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ejpmr, 2016,3(5), 190-196 SJIF Impact Factor 3.




S. V. Saibaba*, M. Sathish Kumar and B. Ramu

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, K.V.K College of Pharmacy, Affiliated to JNTUH Hyderabad, Telanagana.

*Corresponding Author: S. V. Saibaba

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, K.V.K College of Pharmacy, Affiliated to JNTUH Hyderabad, Telanagana.

Article Received on 24/02/2016 Article Revised on 15/03/2016 Article Accepted on 07/04/2016

The control of pharmaceutical impurities is currently a critical issue to the pharmaceutical industry. The
International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) has formulated a workable guideline regarding the control of
impurities. In this review, a description of different types and origins of impurities in relation to ICH guidelines and,
degradation routes, including specific examples, are presented. A well accepted fact is that some impurities are
unavoidable and will be present in trace amounts hence ICH comes into picture and through its guidelines and
policies establishes the specification limits, evaluation and control of impurities. The regulatory bodies and drug
development authorities look up to these guidelines for launching a quality drug into the market. Validation of
analytical process for impurity identification is performed to establish the impurity profile of any drug substance.
Hence the major focus of this review article is on characterization of impurities, its sources, establishment of
impurity profile and analytical approaches to establish its profile. The article further discusses measures regarding
the control of impurities.

KEYWORDS: Impurities, International Conference on Harmonization, Formulation, Profiling, Isolation.

INTRODUCTION potent or toxic. In all cases, impurities should be

Impurities in pharmaceuticals are the unwanted qualified. If data are not avail-able to qualify the
chemicals that remain with the active pharmaceuti-cal proposed specification level of an impurity, studies to
ingredients (APIs), or develop during formula-tion, or obtain such data may be needed (when the usual
upon aging of both API and formulated APIs to qualification threshold limits given below are exceeded).
medicines. The presence of these unwanted chemicals According to ICH, the maxi-mum daily dose
even in small amounts may influence the efficacy and qualification threshold is consid-ered as follows ≤ 2g/day
safety of the pharmaceutical products. Impurity profiling 0. 1 % or 1 mg per day intake (whichever is lower)
(ie, the identity as well as the quantity of impurity in the ≥ 2g/day 0.05%.
pharmaceuticals), is now getting receiving important
critical attention from regulatory authorities. The This paper reviews the impurities found in the
different pharmacopoe-ias, such as the British pharmaceuticals-identifying different sources, as well as
Pharmacopoeia (BP) and the United States providing examples and demonstrating pos-sible
Pharmacopoeia (USP), are slowly in-corporating limits measures to take care of the impurities in the
to allowable levels of impurities present in the APIs or pharmaceuticals.
Impurity profile
A number of recent articles[1-5] have described a designed Impurity profile describes the identified and unidentified
approach and guidance for isolating and identifying impurities present in a new drug substance. Impurity
process-related impurities and degrada-tion products profiling is the common name of a group of analytical
using mass spectrometry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance activities, the aim of which is the detection,
(NMR), high-performance liquid chromatography identification/structure elucidation and quantitative
(HPLC), Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass determination of organic and inorganic impurities as well
spectrometry (FTICR-MS), and tandem mass as residual solvents in bulk drugs and pharmaceutical
spectrometry for pharmaceutical substances. formulations. It helps identifying the impurity present in
pharmaceutical formulation by analytical technique or
In general, according to ICH guidelines on impuri-ties in methods. Numbers of impurities present in formulation
new drug products[6], identification of im-purities below such by-products, degradation products, interaction
the 0.1% level is not considered to be necessary unless products, intermediates, penultimate intermediates,
the potential impurities are ex-pected to be unusually related products, Transformation product. According to 190
Saibaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

