Full Form of Hardware and Networking Devices
Full Form of Hardware and Networking Devices
Full Form of Hardware and Networking Devices
AC alternating current
ACPI advanced configuration and power interface
ACT activity
ADSL asymmetrical digital subscriber line
ADSP AppleTalk data stream protocol
AEP AppleTalk echo protocol
AFP AppleTalk Filing protocol
AGP accelerated graphics port
AMD advanced micro devices
AMR audio modem riser
APIPA automatic private internet protocol addressing
API Application Programming Interface
APPC Advanced Peer to Peer Communications
APPN Advanced Peer to Peer Networking
APM advanced power management
ARP address resolution protocol
ASR automated system recovery
ARCnet Attached Resource Computer Network
ARP Address resolution Protocol
ARUP AppleTalk update routing Protocol
ASP AppleTalk session protocol
AT advanced technology
ATA advanced technology attachment
ATAPI advanced technology attachment packet interface
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
ATX advanced technology extended
ATP AppleTalk Transaction Protocol
AU Access Unit
AUI Attachment unit interface
LU Logical Units
LVD low voltage differential
MAC media access control
MAN metropolitan area network
MAPI messaging application programming interface
Mb megabit
MB megabyte
MBR master boot record
MBSA Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
MCI Micro-channel architecture
MCR multivariant curve resolution
MFD multi-function device
MFP multi-function product
MHz megahertz
MicroDIMM micro dual inline memory module
MIB Management Information BASE
MIDI musical instrument digital interface
MIME multipurpose internet mail extension
MLI multiple link interface
MMC Microsoft management console
MSSP managed security service provider
MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
MMX multimedia extensions
MOTIS Message oriented text interchange system
MP3 Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 3 Audio
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
MS Message Store
MSCONFIG Microsoft configuration
MSDS material safety data sheet
MUI multilingual user interface
MTA Message transfer agent
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NADN Nearest Active Downstream Neighbor
NAS network-attached storage, network access server
NAU Network Addressable Units
NAUN Nearest Active Upstream Neighbor
NAT network address translation
NBF NetBIOS Frame Protocol
Full Form of Hardware and Networking Devices