African Literature

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African literature

African literature is literature of or from Africa and includes oral literature (or "orature", in the term coined by Ugandan scholar Pio

As George Joseph notes in his chapter on African literature in Understanding Contemporary Africa, whereas European views of
literature often stressed a separation of art and content, African awareness is inclusive:

"Literature" can also simply mean an artistic use of words for the sake of art alone.
[...]Traditionally, Africans do not radically separate art from teaching. Rather than write or
sing for beauty in itself, African writers, taking their cue from oral literature, use beauty to
help communicate important truths and information to society. Indeed, an object is
considered beautiful because of the truths it reveals and the communities it helps to build.[2]

Oral literature
Precolonial literature
Colonial African literature
Postcolonial African literature
Contemporary developments
Literature published in Africa
Notable novels by African writers
Notable African poets
See also
External links

Oral literature
Oral literature (or orature) may be in prose or verse. The prose is often mythological or historical and can include tales of the trickster
character. Storytellers in Africa sometimes use call-and-response techniques to tell their stories. Poetry, often sung, includes:
narrative epic, occupational verse, ritual verse, praise poems of rulers and other prominent people. Praise singers, bards sometimes
known as "griots", tell their stories with music [3]. Also recited, often sung, are love songs, work songs, children's songs, along with
epigrams, proverbs and riddles. These oral traditions exist in many languages includingFula, Swahili, Hausa, and Wolof [4].

In Algeria, oral poetry was an important part of Berber traditions when the majority of the population was illiterate. These poems,
called Isefra, were used for aspects of both religious and secular life. The religious poems included devotions, prophetic stories, and
[5] . As
poems honoring saints. The secular poetry could be about celebrations like births and weddings, or accounts of heroic warriors
another example, in Mali, oral literature or folktales continue to be broadcast on the radio in the native language Booma.

Precolonial literature
Examples of pre-colonial African literature are numerous. In Ethiopia, there is a substantial literature written in Ge'ez going back at
least to the fourth century AD; the best-known work in this tradition is the Kebra Negast, or "Book of Kings." One popular form of
traditional African folktale is the "trickster" story, in which a small animal uses its wits to survive encounters with larger creatures.
Examples of animal tricksters include Anansi, a spider in the folklore of the Ashanti people of Ghana; Ijàpá, a tortoise in Yoruba
folklore of Nigeria; and Sungura, a hare found in central and East African folklore.[7] Other works in written form are abundant,
namely in north Africa, the Sahel regions of west Africa and on the Swahili coast. From Timbuktu alone, there are an estimated
300,000 or more manuscripts tucked away in various libraries and private collections,[8] mostly written in Arabic but some in the
native languages (namelyFula and Songhai).[9] Many were written at the famousUniversity of Timbuktu. The material covers a wide
array of topics, including astronomy, poetry, law, history, faith, politics, and philosophy.[10] Swahili literature similarly, draws
inspiration from Islamic teachings but developed under indigenous circumstances. One of the most renowned and earliest pieces of
Swahili literature beingUtendi wa Tambuka or "The Story of Tambuka".

In Islamic times, North Africans such as Ibn Khaldun attained great distinction within Arabic literature. Medieval north Africa
boasted universities such as those ofFes and Cairo, with copious amounts of literature to supplement them.

Colonial African literature

The African works best known in the West from the periods of colonization and the slave trade are primarily slave narratives, such as
Olaudah Equiano's The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (1789).

In the colonial period, Africans exposed to Western languages began to write in those tongues. In 1911, Joseph Ephraim Casely
Hayford (also known as Ekra-Agiman) of the Gold Coast (now Ghana) published what is probably the first African novel written in
English, Ethiopia Unbound: Studies in Race Emancipation.[11] Although the work moves between fiction and political advocacy, its
publication and positive reviews in the Western press mark a watershed moment in African literature.

