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c e P f L M - ^ s ' i J

INT-1553 Information Paper No, 29


Santiago, Chile, September 1970


presented ly

CuEimins Engine Coapany

Note; The meeting of t h i s Working Group i s one phase of the project

"Prospects and possible forms of regional integration i n the
automotive industry i n Latin America" that i s being carried out
by the Economic Commission for Latin /imerica (ECLA) and the
Interamerican Bank (IDB), with the collaboration of the United
Nations Industrial Development Organiasation (UNIDO),

lo CungRins Engine Cc:r.pany

Cummins Engine COKipany is a manufacturer of diesel

engines in the IOC to 800 HP range» Its products
are offered in au!torootive¡, construction^ industrial^,
and sarinfô applications in the United States and in
overseas EsrketSc

PA tac'onent r c-ontai ns information that will enable

tlie conference participants to gain an understanding
fr" the company?

" CuTO'ir.s I'it a Glance

1969 Ann-ial Ki?port

i^rcd'act broeLur-SK C^-utomotivej, constructionj,

industrial, and marine)

- QSti/cm. aprp:.:.('!3.tion brochure

sur::aarv'„ na has its headquarters in Columbus,^

tndi&na g but has ;?.anu fact «ring representation in the
foiloving countries?

-- lJniti:id "XiagdOiT, - ?iji:olly Owned Subsidiary

" /-VJiStralia - Wzolly Oi^ned Subsidiary

India " Joint Venture

" Japan - License ¿^.greement

- texico -= Licienae

i'P until t?f:e late camiins for the most

ail Lte. products in the United States
•..-.'here possible exported overseas o Jls marketing
conditions wariar.t=d, asse-^ibly and/or manufactxirimy
operations were undertaken on a selected basis o For
some time^, Cuxt®t\ins has recognized the desires of
developing and industrialising countries to not only
satisfy tiaeir domestic requirements but also to partici-
pate in international markets through the export of
locally manufactured products,,

Product Selection for Case Study

Witliin the LM'TA group» the major markets offering

potential to Cun-itiins are the automotive„ construction
and industrial^, and marine marketSo The most suitable
products presently xanufactured by Cummins for these
markets are the HE series and ¥al/vale series diesel
engines (AttacThment II provides a representative sample
of the basic specifications of these two series)o


'"^he coriponents which comprise a complete Cummins engine

xust be viewed in two different categories?

1e Basic Components

parta- wh-'-C-h comprise the basic engine

regardlfcss of its intended end use»
There is a high degree of standardization
among these coitiponents listed below?

Power -Train

Piston ¿isseably
(rings5 pin,, piston^ i n s e r t s n a p ring)
Connecting Rod Assembly
(rodj belts^ nuts^, lockplates)
Crankshaft Damper
Balancer Shaft
¥_alve and injector Train

Cylinder Head Valves

¥alve Kee'oers
¥alve Spring
Rocker .S>rni Assembly
Rocker Arm Shaft
Rocker Arm Shaft Mounting Parts
Pusli Tubes
Tappets or Cam Follower Assembly

Cylinder Head and Related Parts

Cylinder Head
Valve Seat Insert
Swirl Plate
Valve Guide
Intake í^íanifold
ExTha"-;st Manf.fold
Eocker Housing


CylArider Sleek and Related Parts

Cylinder Block
Main Bearing cap
Cylinder Liner
Compr«%ssor to Fuel Pump Coupling
Air Compressor (Cuimins)

Gear Cover


¿^11 Engine Bearings and Bushing

Fuel System

Fuel Pump
Manual Fuel Valve
Electric Solenoid Fuel Valve
Fuel Lines and Fittings
Fuel Filter
Aneroid Control
C"heck ¥alve

Lubrication System

Oil Pump Ãsserably

Oil Pump Suction Tube and Screen Assembly
Full Flow Filter
Oil pan and Baffle Assembly
Gil Pressure Regulator Assembly

CDoIinq System

Water Purap) Assenüsly

Water Filter

Seals and Gaskets

Cylinder Head Gasket

Rocker Arm Housing Gasket
Oil Pan Gasket
Oil Cooler Gasket
Crankshaft Seals

Groirsmets and Ferrules

Valve Stem Seals
IherKiostat Seal
Accessory Drive Seal

Hardware a m Miscellaneous

Capscreuis - All Grade 5 and above

2» Application and Minor Components

Items which are combined with the above

mentioned category to up fit an engine
for a specific piece of equipment»
Standardization is largely confined to
specific market segments^ i.e» within
the automotive market there is an
attempt to standardize all components
available^ These components include
but are not limited to?

ñir cleaner and Induction System

Crankcase Breather
Governor (other than Fuel Pump Assembly)

Sea Water cooler

Engine i^unts
Heat Exchanger
Exhaust System
Fuel Supply System
Torque converter Cooler
Flywheel Eioasing
¥alve Cover Gasket

Attachment III contains copies of the Standard Supplier

Quality Evaluation Survey utilized by Cummins to evaluate
a potential supplier's capabilitieso

4„ Manufacturing Operations

•The traditional CUKCT-ins approach to the manufacture of

Cummins engines where there exists a relatively low pro™
duction volume has been to minimize the capital invest-»
ment requirement through the utilization of local suppliers
to a staximun degree„ The growth of the investment to be
undertaken, by Currimins is viewed as a function of volume
growth within the market which logically leads to a series
of "make versus buy studies" on a Gomponent-by<-component
basis o iSie company accepts the fact that during the
initial stages of any low volume manufacturing
program the company experiences a higher than
normal unit cost„ Time and volume working to-
gether will result in a reduction of unit costo
Once the program achieves a economically sound
production level„ the company can speed up the
process by increasing its investment in the
purchase of machine tools^ etCo^ to increase local

In keeping i<t?it!i the above objectiveswhile at

the same time», utilizing local suppliers, our
studies show that the major components making up
a Cujnmins engine can be broken down into three
categories as follows?

Io parts and/or components to be Imported

Complete ;?uel System^, including Injectors

2^ir compressor

parts_ to be Manufactured Locally

Cylinder Blocks including Main Bearing Caps

CyXía¿:er Head
Fabricated Brackets for Optional Components
."yiiscellaneous Screw Machine Items as needed

IIIo garts and/or Assemblies to be Purchased Locally

Âo I45chined Castings ° cast Iron

Rear cover Plate

cam Box
Water F.eader Cover
Oil pan Flange
Cylinder Liners
Flywheelincluding Ring Gear
ihentiostat Housing
Water i^anifold
Exhaust Manifold
Bo Machined castings - Aluminum

Flywlieel Housing
Gear case Cover
Intake Manifold
Air Intake Connection
Oil Pan
Rocker Arm Housing

Forgings ° Machined Complete

Connecting Rods
Rocker Levers
Crankshaft Flange

Do Coarplete Assemblies

Lub pump
Lub Filter
L-ab Cil Cooler
Water Punip
Push Tubes
Crankcase Breather
¥ibration Damper
¥oltage Regulator
Series Parallel Switch
Fuel Filter
Air Cleaner

So Miscellaneous

Bearing Shells

Eo Miscellaneous (confâo]

Capscrewsj Nuts^ Bolts

Annual Production Volumes

Depending on the engine or engines selected and

the markets to be served^, cununins assumes for
planning purposes production levels of five to
twenty engines per dayc

Cuiamins Engine Company has attained and maintains its

position of leadership within the diesel industry
in the United States through a constant effort to
upgrade its product lineo Contrary to most
industrial manufacturers^ cummins does not adopt
a '^frozen design"' for any period of time. Product
imjjrovements and product innovations are introduced
as they are proven by the Research and Engineering

Attachment IV provides a copy of the cummins International

Warranty certificate» Iftis is attached to illustrate
that cummins adopts one set of quality standards which
are applied througlhout the world regardless of the
manufacturing planto cummins has adopted the policy
of utilizing the several sources of supply available on
a world wide basis to attain production efficiencies and
cost reductions wherever possible o Ihis p o l i c y h o w e v e r j,
dictates there be one constant world wide quality standard
to insure complete interchangeability and product performance
for the end user» Cummins recognizes the inherent higher
costs that might be incurred in specific markets»

60 Manufacturing ?echnologies/capacity Levels

h low production; volume operation dictates a more labor

intensive and less sophisticated manufacturing base will
be utilized, As the volume base increases over time^,
the companyí, in order to speed up the process of
reducing unit cost^ coiranits to a bigger investment
in terms of maciiine tools and sophisticated auto-
mated equipmento

Good examples of the varying stages of technologies

adopted can be seen in the operations in the United
Kingdom and India, The Darlington plant in England
is reputed to be one of the most modern and most
highly automated diesel engine plants in the worldo
Presently capacity is set at over 100 engines per day.
At the other end of the spectrum^ the joint venture
in India is currently producing approximately five
engines per day with a local content value of 80 per
cent» It is interesting to point out that the number
of people involved in the manufacture of engines in
India is approximately the same as those employed in

Manufacturing Costs

Cost reductions are a function of volume levels and

the efficiency of local suppliers» The combined effect
of these two necessary factors have not yet been fully
analyzed» The volume levels realistically attainable
by the conipany and supplier quotations based on these
subsequent production levels have to be fully documented,

80 Capital Investment Requirements

Excluding land and building costs for planning purposes^

Cummins views the investment required to support say a
five per day Mí manufacturing program to be broken down
as follows?

- 3 5 % " Local Vendor Tooling

65% " Machine Tools

The amount of nxoney invested in local vendor tooling

indicates the reliance Cursmins will place on local

9o Selling Costs

We would anticipate average selling costs to run

at approximately 7 per cent of sales o These costs
are related to the following major areas?

- Distribution System Development

Sales Force

c OEM Level

Field Sales Level

(Distributors and End Users)

- Market Research

Service Support

- parts Sales

Advertising and Promotion

10„ cross-Sourcing

Consistent injifh the company's policy to adopt cross-

sourcing to tlie maximum extent possible while at the
same time maintaining a level of self-sufficiency at
each individual manufacturing operation^, specialization
in terms of manufacturing is only considered feasible
once the manufacturing program has achieved economic
levels o From that point on<, the company explores cross-
sourcing as muclh. as possible»


Cummins "has a ijtated objective of obtaining a manufacturing

posture v.?itliiin I3tin Ãmericao Studies to obtain this objective
within the short terrt are underv/ay within the Cummins organization,
our attendance at this conference is one more facet of our overall
program and probably the most important - to exchange with other

leading members of the automotive industry our views regarding

the present status and future of the automotive industries
within the Latin American region within the scope of the guide-
lines outlined by ECIA»

Cummins at a Glance

Cummins at a Glance

^ Contents:

History - Page 5
Markets - Page 7
Management - Page 11
Operating Units - Page 15


Cummins Engine Company as it appeared in 1932 . . .

. . . and in 1948.

In 1970, the main plant at

Columbus is the headquarters
for an international corpora-
tion that includes several

wholly owned subsidiaries and
Joint manufacturing agree-
Cummins Engine Company today:

is the world's largest independent producer of diesel
engines . . . for powering heavy- and medium-duty
trucks, construction equipment, locomotives, marine,
oil field, mining, agricultural and other industrial appli-

employs over 14,000 people worldwide . . . on a total

annual payroll of over $100 million . . . in 12 opera-
tional facilities located in eight different countries.

has the largest, most modern diesel service network in

thê world . . . an organization which includes nearly
2,000 sales and service outlets in 94 countries . . . and
is represented in literally every country in the free world.

has the most advanced technical center in the industry

. . . completed in 1968 at a cost of $22 million . . .
360,000 square feet devoted exclusively to research and

is one of the country's 300 largest corporations.


Clessie L. Cummins William G. Irwin

Cummins Engine Company, founded in 1919, celebrated ducts. The Company looks forward to both current
50 years of corporate growth in 1969. Beginning with and long-range growth in all markets presently served,
the idea that a better diesel engine could be built, the penetration of new markets, an immediate expansion
Company succeeded because its two founders, Clessie of its domestic manufacturing capacity (the first phase
L. Cummins, the mechanic with an idea, and William G. to be completed by year's end), and the start of plan-
Irwin, the financial backer with confidence in the idea, ning for near-term capacity increases overseas.
persevered and were willing to take the risks associ-
ated with innovation and experimentation.
The international power market represents a new and
growing challenge to Cummins' management. The
This same confidence in the future, a commitment to Company's international business is expanding and
research and development, and a determination to pro- new opportunities are constantly being explored.
vide a belter product to satisfy customer requirements,
characterize Cummins today.
Cummins' planning for the future acknowledges that
change is inevitable in business and that the company
These elements, plus aggressive development of mark-
that takes the initiative to influence the course of
ets for the product, have earned for Cummins its
change will be in the best position to succeed. This
present stature as the world's largest independent
concept applies to business procedures, and especial-
manufacturer of diesel engines.
ly to research and development activities aimed both

at improving the Company's present line of convention-
As Cummins moves energetically into its second 50 al engines, and the successful commercial introduction
years, the outlook is for a rising demand tor its pro- of new forms of power, such as the gas turbine.

Since its founding in 1919, Cummins Engine Company has grown from a
small one-plant operation to a worldwide international enterprise with 1969
sales of $410 million. Over the years, this former one-product maker of
diesel engines has diversified into a multi-product company providing not only

engines, but also component parts and accessories for applications requiring
modern, dependable power.

Cummins has pioneered most of the important developments in the diesel

field with such introductions as the first fully-enclosed diesel engine, the first
supercharged diesel, the most reliable and simply designed in-line engines, a
lightweight, high-speed turbocharged engine capable of competing with the
sophisticated gasoline engines racing at Indianapolis in the early 50's, the PT
(pressure/time) fuel system and the "oversquare" engine which, based on a
concept of a piston diameter larger than the piston stroke, yields more power
in a smaller package.

Cummins Begins Operations Clessie L. Cummins, drawing upon his engineering

genius, fitted a "Model U" diesel into a 1930 Packard
In its early form, the " o i l " (later diesel) engine was an and drove it from Indianapolis to the New York Auto
unv/ieldy piece of machinery, suitable only for station- Show at a fuel cost of $1.38. The headlines from this
ary power. By the 'twenties, Cummins was moving promotional triumph established the diesel as the most
into the marine business by supplying power for plea- economical source of automotive power. In 1931 a
sure yachts. But this market toppled with the stock Cummins-powered racer became the first car ever to
market in 1929. Through the first 17 years of its ex- finish the Indianapolis 500 Mile Race non-stop.
istence, therefore, Cummins invested only in future
In the 'thirties, too, the Cummins diesel penetrated the
growth, for it showed no profits. It was a time when on-highway truck market, where the company was to
survival rested solely upon faith, perseverance and build its initial reputation. It came with the first sale
hard work. of diesel engines to a truck fleet — that of Purity
Foods. This had followed a 14-day, non-stop run on
In the 'thirties came a series of breakthroughs for the the Indianapolis track by a Cummins-powered truck.
diesel. The Company, lacking the financial resources
for advertising and market development, promoted its
Cummins Matures During World War It
engines by dramatic stunts and barnstorming tours that
attracted maximum attention from potential diesel

World War II proved conclusively the durability of
customers to the technological leadership that Cum- Cummins power and gave the small firm in Columbus,
mins offered then and retains today. Indiana, valuable international exposure. Its engines
moved thousands of vehicles across the roads of Cummins began an aggressive international expansion
Europe and Asia and the islands of the Pacific. These program in 1956 with its first venture, Cummins Engine
supply caravans went into the history books as the Company, Ltd., in Shotts, Scotland. Today, in addition
"Red Ball Express," and for many years after the viiar to the plant at Shotts, Cummins has a two-plant facility
Cummins used the red ball as its corporate trademark. at Darlington, England, producing engines and parts;
a license agreement with Komatsu in Tokyo, Japan, for
As the era of post-war expansion began in 1946, the production of engines for earth-moving equipment;

Cummins had 300,000 square feet under roof in Colum- a joint venture with Kirloskar in Poona, India, for the
bus. This has now grown to over 2 million square feet. production of in-line engines; an assembly plant in
Sales of $20 million in 1946 were to grow more than Melbourne, Australia; and a license agreement with
20-foid by 1969, but in that first post-war year the Diesel Nacional (DINA) in Sahagun, Mexico, for the
Cummins market was already firmly established. The production of both in-line and V engines.
rising demand for "Cummins Dependable Diesels" was
given further evidence in 1948 when the first public Cummins Looks to the Future
issue of Cummins common stock reached the over-
the-counter market. Today, Cummins is embarking on a whole new world
of engine technology. The $22 million Technical Center
Company interest in using auto racing achievements in Columbus greatly increases the technological capa-
as a means of product promotion was revived in 1952 bilities of the Company. Cummins European Technical
when the Cummins Diesel Special, a turbocharged Center at Essen, Germany, has already made significant
racer, entered the Indianapolis 500 and won the pole contributions to the development and refinement of new
at a record 138.010 mph. families of engines. The work of this group will have
a great impact on the Company's European sales as
Cummins Diversifies, Grows Internationally they develop power sources and provide technical
support for the unique requirements of the European
Up until the mid-1950's Cummins had been a one- market.
plant, one-product company. However, through planned
diversification, the Company now has four additional Cummins' new research agreement with the Garrett
plants in the United States producing related pro- Corporation, a major producer of gas turbines for the
ducts. Atlas Crankshaft Company in Fostoria, Ohio, aerospace industry, will permit Cummins to determine
produces crankshafts, valves, piston pins and precision both the technical and economic feasibility of gas tur-
machined capscrews. Frigiking division in Dallas, bine applications for heavy-duty trucks and other appli-
Texas, manufactures and markets truck cab and pas- cations. The agreement's prime advantage is that it
senger car air conditioners. Frigiking is the largest combines the skills in turbine technology of the recog-
producer of automobile air conditioners for after-the-
nized leader in the production of small gas turbines
market installation. Fleetguard division produces air,
with Cummins' superior engine manufacturing know-
lube, and fuel filters for heavy-duty equipment and
how, as well as marketing and servicing capabilities.
passenger cars, in Cookeville, Tennessee. Cummins
ReCon division in Memphis, Tennessee, reconditions

The Garrett agreement typifies the Cummins corporate
injectors, heads, water pumps, and other engine parts philosophy: the future depends an taking advantage
for distribution through the Cummins distributor organi-
of present strengths, while maintaining the capacity to
capitalize on new opportunities as they develop.
Cummins now has production facilities in seven countries employing over 14,000
people. Cummins engines are now available as standard or optional equipment
from over 300 different manufacturers of on-highway trucks, construction equip-
ment, locomotives, marine, oil field, and other industrial applications.

I The Company's major marl<ets, automotive and construction, are described in

this section along with new, but growing, sales opportunities. The discussion
is primarily of U. S. activities because international markets vary from country
to country and because overseas horsepower requirements are generally not so
great as those in the United States.

Cummins Leads Automotive Field the under-26,000 GVW category, made up largely of
short-haul, intra-city delivery trucks. The outlook,
Cummins' reputation in the diesel field results from the once again, is for greatly Increased diesel penetration
dominant position the Company occupies in the on- of this market within the next decade.
highway truck market. Since 1950, Cummins engines
have powered over 50% of the heavy-duty transport
Cummins new small V engines, produced at Cummins'
trucks in the 33,000+ gross vehicle weight (GVW)
plant in Darlington, England, are direct competition for
gasoline engines in the lighter-weight truck classes.
These engines are currently rated at 185 horsepower in
These are primarily semi- and double-trailer units haul-
the eight-cylinder model and 140 horsepower in the
ing freight, produce, raw and finished materials and
six-cylinder version.
bulk commodities on regional and national routes.
These trucks, currently 80% diesel powered, carry
heavy loads over long distances at high speeds on the Cummins currently produces both in-line and " V " con-
interstate highways. It is estimated that dieseis will figuration engines covering the power ranges required
power 90% of these rigs by 1980. by the heavier weight classes of on-highway trucks.
In the heaviest vehicle category, the Company's NH-250
A second automotive category, the 28,000-33,000 GVW horsepower engine has long been the industry stand-
class, includes lighter weight semi-trailers (moving ard. In March, 1969, the Company was notified that
vans, tank trucks and cattle trucks.) Because vehicles the NH-250 had been selected by the Army as standard
in this class are only 37% diesel-powered, significant power for all versions of its new 5-ton truck. On the
growth potential for Cummins lies in increasing the West Coast, where horsepower trends are established,
percentage of diesel penetration. the NTC-335 horsepower (turbocharged) engine is still
the most popular Company product, although the new

I Diesel engines power less than 10% of the vehicles in V-903 is quickly gaining acceptance.
The Wide World
of Cummins Power

Cummins marine engines are gaining popularity in a

wide variety of applications.

Powered by a specially designed, low-profile Cummins

V-12 engine, tills Unit Rig tow tractor maneuvers
Pan-Am's huge 747 Jumbo Jet.
Cummins is the nation's leading supplier of engines for
on-highway, heavy-duty trucks.

Small V engines manufactured at Cummins' Darlington,

England, plant are becoming increasingly popular in
Great Britain and on the continent.
The V-903 is rapidly developing into a customer favor- operate in remote locations, with dust and dirt a pre-
ite at the top of the horsepower spectrum and is now valent condition, and must perform for long hours over
rated at 320 horsepower in the naturally aspirated ver- rough terrain with greatly varying engine speeds.
sion. It is the most powerful compact engine available
for heavy-duty rigs. Today the construction equipment industry requires a
broad range of horsepower offerings, from the small
The powerful V-903 best illustrates the two character-
istics dominating diesel progress: (1) higher horse-
power requirements and (2) compactness. Smaller,
more powerful engines offer greater operating effici-
engine powering a pneumatic hammer to the twin
V-12's used on the huge "Pipemobile" — a newly de-
veloped vehicle that carries sections of concrete pipe
measuring up to 20 feet in diameter and weighing 150
ency in the face of increased labor and vehicle costs. tons.

International markets have paralleled the pattern first Horsepower requirements are moving toward Cummins'
developed in the United States. Cummins is the only power ranges. Cummins' new V engines, coupled with
U. S. diesel manufacturer with production facilities lo- improved in-line models, provide users with a variety
cated to serve the dominant international markets. of options for all types of equipment. The Company's
Today, European power requirements are lower than V-12 engines in the 500-800 horsepower range are the
those in the U. S., and Cummins engines with long construction industry's "big horsepower" standard,
periods of dependable domestic service are now stand- Cummins construction equipment program includes
ard power plants in overseas markets. The trend modification of these power plants for specific con-
toward higher horsepower favors Cummins products struction applications as well as development programs
which are available In the complete power range used in the higher horsepower ranges (1,000 and above).
Cummins Power for Other Markets
Cummins Power Grows in Construction Marl<ets
The increasingly popular Cummins marine engines pro-
The total construction and industrial equipment market, vide reliable power for both pleasure craft and work-
the second largest for diesel engines over 100 horse- boat operations. In the latter applications, Cummins
power, is projected to grow from the estimated 118,000 offers power from 120 to 550 horsepower, while in
units produced in 1969 to 165,000 in 1980. Because yachts and other pleasure boats, a product line of 150
this market already has a high concentration of diesel to 800 horsepower is available.
penetration, especially in the upper horsepower ranges,
growth will come from the increase in equipment pro- Cummins powered generator sets ranging from 50 KW
duced. to 500 KW provide electricity in remote areas through-
out the world and functioned effectively as emergency
Construction equipment ranges from off-highway power sources for schools, hospitals, governmental fa-

trucks hauling excavated materials, to crawler tractors, cilities and airports during several recent power fail-
front-end loaders and semi-stationary drag lines, cranes ures. The generator set market has increased dra-
and shovels. Engines powering this equipment often matically during the past two years.


J. Irwin Miller Chairman of the Board of Directors
Eugene R. Black Director and Consultant, The Chase Manhattan Bank

í C. Raymond Boll
James B. Fisk
Harold H. Helm
Executive Vice President
President, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Chemical Bank
Henry L. Hillman President, Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical Company
Paul L Miller President, The First Boston Corporation
George W. Newlin President, Irwin Management Company, Inc.
Henry B. Schacht President
Richard B. Stoner Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
E. Don Tull Chairman of the Executive Committee

J. Irwin Miller
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mr. J. Irwin Miller graduated from Yale in 1931. After receiving his Masters
Degree in Politics at Oxford in 1933, he returned to Columbus and joined the
management staff of Cummins Engine Company. Mr. Miller became Chairman of
the Board in 1951.

E. Don Tull
Chairman of the Executive Committee

I Mr. Tull started his career with Cummins in 1928. He became Vice President in
1952, Executive Vice President in 1955 and served as President from 1960 to
Mr. Tail is a member of the Board of Directors.
Henry B. Schacht

Mr. Schacht joined Cummins in 1964 and assumed his present position in 1969.
Before coming to Cummins, he was investment manager for the Irwin Management
Company. He holds a B.S. in Industrial Administration from Yale and an M.B.A.
from Harvard. He was born on October 16, 1934, in Erie, Pennsylvania.

1 Richard B. Stoner
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mr. Stoner joined Cummins in 1950 after a brief period of law practice. He was
first promoted to a vice presidential position in 1955 and was elected to his
present position in 1969. Mr. Stoner has been a member of the Board of Directors
since 1955. He holds the B.S. from Indiana and the LL.B. from Harvard.

C. Raymond Boll
Executive Vice President

Mr. Boll joined Cummins in 1941. He was elected to his present position in
1967. Mr. Boll was elected to the Board of Directors in 1955. He received
his bachelors degree from Purdue in 1941, and he did graduate work at Chicago,
Harvard, and MIT. He was born on March 29, 1920, in Columbus, Indiana.

IVIarion C. Dietrich
Vice President — Marketing

Mr. Dietrich joined Cummins in 1961 and was named to a vice presidential posi-
tion in 1964. He was elected to his present position in 1967. He received his
bachelors degree in Economics from Yale and his M.B.A. from Harvard. Mr.
Dietrich was born on July 7, 1922 in Billings, Montana.

John T. Hackeft
Vice President — Finance and Treasurer

Mr. Hackett joined Cummins in 1965 after serving as an Economist and then as
Vice President and Economist for the Federal Reserve Banit of Cleveland. He
received his B.S. and M.B.A. from Indiana University and his Ph.D. from Ohio
State. He was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on October 10, 1932.

Thomas W. Head
Vice President — Research & Engineering

l^r. Head joined Cummins Engine Company in 1964 after sixteen years viith
Caterpillar Tractor Corporation where he last served as Division tiianager. Mr.
Head, who holds the B.S. degree from Purdue, was elected to his present posi-
tion in 1967. He was born in Decatur, Illinois, on March 17, 1925.

James A. Henderson
Vice President — Operations

Mr. Henderson joined Cummins in 1964. He received his bachelors degree

from Princeton and his M.B.A. from Harvard. He was advanced to his present
position in 1970 after serving as Vice President—Management Development and
later as Vice President—Personnel. Mr. Henderson was born July 26, 1934, in
South Bend, Indiana.

George T. Rehfeldt
Vice President — International

Mr. Rehfeldt joined Cummins as a vice president in 1967 from Ford Motor Com-
pany. He assumed his present position in 1968. He received his B.S. degree
from Rutgers University. Mr. Rehfeldt was born November 24, 1931 in Berwyn,

Neville H. Reiners
Senior Vice President

Mr. Reiners joined Cummins in 1938 and was named to a vice presidential po-
sition in 1957. He was elected to his present position in 1965. He received his
bachelors degree in 1936 from North Dakota State University. He was born on
July 10, 1914, in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Henry W. Abts Vice President — Secretary

R. Benjamin Bush General Counsel
Paul M. D'Arcy Vice President — Market Development
Lamont Eltinge Vice President — Research & Technology
James L. Keyes Vice President — Engine Sales
Thomas A. Lyon Controller
Herschel E. O'Shaughnessey Vice President — Parts, Advertising and Field Sales
Peter W. Schutz Vice President — Planning & Program Management
William D. Schwab Vice President — Product Development

Operating Units


Main production facility
in-line and V engines, 100 h.p. - 800 h.p.
Distribution through Cummins Diesel Sales Corporation, original equipment
manufacturers and independently owned distributors
2 million square feet . . . 8,300 employees


Research and engineering
360,000 square feet . . , 675 employees


Research and engineering
22,000 square feet . . . 60 employees


Shotts, Scotland
Wholly owned subsidiary
In-lire engines, 135 h.p. - 380 h.p.
145,000 square feet . . . 770 employees

Darlington, England
Wholly owned subsidiary
V engines, 140 h.p. and 185 h.p.
Fuel systems, air compressors, vibration dampers, injectors and other components
for United Kingdom and European manufacturing operations
Distribution of small V engines to world markets
440,760 square feet . . . 1,570 employees


Joint manufacturing agreement
In-line engines, 135 h.p. - 335 h.p.
Distribution to Indian OEM's and Cummins Diesel Sales and Service, a subsidiary
of Kirloskar-Cummins, for other sales
154,250 square feet . . . 925 employees


Manufacturing agreement (license)
In-line engines, 130 h.p. to 335 h.p.

Distribution to Komatsu for Komatsu construction equipment only, and through
Komatsu-Cummins Sales Company, Ltd., for all other sales
152,000 square feet . . . 2,000 employees

7. CUMMINS DIESEL AUSTRALIA — Ringwood, Victoria, Australia
Wholly owned subsidiary
Assembly of in-line engines, 130 h.p. to 180 h.p. and V engines to 185 h.p.
Distribution for New Zealand and Australia
21,000 square feet . . . 80 employees

8. DIESEL NACIONAL (DINA) — Sahagun, Mexico

Manufacturing agreement (license)
V engines, 140 h.p. and 185 h.p. and in-line engines, 200 h.p. to 380 h.p.
26,600 square feet


Wholly owned subsidiary
Crankshafts, valves, piston pins and precision capscrews
Distribution to Cummins, other OEM's and Cummins Distributors and through

Cummins parts sales
373,395 square feet . . . 900 employees

10. CUMMINS RECON — Memphis, Tennessee

Division of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
Reconditioned injectors, heads, water pumps, starters, rocl<er levers, rods
and other parts
Distribution to Cummins distributors as replacement parts
26,000 square feet . . . 100 employees

11. FLEETGUARD DIVISION — Cookeville, Tennessee

Division of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
Air, lube and fuel filters for the automotive market
Distribution to Cummins for engine production, through Cummins distributors
and independent outlets for after-market, private branding for OEM's
137,000 square feet . . . 230 employees

12. FRIGIKING DIVISION — Dallas, Texas

Division of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
Automotive and truck cab air conditioners
Distribution to Cummins distributors and independent outlets, sales to major
OEM's and private branding for retail chains
166,750 square feet . . . 500-800 employees {seasonal employment)


Cummins Engine Company, Inc. 1000 Fifth) Street Columbus, Indiana 47
B u l l e t i n No. 9i

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Annual Report
Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
Columbus, Indiana

4 Summarized Results
5 Letter to the Shareholders
7 Cummins World-Wide Development
12 Changing Demands for Diesel Power

19 Financial Review
20 Comparative Charts
22 Auditors' Report
23 Statements of Earnings
24 Statements of Financial Condition
26 Statements of Earnings Retained and Capital Surplus
27 Statements of Sources and Uses of Funds
28 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
30 Ten Year Summary
32 Directors and Officers

Summarized 1969 1968

(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

Operating Data:
Net sales $410,633 $366,4!
Net earnings 18,350 i3,i;
Net earnings per share (after 1969 10% stock dividend):
Basic (average outstanding shares) $ 3.04 $ 2.
Primary 2.98 2.
Fully diluted 2.83 2.
Cash dividends per outstanding share (current annual rate
is $.80 per share) .73 .(
Earnings as a percent of sales 4.5% 3
Return on shareholders' average investment 14.9% 11

Interest expense $ 3,713 $ 4,6:

Costs of research and start-up 15,200 15,3'
Depreciation 13,348 12,3
Capital expenditures 16,665 10,5

Financial Data: %
Working capital 87,208 72,1
Property, plant and equipment—net 104,445 103,9
Long-term debt 61,861 61,6
Shareholders' investment 130,205 115,7
Capitalization 192,066 177,4
Shareholders' investment per outstanding s h a r e -
after stock dividend $ 21.54 $ 19.
Cash flow (net earnings and depreciation) $ 31,698 $ 25,5

Year-End Data:
Number of shareholders 4,787 4,4
Number of employees 13,824 13,9
Number of shares outstanding (thousands) 6,046 5,4

Financial statements are shown on pages 23 to 29.
To the

Nineteen sixty-nine results set many new records for the Labor Contracts: An important development for
Company. The statistics on the opposite page express this personnel in 1969 was the renewal of three major 3-year
record performance in dollar figures. labor contracts. After an 18-day strike, a new contract
was signed with the Diesel Workers' Union which covers
Of more importance and more interest to shareholders, all production and maintenance employees at Columbus.
is a credible answer to the question: What is ahead for A contract was also signed with the Ofi&ce Committee
Cummins in the 1970's—problems and opportunities? Union which covers all hourly office and technical per-
We should begin our answer with a statement as to the con- sonnel in Columbus, and agreement was reached on a
dition of the Company as it enters the 70's. new contract with the UAW which covers all production
and maintenance employees at the Atlas Crankshaft
Market Base: Our customer base in all areas was subsidiary. Approximately 7,500 Cummins employees
strengthened in 1969. Every major manufacturer of heavy- are covered by these contracts. No major contracts
duty trucks in the United States now offers Cummins remain to be negotiated in 1970.
engines, and the number of manufacturers of other kinds
of Cummins powered equipment has been significantly Employee Development: A new concept in employee
increased. training was initiated in 1969 with establishment of the
Employee Development Center in Columbus. It provides

Profits: Profit margins were improved in 1969, a year an integrated approach to employment, orientation, tool
during which many companies were concerned about familiarization and training. A significant feature of the
profit erosion. We accomplished this by improved efficien- E.D.C. concept is an eight-week general remedial experi-
cies in American plants, by greater earnings from over- ence for prospective employees who might have heretofore
seas investments and by selective price increases. been considered marginal from an economic and educa-
tional standpoint. This should enable the Company to pro-
Products: With acceptance of the V-903 (320 horse- vide an equal opportunity for job applicants who apply
power V- 8 engine), production of which will nearly with less than ideal preparation for employment.
double in 1970, the Company offers the most complete and
varied line of V and in-line dieseis from 100 to 800 We feel we are on a solid base to build the Company in the
horsepower. 70's.. .what do we see ahead for the Company?

Management: In June 1969, the senior management of Technological Change: Two factors will determine
the Company took an unusual step and recommended that the character of change in the decade ahead. The first of
the Directors elect, as the active operating management these is now called "sociability" and relates to pollu-
of the Company, a group of young men whose average age tion and the environment. We agree that the new national
is under 40. We consider these men extraordinarily concern over pollution is proper and long overdue.
able, and it is our belief that companies today will be best The diesel engine has both advantages and drawbacks.
led by younger men of energy and competence, who Advantages are the minimal amounts of unburned hydro-
are at home in the new conditions of the industry and carbons and carbon monoxide which characterize its
market, who know how to live with change and who exhaust. Drawbacks are its susceptibility to visible smoke
welcome change and seek to exploit its opportunities. and the presence of nitrogen compounds. We intend to
eliminate visible smoke within the next 12 months on new
Finance: For the first time since World War II, many engines, and to market a means to accomplish the same

Í American corporations find themselves in a credit squeeze.

By planning and forethought, Cummins has adequate cash
thing on engines now in service. In respect to nitrogen
compounds, our aim is to reduce these to levels substan-
flow and debt capacity available for its projected needs, tially below any figure determined to be harmful to
reasonable current debt costs, and more than adequate human health. We enthusiastically support the new national
coverage for its projected debt retirement schedule. emphasis on the environment.

Second only to the production of a socially acceptable 2. They must represent important emerging
power plant, the 1970's will, in our opinion, insist on industries of the future and must offer Cummins ;
the achievement of lowest total cost for the end user. chance to become a leader in the field.
High cost of money, rising capital costs and pressures on We are in active pursuit of opportunities of both kinds.
margins will compel this. The determination of lowest
total cost will require a degree of sophistication and a The balance of this report will give specific information
depth of analysis never before available. It will involve a about Company progress in 1969 and the overall range of
detailed knowledge of the conditions in which each unit the Company's activities. If its language seems optimistic
will be required to operate. During the last four years, and if the phrases "record sales" or "record earnings"
we have completed a computer model which permits a appear an unusual number of times, you will have to forgive
complete analysis and consequent specific determination us. We are optimistic.
of the ideal power system for each use. To this we have
added our recent acquisition of Management Information Entering 1970, we are currently operating with the
Systems, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, a computer software largest backlogs we have ever known and are generally
company which has developed the most advanced system at full capacity. In view of the decline of the domestic
for maintaining vehicle operating costs for both large economy, we feel it wise to anticipate a slackening in
and small users. We are now actively expanding the parts domestic demand, probably by midyear. Fortunately,
and engine reconditioning business in order to combine
we have contract business on the books scheduled fo:
low rebuild costs with long life. These steps place the delivery in the last half of 1970 and throughout 1971.
Company in a better position than that of any competitor to The Company should therefore be able to maintain stab]
provide lowest total cost and to guarantee it to a user. employment and strong production. Our forecast of
In a period when cost and quality of service is under heavy demand beyond 1970 is such that we have commenced
pressure, we think that intelligent promotion of the the largest single expansion in the Company's history.
lowest total cost concept can be a substantial and profit-
able growth business. Nineteen sixty-nine was a year which demanded capacity
production, close attention to customer needs, and a
Finally, we are simultaneously pursuing radical develop- constant battle with increasing costs. The Company is
ments of the diesel, gas turbine and other forms of power extraordinarily fortunate to possess a work force of dedi-
—but strictly under the disciplines of their social accept- cated and concerned individuals who made the results
ability and their ability to lower total operating costs. of 1969 possible. It is a privilege to record here recogni-
tion and gratitude to all members of the Company.
T h e Next D e c a d e : In the 70's, a company will be prudent
to plan on continued high cost of money and rising costs We encourage each shareholder to attend the annual
of all kinds of capital equipment. It is of highest impor- meeting and meet members of management. There, eith(
tance to develop new expertise in the use of money, in in the meeting or with individuals, you may raise any
seeking high return for each new investment, and in main- question about the Company which is of concern.
taining full utilization of existing capital investments.

It is our intention to enter new lines of business either by

internal development or by acquisition. Such businesses

must meet either of two criteria. Chairman
m of the Executive
Exec Committee

1. They must be such that we can enhance their

value by bringing to them any of Cummins' world-
Chairman of the Board
wide or historical strengths. Columbus, Indiana, March 11, 1970
Cummins on-highway engines are
certified in accordance with the 1970
Federal Smoke Standard and
research continues.

Cummins World-Wide Cummins has manufacturing facilities in 11 locations

around the world. During 1969, operations outside of
Columbus made the greatest contributions to the Com-
pany's sales and profits to date.

Domestic Subsidiaries
Total domestic subsidiary operations had its most success-
ful year. The Fleetguard Division achieved all-time
records in sales. Profits were the second highest in the
history of this division and highest since its relocation.
Marketing of Fleetguard's products will be substantially

expanded in 1970.

The Frigiking Division in Dallas, Texas, continues to be

the largest maker of air conditioners for the passenger
car after-market. Nineteen sixty-nine was a record year in
both profits and sales for Frigiking, and they introduced
Cummins-powered log stackers
help meet the ever increasing demand
for paper and wood products.

a new product, the "Chiller," a specially designed air in the diesel industry and will form an important part
conditioner for the growing market in campers, trailers of the Company's "lowest total cost" efforts. Production
and houseboats. the plant increased by 32% during 1969.

Atlas Crankshaft in Fostoria, Ohio, continued to International

achieve new records in both sales and profits. They Cummins international operations made its greatest
increased sales to companies other than Cummins to 26% contribution to the Company's profits. All overseas activ
of total business. An 80,000 square foot plant addition ties are now profitable; 25% of the Company's 1969
will be completed by the end of 1970. This will allow sales were made outside the United States.
Atlas to add camshafts and gears to its product line, which
already includes crankshafts, valves, piston pins and pre- In England, sales increased 25% over the previous year.
cision capscrews. Cummins is the leading supplier of diesel engines íorá
heavy-duty truck market in the United Kingdom. "
The ReCon Division in Memphis, Tennessee, achieved a The manufacturing facility at Darlington, England, intr
record high in sales, though profits are not yet consistently duced higher horsepower versions of the small V engine;
satisfactory. ReCon, a new venture started in 1966, is Capacity expansion at the Shotts, Scotland, facility,
putting Cummins in the market for reconditioned parts accomplished by addition of higher output machinery, \
Embasaki Airport, Nairobi, Kenya,
is one of many international airports
specifying Cummins-powered
emergency fire trucks.

allow the plant to nearly double current daily production The joint venture manufacturing facility, Kirloskar-
rates. Cummins Ltd., in Poona, India, increased sales by nearly
25% while profits reached a record level. This operation
During 1969, the license agreement between Cummins paid its first cash dividend in 1969. At Cummins Diesel
and Komatsu in Japan was validated by the Japanese Australia, sales volumes continue to increase, and
Government, permitting Cummins to bring back profits to long-term potential looks bright.
the United States over a period of time. In the fall, Komatsu
completed a new engine manufacturing plant which World-Wide Service
will increase 1970 Cummins production by nearly 20%. Cummins International sales and service network increased
its overall size and coverage during 1969. Four new
The NH engine program at Diesel Nacional, S.A. branches and 30 sub-dealers were added for a total of 455
(DINA), our licensee in Mexico, reached a new high in 1969 international sales and service outlets.
with a 13% increase over the previous year. DINA also
achieved a 35% production increase of small V engines Including the U.S. and Canada, Cummins Engine Company
which they manufacture under license. DINA trucks, now has 2,500 dealers in 98 countries, the world's largest
powered by Cummins, account for two-thirds of the diesel sales and service network.
medium-duty diesel truck market in Mexico.
Cummins powered the world s
heaviest overland haul, a nuclear
reactor pressure vessel, through
mountains in Spain.
The cleansing operation at one of
the nation's largest asphalt plants in
northern Illinois represents the
increasing number of applications for
Cummins stationary engines.

Changing Demands Cummins means power—in a growing number of varied

for Diesel Power applications. The Company's research and developmen
programs are attuned to the power requirements of new
and developing industries. In the coming decade, thesi
industries will demand diesel power for applications
heretofore undreamed of in addition to those which
are standard today.

Transportation of Goods and People

Cummins powered vehicles range from soft drink trucks
making deliveries in the city to the heaviest, on-highwa
long-distance haul ever accomplished. This haul was m
completed by four tractors, each powered by a 6-cylinder
380 horsepower, in-line Cummins engine. A 793,000-
pound nuclear reactor pressure vessel was moved 141 mil
over mountainous roads in Spain. The gross train weight
of the convoy was 1,322,440 pounds.
Cummins power is now available
from all the top ten pleasure boat

The small V-6 and V-8 dieseis manufactured in Cummins' in the transportation of people. The Company's dieseis
Darlington, England, plant have opened up a new market provide the power source for a variety of on-highway
in smaller transportation applications. These small V's and intracity buses. School bus applications provide
power intracity delivery vehicles and such specialized a steadily growing opportunity. Cummins also trans-
vehicles as mobile home transporters. ports a large number of people via such varied conveyance
as tramways (Royal Gorge), ski-lifts, cog railroads
Cummins is a leader in off-highway transportation too. (Pikes Peak) and railcars such as some currently operating
This market includes 100-ton dump trucks used in mining in Sweden and Australia.
and earth-moving jobs, pipe-mobiles capable of carrying
150-ton sections of concrete pipe, and self-propelled The air transportation industry relies on Cummins.
transporter track units which earned Marks-Trans Western The diesel provides electrical power, heat and air con-
the "Heavy Hauling Job of the Year" award. The twin ditioning for planes on the ground. The U.S. Army's
transporter units, powered by Cummins 335 horsepower giant C-5 and the new jumbo Boeing 747 are towed and
pancake engines, moved a 954,000-pound refinery maneuvered by Cummins-powered tow tractors. Even the
vessel six miles over both unimproved areas and highways. astronauts depend on the dieseis. Prior to blastoff,
Cummins engines power the auxiliary electrical
Cummins is also playing an increasingly important role systems, air conditioning and elevators on the giant
Cummins-powered tow tractors
maneuvered the world's largest pas-
senger jet, Boeing's new 747, on its
first landing in New York.

crawler transporter used to put the launch vehicle in place. in its large four-wheel drive model which has captured
47% of the four-wheel drive tractor market. Versatile
In marine markets, Cummins is now available in all the top is expanding its dealer network in the United States wi
ten pleasure boat manufacturers. The houseboat indus- marked success in both dealer interest and sales.
try is also providing a rapidly growing market. Cummins
supplies dependable power for the safety of thousands In addition to providing tractor power, the small V
of passengers in the C-Line tour boats to the Statue of Lib- engines are the Company's leader in farm trucks, specializ
erty and the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls. And farm vehicles and irrigation equipment. In Arizona,
Cummins dieseis power a large variety of tugs, tow boats, Cummins-powered pumping units are turning arid desert
fishing boats and ferries. into productive land. In Florida, citrus growers rely on
Cummins dieseis to provide "rain" during dry periods.
Exploding population and higher operating costs place Logging ^
new kinds of burdens on farming. The need for larger, Demand for paper and wood products is at an all-time
more efficient farm operations requires larger, more high, and all indications are that the upward trend wi'
powerful tractors. The Versatile tractor, manufactured in continue, requiring more efficient and more specialized
Canada, uses the Cummins small V engines exclusively equipment. Once again, the small V engines cover a

package size and horsepower range that is new for At Pier 17 on Staten Island, ships make use of the
Cummins. Logging operators can now get Cummins power world's largest crane for handling containerized freight.
in virtually all equipment. The crane, capable of carrying loads of up to 50 tons,
is powered by two Cummins generator sets which are opei
In addition to powerful logging trucks often seen on ated using the Cummins Automatic Paralleling System.
highways in the Northwest, Cummins dieseis power log
loaders, tree skidders, mobile spars, tree harvesters, In addition to new, unusual applications, demand for
log stackers, yarders, log chippers and portable saw mills. Cummins power is increasing in the broad range of con-
struction and industrial equipment. Cummins is exclusive
Construction in the world's largest bulldozer, manufactured by
On the Yodo River near Osaka, Japan, a driverless Allis Chalmers. Front end loaders, crawler tractors,
Komatsu bulldozer moved down the bank and into the scrapers, graders, back hoes and shovels all call on
river. The Cummins-powered machine then demon- Cummins for power. The V-903 is now used by Ingersol]
strated its dredging capabilities when submerged in 9 feet Rand in some of their largest, latest model air com-
of water. It is the world's first amphibious and driver- pressors, and the small V engines put Cummins in the
less bulldozer. The main applications for this remote portable air compressor market for the first time.
controlled equipment are in land reclamation projects.
Florida citrus growers rely on
portable sprinkler units powered by
Cummins small Vs.

Protection fatal, the dieseis are standing quietly awaiting the call.
Cummins dieseis oiler elements of protection to people
around the world. They power fire trucks in both the Waste Disposal
U.S. and abroad. The dependability and economy of the Few problems demand greater attention today than waste
diesel have made this engine a favorite with fire fighting disposal. Cummins has entries in two applications whicl
units for both trucks and boats. reflect this need. The small V engine has gained rapid
acceptance in the newest garbage trucks and compactors.
The Company continues to serve in defense of the nation. The largest single purchase of this equipment during
Cummins-powered gunboats are currently being used 1969 was the purchase of 100 units by the city of Chicago
by the Navy to patrol the waterways in Viet Nam.
New U.S. Army 5- and 10-ton trucks, in all models and A Cummins-powered mobile car-crusher has been de-
applications, are now Cummins powered. veloped in Great Britain. The machine reduces a junked^
car to a neat package of two feet square and one foot "
One of the most widespread uses of Cummins engines for thick in about three minutes. These packages are easier to
purposes of protection is the standby generator set. transport and are better for land-fill purposes. Three of
In schools, public buildings and hospitals, these engines the units are currently traveling throughout Great Britain
"kick on" automatically in case of power failure. and are handling up to 1,000 cars a week.
In those instances where only seconds delay could be


Consolidated Sales
and Earnings

Consolidated net earnings increased 40% in 1969 while

net sales were 12% greater than in 1968.

1969 19

Net Sales (millions) $410.6 $36e

Net Earnings 18.4 12

The major contributing factors to the higher earnings

increase were—an improved product mix and selected prii
increases for Columbus-manufactured products—signifi-
cantly better operating results of international and do-
mestic subsidiary operations—and lower interest costs.
Virtually all entities experienced cost increases for people
material and supplies.

Sales growth in the most important market sectors was

uniform in 1969. As in 1968, the ratio of consolidated saL
by geographic area was 75% domestic and 25% interna-
tional, and the ratio of domestic engine sales by market w<
72% automotive and 28% all other markets.

Sales and earnings in 1969 were essentially on the com-

pound growth trends established in the previous 20 years.
Earnings as a percent of sales in 1969 of 4.5% and re-
turn on shareholders' equity of 14.9% did not reach new
records but continued the improvement shown last year.

Specific items of significance to 1969 results were:

1. Frigiking's earnings improved substantially
after discontinuation in 1968 of transport refrig-
eration development.
2. Great Lakes Foundry operations were phased
out and its assets sold in 1969 without material
3. Results of operations of the engine manu-
facturing plants in the United Kingdom continue
the improvement shown last year. They are
expected to contribute importantly to after tax
earnings in the future.
4. All active joint venture and licensee arrange-
ments were profitable for the Company in 1969.
Results for this group were depressed in 1968 by
Chrysler-Cummins Ltd. Since its acquisition
by Cummins in 1968, the plant has been operated
as part of the wholly-owned engine complex in
Darlington, England.

Sales (tens of millions of dollars) Sales to markets outside the United States were approxi-
Earnings (millions of dollars)
mately $100 million of which about 40% were produced
by Cummins plants in the United Kingdom and Australia.
The relationship of operating earnings to sales and asset
employed for business in international markets improved
markedly in 1969 but is still lower than for domestic
markets after allocation of administrative and technical

The 20 cent quarterly dividend was maintained in 1969
on shares outstanding. In addition, a 10% stock dividend
was declared payable to shareholders of record on Decer
ber 29,1969. A similar 10% stock dividend was declared
in 1968.

Working Capital
Working capital increased 21% over the level at the end^
I960 '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 '66 '67 '68 '69 of 1968. 1

1969 19

Working capital (millions of dollars) Working Capital (millions) 7.2 $72

Net fixed assets (millions of dollars)
Year-end receivables and inventories were higher than
the 1968 balances by 21% and 16% respectively, which
220 were consistent with rates of production and sales and
level of backlog at the end of 1969.
Capital Expenditures
In 1969, a three-year program to add required capacity
140 to produce engines in the United States was begun. Adc
120 tions were completed at Columbus and started at Fostori;
amounting to a total of 200,000 square feet. While
total capital expenditures were up 57% over the relativel
low level of 1968, the continuation of the engine capacity

P t l t3
expansion program is expected to increase capital outla
40 in 1970 and 1971 significantly.

1969 19

I960 '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 '66 '67 '68 '69 Capital Expenditures (millions) $16.7 $1(

An increase in the capacity at the Shotts plant was starti

in 1969 and a further increase is under consideration.

Equity per share (dollars) Long-Term Debt

Earnings per share (dollars)
Both the amount of long-term debt and the proportion
owed to domestic and international lenders remained
essentially constant in 1969 and the Company's ratio of
debt to capitalization was reduced from 35% to 32%.

1969 196

16 Long-Term Debt (millions) $61.9 $61.

Interest Expense 3.7 4.

12 In February, 1969, Cummins issued, through its wholly-

10 owned United Kingdom subsidiary, £5 million ($12 mil-
lion ) Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock at 3%%
interest. The proceeds were used to repay other higher cos
long-term loans and to reduce short-term bank loans. The
replacement of higher cost debt by the 3%% loan
stock in 1969 and the 5% convertible debentures in 1968

resulted in lower interest costs in 1969 of $1.0 million.
I960 '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 '66 '67 '68 '69

Long-term debt (millions of dollars)

Equity (millions of dollars)











I960 '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 '66 '67 '68 '69


Auditors' Report

To the Shareholders and Board of Directors, We have examined the consolidated statement of finan-
Cummins Engine Company, Inc.: cial condition of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
(an Indiana corporation) and its wholly owned subsidi-
aries as of December 31,1969, and the related con-
solidated statements of earnings, earnings retained in
the business,''capital surplus and sources and uses of funds
for the year then ended. Our examination was made in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards,
and accordingly included such tests of the accounting
records and such other auditing procedures as
we considered necessary in the circumstances. We
have previously examined and reported on the financial
statements for the preceding year.

In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated state-

ments of financial condition, earnings, earnings
retained in the business, capital surplus and sources and
uses of funds present fairly the financial position of É
Cummins Engine Company, Inc. and its wholly owned "
subsidiaries as of December 31,1969, and the results
of their operations and the sources and uses of working
capital for the year then ended, all in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a
basis consistent with that of the preceding year.

Arthur Andersen & Co.

February 6,1970
Chicago, Illinois

Consolidated Statements of Earnings 1969 1968
Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
and its "Wholly Owned Subsidiaries

Net sales $410,632,972 $366,489,3L

Cost of goods sold 283,025,197 257,668,13!
Gross profit on sales 127,607,775 108,821,17
Selling, service, administrative, and research and development expenses . 90,190,560 77,902,54!
Profit on sales 37,417,215 30,918,63

Other (expense) or income:

Interest expense (3,713,291) (4,687,071
Equity in earnings and (losses) of partially owned international
companies (Note 1) 607,373 (817,61!
Interest, royalties, and other income, net 2,889,289 2,314,83(
(216,629) (3,189,85!

Earnings before provision for income taxes—after depreciation of

$13,348,216 in 1969 and $12,382,079 in 1968 (Note 3) 37,200,586 27,728,77(
Provision for income taxes:
Current 17,162,151 13,981,21'
Deferred (Note 4) 2,082,347 1,155,13!
Investment tax credit (394,065) (561,00(
18,850,433 14,575,34;
Net earnings for the year $ 18,350,153 $ 13,153,421

Í Net earnings per share (Note 2 ) :

Primary $ 2.98 $ 2.18
Fully diluted $ 2.83 $ 2.1^

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition 1969 1968

Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
and its Wholly Owned Subsidiaries

Assets (December 31)

Current Assets:
Cash 1 4,137,438 $ 7,446,9:
Marketable securities and time deposits, a t cost and same as
market 11,479,487 4,000,0(
Receivables (less reserves of $1,195,000 in 1969 and $1,297,000 in
1968) 67,923,202 56,291,2;
Inventories, at the lower of (first-in, first-out) cost or market 68,419,438 58,738,9'
P r e p a i d expenses and deferred tax effects (Note 4) 8,871,599 8,418,1(
Total Current Assets 160,831,164 134,895,31

Investments and Other Assets:

Investments and advances, principally in partially owned
international companies (Note 1) 1,962,184 1,218,3;
Receivables due beyond one year, etc. 7,294,615 7,740,8;
Total Investments and Other Assets 9,256,799 8,959,1!

Property, P l a n t and Equipment, at Cost:

Land 5,674,668 4,739, K
Buildings 46,786,155 43,852,2;
Machinery, equipment and fixtures 123,010,865 117,686J
Total Property, P l a n t and Equipment 175,471,688 166,277,f
Less: Accumulated depreciation (straight-line method) 71,027,146 62,322,6;
Net Property, P l a n t and Equipment 104,444,542 103,955,2

Intangible Assets:
Cost in excess of acquired net tangible assets of Frigiking Division
(not being amortized) 3,532,226 3,532,2:

Total Assets $278,064,731 $251,341,^

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


1969 1968

Liabilities and Shareholders' Investment (December 31)

Current Liabilities:
Loans payable (including current maturities of long-term debt) . . $ 10,199,563 $ 6,473,92
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 52,897,594 43,861,52
Contributions to retirement trusts (Note 7) 1,764,783 1,358,80
Income taxes 8,761,307 11,048,07
Total Current Liabilities 73,623,247 62,742,31

Long-term Debt, Less Current Maturities (Note 6 ) :

Payable to Domestic L e n d e r s :
4.6% notes payable under loan agreements, due in
installments from 1971 to 1990 20,000,000 20,000,00'
4H% to 6% mortgage notes and capitalized leases,
due in installments to 1986 4,708,653 4,905,12
5Vi% notes payable to insurance companies, due in
installments to 1971 250,000 1,500,001
Payable to International Lenders:
5% subordinated convertible debentures, due 1988 19,960,000 20,000,001
3%% convertible unsecured loan stock, due 1994 12,000,000 -

9% notes payable, due in installments to 1972 2,942,302 -

6%% note payable to bank, due in 1971 2,000,000 2,000,00(

5% to 5%% loans payable to U . K . Board of Trade, due in
installments to 1977 6,768,00(
I TVí6% note payable to bank, due in 1970
7% purchase agreement, due in installments f r o m 1972 to
- 4,500,001

1976 2,000,001
Total Long-term Debt 61,860,955 61,673,12(

Deferred income taxes (Note 4) . . . 10,953,121 8,311,00!
Accrued expenses, beyond one year 1,422,324 2,852,67!
Total Reserves 12,375,445 11,163,68'

Shareholders' Investment (Notes 5 and 6 ) :

Common stock at par value 15,114,815 13,687,75!
Capital surplus 58,411,862 39,185,39;
Cost of treasury stock (2,181) -

Earnings retained in the business 56,680,588 62,889,65!

