Recombinant Versus Urinary Follicle Stimulating Hormone For Ovarian Stimulation in Assisted Reproduction

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Human Reproduction vol.14 no.9 pp.

2207–2215, 1999

Recombinant versus urinary follicle stimulating

hormone for ovarian stimulation in assisted

Salim Daya1,2,3 and Joanne Gunby1 mental effects on reproductive outcome (Stanger and Yovich,
1Obstetrics 2Clinical 1985; Howles et al., 1987; Homburg et al., 1988; Regan
Departments of and Gynaecology and
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, et al., 1990).
Ontario, Canada Human FSH is a glycoprotein hormone consisting of two
3To non-co-valently linked, non-identical protein chains (α and
whom correspondence should be addressed at: Department of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, McMaster University, 1200 Main β subunits) to each of which are attached two complex
Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8N 3Z5 carbohydrate structures. Endogenously secreted FSH consists
of a family of isoforms with identical primary structures, but
The recent availability of recombinant follicle stimulating
with variable composition of the carbohydrate side-chains and
hormone (rFSH), with its high level of purity and batch-
sialic acid residues (Chappel, 1995). This heterogeneity is
to-batch consistency has made it an attractive alternative
responsible for differences in plasma half-life and consequent
to urinary FSH (uFSH) for ovarian stimulation. Several
biological activity of the isoforms (Chappel, 1995).
trials have compared the two preparations, but none had
Until recently, the main source of exogenous FSH was urine
sufficient power to detect a clinically meaningful difference
of postmenopausal women. Menotrophin [human menopausal
in pregnancy rates. The purpose of this study was to
gonadotrophin (HMG)], which consists of a mixture of FSH,
determine the clinical pregnancy rates per started cycle
LH and urinary proteins, was the first such preparation. Two
by pooling data from randomized trials which compared
decades later, a further refinement in the extraction process
the use of rFSH and uFSH in treatment cycles using in-vitro
permitted the removal of LH by absorbing it onto an antibody
fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection
column. The resulting urofollitrophin, although essentially
(ICSI). A thorough search of the literature identified 12
devoid of LH activity, still contained urinary protein
trials which met the inclusion criteria. In four trials, both
contaminants. Over the last decade, further advances in puri-
IVF and ICSI were performed, in seven trials only IVF
fication techniques, using monoclonal antibodies, enabled the
was performed and in one trial only ICSI was performed.
extraction of FSH from urine to produce highly purified (HP)
Data were extracted and pooled using the principles of
urofollitrophin from which all of the contaminant proteins and
meta-analysis. There was no significant heterogeneity of
LH had been removed leaving only FSH activity. Recently,
treatment effect across the trials. The common odds ratio
biotechnology has made available a recombinant preparation
and the risk difference (and their 95% confidence intervals),
of FSH (rFSH), produced by inserting the genes encoding for
obtained by pooling the data using a fixed effects model,
α and β subunits of FSH into expression vectors that are
were 1.20 (1.02–1.42) and 3.7% (0.5–6.9%) respectively,
transfected into a Chinese hamster ovary cell line (Howles,
in favour of rFSH. The pregnancy rate with the alpha
1996). The use of mammalian cells for this purpose is necessary
preparation of rFSH was statistically significantly higher
because glycosylation is required to ensure full biological
than with uFSH in IVF cycles. The overall conclusion from
activity of the protein (Howles, 1996). There are two rFSH
this meta-analysis is that the use of rFSH in assisted
preparations currently available for clinical use: follitrophin
reproduction is preferred over uFSH.
alpha, marketed as Gonal-F® by Ares-Serono, Geneva,
Key words: assisted reproductive technology/IVF/meta-
Switzerland, and follitrophin beta, marketed as Puregon® or
analysis/recombinant FSH
Follistim® by NV Organon, Oss, The Netherlands. Although
both preparations have been developed using the same tech-
nique, the post-translation glycosylation process and purifica-
tion procedures are not identical (Olijve et al., 1996). The
Introduction purification procedure used for follitrophin alpha includes the
The strategy of stimulating the ovaries with exogenous use of immunochromatographic methods, whereas purification
gonadotrophins to induce multifollicular development in of follitrophin beta does not involve immunological methods
women undergoing therapy with assisted reproduction tech- (Olijve et al., 1996).
niques such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic The purity and batch-to-batch consistency of rFSH makes
sperm injection (ICSI) is now well established. The role of it an attractive alternative to urinary FSH (uFSH). In a
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in this process is essential, combined analysis of three randomized trials, rFSH was
whereas luteinizing hormone (LH) plays a relatively minor observed to be associated with a significantly higher pregnancy
role. In fact, too much LH during the period of follicular rate in IVF treatment cycles compared to urinary gonado-
development and in the periovulatory phase may have detri- trophins (Out et al., 1997). However, in this study, the trials
© European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 2207
S.Daya and J.Gunby

