TX Music Curriculum I IV

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Originating Committee: Focus Committees: Alignment Committees:

Dixie Addington Elementary:

Tammy Benton Cora Bigwood
Cora Bigwood
Cora Bigwood Ann Burbridge
Ann Burbridge
Ann Burbridge Kathy Kuddes
Vivian Ferchill
Asa Burk Lisa Roebuck
Kathy Kuddes
Jo Dillard
Lisa Roebuck
Eugene Dowdy Band:
Neil Tipton
Jimmy Edwards Alfred Green
Vivian Furchill Jeff Laird
Cathy Fishburn Band:
Asa Burke Pat Paris
Fred Garcia
Alfred Green
Jan Gaverick
Jeff Laird Orchestra:
Alfred "Buzzy" Green
Mike Lipe Deborah Kidwell
Michele Henry
Pat Paris
Vicki Keller
Darrell Umhoeffer Vocal:
Deborah Kidwell
Vicki Keller
Kathy Kuddes
Orchestra: Barbara Perkins
Jeff Laird
Mike Lipe Dixie Addington
David McCullar Kathy Fishburn
Pat Paris Jan Garverick
Jeff Rice Deborah Kidwell Project Facilitators:
Kerry Taylor
Lisa Roebuck
Vocal: Frank Coachman
Randy Talley
Kerry Taylor Tammy Benton
Neal Tipton Michele Henry
Darrell Umhoefer Vicki Keller
David McCullar

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: I.1.1
STRAND: Perception

The student describes and analyzes musical sound and demonstrates musical artistry.

I.1.1 (A) identify melodic and harmonic parts when listening to and/or performing music;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify various elements of a musical texture Identify various elements of a musical texture Identify and describe the texture and style of
and place them in the correct prioritized and place them in the correct prioritized music heard and performed (monophonic,
relationship; relationship; polyphonic, chordal, imitative, etc.);
Describe aurally presented or performed music in Describe aurally presented or performed music Identify and describe music aurally presented
terms of melody, harmony, accompaniment, in terms of melody, harmony, or performed with regard to primary and
counter melody, and obligato. accompaniment, counter melody, and secondary thematic material in terms of
obligato. melody, harmony, accompaniment, counter
melody, and obligato.

I.1.1 (B) define concepts of intervals, music notation, chord structure, rhythm/meter, and musical performances using standard terminology; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Articulate conceptual knowledge of: Articulate conceptual knowledge of: Articulate conceptual knowledge of:
Intervals (distance, direction and labeling); Intervals (distance, direction and labeling); Note names and corresponding intervals
Components of music notation including staff, Components of music notation including staff, (distance, direction and labeling) using an
clef, key and meter signature, tempo, clef, key and meter signature, tempo, established pitch system;
dynamic, articulation and style markings; dynamic, articulation and style markings; Components of music notation including staff,
Score/part identification, Score/part identification, clef, key and meter signature, tempo,
instrumentation/voicing; instrumentation/voicing; dynamic, articulation and style markings;
Major and minor tonalities; Major and minor tonalities; Score/octavo/part identification,
Simple and compound rhythms and meters with Simple and compound rhythms and meters with instrumentation/voicing;
respect to utilizing a standardized counting respect to utilizing a standardized counting Chordal structures related to a tonal center;
system. system. Major and minor tonalities;
Basic harmonic function of the tonic (I),
subdominant (IV), and dominant/dominant
seventh (V/V7) chords;
Simple and compound rhythms and meters with
respect to utilizing a standardized counting

I.1.1 (C) compare and contrast elements of music through literature selected for performance and/or listening.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Demonstrate understanding of differences in Demonstrate understanding of differences in Demonstrate understanding of differences in
musical elements by listening to and musical elements by listening to and musical elements by listening to and
contrasting selected musical recordings or contrasting selected musical recordings or contrasting selected musical recordings or
performance music; performance music; performance music;
Use elements from (I.1.1B) to describe the Use elements from (I.1.1B) to describe the Use elements from (I.1.1B) to describe the
differences and the similarities of the differences and the similarities of the differences and the similarities of the
selections. selections. selections.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: I.2.1
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student sings or plays an instrument, individually and in groups, performing a varied repertoire of music.

I.2.1 (A) demonstrate independently and in ensembles accurate intonation and rhythm, fundamental skills, and basic performance techniques
while performing moderately easy to moderately difficult literature;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Demonstrate correct posture at all times: Demonstrate correct posture at all times: Demonstrate correct posture at all times:
Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders
back but relaxed, and both feet flat on the back but relaxed, and both feet flat on the back but relaxed and both feet flat on the
floor; floor; floor;
Maintain correct hand position and orientation of Maintain correct hand position and orientation of Demonstrate diaphragmatic breathing and
the instrument to the body; the instrument to the body; breath support/control;
Use diaphragmatic breathing as a habitual part of Recognize "in tune" and "out of tune" playing Demonstrate pure vowel formation;
playing; and be able to adjust pitch up or down; Demonstrate appropriate consonant
Set and maintain the proper embouchure when Produce a characteristic pizzicato and arco enunciation and syllabic stress;
playing; sound; Sing in tune with musical phrasing and
Know the tuning tendencies of their own Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and internalized interpretation;
personal instrument; pulse; Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and
Recognize "in tune" and "out of tune" playing Perform literature and major scales in the keys internalized pulse;
and be able to adjust pitch up or down; of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A, and E major; Perform literature and major scales in the keys
Perform legato, marcato, and staccato Perform with appropriate dynamic contour, of Bb, F, C, G, and D major.
articulations using proper tongue texture and vibrato.
Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and internalized
Perform literature, major scales and arpeggios in
all concert keys;
Perform chromatic scale(s) at least two octaves;
Perform with appropriate dynamic contour,
texture and vibrato.

I.2.1 (B) perform expressively, from memory and notation, a varied repertoire of music representing styles from diverse cultures; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Perform expressively using appropriate note Perform expressively using appropriate note Perform expressively using appropriate word
stress, dynamics, articulations and vibrato stress, dynamics, articulations and vibrato and syllabic stress, enunciation, dynamics,
through the use of music from various through the use of music from various diction, and pure vowel formation through
styles and cultures. styles and cultures. the use of music from various styles and

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

I.2.1 (C) exhibit and explain appropriate small- and large-ensemble performance techniques for formal and informal concerts.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Using literature grade-appropriate music: Using literature grade-appropriate music: Using literature grade-appropriate music:
Demonstrate and explain balance, blend, and Demonstrate and explain balance, blend, and Demonstrate and explain balance, blend, and
intonation within section and between intonation within section and between intonation within section and between
sections; sections; sections;
Perform with note/pitch accuracy, rhythmic Perform with note/pitch accuracy, rhythmic Demonstrate and explain diaphragmatic
accuracy and stability, appropriate style, accuracy and stability, appropriate style, breathing, breath control, and proper
accurate phrasing, with dynamic contrast; accurate phrasing, with dynamic contrast; ensemble breathing;
Explain, play or sing independent part within the Explain, play or sing independent part within the Perform with note/pitch accuracy, rhythmic
ensemble; ensemble; accuracy and stability, appropriate style,
Respond to the conductor's gestures; Respond to the conductor's gestures; accurate phrasing, with dynamic contrast;
Articulate and demonstrate appropriate dress Articulate and demonstrate appropriate dress Explain, play or sing independent part within the
and etiquette for concert settings. and etiquette for concert settings. ensemble;
Respond to the conductor's gestures;
Articulate and demonstrate appropriate dress
and etiquette for concert settings.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: I.2.2
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student reads and writes music notation.

