Balcopsconfigurationmanual 160117025933 PDF
Balcopsconfigurationmanual 160117025933 PDF
Balcopsconfigurationmanual 160117025933 PDF
Menupath : IMG-> Project System -> Structures -> Operative Structures -> Work Breakdown
Structures-> Project Coding mask -> Define Special characters for Projects
In this step, you specify how a project number is coded for editing. You can maintain the following
parameters for editing the project number:
• an indicator specifying whether only coded project numbers can be used to create projects
You can create a mask for every key you want to use in project coding.
Project ID :
First two digits are based on the project executing agency (e.g. Smelter & Power)
Menu path: IMG-> Project System -> Structures -> Operative Structures -> Work Breakdown
Structures->WBS User status -> Create status profile
A project is not a static object. It has it own life cycle that begins when it is created and
continues till completion. During this period various business transactions change the project. For
instance you plan tasks, post costs and perform settlements.
Each project passes through various system statuses. One of which is always set. For example,
• Created
In this status you cannot, for instance, make actual postings.
• Released
In this status virtually all business transactions are permitted. In this status you can assign
In Released status you can create new WBS elements and change the project hierarchy.
The status is passed on to subordinate WBS elements
In status Technically completed, you can create new subordinate WBS elements (with a
warning). The status is passed on to subordinate WBS elements.
o You from assigning networks, production orders or CO orders to the WBS element.
Closed Status
You use this status for a work breakdown structure or WBS element that has been
completed from both a logistic and an accounting point of view.
Prerequisite : You can only set the Closed status, if the project definition or the WBS
element have either the Released or the Technically completed status.
In the Closed status you can no longer make any changes to the project hierarchy. The
status is passed on to subordinate WBS elements.
The status allows you to post actual costs to orders and networks that are assigned to the WBS
element, as long as their status permit this
The status prohibits
• You from assigning networks, production orders or CO orders to the WBS element.
The status deactivates assets in construction that are assigned to the WBS element.
You can cancel the Closed status. In this case the system sets the Technically completed status
In BALCO, the system has been configured to raise purchase requisition automatically once the
WBS elements & Networks are released.
Menu path: IMG-> Project System -> Structures -> Operative Structures -> Work Breakdown
Structures->WBS User status -> Define authorization key for WBS
In this step you define authorization keys which you can use to set up authorization checks when you
manually set or delete a user status. When the system sets a user status as a reaction to business
transaction, it does not perform an authorization check.
When you set or delete a user status, the system checks whether the user is authorized for this action. In
addition to the status profile and the object type, the system also checks the authorization key assigned
to the user status in question.
Menu path: IMG-> Project System -> Structures -> Operative Structures -> Work Breakdown
Structures->WBS User status -> Create Project Profile
The project profile contains default values and other control parameters such as the planning method for
dates and costs.
The project profile contains default values and other control parameters such as the planning method for
dates and costs.
The data that you enter in the project profile will be copied into a project in its project definition or in the
WBS elements which can later be overwritten.
• To call up the graphic, you must first have specified various graphic profiles in the project profile.
• To carry out financial budgeting you must specify a financial planning profile
The values in the project profile determine the functionality of certain areas of the Project System and
cannot be changed without careful thought. Do not change profiles and key from related functions which
are defined in the project profile, such as the costing sheet or the results analysis key. These changes
could effect existing objects.
You must maintain the following sections for the project profile:
• Time scheduling
• Costs/revenues/finances
• Organizational data
Standard settings
In the standard R/3 System, SAP has predefined a project profile containing the most important control
1. Determine the organizational and control criteria for you company.
2. Create the project profiles reflecting these criteria and enter the relevant data.
• Examine the material components required in a project with regard to inventory management or MRP
planning seperately. This is particularly useful for components that have a long procurement lead time.
In valuated project stock the materials are managed on both a quantity basis and a value basis; all goods
movements trigger corresponding postings in the stock accounts in Financial Accounting.
• Commitment postings )
The start and finish dates of the WBS elements are the basis for determining the scheduled dates.
The following scheduling scenarios are avaialable :
• Top-Down Scenario (2)
The scheduling dates are defined by top hierarchy elements, that is the project definition or the
WBS elements, and limit the dates of the activities. The dates of the activities must lie within the
basic dates of the WBS elements to which the activities are assigned. Similarly the basic dates of
a WBS element must be within the basic dates of its superior WBS element.
