VAh.

For active energy, the analyzer separately measures two parameters: consumed (received) and
supplied (delivered) energy. The indicated threshold refers to both values (i.e. the analyzer checks
the exceeding threshold for both, consumed and supplied energy).

For reactive energy, the analyzer records and detects events separately for each of four
quadrants: EQ(L+), EQ(C-), EQ(L-), EQ(C+).

PQM-700 and PQM-701 analyzers do not record 4-quadrant reactive energy.

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

Fig. 28. Power and energy – Energy tab.

In HARMONICS card the user may configure recording method and event detection for voltage
and current harmonics and other parameters directly related to them. The card has three tabs:

PQM-700 measures harmonics only to the 40th order. VOLTAGE tab

Screen of this tab is shown in Fig. 29. The user may choose recording of minimum, average,
maximum and instantaneous values for THD in voltage and voltage harmonic amplitudes. The user
may also activate the event recording for THD and harmonics amplitudes:
 for THD in voltage, an event will be recorded after THD exceeds the threshold set by the user.
Event threshold setting range is 0.00 ... 100.00% in 0.01% steps
 Detection thresholds for events of voltage harmonics may be set independently for each of 49
harmonics (from 2 to 50). The user may select units: volts or percentage. The adjustment range
for event thresholds: in volts 0.00…UNOM in 0.01 V steps, as percentage values 0.00... 100.00%
in 0.01% steps. Setting the threshold to zero disables the event detection for the specified

Setting limits for individual harmonics may be performed in two ways: completing the table
below the graph or directly on the graph. When the table is filled, after values are approved, the
graph located above presented the table visualization.
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

To change the limit on the graph, double-click on a selected harmonic and then holding down
the left mouse button, set the desired level.
By clicking a harmonic in the table, the user may use the following keys:
 SPACEBAR- used to enter the editing selected harmonic (the user may also immediately start
typing the threshold),
 ENTER - confirming values
 TAB – confirming values and moving to the next harmonics,
 UP and DOWN arrow - changing the value of the limit,
 LEFT and RIGHT arrow - used for moving to the previous or next harmonics
 HOME and END - used to toggle between the first and last harmonics.

The level of THD and harmonics presented as a percentage value is
referenced to the fundamental component.

Fig. 29. Voltage harmonics settings.

The user also has the option to decide how many harmonics will be used to calculate THD: 40
or 50 harmonics. This setting is automatically transferred to the second tab – CURRENT (and vice

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings CURRENT tab

Screen of this tab is shown in Fig. 30. Available options are identical as those in VOLTAGE tab:
recording THD (with event detection option) and recording current harmonics (with setting of event
thresholds for individual harmonics).
The event threshold setting range is as follows:
 for THD: 0.00…200.00% every 0.01%,
 for harmonics: in amperes 0.00…INOM in 0.01 A steps, as a percentage value 0.00…200.00% in
0.01% steps. Setting the threshold to zero disables the event detection for the specified

Fig. 30. Current harmonics settings. ADDITIONAL tab

This tab is not available in PQM-700 analyzer.

ADDITIONAL tab (Fig. 31) includes the following parameters:

 K-factor: the user may activate the recording and event detection when the threshold is
exceeded. The threshold may be set in the range of 0.00 ... 50.00 in 0.01 steps.
 Angles between voltage and current harmonics: the user may activate the recording – the
angles are recorded for 1..50 harmonics,
 Harmonics active power: cyclical recording of active power for the 1..50 harmonics (minimum,
maximum, average and instantaneous values),

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

 Harmonics reactive power: cyclical recording of reactive power for the 1..50 harmonics
(minimum, maximum, average and instantaneous values),

Fig. 31. Additional settings of harmonics.


In PQM-700 and PQM-701 analyzers the options for measuring

interharmonics and mains signalling is not available.

In INTERHARMONICS tab, the user may configure the manner of recording and event detection
from current and voltage interharmonics, TID and mains signalling. The card is divided into three

Screen of this tab is shown in Fig. 32. The user may choose recording of minimum, average,
maximum and instantaneous values for TID in voltage and voltage interharmonic amplitudes.
Similarly as in case of harmonics, the user may also enable event logging for TID and
interharmonics amplitudes:
 for TID in voltage, an event will be recorded after TID exceeds the threshold set by the user.
Event threshold setting range is 0.00 ... 100.00% in 0.01% steps

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

 Detection thresholds for events of voltage interharmonics may be set independently for each of
51 interharmonics (from 0 to 50). The user may select units: volts or percentage. The adjustment
range for event thresholds: in volts 0.00…UNOM in 0.01 V steps, as percentage values
0.00...100.00% in 0.01% steps. Setting the threshold to zero disables the event detection for
the specified interharmonic.

Setting limits for individual interharmonics is carried out in the same way as for the harmonics.

The level of TID and interharmonics presented as a percentage value is
referenced to the fundamental component.

Fig. 32. Voltage interharmonics settings. CURRENT tab

Screen of this tab is shown in Fig. 33. Available options are identical as those in VOLTAGE tab:
recording TID (with event detection option) and recording current interharmonics (with setting of
event thresholds for individual interharmonics). The event threshold setting ranges are as follows:
 for TID: 0.00…100.00% in 0.01% steps,
 for interharmonics: in amperes 0.00…INOM in 0.01 A steps, as a percentage value
0.00…100.00% in 0.01% steps. Setting the threshold to zero disables the event detection for
the specified interharmonic.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 33. Current interharmonics settings. MAINS SIGNALLING tab

MAINS SIGNALLING tab is not available for PQM-700 and PQM-701 analyzers.

Screen of this tab is shown in Fig. 34. The user may configure two monitored frequencies of
ripple control signals: UR1 and UR2. The frequency of each may be set in the range of 5...3000 Hz.
The meaning of each option is as follows:
 AVERAGE – selecting it activates recording of the average value of a given control signal in
the averaging interval,
 MAXIMUM - selecting it activates recording of the maximum value of a given control signal
in the averaging interval (out of 10/12-period values)
 LOG EVENTS (AND TIME PLOT) – activates recording of an event when specified threshold is
exceeded by the control signal (as specified in volts or percentage values of the nominal
voltage). The exceeded value triggers recording of the signal time plot. Recording time is
set at ADDITIONAL card in main settings of the measurement configuration (see sec.
In case of recording in accordance with EN 50160 (and related), in addition to averages, all
the 3-second mean values are also recorded.

3 Analyzer Measurement Settings

Fig. 34. Mains signaling settings.

3.2.9 Default configuration profiles.

After installing, the application applies the default settings of the analyzer, where the following
measurement configuration profiles are saved:
 Voltage,
 Voltage and current,
 Power,
 Power and harmonics.

Names of these profiles are entered in the names of measurement configuration (K1 - Voltage, K2
- Voltage and current, K3 - Power, K4 - Power and harmonics). Parameters recorded in individual
profiles are shown in Table 3.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Table 3. The list of recorded parameters for the profiles of default measurement
Voltage Voltage and current Power Power and harmonics
Voltage U Voltage U Voltage U Voltage U
Crest Factor U Crest Factor U Crest Factor U Crest Factor U
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical
components and components and components and components and
unbalance factors U unbalance factors U unbalance factors U unbalance factors U
Current I Current I Current I
Crest Factor I Crest Factor I Crest Factor I
Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical
components and components and components and
unbalance factors I unbalance factors I unbalance factors I
Active power P Active power P
Reactive power Q Reactive power Q
Apparent power S Apparent power S
Distortion power D Distortion power D
Cos φ Cos φ
Power Factor Power Factors
Tan φ Tan φ
K factor
Harmonics U
Harmonics I
Flicker Pst and Plt

Recording in default profiles is done without saving the waveforms after the averaging period.
Only average values of parameters are recorded and event detection is disabled. Network type is
set as 3-phase wye system with a neutral conductor and the averaging time is 10 seconds. For
profiles that require current measurements, flexible probes are selected.

4 Actual Settings
Note: Actual Settings are nor available in MPI-540 meter.

After selecting from the main menu: ANALYZERACTUAL SETTINGS (or use a short-cut key F4)
the window shown in Fig. 35 is displayed. The following cards are available:
 WIRELESS CONNECTION (only PQM-702(T), PQM-703, PQM-710, PQM-711),
4.1 <Time and security> card
Here (Fig. 35) the user may set the time and parameters important for the analyzer security.
Current date and time of the analyzer is shown on an on-going basis in ANALYZER TIME field. In order
to set desired date and time of the analyzer, use the drop down menu in USER TIME field, enter
desired values and confirm by pressing SET button on the right. PC system time may be also sent
to the analyzer by simple pressing SET button next to SYSTEM TIME button.

4 Actual Settings

In the upper left part of the window, an icon and status of

GPS signal is displayed. When correct time from the GPS satellite was received, 'GPS signal' icon
turns green and message "YES (2D + Time)" is displayed. In the absence of GPS signal, the icon
is grey and message "NO SIGNAL" is shown.
Date and time of the analyzer for devices with built-in GPS (PQM-702 (T), PQM-703, PQM-710
PQM-711) are displayed in orange if there is no synchronization with GPS time or green, if the
synchronization is achieved.

Note: If the memory card of the analyzer contains any data saved with a date later than the set
date, the time change is not possible - appropriate message is displayed. To change time in this
situation, you must first delete all the data on the memory card (use the formatting options, or send
a new configuration to the device; first read the previously recorded data).

TIME ZONE field allows user to specify the time shift

between the local time and the UTC. For example, in case of Poland, select UTC +01:00. Many
countries in summer months use additional shift of one hour. For compatibility of the analyzer clock
with local time, when applying Daylight Saving Time, check DST box. Time change to daylight saving
time takes place at different times in different countries. Analyzer does not automatically adjust
DST. Checking DST box adds 1 extra hour to the displayed time (local time). Its internal clock is
always UTC clock.

Checking KEYBOARD LOCK box, results in immediate key locking after the recording is activated.
In this case, the user will have to enter the 3-digit code (using three buttons of the analyzer) to
unlock the keys. This code is independent from PIN number and may be changed by pressing
CHANGE button, next to KEYBOARD LOCK box. "Keyboard Lock" function prevents stopping an active
recording process by unauthorized persons.

In meters with a built-in GPS module and GSM modem (PQM-

702(T), PQM-703, PQM-710, PQM-711), the ANTI-THEFT option is available. Check this box will
enable this mode. More information on this issue may be found in the instruction manual of these
SLEEP MODE makes the screen blank 10 seconds after activating the recording process.

Fig. 35. Setting the time and security measures during recording.
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

4.2 Probes Phase card

In case of a reverse probe connection to the measured circuit (right direction is the one where
the arrow on the probe indicates the receiver), select the option from menu ANALYZERACTUAL
SETTINGS and selecting PROBES PHASE (Fig. 36). Click a probe icon in the selected channel to reverse
the phase by 180, which is equivalent to reverse placement on the probe on the test lead. The
change of direction applies to all measurement configurations and occurs immediately. The reversal
effect can be verified on the phasor diagram screen, waveforms screen or by change of active
power sign in the channel. The probe phase cannot be reversed while the recording is in progress.

Fig. 36. Reversing the probe phase.

4.3 Wireless connection card

This tab is not available in PQM-700 and PQM-707 analyzers.

PQM-701(Z, Zr) has neither GSM communication options nor Wi-Fi.

WIRELESS CONNECTION (Fig. 37) includes the following elements:

 OR-1 COMMUNICATION ENABLED button – used for enabling/disabling radio interface to
communicate with the receiver OR-1.
 GSM COMMUNICATION ENABLED button – used for enabling/disabling the built-in GSM
modem. Disabling the modem is recommended when GSM communication is not used.
 WI-FI COMMUNICATION ENABLED button – it enables / disables the built-in Wi-Fi module
(valid for PQM-710 and PQM-711). Disabling the module is recommended when Wi-Fi
communication is not used.

4 Actual Settings

Be careful when disabling interfaces, as the user may turn off both
interfaces when connected to the analyzer via selected device. In such
case, a warning is displayed informing that further communication is
impossible, and re-activation will be possible by connecting the analyzer
with other active medium.

Fig. 37. Actual settings – Wireless connection.

 SMS ALERTS - here the user may enter up to four telephone numbers, to which SMS Alerts
will be sent. It is recommended that the phone numbers start with "plus' and the country
code. SMS will be sent in the following situations:
 recording starts,
 recording ends,
 analyzer is switched-off due to discharged battery,
 analyzer is switched-on due to power supply return,
 analyzer re-location was detected (when the anti-theft function is activated).
 GPS signal is lost for longer than 5 minutes (when the anti-theft function is active),
 GPS signal is available after interruption longer than 5 minutes (when the anti-theft
function is active).
ACTIVE button, next to the field with number is used to activate and deactivate of a given
number. After entering the numbers and choosing activities, data must be sent to the
analyzer by clicking SEND button.
SMS messages contain the time of the event (acc. to the analyzer time, adjusted to local
time) and the serial number of the analyzer.
SMS alerts require active GSM modem for proper operation (with a SIM card).

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

4.4 Serial connection card

This card is available only in PQM-701Zr.

This window allows user to change the settings of the serial port in PQM-701Zr. The user may
 parity (even, odd, none),
 flow control (disabled or hardware)
 the number of stop bits (1 or 2),
 bit rate (range from 2400 to 921600 bit/s).

The change is made immediately after CHANGE button is pressed and the connection is not
interrupted (as is the case with the RS-232 connection).
Settings cannot be changed if the connection to the analyzer is made via an external GSM

Fig. 38. Changing the settings of the serial port in PQM-701Zr.

4.5 Additional settings card

ADDITIONAL SETTINGS card includes two elements:
 LANGUAGE selection list that allows user to set the language used on the analyzer screen.