I.2.2 (A) sight-read ensemble parts;

Band Orchestra Vocal
Sightread ensemble literature (grade appropriate) Sightread ensemble literature (grade Sightreadensemble music in 2, 3, or 4 parts in
using appropriate clefs in the concert keys appropriate) using appropriate clefs in the the keys of Bb, F, C, G, and D with no meter
of G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab and Db in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, concert keys of Bb, F, C, G, D and A in 2/4, changes or modulations in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4
5/4, cut time and 6/8 meters; 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, cut time, and 6/8 meters; meters;
Sightread band music using established UIL Sightread orchestra music using established UIL Continue concept of relative minor keys using
sightreading criteria and procedures. sightreading criteria and procedures. a, d, e, b, and g;
Sightread all diatonic chords (no altered
Sightread choral part music using established
UIL sightreading criteria and procedures.

I.2.2 (B) read and write music that incorporates rhythmic patterns in simple, compound, and asymmetric meters; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Read and notate melodies and rhythms using Read and notate melodies and rhythms using Read and notate melodies and rhythms using
known music symbols from I.2.2 A and I.2.2 known music symbols from I.2.2 A and I.2.2 known music symbols from I.2.2 A and I.2.2
C. C. C.

I.2.2 (C) interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation during solo and ensemble performances.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty
representing various styles; representing various styles; representing various styles;
Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of all Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of all Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of
terms regarding tempo, style and dynamics terms regarding tempo, style and dynamics all terms regarding tempo, style and
as experienced in the selected literature. as experienced in the selected literature. dynamics as experienced in the selected

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: I.2.3
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student creates and arranges music within specified guidelines.

I.2.3 (A) create a variety of musical phrases; and

Band Orchestra Vocal
Write or improvise a variety of four, eight and Write or improvise a variety of four, eight and Write or improvise a variety of four, eight and
sixteen-measure melodic and rhythmic sixteen-measure melodic and rhythmic sixteen-measure melodic and rhythmic
material utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, material utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, material with or without text coordinated
half, whole, or dotted notes with half, whole, or dotted notes with to sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, whole, or
corresponding rests. corresponding rests. dotted notes with corresponding rests.

I.2.3 (B) arrange a variety of musical phrases.

Band Orchestra Vocal
Arrange a variety of four, eight and sixteen- Arrange a variety of four, eight and sixteen- Arrange a variety of four, eight and sixteen-
measure melodic and rhythmic material measure melodic and rhythmic material measure melodic and rhythmic material
utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, (with or without text) coordinated to
whole, or dotted notes with corresponding whole, or dotted notes with corresponding sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, whole, or
rests. rests. dotted notes with corresponding rests.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: I.3.1
STRAND: Historical/cultural

The student relates music to history, to society, and to culture.

I.3.1 (A) listen to and classify music by style and/or by historical period;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Listen to and independently classify and Listen to and independently classify and Listen to and independently classify and
categorize music by basic style (method of categorize music by basic style (method of categorize music by basic style (method of
performance/expression) and basic performance/expression) and basic performance/expression) and basic historical
historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque, historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque, periods (Renaissance, Baroque, Classical,
Classical, Romantic, Modern). Classical, Romantic, Modern). Romantic, Modern).

I.3.1 (B) identify and describe the uses of music in society and culture;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify and describe how music is used in a Identify and describe how music is used in a Identify and describe how music is used in a
society/culture for entertainment, society/culture for entertainment, society/culture for entertainment,
education, recreation, furthering traditions, education, recreation, furthering traditions, education, recreation, furthering traditions,
political, commercialism, intellectual political, commercialism, intellectual political, commercialism, intellectual
expression, etc. expression, etc. expression, etc.

I.3.1 (C) identify music-related vocations and avocations within the community; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify amateur and professional music Identify amateur and professional music Identify amateur and professional music
vocations and avocations including music vocations and avocations including music vocations and avocations including music
educator, singer, instrumentalist, composer, educator, singer, instrumentalist, composer, educator, singer, instrumentalist,
conductor, audio and video engineer, conductor, audio and video engineer, composer, conductor, audio and video
marketing and public relations, and other marketing and public relations, and other engineer, marketing and public relations,
music careers within the local community. music careers within the local community. and other music careers within the local

I.3.1 (D) define the relationships between the content, the concepts, and the processes of the other fine arts, other subjects, and those of music.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Define the relationships between the content, Define the relationships between the content, Define the relationships between the content,
concepts and processes of the other fine concepts and processes of the other fine concepts and processes of the other fine
arts and other subjects with music using a arts and other subjects with music using a arts and other subjects with music using a
variety of media. variety of media. variety of media.
Describe how concepts and processes of other Describe how concepts and processes of other Describe how concepts and processes of other
fine arts and subjects interrelate with music. fine arts and subjects interrelate with fine arts and subjects interrelate with
music. music.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: I.4.1
STRAND: Response/evaluation

The student responds to and evaluates music and musical performance.

I.4.1 (A) design and apply criteria for making informed judgments regarding the quality and effectiveness of musical performances;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Develop and apply a list of musical (tone, Develop and apply a list of musical (tone, Develop and apply a list of musical criteria
precision, intonation, balance, style, precision, intonation, balance, style, (breathing, blend, balance, intonation,
dynamics, etc.) and extra-musical dynamics, etc.) and extra-musical style, dynamics, etc.) and extra-musical
(appearance, performance demeanor, etc.) (appearance, performance demeanor, etc.) criteria (appearance, performance
criteria for evaluating the accuracy and criteria for evaluating the accuracy and demeanor, etc.) for evaluating the accuracy
effectiveness of individual and group effectiveness of individual and group and effectiveness of individual and group
performances; performances; performances;
Make independent judgments of quality Make independent judgments of quality Make independent judgments of quality
regarding: ensemble clarity, tone, regarding: ensemble clarity, tone, regarding: ensemble clarity, tone,
intonation, balance, blend, technical skill intonation, balance, blend, technical skill intonation, balance, blend, technical skill
and facility, musicality and structure. and facility, musicality and structure. and facility, musicality and structure.

I.4.1 (B) evaluate musical performances by comparing them to exemplary models; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Using the list of musical criteria from I.4.1(A), Using the list of musical criteria from I.4.1(A), Using the list of musical criteria from I.4.1(A),
compare the qualities of performances to compare the qualities of performances to compare the qualities of performances to
exemplary recordings and/or live exemplary recordings and/or live exemplary recordings and/or live
performances. performances. performances.

