Maintenance Mobile Offline Mode Implementation Guide

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Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

Maintenance Mobile Offline Mode

Implementation Guide
An Oracle White Paper
Aug, 2017
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 3
Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Setup Details ............................................................................................................................................... 4
System Administrator............................................................................................................................. 4
Offline Mobile User: ............................................................................................................................... 4
System Administrator............................................................................................................................. 4
Apply Release Patches ..................................................................................................................... 4
Application Configuration for disconnected mode ......................................................................... 6
Concurrent Program: 'Manages Mobile Users' .............................................................................. 6
Profiles setup ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Concurrent Programs for Offline data processing: ...................................................................... 10
Offline Mobile User: ............................................................................................................................. 13
Install latest mobile app available from store ............................................................................... 13
Setup URL to connect: .................................................................................................................... 14
Enabling Offline: ............................................................................................................................... 14
Offline Preferences: ......................................................................................................................... 17
Synchronization Process:................................................................................................................ 20
Trouble Shooting: ................................................................................................................................. 24
To Improve Synchronization Performance: .................................................................................. 24
Problem in Synchronization While Download Data To Mobile: ................................................. 26
Problem in Synchronization While Processing Uploaded Data in Server ............................... 26
Problem in data refresh after Incremental Refresh ..................................................................... 26
Problem in data refresh after Complete Refresh ......................................................................... 26
Additional Resources: .......................................................................................................................... 27
Maintenance Mobile offline mode functionality is introduced in mobile Release 7.
This document describes the detailed step by step procedure to implement
Maintenance Mobile Offline mode within Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM
Releases 12.1 and above).

Mobile disconnected app for Maintenance will enables users to work offline, with the
data downloaded locally to the mobile and do the operations efficiently. This makes a
big difference especially for the work force working in remote locations in the industries
like Mining, Oil and Gas (or) organizations having need to have remote access for their
filed service maintenance technicians.

With the new release of maintenance mobile app in offline mode, we are offering most
of the execution operations required by a technician
Setup Details
To enable mobile offline feature we have below key configurations at
System Administrator & Offline Mobile user:

System Administrator
i) Apply Release patches
ii) Application Configuration for disconnected mode
iii) Profiles setup
iv) Concurrent Programs

Offline Mobile User:

i) Install latest mobile app available from store
ii) Setup URL to connect
iii) Enabling Offline
iv) Offline Preferences
v) Synchronization

System Administrator
Below steps to be followed for proper Maintenance Offline setup

Apply Release Patches

To implement Maintenance offline mode, as a first step is to apply the relevant
patches in the server

i) For Release 12.1.3:

Patch 24383271:R12.SCM_PF.B

ii) For Release 12.2:

Patch 26571092:R12.EAM.C

Patch 24383496:R12.SCM_PF.C

adop phase=apply patches=26571092,24383496 merge=yes

After applying the patches successfully, follow post install updates as

specified below

 For Release 12.1.3:

Patch 24432372:R12.FND.B
Patch 26000442 - Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0
Online Help

 For Release 12.2:

Patch 24432372:R12.FND.C

Patch 26000442 - Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0

Online Help
Application Configuration for disconnected mode

If you are an existing mobile user and would like to extend the offline access
to all your online mobile users, it only requires to run the concurrent program
'Manages mobile users'

To enable offline access for users with new responsibility is given below

Assign Responsibility
Role Inheritance
to User
• Create New • Add Orgs under • Run Concurrent
Responsibility • Add Node, EAM Organization • New or existing Program
Mobile Access Window user can be 'Manages
Maintenance added with the mobile users'
App Access responsibility
Organization Offline Concurrent
Assignment Program

Concurrent Program: 'Manages Mobile Users'

Screen1: Manages Mobile Users Select Responsibility Click Ok >> Submit
the request

After completing the concurrent program process, all existing users assigned to
the selected responsibility in the parameters will be enabled with offline access.
Note: This concurrent program has to be run to enable any new user added in
the application.

