GR 4 1st-Periodical-Test-17-18 With Tos and Key

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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Mabalacat City
Mabalacat City


School Year 2017-2018

Name:_________________________________________________ Grade and Section:_____________________________

Teacher:______________________________________________ Date:____________________ Score:_____________

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following materials sink in water?

a. pencil b. coin c. rubber slippers d. logs

2. Which of these materials undergo decay?

a. plastic cup b. paper c. dead animals d. plastic bottle

3. Which of the following materials float in water?

a. b. c. d.

4. Why do boats float in water?

a. Boasts are made of wood that make them float.
b. Man uses paddle to make the boat float.
c. The sea breeze makes the boat float in water.
d. The boat is tied with plastic string that makes it float.

5. Using the data below, which group of materials can be used to prevent oneself from drowning?
Materials that absorb water Materials that float Materials that sink
Sponge Log Big stones
Face towel Piece of wood Metal bar
cotton Plastic bottle with cover Hollow blocks
a. A, B and C b. A c. B d. C

6. If you are going to dispose waste materials commonly found at home, what are you going to do with the decaying
a. throws them in the river
b. mix them with the non-decaying materials
c. make a compost
d. keep them in the cabinet and uses them again

7. Your mother asked you to give her medicine for fever. What are you going to do first?
a. Read the label of the medicine.
b. Get a glass of water and the medicine.
c. Get the medicine and give it right away to your mother.
d. Taste the medicine before giving it your mother.

8. If you are exposed to garbage, what kind of illness would you probably get?
a. nose bleed b. heart failure c. asthma d. goiter

9. A glass of water spilled on the table. You want to dry the table at once. What are you going to use?
a. rug made of cloth c. cotton
b. handkerchief d. tissue paper

10. Why it is important to read the label of the product?

a. to know the price of the product
b. to get the number of pieces sold in the market
c. to know who buy the product
d. to use the product correctly
11. Which of these garbage materials do not undergo decay?
a. used cooking oil c. fruit peelings
b. plastics, glass, bottles d. leftover food

12. What should you do with non-decaying garbage materials?

a. recycle them b. burn them c. bury them d. store them

Given the drawings inside the box, answer questions 13-15 below:

Chicken feathers, kangkong Empty container of catsup, broken Empty can and empty bottles of
stem, fish bone, left over food pail, bottle of mineral water soft drinks, milk sardines meat loaf

13. Which group of minerals will undergo decay?

a. A and B b. C and A c. A d. B

14. Which group of materials is recyclables?

a. A and B b. B and C c. A and C d. C

15. Which group of materials can turn into fertilizer?

a. A and C b. B and C c. B d. A

16. Why do some materials absorb water?

a. because some materials have tiny holes that let the water in.
b. some materials are soft that can easily get water in.
c. some materials are made of vinyl.
d. some materials are expensive

17. You are going to buy can juice in the store for your visitor’s snack. The following can juices were displayed in the store
with its expiration date. Which of them are you going to buy?
a. pineapple juice-best before January 2017 c. mango juice- best before September 2017
b. orange juice- best before March 2017 d. apple juice- best before 2016

18. How should non-decaying wastes be disposed?

a. by composting b. by reusing c. by recycling d. both b and c

19. Which of the following show proper waste disposal?

a. throwing garbage to the sea
b. putting all waste materials in one container
c. throwing left over foods in the drainage canal
d. segregating waste into decaying and non-decaying

20. Wastes that are not properly disposed may __________

a. become breeding places of pests such as mosquitoes and flies
b. cause loss of humus soil
c. speed up the materials to decay
d. allow free flow of rain water run off

21. Waste should be segregated into _______groups.

a. decaying and non-decaying c. small and big
b. bluish and yellowish d. hard and soft

22. Pollution of rivers is cause by indiscriminate dumping of__________

a. garbage c. lead
b. industrial waste d. all of the above

23. Why does oil and grease harm the fish in the river?
a. oil and grease reduce the oxygen supply in the water
b. oil and grease increase the oxygen supply in the water
c. oil and grease dissolve easily in the water and cut completely the oxygen supply
d. oil and grease are good for fish in river.
24. What are the effects of decaying materials to one’s health and safety?
a. exposure to decaying materials will make people sick
b. exposure to decaying materials will make people healthy
c. exposure to decaying materials will make people happy.
d. exposure to decaying materials will make people wise.
25. What safety precaution do you need to observe in disposing waste materials?
a. Use gloves or adequate equipment in handling waste materials to prevent puncture by sharp items
b. Taste and touch waste materials before disposing them.
c. Keep the waste materials in your kitchen.
d. Expose yourself to the waste materials.

26. How can you make your environment a pleasant place to live in?
a. by exposing yourself from air and noise pollution
b. by throwing garbage anywhere
c. by littering around
d. by maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in your surroundings

27. Which of the following do not show precautionary measures in storing and disposing household materials?
a. Sort the household materials properly
b. Have a proper storage place for each kind of materials
c. Dispose of the expired material and other waste materials
d. Store combustible products together with medicines.

28. Why should you drink and use safe water?

a. safe water is easy to get
b. safe water prevents diseases
c. safe water has pleasant taste
d. safe water is colorless and tasteless

29. What should people do with their garbage to prevent oneself from getting sick?
a. drink untreated water
b.. take medicine
c. dispose waste materials properly
d. throw the waste materials anywhere in your surroundings

30. Dino was playing with his modeling clay. As he pressed the clay, he was able to form different materials as shown in the
pictures below.

Which of the following describes what happens to the modeling clay when it was pressed?
a. The clay changed its size and color.
b. The clay changed its size and shape
c. The clay changed its volume and color.
d. The clay changed its volume and odor.