During this period, African plays written in English began to emerge. Herbert Isaac Ernest Dhlomo of South Africa published the
first English-language African play, The Girl Who Killed to Save: Nongqawuse the Liberator in 1935. In 1962, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o of
Kenya wrote the first East African drama, The Black Hermit, a cautionary tale about "tribalism" (discrimination between African

Among the first pieces of African literature to receive significant worldwide critical acclaim was Things Fall Apart, by Chinua
Achebe. Published in 1958, late in the colonial era, Things Fall Apart analyzed the effect of colonialism on traditional African

African literature in the late colonial period (between the end of World War I and independence) increasingly showed themes of
liberation, independence, and (among Africans in French-controlled territories) négritude. One of the leaders of the négritude
movement, the poet and eventual President of Senegal, Léopold Sédar Senghor, published in 1948 the first anthology of French-
language poetry written by Africans, Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie nègre et malgache de langue française (Anthology of the New
Black and Malagasy Poetry in the French Language), featuring a preface by the Frenchexistentialist writer Jean-Paul Sartre.[13]

For many writers this emphasis was not restricted to their publishing. Many, indeed, suffered deeply and directly: censured for
casting aside his artistic responsibilities in order to participate actively in warfare, Christopher Okigbo was killed in battle for Biafra
against the Nigerian movement of the 1960s' civil war; Mongane Wally Serote was detained under South Africa's Terrorism Act No
83 of 1967 between 1969 and 1970, and subsequently released without ever having stood trial; in London in 1970, his countryman
Arthur Norje committed suicide; Malawi's Jack Mapanje was incarcerated with neither charge nor trial because of an off-hand remark
at a university pub; and, in 1995,Ken Saro-Wiwa was hanged by the Nigerian junta.

Postcolonial African literature

With liberation and increased literacy since most African nations gained their independence in the
1950s and 1960s, African literature
has grown dramatically in quantity and in recognition, with numerous African works appearing in Western academic curricula and on
"best of" lists compiled at the end of the 20th century. African writers in this period wrote both in Western languages (notably
English, French, and Portuguese) and in traditional African languages such asHausa.

Ali A. Mazrui and others mention seven conflicts as themes: the clash between Africa's past and present, between tradition and
modernity, between indigenous and foreign, between individualism and community, between socialism and capitalism, between
development and self-reliance and between Africanity and humanity.[14] Other themes in this period include social problems such as
corruption, the economic disparities in newly independent countries, and the rights and roles of women. Female writers are today far
better represented in published African literature than they were prior to independence.

In 1986, Wole Soyinka became the first post-independence African writer to win the Nobel Prize in literature. Previously, Algerian-
born Albert Camus had been awarded the 1957 prize.

Contemporary developments
There are a lot of literary productions in Africa since the beginning of the current decade (2010), even though readers do not always
follow in large numbers.[15] One can also notice the appearance of certain writings that break with theacademic style.[16] In addition,
the shortage of literary critics can be explored on the continent nowadays.[17] Literary events seem to be very fashionable, including
literary awards, some of which can be distinguished by their original concepts. The case of the Grand Prix of Literary Associations is
quite illustrative.[18]

Literature published in Africa

Inaugurated in 1980 and running till 2009, the Noma Award for Publishing in Africa was presented for the outstanding work of the
year published in Africa.[19]