• Bottom-Up Scenario (1)
The dates are passed on from the bottom of the hieratrchy to the top, that is from the activities to
the corresponding WBS elements and then up through the hierarchy to the project definition. The
dates of the superior WBS element are checked to see whether they include the dates of the
subordinate activity or WBS element. If this is not the case, the basic dates of the superior WBS
element or project definition are changed correspondingly.
If no activities or other WBS elements are assigned to a WBS element, the system uses the basic
dates of the WBS elementa as scheduled dates.
• Free scheduling ( )
You can choose the scheduling parameters as you like.
You can improve the performance of the system by not setting this indicator for projects that contain a lot
of activities
• In Bottom Up Planning you plan the dates starting from the subordinate WBS elements. The
dates of the superior WBS elements are only changed, if thery do not include the dates of the
subordinate WBS elements.
The object class categorizes Controlling objects according to their business function and enables you to
analyze cost flows within Controlling from different business perspectives.
The following object classes are available:
• Overhead
• Production
• Investment
• Default values for the settlement structure and the PA transfer structure
• Allocation bases for defining the settlement shares (using percentages or equivalence numbers -
or both)
• Document type for settlements relevant to accounting (more specifically, to the balance sheet)
• Treatment of sales and distribution document items in the event of multiple assignment to WBS element
The project type does not influence program control or screen selection. You can use the
project type as a filtering criterion in the information system.
Enter the name of the persons responsible (Transaction code OPS6) for reporting purpose
In the SAP System, the network is a special form of the work order which has a structure in common with
production, maintenance and inspection orders.
Every network you create must have a network type allocated to it.
• a default value for a status profile, if you want to use the user status in status management
Menu path: IMG-> Project System -> Structures -> Operative Structures -> Network-> Settings for
network -> Maintain network profiles
The network profile contains default values and parameters for controlling the processing of networks,
such as control keys for activities.
The data which you enter here in the network profile is copied into the header, activities, and activity
elements when you create a network. You can overwrite these values in each new network.
• To be able to call up the network structure graphic, you must have entered a graphic profile in the
network profile.
• To be able to create a project version for the network, you must have entered a version profile in
the network profile.
• The costing indicator controls that the activity and activity element are costed.
• The general costs activity indicator specifies that the activity is a general costs activity or that
the activity element is a cost element.
• Note when processing externally:
o If you select the key Data for ext.processing required, you must maintain data for the
externally processed activity.
The activity then becomes an externally processed activity.
o If you select the key Data for ext. processing not permitted, you cannot maintain data for
an externally processed activity.
Externally processed activity : A category of network activity describing activities that are performed outside
your company.
For example, if you request an engineering firm to design a machine, this is an activity processed externally.
o The indicator capacity_planning determines the capacity requirements for a certain date.
If you have not set any constraints in the activities, you have to maintain the Scheduling
indicator so the system will calculate the capacity requirements using the activity
o Changes to the control keys change business transactions and if necessary also the
activity data.
Standard settings
Control keys are created in the standard SAP R/3 System for every transaction type.
1. Check whether you can use the pre-defined control keys.
2. If necessary, define further control keys for the different transaction types.
This indicator specifies that the following objects are scheduled if specified in the control key you selected:
activities and activity elements in the Project System (PS)
The earliest and latest dates for activity elements are determined.
Note that sub-operations and activity elements are scheduled in relation to the superior operation or activity
and secondary resources are scheduled in relation to the superior phase. Therefore, you should only use a
control key with this indicator for a sub-operation, activity element or secondary resource, only if the superior
operation, activity or superior phase is also scheduled.
If the indicator is not set, for example, for operations used as documentation, the following applies:
• Activities (PS) are scheduled with a duration of 0, which means start and finish dates correspond to the
finish of the previous operation, activity or phase, even if you entered a duration different than 0 in the
operation, activity or phase.
• Activity elements (PS) keep the dates from the superior operation, activity or phase.
Menu path: IMG-> Project System -> Structures -> Operative Structures -> Network-> Define
change profile
• Settings
Here you define whether the necessary changes steps are executed all together or whether individual steps
can be executed.
• Handling conflict situations
You can specify whether particular situations for an action constitute a conflict and whether this conflict has
informative character or a warning or an error is issued.