I.4.1 (C) practice informed concert behavior during live performances in a variety of settings.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Attend and participate appropriately in various Attend and participate appropriately in various Attend and participate appropriately in various
performance venues both formal and performance venues both formal and performance venues both formal and
informal; informal; informal;
Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and
attire; attire; attire;
Provide appropriate responses with respect to Provide appropriate responses with respect to Provide appropriate responses with respect to
the effect and quality of the performance. the effect and quality of the performance. the effect and quality of the performance.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: II.1.1
STRAND: Perception

The student describes and analyzes musical sound and demonstrates musical artistry.

II.1.1 (A) define melody, harmony, rhythm, and texture of music listened to or performed, using standard terminology; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify various elements of a musical texture Identify various elements of a musical texture Identify various elements of a musical texture
and describe the relationship to each other; and describe the relationship to each other; and describe the relationship to each
Describe aurally presented or performed music Describe aurally presented or performed music other;
according to the elements of the texture according to the elements of the texture Describe aurally presented or performed music
using terms including melody, harmony, using terms including melody, harmony, according to the elements of the texture
accompaniment, counter melody, rhythm, accompaniment, counter melody, rhythm, using terms including melody, harmony,
and obligato. and obligato. accompaniment, counter melody, rhythm,
and obligato.

II.1.1 (B) compare and contrast music forms of literature selected for performances and/or listening.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Demonstrate understanding of similarities and Demonstrate understanding of similarities and Demonstrate understanding of similarities and
differences in music forms by listening and differences in music forms by listening and differences in music forms by listening and
comparing selected musical recordings or comparing selected musical recordings or comparing selected musical recordings or
performance repertoire (i.e. AB, ABA, rondo, performance repertoire (i.e. AB, ABA, rondo, performance repertoire (i.e. AB, ABA,
etc.). etc.). rondo, strophic, through-composed, etc.).

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: II.2.1
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student sings or plays an instrument, individually and in groups, performing a varied repertoire of music.

II.2.1 (A) exhibit accurate intonation and rhythm, fundamental skills, and basic performance techniques while performing moderately difficult
literature, independently and in ensembles;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Demonstrate correct posture at all times: Demonstrate correct posture at all times: Demonstrate correct posture at all times:
Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders
back but relaxed, and both feet flat on the back but relaxed, and both feet flat on the back but relaxed and both feet flat on the
floor; floor; floor;
Maintain correct hand position and orientation of Maintain correct hand position and orientation of Demonstrate diaphragmatic breathing and
the instrument to the body; the instrument to the body; breath support/control;
Use diaphragmatic breathing as a habitual part of Recognize "in tune" and "out of tune" playing Demonstrate pure vowel formation;
playing; and be able to adjust pitch up or down; Demonstrate appropriate consonant
Set and maintain the proper embouchure when Produce a characteristic pizzicato and arco enunciation and syllabic stress;
playing; sound; Sing in tune with musical phrasing and
Know the tuning tendencies of their own Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and internalized interpretation;
personal instrument; pulse; Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and
Recognize "in tune" and "out of tune" playing Perform literature and major and pure minor internalized pulse;
and be able to adjust pitch up or down; scales in the keys of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A, Perform literature and major scales in the keys
Perform legato, marcato, and staccato and E major; of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D and A major.
articulations using proper tongue Perform with appropriate dynamic contour,
placement; texture and vibrato.
Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and internalized
Perform literature, major and pure minor scales
and arpeggios in all concert keys;
Perform chromatic scale(s) at least two octaves;
Perform with appropriate dynamic contour,
texture and vibrato.

II.2.1 (B) perform expressively, from memory and notation, a varied repertoire of music representing genres and styles from diverse cultures; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Perform expressively using appropriate note Perform expressively using appropriate note Perform expressively using appropriate word
stress, dynamics, articulations and vibrato stress, dynamics, articulations and vibrato and syllabic stress, enunciation, dynamics,
through the use of music from various through the use of music from various diction, and pure vowel formation through
genres, styles, and cultures. genres, styles, and cultures. the use of music from various genres,
styles, and cultures.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

II.2.1 (C) exhibit and describe appropriate small- and large-ensemble performance techniques for formal and informal concerts.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Using literature grade-appropriate music: Using literature grade-appropriate music: Using literature grade-appropriate music:
Demonstrate and describe balance, blend, and Demonstrate and describe balance, blend, and Demonstrate and describe balance, blend, and
intonation within section and between intonation within section and between intonation within section and between
sections; sections; sections;
Perform with note/pitch accuracy, rhythmic Perform with note/pitch accuracy, rhythmic Demonstrate and describe diaphragmatic
accuracy and stability, appropriate style, accuracy and stability, appropriate style, breathing, breath control, and proper
accurate phrasing, with dynamic contrast; accurate phrasing, with dynamic contrast; ensemble breathing;
Describe, play or sing independent part within Describe, play or sing independent part within Perform with note/pitch accuracy, rhythmic
the ensemble; the ensemble; accuracy and stability, appropriate style,
Respond to the conductor's gestures; Respond to the conductor's gestures; accurate phrasing, with dynamic contrast;
Articulate and demonstrate appropriate dress Articulate and demonstrate appropriate dress Describe, play or sing independent part within
and etiquette for concert settings. and etiquette for concert settings. the ensemble;
Respond to the conductor's gestures;
Articulate and demonstrate appropriate dress
and etiquette for concert settings.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: II.2.2
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student reads and writes music notation.

II.2.2 (A) sight-read ensemble parts;

Band Orchestra Vocal
Sightread ensemble literature (grade appropriate) Sightread ensemble literature (grade Sightread ensemble music in 2, 3, or 4 parts in
using appropriate clefs in the concert keys appropriate) using appropriate clefs in the the keys of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, and A with
of G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db and Gb in 2/4, 3/4, concert keys of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D and A in no meter changes or modulations in 2/4,
4/4, 5/4, cut time and 6/8 meters; 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, cut time, and 6/8 meters; 3/4 and 4/4 meters;
Sightread band music using established UIL Sightread orchestra music using established UIL Continue concept of relative minor keys using
sightreading criteria and procedures. sightreading criteria and procedures. a, d, e, b, and g;
Sightread all diatonic chords (no altered
Sightread choral part music using established
UIL sightreading criteria and procedures.

II.2.2 (B) read and write music that incorporates rhythmic patterns in simple, compound, and asymmetric meters; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Read and notate melodies and rhythms using Read and notate melodies and rhythms using Read and notate melodies and rhythms using
known music symbols from II.2.2 A and II.2.2 known music symbols from II.2.2 A and known music symbols from II.2.2 A and
C. II.2.2 C. II.2.2 C.