Notable novels by African writers

Peter Abrahams (South Africa): Mine Boy, This Island Now, A Wreath for Udomo
Chinua Achebe (Nigeria): Arrow of God, No Longer At Ease, Things Fall Apart, A Man of the People, Anthills of the
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie(Nigeria): Purple Hibiscus, Half of a Yellow Sun
Fadhy Mtanga (Tanzania): Kizungumkuti, Huba, Fungate
José Eduardo Agualusa(Angola): Rainy Season, Creole, The Book of Chameleons, My Father's Wives
Mohammed Naseehu Ali(Ghana): The Prophet of Zongo Street
Germano Almeida (Cape Verde): O dia das calças roladas, The Last Will and Testament of Senhor da Silva Araújo
Elechi Amadi (Nigeria): The Concubine, The Great Ponds, Sunset in Biafra
Ayi Kwei Armah (Ghana): The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born, Two Thousand Seasons
Sefi Atta (Nigeria): Everything Good Will Come
Ayesha Harruna Attah (Ghana): Harmattan Rain
Mariama Bâ (Senegal): Une si longue lettre (So Long a Letter)
Nadifa Mohamed(Somalia) Black Mamba Boy, The Orchard of Lost Souls
Chris Barnard (South Africa): Bundu, Mahala
Mongo Beti (Cameroon): The Poor Christ of Bomba
Andre Brink (South Africa): 'n Droe Wit Seisoen (A Dry White Season), Gerugte van Reen (Rumours of Rain)
J. M. Coetzee (South Africa): Disgrace, Life & Times of Michael K
Mia Couto (Mozambique): Terra Sonâmbula (A Sleepwalking Land)
Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa(Mozambique): Ualalapi
Luís Bernardo Honwana(Mozambique): Nós Matamos O Cão-Tinhoso e Outros Contos, We Killed Mangy Dog and
Other Stories
Tsitsi Dangarembga (Zimbabwe): Nervous Conditions
Mohammed Dib (Algeria): La grande maison
E. K. M. Dido (South Africa): 'n Stringetjie Blou Krale(A String of Blue Beads), Die Storie van Monica Peters(The
Story of Monica Peters)
Assia Djebar (Algeria): Les Enfants du Nouveau Monde
K. Sello Duiker (South Africa): Thirteen Cents, The Quiet Violence of Dreams
Buchi Emecheta (Nigeria): The Bride Price, The Joys of Motherhood
Daniel Olorunfemi Fagunwa(Nigeria): Ogboju odẹ ninu igbo irunmalẹ (The Forest of a Thousand Demons)
Nuruddin Farah (Somalia): From a Crooked Rib, Maps, Sweet and Sour Milk
Athol Fugard (South Africa): Tsotsi
Nadine Gordimer (South Africa): Burger's Daughter, The Conservationist, July's People
Alex La Guma (South Africa): In the Fog of the Seasons' End, The Stone-Country, Time of the Butcherbird, A Walk
in the Night
Bessie Head (Botswana): When Rain Clouds Gather, Maru, A Question of Power
Moses Isegawa (Uganda): Abyssinian Chronicles
Rayda Jacobs (South Africa): The Slave Book, Eyes of the Sky, Confessions of a Gambler
Tahar Ben Jelloun (Morocco): The Sacred Night, The Sand Child, This Blinding Absence of Light
Cheikh Hamidou Kane(Senegal): L'Aventure Ambiguë
Yasmina Khadra (Algeria): The Swallows of Kabul
Camara Laye (Guinea): The African Child (L'Enfant noir), The Radiance of the King
Naguib Mahfouz (Egypt): The Beginning and the End, Cairo Trilogy, Children of Gebelawi, Midaq Alley
Charles Mangua (Kenya): A Tail in the Mouth
Sarah Ladipo Manyika (Nigeria): In Dependence
Dambudzo Marechera (Zimbabwe): The House of Hunger
Dalene Matthee (South Africa): Kringe in 'n bos (Circles in a Forest)
Zakes Mda (South Africa): Ways of Dying, The Heart of Redness
Thomas Mofolo (South Africa/Lesotho): Chaka
Bai Tamia Moore (Liberia): Murder in the Cassava Patch
Meja Mwangi (Kenya): Carcase for Hounds, Going Down River Road, Kill Me Quick
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (Kenya): A Grain of Wheat, Matigari, Petals of Blood, Weep Not, Child, Wizard of the Crow
Lewis Nkosi (South Africa): Mandela's Ego, Mating Birds, Underground People
Flora Nwapa (Nigeria): Efuru, Idu, One is Enough, Never Again, Women are Different
Nnedi Okorafor (Nigeria): Zahrah the Windseeker
Ben Okri (Nigeria): The Famished Road
Deon Opperman (South Africa): Donkerland (Dark Land), Kruispad (Crossroad), Hartland (Heartland)
Yambo Ouologuem (Mali): Le Devoir de Violence
Alan Paton (South Africa): Cry, The Beloved Country
Pepetela (Angola) : Muana Puó, Mayombe,A Gloriosa Família
Sol Plaatje (South Africa): Mhudi
Nawal El Saadawi (Egypt) : Woman at Point Zero
Tayeb Salih (Sudan): Season of Migration to the North
Wilton Sankawulo (Liberia): Birds Are Singing
Karel Schoeman (South Africa): n Ander Land (Another Country), Na die Geliefde Land (Promised Land)
Olive Schreiner (South Africa): The Story of an African Farm
Benjamin Sehene (Rwanda): Le Feu sous la Soutane(Fire under the Cassock)
Ousmane Sembène (Senegal): Xala, The Black Docker (Le Docker Noir), God's Bits of Wood (Les Bouts de Bois de
Dieu), The Last of the Empire(Le dernier de l'Empire), Tribal Scars (Voltaïque)
Wole Soyinka (Nigeria): The Interpreters, Seasons of Anomy,
Amos Tutuola (Nigeria): The Palm Wine Drinkard, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, Simbi and the Satyr of the Dark
Jungle, Feather Woman of the Jungle, he Witch-Herbalist of the Remote Town, Ajaiyi and his Inherited Poverty
Marlene van Niekerk (South Africa): Triomf (Triumph)
Yvonne Vera (Zimbabwe): Butterfly Burning
José Luandino Vieira (Angola): Luanda
Joseph Jeffrey Walters (Liberia): Guanya Pau: A Story of an African Princess(1891)
Birhanu Zerihun (Ethiopia): Ye'imba debdabbéwoch("Tearful Letters")

