Brown 1992

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JUNE 1992 1239

Beamed Microwave Power Transmission and its

Application to Space
William C. Brown, Life Fellow, IEEE, and E. Eugene Eves

Absfmcf-The general principles and special components of an extension of the first, is for large amounts of power for
beamed microwave power transmission systems are outlined electric propulsion needed for a greatly improved space
and their application to the space program discussed. The transportation system [2].
beamed system is defined as starting with a dc source of power
at the transmitting end, converting it to a microwave beam for For example, with the combination of beamed power
transmission through space, and ending with the dc power out- technology and electric thruster technology, it will be
put at the receiving end. Using this definition, an experimen- possible to replace conventional chemical rocket propul-
tally measured and certified dc to dc efficiency of 54% has been sion for missions beyond low-Earth orbit with enormous
achieved. The major contribution of beamed power to the de- economic and safety benefits. Electric propulsion has long
velopment of space is its unique ability to transfer energy across
long distances and across large differences in gravitational po- been recognized for its benefits if there were a suitable
tential, making possible such developments in space as the So- energy source for the large amounts of power required by
lar Power Satellite system. In that system electric energy ob- the electric thrusters. Conventional prime power sources
tained from the sun by satellites in geostationary orbit is in space are massive relative to electric thrusters and must
transmitted to Earth. The application that is discussed in detail be accelerated along with the less massive parts of the
is a low-Earth orbit to geostationary orbit (LEO to GEO) trans-
portation system that depends upon vehicles propelled by elec- vehicle. Further, they are expensive and costly to trans-
tric thrusters whose power is supplied by a microwave beam port into space.
originating at the Earth’s surface. A scenario for such a system In contrast, beamed microwave power uses prime power
is chosen and the performance results presented. The advan- sources on the Earth’s surface. The receiving part of the
tages of the all electronic system over a chemically propelled beamed power system aboard the electrically propelled
system are enumerated. The principles of space propulsion,
particularly as they relate to electric propulsion, are outlined. vehicle has a very low mass relative to other potential
Key components at the terminals of the system are discussed prime power sources in space. The all-electronic nature
including the “rectenna” which provides a source of continu- of this new transportation system has led to the proposed
ous dc power in space with a revolutionary low ratio of mass to coining of a new word “TRANSPORTRONICS”, de-
dc power output of 1 kg/kW. Environmental considerations rived from the words “TRANSPORT” and “elect-
are discussed.
In the longer term, microwave beaming of power can
I. INTRODUCTION serve as an efficient means of transporting to Earth elec-
tric power that is harvested from the sun in geostationary
B EAMED microwave power transmission and its re-
lation to space may be thought of as extending our
two dimensional power transmission networks on the
orbit. There the sun is in view over 99% of the time dur-
ing the year. This completely electric and electronic
source of base load electric power is referred to as the
Earth to a three dimensional power transmission system Solar Power Satellite or SPS system [3].
in which power is beamed from the Earth into space or The microwave technology, supported by many NASA
power collected in space is beamed back to the Earth. The contracts over a long period of time, is in excellent shape
power that is to be transmitted for the intended major ap- to proceed with its application to space ([4]-[7], (refer-
plications in space are at the multimegawatt and even
ence [7] contains a long list of other references). How-
gigawatt power levels that are characteristic of electric ever, there are two major factors standing in the way. One
utilities. is a geopolitical factor in that the microwave system and
This new technology can fulfill two major needs for the space vehicles must be located in the equatorial plane.
further development of space. One of these needs is large The second is the general lack of awareness that beamed
amounts of electric power at reasonable cost for manufac- microwave power transmission is the answer to a better
turing operations in low-Earth orbit [l]. The other need, architecture for the development of space. A major reason
for that lack of awareness is that the applications are
Manuscript received May 30, 1991; revised January 20, 1992. highly multidisciplinary in nature.
W . C. Brown is a retiree of the Microwave and Power Tube Division, The purpose of this paper is to provide a tutorial over-
Raytheon Company, 190 Willow Street, Waltham, MA 02254. view of beamed microwave power and its use in space
E. E. Eves is with the Industrial Equipment Group, Raytheon Company,
190 Willow Street, Waltham, MA 02254. applications. The following discussions in sequential or-
IEEE Log Number 9107474. der will be: 1) the unique properties and basic principles

0018-9480/92$03.000 1992 IEEE


of beamed microwave power transmission as applied to B E N D HICROWAM POWER TRANSHISSION SYSTEH