II.2.2 (C) interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation during solo and/or ensemble performances.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty
representing various styles; representing various styles; representing various styles;
Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of all Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of all Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of
terms regarding tempo, style and dynamics terms regarding tempo, style and dynamics all terms regarding tempo, style and
as experienced in the selected literature. as experienced in the selected literature. dynamics as experienced in the selected

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: II.2.3
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student creates and arranges music within specified guidelines.

II.2.3 (A) create simple musical pieces; and

Band Orchestra Vocal
Connect a variety of four, eight and sixteen- Connect a variety of four, eight and sixteen- Connect a variety of four, eight and sixteen-
measure melodic and rhythmic material measure melodic and rhythmic material measure melodic and rhythmic material
utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, (with or without text) coordinated to
whole, or dotted notes with corresponding whole, or dotted notes with corresponding sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, whole, or
rests, thus creating a simple composition. rests thus, creating a simple composition. dotted notes with corresponding rests,
thus creating a simple composition.

II.2.3 (B) arrange simple musical pieces.

Band Orchestra Vocal
Arrange a variety of four, eight and sixteen- Arrange a variety of four, eight and sixteen- Arrange a variety of four, eight and sixteen-
measure melodic and rhythmic material measure melodic and rhythmic material measure melodic and rhythmic material
utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, (with or without text) coordinated to
whole, or dotted notes with corresponding whole, or dotted notes with corresponding sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, whole, or
rests thus, creating a simple arrangement. rests thus, creating a simple arrangement. dotted notes with corresponding rests
thus, creating a simple arrangement.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: II.3.1
STRAND: Historical/cultural

The student relates music to history, to society, and to culture.

II.3.1 (A) classify aurally-presented music by genre, style, and historical period;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Listen to and independently classify and Listen to and independently classify and Listen to and independently classify and
categorize music by genre (i.e. jazz, folk, categorize music by genre (i.e. jazz, folk, categorize music by genre (i.e. jazz, folk,
pop, spiritual, etc.), basic style (method of pop, spiritual, etc.), basic style (method of pop, spiritual, etc.), basic style (method of
performance/expression) and basic performance/expression) and basic performance/expression) and basic
historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque, historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque, historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque,
Classical, Romantic, Modern). Classical, Romantic, Modern). Classical, Romantic, Modern).

II.3.1 (B) define uses of music in society and culture;

Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify and describe how music is used in a Identify and describe how music is used in a Identify and describe how music is used in a
society/culture for entertainment, society/culture for entertainment, society/culture for entertainment,
education, recreation, furthering traditions, education, recreation, furthering traditions, education, recreation, furthering traditions,
political, commercialism, intellectual political, commercialism, intellectual political, commercialism, intellectual
expression, etc. expression, etc. expression, etc.

II.3.1 (C) identify music-related vocations and avocations within the community; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify amateur and professional music Identify amateur and professional music Identify amateur and professional music
vocations and avocations including music vocations and avocations including music vocations and avocations including music
educator, singer, instrumentalist, composer, educator, singer, instrumentalist, composer, educator, singer, instrumentalist,
conductor, audio and video engineer, conductor, audio and video engineer, composer, conductor, audio and video
marketing and public relations, and other marketing and public relations, and other engineer, marketing and public relations,
music careers within the local community. music careers within the local community. and other music careers within the local

II.3.1 (D) define the relationships between the content, the concepts, and the processes of the other fine arts, other subjects, and those of music.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Define the relationships between the content, Define the relationships between the content, Define the relationships between the content,
concepts and processes of the other fine concepts and processes of the other fine concepts and processes of the other fine
arts and other subjects with music using a arts and other subjects with music using a arts and other subjects with music using a
variety of media. variety of media. variety of media.
Describe how concepts and processes of other Describe how concepts and processes of other Describe how concepts and processes of other
fine arts and subjects interrelate with music. fine arts and subjects interrelate with fine arts and subjects interrelate with
music. music.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: II.4.1
STRAND: Response/evaluation

The student responds to and evaluates music and musical performance.

II.4.1 (A) design and apply criteria for making informed judgments regarding the quality and effectiveness of musical performances;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Develop and apply a list of musical (tone, Develop and apply a list of musical (tone, Develop and apply a list of musical criteria
precision, intonation, balance, style, precision, intonation, balance, style, (breathing, blend, balance, intonation,
dynamics, etc.) and extra-musical dynamics, etc.) and extra-musical style, dynamics, etc.) and extra-musical
(appearance, performance demeanor, etc.) (appearance, performance demeanor, etc.) criteria (appearance, performance
criteria for evaluating the accuracy and criteria for evaluating the accuracy and demeanor, etc.) for evaluating the accuracy
effectiveness of individual and group effectiveness of individual and group and effectiveness of individual and group
performances; performances; performances;
Make independent judgments of quality Make independent judgments of quality Make independent judgments of quality
regarding: ensemble clarity, tone, regarding: ensemble clarity, tone, regarding: ensemble clarity, tone,
intonation, balance, blend, technical skill intonation, balance, blend, technical skill intonation, balance, blend, technical skill
and facility, musicality and structure. and facility, musicality and structure. and facility, musicality and structure.

II.4.1 (B) evaluate musical performances by comparing them to exemplary models; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Using the list of musical criteria from II.4.1(A), Using the list of musical criteria from II.4.1(A), Using the list of musical criteria from II.4.1(A),
compare the qualities of performances to compare the qualities of performances to compare the qualities of performances to
exemplary recordings and/or live exemplary recordings and/or live exemplary recordings and/or live
performances. performances. performances.

II.4.1 (C) exhibit concert etiquette during live performances in a variety of settings.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Attend and participate appropriately in various Attend and participate appropriately in various Attend and participate appropriately in various
performance venues both formal and performance venues both formal and performance venues both formal and
informal; informal; informal;
Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and
attire; attire; attire;
Provide appropriate responses with respect to Provide appropriate responses with respect to Provide appropriate responses with respect to
the effect and quality of the performance. the effect and quality of the performance. the effect and quality of the performance.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: III.1.1
STRAND: Perception

The student describes and analyzes musical sound and demonstrates musical artistry.