selected were limited to those in which follitrophin beta was whether a crossover design was used, in which case only data from
used. Furthermore, in one of the trials, rFSH use was compared the first period (i.e. before crossover) were admissible, and whether the
with HMG (Jansen and Van Os, 1996; Out et al., 1996). The unit of comparison was patient or treatment cycle. Any disagreement
observation that HMG is not as efficacious as FSH (Daya between the two reviewers was resolved by consensus whenever
possible. In the event of persistent disagreement, a third reviewer
et al., 1995a,b; Daya, 1998) suggests that the inclusion of this
was consulted. Data were extracted and checked for accuracy in a
trial is likely to have biased the overall conclusion of the second review.
combined analysis. Therefore, the purpose of this study was
to review the evidence from all randomized trials comparing Statistical analysis
rFSH (both follitrophin alpha and follitrophin beta) with
The data on the outcome for each trial selected for inclusion in the
uFSH to evaluate the relative efficacy with respect to clinical analysis were extracted into two-by-two tables and summarized using
pregnancy rates in treatment cycles with IVF or ICSI. the odds ratio (OR) and the risk difference. The OR was chosen
because its mathematical properties allow for ease in combining data
to provide an overall estimate of the effect size and in testing for
Materials and methods statistical significance. The risk difference, which is a measure of the
Identification of trials absolute treatment effect, was chosen because it is more easily
understood by clinicians and more helpful for decision making when
Trials were identified using several search strategies. The Medline
applying the results to clinical practice. It is calculated as a weighted
data base of the National Library of Medicine covering the period
(for sample size) mean difference in pregnancy rates between rFSH
from 1990 to 1999 was searched on-line using medical subject
and uFSH. Statistical significance was established if, with a two-
(MeSH) headings ‘pregnancy’, ‘gonadotrophin’, and ‘fertilization in
tailed test, P ø 0.05.
vitro’, and publication type ‘randomized controlled trial’. The search
Effectiveness was evaluated using the Peto modification of the
was performed on titles, abstracts and key words of the listed articles.
Mantel-Haenszel method (Mantel and Haenszel, 1959; Peto, 1987),
The Excerpta Medica CD: Fertility data base, which contains
which is a test of overall association across all trials. A test of the
publications in human reproduction and all publications in the
homogeneity of treatment effect across all trials was performed
Excerpta Medica Data base (Embase) related to obstetrics and
(Breslow and Day, 1980). A nonsignificant result (i.e. lack of
gynaecology, was searched, covering the period 1985 to October
heterogeneity) indicates that no trial has an OR that is statistically
1998. The search was performed on titles and abstracts using
significantly worse or better than the overall common OR obtained
‘recombinant FSH’, ‘IVF’ and ‘randomized’ as keywords.
by pooling the data. Only when homogeneity of treatment effect was
The bibliographies of relevant publications and review articles
confirmed were the data pooled using the fixed effects model,
were scanned, and abstracts of major scientific meetings from 1992
otherwise the random effects model was used.
to 1999 were hand-searched. The Cochrane Menstrual Disorders and
A funnel plot (in which the effect estimate of each trial was plotted
Subfertility Specialized Register was also searched. When necessary,
against the precision of the effect, calculated as the inverse of its
authors of relevant abstracts were contacted for detailed data on their
standard error) was used to detect publication bias. The value of the
studies. Peer consultation was sought for any remaining articles.
funnel plot is based on the fact that precision in estimating the
Finally, the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the gonado-
underlying treatment effect will increase as the sample size of the trial
tropin preparations were consulted for additional information.
increases (Egger et al., 1997). Thus, results from small trials will
Reports of clinical trials were selected only if they met the inclusion
have a wide scatter at the bottom of the scatter plot, the spread
criteria and if the outcome information was provided in sufficient
decreasing as the trials become larger. A symmetrically inverted
detail to enable the data to be pooled.
funnel shape to the scatter plot indicates that publication bias
is unlikely.
Study inclusion
Subgroup analyses were performed to identify whether the two
This systematic review was limited to trials reporting random alloca- types of follitrophin (i.e. alpha or beta), and the two types of
tion to rFSH (either follitrophin alpha or follitrophin beta) or uFSH fertilization procedure (i.e. ICSI or IVF) had any effect on the overall
(either urofollitrophin or urofollitrophin HP) for ovarian stimulation combined result. The data were recoded according to these variables
in infertile women undergoing treatment with IVF or ICSI. Trials and subjected to logistic regression analysis to identify the model
were included whether or not the stimulation protocol included that best predicted clinical pregnancy per started cycle.
pituitary down-regulation with gonadotrophin releasing hormone
agonists (GnRHa). The primary outcome of interest was the clinical
pregnancy rate (usually defined as a gestational sac seen by ultrasono-
graphy), which was calculated per treatment cycle commenced.
Trials included
Validity assessment and data extraction Out of 17 trials identified, 12 met the selection criteria for this
For many of the trials, additional information concerning the methods systematic review and were included in the analysis (O’Dea
of the trial and the outcome data was obtained from the authors. et al., 1993; Alvino et al., 1995; Hedon et al., 1995; Out et al.,
The methodological quality of each trial was assessed using a
1995; RHFSG, 1995; Bergh et al., 1997; Manassiev et al.,
predetermined scoring system consisting of eight criteria as shown
in Table I. Each trial was assessed independently by two reviewers
1997; Andersen et al., 1998; Frydman et al., 1998; Franco
and ranked for its methodological rigor and its potential to introduce et al., 1999; Lenton et al., unpublished results; Schats et al.,
bias. The evaluation included how the randomization procedure was unpublished results). The reasons for excluding the other five
undertaken and whether it was concealed, the use of blinding, the trials were as follows: no pregnancy outcome data were
presence of cointervention, the completeness of follow-up of trial available in one of the trials (Fisch et al., 1995) despite several
subjects, whether a sample size calculation had been performed, requests for the missing information from the authors; in one
Recombinant versus urinary FSH