space, 2) the basic principles of space propulsion with
particular emphasis upon electronic or electric propul-
sion, 3) the synergistic combination of electric propulsion
and beamed power to create a new approach and possible
new paradigm for space transportation, and 4) an outline
of environmental considerations. 70 - 90 X 70 - 97 X 5 - 95 X 85 - 92%
Although the general principles presented in this paper MXIHUH POSSIBLE DC TO DC EFFICIENCY --- 76%
apply to all microwave and millimeter wave frequencies, EXPERIENTAL DC TO DC EFFICIENCY --- 54%
the application examples focus upon the use of the 2.4 to Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the principal elements of a beamed micro-
2.5 GHz ISM (Industrial, scientific, medical) band. The wave power transmission system, and the normal range of the element ef-
development and application activity at the higher fre- ficiencies. Top of range indicates maximum efficiency that has been ob-
quencies are presented in another paper in this issue.
The MKS system of units will be used throughout this
paper. In this system work or energy is expressed in Joules sion, and 4) Reception and reconversion to dc. For ori-
(watt-seconds), power is expressed in watts, and force is entation purposes, typical and maximum efficiencies for
expressed in Newtons (one Newton = 0.2246 lb force). the various portions of the system are shown. Although
A glossary of terms and abbreviations is given at the end the maximum efficiencies shown for the individual com-
of the paper. ponents have been achieved, they have not been assem-
bled into a complete system. On the other hand, a certified
OF experimental dc to dc efficiency of 54% has been achieved
BEAMEDMICROWAVEPOWERTRANSMISSION in the laboratory [4]. If the experiment was to be repeated
A. Unique Properties with a better matching of components, an overall dc to dc
As a means of transferring energy from one point to efficiency of as much as 76% could be expected.
another, beamed microwave power transmission has these
features: C. Free Space Transmission
No mass, either in the form of wires or ferrying vehi- One of the remarkable things about transmission of mi-
cles, is required between the source of energy and the crowave power in free-space is that it is indeed “free.”
point of consumption. Like the sea to ships, or the atmosphere to airplanes, there
is no economic burden for its use. But to take advantage
Energy can be transferred at the velocity of light.
The direction of energy transfer can be rapidly changed of the sea or the air, ships and airplanes have to be built.
No energy is lost in its transfer through the vacuum of The analogy to ships and airplanes for transportation of
space, and little is lost in the Earth’s atmosphere at energy through space by microwaves is transmitting and
the longer microwave wavelengths. receiving apertures. The size and expense of these aper-
The mass of the power converters at the system termi- tures has a direct relationship to the wavelength that is
nals can be low because of operation at microwave being used, the distance over which energy is being sent,
frequencies. and the desired efficiency of transmission.
Energy transfer between points is independent of a dif- Fortunately this relationship has already been derived
ference in gravitational potential between those for optimized systems by Goubau and others and has been
points. rigorously checked experimentally [8], [9]. The relation-
ship between the aperture to aperture efficiency and a pa-
These unique features are for the most part self evident. rameter 7 is shown in Fig.-2.
But the last one is particularly important for space appli-
cations. The only prime source of energy in space is solar. 7 = G / X D (1)
All other sources of energy, fuel cells, batteries, nuclear, where
and even the arrays that capture the sun’s energy have to
be transported to space across punishing gravitational bar- A, is the transmitter aperture area
riers. Beamed microwave power avoids this penalty by A, is the receiver aperture area
placing the prime power source on the ground, leaving X is the wavelength of the microwave power being
only a low mass microwave collection and rectifying por- transmitted
tion of the system in space. D is the separation distance between the two aper-
B. Basic Principles of Beamed Microwave Power It will be noted in Fig. 2 that the efficiency can approach
Transmission 100% very closely, which means that there are very low
Fig. 1 shows the basic parts of a beamed microwave sidelobes. This in turn means that there must be a tapered
power transmission system: 1) dc to microwave conver- distribution over the surface of the antenna. These tapered
sion, 2) a beam forming antenna, 3) free space transmis- distributions are part of the Goubau solution and are

100 I





0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0

0 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0-0 P/R
XD Fig. 3 . Relative cross-sectional power density distribution across the
transmitting and receiving antenna apertures for various values of tau as
Fig. 2. Transmission efficiency as a function of the parameter tau for op- given in Fig. 2. R is the radius of the transmitting or collecting antenna
timum power density distribution across the transmitting antenna aperture and rho is the radial distance from the center. The field at the collector
as shown in Fig. 3 . extends beyond its edges.

shown in Fig. 3. For very high efficiency the distributions D. Power Handling Capability of Devices in Space as a
on the apertures are essentially a Gaussian one. Function of Eflciency and Operating Temperature
From ( l ) , a simple expression for the transmitter and It is observed that when microwaves are used to trans-
receiver aperture areas can be derived with the assump- mit power in the vacuum of space there is no resistive
tion that the aperture sizes are equal. Under these condi- loss, and no limitation to power handling capabilities, as
tions: contrasted to wire transmission. However, the power han-
A, = A, = TAD. dling capabilities of the transmitted and receiving aper-
tures are limited by the dc-to-microwave and microwave-
This is a revealing expression because it shows that the to-dc energy conversion efficiencies, and by the ability of
aperture area, rather than its diameter, varies with wave- the apertures to radiate directly to space any waste heat
length, and the advantages of going to higher frequency that results from the inefficiencies.
are diminished if the aperture areas are approximately The radiation of waste heat in space is proportional to
equal as they tend to be for total overall economy. It is the radiating area and the fourth power of the temperature
interesting to note that the value of aperture to aperture at which the heat is radiated. In the case of the transmitter
trans€er efficiency associated with r = 1 is 6 0 % . aperture in space, the relationship between radiated mi-
However, there are applications where the reception crowave power per unit area to the generator efficiency
area may be limited and where a particular intensity of the and radiating temperature is:
incident microwave illumination is desired. Under those
circumstances we may make use of the following rela- n(5.67KT4 x
Pr =
tionship: (1 - n)
pd = A,P,/X2D2 (3)
p r = the radiated microwave power density, W/m2
K = the emissivity of the radiating surface
Pd is the power density at the center of the receiving T = the temperature in degrees Kelvin
location n = the operating efficiency of the power generator.
P, is the total radiated power from the transmitter
The same expression holds for the dc power density ob-
A, is the total area of the transmitting antenna tained from the receiving aperture with p r replaced with
X is the wavelength
P d c where P d c is the dc power output density of the rec-
D is the separation between the apertures.
tenna .
With this situation it is seen that to achieve a desired value The factor n / ( l - n) is very important as shown in
of pd at the receiver site, while constrained by a transmit- Fig. 4. Contours of radiated microwave power density, or
ted power level P,, the transmitting aperture area varies alternatively, dc power density from the rectenna are
as the square of the wavelength of the radiation. For some shown as a function of the efficiency and the radiating
applications, where the area available for a transmitter is temperature, assuming K is unity. This plot shows that
limited, the short wavelengths are very attractive. microwave tubes can handle much more power density by
I242 l E E t T R A N S A C T I O N S O N M I C R O W 4 V F T H E O R Y A N D T E C H N I Q U E S . V O L 40. NO 6 . J U N E 1 Y Y 2