III.1.1 (A) perform appropriate literature expressively;

Band Orchestra Vocal
Perform various styles of music expressively Perform various styles of music expressively Perform various styles of music expressively
with appropriate interpretation regarding with appropriate interpretation regarding with appropriate interpretation regarding
tempo markings, rhythmic accuracy, tempo markings, rhythmic accuracy, text, tempo markings, rhythmic accuracy,
dynamics, articulation, phrase shaping, tone dynamics, articulation, phrase shaping, dynamics, articulation, phrase shaping,
quality, and intonation. tone quality, and intonation. tone quality, intonation,appropriate textual
meaning, diction and language

III.1.1 (B) define musical performances, intervals, music notation, chord structure, rhythm/meter, and harmonic texture, using standard
terminology; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Define: Define: Define:
Attributes of a musical performance; Attributes of a musical performance; Attributes of a musical performance;
Intervals (distance, direction and labeling); Intervals (distance, direction and labeling); Intervals (distance, direction and labeling) using
Components of music notation including staff, Components of music notation including staff, an established pitch system;
clef, key and meter signature, tempo, clef, key and meter signature, tempo, Components of music notation including staff,
dynamic, articulation and style markings; dynamic, articulation and style markings; clef, key and meter signature, tempo,
Score/part identification, Score/part identification, dynamic, articulation and style markings;
instrumentation/voicing; instrumentation/voicing; Score/octavo/part identification,
Major and minor tonalities; Major and minor tonalities; instrumentation/voicing;
Harmonic texture (structure, progression, Harmonic texture (structure, progression, Chordal structures related to a tonal center;
consonance, dissonance); consonance, dissonance); Major and minor tonalities;
Simple and compound rhythms and meters with Simple and compound rhythms and meters with Harmonic texture (structure, progression,
respect to utilizing a standardized counting respect to utilizing a standardized counting consonance, dissonance);
system. system. Simple and compound rhythms and meters with
respect to utilizing a standardized counting

III.1.1 (C) identify music forms of performance and listening repertoire.

Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify forms of selected recordings or Identify forms of selected recordings or Identify forms of selected recordings or
performance repertoire (i.e. AB, ABA, binary, performance repertoire (i.e. AB, ABA, performance repertoire (i.e. AB, ABA,
ternary, fugue, passacaglia, rondo, sonata binary, ternary, fugue, passacaglia, rondo, binary, ternary, fugue, rondo, variations,
form, free, variations) sonata form, free, variations) strophic, through-composed);
Identify phrase forms in written and aural
examples (i.e. same and different, question
and answer, call and response, melodic
sequence, etc.)

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: III.2.1
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student sings or plays an instrument, individually and in groups, performing a varied repertoire of music.

III.2.1 (A) exhibit accurate intonation and rhythm, fundamental skills, and advanced techniques, using literature ranging from moderately difficult
to difficult, while performing independently and in ensemble;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Demonstrate correct posture at all times: Demonstrate correct posture at all times: Demonstrate correct posture at all times:
Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders
back but relaxed, and both feet flat on the back but relaxed, and both feet flat on the back but relaxed and both feet flat on the
floor; floor; floor;
Maintain correct hand position and orientation of Maintain correct hand position and orientation of Demonstrate diaphragmatic breathing and
the instrument to the body; the instrument to the body; breath support/control;
Use diaphragmatic breathing as a habitual part of Recognize "in tune" and "out of tune" playing Demonstrate pure vowel formation;
playing; and be able to adjust pitch up or down; Demonstrate appropriate consonant
Set and maintain the proper embouchure when Produce a characteristic pizzicato and arco enunciation and syllabic stress;
playing; sound; Sing in tune with musical phrasing and
Know the tuning tendencies of their own Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and internalized interpretation;
personal instrument; pulse; Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and
Recognize "in tune" and "out of tune" playing Perform literature, scales (major, pure, internalized pulse;
and be able to adjust pitch up or down; harmonic, melodic minor) and major Perform literature and major/minor scales in the
Perform legato, marcato, and staccato arpeggios in the keys of Db, Ab, Eb, Bb, F, keys of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D and A.
articulations using proper tongue C, G, D, A, E and B;
placement; Perform with appropriate dynamic contour,
Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and internalized texture and vibrato.
Perform literature, scales (major, pure minor,
harmonic minor) and major arpeggios in all
concert keys;
Perform chromatic scale(s) at least two octaves;
Perform with appropriate dynamic contour,
texture and vibrato.

III.2.1 (B) demonstrate comprehension of musical styles by seeking appropriate literature for performance;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Select music that is stylistically appropriate for Select music that is stylistically appropriate for Select music that is stylistically appropriate for
an occasion or venue for a specific an occasion or venue for a specific an occasion or venue for a specific
performance. performance. performance.

III.2.1 (C) perform expressively, from memory and notation, a varied repertoire of music representing styles from diverse cultures; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Perform expressively using appropriate note Perform expressively using appropriate note Perform expressively using appropriate word
stress, dynamics, articulations and vibrato stress, dynamics, articulations and vibrato and syllabic stress, enunciation, dynamics,
through the use of music from various through the use of music from various diction, and pure vowel formation through
genres, styles, and cultures. genres, styles, and cultures. the use of music from various genres,
styles, and cultures.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

III.2.1 (D) exhibit, describe, and critique small- and large-ensemble performance techniques experienced and observed during formal and informal
Band Orchestra Vocal
In addition to II.2.1(C), experience a formal or In addition to II.2.1(C), experience a formal or In addition to II.2.1(C), experience a formal or
informal concert and: informal concert and: informal concert and:
Describe and critique the balance, blend, and Describe and critique the balance, blend, and Describe and critique the balance, blend, and
intonation within section and between intonation within section and between intonation within section and between
sections; sections; sections;
Describe and critique the note/pitch accuracy, Describe and critique the note/pitch accuracy, Describe and critique the use of diaphragmatic
rhythmic accuracy and stability, appropriate rhythmic accuracy and stability, breathing, breath control, and proper
style, accurate phrasing, with dynamic appropriate style, accurate phrasing, with ensemble breathing;
contrast; dynamic contrast; Describe and critique the note/pitch accuracy,
Describe and critique the playing or independent Describe and critique the playing or independent rhythmic accuracy and stability,
part singing within the ensemble; part singing within the ensemble; appropriate style, accurate phrasing, with
Critique the conductor's gestures; Critique the conductor's gestures; dynamic contrast;
Comment concerning the appropriateness of the Comment concerning the appropriateness of the Describe and critique the playing or
dress and etiquette of the performers and dress and etiquette of the performers and independent part singing within the
audience members. audience members. ensemble;
Critique the conductor's gestures;
Comment concerning the appropriateness of
the dress and etiquette of the performers
and audience members.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: III.2.2
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student reads and writes music notation.

III.2.2 (A) sight-read major, minor, modal, and chromatic melodies;

Band Orchestra Vocal
Sightread literature (grade appropriate) using Sightread literature (grade appropriate) using Sightread literature (grade appropriate) in all
appropriate clefs in all modes of the concert appropriate clefs in all modes of the concert modes of the keys of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A,
keys of G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db and Gb in 2/4, keys of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D and A in 2/4, 3/4, and E with no meter changes or
3/4, 4/4, 5/4, cut time and 6/8 meters; 4/4, 5/4, cut time, and 6/8 meters; modulations in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4, cut time
Sightreadband music using established UIL Sightread orchestra music using established UIL meters;
sightreading criteria and procedures. sightreading criteria and procedures. Sightread literature with common altered tones
(“fi”, “si”) and/or possible modulation to
the relative minor key and back;
Sightread all diatonic chords (no altered
Sightread choral part music using established
UIL sightreading criteria and procedures.