Total Shareholders' Investment . . 130,205,084 115,762,81(

Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Investment $278,064,731 $251,341,93{


Consolidated Statements of Earnings 1969 1968

Retained i n the Business and Capital Surplus
Cummins Engine Company, Inc. and its
Wholly Owned Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statements of Earnings Retained in the Business:

(Exclusive of amounts transferred to capital accounts)
Balance, January 1 $62,889,659 $72,383,11
Addition: Net earnings for the year 18,350,153 13,153,42
81,239,812 85,536,54
Cash dividends paid 4,388,023 3,981,74
Stock dividends issued in January, 1970 and 1969, (excess of
approximate market value over $2.50 par value trans-
ferred to capital surplus) 549,624 shares at $36.70 per
share in 1969; 497,737 shares at $37.50 per share in
1968 20,171,201 18,665,13
24,559,224 22,646,88
Balance, December 31 (Note 6) $56,680,588 $62,889,65

Consolidated Statements of Capital S u r p l u s :

(Primarily transfers from earnings retained in the business for stock dividends)
Balance, January 1 $39,185,393 $21,746,13
Excess of net proceeds over par value of common stock issued
upon conversion of convertible subordinated debentures:
1969-1,004 shares 36,164
Excess of proceeds over par value of common stock issued
under stock option plans: 1969—20,195 shares; 1968—
549 shares 377,809 18,46
Excess of proceeds over cost of treasury stock sold under key
employee stock investment p l a n : 1969—9,537 shares. . 15,339
Excess of approximate market value over par value of shares
issued in connection with common stock dividends 18,797,157 17,420,79
19,226,469 17,439,26
Balance, December 31 $58,411,862 $39,185,39

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


Consolidated Statements of Sources and 1969 1968

Uses of Funds
Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
and its Wholly Owned Subsidiaries

Working Capital, beginning of year $72,152,994 $79,756,581

Sources of Funds:
Net earnings for the year 18,350,153 13,153,427
Provision for depreciation 13,348,216 12,382,079
Sale of convertible debentures 12,000,000 20,000,000
Other long-term debt 2,942,302 6,100,400
Decrease in investments and advances (Note 1) 3,525,573
Increase in deferred taxes 2,642,112 2,169,319
Decrease in receivables, due beyond one year 446,239
P l a n t and equipment disposals 2,827,061 1,161,258
Stock options exercised and other capital transactions . . 480,144 19,839
Ibtal 53,036,227 58,511,895

Uses of F u n d s :
Property, plant and equipment additions, at cost 16,664,600 19,025,431
Payments made or due within one year on long-term debt . 14,754,473 37,357,915
Decrease in accrued expenses, due beyond one year 1,430,354 3,112,477
Increase in receivables, due beyond one year 2,637,913
Increase in investments and advances 743,854
Cash dividends paid 4,388,023 3,981,746
Ibtal 37,981,304 ^115,4«2
Í Working Capital, end of year 87,207,917 72,152,994
Increase (decrease) in Working Capital $15,054,923 $(7,603,587)

Represented by:
Increase (decrease) in current assets:
Cash and securities $ 4,170,008 $ 8,219,581
Receivables 11,631,949 3,498,315
Inventories 9,680,468 5,279,077
Prepaid expenses 453,430 1,331,103
Refundable income taxes (4,384,031)
"25,935,855 13,944,045

Decrease (increase) in current liabilities:

Loans payable (3,725,642) (300,062)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities . (9,036,071) (11,345,481)
Retirement trusts (405,982) 508,246
Income taxes 2,286,763 (10,410,335)
(10,880,932) (21,547,632)
Increase (decrease) in Working Capital. . $15,054,923 $(7,603,587)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements

Note 1: Consolidation: Note 3: Discontinued Operations:

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of In 1969, the Company secured long-term commitments for
all wholly owned domestic and international subsidiaries. key casting requirements and discontinued operations at the Gr
Lakes Foundry. The foundry properties were disposed of durinj
Investments in and advances to partially owned companies are the year. Closing cost, termination pay and disposition losses
recorded at cost, adjusted to reflect the Company's share of undis- charged to 1969 earnings before tax aggregated approximately
tributed earnings and losses. Cummins equity in the losses of 11,450,000 ($684,000 after t a x ) .
Chrysler-Cummins Limited accounted for the major portion of the
equity in net losses of partially owned international companies In 1968, earnings before tax were reduced by approximately
in 1968. As of April 30, 1968, Cummins acquired all of the out- $1,300,000 ($614,000 after t a x ) , principally inventory write-doi
standing equity securities of Chrysler-Cummins Limited as a result of discontinuation of the Frigiking Division transpor
(formerly 50% owned). Since that time, the accounts of this Com- refrigeration line. This product line was not significant to
pany are included in the consolidated financial statements. Cummins consolidated operations.

Net assets of international subsidiaries and branches and Note 4: Deferred Income Taxes:
investments in partially owned companies (including advances)
outside the United States aggregated approximately 30% of Deferred income taxes are provided on the excess of acceleratec
consolidated net assets at December 31,1969, and 26% at year tax depreciation over straight-line book depreciation and for
end 1968. the Federal income taxes on the net earnings of a foreign subsid
iary which are payable upon repatriation. Cummins provides
Sales to customers located outside the United States amounted for estimated costs of product warranty, inspection and related^
to $100 million in 1969 (of which approximately 40% were costs, and for certain other costs in advance of the period in i
products manufactured or assembled by international subsidiaries these costs are deductible for Federal income tax purposes. T0
and branches) and $89 million in 1968. tax effects of these costs are recognized in the periods in which 1
costs are charged to earnings.
Note 2: Earnings Per Share:
Cummins subsidiaries have unused tax losses of approximately
Net earnings per share, based on the weighted average number $16,100,000 (principally in the United Kingdom) of which the
of shares outstanding, was $3.04 for 1969 and $2.18 for 1968 effect of $7,400,000 will increase income in the year realized anc
(adjusted for subsequent stock dividends). Primary earnings of $8,700,000 will result in adjustment of property, plant and
per share of common stock assumes conversion of the U.K. loan equipment, and reserve accounts. Net income for 1969 includes
stock (258,823 shares) at its date of issue, and exercise of approximately $575,000 of realized income tax reductions
stock options at the beginning of the period or dates of grant, from the utilization of loss carryforwards in the United Kingdoi
whichever is later. Fully diluted earnings per share assume,
in addition, conversion of the subordinated guaranteed debentures
(552,038 shares) at their date of issue.

In computing the per share effect of assumed conversions

(a) interest (less income tax effect) on the loan stock and deben-
tures has been added to earnings; (b) it has been assumed that
funds obtained from the exercise of options have been used to pur-
chase common shares at the current market price; and (c) the
related additional common shares have been added to average
outstanding common shares.


Note 5: Shareholders' Investment, Note 6: Long-Term Debt:

Stock P l a n a n d O p t i o n s :
The 5% subordinated debentures, due 1988, are convertible into
Shares of common stock ($2.50 par value) at December 31: the common stock of the parent company (guarantor), at
$36.16 per share, the price being subject to adjustment for stock
1969 1968 distributions of 10% or more and under a formula for other
Authorized . . 10,000,000 7,000,000 events. The debentures may be redeemed from 1970 to 1981 under
certain conditions. Beginning in 1979, the Company is required
Issued at beginning of year 5,475,103 4,976,817
Options exercised 20,195 549 to make annual sinking fund payments (or retire an equivalent
10% stock dividend 549,624 497,737 principal amount of debentures) equal to 5% of the aggregate
Debenture conversions 1,004 — principal amount of debentures then outstanding. The Company
Issued at end of year 6,045,926 5,475,103 has agreed to pay to the holders who are nonresidents of the
Held in treasury for key United States such amounts as may be withheld as taxes by the
employee stock investment plan 62 -
United States.
Outstanding at end of year . 6,045,864 5,475,103
On February 27,1969, Cummins Engine Company Limited,
A 10% stock dividend was issued January 29, 1970, to share- a wholly owned United Kingdom subsidiary, issued £5,000,000
holders of record as of December 29,1969. A total of 810,861 shares ($12,000,000) 3%% Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock due
of common stock are reserved for issuance upon conversion 1994. The loan stock carries a subordinated guarantee by, and is
of the subordinated debentures and loan stock. convertible after March 1,1973, at $46.36 (adjustable for
certain events) into shares of common stock of the parent
^Changes during 1969 in the status of options granted under the company. The issue may be redeemed from 1978 to 1993 under
fctock Option Plans, expiring at various dates from 1970 to 1974, certain conditions.
^were as follows:
Shares Certain of the loan and note agreements contain restrictive
Issuable under outstanding options at the covenants relating to the payment of dividends, distributions
beginning of the year 36,805 on stock, and maintenance of working capital. At December
Options issued 62,000 31,1969, the amount of consolidated earnings retained in the
Increase for 10% stock dividend 7,806 business free of the most restrictive limitation under various
Options exercised 20,195 loan and note agreements was 132,143,643.
Options and fractional shares dropped 551
Issuable under outstanding options at the end of
the year at an aggregate amount of 12,862,250 85,865 Note 7: Retirement Plans:

The Company and its subsidiaries have several pension plans

An additional 48,599 shares of common stock are reserved for (some of which were amended in 1969), covering substantially
options not yet granted. all of their employees, including certain employees in foreign
countries. The total pension expense was $2,017,000 in 1969 and
The key employee stock investment plan adopted in 1969 provides $1,502,000 in 1968, including cost of current service plus
that the Company may acquire up to 2% of the issued shares amortization of prior service costs over periods not to exceed 40
of common stock for sale to designated officers and employees at years. The Company's policy is to fund pension costs accrued.
fair market value. The employees may pay for the shares over a The value of the retirement trust funds exceeded the actuarially
period not to exceed ten years with interest at a rate fixed computed value of vested benefits under the various plans at
by the directors. the date of the most recent actuarial determination in 1969.

Note 8 : Acquisition:

The Company announced on February 6,1970, that substantial

agreement had been reached with Management Information
Systems, Inc., of Princeton, New Jersey, a service company in the
computer software systems field, whereby the Company will
exchange approximately 90,000 shares of Cummins stock for
the business of Management Information Systems, Inc. (eighteen
shares of Cummins stock for each 100 shares of Management
Information Systems, Inc. stock). The agreement is subject to
approval by the directors of both companies and the shareholders
of Management Information Systems, Inc. The transaction will
not have a significant effect on the financial statements of
the Company.

Consolidated Ten Year Summary 1969 196

Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
and its Wholly Owned Subsidiaries

Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts

Operating D a t a :
Net sales 1410,633
Cost of goods sold 283,025 257,(
Gross profit on sales 127,608 108,i
Other operating expenses 90,191 77,'
Profit on sales 37,417 30,'
Other income or (expense) (217)
Earnings before income taxes 37,200 27,'
Provision for income taxes 18,850 14,i
Net earnings $ 18,350 $ 13,

Basic earnings per share 3.04

P r i m a r y earnings per share 2.98
Fully diluted earnings per share 2.83
Cash dividends per share (current rate—80<;) .73
Stock dividends and splits 10%

Financial D a t a :
Working capital $ 87,208 $ 72,
Property, plant and equipment, at net book value 104,445 10.
Total assets
Long-term debt
Shareholders' investment 130,205 115;
Capitalization 192.066 177,
Shareholders' investment per share 21.54 1Í

Other D a t a :
Earnings as a percent of net sales 4.5%
Earnings as a percent of shareholders' average investment. . . . 14.9 ]
Cash flow (net earnings and depreciation) 31,698 25,.
Capital expenditures 16,665 10,
Depreciation 13,348 12,
Interest expense 3,713 4,'
Costs of research and start-up—new products and operations. 15,200 15,
N u m b e r of shareholders 4,787 4,
N u m b e r of employees 13,824 13,

Ten year data is considered valid for general information purposes; however, no restatement
has been made to assure year-to-year comparability of all data. P e r share data has been
adjusted for subsequent stock dividends and stock splits.

1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 I960

$306,082 $331,114 $280,779 $221,706 $194,334 $167,346 $129,298 $135,835

226,598 229,914 192,829 146,784 126,824 111,768 89,531 95,444
79,484 101,200 87,950 74,922 67,510 55,578 39,767 40,391
71,828 71,308 58,545 46,647 39,448 32,634 24,296 25,963
7,656 29,892 29,405 28,275 28,062 22,944 15,471 14,428
(3,694) (1,738) (1,582) (389) 100 (84) (696) (700)
3,962 28,154 27,823 27,886 28,162 22,860 14,775 13,728
330 11,899 12,712 13,661 14,647 12,236 8,460 7,702
$ 3,632 $ 16,255 $ 15,111 I 14,225 $ 13,515 $ 10,624 $ 6,315 $ 6,026

$ .60 $ 2.70 $ 2.52 $ 2.37 $ 2.25 $ 1.77 $ 1.05 $ 1.02

.60 2.70 2.52 2.37 2.25 1.77 1.05 1.02
.60 2.70 2.52 2.37 2.25 1.77 1.05 1.02
.66 .60 .52 .44 .37 .30 .27 .25

* 4 for 3 5 for 4 10% 2 f o r i ; 5%

f 79,757 $ 79,870 $ 54,941 $ 40,582 $ 41,341 $ 37,451 $ 34,093 $ 29,366

98,473 90,829 76,976 63,825 48,582 41,199 37,535 34,540
I 232,803 233,462 190,154 151,993 118,562 104,809 91,609 87,833
72,931 63,900 38,067 19,317 12,675 15,780 17,904 17,143
106,571 106,914 93,843 81,805 70,153 58,817 49,938 45,047
179,502 170,814 131,910 101,122 82,828 74,597 67,842 62,190
17.69 17.75 15.64 13.64 11.70 9.82 8.35 7.58

1.2% 4.9% 5.4% 6.4% 7.0% 6.3% 4.9% 4.4%

3.4 16.2 17.2 18.7 21.0 19.5 13.1 14.1
$ 14,054 $ 24,645 $ 22,604 $ 20,411 $ 18,787 $ 15,309 $ 10,593 $ 10,281
18,241 24,422 22,319 21,638 12,974 9,085 6,605 8,006
10,422 8,390 7,493 6,186 5,272 4,685 4,278 4,255
4,213 2,547 1,664 974 845 1,029 1,067 1,150
17,125 17,910 15,854 12,593 7,371 6,627 5,517 5,966
4,566 4,902 4,923 4,865 3,916 3,376 3,010 2,872
11,982 13,024 11,135 9,905 7,550 6,900 5,512 5,018
Directors and Officers

Directors Officers

J . Irwin Miller Chairman oí the Board of Directors J . Irwin Miller Chairman of the Board of Directors
Eugene R . Black Director and Consultant, The Chase Manhattan E . Don Tull Chairman of the Executive Committee
Bank Richard B . Stoner Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
C. Raymond Boll Executive Vice President Henry B . Schacht President
J a m e s B . Fisk President, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. C. Raymond Boll Executive Vice President
Harold H. Helm Chairman of the Executive Committee, Chemical Henry W. Abts Vice President—Secretary
Bank R . Benjamin Bush General Counsel
Henry L . Hillman President, Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical Company Paul M. D'Arcy Vice President—Market Development
Paul L . Miller President, The First Boston Corporation Marion C. Dietrich Vice President—Marketing
George W. Newlin President, Irwin Management Company, Inc. Lamont Eltinge Vice President—Research and Technology
Henry B. Schacht President Charles L. Grace Vice President—Field Sales
Richard B . Stoner Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors John T Hackett Vice President—Finance, and Treasurer
E . Don Tull Chairman of the Executive Committee Thomas W. Head Vice President—Research and Engineering
J a m e s A. Henderson Vice President—Operations
J a m e s L. Keyes Vice President—Engine Sales
Thomas A. Lyon Controller
William J . Manning Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer
Herschel E . O'Shaughnessey Vice President—Parts and Special Products
George X Rehfeldt Vice President—International
Neville H. Reiners Senior Vice President
Peter W.Schutz Vice President—Planning and Program
William D. Schwab Vice President—Product Development

Transfer Agents:
Chemical Bank, New Y o r k , New Y o r k
Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois

T h e Chase Manhattan Bank, New Y o r k , New Y o r k
T h e First National Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

. . . for intercity and

short liaul service
Cummins in-line and Small v dieseis
have proven to be the most
profitable power for all types of
on-highway applications, from short
haul vans to intercity double
bottom tractors. These dieseis
provide maximum flexibility for both
high speed and stop and go
driving. You can select from V
models of 140 to 320 horsepower,
and in-line models from 160 to 380
horsepower. In any practical
application these engines can
provide a perfect match of power
for your on-highway vehicles.
Cummins compact, heavy duty
dieseis now afford medium duty
truck operators all the economical
benefits of diesel power that were
not possible before. In city and
suburban service, for example,
Cummins dieseis are four times
more efficient at part load and
idling than gasoline engines. Since
dieseis do not have electrical
ignition systems, the major cause
of road failures and downtime is
You will have scrapped two
gasoline engines by the time a
Cummins diesel will need its first
major out-of-frame overhaul. In
addition, your Cummins can then
be rebuilt to new engine standards
to continue to serve throughout the
life of the chassis.
Cummins has proven its profitability
in ready-mix, refuse, and dump
trucks. T i m e after time, the use of
Cummins power in these units
reduced operating costs, improved
equipment availability, and
speeded schedules.

. . . for long haul and

special applications
For over 16 years Cummins has
powered more intercity trucks and
tractors than any other makes of
dieseis. Dependability, top fuel
economy, minimum maintenance,
and long engine life have made
Cummins the number one diesel on
the highway.
In recent years, Cummins Custom
Rated big bore engines have been
the preferred power for truckers.
With a custom rated diesel, all
that is needed to increase or
decrease the horsepower to match
varying gross commercial weights
is to change a button in the PT
fuel pump. This means unexcelled
versatility in powerful, yet
economical high horsepower diesel
Cummins small v dieseis (V6-140
to V8-210) have achieved
proven durability in expressway
applications involving city to city
deliveries. Every bit as rugged as
their larger in-line counter parts, the
small v's give truck operators both
the economy and reliability to be
the real " w o r k horses" in any
medium duty truck fleet.
Cummins has dieseis for all
trucking applications. Models are
available for special applications
such as logging, oil field trucks, and
57,789 Kg. (127,400 lb.) double
bottom units. From in and around
the city, to high country, high
horsepower rigs, Cummins models
can match the needs of your
operation perfectly.
Cummins diesel
(U.S.) TONS HP @ K M / H AND ( M / H ) (U.S.) TONS HP @ K M / H AND (M/H) (U.S.) TONS HP @ K M / H AND (M/H)

2 AXLE 64 72 80 89 97 105 2 AXLE 6 WHEEL

VAN TRUCK (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65) TRACTOR — TRACTOR —
9.1 (10.0) GVW 52 66 82 101 124 145 VOLUME VAN VOLUME 64 72 80 89 97 105
SEMI- 64 72 80 89 97 105 VAN TRAILER (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65)
13.6 (15.0) 67 83 100 120 145 171
TRAILER (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65)
18.1 (20.0) 81 98 118 140 168 195 22.7 (25.0) GCW 106 128 152 181 214 248
22.7 (25.0) 96 117 136 160 190 219 18.1 (20.0) GCW 87 105 130 156 186 217 24.9 (27.5) 114 137 163 192 226 260
27.2 (30.0) 111 132 155 181 212 254 20.4 (22.5) 95 114 138 165 197 228 27.2 (30.0) 122 145 172 202 236 272
22.7 (25.0) 102 124 147 175 207 240 29.5 (32.5) 130 154 182 213 247 284
24.9 (27.5) 109 131 156 185 217 253 31.8 (35.0) 138 163 191 224 259 297
27.2 (30.0) 117 138 166 195 230 267 34.1 (37.5) 144 171 200 233 271 309
29.5 (32.5) 124 148 175 206 240 276

¿igO^ 0 ÜU" ^ UÜ^^
3 AXLE 64 72 80 89 97 105 2 AXLE 6 WHEEL
VAN TRUCK (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65) TRACTOR — TRACTOR —
9.1 (10.0) GVW 53 68 83 103 126 150 TANKER 64 72 80 89 97 105 TANKER 64 72 80 89 97 105
TRAILER (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65) TRAILER (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65)
13.6 (15.0) 69 85 103 124 149 175
18.1 (20.0) 85 102 122 145 173 210 18.1 (20.0) GCW 81 93 117 140 164 194 22.7 (25.0) GCW 100 120 142 165 193 225
22.7 (25.0) 101 120 142 166 196 225 20.4 (22.5) 89 107 129 150 176 206 24.9 (27.5) 108 128 161 176 205 238
27.2 (30.0) 116 137 160 187 219 252 22.7 (25.0) 96 117 137 160 167 218 27.2 (30.0) 118 137 160 187 217 250
24.9 (27.5) 104 123 145 170 198 230 29.5 (32.5) 123 146 170 198 228 262
27.2 (30.0) 110 130 154 180 209 242 31.8 (35.0) 131 154 180 209 240 276
29.5 (32.5) 118 140 163 190 221 255 34.1 (37.5) 139 163 190 219 252 288

2 AXLE 64 72 80 89 97 105 4 WHEEL DOUBLE

TANK TRUCK (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65) TRACTOR — BOTTOM UNITS 64 72 80 89 97 105
4 WHEEL VAN TRAILERS (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65)
9.1 (10.0) GVW 45 57 70 84 100 119 VOLUME VAN 64 72 80 89 97 105
SEMI-TRAILER (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65) 31.8 (35.0) GCW 138 163 191 224 259 297
13.6 (15.0) 61 73 88 104 121 143
144 34.9 (38.4) 148 176 205 239 276 316
18.1 (20.0) 76 88 105 125 166 18.1 (20.0) GCW 87 105 130 156 186 217
36.4 (40.0) 153 181 211 245 283 342
22.7 (25.0) 90 106 124 143 166 190 20.4 (22.5) 95 114 138 165 197 228
27.2 (30.0) 104 123 163 187 214 40.9 (45.0) 168 198 230 267 307 350
142 22.7 (25.0) 102 124 147 175 207 240
60.0 (55.0) 200 233 269 309 353 400
24.9 (27.5) 109 131 156 186 217 253
59.1 (65.0) 231 268 309 352 399 449
27.2 (30.0) 117 138 166 195 230 267
29.5 (32.5) 124 148 , 1 7 5 206 240 276


TANK OR 64 72 80 89 97 105 4 WHEEL TANKER 64 72 80 89 97 105
DUMP BODY (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65) TANKER 64 72 80 89 97 105 TRAILERS (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65)
TRAILER (40) (45) (50) (55) (60) (65)
9.1 (10.0) GVW 48 59 72 86 102 122 31.8 (35.0) GCW 131 154 180 209 240 276
107 148 18.1 (20.0) GCW 81 98 117 140 164 194 34.9 (38.4) 141 166 193 223 255 292
13.6 (15.0) 63 76 91 125
129 149 172 20.4 (22.5) 89 107 129 150 176 206 36.4 (40.0) 147 172 200 230 263 301
18.1 (20.0) 79 93 110
22.7 (25.0) 96 117 137 160 187 218 40.9 (45.0) 162 189 218 251 287 326
22.7 (25.0) 94 111 129 149 172 198
127 149 170 195 24.9 (27.5) 104 123 145 170 198 230 50.0 (55.0) 193 224 257 294 334 377
27.2 (30.0) 108 222
27.2 (30.0) 110 130 154 180 209 242 59.1 (65.0) 234 259 297 337 382 427
29.5 (32.5) 118 140 163 190 221 255 68.2 (75.0) 255 293 335 380 426 476

Cummins diesel
power selection
Í Most units in short haul service are highway conditions on the routes to the maximum loads to be hauled.
straight trueles but tractors are also your equipment operates. After
used for pick up and delivery determining the weight and speed 3. Read across the weight line
operations and some specialized desired, the horsepower selected to the kilometers per hour
operations. The selection tables requirements can be found in the (miles per hour) column. Use the
(left) cover all types of chassis. selection tables as follows: column five to ten kilometers
Cummins in-line and V dieseis (miles) per hour above normal
match all long haul application 1. Select the type of unit. cruising range for selecting power
needs. For maximum equipment required. This permits cruising in
2, Select the gross vehicle weight
utilization and maximum payloads the maximum economy range and
for trucks or gross combination
buy the power agreeing with the provides fast acceleration in top
weight for tractors that corresponds

4. Match the horsepower required

to the rated power of the engines
shown below.
5. Horsepower requirements shown
in the selection tables are for
operation on level roads and in
still air. These figures take into
consideration fan, accessories, and
gear losses. Special accessories
such as power take-off drive units
for ready-mix drums are not
included. Different ratings may be
required for turnpike or other
special applications — consult your
Small V V6-140 Custom Rated NTC-335
Dealer or Cummins Distributor.

Displace- Net Weight

Gov'n Bore and Stroke No. of Kg/HP
Model Horsepower ment Aspiration Kilograms
RPM mm (inches) Cylinders (Lb/HP)
Litres (inches) (pounds)
V6-140 140 3300 5.7 (352) 117.5 X 88.9 (4% X 31/2) 6 Natural 549 (1210) 3.9 (8.6)
V6-155 155 3300 6.2 (378) 117.5X 95.2(45/8x33/4) 6 Natural 537 (1185) 3.5 (7.6)
V8-185 185 3300 7.7 (470) 117.5 X 88.9(45/8x31/2) 8 Natural 658 (1450) 3.5 (7.8)
V8-210 210 3300 8.2 (504) 117.5X 95.2(45/8x33/4) 8 Natural 662 (1460) 3.2 (6.9)
V-903 320 2600 14.8 (903) 139.7 X 120.6 (51/2 X43/4) 8 Natural 980 (2160) 3.1 6.8)
300 2600 14.8 (903) 139.7 x 120.6 (51/2 X43/4) 8 Natural 980 (2160) 3.3 (7.2)
280 2600 14.8 (903) 139.7x 120.6 (51/2 X43/4) 8 Natural 980 (2160) 3.5 (7.7)
C-160 160 2500 7.6 (464) 112.7x127.0 (4'/,iX5) 6 Natural 726 (1600) 4.5 (10.0)
CF-160 160 2800 7.6 (464) 112.7 X 127.0 ( 4 7 , 4 x 5 ) 6 Natural 726 (1600) 4.5 (10.0)
C-180 180 2500 7.6 (464) 112.7x127.0 (47,iX5) 6 Supercharged 753 (1660) 4.1 (9.20)
NH-200 200 2100 12.2 (743) 130.2x 152.4 (51/8 x 6 ) 6 Natural 1096 (2415) 5.5 (12.01)
NH-220 220 2100 12.2 (743) 130.2x 152.4 (51/8 x 6 ) 6 Natural 1096 (2415) 4.9 (11.0)
NHC-250 250 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7 X 152.4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Natural 1115 (2460) 4.4 (9.80)
225 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7x152.4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Natural 1115 (2460) 4.9 (10.9)
NHCT-270 270 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7 X 152.4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Turbocharged 1139 (2510) 4.2 (9.4)
255 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7x 152.4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Turbocharged 1139 (2510) 4.6 (9.8)
240 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7x 152.4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Turbocharged 1139 (2510) 4.7 (10.4)
NTC-335 335 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7x152.4 (51/2 X 6) 6 Turbocharged 1216 (2680) 3.6 (8.0)
320 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7x 152.4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Turbocharaed 1216 (2680) 3.7 (8.3)
300 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7 X 152.4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Turbocharged 1216 (2680) 4.0 (8.9)
280 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7x152,4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Turbocharged 1216(2680) 4.3 (9.50)
260 2100 14.0 (855) 139.7x 152.4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Turbocharged 1216 (2680) 4.6 (10.3)
NT-380 380 2300 14.0 (855) 139.7 X 152.4 (51/2 x 6 ) 6 Turbocharged 1230 (2710) 3.2 (7.10)
Cummins V
diesel design features

Cummins V8-185 diesel

cross section

1. Oversquare design decreases piston rapidly. Liners are replaceable without 8. Open type combustion chamber allows
speed, lowers cylinder pressures, and reboring the block, making in-frame air and fuel to mix thoroughly for smooth,
reduces exhaust temperatures for longer overhauls practical. complete burning of low cost diesel
piston, ring and liner life. 5. Alloy cast iron cylinder block has the fuel or furnace oil.
2. Direct injection fuel system eliminates design and material specifications proven 9. A single induction-hardened camshaft
gasoline carburetor and ignition system. in Cummins famous in-line engines. actuates all valves and injectors through
Cummins PT fuel system provides accurate 6. Induction hardened crankshaft journals a conventional push rod and rocker
fuel metering and makes Cummins the have material for several regrinds. The level arrangement.
most efficient power source available. V diesel crankshaft is the most rigid 10. Cam-ground pistons assure perfect
3. Dual intake and exhaust valves provide Cummins has ever produced. Main fit at operating temperatures. Cummins
free breathing characteristics, and caps are cross-bolted. pistons are manufactured from strong
introduces maximum air charge in the 7. I-beam section connecting rods are light weight aluminum alloy.
cylinder for clean burning and top forged from high tensile strength alloy 11. Roller type cam followers provide long
fuel economy. steel. Tapered piston pin end is used for life with nearly friction free action.
4. Replaceable, wet type cylinder liner superior load distribution and maximum Followers have positive lock guides for
transfers combustion heat to coolant piston crown material. extended push rod and rocker lever life.
V dieseis

Oversquare concept Cummins compact V dieseis are The oversquare concept enables
designed to match the power Cummins to put high horsepower
requirements of heavy-duty trucks into a small, lightweight package.
while increasing payloads and Oversquare means that the bore
revenue. The compact size is diameter is larger than the length of
achieved while retaining the proven stroke. This design gives top fuel
materials of the in-line models. economy and high horsepower with
Cummins achieved this compact slower piston speeds, lower
package by using the oversquare cylinder pressures, and lower
cylinder concept in a 90° V exhaust temperatures than
configuration. other engines.

Versatility The small v series dieseis of 140, A larger V series diesel, the V-903,
155, 185, and 210 horsepower is custom rated at 280, 300 and
match the power requirements of 320 HP. It is a heavy duty engine
two and three axle trucks and three designed to haul large payloads
and four axle tractor semi-trailer and increase revenue with fuel
combinations hauling up to 29,484 economy and maintenance costs
Kg. (65,000 lbs.) GCW. For the first comparable to big in-line dieseis.
time, medium truck users get all All Cummins V dieseis incorporate
the benefits of Cummins fuel the proven NH design features
economy, reliability, and long life. and materials to transport bigger
payloads for less.

Standard equipment The standard accessories on Fleetguard fuel filter, water pump,
Cummins V dieseis are accessible corrosion resistor, and rear sump
for ease of service. Standard on oil pan. A complete line of optional
every Cummins V diesel are PT components is available to meet
fuel system, mechanical flyball type special requirements. See your
governor, Cummins air compressor, truck dealer or Cummins distributor
starter, alternator, air cleaner, for assistance in selecting the
crankcase breather, Fleetguard correct V diesel and accessories
oil filter. for your truck.
V dieseis

Performance Horsepower, torque, and fuel Curves represent performance of

consumption curves for all V No. 2 diesel fuel or furnace oil with
models are shown on the following fuel system, water pump, lubricating
pages. Solid lines represent oil pump, and air cleaner operating.
performance at S.A.E. standard Alternator, compressor, fan, and
conditions of 152m. (500 ft.) optional equipment are not
altitude and 29.4°C (85°F) intake included.
air temperature. Dotted lines
indicate performance corrected t o
sea level and 15.6°C (60°F) intake
air temperature.

V6-140 140 HP

140 -


80 !

9 .500
• s i .400

V6-155 155 HP


O ,400


í SM
1300 1700 2100 2500

Solid line — 152 m. (500 ft.) Altitude and 29.4° C (85° F )

Dotted line — S e a level and 15.6° C (60° F.)
V Diesels

V8-185 185 HP


• 200 200



125 I

100 °


i .500 50 í

1300 1700 2100 2500 2900 3300

V8-210 210 HP

1300 1700 2100 2500 2900 3300

V-903 320 HP




1600 1800 2000 2200

Solid line — 152 m. (500 ft.) Altitude and 29.4° C (85° F )

Dotted line — S e a level and 15.6° C (60° F.)
Cummins in-line
diesel design features

Cummins NHC-250 diesel

cross section

1. Big displacement design utilizes a 3. Dual overhead valves provide free 6. Induction hardened crankshaft journals
larger bore than other engines and allows breathing. Intake valves are slllchrome have material for several regrinds.
use of bigger valves for improved steel and exhaust valves are stelllte faced Precision machined from high tensile
breathing and better fuel economy. Big nitrogen steel for high temperature strength alloy steel.
displacement reduces cylinder pressures strength. Exhaust valve seats are
7. Induction hardened camshaft actuates
and temperatures for long life. stelllte inserts. valves and injectors through a conventional
2. Pressure-Time PT fuel system is a 4. Replaceable, wet type liners are easily push rod and rocker lever arrangement.
unique method of fuel metering and replaceable without reboring the block.
8. Cam-ground pistons assure a perfect
injection eliminating fuel racks, plunger Combustion chamber heat Is dissipated
fit at operating temperatures. Cummins
pump, timing adjustments. Injection to coolant rapidly.
pistons are manufactured from strong
valves, and high pressure fuel lines of
5. Open type combustion chamber mixes light weight aluminum alloy.
other fuel systems.
air and fuel thoroughly for smooth,
9. Roller type cam-followers provide long
complete burning of low cost diesel
life with nearly friction free action.
fuel or furnace oil.

in-line dieseis

Most proven Cummins in-line dieseis are tlie over 161 billion Kilometers (100
most specified dieseis ever built. billion miles) in heavy-duty trucking
Advanced design and proven service. Models from 160 to 380
materials give greater reliability and horsepower match the power needs
longer life than other engines. of all over-the-road combinations.
Cummins NH dieseis have traveled

Compact in-line models All the features that have made the C series engines were largely
NH dieseis the best are also used responsible for converting the ready
in the smaller C in-line dieseis. mix industry from gasoline to
The C dieseis from 160 to 180 diesel because of reliability and
horsepower bring diesel reliability low operating costs. They are giving
and low cost to a wide variety of similar benefits in refuse haulers,
equipment types and horsepower city delivery trucks, fuel delivery
requirements in medium and heavy trucks, and other short haul service.
trucks, and medium tractors.

Custom rated models Cummins intercity dieseis are the 225 and 250 horsepower, the
standard diesel for heavy duty NHCT-270 at 240, 255 and 270
applications. The new custom horsepower, and the NTC-335 at
rated engines bring versatility and 260, 280, 300, 320, and 335
profit to intercity truckers by horsepower. Three other NH
permitting the horsepower of an models complete a range of
engine to be increased to meet new 200 to 380 horsepower to match
schedules or loads. Three models your power needs.
are available — the NHC-250 at

Standard equipment Standard equipment on every pump, corrosion resistor, and rear
Cummins in-line diesel includes PT sump pan. A complete line of
fuel system, mechanical flyball type optional components are also
governor, Cummins air compressor, available to meet special
starter, alternator or generator, air requirements. Your truck dealer or
cleaner, crankcase breather, Cummins distributor will help you
vibration damper, Fleetguard oil select the in-line diesel that
filter, Fleetguard fuel filter, water produces the most profit.


Performance Horsepower, torque, and fuel Curves represent performance of

consumption curves for all in-line No. 2 diesel fuel or furnace oil with
models are shown on the following fuel system, water pump, lubricating
pages. Solid lines represent oil pump, and air cleaner operating.
performance at S.A.E. standard Alternator, compressor, fan, and
conditions of 152 m. (500 ft.) altitude optional equipment are not
and 29.4°C (85°F) intake air included.
temperature. Dotted lines indicate
performance corrected to sea level
and 15.6°C (60°F) intake air

C-160 160 HP
CF-160 160 HP

CF-160 Performance

C-180 180 HP

2 , .500

1500 1700 2100 2300 2500

Solid line — 152 m, (500 ft.) Altitude and 29.4° C (85° F.)
Dotted line — Sea level and 15.6° C (60° F.)

í NH-200 200 HP

1100 1300 1700 1900 2100

NH-220 220 HP

1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100

NT-380 380 HP

1500 1700 1900 2100

Solid line — 152 m, (500 ft.) Altitude and 29.4° C (85° F.)
Dotted line — Sea level and 15.6° C (60° F.)

Custom rated
In-line dieseis
NHC-250 250 HP

í -350
1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100

NHCT-270 270 HP

225 I

1300 1500 1700 1900 2100

NTC-335 335 HP

Solid line — 152 m, (500 ft.) Altitude and 29.4° C (85° F.)
Dotted line — Sea level and 15.6° C (60° F.)

.custom rating
I concept

How the buttons work Four models — thirteen ratings NHC-250

With a custom rated diesel from The ability to match horsepower to The NHC-250 is the custom rated
Cummins, you won't have to trade loads and schedules minimizes fuel model of Cummins' famous NH
trucks to meet heavier loads or waste often occurring when drivers diesel. It is available at ratings of
faster schedules — just change a have either too much or too little 225 HP and 250 HP, both at 2100
button. One small button is all — power. No longer are truckers RPM.
no resetting or changing of forced to choose between
injectors, no manifold changes, no overpowering with resulting high NHCT-270
extensive fuel system modifications investment and excessive fuel
are necessary with Cummins. consumption and underpowering The NHCT-270 is available at 240
A few minutes in the shop and your with resulting high maintenance HP, 255 HP, and 270 HP. You get
rig is ready with more horsepower. costs and short engine life. full horsepower at high altitudes, top
As you can see from the pictures, Cummins offers four custom rated fuel economy, and fast acceleration
changing buttons is no trouble at all. dieseis with thirteen different without smoke. No aftercoolers,
power ratings. aneroids, nozzle rings, or diffusers
Each of the buttons used with are needed.
custom rated engines has a V-903
different diameter recess. The
recess diameter by-passes a The V-903 is a rugged V series
different quantity of fuel. A small diesel, custom rated at 280, 300
The NTC-335 is the original custom
button allows less fuel to by-pass and 320 HP. It is a dependable
rated diesel. This model is designed
and provides higher pressure at the engine designed for heavy duty,
for high horsepower applications.
injector. A large diameter button high horsepower applications. No
It features the T-50 turbocharger,
recess decreases the pressure. The matter where it operates, the V-903
oil cooled pistons, large capacity
amount of fuel metered by the will meet tough schedules; and
oil cooler, extra strength alloy
injector and the horsepower meet them profitably.
block, and other extra heavy-duty
developed is determined by the components. The NTC-335 is the
pressure, controlled by the button. most dependable high horsepower
diesel ever built.

Cummins PT
fuel system

Cummins PT fuel system is a speed. Fuel is forced into the

proven concept of diesel fuel cylinder by the downstroke of the
metering and injection. The injector plunger.
simplicity of the system results in
low maintenance costs, ease of The governor design of the PT
service, top fuel economy, and pump makes it self-adjusting for
superior performance with lowest wear. This eliminates the need for
priced diesel fuels. fuel pump adjustments between
engine overhauls.
The simplified system is based on a
Pressure-Time principle of fuel The PT system delivers fuel through
metering. A fixed size opening in a a c o m m o n rail at low pressure. This
simple injector and variable has permitted the newest models
pressure are utilized to meter the to be simplified by using drilled
fuel charge. The pressure control passages in the cylinder heads for
function is in the fuel pump and the fuel supply and return lines.
metering function in the fuel
injector. Pressure is regulated at
the metering orifice by the throttle
and governor. The time interval
during which the metering orifice is
uncovered is determined by the
camshaft and the engine's rotative

Air compressor Other maintenance savings features are
the direct drive which eliminates belts and
Compact one or two cylinder Cummins chain drives and the integral chankshaft
air compressors are available. This single and accessory drive which permits
cylinder compressor is as much as removal and replacement of the
10 Kg. (22 lbs.) lighter than some compressor unit without removal of the
competitive automotive compressors. It drive from the engine.
is only 14.9 cm. (5% inches) long
compared to 36.8 cm. (^AV2 inches) for A Cummins compressor, like all Cummins
other compressors and height is reduced products, is simple, easy to maintain,
by as much as 5.08 cm. (2 inches). and earns more profit for you. Specify
Cummins air compressors on your next
With feviier parts Cummins compressors purchase.
are much easier and less expensive
to maintain. The exclusive inlet-outlet
valve mechanism can be replaced without
removing the compressor from the engine.

Turbocharger 4. Less power loss at high altitudes.

Naturally aspirated engines or engines
A Turbodiesel Is a Cummins Diesel that using a mechanical blower lose power at
uses the normally wasted exhaust energy high altitudes. The pressure on the
to drive a turbocharger. With a manifold side of the turbine remains
turbocharger four important things happen. constant but the pressure on the outlet
side decreases at altitudes allowing the
1. Fuel economy is improved. By forcing a
turbine to rotate faster. The faster turbine
greater weight of air into the cylinders
rotation compensates for loss of air
more fuel can be burned completely for
density and power is maintained.
more power.
2. More power without increasing the size Cummins designed and manufactured
of the basic engine package. turbochargers provide a perfect match of
engine and turbocharger performance
3. More power from the same engine characteristics.
means less pounds per horsepower.

Fleetguard Filters The corrosion resistor checks rust and

corrosion, controls coolant acidity, prevents
Standard on all Cummins Diesels are scale formation, counteracts electrolysis,
Fleetguard fuel and lubricating oil filters, and removes dirt, impurities, loose rust,
and corrosion resistors. and scale from the coolant.
The fuel filter protects against dust Fleetguard is a division of Cummins
particles that are entrained in the fuel Engine Company, Inc. producing filters for
supply. Clean fuel gives top fuel economy all makes of engines. Contact your
and low maintenance. Cummins distributor or an authorized
The full-flow lubricating oil filter protects Fleetguard dealer to find out how
engine bearings, journals, rocker arms, and Fleetguard can give your engine
other moving parts against dirt that may extra protection.
enter the lubricant. This filter utilizes a low
cost, throw-away element for maximum
filtration at lowest maintenance cost.

Cummins World Wide Operations

Q Regional Offices

Manufacturing Operations
• r^-.-j
s. /

X ' /
^ [ /

-1 1 ' 1 t ' i^ -1 it i t i :
• I ..I- 1 I j i l i ^ j ^ O l i

RJ-TW im

• Cummins
Engine Company, inc., Columbus, Indiana 47201
Americas, Inc., Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A.

•• •
CUMMINS Cummins Diesel Australia, Ringwood, Australia
Cummins Diesel International Ltd.
Cummins Engine Company Ltd., London, England
Bulletin 957044 (English) Printed in U.S.A. 11-69
í mining
Cummins leads
in mining power

For over 50 years Cummins has set necessary. Many operators report Flywheel horsepower—
the pace in the diesei industry, that they get much longer engine performance where it counts
consistently ieading in the life than with other " p r e m i u m "
development of efficient, dieseis. Cummins performance ratings are
economical power. Cummins conservative and realistic. The
When rebuilding eventually flywheel horsepower rating for an
engineers and technicians work
becomes necessary, features such engine is power actually available
in the most advanced research
as replaceable cylinder liners and to drive the equipment. You
and engineering facilities to
regrindable crankshafts permit always have plenty of power
provide the best power for an
economical repair of the engine available without overloading or
ever-growing variety of mining
so that many more years of highly overworking the engine—reserve
and aggregate applications.
productive life can be realized. stamina you need in mining
This long life helps make Cummins equipment.
Lowest total cost concept the lowest total cost engine.
Every engine is dynamometer
Many factors affect the total cost
tested to ensure it will deliver the
of an engine. A m o n g these Trouble-free operation
certified horsepower, torque, and
are initial price, fuel economy,
In addition to long life, superior fuel consumption.
maintenance and repair costs,
parts prices, service availability, design features ensure that
and warranty protection. Over 50 day-to-day operation will be Benefits of turbocharging
years of power leadership enables trouble-free. A Cummins diesel
will not trouble its owner with Top performance is assured in |
Cummins to influence these turbocharged models. Cummins '
factors to get your payload out at countless minor repairs. This
continuous operation greatly designs and builds its own
the lowest total cost. turbochargers to match engine
increases equipment availability—
a must to meet production performance and application. With
Superior engine design turbocharging you continue to get
rated horsepower even at high
Cummins engines have been
altitudes, a higher
tested and proven in all types of Cummins ReCon^"
power-to-weight ratio, and
mines, pits, and q u a r r i e s — a n d
Reconditioned sub-assemblies are reduced smoke and noise levels.
under the most adverse
also available to get your
conditions. Superior engine
equipment back to work faster— Exactly the power you need
design is a big reason these
another reason Cummins offers
rugged dieseis perform so well. Cummins provides 100 to 800
the lowest total cost in mining
A m o n g these proven design power. horsepower in a minimum of basic
features are open-type engine series. This complete
combustion chamber, high tensile Beats the dust range gives you exactly the power
strength components, efficient you need in any type of mining
four-cycle operation, internal To maintain cleanliness for e q u i p m e n t — p o w e r to remove,
lubricating oil lines, and the optimum engine life, Cummins load, haul, and process materials.
exclusive PT™ fuel system with engineers have provided superior
internal fuel lines. dust control elements as standard
equipment on mining dieseis.
These components include full
Built to last
flow lubricating oil filters,
Cummins dieseis are durable. corrosion inhibitors that also
Depending upon the application provide coolant filtration,
and maintenance, these rugged heavy-duty fuel filters, by-pass
engines run many thousands of lubricating oil filters, positive seal
hours before an overhaul is oil filler caps and dipsticks,
composite dry-type air cleaners,
and molded rubber air intake
*60°r Sea Level 8S°F«»Feet
Engine Engine 21°C Sea Level 29°C 152 Hetera No. Bore and Stroke Displacement
Asplratlen Cylinders Inches Millimeters Cu. In. Liters
Series Model HP & RPM HP S RPM
Compact V V-352-C 140(1i 3m 134 «53300 Natural 6 4HX3H 117.5 X 88.9 352 5.8
3% X 95.2
V-378-C 155 ÍS3300 149 65 3300 Natural 6 454 * 117.5 378 6.2
V-470-C 185 a^ 3300 178 a5 3300 Natural 8 m X 3V5 117.5 X 88.9 470 7.7
V-504-C 210 Í5 3300 Í
202 5 3300 Natural 8 4H X 3H 117.5 X 95.2 504 8.3
X 104.8
V-785-C 265 «5 2600 255 «5 2600 Natural 8 5!4 x 4 H 139.7 785 12.9
V-903-C 320 ÍM 6 0 0 307 Í5 2600 Natural 8 5VÍ X 4^4 139.7 X 120.6 a)3 14.8

464 C-464-C 160 «12500 153 «5 2500 Natural 6 Wa * 5 112.7 X 127.0 464 7.6
CT-464-C 175 Í5 2500 175 €5 2500 Turbocharged 6 4'/» X 5 112.7 X 127.0 464 7.6
CS-4S4-C 195 «^2600 187 € Supercharged 6 VAt X 5 112.7x127.0 464 7.6

743 H-743-C 175 ÍS1800 168 «51800 Natural 6 SVs x S 130.2 x 152,4 743 12.2
H-743-C 190 (J1 2000 182 «5 2000 Natural 6 5Hx6 130.2 X152.4 743 12.2
N-743-C 220 €S2100 212 Í52100 Natural 6 5« x6 130.2 X152.4 743 12.2
NS-743-C 320 ÍS2100 307 €5 2100 Supercharged 6 5y,x6 130.2 X152.4 743 12.2

855/1710 N-855-C Natural 139.7 X 152.4 8SS 14.0

NT-855-C Turbocharged 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0
NT-8S5.C Turboeharged 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0
NTA-855.C Turbocharged 139.7 X 1M.4 855 14.0
V-1710-C Natural 139.7 * 152.4 1710 28.0
139.7 1 152.4
139.7 X
1710 m

VTA-1718-C 800 @ 2100 800 @ 2100 Turbocharged 139.7 152.4 1710 28.0

Turbocharged engines deliver the horsepower shown from sea level *Valves shown for naturally aspirated engines ate derived by ad-
to high altitudes, as specified on engine performance curves. justing the horsepower @ 85°F & 500 ft. altitude by about 4% to
Naturally aspirated and supercharged engines should be derated for indicate approximate performance at sea level & 60°F intake air
altitude operation at the rate of 3 percent per 1000 feet above 500 feet. temperature.

*60°F Sea Level 85°F 500 Feet

Engine 21 °C Sea Level Peak Torque No. Bore and Stroke Displacement

Model HP & RPM @RPM Aspiration Cylinders Inches Millimeters Cu. In. Liters
C-175 175 @ 2500 405 @ 1725 Turbocharged 6 4M6 X5 X 127.0
112.7 464 7.6
6 X5
4'/I6 X 127.0
C-180 180 @ 2500 408 @ 1700 Supercharged 112.7 464 7.6
C-190 190 @ 2500 446 @ 1800 Turbocharged 6 X5
4'/,6 X 127.0
112.7 464 7.6

5•^x6 130.2 X 152.4

NH-200 566 @ 1500 Natural 743 12.2
NH-220 580 @ 1550 Natural 5V4 x 6 130.2 X 152.4 743 12.2
NHD-230 656 ( 1400 Natural 5JÍ x 6 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0
NH-230 605 ( 1500 Natural 5'/4 x 6 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0
NHC-250* 658 ( .1500 Natural 5V4 x 6 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0
NHCT-270* 741 I > 1500 Turbocharged x6 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0
NHCT-CT 900 ( 1200 Turbocharged 514 X 6 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0
NTC-335* 927 ( 1600 Turbocharged 5!4 x6 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0
NT-350 975 ( 1600 Turbocharged 5!4 x 6 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0
NTA-370 1015 @ 1500 Turbocharged 5V5 x 6 139.7 X 152.4 855 14.0

V6-140** 140 @ 3300 238 @ 1900 Natural 4 H X iVz 117.5 X 88.9 352 5.8
V6-155 155 @ 3300 289 @ 1900 Natural 4'/» X 3¥, 117.5 X 95.2 378 6.2
V8-185** 185 @ 3300 316 ® 1900 Natural m X Wz 117.5x88.9 470 7.7
V8-210 210 @ 3300 387 @ 1900 Natural 4=/a X 3% 117.5x95.2 504 8.3
V-903* 320 @ 2600 706 @ 1800 Natural 5VÍ X 4H 139.7 X 120.6 903 14.8

•Optional lower power ratings available. Naturally aspirated and supercharged engines should be derated for
Turbocharged engines deliver the horsepower shown from sea level altitude operation at the rate of 3 per cent per 1000 feet above 500 feet.
to high altitudes, as specified on engine performance curves. •Values shown for naturally aspirated engines are derived by ad-
justing the horsepower ® 85°F & 500 ft. altitude by about to
••Optional higher peak torque power setting available.
indicate approximate performance at sea level & 60°F intake air

Model Auxiliary Power Prime Power

Diesel Powered 60 Hz. 50 Hz. 60 Hz. 50 Hz.

Cummins NH-4-GS/GC

generator HR-6-GS/6C

sets NT-310-GS/GC
Kilowatt Rating @ .8 P.F. V12-500-GS/GC 300 250 250 210
VT12-635-GS/GC 350 300 300 250
VT12-700-GS/GC 400 335 350 300
VT12-800-GS/GC 450 375 400 330

Natural Gas Powered

GNHC-4-GC 75 60
GNH-220-GC 100 85
GNH-250-GC 125 100
GV12-525-GC 250 205
standardize on Cummins
A complete power range not only
makes standardization possibie,
but also iiighly desirable. Having
Cummins in all your equipment
results in many benefits:
• high parts interchangeability
• lower parts inventory cost
• lower maintenance and repair
• less equipment downtime
• more efficiency from mechanics
When your horsepower
requirements increase, merely
specify the next engine in the
series—without a need to change
your parts inventory or
maintenance requirements.

The c o m p u t e r . . . to analyze, to
solve, to predict
Computers play an important role
in Cummins research and
engineering program. They
compile facts and analyze data.
They solve problems and make
predictions. They are especially
valuable for predicting the
performance of a particular
engine model under a given set of

See your Cummins distributor or

equipment dealer
When you are considering power
for new equipment or repower for
your present machines, see your
Cummins distributor or equipment
dealer. Whatever the j o b or the
equipment, you will earn more
profit by specifying Cummins
lowest total cost dieseis.

for... bottom dumps crushers dump trucks shovels

over 50 years
of power leadership

Compact V engines: small and durable

Compact V dieseis are the answer for
mining applications requiring 140 to 320
horsepower in a compact, lightweight
package. These 90° v oversquare dieseis
incorporate design features proven in
Cummins famous in-line dieseis.
The most vigorous testing program ever
used on any diesel p r e c e d e d the
introduction of these remarkable
engines. Their c o m p a c t design makes
them especially well suited for
applications such as front end loaders,
hydraulic backhoes, shovels, cranes,
and compressors.

In-line 6's: proven power

Cummins six-cylinder in-line engines are
the most proven and d e p e n d a b l e dieseis
available today. These heavy-duty
engines provide long life, low
maintenance, and superior economy in
a w i d e 160 to 420 horsepower range.
These "jack-of-all-trades" engines get
the j o b done in all types of mining
applications. And approximately 80% of
the wearing parts are interchangeable
within each engine series.

Rugged V12's: big-job power

Nothing can match the high
performance of Cummins
twelve-cylinder V e n g i n e s — b i g power
when you need it for the really big
mining jobs. They c o m b i n e this power
with long life and lowest total cost to
move more payload with bigger profits.
These V12's provide 500 to 800
horsepower in naturally aspirated and
t u r b o c h a r g e d models. Specify them for
all your heavy-duty e q u i p m e n t
applications to further reduce
maintenance costs and parts inventories.
Automotive dieseis: the industry
For nearly twenty years Cummins
dieseis have powered more heavy-duty
on-highway trucks than all other engines
combined. Miners have found them to be
the best engine for haul use, too. They
provide 140 to 370 horsepower and have
been proven in billions of miles of
A n d with Custom Rated engines, you
can tailor your horsepower to meet
changing requirements.

Industrial engines: dependable

stationary power
The proven ability of these engines to
operate in adverse conditions makes
them ideal for mining applications such
as draglines, crushers, shovels, and
pumps. They are available from 140 to
800 horsepower.

Industrial clutches, torque converters,

and reduction gears are available for
chain, belt, or direct coupling drive
arrangements. Front power take-offs are
available to provide convenient power
for a w i d e number of uses.

Generator sets: prime and auxiliary

Cummins generator sets provide critical
electrical power at mines, pits, and
quarries—wherever it is needed.
Specify standby sets for dependable
protection f r o m power failure. Prime
power gen sets are the answer wherever
normal utility power is not available o r is
not economical, especially for
applications such as rock crushers.
Single unit systems supply 45 to 450 KW,
and up to 3500 KW is available with
C u m m i n s automatic paralleling. Front
power take-offs can be installed on
Cummins generator sets to provide both
electrical and mechanical power f r o m
one engine.
The Cummins package:
power, parts, and service
at the lowest total cost

Outstanding service avaiiabiiity We come to you Mobiie ciassrooms

Cummins service organization is Mobile service vans manned by Cummins also operates mobile
the largest in the w o r l d devoted Cummins service technicians are classrooms on a full-time basis
to the maintenance and service of always ready to provide on-the- throughout North America. The
diesel engines. This organization spot solutions to your self-contained units are fully
includes over 2,000 sales and maintenance and service equipped for training required at
service locations in 94 countries problems. your j o b sites.
and representation in every
country in the free world. Instant communications Built by Cummins—backed
by Cummins
Factory representatives are also All U.S. and Canadian Cummins
located throughout the world, and distributors are interconnected One of the most meaningful
service specialists can be with each other and with the measures of quality is the
dispatched wherever and factory through an automatic warranty placed on the product.
whenever they are needed. This teletypewriter c o m m u n i c a t i o n When you specify Cummins, you
unmatched service availability system. Instant c o m m u n i c a t i o n s get a superior warranty because
keeps your equipment running. means you can get a service Cummins builds superior engines.
specialist, a mobile service unit, And Cummins builds the vital
Service around-thie-clock critical parts, information— parts of it—blocks, cranks,
whatever you n e e d — a n d get it camshafts, valves, pistons, liners,
Call anytime night or day for air compressors, and
fast. Fast service keeps you on
excellent service in Cummins turbochargers.
the j o b where the profits are.
shops, at your service location,
or on the j o b — w h e r e v e r you The Cummins distributors and
Service training dealers back this warranty with
want it.
Cummins has the w o r l d w i d e prompt service to help ensure
Over 5,000 expert technicians
service training facilities and that Cummins engines cost less
with the most modern equipment
organization to train customer to own and operate than other
are backed by a complete
and Cummins service personnel. engines.
inventory of genuine Cummins
Training is available at Cummins
parts. In the United States and
factories, at distributor locations,
Canada, ReCon'" reconditioned
or at your own location.
parts and sub-assemblies are
available to save you time and Courses are presented by
money. Like-new parts at rebuilt professional service instructors
prices reduce downtime to help using the latest training
provide the lowest total operating techniques, facilities, tools, and
cost. training aids. Many instructors are
multi-lingual to provide technical
training for foreign-speaking



Cummins means Power

Cummins Engine Company, Inc. Coiumbus, Indiana 47201

Printed in U.S.A. Bulletin 952691

Cummins Industrial Diesel Engines 1
Design Features 2
Engine Specifications 4
Optional Components 6
Principal Dimensions 8
Engines and Curves 10
Fire Pump Units 15
Cummins Worldwide Organization 16

Through millions of hours of operation, diesel engines have proven themselves

more reliable, more durable and more economical to operate than gasoline
engines of comparable power. Lacking the complex and delicate electrical
ignition systems and carburetors, dieseis are far less prone to breakdown or
non-start caused by auxiliary components. Because they are built more rugged,
they inherently provide longer operating life between overhauls and their
economical fuel consumption makes them less expensive to operate.