USP impurities have various sections which are Impurities coming from
Impurities in Official Articles, Ordinary Impurities, and  Interaction between the primary packaging and drug
Organic Volatile Impurities. According to ICH product
impurities occurred or produced by chemical syntheses  At the time of contact between processing materials
which are organic impurities (Process and Drug related), and storage bags, closure, filters, tubing material etc.
Inorganic Impurities, and Residual Solvents.[7] There are  Impurities also introduce during storage of
various sources of impurity like heavy metals, ligands, compound
catalysts other materials like degraded end products  Impurities also coming from label, ink, overwrap,
obtained during or after manufacturing of bulk drug or cardboard, boxes etc.
products. The expert working group of the international  Impurities can be present at the synthesis of product
conference on harmonization of technical requirements (called genotoxic impurities) that is solvent,
for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use residues, catalysts, reaction product in synthesis etc.
commonly known ICH has “defined impurity is any
compound of the medicinal product which is not the Method for impurity detection[12-14]
chemical entity defined as the active substance or as an 1. Isolation and characterization
excipient in the product”. 2. Column chromatography
3. Gas chromatography
Critical Factors Affects the Quality of Bulk Drugs 4. Flash chromatography
1. Crystallization 5. TLC
2. Washing the wet cake 6. GC
3. Drying 7. HPLC
4. Appropriate packaging 8. HPTLC
9. Capillary electrophoresis (CE)
1) Dosage form related Method for impurity detection
i. Mutual interaction amongst Ingredients 1. Isolation and characterization
ii. Functional group- related typical Degradation 2. Column chromatography
3. Gas chromatography
Medicines are the formulated forms of active phar- 5. TLC
maceutical ingredients. There are 2 types of impuri-ties 6. GC
in medicines: (1) Impurities associated with ac-tive 7. HPLC
pharmaceutical ingredients and (2) Impurities that are 8. HPTLC
created during formulation and or with ag-ing or that are 9. Capillary electrophoresis (CE)
related to the formulated forms.
1. Isolation
Impurities associated in with APIs Isolation of impurity is necessary for accurate monitor,
According to ICH guidelines[11], impurities associ-ated but it is only necessary if instrumental method is not
with APIs are classified into the following categories available as it directly characterizes the impurity. Which
• Organic impurities (Process and Drug-related) method used for isolation and characterization of
• Inorganic impurities impurity is depends upon the nature of the impurity that
• Residual solvents means structure of impurity, its physicochemical
iii. Ester hydrolysis properties and availability. For isolation of impurity
iv. Hydrolysis methods used are, Chromatographic and Non –
v. Oxidative degradation Chromatographic.

2. USP Classification Following methods are commonly used for the

According to united state pharmacopoeia impurities isolation, they are
classify as i. Extraction
i. Impurities in official articles ii. Column chromatography
ii. Ordinary impurities iii. Preparative separation
iii. Organic volatile impurities iv. Extraction:
v. Liquid –solid extraction
3. ICH Classification2 vi. Liquid-liquid extraction
i. Organic impurities
ii. Inorganic impurities Organic impurities
iii. Residual solvents Organic impurities may arise during the manufac-turing
process and/or storage of the drug substance. They may
be identified or unidentified, volatile or non-volatile, and
include the following. 191
Saibaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Starting materials or intermediates- These are the In general, an individual API may contain all of the
most common impurities found in every API unless a above-mentioned types of organic impurities at lev-els
proper care is taken in every step involved throughout varying from negligible to significant.
the multi-step synthesis. Although the end products are
always washed with solvents, there are always chances A detailed investigation of impurities in semi-syn-thetic
of having the residual unreacted starting materials may penicillin was performed both by the manu-facturers and
remain unless the manufacturers are very careful about the different research groups. A re-view paper on
the impurities. In paracetamol bulk, there is a limit test penicillins and cephalosporins[17] describes methods of
for p-aminophenol, which could be a starting material for isolation, detection, and quan-tification of degradation
some one manufacturer or be an intermediate for an- products, and antigenic polymeric by-products. Studies
other. show the presence of traces of ampicillin polymers and
hydrolyzed products in the API.[18] It has also been found
By-products- In synthetic organic chemistry, getting a that the presence of certain chemicals such as triethyl-
single end product with 100% yield is very rare; there is amine has a degradative effect on the product. Am-
always a chance of having by-products. In the case of picillin trihydrate samples having triethylamine content
paracetamol bulk, diacetylated paracetamol (Figure 1) of 2000 ppm to 4000 ppm[19] were found to be stable
may form as a by-product. under accelerated stability testing. However, the product
showed appreciable degradation when triethylamine
content became 7000 ppm. Recent pharmacopoeia[20]
included the limit tests for the traces of impu-rities
present in ampicillin and amoxycillin bulk raw materials.
The residual solvents associated with these APIs have
also been determined.[21]

