1 Corinthians 15:58: Grade 12-POIEMA Processional

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Grade 12-POIEMA Alarcio, Patrick Charles E.

Processional 1 Corinthians 15:58

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand
Agulto, Raphael Christian Tandoc firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves
Psalm 34:3 fully to the work of the Lord, because you know
“I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
delivered me from all my fears.”
If there’s a moral that would sum up my entire high
Before anything, I’d like to acknowledge and thank school life, it would be to live one step at a time.
God for everything He’s put me through, and all High school gave me a glimpse of what the real
He’s done in my life. Without His provisions, saving world is really like. You could have one treacherous
grace, and ultimate love, I’d still be an apathetic day, but so many propitious ones afterward. As the
boy, swept away by the current of this cruel world. years went by, I got to see how God used struggles
To my mom and dad, look! Your once little boy is to shatter me, but at the same time piece me back
standing here before you, all ready to graduate. As to become a better art work. Being in this stage in
we march down this aisle together, I can’t express my life is ineffable. When I rewind all of the things
how much gratitude I have for both of you. You’ve that has transpired, I can see how God was the
molded me into who I am today. You believed in weaver of this entire fabric of an experience. I
me through all my shortcomings, motivated me in thank God for my parents, my family, my teachers,
my lowest of lows, provided whatever I needed, Poiema, and all my other peers that I have made
and you always greet me with open arms, whether throughout this journey. Were it not for these
for successes or failures. I love you both, and know people, high school would’ve been such a drudgery
that I’ll always be your little “pengu” no matter to go through. Right now, my heart is filled with so
what. As for my friends and teachers, you’ve made much joy and I’m elated for what’s in store for me
this school life more enjoyable than it should have, as I enter a new chapter in my life. I give back all
and I thank you all for that. I hope you will not honor, glory and praise to my Creator!
forget me, as I am utterly confident that I will not
forget such memorable people like you. Thank you
all, and God Bless.
Ang, Liana Maeve Antolin Cayat, Justine Maye E.
Psalm 28:7 1 Samuel 18:14
“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart “In everything he did he had great success, because
trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for the Lord was with him.”
joy, and with my song I praise him.”
My first gratitude would always go to God for the
For 15 years, i have been studying in this school. In multiple blessings He has bestowed upon us. How
other words, I've lived here for the majority of my His eternal love and grace is really never ending.
life. And now, it's finally time to say goodbye to One of the blessings He has given me, are my
what i call home. Firstly, I'd want to thank God for parents.
his sustaining grace and mercy He has shown me I really am honored to be your child and gosh, the
throughout all these years. None of these would care and support over that years…thank you for
have been made possible without Him. I would like instilling me with a drive for learning and for doing
to thank my family for the unending support everything possible to put me on the path I am
they've shown me. Thank you Mama and Papa for journeying up to now. I will never forget the
everything, for all the love, help, support, and important values you have passed down to me—
provision. Truly, i am blessed to have you as my especially determination and discipline. Words
parents. I'm now graduating from high school, but really can’t describe how important you are to me,
I'll always be your little girl who sleeps in your Papa and Mama.
room during weekends. I can't wait for my next and To my friends and teachers who has taken part in
final graduation, so i could finally have my turn to molding me into this person who I am now—thank
provide and return to you a thousand fold. To my you very much!
dearest teachers, classmates, and friends, it has
been a roller coaster ride, but it ended in the best
possible way. Thank you for believing in me. I
wouldn't have enjoyed small world life this much if
it weren't for all of you. I am thankful for a school
where I did not just grow academically, but
spiritually as well. I will keep all this in my heart
even as i step out of this school. Thank you
everyone and to God be all the glory!
Chua, Matt Emmanuel Go Fernandez, Bea Grace O.
Isaiah 41:10 John 1:16
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be “And from His fullness we have all received grace
dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you upon grace.”
and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous
right hand.” As I step into a new phase in my life and leave
Small World—my second home, I’d like to say a few
I can’t believe I’ve been in this school for 15 years! words to give you a glimpse of how much I’ve
No words can truly express how thankful I am to grown during my stay here. All my life, I’ve only
have all of you part of my life. I will always cherish studied here, but I can confidently say that Small
the memories we all made together. How each one World has not lacked in imputing both Biblical and
of you has been part of helping me become the practical values and morals that would set as a
person God has made me to be. My days in this guide for me once I leave. Over the years, God has
school has not always been bright, but thank the been using the people around me to shape me into
Lord for you were all always there to kindle my who I am—may it be through kind correction or
light. rebuke. Though many times I may have overlooked
I will never forget the noblest gestures, the truthful the common teachings I hear every now and then, I
corrections, the appreciations, trust, and the faith now realize how much of an impact it has
you have given me. As I now move to another contributed in my daily life. And now, I am relieved
chapter of my life, I will never forget the sacrifices because years down the line, when I look back to
each one of you has made for me, you have been these days, I’m sure that I will be glad that I grew
by my side fighting with me day after day, and that up in a community where my faith has been built—
is why my life is turning out this way. A wonderful on solid ground. For this, I would like to extend my
Poiema!!! heart and gratitude to my parents who have been
Thank you, God, thank you pa, ma, siblings, friends constantly giving me the guidance that I need, to
who I consider family, teachers, and Small World. my sisters for the never-ending support they
No one could ever replicate what you have done in offered, to my teachers who never fail to mentor
my life. You mean the world to me! me, to my class/schoolmates who were always
Love you all!!! ready to lend a hand, and above all else, to God
who has been so gracious to me beyond more than
I could ever ask for. For all of you, I am forever
Lee Carlo A. Elaydo grateful.
Colossians 3:23
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as
working for the Lord, not for human masters”

