Major Causes of Organ and Carcass Condemnation in Cattle Slaughtered at Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir, North West Ethiopia

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International Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry IJVSAH

Vol. 5(2), pp. 039-047, July, 2019. © ISSN: 8991-0338

Research Article

Major Causes of Organ and Carcass Condemnation in

Cattle Slaughtered at Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir,
North West Ethiopia
1Chemere Ayenew (DVM), *2Ananiya Simeneh (DVM)
1,2P.O. Box 30413, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2010 to March 2011 in Bahir Dar
municipality abattoir, Northwest Ethiopia to identify the major causes of organ and carcass
condemnations and to estimate the direct economic losses. A total of 413 cattle were taken for
antemortem and postmortem examination. SPSS version 19 was used for chi-square test and p-
values < 0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Postmortem examination revealed that 379
(91.7%) livers, 116(28%) lungs, 10(2.4%) hearts, 9(2.2%) kidneys, and 28 (6.7%) carcasses were
rejected in both age categories due to various causes. Fasciolosis, (64%) Hydatidosis, (24.6%)
pericarditis, (1.2%) hydronephrosis, (0.5%) Abscessation, (0.7%) and bruising, (2.9%) were found
to be the major causes responsible for rejection. There was statically insignificant difference
observed between the two age categories of cattle for all causes of liver (χ 2 = 35.80; P> 0.05),
Kidney and Carcass, (χ2= 16.9; p> 0.05) and heart (χ2 =19.1; P>0.05) condemnation. However,
there was statistically significant difference observed (χ 2=63.2; P<0.05) for all causes of lung
condemnation between the two age categories. However, there were no statistically significant
difference detected between body condition scoring categories and causes of liver, lung, heart,
kidney and carcass condemnations (χ2 =76.1, 35.0, 10.7, 11.0; p>0.05) respectively. The average
annual economic losses was calculated and found 170, 676 ETB. The current study revealed that
Fasciolosis and Hydatidosis were the major causes for condemnation that lead to huge economic
losses. Therefore, to alleviate these, further studies and preventive measures should be carried
out to reduce unnecessary financial losses encountered in the industry.

Keywords: Abattoir, Antemortem, Bahir Dar, Carcass, Cattle, Condemnation, Organ, Postmortem.

Ruminants represent an important segment of the Ethiopia owns huge number of cattle, estimated to be
Ethiopian livestock system. The national livestock 49.02million heads of cattle (CSA, 2008). Hence, an
population of Ethiopia is the largest in Africa and is increase in cattle production could contribute to the
estimated to be 49.02 million cattle, 26million sheep, attainment of food self-sufficiency in the country
21million goats, 1.79 million horses, 5.42 million donkeys, particularly in response to protein requirement for the
335 thousand mules, 760 thousand camels, 38.13 million growing human population as well as to enhance the
chickens and 5.15 million beehives in the country (CSA, export earnings (FAO, 2000).
2008). Diseases that occur in livestock have two major
impacts. These two major impacts have highly pronounced Each year a significant economic loss results from
effect on large scale abattoirs where there is large number mortality, poor weight gain, condemnation of edible organs
of animals’ slaughtered and large number of workers and carcasses at slaughter. This production loss in the
present. In addition to the risks on them, abattoirs have livestock industry is estimated at more than 900 million
high responsibility to provide risk free and wholesome USD annually (Jacob, 1979, Abebe, 1995, Jobre et
products to the society (Marta, 2010). al.,1996).
Even though the livestock sub-sector contributes much to
Meat inspection is commonly perceived as the sanitary the national economy, its development is hampered by
control of slaughter animals and meat. The aim of meat different constraints. These include rampant animal
inspection is to provide safe and wholesome meat for disease, poor nutrition, poor husbandry, poor
human consumption. The responsibility for achieving infrastructures, and shortage of trained man power and
these objectives lies primarily with the relevant public lack of government policies (PACE-Ethiopia, 2003). The
health authorities, who are represented by veterinarians significant economic losses incurred each year in different
and meat inspectors at the abattoir stage (FAO, 2007). abattoirs in Ethiopia are due to mortality, inferior weight
Meat and meat products are extremely perishable, gain and condemnation of edible organs at slaughter
therefore special care and handing must be exercised (Jobre et al.,1996, Abebe, 1995)
during all operations (Marta, 2010).
A thorough meat inspection procedure requires two steps;
Ethiopia has a large livestock population in African antemortem and postmortem inspections. The importance
countries, which is estimated to be around 34-40 million of antemortem inspection in the abattoir has long been
TLU out of which 17% cattle are found in Ethiopia (FAO,
1994). Livestock and livestock products also constitute *Corresponding Author: Ananiya Simeneh, P.O. Box
one of the major export resources of the country and play 30413, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
a vital role in the country’s economy (ESTS, 1997). Email: [email protected]; Tel. 0913923340

Major Causes of Organ and Carcass Condemnation in Cattle Slaughtered at Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir, North West Ethiopia
Ayenew and Simeneh 040

recognized in an attempt to avoid the introduction of LITERATURE REVIEW

clinically diseased animals into the slaughter hall and
should be done within 24 hours of slaughter and repeated Major causes of organ and carcass condemnation
if slaughter has been delayed over a day (Gracey et
al.,1999, Teka, 1997). Parasitic causes of organ and carcass condemnation

