Republic Acts Relevant For LET
Republic Acts Relevant For LET
Republic Acts Relevant For LET
• REPUBLIC ACT No. 137 -Board of Textbooks. It provided for all public schools to use only those books
approved by the board for a period of six years from the date of their adoption.
• REPUBLIC ACT No. 1425 -The inclusion of a course on the life, works and writings- especially the Noli
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo of Dr. Jose Rizal in the curricula of all public and private schools.
• REPUBLIC ACT No. 4670 -The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers.
• REPUBLIC ACT 1079 - Commonwealth Act No.117. Civil Service Eligibility shall be permanent and shall
be valid throughout a person’s lifetime.
• REPUBLIC ACT No. 6728 -The Act Providing Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private
Education. (Scholarship Programs)
• REPUBLIC ACT No. 7722 -Creating the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) composed of a
chairperson and four (4) commissioners.
• REPUBLIC ACT No. 7743 - The establishment of public libraries and reading centers in every barangay
and municipality of the country.
• EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 27 - the inclusion of subject courses on human rights in the school curricula,
textbooks, and other reading materials
• EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 189 - All public Secondary School teachers under the administrative supervision
and control of DECS. Issued by former President Corazon Aquino.
• PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 6-A - Known as the Educational Development Decree of 1972, and was
implemented by the late former President Ferdinand Marcos.
• PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 146 - This decree requiring ALL senior high school students to pass the
National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) as pre-requisite for admission to any post- secondary
academic or professional degree program.
• PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No.451 - This law repealed R.A No. 6139 and authorized the Sec. of Education
and Culture to regulate the imposition of tuition fee and other school fees in all private educational
• PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 688 - This law gave the Civil Service Commission the power and authority to
give the appropriate examination for all public school teachers.
• PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 1139 - This decree issued on May 13, 1977, created the position of the
undersecretary for NON-FORMAL Education who shall make an overall assessment of the existing non
formal education programs and shall take charge of all non-formal education programs of DECS.
• DEPARTMENT ORDER No. 1, s.1973 - This DECS order reiterates the policy on the use of locally
published textbooks of Filipino authorship in all levels of education, both public and private.
• DEPARTMENT ORDER No. 25, s.1974 - The implementation of BILINGUAL EDUCATION Program which
mandates the use of English and Filipino as separate media of instruction.
• MEC ORDER No. 22, s.1978 - ALL institutions shall offer in all their curricular programs at least six (6)
units of Filipino, starting the FIRST SEM Of school year 1979- 1980.
• DECS ORDER No. 30, s. 1993 - This order issued on May 20, 1993, providing for a National Elementary
Achievement Test (NEAT) for ALL grade six pupils in Public and Private schools
• DECS ORDER No. 38, s. 1994 - Provided for a National Secondary Assessment Test (NSAT) to be
administered to ALL graduating public and private high school.
• REPUBLIC ACT No. 1265 - The Law on the Observance of Flag Ceremony
• EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 200, sec.3 -The Law prohibits fund raising in school
• 1987 CONSTITUTIONS ARTICLE XIV, sec. 3:2 -The Law teaches and imposes discipline
• BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 232, sec. 13:2 / 1987 CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE XIV, sec 5:2,/ 1973
CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE XV, sec. 8:2 -the Law recognizes Academic Freedom
• 1992 MANUAL OF REGULATION FOR PRIVATE SCHOOL, sec 48-49 - The Law requires to have a fixed
• 1992 MANUAL OF REGULATION FOR PRIVATE SCHOOL, sec. 44-47 - The Law on Education specifies
faculty qualification
• R.A No. 1054 AS AMENDED BY P.D.’s Nos. 442, 570-A, 622, AND 643 - The Law requires Education to
provide Medical and Dental Services
• CIVIL CODE, ARTICLE 349 - The Law considers teachers, professors, and administrators to be in LOCO
PARENTIS to their pupils and students
• 1987 CONSTITUTIONS ARTICLE XIV, sec. 5:4 - The Law requires Education to provide professional
advancement teachers.