Profiles setup
To enable offline mobile app, there are few profile option to be setup
CSM: Enable Multiple Platform: Recommended and default value for this
profile option is Yes, setting this value as Yes, will enables multiple platforms
users exists in the same instance.
Screen2: Profile setup to enable multiple platforms

CSM: Enable Data Compression: Recommended and default value for this
profile option is Yes, setting this value as Yes, the mobile server compresses
all data transfers for optimum performance.
Screen3: Profile setup to enable data compression

EAM: Mobile Update Hook Enabled: Default and recommended value is

yes, this way when user runs incremental refresh from device it will receive all
transactional latest updates.
It can also be set to NO, but in this case user may not receive all latest
transactional updates. Latest updates will only be available to download after
a JTM Master Concurrent Program to refresh the transactional data has

Update hook will refresh data when the following actions are performed
in the EAM application:
Create or update work order
Complete or un-complete work order
Complete or uncomplete operation
Create or update work request
Allocate material
Issue material
Enter meter reading
Enter quality results
Screen4: Profile setup to enable immediate refresh of transactions

EAM: Mobile Include Departments:

Include Department parameter can be set at site or user level. Default value
is set to blank i.e., No to all sites and all users, with this setup system will only
download the work assigned to the login user. To give access to the login
user’s department’s data, value should be set to Yes. Setting this profile to
Yes, offline mobile user will be able to enable or disable the departments
work option in the mobile app and work with both assigned work and user
department’s work.
Screen4: Profile option to get access to download departments work
ICX: Language:
Determines the language in which maintenance technicians receive data,
messages, and labels for Oracle Mobile Maintenance
As a prerequisite, install the National Language Support (NLS) language for
the Oracle E-Business Suite and then apply all patches in the NLS language
when applicable
Note: After completing the concurrent program process and synchronization,
user can only view the application in selected language
Screen5: Profile option to download user specific language

Concurrent Programs for Offline data processing:

The JTM master concurrent program runs all concurrent jobs that periodically
refresh the data to be downloaded to mobile clients. This concurrent program
can be scheduled by using the Enterprise Asset Management responsibility
>> Reports menu.
There are four JTM concurrent programs required to be configured for offline
maintenance mobile as given below, each concurrent program is accepted
under parameters.

Any new/modified lookup values, lookups, work order statuses, failure codes,
cause codes, resolution codes and profile options will be refreshed after this
program is run
Suggested Schedule frequency: Once a Week or on demand
Screen 6: Lookup setup

Any new/modified values for Organization, departments, asset groups, failure
setups and quality plan setup will be refreshed after this program is run
Suggested Schedule frequency: Once a day
Screen 7: Inventory setup

Any new/modified values for asset numbers, asset activities, asset hierarchy,
meters, failure history, quality plan results, work requests, work orders,
operations, resources, person or equipment, material definitions, and
materials associated with the work orders.
Suggested Schedule frequency: Four times a day
Screen 8: Transactions setup

Successfully completed transactions (Status: Complete) that are already
processed 30 days from the date of completion will be purged, further these
transactions will not be available in mobile
Suggested Schedule frequency: Once a week or on demand
Screen 9: Purge setup
Offline Mobile User:
Below detailed steps will enable mobile users with installation and usage of offline

Install latest mobile app available from store

Screen 10: App store search for EBS mobile maintenance app

Look for the maintenance mobile app in App store for iOS
users and Play store for Android users with key words
‘Oracle ebs America maintenance’ download the latest
app to the users mobile
Setup URL to connect:
If it is a first time installation, configure the URL for server connectivity
Screen 11, 12: URL setup and Login screens

Enabling Offline:
Screen 13: Enabling offline error
After completing the concurrent program ‘Manages mobile
users’ for a responsibility, users associated with the
responsibility will only be allowed to switch to the offline
mode and users not having the offline access will be
shown with the error message.
Screen 14: Enabling offline with success
User having access to switch to offline will be
allowed to download the data to work offline

Offline User Status:

After the successful completion of the data download, system will show the status of the
mobile as (offline) and enables the synchronization function in the spring board
Screen 15: Offline enabled
Switch to online from offline mode:
To switch back to the online mode from offline mode, user can switch off the
offline mode option
Screen 16: Switch to Online from offline

Note: To switch back to the online mode, mobile should have network

How to disable the Offline mode to user: Offline mode to the user is enabled
based on the concurrent program ‘Manages mobile users’ run for a responsibility.
If you would like to disable the offline mode for a specific user, change the
responsibility which has access only to the online mobile app and run the
concurrent program ‘Manages mobile users’
Offline Preferences:
In Offline mode default behaviour will download transactions related to the user.
Offline preference helps in extending the transactions related to user’s
department’s work and additional assets details as needed.