The purposes of meat inspection, comprising of Fasciolosis: is one of the major parasitic causes
antemortem and postmortem examination, are to remove contributing to liver condemnation. Fasciola hepatica (F.
gross abnormalities from meat and its products, prevention hepatica) and Fasciolagigantica(F. gigantica) are the
and distribution of contaminated meat that could result to principal causes of fasciolosis and the most prevalent
disease risk in man and animals and assisting in detecting helimenth infections of ruminants in different parts of the
and eradication of certain diseases of livestock (Van world including Ethiopia. It causes significant morbidity
Longtestijn, 1993). It is necessary to be aware of the extent and mortality (Okewole et al., 2000, WHO,1995). It affects
to which the public is exposed to certain zoonotic diseases liver of mammals especially ruminants (cattle, sheep and
detected in abattoirs and the financial losses through goat) occasionally human being an accidental host for F.
condemnation of affected organs and carcass (Nfi and hepatica and F. gigantic (Gracey et al.,1999). F. hepatica
Alonge,1987). is unique among the common helminthes of ruminants in
that it has an asexual multiplication phase of the life cycle
As meat is the main source of protein to man, it should be
in snail intermediate host that is highly sensitive to the
clean and free from diseases of particular importance to
environmental conditions (Smith, 2009). In recent years
the public such as tuberculosis, hydatidosis, cysticercosis
small scale traditional of irrigated agriculture will create
and fasciolosis (Sirak, 1991). A proper antemortem
favorable habitat for fluke transmitting snail vectors and
inspection of the animal makes the task of routine
there by influence the life cycle progression occurrence of
postmortem inspection simpler and straight forward
fasciolosis (Mechael et al., 2004.).
procedure (Gracey et al.,1999). Postmortem inspection is
the center around which meat hygiene revolves since it
Hydatidosis/Echinococcosis: is one of the major parasitic
provides information indispensable for the scientific
causes of intensification not only its effect on animal
evolution of clinical signs and pathological processes that
production but also due to its public health importance. It
affect the wholesomeness of meat (Libby, 1975, Gracey et
is one of the world’s most geographically widespread
al.,19991). It is necessary to be aware of the extent to
zoonotic diseases (OIE, 2002). Hydatidosis in cattle is
which the public is exposed to certain zoonotic disease
caused by the larval stage of the 2 - 7 mm long tape worm
detected in the abattoirs and the financial losses through
Echinococcus granulosus, lives in the intestine of dogs
condemnation of affected organs and carcasses (Nfi and
and other carnivores (FAO, 2007). Hydatidosis is one of
Alonge,1987).Various investigations have been conducted
the major causes of organ condemnation and causes huge
through abattoir surveys to determine the economic
economic losses (Yimer et al., 2005).
importance of organs and carcass condemnation in
Ethiopia (Jembere, 2002, Yimam, 2003, Aseffa, 2005,
Bovine Cysticercosis: infection with Taenia saginata is
Marta, 2010).
among the zoonotic in that it is maintained in nature with
Disease causes extensive financial wastes as a result of human as sole definitive host. Its life cycle is entirely
direct and indirect economic losses, because disease is dependent on the link between human and cattle so that
the major concern to livestock industry. Study conducted any break in this link can result in the total elimination of
in different abattoirs of Ethiopia revealed that parasitic the parasite (FAO, 2007).
infection of livers, lungs (pneumonia), pericarditis and
pyelonephyritis are found to be the major causes of organs Major pathological causes of organ and carcass
condemnation, with an approximate annual loss of 2.7 condemnation
million ETB at Debre Zeit HELIMEX abattoir (Jibat, 2006);
106,788.18 ETB in Gondar municipal abattoir (Yimam, Cirrhosis: is the end stage of diffuse hepatic disease
2003); 180,942.4 ETB in Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir characterized by nodular regeneration with fibro-vascular
(Yohannes, 1994). bridging scars in which there is intera-hepatic or portal-
hepatic vascular shunts. Cirrhosis involves disruption of
Even though various investigation have been conducted the architecture of the entire liver; a reflection of diffuse
through abattoir survey to determine the prevalence and parenchymal injury and subsequent fibrosis (Jubb et al.,
economic losses resulting from organs condemnation in 2007). In cattle, cirrhosis usually occurs as result of
Ethiopia, most of the survey focused on parasitic case infestation with F. hepatica (Gracey et al.,1999).
such as hydatidosis, fasciolosis and cysticercosis (Aseffa,
2005, Yimam, M., 2003, Jembere, 2002, Marta, 2010, Necrosis: is death of cells and tissues in the living animal.
Gomol, 2010, Zilalu, 2010, Fitsum, 2009, Yetnayet, 2010) Necrotic tissue appears grossly as pale, coagulated,
cause of organ condemnation due to other factors were amorphous mass of dead tissue that stands out against
lacking. the texture and color of normal organ. Common causes are
ischemia and variety of exogenous agents including
In addition to many municipality abattoirs in Ethiopia, physical agents (burns and trauma), chemical poisons,
recently, several modern export abattoirs like ASHIRAF, viruses, and other microorganisms and their toxins
HELIMEX, ELFORA Metehara, Mojo and Luna have been (Cheville, 2006).
established. This increase number of export abattoirs
showing increase in demand of carcass and organs Abscess: an abscess is a localized collection of
supply, but the supply is decreasing due to disease, liquefaction necrosis caused by suppuration deep in
production and other various problems. In view of this, tissues. It is designed to contain a dangerous pathogenic
proper evaluation of economic losses due to organ and agent, sequestering necrotic tissue from spreading in the
carcass condemnation resulting from various causes of animal organs and carcass. Abscess starts as a focal
abattoirs is needed. Therefore, the objectives of this study collection of neutrophils in space created by necrosis and
are: are nearly always produced by pyogenic bacteria. Abscess
formation is an integral component of the inflammatory
❖ To identify the major causes of organs and carcass response (Cheville, 2006).
condemnation in cattle slaughtered at Bahir Dar
municipality abattoir. Calcification: is the deposition of calcium salts in dead
❖ To determine the magnitude of direct economic loss and degenerating tissue. Calcification is seen in parasitic
attributed to the condemned organs and carcasses. infections and in many chronic infections such as,
Hydatidosis and Tuberculosis. Irregularly rounded and