Language selection of the analyzer’s interface is not available

for PQM-700, PQM-701(Z, Zr) and PQM-707.
You can select from the following languages:
 Polish,
 English,
 English American (with date format MM/DD/YYYY),
 German,
 Russian,
 Chinese Simplified,
 Chinese Traditional.
5 Analyzer database

 HEATER ENABLED button is used for switching on/off the heater that heats the interior of the
analyzer when ambient temperatures are below 0C. When the analyzer is activated in
temperature below zero, it controls the temperature inside the analyzer by enabling the
heater to maintain the temperature inside above 0C. This results primarily from the need
to provide positive temperature to built-in lithium-ion battery, as charging the battery in
temperatures below zero Celsius is not allowed.

Fig. 39. Language and heater settings.

Note: The heater should always be activated. The heater may be turned off only
when the analyzer is operated at a temperature above 0°C or when it is necessary
to reduce the power consumed by the analyzer, e.g. during measurements with
voltage transformers, from which the analyzer is to be supplied.

5 Analyzer database
Select from the main menu OPTIONSANALYZER DATABASE - here you may add or edit existing
analyzers (Fig. 40).
Only analyzers entered by the user into the database will be displayed in the selection box when
searching analyzers via radio. Serial number entered into the database must match the serial
number of the analyzer, which you want to connect with. Analyzers with other serial numbers are
rejected by the program and not shown in the selection window (it does not apply to USB search).
Column AUTO PIN informs, whether the program requires PIN code before transmission. If the
box is disabled, the user will be required to enter PIN.

In addition, the user may activate the option of reminding about the need for re-calibration. The
manufacturer specifies the time after which the user should perform a calibration of the instrument,
in order to maintain its declared accuracy. The accuracy degrades due to the ageing of components.
To unlock this feature, select option CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION. If it is checked, then the following
lists are active VALIDITY PERIOD and REMIND BEFORE. They are used for:
 VALIDITY PERIOD (may be set at 6, 12, 18 or 24 months) – it defines the frequency of instrument

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

 REMIND BEFORE (may be set at week, two weeks, month) – it specifies the period for which the
program is required to generate the reminding message.

Checking the list of analyzers for validity of their calibration certificate occurs during start-up of Sonel
Analysis – a window is displayed appear with a reminder.

The remaining columns in the table:

 CALIBRATION DATE indicates the date of last calibration,
 DESCRIPTION - brief text description related to the analyzer,
 DATE OF CALIBRATION – the date of analyzer’s calibration as set by the user,
 AUTO PIN? – if checked it means that the user doesn’t have to enter the analyzer’s PIN
each time when connecting (the PIN is stored in database),
 SIM ACTIVE? – indicates whether the SIM card is correctly configured in the analyzer
(applies to analyzers with a built-in GSM modem and is set after correct connection of the
analyzer via GSM),
 GSM IP address - the IP address of the analyzer in GSM network is displayed (in
analyzers with built-in GSM modem and PQM-701Zr),
 Wi-Fi IP address – the IP address of the analyzer in Wi-Fi network (local or Internet)
(applies only to PQM-710 and PQM-711 analyzers),
 Wi-Fi MAC address – displays the MAC address of configured analyzer (applies only to
tablet version of PQM-710 and PQM-711 analyzers).

Fig. 40. Analyzer database.

Clicking ADD enables user to add an analyzer - as shown in Fig. 41. Please select a model
analyzer, enter its serial number and optional description. The calibration date may be also entered
and the program will use it to alert the user before the expiry date of the calibration certificate.
Changing PIN code and all of communication settings (Wi-Fi and GSM) is possible only after
connecting to the analyzer.
5 Analyzer database

REMOVE icon allows the user to delete the selected analyzer from the database (after confirming
it by the user).
EDIT icon allows the user to change the parameters of the analyzer and configuration of the
communication parameters.
Click CHANGE PIN button to change PIN. The new code must be entered twice and then

5.1 GSM connection settings

In case of analyzers with built-in GSM modem, it is necessary to properly configure the
parameters to connect the analyzer to a GSM network and allow connection of Sonel Analysis with
a remote analyzer. To do this, click CHANGE GSM SETTINGS button. Two main applications of this
function are available:
 Configuring the analyzer to operate in a GSM network (first activation of this function in
the analyzer requires to connect the analyzer via USB)
 Adding a remote analyzer to the database, (when analyzer has already configured
connection to GSM network (offline)).

Fig. 41. Adding an analyzer to the database.

In the first case, enter the following data in the appropriate fields:
 IP number assigned to your SIM card,
 The name of the access point (APN),
 User name and password (not always required).

After confirming the settings, a window will be displayed to enter the PIN code of SIM card.
Then, the analyzer will initiate the procedure to log into GSM network, applying specified settings.
All parameters should be provided by the SIM card provider.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

In the second case, the analyzer may be in another location. In order to connect to the
analyzer, the user must know its IP address. Adding the analyzer to the database is carried out as
 "Search window" will be displayed - click 'Cancel'.
 Message "The analyzer is not connected" will be displayed with a panel for GSM settings
in offline mode, in order to enter the IP number of the analyzer (Fig. 42).
 Enter the IP address of the remote analyzer and click 'OK'.
 You may try to connect to the analyzer (e.g. by using option CONNECT SELECTED or by
applying the standard method). Please note that the application searches analyzers via
the Internet only if you selected TCP/IP OVER GSM option in program settings.

Using the procedure shown above, the user may add PQM-701Zr (with an external
GSM modem) to the database of analyzers. Modem configuration is performed using the
software provided by the manufacturer of the modem.

Fig. 42. Entering GSM settings in the analyzer database.

5 Analyzer database

5.2 Wi-Fi settings

The PQM-710 and PQM-711 analyzers are equipped with Wi-Fi module that can be used for
wireless communication with the analyzer. In the analyzer database the user can input all the
needed parameters for setting a proper connection of Sonel Analysis software with the analyzer.
This is the purpose of the configuration panel that appears after selecting CHANGE WI-FI SETTINGS
There are two distinct modes for this panel:
 online mode – when analyzer is connected to the application while editing options in this
panel. In this mode all available parameters can be set. This mode is used to change the
configuration that is saved by the analyzer, and also the parameters used by Sonel Analysis
software for communication. It is mainly used for initial configuration of analyzer for operation
in Wi-Fi network.
 offline mode – when analyzer is not connected (e.g. it is in remote location). In this mode no
new configuration data is sent to the analyzer, and only parameters used by Sonel Analysis
can be modified. This mode is used when user wants to add a new analyzer to the
database, which already is configured for Wi-Fi operation. This mode is indicated by the
“(offline)” word on top of the configuration panel. If the user wants to change parameters in
offline mode, and is already connected to the analyzer, the connection has to be terminated
first, and then CHANGE WI-FI SETTINGS button has to be clicked. In the opened window with
found analyzers the cancel button must be selected. A message “Analyzer is not connected”
will be displayed and then a configuration panel in offline mode will be opened.
 Offline mode is applicable only when the analyzer operates in the mode of Wi-Fi client.

5.2.1 Configuring Wi-Fi in the access point mode.

To configure the analyzer for operation in the Access Point mode, press CHANGE WI-FI
SETTINGS and set the operating mode switch to ACCESS POINT. The displayed window will look like
the one in Fig. 43. In field NETWORK NAME (SSID) enter the name of the access point, which will
be distributed by the analyzer. If for some reason you are not satisfied the default Wi-Fi channel
(channel 10), you may change it by ending SSID name with "_chXX", where XX is the channel
number in the range of 1…13. Then it is necessary to set the PASSWORD for the access point - it
should be entered twice in the fields below. The password must contain at least 8 characters.
Pressing RESTORE DEFAULTS button restores the factory settings of the analyzer, specified in
its manual.
After approving the settings with OK button, the analyzer restarts the Wi-Fi module and
activates the access point with the specified settings. It is now possible to connect to a PC with a
Wi-Fi network distributed by the analyzer, and then establish a connection with Sonel Analysis

5.2.2 Configuring Wi-Fi in client mode

To configure the analyzer for operation in the Wi-Fi client mode, press CHANGE WI-FI SETTINGS
and set the operating mode switch to CLIENT. If the analyzer is connected to Sonel Analysis, then
the displayed window will look as shown in Fig. 44 (online mode).

In the online mode configuration can be performed in the following way:

 Enter the following data: the access point name (SSID field) and in case of a secured network
tick MODIFY box and enter the password (KEY field). In case of a non-secured network, KEY
field remains empty, but MODIFY box must be ticked.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 43. Wi-Fi setup screen in online mode (access point in the analyzer).

Fig. 44. Wi-Fi configuration screen in online mode (client mode).

 Select the method for assigning IP address. In case of manual mode - enter appropriate
values into fields: IP ADDRESS, NET MASK and GATEWAY. In automatic mode, select DHCP.
 MAC Address field will be filled-in automatically (as read from the analyzer).
 PORT field is not editable, it is always 4002.
5 Analyzer database

 In case of operating in other subnetworks (the Internet), fill-in EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS and
EXTERNAL PORT fields. For a direct connection (tablet  analyzer), and for working in a local
network (tablet  Wi-Fi router  analyzer) these fields must be left inactive. These settings
are used only by Sonel Analysis when connecting to the analyzer – they are not stored in the
analyzer memory.
 Confirm the settings by pressing OK. This will send new data entered in fields: SSID, Key, IP
configuration, to the analyzer.
 If the correct data have been entered, the analyzer will try to connect to Wi-Fi access point.
After disconnecting, the connection status may be followed on screen <10/10>.

The following procedure applies to offline mode, when the analyzer was previously configured, and
there is a need to add it to the database and enter IP address and port, under which the analyzer
Wi-Fi interface is available. These parameters are required to connect with the analyzers working
in a different subnetwork than the tablet (computer), especially for connecting to the Internet. It is
not necessary to enter these parameters if the analyzer is connected to the same network as the

To properly configure the connection, the following elements will be required:


Configure the analyzer in the following manner:

 Select the appropriate analyzer from the database and click EDIT or use ADD button to add it
to the database.
 In case of operating in other subnetworks (the Internet), fill-in EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS and
 Confirm the settings by pressing OK.

Fig. 45. Example configuration when the analyzer is connected via another network (offline

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

6 Live mode
Note: Live mode is not available in MPI-540.

To enter the live mode, click LIVE MODE icon. If the connection to the analyzer has not been
previously established, the program goes first to the connection screen (see chapter 2.1). In this
mode, the screen is divided into a few tabs:
 WAVEFORMS – it presents waveforms of current and voltages as in a oscilloscope,
 TIMEPLOT – presents RMS values of voltage and current as a timeline,
 MEASUREMENTS – instantaneous values of measured parameters (phase and total values),
 PHASOR DIAGRAM – graphical representation of phasors of fundamental voltage and current
 HARMONICS – view of harmonic components of individual phases for currents and voltages,
 INTERHARMONICS – view of interharmonic components of individual phases for currents and
The more detailed description of individual tabs is given below.

6.1 Waveforms
The voltage and current waveforms presents two instantaneous waveforms, as they would be
seen on the oscilloscope screen. A sample screen is shown in Fig. 46. The graphs are refreshed
instantaneously, allowing user to view the mains parameters in real time. All channels are presented
in a single graph.

Fig. 46. Live mode screen – waveforms.

6 Live mode

The checkboxes above the diagram are used to enable/disable displaying of a chosen
voltage/current channel. Buttons next to the boxes are used to change the color of presented
The graph may be freely expanded in both axes. In the corners of the window there are four
buttons , which activate displaying a window thumbnail with actually displayed area marked in
orange. The thumbnail is displayed in one of the four corners of the window, depending on the
button used. Four buttons marked by the magnifying glass icon are used for zooming-in and -out
. buttons are used to select the maximum or minimum zoom of a selected axis. Mouse
scrolling wheel may be also used for zooming-in and out. Using the scrolling wheel closer to the
vertical edge of the window results in zooming-in of Y-axis, whereas using the scrolling wheel closer
to horizontal edge - zooming-in of X-axis.
Zoom the selected area by holding down SHIFT button (the mouse pointer changes to a cross)
and select the desired area with the mouse.
It is also possible to move the selected area within the graph. To do so, hold CTRL key (the
cursor changes to a hand) and holding the left mouse button, move the display area.
The time scale (X-axis) is updated basing on the measured frequency value (e.g. from 0 to
40 ms for 50 Hz).
Two independent descriptions of Y-axis values are presented. For example, the user may
display values in volts (for voltage channels) on the left axis, and in amperes (for current channels)
on the right axis. Descriptions of axes are controlled by selection lists . These lists may include
the following items:
 ALL V – when more than one voltage channel is measured. In this situation, one scale is
selected for all the voltage waveforms, and the waveforms are scaled,
 ALL A – when more than one current channel is measured. In this situation, one scale is
selected for all the current waveforms, and the waveforms are scaled,
 a separate entry for each measured channels. If the user selects this element from the list, then
the screen displays a scale for the selected channel (it may be adjusted automatically or
manually if the range was set by the user). Note: If the graph presents other waveforms
(voltage or current depending on the selected scale) then their actual amplitude does not
correspond to the indicated scale. The scale applies only to the selected waveform.

The scale is selected:

 statically - the upper scale range is set at the value close to the nominal voltage or maximum
probe range,
 dynamically - the graphs are automatically scaled to the highest instantaneous value of the
 manually – to do this use SET SCALE button, and then choose waveform(s) for which the scale is
to be set manually, disabling the automatic mode and this activity will unlock the options of
editing the minimum and maximum values of the axis. After clicking SET button, the scale of a
given waveform is updated.

Switching between static and dynamic scaling mode is available after clicking the right mouse
button on the graph: the context menu includes the following options: SET SCALE TO NOMINAL VALUE
(for voltage) or SET SCALE TO PROBE RANGE (for current) and SET SCALE AUTOMATICALLY, both for
voltage and current values. After turning the program on, auto-scaling is turned off.