Table I. Validity criteria used in assessing the methodological rigour of relevant trials

Category Score Method

Randomization procedure 4 Randomization within blocks

3 Randomization by computer tables
2 Randomization using coin-tossing
1 Randomization method other than above or not stated
Concealment of randomization 3 Central allocation (e.g. by telephone or pharmacy)
2 Allocation locally using concealed method (e.g. envelope,
opaque discs covering the allocation sequence, etc.)
1 No concealment or method not stated
Blinding 3 Triple
2 Double
1 Single
0 None or not stated
Co-intervention 2 No co-intervention
1 Co-intervention unlikely or not stated
0 Co-intervention present
Completeness of follow-up 2 All subjects accounted for at completion of study
1 ,5% of subjects lost to follow-up or missing data
0 ù5% of subjects lost to follow-up or missing data
Sample size calculation 2 Explicitly stated
1 Not done or not stated
Cross-over design 2 Cross-over design not used
1 Cross-over design used but data from first period available
0 Cross-over design used
Patients and cycles differentiated 3 Included only first treatment cycles
2 Each subject contributed data from one cycle only
1 Subjects may have contributed data from more than one cycle
0 Number of subjects and cycles not differentiated

Best possible score 5 21; worst possible score 5 3.

trial (Mantzavinos et al., 1998) it was determined, after standards of care. All trials used GnRHa in a long protocol as
contacting the authors, that the patients were not randomly part of the ovarian stimulation regimen.
allocated to treatment, as had been indicated in the abstract;
two trials (Sunde et al., 1994; Mitchell et al., 1996) were Meta-analysis
excluded because they were part of a larger multicentre Overall analysis
randomized trial (Out et al., 1995) which had already been The overall meta-analysis included a total of 2875 cases, of
selected for the present analysis; and one trial (Out et al., which 1556 were allocated to rFSH and 1319 to uFSH. It can
1997) was a report of a combined analysis of three randomized be seen from the OR tree of the trials, shown in Figure 1, that
trials, two of which have been included in this study (Hedon the direction of the estimate of the treatment effect in all
et al., 1995; Out et al., 1995) whereas the third was a except two of the trials was in favour of rFSH. The OR for
comparison of rFSH with hMG. In four of the 12 included the 12 trials ranged from 0.83 to 2.27, but no individual
trials, additional data were available from the authors so that estimate of treatment effect was statistically significant. There
the outcomes for IVF and ICSI could be considered separately was no significant heterogeneity of treatment effect across all
(Bergh et al., 1997; Frydman et al., 1998; Lenton et al., trials (Breslow–Day statistic 5 7.5, P 5 0.94). The common
unpublished results; Schats et al., unpublished results). In one OR for clinical pregnancy per started cycle, obtained by
of these trials (Schats et al., unpublished results), a few patients pooling the data using a fixed-effects model, was 1.20 [95%
underwent both IVF and ICSI treatment in the same cycle, confidence interval (CI), 1.02–1.42, P 5 0.03] in favour of
and these were included as ICSI cycles. Thus, data from rFSH. The risk difference represented a 3.7% (95% CI,
a total of 16 comparisons from 12 trials were available 0.5–6.9%) increase in clinical pregnancy rate per cycle started
for analysis. with rFSH, compared with uFSH.
The validity scores for methodological rigour of the 12 trials Subgroup analyses
included in the analysis are shown in Table II and indicate After separating the data based on the type of fertilization
that most trials are of moderate to high grading based on procedure performed (i.e. IVF or ICSI) and the type of
the predetermined validity criteria used. The methodological follitrophin administered (i.e. alpha or beta) several subgroup
details of these trials are listed in Table III. Apart from analyses were undertaken as shown below.
minor differences, the patient profiles were quite similar and A funnel plot of the ORs for clinical pregnancy per cycle
representative of the infertile population requesting treatment, started, shown in Figure 2, demonstrates that the data are
and the interventions used conform to the currently accepted distributed along a symmetrical, inverted-funnel shape, indicat-
S.Daya and J.Gunby