I am Lee Carlo Elaydo, commonly known as Carlo. I

have studied in Small World for almost my whole
life. I participated in all kinds of school activities
and I try my best to represent the school in
whatever chance I get. However, with all these
activities and opportunities, I started to question
the meaning of life and our existence but that’s
when I realized that there is only one reason for
our existence and it’s to glorify God. The verse,
Colossians 3:23, has served as my compass in my
journey. This verse reminded me that everything I
do here on earth, is to be able to please our God
and not anybody else.
Fernandez, Jessica Ablao Flores, Philip Timothy Cuyco
Joshua 1:9 Psalm 141:8a
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and “But my eyes are fixed on You, O Sovereign Lord - in
courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be You I take refuge…”
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you
wherever you go.” Life will never run out of pain. At this age I expect
to undergo even greater struggles than those
They say that high school years are the best years which I have just come out of. God didn’t promise
of one’s life, and today, I can finally confirm that to take away our problems either, because that’s
this is indeed true. My five-year journey that leads not what blessing is. I am still blessed, no matter
to today was not perfect, but it was definitely how much suffering I’m going through, because I
fruitful and remarkable. There’s no way out of high have Him. Love is mine. My soul is in His hands, and
school but through an eye of a needle, but with the there is no safer place.
right support and guidance, I successfully and
joyfully made it through. Oh God my Rock, my only hope, my salvation, I fix
First of all, I would want to give all the glory to God my eyes on You.
for being my ultimate rock and foundation.
Secondly, Mommy and Daddy, I made it and it is all
because of you! Thank you for being my number
one supporters and advisors. I may not show it but Javillonar, Prezel Marealyn Olarte
I take everything you tell me to heart and try my 1 Corinthians 2:9
best to follow them. I love you! “No eyes has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind
I would also want to thank my teachers for always has imagined what God prepared for those who
believing in me and for never growing tired of love Him.”
encouraging me and bringing out the best in me. I
appreciate all that you have done for me. My growth and development has been a whirlwind
And last but definitely not the least, my classmates! in my stay in Small World. I achieved in academics
We’ve been counting down the days since the but I was suffering a journey of trying to find
beginning of senior year, and today is finally the myself. When I was fitting the lost pieces of my
day. Our lives are about to change and as we go own life puzzle, my academics hit an all-time-low. I
our separate ways, let’s not forget the relationship did not realize that I forgot what truly mattered in
that took years and tears to build. This is not a the first place. I was not alone in fighting this
goodbye to all of you, but a goodbye to this battle. Therefore, this is my ‘Thank You’ to all the
chapter of our lives. Congratulations to all of us! I people (in their own special, little ways) who kept
love you all! my flame ablaze. Friends, family, and teachers –
You are and will always be my foundation, my
support system that paved a way for me to see
God’s plans and His reasons. I am eternally grateful
for my stay here and raw genuine joy finally fills my
soul as I fly towards the next horizon. Even if it may
not always light the whole room, I will keep my
flame burning – burning with the fuel of God’s
Alec Benjamin Pangan Lingan Suriaga, Sofia Santana Torres
John 16:33 EXODUS 14:14
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be
have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. still.”
But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
I would want to acknowledge and give thanks to
One of the most important stages of my life is God for His daily grace and mercy in my life. I thank
about to end, and it was beautiful. High school has Him for His faithfulness as He continually sustains,
slapped me in the face many times. It has broken provides, protects and fulfills His plans for me. To
me down until I didn’t feel any hope anymore. This my mom and dad, I’m always grateful for you not
journey led me to believe that I was on my own, only for providing the things I need but most of all,
but to my surprise the Lord was by my side this for believing in me. Thank you for finding joy in my
whole time. He was there when I laughed and He failures and using it to motivate me. Thank you for
was there when I cried. He gave me strength and disciplining me in the ways you thought was best. I
made sure I was alive. He overcame the world as I really do appreciate everything that you’ve done
overcame mine. I overcame my doubts, my for me. As we march down the aisle, I hope it
insecurities, my weaknesses with Jesus by my side. brings you joy and honor as it is always been my
And I have found long-lasting peace that I can goal. I just graduated but, I’m always your little girl.
never deny, because the One who gave it to me To my friends and teachers that are dear to me,
went to hell and came back to life. I am Poiema, you have a special place in my heart. Thank you to
and so are these friends, or rather, this family of each and every one of you and God bless.
mine. I have great faith that we’ll all be successful
in life. I can never thank my family enough for
being with me all this time, especially my Father in
heaven who will stay with me after I die.