Major Causes of Organ and Carcass Condemnation in Cattle Slaughtered at Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir, North West Ethiopia
Int. J. Vet. Sci. Anim. Husb. 041

frequently honeycombed calcification is detected on Major causes of carcass condemnation

postmortem examination by a gritty sound up on incision
with knife (FAO, 2007). The two forms of calcification are; Management fault: bruises are frequently found on
dystrophic calcification, in which calcium is deposited in antemortem and postmortem examination in food
degenerating tissues and cells, and metastatic producing animals and poultry. It is the result of traumatic
calcification, in which calcium is deposited in normal injury with subsequent trapping of blood in and around
tissues in the presence of hypercalcemia (Jubb et al., muscle bundles and associated structures. The underlying
2007). causes are considered to be lack of bedding, mixing of
horned and hornless animals, over and under loading and
Pneumonia: is inflammation of the lung parenchyma also due to extensive use of stick during transportation or
usually accompanied by inflammation of the bronchiole handling are commonly found in the hip, chest and
and often by pleurisy. It may be associated with viruses, shoulder areas (FAO, 2007).
bacteria or a combination of both, fungi, metazoan
parasites and physical and chemical agents (Radostits et Emaciation: is often a pathological condition (poor body
al., 2007). conditions) of food animals and is characterized by a loss
of fat and flesh following the loss appetite, starvation and
Emphysema: refers to tissue puffed up by air or other gas cachexia. It is associated with gradual diminution in the
in the lung and are two major forms; Alveolar(vesicular) size of organs and muscular tissues as well as edema in
emphysema is excessive amount of air with in air spaces many cases. The organs and muscular tissues appear
of the lung. Interstitial emphysema is the presences of air thinner, moist and glossy (FAO, 2007). So, emaciated
with in inter lobular sub pleural and other major interstitial carcass is condemned because if the condition associated
zones of the lung (Jubb et al., 2007). Emphysema is with systemic cases. As result, emaciated animals are
caused by an obstruction to the out flow of air or by esthetically an acceptable for food (Marta, 2010).
extensive gasping respiration during slaughter
procedures. All species may be affected with alveolar Cysticercosis: is common finding in animal’s carcasses
emphysema. However, interstitial emphysema occurs where meat is eaten raw or imperfectly cooked and usually
mostly in cattle. The lobules of the lungs become where cattle have access to human feces due to poor
separated by the distended interstitial tissues and marked hygiene (Gracey et al.,1999). Beef measles have been in
lobulation of lungs is observed (FAO, 2007). Ethiopia for many centuries. The disease is locally known
as “kosso” is mainly related to eating of uncooked or raw
Nephritis: nephritis of the kidney and associated structure meat in many parts of the country (Richard, 1999).
that can be caused by various causes. These pathological
conditions are found to be the sole cause of kidney Bovine tuberculosis (BTB): is a chronic infectious
condemnation (Marta, 2010). Renal Calculi: is the main disease of animals characterized by the formation of
cause of urinary tract obstruction. Renal or ureteral calculi granulomatous lesions in tissues and organs, more
can be produced partial or complete obstruction of one or significantly in lungs, lymph nodes and intestine. The
both sides of the upper urinary tract (Smith, 2009). etiological agents of mammalian tuberculosis, classified as
member of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex: like
Infarcts: infarcts of the kidney are common lesions of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberclosis),
localized coagulative necrosis produced by embolic or Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) and Mycobacterium
thrombotic occlusion of the renal artery or of one its avium (M. avium). However, M. bovis is the most universal
branches. The sequelae depend on whether the pathogen among mycobacterium species and affects
obstructing material is septic or bland and, on the size, and many vertebrate animals of all age groups including man,
number of vessels obstructed. Blood thrombi produce although, cattle, goats and pigs are found to be most
typical infarcts; septic thrombi produce abscess that may susceptible, while sheep and horses are showing a high
heal sequestrate or discharge into the pelvis (Jubb et al., natural resistance (Radostits et al., 2007).
2007). The margin of the infarct may be irregular, are
reflection of the vascular supply from adjacent, non- In Sub- Saharan Africa, human and animals are sharing
affected tissue, initially, infarcts are commonly red due to the same micro environment and water holes, especially
hyperemia, but by 48 hours most become progressively during drought and dry season, there by potentially
paler. At necropsy infarcts of the kidney are usually white promoting the transmission as M. bovis from animals to
ischemic, and are clearly demarcated from the man. Depending on route of entry and where the condition
surrounding normal tissue (Cheville, 2006). becomes generalized, one or several lymph nodes may
contain tuberculosis granulomas. In the respiratory system
Hydronephrosis: is a dilation of the renal pelvis and it is the mediastenum or bronchial lymph nodes that are
calyces associated with progressive atrophy and cystic involved possibly with abscess in the lungs (Andrews and
enlargement of the kidney. The cause is some form of Windsor, 2004).
urinary obstruction, which may be complete or incomplete,
existing at any level from the urethra to the renal pelvis.
The obstruction may be caused by anomalous MATERIALS AND METHODS
development of the lower urinary passage or it may be
acquired. Acquired causes include urinary calculi in any Study area
location. Cystitis especially if it is hemorrhagic,
compression of the ureter by surrounding inflammatory or The study was conducted from November 2010 to March
neoplastic tissue, displacement of the bladder in perennial 2011 at Bahir Dar municipality abattoir. Bahir Dar, the
hernias, and acquired urethral strictures. Depending up on capital city of the Amhara Regional State, is situated in
the site of obstruction, hydronephrosis may be by West Gojjam Administrative Zone of Amhara Region
unilateral or bilateral, and there may be some degree of Northwest Ethiopia that is situated 570 kilometers away
hydro-ureter and dilation of the bladder (Jubb et al., 2007). from the capital Addis Ababa and found at an altitude of
1,802 meters above sea level and latitude of 11o15’N from
Pericarditis: inflammation of the pericardium that results in the equator. It has warm humid climate with an average
the accumulation of fluid or exudates between the viscera annual rain fall of 700mm. The annual temperature of the
and parietal pericardium. Pericarditis in large animals can area ranges from 20oc – 30oc. The climatic condition of the
be caused by trauma from penetration of ingested foreign area is featured predominated by moderate “Woynadega”
objects or external wounds, hematogenous spreads and the area has two seasons; namely “Bega” and
(septicemia) of infection, extension of infection from the “Kermit”; the month of “Bega” includes December to May,
lung or pleura, viral infections such as equine viral arthritis and “Kerement” from June to September, Wet Season
or equine influenza, and neoplasia (Smith, 2009). (NMSA, 2010). The presence of the biggest lake and river