As the organic impurities are the most common product-

as well as process-related impurities, it is the
responsibility of both the manufacturers of APIs and the
users (ie, formulators) to take care of these impurities
Figure 1. Production of Paracetamol from according to ICH guidelines or compen-dia.
intermediate, p-Aminophenol.[15]
In addition, for an optically active single isomer drug
Degradation products - Impurities can also be formed there could be enantiomeric impurities present in the
by degradation of the end product during manufacturing API.
of bulk drugs. However, degradation products resulting
from storage or formulation to different dosage forms or Enantiomeric impurities - The single enantiomeric
aging are common impurities in the medicines. The deg- form of a chiral drug is now considered as an im-proved
radation of penicillins and cephalosporins is a well- chemical entity that may offer a better pharmacological
known example of degradation products. The presence of profile and an increased therapeu-tic index with a more
a ß-lactam ring as well as that of an a-amino group in the favorable adverse reaction profile.[22] However, the
C6/C7 side chain plays a critical role in their degra- pharmacokinetic profile of levofloxacin (S-isomeric
dation.[16] form) and oflox-acin (R-isomeric form) are comparable,
suggesting the lack of advantages of single isomer in this
re-gard.[23] In any case, cost benefits as well as the
patient‟s compliance need to be considered in se-lecting
drugs. For the manufacturers of single enan-tiomeric
drug (eutomer), the undesirable stereoi-somers in drug
control are considered in the same manner as other
organic impurities. The prominent single isomer drugs,
which are being marketed, in-clude levofloxacin (S-
ofloxacin), levalbuterol (R-albuterol), esomeprazole (S-

Figure 2. General Structures of (I) Penicillins and (II) Inorganic impurities: Inorganic impurities may also
Cephalosporins. derive from the manufacturing processes used for bulk
drugs. They are normally known and identified and
Reagents, ligands, and catalysts - These chemicals are include the following
less commonly found in APIs; however, in some cases
they may pose a problem as impurities. Reagents, ligands, and catalysts - The chances of
having these impurities are rare: however, in some 192
Saibaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