Offline preference is a connected feature in mobile app, addition or deletion of

asset, enabling ‘My departments work’, can be enabled only if network
connectivity is available. Preferences setup is stored in server, so if user changes
the mobile devise data download to the new device will be as per the user setup.
Click on Offline preference right caret to open the preferences:
Screen 17: Offline Preferences
Screen 18: Offline preferences options

My Work: Offline preferences screen default shows the

‘My Work’ i.e., work assigned to the login user under
work preference.
My Departments Work: User can enable the ‘My
Department Work’ additionally to download the
departments work in offline mode, after enabling this
option, Work orders, Work Requests and operations not
assigned to the login user but belongs to the login users
department will also be downloaded to the mobile and
available for the user access. Preference set is applied to
the all organizations assigned to the user and the data will
be downloaded for all the orgs.

Screen 19: Enable My Department Work

Asset Preferences Add:

Assets added under this are organization specific, adding assets under the
preference will extend the data visibility and perform additional actions against
the assets
Screen 20: Add Asset Preferences
 In offline mode data downloaded to the mobile is
limited to the work assigned to the login user, adding
asset under the preference it will also download the
historical data of the asset with the horizon up to 8
 User will get access to add meter readings and quality
plans against the asset
 User will also be able to see work requests and work
orders spanning between +/- 8 weeks of the Pinned

Assets preference delete:

Screen 21: Delete asset preferences
Assets added under preference can also be deleted from
the list of Asset Preferences, deleting the assets will
upload the pending transactions through
synchronization process and deletes the transactions
from the mobile database.
Synchronization Process:
Mobile Enterprise

Mobile Database Staging Table Enterprise Database

In Offline mode, mobile app will work without any connectivity with the server, the
transactions performed in the server (Actual Application) and in the mobile are
independent. Synchronization process has to be run in mobile device to upload
the transactions performed in mobile and download the transactions in server.
Synchronization process in mobile is a manual action by the user as per their
network availability and the need to refresh the data.

Synchronization function in the spring board:

Screen 22: Spring board Synchronization function

This function is only visible only in offline

mode, click on the synchronization function to
navigate to detailed page with more actions and
transaction logs
There are two types of synchronization:
Screen 23: Synchronization Options
 Complete: It will upload the pending transactions
in mobile and delete the mobile data completely
and download the latest data from server, this
process takes longer time when compared with the
incremental load, but it has requirement to process
complete refresh in scenarios like, same user is
logged from more than one device or to download
the complete latest data from server.
 Incremental: It will only upload the pending
transactions in mobile and download the modified
and newly added transaction from server, this
process is faster since the load is performed only
on the data added or modified from last run
date/time. Incremental data synchronization can be
initiated from Incremental Refresh button in the
Synchronization screen also.
Synchronization summary:
In synchronization screen, we can find three tabs which shows the transactions
with upload status
Pending Transactions:
Screen 24: Pending for Synchronization

Pending: Transaction performed in offline mobile

and pending for synchronization are shown here
with status Ready. Transactions with Ready status
will be considered for synchronization process.