Cummins, among the largest independent manufacturers of diesel engines

in the world, has concentrated on the production of high quality dieseis since
1919. Proof of this is evidenced by the Cummins Industrial Warranty which is
an industry leader, backing the product for one full year or 3,600 hours of operation.

Supporting these fine dieseis is a service organization recognized to be one

of the most outstanding in the world, with over 1,500 primary sales and service
outlets world wide. (See map at rear of book.) Wherever a Cummins Industrial
Diesel is operated there is a service outlet within call, with trained technicians
and adequate parts supply.

The following outlines some of the major features and uses of Cummins
industrial Diesels.

Exclusive PT Self compensating for wear and fuel viscosity. Maintains power on fuels
fuel system ranging from heavy furnace oils to light jet type fuels without recalibration. The
simple design, having less than half as many parts as other diesel fuel systems,
is long lived and easy to maintain and repair. Assures minimum downtime.

Open type Gives most efficient combustion... most power from each gallon of fuel.
combustion chamber Thorough mixing of fuel and air in the combustion chamber combined with
camshaft controlled injection insures smooth, complete burning of safe,
economical diesel fuel.

Large intake and Designed to offer minimum restriction to exhaust and air flow. Facilitate complete
exhaust passages scavenging of heat and exhaust gases and complete filling of cylinder with
fresh air for clean burning, top economy.

Overhead valves Precision machined from high strength alloy steel. Intake valves are of
silichrome steel. Exhaust valves are nitrogen steel for high temperature strength
and faced with corrosion resistant material. High output models have two a
exhaust and two intake valves per cylinder. '

Replaceable wet-type Dissipate heat rapidly. Easily replaced without reboring block. Liners are alloy
cylinder liners cast iron, honed and coated with a special materia! to give fast break-in and
long life.

Large volume Give even flow of coolant around cylinder liners, valves and injectors to
water passages draw excess heat from combustion chamber. Centrifugal pump circulates
large volumes of water.

Crankshaft Precision machined from high strength steel forging. Bearing journals are
induction hardened for long life. Main and connecting rod journals have material
for several re-grinds.

Camshaft Geared to crankshaft for positive control of all valve and injector movements.
Forged alloy steel camshaft is induction hardened for long service life. Roller
type cam followers give long, trouble free cam and follower life.

Connecting rods Forged from high tensil strength alloy steel,I-beam section gives maximum
strength. Piston pins are full-floating.

Pistons and Pistons are cam ground to assure perfect fit at operating temperatures.
Rings Top ring is chrome plated for long life. Oil control ring removes excess oil from
cylinder wall, minimizing oil consumption.
Internal fuel Drilled passages in cylinder heads of most models eliminate external fuel lines
lines and threaded connectors. Reduce possibility of leaks and damage from
external sources.

Turbocharger Cummins design and manufacture. Matched to output of applicable models.

Utilize normally waste exhaust energy to increase output, reduce fuel
consumption without increasing engine size. Permit altitude operation
without deration.

PROVEN Cummins are the most used engines in such heavy-duty equipment as industrial
POWER switching locomotives, logging equipment and oil well cementing units. They
also have proven their reliability, long life, and operating economy in power
shovels, road building equipment, irrigation pump drives, rock crushers, dredgers,
sawmills, large unloading pumps, municipal pumping service, sewage plants,
and many other special applications.

WIDE RANGE Cummins power units match requirements of a wider range of equipment types
AVAILABLE than other engines. They cover a power range of 110 hp. to 800 hp. Standard
units are equipped with radiator and fan but heat exchanger cooling is available
for all sizes. Optional equipment includes clutches, torque converters,
hydraulic governors, safety controls, air starting, air cleaners for operation
in heavy dust, and other equipment to meet specific application requirements.
These power units are offered in equipment built by leading industrial machinery
manufacturers and are available for re-powering present equipment through
Cummins distributors.

The table below lists the basic Cummins line of industrial power units, showing
maximum horsepower, recommended power setting for continuous duty,
displacement, bore and stroke, number of cylinders, type aspiration and net weight.

Maximum Continuous
Model Horsepower @ RPM Horsepower @ RPM Liters Cubic Inc
J-401-P 110 2200 88 2200 6.6 401
• -i
J-401-P 130 2500 98 2200 6.6 401<
C-464-P 160 2500 120 2200 7.6 464
CT-464-P 175 2500 122 2200 7.6 464 1
CS-464-P 180 2500 125 2200 7.6 464
N-495-P 130 2000 103 1900 8.1 495
H-672-P 160 1800 128 1800 11.0 672
H-743-P 175 1800 140 1800 12.2 743
H-743-P 190 2000 150 1900 12.2 743
N-743-P 220 2100 168 1900 12.2 743
NS-743-P 290 2100 194 1800 12.2 743
NS-743-P 320 2100 217 1800 12.2 743
N-855-P 250 2100 192 1900 14.0 855
NT-855-P 310 2100 210 1800 14.0 855
NT-855-P 335 2100 234 1800 14.0 85ñ
NT-855-P 380 2300 262 2000 14.0 855
V-352-P 140 3300 108 3000 5.7 352 J

V-470-P 185 3300 140 3000 7.7 470

V-1710-P 500 2100 394 1900 28.0 1710
VT-1710-P 635 2100 435 1800 28.0 1710
VTA-1710-P 700 2100 480 1800 28.0 • irJíí:
VTA-1710-P 800 2100 550 1800 28.0 ÍTlÕi
All industrial power units have as standard equipment:
• A dry type, replaceable paper element air cleaner.
• Electric starting equipment, complete except batteries.
• Sucker type fan.
• Replaceable paper element lubricating oil and heavy duty replaceable paper
element fuel oil filters.
• Flywheel and housing for industrial clutch.
• Mechanical variable speed governor with throttle control mounted on
instrumental panel.
• Mounted instrument panel with meters and gauges.
• Heavy duty mounted radiator with fan shroud and guard.
• Pedestal type supports at front and rear (except 12 cylinder models which
have base mounting).

Bore and Stroke Net Weight

mm Inches Cylinders Kilograms Pounds
39.7x127.0 4y8x5 6 Natural 906 1998
19.7x127.0 4Hx5 6 Natural 946 2085
12.7x127.0 4%x5 6 Natural 946 2085
12.7x127.0 4% x 5 6 Turbocharged 964 2125
12.7x127.0 4^4X5 6 Supercharged 1415 3120
30.2x 152.4 5H x 6 4 Natural 1082 2385
23.8x 152.4 X6 6 Natural 1400 3087
30.2x 152.4 SK X 6 6 Natural 1400 3087
30.2 X 152.4 5H X 6 6 Natural 1407 3102
30.2 x 152.4 5%K6 6 Natural 1430 3152
30.2x 152.4 5Hx6 6 Supercharged 1623 3577
30.2x 152.4 5Hx6 6 Supercharged 1623 3577
39.7x 152.4 5H X 6 6 Natural 1497 3300
39.7x 152.4 554x6 6 Turbocharged 1610 3550
39.7x 152.4 5Hx6 6 Turbocharged 1610 3550
39.7x 152.4 S'/iXB 6 Turbocharged 1610 3550
I7.5X 88.9 4y, X 3H 6 Natural 696 1535
17.5X 88.9 4H X S'A 8 Natural 817 1800

39.7 X 152.4 5.H K 6 12 Natural 3856 8500

$9.7x152.4 5Hx6 12 Turbocharged 3901 8600
39.7x152.4 5'4x6 12 Turbocharged 3924 8650

b9.7x 152.4 5H x 6 12 Turbocharged 3992 8800


The following are some of the more popular options available on Cummins
industrial power units:

Air cleaners Heavy duty composite dry type for severe dust conditions are available and
recommended for all models, oil bath types are available for all except 352
and 470 series.

Bases and Skid type bases are available for all models. Two types are available—either
fuel tanks short with a mounting for clutch support or extended for outboard bearing.
1710 series engines are base mounted as standard.

Base mounted fuel tanks are available on some models—29 gallons capacity
on 401 and 464 series; 25 gallons on 495 series; 44 or 82 gallons on 672,
743 and 855 series.

Compressor A Cummins 12 CFM-100 psig air compressor can be flange mounted on all models.

Corrosion resistor Supplied as standard on some models. A corrosion resistor is recommended

for all models. It checks rust and corrosion, controls acidity and removes
impurities from coolant.

Electrical equipment Series 401 and 464 cu. in. displacement have 12 volt systems as standard.
Series 352 cu. in. and 470 cu. in. displacement up have 24 volt systems as
standard. 24 volt equipment is available in lieu of 12 volt and high output
alternators are available on all models.

Fans Blower type fans are available in lieu of standard sucker types on all models.

Filter By-pass lubricating oil fitter, standard on turbocharged models, is highly

recommended. It decontaminates the oil without diluting the detergents. It
extendsthe lifeof the lubricant and maintainscleanliness between change intervals.

Flywheels and Various flywheels for adapting to different clutches, torque converters, etc.,
housings are available on all models as well as an alternate SAE flywheel housing size.

Governors Mechanical variable speed governors, torque converter tailshaft speed

control governors and hydraulic type governors for very close speed control
are available.
Enclosures Back panel, hood and side panels are available on all in-line models and are
recommended for all unsheltered applications. Also available on demand for
352 and 470 Series. ; r

A tubular type heat exchanger unit and expansion tank plus a watercooled
exhaust manifold are available for all models as an optional cooling system.
A raw water pump is also available. A tubular type heat exchanger for
cooling torque converter fluid is available for all models.

Power take-off Complete power unit packages comprising engine plus industrial clutch or
torque converter, with output shaft adapted for chain, belt or direct coupling
drive can be readily supplied.

Safety controis Engines which will operate unattended part or all of the time can be protected
against low lubricating oil pressure and high water temperature both mechanically
or electrically by systems that will shut down the engine, or sound an alarm
(electrically). An electrical overspeed shutdown device is also available.

Starting Air manifold preheater assembly type cold starting aid is available for all models.
It is standard on 401 and 464 series, also on all super- and turbo-charged
models. Alternatively, if preferred, ether starting aids (gelatin capsule or
pressurized cylinder types) are available.

Compressed air motor starting is available on all models, in lieu of

electric systems.

The chart below shows the principal dimensions of the basic engines in two
common configurations.

The first group of columns, headed Li, W and H i shows the length (front of
radiator to rear of flywheel housing), width {of radiator) and height (from floor
to top of radiator) of the basic standard unit.

The second group of columns, headed La W and H2 shows the length

inclusive of the most popularly used clutch for each model, width as above,
and height to top of exhaust stack—supplied when a hood is required.

The final group of columns, headed A, B, C and D locate the mounting holes
longitudinally and laterally with respect to each other and the engine centerline,
and also show the hole sizes.

L, W H, Lz
MODEL HP cm In. cm In. cm In. cm In.
J-401-P 110 143.5 83.8 33 129.9 51% 183.5 72V,
J-401-P 130 143.5 58"j 83.8 33 129.9 51 Va 183.5 72% (
C-464-P 160 143.5 5Qh 83.8 33 129.9 51 Já 186.7 73%
CT-464-P 175 143.5 5612 83.8 33 129.9 51H 186.7 73%
CS-464-P 180 143.5 56'Í 83'.8 33 129.9 SV4 183.5 72%
N-495-P 130 135.9 53H 97.5 3S?á 135.6 53% 280.1 7i%
H-672-P 160 183.2 72'4 94.3 37% 156.2 m% 244.2 96%
H-743-P 175 183.2 72K 94.3 37% 156.2 611, 244.2 96%
H-743-P 190 183.2 72JS 94.3 37% 156.2 61H 244.2 9B%
N-743-P 220 183.2 72% 94.3 37% 156.2 Qin 244.2 98%
NS-743-P 290 183.2 72% 100.7 SWb 171.5 67'i 249.2 98%
NS-743-P 320 183.2 72% 100.7 39H 171.5 67% 249.2 98%
N-855-P 250 183.2 72% 100.7 39% 156.2 61!-a 249.2 98%
NT-855-P 310 183.2 72% 100.7 39H 171.5 Q7% 249.2 98%
NT-855-P 335 183.2 72% 100.7 39H 171.5 Q7% 249.2 98%
NT-855-P 380 183.2 72% 100.7 39% 171.5 67% 244.2 96%
V-352-P 140 112.1 44% 86.4 34 115.6 45% Enclos
V-470-P 185 125.7 49% 86.4 34 115.6 45% Enclos
V-1710-P 500 215.3 84'i 139.7 55 209.9 82% En
VT-1710-P 635 215.3 84H 1 139.7 55 209.9 B2% En
VTA-1710-P 700 215.3 84?4 139.7 55 209.9 82% En
VTA-1710-P 800 215.3 B4H 139.7 55 209.9 82^
1 3 " 401 & 4 6 4 S e r i e s
14-3/8" 672, 743 & 8 5 5 Series H'
1 7 - 1 / 8 " 1710 S e r i e s

i I

—B- B
"C" Dimension/2 Holes "D" Dimension/2 Holes

»2 A B C D
n. cm In. cm In. cm In. cm In. cm In.
3 135.6 53H 103.8 40Js 27.9 11 2.5 1 2.4
1 135.6 53'^s 103.8 40?-8 27.9 11 2.5 1 2.4
3 135.6 53? á 103.8 40?/a 27.9 11 2.5 1 2.4
3 135.6 53'i 103.8 AQli 27.9 11 2.5 1 2.4
3'/8 135.6 53^8 103.8 40J, 27.9 11 2.5 1 2.4
SH 145.6 57i>i 93.8 36% 25.4 10 1.7 1.9
7H 192.4 75% 142.9 56'4 30.5 12 2.5 1 2.4
7% 192.4 75% 142.9 56^4 30.5 12 2.5 1 2.4 %
VÁ 192.4 75Ji 131.0 55"¿ 30.5 12 2.5 1 2.4 %
m 183.5 72K 142.3 56)3. 30.5 12 2.5 1 2.4 %
M 183.4 72'k 142.9 56! Í 30.5 12 2.4 % 2.4 %
183.4 7T/n 142.9 56% 30.5 12 2.4 % 2.4 %
71 i 183.5 72% 142.3 563a, 30.5 12 2.5 1 2.4 %
n 183.4 72'ii 142.9 56% 30.5 12 2.4 2.4 %
m 183.4 142.9 56% 30.5 12 2.4 2.4 %
183.4 72% 142.9 56% 30.5 12 2.4 2.4 %
n Demand Dependent on Application
n Demand Dependent on Application
ailable Dependent on Application
ailable Dependent on Application
ailable Dependent on Application
^liable Dependent on Application

The following pages show a representative engine model of the various

Cummins industrial engine series and curves for every model within each series.

The dotted lines on the curves represent performance corrected to conditions

of sea level and 60°F. air temperature. The solid lines marked by No. 1 show
performance at S.A.E. standard conditions of 500 ft. altitude and 85° F. air
temperature. The solid lines marked by No. 2 show recommended power
setting for intermittent use. The solid lines marked by No. 3 show
recommended rating for continuous duty.

352 SERIES V-352-P 140 HP

« urn p^' • ••

401 SERIES J-401-P 110 HP J-401-P 130 H

1200 1400
464 SERIES C-464-P 160 HP CT-464-P 175 HP

1500 1700 1900 2300 2500


470 SERIES V-470-P 185 HP CS-464-P 180 HP



" ?
50 -+-

ZlOO 2500 2900 3300


495 SERIES N-495-P 130 HP

672 SERIES H-672-P 160 HP

S 400
J : I
14D0 1600

743 SERIES H-743-P 175 HP H-743-P 190 K




1000 1200

N-743-P 220 HP NS-743-P 290 HP NS-743-P 320 HP

1000-• r
q Í •I'"f
if } • fi- "i"
Í -Í- t
• 3 gpQ ;
"3 ; i""
: :
Í j 1 • : Í -f"-if
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11 a
-.n .450J

- 1 4C
1100 1300 1500 1700
- r.i I—;lOO 131
1500 1700 1900 1 X) DO
•Supercharged •Supercharged

N-855-P 250 HP NT-855-P 310 HP

J i

1700 1900 2100 1300 1500 1700 1900


NT-855-P 335 HP NT-855-P 380 HP

_ 1000-
I :
: j; - 1
900 •
•i' "t : : •Í :
• Í;
; Í ; j —: 1- ;
-r 600-
'•s ;;
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-L. r
000- 375
" 1 : : : r- i;

'I ""I
y '•i - 1
::: t : /
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-275 1 ;
"I :
-3D0 1-
ri I y f; h 5 rrJ : rj 'T 5

: :
y" ;: : ;
• 250

• 225
S -

§ -
r H ri-
^e: -3
: - • Uj "r• 250
. 275

ê -
:; • ~ r' r
: rj: r I-
r 'y
•y - riF
_ —:: rr
• 175
k ir-. 'i; ^i:
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: 450
:= -- . - - - . _ .
i" ; rr : : t : : :
• 5i -T; J : : i
. o§ ^ : -'z
j . • si : r
• i 3S0- -2
I 1.1
•,300 1500 1700 1900 2100 13.00 1500 17•00 19100 2100 21100

•Turbocharged *Turbocharged

V-1710-P 500 HP VT-1710-P 635 HP

1500 J700 1300 1500 1700 1900 ZIOO


VTA-1710-P 700 HP VTA-1710-P 800 HP

550 I

1900 3100
1300 1500 1700


Through selected models Cummins offers a complete line of fire pump engines.
These engines have been tested and approved by Underwriters' Laboratories
and by Factory Mutual.

As illustrated below standard equipment includes a mounted tubular type heat

exchanger for cooling, a water cooled exhaust manifold, an oil bath air cleaner;
24 volt electrics—including starting motor, 20 ampere generator, voltage
regulator and starting switch—flywheel, drive flange and drive shaft, pedestal
supports and mounted instrument panel with gauges.

The specific models and approved rating points are shown in the chart below.

Cummins Underwriters' Factory

Fire Pump Laboratories Mutual
Engine Ratings Ratings
Models HP @ RPM HP @ RPM
H-6-IF 135 @ 1750 137 @ 1750
139 @ 1800
NH-220-IF 175 @ 1750 172 @ 1750
182 @ 1900
191 @ 2100
NHS-6-IF 225 @ 1750 220 @ 1750
234 @ 1900
252 @ 2100
NHRS-6-IF 225 @ 1750 246 @ 1750
260 @ 1900
278 @ 2100
NT-380-IF 285 @ 1750 274 @ 1750
303 @ 1900 304 @ 2000
325 @ 2100 330 @ 2300
340 @ 2300
International Operations


Mexico r ^ Distributor Headquarters

Central & Pacific ^ ^ Regional Offices
So. Latin America
Brazil Manufacturing Operations
Europe & N. W. Africa
Mid Africa
South Africa
Cummins .ea. Diesel
< C u m m i n s E n g i n e C o m p a n y , Inc., C o l u m b u s , I n d i a n a . U.S.A.
£ C u m m i n s A m e r i c a s . Inc., C o l u m b u s , I n d i a n a , U.S.A.
H C u m m i n s D i e s e l Australia, R i n g w o o d , A u s t r a l i a

i C u m m i n s D i e s e l I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ltd.

ÍÑj C u m m i n s E n g i n e C o m p a n y Ltd., L o n d o n , E n g l a n d
Cummins dieseis
for workboats
and fishing boats
Cummins marine
more power
at lower cost

Workboal and fishing boat owners who Long Ule contributing to Cummins outstanding
demand the highest dependability and Cummins marine dieseis are built to reliability. These design concepts have
lowest operating costs from marine dieseis last. These rugged engines average been proven under the most adverse
specify Cummins. Cummins powerful thousands of hours before a major operating conditions in worldwide marine
in-line and V marine dieseis are designed overhaul is necessary. There are numerous applications ranging from intermittent
to provide the longest possible life, Cummins marine dieseis still running light duty to 24 hour-a-day heavy duty
maximum reliability, and lowest operating after 30,000 or more hours. A Cummins operation. Among these proven features
costs for all types of workboat and fishing model F engine has been in continuous are rapid heat dissipation, high tensile
boat applications. strength components, efficient four cycle
operation for 40 years on the Doreen, a
operation, internal lubricating oil lines,
Cummins has twelve rugged marine sturdy little fishing boat owned by Mr.
and Cummins patented PT Fuel System
dieseis from 128 to 550 continuous H. Gates of Willoughby, N.S.W., Australia.
with internal fuel lines.
horsepower that are used extensively Through the years a Cummins engine
in tug boats, trawlers, towboats, seiners, will repay its initial cost many times. Economy
pushers, gill natters, barges, ferry boats, And when it does finally become
Cummins long life means more power
shrimpers, fire boats, charter boats, necessary to rebuild, features such as
per dollar invested. Proven reliability
patrol boats, and crew boats. replaceable cylinder liners and regrindable
means that costly breakdowns and
Cummins industrial-type engines from crankshafts permit repair of the engine
maintenance expenses will not take away
110 to 800 HP, and generator sets from so that many more years of highly
50 to 450 KW are also available to power productive life can be profitably realized.
Also, Cummins design features make a Lower fuel costs can offer the greatest
such marine service applications as
minor overhaul possible without removing savings of all. Owners and captains
lighting, communications, navigation,
the engine from the boat. report that Cummins dieseis use
pumping, dredging, barge unloading, considerably less fuel than they had ,
winches, bow thrusters, and accessory Reliability anticipated. Higher horsepower per weight J
equipment. There are many design features ratios offer additional savings. ^
I tested and proven
design features

Big Displacement hard faced nitrogen steel for high Induction Hardened Valve Train
Big displacement design utilizes a large temperature strength and long life. Induction hardened camshaft actuates
bore and allows use of bigger valves for Exhaust valve seats are hardened inserts. valves and injectors through a hardened
improved breathing and better fuel push rod and rocker lever arrangement.
Replaceable Cylinder Liners
economy. Big displacement reduces Roller-type cam followers provide long life
Replaceable wet-type cylinder liners with nearly friction-free action.
cylinder pressures and temperatures for
transfer combustion heat to coolant
long life. Four Cycle Design
rapidly. In-boat overhauls are practical
PT Fuel System because the block does not need reboring. All Cummins engines are four cycle
offering the advantages of better fuel
The pressure-time fuel system is the Regrindable Crankshaft economy and lower maintenance costs.
simplest, most maintenance-free diesel fuel
system available. Precise metering and Crankshaft journals are induction hardened Open Combustion Chamber
complete atomizing of fuel assures better deep enough for several regrinds. They
are precision machined from high tensile Open-type combustion chambers mix air
fuel economy than other diesel fuel and fuel thoroughly for smooth, complete,
systems. Internal fuel lines eliminate fuel strength alloy steel.
efficient burning of low cost diesel fuel.
leaks and decrease maintenance costs.
Cam Ground Pistons Corrosion Resistor
Dual Overhead Valves Cam ground pistons assure a perfect fit Replaceable element checks rust and
Dual overhead intake and exhaust valves at operating temperatures. Cummins corrosion, controls acidity, and removes
provide free breathing. Intake valves are pistons are manufactured from light impurities from the coolant to reduce
silichrome steel and exhaust valves are weight aluminum alloy. maintenance and increase engine life.
workboat/fishing boat
propulsion dieseis

1 2 3
place- Bore &
Ught Medium mentHeavy Stroke Length Height Width Weight
Duty Du^ Duty No.
•¡tree mm. of Marine cm. cm. cm.
Model BHP@RPM 3HP @ RPM BHP@RPM (cu. in.) (»n.) Cyls. 6ear (in.) (In.) (In.) («te».)

V-470-M 170 (§) 3000 NA 128 @ 2500 7.7 117.5x88.9 8 Twin Disc 140.2 78.1 81.6 794
(470) (45/8 X3y2) 1.93:1 (553/16) (30 3/4) (32 1/8) (1750)

V8-300-M 260 (S 2800 NA 220 @ 2600 12.8 139.7x 104.7 8 Twin Disc 158.2 83.8 99.1 1140
(785) (51/2 X4V8) 1.93:1 (62 %2) (33) (39) (2515)

VT8-370-M 320 (fiP 2800 NA 270 @ 2600 12.8 139.7x 104.7 8 Capitol 175.2 87.6 99.1 1259
(785) (51/2 x4y8) 2.05:1 (69) (34 1/2) (39) (2775)

HR-175-M NA NA 140 @ 1800 12.2 130.2x 152.4 6 Twin Disc 209.5 123.1 82.5 1551
(743) (51/8 x6) 3.83:1 (82 15/32) (48 15/32) (32 1/2) (3420)

NH-250-M 210 (Íp 2100 200 dP 1800 190 @ 1800 14.0 139.7x 152.4 6 Twin Disc 209.5 138.4 87.0 1583
(855) (51/2 X 6) 4.5:1 (82 15/32) (541/2) (34 1/4) (3490)

NT-335-M 285 (Ói> 2100 265 (£p 1800 235 @ 1800 14.0 139.7 x152.4 6 Capitol 218.0 118.9 89.2 1803
(855) (51/2 X 6) 4.55:1 (85 2732) (46 2732) (35 1/8) (3975)

NT-380-M 320 (Ó& 2300 300 íí> 2000 253 @ 2000 14.0 139.7 x152.4 6 Capitol 218.0 118.9 89.2 1803
(855) (51/2 X 6) 4.55:1 (85 2732) (46 2732) (35 1/8) (3975)

V12-500-M 425 íD 2100 400 (5í 1800 370 @ 1800 28.0 139.7x152.4 12 Twin Disc 240.6 178.2 124.9 3166
(1710) x6)
(51/2 4.13:1 (94 23/32) (70 3/16) (49 3/16) (6980)

VT12-635-M 540 (çp 2100 490 (<S 1800 435 @ 1800 28.0 139.7x 152.4 12 Twin Disc 278.8 167.0 129.3 3624
(1710) (51/2 X 6) 4.08:1 (10925/32) (65 3/4) (50 29/32) (7990)

VT12-700-M 595 {£p 2100 545 í? 1800 480 @ 1800 28.0 139.7x 152.4 12 Twin Disc 278.8 167.0 129.3 3683
(1710) X 6)
(51/2 4.08:1 (109 25/32) (65 3/4) (50 29/32) (8120)

VT12-800-M 680 (cp 2100 620 a? 1800 550 @ 1800 28.0 139.7x 152.4 12 Twin Disc 278.8 167.0 129.3 3683
(1710) x 6)
(51/2 4.08:1 (10925/32) (65 3/4) (50 29/32) (8120)

NA = Not Applicable

1. 3. raw water pump, reverse and reduction

Light Duty rating is intended for Heavy Duty rating is intended for heavy gear, electric starting motor and battery
intermittent application of full throttle duty, continuous full throttle operation charging generator, and other
not exceeding 8 hours total in any 24 24 hours a day, such as tow boats, standard accessories.
hour period, such as crew boats and tugs, self-propelled barges, and
charter fishing boats. freighters.
Marine gear listed is design standard
Medium Duty rating is intended for
— many other models and ratios are
commercial fishing applications, with
full throttle operation not exceeding 15 also available.
hours total in any 24 hour period, such Dimensions and weights are based on
as trawlers, seiners, and gill netters. engines equipped with heat exchanger.
Propulsion power:
model and

Fishing boat Woric boat

Cummins proven
workboat/fishing boat
Assisting in Philippine Boat owners everywhere have proven
harbor development Cummins reliability, long life and
programs, the twin tugs economy in the most demanding workboa
"Lllimbon" and "Mariveles"
are each powered by a
and fishing boat applications. They have
Cummins V12 marine found that Cummins dieseis deliver more
diesel. propeller power than engines of
comparable size and weight with lower
operating costs.
Twin 20m (66 ft.) steel tugs, each powerec
by a Cummins V I 2 marine diesel have
been working since 1967 in Philippine
harbor development programs. Christenec
the "Lilimbon" and "IVIarivales", the tugs
are designed for towing barges and
floating equipment such as dredges and
pile drivers. Owned by the Bureau of
Public Works, Republic of the Philippines
The 16.7m (55 ft.) fishing
boat "Strandby" of the tugs have a beam of 5.7m (18 ft. 9 in.)
Hartlepool, England, reports a draft of 2m (7 ft.), and are capable of a
improved catches since 2500-nautical-mile cruising range.
its repower in 1967 with a The 16.7m (55 ft.) wooden fishing boat
Cummins H series marine "Strandby", of Hartlepool, England, was
repowered in 1967 with an H series
Cummins marine diesel. Rated at 110 s.h.p
at 1600 RPM, this engine has proven to
be thoroughly reliable. Since the repowei
the "Strandby" has been fishing regularly '
and has clocked over 4,000 hours on the
engine. Only routine maintenance has
been necessary. Mr. J. Stephenson, owner
and Mr. S. Lyons, captain of the
"Strandby", are very satisfied with theii
Cummins engine, and are more than
Loaded to capacity, the pleased with the boat's improved catches
20m (66 ft.) anchovy seiner since repowering.
"Dalmacia" heads back to
its Chilean port under The "Dalmacia", an anchovy trawler, and
dependable Cummins the "Gringo" a combination seiner/trawler,
power. (Photo courtesy of are both part of a very large Cummins
MARCO). powered fishing fleet operating out
of southern Chile. Built by Marco Chilena
Shipyard, in Iquique, Chile, these boats
have been very successful. Mr. Darrell
H. Jorgenson, Jr., Fleet Manager for
Marco Chilena in the early 1960's recently
commented: "The Marco Chilena fleet
found the Cummins V12-500-M engine
the most dependable and operationally
economical engine in that horsepower
range. In a two year period of operation
we never had to pull a cylinder head
Operating out of Chile,
the Cummins powered
nor any major component on a group
seiner/trawler "Gringo" of twelve engines."
holds a production record
for landing over 11,000
Cummins is also well represented in the
metric tons of hake in one Chilean fleet by a number of NT-380-M
year (Photo courtesy of dieseis Installed in 20m (66 ft.) fishing
MARCO). vessels, and a variety of U. S. built
seiners repowered with Cummins dieseis.
Summins engines- have also proven One of several V-470-M
themselves in light-duty commercial powered Trinity House pilot
launches now in service in
applications as crew boats, ferry boats, U. K. ports.
fire boats and pilot cutters.
The United Kingdom's Trinity House
Service now has three launches powered
by twin Cummins V-470-M engines,
with additional Cummins powered craft
under construction. Trinity House offers
a pilot service In all U. K. ports, providing
high performance launches to transport
pilots from shore to ship and ship to
shore, even under extremely inclement
weather conditions.
Many Cummins V8 dieseis are now
operating in fire boats in the Japanese
port cities of Kobe, Osaka, Chiba, Sakai
and Kawasaki. Cummins versatility in Powered by twin VT8-370-M
Cummins dieseis, this
these applications is proven by the fact
17.5 m (571/2 ft.) fire boat
that Osaka's twin diesel powered 52 ¡S at work at the Chiba Fire
ton fire boat is of catamaran twin hull Station, Chiba, Japan.
design. In other areas of the Far East,
such as Thailand and Korea, Cummins
marine dieseis are becoming increasingly
popular as shown by those countries'

ecent purchases of a number of Cummins
lowered custom patrol boats.
Three Cummins VT12-700-M diesel
engines power the 46.3m (152 ft.) ferry
boat "Viva Pena Francia IV" operating in
the Philippines. Mr. Domingo Reyes, owner
of the Viva Shipping Company, reports
that repowering several of his boats
with Cummins dieseis has increased The "Viva Pena Francia
speeds considerably and that operation IV", a ferry boat operating
has been continuous and trouble-free. in the Philippines, is
An unusual, but very successful powered by three Cummins
VT12-700-M engines.
application of Cummins marine engines
has been in hovercraft. A good example
is the Cummins powered MM 2 hovercraft
built by Hovermarine Ltd. This vessel is
now in use by British Railways on
their "Seaspeed" transport service
between Portsmouth, England, and Ryde,
Isle of Wight. The Hovercraft, an
immersed sidewall type, is powered by
three Cummins V engines. It has cut
the normal 24 minute trip to 12 minutes,
and carries 65 passengers at speeds of
up to 35 knots.
The HM 2, one of
Reports such as these show why boat Hovermarlne's immersed
owners around the world look to Cummins sidewall type hovercraft,
proven power for their workboats and uses three Cummins V
fishing boats. Contact your Cummins series marine engines to
transport passengers
distributor for complete details on between Portsmouth,
installing Cummins dieseis in your England and Ryde, Isle
particular marine application. of Wight.
generator sets

mw J

i. 7


50 Hertz — 60 Hertz — 50 Hertz — 60 Hertz —
0.8 Power Factor 0.8 Power Factor 0.8 Power Factor 0.8 Power Factor
NH-4-GC/GS 45 ÍD 1500 50 @ 1800 50 @ 1500 60 @ 1800
NHC-4-GC/GS 50 (ce 1500 60 @ 1800 60 @ 1500 75 @ 1800
HR-6-GC/GS 65 aD 1500 75 @ 1800 85 @ 1500 100 @ 1800
NH-220-GC/GS 85 (cD 1500 100 @ 1800 100 @ 1500 125 @ 1800
NT-270-GC/GS 100 Íí) 1500 125 @ 1800 125 @ 1500 150 @ 1800
NT-310-GC/GS 125 aS 1500 150 @ 1800 150 @ 1500 175 @ 1800
NT-335-GC/GS 150 (Ê0 1500 175 @ 1800 165 @ 1500 200 @ 1800
NT-400-GC/GS 170 aV 1500 200 @ 1800 190 @ 1500 230 @ 1800
V12-500-GC/GS 210 (ÍD 1500 250 @ 1800 250 @ 1500 300 @ 1800
VT12-635-GC/GS 250 (!Ç 1500 300 @ 1800 300 @ 1500 350 @ 1800
VT12-700-GC/GS 300 (ÍV 1500 350 @ 1800 335 @ 1500 400 @ 1800
VT12-800-GC/GS 330 ÍÇ 1500 400 @ 1800 370 @ 1500 450 @ 1800

Cummins marine generator sets from 45 Engines, generators, and accessory For additional information on generator
to 450 KW are available to provide equipment are available to meet American sets to match specific requirements,
dependable prime power and auxiliary Bureau of Shipping, Lloyd's, and other contact your Cummins Distributor,
power for ships services. classification agency specifications. Other
These reliable units are designed for heat certification tests may be conducted at
exchanger, keel, or radiator cooling. Cummins factory.
I world wide
• Distributors
Rpginnnl Otiices
to Manufticluring Operjiions

Over 300 Cummins distributors and their Cummins Marine Warranty

branches plus over 150 authorized Cummins 3600 hour or two year warranty,
Cummins IVIarine Dealers provide complete the most liberal available, gives protection
service and maintain parts inventories against defects in workmanship and
at all points of the compass. materials. This warranty covers
Wherever Cummins customers go, they replacement of defective parts and certain
will find competent, highly trained labor costs. Cummins distributors can
Cummins mechanics and complete provide additional details.
inventories of Genuine Cummins Parts.
This service availability minimizes
downtime and eliminates fleet owners'
need for expensive service tools and
parts inventories.
Many naval architects throughout the
world base their designs on the use of
Cummins power because of on-the-spot
technical assistance from Cummins
Cummins is an international company
in manufacturing as well as in service
and distribution. In addition to five
factories in the United States,
manufacturing plants in Australia, the
United Kingdom, India, Japan, and Mexico
also produce Cummins engines and/or
parts. All Cummins products are built to
the same precise specifications and
assure perfect fit and equal quality
wherever they are purchased.

Cummins Engine Company, Inc., Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A. 47201 i
Cummins Americas, Inc., Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A. 47201
CUMMINS Cummins Diesel Australia, Ringwood, Australia
Cummins Diesel International Ltd.
Cummins Engine Company Ltd., London, England

mmins is the first choice of diesel power selected by large num- Cummins est la puissance Diesel sur laquelle se porte le premier
's of equipment operators around the world. More than 400 manu- choix de masses de gens qui manoeuvrent des équipements dans le
turers offer dependable Cummins diesel engines in over 1,700 monde entier. Plus de 400 fabricants off rent dans plus de 1.700
jipment models. Covering a broad range of applications, Cummins modèles d'équipement, des modèles de moteurs Diesel qui méritent
/vered equipment is available in nearly every country. entière confiance. C o u v r a n t une large g a m m e d ' a p p l i c a t i o n s ,
s wide acceptance has been achieved because Cummins delivers l'équipement a c t i o n n é par les m o t e u r s Cummins est offert à la
the reliability, economy, and top performance that you expect clientele dans presque tous íes pays.
m the world's largest independent diesel engine manufacturer, Cummins s'est imposé dans un marché s'élargissant sans cesse
er fifty years of diesel research and engineering have made this parce qu'il fournit des moteurs diesel d'une fiabilité, d'une économie
ssible. Cummins has pioneered the diesel from its early begin- et d'un rendement supérieur tels qu'on ne peut s'attendre à trouver
gs as a bulky, stationary engine, to a versatile, compact power ces qualités au degré le plus élevé que dans les moteurs fabriqués
jrce applicable to almost any type of equipment. par le fabricant indépendant, le plus grand du monde. Cummins a
développé depuis ses débuts le diesel qui était alors un moteur fixe
mmins dieseis are produced in seven manufacturing plants stra- encombrant et en a fait une source de puissance, universelle, com-
lically located around the world. These facilities maintain the pacte, applicable à presque n'importe quel type d'équipement.
hest possible standards of quality, matched with modern, highly
icient production techniques. No matter where a Cummins' diesel Les dieseis Cummins sont fabriqués dans sept usines, érigées à des
jroduced, you can place solid confidence in its reliability, econo- emplacemeats stratégiques, dans le monde entier. Ces usines fabri-
,and performance. You are assured that the same stringent stand- quent des moteurs de la qualité la plus élevée en appliquant des
Is of quality control apply to every Cummins engine produced. techniques modernos de production efficientes au plus haut degré.
Peu importe l'endroit oü un diesel Cummins est f a b r i q u é . Vous
mmins supports its products with the finest sales and service pouvez toujours avoir la plus grande confiance dans ses qualités :
work in the industry. Spanning the globe, this network is ready fiabilité, économie et rendement. Vous serez assuré que chaqué
serve its customers anywhere in the world with competent, relia- diesel fabriqué subit partout le méme controle sévére de qualité.
' service. In addition, Cummins distributors maintain large parts
entories to ensure prompt parts delivery should you need them. Cummins "soutient" ses produitsen mettantau service de l'industrie
un réseau de vente et de s e r v i c e aprés v e n t e m i n u t i e u s e m e n t
organisé. Ce réseau qui s'étend au monde entier est prét à servir
partout la clientéle qui se fie à lui pour obtenir le concours de spé-
cialistes compétents, méritant entiére confiance. Les distributeurs
Cummins tiennent en outre en permanence des stocks considéra-
bles de pièces de rechange pour vous servir rapidement si vous
avez besoin de telles piéces.


• zahireiche Industrieausrüstungen auf der ganzen Weit sind Cummins es la primera elección de potencia diesel que hacen un
nmins-Diesel-motoren erste WahI. Mehr ais 400 Herstellerfirmen gran número de operadores de equipo en todo el mundo. Más de
wenden Cummins-Diesel-motoren in über 1700 Aniagetypen. 400 fabricantes ofrecen los confiables motores Cummins diesel en
Cummins-Motoren ausgerüstete Maschinen sind fast in jedem más de 1,700 modelos de equipo. El equipo con potencia Cummins,
id anzutreffen, da Cummins einen weiten Bereich der verschie- que abarca una amplia gama de aplicaciones, está disponible casi
isten Bedarfsfálle deckt. en todos los países.
!ses uneingeschránkte. Vertrauen wurde erreicht, weil Cummins Esta gran aceptación se ha logrado porque Cummins le proporciona
eZuverlassigkeit, Wirtschaftlichkeitund hõchste Leistung bietet, toda la confiabilidad, economía y máximo rendimiento que usted
Iche man von dem groBten unabhángigen Dieselmotorenherstel- espera del fabricante independiente de motores diesel más grande
der Welt erwartet. Dies ist das Ergebnis von mehr als fünfzigjâh- del mundo. Más de cincuenta años de investigaciones y de ingenie-
3r Forschungs- und K o n s t r u k t i o n s e r f a h r u n g . C u m m i n s hat ría con diesel, han hecho esto posible. Cummins ha sido el precursor
nierarbeit geleistet in der Entwicklung des anfânglich sperrigen, en diesel, desde sus comienzos como un voluminoso motor esta-
Deweglichen Dieselmotors zu einer vielseitigen und kompakten cionario, hasta una planta motriz versátil, compacta, aplicable a
triebsquelle mit nahezu unbeschránkter Einsatzfâhigkeit in alien casi cualquier tipo de equipo.
glichen Maschinen- und Aniagentypen. Los diesel Cummins se producen en siete plantas manufactureras
Timins-Dieselmotoren werden in sieben verschiedenen Produk- ubicadas estratégicamente alrededor del mundo. Estas instalaciones
isstátten gebaut, die sich auf klug gewâhite Standorte um die mantienen las más elevadas normas de calidad, en combinación
ize Welt verteilen. Diese gewáhrieisten die Einhaltung hochster con técnicas de producción modernas y altamente eficientes. No
alitatsnormen bei gleichzeitigem Einsatz modernster Fertigungs- importa dónde haya sido fabricado un diesel Cummins; usted puede
thoden. Aus welchem Werk Ihr Cummins-Diesel auch kommen confiar plenamente en su confiabilidad, economia y rendimiento.
g, stets konnen Sie u n e i n g e s c h r a n k t e s Vertrauen in seine Usted tiene la seguridad de que en cada motor Cummins que se
/eriássigkeit, Wirtschaftlichkeit un L e i s t u n g s f a h i g k e i t haben. produce, se aplican las mismas e s t r i c t a s normas de c o n t r o l de
I konnen sich darauf verlassen, da3 die gleichen strengen calidad.
nahmebedingungen überall und auf j e d e n C u m m i n s - M o t o r Cummins respalda sus p r o d u c t o s con la más destacada red de
jewendet werden. ventas y servicio en la industria. Esta red, que abarca todo el globo,
mmins bietet fur seine Erzeugnisse die beste Kundendienstor- está presta a servir a sus clientes en cualquier lugar del mundo
lisation in der Branche. Dieses weltumspannende Netz ist in der dándoles atención competente y confiable. Además, los distribui-
je, dem Kunden in jedem Land stets fachmánnische und zuver- dores Cummins m a n t i e n e n a m p l i o s i n v e n t a r i o s de piezas de
sige D i e n s t e zu leisten. H i n z u k o m m t , da3 die C u m m i n s - repuesto para asegurar entrega rápida de ellas, si usted llegase
jShandler einen umfangreichen Ersatzteilbestand führen, damit a necesitadas.
I im Bedarfsfall prompt beliefert werden konnen.

engine is better than Its design. iVIore than fifty years of experi- Aucun moteur n'est meilleur que son modèle. Plus de 50 ans d'ex-
;e in building diesel engines have enabled Cummins to develop périence dans la construction des dieseis ont permis à Cummins de
sign features unexcelled in dependability, efficiency, and econo- mettreau point des modèles dent la fiabilité, le rendementet l'écon-
These features ensure superior engine performance in any omie n'ont jamais été surpassés. Aussi le rendement du moteur est
Dlication. s u p é r i e u r à c e l u i de ses c o n c u r r e n t s dans n ' i m p o r t e q u e l l e
Internal fuel lines.
Large intake and exhaust passages. 1. Conduites intérieures de combustible.
Open type combustion chamber. 2. Grandes ouvertures de passage àradmlssion et ál'échappement.
Cam ground pistons. 3. Chambre de combustion de type ouvert.
Fully counterweighted crankshaft. 4. Pistons rectifiés, légèrement ovalisés.
Replaceable wet-type cylinder liners. 5. Vilebrequin parfaitement équilibré par des contre poids.
Dual overhead intake and exhaust valves. 6. Chemises de cylindre, remplaçables, de type humide.
Induction hardened valve train, camshaft and crankshaft journals. 7. Soupapes jumelles d'admission et d'échappement en tête.
High tensile strength connecting rods. 8. Jeu de soupapes, v i l e b r e q u i n et t o u r i l l o n s de vilebrequin,
Large volume water passages. trempés au four à induction.
Big displacement for lower internal pressures and longer en- 9. Bielles motrices à résistance élevée à la traction.
gine life. 10. Ouvertures de passage pour grands volumes d'eau.
Cummins exclusive PT fuel system. 11. Grande cylindrée, pressione intérieures plus faibles et durée
plus longue du moteur en service.
12. Système d'alimentation en combustible "pression-temps" (ex-
clusivité de la firme Cummins).


Ningún motor es mejor que su diseño. Más de cincuenta años de
experiencia construyendo m o t o r e s d i e s e l le han p e r m i t i d o a
1 Motor ist so gut wie die ihm zugrundeliegende Konstruktion. Cummins desarrollar características de diseno insuperables en ma-
if der Grundiage einer mehr ais fünfzigjáhrigen Erfahrung im Bau teria de confiabilidad, eficiencia y economía. Estas características
n Dieselmotoren hat Cummins eine Koristruktion entwickelt, die aseguran un superior rendimiento del motor en cualquiera aplica-
ihrer Zuverlâssigkeit, Leistung und Wirtschaftiichkeit unübertrof- ción.
1 ist. Diese Konstruktionsmerkmale garantieren beste Motoren- 1. Tuberías internas para combustible.
stung in jedem Einsatz. 2. Grandes conductos para admisión y escape.
. Innengeführte Kraftstoffieitungen. 3. Cámara de combustión de tipo abierto.
. Gro8 bemessene Ansaug- und Auspuffoffnungen. 4. Pistones pulidos excéntricos.
. Offener Verbrennungsraum. 5. Cigüeñal totalmente contrapesado.
. Leicht oval geschiiffener Kolben. 6. Camisas de cilindros, tipo'húmedo, reemplazables.
. Voll ausgewuchtete Kurbelweile. 7. Dobles válvulas de admisión y escape, en la culata.
. Auswechselbare, nasse Zylinderlaufbüchsen. 8. Mecanismo de válvulas, árbol de levas y muñones del cigüeñal,
. Obengesteuerte doppelte EinlalJ- und AuslaRdoppelventile. endurecidos por inducción.
. Ventile, Nockenweilen- Kurbelweilen und Kurbelweilenzapfen 9. Bielas de alta resistencia tensil.
einsatzgehártet. 10. Conductos para gran volumen de paso de agua.
. Pleuelstangen hoher Zugfestigkeit. 11. Gran cilindrada para menores presiones internas y mayor dura-
. Reichiich bemessene WasserdurchfluBõffnungen. ción del motor.
. Grower Verdrángungsraum, daher niedrigere Innendrücke und 12. El exclusivo sistema de combustible Cummins PT.
lángere Lebensdauer des Motors.
. Dazu die exklusive Cummins PT Kraftstoffanlage.

Pressure Time
Pressure of the fuel in the engine's operating range is controlled by Mechanically actuated and timed by the engine's camshaft, th
the operator through a simple throttle. A mechanical fly-ball type injector plunger regulates the amount of fuel entering the injectt
governor regulates the pressure at idling speed, at governed speed cup and then forces the fuel charge into the combustion chamb(
and at all speeds when operating under full power conditions. The as an extremely fine spray at the predetermined piston position thi
governor compensates for pump wear and for fuel viscosity. gives maximum efficiency and power.

F O N C T I O N N E M E N T D U S Y S T E M E PT C U M M I N S D ' A U M E N T A T I O N E N C O M B U S T I B L E

Pression Temps
La pression du combustible dans la gamme des regimes de fonction- Le plongeur de l'injecteur est actionné mécaniquement et régl'
nement du moteur est réglée par l'opérateur par un simple étrang- dans le temps par l'arbre à cames du moteur. II régle la quantit
leur. Un régulateur mécanique due type à boules règie la pression de combustible, entrant dans le bol de l'injecteur et force ensuit
à la Vitesse à vide, à la vitesse réglée par le régulateur et à toutes la charge de combustible à entrer dans la chambre de combustio
les vitesses lorsque le moteur fonctionne à pleine puissance. Ce sous la forme d'un liquide, pulvérisé d'une manière extrêmemer
régulateur compense I'usure de la pompe et la viscosité du com- fine, cette introduction s'effectuant dans une position prédéterminéi
bustible. du piston, telle que la puissance et le rendement du moteur soier


Druck Zeit
Der Druck des Kraftstoffes wird im Rahmen des Arbeitsbereiches Der Tauchkolben des Injektors wird über die Motornockenwell
des Motors vom Fahrer mittels eines einfachen Gashebels geregelt. mechanisch betátigt und gesteuert, wobei er die in die Injekto
Die Einstellung des Druckes für Leerlaufdrehzahl, Regeldrehzahl kammer gelangende Kraftstoffmenge d o s i e r t und anschlieBen
sowie in alien Drehzahlbereichen unter Last erfolgt durch einen diesen Kraftstoff als einen auBerst feinen Sprühnebel in den Ve
Fliehkraftregler. Dabei gleicht dieser Regler auch Schwankungen brennungsraum drückt, und zwar genau bei einer ganz bestimmte
i n f o l g e P u m p e n v e r s c h l e i B u n d u n t e r s c h i e d l i c h e r Kraftstoff- Motorkolbenstellung, so daB e i n HõchstmaB an Leistung un
viskositât aus. Wirkung zustandekommt.


Presión Tiempo
La presión del combustible en la gama de funcionamiento del motor El émbolo del inyector que es accionado y sincronizado mecánici
es controlada por el operador mediante un sencillo acelerador. Un mente por el árbol de levas del motor, regula la cantidad de con
gobernadçr mecánico, del tipo de contrapesos, regula la presión en bustible que entra a la copa del inyector y, luego, expulsa la care
marcha mínima, a velocidad gobernada y a todas las velocidades de combustible hacia la cámara de combustión como una atomizi
cuando se trabaja en condiciones de plena potencia. El gobernador ción sumamente fina, en la posición predeterminada del pistón qu
compensa el desgaste de la bomba y la viscosidad del combustible. produzca máximas eficiencia y potencia.
3 Cummins PT fuel system is a well proven, efficient, and simple
thod of fuel m e t e r i n g and i n j e c t i o n . D e s i g n e d and b u i l t by Le système PT Cummins d'alimentation en combustible (pression-
mmins for Cummins engines, it assure accurate fuel metering, temps) est efficace et a fait ses preuves. C'est un moyen bien simple
h pressure injection yet low pressure fuel lines, and controlled d'injection et de mesurage de la consommation de combustible.
3Ctor timing.
Puisque la système PT d'alimentation en combustible est fait ex-
oause the PT fuel system is made exclusively- for Cummins clusivement pour les dieseis Cummins vous pouvez être sur que ce
sels, you can be assured of perfect coordination between fuel système d'alimentation convient parfaitement à ees moteurs. II en
tem and engine. This results in low maintenance costs, ease of résulte des avantages importants : frais d'entretien três réduits,
vice, excellent fuel economy, and outstanding performance, even facilité de service, èconomies intéressantes dans la consommation
low grade diesel fuels. de combustible et rendement supérieur même si l'on utilise des
umber of excellent design features contribute to the success of huiles combustibles diesel de qualité infèrieure.
Cummins PT fuel system: Le succès du système PT Cummins d'alimentation en combustible
The PT fuel pump does not require timing to the engine, thus est du aux excellentes caractéristiques de ce modéle de système
saving complicated and frequent maintenance. Self-adjusting for d'alimentation.
(vear, it can operate for extremely long periods of time without 1. La pompe du système PT d'alimentation en combustible n'a pas
ecalibration. besoin d'étre réglée'surle moteur. On s'économise ainsi un entre-
The PT fuel system governor is self-compensating for fuel vis- tien compliqué et fréquent. A l'égard de l'usure elle est auto-
:osity. This means that equal line pressure can be maintained ajustable et peut fonctionner pendant des périodes de temps
5ven with heavy, low grade diesel fuels. Recalibration is never extrémement longues sans recalibrage du cylindre.
lecessary when changing from one fuel grade to another. Horse- 2. Le régulateur du système PT Cummins d'alimentation en com-
jower varies only slightly depending upon the heating value bustible est autocompensateur de la viscosité du combustible
BTU/lb.) of the fuel. liquide. II est ainsi possible de maintenir dans les conduites une
Although there are several types of PT injectors, they all have the pression toujours égale mème si l'on utilise des huiles combusti-
same basic function and utilize a fixed size opening for simple, blesdiesel lourdes de qualité infèrieure. II ne faut jamais recalibrer
/et efficient operation. Being mechanically operated, they always le cylindre si l'on passe d'une qualité de combustible à une autre.
Tieasure the exact amount of fuel and inject it at precisely the La puissance varie alors légèrement, cette variation ne dépendant
right time for maximum fuel economy and smooth operation. que du pouvoir calorifique (BTU/lb.) du combustible.
3. Bien qu'il y ait plusieurs types d'injecteurs PT, lis ont tous en
principe la même fonction et ont une ouverture de dimension fixe
pour fonctionner d'une manière simple et efficiente. Manoeuvrés
mécaniquement, lis mesurent toujours la quantité exacte de com-
bustible nécessaire, et I'injectent précisément au moment qui
convient pour que le moteur fonctionne en douceur et que l'éco-
nomie réalisée dans la consommation du combustible soit maxi-


i den Cummins PT Kraftstoffanlagen handelt es sich um eine El sistema de combustible Cummins PT es un método bien compro-
enso bewâhrte wie z u v e r i ã s s i g e und e i n f a c h e M e t h o d e der bado, eficiente y sencillo, para la medición y la inyección del com-
jftstoffzumessung und -einspritzung. Von Cummins eigens für bustible. Diseñado y c o n s t r u i d o por Cummins para los motores
mmins-Motoren konstruiert und gebaut, gewahrleistet dieses Cummins, asegura una m e d i c i ó n e x a c t a del combustible y su
stem genaue K r a f t s t o f f d o s j e r u n g , h o h e n E i n s p r i t z d r u c k bei inyección a alta presión, pero con tuberías para baja presión así
idrigem Leitungsdruck und genau gesteuerten Einspritzzeitpunkt. como sincronización controlada para los inyectores.
en well die PT Kraftstoffanlagen ausschlieBlich für Cummins- Debido a que el sistema de combustible PT está hecho exclusiva-
jselmotoren gebaut werden, konnen Sie sich auf hundertprozen- mente para los diesel Cummins, usted puede tener la seguridad de
e Abstimmung der Kraftstoffanlage auf den Motor verlassen. Das una perfecta coordinación entre el sistema de c o m b u s t i b l e y el
jebnis sind niedrigere U n t e r h a l t u n g s k o s t e n sowie einfache motor. Esto da por resultado bajos costos de mantenimiento, facili-
rchführung der Wartung, hervorragende Kraftstoffwirtschaftlich- dad de servicio, excelente economía de c o m b u s t i b l e y notable
t und hõchste Leistung selbst bei geringwertigen Dieselkrafts- rendimiento, incluso con combustibles diesel de baja calidad.
Un buen número de excelentes c a r a c t e r í s t i c a s de d i s e ñ o c o n -
r Erfolg der Cummins PT Kraftstoffanlagen erklart sich aus einer tribuyen al éxito del sistema de combustible Cummins PT:
ihe technischer Besonderheiten: 1. La bomba PT no requiere sincronización con el motor, ahorrando
Die PT Kraftstoffpumpe bedarf keiner Einstellung auf den Motor, asi un mantenimiento frecuente y complicado. Se ajusta auto-
erspart also k o m p l i z i e r t e und h a u f i g e Wartung. Da sie sich máticamente de a c u e r d o c o n el desgaste, por lo que puede
auSerdem selbsttatig auf VerschleiS einregelt, kann sie über sehr funcionar por periodos extremadamente largos sin recalibrarla.
lange Zeit ohne Nachstellung betrieben werden. 2. El g o b e r n a d o r del sistema de c o m b u s t i b l e PT es de auto-
Der Regler der PT Kraftstoffanlage gleicht Schwankungen in der compensación según la viscosidad del combustible. Esto significa
Kraftstoffviskositàt selbsttatig aus. Das bedeutet, daB der Druck que se puede mantener igual la presión en las tuberías incluso
in den Kraftstoffleitungen selbst bei schwerem, geringwertigem con combustibles diesel pesados y de baja calidad. Nunca se
Dieselkraftstoff konstant gehalten werden kann. Beim Wechsein necesita la recalibración al cambiar de un grado de combustible
k/on einer Kraftstoffqualitat auf eine andere ist keinerlei Nach- a otro. El caballaje varia muy ligeramente, dependiendo del valor
stellung erforderlich. Die PS-Leistung schwankt nur geringfügig termal (Cal./kilo o BTU/libra) del combustible.
¡e nach Heizwert (Kcal) des Kraftstoffes, 3. Aunque hay varios tipos de inyectores PT, todos tienen la misma
Obwohl es verschiedene PT Injektortypen gibt, sind sich diese in función básica y utilizan un orificio de tamaño fijo para un funcio-
ihrem Prinzip gleich und weisen im Interesse einfacher und den- namiento sencillo aunque muy eficiente. Como son accionados
noch zuverlassigerWirkungsweise eine unveránderliche Bohrung mecánicamente, siempre miden la cantidad exacta de combusti-
auf. Da sie mechanisch betátigt werden, dosieren sie stets die ble y la inyectan precisamente en el momento adecuado para
richtige Menge Kraftstoff und spritzen diese im richtigen Augen- lograr máxima economía de combustible y funcionamiento suave.
blick ein, so da3 sparsamster Kraftstoffverbrauch und einwand-
freier Motorenlauf gewahrleistet sind.