The actions change, delete, create or reassign for objects activity, activity element, componnent or PRT are
taken into consideration. The situation can also be handled differently, depending on the status of the object,
for whether the (superior) activity has been released, partially confirmed or finally confirmed.
1. Define the profile for configuration change management for networks.
2. Assign the profiles to:
Menu path: IMG-> Project System -> Structures -> Operative Structures -> Milestones -> Define
milestone usage
• what the milestone is used for, such as a trigger for milestone functions or for earned value
• the area in which the milestone is used, for example in engineering or design
You can also use the value for usage for selection in the information system.
Menu path: IMG-> Project System -> Structures -> Project planning board
The project planning board is based on the SAP Gantt chart. In the following steps make only those settings, which
you require specifically or additionally for working with it in the Project System.
Start date for an evaluation : Date of the first day of the period, for which the data is evaluated
End date for an evaluation : Date of the last day of the period for which the data is evaluated.
Example of an entry with a specific date:
CalWeeks -1 +2
This generates an evaluation period from 01.03.1994 to the 01.30.1994.
Depending on the current scale the time scale is generated from one or more scales.
• Yearly split
• Quarterly split
• Monthly split
• Weekly split
• Daily split
• Hourly split
• Minute split
• whether when the capacity planning table is called up the non-work times that are common to all capacities
are hidden.
Segments of the time scale:
In the capacity planning table you see a segment of the (infinite) time scale. This segment is defined by the
evaluation period in the time profile. You define the time scale of the time axis for the following segments:
• Pre-evaluation period
This represents the period between the start of the evaluations until the start of planning.
• Planning period
This represents the period between the start and the end of planning.
• Post-evaluation period
This represents the period between end of planning and end of evaluation.
A scale is defined as the length per unit of time e.g. 40 mm per day.
You selected 40 mm (=4 cm) per day as a scale for the planning period. If you now enter 20.00 (%) as the
relationship then the scale for the evaluation lead-time is: 40 mm * 20 % = 8 mm, that is, 0.8 cm per day.
You can maintain different values in the profile of the project planning board:
• Default values
Default values are copied when you call up the project planning board and you can change them
interactively once you're in the project planning board at any time.
• Graphics profile
A graphics profile must exist in order for you to be able to call up the project planning board. The graphics
profile has a name and a group and is composed of several simple profiles for colors and forms, for
You can maintain the graphics profile in Customizing for all SAP graphics.
• Fields that are displayed in the table area of the project planning board
You can group all fields to be displayed in the table area into a profile.
o a profile for the scale which specifies the characteristics of different time scales, for example, scale
and text for time periods of a year.
• Change indicator
You can protect the profile against changes.
You specify with this indicator whether activities should be shown on the project planning board.
Use this key to specify whether the earliest or latest dates of the activity will be displayed in the project planning
You use this indicator to specify that the planning board profile can only be changed in Customizing.
The currency translation rates are time-dependent, coming into force on the date entered.
The SAP system uses the currency translation rates stored under rate type "M" to translate
currencies when you post or clear actual transaction data. The rates apply to all company
For translation of plan postings, you define a fiscal-year-dependent rate type in the version.
A number of SAP application components use the currency translation rates.
• Commitment items
The check for whether cost elements exist is faster if you enter a cost element interval rather than a cost
element group.
1. Choose a value category and access the detail screen.
2. Define a cost element, a cost element interval or cost element group as the value category.
If you change the value categories later, you will have to reconstruct the project information database
(transaction CJEN) if plan data already exists. This is necessary to avoid data inconsistencies.
Value categories can be created automatically. To do this, go to the implementation guide and choose
Information System -> General Functions -> Project Info Database -> Set update control.
When value categories are automatically created, a value category is created for each posted cost
element with the same description. For example, if you post cost element 415000, the system creates
value category 415000.
Easy cost planning is method of costing that enables costs to be planned quickly and easily for objects
such as Work breakdown structure elements
• Which prices are used to value the materials, internal activities and external activities
• valuation variant
It is technically possible to have more the same costing type and valuation variant in more than one costing variant,
but you should avoid this because it can lead to one variant overwriting the data for another.
The reason for this is the key format for costing results in the database. This key form is based on the costing type
and valuation variant, no the costing variant.