Psalm 34:18
“The Lord is close to the broken hearted, He rescues
those whose spirits are crushed.”

I have spent most of my life in Small World, and to

be honest I have complained my way through. But
now that this chapter is coming to a close, I have
learned to be grateful for all my years here.
Through good and bad, everyone here has been
like family. I would just like to thank everyone in
Small World for both the good and bad moments
because it is what made me who I am today. I will
leave with no regrets but only with lessons. I thank
the teachers, students, and friends but now I only
see all of you as family. Thank you to my family as
well for everything.
Tomas, Santi Emmanuel C. Ulat, Rommel Anthony Mark R.
Ephesians 4:32 Isaiah 55: 8-9 NIV
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither
forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave are your ways my ways,declares the Lord. As the
you” heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways
higher than your ways and my thoughts than your
Hello everybody it’s me Santi Tomas and today is thoughts”.
the day I graduate from high school. My grade
school to high school adventure was, well… an Growing up in the same school and the same
adventure. I entered this institution in in grade 1, environment around the same people, I was able to
so you can say I’m ancient but hey some of my steadily monitor my growth as spiritually and in the
fellow classmates are more ancient. My senior high other aspects of life. I was the kind of person who
school years is where I blossomed to the person I would stubbornly choose to learn through
am now. My classmates are very awesome human experience rather than through the advice or the
beings, they are amazing and I love them so much warnings of the people above me. Making the
and I thank you for being there and for being experience way more painful and difficult than it
yourself. I also want to thank the teachers, to the should have been. Through this, my eyes were
teachers who went to another direction, thank you opened and I saw how God moves uniquely and
for being there and of course teaching us. To the very differently in every individual’s life. I was able
teachers who are still here and watching us to experience how God used my mistakes to make
graduate, thank you so much for being there for us me realize that he has better plans than what I
and watching us grow to the best self we can be, have in mind. I am amazed because God used my
you are all amazing. I also want to thank to my stubbornness as an instrument to grow from my
mother who has supported me since birth, you are failures and become the person I am today, in ways
an amazing parent, thank you and I love you so that I could never have imagined.
much. Last but not the least I want to thank God, I am very grateful for my very supportive parents,
without Him I would not have made it, you are my sister, my family, my friends and all the people
really amazing God and I thank you for everything. who stood by me through these trials, helped me
Now I can say that I am a grown up person, oh no. stand up when I stumbled, and helped me fight
through the obstacles that I faced throughout the
With this being said, I am excited to face the
challenges and trials ahead of me. And I am looking
forward to what the Lord has in store for us in this
next chapter of our lives.
Ulat, Keith Richard Bacani
1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood
as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a
man, I put away childish things.

I have never been the perfect student, straights A’s

perfect behavior. I have my flaws too much to list,
yet here I stand proud of what I have become. I
have had my ups and downs and run-ins with the
guidance counselor, but I thank everyone who has
been there for me, who have accepted and
corrected me. I would like to thank my parents for
their constant support and love which has given me
the drive to go further. I would like to thank my
classmates for accepting me, correcting me, and
making my high school life very enjoyable. I thank
the teachers for being my beloved second parents
and giving me corrections and teaching me life
lessons which I will carry with me for a whole life
time. I especially thank God for giving me these
people who have loved and supported me, it is
thanks to Him that I have gone this far.

Villarin Jr. Jerry Jerald Garcia

Romans 5:8
“But, God demonstrates his own love in this, while
we were still sinners Christ died for us.”

As I take my last steps as a student of small world, I

will remember one thing development. This
institution has become a foundation for my
convictions and beliefs that will help me get
through the trials the world may give me. My
friends, family and teachers continually train me in
the word of God allowing me to find my identity in
him, and as I leave this place, I will carry on the
truth and be the bastion of light in the dark places I
would be in.

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