Cummins • Distributor Headquarters c Regional Offices and Cummins • quartiers généraux de distribution • Les offices
i l f e IVIanufacturing Facilities are strategically located around régionauxet driH les usines sont repartís dans le monde à des
the world. In addition, International branches and dealers com- emplacements stratégiques. En outre les succursales interna
bined with U.S. and Canada outlets provide a total of over 2,000 tionales et les éstablissements de distributeurs en liaison avec les
support locations. Etats-Unis et le Canada fournissent un total de plus de 2000 points
d'appui commerciaux.
¡ummins • GroBhándIerzentralen • Zweigniederlassungen und Cummins • Distribuidores • Oficinas Regionales y a f e Plantas
J f l I Produktionsbetriebe sind stratagisehen über die ganze Manufactureras, están situadas estratégicamente en todo el
iíelt verteilt. AuBerdem Werksvertretungen in den USA und mundo. Además, las sucursales y distribuidores de la División
:anada zusammen mit Auslandsvertretungen und Hándiern erge- Internacional, combinados con los de Estados Unidos y Canadá,
en insgesamt mehr ais 2000 Stützpunkte. ofrecen un total de más de 2,000 lugares para obtener piezas y
d e p e n d a b i l i t y , fuel economy, minimum maintenance and long en-
H n e life have made Cummins' automotive dieseis a top choice of
^ K c k and bus manufacturers around the world. In the United States, La fiabilité, l'économie réalisée dans la consommation de combusti-
Wor example, every major truck producer now offers Cummins power. ble, léntretien réduit au minimum et la longue durée en service
des dieseis, placés sur les véhicules automobiles, ont fait que dans
Cummins complete line of on-highway engines provide maximum le monde entier les fabricants de camions et d'autobus se sont
flexibility for both high speed and stop-and-go driving. They match littéralement rués sur ees moteurs. Aux Etats-Unis par exemple tout
a wide variety of applications, from buses to short haul vans to fabricant un peu important de camions offre actuellement à sa
intercity tractors. clientèle, de la puissance Cummins.
In recent years, Cummins custom rated engines have become very La gamme Cummins complète de moteurs pour véhicules automo-
popular as original equipment in heavy-duty trucks and in large biles circulant sur les autoroutes est d'une souplesse maximale
intercity buses. The custom rating concept allows horsepower to parce qu'elle permet la circulation à grande vitesse et celle à arrêts
be increased or decreased to match varying gross vehicle weights fréquents sur les routes. Elle peut s'utiliser dans une large variété
by simply changing a button in the PT fuel pump. Three in-line d'applications : autobus, camionnettes et tracteurs interurbains.
dieseis and one V diesel are available with custom rating, and cover
range of 225 to 335 horsepower Ces dernières années, les moteurs Cummins, construits suivant des
spécifications particulières, sont devenus trés populaires comme
Cummins small v dieseis, from 140 to 210 horsepower are as rugged équipement original des camions du type "poids lourds" et des
as their larger, in-line counterparts. The small v's have been estab- grands autobus interurbains. L'idée de construiré des moteurs
^lished worldwide as ideal diesel power for all types of medium duty Cummins suivant des spécifications particulières permet d'augmen-
J"trucks. Their reputation among bus fleet operators as outstanding ter la puissance en CV ou de la diminuer pour adapter cellerci aux
power has made them a first choice of many of the world's bus poids bruts variables des véhicules, en changeant tout simplément
manufacturers. These engines offer dependability to meet schedules la position d'un bouton dans la pompe PT d'alimentation en com-
plus excellent economy and performance in either city traffic or high bustible. Cette idée a été appliquée à 3 dieseis en ligne et à un diesel
speed expressway driving. en V dans lesquelles la puissance développée peut varier de 225
à 335 CV.
Cummins wide range of power means that manufacturers can offer
several engine options to meet nearly every customer power Les petits dieseis Cummins en V de puissance variant entre 140 et
demand. 210 CV sont aussi robustes que leurs collègues plus grands, en ligne.
Les petits moteurs en V se sont imposés dans le monde comme
étant la source de puissance idéale pour tous les types de camions,
effectuant un service intermédiaire entre le service léger et le
service lourd. Leur réputation parmi les gérants de grands pares
d'autobus, chez qui ils sont trés appréciés à cause de leur puissance,
a fait que dans le monde entier le choix des fabricants d'autobus
s'est porté sur eux en premier lieu, lis offrent des avantages trés
importants : Fiabilité extréme dans le respect des horaires, éco-
nomie importante de combustible et rendement élevé sur les
véhicules automobiles, dans la circulation urbaine ou dans la circu-
lation à grande vitesse sur autoroutes.


Zuverlâssigkeit, sparsamer Kraftstoffverbrauch, geringe Wartung Confiabilidad, economia de combustible, mínimo mantenimiento y
und lange Lebensdauer, dies sind die Tatsachen, auf denen sich die una larga vida del motor, han hecho que los Cummins diesel auto-
Vorrangstellung des Cummins-Dieselmotors bei LKW- und Omnibus- motrices sean los preferidos por los fabricantes de camiones y
produzenten auf der ganzen Welt gründet. In den USA zum Beispiel autobuses en todo el mundo. En Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, todos
verwendet jedes gro3e LKW-Werk nunmehr Cummins-Diesel- los productores importantes de camiones ya ofrecen potencia
motoren. Cummins.
Mit seiner reichen Auswahl an Motoren für den StraBenverkehr La completa línea Cummins de motores para uso en carretera, pro-
bietet Cummins hõchste Anpassungsf àhigkeit im schnelien Über- porciona la máxima flexibilidad para manejo tanto a alta velocidad
landverkehr wie auch im Anhalterverkehr. Für jeden Bedarfsfall, como entre el tránsito. Se adaptan a una amplia variedad de aplica-
vom Bus bis zum Lieferrnahverkehr und Stãdte-Sattelschlepper- ciones que van desde autobuses hasta camiones de caja para
verkehr ist der entsprechende Motor greifbar reparto y tractores para servicio interurbano.
In den letzten Jahren erfreuen sich die speziell nach individuelien En años recientes, los motores Cummins de potencia seleccionada,
f. Kundenanforderungen auszulegenden Cummins-Motoren immer se han hecho muy populares como equipo original en camiones
grõRerer Beliebtheit ais Erstausrüstung bei schweren LKW und in para trabajo pesado y en autobuses grandes para servicio en ca-
groBen Schnellbussen. Das Prinzip der individuelien Abstufung rretera. El concepto de la potencia seleccionada permite aumentar
ermõglicht es, die PS-Leistung je nach unterschiediichen zGG- o disminuir el caballaje para adaptarlo a pesos vehiculares variables,
Grenzen zu erhõhen bzw. zu verringern, und zwar ganz einfach simplemente cambiando un "botón" en la bomba de combustible
"'durch Auswechsein eines Knopfes in der PT Kraftstoffpumpe. Mit PT. Están disponibles tres modelos en linea y un modelo en "V" con
dieser Ausrüstung sind drei Diesel-Reihenmotortypen sowie ein potencia seleccionada, en una gama de 225 a 335 caballos.
Diesel V-Motor im Bereich von 225 bis 335 PS lieferbar. Los Cummins diesel en v, pequeños, de 140 hasta 210 caballos, son
Die kleinsten Cummins V-Motoren, von 140 bis 210 PS, stehen in tan fuertes como sus equivalentes del tipo en línea y de mayor
Robustheit ihren grõBeren Reihen-Verwandten nicht nach. Die tamaño. Los motores en v pequeños, han establecido fama mundial
kleinen V-Diesel haben sich auf der ganzen Welt ais der ideale como la potencia diesel ideal para todos los tipos de camiones para
Dieselmotor für alie Arten von LKW in mitteischwerem Einsatz trabajo mediano. Su reputación entre los operadores de flotillas de
bewáhrt. Ihr Ruf bei den Besitzern von Omnibusparks hat dazu autobuses como un extraordinario motor, los ha convertido en la
geführt, da3 sie von vieien Omnibusherstellern auf der ganzen Welt primera elección de muchos de los fabricantes de autobuses en
bevorzugt werden. Mit diesen zuverlássigen Motoren kann man todas partes. Estos motores ofrecen confiabilidad para cumplir con
Termin- und Fahrpláne einhalten, wobei sie gleichzeitig hervorra- los itinerarios asi como excelentes economía y rendimiento ya sea
gende Wirtschaftlichkeit bei hôchster Leistung bieten, wie man sie entre el tránsito urbano o en el manejo a alta velocidad en las
im Stadtverkehr und Überlandschnellverkehr gleichermaBen autopistas.
^chátzt. La amplia gama de potencia disponible con Cummins, significa que
B u r c h seine reich abgestufte Auswahl sorgt Cummins dafür, da3 cada fabricante puede ofrecer varias opciones de motores para
PferKfz.-HerstellerjeweilsverschiedeneMotortypen seinem Kunden satisfacer prácticamente todas las necesidades de potencia de sus
zurWahl anbieten kann, so daB praktisch jeder individuelle Bedarfs- clientes.
fall erfüllt wird.


Engine HP RPM Displacement Bore and S t r o k e N u m b e r of Aspiration Net Weight

•S.A.E. Cubic Inches Inches Cylinders Pounds
(Litres) (mm) (Kg.)
Moteur CV T/MN Cylindrée Alósage et C o u r s e Nombre de Aspiration Poids Net
Pouces Cubiques Pouces Cylindres Livres
Motor PS U/min. Hubrautn B o h r u n g und H u b AnzahI d e r Ansaugart Nettoge-
Zylinder wicht
Motor HP RPM Cilindrada D i á m e t r o y Carrera Número de Aspiración Peso N e t o
Pulgadas Cúbicas Pulgadas Cilindros Libras

V6-140 140 3300 352 4-5/8x3-1/2 6 Natural 1175

(5.7) (117.5 X 88.9) (533)

V6-155 155 3300 378 4-5/8 X 3-3/4 6 Natural 1195

(6.2) (117.5x95.2) (542)

V8E-170 170 3300 470 4-5/8x3-1/2 8 Natural 1410

(7.7) (117.5 X 88.9) (640)

V8-185 185 3300 470 4-5/8x3-1/2 8 Natural 1410

(7.7) (117.5 x 88.9) (640)

V8-210 210 3300 504 4-5/8 X 3-3/4 8 Natural 1460

(8.2) (117.5 x 95,2) (662)

V6E-195 195 2500 588 5-1/2x4-1/8 6 Natural 1640

(9.6) (139,7 X 104.7) (775)
V6-200 200 2600 588 5-1/2 X 4-1/8 6 Natural 2080
(9.6) (139.7 X 104.7) (943)
V8E-235 235 2400 785 5-1/2x4-1/8 8 Natural 2080
(12.8) (139.7 X 104,7) (943)
V8-265 265 2600 785 5-1/2x4-1/8 8 Natural 2080
(12.8) (139.7 X 104.7) (943)
V-903 320 2600 903 5-1/2 X 4-3/4 8 Natural 2160
(14.8) (139.7 X 120.6) (980)
300 2600 903 5-1/2 X 4-3/4 8 Natural 2160
(14.8) (139,7 X 120.6) (980)
280 2600 903 5-1/2x4-3/4 8 Natural 2160
(14.8) (139.7 X 120.6) (980)
C-160** 160 2500 464 4-7/16 X 5 6 Natural 1600
(7.6) (112.7 X 127.0) (726)
CF-160** 160 2800 464 4-7/16x5 6 Natural 1600
(7.6) (112,7 X 127.0) (726)
C-180 180 2500 464 4-7/16 X 5 6 Supercharged 1660
(7.6) (112.7 X 127.0) (753)
C-190 190 2500 464 4-7/16 X 5 6 Turbocharged 1670
(7.6) (112,7 X 127.0) (757)
NH-200 200 2100 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 2415
(12.2) (130.2 X 152,4) (1096)
NH-220 220 2100 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 2415
(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1096)
NHH-220 220 2100 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 2500
(12.2) (130,2 X 152.4) (1134)

" H o r s e p o w e r at s t a n d a r d S . A . E . c o n d i t i o n s of 5 0 0 ft. (152 m) a l t i t u d e • H o r s e p o w e r g e m ã U S A E - N o r m b e d i n g u n g e n : 152 m H õ h e ü.d.M. u n d

a n d 8 S ° F ( 2 9 . 4 ° C ) air i n t a k e t e m p e r a t u r e . 29.4° C Luftansaugtemperatur.

* * N o t a v a i l a b l e f o r o n - h i g h w a y u s e i n U.S.A. a n d Canada. • • N i c h t e r h ã l t l i c h f u r S t r a B e n v e r k e h r s f a h r z e u g e in U S A u n d Kanada.

• P u i s s a n c e en CV a u x c o n d i t i o n s s t a n d a r d i s é e s S.A.E., a l t i t u d e 5 0 0 • C a b a l l a j e e n c o n d i c i o n e s d e n o r m a S.A.E., d e 6 0 0 pies (152 metros)

p i e d s (152 m) e t t e m p é r a t u r e d ' a d m i s s i o n d e I'air 8 5 ° F ( 2 9 , 4 ' ' C ) . d e a l t u r a y c o n e l a i r e d e a d m i s i ó n a u n a t e m p e r a t u r a d e 8 5 ° F (29.4°C).

* N o n d i s p o n i b l e ( s ) p o u r u t i l i s a t i o n sur les r o u t e s p u b l i q u e s aux Etats- • • N o d i s p o n i b l e para uso en c a r r e t e r a e n U.S.A. y Canadá.

Unis et au Canada.

Engine HP RPM Displacement B o r e and Stroke N u m b e r of Aspiration N e t Weight
Cubic Inches Indies Cylinders Pounds
*S.A.E. (Litres) (mm) (Kg.)
Moteur T/MN Cyiindrée Alésage et Course N o m b r e de Aspiration Poids N e t
CV Pouces Cubiques Pouces Cylindres Livres
Motor U/min. Hubraum Anzahl der Ansaugart Nettoge-
PS Bohrung und H u b
Zylinder wicht
Motor HP RPM Cilindrada Diámetro y Carrera N ú m e r o de Aspiración Peso N e t o
Pulgadas Cúbicas Pulgadas Cilindros Libras

NHD-230 220 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Natural 2430

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1102)

NH-230 230 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Natural 2430

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1102)

NHCT-CT 240 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2510

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1139)

NHC-250 250 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Natural 2460

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1115)

225 2100 855 5-1/2x6 6 Natural 2460

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1115)

NHHTO-6 262 2100 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2605

(12,2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1182)

NHRTO-6 262 2100 743 5-1/8x6 6 Turbocharged 2605

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1182)

NHCT-270 270 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2510

(14.0) . (139.7 X 152.4) (1139)

255 2100 855 5-1/2x6 6 Turbocharged 2510

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1139)

240 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2510

(14.0) (139.7 X 152,4) (1139)

NTC-335 335 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2680

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1216)

320 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2680

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1216)

300 2100 865 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2680

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1216)

280 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2680

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1216)

260 2100 855 5-1/2x6 6 Turbocharged 2680

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1216)

NT-350 350 2100 855 5-1/2x6 6 Turbocharged 2750

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1247)

NT-380** 380 2300 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2710

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1230)

Fire Truck Models Modelle für Feuerlõschfahrzeuge

Modèles de Camions des Services de Protection Contre les Incendies Modelos para Camiones de Bomberos
NHF-240 240 2300 855 5-1/2x6 6 Natural 2430
(14.0) (139.7 x 152.4) (1102)
NHF-265 265 2300 855 5-1/2x6 6 Natural 2460
(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1115)
NHTF-295 295 2300 855 5-1/2x6 6 Turbocharged 2510
(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1139)
NTF-365 365 2300 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2680
(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1216)
VF-903 320 2600 903 5-1/2 X 4-3/4 8 Natural 2160
(14.8) (139.7 X 120.6) (980)




Buses and Coaches omnibusse una lieiseousse

• P H H P I ' Autobus et Cars Autobuses Urbanos e Interurbanos

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Australia Ansair Pty. Ltd. Various City/Tourist Bus V8-185

Essendon, Victoria VB-265
Freighters Ltd. Various City/Tourist Bus V6-200
Adelaide, South Australia
Germany Kaessbohrer Setra Tourist Bus—Seating Capacity—72 V6-200
Mexico Diesel Nacional (DINA) 532 Front Engine Chassis V6-140
Sahagun 533 Front Engine Chassis V8-185
604 Rear Engine Chassis V8-185
319 Inter-City Coach—Seating Cap.—40 NTC-335
Trailers de Monterrey 13 Inter-City Coach—Seating Cap.—41 V8-265
Monterrey 14 City Transit—Seating Capacity—40 V8E-235
17 Inter-City Panoramic—Seat. Cap.—41 NTC-335
18 Inter-City Panoramic—Seat. Cap.—41 NTC-335
South Africa Bus Bodies Pty Ltd. Various Various NHH-220
Port Elizabeth NHHTO-6
United Kingdom Transport Equipment Ltd. Roadliner City/Tourist Bus—Seat. Cap.—49 V6-200
(Daimler) CR-36 Inter-City bus—Seating Capacity—52 V6-200
United States Bluebird Body Company All American Various—Seating Capacity—50 to 64 NHH-220
Fort Valley, Georgia various types V8E-170
Diamond Reo Division CPB-42 Pusher chassis C-160
of White Motor Co. C-180
Lansing, Michigan
Crown Coach Corporation ADV185 V8-185
Los Angeles, California AD672 Seating Capacity—79 NHH-220
AD743 Seating Capacity—79 NHH-220
2-AD743 Seating Capacity—91 NHH-220
Dodge-Chrysler FCB-900 Pusher Chassis V8-185
Detroit, Michigan
The FIxible Company 111CD-C1 Transit—Seating Capacity—35 V8E-170
Loudenville, Ohio V8-185
Transit—Seating Capacity—50 V8E-235
Inter-City—Seating Capacity—50 V8-265
Inter-City—Seating Capacity—35 V8-185
Gillig Brothers 743-D Seating Capacity—79 C-190
Haywood, California NHH-220
672 Seating Capacity—79 NHH-220
Highway Products Company Transit Coach V8-185
Kent, Ohio
International Harvester Co. 1853-DFC C-160
Chicago, Illinois (front engine) CF-160
(Chassis) C-180
Jay Madsen Equipment Co. C-160
Bath, New York C-180




Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Jay Madsen Equipment Co. NHH-220

(Continued) Bath, New York NT-380
(Continued) V8-185

, On-Highway Trucks Lastkraftfahrzeuge fur Strabenverkehr

i ^ y w ^ y ^ Camions en Circulation sur les Autoroutes Camiones para Carretera

Australia Atl<inson Vehicles (A'AsIa) T3266C Normal Control NH-220

Pty Ltd. T2846C & C.O.E. NHC-250
Clayton, Victoria L2486C NTC-335
British Motor Corporation BMC FJ1071 C.O.E. Truck V8-185
Zetland. N.S.W.
British Standard Machinery FWD C.O.E. & Normal Control C-180
Sydney N.S.W. NH-220
Chrysler Australia Ltd. Dodge 760 DV Normal Control Truck V8-185
Tonsley Park Dodge D2 C.O.E. Truck V8-185
H. V^. Crouch R y Ltd. CI 01640 C.O.E. & Normal Control C-160,
Camperdown. N.S.W. C90640 NHC-250,
(Diamond Reo) C-180,
E. R. F. Australia 64 CU 220 C.O.E. NH-220
Villawood, N.S.W. 66 CU 220 NH-225
68 CU 250 BGT NT-335
Fodens Ltd. Australia 8C6-28 C.O.E. Truck NH-220
Sydney, N.S.W. 6AC6-32 NH-250
Ford Motor Company F 8000 Normal Control Truck C-180
Pty Ltd. D 1000 C.O.E. Truck V8-185
Melbourne, Victoria
General Motors Holden KM Series C.O.E. Truck V8-185
Melbourne, Victoria
IHC of Australia R y Ltd. ACCO-1950 C.O.E. Truck V8-185
Melbourne, Victoria ACCOF-1950 C.O.E. Truck V8-185
ACCO-1950 C.O.E. Truck V8-185
Twin Steer
CD1840 Normal Control Truck C-160
C04070 C.O.E. Truck NH-250
Kenworth Motor Trucks P/L. W 9 0 0 C.O.E. & Normal Control NH-250
Melbourne, Victoria K 100 NHTC-270
L 900 NTC-335
Leyland Motor Corp. of Scammell 6 x 4 Heavy Duty 1 ruck NH-250
Australia Contractor NTC-335
Melbourne, Victoria
Mack Trucks of Australia Mack Normal Control Truck NTC-335





Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Australia Tlieiss White Australia 1550 TD C.O.E. & Normal Control NH-250
(Continued) Brisbane 2364 D C-180
4500 TD C-175
7400 TD Various NHTC-270-CT
DC 7564 NTC-335

Austria O.A.F. Tornado 6 x 4 Tractor NH-250

Canada Canadian Kenworth Ltd. NHC-250
Burnaby, B. C. NHCT-270
Hayes IVIanufacturing Co. NHC-250
Vancouver, B. C. NTC-335
International Harvester Co. NH-220
Chatham, Ontario NH-230
S. Madill Ltd. NT-380
British Colombia
Pacific Truck and NTC-335
Trailer Ltd.
Sicard, Inc. C-160
Ste. Therese, Quebec C-180
White Truck Mfg. Ltd. NH-230
Kelowna, B. C. NHC-250
France Automobiles M. Berliet TB0-M3 Tractor NT-280
Vinessieux (Rhone) TBO-120 Tractor NT-280
Germany Faun-Werke L1212 Tractor NT-335
Nurnberg NT-380
Mexico Autocar Mexicana DC-102 Tractor NTC-335
Diesel Nacional (DINA) 531 Straight Truck V6-140
Sahagun 631 Straight Truck V8-185
(DINA and 661 Straight Truck V8-185
Diamond T Trucks) 761 Tractor NTC-335
Kenworth Mexicana W-921 NTC-335
S.A. de C.V. W-922 NTC-335
W-923 NTC-335
K-521-M NTC-335
K-522-M NTC-335
K-523-M NTC-335
Remolques, S.A. 250 Tractor NH-250
(Atlas truck) 235 Tractor NTC-335





Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Mexico Trailers de IVIonterrey, S.A. R-18-A Tractor NH-220

(Continued) Monterrey R-18-AT Tractor NH-220
(Ramirez truck) R-18-2 D Tractor NTC-335
Trailers Del Norte, S.A. R-250 Tractor NH-250
(Pena Trucks) R-335 Tractor NTC-335
Victor Patron, S.A. 4964-WTD Tractor NTC-335
(White trucks)
South Africa Atkinson Vehicles Various NH-220
South Africa NH-250
Chrysler South Africa K-800 Various V6-140
K-900 V8-185
E.R.R South Africa 66 CU 220 Various NH-220
(Pty.) Ltd. 66 CU 250 Various NH-250
Foden Various NH-220
Ford South Africa D-1000 Various V8-185
I.H.C. Various NH-220
Rolway Enterprises Various NH-250
(Ralph trucks) NHCT-270
United Kingdom Atkinson Vehicles Ltd. Various Tractor units and freight chassis NHK 220 to
Preston, Lanes. on-highw/ay from 16 to 100 tons G.T.W. NT-335
E. R. F Ltd. Various Tractor units from 25 to 50 ton NHK 220 to
Sandbach, Cheshire. on-highway G.T.W., & special purpose chassis. NT-335
Fodens Ltd. Various Tractor, tipped, and special purpose NHK 220 to
Sandbach, Cheshire. on-highway chassis from 16 tons to 100 tons G.T.W. NT-335
Ford Motor Co. Ltd. D1000 Series Tractor, tipper and freight chassis V8-185
from 16 tons to 28 tons G.T.W. V8E-170
Guy Motors Ltd. Big J Series 30 and 32 ton G.T.W. Tractor Chassis V8-185
Scammell Lorries Ltd. Constructor and 6 x 6 heavy duty tractor for special NHK-200
Watford, Herts. Super loads to 200 ton G.T.W. NHK-220
Contractor 6 x 4 heavy duty tractor for special NHK-220
loads up to 75 ton G.T.W. NHK-250
United States Autocar Division of 5 42, S 64 NH-200
White Motor Co. 6 A62 NH-230
Exton, Pennsylvania NHD-230





Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Autocar Division of CK-64 Half cab NH-200

(Continued) White Motor Co. NHD-230
Exton, Pennsylvania NH-230
(Continued) NHC-250
DC 66, D 73, NH-200
DC 87, DC 9966 NHD-230
DC 93, DC 103 NH-200
& DC 10366 NHD-230
Brockway Motor Trucks 100 Series and C-160
Cortland, N. Y. 200 Series CF-160
300 Series and C-160
400 Series CF-160
Chevrolet FN-90, HN-90, NHC-250
Division of General Motprs DN-90 & JN-90
Detroit, Michigan FC-90, DC-90 NHCT-270
Diamond Reo Division C-9042D & DL NH-220
of White Motor Co. and C-9064D NHD-230
Lansing, Michigan & DL NH-230
C-9086 C-180
C-10142D, C-160
C-10144D, CF-160
C-10164D, V8E-170
C-10166D, C-180
DC-10142 & V8-185
DC-10144 C-190
C-6842D V6-140
C-10186D C-180





Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Diamond Reo Division C-11442D & DL NH-220

(Continued) of White Motor Co. and C-11464D NHD-230
Lansing, Michigan & DL NH-230
(Continued) NHCT-CT
CF-5964D & C-160
CF-5942TD CF-160
C-11486-0 NH-220
CF-6842D & V8-185
CF-8342D & CF-160
DF-8364D C-180
CO-5042D & DL, NH-220
CO-5064 & DL, NHD-230
CO-7842D and NH-230
Dodge Trucl< Operations C-800, CT-800 V8E-170
Chrysler Corporation & C-850 V8-185
Detroit, Michigan
CN-900 & NH-230
CNT-900 NHC-250
L-700 V8E-170
LN-1000 & NH-230
Ford Motor Company C-8000 C-180
Dearborn, Michigan CT-8000
LN & NHD-230
LNT-9000 NH-230





Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Ford Motor Company W&WT NH-230

(Continued) Dearborn, Michigan NHCT-CT
(Continued) NHC-250
Freightliner Corporation WFHT CF-160
Portland, Oregon C-180
WFT NH-200
FWD Corporation B Series CF-160
Clintonville, Wisconsin C-180
LB Series CF-160
C Series C-180
COE Series NH-230





Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States GMC Truck & Coach NH-9500& NHD-230

(Continued) Division JN-9500 NH-230
Pontiac, Michigan NHC-250
DC-9502 & NHCT-CT
FC-9502 NHCT-270
DN-9502 & NH-230
FN-9502 NHC-250
Hendricl<son H Series C-180
Manufacturing Co. V8-185
Lyons, Illinois C-190
International C04070D V6-200
Harvester Co. NH-220
Chicago, Illinois NH-230
DC400 & C-190
D400 NH-220
DCO-200 & C-180
205H Series NH-200
M Series C-180





Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States International 2000 D NH-200

(Continued) Harvester Co. NH-220
Chicago, Illinois NH-230
(Continued) NHC-250
210D & NH-200
F230D NH-220
Kenworth Motor W-923 C-180
Truck Company C-190
Seattle, Washington NH-220
Kl21, Kl22, NH-220
K123, K124, NH-230
& Kl 25 NHCT-CT
C-800 82 NH & NT

W-900 S2 C-180
W-900 SI 2 NH-230
W-921, W-922, NH-220
W-923, W-924, NH-230
& W-925 NHCT-CT





Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Mack Trucks, Inc. DM Series V8-185

(Continued) Allentown, Pennsylvania NH-220
F Series NH-220
MB-477 V8E-170
R Series V8-185
Mack Western Division FL-700 & NH-220
of Mack Trucks, Inc. RL-700 NHD-230
Hayward, California NH-230
Marmon Harrington CHDT-BC & NHD-230
Lebanon, Indiana CHDT-BF NH-230
HDT-BC & NHD-230
Oshkosh Motor Truck, Inc. D Series V8-265
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
F & C Series V8E-170





Country IVIanufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Peterbilt IVlotor Co. 281 & 288 C-180

(Continued) Newark, California C-190
282 NH-220
341 & 351 C-180
352, 381 & 383 NH-220
Rite-Way 6811 Ready Mix Truck C-180
Fort Wayne, Indiana C-190
Sicard, Inc. A-270, A-6416 C-160
Watertown, N. Y. & A-6430 C-180
KS-6430 NH-220
White Truck Division of 1500D & C-160
White Motor Company 1550TD Series CF-160
Cleveland, Ohio C-180




Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteiler Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States White Truck Division of 2300D Series C-160

(Continued) White Motor Company CF-160
Cleveland, Ohio V8E-170
(Continued) C-180
1200D Series V6-140
4300 Series C-160
4500 Series NH-200
4600 Series NH-220
9300 C-160
9500 NH-200
7400 NHD-230


. .1 liiw

i 'hether digging a ditch or moving a mountain. Cummins delivers

e rugged, economical and reliable power that construction and
ining equipment customers demand in meeting deadlines and
maximizing profits.
Que ce soit pour creuser un fossé ou d é p l a c e r u n e m o n t a g n e ,
Cummins fournit dans la quantité voulue et d'une maniere écono-
mique la puissance sur laquelle les clients, désireux d'acheter du
matériel de construction et de mine doivent pouvoir compter pour
A wide range of power is available in a minimum number of basic satisfaire leurs besoins et réaliser le maximum de profits.
engine models. Standardizing on Cummins in all types of construc- Une large gamme de puissances est disponible dans un minimum de
tion and mining equipment results in many customer benefits, in- modèles-types de moteurs. La standardisation des moteurs Cummins
cluding high parts interchangeability, lower parts inventory cost, dans tous les types de matérieis de construction et de mine offre au
lower maintenance and repair costs, less e q u i p m e n t downtime, Client de nombreux avantages c o m p r e n a n t les suivants : inter-
uniform engine installation, higher mechanic efficiency, and in- changeabilité élevée des plèces, coüt plus bas du stock de pièces,
creased profits. entretien et coüt des réparations, plus réduits, moins d'inactivité
dans réquipement en service, installation uniforme des moteurs,
Cummins big displacement and conservative ratings give plenty of rendement mécanique plus élevé et augmentation des profits.
power when it is needed, without putting undue internal stress on
r the engine. This, of course, increases engine life while decreasing La grande cylindrée des dieseis Cummins et l'estimation prudente
maintenance and downtime. des caractéristiques de ees moteurs permettent de garantir la four-
niture de la puissance nécessairé sans soumettre le matériau de
Cummins engineers have developed excellent, well designed com- ceux-ci á des contraintes excessives. La durée du moteur en service
. ponents that protect internal parts against the elements and thus augmente tandis que les frais d'entretien et le temps d'inactivité de
» insure long, trouble-free operation. Full flow lubricating oil filters, celui-ci diminuent.
coolant corrosion resistors, heavy duty fuel filters, positive seal oil
filler caps and dipsticks, c o m p o s i t e d r y - t y p e air c l e a n e r s , and Les ingénieurs de Cummins ont mis au point des organes excellents,
molded air connections are standard on all Cummins construction bien étudiés, protégeant les pièces intérieures contre les éléments
and mining engines. et permettant de f a i r e f o n c t i o n n e r le m o t e u r l o n g t e m p s , sans
dérangements. Les filtres à h u i l e l u b r i f i a n t e á p l e i n débit, les
résistances de mesure de la corrosion par le liquide de refroidisse-
ment, les filtres á huile combustible, fortement chargés, les chapeaux
de remplissage à joint d'étanchéité positif, les jauges, les filtres à
air composés de type sec et les raccords moulés des tuyaux d'air
sont standardisés sur tous les matérieis de construction et de mine



Ob es sich darum handeit, einen Graben auszuheben oder einen No importa que se trate de excavar una zanja o de mover una mon-
Berg zu bewegen, Cummins bietet jene robusten und zuverlassigen taña, porque Cummins entrega la potencia fuerte, económica y
Motoren, welche der Kunde im Baumaschinen- und Bergbauma- confiable que los compradores de equipo para c o n s t r u c c i ó n y
schinensektor verlangt, damit er Terminé einhalten und hochsten minería exigen para cumplir con las fechas de entrega y obtener
Nutzen erzielen kann. máximas ganancias.
Bei einergeringenAnzahl von Motorgrundmodellen bietetCummins Está disponible una amplia gama de potencias dentro de un número
hier dennoch eine reiche AuswahI. Wenn der Kunde sich einheit- mínimo de modelos de motores básicos. El uso normalizado de
lich für Cummins Bau- bzw. Bergbaumaschinen entscheidet, so Cummins en todos los tipos de equipo para construcción y minería
bringt ihm dies vierlerlei Vorteile, u n t e r a n d e r e m w e i t g e h e n d e da por resultado muchos beneficios para el cliente, incluyendo gran
Austauschbarkeit von Teilen, niedrigere Kosten in der Ersatzteil- intercambiabilidad de piezas, menor costo de inventario de piezas,
haltung, niedrigere Unterhaltungs- und Reparaturkosten, geringere costos de reparación y mantenimiento más bajos, menores pérdidas
Ausfallzeiten, einheitliche Motorenausrüstung, hóhere Maschinen- de tiempo del equipo, instalación uniforme de los motores, mayor
rentabilitat und hóheren Gewinn. eficiencia mecánica y ganancias aumentadas.
Mit ihrem grBen H u b r a u m und s o l i d e n P S - L e i s t u n g e n l i e f e r n La gran cilindrada y las especificaciones conservadoras de Cummins
Cummins-Motoren áuBerste Kraft, wenn diese benotigt wird, ohne brindan abundancia de potencia cuando se necesita, sin aplicar
dabei das Innere des Motors übermáBig zu beanspruchen. Dies esfuerzos internos anormales al motor. Esto, por supuesto, aumenta
trágt natürlich zu lángerer Lebensdauer des Motors bei und gleich- la vida del motor a la vez que reduce el mantenimiento y el tiempo
zeitig verringert Wartung und Ausfallzeit. perdido en reparaciones.
Cummins-lngenieure haben ausgezeichnete, gut durchkonstruierte Los ingenieros de Cummins han desarrollado excelentes y bien
Aniagen entwickelt, welche die I n n e n t e i l e g e g e n die Elemente diseñados componentes que protegen a las partes internas contra
schützen und damit langen, stòrungsfreien Betrieb gewáhrleisten, los elementos y, con ello, aseguran una operación larga y libre de
V o l l s t r o m - S c h m i e r f i l t e r , R o s t s c h u t z e i n b a u t e n im Kühisystem, p r o b l e m a s . Los f i l t r o s para l u b r i c a n t e de f l u j o p l e n o , los a n t i -
Hochlelstungs-Kraftstoffilter, s e l b s t d i c h t e n d e OlverschIuBkappe corrosivos para el sistema de enfriamiento, filtros de combustible
und OlmeSstábe, mehrstufige Trockenluftreiniger sowie Luftan- para trabajo pesado, tapones y varillas de nivel de aceite de sellado
schluBstücke aus Plastikformteilen gehoren zur Normalausrüstung positivo, filtros de aire del tipo doble y conexiones moldeadas para
sámtiicher Cummins Bau- und Bergbaumaschinen. aire, todos, son equipo de norma (standard) en todos los motores
Cummins para construcción y minería.


Engine HP RPM Displacement Bore and Stroke N u m b e r of Aspiration N e t Weight

"S.A.E. Cubic I n c h e s Inches Cylinders Pounds
(Litres) (mm) (Kg.)
Moteur CV T/MN Cylindróe A l é s a g e et C o u r s e Nombre de Aspiration Poids N e t
Pouces C u b i q u e s Pouces Cylindres Livres
Motor PS U/min. Hubraum AnzahI der Ansaugart Nettoge-
Bohrung und H u b
Zylinder wicht
Motor HP RPM Cilindrada Diámetro y Carrera Número de Aspiración Peso N e t o
Pulgadas C ú b i c a s Pulgadas Cilindros Libras

V-352-C 140 3300 352 4-5/8 X 3-1/2 6 Natural 1175

(5.7) (117.5 X 88,9) (533)

V-378-C 155 3300 378 4-5/8 X 3/4 6 Natural 1195

(6.2) (117.5 X 95.2) (542)

V-470-C 185 3300 470 4-5/8x3-1/2 8 Natural 1410

(7.7) (117.5 X 88.9) (640)

V-504-C 210 3300 504 4-5/8 X 3-3/4 8 Natural 1460

(8.2) (117.5 X 95.2) (662)

V-588-C 200 2600 588 5-1/2 X 4-1/8 6 Natural 1790

(9.6) (139.7 X 104.7) (812)

V-785-C 220 2300 785 5-1/2x4-1/8 8 Natural 2180

(12.8) (139.7 X 104.7) (989)

V-785-C 265 2600 785 5-1/2 X 4-1/8 8 Natural 2180

(12.8) (139.7 X 104.7) (989)

C-464-C 160 2500 464 4-1/8x5 6 Natural 1580

(7.6) (112.7 X 127.0) (717)

CT-464-C 175 2500 464 4-1/8 X 5 6 Turbocharged 1720

(7.6) (112.7 X 127.0) (780)

CS-464-C 196 2600 464 4-1/8 X 5 6 Supercharged 1650

(7.6) (112.7 X 127.0) (748)

H-743-C 175 1800 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 2435

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1104)

H-743-C 190 2000 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 2435

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1104)

N-743-C 220 2100 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 2470

(12.2) (130.2 x 152.4) (1120)

NS-743-C 320 2100 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Supercharged 2470

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1120)

N-855-C 250 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Natural 2590

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1174)

NT-855-C 310 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2750

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1247)

NT-855-C 335 2100 855 5-1/2x6 6 Turbocharged 2750

(14.0) (139.7 x 152.4) (1247)

NTA-855-C 380 2300 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2750

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1247)

V-1710-C 500 2100 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 5280

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2395)

VT-1710-C 635 2100 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 5780

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2622)

VTA-1710-C 700 2100 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 5780

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2622)

VTA-1710-C 800 2100 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 5780

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2622)

' H o r s e p o w e r at s t a n d a r d S . A . E . c o n d i t i o n s of 5 0 0 ft. ( 1 5 2 m) a l t i t u d e "Horsepower gemãB S A E - N o r m b e d i n g u n g e n : 152 nti ü . d . M . und

a n d S S ^ F ( 2 9 . 4 ° C ) air i n t a k e t e m p e r a t u r e . 29,4° C Luflansaugtemperatur.

" P u i s s a n c e e n CV a u x c o n d i t i o n s s t a n d a r d i s é e s S . A . E . a l t i t u d e 5 0 0 "Caballaje e n c o n d i c i o n e s d e n o r m a S.A.E. d e 5 0 0 pies (152 metros)

p i e d s (152 m) et t e m p é r a t u r e d ' a d m i s s i o n d e l air 8 5 ° F ( 2 9 . 4 ° C ) . de altura y c o n el aire d e admisión a una t e m p e r a t u r a de 8 5 ° F (29.4°C).




Air Compressors Kompressoren

Compresseurs d'air Compresores de Aire

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description M o t e u r Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Australia Armstrong Holland Pty. Ltd. Jaeger 365 e.f.m. C-464-C160

Sydney N.S.W. 600 e.f.m. N-743-B220
Atlas Copeo Australia Pty. Ltd. Atlas Copeo 365 e.f.m. N-495-C130
Sydney. N.S.W. 600 e.f.m. N-743-B220
Broom & Wade (Aust.) R y Ltd. WR-600 600 e.f.m. N-743-B220
Melbourne, Victoria
Consolidated Pneumatic CPTRO-2 365 e.f.m. C-464-B160
Melbourne, Victoria.
Gardner Denver Australia P/L. SP-600 600 e.f.m. N-855-C250
Sydney N.S.W.
Holman Bros. (Aust.) Pty Ltd. 370 e.f.m. HU-170
Melbourne, Victoria. 600 e.f.m. N-743-B220
Ingersoll Rand (Aust.) Pty Ltd. DR 365 365 e.f.m. N-495-B130
Melbourne, Victoria. DR 600 600 e.f.m. N-743-B220
Joy Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd. Joy 600 e.f.m. N-743-B220
Sydney. Victoria.
Worthington Australia Worthington 600 e.f.m. N-855-C250
Sydney N.W.W.
India Consolidated Pneumatic Tool CPT 600-RO-2 600 e.f.m. NH-220-BI
Co. (1} Ltd. CPT 365-RO-2 365 e.f.m. NHC-4-BI
Mulund, Bombay
Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Ltd. Kirloskar- 600 e.f.m. NH-220-B1
Poona B room wade

Japan Hokuetsu Kogyo Co., Ltd. AMR-370 370 e.f.m. N-495-C

Tokyo AMR-600 600 e.f.m. N-743-C
Kobe Steel Ltd. KSP-600 600 e.f.m. N-743-C
Mitsui Seiki Kogyo Co. Ltd. RV-105 370 e.f.m. N-495-C
Tokyo RV-170 600 e.f.m. N-743-C
RS-170 600 e.f.m. N-743-C
Mexico Gardner-Denver de Mexico SP-600 600 e.f.m. portable N-855-C
Worthington de Mexico, S.A. 600 600 e.f.m. portable N-855-C
South Africa Atlas Copeo PR-365 365 e.f.m. N-495-C
Benoni, Transvaal PR-600 600 e.f.m. N-743-C
Broom & Wade WR 380 380 e.f.m. H-672-C
Isando, Transvaal WR 600 600 e.f.m. N-743-C
C.PT. 600 R 0 2 600 e.f.m. N-743-C
Holman Bros. RO 370 370 e.f.m. H-672-C
Germiston, Transvaal RO 600 600 e.f.m. N-743-C
Ingersoll Rand DR-365 365 e.f.m. N-495-C
Alrode, Transvaal DR-600 600 e.f.m. N-743-C
United Kingdom Atlas Copeo Ltd. PR 600 600 e.f.m. V-504-C
Hemel Hempstead, Herts. NH-220-BI
Broom & Wade Ltd. WR 380 380 e.f.m. HU-170-BI
High Wycombe, Bucks. WR 600 600 e.f.m. NH-220-B1





County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèie Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United Kingdom Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co. 600 RO 2 600 c.f.m. NH-220-B1
(Continued) Ltd., London
Holman Bros. Ltd. 900 900 c.f.m. NTA-380-BI
Camborne, Cornwall V-378-C
Rotair RO 60 600 c.f.m. NH-220-BI
Ingersoll-Rand Ltd, DR 365 365 c.f.m. NHC-4-BI
Manchester DR 600 600 c.f.m. NH-220-BI
Joy Manufacturing Co. (UK) Ltd. RP600 600 c.f.m. NH-220-BI
Renfrewshire, Scotland WM 102 Series NH-220 to
Petters (Air Pumps) Ltd. ARM D 600 600 c.f.m. NH-220-BI
Staines, Middx.
United States Atlas Copeo PR-365 365 c.f.m. N-495-C
Hackensack, New Jersey PR-600 600 c.f.m. N-743-C
Grimmer-Schmidt Corporation 190 190 c.f.m. V-352-C
El Paso, Texas 275 275 c.f.m. V-588-C
380 380 c.f.m. V-785-C
750 750 c.f.m. V-786-C (2)
Worthington Corporation 365 365 c.f.m. C-464-C
Construction Equipment Div. 600 600 c.f.m. N-855-C
Holyoke, Massachusetts 750 750 c.f.m. V-903-C
1500 1500 c.f.m. VT-1710-C
Hohlbohr- und Vollbohrmaschinen

Australia English Electric Diesel of Aust. Bucyrus-Erie Drill VT-1710-C

Melbourne, Victoria.
France Benoto E.D.F. Earth drill N-743-P
Japan Kato Works Co., Ltd. 50 THC Earth drill N-743-C
United States Bucyrus-Erie 30-R Blast hole drill (rotary) N-743-P
South Milwaukee, Wisconsin 40-R Blast hole drill (rotary) NS-743-P
45-R Blast hole drill (rotary) NTA-855-P
60-R Blast hole drill (rotary) VT-1710-P
Salem Tool Company McCarthy 22,900 lb. coal auger H-672-P
Salem, Ohio 1020-30D
McCarthy 47,000 lb. coal auger H-672-P
1524-36 J-401-P
McCarthy 50,000 lb. coal auger NS-743-P
1530-42 J-401-P
Special Version Coal auger NS-743-P
of 1530-42 J-401-P
1630-48 78,800 lb. coal auger NTA-855-P
1836-48 120,000 lb. coal auger VT-1710-P
MUL-T Coal auger NTA-855-P





Backhoes Tiefiõffeibagger
Rétrocaveuses Retroexcavadoras

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Australia English Electric Diesels of Aust. RB 20H Hydrahoe V-352-C

Melbourne, Victoria.
Germany Atlas-Weyhausen 1602 % cu. yd. hydraulic V-352-C
Japan Kate Works Co., Ltd. HD-75D 1 cu. yd. hydraulic C-464-C160
Tokyo backhoe/shovel
United Kingdom Hymac HM880 1 cu. yd. hydraulic backhoe V8-185-BI
Peter Hamilton Ltd. HM1080 VÀ cu. yd. hydraulic V6-200
London backhoe
HM1280 N-743-C
Ruston Bucyrus 20H % cu. yd. hydraulic backhoe V6-140-IP
United States Badger Division of Warner & Swasey Hopto 550 % yd. hydraulic J-401-C
Winona, Minnesota
Bucyrus-Erie 20-H % yd. hydraulic V-352-C
South Milwaukee, Wisconsin V-470-C
30-H VÁ yd. hydraulic V-588-C
Drott Manufacturing Company 35C % yd. hoe or 1 yd. shovel V-352-C
Wausau, Wisconsin (crawler)
40C Hydraulic V-352-C
40R Cruz-air Hydraulic (rubber tired) V-352-C
50C 1M yd. V-470-C
Gradall G-660 % yd. hydraulic V-470-C
New Philadelphia, Ohio G-800 1 yd. hydraulic N-495-C
G-1000 VÁ yd. hydraulic N-495-C
Hein Werner Corporation C-14 V^ yd. hydraulic V-470-C
Waukesha, Wisconsin C-12-HD % yd. hydraulic V-352-C
Hydraulic Machinery Hy-Hoe 690/695 % yd. crawler V-352-P
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 790 % yd. truck backhoe V-352-P
Insley Manufacturing Company HC-560 % yd. backhoe/crane/shovel V-352-C
Indianapolis, Indiana HC-875 Va yd. backhoe/crane/shovel V-470-C
Koehring Division 366 Yt yd. hydraulic C-464-C
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 466 1 yd. hydraulic CT-464-C
P & H (Harnischfeger) 550 VÁ yd. crawler cable hoe H-743-P(TC)
Schield Bantam Division C-450-A % yd. hydraulic V-352-C
Waverly, Ohio 725-Telescoop % yd. hydraulic V-352-C
Thew Lorain L-48H VA yd. hydraulic N-743-P
Lorain, Ohio
Unit Crane and Shovel 271 1 yd. shovel/backhoe/ N-495-C
Milwaukee, Wisconsin dragline/crane
1020A % yd. shovel/backhoe/ J-401-C
Combination dragline/crane





„,„,,,„,r^i Bottom Dumps Bodenentlader

Remorques, Déversant la Charge par le fond Descargadores Inferiores

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Australia Wabco Australia Pty Ltd 120 BD 120 ton VTA-1710-C700

Sydney N.S.W. 100 BD 100 ton VT-1710-C635
United States Euclid, Inc. B100/110 100/110 ton bottom VT-1710-C
Cleveland, Ohio dump/coal hauler
KW Dart D-4651 Coal hauler VTA-1710-C
Kansas City, Missouri
Wabco 75A 120 ton VTA-1710-C
Peoria, Illinois

^ I p l Q U i ^ l Bucket Wheel Excavators/Trenchers Eimerbagger/Grabenpflüge

Excavateurs á Roues à Godets/Excavatrlces Excavadoras de Cangilones/Zanjadoras

Germany Demag-Lauchhammer GmbH Bucket wheel excavator Various Gensets

United Kingdom Mavor & Couson Ltd. Bucket wheel excavator V8-185-CI
Glasgow NH-220-CI
United States Parsons Division 335 Trencher N-743-B
Newton, Iowa V-470-C

Compactors Bodenverdichter
Matériel de Compactage Compactadoras

Canada Pakall Manufacturing KB-4 V-470-C

Calgary, Alberta
United States Bros Division, AH & D SP-10,000 Rubber tired C-464-C
Minneapolis, Minnesota compactor/roller
Clark (Michigan) 180 III Tractor compactor CT-464-C
Benton Harbor, Michigan 37,500 lbs.
280 III Tractor compactor NT-855-C
59,500 lbs.
FWD-Wagner SP-17 San. fill compactor NT-855-C
Portland, Oregon WC-17 NT-855-C
WC-24 NTA-855-C
SF 430 San. fill compactor V-470-C

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Crane Carriers Krantransporler

Trucks de Grue Camiones para Grúas

Australia Commonwealth Engineering P/L. Shield Bantam Carrier V8-185

Sydney N.S.W. 450
Harnischfeger Australia 645 TC Carrier NH-220
Melbourne, Victoria. 780 TC Carrier NHRS-6
Pacific Ace Equipment Co. FWD Carrier C-180
Sydney N.S.W. TM250
Steelweld SW16 Carrier C-160
Melbourne, Victoria. SW20 V8-185




County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Canada American Hoist & Derrick 395 30 ton C-190

4450 45 ton C-190
5460 55 ton NH-230
5520 65 ton NH-230
7450 80 ton NH-250
7520 110 ton NTC-335
9520 200 ton VI2-525
Japan Kobe Steel Ltd. (P & H] 9125 NS-743-B320
Kobe 8100 NS-743-B320
South Africa Copelyn Construction Various N-743-C
Denver, Transvaal N-855-C
United Kingdom Fodens Ltd. Low-line 8-wheel low bed. NHK-220
Sandbach, Cheshire long wheel base crane
carrier chassis
United States Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corp. 250, 350 & C-180
Lima, Ohio 450 Series
500 & 600 Series NHF-240
500 Special NHC-250
Beall Pipe and Tank Manufacturing Co. B253084 25-30 ton N-743-B220
B354084 35-40 ton N-743-B220
B455066 45-50 ton N-743-B220
B455084 45-50 ton N-855-B250
B455086 45-50 ton NT-855-B335
B6284 62 ton N-743-B220
B75801X4 75-80 ton N-743-B220
88010084 80-100 ton N-743-B220
Crane Carrier Corporation 700 Series C-180
Tulsa, Oklahoma C-190
800 Series C-180
900 Series NH-200
1000 Series NH-220





County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Crane Carrier Corporation 1200, 1500 and NH-220

(Continued) Tulsa, Oklahoma 2000 Series NHC-250
(Continued) NHCT-270
DHT NH-230
Duplex, Division of Warner & Swasey Gradan 660 6 x 4 and 6 x 6 carrier V8E-170
Lansing, Michigan Gradan 800 6 x 4 and 6 x 6 carrier V8-210
Gradan 1000 8 x 4 carrier NHF-240
FWD Corporation Crane carriers C-180
Clintonville, Wisconsin C-190
Grove carriers C-180
Pierce-Pacific Manufacturing Company 253064, 253066, 25-30 ton N-743-B220
Portland, Oregon 253084
354084, 354086 35-40 ton N-743-B220
455084 45-50 ton N-743-B220
556084 55-60 ton N-743-B220
657084 65-70 ton N-743-B220
758084 75-80 ton N-743-B220
8010084 80-100 ton N-743-B220
Thew Lorain 32-M 6x4 20 ton CI 60
Lorain, Ohio MC-320 6x4 20 ton C-160
MC-325 6x4, 8x4 20 ton C-160
MC-30H 8x4 30 ton C-190
MC-330 8x4 30 ton C-190
MC-540A 8x4, 6x4 40 ton NHC-250
MC-545A 8x4, 6x4 45 ton NHC-250
MC-550A 8x4 50 ton NHC-250
MC-670 8x4 65 ton NHC-250
MC-790 8x4 75 ton NHCT-270
MC-9115 8x4 115 ton NHCT-270





Cranes Krane
Grues Gruas

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins E n g i n e

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description M o t e u r Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor C u m m i n s

Australia B.L.H. Australia Austin Western Hydraulic crane V-470-C

Melbourne, Victoria. Lima 450-T Truck crane N-495-P (upper)
C-180 (carrier)
Lima 700-T Truck crane H-672-P (upper)
NH-230 (carrier)
Lima 900-T Truck crane H-743-P (upper)
NH-230 (carrier)
Coles Cranes Various Truck crane V8-185 (carrier)
Sydney. N.S.W. C-180
Commonwealth Engineering P/L. Shield Bantam Truck crane V-352 (upper)
Sydney N.S.W.
English Electric Diesels of Aust. Various Truck crane NT-855-P
Melbourne, Victoria.
Harnischfeger Australia 650-TC 50 ton, truck crane H-743-C (upper)
Melbourne, Victoria. 670-TC 70 ton, truck crane NH-220 (carrier)
T-650 65 ton, truck crane H-743-C (upper)
780-TC 80 ton, truck crane NHRS-6-B (carrier)
T-250 Hydraulic crane C-190
Pacific Ace Equipment Co. Grove Hydraulic crane V-352-C (upper)
Sydney N.S.W. TM-250/175 C-180 (carrier)
Steelweld, S-W 16 Truck crane J-401-B
Melbourne, Victoria. S-W20 C-160
S-W 25 V8-185
S-W 300T
India Hindustan Motors Limited Hind Marion 2'/ cu. yd. crane/dragline/ NHRS-6-IP
P.O. Uttarpara 93-M clamshell
Hind Marion 3 cu. yd. crane/dragline/ NHRS-6-IP
101-M clamshell
Tata Engineering & Locomotive Harnischfeger VA cu. yd. crane/dragline/ NH-220-IP
Company Limited TATA clamshell-attachment avail.
Jamshedpur P & H 6558
Harnischfeger 7}A cu. yd. crane/dragline/ NHRS-6-IP
TATA clamshell-attachment avail.
P & H 955A
Harnischfeger % cu. yd. crane/dragline/ NHC-4-CI
TATA clamshell
P & H 315
Japan Hitachi Ltd. 50 M/T Wrecking crane NHC-4-IPTC
Tokyo 60 M/T Wrecking crane HRS-6-IP
U-106 Crawler crane N-495-C
U-112 Crawler crane N-743-C
U-116 Crawler crane NT-743-C
Ishikawajima-Koehring Co., Ltd. 305LC Crawler crane N-495-C
Tokyo (Koehring) 605LC Crawler crane N-743-C
1000LW Crawler crane N-743-C
Ishikawajima-Koehring Co., Ltd. MC-775 Truck crane N-743-P
Tokyo (Thew-Lorain) MC-790 Truck crane N-743-P





County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Japan Kobe Steel Ltd. 335S Crawler crane N-495-C