processes, these could create a problem unless the Exposures to adverse temperatures - There are many
manufacturers take proper care during production. APIs that are labile to heat or tropical tem-peratures. For
example, vitamins as drug substances are very heat -
Heavy metals - The main sources of heavy metals are sensitive and degradation frequently leads to loss of
the water used in the processes and the reactors (if potency in vitamin products, espe-cially in liquid
stainless steel reactors are used), where acidifi-cation or formulations.
acid hydrolysis takes place. These impuri- ties of heavy
metals can easily be avoided using demineralized water Light-especially UV light - Several studies have
and glass-lined reactors. reported that ergometrine as well as methyl er-gometrine
injection is unstable under tropical con-ditions such as
Other materials (eg, filter aids, charcoal) - The filters light and heat, and a very low level of active ingredient
or filtering aids such as centrifuge bags are routinely was found in many field sam-ples.[27-30] In only 50% of
used in the bulk drugs manufacturing plants, and, in the marketed samples of ergometrine injections tested [31]
many cases, activated carbon is also used. The regular did the level of active ingredient comply with the
monitoring of fibers and black particles in the bulk drugs BP/USP limit of 90% to 110% of the stated content. The
is essential to avoid these contaminations. custom-made injection of ergometrine (0.2 mg/mL)
showed almost complete degradation when kept 42 hours
Solvent residues: Residual solvents are organic volatile in direct sunlight.
chemicals used during the manufacturing process or
generated during the production. It is very difficult to Humidity- For hygroscopic products, humidity is
remove these solvents completely by the work-up considered detrimental to both bulk powder and
process; however, efforts should be taken to the extent formulated solid dosage forms. Aspirin and ranitidine are
pos-sible to meet the safety data. Some solvents that are classical examples.
known to cause toxicity should be avoided in the
production of bulk drugs. Depending on the possi-ble c) Dosage form factors related
risk to human health, residual solvents are di-vided into 3 Although the pharmaceutical companies perform pre-
classes.[24] Solvents such as benzene (Class I, 2 ppm formulation studies, including a stability study, before
limit) and carbon tetrachloride (Class I, 4 ppm limit) are marketing the products, sometimes the dos-age form
to be avoided. On the other hand, the most commonly factors that influence drug stability force the company to
used solvents such as methylene chloride (600 ppm), recall the product. Fluocinonide Topical Solution USP,
methanol (3000 ppm), pyridine (200 ppm), toluene (890 0.05%, (Teva Pharmaceuti-cals USA, Inc., Sellersville,
ppm), N,N-dimethylformamide (880 ppm), and Pennsylvania) in 60-mL bottles, was recalled in the
acetonitrile (410 ppm) are of Class II. Class III solvents United States because of degradation/impurities leading
(acetic acid, acetone, isopropyl alcohol, butanol, ethanol, to sub-potency.[32] In general, liquid dosage forms are
and ethyl acetate) have permitted daily exposures of 50 very much sus-ceptible to both degradation and
mg or less per day. In this regard, ICH guidelines [25] for microbiological contamination. In this regard, water
limits should be strictly followed. content, pH of the solution/suspension, compatibility of
anions and cations, mutual interactions of ingredients,
Impurities related to formulation: Apart from bulk and the primary container are critical factors.
drug-related impurities, the for-mulated form of API may
contain impurities that form in various ways. Microbiological growth resulting from the growth of
bacteria, fungi, and yeast in a humid and warm
Impurity forms during formulation environment may result in oral liquid products that are
a) Method related unusable for human consumption. Microbial
A known impurity, 1-(2,6-diclorophenyl)indolin-2-one is contaminations may occur during the shelf life and
formed in the production of a parenteral dosage form of subsequent consumer-use of a multiple-dose prod-uct
diclofenac sodium if it is terminally sterilized by due to inappropriate use of certain preservatives in the
autoclave.[26] It was the condition of the autoclave preparations[33], or because of the semi-permeable nature
method (ie, 123 + 2°C) that enforced the intramolecular of primary containers.
cyclic reaction of diclofenac so-dium forming the
indolinone derivative and sodium hydroxide. The Formation of impurities on aging
formation of this impurity has been found to depend on a. Mutual interaction amongst ingredients
the initial pH of the formula-tion. The concentration of Most vitamins are very labile and on aging they pose a
the impurity in the resul-tant product in the ampoule problem of instability in different dosage forms[34],
exceeds the limit of the raw material in the BP. especially in liquid dosage forms. Deg-radation of
vitamins such as folic acid, pantothenic acid,
b) Environmental related cyanocobalamin, and thiamine do not give toxic
The primary environmental factors that can reduce impurities; however, potency of active ingre-dients drops
stability include the following below pharmacopoeial specifications. 193
Saibaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Because of mutual interaction, the presence of causes the degradation of the drug. Thus, the
nicotinamide in a formulation containing 4 vitamins manufacturers of bulk drugs should take care to produce
(nicotinamide, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamine) finer crystals while isolating the products.
causes the degradation of thiamine to a sub-standard
level within a 1-year shelf -life of vitamin B-com-plex Washing the wet cake - Washing the wet cake or
injections.[35] The marketed samples of vita-min B- powder in the centrifuge should be thorough to re-move
complex injections were found to have a pH in the range unwanted chemicals including residual sol-vents.
of 2.8-4.0. The custom-made formula-tion in a simple
distilled-water vehicle and in a typical formulated Drying- Use of a vacuum dryer or a fluid-bed dryer is
vehicle that included disodium editate and benzyl alcohol always preferable to a tray dryer in the pharma-ceutical
was also investigated, and similar mutual interaction bulk drug industry. The high thermal effi-ciencies,
causing degradation was observed. reduction of drying time, and more uni-form drying are
helpful in drying sensitive drug substances. However, if
b. Functional group- related typical degradation a tray dryer is used then initial airflow at ambient
Ester hydrolysis -Examples included the follow-ing: conditions should be con-sidered before exposing the
Aspirin, benzocaine, cefotaxime, cocaine echothiophate, materials to a relatively higher fixed temperature.
ethyl paraben, cefpodoxime proxetil.[36]
Appropriate packaging
Hydrolysis- Hydrolysis is a common phenomenon for Light- sensitive pharmaceutical products need light-
the ester type of drugs, especially in liquid dos-age protective packaging. An accelerated stability test-ing
forms. Examples include benzylpenicillin, bar-bitol, conducted using marketed ampoules of er-gometrine
chloramphenicol, chlordiazepoxide, lincomy-cin, and wrapped with either black carbon paper or aluminum foil
oxazepam.[37] produced negligible degradation against direct sunlight.
Similar use of opaque containers for ciprofloxacin eye-
Oxidative degradation - Hydrocortisone, meth-otrexate, drop preparation can protect the active ingredient from
adinazolam, hydroxyl group directly bonded to an photodegra-dation to some extent compared with
aromatic ring (eg, phenol derivatives such as transparent containers.[39]
catecholamines and morphine), conjugated dienes (eg,
vitamin A and unsaturated free fatty ac-ids), heterocyclic Use of production method based on stability studies
aromatic rings, nitroso and nitrite derivatives, and In finalizing the method of preparation, a detailed
aldehydes (eg, flavorings) are all susceptible to oxidative investigation, including stability studies, should be
degradation. undertaken. In the case of parenteral preparations, aseptic
filtration versus terminal autoclaving method for
Photolytic cleavage - Pharmaceutical products are sterilization should be evaluated before finalizing the
exposed to light while being manufactured as a solid or method. For diclofenac sodium injec-tions, the aseptic
solution, packaged, held in pharmacy shops or hospitals filtration process has been recently recommended as the
pending use, or held by the consumer pending use. alternative to the autoclave method that produces
Ergometrine , nifedipine , nitroprusside, riboflavin, and impurity.[40]
phenothiazines are very labile to photo-oxidation. In
susceptible compounds, photo-chemical energy creates Measures by pharmacopoeias
free radical intermediates, which can perpetuate chain It has been observed in the pharmacopoeias that there is
reactions. Most com-pounds will degrade as solutions an impurity limit shown in the specifica-tions of certain
when exposed to high energy UV exposure. raw materials but not given in the case of products made
Fluoroquinolones antibi-otics are found to be susceptible of those raw materials. Al-though the impurity limit on
to photolytic cleav-age.[38] the drug substances is applicable to the drug products, it
would be con- venient for the users if the impurity limits
In ciprofloxacin eye drops preparation (0.3%), sunlight were also mentioned in each dosage forms. The limits
induces photocleavage reaction producing may vary from orals to injectables. Diclofenac sodium is
ethylenediamine analog of ciprofloxacin. such an example where an impurity limit is not
mentioned in the case of injections. ICH recom-
Decarboxylation- Some dissolved carboxylic acids, mendation can be incorporated in the pharma-copeias. In
such as p-aminosalicylic acid, lose carbon dioxide from addition, a generalized monograph on the impurity issues
the carboxyl group when heated. Decarboxy-lation also can be added in the pharmaco-poeia.
occurred in the case of photoreaction of rufloxacin .
Characterization Methods[36-39]
Critical factors regarding bulk drugs’ quality 1. NMR
During crystallization - The size of crystals some-times 2. Mass spectroscopy
determines the quality, especially the stability, of bulk 3. LC-MS
drugs. Large-size crystals can entrap a min-ute amount of 4. GC-MS
chemicals from the mother liquor, which ultimately 194
Saibaba et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

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