6.2 Timeplots
Fig. 46 presents the screen with current and voltage timeplot. The configuration elements are
identical as those in the waveform screen: its upper part includes controls for switching on/off the
display of current/voltage; changing the color of waveforms; zooming-in and the vertical axis.
The time scale is shown in the graph from the moment to entering the Live mode. The time
format is mm:ss. After reaching the end of the window, the entire graph shifts to the left by 30

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

seconds. There is also an option to clear the graph tab in FILECLEAR. After clearing the screen,
the timescale on the plot is shown from the moment of this operation.
The graph is updated regardless of whether the tab is enabled or not, i.e. waveforms are
generated in the background, despite viewing for example harmonics.
As in case of waveforms, the user may apply the static scaling (according to the general settings
of the measurement configuration) or dynamic scaling.

Fig. 47. Graph with values in real time.

6.3 Measurements
MEASUREMENTS tab provides a view of a range of parameters of the measured mains. Fig. 48
presents an example of a screen that shows a summary table of values read from the analyzer and
displayed in real time.

In the following rows the individual parameters are grouped into several categories:
 VOLTAGE – RMS voltage U, DC component UDC, frequency f,
 CURRENT – RMS current I, DC component IDC,
 POWER – active power P, reactive power QB (according to the Budeanu theory) or non-
fundamental apparent power Q1 (acc. to IEEE 1459), apparent power S, distortion power D
(acc. to Budeanu) or distortion apparent power SN (acc. to IEEE 1459),
 ENERGY – consumed active energy EP+ and reactive active energy EP-, reactive energies EQ
(acc. to Budeanu or IEEE 1459, 4-quadrant or consumed and supplied), apparent energy ES ,
 FACTORS – Power Factor PF, Displacement Power Factor/cosφ, tan factor (or 4-quadrant
factors), THD for voltage and current, Crest Factors for voltage and current, flicker P ST and PLT
6 Live mode

 UNBALANCE – for voltage: zero sequence component U0, positive sequence component U1 and
negative sequence component U2, negative sequence unbalance u2, zero sequence unbalance
u0; or current: zero sequence component I0, positive sequence component I1 and negative
sequence component I2, negative sequence unbalance i2, zero sequence unbalance i0.
 TEMPERATURE – it indicates the temperature of the external sensor (Sonel ST-2) in degrees
Celsius. The temperature sensor may be connected only to PQM-702T.

Fig. 48. Indications of phase and total values

Each group may be enabled/disabled independently of the other groups and column
background color may be changed using the buttons in the top of the screen.
When the program is started for the first time, the following parameters are shown: voltage,
current, power and factor.
Using preferences the user may change the colors of groups and select groups to be displayed
(see sec. 8.3.3).

Parameter values are displayed in the consecutive columns, marked as follows:

 L1 – L1 phase in circuits with a neutral conductor N
 L2 – L2 phase in circuits with a neutral conductor N,
 L3 – L3 phase in circuits with neutral conductor N,
 N-PE – values of parameters in the N-PE voltage channel or in IN current channel,
 L1-2 – L1 phase in circuits without neutral conductor (with phase-to-phase voltages),

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

 L2-3 – L2 phase in circuits without neutral conductor (with phase-to-phase voltages),

 L3-1 – L3 phase in circuits without neutral conductor (with phase-to-phase voltages),
 TOTAL – the total value of the entire system or the average value of the phase values.

For example, for a three-phase system with N conductor, the phase parameters values are
displayed in columns L1, L2, L3. If the measurement of N-PE voltage and/or IN current is enabled
in the configuration, then in N-PE column the analyzer displays also parameter values calculated
for this case. TOTAL column displays the total values for the whole system.
In case of delta systems, the phase values are displayed in columns L1-2, L2-3, L3-1 and
If the reset function is activated for currents below the threshold ( CURRENT LIMIT function), the
reset values are marked with an asterisk (*).

In some mains configurations it is not possible to calculate (measure) the
values of some parameters. For example, in a delta three-phase system,
it is impossible to calculate the cosφ displacement power factor between
current and voltage, as the measured voltage is phase-to-phase voltage,
and the measured current is line current which is a vector sum of two
phase currents.

When in a given mains configuration a selected parameter is not calculated, the screen displays
"---" instead of its value.
In the right part of the tab, the user may additionally define the calculation method for THD and
TID (list THD AND HARMONICS VALUES RELATIVE TO): in relation to fundamental component (THDF/
TIDF) or RMS value (THDR/ TIDR).
The displayed energy values depend on DISPLAYED ENERGY switch. The user may choose
whether the energy counters are related to measuring session (counting started when LIVE MODE
window is opened) or to total energy counted by the analyzer.

Internal energy counters of the analyzer are reset:

 when the measurement configuration is changed,
 when recording starts,
 when the analyzer is switched on.

When the energy display mode is selected, the internal energy counters are not modified. The
concept of this mode is based on the fact that at the moment of first read-out of values from energy
counters (by the software) these values are remembered and the displayed values are the
difference between the energy current read-out and the remembered value.

6.3.1 Energy costs calculator

On the right side, in MEASUREMENT tab (see Fig. 48), a button is available for ENERGY COST
CALCULATOR. After clicking the lower part of the window, a table with TARIFF CALCULATOR is
displayed, which shows energy values of the current session (from opening tab MEASUREMENTS)
and energy costs by three tariffs configured in the program settings. Energy is counted by the
calculator as long as window LIVE MODE is open. The basis for calculating is total active energy
input (EP+).
To analyze and create reports on energy consumption based on recorded data use the module
for reporting energy costs which is in the data analysis section (see sec 7.4.4).
6 Live mode

6.4 Phasor diagrams

Phasor diagram (Fig. 49) is used to present the vectors of fundamental voltage and current
components. Angles between the vectors correspond to the angles of phase shift between individual
phases. A table with numerical values is displayed on the left side of the graph. Individual rows of
the table present:
 UH1 – amplitudes of voltage fundamental components,
 φU_H1 – angles of voltage fundamental components in relation to L1 voltage fundamental
component (in angle degrees),
 IH1 – amplitudes of current fundamental components,
 φI_H1 – angles of current fundamental components in relation to L1 voltage fundamental
components (in angle degrees),
 φU,I_H1 – angles between voltage and current vectors (φU – φI) for a given phase (not available
in 3-wire systems),
 TYPE – the type of a receiver, indicated by a coil symbol for inductive load or a capacitor symbol
for capacitive load (unavailable in 3-wire systems).

Above the table are the on/off buttons for voltage (U, φU), current (I, φI), angle φU,I and a load
type. In addition, the user may change the default background color of the table for these groups.

The vector angles are referenced to UL1 vector angle which is always ϕ = 0°. The vector
amplitude scaling takes place automatically in relation to the highest value, independently for
voltage and current.

Fig. 49. Phasor diagram for wye connection.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

On the diagram two buttons are present for turning the phasor diagram by 90 clockwise or
In the bottom right part, button PROBES SETUP is shown, which initiates a window for changing
phase of probes (shown in Fig. 49).
Below the PROBES SETUP button there is a control panel for checking correct connection of the
analyzer to the tested network/system. This panel displays five indicators that user may use to
quickly perform a visual check of the analyzer connection. The displayed indicators correspond to
the indicators displayed on the screen of the analyzer (this applies to the PQM-
702/703/707/710/711; a detailed description is in the manuals of those analyzers). The indicators
are as follows:
 URMS – RMS voltage,
 IRMS – RMS currents,
 U – angles of voltage vectors (fundamental components),
 I – angles of current vectors (fundamental components),
 f – frequency.
Green icon indicates the correctness of the parameter, red – probable error in connection or
configuration. The icon with a question mark indicate ambiguous situation – correctness or
incorrectness cannot be determined with certainty.

6.5 Harmonics
PQM-700 and PQM-707 analyzers have no function for measuring active and
reactive power harmonics and K-factor. Moreover, the PQM-700 analyzer measures harmonics only
up to 40-th order.

Harmonics tab enables user to view harmonic values in voltage and current, active and reactive
harmonics power, THD and K-factor. A typical screen is shown in Fig. 50. Parameters are displayed
for one phase, which is selected by buttons on the right.
A bar graph with harmonics is displayed in the central part of the screen: from DC component,
through the first component up to the 50th.

MEASUREMENT list on the right side of the window allows selecting one of two options:
 VOLTAGE, CURRENT– displays the voltage and current harmonics,
 HARMONICS POWER – displays active and reactive harmonics power.

On the left and right side of the graph, axes are displayed and marked with units corresponding
to the chosen mode: VOLTAGE, CURRENT - left side is assigned to voltage axis, while the right side
is to current axis. In HARMONICS POWER mode, on the left side, the axis of active power is located,
while on the right the axis of reactive power. This arrangement may be changed, using the lists
above the axes .

The tables below the bar graph present (from the left):
 THD factors,
 K-factors (only in VOLTAGE, CURRENT mode),

6 Live mode

Fig. 50. Harmonics on 2D graph.

 a table with numerical values showing the following parameters:

o U - voltage harmonics magnitudes (including DC) (only in the Voltage, Current view),
o I - current harmonics magnitudes (including DC) (only in the Voltage, Current view),
o P - harmonics active powers (only in Harmonics power view),
o Q - harmonics reactive powers (only in Harmonics power view),
o cos(φ)U,I - displacement power factors of harmonics,
o φU,I - phase angles between voltage and current harmonics (φU - φI),
o φU - absolute phase angles of voltage harmonics in reference to the voltage fundamental
angle (harmonics of order 2 and higher). Fundamental angle is shown in reference to the L1
voltage phase angle, similar as in the phasor screen.
o φI - absolute phase angles of current harmonics in reference to the voltage fundamental
angle (harmonics of order 2 and higher). Fundamental angle is shown in reference to the L1
voltage phase angle, similar as in the phasor screen.

The user has the access to two settings:

 THD AND HARMONICS RELATIVE TO – two options are available: relative to RMS or to the first
harmonics (this option is active only after selecting the percentage unit – see below),
 HARMONICS UNIT – here also two options are available: in absolute units [V], [A], or as
percentage values.

A right-click on the graph in VOLTAGE, CURRENT mode, displays a context menu with the
following options:
(for current). Use this option to re-scale the harmonics bars and adapts them to the graph
window height, taking into account the nominal value,
 SET SCALE AUTOMATICALLY. This feature automatically adjusts the scale.
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

 VOLTAGE LIMITS (option available only for voltage harmonics and after selecting percentage
display). This option results in imposing harmonics limits defined in the default standard (the
default standard and its limits are determined in PROGRAM CONFIGURATION, in section
 HIDE FIRST HARMONIC. This option turns on/off the plot containing the fundamental harmonic.

Fig. 51. The screen with harmonic powers.

In the bottom right-hand corner, a button is located for switching between 2D and 3D view.
After clicking it, the harmonics are presented as a 3D view. After clicking ANY VIEW button, the
graph may be freely positioned using a mouse. Hold the left mouse button on the diagram and set
it in desired position. Hold the right mouse button to zoom in/out the graph. You can use also the
sliders on the left side of the window or the mouse scrolling wheel.

6.6 Interharmonics
PQM-700, PQM-701(Z, Zr) and PQM-707 have no option to
measure interharmonic components.

INTERHARMONICS tab enables the view of interharmonics values of voltage and current and TID
factors. A sample screen is shown in Fig. 52. Parameters are displayed for one phase, which is
selected by buttons on the right.
In the central part of the window, a bar graph with interharmonics is presented: it ranges from
the subharmonic group (0) through all other groups interharmonics up to the 50-th.

6 Live mode

On the left and right side of the graph, axes are displayed and marked with units corresponding
to the chosen mode: VOLTAGE, CURRENT - left side is assigned to voltage axis, while the right side
is to current axis. This arrangement may be changed, using the lists above the axes.

The tables below the bar graph present (from the left):
 TID factors,
 a table with numerical values of interharmonics amplitudes for voltage and current.

Fig. 52. Interharmonics graph.

The user has the access to two settings:

 TID AND INTERHARMONICS VALUES RELATIVE TO – two options are available: relative to RMS
or to the first (fundamental) harmonics,
 INTERHARMONICS VALUES UNIT – here also two options are available: in absolute units [V],
[A], or as percentage values.

A right-click on the graph, displays a context menu with the following options:
(for current). Use this option to re-scale the interharmonics bars and adapts them to the graph
window height, taking into account the nominal value,
 SET SCALE AUTOMATICALLY. This feature automatically adjusts the scale.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

7 Data Analysis
The analysis block allows the user to read data collected by the analyzer during the recording,
view numerical data and graphical visualization. The user may generate reports that in a clear
manner describe the tested system.

Reading data from MPI-540 and PQM-707 meters is described in sec. 7.1.1.

7.1 Reading data from the analyzer

After selecting analysis from the upper menu or clicking ANALYSIS icon, when no analyzer-
program connection is established, a standard connection procedure is launched to connect the
analyzer and the program (sec.2.1).
After correct connecting the analyzer to a PC, a window is displayed - as shown in Fig. 53 and
data may be selected for downloading and further analysis. To do this, select the measurement
configurations from which you want to download the data. On the right side of the bar representing
the amount of stored data, the actual amount of data is displayed. To start downloading data from
the selected measuring configuration, click READ DATA button.

Fig. 53. Selecting data for read-out.

Select DELETE DATA AFTER READING option to delete data from the configuration, from which the
data is read. Therefore, after pressing READ DATA button before the transmission, an appropriate
warning message is displayed
Data may be deleted from the card at any time by entering ANALYZER menu and choosing the
option of ANALYZERDELETE DATA. This action may be used to delete data of chosen measurement
configurations (without changing their parameters) or to completely format the card.
During the data read-out, the status bar at the bottom of the window shows the download
progress and CANCEL button, which may be used for stooping the process.