Table II. Validity score for each trial selected

Trial Randomization Concealment Blinding Co- Follow-up Sample Cross- Patients/ Total % of max. Rank
intervention over cycle score (21) order

Alvino et al. (1995) 3 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 13 62 3

Andersen et al. (1998) 1 1 0 2 1 2 2 2 10 48 6
Bergh et al. (1997) 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 16 76 2
Franco et al. (1999) 3 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 13 62 3
Frydman et al. (1998) 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 16 76 2
Hedon et al. (1995) 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 11 52 5
Lenton et al. (unpublisheda) 4 2 0 2 2 2 2 3 17 81 1
Manassiev et al. (1997) 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 11 52 5
O’Dea et al. (1993) 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 11 52 5
Out et al. (1995) 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 12 57 4
RHFSG (1995) 3 2 0 2 1 1 2 2 13 62 3
Schats et al. (unpublisheda) 4 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 17 81 1
aData obtained from Dr C.Howles, Ares–Serono, Geneva, Switzerland (see Acknowledgements).

Figure 3. Common odds ratios in subgroup analyses of the

different types of recombinant follitrophin and fertilization
Figure 1. Odds ratio tree of clinical pregnancy per started cycle in procedure used. rFSH 5 recombinant follicle stimulating hormone;
12 trials, comparing recombinant (rFSH) with urinary (uFSH) uFSH 5 urinary FSH; IVF 5 in-vitro fertilization;
follicle stimulating hormone. Breslow and Day test for ICSI 5 intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
homogeneity of treatment effect 5 7.5, P 5 0.94. aData obtained
from Dr C.Howles, Ares–Serono, Geneva, Switzerland (see
Acknowledgements). ing that publication bias was unlikely to be present. Although
the median sample size of the trials was 160, the range
extended from 55 to 981, with the number in all except two
trials (Out et al., 1995; Schats et al., unpublished results)
below 300. Thus, no trial was designed with adequate power
to test the null hypothesis of no difference in pregnancy rates
between the two gonadotrophin preparations.
Follitrophin type
In the subgroup analyses by type of rFSH administered, there
were nine trials (comprising 1639 cycles) representing 13
comparative assessments of follitrophin alpha with uFSH
(Table IV). There was no significant heterogeneity of treatment
effect among the trials (Breslow–Day statistic 7.3, P 5 0.84).
The common OR was 1.21 (95% CI 0.97–1.51, P 5 0.09) in
favour of rFSH (Figure 3). The risk difference was 3.7% (95%
CI, –0.5–7.9%).
There were three trials (with an aggregate sample size of
1236 cycles) in which follitrophin beta was compared with
uFSH. No significant heterogeneity of treatment effect was
Figure 2. Funnel plot of odds ratios for clinical pregnancy in 16 observed (Breslow-Day statistic 0.20, P 5 0.91). The common
comparisons of rFSH with uFSH. OR was 1.19 (95% CI 0.93–1.53, P 5 0.16) in favour of rFSH
Recombinant versus urinary FSH