III.2.2 (B) read and write music that incorporates complex rhythmic patterns in simple, compound, and asymmetric meters; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Read and notate melodies and rhythms using Read and notate melodies and rhythms using Read and notate melodies and rhythms using
known music symbols from III.2.2 A and known music symbols from III.2.2 A and known music symbols from III.2.2 A and
III.2.2 C. III.2.2 C. III.2.2 C.

III.2.2 (C) interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty
representing various styles; representing various styles; representing various styles;
Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of all Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of all Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of
terms regarding tempo, style and dynamics terms regarding tempo, style and dynamics all terms regarding tempo, style and
as experienced in the selected literature. as experienced in the selected literature. dynamics as experienced in the selected

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: III.2.3
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student creates and arranges music within specified guidelines.

III.2.3 (A) improvise musical melodies; and

Band Orchestra Vocal
Improvise four, eight and sixteen-measure Improvise four, eight and sixteen-measure Improvise four, eight and sixteen-measure
melodic and rhythmic material utilizing melodic and rhythmic material utilizing melodic and rhythmic material utilizing
sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, whole, or sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, whole, or sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, whole, or
dotted notes with corresponding rests. dotted notes with corresponding rests. dotted notes with corresponding rests.

III.2.3 (B) compose or arrange segments of vocal or instrumental pieces (manuscript or computer- generated).
Band Orchestra Vocal
Compose instrumental or vocal four, eight and Compose instrumental or vocal four, eight and Compose instrumental or vocal four, eight and
sixteen-measure melodic and rhythmic sixteen-measure melodic and rhythmic sixteen-measure melodic and rhythmic
material utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, material utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, material utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter,
half, whole, or dotted notes with half, whole, or dotted notes with half, whole, or dotted notes with
corresponding rests; corresponding rests; corresponding rests;
Arrange segments of instrumental or vocal Arrange segments of instrumental or vocal Arrange segments of instrumental or vocal
pieces for instruments or voices other than pieces for instruments or voices other than pieces for instruments or voices other than
the original piece preserving the original the original piece preserving the original the original piece preserving the original
rhythmic, melodic and harmonic content. rhythmic, melodic and harmonic content. rhythmic, melodic and harmonic content.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: III.3.1
STRAND: Historical/cultural

The student relates music to history, to society, and to culture.

III.3.1 (A) classify by style and by historical period or culture representative examples of music, justifying the classifications;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Independently classify and categorize music by Independently classify and categorize music by Independently classify and categorize music by
culture, genre (i.e. jazz, folk, pop, spiritual, culture, genre (i.e. jazz, folk, pop, spiritual, culture, genre (i.e. jazz, folk, pop, spiritual,
etc.), basic style (method of etc.), basic style (method of etc.), basic style (method of
performance/expression) and basic performance/expression) and basic performance/expression) and basic
historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque, historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque, historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque,
Classical, Romantic, Modern); Classical, Romantic, Modern); Classical, Romantic, Modern);
Articulate justifications of classifications and Articulate justifications of classifications and Articulate justifications of classifications and
categorizations. categorizations. categorizations.

III.3.1 (B) identify and describe the effects of society, culture, and technology on music;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify and describe how society/culture Identify and describe how society/culture Identify and describe how society/culture
impacts the creation and/or presentation of impacts the creation and/or presentation of impacts the creation and/or presentation of
music for entertainment, education, music for entertainment, education, music for entertainment, education,
recreation, furthering traditions, political, recreation, furthering traditions, political, recreation, furthering traditions, political,
commercialism, intellectual expression, etc.; commercialism, intellectual expression, commercialism, intellectual expression,
Identify and describe how advances in etc.; etc.;
technology may impact the creation and/or Identify and describe how advances in Identify and describe how advances in
the presentation of music. technology may impact the creation and/or technology may impact the creation and/or
the presentation of music. the presentation of music.

III.3.1 (C) identify and describe music-related career options including musical performance and music teaching; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify and describe professional music Identify and describe professional music Identify and describe professional music
vocations including music educator, singer, vocations including music educator, singer, vocations including music educator,
instrumentalist, composer, conductor, audio instrumentalist, composer, conductor, audio singer, instrumentalist, composer,
and video engineer, marketing and public and video engineer, marketing and public conductor, audio and video engineer,
relations, and other music careers. relations, and other music careers. marketing and public relations, and other
music careers.

III.3.1 (D) define the relationships between the content, the concepts, and the processes of the other fine arts, other subjects, and those of music.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Define the relationships between the content, Define the relationships between the content, Define the relationships between the content,
concepts and processes of the other fine concepts and processes of the other fine concepts and processes of the other fine
arts and other subjects with music using a arts and other subjects with music using a arts and other subjects with music using a
variety of media. variety of media. variety of media.
Describe how concepts and processes of other Describe how concepts and processes of other Describe how concepts and processes of other
fine arts and subjects interrelate with music. fine arts and subjects interrelate with fine arts and subjects interrelate with
music. music.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: III.4.1
STRAND: Response/evaluation

The student responds to and evaluates music and musical performance.

III.4.1 (A) evaluate musical performances by comparing them to similar or exemplary models and offering constructive suggestions for
improvement; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Analyze individual and group performance Analyze individual and group performance Analyze individual and group performance
characteristics using recordings and/or live characteristics using recordings and/or live characteristics using recordings and/or live
performances; performances; performances;
Make individual judgments regarding quality and Make individual judgments regarding quality and Make individual judgments regarding quality
compare with other models of performance. compare with other models of performance. and compare with other models of
Using developed criteria, offer positive, constructive Using developed criteria, offer positive, performance.
suggestions to improve individual and group constructive suggestions to improve Using developed criteria, offer positive,
performances. individual and group performances. constructive suggestions to improve
individual and group performances.

III.4.1 (B) exhibit informed concert etiquette during live performances in a variety of settings.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Attend and participate appropriately in various Attend and participate appropriately in various Attend and participate appropriately in various
performance venues both formal and performance venues both formal and performance venues both formal and
informal; informal; informal;
Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and
attire; attire; attire;
Provide appropriate responses with respect to Provide appropriate responses with respect to Provide appropriate responses with respect to
the effect and quality of the performance. the effect and quality of the performance. the effect and quality of the performance.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: IV.1.1
STRAND: Perception

The student describes and analyzes musical sound and demonstrates musical artistry.