7 Data Analysis

PQM-702, PQM-703, PQM-710 and PQM-711 analyzers

use the built-in mass storage mode to accelerate the readout of data via the USB connection.
This mode is used when the amount of data to be downloaded exceeds 1 MB. If the amount of
data is below that limit, a standard (slower) communication mode is used. Other analyzers use
only standard communication mode.

When other, additional windows are also opened for displaying on-going (live)
data from the analyzer (e.g. LIVE MODE or CONTROL), the standard (slower)
communication mode is used for data download. Before pressing READ DATA
button, close these additional windows in order to use the high-speed data
reading mode.

After data read-out, a window is opened for saving the file *.pqm7xx (the file extension depends
on the analyzer model). In a file with this extension, the software saves identical copy of data read
from the analyzer (not processed by the program). Saving this data is not required but highly
recommended. Without this file performing a next analysis, basing on recorded data will require
another data read-out from the analyzer (this is particularly important if the user reads the data from
several measuring configurations - saving later file *.analysis concerns only one measurement
configuration selected for the analysis; data from other configurations need to be re-read). Saving
file *.pqm7xx will also allow you to create multiple analyses and *.analysis files from a selected
(reduced) period of time, which will reduce the size of these files.

When the user selected DELETE DATA AFTER READING option without saving data before
proceeding to data analysis, the source data will be irreversibly lost. It will be possible to perform
analysis and save data to a file with *.analysis extension only from one measuring configuration
(selected for analysis), but you will be unable to fully use the source data for further analysis (e.g.
from different time range), or from another measuring configuration.

7.1.1 Reading data from MPI-540 and PQM-707 devices

A method of reading data differs in a few aspects from the description in sec. 7.1. After selecting
ANALYSIS option the menu, similarly to other analyzers, the procedure of connection with the
analyzer is launched (if the connection is not established earlier). After a successful connection the
window shown in Fig. 54 is displayed, where the user indicates what type of data will be loaded
from the meter: recording data (RECORDINGS) or SCREENSHOTS.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 54. Reading data from PQM-707 – selecting data type.

After selecting RECORDINGS, the user receives the list of recordings that may be downloaded.
An example is shown in Fig. 54.

Fig. 55. Reading data from PQM-707 – list of recordings.

The table shows in its columns:

 Name of the recording,
 Recording time range (date and time of recording start and end)
 Data size.
7 Data Analysis

Select one record for downloading by clicking on its line, then click READ DATA button
During the data read-out, the status bar at the bottom of the window shows the download
progress and CANCEL button, which may be used for stooping the process.
After reading the data, a window with save option opens *.pqm707 or *.mpi540. In a file with
this extension, the software saves identical copy of data read from the analyzer (not processed by
the program). Saving this data is not required, but performing a next analysis, basing on recorded
data will require to another data read-out from the analyzer. Saving file *.pqm707 or *.mpi540 will
allow you to create multiple analyses and *.analysis files for the selected the selected time range.
To read screenshots, proceed as follows. After window shown in Fig. 54 is displayed – click
SCREENSHOTS. A window appears with a list of screenshots saved in the memory of the meter. The
table displays the file name and column SELECT for selecting files to be downloaded. You can also
save all files by checking box SELECT ALL. Use LIST button to return to the window with selection of
data type (Fig. 54).
To start the download, click READ DATA button. After its completion, a window appears which
indicates the folder for saving screenshot files. These files are graphic files with *.png extension.

7.2 Reading data directly from the memory card

Alternatively, to read data from the analyzer, as described in sec. 7.1 and 7.1.1, in case of
analyzers with removable memory cards you may use direct mode to read data from the card. This
method may be used with the following analyzers:
 PQM-701 (also 701Z and 701Z versions),
 PQM-700,
 PQM-707,
 MPI-540.
In these analyzers the memory card (SD or microSD) is removable and available to the user. It is
necessary to use a memory card reader that supports SD HC (High Capacity) cards.

To minimize the risk of data loss, it is recommended to always switch off the
analyzer before removing the memory card. By doing this you will protect all
cached data and ensure their proper saving - the card will not be removed during
the saving process.

After inserting a memory card into the reader, proceed as described in sections 7.1 and 7.1.1 –
the process begins by selecting ANALYSIS option from the toolbar or menu. If the program detects
a card reader connected to PC with the card coming from the analyzer, the list of available devices
will include the appropriate entry, e.g. "PQM-707 [S / N: XXXXXX] The combination of the memory
card." After selecting this position (by double-clicking or pressing SELECT), a window appears to
confirm the connection, then another window is shown for selecting the data for reading, as
described in earlier sections. From this moment the operation of the device is the same as stated
in the above sections.
After downloading the data, you may end the connection (DISCONNECT option).

Sonel Analysis software enables user to exclude specified devices (disks) from the search area.
In cases where the program does not detect the memory card from the analyzer, check whether the
device (i.e. the drive letter that assigned to the memory card) is on the 'excluded list. These settings
may be found after selecting in menu: OPTIONSPROGRAM CONFIGURATIONDATA ANALYSIS

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

7.3 Selecting the time interval for analysis

After correct data read-out, a window will be displayed, indicating data that will be taken for
further analysis.
At this stage, (if not already done so) you may save the source data by clicking SAVE icon on
the toolbar or select function SAVE or SAVE AS from FILE menu.
If the user wants to perform many analyses on the read data, after downloading, save such data
on a local disk as a file with the extension *.pqm7xx. Such file will include an identical copy of the
read data that may be used at any moment – then the user may return to the analysis time selection
screen (Fig. 56). Please remember that if you send a new measurement configuration, the SD card
will be formatted and all recorded data will be irreversibly lost.
Starting the analysis (by pressing DATA ANALYSIS button), when the user did not save source
data in *.pqm7xx file, will require a next data read-out from the card, always when the user wants
to perform another analysis based on the data stored on the card (when file *.analysis was not
saved or the time period was reduced).

Fig. 56. Selecting data and time interval for analysis.

If data from several measurement configurations were taken to be analyzed, the user must
select data from one of them and select appropriate time interval. Only data from the specified range
will be analyzed and possible saving in *.analysis file. The dialogue box is shown in Fig. 55. The
meaning of the window elements is as follows:
 The list of read measurement configurations is located on left side . Below the following
information is shown: name of the configuration and all time intervals during which the analyzer
was recording data. Reasons for start or stop are stated on the right side of the time in brackets,
o USER – start or stop initiated manually by the user,
o BATTERY – stop triggered by discharged battery,
o MEMORY– stop triggered by full memory,
7 Data Analysis

o CARD – stop triggered by removal of the memory card,

o TEMPERATURE – stop triggered by exceeding the permissible internal temperature of the
o RESUME – restarting after stop caused by the above causes, excluding the case
described in section USER.
 The middle and right part of the screen present graphically (bars) recording time intervals in all
measurement configurations. After selecting a configuration, its bars representing the periods
change color to red, showing which data can be analyses. At the same time DATA ANALYSIS
button is enabled.
 Next to the description CONFIGURATION X (where X is configuration’s number) information is
displayed, indicating whether data from this configuration have been recorded according to the
standard (text STANDARD) or according to user-defined settings (text USER), in case of dual
recording supported by the selected analyzers - "STANDARD, USER".
 The following three fields define start , duration and the end of the analysis interval
, which is selected by two sliders S (start) and E (end). The user may use these sliders, to
select a shorter interval for analysis. If you select interval longer that a given period, the whole
period will be selected for analysis.
 The central field, marked as RANGE includes information about the period selected for the
analysis. Its format is as follows: "week:day:hour:minute:second". The user may select standard
time interval from the drop-down list: 10-min., hour, day, week. If a selected period is longer
than recording, the whole recording is checked. A double-click on the time of starting the
recording sets slider S at the beginning of recording , whereas a double-click on the time of
ending the recording sets slider E at the end of recording in a given measurement configuration.
 Clicking SUMMARY buttons moves the user to data analysis of selected interval, similarly as
clicking DATA ANALYSIS, but in this case additionally two windows will be automatically
displayed: TABLE SUMMARY (Fig. 65) and GRAPHICAL SUMMARY (Fig. 66). See description in
 Clicking Data analysis (or double-clicking on the recording bar) processes the data recorded
by the analyzer and moving to analysing data of the selected time period.

In rare situations, the program can display a message on detecting a portion of
erroneous data. Block of such data is rejected by the application. Other read data
are available for analysis.

The causes of detecting error data may include:

a) Incompatibility of Sonel Analysis software with the analyzer software, which
generated the data. In such case, check whether Sonel Analysis software and
the analyzer are updated.
b) Internal error of the analyzer that occurred during recording or an application
error when interpreting the data. The analyzer error may be caused by a soft-
ware error or by external causes such as strong electromagnetic disturbance.
In these cases, you may send source data from the analyzer (file: *.pqm7XX)
to the manufacturer for analysis and possible repair.

 Clicking LIST button returns the user (after confirmation) to the window with analyzer data read-
out (Fig. 53). If downloaded data is not save until this moment, it will be lost.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

7.4 Analyzing obtained data

After a correct data read-out, the main data analysis module window is displayed. The window
is divided into several parts:

 On the left hand side, the user will find buttons that enable displaying of the following data:
 GENERAL – in this view – in the upper part of the window all data of individual types are
displayed as dots (Measurements, Events, and Waveforms), and in bottom part – after
selecting an event dots or waveform,
 MEASUREMENTS – in the upper part all types of measurements recorded according to the
averaging time are displayed as dots (voltage, frequency, etc.), and in bottom part the
summary table with values of the parameters,
 EVENTS – in the upper part all types of detected events are shown as dots (voltage dips,
swells, interruptions), and in the bottom part the list of events in table form.
 CONFIGURATION – displays the analyzer configuration that was active during the recording.
 Selecting a chosen button results also in displaying relevant data in the table below the graph.
 The fields that include start date, time period and end date are shown above the graph.

7.4.1 GENERAL view

In GENERAL view, the user may access a quick preview of waveform and/or event. But the view
of the measurements is not available. After pointing the cursor on an event point and left-
clicking the mouse, the screen displays information about this event and the waveform (when
recorded with the event – Fig. 56).
Sometimes the graph may be very dense and a single point may have many overlapping points;
in such case placing the cursor over a point displays the event and waveform that were recorded
with the earliest date/time. At the same time, above the selected point, information is displayed
about the number of events or waveforms.
If there are more events in a point, tabs appear above the graph. The descriptions of tabs
correspond to the type of event or the waveform.
When an even is selected, the displayed waveform is from the beginning of this event.
Use the slider (or the mouse scrolling wheel) to zoom-in the selected area (reduce the time
interval). If you select the dot of an event which has the beginning and end waveform, the
corresponding waveforms will also be selected. Similarly, if the waveforms were recorded after the
averaging period, clicking on the measurement dot , simultaneously highlights the dot of
accompanying waveform.

7 Data Analysis

Fig. 57. GENERAL window with the waveform preview.


Pressing MEASUREMENTS button, changes the window image into the one shown in Fig. 58. In
the bottom part, the program displays parameters that may be analyzed.

The graph in the upper part shows the dots representing measured parameters over time. In
the case of large amount of data, dots may overlap each other.
Similar as in case of choosing the analysis time range, three fields are displayed to indicate the
beginning, duration and the end of the selected time range (required time range may be manually
entered). The range of data displayed in the table, may be also reduced using two sliders S (start)
and E (end).
Below the dot-graph, a summary table is displayed with recorded values of the parameters.
The table shows only the data for the selected time interval. If the reset function is activated for
currents below the threshold (CURRENT LIMIT function), the column headers for parameters that may
include reset values are marked with an asterisk (e.g. I *L1[A]).
The checkboxes on the left side are used to include/ exclude some parameters from the
If a parameter measured in a few phases is selected (such as voltage), all columns (U L1, U
L2, U L3) will be displayed in the table. In order to limit the amount of data displayed in the table,
use the buttons (L1, L2, L3, N) on the right side.

Use DISPLAY HARMONICS to display harmonics and inter-harmonics and to switch between
the display modes of harmonics in the table:
 ABSOLUTE – the data are displayed in absolute units [V] and [A],
 RELATIVE TO h01 – data are converted and displayed as a percentage relative to the funda-
mental harmonic,
RELATIVE TO RMS – data are converted and displayed as percentages relative to the RMS value
of the parameter.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

To filter displayed columns you may also use section SHOW VALUES , which includes the
following options: AVG, INST, MIN, MAX. The user may check/ uncheck these options to show/hide
relevant recorded values.

A right-click within the table area results in displaying a context menu with the following
 COLUMN WIDTH AUTO-ADJUSTMENT – enabling/disabling automatic width adjustment for col-
umns with parameters,
 SELECT ALL – selecting the whole table with measurements,
 COPY TO CLIPBOARD – copying the selected data to the clipboard.

Fig. 58. Measurements view.

Selecting OPEN IN A NEW WINDOW option, a new graph or table will always be opened in a
new window. If this option is disabled, a separate window with a graph or table is refreshed.
Data in individual rows may be specially marked with an icon next located next to the time
field, indicating one of several possibilities:

 Icon indicates that the parameters were measured without time synchronization with
UTC. Thus, these data do not meet all the requirements for a Class A according to IEC
61000-4-30, as for precision in time measurement.

 Icon indicates that during this averaging interval, a voltage event occurred e.g. dip,
swell, or interruption. The listed types of events may be a cause of incorrect
measurements for some mains parameters and IEC 61000-4-30 standard recommends
that in such case the whole averaging period is flagged to inform the user that the
measured values might be unreliable. The decision how to treat the flagged data is left to
the user. Data (lines) marked with this flag are rejected when the standard-compliance
report is generated - when you decided to exclude records of events such as dip, swell
and interruption.