Major Causes of Organ and Carcass Condemnation in Cattle Slaughtered at Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir, North West Ethiopia
Ayenew and Simeneh 042

in Ethiopia, Tana and Abay respectively, influences the Assessment of direct economic loss
climate of the study area. The land is covered by various
bush formations, low woods mainly evergreen plants and All affected organs and partially trimmed off carcass were
some semi-humid and humid highland vegetation with rejected from local market. Since total condemnation of
major agricultural products like teff, wheat, sorghum, carcass was not allowed to practice in the abattoir due to
millet, maize, and all pulse crops. The livelihood of the economic reason and the analysis was based on the
people mainly depends on agricultural/mixed crop- average annual slaughter capacity of the abattoir
livestock production is the type of farming system in this considering market demand, average market prices in
area. According to CSA (CSA, 2008), there are 11 zones local market and the rejection rates of specific organ and
in the region with the population number of males, carcass in Bahir Dar municipality abattoir. Average market
8,641,580 and female 8,580,396, all over population of price of each organ and carcass was determined from
Amhara region is 17,221,976. The total area of the Bahir interviews made with personnel’s of the abattoir and
Dar district is 128,356 hectare. In the study area there are butcher houses. The economic loss due to condemnation
158,564 cattle, 23, 464 shoat, and 8,000 equine and was estimated by the formula set by Ogunrinade and
366,666 poultry (CSA, 2008). In the abattoir, maximum of Ogunrinade (Orgunrinade and Orunrinade, 1980) as
70 and minimum of 20 cattle and on average 30 cattle were follows:
slaughtered per day. EL=  Srx X coy X Roz

Study Animals Where;

The cattle destined for slaughter were almost all male EL= average annual economic loss estimated due to organ
cattle originated from different parts of the country and carcass condemnation fromlocal market.
including Adet, South Gondar, Achefer, Gonge, Quarite,  Srx = average annual cattle slaughter rate of the
and Wollo and even from Harar. They were transported to abattoir.
the abattoir using vehicles and on foot. A total of 413 cattle Coy= average cost of each cattle liver/lung/heart/ kidney
distend for slaughter were inspected during antemortem and carcass.
and postmortem inspections with their specific Roz = average condemnation rate of cattle
identification numbers and recorded accordingly on a liver/lung/heart/kidney and carcass.
format prepared for this purpose (Annex 1, Annex 3 and
Annex 4). Data Analysis

Study design and sample size determination Data generated from both antemortem and postmortem
examination were entered in to Microsoft excel worksheet
Across-sectional study was conducted in cattle and were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social
slaughtered in the abattoir. Every animal during the study Sciences (SPSS) software version 19. Descriptive
period was examined and data was recorded. In this study, statistics was used to determine the level of organs and
according to (Pace and Wakeman, 2003) (Annex 4), cattle carcasses condemnation rates defined as proportion of
were grouped into young (<2 years), young adult (2 – 6 condemned organs and carcass to the total number of
years), and adult (  6years) and age estimation based on organs and carcasses examined. The significant
eruption of one or more incisor teeth according to (De- difference among the prevalence rates of organs and
Lahunta and Habel, 1986) (Annex 3) were recorded. In this carcass were determined using Descriptive statistics; Chi-
study, cattle were randomly sampled using systematic Square test (χ2). The data obtained during the study was
random sampling methods selected for every 3rd entry and subjected to 95% confidence interval statistical analysis for
examined by antemortem and postmortem examination for possible variation, rejection rates of specific organs and p
three days per week of visiting the abattoir (Friday, –values > 0.05 is considered as statistically significant.
Saturday and Wednesday).