31. Kurt heated a chocolate bar to make chocolate syrup. Which of the following describes what 3changes happened in the
property of the bar when it is heated?
a. The chocolate bar changed its size and shape.
b. The chocolate bar changed its taste and odor.
c. The chocolate bar changed its texture and odor.
d. The chocolate bar changed its odor and texture.

32. Shine cuts a piece of writing pad. Describe what changes happened in the property of the piece of paper when it was cut
as shown in the picture.
a. The piece of writing pad changed its size and shape.
b. The piece of writing pad changed its color and texture.
c. The piece of writing pad changed its texture and weight.
d. The piece of writing pad changed its odor and texture.

33. What might happen when flour is mixed with cold water?
a. The flour will dispose completely in water.
b. The flour will dissolve partially in water.
c. The flour will not dissolve in water at all.
d. The flour will not settle at the bottom of the water.

34. Which of the following describes what happens to the white sugar when mixed with iodized salt?
a. White sugar can be distinguished with the iodized salt when mixed.
b. White sugar cannot be distinguished with the iodized salt when mixed.
c. White sugar settles at the bottom of iodized salt.
d. White sugar completely mixed with iodized salt.
35. What happened to solid materials when they were bent?
a. There are new solid materials formed.
b. There are no changes at all.
c. Materials may change their size and shape but there’s no new materials are formed.
d. All of the above

36. The picture below shows a piece of butter in the frying pan. If the stove is turned on, what change could happen to the
piece of butter? What can you conclude about what happens to the butter when heated?
a. The butter will melt when heated.
b. The butter gets bigger when heated.
c. The butter increases its shape when heated.
d. The butter increases its size when heated.

37. What will happen to alcohol and water when mixed?

a. Alcohol and water will mix completely.
b. Alcohol and water will mix partially.
c. Alcohol and water will not mix together.
d. Alcohol and water will form two layers.

38. Which of the following changes in the materials is useful to the environment?
a. Throwing garbage in the canal.
b. Throwing hospital wastes into the river.
c. Using detergents in washing clothes in the river.
d. Using paper bags when shopping

39. The following changes in the materials are useful to the environment, except
a. Using old newspaper in wrapping gifts
b. Using eco bag when buying groceries.
c. Using pesticides in killing insects
d. Using both sides of bond paper when writing.

40. What are the factors that contribute to the decaying process of the materials?
a. air and plastic materials c. human and animals
b. sunlight only d. sunlight, water, soil, and action of microorganisms

Good Luck!

Prepared By:


GRADE 4 Science Teacher
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Mabalacat City
Mabalacat City



1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. D
18. D
19. D
20. A
21. A
22. D
23. A
24. A
25. A
26. D
27. D
28. B
29. C
30. B
31. A
32. B
33. C
34. B
35. C
36. A
37. A
38. D
39. C
40. D

Prepared By:


GRADE 4 Science Teacher
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Mabalacat City
Mabalacat City

Table of Specification
In Science Grade IV
First Grading Period
SCHOOL YEAR: 2017-2018


1. Describe materials based on the ability to absorb water. 1 5% 2 9,16

2. Classify materials based on the ability to absorb water. 2

3. Identify the materials that float and sink. 1 7.5% 3 1,3,5

4. Describe the kind of materials that float and sink. 2 2.5% 1 4

5. Identify the materials that undergo decay. 1 7.5% 3 2,11,13

6. Describe the materials that undergo decay. 2 5% 2 6,40

7. Classify the materials that undergo decay. 2 3 12,14,15

8. Identify the diseases / sickness that may result from 1 2.5% 1 8
exposure to decaying materials.
9. Describe the diseases/sickness that may result from 2 2.5% 1 26
exposure to decaying materials.
10. Identify the effects of decaying materials on one’s health 1 5% 2 24,29
and safety.
11. Describe the physical state of people exposed to decaying 1
12. Observe and read product label. 1 5% 2 7,17

13. Explain the importance of reading product label. 2 2.5% 1 10

14. Observe proper ways of disposing waste materials by 1 5% 2 18,23

sorting them according to its properties.
15. Identify ways of disposing waste materials according to 1 7.5% 3 19,21,22
the properties of its materials.
16. Demonstrate proper disposal of waste according to its 2 2.5% 1 25
17. Classify materials/waste according to properties. 2
18. Enumerate safety precautions in disposing waste 2 10% 4 20,26,27,28
materials according to its properties.
19. Define what is solid. 1

20. Identify some ways of changing solid materials, such as 2

size, shape, texture.
21. Describe the changes that happen in solid materials. 2
22. Describe what happen to the solid materials when they 1 2.5% 1 35
are bent.
23. Describe what happen to the solid materials when they 1 2.5% 1 30
are pressed.
24. Describe what happen to the solid materials when they 1
are hammered.
25. Describe what happen to the solid materials when they 1 2.5% 1 32
are cut.
26. Describe what happens to the materials when heated and 3 5% 2 31,36
27. Describe what happens to the solid materials when mixed 2 2.5% 1 33
with other solid materials.
28. Describe what happens to the solid materials when mixed 2
with the liquid materials.
29. Describe what happens to the liquid materials when mixed 2 5% 2 34, 37
with other liquid materials.
30. Identify changes in the materials that are useful or harmful 2 5% 2 38,39
to the environment.
31. Describe the harmful effects of the changes in the 1
materials to the environment.
32. Suggest some ways of preventing/ minimizing the harmful 2
effects of the changes in the materials to the environment.
TOTAL 45 100 40 40

Prepared By:


GRADE 4 Science Teacher

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