(Figure 3 and Table IV). The risk difference was 3.7% (95% the clinical pregnancy rate per cycle started is statistically
CI, –1.5–8.8%). significantly higher with rFSH. The total sample size on which
this conclusion is based was 2875, which is large enough to
demonstrate, with power of ù0.8, a difference in clinical
Fertilization procedure
pregnancy rate of the size observed in this meta-analysis.
Data for IVF were available from seven trials in which IVF The possibility of publication bias influencing the results is
was the only procedure performed, and from four trials in a potential concern with any meta-analysis, and every effort
which the IVF cycles could be separated from the ICSI has been made to identify all the trials that have been published
cycles. The aggregate sample size was 2308 cycles. There was and as many of the unpublished trials as is humanly possible.
no significant heterogeneity of treatment effect among the The funnel plot is a useful graphical assessment of the
trials in which IVF was performed (Breslow–Day statistic 5.0, likelihood of publication bias being present (Egger et al.,
P 5 0.89). The common OR was 1.26 (95% CI 1.05–1.52, 1997). The scatter plot of the odds ratios from the trials in
P 5 0.02) in favour of rFSH (Figure 3). The risk difference this review demonstrated a symmetrical, inverse-funnel shape
was 4.4% (95% CI, 0.9–8.0%). (Figure 2), thereby providing reassurance that selective publica-
Data for ICSI were available from four trials in which the tion is unlikely to be a source of bias in this meta-analysis.
ICSI cycles could be separated from the IVF cycles, and from Although the patient profiles in the trials were relatively
one trial in which ICSI was the only procedure performed. In similar, and the IVF and ICSI procedures used were standard,
the five trials in which ICSI was performed (with an aggregate there were differences in the type of gonadotrophin preparations
sample size of 567 cycles), there was no significant hetero- administered. Two different types of follitrophin (i.e. alpha
geneity of treatment effect (Breslow-Day statistic 1.4, and beta) were compared with two different types of uFSH
P 5 0.84). The common OR was 1.02 (95% CI, 0.72–1.45, (i.e. urofollitrophin and urofollitrophin HP), thus producing
P 5 0.92) in favour of rFSH (Figure 3). The risk difference four pair-wise comparisons. Subgroup analyses of each of
was 0.3% (95% CI, –7.4–7.9%). these comparisons is not reliable because only one trial
compared follitrophin beta with urofollitrophin HP (Andersen
Follitrophin type and fertilization procedure et al., 1998). Nevertheless, the common OR and risk differences
for clinical pregnancy started per cycle for each of the
Among the trials in which IVF was performed, follitrophin
comparisons are as follows: follitrophin alpha versus
alpha was used in eight (representing 1072 cycles) and folli-
urofollitrophin (OR 5 1.19, risk difference 2.9%), follitrophin
trophin beta was used in three (representing 1236 cycles)
alpha versus urofollitrophin HP, IVF cycles only (OR 5 1.42,
(Table IV). There were five trials (representing 567 cycles) in
risk difference 6.1%), follitrophin beta versus urofollitrophin
which ICSI was performed and in all of them follitrophin
(OR 5 1.21, risk difference 3.9%) and follitrophin beta versus
alpha was used (Table IV). Thus, no trials compared follitrophin
urofollitrophin HP (OR 5 1.10, risk difference 2.1%). Although
beta with uFSH in patients undergoing treatment with ICSI.
some of the differences in the magnitude of these estimates
The common OR and the risk differences, together with their
of the treatment effect can be explained by the small number
respective 95% CI, broken down by follitrophin type and
of trials in each comparison, an important factor to be
fertilization procedure, are shown in Table V.
considered is the FSH isoform heterogeneity among the various
Logistic regression analysis Pituitary gonadotrophins secreted into the circulation consist
The independent variables tested to determine which one(s) of a mixture of gonadotrophin molecules with a similar
would enter the final model that predicted clinical pregnancy peptide structure, but with wide differences in the carbohydrate
per cycle started were: fertilization procedure (IVF or moieties (Wide, 1997). When synthesized in the cell, the
ICSI), type of FSH (follitrophin alpha, follitrophin beta, carbohydrate chains contain sites for the addition of negatively
urofollitrophin HP or urofollitrophin), source of FSH (recom- charged groups of either terminal sialic acid residues or
binant or urinary) and GnRHa protocol (long follicular, long sulphate. The number of negatively charged sialic acid and
luteal or long unspecified). There were 2875 cases available for sulphate groups produces variability in the overall charge (as
analysis. The variables that entered the model were fertilization revealed by electrophoresis) of the isoforms. The physiological
procedure (F to enter 6.9, P 5 0.009) and source of FSH significance of the charge heterogeneity is not well understood,
(F to enter 6.2, P 5 0.013). The clinical pregnancy rate was but is believed to influence the biological properties of the
significantly higher when ICSI was performed, compared with isoform, in terms of its metabolic clearance rate and endo-
IVF (OR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1–1.6). Similarly, rFSH was associated crinological effects at the target organ (Wide, 1997). The less
with a significantly higher clinical pregnancy rate, compared negatively charged (i.e. more basic) isoforms have a shorter
with uFSH (OR 1.2, 95% CI 1.1–1.5). half-life in the circulation, but have increased biological activity
(Ulloa-Aguirre et al., 1988). In contrast, the more negatively
charged (i.e. more acidic) forms have a longer half-life but
Discussion lower bioactivity. These observations suggest that the biological
The overall conclusion from this meta-analysis of all the activity of the pharmaceutical preparations of FSH also may
available randomized trials which compared rFSH and uFSH be dependent on their charge distribution (Ulloa-Aguirre
for ovarian stimulation in infertility treatment cycles is that et al., 1988).
Table III. Details of trials comparing rFSH with uFSH for ovarian stimulation in treatment with IVF or ICSI

First author/ Setting Cycles Drugs compared Randomization Inclusion criteria Exclusion Patient GnRHa FSH HCG criteria Embryo transfer Luteal phase Main Definifition of Ongoing
year criteria characteristics support outcome pregnancy pregnancy