100 I I I I
I reliable propulsion of aircraft in the Earth’s atmosphere,
reliable transmission through the Earth’s atmosphere is
mandatory. Reliability is highly dependent upon the use
of a lower frequency as shown in Fig. 5 [lo].
However, the choice is highly constricted by the fre-
quencies that may be available. It is quite likely that these
frequencies will be limited to the ISM (Industrial, Scien-
tific, Medical) bands which are 2.4 to 2.5 GHz, 5.8 to
5.9 GHz, and 24.125 GHz. For applications involving
transmission through the Earth’s atmosphere, the 2.4 to
2.5 GHz band is an excellent compromise. Further, the
I 3 . 2 KWIM’
I components and the technology are the most advanced at
I I I I 1 1 I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 2.45 GHz. The interference of this frequency with other
OPERATING T E M P E R A T U R E ~ DEGREES KELVIN uses of the spectrum will be addressed in the section on
Fig. 4. Contours of microwave radiated power density, or alternatively. environmental issues. It is believed that there is a high
dc power density from the rectenna, as functions of conversion efficiencies degree of compatibility between beamed power transmis-
and allowed operating temperature of the cooling surface that radiates heat
directly to space. Unity is assumed for emissivity of radiator.
sion and other uses of the spectrum.

F. Microwave Power Generation

virtue of higher operating temperatures as well as higher In a beamed microwave power transmission system dc
efficiency than can solid state generators. However, that
power must be converted to microwave power at the
could change in the future. transmitting end of the system. Although many devices
The relationships shown in (4) are for direct radiation can perform this function, it was discovered during the
of heat into space at 0°K. It disregards the heat absorbed comprehensive DOEiNASA study of the SPS that the mi-
by exposure to the sun, assuming that such absorption can crowave oven magnetron with the addition of external
be minimized by selective coatings. passive circuitry could perform as a phase-locked, high-
There are situations where it is desired to operate at gain (30 dB) amplifier for direct use in the radiating mod-
high microwave power emission densities. The Solar ules (Fig. 6) that compose an electronically steerable
Power Satellite is one of these. Here it is desired to op-
phased array [ I l l , 1121. The low-cost ($15.00) and read-
erate in the center of the transmitting array in space at a ily available microwave oven magnetron could be used
radiated microwave power density of 25 kW /m’, which directly in a ground based transmitter. For space use the
is achieved as shown on Fig. 4 with a conversion efTi- same principle would be used but a special space mag-
ciency of 79.5% and an operating temperature of 300°C
netron would be developed.
or 573°K. The microwave oven magnetron provides a ready source
of the large amounts of power needed for some space ap-
E. Choice of Frequency plications. To place this in perspective, it is noted that
If there were complete freedom to select the best fre- there are 40 million microwave ovens in the United States
quency for power transmission, the items that would have and that each one operates with about 600 W of micro-
to be considered are: 1) The size of the aperture as given wave power. Their combined capacity is therefore 24 GW
by expression (2), 2) the dependency of overall system of microwave power. Because of the pulsed operation of
efficiency, including the components at the two ends of these ubiquitous magnetrons they generate much spurious
the system, upon frequency, 3) the heat radiation problem noise and are an entrenched source of interference that
in space associated with the inefficiency of components, requires the entire ISM band of 2.4 to 2.5 GHz for its
4) whether the transmission is all in space or in part containment.
through the Earth’s atmosphere, and, ifthe atmosphere is However, it was discovered during the extensive SPS
involved, the degree of necessity to transmit reliability study that this same tube when operated on a continuous
through the atmosphere under the poorest meteorological dc power supply exhibited an extremely low spurious
conditions, 5) the existing state of the art of available noise level if an intemal feedback mechanism were al-
components, and 6) the impact of the use of the selected lowed to operate by reducing or turning off the external
frequency upon other users of the electromagnetic spec- source of filament power after tum-on. Extensive testing
trum. of a Raytheon production-built microwave oven magne-
With the exception of the aperture relationship which tron of that time period using specially designed test
favors higher frequencies, and possibly the impact upon equipment was carried out under two NASA contracts.
the users of the frequency spectrum, all of the above con- The spectral (one-cycle bandwidth) noise level was 196
siderations favor lower frequencies. dB below the carrier at 15 MHz from the carrier [ 1 I]. To
For some applications such as the Solar Power Satellite place this level of noise in perspective, a Solar Power Sat-
which would supply base load electrical power, and the ellite operating with 10 GW of radiated power, would ra-


I , -\
1 3 9 6 16 30
Fig. 5 . Transmission efficiency through the atmosphere as related to fre-
quency and condition of the atmosphere.

I1 I
1 Fig. 7. QKH 2244 radiation cooled magnetron fitted with waveguide out-
I put transition coupling into 1.5 inch X 3 . 0 inch waveguide.

