External Service - Scope of Work/Terms and Conditions: Purchase Order

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Issue Date: June 1, 2001

Revision No. 2
2016 | Holcim Philippines, Inc.
VAT Registered TIN 000-121-507-00000

Tel: 4593383, Fax:


6102458 / TIN: 107156859000 PO number/date 6700179340 / Jan 10, 2019
DUNS# 721980373 Terms of payment: PH-Due in 45days Upon Rcpt of Orig. Inv by HEABS
FaxNo: Currency: PHP
Attention: Incoterms:N/A - HPHI - La Union Plant
Standard PO Annexes:
A. Standard PO terms and conditions
B. OH & S Provisions for Services

Header text



HPHI La Union Plant

Please send your PO confirmation notice immediately to ([email protected]).
For your strict compliance.


Line Del Date Ship to Material No. U/M Qty Unit Amount
Item RFQ/Contract # /Stor Loc PCS Code Bin Loc /Description Price

00010 Feb 15, 2019 Quirino, Bacnotan La Union JOB 1.000 400,000.00 400,000.00
MNE 060201 E12-1M4 Restoration of Paagan supply lin

E12-1M4 Restoration of Paagan supply line

External Service - Scope of Work/Terms and Conditions
Safety Procedures
1.Review JPT and create LST with supervisor

Prepared by: Approved by:

Katherine Manacsa Ike Tan

BUYER Procurement Head
[email protected]

(Note: This is a system-generated document sent automatically to vendor's e-mail address after PO approval with the duty affixed
electronic signature of company's authorized representative. Price and specifications are based on vendor's quotations/negotiations
as document in the Purchase Order).
This document is not valid for claiming input taxes
PTU No. 0211-ETRD-CAS-00121, Date Issued June 1, 2015, Series from 6700000000 to 6709999999
Holcim Philippines, Inc.
VAT Registered TIN 000-121-507-00000

Tel: 4593383, Fax:


6102458 / TIN: 107156859000 PO number/date 6700179340 / Jan 10, 2019
DUNS# 721980373 Terms of payment: PH-Due in 45days Upon Rcpt of Orig. Inv by HEABS
FaxNo: Currency: PHP
Standard PO Annexes:
A. Standard PO terms and conditions
B. OH & S Provisions for Services

Line Del Date Ship to Material No. U/M Qty Unit Amount
Item RFQ/Contract # /Stor Loc PCS Code Bin Loc /Description Price

2.Wear mandatory PPE (hard hat, protection goggles, high visibility clothes, safety shoes and additional PPE applicable in the working
area (dust mask, safety gloves, ear plug, thermal suit).
3.Follow standard plant safety procedures.
4.Report any unsafe conditions that may affect personnel safety to the area owner/ champion.
5.Install padlock and tag.
6.Conduct local test in the field to make sure the equipment is isolated

Applicable FPE
-FPE# 1 Working at Heights
-FPE# 2 Isolation and Lockout
-FPE# 3 Vehicle and Traffic Safety
-FPE# 4 Electrical Safety
-FPE# 7 Hot Work
-FPE# 8 Digging and Excavation
-FPE# 9 Lifting and Supporting Loads

Safety Hazards
1. Exposure to electricity
2. Caught in between
3. Fall from heights

Prepared by: Approved by:

Ike Tan
Procurement Head

(Note: This is a system-generated document sent automatically to vendor's e-mail address after PO approval with the duty affixed
electronic signature of company's authorized representative. Price and specifications are based on vendor's quotations/negotiations
as document in the Purchase Order).
This document is not valid for claiming input taxes
PTU No. 0211-ETRD-CAS-00121, Date Issued June 1, 2015, Series from 6700000000 to 6709999999
Holcim Philippines, Inc.
VAT Registered TIN 000-121-507-00000

Tel: 4593383, Fax:


6102458 / TIN: 107156859000 PO number/date 6700179340 / Jan 10, 2019
DUNS# 721980373 Terms of payment: PH-Due in 45days Upon Rcpt of Orig. Inv by HEABS
FaxNo: Currency: PHP
Standard PO Annexes:
A. Standard PO terms and conditions
B. OH & S Provisions for Services

Line Del Date Ship to Material No. U/M Qty Unit Amount
Item RFQ/Contract # /Stor Loc PCS Code Bin Loc /Description Price

2.Specific Required tools

Safety PPE#s
# Safety helmet
# Dust mask
# Safety Goggles
# Safety Shoes
# Reflectorized shirt/vest

