Inquiry:: Establishing The Purpose of The Unit
Inquiry:: Establishing The Purpose of The Unit
Teenagers in the World. Students will compare themselves with other teens across the
world. By doing this, they develop a way of communicating with consideration of different
Key Concepts
Related Concepts
Conceptual Understanding
Statement of Inquiry
Factual What makes me me? What are the reasons behind my choices?
• Students will inquire into their identity and relationship with others by
examining who they are and the reasons behind their choices as they related
with others.
Conceptual How can we communicate the language? How can we change the
message to make communication meaningful?
• Students will inquire into communication strategies(?) that will enable them
to effectively communicate their message and attract an audience.
Debatable To what extent do we differ?
• Students will look into how relationships impact communication.
Friendship skills enables the student to keep their friendship going. Effective
communication skills helps the student communicate more clearly and effectively.
Listening skills allows you to focus on what others are saying so you can present yourself
more effectively.
ATL Skills
I. Communication skills
Learning Experiences
In order for the students to use basic phrases to communicate ideas, feelings, and
information on a variety of aspects of everyday topics, students will begin to write in a
register suited to the context and purpose with guidance.
I. Communication skills
Learning Experiences
In order for students to communicate with a sense of audience, they will begin to
demonstrate respect for others and other viewpoints and cultures by listening to others,
encouraging others to contribute, building consensus with teacher guidance.
To what extent does this unit engage my students in principled action? What can I do to
use this unit to initiate service?
Reflection: The written reflection provides an opportunity for the students to
reinforce what they have learned about their friends. A conscious effort to think about
what they look for in a "friend". Allows them to consider what was positive or
challenging in reflecting their criteria of a "friend".
Learner Profile
Which characteristics of the learner profile will be emphasised? How will you make
students aware of them?
Open minded: To lead the students to a deeper appreciation of being open-minded
because it is vitally important to let the students realize that we live in a world of
constant change.
Caring: Students who care for others well-being do so to improve the world around
them. Showing my students that I care about them helps them be more positive, have
supportive relationships and I help them build an environment where learning can
Describe how you will differentiate teaching & learning for this unit?
Teaching: Break down tasks for students with learning challenges.