(Continued) Kobe (P&H) 655 BLC Crawler crane N-743-C
855 BLC Crawler crane N-743-C
955 A Truck crane (upper works) NS-743-P
9125 Truck crane (upper works) V-785-P
8100 N-743-P
Sumitomo Heavy Mactiinery Co. LS78RS Crawler crane N-495-C
Ltd. LS78LWJ Crawler crane N-495-C
Nagoya (Link-Belt) LS408LWJ Crawler crane N-743-P
United Kingdom Hymac HM1050 V8-185
Peter Hamilton Ltd.
Rusten Bucyrus 71 RB NT-855-P335
61 RB NT-855-P335
38 RB NT-855-P335
Steels Engineering Products Ltd. Coles 50 ton NT-280
Sunderiand Gargantua
United States American Hoist & Derrick 200 Series 18 ton, % yd. crawler N-495-P
St. Paul, Minnesota crane/excavator
300 Series 23]4 ton, 1 yd.^crawler N-495-P
400 Series 35 ton, VÁ yd.^ crawler N-495-P
crane/excavator C-464-P
500 Series 50 ton, VA yd.® crawler CS-464
700 Series 110 ton, 2'^ yd.=crawler N-743
crane/excavator N-743-P
900 Series 200 ton 5 yd.^ crawler NT-855
200 Series 25 ton truck crane C-180
300 Series 30 ton truck crane N-495
400 Series 40 ton truck crane C-190
500 Series 65 ton truck crane NH-220
700 Series 110 ton truck crane NH-220
900 Series 200 ton truck crane V12-500
Austin Western Division 610 10 ton hydraulic crane V-470
Aurora, Illinois 615 15 ton hydraulic crane V-470
630 30 ton hydraulic crane V-470
Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton 25 & 250 - TS 15, 20, 25 ton, % yd. N-495-P
Lima, Ohio shovel/crane
350 35 ton N-495-P (TO
450 45 ton N'495-P
N-495-P (TO





County Manufacturer Model Description Cumnnins Engine

Pays Fabricant iVlodèle Description M o t e u r Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton 550 55 ton H-743-P

(Continued) Lima, Ohio 700-T 70 ton H-743-P ( T O
(Continued) Type 34 20 ton, % yd. shovel/crane N-495-P
Type 44 25 ton, 1 yd. shovel/crane N-495-P
C-464-P ( T O
Type 45C 25 ton, 1 yd. shovel/crane H-e72-P
Type 65 45 ton, VA yd. shovel/crane H-672-P
Type 1200 80 ton, 3 yd. shovel/crane NS-743-P
Type 1850 112 ton, 5JÍ yd. shovel/crane V-1710-P
Type 1250 NT-855-P
Type 2400 110 ton, 8 yd. shovel/crane VT-1710-P
Bucyrus-Erie 22-B Shovel/crane J-401-C
South Milwaukee, Wisconsin 25-B Shovel/crane J-401-C
30-B Shovel/crane H-743-P
38-B Shovel/crane N-855-P
61-B Shovel/crane NT-855-P
71-B Shovel/crane NT-855-P
88-B Shovel/crane V-1710-P
110-T 110 ton crane H-743-P (upper)
NH-220 (carrier)
NH-230 (carrier]
35-C 20 ton hydraulic crane C-464-C
45-C 25 ton hydraulic crane C-464-C
55-C 45 ton hydraulic crane CT-464-C
65-C 70 ton hydraulic crane N-743-C
Gallon Iron Works & Mfg. 150 15 ton rough terrain crane V-352-C
Gallon, Ohio
Grove Manufacturing RT-48 Hydraulic crane V-352-C
Shadygrove, Pennsylvania RT-58 Hydraulic crane V-352-C (HT)
RT-59 Rough terrain crane V-470-C
RT-60 Rough terrain crane V-470-C
TM-150 & Hydraulic crane V-352-C (HT)
TM-180 CS-464-C
TM-250 Hydraulic crane CS-464-B
TM-400 Hydraulic crane V-470-C
TM-550 Hydraulic crane N-743-C
Hein Werner Corporation T-12-HD Truck crane V-352-C
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Insley Manufacturing Company WBA 45 ton, VA yd. crawler/ H-743-P
Indianapolis, Indiana crane/excavator
Koehring Division 305 \TA ton crawler crane H-495-B
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 405 26 ton, crawler crane H-743-B
440 40 ton, truck crane CT-464-C
450 50 ton, crawler crane H-743-B
665 65 ton, truck crane CT-464-C
Link Belt Speeder HC-98A 35 ton, truck crane N-495-P (upper)
Cedar Rapids, Iowa NH-220 (carrier)
UC-98A 35 ton, yard crane •N-495-P (upper)
LS-98LC 35 ton, crawler crane N-495-P (upper)
HC-108B 45 ton, truck crane N-495-P (upper)
UC-108B 45 ton, yard crane N-495-P (upper)
LS-108B 45 ton, crawler crane N'495-P (upper)





County Manufacturer Model Description C u m m i n s Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Link Belt Speeder HC-138 50 ton, truck crane H-743-C (upper)
(Continued) Cedar Rapids, Iowa V8-265 (carrier)
(Continued) HC-218 82 ton, truck crane N-743-C (upper)
NHCT-270 (carrier)
NHTF-295 (carrier)
LS-518 140 ton, crawler crane NS-743-C
Manitowoc 2300-W 35 ton, VA yd. crane/shovel H-743-B
Manitowoc, Wisconsin 2900-T 60 ton, truck crane H-743-B
2900-WC 65 ton, 2JÍ yd. crane/shovel HS-743-B
3000-W 65 ton, 2JÍ yd. crane/shovel H-743-B
3600 65 ton, 2% yd. crane/shovel H-743-B
3900 100 ton, 3!^ yd. crane/shovel NS-743-8
3000-W 65 ton, ^V^ yd. (Vicon) NS-743-B
3600 65 ton, 372 yd. (Vicon) NTA-855-B
3900-T 120 ton, truck crane (Vicon) HS-743-B
3900-T 120 ton, truck crane (Vicon) NS-743-B
4600 200 ton, 6 yd. (Vicon) N-855-B
crane/shovel V-1710-B
390 1T!4 ton, winch & hoist HS-743-B
Northwest Engineering Co. 25-T Truck crane J-401-P130
Chicago, Illinois 41-T Truck crane H-743-P-160
6-D Shovel/crane dragline V-588-P200
180-D Shovel/crane dragline V-1710-500
60-T Truck crane V-588-P200
Pettibone-Rome Division 15 TA ton, hydraulic crane J-401-B
Rome, New York 20 10 ton, hydraulic crane V-352/378
70 35 ton, hydraulic crane V-504-C
P & H (Harnischfeger) 315 17 ton, crawler crane J-401-C
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 320 20 ton, crawler crane J-401-C
525 25 ton, crawler crane H-743-P
535 35 ton, crawler crane H-743-P (TO
550 50 ton, crawler crane H-743-P
660 40 ton, crawler crane N-743-C
955A 82 ton, crawler crane NS-743-P
255-BTC 25 ton, truck crane C-160 (carrier)
C-175 (carrier)
430-TC 30 ton, truck crane J-401-C (upper)
C-464-C (upper)
C-160 (carrier)
C-175 (carrier)
NH-220 (carrier)
435-TC 35 ton, truck crane J-401-C (upper)
C-464-C (upper)
HRF-6 (carrier)
NH-220 (carrier)





County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States P & H (Harnischfeger) 650-TC 50 ton, truck crane H-743-C (upper)
(Continued) Milwaukee, Wisconsin 670-TC 70 ton, truck crane H-743-C (upper)
(Continued) T-650 65 ton, truck crane NH-220 (carrier)
NH-250 (carrier)
NHF-240 (carrier)
780-TC 80 ton, truck crane H-743-C (upper)
NHRS-6-B (carrier)
9125-TC 125 ton, truck crane V-785-C (upper)
NHRS-6-B (carrier)
6250-TC 250 ton, truck crane NT-855-P (upper)
V-1710-B (carrier)
Sargent Engineering Division HT-8425 25 ton, truck crane V-352-C
Fort Dodge, Iowa
Schield Bantam Division 450 \TA ton, hydraulic crane V-352-C
Waverly, Ohio
Silent Hoist FAZ-60 30 ton, mobile crane C-464-B
Brooklyn, New York
Thew Lorain L-54 (K5) 30 ton, VA yd. crawler C-464-P (TO
Lorain, Ohio crane/shovel
MC-320 20 ton, truck crane J-401-P (upper)
MC30H 30 ton, truck crane C-464-C
MC-540A 40 ton, truck crane C-464-P (TO
MC-545B 45 ton, truck crane C-464-P (TO
MC-550-A 50 ton, truck crane C-464-P (TO
MC-670 70 ton, truck crane CT-464-P (TO
MC-790 90 ton, truck crane N-743-P (TO
MC-9115 115 ton, truck crane N-743-P (TO
Unit Crane & Shovel 271 1 yd. shovel/backhoe/ N-495-C
Milwaukee, Wisconsin dragline crane
1020A % yd. shovel/backhoe/ J-401-C
dragline crane

Crawler Tractors TausendfüBler

Tracteurs á Chenilles Tractores de Orugas

Japan Komatsu Manufacturing Co. Ltd. D60A N-743-C

Tokyo D60P N-743-C
D-55 N-495-C
D-60 N-743-C
D-75 N-743-C
D-80 N-743-C
D-85 N-743-C
D-120 NT-743-C
D-125 NT-743-C
United States Allis-Chaimers HD-41 95,000 lbs. VT-1710-C
Springfield, Illinois





^Jjpg ^ Crushers Brecher

T^KlMü^ Concasseurs Trituradoras

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Japan Daido Nakayama MK 6052 Stone crusher N-743-P (TO

United Kingdom Frederick Parker Ltd. 1109 C Ranger Portable jaw crusher N-743-P220
Leicester 1107 A Portable jaw crusher NS-743-P290
1107 Portable jaw crusher N-743-P220
Goodwin Barsby & Co. Ltd. Goliath 36 x 24 Portable jaw crusher N-855-P250
United States Pioneer Engineering Company Various Various As required
IVIinneapolis, Minnesota
Smith! Engineering Works Various Various As required
Division of Barber Greene

^Mj^A Dozers Bulldozer

fliS^tt Bulldozers Empujadoras

Australia Clark Equipment Australia (Dist.) V-785-C

Pty, Ltd. CT-464-C
India Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. Komatsu D-50 Crawler tractor/dozer NHC-4-CI
Bangalore Komatsu D80A-8 Crawler tractor/dozer NH-220-CI
Komatsu- Crawler tractor/dozer NH-220-CI
Komatsu- Crawler tractor/dozer NRT0-6-CI
Japan Komatsu Manufacturing Co. D60-A Angle dozer N-743-C
Tokyo D60-P Swamp dozer N-743-C
D-125-A-18 NT-743-C
D-55-S Remote controlled N-495-C
D-80-A Angle dozer N-743-C
D-85-A Angle dozer N-743-C
D-120-A Angle dozer NRTO-6-CI
D-125-A Angle dozer NRTO-6-CI
D-120 Remote controlled— NT-743-C
Nippon Sliaryo Seizo K.K. SRX Scrapedozer N-743-C
United Kingdom Clark Equipment Ltd. 180 TD Wheeled dozers CT-464-C175
Camberley, Surrey 280 TD Wheeled dozers NT-855-C310
United States Clark (Michigan) 180 III Tractor dozer 35,400 lbs. C-464-C
Benton Harbor, Michigan (axle wt.)
280 III Tractor dozer 52,500 lbs. NT-855-C
(axle wt.)
280 Articulated Tractor dozer 55,100 lbs. NT-855-C
(axle wt.)
380 Articulated Tractor dozer 94,800 lbs. V-1710-C
Eimco Corporation 103-C 45,600 lb. crawler-dozer C-464-C
Salt Lake City, Utah 123-C 2% cu. yd. crawler-dozer C-464-C
106-C 73,000 lb. crawler-dozer V-785-C
Hough Division D-90-C 44,000 lb. V-588-C
Libertyville, Illinois D-120-C 68,000 lb. NT-855-C
D-500 145,000 lb. VT-1710-C




County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Multi-Wheeí Tractor Company 70 Eight wheeled scraper NT-855-C335 (2)
(Continued) Longmont, Colorado tractor/pusher; replaces
dozer in scraper-pusher
Wabco D-55S-2 1.8 yd. dozer/front end loader N-495-C
Peoria, Illinois D-60A-3 29,060 lb. dozer N-743-C
D-75S-2 2.6 yd, dozer/front end loader N-743-C
D85A-12 43,220 lb. N-743-C
D125A-18 108,000 lb. NT-743-C

Graders Planierraupen
^ y Q j ^ ^ S Niveleuses Niveladoras

Australia A. E. Goodwin Ltd. 110 Grader J-401-C100

Ipswicti, Queensland. 135 Grader H-743-C135
160 Grader H-743-C160
Grader H-743-C190
British Standard Machinery Co. Ltd. Galion T-500 Grader C-464-C
Sydney N.S.W. Gallon T-600 Grader CT-464-C
Galion 118B Grader H-743-C135
Galion leOB Grader H-743-C160
Steelweld Melb. 130-8 Manual transmission C-464-C
Victoria 130-P Automatic transmission J-401-C
Wabco Australia 440 H Medium grader H-743-C135
Sydney N.S.W. 777 Heavy grader H-743-C160
888 Heavy grader N-855-C250
Brazil Huber Warco do Brasil, S.A. 10D Motor grader NHC-4
Sao Paulo 11D Motor grader C-464-C
India Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. Wabco Adams Motor grader NHC-4-CI
Bangalore 440
Japan Kawasaki Heavy Ind. Co., Ltd. D1300 37 Huber-Warco grader V-352-C
Konnatsu Manufacturing Co. DGD37 N-743-C
Mexico Industria del Hierro, S.A. D-1300 V-352-C
(Huber) D-1700 V-470-C
Soutii Africa Gallon (Pty) Ltd. 160B 29,000 lbs. H-743-C160
Waderville, Transvaal 160L 31,000 lbs. H-743-C160
T500A 27,550 lbs. C-464-C160
T600B 33,000 lbs. CT-464-C175
Wabco 440H H-672-C135
Alrode, Transvaal 660B H-743-C160
United States Austin Western Division Pacer & 20,000 lb. J-401-C
Aurora, Illinois Super 100
Pacer & 23,000 lb. J-401-C
Super 200
Pacer & 25,000 lb. C-464-C
Super 300 CS-464-C
Pacer & 29,000 lb. C-464-C
Super 400
Pacer & 30,000 lb. V-785-C
Super 500





County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Gallon Iron Works & Mfg. 104 23,000 lb. J-401-C
(Continued) Galion, Ohio 104H 23,500 lb. J-401-C
118 24,500 lb. H-743-C
118 Special 24,500 lb. H-743-C
160 8 26,000 !b. H-743-C
160 L 28,100 lb. H-743-C
T-500 24,400 lb. C-464-C
T-500 Special 24,400 lb. CT-464-C
T-600 29,200 lb. CT-464-C
Hein Werner Corporation Rotograder 8 ft. blade V-352-C
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Huber Corporation D-1100 V-352-C
Marion, Ohio D-1300 V-352-C
D-1400 H-672-C
D-1700 H-743-C
Wabco 440 23,450 lb. N-495-C
Indianapolis, Indiana 440-H 25,500 lb. H-743-C
666-B 28,100 lb. H-743-C
660-B 27,700 lb. H-743-C
777 32,300 lb. H-743-C
777B-PF 32,450 lb. N-743-C
888 41,245 lb. N-856-C

Loaders Lademaschinen
^y P Q I ^ Chargeuses Mécaniques Cargadores

Australia Clark Equipment Aust. 275 111A 4% cu. yd. NT-335-C1

Sydney. N.S.W. 175 111A SVi cu. yd. NT-280-CI
125 111A 2% cu. yd. V8R-220-CI
75A Articulated CT-464-C
7500 lb. operating load
125A Articulated V8-7B5-C
12,000 lb. operating load
275A Articulated NT-855-C
20,000 lb. operating load
475A Articulated VT-1710-C
36,000 lb. operating load
Conquip Co., Thew-Lorain 2 yd. J-401-C
Sydney N.S.W.
International Han/ester Co. of Aust. H-65C Hough 2!4 yd. C-464-C
Melbourne, Victoria. H-80A Hough 3 yd. CS-195
H-90E Hough 3 yd. V-785-C
H-100C Hough 5 yd. NT-855-C
H-120C Hough 5 yd. NT-855-C
H-400B Hough 10 yd. VT-1710-C
Sandovers Ltd. D-600 KW-Dart 22.5 ton VTA-1710-C
Perth. W.A.
Wabco Australia 204-A Trojan 21Í yd. J-401-C
Sydney N.S.W. 2000 Trojan 2'/2 yd. V-470-C
3000 Trojan 3/2 yd. V-785-C
4000 Trojan 4'Á yd. V-785-C
6000 Trojan 5/2 yd. NT-855-C
8000 Trojan 8 yd. V-1710-C
India Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. Tigar T-120-S Wheeled tractor/front end NHC-4-IP
Bangalore loader

i í O N S T R U C T I O N ET M I N E S



County Manufacturer Model Description Cumnnins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description M o t e u r Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Japan Kawasaki Heavy Ind. Co., Ltd. KLD7 2 cu. yd. (rubber tired) C-464-C
Kobe Scoopmobile
KLD8 3 cu. yd. (rubber tired) N-743-C
Komatsu International Mfg. (Hough) JH-65C 2Vi cu. yd. (rubber tired) C-464-C
Komatsu Manufacturing Co. Ltd. D 55 S Crawler type N-495-P
Tokyo D 60 S Crawler type N-743-C
D 75 S Crawler type N-743-C
Toyo Umpanki Co. Ltd. 75 IIIA 2 cu. yd. (rubber tired) CT-464-C
(Clark Michigan) 175 IIIA 4ÍÍ cu. yd. (rubber tired) NT-855-C
Osaka 275 IIIA &A cu. yd. (rubber tired) NT-855-C
Mexico Astilleros de Verzcruz, S.A. (Lorain) ML-200 V-470-C
PRIMSA (Clark) 65 A M VA cu. yd. V-352-C
85III 2 cu. yd. V-470-C
United Kingdom Bray Construction Company Ltd. 566 2/2 cu. yd. V-504-C
Feltham, Middx. 572 3 cu. yd. N-743-C220
Clark Equipment Ltd. 275 IIIA VA cu. yd. NT-855-C335
Camberley, Surrey 175 IIIA 3A cu. yd. NT-855-C280
(Michigan) 125 IIIA 2% cu. yd. V-785-C220
125 Ml 2% cu. yd. N-743-C220
Muir Hill A12000 3/3/2 cu. yd. N-743-C220
Yale & Towne 2000 2A cu. yd. V-504-C
Wenesfield, Staffs. 3000 3 cu. yd. N-743-C220
4000 4 cu. yd. NT-855-C310
United States Clark (Michigan) 75A A r t i c u l a t e d - 7 5 , 0 0 0 lb. CT-464-C
Benton Harbor, Michigan operating load
125A Articulated-12,000 lb. va-vas-c
operating load
275A Articulated—20,000 lb. NT-855-C
operating load
475A A r t i c u l a t e d - 3 6 , 0 0 0 lb. \/T-1710-C
operating load
Hough Division H-60B VA yd. V-352-C
Libertyville, Illinois H-65C 21Í yd. C-464-C
H-80A 3 yd. CS-195
H-90E 3 yd. V-785-C
H-100C 5 yd. NT-855-C
H-120C 5 yd. NT-855-C
H-4C0B 10 yd. VT-1710-C
Joy Manufacturing TL-52 4.8 cu. yd. transloader C-464-B
Claremont, New Hampshire TS-55-3 5.5 cu. yd. transloader C-464-B
TL-60 6 cu. yd. transloader C-464-B
TL-110 12.5 cu. yd. transloader N-855-B
KW Dart D-600 22.5 ton VTA-1710-C
Kansas City, Missouri
NP Nelson, Inc. 150 IVs yd. V-352-C
Clifton, New Jersey 200 2 yd. J-401-C
250 2A yd. C-464-C
400 4 yd. N-743-C
Pettibone Michigan Corporation Super 40 40,000 lb. NS-743-C
Baraga, Michigan Super 50 50,000 lb. NT-855-C





County Manufacturer Model Description C u m m i n s Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description M o t e u r Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung C u m m i n s Motor 1
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción M o t o r Cummins

United States Pettibone 245-A 2 yd. tractor shovel J-401-C

(Continued) Mulliken Division 345-AD ZlZVi yd. tractor shovel C-464-C
445 3% yd. tractor shovel N-743-C
550 5 yd. tractor shovel N-743-C
Scoopmobile, Inc. 150 5,500 lb. J-401-C
Division of Wabco 7 7,500 lb. C-464-C
Portland, Oregon 7A 9,000 lb. C-464-C
300 10,500 lb. CS-464-C
350 12,500 lb. N-743-C
400 14,500 lb. N-855-C
500 20,000 lb. NT-855-C
1200 37,000 lb. V-1710-C
M1 9,000 lb. loader (miner) J-401-C
88 12,500 lb. loader (miner) N-672-C
450M 14,500 lb. N-855-C
800 30,000 lb. V-1710-C
Thew Lorain ML-200 2 yd. J-401-C
Lorain, Ohio ML-225 2/2 yd. J-401-C
ML-250 21/2 yd. C-464-C
ML-275 2% yd. C-464-C
300 3 yd. articulated CS-464-C
400 3'/2/4y2 yd. articulated N-855-C
500A 5^/6'/2 yd. articulated NT-855-C
Trojan Division 204-A 214 yd. J-401-C
Eaton Yale & Towne 2000 2/2 yd. V-470-C
Batavia, New York 3000 3/2 yd. V-785-C
4000 4/2 yd. V-785-C
6000 sy^ yd. NT-855-C
8000 8 yd. V-1710-C
Wabco D-55S-2 % yd. dozer/front end loader N-495-C
Peoria, Illinois D-75S-2 2.6 yd. dozer/front end N-743-C

Off-Highway Trucks Gelãndegãngige LKW

O ' O ^ O ^ Camions tous Terrains Camiones para Fuera de Carretera
Australia Kockum Australia Pty. Ltd. KL440 35 ton rear dump NT-855-C380
Wabco Australia R y Ltd. Haulpak 35 Rear dump 35 ton NT-855-C380
Haulpak 50 Rear dump 50 ton V-1710-C500
Haulpak 65 Rear dump 65 ton VT-1710-C635
Haulpak 75 Rear dump 75 ton VTA-1710-C700
Belgium LeTorneau-Westinghouse LW35 35 ton NTA-380-CI
France Automobiles M. Berliet T-22 24 ton NH-250-CI
Venissieus T-30 NHRS-6-CI
(Rhone) 33 ton NT-335-CI
T-45 50 ton V12-525-CI
T-60 66 ton VT-1710-C
Germany Kockums Munchen KL-440 33 ton NTA-380-CI
Italy Roberto Perlini T20 22 ton NH-220-CI
S30 33 ton NTA-335-CI
T40 44 ton NTA-380-CI
India Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. WABCO Dumper NT-380
Bangalore Haulpak 35
Hindustan Motors Limited TEREX Dumper NHRS-6-BI
P O Uttarpara, West Bengal




County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante iVIodelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Japan Hitachi, Ltd. DM15D 16^ ton N-743-C

Tokyo DH321 35 ton NTA-855-C
Komatsu Manufacturing Co. HD-150 16/2 ton NH-220-C
Tokyo HD-180 20 ton NTO-6
HD-300 38'/2 ton NTA-855-C
HS-70 Slag dump NH-220-B
Nippon Sharyo Seizo Kaisha, KK SD 230 Slag dump NH-220
Nagoya SD 250 Slag dump NH-220
TR 401 S NRTO-6
South Africa Wabco 30 30 ton dump truck NT-855-C335
Alrode, Transvaal 35 35 ton dump truck NT-855-C380
50 50 ton dump truck VT-1710-C
65 65 ton dump truck VT-1710-C
Sweden AB Kockum-Landsverk KL-440 35 ton dump truck NTA-380-C
Lands Krona
United Kingdom Aveling Barford Ltd. SN 35 35 ton V12-525-C
Grantham, Lines.
Clark Equipment Company 65 ton VT12-635-C
Camberley, Surrey
Fodens Ltd. 4 DC 6/24 12 cu. yd.—4 wheel NHK-200
Sandbach, Cheshire 6 DC 6/35 14 cu. yd.—6 wheel NHK-220
6 DC 6/39 13 cu. yd.—6 wheel NHK-250orNT-280
G. M. Scotland Ltd. B 10 FTD-BISH 12 cu. yd. N-743-C220
Lanarkshire (Scotland) R 17 17 ton N-743-C220
R 25 25 ton NT-855-C-335
R 355 35 ton NTA-855-C380
R 35 35 ton NTA-855-C380
R 45 45 ton VI710-500
Heathfield Engineering Ltd. DF 20 14 ton V6-140
Newton Abbot, Devon DE 50 25 ton NT-855-C280
Scammell Lorries Contractor 6 x 4 Heavy duty tractor for NHK-220
Watford, Herts. special loads up to NHK-250
75 ton GT.W. NTK-335
United States Cline Truck Manufacturing Company Custom built machinery— N-855-B250
Kansas City, Missouri off-highway trucks
(small rear dumps)
Euclid, Inc. R-22 22 ton rear dump truck N-855-C
Cleveland, Ohio R-35 35 ton rear dump truck NTA-855-C
R-50 50 ton rear dump truck VT-1710-C
RX 85/105 ton rear dump truck VTA-1710-C
IHC PH-100 30 ton rear dump NTA-855-C
Melrose Park, Illinois PH-180 50 ton rear dump VT-1710-C
KW Dart D-2330 35 ton rear dump NTA-855-C
Kansas City, Missouri D-2440 40 ton rear dump V-1710-C
D-2541 50 ton rear dump V-1710-C
D-2551 65 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C
D-2561 75 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C
D-2661 85 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C
D-2771 110 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C
DE-2771 110 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C
D-4655 120 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C
earth mover
D-6651 110 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C





County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Mack Manufacturing Co. M-15X 15 ton end dump N-743-C
(Continued) Ailentown, Pennsylvania M-20X 20 ton end dump N-743-C
M-25X 35 ton end dump NT-855-C
M-30X 30 ton end dump NT-855-C
M-32SX 32 ton end dump NT-855-C
M-45SX 45 ton end dump V1710-C
M-50SX 50 ton end dump V-1710-C
M-65SX 65 ton end dump \/T-1710-C
M-70SX 70 ton end dump VT-1710-C
Parsons Division 60 8!4 ton rear dump V-352-C
Newton, Iowa 18-60 18 ton rear dump N-743-C
Unit Rig & Equipment Co. M-85 85 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C700
Tulsa, Oklahoma M-100 100 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C
WABCO 35 35 ton rear dump NT-855-C
Peoria, Illinois NTA-855-C
50 50 ton rear dump V-1710-C
658 65 ton rear dump VT-1710-C
758 75 ton rear dump VTA-1710-C
M-30X 30 ton end dump NT-855-C
M-32SX 32 ton end dump NT-855-C
M-45SX 45 ton end dump V-1710-C

fTSUjÊ!^ Pavers/Mixers Mischer

Q Méiangeurs Mécaniques Mezcladoras

United States Bros Division, A H & D LSPRM Roto-Mixer NS-743 -C

Minneapolis, Minnesota NT-855 -C
SSPRM-7 Roto-Mixer C-464-P -C
Rex Chainbelt Inc., Pulvimixer HDS, Self-propelled soil stabilizer CS-464-B180
Construction Machinery Group HDTW, HDT, with optional liquid systems
Milwaukee, Wisconsin HDTM
Deepmixer Self-propelled soil stabilizer NT-855-8335
with optional liquid systems

Rollers Walzen
i^^BSS^^ Rouleaux Aplanadoras

United States Bros Division, A H & D SP-255 33,500 lb. sheeps foot roller CT-464
Minneapolis, Minnesota SP 10,000 30 ton pneumatic tjre C-464-C
RayGo Inc. Super 600 Self-propelled vibrating V-470-C
Minneapolis, Minnesota roller


Scrapers Lôffeirãumer
Scrapers (Racleurs} Escrepas

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Herstelier Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins
Australia Clark Equipment Australia 210 Hancock scraper 20 yd. NT-855-C
Sydney. N.S.W. 210 H Hancock scraper 23 yd. NT-855-C
410 Hancock scraper 40 yd. VT-1710-C
India Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. WABCO LWC Scraper NHRS-6-CI
Bangalore Tournapull
United Kingdom G. M. Scotland Ltd. TS.24 24 cu. yd. scraper NT-855-C310 (2)
Lanarkshire, Scotland
United States Clark (Michigan) 210 20 cu. yd. Michigan scraper NT-855-C
Benton Harbor, Michigan 210 H 23 cu. yd. Hancock scraper NT-855-C
410 40 cu. yd. Michigan scraper VT-1710-C
Multi-Wheel Tractor Company 70 Eight wheeled scraper NT-855-C335 (2)
Longmont, Colorado tractor/pusher replaces
dozer in scraper-pusher
Shovels/Excavators Lõffeibagger
Peiles/Excavateurs Palas/Excavadoras
Australia A.N.I. Perkins Pty. Ltd., 111M Marion 4!4 yd. V-1710-C
Sydney N.S.W. 191M Marion 12 yd. VTA-1710-C (3)
B.L.H. Australia, Type 45C 1 yd., 25 ton shovel/crane H-672-P
Melbourne, Victoria Type 65 VA yd., 45 ton shovel/crane H-672-P
H-743-P (TC)
Type 1200 3 yd., 80 ton shovel/crane NS-743-P
Type 1850 SVa yd., 112 ton shovel/crane V-1710-P
Type 1250 NT-855-P
Type 2400 8 yd., 110 ton shovel/crane VT-1710-P
25 & 250 TS % yd., 15, 20, 25 ton N-495-P
Type 34 % yd., 20 ton shovel/crane N-495-P
English Electric Diesel of Aust., 20H % yd. V-352-P
Melbourne, Victoria. 71RB 3>i yd. NT-865-P
Kockum Australia Pty. Ltd., KL-270 3'A yd. NTA-855-C
Melbourne, Victoria.
Brazil Industrias Villares, S.A, 955 NS-743-P320
Sao Paulo 955A NS-743-P290
(P & H Licensee)
Canada Dominion Engineering Works Limited 550 2'A cu. yd. NH-743-P (TC)
600 3 cu. yd. NS-743-P (TC)
480 cu. yd. N-743-P (TC)
Finland Locomo-OY 43 E 2 cu. yd. N-743-P
France Ateliers et Forges de la Loire L'Horme 101 M 3 cu. yd. NHRS-6-I-TC
(Marion Licensee) 111 M 4 cu. yd. V-1710-P
Nordest P-90 2'/2 cu. yd. N-855-P
P-95 3 cu. yd. NHRS-6-1P-TC
Germany Rheinstahl Union 955-A 2'/! cu. yd. NHRS-6-IP
A.G. Dortmund
( P & H Licensee)
Holland Stertil H-560-B 1 cu. yd. V-352-C
(Insley Subsidiary)

County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Herstelier Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

India Hindustan Motors Limited Hind Marion 2V2 cu. yd. NHRS-6-IP
P 0 Uttarpara 93-M crane/dragline/clamshell
Hind Marion' 3 cu. yd. NHRS-6-IP
101-M crane/dragline/clamshell
Tata Engineering & Locomotive Harnischfeger VÁ cu. yd. crane/dragline/ NH-220-IP
Company Limited TATA P & H clamshell-attachment avail.
Jamshedpur 655B
Harnischfeger ZVz cu. yd. crane/dragline/ NHRS-6-IP
TATA P & H clamshell-attachment avail.
Harnischfeger 3Í cu. yd. crane/dragline/ NHC-4-CI
TATA P & H 315 clamshell
Japan Ishikawajima Koehring 305 Crawler shovel N-495-C
(Koehring) 605-2A Crawler shovel N-743-C
Tokyo 1000 Crawler shovel NT0-6-CI
1000 Crawler shovel NS-743-C
Kobe Steel Ltd. 655B Crawler shovel N-743-P-TC
(P&H) 955A Crawler shovel NHRS-6-IP-TC
Kobe 1400 Crawler shovel VTA-1710-C
Komatsu Bucyrus K.K. 22B Crawler shovel N-495-C
Komatsu Manufacturing Company D-55-S Tractor shovel NHC-4-CI
Tokyo D-60-S Tractor shovel N-743-C
D-75-S Tractor shovel N-743-C
Sumitomo Machinery LS-78J Crawler shovel N-495-P
(Linkbelt) LS-408 Crawler shovel NHS-6-IP-TC
United Kingdom Babcock & Wilcox 101MB 3 cu. yd. NS-743-C320
Balmuir, Glasgow 111M 4 ^ cu. yd. shovel VI2-1710-525
(Marion Licensee) 183M 9 cu. yd. dragline VT12-1710-825 or
NCK Rapier Ltd. Koehring 605 VA cu. yd. shovel N-743-P220
Ipwicti Koehring 1405 3 cu. yd. shovel NT-855-P335 (TC)
Ruston Bucyrus Ltd. 71 RB 3!4 cu. yd. shovel NT-855-P335
Lincoln 61 RB NT-855-P335
38 RB NT-855-P335
United States American Hoist & Derrick 200 series % cu. yd. 18 ton crawler N-495-P
St. Paul, Minnesota crane/excavator
300 series 1 cu. yd. 23'/^ ton crawler N-495-P
400 series VA cu. yd. 35 ton crawler N-495-P
crane/excavator C-464-P
500 series VA cu. yd. 50 ton crawler CS-464-P
700 series 214 cu. yd. 110 ton crawler N-743-P
900 series 5 cu. yd. 200 ton crawler NT-855-P
Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Type 44 1 yd., 25 ton shovel/crane N-495-P
Lima, Ohio C-464-C {TO
Type 45C 1 yd., 25 ton shovel/crane H-672-P
Type 65 VA yd., 45 ton shovel/crane H-672-P

County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description M o t e u r Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins
United States Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Type 1200 3 yd., 80 ton shovel/crane NS-743-P
(Continued) Lima, Ohio Type 1850 5Í4 yd., 112 ton shovel/crane V-1710-P
(Continued) Type 1250 NT-855-P
Type 2400 8 yd., 110 ton .shovel/crane VT-1710-P
25 & 250 TS % yd., 15, 20, 25 ton N-495-P
Type 34 VA yd., 20 ton shovel/crane N-495-P
Bucyrus-Erie 22 B % yd. shovel/crane J-401-C
South Milwaukee, Wisconsin 25 a 1 yd. shovel/crane J-401-C
30 B VÁ yd. shovel/crane H-743-P
38 B 2 yd. shovel/crane N-855-P
61 B 3% yd. shovel/crane NT-855-P
71 B 414 yd. shovel/crane NT-855-P
88 B 5}i yd. shovel/crane V-1710-P
Eimco Corporation 115 VA cu. yd. crawler excavator N-495-C
Salt Lake City, Utah
Insley Manufacturing Company WBA VA yd., 45 ton crawler H-743-P
Indianapolis, Indiana crane/excavator
HC-560 % yd. backhoe/crane/shovel V-352-C
HC-875 % yd. backhoe/crane/shovel V-352-C
Manitowoc 2300-W VA yd., 35 ton shovel/crane H-743-B
Manitowoc, Wisconsin 2900-WC 2JÍ yd., 65 ton shovel/crane HS-743-B
3000-W 214 yd., 65 ton shovel/crane H-743-B
3600 2'/^ yd., 65 ton shovel/crane H-743-B
3900 yA yd., 100 ton shovel/crane NS-743-B
3000-W 2'/? yd., 65 ton (Vicon) NS-743-B
3600 314 yd., 65 ton (Vicon) NTA-855-B
4600 6 yd., 200 ton (Vicon) N-855-B
shovel/crane V-1710-B
Marion Power Shovel 93 M 2 ^ yd. NS-743-P
Marion, Ohio 101 M 3 yd. NS-743-P
111 M 4/2 yd. V-1710-P
151 M 8 yd. VTA-1710-P
183 M 8-10 yd. VT-1710-P
191 M 12 yd. VTA-1710-P
Northwest Engineering 6-D VA yd., 40 ton shovel/crane V-588-P 200
Chicago, Illinois 180-D 4A yd., 100 ton shovel/crane V-1710-P 500
P & H (Harnischfeger) 1055-B 4 yd. crawler shovel V-1710-P
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1400-DE yd. crawler shovel VTA-1710-P
1500-DE 5 yd. craw/er shovel VTA-1710-P
Thew Lorain L54(KS) VA yd., 30 ton shovel/crane C-464-C(TC)
Lorain, Ohio
Unit Crane & Shovel 271 1 yd. shovel/backhoe/ N-495-C
Milwaukee, Wisconsin dragline/crane
1020A % yd. shovel/backhoe/ J-401-C
Miscellaneous Verschledenes
Divers Misceláneos
United States American Pipe and Pipemobile Special heavy pipe VTA-1710-C (2)
Construction Company transporter
Los Angeles, California


Cummins generator sets deliver dependable power in both primary Les groupes électrogènes Cummins fournissent à la fois dans les

and auxiliary applications. The matched performance of Cummins applications primaires et secondaires une puissance à laquelle on
kfigines with Cummins generators provides the user with outstand- peut se fier. Le rendement de dieseis Cummins accouplés à des
P g performance, reliability and long life. générateurs Cummins est excellent. L'usager peut se fier à de teis
groupes de machines qui, en service, durent longtemps.
Cummins prime power generator sets combine rugged design, con-
servative rating and economical operation to provide low cost utility Les groupes électrogènes Cummins sont d'un modèle robuste, d'une
power wherever it is needed. puissance prudemment calculée et d'un fonctionnement écono-
mique. lis f o u r n i s s e n t une p u i s s a n c e utile d'un prix peu élevé,
Because of their compact design, Cummins generator sets are ideal partout oü celle-ci doit satisfaire un besoin.
for applications where mobility is required, such as on construction
sites. This same design makes stationary installations in a small Les groupes électrogènes Cummins, du fait qu'iis sont d'un modele
space possible, such as in shipboard applications. compact conviennent d'une manière idéale dans toutes les applica-
tions oü la mobilité s'impose, par exemple sur les chantiers de con-
Reliability and fast start up are key features of Cummins auxiliary struction. Le méme modèle peut servir dans des installations fixes à
power systems. Should an electrical power failure occur, Cummins placer dans un espace le plus réduit possible, comme c'est le cas
generator sets can restore power in seconds. Conservative ratings dans les applications aux constructions navales.
allow these generator sets to be used continuously at full rating
whether the power failure lasts 30 minutes or 30 days. La fiabilité et le démarrage rapide sont les caractéristiques princi-
pales des groupes Cummins de f o u r n i t u r e d'énergie électrique
Cummins has recently introduced a complete line of brushless gen- auxiliaire. S'il se produit une panne d'électricité, les groupes Cum-
erator sets. These brushless systems represent another significant mins rétablissent en quelques secondes la fourniture d'énergie
' step forward in generator set design and technology. Additionally, électrique. Ces groups électrogènes, d'une puissance, estimée avec
in l a r g e k i l o w a t t p o w e r a p p l i c a t i o n s , Cummins new Automatic prudence, p e u v e n t ê t r e u t i l i s e s d ' u n e m a n i è r e c o n t i n u e á plein
Paralleling System provides high multiple unit reliability while régime, que la panne de courant dure 30 minutes ou 30 jours.
dramatically cutting costs.
Cummins a récemment introduit sur le marché une gamme complète
de groupes é l e c t r o g è n e s sans balais, qui r e p r é s e n t e un autre
progrès important dans l'étude et la technique de fabrication des
groupes électrogènes. Dans les applications, nécessitant de grandes
énergies en kW, le nouveau système Cummins de mise en paralléle
automatique offre à l'usager une fiabilité élevée dans la mise en
paralléle d'unités m u l t i p l e s t o u t e n r é d u i s a n t d ' u n e m a n i è r e
drastique les frais d'exploitation.


Cummins Generatoren sind zuverlássige Energiequellen, und zwar Los equipos generadores Cummins producen potencia confiable en
sowohl ais Hauptversorgungsaggregate ais auch ais Notstromaggre- aplicaciones tanto primarias c o m o auxiliares. El rendimiento equili-
gate. Beim Cummins-Generator sind Motor und Stromerzeuger brado de los motores Cummins con los generadores Cummins le
genau aufeinanderabgestimmt, was dem Kunden hochste Leistung, proporciona al usuario notable rendimiento, confiabilidad y larga
Zuverlassigkeit und lange Lebensdauer gewáhrleistet. vida.
Cummins-Hauptstromaggregate vereinen robuste Konstruktion mit Los equipos generadores primarlos Cummins combinan un diseño
solider Kraftreserve und w i r t s c h a f t i i c h e m B e t r i e b , so da6 eine fuerte, potencia conservadora y operación económica, a fin de pro-
p r e i s g ü n s t i g e E n e r g i e v e r s o r g u n g in j e d e m B e d a r f s f a l l zur porcionar energía para servicios públicos, a bajo costo, en cualquier
Verfügung steht. sitio en que se necesite.
Dank ihrer kompakten Bauweise eignen sich Cummins-Generatoren Debido a su diseño compacto, los equipos generadores Cummins
besonders in solchen Fállen, wo es auf die Beweglichkeit ankommt, son ideales para aplicaciones en donde se requiere movilidad, por
wie zum Beispiel auf Baustellen. Andererseits ist diese Bauweise ejemplo en sitios de construcción. Este mismo diseño hace posibles
auch bel stationárem Einbau, wie z.B. in Schiffen, vorteilhaft, da der instalaciones estacionarias en un espacio reducido, tales c o m o las
Raumbedarf nur gering ist. de embarcaciones.
Bel den Cummins-Notstromaggregaten sind schnelle Anfahreigen- La confiabilidad y el arranque rápido son características clave de
schaften besonders zu erwáhnen. Bei Stromausfall stellen Cummins- los generadores Cummins auxiliares. Si llega a ocurrir una falla de
Notstromaggregate die Energieversorgung innerhalb von Sekunden la energia eléctrica, los equipos generadores Cummins pueden
wieder h e r Reichlich ausgelegte Leistungsreserve ermôglicht es, restablecer la corriente en cuestión de segundos. Su conservadora
diese Generatoren im Dauerbetrieb auf Vollast laufen zu lassen, potencia les permite a estos equipos generadores ser utilizados
ganz gleich, ob der Stromausfall 30 Minuten oder 3 0 Tage dauert. continuamente a pleno régimen, sin que importe que la interrupción
de la corriente dure 30 minutos o 30 dias.
Cummins hat vor Kurzen eine komplette Serie bürstenloser Strom-
aggregate herausgebracht, die einen weiteren wichtigen Schritt Cummins ha introducido r e c i e n t e m e n t e una línea completa de
nach vorn in Generatorbau und -technik darstellen. Hinzu kommen equipos generadores sin escobillas. Estos sistemas sin escobillas
für besonders schwere E i n s a t z f a l l e d i e n e u e n a u t o m a t i s c h e n representan otro importante paso hacia delante en diseño y tecno-
Paralleischaltanlagen (Automatic Paralleling System) , bei welchen logía de equipos generadores. Adicionalmente, en las aplicaciones
die Zuverlassigkeit mehrerer Einheiten mit betrachtlich verringer- para alta potencia en kilowatts, el nuevo Sistema de Paralelización
ten Kosten vereinigt sind. Automática de Cummins, ofrece la gran confiabilidad de unidades
múltiples, a la vez que reduce impresionantemente los costos.


Power Ratings P r i m e P o w e r Ratings (GC) Auxiliary P o w e r Ratings ( G S )

Puissances N o m i n a l e s Puissances N o m i n a l e s des G é n é r a t e u r s Principaux ( G C ) Puissances N o m i n a l e s d e s G é n é r a t e u r s Auxiliares ( G S )
Elektrische Daten ríauptstromaggregate (GC) Notstromaggregate (GS)
Potencias Potencia c o m o U n i d a d para Impulsión ( G C ) P o t e n c i a c o m o Unidad Auxiliar ( G S )

G e n . S e t IModel 50 Hertz 60 Hertz 5 0 Hertz 60 Hertz

0 . 8 P o w e r Factor 0.8 Power Factor 0.8 Power Factor 0 . 8 Power Factor

Modele de Groupe SO H z . 6 0 Hz. 50 Hz. 6 0 Hz.

Eiectrogéne 0 , 8 F a c t e u r d e Puissance 0 , 8 F a c t e u r d e Puissance 0 , 8 F a c t e u r de Puissance 0 , 8 F a c t e u r d e Puissance
KW à T/ M N KW à T/ M N KW à T/ M N KW à T/ MN

Generator-Modell 50 Hz. 6 0 Hz. 5 0 Hz. 6 0 Hz.

cos. p h i = 0 , 8 COS. p h i = 0 , 8 COS. p h i = 0 , 8 COS. p h i = 0 , 8
kW bei U / min kW bei U/ min kW bei U / min kW bei U / min

Modelo del Equipo 5 0 H e r t z i o s (Ciclos) 6 0 H e r t z i o s (Ciclos) 5 0 H e r t z i o s (Ciclos) 6 0 H e r t z i o s (Ciclos)

Generador F a c t o r d e Potencia: 0 . 8 Factor d e Potencia: 0 . 8 Factor d e Potencia; 0.8 F a c t o r d e Potencia: 0 . 8

NH-4-GC/GS 45 1500 50 1800 50 1500 60 1800

NHC-4-GC/GS 50 1500 60 1800 60 1500 75 1800

HR-6-GC/GS 65 1500 75 1800 85 1500 100 1800

NH-220-GC/GS 85 1500 100 1800 100 1500 125 1800

NT-270-GC/GS 100 1500 125 1800 125 1500 150 1800

NT-310-GC/GS 125 1500 150 1800 150 1500 175 1800

NT-335-GC/GS 150 1500 175 1800 165 1500 200 1800

NT-400-GC/GS 170 1500 200 1800 190 1500 230 1800

V12-500-GC/GS 210 1500 250 1800 250 1500 300 1800

VT12-635-GC/GS 250 1500 300 1800 300 1500 350 1800

VT12-700-GC/GS 300 1600 350 1800 335 1500 400 1800

VT12-800-GC/GS 330 1500 400 1800 370 1500 450 1800

Engine Displacement Bore and Stroke N u m b e r of Aspiration Net Weight
Cubic Inches Inches Cylinders Static Brushless
(Litres) (mm) Pounds Pounds
(Kg.) (Kg.)

Moteur Cylindrée A l é s a g e et C o u r s e Nombre de Aspiration Poids N e t

Pouces Cubiques Pouces Cylindres Statique S a n s Balais
Livres Livres

Motor Hubraum Bohrung und Hub Anzahl der Ansaugart Nettogewicht

Zylinder Statisch Bürstenlos

Motor Cilindrada Diámetro y Carrera Número de Aspiración N e t o Peso

Pulgadas Cúbicas Pulgadas Cilindros Estáticos S i n Escobillas
Libras Libras

NH-4 495 5-1/8x6 4 Natural 3280 3375

(8.1) (130.2 X 152.4) (1488) (1531)

NHC-4 495 5-1/8x6 4 Natural 3340 3400

(8.1) (130.2 X 152.4) (1515) (1542)

HR-6 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3880 3805

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1760) (1726)

NH-220 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 4180 4175

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1897) (1894)

NT-270 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 4860 4610

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2205) (2092)

NT-310 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 5040 5010

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2287) (2273)

NT-335 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 5190 5190

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2355) (2355)

NT-400 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 5310 6510

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2409) (2954)

V12-500 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 9790 11040

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (4442) (5009)

VT12-635 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 10640 11140

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (4828) (5054)

VT12-700 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 10840 11240

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (4918) (5100)

VT12-800 1710 5-1/2x6 12 Turbocharged 11240 11490

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (5100) (5213)


Gen Sets* Generatoren*

Groupes électrogènes* Equipos Generadores*

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Herstelier Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins
Australia Davey and Co. Pty. Ltd. Various 50-300 KW
Melbourne, Victoria.
Dunlite Electrical Co. Various 50-300 KW C,NH Series
Adelaide. S.A.
McColl Electric Works Pty. Various 50-300 KW NT, V I 2 Series
Melbourne, Victoria
Northern Electrics Pty. Ltd. Various 50-300 KW
Brisbane, Queensland.
Finland OY Stromberg A B 200 KVA 50 cycle stand-by NT-380-IP
Helsinki 100 KVA stand-by NH-220-IP
2 3 0 KVA (marine NT-380-M
Japan Taiyo Electric Co. 100 KW N-743-P
Tokyo 125 KW NRT0-6-IP
Tokyo Electric Co. 100 KW N-743-P
Tokyo 125 KW NRT0-6-IP
Toyo Electric Manufacturing Co. 125 KW NRT0-6-IP
400 KW VTA-1710-P
Mexico Selmec 50-440 KW, standby and N-495-P to
continuous VTA-1710
South Africa E. C. C. Various NT-885 to
Johannesburg VT-1710
Hawker-Siddley-Brush Various H-672-P to
Johannesburg VT-1710
Steel Metals Various N-743 to
Johannesburg VT-1710
United Kingdom Auto Diesels Ltd. 30KW-300KW N-743-P220 to
Uxbridge, Middx. VT-1710-700
Dale Electric (Yorks) Ltd. 30KW-300KW V-504 to
Filey, Yorks VT-1710-700
Dawson-Keith Ltd. Various types and ratings Various
Sutton, Surrey
Elequip Ltd. Various types and ratings Various
Wigston, Leics.
Grahame Puttick Ltd. 30 KW to 300 KW N-743-P220 to
Ash, Kent VT-1710-700
Hampson Industries Ltd. Various types and ratings Various
West Bromwich
Int. Diesel Electric Co. Various types and ratings Various
Kettering, Northants
Petbow Ltd. Various types and ratings Various
Sandwich, Kent
Stone Chance Ltd. Various types and ratings Various
Crawley, Sussex
Workman Reed Ltd. Various types and ratings Various
" S e e page 5 0 for specifications on Cummins' c o m p l e t e line of G e n e r a t o r Sets.
*Voir page 5 0 pour spécificatíons sur la g a m m e Cummins complète de groupes électrogènes.
•Itomplette Daten für C u m m i n s - S t r o m e r z e u g u n g s a g g r e g a t e siehe S e i t e 50.
52 *Ver página 5 0 para las especificaciones de la linea completa de Equipos G e n e r a d o r e s Cummins.

County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Katolight Corporation D40F26 Brushiess gen. set N-495-P130

Manicato, Minnesota 40KW(GC)-45KW{GS)
D50FZ6 Brushless gen. set H-743-P175
D60F26 Brushless gen. set H-743-P175
D60FZ4 Brushless gen. set N-495-P130
D75F24 Brushless gen. set H-743-P175
D100FZ6 Brushless gen. set NS-743-P320
D100FZ4 Brushless gen. set N-743-P195
D125FZ4 Brushless gen. set N-855-P250
D150FZ4 Brushless gen. set NT-855-P310
D175FZ4 Brushless gen. set NT-855-P335
D200FZ4 Brushless gen. set NT-855-P400
D300FZ4 Brushless gen. set VT-1710-P600
Kohler Company 70RO, 70CO 70KW(GC)-60KW(GS) N-495-B130
Kohler, Wisconsin 85RO. 85CO 85KW(GC)-75KW(GS) H-743-B160
110RO, HOCO 110KW(GC)-110KW(GS) H-743-B190
175RO, 175CO 175KW(GC)-150KW(GS) NS-743-B320
230RO, 230CO 230KW(GC)-200KW(GS) NT-855-B380
Onan DFJ 70KW N-495-P
Minneapolis, Minnesota DFB 85 KW H-672-P
DFC 115KW H-743-P
DFH 125KW N-743-P
DFD 140KW HS-743-P
DFQ 150KW NT-855-P
DFE 175KW NS-743-P
DFK 175/200KW NTA-855-P
DFP 200KW NT-865-P
DFM 230KW NTA-855-P
FT 250KW GV-1710-P
DET 300KW V-1710-P
DFU 350KW VT-1710-P
DEV 400KW VTA-1710-P
DFW 450KW VTA-1710-P

• S e e page 5 0 for specifications on Cummins' c o m p l e t e line of G e n e r a t o r Sets.

'Voir page 5 0 pour spécifications sur la g a m m e Cummins complete d e groupes électrogénes.
•komplette Daten für Cummins-Stromerzeugungsaggregate siehe S e i t e 50.
*Ver página 5 0 para las especificaciones d e la linea completa de Equipos G e n e r a d o r e s Cummins. 53
• í" .s"- «


p\K/ fuel consumption, low maintenance costs, long life between Faible consommation de c o m b u s t i b l e , coOt r é d u i t d ' e n t r e t i e n ,
'erhauls, light weight, and portability are important features de- longue durée en service entre les révisions, légèreté dans le poids
, _ned into Cummins industrial engines. Adaptable to e q u i p m e n t et dans le transport voilà les avantages importants que vous offre
m of various synchronous operating speeds, these engines are ex-
I Cummins dans ses moteurs industrieis. Cesmoteurs qui s'accouplent
cellent power for applications such as centrifugal pumps and elec- facilement à des récepteurs à vitesse; de fonctionnement, synch-
tric generators. T h e y have also p r o v e n t h e m s e l v e s in o t h e r rones, variées, développent une puissance fort appréciée dans des
applications such as conveyor drives, industrial cranes, all types applications telles que la commande de pompes centrifuges et de
of pumping operations, and a variety of industrial materials han- générateurs électriques. Ms ont également fait leurs preuves dans
dling equipment. d'autres applications telles que les commandes à courroie, grues
All Cummins industrial engines are available with mountings and industrielles, pompes de tous types et engins de manutention de
integral cooling systems. Radiators are standard, but heat exchang- matériaux industrieis extrêmement variés.
ers are also available. In addition, a variety of optional accessory Les moteurs industrieis Cummins sont livrés avec toutes pièces
items are offered to meet the requirements of most types of indus- d'assemblage et systèmes de refroidissement intègral. Les radiateurs
trial equipment and climatic conditions. sont s t a n d a r d i s é s et C u m m i n s p e u t f o u r n i r les échangeurs de
chaleur. Cummins offre encore une grande variété d'accessoires
' The Cummins industrial engine line includes five fire pump models. facultatifs pour satisfaire les besoins de nombreux types d'équipe-
Naturally, these engines must offer the most reliable service avail- ments industriei et de conditions climatiques diverses.
able for the critical periods in which they must operate.
Cummins offers five natural gas engines for industrial applications. La gamme des moteurs industrieis Cummins comprend 5 modèles
The same basic components used in Cummins heavy duty dieseis de pompes pour lutter contre le feu. II va sans dire que ees moteurs
are used in these high efficiency, high compression engines. In doivent pouvoir fournir un service sur lequel on doit pouvoir absolu-
areas where the proper type of gas is available, natural gas models ment compter dans les périodes critiques pendant lesquelles ils
provide an excellent power source for air conditioning, refrigera- doivent fonctionner.
tion, water works, sewage systems, gas t r a n s m i s s i o n lines, air Cummins offre cinq moteurs à gaz naturel pour certaines applica-
compressor drives, and other industrial uses. tions industrielles. Les éléments de base qui font partie des dieseis
Cummins, affectés à un service lourd, sont utilisés dans ees moteurs
As indicated in the following list, numerous types of industrial and à gaz, à haut rendement et à taux de compression élevé. Dans les
materials handling equipment are powered by Cummins construction r é g i o n s o ú l'on peuttrouver le type de gaz qui convient, les modèles
engines. Specifications for these engines are shown on page 26. de moteurs, fonctionnant au gaz naturel, représentent une excel-
lente source de puissance dans les applications suivantes : condi-
tionnement d áir, réfrigération, usines élevatoires des sociétés de
distribution d'eau, systèmes d'égouts, lignes de transport de gaz,
commandes de compresseurs d'air et autres usages industrieis.
Comme le montre la liste suivante, de nombreux types d'engins
industrieis et de matérieis industrieis de manutention de matériaux
sont actionnés par des m o t e u r s Cummins. Vous trouverez à la
page 26 les specifications qui concernent ees moteurs.