IV.1.1 (A) demonstrate independence in interpreting music through the performance of appropriate literature;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Independently interpret and perform appropriate Independently interpret and perform appropriate Independently interpret and perform
literature demonstrating correct tempo, literature demonstrating correct tempo, appropriate literature demonstrating
rhythmic accuracy, dynamics, articulation, rhythmic accuracy, dynamics, articulation, correct tempo, rhythmic accuracy,
phrase shaping, tone quality, and intonation. phrase shaping, tone quality, and dynamics, articulation, phrase shaping,
intonation. tone quality, intonation, appropriate textual
meaning, diction and language

IV.1.1 (B) analyze musical performances, intervals, music notation, chordal structure, rhythm/meter, and harmonic texture, using standard
terminology; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Analyze: Analyze: Analyze:
A musical performance; A musical performance; A musical performance;
Intervals (distance, direction and labeling); Intervals (distance, direction and labeling); Intervals (distance, direction and labeling) using
Components of music notation including staff, Components of music notation including staff, an established pitch system;
clef, key and meter signature, tempo, clef, key and meter signature, tempo, Components of music notation including staff,
dynamic, articulation and style markings; dynamic, articulation and style markings; clef, key and meter signature, tempo,
Score/part identification, Score/part identification, dynamic, articulation and style markings;
instrumentation/voicing; instrumentation/voicing; Score/octavo/part identification,
Major and minor tonalities; Major and minor tonalities; instrumentation/voicing;
Harmonic texture (structure, progression, Harmonic texture (structure, progression, Chordal structures related to a tonal center;
consonance, dissonance); consonance, dissonance); Major and minor tonalities;
Simple and compound rhythms and meters with Simple and compound rhythms and meters with Harmonic texture (structure, progression,
respect to utilizing a standardized counting respect to utilizing a standardized counting consonance, dissonance);
system. system. Simple and compound rhythms and meters with
respect to utilizing a standardized counting

IV.1.1 (C) analyze music forms of performance and listening repertoire.

Band Orchestra Vocal
Analyze forms of selected scores, recordings or Analyze forms of selected scores, recordings or Analyze forms of selected scores/octavos,
performance repertoire (i.e. AB, ABA, binary, performance repertoire (i.e. AB, ABA, recordings or performance repertoire (i.e.
ternary, fugue, passacaglia, rondo, sonata binary, ternary, fugue, passacaglia, rondo, AB, ABA, binary, ternary, fugue, rondo,
form, free, variations) sonata form, free, variations) variations, strophic, through-composed);
Analyze phrase forms in written and aural
examples (i.e. same and different, question
and answer, call and response, melodic
sequence, etc.)

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: IV.2.1
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student sings or plays an instrument, individually and in groups, performing a varied repertoire of music.

IV.2.1 (A) perform independently, demonstrating accurate intonation and rhythm, fundamental skills, and advanced techniques, and using
literature ranging from moderately difficult to difficult;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Demonstrate correct posture at all times: Demonstrate correct posture at all times: Demonstrate correct posture at all times:
Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders Sit or stand tall with head erect, shoulders
back but relaxed, and both feet flat on the back but relaxed, and both feet flat on the back but relaxed and both feet flat on the
floor; floor; floor;
Maintain correct hand position and orientation of Maintain correct hand position and orientation of Demonstrate diaphragmatic breathing and
the instrument to the body; the instrument to the body; breath support/control;
Use diaphragmatic breathing as a habitual part of Recognize "in tune" and "out of tune" playing Demonstrate pure vowel formation;
playing; and be able to adjust pitch up or down; Demonstrate appropriate consonant
Set and maintain the proper embouchure when Produce a characteristic pizzicato and arco enunciation and syllabic stress;
playing; sound; Sing in tune with musical phrasing and
Know the tuning tendencies of their own Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and internalized interpretation;
personal instrument; pulse; Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and
Recognize "in tune" and "out of tune" playing Perform literature and scales (major, pure, internalized pulse;
and be able to adjust pitch up or down; harmonic, melodic minor) and major Perform literature and major/minor scales in all
Perform legato, marcato, and staccato arpeggios in all keys. keys.
articulations using proper tongue Perform with appropriate dynamic contour,
placement; texture and vibrato.
Demonstrate rhythmic accuracy and internalized
Perform literature, scales (major, pure minor,
harmonic minor, melodic minor) and major
arpeggios in all concert keys;
Perform chromatic scale(s) at least two octaves;
Perform with appropriate dynamic contour,
texture and vibrato.

IV.2.1 (B) demonstrate comprehension of musical styles by selecting appropriate literature for performances;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Select music that is stylistically appropriate for Select music that is stylistically appropriate for Select music that is stylistically appropriate for
an occasion or venue for a specific an occasion or venue for a specific an occasion or venue for a specific
performance. performance performance.

IV.2.1 (C) perform expressively, from memory and notation, a varied repertoire of music representing styles from diverse cultures; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Perform expressively using appropriate note Perform expressively using appropriate note Perform expressively using appropriate word
stress, dynamics, articulations and vibrato stress, dynamics, articulations and vibrato and syllabic stress, enunciation, dynamics,
through the use of music from various through the use of music from various diction, and pure vowel formation through
genres, styles, and cultures. genres, styles, and cultures. the use of music from various genres,
styles, and cultures.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

IV.2.1 (D) exhibit, describe, and critique small- and large- ensemble performance techniques experienced and observed during formal and informal
Band Orchestra Vocal
In addition to III.2.1(C), experience a formal or In addition to III.2.1(C,) experience a formal or In addition to III.2.1(C,) experience a formal or
informal concert and: informal concert and: informal concert and:
Describe and critique the balance, blend, and Describe and critique the balance, blend, and Describe and critique the balance, blend, and
intonation within section and between intonation within section and between intonation within section and between
sections; sections; sections;
Describe and critique the note/pitch accuracy, Describe and critique the note/pitch accuracy, Describe and critique the use of diaphragmatic
rhythmic accuracy and stability, appropriate rhythmic accuracy and stability, breathing, breath control, and proper
style, accurate phrasing, with dynamic appropriate style, accurate phrasing, with ensemble breathing;
contrast; dynamic contrast; Describe and critique the note/pitch accuracy,
Describe and critique the playing or independent Describe and critique the playing or independent rhythmic accuracy and stability,
part singing within the ensemble; part singing within the ensemble; appropriate style, accurate phrasing, with
Critique the conductor's gestures; Critique the conductor's gestures; dynamic contrast;
Comment concerning the appropriateness of the Comment concerning the appropriateness of the Describe and critique the playing or
dress and etiquette of the performers and dress and etiquette of the performers and independent part singing within the
audience members. audience members. ensemble;
Critique the conductor's gestures;
Comment concerning the appropriateness of
the dress and etiquette of the performers
and audience members.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: IV.2.2
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student reads and writes music notation.

IV.2.2 (A) sight-read major, minor, modal, and chromatic melodies;

Band Orchestra Vocal
Sightread literature (grade appropriate) using Sightread literature (grade appropriate) using Sightread literature (grade appropriate) in all
appropriate clefs in all modes of the concert appropriate clefs in all modes of the concert modes of the keys of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A,
keys of G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db and Gb in 2/4, keys of Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D and A in 2/4, 3/4, and E with no meter changes or
3/4, 4/4, 5/4, cut time and 6/8 meters; 4/4, 5/4, cut time, and 6/8 meters; modulations in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4, cut time
Sightread band music using established UIL Sightread orchestra music using established UIL and 6/8 meters;
sightreading criteria and procedures. sightreading criteria and procedures. Sightread literature with common altered tones
(“fi”, “si”, "di", "te") and/or possible
modulation to the relative minor key and
Sightread all diatonic chords (no altered
Sightread choral part music using established
UIL sightreading criteria and procedures.