Antemortem examination Abattoir survey

Antemortem inspections were conducted on individual
Antemortem examination
animals, while the animals were entering into the lairage
and after they entered into the lairage in mass. Both sides
The Antemortem inspection was carried out on all of the
of the animals were inspected at rest and in motion.
413 cattle slaughtered for the detection of any
Moreover, the general behavior of the animals, gait,
abnormalities encountered in Bahir Dar municipality
structure, conformation, body condition scoring and signs
abattoir. A total of 18 (4.4%) cattle were found to have the
of disease and abnormalities of any type were registered
abnormalities listed below (Table 1) and rough hair coat
according to the standard antemortem examination
was the highest in both age categories. There were
procedures (Gracey et al.,1999). Following the judgments
statistically significant variation observed among the
was passed based on FAO (FAO, 2007) animals fit for
various conditions encountered during antemortem
human consumption were allowed for slaughtered.
inspection with the two age categories of cattle (χ2= 4.5;
p> 0.05).
Postmortem examination.
Table 1: Summary of abnormalities (conditions)
During postmortem examination, liver, lungs, heart, kidney
encountered during antemortem inspection.
and carcass were thoroughly inspected by visualization,
palpation and making systemic incisions where necessary Conditions Young adult Adult Total
for the presence of cyst parasites and other gross encountered (n=88) (n=325) (n=413) (%)
abnormalities. Pathological lesions were differentiated and Abdominal hernia 1(0.2) 1(0.2) 2(0.5)
judged according to guidelines on meat inspection for Branding 0(0) 2(0.5) 2(0.5)
developing countries and the results were recorded Lameness 1(0.2) 1(0.2) 2(0.5)
(Annex 2). The decisions at postmortem inspection are Rough hair coat 4(1) 4(1) 8(2)
classified into the following categories of judgment such Stick marks/scar 0(0) 1(0.2) 1(0.2)
as, approved as fit for human consumption, conditionally Local swelling 0(0) 1(0.2) 1(0.2)
approved as fit for human consumption, totally condemned Tick infestation 0(0) 2(0.5) 2(0.5)
as unfit for human consumption and partially condemned Total 6(1.5) 12(2.9) 18(4.4)
as fit for human consumption according to (FAO, 2007) χ2= 4.5; p> 0.05
guideline on meat inspection for developing countries.

Major Causes of Organ and Carcass Condemnation in Cattle Slaughtered at Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir, North West Ethiopia
Int. J. Vet. Sci. Anim. Husb. 043

Postmortem examination From total organs examined in both age categories of

cattle 379 (91.7%) livers, 116(28%) lungs, 10 (2.4%) heart,
All cattle that had been examined by antemortem 9 (2.2%) kidney and 28 (6.7%) carcass were condemned
inspection were subjected to postmortem examination. A from the local market based on their gross pathological
total of 413 cattle were slaughtered and thoroughly lesions (Table 2).
examined by following standard postmortem procedures.
Table 2: Total number of cattle slaughtered and rejection rate of specific organs/carcass in each study month.
Frequency of lesions and percentage of rejected organs (%) in each Total χ2 value
Organs/ study month
Carcass/ November December January February
Liver 164 (91.1) 52(92.8) 119(97.5 ) 44(80) 379(91.7) 35.80
Lung 49(27.2) 21(37.5) 29(23.7) 17(30.9) 116(28) 63.235
Heart 0(0) 0(0) 3(2.5) 7(12.7) 10(2.4) 19.170
Kidney 2(1.6) 3(5.4) 2(2.5) 2(3.6) 9(2.2) 16.9
Carcass 10(5.5) 6(10.7) 6(4.9) 6(10.9 ) 28(6.7) 16.9
Total 180(43.6) 56(13.5) 122(29.5) 55(13.3) 413