Standard Settings
The SAP standard system contains a number of predefined costing variants
o In the application, in the extras for the network header (if you did not define a costing variant in the
network parameters
In the network header data, choose Goto -> Network header -> Supplement.
o In the application, when you access the unit costing from structure- oriented cost planning
In this step, you enter the settings, which enable you to plan costs manually in the WBS element. You can
choose the following planning forms in the Project System:
• Hierarchy planning
• Detailed planning
o Primary costs
o Activity input
o Overhead
• unit costing
Menu path: IMG-> Project System -> Costs -> Planned Costs -> Manual Cost planning in
WBS -> Hierarchical Cost Planning
In this step, you enter the settings for structure planning.
• Preliminary costing for production orders that do not have a quantity structure (CO production orders).
• Cost planning for investment programs or investment measures, and for appropriation requests.
• Financial budgeting
To include the following as default values in planning, you need to do the following IMG activites and maintain the
• Maintain Cost Element Groups
o Primary costs
o Revenues
You can assign planning profiles to a project as follows:
o As a default value in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for the Project System
- In the project profile of a project definition (operative structures)
- In the project profile of a standard project definition (basic data)
o In the control data of the project definition, if there is planning profile was stored in the project
profile (In the maintenance screen for the project definition, choose "Detail -> Control").
In this step, you make the system settings for budget allocation.
In this step, you
o the number of years in the future from the start year, for which budgeting is possible
o budgeting start year, a relative specification referring to the current fiscal year
• Display
o standard view as well as the budget value when you access the function
• Currency translation
o value date
• Availability control
o of annual/overall budget
o of releases
X - Overall budget
- - Annual budget
The activation type controls availability control. There are three activation types:
0 = cannot activate
This activity type may cause an already active availability control to be deactivated.
1 = automatic activation when budget is assigned
You must maintain at least one tolerance limit for the budget profile.
2 = background activation when percentage of consumption is exceeded
You must enter a percentage of consumption in background activation. The percentage of
consumption represents the relationship of committed funds to the budget as a percentage.
You must maintain at least one tolerance limit for the budget profile to have the system check the
o If you change the availability control configuration after budgeting, you should have the
system recalculate the assigned values.
To do this, restart availability control for your project.
o If you are also using the Funds Management component, you can greatly improve
performance by only activating availability control in Funds Management or only
activating it for projects.
1. Use "Details" to check the standard budget profiles delivered with the system.
2. Change the detail settings for the budget profiles or create budget profiles using "New entries".
Additional information
You can assign a budget profile to a project
• as a default value in Project System configuration
Here in BALCO, the system will not allow the procurement once the budget is exceeded over 100%.
• You can define combinations of settings for component procurement that are frequently used, so that you do
not have to maintain these settings for each component.
o Account assignment types and purchasing document type of the purchase requisitions for networks
For making all items as non stock items (if required) , the following can be used
along with the changes in the Project Profile
In the following steps you configure the system for Monitoring Dates. You can use this function to define events for
components in a project and to monitor the dates of these events.
In this activity you define events for components in a project. You can then monitor dates for this event.
1. Create a new event by choosing New entries.
2. Enter a name and description for the event.
3. Save the event
• If the confirmed quantity is more than (that is, greater than or equal to) the quantity possible, the
confirmation is saved as a final confirmation.
The quantity possible corresponds to the planned operation or order quantity, or to the confirmed yield of operations
that have been finally confirmed, provided that finally confirmed operations exist.
Specifies that for the confirmation of operations, the system is to propose the start and finish dates of the individual
operation segments, as calculated by lead time scheduling.
The system differentiates between the proposed dates before the first confirmation and the proposed dates before
all other confirmations:
The following dates are proposed for the first confirmation:
• In the start of work field: The earliest start date of the operation or, if this date is in the future, the current
date with the time
• In the end of work field: The current date with the time
• Aggregated POC
For the measurement method start-finish rule, the following measurement methods are specified:
• Method 0-100 with a start percentage of completion of 0.
• If the actual date of the milestone is reached, the actual percentage of completion of the WBS element or
the activity is set to the percentage of completion which you entered for the milestone.
For the milestone method, you only have to enter a short description.
For the measurement technique "estimate", you enter the percentage of completion manually in the work breakdown
structure or in the network.
Enter a maximum percentage of completion and a short description for the estimate.
As long as an activity is not completed, that is, no actual finish date has been entered, the actual percentage of
completion cannot exceed the maximum percentage of completion.
The maximum percentage of completion should prevent an overvaluation of activities that are "almost finished" (the
"90% syndrome").