7 Data Analysis

 Icon indicates a momentary loss of PLL synchronization, detected during the

averaging interval. This could occur e.g. during a voltage dip in L1 channel (reference
channel for PLL circuit). Parameter values measured in such conditions may be

 Icon indicates that during this averaging interval time-resync process occurred
(adjusting or step time change after acquiring GPS time sync).

 Icon indicates an analog/digital converter overflow (input signal amplitude exceeds

max. measurement range).
 Icons and indicate that the flicker values (PST or PLT) of one or more phase in a
given line are flagged as required by IEC 61000-4-30. The values of these indicators may
be affected by voltage events such as dip, swell and interruption, which is why the
standard specifies determination of such values as uncertain. In the standard-compliance
report flagged PST and PLT values are excluded from quality statistics, if the user chose
any of the two methods of excluding flagged data.

In general, parameters are recorded according to the averaging time defined in the
configuration. For example, if the user defined 10-minute averaging time, every 10 minutes a record
is written on the memory card with the average values (and optionally minimum, maximum and
instantaneous values) of the parameters. However, in some cases, there are exceptions to this rule.
Examples may include the following:
 Long-term flicker severity PLT – it is measured every 2 hours, hence at a 10-minute averaging
time, a new PLT value is displayed every 12 averaging periods,
 Frequency - the measurement time of this parameter is 10 seconds,
 Values of 15-minute active and reactive power recorded in accordance with the Polish System
Regulation ,
 The ripple control signals for recording in accordance with EN 50160 - averaging time of these
parameters is 3 seconds.

In order to facilitate search for parameters measured with different averaging times, an option
has been added for displaying parameters in relation to the indicated averaging period. For
example, if the user performed a measurement with 10-minute averaging time and wants to quickly
display the records in which PLT, was measured, then in SHOW DATA section the user may select
value 2h from SHOW FOR list. Then, the table will include only the rows with times being the multiples
of 2 hours, during which the next measured value of P LT occurred. Another example of this
functionality is selecting from the list item 10S, in order to display all the 10-second frequencies for
recording in accordance with EN 50160.

Data analysis according to EN 50160 (or other standards) is analogous to the analysis of the
USER. The main difference is that in this mode, the user may additionally generate a report on
compliance with EN 50160 standard (or other standard). This report includes only those parameters
and events that are important from the point of view of the standard. If the currents were measured,
the measured parameters table will show also the 15-minute average values of active, reactive and
apparent powers, as well as of tan. The report on compliance with Polish System Regulation takes
into account the values of max. 15-minute power and tan.

Some analyzers (e.g. PQM-702) allow dual recording, i.e.

simultaneous recording for compliance with the selected standard, and independent recording
according to the user settings. To switch between table view between standard data and user data,
use the switch in section SHOW DATA :
 STANDARD – standard measurement data are displayed,
 USER – measurement data configured by the user are displayed.
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

To distinguish standard parameters from the user data, name of standard data is marked with
"S" letter (S - Standard), e.g. "U L1 aver. S". Time diagram

The user may generate time plots of parameter value (one or more). To do this use PLOTS button
and TIME PLOT option – after selecting parameter columns (see Fig. 59) and selecting this option, a
new window opens with the plot that shows waveform of parameters in time. To include only a part
of total time interval in the diagram, in TIME column select the period you are interested in. You may
select any parameter columns, including individual harmonics e.g. U, I, f, H03, H05 etc. A typical
time plot is shown in Fig. 60.

Fig. 59. Selecting data for the timeplot.

Description of the timeplot (Fig. 60):

 the top left part includes section GRAPH DATA , which informs about start, end and time
difference of the plot (horizontal axis),
 information about the values of three independent markers is displayed on the left side
at the bottom (two circles on the plot) and differences between them,
 markers may be moved using the left mouse button (grab and move) Next to individual markers
their numbers are displayed for easy identification and linking them to numerical parameters
displayed on the left side of the graph.
 use left/right arrows to move the markers along the time axis,
 use up/down arrows to move the active marker to the next waveform,
 in the default mode, the grabbed marker "sticks" to the nearest waveform. If after a right-click
within the plot area, the user selects MARKER FREE option, the marker may be freely set. If there
is no waveform near the marker, its colour changes to grey and the coordinates in the X axis
refer to its current position.
 after right-clicking the mouse a COMPARISON MODE is also available. It sets the markers at the
same time point and moving one of them moves the others. It enables users to easily compare
up to the three chosen parameters for a given time.

7 Data Analysis

 use the buttons located above the plot to switch on/off individual waveforms and change
their colour,
 use the sliders or the mouse scrolling wheel to zoom-in the plot vertically and horizontally
(vertically, if the mouse pointer is close to side edges of the plot; horizontally, if it is close to the
top or bottom edge)
 keeping SHIFT key pressed, use mouse to select a rectangular area to be zoomed-in,
 keeping CTRL key pressed, left-click within the plot area and still keeping it pressed, move the
visible fragment (the cursor arrow turns into a hand)
 the plot has two vertical axes on the left and right side; from the drop-down lists , select the
scale for the value to be displayed on the plot,

Fig. 60. Timeplot window.

 in addition to the parameters selected by the user (i.e. U L1, I L1, P etc.), the scales drop-down
lists include also the group of parameters with the same units (V, A, W, var, VA, %, Hz, [---] -
no unit). When a group is selected, one scale is adopted for the plot (e.g. in V) and all waveforms
from this group are rescaled to fit the scale,
 selecting a given group for the left-side scale Y, will result in disabling this group and all its
parameters on the right scale Y, and vice-versa
 use SET SCALE to expand the panel for manual scale adjustment. Unchecking AUTO field
enables user to enter own axis limits for individual parameters (or groups of parameters). After
entering the desired value, press SET button to update the plot.
 Function SEPARATE GRAPHS (available in the context menu) is useful when the graph presents
parameters with two units - in this case, enabling this option will separate graphs vertically by
appropriate selection of scales, to avoid their overlapping. For example, if the graph presents a
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

multiple voltages and currents, this option will result in adjusting their scales to show voltages
in one half of the window, and currents in the other.
 Bar at the bottom of the window shows dots of voltage events on the time plot (if they
occurred - dip, swell, interruption, transient). After clicking selected dot, a window appears with
a list of events that occurred at that time and it is shown in the same manner as in view EVENTS.
Directly from this window, you can also open the windows of RMS1/2 plots and waveforms that
accompanied the event, if they have been recorded.
 clicking on icons in the corners of the screen will result in displaying a miniature of the
whole plot; the highlighted rectangle illustrates a part of the plot which is currently zoomed in;
move it with a mouse on the plot miniature to move the plot in the main window,
 pressing any of the buttons located in the top of the screen results in saving the plot on the
disk in a user-selectable format: jpg, png, bmp or xpm, copying it to the clipboard, or printing,
 the plot may include maximum of 12 waveforms. Harmonics/interharmonics graph

If the recorded parameters include harmonics and/or interharmonics (for voltages and/or
currents) you may generate a bar chart of harmonics. A plot may be generated from one averaging
period (after selecting one row) or from many rows (specified period of time) – then the plot is
displayed with averaged values of harmonics. One chart may present several measurement
To generate a bar chart:
 Select the time interval – select a cell or range of cells in TIME column,
 Select the parameter type and channel – tick at least one column of any harmonic (or inter-
harmonic) of the selected channel (and type, e.g. minimum, average, maximum)
 Select option PLOTS HARMONICS (or PLOTSINTERHARMONICS) to display plot window.

The bar graph displays the level of all harmonics measured by the analyzer. All other selected
values (which are not harmonics, such as U, f, I, etc.) are ignored. Pressing keyboard shortcut Alt-
O may display alternately the graph with or without the first harmonic. The same effect is obtained
using the context menu and selecting HIDE FIRST HARMONIC (context menu is opened by placing
mouse pointer on the graph and pressing right mouse key). Use three markers to indicate specific
bars, in order to read their values (amplitude is indicated in [V], [A] or [%] including their order). A
sample screen is shown in Fig. 61.

7 Data Analysis

Fig. 61. Harmonics graph. Cyclic waveform plot

If the measurement configuration has active recording of waveforms after the each averaging
period (for voltage and/or current), the waveforms may be opened by clicking on the waveform icon
in the last column of the table with measurement data. User report

Highlight any column (e.g. f, U L1, THD U, etc.) or any range of cells and click REPORT button
and then USER REPORT to display a new window that will provide options for: saving the selected data
in a desired format (pdf, html, txt, csv), copying it to the clipboard, or printing. The data refer to the
time specified in the selected column (columns or marked cells). Example of a report saved as a
pdf file is shown in Fig. 62. Maximum 12 columns of data may be generated.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 62. Sample of report saved as a pdf file. Generate report on compliance with standard

Note: The function is not available in MPI-540.
If the recording was made for compliance with the selected standards, then after pressing
REPORTS, an additional option is available - i.e. REPORT ACCORDING TO STANDARD. This option allows
user to generate a measurement report on compliance with the standard criteria. When selected, a
window is displayed as shown in Fig. 63. To generate a report, you must first indicate a number of
options that affect the way of generating the final report. In the bottom part of the window (in section
STANDARD PREVIEW) detailed settings are displayed for selected standard.
At the time of sending the measuring configuration to the analyzer, when standard-compliance
recording was selected, the standard parameters are also saved in the analyzer memory. After
completing the recording and reading data for analysis, these parameters are also read, and user
may generate a report on compliance with the standard, based on the saved standard profile.
This is not the only option. When generating the report, the user may select also another
standard than the one stored in the analyzer memory when sending configuration. In this case, the
standard profiles used are stored in the configuration of Sonel Analysis software.
Individual options of the window shown in Fig. 63 are described below. Depending on the
selected standard, some of the following options are not available, due to the nature of the standard.


 ACCORDING TO RECORDED STANDARD – generated report will be based on the settings
stored in the analyzer,
 ACCORDING TO STANDARD – the user may specify a standard from the list, according to
which the report is to be generated. In this case, the program uses standard profiles
stored in the configuration of Sonel Analysis. Remember that in a few cases, e.g. Polish
Regulations, current measurements record also 15-minute parameters, which are not
recorded for other profiles, e.g. EN 50160. If the analyzer was recording in accordance
with EN 50160 and then the user tries to generate a report based on the Polish Regula-
tions, the section of the report with 15-minute data will be empty due to lack of data.
This section determines data to be excluded from the statistics in the report. There are three
options available:
 NONE: report includes all recorded data, including those during which the voltage events
 FLAGGED (INTERRUPTIONS): statistics of the report are created using data from which the
records including interruptions were removed. This is a typical setting, according to which
7 Data Analysis

reports should be generated according to the guidelines of EN 50160. Power failures are
treated as emergencies in the network operation and as abnormal operation are not in-
cluded in the quality statistics.
The definition of an interruption in multiphase systems is consistent with standard IEC
61000-4-30, i.e. a power supply interruption in such a system occurs when in all phases of
the system an interruption was detected (at the same time).
In the report section describing the event, all interruptions are included.
 FLAGGED (SWEELS, DIPS, INTERRUPTIONS): statistics of the report are created using data
from which the records including interruptions, dips and swells were removed. In the re-
port section describing the event, these interruptions are included.


 FOR 25 HARMONICS: harmonics higher than 25th order will not be shown in the report,
 FOR 40 HARMONICS: in addition to the usually shown harmonics up to the 25th order, the
report will also show an additional informational section with the levels of higher harmon-
ics of 26 ... 40 order. The quality statistics include 25 harmonics.
 INCLUDE U L-L: ticking this option results in including in the report statistics for the phase-
to-phase voltages. It applies only to 2-phase and 3-phase 4-wire systems. Phase-to-
phase voltages are always recorded for standard, regardless of the setting in the meas-
urement configuration.
 EXCLUDE U L-L: phase-to-phase voltages in 2-phase and 3-phase 4-wire systems (if rec-
orded) are excluded from the report.
 INCLUDE RVC: select this option to include the RVC statistics in the report. This applies to
those standards, which provide quality criteria for this parameter.
 EXCLUDE RVC: rapid voltage changes (RVC) are not included in the report.
 ONLY 95% TIME FOR UN: selecting this option will result in taking into account 95% of meas-
urements in the statistics of RMS voltage (this applies to the Polish Regulation).
 95% AND 100% FOR UN: selecting this option will result in taking into account 95% and
100% of measurements in the statistics of RMS voltage.


Some standards (e.g. EN 50160) provide separate quality criteria on frequencies for these two
types of connections, depending on whether they are connected synchronously with the distribution
 SYNCHRONOUS CONNECTION: this option is selected in systems synchronously connected
to the main distribution network. The report uses the frequency criteria for synchronous
 NO SYNCHRONOUS CONNECTION: selected for island systems, isolated from other networks.
The report uses the frequency criteria for asynchronous connection.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 63. Standard-compliance report. Options and settings for the report generation.

After selecting the settings and clicking GENERATE button, the data is processed and a window
is shown, in which the user may enter additional data to the report (Fig. 64):
 NOTES – in meters with a GPS module, a text is automatically inserted containing the last
known GPS coordinates (GPS position is saved after triggering the recording process
and after the position of the analyzer is determined),
 COMPANY LOGO – you may indicate an image file with your company logo or other picture
that will be shown in the report header.

These fields may be also pre-defined in the configuration to serve as a template while
generating reports.
The report may be displayed and viewed after clicking PREVIEW button. To save the report to a
file, select SAVE, and then specify the name and file type (pdf,html, csv, txt).

7 Data Analysis

Fig. 64. Entering additional data to the report.

A fragment of a typical report (its first part) is shown in Fig. 65.