Alvino et al. IVF centre in 55 IVF rFSH alpha s.c. 1:1, open age 18–38 years, PCOS, severe mean age 31 long luteal 225 IU daily for 5,000 IU 2 or 3, 2 days 3 injections not given ‘clinical’ live birth
(1995) Australia uFSH im BMI ,27, endometriosis, years, mean protocol, 5 days, then after retrieval HCG 1000 IU
S.Daya and J.Gunby

ovulatory, ,4 severe male duration of leuprolide adjusted

previous ART factor infertility 3.6 acetate s.c.,
cycles years, 57% tubal 0.5 mg daily
factor, 49%

Andersen 3 IVF centres 165 IVF rFSH beta 1:1, open age 18–39 years, male factor mean age 33 long rFSH 150 IU 10 000 IU when maximum 3 number of sac seen on
et al. (1998) in Europe uFSH-HP ovulatory years, mean (unspecified) daily, uFSH 225 ù3 follicles embryos oocytes ultrasound
duration of protocol, IU daily, fixed ù17 mm retrieved, total
infertility 5.5 buserelin dose FSH dose

Bergh et al. 2 IVF centres 107 IVF, rFSH alpha sc 1:1, assessor- age 18–38 years, PCOS, mean age 32 long luteal 112.5 or 150 IU 10 000 IU usually 2, but HCG sc 1500 IU number of sac seen on viable ù18
(1997) in Sweden 126 ICSI uFSH-HP sc blind, concealed ovulatory, ø3 azoospermia years, mean protocol, daily for 6 days, when 1 follicle maximum 3, every 3–4 days oocytes retrieved ultrasound weeks
allocation previous ART duration of buserelin, i.n. then adjusted .18 mm and usually 2 (or 3) or progesterone gestation
cycles infertility 4.6 33300 µg daily ù2 others ù16 days after 50 mg daily
years, 24% tubal mm retrieval
factor, 53% male
factor, 61%

Franco et al. IVF centre in 120 ICSI rFSH alpha 1:1, open age ø37 years, mean age 31 long luteal 150 or 225 IU 10 000 IU when maximum 4, 2 4 injections number of sac seen on viable ù12
(1999) Brazil uFSH-HP male factor years, mean protocol, daily (based on ù1 follicle ù17 days after HCG 1000 IU or follicles ù16 ultrasound weeks
infertility duration of leuprolide age) for 7 days, mm retrieval progesterone 50 mm on HCG gestation
infertility 4.7 acetate 0.5 mg then adjusted mg i.m. daily day
years, 93% daily

Frydman multicentre in 180 IVF, rFSH alpha s.c. 1:1 double-blind, age 18–38 years, mean age 31 long follicular 150 IU daily for 10 000 IU when usually 2 or 3, usually ? number of increasing serum viable ù12
et al. (1998) France 98 ICSI uFSH-HP s.c. concealed ovulatory, ,3 years, mean protocol, 6 days, then 1 follicle but maximum 5, progesterone oocytes received βHCG weeks
allocation previous ART duration of triptorelin depot adjusted .18 mm and 2 or 3 days after gestation
cycles infertility 4.6 (90%) or daily ù2 others ù16 retrieval
years, 36% tubal s.c. or buserelin mm and
factor, 51% male i.n. oestradiol
factor, 65% appropriate

Hedon et al. 6 IVF centres 90 IVF rFSH beta im 3:2, assessor- age 18–39 years, PCOS, mean age 32 long follicular 150–225 IU 10 000 IU when maximum 3, 2 ù3 injections number of urinary HCG viable ù12
(1995) in France uFSH im blind ovulatory, ø3 spermatozoa years, mean protocol, daily for 4 days, ù3 follicle days after HCG 1500 IU or oocytes retrieved .1000 IU/l or weeks post
previous ART ,103106/ml or duration of triptorelin s.c., then adjusted ù17 mm retrieval ù50 mg sac seen on transfer
cycles ,40% motility infertility 4.8 100 µg daily progesterone ultrasound
years, 63% tubal i.m. daily or 400
factor, 33% mg progesterone
primary vaginally daily

Lenton et al. 5 IVF centres 118 IVF, rFSH alpha s.c. 1:1, open, age 18–38 years, PCOS, mean age 32 long luteal 150 IU daily for 10 000 IU when maximum 3 progesterone number of sac seen on live birth
(unpublished)a in UK 37 ICSI uFSH-HP s.c. concealed ovulatory, first moderate/severe years, mean protocol, 6 days, then 1 follicle ù18 oocytes retrieved ultrasound
allocation ART cycle endometriosis, duration of buserelin i.n., adjusted mm and ù2
azoospermia infertility 4 900 µg daily or others ù16 mm
years, 42% buserelin s.c.
tubal factor, 0.5 mg/ml
35% male daily
factor, 61%
Table III. continued

