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The Samurai Reading List

By Paul 'Batman' O'Brien
B.A., N.C.E.H.S., Dip. Acu., Adv. Dip. OBB,
Cert Clin. Med. M.AFPA, M.ETCMA,

The Samurai Reading List is basically a list of books

on a wide range of samurai and bujutsu based topics.
This is a list based upon some of the
recommendations I made when a good friend and
fellow budoka asked me for a couple of ideas for his
Christmas reading list. I thought everyone else here
may find it interesting too, so without further adieu...

The Samurai Reading List - Historical

Works on Strategy and Life

The books listed here were written by samurai,

warriors or philosophers who influenced them. I
offer a selection in the English language, as such
remember these are translations and thus will be to a
greater or lesser extent inaccurate in parts.

The Five Rings: Miyamoto

Musashi's Art of Strategy (The
Art of Wisdom)

Haruna Matsuo, the Sensei to

whom we aspire to in my dojo
recommend the Go Rin no Sho as
the ONLY work needed for study.
There are many translations out
there, I have a preference for the
David K. Groff translation at the

One word of warning - avoid Stephen-F-

Kaufman's version like the plague. it is the least
definitive version imaginable.

Hagakure: The Secret Wisdom of the Samurai

Often misunderstood and mis-contextualized text of

a retired Nabeshima clan samurai, this is one of the
most important books on the samurai...less so for the
accuracy of it;s information than for it's fame.

There are many historical and interesting anecdotes

that provide genuine insight into the mentality of the
serving samurai - it should be studied carefully, but
again within its proper context.

Alex Bennet's translation is in my opinion the

definitive one published to date and his detailed
essay's and examinations place the Hagakure in
proper context. I consider it essential reading. A full
in-depth review of Bennet's translation will be
available shortly.

The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen

Master to a Master Swordsman

Written by Takuan Soho, the youngest abbot of

Tendai Zen sect this book is in fact a series of essay's
and correspondence from Takuan to the great
swordsmen Yagyu Munenori, the Shogun's sword
instructor and legendary martial artist.

This book would have a profound impact of later

martial writings including Yagyu Munenori's own
treatise, the Life-Giving Sword and Miyamoto
Musashi's Book of Five Rings.

The Life-Giving Sword: The Secret Teachings

From the House of the Shogun (The Way of
the Warrior Series)

Written by Yagyu Munenori, the official

instructor in swordsmanship to two Tokugawa
Shogun's, and headmaster of the Yagyu Shinkage
Ryu school of koryu bujutsu, this work focuses on
the secrets of strategy of the school through spiritual
readiness and mental preparation through non-
attachment and even non-violence. A master work
that should be studied by every swordsman
and martial arts enthusiast.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

The Classical military text, often cited by the Samurai

as a work of most important study it's a vital part of
every bujutsu enthusiast's collection. I prefer this

Yojokun: Life Lessons from a Samurai

Written by Kaibara Ekiken (1630-1714), a samurai

physician, this text approached health from the point
of view of military strategy. As a samurai healer
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myself, this is one of my all time favourite books. The
advice on herbs, acupuncture and nutrition are as
relevant now as they were in the time of the samurai.

In this text he covers the physical and metal concerns

of stress, examines the intake of food and drink,
sexual practices, sustaining stamina and health in old
age, overindulgence and restraint, bathing and
healthy habits, and more.

My favourite quote is below....

In the next article I'll share with you some of my

favourite modern author works on the
samurai...including mystic religious practices,
biographies and commentaries... and in the
meantime let me know what books make it to the
Samurai Reading List you have below...

You've been reading the Samurai Reading

List...part one...check out my top rated book
on Samurai Swords here.

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