The time interval used in the measurement report depends on the interval
selected by the user when the data for analysis were loaded. If this time is
shorter or longer than 1 week (required by the standard), the report is still
generated, but field Time and number of samples are highlighted in red.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 65. Standard-compliance measurement report. Report according to standard - description

European standard EN 50160 specifies the characteristics and quality criteria that should be
met by the distribution networks of low medium and high voltage. Many countries (including Poland)
adopted provisions of this standard, sometimes slightly modifying it, entering own local rules for
parameters of the power supply networks.
Standard EN 50160 divides distribution networks, depending on the nominal voltage into three
 Low voltage networks (LV) with voltages UNOM ≤ 1 kV (in Sonel Analysis the profile for such
networks is named "EN 50160 (low voltages)"),
 Medium voltage networks (MV): 1 kV < UNOM ≤ 36 kV (profile "EN 50160 (medium volt-
 High voltage networks (HV): 36 kV < UNOM ≤ 150 kV (profile "EN 50160 (high voltages)"),

Tab lists the quality parameters included in standard EN 50160 and the criteria for their evaluation
for the low and medium voltage. It should be noted that these criteria relate to the normal operation
of the network, excluding periods of power interruptions and other anomalies, e.g. those related to
atmospheric phenomena.

7 Data Analysis

Tab 5. Power quality criteria according to EN 50160 for the low voltage networks (up to
1kV) and medium voltage networks (36 kV).
Parameter Criterion
Slow changes in voltage - 10 minutes For LV networks:
RMS voltage for 95% of the measurements the deviation from the nominal
voltage shall be within the range of ±10% UNOM
for 100% of measurements: –15%...+10% UNOM

For MV networks:
for 99% of the measurements the deviation from the nominal
voltage shall be within the range of ±10% UNOM
for 100% of measurements: ±15% UNOM
Frequency 10 seconds For networks connected synchronously:
for 99.5% of the measurements the deviation should be
within ±1% fNOM (i.e. for 50 Hz it is 49.5…50.5 Hz)
for 100% of measurements: –6%...+4% fNOM (47…52 Hz)

For networks connected asynchronously (e.g. island

for 95% of the measurements the deviation should be within
±2% fNOM (i.e. for 50 Hz it is 49…51 Hz)
for 100% of measurements: ±15% fNOM (42.5…57.5 Hz)
Rapid voltage changes 2 hours for 95% of the measurements the long-term flicker severity
(flicker) PLT should be ≤ 1
Voltage unbalance 10 minutes for 95% of the measurements of the negative-sequence
unbalance factor should be ≤ 2%
Total Harmonic Distortion 10 minutes for 95% of measurements, THD-F should be ≤ 8%
Voltage harmonics 10 minutes For 95% of the measurements, the level of each voltage
harmonic component related to the fundamental component
should be less than:
Odd order harmonics Even order harmonics
Relative Relative
Order Order
level level
3 5.0% 2 2.0%
5 6.0% 4 1.0%
7 5.0% 6 … 24 0.5%
9 1.5%
11 3.5%
13 3.0%
15 0.5%
17 2.0%
19 1.5%
21 0.5%
23 1.5%
25 1.5%

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual Section GENERAL INFORMATION

Section GENERAL INFORMATION contains general information about measurement
parameters, including additional fields, which may be filled by the user when generating the report:
 Measurement performed by,
 Notes,
 Analyzer type and serial number,
 Software (analyzer software version)
 Time of start, end and duration of the measurement (acc. to local time of the analyzer)
 The number of averaged parameter samples, according to different times - this part speci-
fies the number of time periods for which the parameters were measured:
o 10 s - the number of frequency measurements,
o 10 min - the number of measurement periods for most of other parameters
such as RMS voltage, harmonics, THD, symmetrical components,
o 15 min – used in reports on compliance with the Polish Regulation, where ad-
ditionally 15-minute parameters are measured e.g. active power, reactive
power and tanφ,
o 2 h – the number of time periods in which flicker factor PLT was calculated.
The values are displayed in red if they do not correspond to the weekly time interval.
 The number of excluded samples - the total number of excluded time periods due to acti-
vated option of excluding flagged data (due to interruptions alone or events such dip,
swell, interruptions).
 Nominal values of the network:
o Mains type,
o Nominal phase and phase-to-phase voltage,
o Nominal mains frequency.
 Event limits for swells, dips and interruptions. Section MEASUREMENT STATISTICS

Section MEASUREMENT STATISTICS is a graphical summary of the tested network
compliance with the standard. Verified parameter type is listed on the left side, while the right side
shows the horizontal bars that define percentile of data that meets the quality criteria.

Percentile of a given percentage threshold is the value below which the percentage of all
samples is present. Percentile 50% is also called the median; it determines the value for which half
of the samples is below the median and the second half is greater or equal to it. In the area of power
quality testing, the following percentiles are commonly used: 95%, 99% or 99.5%.
Percentile 0% is the same as the minimum value of the set of samples, whereas percentile
100% is equal to the maximum value of the set (there is no higher value).
For example, standard EN 50160 for the RMS voltage value specifies that 100% of measurements
must be within the range of -15%...+10% Unom, and 95% of measurements must be within the range
of ±10% Unom.
These two requirements may be written as follows:
 percentile of 100% must be between -15% ...+10% Unom,
 percentile 95% must be between -10%...+10% Unom.

To check whether the RMS voltage meets the stated requirements, proceed as follows:
1. all measured voltage samples are sorted from the lowest [1] the highest [N]
2. it is checked whether the maximum value (i.e. percentile 100%, sample with [N] index) is in
the range of -15% to +10% Unom, and if yes then this criterion is met,
3. it is checked whether the value of the sorted table with index [N * 0.95] (first integer number
greater than or equal to N * 0.95) i.e. percentile 95%, is in the range of -10%...+10% Unom.
If yes, this criterion is met.

7 Data Analysis

In case of the report on compliance with the standards and the section on measurement
statistics, the length of the bands indicates the percentile of samples (the horizontal axis in the
report ranges from 80% to 100%) that meet this criterion. For the RMS voltage, the statistics section
provides two separate parameters, for which separate assessment criteria are set:
 Voltage (95.00% of measurements)
 Voltage (100.00% of measurements)
Bands on the right shows the percentage of samples that meet the specified criteria. For
example, for 95% of the voltage measurements, if the band has the value 97%, it means that 97%
percent of the samples meets this requirement (above the required 95%), and the band will be green
(indicating that the criteria are met). If only 90% of the samples meet this criterion, the band will be
red, as the standard criterion is not met.
If the percentage of samples that meet the criterion is less than 80%, then the band displays text in
red "< 80%", which means that the criterion specified in the standard is not met and the percentile
is lower than 80%.

The tested network meets the quality criteria if all percentile bands in section MEASUREMENT

Section FREQUENCY includes detailed statistical information on the network frequency in the
tested period.
The first part of the table, provides the percentage values of samples (percentiles), which meet the
criteria (Values within tolerance) for both of the defined tolerance ranges (column Tolerance).
The values that meet the criteria are displayed in black. When the criterion is not met, the value is
displayed in red with an additional asterisk (*). Column Tolerance specifies the range of
frequencies, which must be observed in case of all samples, and which is calculated on the basis
of the standard provisions.
The second part of this section contains additional information about the distribution of the samples
in the tested set. Individual rows of the table present:
 Maximum (i.e. percentile of 100%) – the maximum recorded frequency,
 99.50% value - percentile 99.5% (99.5% of frequency samples is lower or equal to a spec-
ified voltage in volts); the percentile depends on the specified standard and may be dif-
ferent than the one shown here.
 0.50% value - percentile 0.5% (0.5% of voltage samples is lower or equal to a specified
frequency); this percentile is always selected symmetrically to the previous percentile - to
make the distance between two percentiles from the minimum or maximum was the
 Minimum (i.e. percentile of 0%) – the lowest frequency in the tested set of samples.

As in the first part, the frequency range is specified, where the values should fit to meet quality
criteria; if a given value does not meet the criterion, it is displayed in red with an additional asterisk
(*). Section VOLTAGE

Section VOLTAGE includes detailed statistical information on the criteria for RMS voltage
(phase voltage in systems with neutral conductor and phase-to-phase voltage in 3-phase 3-wire
The first part of the table, provides the percentage values of samples (percentiles), which meet the
criteria (Values within tolerance) for both of the defined tolerance ranges (column Tolerance).
The values that meet the criteria are displayed in black. When the criterion is not met, the value is
displayed in red with an additional asterisk (*). Column Tolerance specifies the range of voltages,
which must be observed in case of a specified percentage of samples.
The second part of this section contains additional information about the distribution of the samples
in the tested set. Individual rows of the table present:

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

 Maximum (i.e. percentile of 100%) – the maximum voltage value among all samples in the
given channel,
 Value 95.00% - percentile of 95% (95% of voltage samples have value lower or equal to a
specified voltage in volts),
 Value 5.00% - percentile of 5% (5% of voltage samples have value lower or equal to a
specified voltage),
 Minimum (i.e. percentile of 0%) – the lowest voltage value in the tested set of samples.

As in the first part, the voltage range is specified, where the values should fit to meet quality criteria;
if a given value does not meet the criterion, it is displayed in red with an additional asterisk (*). Section PHASE-TO-PHASE VOLTAGE

Section PHASE-TO-PHASE VOLTAGE is included in the report only when option INCLUDE U L-
L is ticked during report generation and when network layout is split-phase or 3-phase 4-wire.
Phase-to-phase voltage is also included in the statistics and influences the overall result of the
network quality test. The value of phase-to-phase voltage is determined as:
 In split-phase systems: twice the phase voltage (second voltage (i.e. phase-to-phase) in the
list of available nominal voltages in the measurement configuration or exact twice the
phase voltage in the case of using voltage transducers)
 In 3-phase 4-wire systems: the second voltage (i.e. phase-to-phase) in the list of available
nominal voltages in the measurement configuration or the phase voltage multiplied by 3
in the case of using voltage transducers)
The percentage criteria for the phase-to-phase voltage are the same as for the phase voltage. Section FLICKER

This section provides information about the flicker severity P LT. The first section provides the
percentage of PLT samples within the range required by the standard (e.g. 0...1).
The second specified the percentile value of 95%. Comparing this value with the limit imposed by
the standard allows to assess the margin of PLT parameter in the tested network in terms of standard
If a given value of PLT is flagged after enabling the option for excluding flagged data, it is ignored
and not reflected in the statistics. Section UNBALANCE

If the tested network is a three-phase network, the report in its UNBALANCE section specifies
details of the negative sequence unbalance factor:
 the percentage of samples that meet the criterion of 95% percentile (or another specified in
the standard),
 the actual value of the 95% percentile of the unbalance factor. Section HIGHER ORDER HARMONICS

Section HIGHER ORDER HARMONICS includes statistics and measurements for individual
harmonics for which the standard defines level limits (usually harmonics of 2..25) and Total
Harmonic Distortion factor THD-F. If a value is not within the limits, it is displayed in red with an

after selecting report for 40 harmonics. It is an informational part, presenting values of percentile
95% for 26...40 harmonics, i.e. those for which the standard does not introduce level limits.


Section ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - EVENTS contains information about detected voltage
events such as swell, dip, interruption. For each of these types, the following information is provided:
 Number of events divided into single phases,
 Extreme value (maximum for swell, minimum for dip and interruption),

This section provides statistics of polyphase events according to the guidelines of EN 50160
(for swells, dips and interruptions). Events are classified basing on their duration and minimum /
maximum values. The table presents the number of events meeting the specified couple of the
Tab 6. Statistical distribution of swells, according to EN 50160.
Duration time t
Voltage crest U
0.01 ≤ t ≤ 0.5 0.5 < t ≤ 5 5 < t ≤ 60
U ≥ 120 S1 S2 S3
110 > U > 120 T1 T2 T3

Tab. 7. Statistical distribution of dips, according to EN 50160.

Residual Duration time t
voltage U [s]
[%Unom] 0.01 ≤ t ≤ 0.2 0.2 < t ≤ 0.5 0.5 < t ≤ 1 1<t≤5 5 < t ≤ 60
90 > U ≥ 80 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
80 > U ≥ 70 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
70 > U ≥ 40 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
40 > U ≥ 5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
U<5 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5

Tab. 81. Statistical distribution of interruptions.

Residual voltage U Duration time t
[%Unom] t ≤ 3min t > 3min
U<5 short interruptions long interruptions Section ADDITIONAL INFORMATION – RAPID VOLTAGE CHANGES (RVC)

reports, when option INCLUDE RVC is checked in the window for generating the report. This section
is divided into two parts:
 the first one presents the following data, broken down into individual channels and a poly-
phase voltage (column L123-N):
o total number of RVC events,
o maximum recorded value of UMAX,
o maximum duration of a single RVC event.
 the second one presents the number of RVC events broken down by individual channels
and polyphase, in terms of daily occurrence (the report displays only the days for which
data is available for 24h). If the number of events is above 24/day (or 12/day, depending
on standard selected), then the result is shown in red.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual Section ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Section ADDITIONAL INFORMATION is present in reports generated for compliance with the
Polish Regulation of the Minister of Economy, when currents and 15-minute power values were
measured. In such cases the following additional parameters are also recorded:
 15-minute active power,
 15-minute reactive power,
 15-minute apparent power,
 total 15-minute tanφ factor

This section of the report presents the maximum 15-minute values recorded for the four parameters.

In meters supporting 4-quadrant energy counters, values of 15-minute 4-quadrant energy are
also recorded to calculate factors tan(φ)L+ (quadrant I) and tan(φ)C+ (quadrant IV). These
additional tanφ factors are then displayed in the second part of this section. Summary report

If the user in MEASUREMENTS tab selects REPORTSQUICK SUMMARY, two windows will be
shown to summarise the whole recording range:
 TABLE SUMMARY window, showing the report in a text form, with daily maximum and minimum
values the following parameters:
RMS values of phase and phase-to-phase voltages (depending on the type of network).
RMS values of currents,
Power Factor PF (for individual phases and total).