IV.2.2 (B) read and write music that incorporates complex rhythmic patterns in simple, compound, and asymmetric meters; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Read and notate melodies and rhythms using Read and notate melodies and rhythms using Read and notate melodies and rhythms using
known music symbols from IV.2.2 A and known music symbols from IV.2.2 A and known music symbols from IV.2.2 A and
IV.2.2 C. IV.2.2 C. IV.2.2 C.

IV.2.2 (C) interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty Perform music literature of appropriate difficulty
representing various styles; representing various styles; representing various styles;
Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of all Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of all Identify, define and demonstrate knowledge of
terms regarding tempo, style and dynamics terms regarding tempo, style and dynamics all terms regarding tempo, style and
as experienced in the selected literature. as experienced in the selected literature. dynamics as experienced in the selected

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: IV.2.3
STRAND: Creative performance/expression

The student creates and arranges music within specified guidelines.

IV.2.3 (A) improvise musical melodies; and

Band Orchestra Vocal
Improvise four, eight, twelve and sixteen- Improvise four, eight, twelve and sixteen- Improvise four, eight, twelve and sixteen-
measure melodic and rhythmic material measure melodic and rhythmic material measure melodic and rhythmic material
utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, utilizing sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half,
whole, or dotted notes with corresponding whole, or dotted notes with corresponding whole, or dotted notes with corresponding
rests. rests. rests.

IV.2.3 (B) compose or arrange vocal or instrumental pieces (manuscript or computer-generated).

Band Orchestra Vocal
Compose instrumental or vocal four, eight, Compose instrumental or vocal four, eight, Compose instrumental or vocal four, eight,
twelve and sixteen-measure melodic and twelve and sixteen-measure melodic and twelve and sixteen-measure melodic and
rhythmic material utilizing sixteenth, eighth, rhythmic material utilizing sixteenth, rhythmic material utilizing sixteenth,
quarter, half, whole, or dotted notes with eighth, quarter, half, whole, or dotted notes eighth, quarter, half, whole, or dotted notes
corresponding rests; with corresponding rests; with corresponding rests;
Arrange an instrumental or vocal piece for Arrange an instrumental or vocal piece for Arrange an instrumental or vocal piece for
instruments or voices other than the original instruments or voices other than the instruments or voices other than the
preserving or enhancing the original original preserving or enhancing the original preserving or enhancing the
rhythmic, melodic and harmonic content. original rhythmic, melodic and harmonic original rhythmic, melodic and harmonic
content. content.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: IV.3.1
STRAND: Historical/cultural

The student relates music to history, to society, and to culture.

IV.3.1 (A) classify representative examples of music by style and by historical period or culture, justifying the classifications;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Independently classify and categorize music by Independently classify and categorize music by Independently classify and categorize music by
culture, genre (i.e. jazz, folk, pop, spiritual, culture, genre (i.e. jazz, folk, pop, spiritual, culture, genre (i.e. jazz, folk, pop, spiritual,
etc.), basic style (method of etc.), basic style (method of etc.), basic style (method of
performance/expression) and basic performance/expression) and basic performance/expression) and basic
historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque, historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque, historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque,
Classical, Romantic, Modern); Classical, Romantic, Modern); Classical, Romantic, Modern);
Articulate justifications of classifications and Articulate justifications of classifications and Articulate justifications of classifications and
categorizations. categorizations. categorizations.

IV.3.1 (B) describe the effects of music on society, culture, and technology;
Band Orchestra Vocal
Identify and describe how the creation and/or Identify and describe how the creation and/or Identify and describe how the creation and/or
presentation of music impacts a presentation of music impacts a presentation of music impacts a
society's/culture's entertainment, education, society's/culture's entertainment, society's/culture's entertainment,
recreation, furthering traditions, political, education, recreation, furthering traditions, education, recreation, furthering traditions,
commercialism, intellectual expression, etc.; political, commercialism, intellectual political, commercialism, intellectual
Identify and describe how music impacts expression, etc.; expression, etc.;
development of technologies. Identify and describe how music impacts Identify and describe how music impacts
development of technologies. development of technologies.

IV.3.1 (C) explain a variety of music and music-related career options; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Independently explain a variety of professional Independently explain a variety of professional Independently explain a variety of professional
music vocations including music educator, music vocations including music educator, music vocations including music educator,
singer, instrumentalist, composer, singer, instrumentalist, composer, singer, instrumentalist, composer,
conductor, audio and video engineer, conductor, audio and video engineer, conductor, audio and video engineer,
marketing and public relations, and other marketing and public relations, and other marketing and public relations, and other
music careers. music careers. music careers.

IV.3.1 (D) define the relationships between the content, the concepts, and the processes of the other fine arts and those of music.
Band Orchestra Vocal
Define the relationships between the content, Define the relationships between the content, Define the relationships between the content,
concepts and processes of the other fine concepts and processes of the other fine concepts and processes of the other fine
arts with music using a variety of media. arts with music using a variety of media. arts with music using a variety of media.
Describe how concepts and processes of other Describe how concepts and processes of other Describe how concepts and processes of other
fine arts interrelate with music. fine arts interrelate with music. fine arts interrelate with music.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project

TEK: IV.4.1
STRAND: Response/evaluation

The student responds to and evaluates music and musical performances.

IV.4.1 (A) evaluate musical performances and compositions by comparing them to similar or exemplary models and offering constructive
suggestions for improvement; and
Band Orchestra Vocal
Analyze individual and group performance Analyze individual and group performance Analyze individual and group performance
characteristics using recordings and/or live characteristics using recordings and/or live characteristics using recordings and/or live
performances; performances; performances;
Make individual judgments regarding quality and Make individual judgments regarding quality and Make individual judgments regarding quality
compare with other models of performance. compare with other models of performance. and compare with other models of
Using developed criteria offer positive, Using developed criteria offer positive, performance.
constructive suggestions to improve constructive suggestions to improve Using developed criteria offer positive,
individual and group performances; individual and group performances; constructive suggestions to improve
Evaluate compositions making individual Evaluate compositions making individual individual and group performances;
judgments regarding quality and compare judgments regarding quality and compare Evaluate compositions making individual
with others offering informed, positive, with others offering informed, positive, judgments regarding quality and compare
constructive comments for improvement. constructive comments for improvement. with others offering informed, positive,
constructive comments for improvement.

IV.4.1 (B) exhibit concert etiquette during live performances in a variety of settings
Band Orchestra Vocal
Attend and participate appropriately in various Attend and participate appropriately in various Attend and participate appropriately in various
performance venues both formal and performance venues both formal and performance venues both formal and
informal; informal; informal;
Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and Demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and
attire; attire; attire;
Provide appropriate responses with respect to Provide appropriate responses with respect to Provide appropriate responses with respect to
the effect and quality of the performance. the effect and quality of the performance. the effect and quality of the performance.

TMEA/TMAC Curriculum and Assessment Project


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