Table 3 describes16.9% and 74.8% liver in young adult Table 5: The rejection rates and the association between
and adult and 9.2% and 18.8% lung in young adult and months and the judgments given
adult respectively were condemned. 2.4% heart, 2.2% Month Total number of Judgments
kidney, and 6.7% carcass were condemned in both age cattle Partial Total
categories. There were statically significant difference (χ 2= slaughtered (%) condemnation condemnation
32.25; p< 0.05) between the two age categories and (%) (%)
frequencies of organs condemned. November 180 13(7.2) 147(81.6)
December 56 8(14.3) 4(7.1)
Table 3: Rejection rates of specific organs and carcasses January 122 3(2.5) 103(84.4)
February 55 1(1.8) 47(85.5)
based on age categories.
Total 413 25( 6.05) 301(72.9)
Age Total Frequency of lesions and percentage
number of of rejected organs (%) χ2=12.454; p >0.05
cattle Liver Lung Heart kidney carcass
slaughtered Out of the total 379 (91.7%) livers condemned in both age
Young- 88 70 38 5 (1.2) 4 (1) 3 (0.7) groups, the principal causes of condemnation were
adult (16.9 ) (9.2) parasitic causes like Fasciolosis, 264 (64%) Hydatidosis,
Adult 325 309 78 5 (1.2) 5 (1.2) 6 (1.4) 102 (24.5%) Calcification, 18 (4.3%) and Abscess, 8 (2%)
(74.8) (18.8) in both age groups (Table 6). There is no significant
Total 413 379 116 10 9 (2.2) 28 (6.7) difference (χ2= 35.80; P> 0.05) observed for all causes of
(91.7) (28) (2.4) liver condemnation between young adult and adult cattle.
χ2= 32.25; p< 0.05
Table 6: Summary of liver condemnation and its rejection
Table 4 depicts 93.4% of organs that were condemned rates.
from poor body conditioned cattle were judged by totally Cause of Liver Young adult Adult Total
condomenation while 54% of organs and or carcass that condemnation (n=88) (n=325) (n=413) %
were condemned from good body conditioned cattle were
Fasciolosis 29(7) 189(45.8) 218(52.9)
judged by total condemnation whereas 8 % of organs and
Fasciolosis and 6(1.5) 40(9.7) 46(11.1)
or carcass condemned from good body conditioned cattle
were judged by partial condemnation. Therefore, there
Hydatidosis 12(3) 44(10.6) 56(13.5)
was no statistically significant difference observed
Abscess 2(0.5) 6(1.5) 8(2)
between the judgment given and different body condition
Cirrhosis 1(0.2) 6(1.5) 7(1.7)
scoring categories (χ2 = 9.782; p >0.05).
Cloudy swelling 4(1) 10(2.4) 14(3.3)
Calcification 9(2.2) 9(2.2) 18(4.3)
Table 4: The rejection rates and the association between
Congestion 1(0.2) 6(1.5) 7(1.7)
body condition scoring and judgments.
Schistosomosis 1(0.2) 4(1) 5(1.2)
Body Total Judgments
Total 65(15.7) 314(76) 379(91.7)
condition number of Partial Total
cattle χ2= 35.80; p >0.05
condemnation condemnation
slaughtered (%) (%)
A total of 116 (28%) lungs in both age groups were
Poor 151 9(5.9) 141(93.4) condemned (Table 7). The major causes of lung
Medium 212 12(5.6) 168(79.2) condemnation was Hydatid cyst, 94 (22.7%) and
Good 50 4(8) 27(54) Emphysema, 11(2.6%) in both age groups. Others
Total 413 25(6.05) 336(81.4) accounted 2.7%. There is statistically significance
χ2 = 9.782, p >0.05 difference (χ2= 63.235; p<0.05) for all causes of lung
condemnation between the two age categories.
From the total 413 cattle slaughtered (Table 5), 72.9% and
6.05% were condemned totally and partially respectively. Table 7: Summary of lung condemnation and its rejection
From the above totally condemned organs and carcasses, rate
81.6%, 7.1%, 84.4%, 85.5%, condemned in November, Cause of lung Young Adult Total (n=413)
December, January, and February respectively. Among condemnation adult (n=325) %
the partial condemned organs and carcasses, 7.2%, (n=88)
14.3%, 2.5%, and 1.8% were condemned in the months of Hydatid cyst 31(7.5) 63(15.3) 94(22.7)
November, December, January, and February Emphysema 2(0.5) 9(2.2) 11(2.6)
respectively. There was no statistically significant Abscess 1(0.2) 5(1.2) 6(1.5)
difference between judgments given and each study Pneumonia 3(0.7) 0(0) 3(0.7)
months (χ2 =12.454; p >0.05). Mass 1(0.2) 1(0.2) 2(0.5)
Total 38(9.2) 78(18.8) 116(28)
χ2= 63.235; p <0.05

Major Causes of Organ and Carcass Condemnation in Cattle Slaughtered at Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir, North West Ethiopia
Ayenew and Simeneh 044