Minimum and maximum values shown in the summary are selected from among the recorded
average values. If these values are not recorded, they are ignored in the summary. If none of
these parameters is included in the recording, the summary report is not generated and an
appropriate message is displayed.

Clicking SAVE button will save the report displayed in the selected format: csv, pdf, html or txt.
An example of window with the summary table is shown in Fig. 66.

7 Data Analysis

Fig. 66. Example of summary table.

Window GRAPHICAL SUMMARY, which presents a time plot of the effective values of voltages and
currents in measured channels (average values, as in the summary table), covering the whole
recording interval. If none of the required parameters was not measured, the window is not
displayed. The window of the plot has the same properties as the standard time plot window
described in section. Example of summary plot is shown in Fig. 67.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 67. Example of Graphical summary.

7.4.3 Events
Note: The feature is not available in MPI-540.

Pressing EVENTS button, changes the main window image into the one shown in Fig. 68. This
mode may be used to analyze all events recorded by the analyzer.
The recorded events are presented as dots in the graph.
In the bottom left part the selectable parameters are displayed as listed in the table .
The user may turn on/off the selected types by checking relevant boxes. The table displays only
selected event types.

Description of individual columns:

 MARK – a double-click of this cell selects the event along with the waveform (if any) on the dot
graph and adds a given event to the list in MARKER tab,
 TYPE – specifies the event type (voltage swell, dip, exceeding the minimum threshold, etc.),
 SOURCE – defines the phase in which the event was detected,
 START,END – the start and end time of the event,
 DURATION – event duration,
 EXTREMUM – the lowest or the highest value during the event,
 AVERAGE – average value during the event,
 THRESHOLD – the threshold value exceeding of which has triggered the event detection (the
same as the threshold set during the analyzer configuration),
 WAVEFORM – waveform icon means that a waveform is available along with RMS1/2 graph
for the event,

7 Data Analysis

 in meters that measure rapid voltage changes (RVC), dedicated RVC columns are displayed
for these events: RVC UMAX and RVC USS.

The analyzers that support polyphase voltage events and/or RVC (e.g. PQM-702) provide a
selection list SHOW POLYPHASE EVENTS , which has two options:
 GROUPED – including polyphase events, which cover several channels - shown in a grouped
form of in one line. Column SOURCE shows channels, where the event occurred. Parameters
stated in the table, including start and end times, extreme, apply to events considered as
multi-phase (according to the requirements of IEC 61000-4-30).
 SEPARATE – voltage events are listed separately, each channel is considered independently.
Yellow colour in SOURCE column indicates a polyphase event in accordance with IEC 61000-4-30.
This applies to both to GROUPED and SEPARATE views.

The concept of a polyphase event is used in relation to polyphase networks. Below we present
definitions of polyphase events as they are defined in standard IEC 61000-4-30.
 Polyphase dip – in polyphase systems, a dip starts when URMS1/2 voltage in at least one
measuring channel is lower than the dip threshold and it ends when URMS1/2 voltage in all
measuring channels is equal to or greater than dip threshold plus the voltage hysteresis.
 Polyphase swell – in polyphase systems, a swell starts when URMS1/2 voltage in at least
one measuring channel is higher than the swell threshold and it ends when URMS1/2 voltage
in all measuring channels is equal to or lower than the swell threshold minus the voltage
 Polyphase interruption – in polyphase systems, an interruption starts when URMS1/2
voltage in all measuring channels is lower than the interruption threshold and it ends when
URMS1/2 voltage in at least one measuring channel is equal to or greater than the
interruption threshold plus the voltage hysteresis.

These definitions specify that polyphase events include also dips and swell which occur in only
one phase in polyphase systems. In turn, a polyphase interruption takes place only when an
interruption occurs in all phases at the same time.

Fig. 68. Event window.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual Value/duration graph

Fig. 69 shows a graph for VALUE/DURATION. In order to display it, select
PLOTSVALUE/DURATION option. This graph shows events in the form of dots and enables the
program to display a number of events with their mutual relationship between the duration of the
event (horizontal axis) and the extreme value of an event (vertical axis). The graph shows only the
types of events that have been selected on the left sidebutton. In case of RVC events, the graph
presents the values of UMAX.

Fig. 69. Event analysis – value/time graph. ANSI/CBEMA graph

When events of voltage dip, swell, or interruption were recorded option PLOTSANSI/CBEMA
is enabled. When this option is selected, event graph is displayed similar to Value/duration graph,
but with overlaid ANSI or CBEMA curves, which are standard in the evaluation of the device in terms
of tolerance to fluctuations of the supply voltage. The graph type is selected from the pop-up menu
displayed after right-clicking within the graph area and selecting CURVE TYPE option and choosing
ANSI or CBEMA. Specific points of the curves may be modified manually in program preferences:
OPTIONSCONFIGURATIONDATA ANALYSIS. A sample screen is shown in Fig. 70.
More information on ANSI and CBEMA curves may be found in the instruction manual of the

7 Data Analysis

Fig. 70. ANSI/CBEMA graph.

Actions for zooming-in/zooming-out, moving and others (including marker
activities) shown in Fig. 69, Fig. 70, Fig. 71 are similar to those shown in
Fig. 60.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual Waveform/RMS1/2 graph

Clicking on Waveform icon enables waveform graphs and an accompanying graph showing
RMS1/2 values (Fig. 71). Open in a new window option has the same functionality as in the data
analysis. The waveform graph and RMS1/2 values may be also displayed by highlighting the line
with the chosen event – in place with waveform icon and selecting PlotsWaveform option.

Fig. 71. Plot with a start and end waveform.

Fig. 71 presents an example of a waveform. As two waveforms are assigned typically to this
event (start and end of the event), the colored boxes on the diagram mark the beginning ( START)
and the end (END) of the event. In case of a short event, the waveform will be continuous. If the
event duration is longer, there will be two waveforms (one at the beginning of the event and the
second at the end). The plot may be freely zoomed-in according to the principles described in the
sec. Operations on the plot are the same as in case of the timeplot.
Waveforms may be saved in CSV format, which allows user to analyze them in spreadsheets.
All samples of enabled channels are saved. To save a waveform in this format, select EXPORT TO
CSV icon and specify a file name and location where you want to save the file.
Arrows PREVIOUS and NEXT in the toolbar allow you to switch automatically between successive
plots in the event list. Both plot windows: waveforms and RMS 1/2 will be updated.
Tick SET MARKER box to add the marked event to the list of selected events (in MARKER tab in
the event table) and to select MARKER next to the event in the table.

7 Data Analysis Event Report

Events listed in the table may be stored in the form of a report, after selecting REPORTEVENT
REPORT option. A sample pdf report is shown in Fig. 72.

Fig. 72. Event Report.

MARKER window includes events selected by the user. In this table the user may move rows
(events), to arrange them according own choice. Rows are moved using "drag and drop" technique,
or by clicking and keeping the left mouse button on any cell in the line you can move it up or down.
All buttons in MARKER tab operate identical as in POINT tab.

7.4.4 Energy cost report

Sonel Analysis enables user to analyse the energy costs according to a several tariffs defined
by the user. A precondition for generating such a report is the presence of consumed active energy
(EP+) in the recorded data. To generate the report, first enable displaying the total active energy
consumed in the table (tick ENERGY P+ in the left panel, activate N button to display total parameters
and tick the box with instantaneous values) and then choose the desired period of time (the entire
TIME column or a range). Then press REPORTS button and select ENERGY COST REPORT. A window
similar to the one shown in Fig. 64 will be displayed, where the user may fill-in some additional fields
that appear in the final report. To see the report, click PREVIEW on the toolbar of this window. To
save the report to a file (pdf, html, txt, csv) select SAVE, enter a filename and location, select its type
and click SAVE. Types of tariffs

Sonel Analysis software allows to determine energy costs by three types of tariffs. Because the
name of tariffs may be given by the user, the following description will be used for the names of
tariffs: A, B, C.

 Tariff A (single-zone - default name: C11) – the simplest type of tariff, which applies a
uniform rate throughout the period, regardless of the season, week and day. In this tariff,
you can only specify the cost per kWh.
 Tariff B (multi-zone - default name: C12b) – a tariff, in which the user can specify from one
to three billing zones (time periods during the year are set to the nearest day). Each zone
enables may have periods with different rates defined for the morning peak and evening

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

peak. The user may specify days of the week and hours of the peaks. The cost per kWh
of energy is determined separately for the morning peak, evening peak and off-peak pe-
 Tariff C (annual - default name: C22b) – a tariff, where three kWh rates (for morning peak,
evening peak and off-peak period), where peak hours are the same for all days of the
week in a given month. The user may independently set peak periods for each month of
the year.

The configuration of tariffs and currency is defined in Sonel Analysis (PROGRAM


The energy cost report includes several sections. Description of the report concerns the report
in pdf and html formats.
A part of a typical report is shown in Fig. 73. Section GENERAL INFORMATION

This section contains additional fields that the user filled when generating the report and general
 Measurement location (field filled by the user),
 Measurement cause (field filled by the user),
 Author (field filled by the user),
 Comments (field filled by the user),
 Analyzer type (firmware version, serial number),
 Software (version of Sonel Analysis),
Start time, end time and interval taken for the analysis. TARIFF SETTINGS section

Section TARIFF SETTINGS includes a configurations of three types of tariffs (A, B and C), with
parameters defined in the program configuration. It includes rates and billing zones. CALCULATION SUMMARY section

Section CALCULATION SUMMARY presents the figures for energy costs, according to the
three specified tariffs. Individual rows present:
 Morning peak energy [kWh] - total energy charged during the morning peaks,
 Morning peak cost – the total cost (in the indicated currency) of the morning peak energy,
 Evening peak energy [kWh] - total energy charged during the evening peaks,
 Evening peak cost – the total cost the evening peak energy
 Off-peak energy [kWh] - total energy charged outside the peak periods,
 Off-peak cost – the total cost the off-peak energy
 Total energy - energy which is the sum of the energy values specified above,
 Total cost - total calculated cost of energy during the analysed period.

The columns include values calculated for the three tariffs.

7 Data Analysis

Fig. 73. Part of energy tariff report. COST PLOTS section

Three sections of COST PLOTS include graphical form the energy distribution costs (vertical
axis) over time (horizontal axis). The tariffs plots, which apply different rates for peak periods,
indicate these periods with vertical stripes - morning peaks in orange and evening peaks in blue.

7.4.5 Data export

Measurement data presented in a tabular form, may be selected and saved in a desired file
format. This applies both to the data presented in part MEASUREMENTS (section 7.4.2) and for Events
(section 7.4.3):
 for MEASUREMENTS, click the time column and then select the parameters you want to export by
selecting chosen columns with data. To instantly select all the data in the table, right-click in the
table and choose SELECT ALL option. Time range may be reduced by selecting only some of the
cells in the time column (holding down SHIFT or CTRL key). The second option of reducing the
time range is using two sliders S (start) and E (end) in the part with the dotted graph. Then press
REPORTSUSER REPORT. To save the data in a desired file format, select SAVE, and then indicate
the location, name and format of your file. Available formats:
 pdf (export to this format may contain maximum 12 data columns),
 html (these files may be opened in a web browser)
 txt (standard text files)
 csv (Comma Separated Values - files of this type may be easily opened in spreadsheets
e.g. in Microsoft Excel)
Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

 for EVENTS, the data range (rows) may be reduced by using two sliders S (start) and E (end) in
the part with the dotted graph. Then press REPORTSUSER REPORT. To save the data in a desired
file format, select SAVE, and then indicate the location, name and format of your file. The data
formats are the same as described above for the measurements.
It is possible to export only selected events - mark the icon in MARK column next to selected
events and then, after choosing the MARKER tab, press REPORTSUSER REPORT and proceed as
described above.

The standard way to export data to csv files may be configured by selecting
The following features may be set here:
 an option for dividing data into files of smaller size. To do this, select SPLIT FILE option and set
the maximum desired number of lines in a single file. If the report contains more rows that
defined in the settings, csv report will be divided into several files with names including
respective numbers. The first file number is 000000.
 a character for separating the integer part from the decimal (dot or comma)
 a character for separating values (semicolon is used as default),
 a character for separating text fields (e.g. column headers).

8 Other program options

8 Other program options

8.1 Analyzer status, starting and stopping recording
Selecting ANALYZERCONTROL option in the program menu displays a window as shown in
Fig. 74. This window includes a lot of information about the current state of the analyzer - the user
may also change the measurement configuration and start/stop the recording process.

Window CONTROL is not available for PQM-707 and MPI-540 devices.

The following describes the elements of the status window:

 ANALYZER TYPE – model of the connected analyzer,
 SERIAL NUMBER – the serial number of the analyzer, which is connected,
 LOCATION COORDINATES – geographical position of the analyzer, available only after receiving
location data from GPS satellites (only analyzers with a GPS receiver),
 TEMPERATURE – displays the current temperature inside the analyzer in Celsius and Fahrenheit
degrees. The internal temperature of the analyzer shown in CONTROL window is usually higher
than the ambient temperature. The declared measurement accuracy of the analyzers shown in
the technical specifications relates to ambient temperature and not the internal temperature of
the device,
 CHARGING STATE – information about the status of charging when power is applied, or about
the percentage of remaining battery power (including battery voltage) when device is supplied
from the battery,
 POWER SOURCE – shows the current power source of the analyzer: battery or mains,
 SOFTWARE VERSION and HARDWARE VERSION – shows firmware and hardware versions,

Next information on recording:

 ANALYZER STATUS: indicates whether the analyzer is recording or not,
 CONFIGURATION NUMBER – currently selected measurement configuration,
 MEMORY AVAILABLE FOR CONFIGURATION – percentage value that specifies the amount of space
assigned to the measurement configuration and still available,

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 74. Control window.

