PNCC Traffic v. PNCC, G.R. No. 171231, February 17, 2010

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28. G.R. No.

171231 February 17, 2010

represented by its President, RENE SORIANO, Petitioner,

Facts: PSTMSDWO is labor union that entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement with PNCC. What is stated in
the agreement


Section 1. Vacation Leave.

[b] The company shall schedule the vacation leave of employees during the year taking into consideration the
request of preference of the employees.

the respondent did not accede to petitioner's demands and stood firm on its decision to schedule all the vacation
leave of petitioner's members. They entered to mediation but still failed to settle amicably. Then entered into
voluntary arbitration which ruled that the scheduling of vacation is left to union members.
Respondent appealed CA ruled annulling and setting aside the decision and order of the voluntary arbitrator. The
CA ruled that since the provisions of the CBA were clear, the voluntary arbitrator has no authority to interpret the
same beyond what was expressly written.

Issue: WON the labor union has the power to schedule their vacation leave

Ruling: No.
Respondent PNCC has the sole discretion to schedule the vacation leaves of its employees.
Respondent argued that Art VII, Sec 1 (b) gives the management the final say regarding the vacation leave
schedules of its employees. Respondent may take into consideration the employee’s preferred schedule, but the
same is not controlling.
The rule is that where the language of a contract is plain and unambiguous, its meaning should be
determined without reference to extrinsic facts or aids. The intention of the parties must be gathered from that
language, and from that language alone. Stated differently, where the language of a written contract is clear and
unambiguous, the contract must be taken to mean that which, on its face, it purports to mean, unless some good
reason can be assigned to show that the words used should be understood in a different sense.15
In the case at bar, the contested provision of the CBA is clear and unequivocal. Article VIII, Section 1 (b)
of the CBA categorically provides that the scheduling of vacation leave shall be under the option of the employer.
The preference requested by the employees is not controlling because respondent retains its power and
prerogative to consider or to ignore said request.
Thus, if the terms of a CBA are clear and leave no doubt upon the intention of the contracting parties,
the literal meaning of its stipulation shall prevail. In fine, the CBA must be strictly adhered to and respected if its
ends have to be achieved, being the law between the parties
Petitioner's contention that labor contracts should be construed in favor of the laborer is without basis
and, therefore, inapplicable to the present case. This rule of construction does not benefit petitioners because, as
stated, there is here no room for interpretation. Since the CBA is clear and unambiguous, its terms should be
implemented as they are written.
In the grant of vacation leave privileges to an employee, the employer is given the leeway to impose
conditions on the entitlement to and commutation of the same, as the grant of vacation leave is not a standard of
law, but a prerogative of management.

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