BS Sieve
BS Sieve
BS Sieve
Sieve size 20.0 10.0 6.30 2.0 0.60 0.4250 0.2120 0.1500 0.0630
% Fines 100 100 99.84 50.68 18.88 13.38 6.78 4.78 1.78
Sample no. 1 2 3 1
Moisture can and lid C1 C2 C3 B1
𝑀C = Mass of empty, clean+ 31.55g 32g 31.55g 30.8g
lid (g)
𝑀CMS = mass of can, lid, and 35.15g 41g 41.45g 34.65g
moisture soil (g).
𝑀CDS = mass of can, lid, and 34.60g 39.40g 39.45g 34.25g
dry soil(g),
𝑀S = mass of soil solids (g). 3.05g 7.4g 7.9g 2.45g
𝑀W = mass of pore water (g). 0.55 1.6g 2g 0.4g
W= water content, w% 18.03% 21.62% 25.32% 16.32%
No. of drops (N). 35 30 20
Liquid limit (LL) & Plastic 18.77 22.10 24.64 16.32%
No Observation Determination No 1
1 (Vc) Volume of Calibration Con 1.178 x 10-3 m3
2 (M1) Pouring Cylinder Mass with Sand 7250g
Mass of excavated soil (M) 1482g
Mass of pouring cylinder filled with 7250g
sand (M1)
Mass of pouring cylinder after pouring 5302g
into the hole and cone (M4)
Mass of sand in the hole 1534g
Ms= M1-M4-M3
Volume of sand in the hole 1.1598 x 10-3gm3
V= Ms/Ps
Bulk density of soil ρb= M / V 1277806.518g
Water content = w 15%
Dry density using formula 79862.90g
ρd= ( ρb/ 1+w)