Fuel Flex - GT13E2
Fuel Flex - GT13E2
Fuel Flex - GT13E2
Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition
June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway
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GT13E2 is a trademark of General Electric Company AEV is a trademark of General Electric Company
WI = LHV ∗ ρ gas ( T )
ρ air ( 0 ° C )
The Wobbe index WI considers the lower heating value, the
density and the temperature of the fuel gas. While the focus of
the WI is on the fuel handling system considering valves,
orifices, etc., it also impacts the injection properties within the
burner and can influence mixing and safety features of the
Figure 3: Cross-section of the AEV burner with long lance with A further differentiator for fuels is the fuel reactivity, as it
liquid fuel injection. can be quantified by chemical kinetics, for example in terms of
The fuel capability of the AEV burner system was investigated flame speed or kinetic time scales [16]. In lean premixed
with a systematic approach based on CFD calculations, full scale combustion beside hydrogen higher hydrocarbons are also
atmospheric water tunnel, spray tests and combustion tests and increasing the reactivity. The most reactive saturated aliphatic is
finally high pressure single burner tests. ethane (C2H6), as can be seen in the comparison of the laminar
flame speed sl in Figure 5. The values were calculated with a
Hydrogen Blending
In Figure 9 the NOx emissions are shown for various
hydrogen- and C2+ blended fuels versus a normalized flame
temperature with 100% main stage operation. The reference
temperature corresponds to the flame temperature at GT13E2
base load conditions. The AEV burner was capable of operating
highly reactive fuels with up to 60 vol% H2 [16] also beyond the
Table 1: Liquid fuel properties for the tested fuels from external reference flame temperature without noticeable flashback or
analysis. safety risks at nominal burner velocity. The operational limits in
these test series were given by the maximum H2 mass flow rather
than the burner. The increase in reactivity is resulting in only
slightly increased NOx emissions.
Figure 13: NOx at simulated base load. NOx for Tref and 15% FSR
for propane blends, Tref -50 K 15% FSR with 100% propane
Note that the unheated propane of this test corresponds to a
Wobbe index of > 70 MJ/m3, which even exceeds the value
expected for pure butane at base load supply pressure and the
respective dew point temperature. In terms of Wobbe index this
test is thus very representative of even the most challenging LPG
Flashback and Flame Holding Test with 100% Ethane Fuel
The operation of the AEV burner is considered flashback-
safe with all fuel compositions reported above (including H2 and
C2H6 and C3H8). To establish a measure of the flash back margin
it was attempted to approach a flame flashback by running at off-
design conditions and with 100% ethane fuel. First indications
were encountered when reducing the burner air velocity by 25%
below the nominal velocity at GT13E2 full load conditions and
at an elevated flame temperature of Tref +150 K. Such indications
are sporadic dynamics peaks, spikes in the material temperature Figure 14: Flashback precursors and flame holding test. 100%
at the end of the burner mixing section, and elevated pressure ethane, Tflame = Tref +150K, 75% of nominal mean burner
loss values zeta burner, as shown in Figure 14. These temperature velocity, 5% FSR. Top: time traces of flashback precursors and
spikes, which are caused by flame flashes into the mixing successful flame holding test. Bottom: Flame images to illustrate
section, are precursors of flash back. On top of the flashback flame holding test procedure. Upstream view from combustion
margin determination described above, flame holding tests were chamber exit facing AEV burner exit, respectively mixing
performed to demonstrate that even in case of a full flashback section of the burner.
event when the flame reaches the main stage fuel jets in the of the burner after shutoff of the torch. The procedure is
swirler slots, the flame will still be washed out and does not illustrated by the time traces and flame images in Figure 14.
permanently stabilize within the burner. Such a flame holding Image 1: Stable operation at test conditions before the test.
test is visualized in Figure 14. The flame is ignited with an H2- Image 2: H2-torch in operation, flame inside the mixing section
torch directly at the main fuel injectors in the conical burner and at the main fuel injectors. The metal temperature of the
section. The test is successfully passed if the flame is washed out burner mixing section and the burner pressure loss rise. Image 3:
Before assessing the liquid fuel performance, the Long Lance When changing the axial position of the lance tip with
configuration has been tested on fuel gas to ensure that the gas respect to the burner exit plane, the flame and central
performance is not compromised. Figure 15 below gives an recirculation zone can be moved back and forth. By pulling the
overview of the NOx emission performance in gas operation of lance tip back into the burner, the central recirculation zone with
the Long Lance vs the standard configuration. No significant the flame restricts the burner flow and the pressure drop rises.
difference is observed. In addition the measured dynamic
Note that the above statement cannot be directly translated to the behavior
of the Long Lance AEV configuration within an engine. A thorough thermo-
acoustic analysis is needed to confirm acceptable dynamics levels.