 ESTIMATED RECORDING TIME – shows the approximate recording time, according to the current
configuration - shown in the following format: weeks(w) days(d) hours(h) minutes(m) second(s),
 DETECTED EVENTS – the number of detected events - counted from the last recording start in the
measurement point. Sending a new configuration or switching-off the analyzer results in
resetting the counters.

This window also enables user to change the active measurement configuration, and remote
starting/stopping of the recording:
 CURRENT CONFIGURATION – the user may select one of four measurement configurations from
the list to enable it. The currently used measurement configuration cannot be changed during
 RECORDING CONTROL – two buttons are available: STOP and START, which may be used to stop
and start the recording process.

8.2 Deleting data

After selecting ANALYZER DATA REMOVAL from the menu, a window is displayed as shown in
Fig. 75. In this window, you may select data to be deleted in indicated measurement configurations
without affecting their settings. To do this, select the check boxes next to the measurement
configurations and press REMOVE DATA. If you need to delete all data from the card, it is
recommended to format the data card via FORMAT CARD option.

Window DATA REMOVAL is not available for PQM-707 and MPI-540 devices.

8 Other program options

Fig. 75. Deleting data.

8.3 Configuration
The user may change the default application settings after choosing from the program menu
The whole settings section, is divided into a few parts, marked by icons located in the top part
of the window

After selecting any of them, detailed settings are presented in the middle part of the window -
they also may be divided into tabs.

On the right side of the window, additional buttons are located:

 FACTORY – restores default (factory) settings of the program (after confirming by the user),
 LOAD – reads program settings from a *.config file,
 SAVE AS – saves the program settings to a *.config file,

8.3.1 Main Settings

 DEFAULT LANGUAGE – used to select the default language of the application (Fig. 76).
 DEFAULT ANALYZER TYPE – allows user to select a default type of the analyzer from a list - it affects
e.g. opening of the analyzer configuration.
 DISPLAY SETTINGS – allows user to open the application in full screen mode and displaying
descriptions of the icons on the toolbars and enable displaying of STARTUP WINDOW when the
application or the configuration selection window is started.
 UPDATE SETTINGS - allows user to enable /disable the option to automatically check for new
versions of Sonel Analysis program and for the analyzer firmware. When you tick option CHECK
ONLINE UPDATES, each time the program is started - it will be connect to manufacturer's server
and check for new program versions. The user will be informed about a new version and then
may choose to download and install the update. If you select CHECK FIRMWARE VERSION WHILE
CONNECTING, the program will check for the latest firmware versions when connection is
established with the analyzer. If found, the program will propose updating.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 76. Program configuration - Main settings.

8.3.2 Analyzer configuration

In the panel on the left side, the following options are available:
 ANALYZER DEFAULT SETTINGS - This option allows the user to specify the default configuration for
a specific model of the analyzer after starting the application. Selecting FROM FILE option will
result in loading the default configuration from a saved file with the *.settings extension. If the
user does not indicated own configuration file in PATH field, the application will use the standard
file saved in the installation catalogue. When "From file" option is not selected, the program will
use the built-in configuration (factory).
 STANDARD DEFAULT SETTINGS – this option allows the user to configure individual profiles of EN
50160 standards and its variants. A drop-down tree are have all factory pre-defined profiles,
which are available on the drop-down list when you set up the measurement according to EN
50160 (see sec. 3.2.2).
Tab DEFAULT may be used to specify the default standard, and check whether the standard
settings have been modified by the user in relation to factory parameters. When the factory
settings of the standard have been modified, the name of the standard in column STANDARD
NAME will be marked as "(MODIFIED)" and column RESTORE DEFAULTS will have "RESTORE"
button. Clicking this button will restore the factory settings of the standard.
Expanding the tree of a selected profile, you can view and change (if required) their default
o BASIC card includes quality criteria for frequency, slow voltage changes, unbalance and
o HARMONICS card includes THD criteria in voltage and voltage harmonics,

8 Other program options

o EVENTS card includes criteria for voltage events: interruptions, dips and swells


Use this card to set the measuring criteria for:

 Frequency – tolerance values that define allowable deviations as a percentage of nominal
frequency value and the measurement time limit for the first tolerance (i.e. 99.5% of the week
and ±1% fN),
 Slow voltage changes – RMS voltage: two tolerance values that define allowable deviations as
a percentage of nominal RMS voltage value and the measurement time limit for the first
tolerance (i.e. 99.5% of the week and 10% Un),
 Voltage unbalance factor – measurement time limit for a specified threshold,
 Long-term flicker severity PLT – measurement time limit and the threshold.

Fig. 77. Recording in accordance with EN 50160 - basic settings.


The screen is shown in Fig. 78. Here, the user may set the limits for THD factor, and limit levels
for individual harmonics.
Setting limits for individual harmonics may be performed in two ways: completing the table
below the graph or directly on the graph. When the table is filled, after values are approved, the
graph located above presented the table visualization.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

To change the limit on the graph, double-click on a selected harmonic and then holding down
the left mouse button, set the desired level. Additionally, after selecting a harmonic, the following
keys may be also used:
 SPACEBAR - used to enter the editing selected harmonic
 ENTER - confirming values
 TAB – confirming values and moving to the next harmonics,
 UP and DOWN arrow - change the value of the limit,
 LEFT and RIGHT arrow - used for moving to the previous or next harmonics,
 HOME and END - jump between the first and the last harmonic.

The level of THD and harmonics is referenced to the fundamental
THD during recording in accordance with EN 50160 is always calculated
basing on the first 40 harmonics.

Fig. 78. Recording in accordance with EN 50160 - harmonics settings.


Fig. 79 presents screen for recording events according to EN 50160. The following features
may be set here:
 thresholds for detecting voltage swells, dips and interruptions. These thresholds are expressed
as a percentage of the nominal voltage value that to be added to the nominal value.

8 Other program options

For example, swell tolerance of +10% Un means, that for voltage Un=230 V, the swell threshold
is Uswell = 230 + 23 V = 253 V.
Interruption tolerance of -95% Un, means, that event detection with a voltage equal to or less
than Uintr = 230 - 227.7 V = 2.3 V.
 Time thresholds of interruptions: very short/short/long/very long/catastrophic. This values are
used for the classification of power-supply interruption events.

 Voltage dip cannot be set lower than interruption.
 Nominal voltage value is taken from measurement configuration main
settings (nominal values of mains system)

Fig. 79. Recording in accordance with EN 50160 – event settings.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual


Fig. 80 shows the card for additional settings of EN 50160 standard. It contains:
 panel for configuring limits for mains signalling,
 threshold limit for tan,
 field indicating activation of recording the 15-minute parameters (only for preview).

The criteria contained in the standard profile are sent to the analyzer when sending the
configuration. This allows the analyzer records the parameters required by the relevant standard,
e.g. Polish Profiles require the measurement of 15-minute average values of power and tan which
are not present for the remaining profiles. It also allows the user to generate a report on standard
compliance, applying the set of criteria (which the user may modify in relation to the default profiles
included in Sonel Analysis. Additionally, the program enables the user to generate a report, based
on the standard profiles stored in the configuration of Sonel Analysis.

Fig. 80. Recording in accordance with EN 50160 – additional settings.

8 Other program options

8.3.3 Live mode

This part of settings (Fig. 81) allows defining the colors of elements and settings in the live
mode. The part is divided into the following cards WAVEFORMS, TIMEPLOT, MEASUREMENTS, PHASOR,

The cards include the following groups:

 ACTIVITY - switching-off the preview of a given phase or selecting the active phase after turning
on the screen, e.g. in displaying harmonics, the phase is selected by pressing button - this
setting allows user to select the active phase after enabling harmonics screen.
 VISIBILITY - allows the user to select which channels are visible by default,
 COLORS - in this section you can set colors of individual phases / channels / parameters.

Fig. 81. Program configuration – Live mode settings.

8.3.4 Color settings

Section COLOR SETTINGS allows user to change the colors of individual application components
in the part concerning data analysis. It is divided into the following tabs (Fig. 82):
 GRAPH COLORS – colours of timeplots divided into individual parameters and phases,
 GENERAL COLORS – colours of measurement dots, events and waveforms on the dot plot in
 MEASUREMENTS COLORS – colours of dots and background of table cells in MEASUREMENTS cells,
divided into individual parameters,
 EVENT COLORS – colours of dots and background of table cells in EVENTS cells, divided into
individual event types,

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 82. Program configuration – Color settings.

8.3.5 Data analysis

This section contains the following cards:

 EXCLUDED DEVICES - allows user to display devices (disks) that are

to be ignored during the search in connected devices with a SD card that include
 SETTINGS OF CBEMA GRAPHS – enables user to change the default criteria for CBEMA graphs.
Changes are introduced by changing the position of the nodes in the graph. Default settings
may be restored by clicking RESET GRAPH button.
 SETTINGS OF ANSI GRAPHS – similarly as in case of CBEMA graphs - enables user to change
the default criteria for ANSI graphs (Fig. 83). Changes are introduced by changing the position
of the nodes in the graph. Default settings may be restored by clicking RESET GRAPH button.
 ANALYSIS TIME SETTINGS – to record in accordance with local time or UTC (Universal Time Clock).
In devices that do not have a GPS receiver, regardless of settings, only local time is used.
 SETTING ENERGY TARIFFS– allows you to customize the settings of the energy calculator. It is
possible to fully configure three tariffs used to calculate the total active energy consumption and
cost. Tariffs and their parameters are described in the sec. 7.4.4.

8.3.6 Report settings

The elements included in this part of the configuration:
 ADDITIONAL REPORT DATA - in this section you can fill in additional fields used for the generating
measurement reports: “Report’s number”, "Measurement place", "Author", "Measurement
cause", "Notes" and indicate the logo to be added to the reports. These fields may be modified
when generating reports. The fields left empty are not added to the reports.

8 Other program options

 CSV SETTINGS – enables the user to change the default way of generating CSV files: the number
of rows for a single file, selecting the character that separates the integer part from the decimal
(period or comma), the choice of separator individual values and selection of text delimiter.

Fig. 83. Program configuration – ANSI graph settings.

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

8.3.7 Media settings

In PQM-700 and PQM-707 analyzers, the user cannot set parameters in this
tab. These settings are not supported by these meters.

In PQM-701 it is not possible to scan analyzers via GSM (except for PQM-701Zr), or

Options related to the serial port are available only for PQM-701Zr.

In PQM-702 and PQM-703 it is not possible to scan analyzers via Wi-Fi.

Media Settings include the following options:

 ACTIVE MEDIA – the user may activate scanning the analyzers connected via serial connection
(option SERIAL PORT), scanning the analyzers connected via GSM (option TCP/IP OVER GSM)
or Wi-Fi (option WI-FI).
 SERIAL PORT SETTINGS (Fig. 85) – allows user to select settings for PC serial port that
will be applied for connecting with PQM-701Zr analyzer. The following options are available:
 PORTS TO BE SCANNED - the COM ports detected in the system are listed. If we know the
specific port number to which the analyzer is connected then just choose this one. If you
do not know the specific port number, select all of them or a group.
 PARITY - indicates the current analyzer parity type,
 FLOW CONTROL – select the flow control method: hardware (CTS/RTS) or off (must be the
same as the one set in the analyzer),
 STOP BITS - 1 or 2,
 BAUD RATE - indicates the transmission speed in bits per second set in the analyzer.

8 Other program options

Fig. 84. Choosing active connection types.

To speed up the search for analyzers connected through the serial port the option DO NOT
SEARCH FOR SETTINGS OTHER THAN PREVIOUSLY STORED has been added. If it is selected the program
stores the transmission parameters when an analyzer is found on the COM port to use them
exclusively during the next scan. This means that if a different analyzer with different parameters is
connected it will not be detected. If this is the case the new analyzer should be connected to another
COM port, or the option should be deselected. In both cases ensure that the transmission
parameters of the analyzer are specified in the settings selected on the card.
DELETE THE SAVED SETTINGS button causes the removal of settings for the detected analyzers,
which means that when a search is initiated all combinations of settings selected in the card are
To speed up the analyzer detection process it is advised to narrow down the possible setting

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual

Fig. 85. Program configuration – Serial port settings.

8.4 Upgrading software and firmware

Firmware of the analyzer and "Sonel Analysis" software must be regularly updated in order to
correct discovered errors or introduce new functionalities. When the analyzer software is updated,
check whether a new version of "Sonel Analysis" is available (and vice versa), if yes proceed with
the upgrade.

8.4.1 Automatic software update

Every time the program is started, it checks for updates on the manufacturer’s server. This
feature may be turned on/off in the preferences (see section 8.3.1). If this option is disabled, the
update may be performed manually by selecting HELPON-LINE UPDATE. To perform the update,
an operational Internet connection is required.
If the program detects that a new version of "Sonel Analysis" is available, the user may decide
to upgrade the current version. After downloading necessary files the new version will be installed
and the program will re-start.
The program may also check for a newer version of the analyzer firmware. Firmware update
may be performed only after connecting the analyzer with a USB cable. When a new version is
available, the user will see information concerning the software version and introduced changes.

9 Manufacturer

After confirmation by the user the update proceeds. Then, after it is completed, the analyzer
automatically disconnects and re-starts.

The new version of the firmware may introduce new functionalities,
enforcing the change of the internal format of configuration files that will not
be compatible with the data already stored on the memory card. Therefore,
before updating the firmware, you must first download all data from the
analyzer and save them to disk.
After the update, clean the memory card by sending a new measurement
Failure to follow these guidelines may prevent the read-out of data stored in
analyzer memory.

9 Manufacturer
The manufacturer of the software and provider of guarantee and post-guarantee services:

Wokulskiego 11
58-100 Świdnica
tel. +48 74 858 38 60 (Customer Service)
E-mail: [email protected]
Web page:

Sonel Analysis 4 User Manual


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