Tools and Equipment

# Standard Electrician tools
# Standard sets of box and open wrench
# Digging tools - shovels, cyclone post hole digger
# Boom truck
# Sling and shackles (approved and inspected by Safety)

3.Scope of Supply:

CONTRACTOR to Supply the following:

a. 2 pcs concrete pole 45 ft. class 7 with cross arm
( note: cross arm must be standard and pole with holes for climbing)

Prepared by: Approved by:

Ike Tan
Procurement Head

(Note: This is a system-generated document sent automatically to vendor's e-mail address after PO approval with the duty affixed
electronic signature of company's authorized representative. Price and specifications are based on vendor's quotations/negotiations
as document in the Purchase Order).
This document is not valid for claiming input taxes
PTU No. 0211-ETRD-CAS-00121, Date Issued June 1, 2015, Series from 6700000000 to 6709999999
Holcim Philippines, Inc.
VAT Registered TIN 000-121-507-00000

Tel: 4593383, Fax:


6102458 / TIN: 107156859000 PO number/date 6700179340 / Jan 10, 2019
DUNS# 721980373 Terms of payment: PH-Due in 45days Upon Rcpt of Orig. Inv by HEABS
FaxNo: Currency: PHP
Standard PO Annexes:
A. Standard PO terms and conditions
B. OH & S Provisions for Services

Line Del Date Ship to Material No. U/M Qty Unit Amount
Item RFQ/Contract # /Stor Loc PCS Code Bin Loc /Description Price

b. Machine bolt 5/8 x 6" (15 pcs)

c. Washer 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 x 5/8 (30pcs)

4.Scope of Work

1. Conduct site inspection with proponent

2. Secure work permit
3. Removal of fuse cut outs and safe keep at panel, then provide LOTO at panel
4. Installation of 2 pcs (45ft) pole and 2 pcs (35ft) pole from Dynamite to 1.4 area only(at fuse cut out)
a. Digging of holes with a depth of 5ft for the erection of poles
b. Erection of poles
c. Buried poles
d. Installation of cross arm and insulator
e. Relocation of 4160V ACSR to the new installed electrical post. Properly arrange cables
5. Housekeeping is observed at the area

5.Terms and condition

The Contractor shall supply:

Prepared by: Approved by:

Ike Tan
Procurement Head

(Note: This is a system-generated document sent automatically to vendor's e-mail address after PO approval with the duty affixed
electronic signature of company's authorized representative. Price and specifications are based on vendor's quotations/negotiations
as document in the Purchase Order).
This document is not valid for claiming input taxes
PTU No. 0211-ETRD-CAS-00121, Date Issued June 1, 2015, Series from 6700000000 to 6709999999
Holcim Philippines, Inc.
VAT Registered TIN 000-121-507-00000

Tel: 4593383, Fax:


6102458 / TIN: 107156859000 PO number/date 6700179340 / Jan 10, 2019
DUNS# 721980373 Terms of payment: PH-Due in 45days Upon Rcpt of Orig. Inv by HEABS
FaxNo: Currency: PHP
Standard PO Annexes:
A. Standard PO terms and conditions
B. OH & S Provisions for Services

Line Del Date Ship to Material No. U/M Qty Unit Amount
Item RFQ/Contract # /Stor Loc PCS Code Bin Loc /Description Price

a.Registered Electrical Engineer (REE), Registered Master Electrician (RME), TESDA certified, competent labor and sufficient
b.Contractor to submit manpower line up.
c. All Safety PPE, tools and equipment shall be provided by the contractor to complete the project.
d. All tools and equipment to be used, must be inspected, approved and tagged by the Safety Department prior to commencement of
e.Contractor employees are only allowed to render 12-hours duty. Report list of employees who extended 12-hours duty. Prior to
extension of duty shall be coordinated to the project proponent.
f. All materials for this project listed scope of materials will be supplied by the winning contractor.
g.Holcim will provide the electricity, however the contractor to ensure the correct plugs are used for their equipment. Contractors are
forbidden from connecting the wires of their equipment directly to Circuit breakers of electrical source.
h.All work shall be in accordance with the Holcim Design Criteria, National Regulations and good engineering practices. A copy of the
Holcim Design Criteria shall be given to the contractor
i. The contractors bid shall contain all documents pertaining to warranty of materials and work executed by the Contractor. (Labor and
materials 1 year minimum).
j. All sub-standard work shall be re-done/replaced at contractors cost prior to turn over of equipment.
k. All Contractors supplied materials shall be inspected and approved by proponent. All rejected materials shall be replaced with the
Contractors expense.
l. Working area shall always be neat and tidy after every end of shift.
m. Contractor to be responsible for protection of their own equipment and tools.
n.Conduct housekeeping every after day's work.