I. I
- .
~ CIF-
CULATOR I wave dipole that feeds a low pass filter circuit terminated
REFERENCE I I in a rectifying diode, as shown in Fig. 8. The outputs of
MODULES I the diodes in a local region feed into a common dc bus.
COM- - I These busses can then be joined in series or parallel to
I I match a common load such as a resistor, electric motor,
or any other kind of load.
Fig. 6 . Circuit for a phase-locked, high-gain (30 dB) magnetron direc-
The rectenna has many desirable characteristics. They
tional amplifier. Diagram shows its application to a radiating module in an include: 1) in its “pure” form, a relatively nondirective
electronically steerable array antenna. aperture analogous to that of a single dipole, regardless
of the size of the aperture; in this form the aperture col-
lection efficiency is independent of the illumination den-
diate a total power of one microwatt in a 4000 Hz channel sity distribution across the aperture, 2) an overall effi-
width removed from the carrier by 15 MHz. ciency from incident microwave power to dc power output
Taking the directive gain of the radiating module and that has been measured at over 8 5 % , 3) a low specific
the 38 500 km distance from the Earth into consideration, mass of from 1 to 2 kg for each kilowatt of dc power
the power density at the Earth would be 45 db. below the output, 4) in newer formats, a power handling capability
CCIR requirements. in space of as much as 5 kW /m2 with passive radiation
The solar power satellite would use specially designed cooling, 5) a low Q with consequent relative insensitivity
magnetrons similar to the oven magnetrons but at a power to both changes in frequency and tolerances on construc-
level of from 3 to 5 kW. They would self adjust their tion, 6) relative insensitivity of the overall efficiency to
operating voltage to coincide with the most efficient in- changes in the level of power input or load impedance, 7)
terface with the solar photovoltaic arrays, and would pas- extreme reliability because of high level of redundancy of
sively radiate waste heat directly to space as suggested by elements, with internal fusing of diodes if they should fail,
the experimental magnetron shown in Fig. 7. 8) high tolerance of diodes to space environment because
they are Schottky barrier diodes in a package with shield-
G. The Rectenna as the Receiving Portion of the System ing capability, and (9) small requirement for a critical
The rectenna is a unique device that was conceived and GaAs material, less than 1/ 100 000 of that required for
developed for beamed microwave power transmission a solar photovoltaic array of the same area.
[ 131. It is spread out over the receiving aperture area and, The rectenna has many variations in its format. The
as its name suggests, combines the functions of an an- electrical circuit shown in Fig. 8 was put into a “thin
tenna and a rectifier. In its simple form the rectenna con- film” format for air and space applications [ 141. That for-
sists of a collection of rectenna elements, each with a half- mat was tested on an airplane wing as shown in Fig. 9.


+ m*; E*+ a**ia t =-


Fig. 8. Schematic diagram showing the functions performed on the fore-

plane of the two plane rectenna format. These functions are power col-
lecting, harmonic filtering, and rectification into dc power.

Fig. 10. Radiation module composed of a slotted waveguide antenna and

a phase-locked, magnetron directional amplifier. Radiated power output of
about 600 W.


Fig. 9. Application of the thin-film, etched-circuit rectenna to a model air-

plane wing.

In a modified form it was successfully used by a Canadian

research team in a microwave powered airplane [ 151.
The term “rectenna” is now used generically for the
receiving aperture of any beamed power transmission sys-
tem that combines the function of capture and rectifica-
tion, even though in some formats there has been a de-
parture from the “one on one” relationship between
dipoles and diodes in the original “pure” form of the de- Fig. 11, Layout of ground based transmitter showing construction format
vice. This departure results in directional sensitivity of for slotted waveguide antennas.
the rectenna which may be tolerated for some applica-
tions. A unique folding fabrication procedure has been devel-
oped for forming slotted waveguide arrays from thin sheet
H. Transmitting Antenna Structure aluminum as shown in Figs. 10 and 11. The procedure
The transmitting antennas for space applications asso- can be highly automated, so large expanses of antenna can
ciated with the technology at 2.45 GHz are active, elec- be fabricated at costs that are largely determined by the
tronically steerable phased arrays. The arrays are com- modest cost of the thin aluminum sheet.
posed of radiation modules that consist of a high-gain,
phase-locked amplifier (see Fig. 6) that supplies micro- I. Beam Guidance
wave power to a slotted waveguide array. The square ar- Beam guidance is an area where the principles seem to
ray, shown in Fig. 10, is used to beam power to a high be sound but where the experimental verification is lack-
altitude airplane or from a solar power satellite. For ap- ing. The beam guidance requirements for Earth to space
plications using the equatorial plane, in which the beam transmission are different from those for space to Earth,
sweeps over a large angle in the West to East direction, largely because the influence of the Earth’s atmosphere is
an array may be a long section of slotted waveguide as different for the two directions of transmission and be-
shown in Fig. 11. cause ground structures remain dimensionally stable with

time whereas space structures may change their shape.

However, there is a commonality in the use of a beacon
centered in the rectenna. There is also a commonality in
that the radiation modules are perceived to be assembled
into a row and column matrix [ 161.
For the Earth to space application, the beacon in the
orbiting space vehicle sends a signal toward the transmit-
ter on the Earth. At the center of the transmitting antenna
there is a sensitive interferometer which establishes the
direction of the beacon. This directional information is
sent to a microprocessor which then sends out two sig-
nals, one to the rows and the other to the columns in which
the individual radiation modules are located. Each radiat-
ing module is a section of slotted waveguide about 5 m
long. Using these signals as a reference each radiation
module multiplies the signals by a term corresponding to
its position in the row and column matrix to establish its
phase relative to the center of the array. There is also a
phase reference sent to each module. As part of a bore- Fig. 12. First Right of a microwave powered aircraft occured in 1964 at
the Raytheon Co. 200 W of power was supplied to the electric motor from
sighting procedure, the phase reference at each module is the rectenna that collected and rectified power from a microwave beam.
adjusted to some integral multiple of 360 degrees relative
to the source of the reference. Even though the total dif-
ference in shift between the radiation modules may be very
great, only a low power level phase shifter of only 360
degrees is needed in each module.
Even though the tracking afforded by this principle may
be very good, it is an open loop system and the micro-
wave beam will not be precisely centered on the rectenna
in space. It is easy to close the loop, however, by placing
sensors on the periphery of the rectenna which can gen-
erate an error signal if not evenly illuminated. The error
signal is then telemetered to the microprocessor at the
transmitter site which then modifies the signal sent out to
the radiation modules to change their phase relationships
to recenter the beam on the rectenna.
The beam from the Solar Power Satellite is steered in
analogous fashion but its mechanical axis is aligned with
the rectenna on the ground so that any electronic steering Fig. 13. This beam riding helicopter self guided itself over the beam by
is confined to a very small angle. However, more sophis- using the microwave beam as a position reference for roll, pitch, yaw. and
ticated pointing schemes must be used because of the .I and y translation.

warping and expansion of the antenna. The proposed ap-

proach is to use a retrodirective array.