Niedriger Kraftstoffverbrauch, n i e d r i g e Wartungskosten, Inspek- Bajo consumo de combustible, bajos costos de mantenimiento, larga
tionen bzw. Überholungen nur in langen Abstánden erforderlich, duración entre reparaciones mayores, ligereza de peso y facilidad
leichtes Gewicht und Transportierbarkeit, dies sind hervorragende de transportarlo, son importantes características de diseño de los
Merkmale, die den Cummins-Industriemotoren zu eigen sind. Sie motores industriales Cummins. Adaptables a equipo de diversas
sind anpassungsfáhig an verschieden Synchronbetriebsdrehzahien velocidades sincrónicas de operación, estos motores constituyen
und eignen sich d a h e r v o r z ü g l i c h zum Antrieb von Zentrifugal- una excelente fuente de potencia para aplicaciones tales como
pumpen und Stromerzeugern. Auch in anderen Einsatzfállen haben bombas centrífugas y generadores eléctricos. También han sido
sie sich bestens bewáhrt, z.B. zum A n t r i e b v o n F õ r d e r m i t t e i n , bien comprobados en otras aplicaciones, tales como transporta-
Industriekrànen, alien Arten von Pumpen und verschiedenen in- dores, grúas industriales, todos los tipos de operaciones de bombeo
dustriellen Transportausrüstungen. y una gran variedad de equipos para manejo de materiales indus-
Sámtiiche Cummins-Motoren werden komplett mit Armaturen und
eingebauter Kühlanlage geliefert. Ais Normalausrüstung werden Todos los motores industriales Cummins e s t á n d i s p o n i b l e s c o n
, Kühier geliefert, doch sind auch W á r m e a u s t a u s c h e r l i e f e r b a r . soportes y sistemas integrales para enfriamiento. Los radiadores
AuBerdem steht eine Reihe von Zubehõrausrüstungen auf Wunsch son equipo de norma; pero, también están disponibles cambiadores
zur Verfügung, so daS den meisten industriellen Bedarfsfállen und de calor. En adición, se ofrece una gran variedad de accesorios para
Klimabedingungen Rechnung getragen werden kann. satisfacer los requisitos de la mayoría de los tipos de equipo indus-
trial y de condiciones climatológicas.
,Das Programm an C u m m i n s - I n d u s t r i e m o t o r e n e n t h á l t fünf ver-
schiedene Feuerlôschpumpenmodelle. Es liegt auf der Hand, da3 La línea de motores industriales Cummins incluye cinco modelos
es gerade hier auf hochste Zuverlássigkeit im Ernstfall ankommt. para bombas contra incendio. Naturalmente, estos motores deben
ofrecer el s e r v i c i o más c o n f i a b l e d e q u e se d i s p o n g a para los
Cummins baut auBerdem fünf verschieden e Erdgasmotoren für
periodos críticos en que deben funcionar.
industrielle Einsatzfãlle. In diesen leistungsstarken hochverdich-
teten Motaren werden die gleichen Grundbauteile verwendet wie Cummins ofrece cinco motores de gas natural para aplicaciones
in den schweren Cummins-Dieselmotoren. In Gebieten, in welchen industriales. Los mismos componentes básicos utilizados en los
die entsprechende Gasqualitát vorhanden ist, stellen die Erdgas- diesel Cummins para trabajo pesado, se utilizan en estos motores
motoren ein h e r v o r r a g e n d e s Antriebsmittel für K H m a a n l a g e n , de alta eficiencia y alta compresión. En los lugares en donde hay
Kühianlagen, Wasserwerke, Kanalisationsanlagen, Gasfórde ran la- disponible el tipo apropiado de gas, los modelos para gas natural
gen, Kompressoraggregate und andere Industriezwecke dar constituyen una excelente fuente de potencia para aire acondicio-
nado, refrigeración, suministro de aguas, sistemas de alcantarillado,
Wie aus der nachstehenden Liste hervorgeht, werden eine grosse gasoductos, impulsión para c o m p r e s o r e s de a i r e y o t r o s usos
ZahI von Industrie- und Transportanlagen mit Cummins-Motoren industriales.
angetrieben. Die Daten dieser Motoren finden sich auf Seite 26.
Como se indica en la lista siguiente, numerosos tipos de equipo

i industrial
y para manejo de materiales son impulsados por motores
para construcción. Las especificaciones de estos motores
en la página 26.


Engine Maximum Continuous Displacement B o r e and S t r o k e N u m b e r of Aspiration Net

HP @ RPM H P . g ® g'''*'*'' Cubic Inches Inches Cylinders Weight
•S.A.E. (Litres) (mm) Pounds

Moteur M a x i m u m CV á T / M N Continu CV á T / M N Cylindrée A l e s a g e e l Course Nombre Aspiration Poids

Pouces Cubiques Pouces de Net
Cylindres Livres

Motor PS-Spitzenleistung PS-Dauerieistung Hubraum Bohrung und H u b Anzahl der Ansaugart Nettoge-
bei U/min. bei U/min. Zylinder wicht

Motor Máximos Continuous Cilindrada D i á m e t r o y Carrera Número de Aspiración Peso

HP a RPM HP a RPM Pulgadas Cubicas Pulgadas Cilindros Neto

V-352-P 140 3300 108 3300 352 4-5/8x3-1/2 6 Natural 1550

(5.7) (117.5x88.9) (702)

V-470-P 185 3300 140 3000 470 4-5/8x3-1/2 8 Natural 1800

(7.7) (117.5x88.9) (815)

J-401-P 110 2200 88 2200 401 4-1/8 X 5 6 Natural 1998

(6.6) (139.7 X 127.0) (906)

J-401-P 130 2500 98 2200 401 4-1/8 X 5 6 Natural 2080

(6.6) (139.7 X 127.0) (942)

C-464-P 160 2500 120 2200 464 4-7/16x5 6 Natural 2090

(7.6) ( 1 1 2 . 7 X 127.0) (947)

CT-464-P 175 2500 122 2200 464 4-7/16x5 6 Turbocharged 2120

(7.6) (112.7 X 127.0) (960)

CS-464-P 180 2500 125 2200 464 4-7/16 X 5 6 Supercharged 2120

(7.6) (112.7 X 127.0) (960)

N-495-P 130 2000 103 1900 495 5-1/8 X 6 4 Natural 2390

(8.1) (130.2 X 152.4) (1082)

H-672-P 160 1800 128 1800 672 4-7/8 X 6 6 Natural 3087

(11.0) (123.8 X 152.4) (1400)

H-743-P 175 1800 140 1800 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3100

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1404)

H-743-P 190 2000 150 1900 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 3100

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1404)

N-743-P 220 2100 168 1900 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3150

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1427)

NS-743-P 290 2100 194 1800 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Superctiarged 3550

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1608)

NS-743-P 320 2100 217 1800 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Supercharged 3600

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1630)

N-855-P 250 2100 192 1900 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Natural 3250

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1472)

NT-855-P 310 2100 210 1800 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3550

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1608)

NT-855-P 335 2100 234 1800 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3550

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1608)

NT-855-P 380 2300 262 2000 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3600

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1630)

V-1710-P 500 2100 394 1900 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 7970

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3610)

VT-1710-P 635 2100 435 1800 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 8060

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3650)

VTA-1710-P 700 2100 480 1800 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 8500

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3850)

VTA-1710-P 800 2100 550 1800 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 8500

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3850)

Fire Pump Models Feueriõschpumpenmodelle
Modèles de Pompes pour Lutter Contre le Feu Modelos para Bombas Contra Incendio

Underwriters Factory Mutual

Laboratories Ratings Ratings

Engine HP @ RPM ^RPM Displacement Bore and Stroite N u m b e r ot Aspiration Net

•S.A.E. Cubic inches inches Cylinders Weight
(Litres) (mm) Pounds

Moteur CV à T/MN CV á T/MN Cylindrée Alésage et Course Nombro d e Aspiration Polds

Pouces Cubique Pouces Cylindres Net

Motor PS be! U/mln PS bei U/mln Hubraum Bohrung und Hub AnzahI der Ansaugart Nettoge-
Zylinder wicht

Motor HP a RPM HP a RPM Cilindrada Diámetro y Carrera Número de Aspiración Peso

Pulgadas Cúbicas Pulgadas Cilindros Neto

H-6-IF 135 1750 137 1750 672 4-7/8 X 6 6 Natural 2500

(11.0) (123.8 X 152.4) (1134)

139 1800 139 1800 672 4-7/8 X 6 6 Natural 2500

(11.0) (123.8 X 152.4) (1134)

NH-220-IF 175 1750 172 1750 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 2800

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1270)

182 1900 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 2800

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1270)

191 2100 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 2800

(12.2) (130.2 x 152.4) (1270)

NHS-6-IF 225 1750 220 1750 743 5-1/8 x 6 6 Natural 3150

(12.2) (130.2 x 152.4) (1429)

234 1900 743 5-1/8 x 6 6 Natural 3150

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1429)

252 2100 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3150

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1429)

NHRS-6-IF 250 1750 246 1750 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 3150

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1429)

260 1900 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3150

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.5) (1429)

278 2100 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3150

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1429)

NT-380-IF 285 1750 274 1750 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3200

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1452)

303 1900 304 2000 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3200

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1452)

325 2100 330 2300 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3200

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1452)

340 2300 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3200

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1452)

• H o r s e p o w e r at standard S.A.E. c o n d i t i o n s of 5 0 0 ft. (152 m) altitude • H o r s e p o w e r gemãB S A E - N o r m b e d i n g u n g e n : 152 m ü.d.M. und

and 8 5 ° F (29.4°C) air intake t e m p e r a t u r e . 29,4° C Luftansaugtemperatur.

•Puissance en CV aux c o n d i t i o n s standardisées S.A.E. altitude 5 0 0 •Caballaje en c o n d i c i o n e s de n o r m a S.A.E., d e 5 0 0 pies (152 metros)
pieds (152 m) et t e m p e r a t u r e d'admission d e l air 8 5 ° F (29,4°C). d e altura y c o n el aire d e a d m i s i ó n a u n a t e m p e r a t u r a d e 8 5 ' ' F (29.4''C).'

Natural Gas Models Erdgasmodelle

Modèle Industriei au Gaz Modelos para Gas Natural

Engine Continuous Displacement Bore and Stroke N u m b e r of Aspiration Net

HP @ R P M Cubic Inches Inches Cyh'nders Weight
•S.A.E. (Litres) (mm) Pounds
Moteur Continu CV á T / M N Cyiindrée Alésage et Course N o m b r e de Aspiration Poids Net
Pouces Cubiques Pouces Cylindres Livres
Motor PS-Dauerlelstung Hubraum Anzahl der Ansaugart Nettoge-
Bohrung und Hub
bei U/mln. Zylinder wicht
Continuous Aspiración Peso
Motor Cilindrada Diámetro y Carrera N ú m e r o de
HP a R P M Pulgadas Cúbicas Pulgadas Neto
Cilindros Libras

GNHC-4-IP 118 1800 495 5-1/8 X 6 4 Natural 2385

(8.1) (130.2 X 152.4) (1082)

98 1500 495 5-1/8 X 6 4 Natural 2385

(8.1) (130.2 X 152.4) (1082)

78 1200 495 5-1/8 X 6 4 Natural 2385

(8.1) (130.2 X 152.4) (1082)

GNH-220-IP 177 1800 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 3152

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1430)

148 1500 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 3152

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1430)

118 1200 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3152

(12,2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1430)

GNH-250-IP 204 1800 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Natural 3300

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1497)

170 1500 855 5-1/2x6 6 Natural 3300

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1497)

136 1200 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Natural 3300

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1497)

GV12-450-IR 354 1800 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 8500

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3856)

296 1500 1710 5-1/2x6 12 Natural 8500

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3856)

236 1200 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 8500

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3856)

GV12-525-1P 408 1800 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 8500

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3856)

340 1500 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 8500

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3856)

272 1200 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 8500

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3856)

• H o r s e p o w e r at standard S.A.E. c o n d i t i o n s of 5 0 0 ft. (152 m) • H o r s e p o w e r gemãB S A E - N o r m b e d i n g u n g e n : 152 m ü.d.M.

altitude and 8 5 ° F (29.4°C) air intake t e m p e r a t u r e . und 2 9 , 4 ° C L u f t a n s a u g t e m p e r a t u r .

• P u i s s a n c e en CV aux c o n d i t i o n s S.A.E. altitude 5 0 0 pieds •Caballaje en c o n d i c i o n e s de n o r m a S.A.E.. d e 5 0 0 pies

(152 m) et t e m p é r a t u r e d ' a d m i s s i o n d e l air 8 5 ° F i,29,4''C]. (152 metros) de altura y con el aire de admisión a una tem-
peratura d e 8 5 ° F (29.4°C).

Carriers Transporter
Transporteurs Transportadores

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteiier Modell Bezeiclinung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Canada Flextracl<-Nodwell FN-110 Tracked carrier—used for V-352-C

Calgary, Alberta carrying materials into
rough or swampy terrain
Bombardier Snowmobile Muskeg 4 x 4 Transporter V-352-C
Balcourg, Quebec Terainmaster
United Kingdom Stacatruc Ltd. 812 Van carrier V8-185-B
United States Clark (Industrial Truck Division) Series 95 40,000 lb. straddle carrier C-464-C
Battle Creek, Michigan Series 100 50,000 lb. straddle carrier C-464-C
Series 120 & 121 60,000 lb. straddle carrier C-464-C
Series 510 50,000 lb. van carrier C-464-C
Series 512 75,000 lb. van carrier C-464-C
Hyster M-500A 50,000 lb. straddle carrier V-470-C
Portland, Oregon M-600 60,000 lb. straddle carrier V-470-C

Cranes Kràne
United States Drott Manufacturing Company 200RF2 20,000 lb. lift, 25,000 lb. V-352-C
Wausau, Wisconsin carry industrial crane
250 RF2 25,000 lb. lift, 25,000 lb. V-352-C
carry industrial crane
Link Belt Speeder UC-108B 45 ton yard crane N-495-P (upper)
Cedar Rapids, Iowa NH-220 (carrier)
UC-98A 35 ton yard crane N-495-P (upper)
NH-220 (carrier)

/^ÍTi Fork Lifts Gabelstapler

Elevateurs á fourche Camiones Montacargas
United States Baker-York, Inc. 150 15,000 lb. V-352-C
West IVIemphis, Arkansas 180 18,000 lb. V-352-C
200 20,000 lb. V-352-C
225 22,500 lb. V-352-C
FWD-Wagner P-70 Piggy Packer N-743-C
Portland, Oregon
Silent Hoist FK-15 15 ton forklift truck V-352-C
Brooklyn, New York FK-30 30 ton forklift truck C-464-B
Taylor Machine Works Y-16W0 16,000 lb. J-401-C
Louisville, Mississippi Y-16BW4 16,000 lb. J-401-C
Y-20BWD 20,000 lb. J-401-C
Y-20W50 20,000 lb. J-401-C
WPY-200C 20,000 lb. J-401-C
WPY-200 20,000 lb. J-401-C
Y-26WO 26,000 lb. C-464-C
Y-30WO 30,000 lb. C-464-C
Y-30WOM 30,000 lb. C-464-C
Y-36WO 36,000 lb. C-464-C
Y-36W05 36,000 lb. C-464-C
Y-45WOM 45,000 lb. V-470-C
Y-52WO 52,000 lb. C-464-C

County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Unit Rig & Equipment Company L-120 120,000 lb. capacity VT-1710-C700
(Continued) Tulsa, Oklahoma

Hoists & Winches Aufzüge und Winden

Engins de Levage et Treuils Elevadores y Cabrestantes

United Kingdom James Cuthbertson Ltd. 150 ton hydrostatic winch NH-220-IP
United States Manitowoc 390 35,000 lbs. winch & hoist HS-743-B
Manitowoc, Wisconsin NTA-855-B

Pumps Pumpen
^jUl^fc Pompes Bombas
Australia F.N. Beth une Pty Ltd., Various Pumps Various
Melbourne, Victoria.
F.M.C, R y Ltd., Various Pumps Various
Melbourne, Victoria.
George Moss Pty. Ltd., Various Pumps C, H, NH, NT,
Perth. W.A.
Harland Engineering P/L., Various Pumps V I 2 Series
Melbourne, Victoria.
Ornel Pumps Various Pumps Various
Sydney N.S.W.
Thompson Ltd., Various Pumps Various
Castlemaine, Victoria.
Wormald Bros (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Various Pumps Various
Melbourne, Victoria.
Canada Fairbanks Morse, Inc. 5823F 8 inch ind. fire pump H-6-IF
Division of Colt Industries 1 5 0 0 G P M / 5 8 PSI
Kingston, Ontario
5823F 6 inch ind. fire pump H-6-IF
1500 GPM/90 PSI
5824F 6 inch ind. fire pump H-6-IF
1500 GPM/100 PSI NH-220-IF
5824F 6 inch ind. fire pump NH-220-IF
1500 GPM/105 PSI
5824F 6 inch ind. fire pump NH-220-IF
1 5 0 0 G P M / 1 2 5 PSI NHS-6-IF
5824F 6 inch ind. fire pump NHS-6-IF
1 5 0 0 G P M / 1 4 0 PSI NHRS-6-IF
5824F 8 inch ind. fire pump NHS-6-IF
2000 GPM/100 PSI NH-220-IF
5824F 8 inch ind. fire pump NHS-6-IF
2000 GPM/125 PSI NHRS-6-IF
5824F 8 inch ind. fire pump NHS-6-IF
2500 GPM/100 PSI NHRS-6-IF
5824F 8 inch ind. fire pump NT-380-IF
2500 GPM/125 PSI


County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

India Kirloskar Brothers Limited Kirloskar Industrial fire/ NH-220-IP

P O Kirloskarwadi irrigation pumps
Dist: Sangll
Kirloskar Industrial fire/ NHC-4-IP
irrigation pumps
South Africa J. H. Vivien Ltd. Various N-743
Johannesburg VT-1710
United Kingdom Drysdale Pumps Ltd. Various Diesel pumping sets for V-352-P140 to
Yorker, Glasgow industrial and fire pump d u t y V-1710-P700
Harland Engineering Ltd. Various Diesel pumping sets for V-352-P140 to
Alloa, Clackmannanshire industrial and fire pump duty. V-1710-P700
Lee Howl Various Diesel pumping sets for V-352-P140 to
Tipton, Staffs. industrial and fire pump d u t y V-1710-P700
Sigmund Pulsometer Pumps Ltd. Various Diesel pumping sets for V-352-P140 to
Sunderland and Reading industrial and fire pump duty. V-1710-P700
Worthington Simpson Ltd. Various Diesel pumping sets for V-352-P140 to
Newark, Notts. industrial and fire pump duty. V-1710-P700
United States Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. A line of custom order Various
Milwaukee, Wisconsin industrial fire pumps.
Patterson Pump Division DMD 4x3 Industrial fire pump H-6-IF
Patterson Industries, Inc. Ml 8x6 industrial fire pump H-6-IF
Erie, Pennsylvania MABS 8x6 industrial fire pump H-6-IF
M 10 X 8 industrial fire pump H-6-IF
Peerless Pump Company 4TUF5 500 GPM industrial fire pump H-6-IF
Division of FMC 5TUF7 750 GPM industrial fire pump H-e-IF
Los Angeles, California NH-220-IF
4ABF10 750 GPM industrial fire pump V-470-P
4AF12C 750 GPM industrial fire pump V-470-P
5AF10 1000 GPM industrial fire pump H-6-IF


County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modele Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

U n i t e d States Peerless Pump C o m p a n y 6TUF10 1000 GPM industrial fire p u m p H-6-IF

(Continued) Division of PMC NH-220-IF
Los A n g e l e s , California NHS-6-IF
(Continued) NHRS-6-IF
5ABF10'/2 1000 G P M industrial fire p u m p V-470-P
6AF16 1500 G P M industrial fire p u m p N H - 2 2 0 - I F
8TUF15 1500 G P M industrial fire p u m p NT-380-IF
8AF20B 2 0 0 0 G P M industrial fire p u m p N H - 2 2 0 - I F
8AF25B 2 0 0 0 G P M industrial fire p u m p N H S - 6 - I F
8AF20B 2 5 0 0 G P M industrial fire p u m p NHS-6-1F
8AF25B 2 5 0 0 G P M industrial fire p u m p NT-380-IF
W o r t l i i n g t o n Corporation Various Industrial fire p u m p s H-6-IF
H o l y o k e , Massachusetts NHS-6-IF

Xf*^ Miscellaneous Verschiedenes

ilg^L Divers Misceláneos
United K i n g d o m S h e p p a r d s Eng. Ltd. PSC-376 M o b i l e scrap car and C-464-P
Glamorgan metal bailing m a c h i n e
Lancer M a c h i n e r y Ltd. 3 5 0 0 Series 4 0 t o n side loaders NT-380
L e i g h t o n Buzzard, Beds.
United States Bucyrus-Erie 10-R Well drill (rotary) N-743-P
S o u t h Mllwaul^ee, Wisconsin 28-L Well drill (spudder) J-401-C
35-L Well drill (spudder) H-743-P
FWD-Wagner SW-28 Steel 28,000 lb. capacity J-401-C
Portland, O r e g o n worker steel handler
SW-45 S t e e l 4 5 , 0 0 0 lb. capacity CT-464-C
worker steel handler
SW-66 Steel 66,000 lb. capacity N-743-C
worker steel handler
SW-96 Steel 9 6 , 0 0 0 lb. capacity NT-855-C
worker steel handler



County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States FWD-Wagner WI-14 Industrial tractor N-743-C

(Continued) Portland, Oregon WI-17 Industrial tractor N-855-C
(Continued) NT-855-C
WI-24 Industrial tractor NT-855-C
Ibex Motor Truck Corporation 2423 Yard hustler V6-140
Salt Lake City, Utah
Morgan Manufacturing Company FDR-30-C Mechanical conveyor (75KW) HR-6-GC(75KW)
Black Mountain, N. C. FDR-40-C Mechanical conveyor (75KW) HR-6-GC(75KW)
FDR-85 Mechanical conveyor (75KW) HR-6-GC(75KW)

Ottawa Steel Products Commando Yard hustler V8-185

Grand Haven, Michigan Thirty
Pengo/Hydra-Pull TRCP-60 6,000 lb. cable puller- V-470-P
TRBW-60PT-72 6,000 lb. cable puller- V-470-P
TRBW-100PT-72 10,000 lb. cable puller- V-470-P
R. G. LeTourneau SP-70 70,000 lb. side porter NS-743
Longview, Texas SP-90 90,000 lb. side porter NTA-855
Silent Hoist FS-7!/2 TA ton side loader V-352-C
Brooklyn, New York

11 r

•iv . i

• I 'Í
' i !íií.
•• fifi


' h m


Cummins marine dieseis provide a wide range of power for work

Les dieseis marins Cummins actionnent les "work boats;' bateaux
ats, fishing boats, and pleasure boats. Their reliability, long life, de pêche et b a t e a u x d e p l a i s a n c e q u i t r o u v e n t e n eux la large
d economy has been proven even in the most demanding of these gamme de puissances, répondant à leurs besoins. Dans les plus
plications. In addition, Cummins delivers more propeller horse- exigeantes de ces applications, ils ont fait leurs preuves en offrant
wer than most engines of comparable size and weight. les avantages suivants : grande fiabilité, longue durée en service,
The clean lines and compact dimensions of Cummins marine dieseis consommation minimum de combustible. Cummins fournit en outre
allow Installations that are smooth and simple. External components plus de puissance à l'hélice que la plupart des engins de dimensions
are kept to a minimum to avoid unnecessary fitting alterations. et de poids comparables.
Cummins eight cylinder V models feature a compact, stylized design Les modèles Cummins à 8 cylindres en V caractérisent un modèle
that eliminates the machinery appearance of ordinary engines. Their compact, stylisé, é l i m i n a n t l ' a s p e c t un peu trop mécanique des
compact size and low profile reduce the amount of space required moteurs ordinaires. Leurs d i m e n s i o n s c o m p a c t e s et leur profil
for the engine compartment. As a result, more power can be in- surbaissé réduisent l'espace nécessaire pour les loger dans la salle
stalled in a smaller engine room to permit better utilization of avail- des machines. II en résulte qu'on peut installer plus de puissance
able space. dans une salle de machines de dimensions plus réduites et ainsi
mieux utiliser l'espace disponible.
JK wide selection of in-line and V models complete the Cummins
marine line. Internal fuel lines are featured on 5'/4" bore in-line en- Un large choix de modèles de moteurs en ligne et en V complète
gines and all V engines. Every Cummins marine diesel has internal la gamme des dieseis marins Cummins. Des conduites intérieures
lubricating oil lines which obsolete the hoses and tubing normally de combustible liquide sont prévues sur les moteurs en ligne de 514"
•required on other dieseis. (139,7 mm) alésage et sur tous les moteurs en V. Chaqué diesel
marin Cummins a des conduites intérieures d'huile lubrifiante qui
All models are heat exchanger cooled, have electric starting equip- démodent les tuyaux flexibles et les t u y a u t e r i é s , n o r m a l e m e n t
ment, water cooled manifolds, intake air cleaners, oil filters, and requises sur d'autres dieseis.
fuel filters as standard equipment. Various air silencers, electrical
systems, power take-offs, and marine g e a r r a t i o s are available Tous les modeles sont refroidis par des échangeurs de chaleur. lis
optionally. ont des démarreurs électriques, des collecteurs refroidis à l'eau, des
filtres d'air d'admission, des filtres à huile et des filtres à huile com-
The list of boat manufacturers on the following pages is only a bustible comme équipement standardisé. La livraison de silencieux
partial representation of Cummins worldwide acceptance in marine variés d'aspiration, de dispositifs électriques, de prises de force et
applications. Naval architects and boat builders around the world de rapports de transmission d'engrenages de moteurs marins est
prefer Cummins power, and specify Cummins in numerous custom facultative.
built boats each year.
La liste des c o n s t r u c t e u r s de b a t e a u x , figurant dans les pages
suivantes ne mentionne qu'une partie de la clientéle qui a adopté
le diesel Cummins dans les applications de la marine. Les archi-
tectes, spécialisés dans les constructions navales et les construc-
teurs de navires, établis dans le monde entier, préfèrent la puissance
Cummins et spécifient Cummins dans les nombreux navires qu'iis
construisent chaqué année suivant des spécifications particulières.


Cummins-Schiffsdiesel dienen zum Antrieb einer ganzen Reihe von Los motores Cummins diesel marinos ofrecen una amplia gama de
technischen Wasserfahrzeugen, Fischereifahrzeugen sowie potencia para botes de trabajo, barcos pesqueros y embarcaciones
Vergnügungsbooten. Ihre Zuverlássigkeit, lange Lebensdauer und de placer. Su confiabilidad, larga vida y economía han sido compro-
Wirtschaftiichkeit sind selbst unter den rauhesten Bedingungen badas incluso en las más exigentes de estas aplicaciones. Además,
erprobt und bewáhrt. Au3erdem bieten Cummins-Motoren mehr Cummins produce más c a b a l l o s e n el á r b o l d e la h é l i c e q u e la
Schiffsschrauben-PS ais die meisten Motoren vergieichbarer Grõ6e mayoría de los motores de tamaño y peso comparables.
bzw. Gewichts.
Las lineas sin salientes y las dimensiones compactas de los Cum-
Die klare Linienführung und kompakte Bauweise von Cummins- mins diesel marinos permiten instalaciones rápidas y sencillas. Los
Schiffsdiesel ermoglichen elegant-raffinierte E i n b a u a n o r d n u n g . componentes externos se mantienen al mínimo para evitar altera-
AuSenliegende Bauteile sind auf ein MindestmaB beschránkt, um ciones innecesarias.
unnótige Montage- bzw. Umbauarbeiten zu vermeiden.
Los modelos Cummins V8 se caracterizan por un diseño compacto y
Der Cummins V-8 erinnert in seiner kompakten, formschõnen Aus- estilizado que elimina el aspecto de "maquinaria" de los motores
führung nur noch wenig an das schwerfâilige Ungetüm des her- ordinarios. Su tamaño compacto y su perfil bajo reducen la cantidad
" kõmmlichen Motors. Dank d i e s e r k o m p a k t e n u n d s c h i a n k e n de espacio necesario para el compartimiento de máquinas. Como
Bauweise ist der Raumbedarf gering, das heilSt, man kann auf ver- resultado, se puede instalar más potencia en un cuarto de máquinas
hãltnismáSig kleinem Raum grõBere Motorkraft unterbringen und más chico, para permitir mejor utilización des espacio disponible.
damit den vorhandenen Platz besser ausnutzen.
Una vasta selección de modelos en línea y en V completan la línea
" Das Cummins-Schiffsmotorenprogramm wird schlieBlich mit einer marina Cummins. La tuberías Internas para combustible se emplean
reichen Auswahl an Reihen- und V-Motoren ergànzt. Alie Reihen- en todos los motores en línea de 139. 7 mm (514") de diámetro y en
und V-Motoren mit 139, 7 m m Bohrung zeichnen sich durch in den todos los motores en V. Todos los motores Cummins marinos tienen
Zylinderbiock gebohrte Kraftstoffleitungen aus. AuSerdem verlaufen tuberías internas para el lubricante que hacen anticuadas a las man-
bei sámtlichen C u m m i n s - S c h i f f s d i e s e l m o t o r e n die Schmieròl- gueras y tuberías requeridas normalmente en otros diesel.
leitungen im Motorbiock, so daB die normalerweise bei anderen Todos los modelos son enfriados por cambiador de calor, tienen
Diesein erforderlichen Schiauch- und Rohrleitungen wegfallen. equipo eléctrico para arranque, múltiples de escape enfriados por
Alie Modelle werden mittels Wârmeaustauscher gekühlt, sind mit agua, filtros para la admisión de aire, filtros de aceite y filtros de
elektrischem Aniasser, w a s s e r g e k ü h i t e m Krümmer, Ansaugluft- combustible como equipo de norma. Opcionalmente, están disponi-
I reiniger, Olfilter und Kraftstoff-filter ais Normalausführung ausges- bles diversos silenciadores de admisión, sistemas eléctricos, tomas
tattet. Ais Sonderausrüstung auf Wunsch s t e h e n v e r s c h i e d e n e de fuerza y transmisiones marinas.
Schalldàmpfer, e l e k t r i s c h e A n i a g e n , N e b e n a n t r i e b e u n d ver- La lista de constructores de embarcaciones en las páginas siguien-
, schiedene Übersetzungsverhâltnisse zur Verfügung. tes es apenas una representación parcial de la aceptación mundial
^ ^ i e auf den folgenden Seiten verzeichneten Schiffsbaufirmen sind de Cummins en aplicaciones marinas. Los arquitectos navales y los
^ ^ r ein Auszug aus dem Krels der internationaien Verbraucher von constructores de embarcaciones en el mundo entero prefieren po-
• I c h i f f s m o t o r e n auf der ganzen Welt, bei denen Cummins erste Wahl tencia Cummins y especifican Cummins en numerosos botes de
^ g e n í e S t . Schiffs- und Bootsbauer übera/l auf der We/t bevorzugen construcción sobre pedido todos los años.
Cummins-Motoren und schreiben diese Jahr fíjr Jahr in zahireichen
Sonderanfertigungen für Ihre Bootskunden vor.


Engine '1. Pleasure Boat Ratings Workboat and Fishin g Boat Ratings
HP* @ RPM 2. Light Duty 3. Medium Duty 4. Heavy Duty

Moteur 1. Bateaux de Plaissance Workboats et Bateaux de Pêche Puissances

CV* à T/MN 2. Service Modére 3. Service Léger 4. Service Lourd
CV* à T/MN CV* á T/MN CV* à T/MN
Motor 1. PS bei PS bei Technlschen- und Fischerei-Fahrzeugen
Vergnugungsbooten 2. f. Leichten Einsatz 3, f. Mittelschw, Einsatz 4. t. Schweren Einsatz
P S * bei U/min P S * bei U/min P S * bei U/min P S * bei U/mIn

Motor 1. Especificación para Especificaciones para Bacos de Trabajo y Barcos Pesqueros

Botes de Placer 2. Trabajo Liviano 3. Trabajo Mediano 4. Trabajo Pesado
* *
V-470-M 185 3300 170 3000 * *
128 2500
(170) (156) (117)
•k* * *
202 2600
V8-300-M 300 3000 260 2800
(275) (239) (220)

VT8-370-M 370 3000 320 2800 * * * *

270 2600
(340) (294) (248)

HR-175-M 175 1800 * * * * * * * *

140 1800
(161) (128)
NH-220-M 220 2100 * *
165 1800
(202) (151)

NH-250-M 250 2100 210 1800 200 1800 190 1800

(229) (193) (184) (174)

NHRS-320-M 320 2100 * * * * * * * *

218 1800
(294) (200)

NT-335-M 335 2100 285 2100 265 1800 235 1800

(307) (262) (243) (216)

NT-380-M 380 2300 320 2100 300 2000 253 2000

(349) (294) (275) (232)

V12-500-M 500 2100 425 2100 400 1800 370 1800

(459) (390) (367) (340)

VT12-635-M 635 2100 540 2100 490 1800 435 1800

(583) (496) (450) (397)

VT12-700-M 700 2100 595 2100 545 1800 480 1800

(642) (546) (500) (441)

VT12-800-M 800 2100 680 2100 620 1800 550 1800

(734) (624) (569) (505)

1. Pleasure boat rating is i n t e n d e d for those applications w h e r e 1. S o n t ici visées les applications dans lesquelies le f o n c t i o n n e -
full t h r o t t l e o p e r a t i o n d o e s not exceed fifteen m i n u t e s of dura- m e n t du m o t e u r à é t r a n g l e u r e n t i è r e m e n t o u v e r t ne dépasse
tion, and d o e s not o c c u r m o r e than o n c e e v e r y hour, such as pas 15 m i n u t e s et dans lesquelies le bateau d e plaisance ne
privately o w n e d p l e a s u r e craft. f o n c t i o n n e pas plus d ' u n e h e u r e a c e régime, c o m m e c'est
le cas d un bateau d e plaisance qui serait la p r o p r i é t é d un
2. Light D u t y rating is i n t e n d e d for i n t e r m i t t e n t a p p l i c a t i o n of full particulier.
t h r o t t l e not e x c e e d i n g 8 h o u r s total in any 24 hour period, such
as c r e w boats and charter fishing boats. 2. Est ici visée u n e application i n t e r m i t i e n t e du fonctionnement
à é t r a n g l e u r e n t i è r e m e n t o u v e r t . ne dépassant pas huit heures
3. M e d i u m D u t y rating is i n t e n d e d for c o m m e r c i a l fishing appli- au total au cours d u n e p é r i o d e q u e l c o n q u e d e 2 4 heures,
cations, w i t h full t h r o t t l e o p e r a t i o n not e x c e e d i n g 15 hours c o m m e c'est le cas des bateaux à é q u i p a g e et des bateaux
total in any 2 4 hour p e r i o d , s u c h as trawlers, seiners, and gill de peche d'affrétement.
3. S o n t ici visées les applications de la p e c h e c o m m e r c i a l e , dans
4. H e a v y d u t y rating is i n t e n d e d for heavy duty c o n t i n u o u s full l e s q u e l i e s le f o n c t i o n n e m e n t à é t r a n g l e u r e n t i è r e m e n t ouvert
t h r o t t l e o p e r a t i o n 2 4 h o u r s a day, such as t o w boats, tugs, ne dépasse pas 15 heures au t o t a l au c o u r s d ' u n e p é r i o d e
s e l f - p r o p e l l e d barges, a n d freighters. q u e l c o n q u e de 2 4 heures, c o m m e c'est le cas des chalutiers,
s e n n e u r s et bateaux d e p e c h e au filet maillant.
* * N o t a p p l i c a b l e for these e n g i n e models.
4. Est ici visée une application en Service lourd c o n t i n u dans
• H o r s e p o w e r at 8 5 ° F (29.4''C) a m b i e n t air t e m p e r a t u r e , and laquelle le diesel f o n c t i o n n e à é t r a n g l e u r e n t i è r e m e n t ouvert,
2 9 . 3 8 i n c h e s ( 7 4 6 m m ) H g . b a r o m e t r i c pressure. 24 h e u r e s par jour, c o m m e c'est le cas des bateaux toueurs,
d e s r e m o r q u e u r s , des chalands auto-propulsés et des cargos.

* * N o n applicable à ees m o d e l e s d e moteurs.

" O b t e n u e s dans les c o n d i t i o n s suivantes: 8 5 ° F (29.4°C) tem-

p é r a t u r e d e l'air ambient 29.38 p o u c e s Hg. ( 7 4 6 m m Hg.) pres-
sion b a r o m é t r i q u e .
Displacement Bore and Stroke N u m b e r of Aspiration Net Weight
Cubic Inches Inches Cylinders Pounds
(Litres) (mm) (Kg.)

Cylindrée Alésage et Course Nombre de Aspiration Poids Net

Pouces Cubiques Pouces Cylindres Uvres

Hubraum Bohrung und Hub Anzahl der Ansaugart Nettoge-

Zylinder wicht

Cilindrada Diámetro y Carrera Número de Aspiración Peso Neto

Pulgadas Cúbicas Pulgadas Cilindros Libras

470 4-5/8 X 3-1/2 8 Natural 1750

(7.7) (117.5 X 88.9) (704)

785 5-1/2 X 4-1/8 8 Natural 2515

(12.8) (139.7 X 104.7] (1140)

785 5-1/2 X 4-1/8 8 Turbocharged 2775

(12.8) (139.7 X 104.7 (1259)

743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3420

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1551)

743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3490

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1583)

855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Natural 3490

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1583)

743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Natural 3765

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1708)

855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3975

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1803)

855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3975

(14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1803)

1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 6980

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3166)

1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 7990

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3624)

1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 8120

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3683)

1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Turbocharged 8120

(28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3683)

1. Für s o l c h e V e r g n ü g u n g s b o o t e , w o V o l i g a s b e t r i e b n i c h t 1. La e s p e c i f i c a c i ó n para B o t e s de Placer se destina para aquel-

lânger ais jeweils 15 M i n . andauert u n d nicht ôfter ais e i n m a l las a p l i c a c i o n e s e n q u e la o p e r a c i ó n c o n t o d o el a c e l e r a d o r
pro S t u n d e v o r k o m m t , w i e z.B. bei privaten V e r g n ü g u n g s - a b i e r t o no e x c e d e de 15 m i n u t o s de d u r a c i ó n y no o c u r r e más
booten. d e una vez cada hora, tal c o m o en los botes d e placer d e pro-
p i e d a d privada.
2. Ais leichter Einsatz.gilt a b w e c h s e i n d e r V o l i g a s b e t r i e b bis zu
hôchstens 8 S t u n d e n G e s a m t d a u e r pro 24 S t u n d e n , w i e z.B. 2. La e s p e c i f i c a c i ó n para Trabajo Liviano está d e s t i n a d a para
bei Personen- und F i s c h e r e i c h a r t e r - f a h r z e u g e n . a p l i c a c i o n e s i n t e r m i t e n t e s d e m á x i m a a c e l e r a c i ó n q u e no
e x c e d e n d e un total d e 8 horas en c u a l q u i e r p e r i o d o d e 2 4
3. Ais m i t t e i s c h w e r e r Einsatz gilt g e w e r b i i c h b e t r i e b e n e Fische- horas, tales c o m o botes d e s e r v i c i o d e bacos y e m b a r c a c i o n e s
rei mit V Voligasbetrieb
o l l g a s b e t n e o bis zu h ô c h s t e n s 15 S b t u n d e n , w i e z.B. pesaueras para a l q u i l e r
Trawler, S c h i e p p n e t z - s o w i e T i e f n e t z b e t r i e b .
3. La e s p e c i f i c a c i ó n para Trabajo M e d i a n o está destinada para
4. Unter s c h w e r e m Einsatz ist D a u e r b e t r i e b u n t e r Voligas 25 a p l i c a c i o n e s pesqueras c o m e r c i a l e s , en d o n d e la o p e r a c i ó n
S t u n d e n pro Tag zu v e r s t e h e n , w i e z.B. S c h i e p p f a h r z e u g e , c o n m á x i m a a c e l e r a c i ó n no e x c e d e d e un total de 15 horas en
M o t o r k ã h n e und Frachtschiffe. c u a l q u i e r p e r i o d o d e 2 4 horas, tales c o m o en rastreadores,
b a r r e d o r e s y arrastradores.
•komnnt für diese l\/1otorenmoden nicht infrage.
4. La e s p e c i f i c a c i ó n para Trabajo Pesado está d e s t i n a d a para
*PS Leistung under 2 9 . 4 ° C l u f t t e m p e r a t u r e und 7 4 6 m m Hg. o p e r a c i ó n c o n t i n u a en trabajo pesado, c o n m á x i m a acelera-
barometrischer d r u c k . c i ó n las 2 4 horas d e l dia, en a p l i c a c i o n e s tales c o m o remolca-
d o r e s . barcazas d e motor y barcos d e carga.

* * N o se aplica para estos m o d e l o s d e motor.

*Con el aire d e a d m i s i ó n a 8 5 ° F (29.4°C) y 2 9 . 3 8 " ( 7 4 6 m m ) Hg.
d e presión b a r o m é t r i c a .


Pleasure Boats Vergnúgungsboote

"SisSis^Kl B a t e a u x d e Plaisance B o t e s d e Placer

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modele Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteiler Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Australia Bertram Yachts Aust. Cruiser 34' twin screw VT6-280-M

Melbourne, Victoria
Ferrex Development Cruiser 45' twin screw V6-215-M
Macloy, Queensland
Milkraft Pty. Ltd. Cruiser Various H, NH, V6 and
Brisbane, Queensland V8 series
Savage Cruisers Cruiser 34' twin screw V-470-M
Melbourne, Victoria 26' single screw V-470-M
Canada Asher Marina Ltd. Pleasure boats V-470-M
N. Vancouver, B.C. V8-300-M
Canoe Cove Marine Ltd. Pleasure boats V-470-M
Sidney, B.C. V8-300-M
Enno's Custom Boats, Ltd. Pleasure boats V8-300-M
N. Vancouver, B.C.
Fibo Boat Works Various Various V8-300-M
Vancouver, B.C.
Grenfell Yachts Pleasure boats V8-300-M
Vancouver, B.C. VT8-370-M
McKay-Cormack Ltd. Various Various V6-215-M
Victoria, B.C.
McQueen's Boat Works Pleasure boats V-470-M
Vancouver, B.C. V8-300-M
J. Nicholson Boat Works Pleasure boats V8-300-M
Victoria, B.C.
Shepherd Boats Ltd. 46' cruiser V8-300-M
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario 50' cruiser VT8-370-M
William Garden Shipyard Pleasure boats NT-335-M
Victoria, B.C. V-470-M
Japan Fuji Marine Co. Ltd. Seven Star 52' pleasure boat Twin VT8-370-M
Sumidagawa Shipyard Co., Ltd. 55' catamaran Twin VT8-370-M
Toa Yachts, Ltd. Whistle Wing 72' ketch VT3-270-M

Toei Marine Boat Co., Ltd. 52' pleasure boat Twin VT8-370-M
United States Algias Corporation 31' Cruiser Various cruiser, sport fish, V-470-M
Division of Pacemaker Corp. 33' Cruiser sedan and double cabin V-470-M
Egg Harbor, New Jersey 38' Sedan models. V-470-M
43' Motor Yacht V8-300-M
48' Motor Yacht VT8-370-M



County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Bertram Yacht Corp. 31' fiberglass V-470-M

(Continued) Miami, Florida 38' fiberglass VT8-370-M
38' fiberglass V8-300-M
Burger Boat Company 57' steel VT8-370-M
Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Century 45' wood VT8-370-M
45' wood V8-300-M
Chris Craft Corp. 38' fiberglass V-370-M
Pompano Beach, Florida 47' fiberglass V8-300-M
57' wood VT8-370-M
50' wood V8-300-M
55' wood V8-300-M
52' wood V8-300-M
57' wood VT8-370-M
45' wood V8-300-M
47' fiberglass V8-300-M
40' wood V8-300-M
Colonial Cruisers, Inc. 38' wood V-470-M
Millville, New Jersey 53' wood VT8-370-M
Davis Custom Boats Various Various V8-300-M
Marshallberg, N. C. VT8-370-M
Devils Lake Marina Various pleasure boats and Various
Lincoln City, Oregon buoytenders
Egg Harbor Boat Company Various cruiser, sport fish, V-470-M
Division of Pacemaker Corp. sedan and double cabin V8-300-M
Egg Harbor, N. J. models.
Feadship 52' steel V8-300-M
Galleon Industries 42' houseboat V-470-M
Grafton Boat Various commercial and V-470-M
Grafton, III. pleasure boats V8-300-M
Hatteras Yacht Company 30C 30' V-470-M
High Point, N. C. 34C 34' V-470-M
48C 48' VT8-370-M
41C 41' V8-300-M or
44TC 44' V8-300-M
45C 45' VT8-370-M
53TC 53' VT8-370-M
Hi Tide Boat Works Various Various V8-300-M
Williston, N. C. VT8-370-M
Huckins Yacht Corp. 50' w o o d VT8-370-M
Jacksonville, Florida


County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabrlcant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Inland Seas Boat Company Various pleasure boats V-470-M
(Continued) Sandusky, Ohio V8-300-M
Jansen Machine & Boatworks Various commercial & Various
South Beach, Oregon fishing vessels
Lemay Boat Works Various Various V8-300-M
Davis, N. C. VT8-370-M
Luhrs Sea Skiffs, Inc. 32' fiberglass V-470-M
Morgan, New Jersey
The Mathews Company 45' cruiser V8-300-M or
Port Clinton, Ohio VT8-370-M
53' cruiser VT8-370-M
Norseman Shipbuilding, Inc. 59' w o o d VT8-370-M
Miami, Florida
Owens Yacht Division 31' Cruiser Various cruiser, sedan, sport V-470-M
Brunswick Corporation 33' Cruiser fish, sedan, and double V-470-M
Baltimore, Maryland 35' Cruiser cabin models. V-470-M
40' Cruiser V8-300-M
44' Cruiser V8-300-M
47' Cruiser VT8-370-M
Pacemaker Corporation 32' Cruiser Various cruiser, convertible V-470-M
Egg Harbor, N. J. 34' Cruiser sedan, sport fish, double V-470-M
42' Motor Yacht cabin, and sedan fishing V-470-M
47' Motor Yacht models. V8-300-M
55' Motor Yacht VT8-370-M
60' Motor Yacht VT8-370-M
65' Motor Yacht VT8-370-M
Roamer Yacht Division 46' aluminum V8-300-M
Chris Craft Corp. 56' aluminum VT8-370-M
Holland, Michigan 48' aluminum V8-300-M
Rose Brothers Boat Works Various Various V8-300
Markers Island, N. C. VT8-370
Rybovich and Sons Boatworks, Inc. 47' wood V8-300-M
West Palm Beach, Florida 54' wood VT8-370-M
Striker Boats, Inc. 36' aluminum V-470-M
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Tollycraft Royal 50 50' pleasure craft V8-300
Kelso, Washington
Trojan Boat Company 42' motor yacht V-470-M
Lancaster, Pa.
John Trumpy & Sons 58' motor yacht VT8-370-M
Annapolis, Md.
Tucker Marine Various boats Various V-470-M
Cincinnati, Ohio VT8-370-M
Uniflite 36' fiberglass V-470-M
42' fiberglass V8-300-M
M. W. Willis & Sons Various Various V8-300-M
Marshallberg, N. C. VT8-370-M



Workboats a n d Fishing Boats Technische- und Fischereifahrzeuge

AlsMl^i Workboats e t B a t e a u x d e P e c h e Barcos d e Trabaio v Pesaiieros

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Brazil Marco do Brasil S.A. 72' fishing boat V12-500-M

Sao Paulo
Canada Allied Shipbuilders Ltd. Workboats NH-250-M
N. Vancouver, B.C., Canada NT-335-M
Bel-Aire Shipyards Various workboats NH-250
N. Vancouver, B.C. VT12-700-M
Benson Bros. Shipbuilding Ltd. Various Various NH-250-M
Vancouver, B.C. VT-380-M
Chile Marco Chilena Shipyards Various Various fishing vessels NT-380-M
Iquique V12-500-M
(others as
Denmark Hadsond Shipyard Fishing boat VT-12-M
Ove Christensen Fishing boat VT-380-M
Vienoe Fishing boat NT-380-M
Hirtshals VT-12
Japan Azuma Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. Truat 65' patrol boat Twin VT8-370-M
Yokosuka Pramong 1 1
Ishihara Dockyard Co. Ltd. Kusunoki Fire boat Twin VT8-370-M
Kita Shipyard Co. No. 83 & 84 49' patrol boat Twin VT8-370-M
Kobe (custom nos.)
Nagasaki Shipyard Ltd. Kashi Asakaze 39' patrol boat V8-300-M
Nagasaki 39' patrol boat VT8-370-M
Okamoto Boat Yard Hamakaze 42' launch V6-215-M
Sumidagawa Shipyard Co., Ltd. Tokiwa Maru 52' fire boat Twin VT8-370-M
Tokyo Hagoromo 57' fire boat Twin VT8-370-M
Toei Marine Boat Co., Ltd. No. 46, 48, & 50 67' patrol boat Twin VT12-825-M
Yokosuka No. 96 49' patrol boat Twin VT8-370-M


County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Japan Usuki Iron Works, Ltd. Oceanic 2 500 T oil tanker (pump) VT12-700-M
(Continued) Kyushu
Yokohama Yacht Ashigara 49' quarantine boat V8-300-M
Mufeed 86' crash, fire and rescue V8-300-M
boat (fire pump)
United States Barbour Metal Boat Various workboats HR-175-M
St. Louis, Mo. NH-250-M
Bayside Machine & Boatworks Various commercial fishing NH-250-M
South Beach, Oregon vessels NT-335-M
Bellamy Boat Works Trawlers V12-500-M
Holden Beach, N. C.
Cape Girardeau Boat & Dry Dock Various workboats Various
Cape Girardeau, Mo.
Devils Lake Marina Various pleasure boats and Various
Lincoln City, Oregon buoytenders
Fraser Shipyards Inc. Various Various workboats and Various
Superior, Wisconsin bow thrusters
Grafton Boat Various Commercial and V-470-M
Grafton, Illinois Pleasure Boats V8-300-M
Humboldt Boat Various Workboats HR-175-M
St. Louis, Missouri NH-250-M
Jansen Machine and Boatworks Various Commercial and Various
Troutdale, Oregon Pleasure Boats
Lewis Bros. Boat Works Trawlers V12-500-M
Hampstead, N. C. NT-335-M
Marine Construction and Design Various fishing vessels As required.
Seattle, Washington
Maxon Construction Co. Various Workboats Various
Tell City, Indiana



County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
País Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States New Bern Shipyard Various Workboats Various

(Continued) New Bern, N. C.
St. Louis Ship Various Workboats HR-175-M
St. Louis, Mo. NH-250-M
Varham Boat Works Trawlers V12-500-M
Holden Beach, N. C.
Walker Boat Yard Various Workboats Various
Paducah, Kentucky
Yaquina Boat Works Various NH-250-M
Toledo, Oregon NT-335-M

Miscellaneous Verschiedenes
Divers Misceláneos

Finland Hollming OY Aquannaster Drives NTA-380-M

United States American Shipbuilding Bow thrusters VT12-800-M
Lorain, Ohio
Fraser Shipyards Inc. Bow thrusters Various
Superior, Wisconsin
G & W Welding Bow thrusters Various
Cleveland, Ohio

• K
Through thousands of hours of operation and over thousands of
" miles of track, Cummins engines have proven to be rugged, depend-
able railway power. Used in applications ranging from mountain Les dieseis Cummins en service sur les chemins de fer ont fonction-
i a i l c a r s t o underground mining locomotives, these dieseis have the né des milliers d'heures et parcouru sur les lignes des milliers de
stamina and working power to be first choice of many railway equip- milles. lis ont ainsi prouvé qu'iis étaient robustes et qu'iis méritaient
ment manufacturers around the world. l'entiére confiance des compagnies de chemins de fer. Utilisés dans
les applications variées, allant des autorails de montagne aux loco-
Cummins locomotive and railcar engines are built specifically for motives en service souterrain dans les mines, ils ont l'endurance et
those applications, whether they be diesel hydraulic or diesel elec- la puissance de travail qu'il faut pour que de nombreux constructeurs
tric. Their high horsepower per weight ratio offers a distinct advan- d'équipement de chemins de fer, établis dans le m o n d e e n t i e r ,
tage over many dieseis. Since they are of compact, heavy duty tournent vers eux leurs regards pour fixer définitivement leur choix.
design, yet are comparatively light weight, they are ideally suited Les dieseis Cummins de locomotives sont étudiés pour résister aux
for operation in many countries which have lightweight rails and chocs et en particulier aux chocs brusques, se produisant dans les
require low axle loads. gares au cours des manoeuvres de triage, au franchissement des
Cummins locomotive dieseis are designed to withstand the shocks aiguillages. lis continuent à fonctionner à leur rendement de pointe
and sudden impact of yard switching and shunting operations. They même à charge constante en service dur. On peut done s'attendre á
continue to operate at peak efficiency even under constant heavy ce que le moteur Cummins de c h e m i n de fer r e s t e de longues
loads. This means that many years of service can be expected from années en service.
every Cummins railway engine. Cummins combine le dernier cri de la technique dans le modèle de
Cummins combines the latest in horizontal engine design with the diesel horizontal avec le rendement prouvé de la fameuse série des
proven performance of the famous N H engine series to provide one moteurs NH pour fournir une des plus fines gammes de dieseis
of the finest railcar engine lines in the world. These horizontal en- d'autorailsqui existe au monde. Ces dieseis horizontaux ont naturel-
gines naturally have minimal height dimensions to accomodate the lement les dimensions minimales en hauteur pour pouvoir respecter
often exacting tolerances required in railcar engine installations. les tolérances souvent exigeantes, requises dans les installations
They offer the rugged durability that is built into every Cummins des dieseis d'autorail. lis offrent la même robustesse et la même
engine. endurance que celles incorporées à chaqué diesel Cummins.
Cummins offre un choix trés varié de volants, s'adaptant à de nom-
Cummins offers a variety of flywheel options to fit many types of breux types de c o n v e r t i s s e u r s de couple et de générateurs de
torque converters and traction generators. Other options, such as
traction. D'autres articles facultatifs teis que divers refroidisseurs
various torque converter oil coolers, oil pans, fans and fan mount-
d'huile pour convertisseur de couple, bacs à huile, ventilateurs et
ings, air compressors, governors and air cleaners provide a perfect
engine match to the application. piéces d'assemblage de ventilateurs, compresseurs d'air, régula-
teurs et filtres à air peuvent être fournis au client pour que le diesel
Cummins dieseis are standard power on many other related types puisse f o n c t i o n n e r p a r f a i t e m e n t d a n s le cas de I ' a p p l i c a t i o n
of railway equipment, such as track layers, locomotive cranes, and envisagée.
snow plows.
Les dieseis Cummins sont des sources de puissance standardisées
sur de nombreux autres types de matériel de chemin de fer teis que
des machines de pose de voies ferrées, grues á fié che tournante
sur voie nórmale et chasse-neige.

En miles de horas de operación y a lo largo de miles de kilómetros
de vías, los motores Cummins han demostrado ser una fuerza motriz
Cummins-Motoren haben sich über Tausende von Betriebsstunden resistente y confiable para uso ferroviario. Utilizados en aplicaciones
und Tausende von Schienenkilometern ais robuste, zuverlássige que van desde automotrices (autovías) de montaña hasta locomo-
Antriebsmotoren für die Eisenbahnen bewáhrt. Ob im Einsatz bei toras para galerías de minas, estos motores tienen la resistencia y
Bergbahnen oder ais Loks im Untertagebau, diese Dieselmotoren la potencia de trabajo para ser la primera elección de muchos fabri-
besitzen eine solche Dauerbelastbarkeit und Leistungsstárke, daB cantes de equipo ferroviario en todo el mundo.
sie inzwischen von vielen Firmen des Eisenbahnbaus auf der gan-
zen Weit bevorzugt werden. Los Cummins diesel para locomotoras están destinados a soportar
Cummins-Diesel für Loks sind so konstruiert, da3 sie dem Aufprall los choques y los impactos repentinos de las operaciones de patio
und ruckartigen Belastungen im Rangierbetrieb gewachsen sind. y de maniobras. Siguen operando a su más alta eficiencia incluso
Sie arbeiten mit voller L e i s t u n g s s p i t z e s e l b s t bei andauernder bajo cargas p e s a d a s c o n s t a n t e s . E s t o s i g n i f i c a que se pueden
Hóchstbelastung. Daher kónen Sie beruhigt von einem Cummins- esperar muchos años de servicio del motor Cummins ferroviario.
Schienendiese/ viele Jahre zuverlassiger Dienste erwarten. Cummins combina lo más reciente en diseño de motores horizon-
Bei Cummins vereinigen sich die modernen Formen der liegenden tales con el comprobado rendimiento de la famosa serie de motores
Bauweise mit der bewàhrten Leistung der berühmten NH-Motoren- N H para ofrecer una de las lineas de motores para automotrices
serie zu einem der besten Schienenbusmotoren der Welt. Diese (autovías) mejores en el mundo. Estos motores horizontales, natural-
liegenden Motoren weisen eine nur geringe Hdhe auf, weshalb sie mente, tienen dimensiones mínimas en su altura para adaptarse a
ideal zum Einbau in Schienenbusse geeignet sind, wo oft schwierige las tolerancias, frecuentemente muy precisas, requeridas en las
Raumprobleme zu losen sind. Dabei sind i h n e n n a t ü r l i c h j e n e instalaciones en autovías. Ofrecen la misma resistente durabilidad
Robustheit und Dauerhaftigkeit zu eigen, die in alien Cummins- que se encuentra en cada motor Cummins.
Motoren zu finden ist. Cummins ofrece una gran variedad de volantes opcionales para
acoplarlos con muchos tipos de convertidores de torsión y genera-
Cummins besitzt eine reiche Auswahl von besonderen Schwun-
dores para tracción. Otras opciones, tales como diversos enfriadores
gradausführungen zur Anpassung an die verschiedensten Typen
para convertidores de torsión, depósitos de aceite, ventiladores y
von Drehmomentwandlern und Zuggeneratoren. Hinzu kommen
montajes de ventilador, compresores de aire, gobernadores (mecá-
weitere Sondermoglichkeiten auf Wunsch, wie z.B. verschiedene
nicos de velocidad variable, para eje de salida de convertidor de
õ l k ü h i e r für Drehmomentwandler, Olwannen, Lüfter und Lüfterar-
torsión, hidráulicos, etc.,) y filtros de aire proporcionan la combina-
maturen, Luftverdichter, Regler (zur mechanischen Drehzahlrege-
ción perfecta del motor con la aplicación.
lung, Abtriebswellenregelung, hydraulische Einrichtungen, usw.),
sowie Luftreiniger, so da(3 in jedem Falle der Motor genau auf seinen Los motores Cummins diesel son equipo de fábrica en muchos otros
Einsatz zugeschnitten werden kann. tipos relacionados de equipo ferroviario, tales como tendedores de
carriles, grúas y quitanieves.
Auch in vielen anderen Schienenfahrzeugen, wie z.B. Schienen-

IIileger, Lok-Kráne und Schneepflüge, gehõren Cummins-Motoren

zur Standardausrüstung.