Prepared by: Approved by:

Ike Tan
Procurement Head

(Note: This is a system-generated document sent automatically to vendor's e-mail address after PO approval with the duty affixed
electronic signature of company's authorized representative. Price and specifications are based on vendor's quotations/negotiations
as document in the Purchase Order).
This document is not valid for claiming input taxes
PTU No. 0211-ETRD-CAS-00121, Date Issued June 1, 2015, Series from 6700000000 to 6709999999
Holcim Philippines, Inc.
VAT Registered TIN 000-121-507-00000

Tel: 4593383, Fax:


6102458 / TIN: 107156859000 PO number/date 6700179340 / Jan 10, 2019
DUNS# 721980373 Terms of payment: PH-Due in 45days Upon Rcpt of Orig. Inv by HEABS
FaxNo: Currency: PHP
Standard PO Annexes:
A. Standard PO terms and conditions
B. OH & S Provisions for Services

Line Del Date Ship to Material No. U/M Qty Unit Amount
Item RFQ/Contract # /Stor Loc PCS Code Bin Loc /Description Price

o.Contractors Safety violations will be subject to investigation. Penalty should be imposed to contractors during any delays as per Holcim
p.Contractor to close the safety work permit and sign the turn-over document to the proponent before leaving the plant.
q.Within seven days after the work, the invoice should be given to project proponent for service entry


VATable Amount PHP 400,000.00

VAT PHP 48,000.00
Total Amount PHP 448,000.00

Prepared by: Approved by:

Ike Tan
Procurement Head

(Note: This is a system-generated document sent automatically to vendor's e-mail address after PO approval with the duty affixed
electronic signature of company's authorized representative. Price and specifications are based on vendor's quotations/negotiations
as document in the Purchase Order).
This document is not valid for claiming input taxes
PTU No. 0211-ETRD-CAS-00121, Date Issued June 1, 2015, Series from 6700000000 to 6709999999
1.PURCHASE ORDER AND DELIVERY (vi) does all things necessary to prevent harm, damage or nuisance to the
1.1 These terms and conditions ("Contract") apply where there is no environment, plant and equipment or infrastructure; and
express contract between the Buyer as specified in the relevant PO and (vii) does not do anything which may place LH in breach of applicable laws
the Supplier for the supply of goods and/or services to LH. Where there is and legal requirements (including without limitation statutory environmental
an express contract, that other contract applies to the exclusion of this duties and obligations imposed by environmental permits, consents,
Contract. licenses or approvals) held by the Supplier or LH.
1.2 Subject to clause 1.4, the Supplier agrees to supply and LH agrees to (b) ensure that all plant, equipment and substances used in the provision
accept the supply of Products (being the goods and/or services, as of the Services:
appropriate, as set out in the Purchase Order (being the document (i)are as far as reasonably practicable, safe and without risk to health and
described as such and provided by LH to the Supplier requesting the safety or the environment when properly used;
supply of the Products to LH). (ii) in relation to plant, are registered, tested, operated and maintained in
1.3 If the Purchase Order does not specify a quantity or value of Products accordance with manufacturer, supplier and legal requirements; and
to be purchased by LH, then LH will not be bound to purchase any specific (c) ensure that prior to commencing each task, the Supplier provides LH
or minimum quantity or value of Products. The Supplier must only invoice with a draft risk assessment or a Safety Work Method Statement (SWMS)
LH for the quantity of Products actually supplied to LH in response to a for any high risk construction work in relation to that task for review and
request from LH. then any amendments, prior to work continuing, and:
1.4 LH may withdraw the Purchase Order at any time prior to its (i)ensure that each risk assessment and SWMS and any revisions are
acceptance by the Supplier. read and understood by all relevant Workers prior to work commencing or
1.5 The Supplier accepts LH's Purchase Order as soon as the first of the continuing;
following occurs: (ii) acknowledge and agree that by reviewing a risk assessment or
(a) the Supplier tells LH in writing that it accepts the Purchase Order; or SWMS, LH does not warrant or represent that the risk assessment or
(b) the Supplier delivers the Products the subject of the Purchase Order. SWMS is complete or accurate and that the Supplier must satisfy itself
1.6 A Purchase Order which has been accepted by the Supplier can only through its own investigations that the SWMS is appropriate for the
be varied by mutual written agreement. relevant work.
1.7 The Supplier must deliver the Products to the delivery location (d) at its own cost, co-operate and comply with any safety investigations
specified in the Purchase Order on the delivery date (or earlier with LH's or audits conducted by LH or its nominee and/or any inspector appointed
prior written consent). under LH's legislation.
1.8 If the Supplier cannot deliver the Products by the agreed delivery date, 2.3 If LH, in its sole discretion, determines that the Supplier is in breach of
LH may elect, at its discretion, whether to place the Products on back any of its obligations under this clause 2, LH may
order for delivery on a later delivery date or cancel the Purchase Order (a) remove the Supplier's workers from Site, or
and receive a full refund if any amounts have been paid. (b) immediately suspend or terminate the provision of Products and the
1.9 Each delivery must be accompanied by: Supplier will have no claim for costs or an extension of time arising out of
(a) delivery dockets marked with the Purchase Order number, a or in connection with any suspension under this clause.
description of the Products, the quantity of Products, the Supplier's details 3.RISK, TITLE AND INSURANCE
including name, address, telephone number and facsimile number, the 3.1 Risk in the Products will pass from the Supplier to LH on delivery of
address of the delivery point and any other address to which the Products the Products.
are to be supplied or charged, and the dispatch date and the dispatch 3.2 Title in the Goods passes to LH upon the earlier of delivery of the
number; Goods or payment being made to the Supplier for the Goods. The
(b) a copy of the packing list (within each package of the Products); and Supplier must not claim or register any interest (including any security
(c) any other document that is required to be provided under any relevant interest) in the Products.
law or pursuant to a reasonable direction by LH. 3.3 The Supplier must have and maintain with a reputable insurer:
1.10 LH may reject any Products if LH (acting reasonably) considers any (a) (for Services) a public liability insurance policy for at least 200% of
of the warranties in this Contract are untrue or have been breached, or if total purchase value for any one event, a workers' compensation
the delivered Products do not conform with the Purchase Order. LH's insurance policy and where applicable an employer liability insurance
acceptance of the Products will not waive, limit or prejudice any rights, policy unless otherwise required by applicable local laws and regulations
powers or remedies LH may have as a result of a breach of any of the and/or stipulated in the Purchase Order; or
warranties, or any law. (b) (for Goods) a public and product liability insurance policy in respect of
2.SAFETY HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT (SHE) the Goods and Services for at least 200% of total purchase value for any
Where the Product refers to Services being provided by the Supplier, then one occurrence in respect of public liability and in the aggregate during
the following applies: any 12 month period in respect of products liability unless otherwise
2.1 The Supplier must comply with and ensure that its workers comply required by applicable local laws and regulations and/or stipulated in the
with all laws, codes of practice and standards. Purchase Order.
2.2 Without limiting the above, the Supplier must do the following in 4.PURCHASE PRICE AND INVOICING
relation to the Services: 4.1 LH will pay the purchase price set out in the Purchase Order ("Price")
(a) ensure that any worker of the Supplier who performs the Services (if for the Products prior to the due date specified on the Supplier's tax
work is performed on LH's property): invoice. The Price will be in line with any agreed pricing between LH and
(i)is inducted by LH; the Supplier.
(ii) wears the personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate for their 4.2 The Supplier must reference this Purchase Order number on its
work.; invoice. Failure to do this may result in extra time required to resolve any
(iii) is competent to perform their allocated work safely and have any issues and may cause payment delays. LH will not be liable for any
legally required licenses and qualifications for such work; interest or other costs where it is late paying an invoice because of the
(iv) is provided with such information, training and supervision as is Supplier's failure to comply with this clause.
necessary to ensure that they perform their allocated work safely; 4.3 LH shall not be required to pay any disputed amount or invoice until