Notable African poets

Chinua Achebe (Nigeria)
Ama Ata Aidoo (Ghana)
Jared Angira (Kenya)
Kofi Anyidoho (Ghana)
Kofi Awoonor (Ghana)
Fadhy Mtanga (Tanzania)
Breyten Breytenbach (South Africa)
Dennis Brutus (South Africa)
Abena Busia (Ghana)
John Pepper Clark (Nigeria)
José Craveirinha (Mozambique)
Viriato Clemente da Cruz(Angola)
Hadraawi (Somalia)
Ingrid Jonker (South Africa)
Jonathan Kariara (Kenya)
Susan Kiguli (Uganda)
Ahmadou Kourouma (Ivory Coast)
Antjie Krog (South Africa)
Jack Mapanje (Malawi)
Eugene Marais (South Africa)
Don Mattera (South Africa)
Bai Tamia Moore(Liberia)
Togara Muzanenhamo (Zimbabwe)
Arthur Nortje (South Africa)
Gabriel Okara (Nigeria)
Nii Parkes (Ghana)
Christopher Okigbo (Nigeria)
Ben Okri (Nigeria)
Okot P'Bitek (Uganda)
Lenrie Peters (Gambia)
Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo(Madagascar)
Jacques Rabemananjara(Madagascar)
Elie Rajaonarison (Madagascar)
Ny Avana Ramanantoanina(Madagascar)
Jean Verdi Salomon Razakandraina (Dox)(Madagascar)
David Rubadiri (Malawi, Uganda)
Tijan Sallah (Gambia)
Léopold Sédar Senghor(Senegal)
Bewketu Seyoum (Ethiopia)
Warsan Shire
Adam Small (South Africa)
Wole Soyinka (Nigeria)
Véronique Tadjo (Ivory Coast)
Arménio Vieira (Cape Verde)
Patricia Jabbeh Wesley (Liberia)

See also
Grand Prix of Literary Associations
List of African writers
Literature by country
African cinema
Poetry in Africa
Nigerian literature
International Research Confederacy on African Literature and Culture
African-American literature
Asian literature
European literature
Oceanian literature
Latin-American literature
Liberian literature