Locomotive Engines LOK-Motoren

Diesel de Locomotives IVIotores p a r a L o c o m o t o r a s

Engine 1. Intermittent 2. Continuous Displacement Bore and Strol<e Number of Aspiration Net
Traction Rating Traction Rating Inches Inches Cylinders Vi/eight
U.i.C. and U.I.C.- (Litres) (mm) Pounds
BS. 2 9 5 3 : 1958 BS. 2953: 1958 (Kg.)
Moteur 1. Puissance en 2. Puissance en Cylindrée Alesage et Course Nombra de Aspiration Poids Nat
Traction Traction Pouces Pouces Cylindres Livres
intermitiente Continu
U.I.C. et U.i.C.-
BS. 2953; 1958 BS. 2953: 1958
1. PS-Leistung fur Hubraum Bohrung und Hub Anzahi Ansaugart Nettoge-
Rangierbetrieb der wicht
U.i.C. und Zylinder
BS. 2953: 1958
PS bei U / m i n
1. Especificación
Motor para Tracción 2. Especificación Cilindrada Diámetro y Carrera Número de Aspiración Peso
para Tracción Pulgadas Cúbicas Pulgadas Cilindros Neto
intermitente Libras
U.i.C. y Continua
BS. 2 9 5 3 : 1958 BS. 2 9 5 3 : 1958

H-743-L 175 1800 157 1800 743 5-1/8x6 6 Natural 2435

(12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1105)

N-855-L 238 2100 205- 1900- 855 5-1/2x6 6 Natural 2590

215 2100 (14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1175)

NT-855-L1 285 2100 246- 1900- 855 5-1/2x6 6 Turbocharged 2625

260 2100 (14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1191)

NS-743-L 290 2100 245- 1900- 743 5-1/8 X 6 6 Supercharged 2750

260 2100 (12.2) (130.2 X 152.4) (1247)

NT-855-L2 335 2100 285- 1900- 855 5-1/2x6 6 Turbocharged 2625

300 2100 (14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1191)

NTA-855-L 370 2100 318- 1900- 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 2750

335 2100 (14.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (1247)

V-1710-L 475 2100 410- 1900- 1710 5-1/2 X 6 12 Natural 5280

430 2100 (28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2399)

\/T-1710-L 650 2100 560- 1900- 1710 5-1/2x6 12 Turbocharged 5780

590 2100 (28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2621)

VTA-1710-L 750 2100 640- 1900- 1710 5-1/2x6 12 Turbocharged 5780

680 2100 (28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (2621)

VTA-1710-L 750 2100 640- 1900- 1710 5-1/2x6 12 Turbocharged 7425

(Electric) 680 2100 (28.0) (139.7 X 152.4) (3368)

1. Suggested for yard s w i t c h i n g and s h u n t i n g and industrial l o c o m o t i v e s . 1. M o d è l e r e c o m m a n d é p o u r les l o c o m o t i v e s industrielles, d e gares

2. Suggested for branch and m a i n l i n e s e r v i c e . d e triage et d e m a n o e u v r e .
3. Suggested for s u b u r b a n or i n t e r m i t t e n t road service. 2. iVIodèle r e c o m m a n d é pour les g r a n d e s lignes et les lignes locales.
4. Suggested for mainline road s e r v i c e . 3 M o d e l e r e c o m m a n d é p o u r les s e r v i c e s routiers d e c o u r t e distance.
4. M o d e l e r e c o m m a n d é p o u r les services routiers d e longue distance
Railcar Engines Schienenbusmotoren
M o t e u r s d'Autorail Motores para Automotrices (Autovias)

Engine 3. Intermittent 4. Continuous Displacement Bore and Stroke Number of Aspiration Net
Traction Rating Traction Rating Inches Inches Cylinders Weight
U.i.C. and U.I.C. and (Litres) (mm) Pounds
BS. 2 9 5 3 : 1958 8 8 . 2 9 5 3 : 1958 (Ka.)
Moteur 3. Puissance e n 4. Puissance en Cyiindrée Aiésage et Course Nombre de Aspiration Poids Net
Traction Traction Pouces Pouces Cylindres Livres
Intermittente Continu
U.i.C. et U.i.C. et
BS. 29S3: 1958 BS. 2953: 1958
Motor 3. PS-Leistung für 4. PS-Leistung fOr Hubraum Bohrung und Hub Anzahi der Ansaugart Nettoge-
Ranglerbetrieb Dauerbetrieb Zylinder wicht
U.i.C. und U.i.C. und
BS. 2953: 1958 BS. 2953: 1958
PS bei U/min PS bei U/min
Motor 3. Especificación 4. Especificación Cilindrada Diámetro y Carrera Número de Aspiración Peso
para Tracción para Tracción Pulgadas Cúbicas Pulgadas Cilindros Neto
intermitente Continua Libras
U.I.C. y U.i.C. y
BS. 2953: 1958 BS. 2953: 1958

N-855-R 240 2100 215 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Natural 3000

(14.0) (140 x 152) (1361)

NT-855-R1 285 2100 260 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3500

(14.0) (140 X 152) (1587)

NT-855-R2 335 2100 300 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 3500

(14.0) (140 X 152) (1587)

NTA-855-R 370 2100 335 2100 855 5-1/2 X 6 6 Turbocharged 4000

(14,0) (140 X 152) (1814)

1. Empfohlen fCir Rangier- und W e r k s v e r k e h r s l o k o m o t i v e n . 1. Recomendados para l o c o m o t o r a s d e maniobras e industriales.

2. Empfohlen für N a h v e r k e h r s - und F e r n v e r k e h r s l o k o m o t i v e n . 2. Recomendados para s e r v i c i o d e vías p r i n c i p a l e s y ramales.
3. Empfohlen für NahverkehrstraBentransport. 3. Recomendados para s e r v i c i o i n t e r m i t e n t e o s u b u r b a n o por carretera.
4. Empfohlen für FernverkehrstraBentransport. 4. Recomendados para t r a n s p o r t e por c a r r e t e r a a largas distancias.

Locomotives Lokomotiven
Locomotives Locomotoras

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cumnnins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Australia Baldwin & Sons Pty. Ltd., Various Underground locomotive NHH-220
S y d n e y N.S.W.
Commonwealth Engineering Various Diesel hydraulic VT-1710-L
(NSW) P/L.
S y d n e y N.S.W.
A. Goninan & Company Various Diesel electric (G.E.) H, NH, NT,
Newcastle. N.S.W. V I 2 Series
Tulloch Ltd. T Class Diesel electric (brush) VTA-1710-L
S y d n e y N.S.W.
Walkers Ltd. Various Diesel hydraulic H, NH, NT,
Maryborough, Queensland V12 Series
Belgium Ateliers Beiges Reunís Diesel hydraulic NH-220-BI
St. Pierre NT-855-LI
Cockerill-Ougree Diesel hydraulic NT-855-LI
Brazil General Electric do Brasil Shunting locomotive NT-855-LI
Campinas, Sao Paulo
Canada Fairbanks Morse Ltd. Diesel hydraulic As required
Kingston, Ontario
Finland Locomo OY C-600 Diesel hydraulic VTA-1710-L
Tampere shunting locomotive
Germany Orenstein-Koppel Diesel hydraulic H-743-L to
Dortmund VTA-1710-L
India Dynacraft Machines Co. (P) DYNACRAFT Shunting locomotive NHRS-6-IP
Ltd. (Kirloskar Pneumatic)
Japan Hitachi Ltd. HR-22B Diesel hydraulic NH-220-BI
Tokyo HR-40BB Diesel hydraulic NH-220-BI (2)
HR-20B Diesel hydraulic NH-220-BI
Diesel hydraulic NS-743-L
Diesel hydraulic NT-855-L1
Diesel electric NS-743-L
Diesel hydraulic VTA-1710-L
Diesel hydraulic NTA-855-L
Kawasaki Heavy Ind. Co., Ltd. NS-743-L
Kisha Seizo Kaisha Diesel hydraulic VT-1710-L
Kyosan Kogyo Co., Ltd. Diesel hydraulic NH-220-BI
Nippon Sharyo Seizo, KK Diesel hydraulic NH-220-BI
Nagoya Diesel hydraulic NH-220-BI
Diesel hydraulic NTA-855-L
Diesel hydraulic VT-1710-L


County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

South Africa C.H. Funkey & Co. (Pty.) Ltd. Diesel electric N-855-L to
Alrode, Alberton VT-1710-L
General Electric Co. (Pty) Ltd. Diesel electric As required
Hunslet Taylor Diesel electric N-855-L to
Malvern, Johannesburg VT-1710-L
SA General Electric Diesel electric N-855-L
Benoni, Transvaal NT-855-L
Union Carriage & Wagon (Ry.) Ltd. Diesel electric N-855-L to
Nigel, Transvaal VT-1710-L
Sweden ASJ B o Bo Shunting locomotive V-1710-L
Kalmar Verkstads A B Various diesel electric NT-380
Oskarshamm VT-12
Switzerland SLM-Sulzer Diesel electric VTA-1710-L
United Kingdom Andrew Barclay Co., Ltd. Various Diesel hydraulic N-855-L to
Kilmarnock shunting locomotives VT-1710-L
Brush Electrical Eng. Co. Ltd. Various Diesel electric NT-855-L2 to
Loughborough shunting locomotives VTA-1710-L
Drewry Baguley Ltd. Various Diesel electric NT-855-L to
London shunting locomotives NTA-855-L
English Electric Various Diesel hydraulic/diesel N-855-L to
Lancashire electric locomotives VT-1710-L
Hunslet Eng. Co. Ltd. Diesel hydraulic N-855-L to
Leeds shunting locomotives VT-1710-L
United States General Electric Various 25 ton industrial locomotive H-743-L
Erie, Pennsylvania 35 ton industrial locomotive NS-743-L
45 ton industrial locomotive H-743-L (2)
6 5 / 8 0 ton industrial NT-855-L1 (2)
100 ton industrial locomotive NT-855-L2 (2)
120 ton industrial locomotive NTA-855-L
Plymouth Locomotive Works Various 8-15 ton locomotives H-743-L
Division of Fate-Root-Heath 15-30 t o n locomotives NS-743-L
Plymouth, Ohio 30-45 ton locomotives NT-855-L1
80-120 ton locomotives V-1710-L (2)


Locomotive Cranes Lok-Krane

^ Grue à Flèche Tournante sur Vole Nórmale Grúas
Country Manufacturer Model Description Cunnnnins Engine
Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Japan Hitachi Ltd. 50 M / T Locomotive crane NHC-4-IP

Tokyo 60 M / T Locomotive crane HRS-6-IP
100 M / T Locomotive crane NHS-6-IP
United Kingdom Cowans Sheldon Ltd. Custom built railway NHC-4 to
Carlisle breakdown cranes winch gear NT-380
United States American Hoist & Derricl< 8 2 5 / 8 3 0 DE 2 5 / 3 0 ton railway crane H-743-P
St. Paul, Minnesota 8 4 0 / 8 5 0 DE 4 0 / 5 0 ton railway crane HS-743-P
5 0 3 0 / 7 0 3 0 DE 3 0 / 4 0 ton railway crane H-743-P
W-150 150 ton railway wrecker NT-855-P
W-250 250 ton railway wrecker NT-855-P

yT^^MTWIK Kailcars Schienenbusse

Autorails Automotrices (Autovías)

Australia Commonwealth Engineering P/L., Various Diesel hydraulic N H H - 2 2 0 to

S y d n e y N.S.W. NHHRTO-6
Tulloch Ltd., Various Diesel hydraulic NTA-855-R
S y d n e y N.S.W.
Germany Ferrostaal Diesel mechanized, NHH-220 to
Dortmund hydraulic NHHRTO-6
India Integral Coach Factory DYNACRAFT Meter gauge rail cars NHHRTO-6-BI
(Kirloskar Pneumatic Co.)
Poona, India
Japan Hitachi Ltd. Diesel hydraulic NHH-220-B1 (2)
Tokyo NHHRT0-6-BI
Kisha Seizo Kaisha Diesel hydraulic NHH-220-BI (2)
Nippon Rolling Stock Diesel hydraulic/ VTA-1710-L (2),
Nagoya Diesel electric NHHTO-6-BI,
Tokyo Car Mfg. Co. Diesel hydraulic NHHRTO-6-BI
Yokohama NHH-220-BI (2)
Switzerland SLM-Sulzer Diesel electric NHH-220


Track Layers Schlenenleger

Machines de Pose de Voies Ferrées Tendedores de Vias

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Railway Service & Supply Co. Universal Track layer V-785-C
Division of Ayshire Collieries track machine
Indianapolis, Indiana
Whiting Corporation 5-TM Trackmobile V-352
Harvey, Illinois 7-TM Trackmobile J-401-B

IVIiscellaneous Verschiedenes
Divers Misceláneos

Canada Bert Pyke Limited Railroad snow plow CT-464-P

Oshawa, Ontario Railroad switch broom C-464-P

i ^ ^ q u i p r n e n t manufacturers around the world appreciate the versa-
t i l i t y of Cummins diesel engines. No matter what type of equipment,
^ • i t s engine requirements fall within the broad Cummins horsepower Dans le monde entier, les f a b r i c a n t s d e m a t é r i e l a p p r é c l e n t le
^ ^ a n g e , there Is a Cummins diesel ready to deliver reliable, economi- caractère universal des dieseis Cummins. Quel que soit le type de
matériel, si les exigences du diesel à placer sur celul-ci tombent
cal power.
dans la large gamme des puissances Cummins, le client trouvera
A wide variety of engine options is offered so that the engine and toujours un diesel Cummins qui lui conviendra et sera prêt à fournir
the equipment will operate as one efficient unit. These options In- une puissance sur laquelle il peut compter et qui sera en même
clude various flywheels and flywheel housings, air, oil and fuel filters, temps économique.
governors, Instrument panels, heat exchangers, oil pans for different
angularities, power takeoffs, etc. Cummins luf offrira une large variété de dieseis susceptibles de le
satisfaire, de sorte que le diesel et le matériel, actionné par celui-ci,
Cummins dieseis are designed to keep operating at peak efficiency fonctlonneront comme un groupe efficient. Les options, laissées au
even under conditions of inclement weather, extreme dust, or con- choix du Client, porteront également sur d'autres articles teis que
stant, heavy work loads. These are conditions in which only the most les sulvants : volants divers, carters de volants, filtres à air, à huile
durable and dependable engines can survive. Cummins engines et à h u l i e c o m b u s t i b l e , r é g u l a t e u r s , p a n n e a u x d'instruments,
^ meet and surpass these demands every day in applications span- échangeurs de chaleur, bac à huile pour différentes angularités,
ning the globe. prises de force etc...
In specialized equipment such as that used by the oil and logging Les dieseis Cummins sont étudiés de manière à toujours fonctionner
, Industries, Cummins has become synonymous with reliability. Manu- au rendement maximum même par temps Inclément, en atmosphère
.r, facturers who standardize on Cummins can assure their customers extrêmement pousslèreuse ou à charge constante, en service dur.
of dependable engines designed to build profits with minimum Ce sont là précisément les conditions, dans lesquelles seuls les
downtime and maintenance, and maximum economy and perform- dieseis, pouvant se prévaloir d'une longue durée en service et d'une
ance. fiabilité parfaite, peuvent survivre. Les diesel Cummins font face à
ees exigences et les d é p a s s e n t m ê m e t o u s les j o u r s dans des
applications á l'échelle du monde.
Dans l'équipement spécialisé tel que celul utilisé dans l'industrie du
pétrole et dans celle du bois, Cummins est devenu synonyme de
fiabilité parfaite.
Les constructeurs qui standardisent sur Cummins peuvent assurer
leur clientèle qu'lls leur fournissent des dieseis auxqueis elle peut
hardimentse tier et qui sont étudiés pour réaliser des profits, assis
sur les avantages sulvants : temps d'lnactivité minimum, entretien
minimum, économle et rendement maxima.


Los fabricantes de equipo en el mundo entero aprecian la versatili-
dad de los motores Cummins diesel. No importa cual sea el tipo del
Überall auf der Welt wird der Cummins-Motor von Anlagenherstel-
equipo; si sus requerimientos están dentro de la amplia gama de
lem wegen seiner Vielseitlgkeit geschatzt. Ganz gleich um welche
caballajes de Cummins, hay un Cummins diesel listo para ofrecer
Aniage Oder Ausrüstung es sich handelt, wenn der Kraftbedarf im
potencia confiable y económica.
Rahmem der u m f a n g r e i c h e n C u m m i n s - S e r l e n l i e g t , d a n n hat
Cummins auch den Dieselmotor zur Hand, um in dem betreffenden Se ofrece una gran variedad de opciones para los motores, a fin de
Bedarfsfall einen zuverlassigen, wirtschaftlichen Antrieb zu liefern. que el motor y el equipo operen c o m o una sola y eficiente unidad.
Estas opciones incluyen diversos volantes y cubiertas de volante,
Dazu steht eine Auswahl von Sonderausführungen auf Wunsch zur filtros de aire, aceite y combustible, gobernadores, tableros de In-
Verfügung, so daB Aniage und Motor in iedem Fall eine leistungs- strumentos, cambiadores de calor, depósitos de aceite para diferen-
starke Einheit darstellen. Zu diesen Sonderwünchen gehõren ver- tes angularidades, tomas de fuerza, etc.
schiedene Schwungràder und Schwungradkasten, Luft-, Ol- und
Kraftstoffllter, Regler, Armaturentafeln, Warmeaustauscher, Olwan- Los diesel Cummins están diseñados para seguir funcionando a su
nen fur verschiedene Einbaulagen, Nebenantriebe usw. máxima eficiencia incluso en condiciones de tiempo inclemente,
mucho polvo o cargas de trabajo pesadas y constantes. Estas son
Cummins-Dleselmotoren sind in der Lage, ihre L e l s t u n g s s p i t z e condiciones en las cuales solamente pueden sobrevivir los motores
selbst unter ungünstigsten Wetterverhãltnissen, starkem Stauban- más duraderos y confiables. Los motores Cummins satisfacen y
fall bzw. unter stãndiger Vollbelastung zu halten. In solchen Einsatz- exceden de esas demandas todos los días, en aplicaciones que
bedlngungen konnen n u r d i e z ã h e s t e n und zuverlassigsten Motoren circundan el orbe.
überleben. Cummins-Motoren erfülien und übertreffen diese Anfor-
derungen Tag füg Tag im Einsatz rund um die Welt. En equipo especializado tal como el que utilizan las industrias petro-
lera y de la madera, Cummins se ha convertido en sinónimo de con-
Bel Spezialausrustungen, wie sie z.B. in der Erdõl- und Holzindustrie fiabilidad. Los f a b r i c a n t e s q u e usan Cummins como equipo de
verwendet werden, ist Cummins zum Begrlff fiir Zuverlassigkelt n o r m a , p u e d e n a s e g u r a r a sus c l i e n t e s q u e t e n d r á n m o t o r e s
geworden. Der Aniagenhersteller, welcher sich ganz auf Cummins confiables, diseñados para producirles ganancias con un mínimo de
einstellt, kann s e l n e n K u n d e n g a r a n t i e r e n , da3 er zuverlássige tiempo para reparaciones y mantenimiento, con economía y rendi-
Motoren In die Hand bekommt, die ihm Gewlnn bringen, und zwar miento máximos.
bel einem Minimum an A u s f a l l z e i t e n und W a r t u n g u n d e i n e m
HõchstmaS an Wirtschaftlichkeit und Leistung.



Agricultural Equipment Ausrústungen für die Landwirtschaft

J ^ f g ^ ^ Equipement Agrlcole Equipo Agrícola

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modele Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

Australia Norwood Bagshow Ltd. Vac-U-ator Grain loader JN

Oliver Australasia Pty. Ltd. C-160
Canada Versatile Manufacturing M-118 118 HP farm tractor V-352-B
Winnipeg, Manitoba M-145 145 H P farm tractor V-470-B
United States D-K Manufacturing 167 Vac-U-Ator grain loader J-401-P
Batavia, Illinois 168 Vac-U-Ator grain loader C-464-P
FWD-Wagner WA-9 Agricultural tractor C-464-C
Portland, Oregon CT-464-C
WA-14 21,990 DP Ag. tractor N-855-C
WA-17 22,844 DP Ag. tractor NT-855-C
John Deere WA-14 Agricultural tractor N-855
Moline, Illinois WA-17 Agricultural tractor NT-855
Myers-Sherman Company Super Sucker Grain unloader, conveyor C-464-P
Streator, Illinois V-470-P
Speed Sprayer Plant 757-CP 100 GPM, 150 PSI speed V-470-P185
John Bean Division sprayer
FMC Corporation
Orlando, Florida

Aircraft Ground Support Bodenelnrichtungen Im Luftverkehr

' Appui Terre—Avion Equipo de Tierra para Aviones

Australia Ausair G r o u n d power unit CS-464-C

Belgium Arpie Engineering Air Starter Jet starter NS-743-C
France Ets. M. Guinault & Cie. Air Starter Jet starter V-785-C
Houilles (S&D) G r o u n d power u n i t - C-464-C
trailer mtd.
United Kingdom Atlas Copeo Ltd. Air Partner Jet starter NHRS-6-BI
Hemel Hempstead, Herts.
Auto Diesel Ltd. Air Starter Jet starter NT-335-BI,
Uxbridge, Middx. VT12-600
F. L. Douglas (Equipment) Ltd. Tug master Aircraft tow tractor NH-220 to
Cheltenham, Gis. series VT12-700
Hampson Industries Ltd. Air master Jet starter NT-335
West Bromwich
Hunslet Engineering ATTYY Aircraft tow tractor VT-1710-635
Mercury MD300 Aircraft tow tractor V8-185
Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) Ltd. Nubian Major Aircraft fire tender— V8-300
Basing 20 t o n GVW


County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Accessory Controls & Equipment 70 ton, truck mounted aircraft V-588-B
Windsor, Connecticut air conditioning unit
Air-A-Plane Mobile aircraft air V-588-B
Norfolk, Virginia conditioning unit
American Snowblast B-16-A Airport broom NT-855-P
Denver, Colorado CF-160
Autocar Division of 60 DF & Aircraft refueler C-160
White Motor Company 80 DF CF-160
Exton, Pennsylvania C-180
Greer Hydraulics, Inc. 500 Series Hydraulic test stand V-352-C
Los Angeles, California
Hobart Ground power u n i t - V-352-B
Troy, Ohio self-propelled (60 KVA) C-464-B
Ground power u n i t - C-464-B
self-propelled (75 KVA)
Ground power u n i t - CT-464-B
self-propelled (90 KVA)
Ground power u n i t - NT-855-B
self-propelled (125-140 KVA)
Ground power u n i t - NT-855-B
self-propelled (140-160 KVA)
Ground power u n i t - NT-a55-B
self-propelled (160-180 KVA)
Ground power u n i t - CT-464-B
truck mounted (90 KVA)
Ground power unit—truck NT-855-B
mounted (125 to 140 KVA)
Ground power unit—truck NT-855-B
mounted (140-160 KVA)
Ground power unit—truck NT-855-B
mounted (160-180 KVA)
Ground power unit—trailer C-464-B
mounted (60 KVA)
Ground power unit—trailer C-464-B
mounted (75 KVA)
Ground power unit—trailer CT-464-B
mounted (90 KVA)
Ground power unit—tractor C-464-B
mounted (60 KVA)
Ground power unit—tractor C-464-B
mounted (75 KVA)
Ground power unit—tractor CT-464-B
mounted (90 KVA)
C. G. Hokanson Co. HH-1000 Aircraft heater V-470-C
Division of Lear Siegler
Santa Ana, California


County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Inet Power Various Various types of ground V-785-P

(Continued) Division of Teledyne support equipment. All (most commonly
equipment built to order. used)
Ingersoll-Rand 200 DH-165 Jet starter NT-855-B
New York, New York 747, DC-10, Jet starter VT-1710-B
KW Dart 5000 & 8000 gal. airport C-160
Kansas City, Missouri refueler
Pierce-Pacific Manufacturing Company T-1000 Aircraft tow tractor NT-855-B380
Portland, Oregon
Unit Rig & Equipment Co. T-150 Aircraft tow tractor VTA-1710-C
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Gas Turbine Starters Aniasser für Gasturbinen

Démarreurs de Turbines á Gaz Arrancadores para Turbinas de Gas

Germany AEG (G.E. Licensee) 158A Gas turbine starter V8-300-BI

Italy Fiat Grande Motori SPA T.G16 16,000 KW Gas turbine V-1710-P
Torino starter
(Westinghouse Licensee)
Nuovo Pignone SPA Gas turbine starters V8-300-IP
(G.E. Licensee)
Japan Hitachi, Ltd. 158A7426-1 Gas turbine starter V8-300-BI
Tokyo 158A7131 &
158A7132-1 VT8-430-BI
United Kingdom John Brown Gas turbine starting units V8-300
Clydebank, Scotland VT12-525
United States General Electric Gas turbine starter VT8-430
Schenectady, New York Gas turbine starter V8-300

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Logging Equipment Holzschiagausrüstungen

Matériel Forestier Equipo para Movimiento de Troncos

Canada Clark Equipment Co. of Canada Ltd. 666 Skidder V-352-C

St. Thomas, Ontario
Sicard Ltd. of Canada FS Feller skidder V-352-C
Ste. Therese, Quebec
VIT Feller-Buncher V-352-C
Tyee Machinery Company Limited G.80 5 Drum skidder V-1710-C
Vancouver, B. C. G.89 8 Drum skidder V-1710-C
G.45 4 Drum yarder NS-743-C
G.41 4 Drum yarder NS-743-C
G.41 5 Drum yarder NS-743-C
G.69 4 Drum yarder N-743-C
G.69 5 Drum yarder NT-855-C
G.120 3 Drum yarder NT-855-C
G.120 5 Drum yarder NT-855-C


County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Model! Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Clark (Michigan) 666 14,900 lb. tree skidder V-352
Benton Harbor, Michigan 668 Tree skidder V-504-C
FWD-Wagner L-24 24,000 lb. log stacker J-401-C
Portland, Oregon L-40 40,000 lb. log stacker CT-464-C
L-60 60,000 lb. log stacker N-743-C
L-90 90,000 lb. log stacker NT-855-C
L-120 120,000 lb. log stacker NTA-855-C
Garrett Manufacturing 666 14,900 lb. tree skidder V-470-C
Enumclaw, Washington 668 Tree skidder V-378-C
V-352 V-352-C
Hein Werner Corporation 8 ton log loader 4-wheel drive V-352-C
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Hydraulic Machinery LT-650 21,000 lbs. log loader V-352
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Hy-loader
KW Dart KW-80 80,000 lbs. log stacker NT-855-C
Kansas City, Missouri
Link Belt Speeder LS-98 Special logger H-743-C
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
R . G . LeTourneau F-802 80,000 lb. log stacker NT-855-C
Longview, Texas F-804
Schield Bantam Division 515 Logger V-352-C
Waverly, Ohio
Scoopmobile, Inc. WL-4-30 30,000 lb. Loggermobile N-743-C
Division of Wabco
Portland, Oregon
Skagit Corporation SJ-5RN Mobile logger N-743-C
Sedro-Woolley, Washington SJ-7R Mobile logger N-743-C
GT-5 Guylineless tower N-743-C
PT-4Y Mobile yarder N-743-C
555 Mobile loader N-743-C
777 Mobile loader N-743-C
Washington Iron Works 98 Yarder V-588-C
Seattle, Washington 157 Yarder N-743-C
158 Yarder NT-855-C
207 Yarder NS-743-C
208 Yarder NT-855-C


1 Oil Field Equipment AusrCistungen für die Erdòlindustrie

^bM^ Equlpement de Champs Pétrolifères Equipo para Campos Petroleros

Country Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Cline Trucl< Manufacturing Company Custom built drilling rig units N-855-B250
Kansas City, Missouri
Concrete Equipment Company Pumpit Concrete pump V-470-P
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Conequip Division, Universal Fluid Dynaplacer Concrete pump V-470-P185
Dynamics Company (truck mounted)
Alpena, Michigan
Dynaplacer Concrete pump V-470-P185
(trailer mounted)
KW Dart Dune Buggy 110,000 lb. oil derrick hoist VTA-1710-C
Kansas City, Missouri and transporter
Robbins Machinery Company RR-10 45,000 PSI vertical drill rig N-855-B250
Birmingham, Alabama RRT-10 50,000 PSI vertical drill rig N-855-B250
6 0 , 0 0 0 PSI vertical drill rig N-855-B250
RRTS 70,000 PSI vertical drill rig N-855-B310
RR-H Horizontal drill rig NS-743-P290
Special Horizontal drill rig V-1710-P500
Whitman Manufacturing Company P80-D Concrete pump V-352-C
Pacoima, California

mtí^^W Snow Removal Equipment Schneeraumer

Equipement d enlèvement de la Neige Equipo Limpianieves

Canada Bert Pyke Limited Railroad snow plow CT-464-IP

Oshawa, Ontario
Richardson Road Machinery Co., Ltd. RV4L Snowblower J-401-P130
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan C-464-P160
Sicard BK 20 t o n / m i n snowblower V-588-C
Ste. Therese, Quebec Junior 20 t o n / m i n snowblower N-743-B
United States American Coleman Truck carriers used to power CF-160
Littleton, Colorado American Snowblast snow NH-230
removal machines.
American Snowblast R-1200L Snowblower CT-464-P
Denver, Colorado R-1200 Snowblower CT-464-P
R-2200 Snowblower NT-855-B
R-4500L Snowblower NT-855-B (2)


County Manufacturer Model Description Cummins Engine

Pays Fabricant Modèle Description Moteur Cummins
Land Hersteller Modell Bezeichnung Cummins Motor
Pais Fabricante Modelo Descripción Motor Cummins

United States Klauer Manufacturing Company TU-3 Snowblower NT-855-P380

(Continued) Dubuque, Iowa NT-855-P335
MTR Snowblower- N-855-P250
LTR-90 Snowblower N-855-P250
Slcard Industries BJD 18 ton/min snowblower N-743-B
Watertown, New York BK 20 ton/min snowblower V-588-B
BU-43 20 ton/min snowblower N-855-C
BL 35 ton/min snowblower NT-855-C
BX2-DS 50 ton/min snowblower VTA-1710-B

Sweepers Kehrmaschinen
Balayeuses Barredoras

Canada Bert Pyke Limited Railroad switch broom C-464-P

Oshawa, Ontario
United States Elgin Sweeper Company Pelican 2V2 CU. yd. street sweeper V-352-C
Elgin, Illinois White Wing 375 3y2 cu. yd. street sweeper V-352-C
White Wing 475 Street sweeper V-352-C
D. P Way Self-propelled Industrial V-352-C
Milwaukee, Wisconsin vacuum cleaner

Miscellaneous Verschiedenes
Divers Misceláneos

Canada Bombardier Snowmobile Muskeg 4 x 4 Transporter V-352-C

Balcourg, Quebec Terainmaster
United States Ward Commons Manufacturing Co. M l , M2 Swamp Buggy V-352-C
Scio, Oregon XL Swamp Buggy V-470-C

Cummins Automotive Engines 9 Diesels Cummins de véhicules automobiles
Cummins Automotive Engine Specifications 10-11 Spécifications de dieseis Cummins de véhicules automobiles. 10
On-Highway Equipment Manufacturers 12-23 Fabrication de materiel en circulation sur les autoroutes 12-
Cummins Construction and Mining Engines 25 Dieseis Cummins pour la construction et les mines
Cummins Construction and Mining Engine Specifications 26 Spécifications des dieseis Cummins pour la construction
Construction Equipment Manufacturers 27-47 et les mines
Fabricants de matérieis pour la construction 27-
Cummins Generator Sets 49
Groupes électrogènes Cummins
Cummins Generator Set Specifications 50-51
Spécifications de groupes électrogènes Cummins 50-
Generator Set Manufacturers 52-53
Constructeurs de groupes électrogènes 52-
Cummins Industrial Engines 55
Cummins Industrial Engine Specifications 56-58
Dieseis industrieis Cummins
Industrial Equipment Manufacturers 59-63
Spécifications de dieseis industrieis Cummins 56-i
MARINE Fabricants de matériel pour l'industrie 59-(
Cummins Marine Engines 65
Cummins Marine Engine Specifications 66-67
Marine Equipment Manufacturers 68-73 Diesel marins Cummins (
Spécifications de dieseis marins Cummins 66-(
Fabricants d'équipements pour la marine 68-'
Cummins Railway Engines 75
Cummins Locomotive and Railcar Engine Specifications 76-77 C H E M I N S DE FER
Railway Equipment Manufacturers 78-81 Dieseis Cummins en service sur les chemins de fer :
Spécifications des dieseis Cummins, montés sur les
locomotives et les autorails 76-':
Cummins Engines for Special Equipment 83 Fabricants de matérieis de chemins de fer 78-1
Special Equipment Manufacturers 84-89
Diesels Cummins pour équipement spécial f
Fabricants d'équipements spéciaux 84-í


Cummins-Motoren für Kraftfahrzeuge 9 Motores Cummins Automotrices
Cummins-Motordaten fijr Kraftfahrzeuge.' 10-11 Especificaciones de Motores Cummins Automotrices 10-1
Hersteller von Strassenfahrzeugen 12-23 Fabricantes de Equipo Para Uso en Carretera 12-2
Cummins-Motoren für Bau- und Bergbaumaschinen 25 Motores Cummins para Construcción y Mineria 2
Cummins-Motordaten für Bau- und Bergbaumaschinen 26 Especificaciones de Motores Cummins para
Hersteller von Baumaschinen 27-47 Construcción y Mineria 2
Fabricantes de Equipo para Construcción 27-4
Cummins Stromerzeugungsaggregate 49 EQUIPOS G E N E R A D O R E S
Daten für Cummins-Stromerzeugungsaggregate 50-51 Equipos Generadores Cummins 4
Hersteller von Stromerzeugungsaggregate 52-53 Especificaciones de Equipos Generadores Cummins 50-5
Fabricantes de Equipos Generadores 52-5
Daten für Cummins-lndustriemotoren 56-58 Motores Industriales Cummins 5
Hersteller von Industrieausrüstungen 59-63 Especificaciones de Motores Industriales Cummins 56-5
Fabricantes de Equipo Industrial 59-6
Cummins-Schiffsmotoren 65 MARINOS
Daten für Cummins-Schiffsmotoren 66-67 Motores Marinos Cummins 6
Hersteller von Wasserfahrzeugen und -ausrüstungen 68-73 Especificaciones de Motores Marinos Cummins 66-6
Fabricantes de Equipo Marino 68-7
Cummins-Motoren für Schienenfahrzeuge 75 FERROVIARIOS
Daten für Cummins-Lokomotiv- und Schienenbusmotoren . . .76-77 Motores Ferroviarios Cummins 7'
Hersteller von Schienenfahrzeugen und -ausrüstungen 78-81 Especificaciones de Motores Cummins para
Locomotoras y Autovías 76-7
SPEZIALAUSRUSTUNGEN Fabricantes de Equipo Ferroviario 78-8
Cummins-Motoren für Spezialausrüstungen 83
Hersteller von Spezialausrüstungen 84-89 EQUIPO ESPECIAL
Motores Cummins para Equipo Especial 8;
Fabricantes d e Equipo Especial 84-8!


A Page No. C

AO K o c k u m - L a n d s v e r k 43 C a n a d i a n K e n w o r t h Ltd 14
Accessory Controls & Equipment 85 C a n o e C o v e M a r i n e Ltd 68
AEG 86 C a p e Girardeau Boat & Dry Dock 72
Air-A-Plane 85 Century 69
Algias C o r p o r a t i o n 68 C h e v r o l e t ( D i v i s i o n of G e n e r a l M o t o r s ) 16
Allied S h i p b u i l d e r s Ltd 71 Chris Craft 69
Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co 37-61 C h r y s l e r A u s t r a l i a Ltd 13
American Coleman 88 Chrysler South Africa 15
American Hoist & Derrick 31-34-46-80 C l a r k E q u i p m e n t A u s t r a l i a Pty. Ltd 38-40-45
A m e r i c a n P i p e a n d Construction C o 47 C l a r k E q u i p m e n t C o . of C a n a d a Ltd 86
A m e r i c a n S h i p Building 73 C l a r k E q u i p m e n t Ltd 38-41 - 4 3
American Snowblast 85-88 C l a r k (Industrial T r u c k Division) 59
A n d r e w B a r c l a y Co., Ltd 79 Clark (Michigan) . 30-38-45-87
A . N . I . P e r k i n s R y . Ltd 45 Cline Truck Manufacturing C o m p a n y 43-88
Ansair Pty. Ltd 12 Cockerill-Ougree 78
A r m s t r o n g H o l l a n d Pty. Ltd 27 C o l o n i a l C r u i s e r s , Inc 69
Arpie E n g i n e e r i n g 84 Coles Cranes 33
A s h e r M a r i n a Ltd 68 C o m m o n w e a l t h E n g i n e e r i n g R y . , Ltd . 30-33-78-80
ASJ 79 Concrete Equipment Company 88
Astilleros d e V e r a c r u z , S . A . ( L o r a i n ) 41 C o n e q u i p Division, U n i v e r s a l F l u i d D y n a m i c s C o m p a n y 88
Ateliers B e i g e s Reunis 78 Conquip. Co. R y . Ltd 40
A t e l i e r s et F o r g e s d e la L o i r e L ' H o r m e 45 Consolidated Pneumatic 27
Atkinson V e h i c l e s (A'Asia) R y . Ltd 13 C o n s o l i d a t e d P n e u m a t i c Tool C o . (1) Ltd 27
Atkinson V e h i c l e s Ltd 15 C o n s o l i d a t e d P n e u m a t i c T o o l C o . Ltd 28
Atkinson Vehicles South Africa 15 Copelyn Construction 31
Atlas C o p e o 27-28 C o w a n s S h e l d o n Ltd 80
Atlas C o p e o Australia Pty. Ltd 27 C.PT 27
Atlas C o p e o Ltd 27-84 Crane Carrier Corporation 31
Atlas-Weyhausen 29 H . W. C r o u c h R y . Ltd. ( D i a m o n d R e o ) 13
Ausair 84 Crown Coach Corporation 12
J u s t i n W e s t e r n Division 34-39 J a m e s C u t h b e r t s o n Ltd 60
^ u t o Diesels Ltd 52
• u t o D i e s e l Ltd 84
A u t o c a r Division of W h i t e M o t o r C o 1 5-85
Autocar Mexicana 14
A u t o m o b i l e s M . Berliet 14-42
A v e l i n g Barford Ltd 43 38
Daido N a k a y a m a
A z u m a S h i p b u i l d i n g Co. Ltd 71 52
D a l e E l e c t r i c (Yorks)Ltd
D a v e y a n d Co. Pty. Ltd 52
Davis C u s t o m Boats 69
D a w s o n - K e i t h Ltd 52
John Deere 84
46 Demag-Lauchhammer G m b H 30
Babcock & Wilcox (Marion)
29 Devils Lake Marina . 69-72
B a d g e r Division of W a r n e r & S w a s e y . . ,
Bal<er-York, Inc 59 D i a m o n d R e o Division of W h i t e M o t o r C o .12-16
Diesel Nacional ( D I N A ) .12-14
Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corp 31-34-46
78 D-K Manufacturing 84
B a l d w i n & S o n s Pty. Ltd
72 Dodge-Chrysler 12
Barbour Metal Boat
72 Dodge Truck Operations—Chrysler Corporation 17
Bayside Machine & Boatworks
31 D o m i n i o n E n g i n e e r i n g W o r k s Ltd 45
Beall P i p e a n d T a n k M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o .
71 F. L. D o u g l a s ( E q u i p m e n t ) L t d 84
Bel-Aire Shipyards
72 D r e w r y B a g u l e y Ltd 79
B e l l a m y Boat W o r k s
28 Drott M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y . 29-59
Be noto
71 D r y s d a l e P u m p s Ltd 61
B e n s o n Bros. S h i p b u i l d i n g Ltd
81 - 8 8 - 8 9 Dunlite Electrical C o 52
Bert Fyke Limited
68 D u p l e x , D i v i s i o n of W a r n e r & S w a s e y 32
B e r t r a m Yachts Aust
69 D y n a c r a f t M a c h i n e s C o . (P) Ltd 78
B e r t r a m Yacht C o m p a n y
F. N . B e t h u n e Pty. Ltd 60
Bharat Earth M o v e r s Ltd . 38-39-40-42-45
B - L - H Australia Pty. Ltd 33-45
Bluebird Body Company 12
Bombardier Snowmobile 59
Bray C o n s t r u c t i o n C o m p a n y Ltd 41 E. C. C 52
British M o t o r s C o r p o r a t i o n 13 Egg Harbor Boat C o m p a n y . .. . 69
British S t a n d a r d M a c h i n e r y Co., L t d . . . . 59-89 Eimco Corporation 38-47
Brockway Motor Trucks 16 Elequip Ltd 52
B r o o m & W a d e (Australia) Pty. Ltd 27 Elgin S w e e p e r C o m p a n y 89
B r o o m & W a d e Ltd 27 English Electric 79
30-44 English E l e c t r i c D i e s e l of Aust. . 28-29-32-45
Bros Division, A H & D

ohn Brown 86 E n n o ' s C u s t o m Boats, Ltd 68
rush Electrical E n g . Co. Ltd 79 E.R.F. Australia 13
Bucyrus-Erie .28-29-35-47-62 E . R . F . Ltd 15
B u r g e r Boat C o m p a n y 69 E.R.F. South Africa ( R y . ) Ltd.. . 15
Bus B o d i e s R y . Ltd 12 E u c l i d , Inc 30-43

F Page No. C. G. H o k a n s o n Co. (Division of Lear S i e g l e r ) . . . .8
H o k u e t s u K o g y o Co., Ltd . . .2

60 Hollming OY . . .7
Fairbanks M o r s e , Inc. (Division of Colt Industries). .
Fairbanks M o r s e Ltd 78 H o l m a n Bros 2
Faun-Werke 14 H o l m a n Bros. CAustralia) Pty. Ltd 2
69 H o l m a n Bros. Ltd 2
Ferrex D e v e l o p m e n t 68 H o r w o o d B a g s h o w Ltd 8
80 H o u g h Division .38-4
86 Huber Corporation 4
Fiat G r a n d e M o t o r i S P A
Fibo Boat W o r k s 68 H u b e r W a r c o d o Brasil, S . A 3
Flextrack-Nodwell 59 H u c k i n s Yacht Corp 6
12 H u m b o l d t Boat 7
T h e Flxible C o m p a n y
F.M.C. Pty. Ltd 60 Hunslet Engineering 8
Foden 15 H u n s l e t Eng. C o . Ltd 7
F o d e n s Ltd 15-31-43 H u n s l e t Taylor 7
13 Hydraulic M a c h i n e r y .29-8
F o d e n s Ltd. Australia
17 H y - M a c ( P e t e r Hamilton Ltd.) . 29-3
Ford Motor C o m p a n y
15 Hyster 5'
Ford Motor C o m p a n y Ltd
Ford M o t o r C o m p a n y Pty. Ltd 13
Ford S o u t h Africa 15
Fraser Shipyards, Inc 72-73
38 I
F r e d e r i c k Parker Ltd
Freighters Ltd 12
18 Ibex M o t o r T r u c k Corporation 6
Freightliner C o r p o r a t i o n
68 I.H.C 4
Fuji M a r i n e Co. Ltd
79 I H C of Australia Pty. Ltd 1
C. H. F u n k e y & Co. ( R y . Ltd.)
1 8-32 Industria d e l H i e r r o , S.A. ( H u b e r ) 3
F W D Corporation
. . 30-59-62-84-87 Industrias Villares, S . A 4
Inet P o w e r (Division of T e l e d y n e ) 8
Ingersoll R a n d . . . . 27-8
Ingersoll R a n d (Australia) Pty. Ltd 2
Ingersoll R a n d Ltd 2
Inland S e a s B o a t C o m p a n y 7
G & W Welding 73 Insley M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y . 29-35-4
G a l l o n Iron W o r k s & M f g 35-40 Int. D i e s e l Electric C o 5
G a l i o n (Pty.) Ltd 39 Integral C o a c h Factory (Kirloskar P n e u m a t i c C o . ) . 8i
G a l l e o n Industries 69 International H a r v e s t e r C o .12-14-1
G a r d n e r D e n v e r Australia Pty. Ltd 27 International H a r v e s t e r Co. of Aust 4-
Gardner-Denver de Mexico 27 Ishihara D o c k y a r d Co. Ltd 7
Garrett Manufacturing 87 I s h i k a w a j i m a - K o e h r i n g Co., Ltd 33-4i
G e n e r a l Electric 79-86
G e n e r a l Electric Co. (Pty.) Ltd 79
G e n e r a l Electric d o Brasil 78
General Motors H o l d e n 13
A. G e n i n a n & C o m p a n y 78
60 Jansen Machine & Boatworks. .. . 70-72
G e o r g e Moss R y . Ltd
Gillig Brothers 12 Jay M a d s e n E q u i p m e n t C o 1Í
43-45 Joy Manufacturing ....41
G. M. S c o t l a n d Ltd
19 J o y M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co., Pty. Ltd.. 27
G M C Truck & C o a c h Division
38 J o y M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co. ( U K ) Ltd. . . . . 2£
G o o d w i n Barsby & Co. Ltd
A. E. G o o d w i n Ltd 39
Gradan 29
G r a f t o n Boat 69-72
G r a h a m e Puttick Ltd 52
G r e e r Hydraulics, inc 85 Kaessbohrer i;
G r e n f e l l Yachts 68 Kalmar Verkstads A B 7S
G r i m m e r - S c h m i d t Corporation 28 Kato Works Co., Ltd 28-2S
Grove Manufacturing 35 Katolight C o r p o r a t i o n 5;
Ets. M. Guinault & Cie 84 Kawasaki H e a v y Ind. Co., Ltd 39-41-7£
G u y M o t o r s Ltd 15 K e n w o r t h L o g g i n g Trucks 8-i
K e n w o r t h M e x i c a n a S.A. d e C.V 1'
K e n w o r t h M o t o r Truck C o m p a n y
(Division of Pacific Car & Foundry) 2C
H K e n w o r t h M o t o r Trucks Pty. Ltd 1C
Kirloskar Brothers Limited 61
Hadsond Shipyard 71 Kirloskar P n e u m a t i c C o m p a n y Ltd .27
H a m p s o n Industries Ltd 52-84 Kisha S e i z o Kaisha 78-8C
Kita S h i p y a r d C o 71
H a r l a n d E n g i n e e r i n g Ltd 61
H a r l a n d E n g i n e e r i n g Pty. Ltd Klauer M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y 85
H a r n i s c l i f e g e r Australia K o b e S t e e l Ltd 27
H a t t e r a s Yacht C o m p a n y 69 K o b e S t e e l Ltd. ( P & H ) 31-34-46
K o c k u m Australia R y . Ltd 42-4Í
Hawl<er-Siddley-Brush 52
Kockums M u n c h e n 42
H a y e s M a n u f a c t u r i n g Connpany. . 14
H e a t h f i e l d E n g i n e e r i n g Ltd 43 K o e h r i n g Division 29-3Í
Kohler C o m p a n y 5Í
H e i n Werner Corporation 29-35-40-87
H e n d e r i c k s o n M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co. Kokuetsu K o g y o Co., Ltd 27
H i g h w a y Products C o m p a n y 12 Komatsu Bucyrus K.K
H i n d u s t a n M o t o r s Limited 33-43-46 Komatsu International M f g . ( H o u g h )
Hitachi, Ltd.. . . 33-43-78-80-86 Komatsu M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y Ltd 37-38-39-41-43-46
Hi T i d e Boat W o r k s 69 KW Dart 30-41-43-86-87-8E
Kyosan K o g y o Co., Ltd 7£
Hobart 85

Page No. P e e r l e s s P u m p C o m p a n y ( D i v i s i o n of P M C ) 61
Pengo/Hydrau-Pull 63
62 Roberto Perlini 42
•ancer M a c h i n e r y L t d
61 P e t b o w Ltd 52
GO H o w l
70 Peterbilt M o t o r Co 22
•emay B o a t W o r k s
42 Petters (Air Pumps) Ltd 28
72 Pettibone Michigan Corporation 41
•ewis B r o s . B o a t W o r k s
13 Pettibone (Mulliken Division) 42
•eyland M o t o r C o r p . of A u s t r a l i a .
. 35-59-87 Pettibone—Rome Division 36
•ink B e l t S p e e d e r
. . .45-78 Pierce-Pacific Manufacturing Company . .32-86
70 Pioneer Engineering Company 38
•uhrs S e a S k i f f s , Inc
P l y m o u t h L o c o m o t i v e W o r k s ( D i v i s i o n of F a t e - R o o t - H e a t h ) . . 79
P R I M S A (Clark) 41
M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co 44
^ a c k T r u c k s , Inc 21
R a i l w a y S e r v i c e & S u p p l y C o . ( D i v i s i o n of A y s h i r e C o l l i e r i e s ) 81
\^ack T r u c k s of A u s t r a l i a 13
R a y G o Inc 44
\/lack w e s t e r n D i v i s i o n of M a c K T r u c k s , I n c . 21
R e m o l q u e s , S.A. ( A t l a s t r u c k ) 14
5. M a d i U L t d 14
R e x C h a i n b e l t Inc 44
i^anitowoc . 36-47-60
R. G. L e T o u r n e a u 63-87
ilarco Chilena Shipyards 71
Rhoinstahl Union 45
i^arco d o B r a s i l S . A 71
R i c h a r d s o n R o a d M a c h i n e r y Co., L t d 88
i^arine C o n s t r u c t i o n and D e s i g n C o 72
Rite-Way 22
i/larion P o w e r S h o v e l 47
R o a m e r Yacht Division (Chris Craft) 70
i^armon H a r r i n g t o n 21
Robbins Machinery Company 88
"he M a t h e w s C o m p a n y 70
Rolway Enterprises (Ralph trucks) 15
\/lavor & C o u s o n L t d 30
Rose Brothers Boat Works 70
\/laxon C o n s t r u c t i o n Co 72
Ruston Bucyrus Ltd 29-34-46
i/lcColl E l e c t r i c W o r k s R y . L t d 52 . 7 0
R y b o v i c h & Sons Boatworks, Inc
i/lcKay-Cormack Ltd 68
(McQueen's B o a t W o r k s 68
\/lercury 84
Vlilkraft Pty. L t d 68
\flitsui S e i k i K o g y o C o . L t d 27 SA General Electric 79
\^organ M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y 63 Salem Tool C o m p a n y 28
vluir H i l l 41 S a n d o v e r s Ltd 40
Wulti-Wheel Tractor C o m p a n y 39-45 Sargent Engineering Division 37
flyers-Sherman Company 84 Savage Cruisers 68
S c a m m e l l Lorries Ltd 1 5-43
Schield Bantam Division . 29-37-87
S c o o p m o b i l e , Inc. ( D i v i s i o n of W a b c o ) 42-87
Selmec 52
vlagasaki S h i p y a r d L t d 71 68
S h e p h e r d Boats Ltd
•4CK R a p i e r L t d 46 62
Sheppards Eng. Ltd
view B e r n S h i p y a r d 73 . 14-22-89
S i c a r d , Inc
I. N i c h o l s o n B o a t W o r k s 68 86-88
S i c a r d Ltd. of C a n a d a
\lippon Boiling Stock .... 8 0
S i g m u n d Pulsometer Pumps Ltd 61
vlippon S h a r y o S e i z o Kaisha, K K . 43 37-63
Silent Hoist
vlippon S h a r y o - S e i z o KK .38-79 . . . . 59-87
Skagit Corporation
viordest . . . .45 79-80
viorseman S h i p b u i l d i n g , Inc . . . . 70 38
S m i t h E n g i n e e r i n g W o r k s ( D i v i s i o n of B a r b e r G r e e n e ) .
Northern Electrics P t y , Ltd 52 84
S p e e d S p r a y e r Plant ( J o h n B e a n D i v i s i o n )
viorthwest E n g i n e e r i n g C o . 36-47 73
St. Louis S h i p
vIP N e l s o n , Inc . . ..41 59
S t a c a t r u c Ltd
vluovo P i g n o n e S P A 86 52
Steel Metals
Steels E n g i n e e r i n g Products Ltd 34
S t e e l w e l d Pty. Ltd 30-33
Stertil 39-45
S t o n e C h a n c e Ltd 53
D.A.F .14 70
S t r i k e r B o a t s , Inc
O k a m o t o B o a t Yard .71 52
Stromberg OY
Oliver A u s t r a l a s i a Pty. Ltd. .84 68-71
S u m i d a g a w a S h i p y a r d Co., L t d
Dnan .53 . . . .34-46
S u m i t o m o Heavy M a c h i n e r y Co. (Link Belt)
3renstein-Koppel .78
3rnel Pumps
D s h k o s h M o t o r T r u c k , Inc.
Dttawa Steel P r o d u c t s . . . .
.71 Taiyo Electric Co 52
Dve C h r i s t e n s e n
.70 Tata E n g i n e e r i n g & L o c o m o t i v e . 33-46
Dwens Yacht
Taylor Machine Works 59
Theiss White Australia 14
Thew Lorain . 29-32-37-42-47
T h o m p s o n Ltd 60
. 29-36-47 Toa Yachts, Ltd 68
P & H (Harnischfeger)
70 T o e i M a r i n e B o a t Co., L t d 68
='acemaker C o r p
. . . . 30-33 T o k y o Car Mfg. Co 80
Pacific A c e E q u i p m e n t C o
14 Tokyo Electric Co 52
Pacific T r u c k a n d T r a i l e r L t d
30 Tollycraft 70
Pakall M a n u f a c t u r i n g
30-44 Toyo Electric Manufacturing Co. 52
Parsons D i v i s i o n
61 T o y o U m p a n k i Co., L t d 41
P a t t e r s o n P u m p Division (Patterson Industries, Inc.).

Page N o .
T r a i l e r s d e M o n t e r r e y , S.A 12-15
Wabco 30-39-40-42-43-44
Trailers Del N o r t e , S.A 15
T r a n s p o r t E q u i p m e n t Ltd. (Daimler) 12 W a b c o A u s t r a l i a R y . Ltd 30-39-4C
T r a n s p o r t E q u i p m e n t ( T h o r n y c r o f t ) Ltd 84 Walker Boat Yard 72
T r o j a n Boat Co 70 Walkers Ltd ' 7£
T r o j a n D i v i s i o n (Eaton Yale & T o w n e ) 42 Ward C o m m o n s M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y BE
J o h n Trumpy & Sons 70 Washington I r o n w o r k s 87
Tucker Marine 70 D. P. w a y 89
TullOCh Ltd 78-80 W h i t e T r u c k D i v i s i o n of W h i t e M o t o r C o m p a n y 22
Tyee Machinery Company Limited 86 W h i t e T r u c k M f g . Ltd 1^1
Whiting Corporation 81
Whitman Manufacturing Company 86
U William Garden Shipyard 6£
M. W. Willis & S o n s 7C
Uniflite 70 W o r k m a n R e e d Ltd 52
U n i o n C a r r i a g e & W a g o n (Pty.) L t d 79 W o r m a l d B r o s . (Australia) Pty. L t d 6C
Unit Crane and Shovel 29-36-47 Worthington Australia 27
U n i t Rig & E q u i p m e n t C o 44-60-86 Worthington Corporation 28-6£
U s u k i Iron Works, L t d 72 W o r t h i n g t o n d e M e x i c o , S.A 27
W o r t h i n g t o n S i m p s o n Ltd 61

V a r h a m B o a t Works 73 XYZ
Versatile Manufacturing 84
V i c t o r Patron, S.A. ( W h i t e t r u c k s ) 15 Yale & T o w n e 41
Vienoe 71 Yaquina B o a t W o r k s 72
J. H. V i v i e n Ltd 61 Y o k o h a m a Yacht 7£




• Cummins
Engine Company, Inc., Columbus, Indiana
Americas, Inc., Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A.

