13 Steps To Traning Anxiety and Depression

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By Doneil Jones of Freeworld of the Mind

The 13 Steps


Anxiety and Depression
(put your disorders on a leash)

Author’s note:
Doneil Jones is the authentic architect of this Freeworld of the Mind document.
E-mail: [email protected]
Manuscript last updated on 30 July 2019
By Doneil Jones of Freeworld of the Mind

Consider this list as your personal roadmap that will help you get back to a state being the version of you
that you desire to feel. The 13 Steps to training anxiety and depression is a path back to personal peace
program. Use these steps as at least a start. Furthermore, if you are gong to start; then start with a strategy.
Let this list of 13 be that strategy as your start. The list consists of a 13 categories of self-healing
techniques, which contains activities that can be incorporated into your life. Learn to neutralize and
control anxiety and depression with these simple activities that can be done on any day at any time.

1. Exercise, play or any immersive physical activity: Going to the gym helps.
Playing video games help. Playing basketball help, running or going for a walk helps.
Even mowing the lawn with your headphones can help. You can engage in your
physical activity alone or with a partner because it is difficult to attempt to do so
alone. So, go it alone or recruit a partner if you can and if you must.

2. Reading: Healthy information is helpful because it provides ideas for how to

improve. It can be natural for any of us to constantly sift through the information
and experience of what we already know and are familiar with. Remember, the lack
of information is what helped you to arrive at the place where you are. Just think
there is more information somewhere outside of you that can change your life.
Change your perspective and change your life.

3. CBT: Cognitive behavioral therapy (structured and gradual exposure to the

phobia(s). The aspect of CBT that gradually and strategically exposes one to the
things that cause feeling of discomfort can be helpful over time. By exposing
yourself to the external factors that can induce your triggers can help you to become
desensitized to your triggers over time.

4. Philosophy Exploration: Learning how the thoughts that we create turns into the
events and people in our lives and the emotions that we feel. Some suggestions are
(self-help materials, spiritual teachings or any philosophy that endorses tranquility
and that you feel comfortable with). This factors into the training path #2 because
this path can also involve reading. More over, your best asset along the path of self-
care is education.

5. Movie Therapy: Watching inspiring films can help people to notice life scripts for
success and happiness. Think of films as computer training programs, or visual
aides. Films provide an illustration of a wide manner of behaviors. To resolve
feelings of mental or emotional discomfort, such as anger, sadness, or worry; you
can select the film(s) which displays behaviors that embody a more stable, positive,
and at ease state of mind and mood.

6. Watching and Listening to Inspiring Lectures: (Such as Ted Talks, Deepak

Chopra, The Secret, positive message audio books, spiritual resources based upon
what is comfortable for you). Select audio resources that resonate with your values.
By Doneil Jones of Freeworld of the Mind
7. Art Therapy: Creating art can present a moment for you where there are no rules,
pressure, or confines. Artwork cannot be right or wrong. Creating an art piece on
paper, canvas or via crafting can help you to feel better. Art is a fantastic medium,
which allows you to express your emotions and thoughts without judgment.
Engaging in an art project of any level can help reduce feelings of anxiousness,
sadness, and/or anger. Creating art can even provide a sense of validation and self-
efficacy. Another helpful style is projective art. Projective art is a style in which you
draw the outcome that you wish to see yourself in. Some other helpful ideas include
(but are not limited to), painting, coloring mandalas, coloring anything, puzzle
assembling, sand tray play, and any other form of art that you feel comfortable
trying your hand at.

8. Game Therapy: Videos games whether new or old can help can be useful for self-
help. Strategic games help to teach problem solving and strategic thinking. It helps
to rebuild and establish new neuron pathways. It also increases reaction time in
solution finding. Some of the classics are good for helping with this such as Pac-man,
Centipede, Checkers, and Tetris. Gaming allows for mental escape and serves as
good resource for redirecting negative emotions. You can channel any maladaptive
thoughts and negative energy into the game(s) you are playing, instead of allowing
the negative thoughts and feelings to fester internally.

9. Daily Health and Happiness Checklist: The checklist ensures that you have done
all of the things that you personally know for a fact that always make you happy.
You track you. You must be in complete control of this process. Start compiling a list
of things that you want to do each day that will make you happy or will satisfy you.
You can start as simple as you wish on this one. The goal is to start a pattern of
generating new self-serving habits through positive, healthy and nurturing

10. Music Therapy: Listening to inspiring lyrics can supply moral support and
motivation. I recommend a mixture of musical tastes. Listen to songs that explain
how you feel. Lyrics that speak to your state of mind or feeling can provide
validation. However, also listen to music that contains lyrics that embody the
emotion of mental state that you prefer to have at the moment. This can create a
miniature transformational experience. Start with the songs that speak to your side
of the situation then switch over to more goals oriented lyrically designed songs. So,
one set of songs address the emotional wound and the other set of songs help to
heal the emotional wound.

11. Documentaries and Lectures: These information resources can help provide
inspiration, introspection, and above all new information. The more good
information that flows through the body via the mind; then the faster you will find
your own way to better health.

12. Mantra and mindfulness based sleep exercises: disease of the mind and mood
are born of the mind. Reciting your own specially selected mantras or prayers, or
even words of encouragement.
By Doneil Jones of Freeworld of the Mind
13. Repeat: Repeat every step. Make managing anxiety a part of your lifestyle and when
you have repeated it all then repeat it again and again. Anything that you repeat
becomes a habit. Remember, it was a habit of mind and emotions that got you here
to this point of where you are.

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