Smart Transformer For Smart Grid-Intelligent Framework and Techniques For Power Transformer Asset Management
Smart Transformer For Smart Grid-Intelligent Framework and Techniques For Power Transformer Asset Management
Smart Transformer For Smart Grid-Intelligent Framework and Techniques For Power Transformer Asset Management
Abstract—Condition monitoring and diagnosis have become an adopt high performance liquid chromatography to measure
essential part of power transformer asset management. A variety 2-furfuraldehyde content for evaluating paper insulation aging
of online and offline measurements have been performed in util- condition in transformers [5], [6]. Polarization-based mea-
ities for evaluating different aspects of transformers’ conditions.
However, properly processing measurement data and explicitly surements including polarization and depolarization current
correlating these data to transformer condition is not a trivial measurement and frequency domain spectroscopy have been
task. This paper proposes an intelligent framework for condi- also used in utilities for estimating aging and water con-
tion monitoring and assessment of power transformer. Within tent in transformer oil-paper insulation [4], [7]. Frequency
this framework, various signal processing and pattern recogni- response analysis has been applied for winding deformation
tion techniques are applied for automatically denoising sensor
acquired signals, extracting representative characteristics from and displacement detection in transformers [8]. To provide
raw data, and identifying types of faults in transformers. This dynamic behavior of a transformer’s condition during its
paper provides case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of operation, online sensor-based measurements have also been
the proposed framework and techniques for power transformer performed. Examples include partial discharge (PD) mea-
asset management. The hardware and software platform for surement for transformer insulation diagnosis and acoustic
implementing the proposed intelligent framework will also be
presented in this paper. measurement for transformer on-load tap-changer (OLTC)
fault identification [9], [10].
Index Terms—Asset management, denoising, dielectric Due to the complexity of a transformer’s structure and its
response, dissolved gas analysis (DGA), insulation, partial
discharge (PD), pattern recognition, power transformer. degradation mechanism, interpreting the measurement data
obtained from the above techniques and subsequently evaluat-
ing the transformer’s condition is a challenging task, especially
I. I NTRODUCTION for nonexperts. Therefore, there is a necessity to investigate
intelligent techniques and their applications for automatically
OWER TRANSFORMER is one of the most important
P assets in an electricity grid. During its operation, a power
transformer is subjected to thermal, mechanical, and electri-
analyzing measurement data and identifying fault types in
the transformer. Various investigations on applying intelligent
techniques to transformer monitoring and diagnosis have been
cal stresses, which can eventually deteriorate the transformer
reported in [11]–[15]. For example, numerous artificial neu-
and cause the failure of the whole unit. Moreover, electrical
ral networks (ANNs), neural-fuzzy systems, and evolutionary
utilities around the world are currently facing an increasingly
algorithms have been applied for diagnosing transformer incip-
aged population of power transformers in their grids. To ensure
ient faults using DGA measurement data [11]–[13]. Recently,
reliable operation of a transformer, its health condition must
intelligent algorithms have also been applied to compute health
be continuously monitored and evaluated for appropriate asset
index for a transformer to provide an indication of the sta-
management decisions [1]–[4].
tus of its insulation system [14]–[16]. Nevertheless, the above
A variety of measurements have been adopted in util-
techniques scattered over different aspects of interpreting mea-
ities for condition monitoring and assessment of power
surement data and making faults diagnosis; there is still lack
transformers [5]–[10]. With the oil samples collected from
of a common framework, within which different intelligent
transformers, utilities conduct dissolved gas analysis (DGA)
algorithms can be effectively deployed and executed to ful-
to identify thermal and discharge faults in transformers and
fill the tasks of performing sensor-based transformer condition
Manuscript received February 14, 2014; accepted December 16, 2014. monitoring and assessment.
This work was supported in part by the Australian Research Council, in part This paper presents an intelligent framework for transformer
by Powerlink Queensland, in part by Energex, in part by Ergon Energy, and condition monitoring and assessment. Within this framework,
in part by TransGrid. Paper no. TSG-00102-2014.
