TESL (Institutionalizing Mother Tongue)
TESL (Institutionalizing Mother Tongue)
TESL (Institutionalizing Mother Tongue)
1. A working orthography (spelling) for the chosen local language that is acceptable to the majority of
stakeholders and promotes intellectualization of that language;
2. Development, production and distribution of inexpensive instructional materials in the designated language
at the school, division, and regional levels with a special priority on beginning reading and children’s literature.
These materials should be as much as possible, original, reflecting local people, events, realities, and
appropriate to the language, age, and culture of the learners;
3. The use of the learner’s First Language (L1) as the primary medium of instruction (MOI) from pre-school until,
at least, grade three. During such period, L1 shall be the main vehicle to teach understanding and mastery of
all subject areas like Math, Science, Makabayan, and language subjects like Filipino and English;
4. Mother Tongue as a subject and as a language of teaching and learning will be introduced in grade one for
conceptual understanding.
5. The inclusion of additional languages such as Filipino, English and other local or foreign languages shall be
introduced as separate subjects in a carefully planned pacing program, or no earlier than Grade two.
6. In the secondary level, Filipino and English shall be the primary medium of instruction (MOI). The learner’s first
language (L1) shall still be utilized as an auxiliary medium of instruction.
7. Other than English, Filipino, or Arabic for Madaris schools, the choice of additional languages shall be at the
behest of parents and endorsed by local stakeholders and as resources permit. When the pupils are ready,
Filipino and English shall be gradually used as MOI no earlier than grade three. However, L1 shall be effectively
used to scaffold learning.
8. The language of instruction shall also be the primary language for testing in all regular school-based and
system-wide examinations and in all international benchmarking and assessment exercises. It shall be
maintained that the focus of educational assessments shall be specifically on the learner’s understanding of
the subject content and not be muddled by the language of testing;
9. There must be a continuing in-service training (INSET) in partnership with MLE specialists on the effective use of
L1 as language of instruction–to facilitate reading, Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency, and the
development of cognitive and higher order thinking skills (HOTS) of the learner. INSET shall likewise equip
educators to develop cultural sensitivity and enhance appreciation for cultural and linguistic diversity; and
10. Ensuring critical awareness, maximum participation, and support from the LGU, parents, and community for
the implementation of the language and literacy program strategy.
Reference: https://mlephil.wordpress.com/2009/07/18/deped-order-no-74-s-2009/
Prepared by:
Abegail L. Berboso