SAP recommends that you use 80% as the maximum percentage of completion for estimates.
Degree of processing
The degree of processing from the confirmation is copied as the percentage of completion. You can use the degree
of processing measurement technique for internally processed activities which are confirmed.
You only have to enter a short description for the degree of processing.
The plan percentage of completion is adopted as the actual value.
Time proportionality
This measurement method determines the percentage of completion proportional to the time required. The system
assumes linear project progress over time.
You can use this measurement technique for short report periods or for activities such as consulting or administration.
For time proportionality, you enter a maximum percentage of completion and a short description.
Cost proportionality
This method determines the percentage of completion proportional to the cost distribution.
Quantity proportionality
This method determines the percentage of completion proportional to the quantities used.
Secondary proportionality
For this measurement technique, the work performed for one project object depends on the progress of work in
another project object.
Example of secondary proportional method
There are two activities in a network, "Create drawings" and "Check drawings". A drawing is complete only after it has
passed inspection.
The percentage of completion of activity "Check drawings" is copied for the activity "Create drawing" when you use
this measurement technique.
You only have to enter a short description for the secondary proportional method.
Standard settings
Measurement methods for all measurement techniques are available in the standard system.
1. Check the available measurement methods.
2. Define your own measurement methods, if necessary.
o Object type
o Measurement method
Further notes
The measurement method defined here is a default value which you can overwrite when maintaining object master
The measurement method is only displayed in the detailed data for an object if you maintain a progress version for
the object.
You define the measurement method for orders assigned to the project in the activity Define default value for
measurement methods for orders.
• Commitment items
1. Select a value category which is allowed for the posting of statistical key figures.
2. Call up the detail screen.
3. Enter a statistical key figure or an interval.
Further notes
Note that the unit of measure for the value category must agree with aggregation processing in the statistical key
figure. For example, if the unit of measure in the value category is HRS; the total value or fixed value in the statistical
key figure must also be HRS.
All data in the information system comes from or is derived from the logical Project System database (PSJ).
You need the profile for this database for all analyses in the Project System.
In the database profile, you determine:
• the project view according to which the selected data is displayed on the screen, for example, sorted
according to profit center.
Project structure 1
Profit Center 2
Cost centers 3
Classificaition 4
Capital-inv.prog. 5
Customer-specific 99
The presentation of the data according to hierarchy category 7 is basically the same as that of hierarchy category 4 .
However objects below a summarization node in a list are displayed without hierarchy information. This results in
much better performance.
The project view no longer selects data from the database, but merely determines how the data is displayed in the
information system.
Standard settings
The standard system contains the following project views:
• project structure
• Profit Center
• cost centers
• capital-investment programs
o In hierarchy types 1, 5, 6, 99, enter just the name of the view and the hierarchy type.
o In hierarchy types 2, 3, enter the name of the view, the hierarchy type and the set name for the
profit center or the cost center hierarchy.
o In hierarchy type 4and 7 , you enter the name of the view, the hierarchy type and the hierarchy
2. Store the project view in the database selection
• Interest calculation
• Planning board
• Project versions
For this reason, the cost elements and commitment items are grouped together in value categories.
The update can either be carried out at real-time (V1 update) or delayed (V2 update). The V2 update makes sure that
the performance of the posting functions is not impaired by the update of the project information database.
When you change releases, take over data or make subsequent changes to control data for the update, you must
reconstruct the project information database.
Indicator which controls how summarized project data is updated.
• Indicator set = V2 update
There are delays in updating data. For performance reasons, the indicator is set in the SAP standard.
• Indicator not set = V1 update (direct update)
If you set this indicator after postings have already been made, you must maintain the missing assignments manually
or reconstruct the project information database. Otherwise, no value category is assigned to cost
elements/commitment items to which postings have already been made.
ROLE Activity
Z-PS_DISPLAY To display transactions
Z-PS_OPR_WBS_CREATE To create WBS, Network, activities
Z-PS_PROJ_BUDG_APPR To approve the Budget
Z-PS_PROJ_CLSR To close the project
Z-PS_PROJ_COST_PLNR To plan the cost of the project
Z-PS_PROJ_REL To release the project (to start procurement etc.)
Z-PS_PROJ_RES_ACT_CNFR To confirm the activities
Z-PS_PROJ_SCHED_PLNR To schedule the project
Z-PS_REPORTS To view reports
The transaction codes are attached against the above role for a particular activity.