Settlement Geography: Unit No-1&2
Settlement Geography: Unit No-1&2
Settlement Geography: Unit No-1&2
Settlement Geography
Rural Settlements - agriculture as the
predominant occupation.
► Urban settlements - principal industries
are secondary and tertiary.
Rural Settlement: Characteristics
Primary activities- for subsistence /survival in rural settlement.
Low population and density.
To simple standard of life.
Absence of planning- houses, roads, shapes & structure etc.
Low facilities of communication, transportation & other social
Urban Settlement: Characteristics
Urban settlements are differentiated from rural ones by
economic, social, and population factors. Most urban
settlements derive from a small village.
1.2. Retrospective:-
Focuses upon the present the past conditions regarding settlements
being considered for better understanding of the existing state.
1.3. Prospective:-
it concern with future but the past and present are consider as a
relict features for future probability need.
2. Spatial / Regional Approaches:
This approach introduce by Ratzel
This approach is basically related to patterns and processes by considering man-
environmental relationship.
This approach having system and sub systems, analysis through which several
aspects of settlement-
Like:- types, pattern, classification, functional integration & rank
local identity, planning & rationalization, site, situation….
This approach the interrelationship of man-nature-society – is better expressed in
any cultural landscape.
Analysis of patterns and process they express the spatial organizations in
environmental space.
Consideration for the spatial analysis several techniques
Like- nearest neighbor analysis method of dispersion
concentration, land model, functional analysis method etc.
From place to place of region to region all over the world such differences in
settlement are due to spatial differences of their environment.
3. Ecological / Environmental Approach:-
From ecological which applied to explain the processes of change in
human behavior & settlement over time.
Hudson, has expected this approach form understanding and
describing the setting process in human settlement having three
Behavioral differences shows regional variation.
The approach is very fundamental in understanding man-
environmental intere-relationship.
e.g. the trial settlement have a proper adoption of available
environment several traditions, festivals, functions etc.
Nearest neighbor analysis has been widely used for studying the
concentration and dispersion of settlement
Therefore, this approach explains the man environment adaptation
over the region.
4. Recent Changes in Approaches:
3. Interdisciplinary Approach
5. Principle Approach
6 Sample Approach