The authors are with the School of Information Technology and Electrical a number of intelligent algorithms have been applied includ-
Engineering, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia ing: 1) digital signal processing algorithms, which concern
(e-mail: [email protected]). with denoising and extracting signals acquired by sensors
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at during online sensor-based transformer condition monitor-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2014.2384501 ing; and 2) pattern recognition algorithms, which focus on
1949-3053 c 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
remove the noise. However, in PD measurement some stochas- Fig. 4 presents stochastic noise removal results by using
tic noise may appear at most of power cycles and have similar fractal dimension and entropy analyses. In the figure, the PD
fractal dimension values compared to PD signals. For such sit- signals were also acquired by using PD measurement set-up
uation, it may not be able to completely identify and remove one (Fig. 2) with the experimental model of internal discharge
noise from PD signals by only using fractal dimension. over ten power cycles. It can be observed from the figure
For a PD signal it has high chance to appear at the same that PD signals locate periodically in most of power cycles.
phase location of different power cycles. In contrast, for Severe stochastic noise occurs at the first and second power
stochastic noise, if it appears in a particular phase location cycles where relatively insignificant noise can be found at
of a power cycle, it will have low chance to appear at that other power cycles.
phase location in the subsequent power cycles [22]. Therefore, Fig. 4(b) is the original signals with respect to phase angles
at each phase location, the entropy values of noise is sig- [all signals in ten power frequency cycles were mapped into
nificantly different from the entropy values of PD signals. 0◦ –360◦ phase angles, which is referred to as phase resolved
Based on this observation, entropy value is used with frac- PD (PRPD)] without applying the denoising algorithm. It indi-
tal dimension to distinguish and remove stochastic noise from cates that PRPD before signal denoising is contaminated by
PD signals. stochastic noise. Fig. 4(c) is the noise removed PRPD, which
proves that fractal dimension and entropy analyses are capable
of identifying and removing stochastic noise.
C. Case Studies of PD Signal Denoising Fig. 5 presents the results of using fractal dimension
This section presents the results of denoising measured and entropy analyses to denoising PD signals, which were
PD signals using the above signal processing algorithms. The collected from PD measurement performed on a 5 MVA trans-
PD signals were collected from experimental PD models and former (using PD measurement set-up one, Fig. 2). It can be
transformers [21]. observed from Fig. 5(a) and (b) that the measured PD signals
Fig. 3 presents the denoising results of measured PD signals are embedded with heavy noise, which causes considerable
by using hybrid algorithm based on EEMD and morphological difficulties for the identification of PD signals. However, as
morphology. The original signals were collected from PD mea- shown in Fig. 5(c), the proposed fractal dimension and entropy
surement on the experimental PD model of internal discharge analyses method can effectively reveal PD signals. In Fig. 5(c),
using PD measurement set-up one (Fig. 2). the PD signals appear at the negative power cycle (180◦ –360◦ )
It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the hybrid algorithm can may be generated by corona and/or surface discharge; the
effectively extract PD signals from noise and also preserve PD signals appear at both positive (0◦ –180◦ ) and negative
the phase locations of these extracted PD signals. This can (180◦ –360◦ ) power cycles may be due to internal discharge.
assist pattern recognition algorithm to recognize different types A pattern recognition algorithm can be trained to classify the
of PD sources, which caused by different types of insulation above types of PD pattern. This will be discussed in the next
defects in transformers [23]. section.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
SVM AND RBF C LASSIFICATION ACCURACY Fig. 8. Software platform based on a MAS for transformer condition
ON T ESTING DATABASE monitoring and assessment.
Chandima Ekanayake (M’00) received the B.Sc. Daniel Martin (M’12) received the B.E. degree
degree (Hons.) from the University of Peradeniya, in electrical and electronic engineering from the
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, in 1999, and the Tech. Lic. University of Brighton, Brighton, U.K., in 2000, and
and Ph.D. degrees from the Chalmers University of the Ph.D. degree in electrical insulation from the
Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2003 and 2006, University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., in
respectively, all in electrical engineering. 2008, where he investigated the suitability of using
He was a Senior Lecturer with the University vegetable oils and synthetic esters as substitutes for
of Peradeniya. He is currently a Lecturer with the mineral oil within large power transformers.
School of Information Technology and Electrical He joined Racal Electronics, Weybridge, U.K.,
Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, where he served on communication and aircraft sys-
QLD, Australia. He was serving for a European tems. He was with Monash University, Melbourne,
Union Project called REDIATOOL, where he was engaged in research VIC, Australia, where he was engaged in transformer condition monitor-
related to diagnostics of transformer insulation from dielectric response mea- ing, quickly assuming the directorship of the Centre for Power Transformer
surements. Since 2001, he has been involved in condition monitoring of Monitoring. In 2013, he joined the University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD,
transformers installed at the Ceylon Electricity Board, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Australia, where he served on a transformer condition monitoring project
His current research interests include condition monitoring of power appa- funded by the local utilities.
ratus, alternatives for insulating oil, transient studies on power systems, and
energy related studies.
Dr. Ekanayake was the Chair of the IEEE Sri Lanka Section in
2006 and 2007.