CUMMI Cummins
Diesel Australia, Ringwood, Australia
Diesel International Limited
Bulletin Number 957110 Printed in U.S.A. 3-70 Cummins Engine Company Ltd., London, England
Cummins Diesel Custom Rated NHC-250

Specifications Design Features

Horsepower 250 Bearings: Precision type, steel backed inserts. 7 main

Governed RPM 2100 bearings, 4V2" diameter. Connecting Rod — 3'/a" diameter.
Number of Cylinders 6 Camshaft: Single camshaft controls all valve and injector
Bore and Stroke 5Vi" x 6" movement. Induction hardened alloy steel with gear drive.
Piston Displacement—cu. in 855
Camshaft Followers: Roller type for long cam and follower
Compression Ratio 15.5 life.
Operating Cycles 4
Crankcase Oil Capacity—gals 5 Connecting Rods: Drop forged, 12" center to center length.
Rifle drilled for pressure lubrication of piston pin. Taper
Engine Coolant Capacity—gals 5 piston pin end reduces unit pressures.
Net Weight with Standard Accessories (lbs.) 2460
Lbs. Per Horsepower 9.8 Crankshaft: High tensile strength steel forging. Bearing
journals are induction hardened. Fully counterweighted.

Cylinder Block: Alloy cast iron with removable, wet liners.

Cylinder Heads: Each head serves two cylinders. Drilled

Custom Rated NHC-250: Three horsepower ratings of fuel supply and return lines. Corrosion resistant inserts on
250 hp @ 2100 rpm, 225 hp @ 2100 rpm, and 225 hp @ exhaust valve seats.
1950 rpm are available to meet specific load and road
conditions. Change your power rating by a simple Fuel System: Cummins PT self adjusting system with
button change in the PT fuel pump. 1950 rpm setting integral flyball type governor. Camshaft actuated in-
also requires a governor adjustment. jectors.
Gear Train: Heavy duty, located at front of cylinder block.

Lubrication: Force feed to all bearings, gear type pump.

All lubrication lines are drilled passages, except pan to
V" pump suction line.

Pistons: Aluminum, cam ground, with three compression

and one oil ring.
225 H.P. @ 225 H.P. @ 250 H.P. @
Piston Pins: 2" diameter, full floating.
1950 R.P.M. 2100 R.P.M. 2100 R.P.M.
Valves: Dual intake and exhaust each cylinder. Each valve
V/s" diameter. Heat and corrosion resistant face on ex-
haust valve.
- t 600

- á 500

175 I
150 2 T-A.

g . .400
- gl
-s -s
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100

Big Displacement Design Features Performance

1 Internal Fuel Lines: Drilled passages in cylinder heads Custom Rated. To match your application, the NI-IC-250
eliminate t h r e a d e d fuel line connectors and external lines. is available at 250 hp @ 2100 rpm, 225 @ 2100 rpm and 225
hp @ 1950 rpm as indicated on the curves above. Horse-
2 Large Intake and Exhaust Passages: Minimize restriction power, torque and fuel consumption shown on solid lines
of air and exhaust flow. Allows maximum air charge for represents performance at S.A.E. standard conditions of
clean burning, t o p economy. 500 feet altitude (29.38 inches mercury) and 85°F. intake
3 Overhead Valves: Precision machined from high strength air temperature. Dotted lines indicate performance cor-
alloy steel. Intake valves are of silichrome steel. Exhaust rected to conditions of sea level altitude (29.92 inches
valves of big displacement models are nitrogen steel for mercury) and 60°F intake air temperature.
high temperature strength and faced with corrosion resist- Curves represent performance of the engine with fuel sys-
ant material. tem, water pump, lubricating oil pump, and air cleaner.
4 Open Type Combustion Chamber: Gives most efficient Battery charging alternator, compressor, fan, and optional
combustion . . . most power from each gallon of fuel. equipment are not included in these ratings. Equivalent
results can be obtained with fuels ranging from heavy
5 Replaceable Wet-type Cylinder Liners: Dissipate heat furnace oils to light jet and military type fuels.
faster. Liners are easily replaced without reboring block.
NHC-250 engines purchased at one rating can be changed
6 Conventional Push Rod and Rocker Lever Arrangement: to another rating by a simple button change in the PT fuel
Activates valves and injectors from a single camshaft. pump. Changes to and from the 1950 rpm setting also re-
Roller type camshaft followers are used for long life. quire a governor adjustment.
7 Cam-ground Pistons: Assure perfect fit at operating tem-

8 Alloy Cast Iron Cylinder Block: Follows proven design

and material specification to achieve maximum durability.

9 Large Volume Water Passages: Give even flow of coolant

around cylinder liners, valves, and injectors to draw excess
heat from combustion chamber. Centrifugal pump circu-
lates large volumes of water.

10 Connecting Rods: Forged from high tensile strength alloy

steel. I-beam section gives maximum strength. Large
diameter piston pins are full-floating. Tapered piston pin
end used for superior load distribution and maximum Cummins Engine Company, Inc., Columbus, Indiana 47201
crown material on piston. Cummins Americas, Inc., Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A.
11 Counterweighted Crankshafts: Precision machined from Cummins Diesel Australia, Ringwood, Australia
high tensile strength steel forgings. Bearing journals are Cummins Diesel International Ltd.
induction hardened for long life. Cummins Engine Company Ltd., London, England
Cummins Diesel N-855-G

Specifications Design Features

Horsepower 250 Bearings: Precision type, steel backed inserts. 7 main

Governed RPM 2100 bearings, 4V2" diameter. C o n n e c t i n g Rod — SVs" diameter.
Number of Cylinders 6 Breather, Crankcase: Dry type element.
Bore and Stroke 5Vi"x6"
Camshaft: Single camshaft controls all valve and injector
Piston Displacement—cu. In 855
movement. Induction hardened alloy steel with gear drive.
Operating Cycles 4
Crankcase Oil Capacity—gals 6 Camshaft Followers: Roller type for long cam and follower
Engine Coolant Capacity—gals 5
Net Weight with Standard Accessories (lbs.) 2590 Connecting Rods: Drop forged, 12" center to center length.
Rifle drilled for pressure lubrication of piston pin. T a p e r
piston pin end reduces unit pressures.
Cooler, Lubricating Oil: Tubular type, jacket water cooled.

Crankshaft: High tensile strength steel forging. Bearing

journals are induction hardened. Fully counterweighted.

Cylinder Block: Alloy cast iron with removable, wet liners.

Cylinder Heads: Each head serves two cylinders. Drilled

fuel supply and return lines. Corrosion resistant inserts on
exhaust valve seats.

Damper, Vibration: Viscous type.

Fuel System: Cummins PT wear-compensating system with

integral flyball type governor. Camshaft actuated injectors.

Gear Train: Heavy duty, located at front of cylinder block.

Lubrication: Force feed to all bearings, gear type pump.

All lubrication lines are drilled passages, except pan to
pump suction line.

Pistons: Aluminum, cam ground, with three compression

and one oil ring.

Piston Pins: 2" diameter, full floating.

Thermostat: Single unit, modulating by-pass type.

Valves: Dual intake and exhaust each cylinder. Each valve

IVa" diameter. Heat and corrosion resistant face on ex-
haust valve.
o 500

175 5 -

1300 1500 1700 1900 2100


Big Displacement Design Features Performance

1 Internal Fuel Lines: Drilled passages In cylinder heads Horsepower, torque and fuel consumption shown on upper
eliminate threaded fuel line connectors and external lines. solid curves above represent maximum performance under
S.A.E. standard conditions of 500 feet altitude (29.38 inches
2 Large Intake and Exhaust Passages: Minimize restriction mercury) and 85° F. intake air temperature. Dotted lines
of air and exhaust flow. Allows maximum air charge for indicate performance corrected to conditions of sea level
clean burning, t o p economy.
altitude (29.92 inches mercury) and 60° F. intake air tem-
3 Overhead Valves: Precision machined from high strength perature, for comparison with engines so rated. Curves
alloy steel. Intake valves are of sillchrome steel. Exhaust represent performance of the engine with fuel system, water
valves of big displacement models are nitrogen steel for pump, lubricating oil pump and air cleaner. Battery charg-
high t e m p e r a t u r e strength and faced with corrosion resist- ing alternator, compressor, fan and optional equipment are
ant material. not included in these ratings. Curves represent perform-
ance on No. 2 diesel or furnace oil.
4 Open Type Combustion Chamber: Gives most efficient
combustion . . . most power from each gallon of fuel. Since the amount of air in the cylinder available for com-
bustion decreases at t h e rate of approximately 3% per 1000
5 Replaceable Wet-type Cylinder Liners: Dissipate heat
feet increase in altitude and approximately 1°/o per 10° F.
faster. Liners are easily replaced without reboring block.
Increase in air temperature, the fuel rate of engines per-
6 Conventional Push Rod and Rocker Lever Arrangement: manently operated above standard conditions should be
Activates valves and injectors from a single camshaft. adjusted to maintain nearly the same air-fuel ratio as exists
Roller type camshaft followers are used for long life. at standard test conditions.
7 Cam-ground Pistons: Assure perfect fit at operating tem- Lower solid curves above represent a suggested rating for
peratures. continuous duty operation where uninterrupted service at
full throttle is required for extended periods of time.
8 Alloy Cast Iron Cylinder Block: Follows proven design
and material specification to achieve maximum durability.

9 Large Volume Water Passages: Give even flow of coolant

around cylinder liners, valves, and injectors to draw excess
heat from combustion chamber. Centrifugal pump circu-
lates large volumes of water.

10 Connecting Rods: Forged from high tensile strength alloy

steel. I-beam section gives maximum strength. Large
diameter piston pins are full-floating. Tapered piston pin
end used for superior load distribution and maximum Cummins Engine Company, Inc., Columbus, Indiana 47201
piston crown material. Cummins Americas, Inc., Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A.
11 Counterweighted Crankshafts: Precision machined from Cummins Diesel Australia, Ringwood, Australia
high tensile strength steel forglngs. Bearing journals are Cummins Diesel International Ltd.
induction hardened for long life. Cummins Engine Company Ltd., London, England
Cummins Diesel N-855-P
Accessory Load

Compressor, Air: (10.6 cfm, 100 psig)

HP absorbed @ 2100 RPM 4.5

Fan: (ratio 1:1)

HP @ 2100 RPM 11.0
HP @ 1800 RPM 6.9
HP @ 1500 RPM 4.0
H P @ 1200 RPM 2.0

HP 2.0

Pump, Raw Water:

HP @ 2100 RPM 2.0

Engineering Data

Air for Combustion:

C F M @ 2100 RPM 472

Engine Coolant Flow:

G P M @ 2100 RPM •• 73

Exhaust Temperature:
Maximum Rating (°F) 1200 Specifications Design Features

Fan Delivery: (free flow with radiator) Horsepower 250 Bearings: Precision type, steel backed inserts. 7 main
C F M @ 2100 RPM 14100 Governed RPM 2100 bearings, diameter. Connecting Rod — 3Va" diameter.
C F M @ 1800 RPM 12100 Number of Cylinders 6 Camshaft: Single camshaft controls all valve and injector
C F M @ 1500 RPM 10100 Bore and Stroke 5Vi" x 6" movement Induction hardened alloy steel with gear drive.
C F M @ 1200 RPM 8100 Piston Displacement—cu. in 855 Camshaft Followers: Roller type for long cam and follower
Operating Cycles 4 life.
Heat Rejection to Coolant:
Crankcase Oil Capacity—gals 7
W i t h Dry Manifold (btu/bhp/hr) 2000 Connecting Rods: Drop forged, 12" center to center length.
Coolant Capacity—gals 19 Rifle drilled for pressure lubrication of piston pin. Taper
W i t h W e t Manifold (btu/bhp/hr) 2600
Net Weight with Standard Accessories (lbs.) . .3250 piston pin end reduces unit pressures.
Maximum Allowable Back Pressure:
Crankshaft: High tensile strength steel forging. Bearing
A t Exhaust Flange (in Hg) 1.5 journals are induction hardened. Fully counterweighted.
Maximum Raw Water Pressure: Cylinder Block: Alloy cast iron with removable, wet liners.
Into Heat Exchanger (psig) 25
Cylinder Head: Each head serves two cylinders. Drilled
fuel supply and return lines. Corrosion resistant inserts on
exhaust valve seats.
Fuel System: Cummins PT wear-compensating system with
Tables above use engine RPM integral, flyt>all type, mechanical variable speed governor.
Camshaft a c t u a t e d injectors.
Gear Train: Heavy duty, located at front of cylinder block.

Lubricatiori: Force feed to all bearings, gear type pump.

All lubricaiion lines are drilled passages, except pan to
pump suction line.

Pistons: Aluminum, cam ground, with three compression

and one oil ring.

Piston Pins: 2 " diameter, full floating.

Thermostat: Single unit, modulating by-pass type.

Valves: Dual intake and exhaust each cylinder. Each valve

V/s" diameter. Heat and corrosion resistant face on ex-
haust valve.
Big Displacement Design Features Performance

1 Internal Fuel Lines: Drilled passages In cylinder heads Horsepower, torque and fuel consumption shown on solid
eliminate threaded fuel line connectors and external lines. lines represents performance at 500 feet altitude and 85°F.
intake air temperature. Dotted lines indicate performance
2 Large Intake and Exhaust Passages: Minimize restriction corrected to conditions of sea level altitude (29.92 inches
of air and exhaust flow. Allows maximum air charge for mercury) and 60°F. intake air temperature. Curves repre-
clean burning, top economy. sent performance of the engine with fuel system, water
pump, lubricating oil pump, and air cleaner. Battery charg-
3 Overhead Valves: Precision machined from high strength
ing generator, compressor, fan, and optional equipment are
alloy steel. Intake valves are of silichrome steel. Exhaust
not included in these ratings.
valves of big displacement models are nitrogen steel for
high temperature strength and faced with corrosion resist- Curves represent performance on No. 2 diesel or furnace
ant material. oil. Equivalent results can be obtained with fuels ranging
4 Open Type Combustion Chamber: Gives most efficient from heavy furnace oils to light jet and military type fuels
combustion . . . most power from each gallon of fuel. without recalibration. Engines permanently stationed at
high altitudes should be derated 3% for each 1000 feet in-
5 Replaceable Wet-type Cylinder Liners: Dissipate heat crease in altitude above 500 feet and 1% for each 10°F.
faster. Liners are easily replaced without reboring block. increase in temperature above 85°F. to maintain rated air
to fuel ratios.
6 Conventional Push Rod and Rocker Lever Arrangement:
Activates valves and injectors from a single camshaft. Curve No. 2 is a suggested rating for intermittent applica-
Roller type camshaft followers are used for long life. tion in which periods of operation at full load are followed
by equal periods at partial load, idle, or shut-down. For
7 Cam-ground Pistons: Assure perfect fit at operating tem- altitude performance, curve No. 2 should be derated 3%
peratures. for each 1000 feet above 5000 feet.
8 Alloy Cast Iron Cylinder Block: Follows proven design
Curve No. 3 is a suggested rating for continuous duty
and material specification to achieve maximum durability. service in which full power is required for long periods of
9 Large Volume Water Passages: Give even flow of coolant time without equal intervals of operation at reduced loads
around cylinder liners, valves, and injectors to draw excess or shut down. For altitude performance, curve No. 3
heat from combustion chamber. Centrifugal pump circu- should be derated 3 % for each 1000 feet above 7000 feet.
=) lates large volumes of water.

10 Connecting Rods: Forged from high tensile strength alloy

steel. I-beam section gives maximum strength. Large
diameter piston pins are full-floating. Tapered piston pin
end used for superior load distribution and maximum Cummins Engine Company, Inc., Columbus, Indiana 47201
crown material on piston. Cummins Americas, Inc., Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A.
11 Counterweighted Crankshafts: Precision machined from Cummins Diesel Australia, Ringwood, Australia
high tensile strength steel forgings. Bearing journals are Cummins Diesel International Ltd.
induction hardened for long life. Cummins Engine Company Ltd., London, England
standard Equipment Optional Equipment (cont.)
Breather, Crankcase: Dry type element. Heat Exchanger: Tubular type, mounted. Drawing below
shows dimensions.
Cleaner, Air: 12" diameter, dry type, mounted.

Cooler, Lubricating Oil: Tubular type, jacket water cooled.

Corrosion Resistor: Fleetguard, mounted. Checks rust

and corrosion, controls acidity, and removes impurities
from coolant.
Damper, Vibration: Viscous type.

Electrical Equipment: 24 volt negative ground system. 24

volt starting motor; 24 volt, 20 ampere generator; voltage
regulator; toggle swiitch and push button starting switch.

Fan: 28" diameter, sucker type.

Filters: Fleetguard. Lubricating oil, full flow replaceable

paper element, mounted. Fuel, high capacity replaceable Housing, Flywheel: S.A.E. No. 2 with industrial supports.
paper element, mounted.
Instruments: Electrical or mechanical tachometer mounted
Flywheel: For 14" clutch. on instrument panel.
Governor: Mechanical flyball, mechanical variable speed Power Take-Off: C l u t c h . Normal duty: T w i n Disc model
type. SP-214-P1, with solid plates, mounted and clutch support,
not mounted, with shaft 10" x SVa" and Vs" keyway, or with
Housing, Flywheel: S.A.E. No. 1 with industrial supports.
shaft 24" X 3V2" and Vs" keyway with outboard bearing.
Manifold, Air Intake: With common inlet connection. Heavy duty: Twin Disc model IBF-214-OP1, with ferramic
plates, mounted and clutch support, not mounted, with shaft
Manifold, Exhaust: Center outlet directed upwards. 10" X 3 ' % " and 1" keyway or with shaft 23" x and
Vs" keyway with outboard bearing.
Pan, Oil: Cast aluminum, rear sump type, 7 U. S. gallon
capacity. Pump, Raw Water: Mounted, 63 gpm @ 2100 rpm.
Panel, instrument: Mounted. Includes ammeter, hour- Safety Devices: Electrical, low oil pressure and high water
meter, water temperature gauge, lubricating oil tempera- temperature shut-off or alarm; mechanical, low oil pressure
ture gauge, lubricating oil pressure gauge, throttle control, and high water temperature shut-off; electrical overspeed
starting switches. shutdown.
Pump, Coolant: Belt driven, centrifugal type, 73 gpm @ Starting Aid: Air manifold preheater assembly; or ether,
2100 rpm. gelatin capsule type or pressurized cylinder type.
Radiator: Heavy duty type. Starting System: Air starting which includes motor, strain-
er and manual air valves.
Support, Engine: Pedestal type, front and rear.

Optional Equipment

Base: Short base with clutch support mounting, or ex-

tended base for outboard bearing.
Cleaner, Air: Heavy duty composite dry type, oil bath type,
light duty dry type, in various sizes to suit application re-
Compressor, Air: 100 psig, flange mounted.

Electrical Equipment: 24 volt, 60 ampere alternator.

Enclosures: Back panel, hood and side panels.

Fan: 28" diameter blower type.

Filter: Fleetguard. By-pass oil filter, not mounted.

Flywheel: To fit various clutches and torque converters.

Governor: SG W o o d w a r d hydraulic governor with non-

motorized head. N-855-P Engine Installation Diagram 162859
Cummins Marine Diesel NH-250-iVI


Specifications Design Features

Horsepower 250 Bearings: Precision type, steel b a c k e d inserts. 7 main

Governed R P M 2100 bearings, 4 7 : " d i a m e t e r . C o n n e c t i n g Rod — SVs" diameter.
Number of Cylinders 6 Camshaft: Single camshaft controls all valve and injector
Bore and Stroke—in 5Vi * movement. I n d u c t i o n h a r d e n e d alloy steel with gear drive.
Piston Displacement—cu. in 855
Camshaft Followers: Roller t y p e for long c a m and f o l l o w e r
Operating Cycles 4 life.
Crankcase Oil Capacity—gals 7
Connecting Rods: D r o p f o r g e d , 12" center to center length.
Coolant Capacity—gals 9 Rifle d r i l l e d for pressure l u b r i c a t i o n of piston pin. Taper
Net Weight with Standard Accessories (lbs.) . 3490 piston pin end reduces unit pressures.

Cooler, Lubricating Oil: Tubular type, j a c k e t water c o o l e d .

Crankshaft: H i g h tensile s t r e n g t h steel f o r g i n g . Bearing

journals are i n d u c t i o n hardened. Fully c o u n t e r w e i g h t e d .

Cylinder Block: A l l o y cast iron with removable, wet liners.

Cylinder Heads: Each head serves two cylinders. Drilled

fuel supply and return lines. C o r r o s i o n resistant inserts on
exhaust valve seats.

Damper, Vibration: Viscous type.

Fuel System: C u m m i n s PT w e a r - c o m p e n s a t i n g system with

integral, flyball type, mechanical variable s p e e d governor.
C a m s h a f t a c t u a t e d injectors.

Gear Train: Heavy duty, l o c a t e d at front of cylinder b l o c k .

Lubrication: F o r c e f e e d t o all bearings, gear t y p e pump.

Pistons: A l u m i n u m , cam ground, with three compression

and one oil ring.

Piston Pins: 2" diameter, full floating.

Thermostat: S i n g l e unit, modulating by-pass type.

Valves: Dual intake and exhaust each cylinder. Each valve

V/s" d i a m e t e r . Heat and c o r r o s i o n resistant f a c e on ex-
haust valve.
Fishboat Performance

1200 1 300 1400 1500 1600 1 700 1 800


Workboat Performance

Big Displacement Design Features

1 Internal Fuel Lines: D r i l l e d passages in cylinder heads

e l i m i n a t e t h r e a d e d f u e l line c o n n e c t o r s and external lines.

2 Large Intake and Exhaust Passages: M i n i m i z e r e s t r i c t i o n

of air a n d exhaust f l o w . A l l o w s maximum air c h a r g e f o r
clean burning, t o p e c o n o m y .

3 Overhead Valves: P r e c i s i o n m a c h i n e d f r o m h i g h s t r e n g t h
a l l o y steel. Intake valves are of s i l i c h r o m e steel. Exhaust
valves of b i g d i s p l a c e m e n t m o d e l s are n i t r o g e n steel f o r
h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e s t r e n g t h and f a c e d w i t h c o r r o s i o n resist-
ant material.

4 O p e n Type Combustion Chamber: G i v e s most e f f i c i e n t

c o m b u s t i o n . . . m o s t p o w e r f r o m each gallon of fuel. 1200 1 300 14O0 1500
ENGINE S P E E D - f l
5 Replaceable W e t - t y p e Cylinder Liners: Dissipate heat
f a s t e r . Liners are easily r e p l a c e d w i t h o u t r e b o r i n g b l o c k .
Gross brake horsepower.
6 Conventional Push Rod and Rocker Lever Arrangement: Net horsepower with reverse r e d u c t i o n gear, alter-
A c t i v a t e s valves and i n j e c t o r s f r o m a single camshaft. nator and raw water pump.
R o l l e r t y p e c a m s h a f t f o l l o w e r s are used f o r long life.
H y p o t h e t i c a l propeller power curve (3.0 exponent).
7 Cam-ground Pistons: A s s u r e p e r f e c t fit at o p e r a t i n g tem- Fuel c o n s u m p t i o n for net shaft horsepower.
peratures. Fuel c o n s u m p t i o n for h y p o t h e t i c a l propeller.

8 Alloy Cast Iron Cylinder Block: F o l l o w s p r o v e n d e s i g n C u r v e s based on 500 ft. altitude (29.38 In. Hg.) and
a n d material s p e c i f i c a t i o n t o a c h i e v e m a x i m u m durability. 85'^F. intake air t e m p e r a t u r e .

9 Large Volume W a t e r Passages: G i v e even f l o w of c o o l a n t Fuel c o n s u m p t i o n curves b a s e d on fuel weight of

a r o u n d cylinder liners, valves, and i n j e c t o r s t o d r a w excess 7.0 lbs./U.S. gallon.
heat f r o m c o m b u s t i o n c h a m b e r . C e n t r i f u g a l p u m p c i r c u - Medium Duty Commercial (Fishboat) rating is intended for
lates large v o l u m e s of water. commercial fistiing applications, with full throttle operation
not exceeding 15 hours total in any 24 hour period, such as
trawters, seiners, and g i l l netters.
10 Connecting Rods: F o r g e d f r o m high t e n s i l e s t r e n g t h alloy
steel. I - b e a m s e c t i o n gives maximum s t r e n g t h . Large Heavy Duty Commercial (Workboat) rating is intended for
heavy duty, continuous full throttle operation 24 hours a day,
d i a m e t e r piston pins are f u l l - f l o a t i n g . T a p e r e d piston pin such as tow boats, tugs, self-propelled barges, and freighters.
e n d used f o r superior load d i s t r i b u t i o n and maximum
p i s t o n c r o w n material.

11 Fully Counterweighted Crankshafts: P r e c i s i o n m a c h i n e d

Cummins Engine Company, Inc., C o l u m b u s , Indiana 47201
f r o m high t e n s i l e s t r e n g t h steel f o r g i n g s . B e a r i n g j o u r n a l s
Cummins Americas, Inc., C o l u m b u s , Indiana, U.S.A.
are i n d u c t i o n h a r d e n e d f o r long life.
Cummins Diesel Australia, R i n g w o o d , A u s t r a l i a
Cummins Diesel International Ltd.
Cummins Engine Company Ltd., L o n d o n , E n g l a n d
Standard Equipment

Cleaner, Air: 12" diameter, oil bath type, not mounted.

Corrosion Resistor: IVIounted, replaceable Fleetguard ele-

ment, checks rust and corrosion, controls acidity, and re-
moves impurities from coolant.

Dipstick, Oil: Starboard side when viewing engine from

drive end.

Electrical Equipment: 32 volt, 45 ampere, negative ground

a.c. system. Includes starting motor, alternator, regulator,
field relay, and starting switch.
Exchanger, Heat: Tubular type, mounted.

Filters: Fleetguard. Lubricating oil, full flow replaceable

paper element type, mounted. Fuel, heavy duty, replace-
able-type, paper element, not mounted.

Flywheel: For reverse and reduction gear.

Gear, Marine: Twin Disc MG-509, 4.50:1 reverse and re-

duction gear with unbored propeller shaft companion flange.

Governor: Mechanical variable speed type.

Housing, Flywheel: S.A.E. No. 1 with marine mounting pads.

Manifold, Air Intake: With BVj" inlet connection.

Manifold, Exhaust: Water cooled. Outlet straight up or

to the rear.

Pan, Oil: Aluminum, rear sump type, 7 U. S. gallon capacity.

Pump, Coolant: Belt driven, centrifugal type, 100 gpm @

2100 rpm.

Pump, Raw Water: 63 gpm @ 2100 rpm.

Shield, Belt: Cast aluminum.

Support, Engine: Marine type, front and rear.

Optional Equipment

Electrical Equipment: 24 volt, 20 ampere d.c. system; 32

volt, 60 ampere a.c. system. e£MOI/£ lUB ni Tee £1£M£NT

Filter: Lubricating oil by-pass type.

Gear, Marine: Capitol HYC-EC-6900, 2.95:1 ratio; Capitol

HYC-EC-7700, 3.88:1 or 4.55:1 ratio; Twin Disc MG-509,
1.45:1, 2.00:1, 2.95:1, or 3.83:1 ratio.

Keel Cooling Arrangement

Power Take Off: Front mounted. Twin Disc clutch model
C-107SP5 for up to 35 h.p.; Twin Disc clutch model SP-111
for up to 95 h.p.

Switches, Alarm: Low oil pressure and high water tempera-


/VfOO€L C-'07-5f^ 5 LC^Ce suBjecr TocHMSE wmmrmnce.

NH-250-M Engine Installation Diagram 148227

Cummins Generator Set NT-310-GC

Specifications Standard Equipment

Rated Output* 60 Hertz 50 Hertz Base Mounting: Fabricated steel cross member type.
K W @ 0.8 PF 150 125 Cleaner, Air: Dry type, mounted.
KVA 188 157
Corrosion Resistor: Mounted, replaceable element, checks
Governed RPWI at rated frequency 1800 1500
rust and corrosion, controls acidity, and removes impurities
Operating Cycles 4 from coolant.
Number of Cylinders 6
Coupling: Positive alignment, laterally flexible, laminated
Bore and Stroke — in 5Vj x 6
steel disc, easily accessible.
— mm 140 X 152
Piston Displacement — cu. in 855 Electrical Equipment — Engine: 24 volt starting motor, 24
volt 20 ampere battery charging generator, voltage regu-
— liters 14.02
Net Weight — static generator — lbs 5040
— kg 2287 Fan: Axial blow/er type complete with wire guard.
— brushless generator — lbs 5010 Filters: Lubricating oil, full flow paper element type,
— kg 2273 mounted. Fuel, heavy duty replaceable paper element
type, mounted.
•Applicable to the combined operating conditions up to 5000 feet above
sea level and ambient temperature up to 100°F, in utility-type, prime power Governor: W o o d w a r d hydraulic, 3% speed droop, with idle
systems with normal load factors. In this application, it may be operated speed setting. External vernier control for engine speed
continuously, 24 hours per day, with no deration.
The generator set includes reserve capacity for conditions above the
standard rating, including 10% for an aggregate of two hours in any 24 Lifting Brackets: Adequate eye brackets provided.
hours of operation. Additional capacity, yielding gains in performance
and economic return is available to meet specific applications. Submit
detailed information for factory approval. Panel, Instrument: Includes ammeter, lubricating oil pres-
sure and temperature gauges, cooling water temperature
gauge, hourmeter.

Pump, Coolant: Centrifugal type.

Radiator: Heavy duty type for 100°F. ambient temperature

at specified rating.

Vibration Isolators: Rubber type between unit and cross-

67.5 in.
1715 mm.

_ 40.6 in. 104.4 in.
1031 mm. 2651 mm," 119.1 in.
'3028 mm.

Operating Data Fuel Consumption

Crankcase Oil Capacity 7 gal. 60 Hertz 50 Hertz

Coolant Capacity — engine only 5.0 gal. Load KW U.S. G a l s / H r . L b s . / K W Hr. KW U.S. G a l s / H r . L b s . / K W Hr.

— with radiator 21.1 gal. Full 150.0 12.4 .587 125.0 9.6 .548
Air for Combustion — 60 Hz 670 CFM
— 50 Hz . 510 CFM
V4 112.5 9.7 .613 93.7 7.6 .574
Air for Radiator Cooling — 60 Hz 14100 CFM 75.0 7.4 .704 62.5 5.7 .650
— 50 Hz 11700 CFM 'A 37.5 5.1 .958 31.2 3.8 .865

Design Features, Engine Design Features, Generator

Bearings: Precision type, steel backed inserts. 7 main Construction: Built to recommended standard of N.E.M.A.
bearings, 4V2" diameter. Connecting Rod — 3Va" diameter. MG2-1967, Section 22, revised January 1968 and B.S.
2613:1957 Revised March 1964.
Camshaft: Single camshaft controls all valve and injector
movement. Induction hardened alloy steel with gear drive. Bearing: Single row ball, double shielded, greasible.

Cooler, Lubricating Oil: Tubular type, j a c k e t water cooled. Cooling: Ventilating fan part of drive assembly.

Crankshaft: High tensile strength steel forging. Bearing Damper Windings: Continuous amortisseur windings for
journals are induction hardened. Fully counterweighted. parallel operation.

Cylinder Block: Alloy cast iron with removable, wet liners. Exciter: O f f e r e d in either solid state static exciter design
or brushless rotating exciter design.
Cylinder Heads: Each head serves two cylinders. Drilled
fuel supply and return lines. Corrosion resistant inserts Insulation: Class F.
on intake and exhaust valve seats.
Main Frame: Cast iron construction.
Damper, Vibration: Compressed rubber type.
Rotor: Dynamically balanced 4 pole to tolerate up to 25%
Fuel System: Cummins PT self adjusting system. Cam- overspeeding.
shaft actuated injectors, flyball mechanical governor pro-
vides overspeed protection independent of main engine Stator: 6 coil, 12 lead permits multiplicity of 3 phase Y or
governor. A and single phase connections.

Lubrication: Force feed to all bearings, gear type pump. Temperature Rise: 70°C. or less at 40°C. ambient tempera-
All lubrication lines are drilled passages, except pan to ture, by thermometer.
pump suction line. Voltage Regulator: Transistor amplifier and silicon con-
Pistons: Aluminum, cam ground, with three compression trolled rectifier type ± 1 % regulation maintained from no
and one oil ring. load to full load. Modular construction. Voltage range
adjustable 15%.
Turbocharger: Cummins T-50.
Voltages Available:
Valves: Dual intake and exhaust each cylinder. Each
valve V / i " diameter. Heat and corrosion resistant face on 3Y 4Y 3A
exhaust valve.
208 to 240 120/208 to 120 to 138
60 Hz 138/240
416 to 480 240/416 to 240 to 270

173 to 208 100/173 to 100 t o 120

50 Hz 120/208
Cummins Engine Company, Inc. 346 to 416 200/346 to 200 to 240
Columbus, Indiana, U. S. A. 47201 240/416
Cummins Diesel V8-210

Specifications Design Features

Horsepower 210 Bearings: Precision type, steel backed inserts.

Governed RPM 3300 Breather, Crankcase: Dry type element.
Number of Cylinders 8
Camshaft: Single camshaft controls all valve and injector
Bore and Stroke—in 4V8 x S'A
movement, induction hardened alloy steel with gear drive.
Piston Displacement—cu. in ! . . . 504
Compression Ratio 17.0 Camshaft Followers: Roller type for long cam and follower
Operating Cycles 4
Total Engine Oil Capacity—gals 7 Connecting Rods: Drop forged, 6.020" center to center
length. Taper piston pin end reduces unit pressures.
Coolant Capacity—gals 3Vi
Net Weight with Standard Accessories (lbs.) . 1460 Cooler, Lubricating Oil: Tubular type, jacket water cooled.
Lbs. Per Horsepower 6.95
Crankshaft: High tensile strength steel forging. Bearing
journals are induction hardened. Fully counterweighted.
Cylinder Block: Alloy cast iron with removable, wet liners.
Cross bolt support to main bearing cap.

Cylinder Heads: Two, one each bank. All fuel lines are
drilled passages. Individual intake and exhaust porting for
each cylinder.

Damper, Vibration: Compressed rubber type.

Fuel System: Cummins PT self adjusting system with

integral flyball type governor. Camshaft actuated in-

Gear Train; Heavy duty, located rear of cylinder block.

Lubrication: Force feed to all bearings. Gear type pump.
Pistons: Aluminum, cam ground, with two compression and
one oil ring.
Piston Pins: IVe" diameter, full floating.
Thermostat: Single unit, modulating by-pass type.

Valves: Dual intake and exhaust each cylinder. Each valve

1Vs" diameter.
- 450

400 J ... ...

"k 350 - •s
- o N,

- 300 -

*'1 -1
- 200 —

. i7(;
a _
Z3 -
/ - 150 5 ~
.•V 5 -
. 19C

y' inn

Io .400 - - 75 -


u -> .350 -

~ 3

13:00 1700 21 00 25 00 29 00 33100


Big Displacement Design Features Performance

1 Internal Fuel Lines: Drilled passages In cylinder heads Horsepower, torque and fuel consumption shown on solid
eliminate t h r e a d e d fuel line connectors and external lines. lines represents performance at S.A.E. standard conditions
of 500 feet altitude (29.38 inches mercury) and 85° F. intake
2 Large Intake and Exhaust Passages: Minimize restriction
air temperature. Dotted lines indicate performance cor-
of air and exhaust flow. Allows maximum air charge for
rected to conditions of sea level altitude (29.92 inches
clean burning, t o p economy.
mercury) and 60° F. intake air temperature. Curves repre-
3 Overhead Valves: Precision machined from high strength sent performance of the engine with fuel system, water
steel. Intake and exhaust valves are of stainless steel for pump, lubricating oil pump, and air cleaner. Battery charg-
high temperature strength and corrosion resistance. ing alternator, compressor, fan, and optional equipment are
not included in these ratings.
4 Open Type Combustion Chamber: Gives most efficient
combustion . . . most power from each gallon of fuel. Curves represent performance on No. 2 diesel or furnace
oil. Equivalent results can be obtained with fuels ranging
5 Replaceable Wet-type Cylinder Liners: Dissipate heat from heavy furnace oils to light jet and military type fuels.
faster. Liners are easily replaced without reboring block.
6 Conventional Push Rod and Rocker Lever Arrangement:
Activates valves and injectors from a single camshaft.
Roller type camshaft followers are used for long life.
7 Cam-ground Pistons: Assure perfect fit at operating tem-

8 Alloy Cast Iron Cylinder Block: Follows proven design

and material specification to achieve maximum durability.

9 Large Volume Water Passages: Give even flow of coolant

around cylinder liners, valves, and injectors to draw excess
heat from combustion chamber. Centrifugal pump circu-
lates large volumes of water.

10 Connecting Rods: Forged from high tensile strength alloy

steel. I-beam section gives maximum strength. Large
diameter piston pins are full-floating. Tapered piston pin
end used for superior load distribution and maximum Cummins Engine Company, Inc., Columbus, Indiana 47201
piston crown material. Cummins Americas, Inc., Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A.
Cummins Diesel Australia, Ringwood, Australia
11 Counterweighted Crankshafts: Precision machined from
Cummins Diesel International Ltd.
high tensile strength steel forgings. Bearing journals are
induction hardened for long life. Cummins Engine Company Ltd., London, England
Standard Equipment

Compressor, Air: Cummins one cylinder, gear driven.

Corrosion Resistor: Mounted. Checks rust and corrosion,

controls acidity, and removes Impurities from coolant.

Electrical Equipment: 12 volt positive engagement start-

ing motor; 12 volt, 42 ampere negative ground alternator;
voltage regulator; magnetic switch.
Fan Mounting: High mounted hub and pulley. Hub 11'A"
above crankshaft. Fan to engine ratio 1 to 1.

Filters: Fleetguard. Lubricating oil, full flow paper ele-

ment type, mounted. Fuel, paper element throwaway type.
Flywheel: For 14" single plate clutch.

Governor: Mechanical flyball, limiting speed type.

Housing, Flywheel: S.A.E. No. 3 with mounting pads.

Manifold, Air Intake: Two, with crossover and common

Manifold, Exhaust: Dual, front outlet directed downwards.

Pan, Oil: Cast aluminum, rear sump type, 5 U. S. gallon

Support, Engine: Front motor support, mounted.

Optional Equipment

Cleaner, Air: Dry types for direct mounting on crossover

and for remote mounting; oil bath type for remote mounting.

Electrical Equipment: 12 volt a. c. systems with capacities

of 55 ampere or 62 ampere; 24 volt, 45 ampere a. c. system.

Fan: 18", 20", and 22" diameter, sucker type.

Fan Mountings: Crankshaft mounting; or various high

mounting arrangements up to 16.7" above crankshaft.

Filter: Fleetguard. Lubricating oil, bypass type.

Flywheel: To fit various automotive clutches.

Housing, Flywheel: S.A.E. No. 2 with mounting pads.

Manifold, Exhaust: Horizontal outlet, front or rear.

Pan, Oil: Front sump type.

Other Optional Accessories: Can be provided by Cummins

to fit special applications.

V8-210 Engine Installation Diagram 553460

Cummins Marine Diesel V-504-IV1


ái.-'t -


Specifications Design Features

Horsepower* 210 Bearings: Precision type, steel backed inserts.

Governed RPM 3300
Breather, Crankcase: Dry type element.
Number of Cylinders 8
Bore artd Stroke—in 4V8 x S'A Camshaft: Single camshaft controls all valve and injector
movement. Induction hardened alloy steel w/ith gear drive.
Piston Displacement—cu. in 504
Operating Cycles 4 Camshaft Followers: Roller type for long cam and follower
Crankcase Oil Capacity—gals 4V4 life.
Coolant Capacity—gals 8.4 Connecting Rods: Drop forged, 6.020" center to center
Net Weight with Standard Accessories (lbs) .. 1700 length. Taper piston pin end reduces unit pressures.

Cooler, Lubricating Oil: Tubular type, j a c k e t water cooled.

Crankshaft: High tensile strength steel forging. Bearing

journals are induction hardened. Fully counterwelghted.

Cylinder Block: Alloy cast iron with removable, wet liners.

Cross bolt support to main bearing cap.

Cylinder Heads: Two, one each bank. All fuel lines are
drilled passages. Individual Intake and exhaust porting for
each cylinder.

Damper, Vibration: Compressed rubber type.

Fuel System: Cummins P T ™ self adjusting system with

integral flyball type governor. Camshaft actuated In-

Gear Train: Heavy duty, located rear of cylinder block.

Lubrication: Force feed to all bearings. Gear type pump.

Pistons: Aluminum, cam ground, with two compression and

one oil ring.

Piston Pins: IVa" diameter, full floating.

Thermostat: Dual, modulating by-pass type.

Valves: Dual intake and exhaust each cylinder. Each valve

IVs" diameter.
Sea Level Rating*

2500 2700 2900 3100


Pleasure Boat Performance

Big Displacement Design Features

1 Internal Fuel Lines: Drilled passages in cylinder heads

eliminate threaded fuel line connectors and external lines.

2 Large Intake and Exhaust Passages: Minimize restriction

of air and exhaust flow. Allows maximum air charge for
clean burning, t o p economy.
These performance curves represent the perform-
3 Overhead Valves: Precision machined from high strength
ance available for the specified ratings at 500 feet
steel. Intake and exhaust valves are of stainless steel for
altitude (29.00 in Hg dry barometer — 736mm Hg)
high temperature strength and corrosion resistance.
and 85°F. (29°C) intake air temperature (S.A.E.
4 Open Type Combustion Chamber: Gives most efficient J816A test conditions).
combustion . . . most power from each gallon of fuel.
Gross Brake Horsepower.
5 Replaceable Wet-type Cylinder Liners: Dissipate heat
Net horsepower with reverse reduction gear, alter-
faster. Liners are easily replaced without reboring block.
nator and raw water pump.
6 Conventional Push Rod and Rocker Lever Arrangement:
Hypothetical propeller power curve (2.7 exponent).
Activates valves and injectors from a single camshaft.
Roller type camshaft followers are. used for long life. Fuel consumption for net shaft horsepower.
7 Cam-ground Pistons: Assure perfect fit at operating tem- Fuel consumption for hypothetical propeller.
The Pleasure Boat rating is intended for those ap-
8 Alloy Cast Iron Cylinder Block: Follows proven design plications where full throttle operation does not
and material specification to achieve maximum durability. exceed fifteen minutes duration in any one hour,
such as privately owned pleasure craft.
9 Large Volume Water Passages: Give even flow of coolant
around cylinder liners, valves, and injectors t o draw excess
heat from combustion chamber. Centrifugal pump circu-
lates large volumes of water.
* N O T E : The sea level horsepower rating stated in the
10 Connecting Rods: Forged from high tensile strength alloy specifications has been derived by adjusting the rated
steel. I-beam section gives maximum strength. Large horsepower by about 4 % to indicate approximate perform-
diameter piston pins are full-floating. Tapered piston pin ance at sea level and 60°F. air intake temperature.
end used for superior load distribution and maximum
piston crown material.
Cummins Engine Company, Inc., Columbus, Indiana 47201
11 Counterweighted Crankshafts: Precision machined from Cummins Americas, Inc., Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A.
high tensile strength steel forgings. Bearing journals are Cummins Diesel Australia, Ringwood, Australia
induction hardened for long life. Cummins Diesel International Ltd.
Cummins Engine Company Ltd., London, England
Standard Equipment

Corrosion Resistor: Mounted, Fleetguard replaceable ele-

ment, checks rust and corrosion, controls acidity, and re- mxD swp pu>c opTiOHat-^
moves impurities from coolant. DipancK laxrxM oiiiTie^ tgri ftmut \
Hnpi.ij(im«ti«i ivjimu. m iPTATiQii
Dipstick, Oil: Port side when viewing engine from drive
Electrical Equipment: 12 volt, 55 ampere a.c. system. In- —
cludes starting motor, alternator, regulator, magnetic switch ra
and starting switch. 9
Exchanger, Heat: Tubular type, mounted.
Filters: Fleetguard. Lubricating oil full flow paper ele-
( ggAMKwrr
ment type, mounted. Fuel, paper element replaceable
type, mounted.
vit» on <kWCW
Flywheel: For reverse and reduction gear.

Gear, Marine: Borg Warner 72C, or Paragon, P-400 all

Standard Ratios.

Governor: Mechanical variable speed type.

Housing, Flywheel: S.A.E. No. 3.

Intake Air: Silenced

60pa- sasm.
Manifold, Exhaust: Two, fresh water cooled. CUMMINS MPs-warNEe e u c w e
Pan, Oil: Aluminum, rear sump type, 4^4 U.S. gallon capa-
ia94S4 Mil- 7?C
ENG leiè 1-1 OPPONAL
city. *ST?-7/cir V5Z3-1 STANOASD
l«»4&S AW- 7?C LH ENO
Propeller Rotation: Right Hand ASI7-we ANTiha I9I-I COTiOMAL
un-Tzc LM ANji cn:
Pump, Coolant: Belt driven, centrifugal type, 62 gpm @ rn JSl-l OPpOHAL
169469 A414-7KÍ
3300 rpm. l»9460 AI4
en 291-1 OPTWtlAL
Pump, Raw Water: Belt driven rubber Impeller type, 30 1-15423 AS<5-73C L M
gpm @ 3300 rpm.
Support, Engine: Marine type, front and rear. W OPTIÍJNS SEE P8G 109616 -
^ d i a yueu

ã. • u o u t i EQUt-LY

SPAC€P0W44 PIA fee.

Optional Equipment

Dipstick, Oil: Starboard side when viewing engine from

drive end.

Electrical Equipment: 24 volt, 45 ampere a.c. system; 32

volt, 45 ampere a.c. system.

Gear, Marine: Twin Disc available in ratios of 2,91:1, 2.42:1,

1.93:1, and 1.47:1.

Propeller Rotation: Left hand.

Switches, Alarm: Low oil pressure and high water tempera-


Vibration Isolators: Rubber type.


V-504-M Engine Installation Diagram 553594

Cummins Engine Company^ Inc.

Supplier Quality Evaluatioíi Survey

Supplier s _

Address s

The M)ove Supplier is Certified to

to Cummins Engine Company, Inc» in accosdlanc© ^íitlh tlh© accO'SpgHyijag

Quality EvalUffiition Survey o

Supplier Official Qumñinm Qaalit^^f í^^^aoissfasiÊse

.t.uEinc'jriní'. DesiRn and^ChaÇqnjtr.ol
Yea Nc
Ao Control
Dosg your comparsy have a reliability department

Is reliability data used in developing nsw designs

Is quality history fed back to engineering for improvsmsnts

in current or future designs

Doss q.a,, revievj nevj designs

Does your corapai^ have a sample or prototype department

Does q„ao review sample prototypes

Is this information used in developing shop inspection


Are customer spscificetlons interpreted into shop


Do drawings and specifications acccmps:ay pruchase orders to


Are these reviewed by qoSo

Are characteristics clessr'.fisd on ths sngineering docuvnents

as to importance

Dees qoBo revie'w nevj dra'^yings with ths intent ox dssxg-/:Jj:}^

gaging fixtures

B„ Cha_nys_^Control
Does your compare have an affective sjstsw for dcci-.ü:¿:!iti:cg
engineering changes

Do Quality Control and Production Departmsnts receive

written notification of changes and sffsctive

Does the engineering chi^ docubisat spscixy disposition

of inventcr-y and in proc^os stosk

Are '^marlod'-up" drawings usiid

Who authorized changas and brief dssii.riptiion of the

procedure used

Are cbsolats draijin^'a ossfefc.i'w'ó

üijgLlity Control, Organiaation

Responsibls Quality Control official e.nâ tlívLs

Other responsibilities ^ ^ „ __ ^ ~

The quality department reports tos

Nams Position

Other functions reporting at the ssr^ -.svsl

Does the quality departmsnt have; Ysl ivc

Kiiritten auelity policy snd pii^ocsdui'^si; iii

Afritben inspection instructiona

A quality enginssring dspertmsnt

Person or persons who pej^fcrm vendor sux-vsys

A quality audit f'unctio;,i

A quality cost program

 reliability dspartmsn'fe

To trihOM doss ths inspssti.o;:! dapErtvaaiav;

I'Jho is responsible for customs;.' compitaiats

for defectiva qua life?

D^ s the q^elity dspartma:.^- u í í s t o o l a ( G c n t e ' o : ^

sampling plsns^

Is Govarnraant som^ce ñvsí./.eole io you.r

Re s ident liiias-rant
jncoming Mate£ial CoirtrgX

Do you have en incoming inspection depsi^tmsnt

(If yes y list personnsl) Inspectors

;lupsrvisory Q» ínginserF

Is there a system for keeping shop drawings up=to°dats

Are written inspection instructions availabl®

Is gaginj^ equipment calibrated periodically

Is gaging equipment corralated with suppliers' equipment

Are suppliers' test records used for aceeptanes

Are commerical test records used for acceptance

Is material identified to pliysical and chemical test reports

Are records kept to show acceptance and rejection of

incoming material

Dues your corapargr have a vendor rating system

Is it raade available to the purchasing ¿epartment

Is the supplier notified of nonco'úloríd.rg hisvísiexal

Does your coviipany have an approved list

Does your corapany survey supplier facilities

Does the incoming inspection department have gdsquafca storego

space to hole material until it is iRsp^ctsd

Is nonconforming material identified ss such

lb nonco;nforming materiel hsld in a specific area until

disposition can ba lasiúo

VJho is responsible for fñáking disposition of nonconforraing


If sampling inspection is-j usedj i-rhat, is dsrivstion of saiíipliiríg

Aro w r i t t e n s o r r s c t i v s ctst-Xon at-stoKQn'ás ¡raq'^lifsd

Is classification of characertistics v.sed

What AoQoLo's are assigned to each classifications

Critical ______ Major Minor Incidental

Do you have a f o r m a l s y s t e m f o r v e r i f y i n g chstnicEl sn.d

p h y s i c a l p r o p e r t i e s of p u r c h a s e d tijaterisl

Co«3ifltS S
- 6 -

In Process Contro^
Yes No

Does your compary use sampling inspection

If sampling is used, what is the derivation of the sampling plan»

Mil Std. 10$-D . Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Do you classify characteristics

What A.Q.L.'s are assigi»d to each classification of characteristics?

Critical _________ Major Miner Incidental .

Are your machine operators trained and instructed to inspect

the characteristics they process _____

Are inspection instructions available

Is there a system for reviewing and updating inspection


Are inspection records kept on file

Are materials in process profi^rly identified and segi-egated

to indicate status and/or routing
(Attach copies of tags used)

Do you use control charts for X^ R, Pj, C

Check which: X R P C

What authority does inspeetion have when defective parts are found

Is defective material segregated from acceptable material until

disposition is made

Are first production parts inspected before a job can be run

Is corrective action taken to prevent the recurrence of

defc;ctive material documented

i^Ihat procedure is used to determine disposition of

nonconforming material
- 7 -

Finished Parts Control

Does yoiiT company have a fihal inspection function

(If yes¡ list personnssl) Inspectors

Supervisory QoEnginsops

To whom does the final inspection departíñsnt report

Are shop drawings and specifications available to inspsction ^ ^

Is there a system for keeping the documants up°to°date ^^^

Are written inspection instructions avsilabl© ^^^

Is there a system for reviewing and updating inspection


Are inspection ¡records kept on file

Is inspection equipment calibrated periodically

Is all mstarial identified (route tagSj etCo)

Is defecti'ye material identified as such

Is defectiw material segregated from good material \mtil

disposition is raade

Is reworked material subaitted for reinopseí-ioa

If sampling is usedp what ia the dervistion of the. ssmpliRg pXss^s

Milo Stdo 105-3 _ _

Do you classify charaetQristiea

t AoQoLo'a Bpe assigned to eacn classification of charasts^iflBtise:

Critieal Maiox» Minar Incidental

Aye documented corrective aetlon statsmants required from

dspartfiisnts [email protected] for defestive natsrial

What proeedura is used to deiisrmlns dispoeifeida of noneoafOMisg

Hms are parts whieh hn'í/e pasood final iKapeetion idantifisd

r 8
Final Assembly Control

Does y o w Qmpkt^ test ©5? iss^efe finsl a®»®®bli®@

What, happaffiü t.@ aaserablisg vihi©h fail i t m l test isaá h&w

whieh piss fJ^iail tos^

^ s ^

Testing, Inspgction ^"^^jg^gj-^gJ^Q^iP™®nt

Does your compare have a gage control function

(If yes, list personBsl) Number

Does your company have written instructions for opsrating

inspsction and test instruments

Are all inspection instrusisnts calibrated at periodic intervals

Are records of calibration kept on fil©

Is there a system tu recs.ll inspection instruKsnts when thsy

are due for calibration

Are the inspection instyuírients used hj production calibrated

If sOi, are thsse instruaoatfi calibrated periodically

Do employeos psrsoLally CK'a inspection inatruKsnts which

they usa to inspsct the product

If sop ara these inatm^ar^ts calibrated sfe psriodic intervals

Are defectJ.'-ii'a inspection ii!,strim£nts removed from use until

thgy ean be repairQd or recalibrated

Are shop msatars calibg'stiKd! at periodic iates^yals to

aeccndayy otañdárdo fcraescbls to ííBS

ârs prflduetilaa irfiat?URO?3it,í3 uueh a.s prsyaurs gages or

tt'mjíCírs^uí^ indisctoi^ü ehssksd gt psriodls intervals

Is í¿.n üíiviroffiíieifital eontj^s'ü.Qá gage lab avasilabl®

Ar® written ?seords of eslibration kept

Ars adequat© sto^ag® ancl teñáliag f®eiliti®s sTOilabi®

- 10 -

|es No

Í8 plant cleanliness adoquafce

Are stored materials checked for preservation

Are packaged goods checked for proper packaging

Doss your compare have a quality audit system for §

Product conformance

System confortnance

Does your company uses

Process capability s t u d i e s

Reliability (life) a s i a l y s i s
hours of operation, whichever shall occur and reliability are adversely affected,
first, from the date of delivery to the (iii) any part of an engine improperly
SjISS ;h:©GX7Sj ©T.® first purchaser, but subject to the applied or installed, (iv) failures in any
following conditions: way resulting from use of parts not
manufactured or approved by Cummins,
Until the engine shall have achieved or (v) normal maintenance services
50,000 miles or 1,800 hours or sis months including, but not limited to, engine
of operation, whichever shall occur tune-up and the repair or replacement of
first, from the date of delivery to the filters and belts.
This warranty applies to highway, first purchaser, Cummins will bear
construction and industrial Cummins reasonable labor costs required to Cummins shall not be liable for loss of
sngines marketed by Cummins for use in repair or replace any part found by it to time to the user viihile the engine or
any country of the free world except the be defective as stated above, provided other equipment is out of commission.
United States, Canada and the United the repairs or replacements are made
Kingdom. The responsibility of Cummins by Cummins at its designated factory, or Starters, generators, transmissions,
under this warranty is limited to repeiring by an authorized Distributor or Dealer clutches, radiators, and other accessory
or, at its option, replacing, subject to the at the place of business of such items not manufactured by Cummins
provisions set forth below, any part that, Distributor or Dealer. Thereafier, and for are warranted by their respective manu-
upon examination, is disclosed to the the remainder of this warranty, Cummins, facturers, and are not warranted by
satisfaction of Cummins to have been at its sole option, may pay a portion of Cummins.
defective and that is returned, with all such labor costs. This warranty does not
transportation, duty, brokerage, sur- include engine removal and reinstallation Moio: V.'is.-'e E.'-e ns u»E.^7an;2:eo,
charges and clearing fees prepaid, to expense.
the Cummins factory designated by WErraniisG ©i' c^s.'cha.tC'so:::'!;/ c
Cummins, or to a Distributor or Dealer This warranty does not apply to (i) íííTieos í'oy s partici?;?,?
authorized by Cummins to perform any engine that shall have been subject o? a?:!?
wsrrenty repairs. to overspaeding, misuse, negligence, or Czz'^.rrAr.o cTt^-T-ss stu
accident, (ii) any engine that shall have (¡."te rjs.'7s.~S*j7 tofssSs
Cummins engines are warranted to be been repaired or altered by anyone who ma-327:EÍ sr.sâ o;sss
free from defects in workmanship and is not an authorized Cummins Distributor Ctararn. K® jes.'os.t :o (iffl
material, under normal use and service, or Dealer in such a way that, in the
for one year or 100,000 miles or 3,600 judgement of Cummins, its performance

Printed in U.K. JPA 5:.l. January. ISEO -C131

Sri®!® ílO®QQG©o te?®

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