J . Demonstration Milestones
Many technical milestones in beamed microwave power
transmission have been achieved. Illustrations of four im-
portant milestones are presented. They are: Fig. 12, the
first demonstration of a microwave powered air vehicle
[6]; Fig. 13, demonstration of a beam riding helicopter
where many of the principles of using a microwave beam
as a position and attitude reference for vehicle control are
of generic importance in the space applications [6]; Fig,
14, the achievement of a certified overall dc to dc efi-
ciency of 54% in the laboratory 141; and Fig. 15, the
transmission of power over a distance of one mile with
over 30 kW of dc power collected at the rectenna with
84% overall rectenna efficiency [ 5 ] . Reference 171 de- Fig. 14. Certified demonstration of 5 4 % overall dc to dc efficiencv in the
scribes all of these demonstrations. laboratory Rectenna dc power level was 600 W Frequency was 2 45 GHz

With electric propulsion very much higher velocities

can be achieved by ionizing gases such as argon and xe-
non and accelerating them through an electric potential as
shown schematically in Fig. 16. There has been a very
satisfactory application of this principle to the ion thruster
[ 181, [ 191. A 30 cm diameter ion thruster is shown in Fig.
17. It converts 10 kW of dc input power into 7 kW of ion
beam power. Using xenon as a propellant and a propellant
velocity of 40 000 m/s, the resulting thrust is 0.37 N. It
has a mass of about 10 kg and so has a specific mass, or
mass to power ratio, of 1 kg/kW [19]. Although the ion
thruster is a sophisticated device from the electrical en-
gineering point of view, it has been designed as an assem-
bly of sheet metal parts and lends itself to low-cost mass
production where several hundred of them may be re-
quired for one vehicle. In addition to the 30 cm thruster
a 50 cm thruster is under development with even lower
specific mass and higher efficiency expected [20].
Fig. 15. Demonstration of beamed power over one mile distance at the Referring to Fig. 16, the velocity given to an ion by the
JPL Goldstone facility in the Mojave Desert. Of the microwave power in- voltage V is given by the simple expression:
tercepted by the rectenna array, 84% was converted into a dc power level
of over 30 kW. Frequency was 2388 MHz. Power was used in matrix of (5.97 x io5)&
illuminating lamps in front of rectenna. v = (7)
IMPORTANCE OF A Low MASS POWER SUPPLYFOR IT v = velocity of accelerated ion, m / s
There is a mystique about space propulsion that can be V = the applied potential, volts
demystified by two very simple expressions-one for the m , / m , = ratio of the mass of the propellant ion to the
thrust that is obtained by accelerating propellant to a high mass of electron.
velocity, the other one for the power required to sustain
that thrust. These are: Substitution of the mass of the ions for argon and xenon
into the above equation, together with an assumed applied
N = dm/dt v (5) potential of 1500 V, give velocities of 77 OOO and 42 000,
Pp = 1/2 d m / d t v2 (6) respectively or factors of 19.2 and 10.5 greater than for
chemical propulsion. Therefore the time rate of propellant
consumption for the same propulsive force is reduced by
N = thrust in Newtons (1 N = 0.2248 lb force) the same factors of 19.2 and 10.5, respectively.
m = propellant mass, kg What does this mean in terms of the amount of propel-
d m / d t = time rate of propellant flow, kg/s lant that can be saved for missions of interest, and how
v = velocity of the propellant, m / s important is it? A mission of great interest, and also one
Pp = propulsion power, watts of concern because we cannot presently accomplish it, is
to bring payloads back from geostationary orbit as well as
Expression ( 5 ) will be recognized as a variation of the
taking them there. To accomplish this we must apply a
familiarf = ma = m d v / d t , where the mass flow is the
propulsive force to the vehicle to change its velocity by
time variant and not the velocity. Likewise, expression
an amount known as the AV, which will take the vehicle
(6) will be recognized as the time derivative of the mass
to geostationary orbit, and the same A V to return it to low-
flow in the expression 1 /2 mu2 for work or energy.
Earth orbit. The one way A V involved is 4600 m/s, or a
A third very useful expression is to divide expression
total round trip A V of 9200 m/s.
(6) by expression (5) to give the ratio of power to thrust,
There is a well known relationship between the velocity
which is
to which the propellant is accelerated, the change in ve-
P , / N = v/2. (7) locity that the vehicle must undergo to complete the trip,
Equation ( 5 ) indicates that propellant consumption for a and the ratio of the initial mass (propellant mass plus ter-
given level of thrust can be reduced if the terminal veloc- minal mass) to the terminal mass. This expression is:
ity of the propellant is increased. As will be shown, this M , / M , = exp ( A V / v ) (9)
is highly desirable, but with chemical propellants there is
an upper limit to the velocity that can be achieved. The Where
highest practical velocity is achieved with a mixture of M, = terminal mass (after trip is completed)
oxygen and hydrogen, which is approximately 4000 m/s. M, = initial mass (terminal mass plus propellant mass)