First author/ Setting Cycles Drugs compared Randomization Inclusion criteria Exclusion Patient GnRHa FSH HCG criteria Embryo transfer Luteal phase Main Definifition of Ongoing
year criteria characteristics support outcome pregnancy pregnancy

Manassiev IVF centre in 65 IVF rFSH alpha quasi-randomized, age 20–38 years, mean age 32 long luteal 150–225 IU 10 000 IU when progesterone number of ‘clinical’
et al. (1997) UK uFSH-HP open, allocation ovulatory, ,3 years protocol, daily ù4 follicles 400 mg oocytes retrieved
by patient’s area previous ART buserelin s.c., ù16 mm vaginally 32
of residence cycles 0.5 mg daily daily

O’Dea et al. 7 IVF centres in 114 IVF rFSH alpha s.c. 1:1, open age 18–38 years, male factor long luteal 225 IU daily for 10 000 IU when progesterone im, number of sac seen on
(1993) USA uFSH i.m. ovulatory protocol, 5 days, then ù2 follicles 25 or 50 mg follicles ù14 ultrasound
leuprolide adjusted (max ù16 mm and daily mm n HCG day
acetate sc, 0.5 6000 IU total) oestradiol
mg daily appropriate

Out et al. 18 IVF centres 981 IVF rFSH beta im 3:2, assessor- age 18–39 years, PCOS, mean age 32 long follicular 150 or 225 IU 10 000 IU when maximum 3 ù3 injections number of viable ù12
(1995) in Europe uFSH i.m. blind ovulatory, spermatozoa years, mean protocol, daily for 4 days, ù3 follicles HCG 1500 IU or oocytes weeks post
ø3 previous ,103106/ml or duration of buserelin, i.n. then adjusted ù17 mm ù50 mg retrieved, transfer
ART cycles ,40% motility infertility 6.2 43150 µg daily progesterone ongoing
years, 64% i.m. daily or 400 pregnancy
tubal factor, mg progesterone
44% primary vaginally daily

RHFSG 9 IVF centres 123 IVF rFSH alpha s.c. 1:1, open age 18–38 years, PCOS, mean age 32 long luteal 225 IU daily for 10 000 IU when usually not given sac seen on live birth
(1995) in Europe uFSH i.m. ovulatory, spermatozoa years, mean protocol, 5 days, then 1 follicle ù18 maximum 3, but ultrasound
ø3 previous ,103106/ml or duration of buserelin acetate adjusted mm and ù2 up to 5
ART cycles ,20% motility infertility 5.4 s.c., 200 µg others ù16 mm
years, 69% daily and estradiol
tubal factor appropriate

Schats et al. several IVF 310 IVF, RFSH alpha s.c. 1:1 assessor- age 18-38 years, moderate/severe mean age 31 long luteal 150 IU daily, maximum 3, vaginal not given viable ù12 viable ù 12
(unpublished)a centres in 186 CSI uFSH-HP s.c. blind, concealed ovulatory ,3 endometriosis years, 23% tubal protocol, fixed dose 2–4 days after progesterone weeks gestation weeks
Belgium & The allocation previous ART factor, 57% male buserelin or (reductions retrieval 200 mg 3 3 (clinical gestation
Netherlands cycles factor, 70% Lucrin 1.0 mg permitted) daily pregnancy n/a)
primary s.c. daily

aData obtained from Dr C..Howles, Ares–Serono, Geneva, Switzerland (see Acknowledgements).

rFSH 5 recombinant follicle stimulating hormone; uFSH 5 urinary FSH; IVF 5 in-vitro fertilization; ICSI 5 intracytoplasmic sperm injection; BMI 5 body mass index (kg/m2); ART 5 assisted reproduction techniques; PCOS 5 polycystic ovarian syndrome; HCG 5 human
chorionic gonadotrophin; i.n. 5 intra-nasally.
Recombinant versus urinary FSH

S.Daya and J.Gunby

Table IV. Clinical pregnancy per started cycle comparing rFSH with uFSH: data and odds ratio for each
trial, grouped by fertilization procedure and recombinant follitrophin type

Trial rFSH (pregnant/cycle) uFSH (pregnant/cycle) Odds ratio (95% CI)

