Personal Loan Promissory Agreement

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On the ____day of __________, hereinafter known as the “Start Date”,

(Borrower’s Address) hereinafter known as the “Borrower”, has received and promises to
payback ____________________________________ (Lender’s Name) of
________________________________(Lender’s Address), hereinafter known as the “Lender” ,
the principal sum of P________with the interest accruing on the unpaid balance at a rate of
____ percent(%) per month, hereinafter know as the “Borrowed Money”, beginning as of the
Start Date in the manner as follows:

1. PAYMENTS: The full balance of this Note, including all accrued interest and late fee, is due
and payable on the ____day of ____________20___, hereinafter know as the “Due Date”.

A. Installment (s). (check the applicable box)

 LUMP SUM – Borrower shall pay a lump sum to be made in-full, principal and interest of
______________________ Pesos, by the Due Date.

 INSTALLEMENTS – Borrower shall pay principal and interest in the amount of

P_______ on:

 A weekly basis with any remaining balance payable on the due date.

 A monthly basis with any remaining balance payable on the due date.

 A quarterly basis with any remaining balance payable on the due date.

B. LAST FEE – There shall be a late payment fee of P100 (pesos) daily if an installment
is not paid on-time along with the default interest due, if the Borrower does not
receive the installment on the due date.

I ______________________, hereby promise to pay ___________________ the amount of P_________ ,

plus interest of _____% per ______________. (as checked in the box above)

I understand that the entire unpaid balance, including interest, must be paid in full to the creditor upon

If I do not make the payment within _______days of the demand, this note will be turned over to collection. I
agree I will be held responsible for all legal fees resulting from this action.

______________________ _______________________


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