Impulse Voltage Generators 500 KV Up To 2400 KV - Series M: Data Sheet 3.13/3

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HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH

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Data Sheet 3.13/3

Impulse Voltage Generators

500 kV up to 2400 KV – Series M

Brief Description
The impulse voltage generators / series M are the main component of impulse voltage test systems, series M (see
Data Sheet 3.10), ranging from 500 kV to 2400 kV cumulative charging voltage.

They are designed for testing high-voltage equipment of power systems with lightning impulses (LI: 1.2/50 µs) and
switching impulses (SI 250/2500 µs) according to the IEC standard 60060-1 (IEEE St.4). The maximum charging
voltage is 100 kV per stage with a maximum energy of 10 kJ per stage. With 24 stages, maximum output voltages
of 2300 kV (LI) and 1800 kV (SI) can be generated in the no-load case.

The impulse voltage generators can be modified for carrying out a variety of special tests, e.g. on transformers,
impulse current testing of surge arresters and even components of wind generators or air planes as well as EMP
tests of electrical equipment. The chosen modular system enables a very variable application in industries as well
as in laboratories for research and education.

The circuit of the impulse voltage generators is a Marx multiplier circuit. The impulse capacitors, arranged in the
stages of the impulse voltage generator, are charged in parallel with DC voltages up to 100 kV against earth
potential and, in order to generate impulses, connected in series by spark gaps. For the adjustment of the front
time and time to half value of the test impulse, the generator stages comprise front resistors and tail resistors. A
short discharge loop guarantees low internal inductances and smooth voltage shape.

All components of the impulse voltage generator are supported by four insulating columns made of glass-fiber
reinforced plastic. The switching spark gaps of all generator stages are commonly housed inside a fifth insulating
column with slight air overpressure to guarantee clean air for a safe triggering. For safe operation, the test
generator is equipped with one earthing switch and a motor-driven earthing rope, which additionally short-circuits
all impulse capacitors after the generator is switched off.

The four insulating columns are placed on a common sectional steel base which can be designed either as
stationary or as a mobile type.

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Figure 1: Impulse voltage test generator IG 90/1800 M Figure 2: Dimensional drawing

Table 1: Electrical main parameters

Stage energy 1) 5 kJ 10 kJ
Total charging Number of Total charging Impulse Total charging Impulse
voltage stages energy capacitance energy capacitance

kV kJ nF kJ nF
500 5 25 200 50 400
600 6 30 167 60 333
700 7 35 143 70 286
800 8 40 125 80 250
900 9 45 111 90 222
1000 10 50 100 100 200
1100 11 55 91 110 182
1200 12 60 83 120 167
1300 13 65 77 130 154
1400 14 70 71 140 143
1500 15 75 67 150 133
1600 16 80 63 160 125
1700 17 85 59 170 118
1800 18 90 56 180 111
1900 19 95 53 190 105
2000 20 100 50 200 100
2100 21 105 48 -- --
2200 22 110 45 -- --
2300 23 115 43 -- --
2400 24 120 42 -- --
Min. time difference between impulses,
40 s 80 s
1 to 16 stages 1)
Min. time difference between impulses,
60 s 120 s
17 to 24 stages 1)
Capacitors per generator stage 1 x 1 µF/100 kV 1 x 2 µF/100 kV

Other stage energies resp. other min. time difference between impulses on request.

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Main parameters
total charging voltage: 500 to 2400 kV
total charging energy: 25 to 200 kJ
stage charging voltage: 100 kV
stage energy: 5.0 and 10 kJ
Number of stages: 5 to 24

Table 2: Dimensions, weights

Total Number Height Height Base frame Weight 2)

charging of H H Length x Width
voltage stages (stationary) (stationary) LxB kg
for 5 kJ for 10 kJ mm
installation * installation *
kV mm mm Stage Stage Stage Stage
energy energy energy energy
5 kJ 10 kJ 5 kJ 10 kJ
500 5 2560 2915 1263 1595
600 6 2900 3325 1377 1771
700 7 3240 3735 1490 1947
800 8 3580 4145 1604 2123
900 9 3920 4555 1717 2299
1000 10 4260 4965 1831 2475
1100 11 4600 5375 1945 2651
1200 12 4940 5785 2058 2827
1300 13 5280 6195 2172 3003
1400 14 5620 6605 2285 3179
1980 x 1450 2120 x 1450
1500 15 5960 7015 2399 3355
1600 16 6300 7425 2513 3531
1700 17 6640 7835 2626 3707
1800 18 6980 8245 2740 3883
1900 19 7320 8655 2853 4059
2000 20 7660 9065 2967 4235
2100 21 8000 -- 3081 --
2200 22 8340 -- 3194 --
2300 23 8680 -- 3308 --
2400 24 9020 -- 3421 --

* without top electrode

) with resistor set for LI 1.2/50 µs but without HV top electrode

Safety clearance D (see dimensional drawing)

D is approximately height H / 2.

Please note:
D depends on wave shape (LI, SI,..), dimension of top electrode and dimension of test hall.
As an option, impulse voltage generators with stage energies of 5 kJ and 10 kJ are moveable up to 1600 kV.

Accessories on special request

Set of resistors for switching impulse test of transformers
Air cushions for the impulse voltage generator up to 1600 kV to move it on smooth horizontal floor
Rollers for the impulse voltage generator, in order to move it by hand (up to 1600 kV)
Additional resistors and inductances (Glaniger Extension, Data Sheet 3.32) for the lightning impulse
voltage test of transformers
Reactors for the generation of oscillating lightning and oscillating switching impulses, e.g. for the on-site
testing of SF6-switchgear
Reactors for the generation of impulse currents, e.g. for the testing of surge arresters and components of
lightning protection or for the generation of impulse magnetic fields
Weather-protecting hood for a temporary outdoor installation of the generator (up to 1200 kV)
Top electrode for adaptation to existing laboratory walls at switching impulse voltages

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Type designation

IGF or IGL a/b M

a = total charging energy in kJ

= stage energy in kJ x number of stages
b = total charging voltage in kV

Without F or L = stationary
F = mobile (on rollers)
L = mobile (on air cushions)
M = series M (medium)

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