-1 With such large savings in transportation costs, why are


IONIZED ;0 ; O V we not using electric propulsion? The answer is that within

GAS 2 0-10;s the conventional inventory of technology there is not a
Q V suitable source of the very large amounts of prime electric

7; bAcciiiT:NG
power that is needed for electric propulsion. Unlike the
chemical rocket which provides its own power source
through the exothermic reaction of mixing two chemicals
and buming them, the use of electric thrusters requires a
prime power source whose mass increases as the square
Fig. 16. Principle of the ion thruster. Positively charged gas ions are ac-
celerated through grids with voltage V to produce ion mass particles with
of the propellant velocity as shown in expression (6) while
a velcoity v . the thrust grows only linearly with propellant velocity.
The lack of a suitable power source for electric propul-
sion has long been recognized. Ernst Stuhlinger, when he
wrote his pioneering book on ion propulsion in 1964
stated, “Even a cursory look at the ion propulsion system
reveals that the most critical component from the engi-
neering standpoint is the source of electric power. The
necessity of a concentrated effort to develop efficient and
reliable nuclear-electric space power sources in the kilo-
watt and in the megawatt range cannot be overempha-
sized” [ 171. What has actually happened in the interven-
ing period is that the ion thruster has been developed to a
very high level of performance but still lacks the nuclear
power source which has just recently been placed under
development in the 100 kw level. When this power supply
is developed it may well be the source of power for a
vehicle going into deep space, but its specific mass of 30
kg/kW, is too high to be practical in an orbital transfer
vehicle. The power level is also far too low.
The other sources of prime power in space are solar
photovoltaic and solar thermal. Only solar photovoltaic
has been developed and used in space. However, it has
proven to be very expensive and its practical specific mass
when power conditioning, mechanical pointing toward the
sun, and shielding for going through the Van Allen belt
Fig. 17. Photograph of a 30 cm ion thruster. Thruster consumes I O kW of
power and has a mass of about I O kg. Thrust produced at a propellant are included, is comparable to that of nuclear. Further-
velocity of40 000 m / s is 0.37 N . more, it is eclipsed by the Earth from the sun for long
periods of time making energy storage a problem for some
applications. Therefore, although electric propulsion has
A V = change in velocity required for the trip, m / s much to offer for space transportation it has not been ap-
U = velocity of the propellant, m / s plied because there was no suitable power source.
If we insert a propellant velocity of 4000 m/s, typical of
chemical rockets, and the A V of 9200 into this equation, 111. SOLVING THE SPACETRANSPORTATION AND POWER
we find the ratio of the initial mass to the final mass is 10. DILEMMAS WITH BEAMEDMICROWAVE POWER
But if we use a value of 2) of 40 000 m / s which is typical TRANSMISSION
of an ion thruster propellant we obtain a ratio of only 1.26. Beamed microwave power represents a technological
The difference in the amount of propellant used is a factor breakthrough because the mass of the rectenna on board
of 35. Assume that the terminal mass consists of the dry the space vehicle is about equal to the mass of the electric
vehicle and the payload, each being 5000 kg for a total of thrusters, as contrasted to twenty to thirty times as much
10 000 kg. With chemical propellant the amount of pro- for nuclear or photovoltaic. The makeup of the complete
pellant required would be 90 000 kg. The cost of trans- vehicle, less the payload and the required propellant is
porting the propellant from the Earth to LEO at the cur- shown for the two cases in Fig. 18. As a result of the very
rent cost of $5000 per kilogram would be $450 million. low specific mass of the rectenna and its power supply,
By contrast the transportation cost of the electric thruster the empty vehicle can have unprecedented accelerations
propellant would be $13 million, thus providing a net sav- for an electric propelled vehicle. When carrying a pay-
ing in propellant transportation costs from Earth to LEO load, the reduction in the mass of the power supply can
of $437 million. be replaced with useful payload.



5w la



Fig. 18. Comparison of the specific mass of the rectenna with that of a
nuclear power source now under development.

A block diagram schematic and a layout of the pro-


posed microwave beam powered transportation system

that would transport material between low-Earth orbit and Fig. 19. LEO to GEO transportation system. Orbital transfer vehicles
geostationary orbit are presented in Fig. 19. The point of (OTV’s) execute a circular spiral as they travel from LEO to GEO. The
observation is from a point in space above the North Pole microwave beam tracks them through an angular sweep of 90 degrees.
The complete system has four high-powered transmit- GEO
ters equally spaced around the Earth. The microwave
beam associated with each transmitter is electronically
steered in the West to East direction through a total angle 10.000
of 90 degrees to automatically track and supply power to
the interorbital vehicles. In low-Earth orbit the time of KILOMETERS
contact between the beam and the vehicle is short but in- ABOVE
creases rapidly with increasing orbital altitude, as shown EARTH
in Fig. 19. A relationship has been found that gives the THRUSTERS 11%
total elapsed time for the orbital transfer vehicle to reach 1* 000
any orbital altitude, taking into consideration the increas-
ing dwell time between the beam and the vehicle as it
ascends as well as the decreasing gravitational force act-
ing upon it [21]. The rate of ascension tends to be expo-
nential in nature as exhibited in Fig. 20. 100
Fig. 20 shows the results of a scenario for a system that 0 20 40 60 80 100
can transport a 51 % payload of 65 000 kg payload from DAYS OF TOTAL ELAPSED T I M E AFTER START AT 300 KILOMETER ORBIT
low-earth orbit to geostationary orbit and then return to Fig. 20. Orbital altitude of OTV as a function of total elapsed time for a
low-Earth orbit without payload [21]. The propellant single and four beam system. After delivering a 51 % payload of 65 000
kilograms OTV returns to Earth in about 1/ 3 of the “up” time.
fraction using xenon is 16%. Flight profiles are shown for
a single beam system and for a four beam system. For the
four beam system, flights to GEO ranging between twenty
to thirty days are possible, depending upon the level of power from photovoltaic arrays on its top surface for flight
beamed power density above an altitude of 10 000 km beyond GEO.
which in turn depends upon the level of radiated power Fig. 22 show$ the layout on land surfaces of four high
from Earth. Such short flight times for 50% payload ratios powered transmitters that are associated with the LEO to
suggest that an express mission with small payload frac- GEO transportation system, and 14 other lower powered
tion could make the trip to GEO in ten days or less. That transmitters that are primarily associated with supplying
small payload fraction could be personnel. power to orbiting industrial parks [2 13, [ 11. Although the
Table I shows the electric and propulsion parameters of primary purpose of the 14 lower power transmitters are
the design scenario from which the performance shown in for industrial parks, these industrial parks could represent
Fig. 20 was derived. Fig. 21 shows an artist’s concept of the first application of beamed microwave power from the
such a vehicle, which could become a true spaceship for Earth, and therewith establish a major point on the leam-
the inner solar system if it were hybridized to include ing curve for the construction of higher powered systems

