Nasha Winters First 5 Steps To Take After A Cancer Diagnosis EGuide
Nasha Winters First 5 Steps To Take After A Cancer Diagnosis EGuide
Nasha Winters First 5 Steps To Take After A Cancer Diagnosis EGuide
It has been 27 years since I received a terminal cancer diagnosis. I am no stranger to the stigma,
fear, overwhelm, confusion and paralysis that can accompany that life-changing phrase: "You have
I have not only walked the journey of cancer myself but also walked alongside thousands of
patients on a similar journey. I urge any person with a recent diagnosis to pause. Resist the impetus
to jump immediately into treatment.
A cancer diagnosis is treated as a medical emergency, and it is natural to feel a sense of urgency to
do something about it right away. But the way you respond and react to the initial diagnosis can
profoundly influence your medical outcome.
Rushing into surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy, alternative therapy, dietary
intervention, or any other treatment is a dangerous and slippery slope. Just take a moment and
Those dreaded 3 words --you have cancer-- are no more than a light switch turning on. They
present an opportunity to start shining that light to illuminate what is happening in, on, and around
you. Before diving into treatment, take a step back, consider what this diagnosis is telling you, and
do some detective work.
Over my decades of work as a naturopathic doctor in the field of integrative oncology, the question
I am asked most often is this: what should I do after a cancer diagnosis?
The quick guide in your hands is written to answer that question. It is a resource for patients with a
recent cancer diagnosis as well as for their families, friends, and healthcare practitioners. I will share
the life-saving and life-changing recommendations I give to anyone with a diagnosis of cancer.
The recommendations in this guide are relevant if you are experiencing a first-time cancer
diagnosis or a recurrence. Your age, gender, tissue type, and stage may individualize your
approach, but everyone will benefit from supporting the terrain. I hope the words on these pages
will empower you, comfort you, and give you hope to thrive in a life with cancer.
DrNasha, Inc.
Turn off the computer. Resist the urge to immediately call all of your
friends and family. Sharing your story is an important part of the process,
but you also need to take time for yourself. This is YOUR body. This is
YOUR process. It is a sacred moment to get really clear on how you got
here and where you need to go next.
Now is also a good time to start to think about the overarching approach
you are going to follow. Take an hour or two to listen to Brian Johnson's
master classes (Conquering Cancer 101 and 102) at
*These are some recommendations for integrative cancer care, but they should not dictate your choice of provider.
Every person is unique and will benefit from different approaches to therapy. You may find that the best provider for you
is in your own backyard. Choose a provider who resonates with you.
Liquid blood biopsies determine circulating tumor cell count and circulating fragmented
cancer DNA. They also provide a molecular profile on actionable targets. Liquid and Tissue
biopsies are often FDA-approved, insurance-covered, and validated for a variety of tumor types.
Schedule your biopsy or surgery around a menstrual cycle. Hormones can influence the
results, and the chance of metastasis is higher if a biopsy or surgery is performed during the
estrogenic phase of a woman's cycle. Breast MRI, ultrasound, mammography or
thermography are best between days 5 and 15 of menstrual cycle (day 1 is the first day of
your period). The same holds true for any other biopsies or surgeries in menstruating
women for any form of cancer.
Your genes provide a blueprint for who you are, but they do not determine your
destiny. Therapies like deep nutrition, lifestyle, and targeted supplementation
can influence your genetic expression. But how do you know the best therapies
to support your unique epigenetics (meaning above the gene)? There is no one-
size-fits-all approach in medicine. Epigenetic testing provides profound insights
into your unique biochemistry and needs.
Testing your unique epigenetic profile can provide clues as to why you are
experiencing cancer as well as inform you about what type of diet will best
support your metabolism, what additional support your body may need for
detoxification, and more.
Order a Nutrition
Genome Test Kit here*
The following tests can be ordered at the time of a cancer diagnosis (baseline)
and then followed over time. This information will be useful to understand what
patterns you carried before embarking on any treatments, so you may start to
address these with interventions like diet, lifestyle, or nutritional supplements.
Evaluate gut health with Viome in-home test kit (*
Monitor blood ketones and blood glucose with Keto Mojo (keto-*
Monitor heart variability, steps, sleep, and other biomarkers with Oura
Ring (
Set up a tracking system for your labs, lifestyle, and more with Heads Up
Health (*
To learn more about testing, check out the book "Cancer Free! Are You Sure?" by Jenny Hrbacek, RN
Most oncologists do not
have training in nutrition, so
it is most important to find a
therapeutic nutritionist, Find somebody to navigate
particularly one who is well- the worlds of both
versed in metabolic conventional and holistic
therapies that use diet for approaches to cancer. This
cancer. might be an integrative
naturopathic oncologist or
another clinician who is well
versed in how the
conventional and holistic
At the front of the book that I co-authored with Jess Higgins Kelley (The
Metabolic Approach to Cancer) is a Terrain Ten Questionnaire to help
you assess which areas of your physiology, exposures, or lifestyle have
most likely contributed to your cancering process.
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Disclaimer: this guide is for educational purposes and does not constitute professional medical advice. The information is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any disease. Always consult your
healthcare provider when making decisions about your health.
*This guide includes some website links that are affiliate links. Dr. Nasha may receive some compensation from these links. We only recommend products and services we know, use, and trust ourselves.
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