(v) complies with any LH Site rules and requirements or safety related such dispute has been resolved and the Parties agree that the amount is
directions; valid and properly due to the Supplier.
4.4 LH is not bound by any terms and conditions printed on Supplier's A party may also disclose information where required by law, by order of a
acknowledgment form or invoices, and other related forms which impose court or under the rules of a securities exchange on which the party or its
additional terms and conditions or impose terms and conditions that are ultimate holding company is listed.
inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this document or the relevant 8.FORCE MAJEURE
PO. 8.1 Neither party is liable for the failure to perform their obligations under
5.TAX AND OTHERS this Contract to the extent and for so long as their performance is
5.1 The Supplier shall give all notices and pay all taxes (including prevented or delayed because of an act of god (including lightning, storm,
withholding tax), duties and fees that are required of it by Applicable Laws flood, fire, earthquake, explosion, cyclone, tidal wave, landslide, or
in connection with its provision and/or performance of the Deliverables adverse weather conditions), an act of public enemy, war, sabotage,
(according to negotiated Incoterms). blockage, revolution, riot, insurrection or civil commotion, or disruption
5.2 All withholding taxes on payments to be made to Supplier shall be to the supply of power, gas or water, provided in each case the
reported and withheld by LH. In the event that LH is exempt from event is not caused by and must be beyond the control of the party
withholding taxes, it shall duly and timely inform and provide LH with its whose performance is adversely affected by the event.
5.3 Each Purchase Order is placed on a firm price basis in accordance 9.1 The Supplier will indemnify LH and its respective officers, employees
with the Deliverables specified in the Purchase Order and is not subject to and agents for all claims, costs or losses in respect of personal injury or
any price increases without the Customer's prior written consent. death, or loss of or damage to any property arising out of or as a
5.4 The Supplier's prices shall be deemed to include all costs payable by consequence of the provision of Goods or Services under this Contract.
the Customer for the Deliverables, including (where applicable): 9.2 The indemnity shall be reduced proportionally to the extent that the act
5.5 delivery charges to the Destination, if delivery is specified in the PO; or omission of LH or its officers, employees or agents contributed to the
5.6 charges incurred by the Supplier for unloading of Goods at the claims, costs or losses.
Destination; 9.3 The indemnities and assumptions of liability contained in this clause
5.7 taxes payable excluding VAT/GST which may be imposed by the and elsewhere in this Contract will continue in full force and effect
supplier into quoted prices; and notwithstanding termination of this Contract whether by the passage of
5.8 insurance costs. time or otherwise.
6.WARRANTIES, INSURANCES AND REMEDIES 9.4 The Supplier will not be liable to LH for any damages for business
6.1 The Supplier warrants as at the date of acceptance of the Purchase interruption or loss of actual or anticipated revenue, income or profits, or
Order and again at delivery that: loss of opportunity except where this loss arises as a consequence of any
(a) the Supplier is the legal and beneficial owner of the Products and has personal injury or death or loss or damage to property subject of the
the right to sell the Products to LH free from all mortgages, charges, indemnity in clause 9.1.
encumbrances, liens and other third party rights and claims; 10. ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-CONTRACTING
(b) the Products are new, free from defects or contamination, of 10.1 The Supplier shall not sub-contract the whole or any part of this
merchantable quality and fit for the purposes for which the Products would Contract without prior written consent of LH
ordinarily be used; 10.2 If such consent is granted by LH, it shall not relieve the Supplier
(c) the Products conform with the Supplier's specifications and any from any liability or obligations under this Contract and the Supplier shall
particular specifications agreed in writing between LH and the Supplier; be responsible for the acts, omissions, defaults or negligence of any
(d) the Products conform with any description and any sample provided to sub-contractor, its agents or workman as fully as if they were the acts,
LH by or on behalf of the Supplier; omissions, defaults or negligence of the Supplier.
(e) the sale of the Products to LH will not infringe any law and the Supplier 11. GENERAL
has the necessary authority and all licences required by law to sell and 11.1 Where required by LH, the Supplier shall obtain and maintain, at its
deliver the Products to LH; and sole cost and expense, qualifications in LH's qualification process.
(f) the Products and the use or operation of the ordered Products for 11.2 The Supplier shall at all times comply with and shall procure that its
the purpose for which the Products would ordinarily be used and any personnel comply with LH's Safety Policy and the Anti-Bribery &
purpose agreed between LH and the Supplier will not infringe the Corruption Policy and all anti-bribery and anti-corruption measures
intellectual property rights of any person. required by applicable law and is deemed to have received such policies
6.2 If the Supplier breaches any warranties in respect of any Products or and acknowledged such.
LH rejects any Products under clause 6.1 then at LH's discretion and upon 11.3 This contract constitutes the entire agreement of the parties relating
demand from LH the Supplier must at the Supplier's cost and expense and to the provision and/or performance of the Services, to the exclusion of all
within a reasonable time: other terms and conditions, and any prior written or oral agreement
(a) repair or modify those Products to LH's reasonable satisfaction; between them (including any terms and conditions/ contract terms
(b) replace those Products; or provided by the Supplier.
(c) refund any amount paid by LH to the Supplier in relation to those 11.4 If any provision of this contract is determined to be invalid, illegal or
Products. void by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction then the
6.3 Nothing in clause 6.2 limits LH's other rights, powers or remedies rest of this contract shall still remain in full force and effect.
against the Supplier, including recovering any loss or damage suffered as 11.5 Nothing in this contract shall be construed to make either party an
a result of any willful or negligent act or omission of the Supplier. agent, employee, franchisee, joint venturer or legal representative of the
7.1 A party must keep confidential the terms of the Purchase Order, any 11.6 Except where expressly contemplated, this Agreement does not
negotiations and information relating to the Purchase Order and any other create any rights which are enforceable by any person who is not a party
information passing between LH and the Supplier (together, "information"), to this contract.
unless the information is in the public domain (other than by reason of 11.7 Unless otherwise stated, the rights and remedies of a party under
a breach of this clause). However, a party may disclose this contract are cumulative and do not exclude any other right or remedy
information to an officer, employee, agent or representative as affiliate, provided by applicable law.
professional adviser, insurer or financier, provided in each cause that 11.8 This contract is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance
the recipient has a need to know the information. with, the laws of the Philippines.
Page 8 / 9