The major causes of heart condemnation were found to be DISCUSSIONS

pericarditis 5 (1.2%) and Hydatid cyst 4(0.9%) in both age
groups (Table 8). There was no statistical significant The most commonly encountered abnormalities during
difference (χ2= 19.170; p>0.05) observed between the two antemortem inspection were 8(2%) rough hair coat,
age categories. 2(0.5%) branding, 2(0.5%) lameness, 1(0.2%) local
swelling, 1(0.2%) stick marks and 2(0.5%) tick infestation.
Table 8: summary of heart condemnation and its rejection Postmortem examination of the carcass of animals with
rates local swelling and lameness at antemortem inspection
Cause of heart Young-adult Adult Total revealed that the swelling was localized and the lameness
condemnation (n=88) (n=325) (n=413) % was due to trauma while being driven to market places and
Pericarditis 1(0.2) 4(0.9) 5(1.2) during transportation to the abattoir by inappropriate
Hydatid cyst 2(0.5) 2(0.5) 4(0.9) vehicles and frequent striking by stick during driven the
Abscess 0(0) 1(0.2) 1(0.2) animals on foot to the abattoirs. Hence, in both cases
Total 3(0.7) 7(1.5) 10(2.4) affected parts were trimmed off and the rest part of the
carcasses was passed as fit for human consumption.
χ = 19.170 p >0.05
2 ;
Diseased animals that show signs of abnormality during
antemortem inspection should not be allowed to enter the
Renal problems were observed in, 9( 2.2%) the kidney
abattoir for slaughtered as indicated by (Teka, 1997).
examined accounting for, 0.5% and 1.7% kidneys in
young-adult and adult respectively, were rejected. Hydatid
Out of 413 cattle slaughtered in Bahir Dar municipal
cyst was the major cause for kidney condemnation in both
abattoir, liver 379(91.7%), lung 116 (28%) heart 10 (2.4%),
age groups (Table 2 and 9). There was no statistically
kidneys 9 (2.2%) and carcass 28(6.7 %) were rejected
significant difference detected for the causes of kidney
from local market based on their gross pathological
condemnation and the two age categories (χ 2= 16.9; p
lesions. Even through the spleen, 8 (0.01%) is not needed
at market for consumption; it was examined for the
purpose of breaking the transmission cycle of animal
Table 9: Summary of kidney condemnation and its
diseases like Hydatid cyst.
rejection rates
Cause of kidney Young Adult Total In the current study, out of the total 88 young-adult cattle
condemnation adult (n=88) (n=325) (413)% slaughtered, 65(15.7%), 38(9.2%), 3(0.7%), 2(0.5%),
Hydatid cyst 2(0.5) 4(0.9) 6(1.5) 2(0.5%) and liver, lungs, heart, kidney and carcasses
hydronephrosis 0(0) 2(0.5) 2(0.5) respectively and out of the total 325 adult cattle
Mass (tumor) 0(0) 1(0.2) 1(0.2) slaughtered, 314 (76%), 78 (18.8%), 7 (1.7%), 7 (1.7%)
Total 2(0.5) 7(1.7) 9(2.2) and 25 (6) liver, lungs, heart, kidney and carcasses
χ = 16.9; p >0.05
2 respectively were condemned due to gross pathological
Out of 413 carcass examined, 28 (6.7%) were partially
condemned, from which bruising accounts 12(2.9%) in From the total number of young-adult cattle slaughtered,
both age groups (Table 10). There was no statistically 35 (8.5%) and 18 (4.5%) liver were condemned due to
significant difference observed between the cause of Fasciolosis and Hydatidosis respectively. Similarly, from
carcass condemnation and the two age categories (χ2= the total 325 number of adult cattle slaughtered, 229
16.9; p >0.05). (55.5%) and 84 (20.3%) liver were condemned due to
Fasciolosis and Hydatidosis respectively. Hydatidosis
Table 10: Summary of carcass condemnation and its 31(7.5%) and 63 (15.3%) in young-adult and adult cattle
rejection rates and emphysema 2(0.5%) and 9(2.25) in young-adult and
Cause of carcass Young Adult Total adult respectively contributed for lungs condemnation
condemnation adult (n=88) (n=325) (n=413) % during the study period. Among disease conditions
Bruising 1(0.2) 11(2.6) 12(2.9) encountered during postmortem examination, Fasciolosis,
Contamination 0(0) 4(0.9) 4(0.9) 264(64%) and hydatidosis, 102(24.6%) were the major
Abscess 0(0) 3(0.7) 3(0.7) causes of liver condemnation while Hydatidosis, 94
Iatrogenic lesion 2(0.5) 7(1.7) 9(2.2) (22.7%) and emphysema, 11 (2.6) were the major causes
Total 3(0.7) 25(6) 28(6.7) of lung condemnation. It was subjected that particularly the
lung was the organ mostly affected by Hydatidosis
χ2= 16.9; p >0.05 because at old age, the liver capillaries dilated and most
cysts passed directly to the lungs. Secondly, the cyst
Assessment of Direct Economic Loss
passes to the lungs through thoracic duct without involving
the liver as stated by (Gracey et al.,1999).
The average annual direct economic loss from domestic
market of organs and carcass condemnation at Bahir Dar Out of the total 413 cattle slaughtered 379 (91.7%) liver,
municipality abattoir was estimated to be 170, 676 ETB 116 (28%) lung, 10(2.4%) heart, 9(2.2%) kidney, and
according to the formula set by Ogunrinade and
28(6.7%) carcass were rejected by various gross
Ogunrinade (1980) (Table 8).
pathological lesions. From these 70(16.9%) liver,38(9.2%)
lung, 5(1.2%) heart, 4(1%) kidney and 3(2.9%) carcasses
Table 11: Findings of the study used in the direct
in young-adult and 309 (74.8%) liver, 78 (18.8%) lung,
economic loss assessment. 5(1.2%) heart,5 (1.2%) kidney and 6(3.8%) carcass in
Organ/carcass Average Average Average adult were rejected due to various gross pathological
rejection annual price of lesions. As the age of the animal increase, the exposure
rate of slaughter organ and to different diseases increases. This result also shows a
organs and rates carcass significant difference observed (X2= 32.25; p< 0.05)
carcass between the two age categories and frequency of
Liver 45.85% 7, 200 40 ETB organs/carcasses rejected. Among the study months, liver
Lung 14% 7, 200 20 ETB was the most condemned organ (97.5%) in January and
Heart 1.2% 7, 200 30 ETB followed by (92.8%) December. However, the lowest liver
Kidney 1.1% 7, 200 15 ETB was condemned (80%) in February. In lung the highest
Carcass 3.4% 7, 200 60/Kg ETB and lowest prevalence rate was recorded in December
37.5% and 23.7% in January respectively. It implies that
Fasciolosis was the principal cause of liver condemnation
and in January, the highest snail population; intermediate

