Intergard 966: Product Description
Intergard 966: Product Description
Intergard 966: Product Description
PRODUCT A high build, high performance, two component epoxy intermediate or finish with excellent chemical
DESCRIPTION and abrasion resistance.
Available with conventional pigmentation or alternatively, pigmented with micaceous iron oxide to
provide enhanced overcoating properties.
INTENDED USES Suitable for use as part of a high performance coating system to provide an anti-corrosive barrier in
areas where aggressive corrosion conditions prevail.
Intergard 966 can be used either as a coloured intermediate/undercoat for high performance
durable finishes or alternatively, can act as a finish coating where a high quality, decorative finish is
not required.
Widely used in both new construction and industrial maintenance on offshore structures, chemical
plants, power stations and pulp and paper plants .
Theoretical Coverage 6.20 m²/litre at 100 microns d.f.t and stated volume solids
249 sq.ft/US gallon at 4 mils d.f.t and stated volume solids
Drying Time
Overcoating Interval with
recommended topcoats
Temperature Touch Dry Hard Dry Minimum Maximum
REGULATORY DATA Flash Point Part A 30°C (86°F); Part B 29°C (84°F); Mixed 29°C (84°F)
Protective Coatings
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Issue Date:24/11/2010
Intergard® 966
SURFACE All surfaces to be coated should be clean, dry and free from contamination. Prior to paint application all
PREPARATION surfaces should be assessed and treated in accordance with ISO 8504:2000.
Primed Surfaces
Intergard 966 should always be applied over a recommended anti-corrosive coating scheme. The primer
surface should be dry and free from all contamination and Intergard 966 must be applied within the
overcoating intervals specified (consult the relevant product data sheet). Zinc primers should be intact,
fully cured and free of zinc salts prior to overcoating.
Areas of breakdown, damage etc., should be prepared to the specified standard (e.g. Sa2½ (ISO 8501-
1:2007) or SSPC SP6 Abrasive Blasting or SSPC SP11, Power Tool Cleaning) and patch primed prior to
the application of the product.
Weld seams and damaged areas should be blast cleaned to Sa2½ (ISO 8501-1:2007) or SSPC-SP6.
If the shop primer shows extensive or widely scattered breakdown overall sweep blasting may be
necessary. Apply a suitable primer to bare steel areas.
Concrete Surfaces
Concrete should be cured for a minimum of 28 days prior to coating. The moisture content of the
concrete should be below 6%. All surfaces should be clean, dry and free from curing compounds, release
agents, trowelling compounds, surface hardeners, efflorescence, grease, oil, dirt, old coatings and loose
or disintegrating concrete. All poured and precast concrete must also be sweep blasted (preferred) or
acid etched to remove laitence. Priming should be carried out using Intergard 966 or Intergard 740,
thinned 10-20% by volume with International GTA220 thinners.
APPLICATION Mixing Material is supplied in two containers as a unit. Always mix a complete unit in
the proportions supplied. Once the unit has been mixed it must be used within
the working pot life specified.
(1) Agitate Base (Part A) with a power agitator.
(2) Combine entire contents of Curing Agent (Part B) with Base
(Part A) and mix thoroughly with power agitator
Clean Up Clean all equipment immediately after use with International GTA822. It is good
working practice to periodically clean equipment during the course of the
working day. Frequency of cleaning will depend upon amount used,
temperature and elapsed time, including any delays.
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Intergard® 966
PRODUCT Maximum film build in one coat is best attained by airless spray. Application by air spray may
CHARACTERISTICS require a multiple cross spray pattern to attain maximum film build. Low or high temperatures may
require specific application techniques to achieve required film build.
This product will not cure adequately below 5°C (41°F). For maximum performance ambient curing
temperatures should be above 10°C (50°F). Surface temperature must always be a minimum of 3°
C (5°F) above dew point. When applying Intergard 966 in confined spaces ensure adequate
In common with all epoxies Intergard 966 will chalk and discolour on exterior exposure. However,
these phenomena are not detrimental to anti-corrosive performance. The actual rate of chalking will
depend upon climatic conditions and will normally be limited to a thin surface layer. Chalking is only
likely to reduce anti-corrosion properties when the chalked film can be removed, for example, by
exposure to high UV together with intermittent exposure to fast moving water. Where a durable
cosmetic finish with good gloss and colour retention is required overcoat with recommended
Condensation occurring during or immediately after application may result in a matt finish and an
inferior film. Premature exposure to ponding water will cause a colour change, especially in dark
Intergard 966 is suitable for use as a protective system for concrete floors and walls subjected to
light traffic and mild chemical attack.
Note: VOC values are typical and are provided for guidance purpose only. These may be subject
to variation depending on factors such as differences in colour and normal manufacturing
Low molecular weight reactive additives, which will form part of the film during normal ambient cure
conditions, will also affect VOC values determined using EPA Method 24.
SYSTEMS Intergard 966 can be applied over an extermely wide range of priming systems which include:
Intergard 251
Intergard 269
Interzinc 315
Interzinc 42
Interzinc 52
Interzinc 78
Intergard 410
Intergard 740
Interthane 138
Interthane 990
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Intergard® 966
D ADDITIONAL Further information regarding industry standards, terms and abbreviations used in this data sheet
et INFORMATION can be found in the following documents available at
T • Definitions & Abbreviations
p • Surface Preparation
• Paint Application
SAFETY This product is intended for use only by professional applicators in industrial situations in
PRECAUTIONS accordance with the advice given on this sheet, the Material Safety Data Sheet and the
container(s), and should not be used without reference to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
which International Protective Coatings has provided to its customers.
All work involving the application and use of this product should be performed in compliance with all
relevant national, Health, Safety & Environmental standards and regulations.
In the event welding or flame cutting is performed on metal coated with this product, dust and
fumes will be emitted which will require the use of appropriate personal protective equipment and
adequate local exhaust ventilation.
If in doubt regarding the suitability of use of this product, consult International Protective Coatings
for further advice.
Rect Top
PACK SIZE Unit Size Part A Part B
Vol Pack Vol Pack
20 litre 16 litre 20 litre 4 litre 5 litre
, International and all product names mentioned in this publication are trademarks of, or licensed to, AkzoNobel.
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