B. Occupational Health and Safety ("OH&S") - The Vendor represents, warrants and agrees with HPHI that:

(a) as the policy of HPHI is to secure the health and safety of all personnel and the integrity and reliability of
all property and equipment, the Vendor shall accept HPHI's OH&S policy (as the same may be adopted
or modified from time to time) as its own. HPHI's Summary of Site Generic & Specific Safety Rules
(OHS-S-001) and Guidelines for Contractor Penalties for Non-Conformance to OHS & CSR Requirements
(OHS-F-035) currently in effect are discussed and understood which was attached as Annexes to the signed
Vendor Master Agreement, as may be applicable.

(b) To comply with this policy, the Vendor shall:

 provide documented risk assessments for all tasks
 incorporate appropriate safeguards, rules and procedures into their work
 only use tools, equipment and accessories (including scaffolding and mobile equipment) that
conforms to HPHI standards and requirements
 use properly qualified and experienced personnel for all tasks
 ensure their personnel:
- comply with HPHI's established OH&S rules, practices and procedures
- do not begin work without the appropriate work permits where relevant
- comply with work permit requirements
- conduct themselves in a manner which assures the health and safety of themselves, their fellow
employees and any other persons.
- are provided with appropriate personal protective equipment ("PPE") at the Vendor's expense.
This includes both standard site PPE and any specialist PPE but excludes disposable
respiratory and hearing protection PPE which HPHI shall provide

 use OH&S-compliant equipment, tools and any devices that are required or provided
 only use equipment and tools in good repair (Machine fully guarded, electrical leads without repairs
etc) and submit all tools and equipment for inspection by HPHI prior to site entry
 maintain a safe and healthy workplace where all hazards, unsafe acts and/or conditions are identified
and analyzed before being controlled or eliminated.
 make themselves available for safety and related training (e.g., inductions), inspections and audit
programs as required by HPHI
 record and report all incidents (unplanned events), unsafe actions or conditions.
 are removed from site at the request of HPHI personnel for breaches of this section
 all have appropriate workers' compensation insurance.
 document the above requirements in a health and safety plan to be submitted to the HPHI Site Safety
Manager unless exempted by the HPHI Site Safety Manager
 ensure fabrication is not performed on the operational areas of the plat but off-site or in dedicated
fabrication areas
 for demolition projects, submit a detailed methodology, risk assessment and Demolition Safety Plan
prior to site start up, and
 ensure the requirements of this section are applied to any sub-Vendors.

Non-compliance with any aspect of this clause shall be regarded as a breach of this Agreement with penalties applied up
to and including cancellation of this Agreement and/or the relevant Purchase Order/s; removal of the Vendor or any of its
personnel from site; and removal of the Vendor from the HPHI list of approved/accredited Vendors. HPHI has a point
system for breaches of safety requirements and will inform the Vendor in writing prior to significant action being taken.

The Vendor shall be solely, fully and exclusively liable for any and all direct or consequential damage resulting from
non-compliance with the above clauses.

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