Major Causes of Organ and Carcass Condemnation in Cattle Slaughtered at Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir, North West Ethiopia
Int. J. Vet. Sci. Anim. Husb. 045

host were found than other study months to exacerbate the slaughtering procedure, lack of proper disposal of infected
condemnation of the liver. organs and distribution of stray dogs and wild vultures. The
principal pathological lesions that cause carcasses to be
The organs and carcasses passed for consumption in the rejected partially from local market were bruising 12 (2.9%)
abattoirs are marketed in different hotels, cafeterias, followed by iatrogenic lesion 9 (2.2%).
butcher shops and higher institutions. The condemned
organs having poor aesthetic value and pathologically unfit Many reports in Ethiopia have indicated that an annual
for human consumption incinerated in the abattoir so as to basis of higher economic loss in the abattoir was
break the transmission cycle of the various diseases. condemnation of edible organs and carcass due to
parasitic infestations (Jembere, 2002, Fitsum, 2009,
In Ethiopia many studies have been under taken to identify Yetnayet, 2010): 130, 718.49 ETB, 81, 480.00 ETB,
the major disease conditions encountered during 473,239.12ETB, 165.81 million ETB respectively. The
antemortem and postmortem examination. Fasciolosis has average annual cattle slaughter capacity of Bahir Dar
been reported to be one of the major disease problems of Municipality abattoir was 7, 200 and according to this
livestock industry. The study conducted by (Jembere, study, the estimated economic loss per annum due to
2002, Mezigebu, 2003, Seid, 2007, Fitsum, 2009, Marta, condemnation of organs and carcasses was 170, 676 ETB
2010,) at Nazareth, Gondar, Ambo, Hawassa, and Sebeta which was equivalent to 10,040 USD per annum based on
abattoir respectively revealed that liver and lungs were the current change.
highly rejected organs by postmortem examination and
Fasciolosis and Hydatidosis were the major causes of

The current study agrees with the findings of (Teka, 1997, Disease is the major causes of organ and carcass
Andualem, 2007, Shegaw, 2008, Fitsum, 2009, Marta, condemnation and the major concern to the livestock
2010) who stated that liver flukes in the liver and Hydatid industry as it causes extensive financial waste as a result
cyst in the lungs were among the major causes of organ of direct and indirect economic losses. According to the
condemnation during postmortem examination. Similarly, result of this study; Fasciolosis, Hydatidosis, Pneumonia,
(Manyazewal, 1995, Shegaw, 2008, Andualem, 2007, Pericarditis, Hydronephrosis, Abscessation and bruising
Birhanu, 2006, Sirak, 1991) reported a rejection rate of were the most and major causes for organ/ carcass
35.2%, 43.7%, 36%, 35% and 58% of liver due to condemnation of cattle to be rendered from local market
Fasciolosis at Mekele, Kombolcha, Addis Ababa and Bahir and this results extensive financial loss about 170, 676
Dar respectively. (Tilahun, 1994) Reported a prevalence of ETB per annum. Hence, the current study may be valuable
71% in cattle slaughtered at Bahir Dar Abattoir. for the country by providing data in monitoring disease
Additionally, 52%, 61%, 50.2%, 21.6%, and 40.7% conditions and management practices of animals that
prevalence were obtained around Lake Tana, Bahir Dar, have public health hazard and aesthetic value and
Hawassa, Ambo, and Sebeta Abattoir respectively by consequently of economic significance as most of the
(Yihenew, 1985, Yohannes, 1994, Fitsum, 2009, Seid, observed conditions leading to condemnation of organs
2007, Marta, 2010) respectively. and carcasses. Based on the above conclusions the
following points are recommended.
Compared to these findings, 64% bovine Fasciolosis
obtained from the current study seems to be relatively ➢ Immediate, safe and controlled elimination of all
lower from Tilahun (Tilahun, 1994) but higher from condemned abattoir materials and the source of
Yohannes (Yohannes, 1994, Sirak, 1991, Yihenew, 1985, contaminated offal as dog’s feed should be prohibited
Fitsum, 2009, Andualem, 2007, Marta, 2010) and these by law.
could be due to differences in environments and ecological ➢ Regular de-worming of dogs and elimination of stray
conditions of the study area. dogs should be practiced and training of abattoir
workers on procedures and cares during flaying and
Hydatidosis is also an important disease of major evisceration should be done.
economic and public health significance in many countries ➢ Standard regulations and functional meat inspection
of the world (Moidrage and Slough, 1981). Many policies should be formulated for organs and carcass
researchers reported that liver and lung were the most approval/rejection for abattoirs in order that a positive
common organs affected by Hydatid cyst (Jobre et al., relation with costumers and profitable and sustainable
1996, Sirak, 1991). The reason as explain by Gracey domestic and national meat trade relationships to
(Gracey et al., 1999) is that lung and liver contain the continue.
highest capillary bed in the body and therefore, the ➢ Different workshops should be prepared to enhance the
majority of the oncospheres are filtered out and trapped in awareness of the animal attendant, farmers,
the fine blood capillaries and only small number of customers, abattoir workers and butchers pertaining
oncospheres reach the remaining organs. Factors the public health significance of the disease, and proper
governing the prevalence of hydatidosis in the given disposal of condemned offal and carcasses.
locality may be associated with prevailing specific social, ➢ Further studies should be carried out in ruminants that
cultural, environmental and epidemiological situations are going to be slaughtered in different abattoirs of the
(Macpherson, 1985). country and introduce preventive measures to reduce
unnecessary financial losses encountered in the
In the present study, higher prevalence of bovine industry.
Hydatidosis in lung was found as compared to the previous
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Major Causes of Organ and Carcass Condemnation in Cattle Slaughtered at Bahir Dar Municipality Abattoir, North West Ethiopia

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