Failed Transactions:
Failed: After synchronization, transactions which are failed due to data
validations will not be uploaded to the server and these transactions are available
under the failed tab with status Failed.
If a transaction is failed while synchronization, details for that transaction will also
be rolled back. As an example, if a work order is completed and while
synchronization if the complete transaction is failed, in the mobile app status of
the work order will be rolled back to Released and available to update details.
Screen 25: Synchronization failed transaction
Examples for failures:
1) Two users are working on the same work
order and user 1 is offline user and User 2 is
online user, User1 completed the work order
in offline mode and user 2 completes the
work order in online mode now when user 1
run the synchronization process, work order
complete transaction will fail since it is
already in complete status.
2) This example is on meter readings (Setup is
Ascending) for an asset, user in offline mode
updated the meter reading, while
synchronization, it is possible same asset has
updated meter reading which is greater than
the one system is trying to synchronize from
offline mobile app.
More details are available for failed transaction:
Screen 26: Failed transactions more action

Detailed Error message: detailed error message is

shown to user for information purpose
There are two actions available for a failed transaction
Retry: This action will change the transaction
status from Failed to Ready and the transactions
with Ready status will be processed when next
synchronization is run with the same data
available in the transaction.
Delete: Transaction will be deleted from the
offline synchronization processing.

All Transactions:
Screen 27: Synchronization all records view
All: In this tab transaction pending to upload and failed
transaction are visible
Transaction Summary:
At a summary user can view details about the pending records, failed records
and last synchronization date/time. User can further drill down to the
synchronization history and review the transaction level details like what is
uploaded, downloaded and errors for a selected incremental or complete refresh
Screen 28, 29 and 30: Synchronization history

Trouble Shooting:
This section describes troubleshooting information on potential problem
symptoms and corresponding solutions for Disconnected Mode
To Improve Synchronization Performance:
If it is taking long to synchronize the data between the server and
mobile, it is suggested to use the URL in web browser (http(s)://<server
ected mode user name>) in a web browser for a schema diagnosis
Result will give optimal number of threads and also Max number of
thread required for the user, based on this configure the optimal thread
for the user
Screen 31: Result for optimal thread suggestions

To improve the download speed, based on the system result configure the
optimum threads required for the user.
Navigate to Find System profile Values in forms page and profile option ‘CSM:
Maximum Concurrent Threads for Full Sync’

Screen 32: Maximum Concurrent threads full sync profile setup

Setup the optimum number of thread for the user

Screen 33: Setup optimum number of threads for User

Problem in Synchronization While Download Data To Mobile:
There are two concurrent programs that run when Complete or Incremental
refresh request is made from mobile app, system runs different programs for
each of these requests. If there is any problem in data synchronization, check
below programs and their logs.
Concurrent programs:
Run Multi-Platform Multi-Threaded Download Sync
Concurrent programs that runs when complete refresh is invoked when
"CSM: Maximum Concurrent Threads for Full Sync" profile value is >1

Run Multiplatform User Query Instance

Concurrent programs that runs when incremental refresh is invoked
This is the program that performs complete refresh as well when "CSM:
Maximum Concurrent Threads for Full Sync" profile value is =1 or empty

Problem in Synchronization While Processing Uploaded Data in Server

In synchronization process, data is uploaded from mobile to server and
download from server to mobile. Now, after the data is uploaded form mobile to
server, system first it upload the transactions to the staging table and then
process the transactions based on their type and create records in the server. It
is possible, transactions may not be created in server, and to diagnose the
upload process, check the concurrent programs logs for "Process Uploaded
Mobile Data" and "EAM Process Upload for user"

Problem in data refresh after Incremental Refresh

Generally transactions will be synchronized after incremental refresh if
there are no issues. There may be cases transactions are not synchronized
during incremental refresh, so it is suggested to perform a complete refresh in
such scenarios.

Problem in data refresh after Complete Refresh

If data is not synchronized after complete refresh is also, in this situation
administrator should execute the following script from sql plus and using app user

Additional Resources:
 Release Notes: Oracle Mobile Maintenance for Oracle E-Business Suite Release
Notes (Doc ID 1923702.1)
 EBS Mobile Apps Doc Index: MOS Note 1641772.1, this note includes
Installation and implementation, Custom App development, Online Trainings and
o List of all apps and their release notes
o Transfer of Information (TOI) online training for each app and Mobile
Foundation: MOS Note 807319.1
o EBS Mobile Apps Administrator’s Guide here in EBS Documentation Web
Library 12.1 and 12.2
o EBS Mobile Apps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): MOS Note

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