TABLE 1 that would be used for the interorbital transportation sys-

~~ ~
tem [23]. The orbital parks will need a large amount of
1. Makeup of the mass of the empty vehicle electric power, and this can be beamed to them from the
Rectenna 14 000 kg Earth at relatively low cost compared to the use of either
Ion engines 14 000 kg solar or nuclear sources in space [I].
Structure, power conditioning and 14 000 kg
propellant tanks
2. Propulsion specifications All environmental considerations, including biological
Rectenna dc power output 20 000 kW
Rectenna dc power density 400 W / m’ and RF interference, were examined at length in the DOE/
Rectenna area 50 000 mz NASA sponsored study of the Solar Power Satellite in the
Ion thruster 1977 to 1980 time period [22]. These studies found no
Propellant Xenon
Specific Impulse 4200 s “show stoppers” of any nature, including environmentb.
Physical size SO cm diameter considerations, to preclude a program of research and de-
Beam power 30 kW each
No. of thrusters so0 velopment to protect the SPS system option as a future
Mass of each thruster 28 kg energy source.
Total propulsive force 750 N From a biological point of view, the photon energy level
Vehicle acceleration (empty) 0.0178 m/s’ at 2.45 GHz is extremely low, only 1 /30 000 of the peak
of the infrared radiation given off by the human body. In
addition, extensive testing under the DOE/NASA study
found no effects at the specific frequency of 2.45 GHz in
controlled experiments on animals and insects. Typical
radiation densities from ground arrays for space transpor-
tation, and for orbiting industrial satellites and other sat-
ellites in lower-Earth orbits, are about 500 W/m2 (50
mW/cm2), about one third the intensity of sunlight. The
fact that microwave beams would be encountered only in
the equatorial plane and that the transmitters could be
placed in sparsely settled areas simplifies the management
of such beams for aircraft and civilian safety.
Interference with other users of the electromagnetic
spectrum will need additional exploration. However, as
indicated in the section on microwave generators, it has
been found that the noise level of the magnetron direc-
tional amplifier (magnetron in combination with direc-
tional device), is extremely low at a distance from the
Fig. 21. It is being acknowledged that very large electrically propelled carrier of 10 to 15 MHz which is well within the ISM
spaceships of the size illustrated above will be needed for inner solar sys- band of 2.4 to 2.5 GHz [ 1 11, [ 121. Harmonic radiation
tem transport. The power sources for spaceships could be hybridized-mi-
crowave powered to geostationary orbit and then photovoltaic powered be- from both the transmitter and the rectenna can be held to
yond CEO. very low levels through the use of harmonic filters. No
doubt a considerable amount of experimental work will
be necessary to optimize the reduction of noise and har-
monic radiation from the system, and to consider what
steps, if any, would be necessary to eliminate the impact
of a continuous pure tone signal at 2.45 GHz upon the
input of communications or other electronic equipment.

The elements of a beamed microwave power transmis-
sion system were presented; the components at the trans-
mitting and receiving end of the system were examined;
illustrations of important demonstration milestones were
shown; the principles of electric propulsion were outlined
Fig. 22. A mature equatorial plane power transmission system may have and the importance of beamed microwave power trans-
24 or more ground stations on the equator. The black disks represent large mission as a source of its prime power requirements was
aperture transmitters to beam power to electric propelled vehicles bound examined; a scenario of a LEO to GEO transportation
for geostationary orbit. The white disks are smaller transmitters that could
assist LEO to GEO vehicles but are primarily used to supply power to system based upon the combination of electric propulsion
orbiting industrial satellites. and beamed power transmission was presented and its