Figure 18: Burner pressure drop coefficient zeta burner vs. axial
lance tip position for operation with gas and liquid fuels. Base
load and idle conditions, Ω = 0 to 1.
For all three liquid fuels a fuel changeover at base load
conditions from gas to liquid operation has been demonstrated
without dynamics peaks or other issues. Only during the early
phase of fuel changeover from gas to liquid a temperature
increase was monitored at the furthest forward axial lance
position (0 mm). For all other lance positions no indications of
elevated tip temperature were seen. In addition dry oil operation
with Ω = 0 has been demonstrated for all three fuels. The
combustion behavior is the same as described above, the only
Figure 17: NOx and CO vs Ω at base load conditions. Filled difference is a significantly higher NOx emission level around
symbols = NOx, empty symbols = CO. 250 – 300 ppm.
Due to the elimination of pre-vaporization and mixing of the Liquid Fuel Results at Idle (FSNL) Operating Conditions
main stage fuel within the burner, more water is needed to The AEV Long Lance configuration offers a significant
achieve the same NOx level. While Ω = 0.4 is sufficient to simplification of the liquid fuel system, since the number of fuel
achieve the usual emission limit of 42 ppm in the standard circuits needed can be reduced from two to one. To assess a
configuration with heating oil (HEL), the Long Lance requires potential drawback at idle and low load conditions, GT13E2 idle
an increase of the water consumption to Ω = 0.8. Biodiesel conditions have been investigated as well.
requires less Ω = 0.7, but due to the lower heating value of
biodiesel (see Table 1) in absolute terms the water consumption
is similar to fuel #2. With biodiesel, very low NOx emissions
below 10 ppm have been achieved at an high water flow rate.
Light crude oil on the other hand requires, with Ω = 1.2,
significantly more water to achieve 42 ppm NOx. The latter
observation is mostly attributed to the high fuel bound nitrogen
content of about 2100 ppm (weight), see also Table 1.
The measured CO emission values are also given in Figure 17.
Values are far below 10 ppm even for light crude oil and show
no increase even for the highest tested water flows. In general,
the combustion behavior of the AEV Long Lance is very stable
with respect to changes in operating parameters such as air
pressure & temperature, flame temperature, Ω or burner velocity.
The pressure loss coefficient is constant, combustion dynamics Figure 19: NOx, CO vs Tflame at idle conditions. Dry oil operation,
amplitudes are low and the spectra do not change significantly. Ω = 0. Filled symbols = NOx, empty symbols = CO.
For the AEV Long Lance configuration, the only parameter Since no emission guarantees need to be met and to achieve the
found to show a significant effect on the burner pressure loss best LBO performance, no water is injected, Ω = 0.
coefficient is the axial position of the lance tip, see Figure 18.
Figure 20: NOx emissions for light crude oil at varied water Figure 21: PSR simulation with varied residence time in multiple
content Ω and Tflame. For comparison the calculated emissions of the extinction time for NH3 doping and HCN doping of varied
assuming 100% conversion of FBN (only) is given. levels (FBN from 1 ppm to 5 %) (NUIG & Texas A&M model).
The measured NOx for light crude oil (LCO) omega The conversion rate depends on the FBN amount, the time
mappings with the Long Lance at -40mm axial lance tip position and the chemical binding (N bound to C in HCN or only reduced
are shown in Figure 20. The reference for FBN assuming 100% N in NH3). The residence time was varied systematically in a the
conversion is shown to exceed the measured values at high Ω > PSR and is displayed as multiple of the PSR residence time to
0.6. The produced total NOx emission is mainly a combination