Care 2000
Care 2000
Care 2000
CARE 2000 ensures first time, any time, right time approach and hence provides an easy
to use and user friendly interface towards multi-dimensional and intricate healthcare
CARE 2000 Registration / Patient Master Index
CARE 2000 Consultant Clinics
Clinical profiles
This module allows rapid file creation initially for accident and emergency cases.
At a later stage, demographic data and patient details are captured by the
system. The system also captures information required for a statutory police
CARE 2000 OT Surgery
CARE’s operation theatre module allows for scheduling and analysing the actual
use of the operation theatres, theatre team, equipment and material used for
surgical operations. Options are provided to create pre-operative procedures,
operation resource requirements, surgeon details and operation theatre time
schedules management. Planned resource requirements report is generated
based on scheduled operations well in advance. The module covers the multiple
surgery appointment booking. The system has options to capture post-operative
information in terms historical data on operations by type of surgery, surgeon,
operation time and materials used etc. Options are also available to display
details of any past operations conducted on the patient.
Birth and Death Registration This sub-module records and reports information
regarding births/deaths in the hospital, which is used for preparation of the
relevant certificates and report to authorities.
New Born Information This module captures extensive information from pre-natal
to post-natal stages. It provides options to monitor the baby’s health 4during
infancy and the attending medical staff details. Extensive options are provided to
enter the profile of the parents and their medical history. Upon birth, a new PIN
is issued for the new born and linked to mother for easy tracking.
The system ensures comprehensive and fully integrated automated billing system
through an extensive “rate master” database, which holds service rates for
various services offered and usage facilities. The package facilitates generation of
services charge entries for registration, consultation, radiology, laboratories,
physiotherapy, special investigations, bed charges, surgery, drugs and special
services offered to patients. Other available options cover billing to ( Employer)
sponsor organizations & insurance companies, produce split bills, single and
interim bills. Payment options include settlement of the bills in local and/or
foreign currency, cash/ credit facilities, advance payments and details of charity
and waiver given to the patients. The system exercises security controls by
providing access only to authorized administrators who are allowed to operate
the billing system, enter discounts, refunds and cancellations. This module also
ensures regular tracking of balance amounts and also generates various revenue
statements and integrates the same with the debtor’s ledger module.
CARE 2000 Dietary module caters to the diet and food requirements of
patients. The user can also monitor the supply and billing of food items to
inpatients or their companions. The module also includes the billing in cafeterias/
kitchens for food and other items served to daily customers.
CARE 2000 Laundry module provides the users the facility to manage the
washing activities of all types of linen used in the hospital. It facilitates receipts
of linen from the main stores, issues and receipts of linen from wards/
departments of the hospital. It also supports all operations related to a washing
department or an external washing agency. The module facilitates recording and
reporting of linen detail covering number of washes and its present location. Etc.
CARE 2000 purchasing automates the entire business process from purchase
order creation till the stock updating, like Purchase order creation, GRN entry,
Discounting, Costing and updating the stock. It is fully integrated with Inventory
CARE 2000 – Inventory and CARE 2000 – General Ledger.
CARE 2000 – Clinical Profile EMR CARE 2000 – Lab test result EMR CARE 2000 –
Procedures and Drug EMR CARE 2000 – PMI – EMR CARE 2000 – Clinical
Speciality CARE 2000 – PEMR – Generator CARE 2000 – PEMR – Communicator
CARE 2000 – EMR – HL7 adaptors
Care 2000 - PMI EMR module of Care is a comprehensive system that provides
options to store Patient’s demographic information.
Strategis Health
Kenya, Zimbabwe, Malawi etc.
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