IVF: follitrophin alpha

Alvino et al. (1995) 8/27 6/28 1.53 (0.46–5.09)
Bergh et al. (1997) 28/55 21/52 1.52 (0.71–3.25)
Frydman et al. (1998) 16/89 19/91 0.83 (0.40–1.74)
Lenton et al. (unpublished)a 17/57 16/61 1.19 (0.54–2.66)
Manassiev et al. (1997) 19/44 5/21 2.27 (0.78–6.61)
O’Dea et al. (1993) 12/56 13/58 0.94 (0.39–2.29)
RHFSG (1995) 12/60 10/63 1.32 (0.53–3.31)
Schats et al. (unpublished)a 39/154 25/156 1.76 (1.02–3.05)
Subtotal 151/542 115/530 1.36 (1.02–1.80)
IVF: follitrophin beta
Andersen et al. (1998) 25/83 23/82 1.10 (0.57–2.16)
Hedon et al. (1995) 20/57 9/33 1.42 (0.57–3.55)
Out et al. (1995) 179/585 107/396 1.19 (0.90–1.57)
Subtotal 224/725 139/511 1.19 (0.93–1.53)
ICSI: follitrophin alpha
Bergh et al. (1997) 25/63 21/63 1.31 (0.64–2.70)
Franco et al. (1998) 22/60 19/60 1.25 (0.59–2.64)
Frydman et al. (1998) 16/50 18/48 0.79 (0.34–1.80)
Lenton et al. (unpublished)a 10/23 7/14 0.77 (0.21–2.89)
Schats et al. (unpublished)a 23/93 25/93 0.89 (0.46–1.72)
Subtotal 96/289 90/278 1.02 (0.72–1.45)
Overall total 471/1556 344/1319 1.20 (1.02–1.42)
aData obtained from Dr C.Howles, Ares–Serono, Geneva, Switzerland (see Acknowledgements).
rFSH 5 recombinant follicle stimulating hormone; uFSH 5 urinary FSH; OR 5 odds ratio;
CI 5 confidence interval; IVF 5 in-vitro fertilization; ICSI 5 intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

follitrophins. The morphological quality of embryos (Phillips

Table V. Clinical pregnancy per started cycle comparing rFSH with uFSH: et al., 1999) and the number of ‘good embryos’ obtained (Von
subgroup analyses of the different types of fertilization procedure performed
and follitrophin administered During et al., 1999) were significantly higher with follitrophin
alpha compared to follitrophin beta.
Type of procedure and Common OR Risk difference (%) The ideal method of evaluating the relative efficacy of the
follitrophin used (95% CI) (95% CI)
four different gonadotropin preparations is to conduct a four-
IVF arm randomized trial with sufficient power and with several
Follitrophin alpha 1.36 (1.02–1.80) 5.2 (0.2–10.2)
Follitrophin beta 1.19 (0.93–1.53) 3.7 (–1.5–8.8)
biological endpoints, including cycle performance character-
ICSI istics, oocyte and embryo quality, and incidence of ovarian
Follitrophin alpha 1.02 (0.72–1.45) 0.3 (–7.4–7.9) hyperstimulation syndrome, spontaneous abortion, clinical
Follitrophin beta no published trials no published trials
available available
pregnancy and live birth. Until then, or until more comparative
data become available to supplement the data in this meta-
Results shown are all in favour of the recombinant follitrophin preparation analysis, these results indicate that there is a statistically
significant difference in clinical pregnancy rates when rFSH
is compared with uFSH. This finding, and the knowledge that
Based on chromatofocusing studies, the charge distribution the recombinant preparations have batch-to-batch consistency,
patterns for follitrophin beta, urofollitrophin and urofollitrophin are free from urinary protein contaminants and have the
HP demonstrated that the amount of material with isoelectric
potential of being produced in limitless quantities, indicate
point (pI) ,4 was ,24%, 40% and 74%, respectively (i.e.
that rFSH is more appealing for clinical use than uFSH. A
progressively more acidic) (Robertson, 1997). The two follitro-
cost-effectiveness analysis is currently being undertaken to
phins had a similar pattern, except that follitrophin alpha
determine if there are additional advantages, in terms of cost
contained glycoforms with a narrower pI band (i.e. 4–5) than
savings, of using one preparation versus the other.
follitrophin beta (3.5–5.5) (Robertson, 1997). Thus, if terminal
charge pattern dictates in-vivo biological activity, the follitro-
phins should have greater activity than the urofollitrophins.
Unfortunately, information on biological endpoints including Acknowledgements
oocyte quality, and amount of oestradiol production was not We are grateful to the investigators of the included trials, who
available consistently in all the trials in this meta-analysis, provided additional information to address our questions regarding
their studies. We are also grateful to Dr Colin Howles, Ares–Serono,
making it difficult to test this hypothesis. Instead, clinical
Geneva, Switzerland for making available data from trials recently
pregnancy was used as a surrogate measure of biological conducted by E.Lenton in the UK and R.Schats in The Netherlands.
activity. Interestingly, differences in outcome have been We understand that these data are currently being prepared for
reported recently in randomized studies comparing the two publication.
Recombinant versus urinary FSH

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