1. George, Joseph, "African Literature", in Gordon and Gordon,Understanding Contemporary Africa(1996), ch. 14, p.
2. Joseph (1996), p. 304.
3. "African literature" at info-please.(
4. Gunner, E. and Scheub, H. (2018). African Literature. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Retrieved from
5. Aoudjit, A. (2017). Algerian literature : A reader's guide and anthology (Francophone cultures and literatures .; 66).
New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing. p. 77
6. Haring, L. (2011). Translating African Oral Literature in Global Contexts.The Global South, 5(2), 7-20.
7. African Literature - MSN Encarta(
_761555353/African_Literature.html). Archived from the original (
frican_Literature.html) on October 31, 2009. Retrieved April 17, 2012.
8. "Timbuktu Manuscripts Project Description"(
search/mali/timbuktu/project/timanus.pdf)(PDF). January 1, 2003. Archived fromthe original ( on May 5, 2006. Retrieved April 17, 2012.
9. Matthias Schulz and Anwen Roberts (August 1, 2008)."The Rush to Save Timbuktu's Crumbling Manuscripts" (htt
p://,1518,569560,00.html). Retrieved April 17, 2012.
10. "Ancient Manuscripts from the Desert Libraries of T imbuktu | Exhibitions - Library of Congress"(
exhibits/mali/). July 27, 2010. Retrieved July 25, 2014.
11. Stephanie Newell, Literary Culture in Colonial Ghana: 'How to Play the Game of Life', Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana
University Press, 2002, p. 135, ch. 7, "Ethical Fiction: J.E. Casely Hayford's
Ethiopia Unbound".
12. Elizabeth, Marie (March 22, 2013)."Humble beginnings of Chinua Achebe's 'Things Fall Apart
' " (https://www.washin The
Washington Post. Retrieved July 25, 2014.
13. Leopold Senghor - MSN Encarta(
_761579258/Leopold_Senghor.html). Archived from the original (
eopold_Senghor.html) on October 31, 2009.
14. Ali A. Mazrui et al. "The development of modern literature since 1935" as ch. 19 ofUNESCO's General History of
Africa, vol. VIII, pp. 564f. Collaborating with Ali A. Mazrui on this chapter were
Mario Pinto de Andrade, M'hamed
Alaoui Abdalaoui, Daniel P. Kunene and Jan Vansina.
15. "La littérature africaine est en mouvement" (African literature is on the move): (
16. This article compares the "rebellious" style of a young authorEric
( Mendi) with the more classical style ofAlain
Mabanckou: (
17. African Literature: Between Genuises Affluence and Criticism (
18. This prize receives books in three languages (Spanish, English and French), the books are proposed to the Jury by
literary associations: (
19. Mary Jay, "25 Years of the Noma Award for Publishing in Africa: an historic overview"(
w/j/abpr.2006.32.issue-2/abpr.2006.116/abpr.2006.116.xml), The African Book Publishing Record, Volume 32, Issue
2, pp. 116–118, ISSN (Print) 0306-0322, DOI: 10.1515/ABPR.2006.116, January 2008.
Werku, Dagnachew, The Thirteenth Sun, 1968.
Berhanemariam, Sahlesillasse,The Warrior King, 1974.
Alain Ricard (1987). "Museum, Mausoleum, or Market: The Concept of National Literature". Research in African
Literatures. 18. JSTOR 4618186.
Mineke Schipper (1987). "National Literatures and Literary History".Research in African Literatures. 18.
JSTOR 4618185.
Busby, Margaret (ed.), Daughters of Africa: An International Anthology of Words and Writings by Women of African
Descent from the Ancient Egyptian to the Present , Random House, 1992.
Mazrui, Ali A. (ed.), General History of Africa, vol. VIII, UNESCO, 1993, ch. 19, Ali A. Mazrui et al., "The
development of modern literature since 1935".
Gordon, April A. and Gordon, Donald L.,Understanding Contemporary Africa, London: Lynne Rienner, 1996, ch. 12,
George Joseph, "African Literature".
Gikandi, Simon (ed.), Encyclopedia of African Literature, London: Routledge, 2003.
Irele, Abiola, and Simon Gikandi (eds),The Cambridge History of African and Caribbean Literature , 2 vols,
Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge University Press, 2004.Table of contents
Shamim, Amna. Gynocentric Contours of the Male Imagination: A Study of the Novels of Chinua Achebe and Ngugi
wa Thiong'o. New Delhi: Idea Publishing, 2017. ISBN 9788193326978

External links
Things We Inherited: Voices from Africa Cordite Poetry Review
New African Literature resource
The Africa_(Bookshelf) at Project Gutenberg
African Literature Association
African Literature Reviews
"(Literature)". (Bibliography)

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