performance projected; environmental considerations tion-conversion array for wireless power transmission,” Tech. Memo
33-741, Jet. Prop. Lab., Cal. Inst. Tech., Sept. 1, 1975.
were examined. W.C. Brown, “Experiments involving a microwave beam to power
and position a helicopter,” IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Sysf., vol.
NOMENCLATURE AES-5, pp. 692-702, Sept. 1969.
-, “The history of power transmission by radio waves,” IEEE
GEO Geostationary orbit. Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Special Centennial Historical Issue,
vol. MTT-32, no. 9 , Sept. 1984.
LEO Low-Earth orbit. G. Goubau and F. Schwering, “On the guided propagation of elec-
(ITV Orbital transfer vehicle. tromagnetic wave beams,” IRE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.
SPS Solar Power Satellite. AP-9, pp. 248-256, May 1961.
H. Kogelnik, T. Li, “Laser beams and resonators,” Proc. IEEE, vol.
At Transmitter aperture area, m2. 54, no. 10, Oct. 1966.
A, Receiving aperture area, m2. “Microwave power transmission system studies,’’ Raytheon Con-
D Separation between apertures, m. tractor Report ER 75-4368, NASA CR-134886, Dec. 1975.
W . C. Brown, “Satellite power system (SPS) magnetron tube assess-
dm / d t Time rate of propellant flow kg/s. ment study,” NASA Contractor Rep. 3383, Contract NAS8-33157,
K Emissivity (black body = 1). Feb. 1981.
K Kelvin temperature scale. -, “The sophisticated properties of the microwave oven magne-
tron,” in 1989 IEEE MTT-S In?. Microwave Symp. Dig.,vol. 111, pp.
kg Kilogram. , 871-874, IEEE Cat. No. 89CH2725-0, ISNN 0149-645X.
m Meters. -, “Electronic and mechanical improvement of the receiving ter-
m Mass, kilograms. mina1 of a free-space microwave power transmission system,” Ray-
theon Contractor Rep. PT 4964, NASA CR-135194, Aug. 1977.
Mt Terminal mass after space trip, kg. -, “Rectenna technology program: Ultra light 2.45 GHz rectenna
Mi Initial mass before space trip, kg. and 20 GHz rectenna,” NASA Contractor Rep. CR 179558, Contract
Mi - M , Propellant mass used during trip, kg. NAS3-22764, NASA LeRC, Mar. 1987.
A. Fisher, “Secret of perpetual flight-beam power plane,” Popular
n Operating efficiency of device. Science, pp. 62-66, Jan. 1983.
N Thrust in Newtons. W.C. Brown, “Design study for a ground microwave power trans-
S Seconds. mission system for use with a high-altitude powered platform,” NASA
Contractor Rep. 168344, June 1983, Raytheon Rep. PT-6052, NASA
T Radiating surface temperature, Kelvin. Contract NAS6-3200.
Pd Power density at rectenna center, W/m2. E. Stuhlinger, Ion Propulsion for Space Flight. New York: Mc-
Radiated microwave power density, W /m2. Graw-Hill, 1964, p. 356, “Conclusions and Outlook.”
D. C. Byers, F. F. Terdan, and I. T. Myers, “Primary electric pro-
Pdc Rectenna dc power output density, W /m2. pulsion for future space missions,” AIAA Paper 79-0881, May 1979.
PP Power required for propulsion, W. F. D. Berkopec, J. R. Stone, and G. Aston, “NASA electric propul-
Total transmitter radiated power, W. sion technology,” Paper AIAA-85-1999, Electric Propulsion Conf.,
pt Sept. 30, 1985.
V Velocity of space vehicle, m / s . M. Patterson, V. Rawlin, “Operation of a 50 cm diameter cusp-field
AV Change in velocity during trip, m/s. ion thruster,” AIAA Paper 88-2915, 24th Joint Propulsion Conf.,
V Maximum propellant velocity, m/s. July 11, 1988.
W. C. Brown, “All electronic propulsion-Key to future spaceship
V Potential applied to grid, volts. design,” AIAA Paper 88-3170, AIAA/ASMA/SAE/ASEE 24th Joint
W Watt. Propulsion Conf., Boston, July 1988.
x Wavelength of the radiation, meters. Final Proc. of the Solar Power Satellite Program Review, Conf. Re-
port 800491, Lincoln, NE, DOE/NASA Satellite Power System Con-
cept Development and Evaluation Program, April 1980.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT W . C. Brown, “The equatorial plane-the international gateway to
space,” in Proc. the 10th Biennial SSIIPrinceton Con$ on Space
The authors wish to acknowledge the contractual sup- Manufacturing, May 15-18, 1991.
port of NASA and the Air Force to the Raytheon Co. over
an extended period of time to develop the technology and
investigate applications. As a result, the technology has
now reached a high level of maturity and represents an William C. Brown (A’39-M’55-SM’58-F’59-LF’82),
fora photograph and
available and possibly invaluable resource for immediate biography, see this issue, p. 1046.
or future use.

E. Eugene Eves was born in Millville, PA in
[I] W. C. Brown, “A microwave powered orbital industrial park sys- 1947. He received the B.S.E.E. from MIT in
tem,” in Proc. 8th Biennial SSI/Princeton Conf. on Space Manufac- 1968.
ruring, May 1987, pp. 242-251. (Published by AIAA.) He joined Raytheon at its New Product Center
[2] W. C. Brown, “LEO to GEO transportation system combining elec- in 1971 where he worked to develop a range of
tric propulsion with beamed microwave power from Earth,” AAS microwave heating equipment from home appli-
Goddard Memorial Symposium on Transportation Issues, in vol. 69, ance to industrial systems. Since 1978, he has di-
AAS Science and Technology Series, pp. 185-219. rected new product and equipment development
[3] P. E. Glaser, “Power from the sun; its future,” Science, vol. 162, for Raytheon’s Industrial Equipment Group. He
pp. 857-861, NOV.22. holds about a dozen patents, in the areas of elec-
[4] R. M. Dickinson and W. C. Brown, “Radiation microwave power tronics, appliances, microwave devices, and both
transmission system efficiency measurements,’’ Tech. Memo 33-727, microwave and thermal material processing systems. Mr. Eves has partic-
Jet Propulsion Lab., Cal. Inst. Tech., Mar. 15, 1975. ipated in development of microwave power transmission systems since
[5] R. M. Dickinson, “Evaluation of a microwave high-power, recep- 1972.

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