Science 9 K To 12 Curriculum Guide Planner / Budget of Work Grade 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Tagum City


Grade 9
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Module 1. Respiratory & Circulatory Systems Working with the other Organ System
Learning 1. Explain how respiratory and circulatory system work together to transport nutrients, gases and other molecules to and from the different
Competency: parts of the body. (S9LT – Ia – b – 26)
Week 1 ICL
a) Identify the key parts of a) explain how the lungs work. a) explain the mechanism of a) identify the components of
the breathing system. b) describe how the movement how the respiratory and circulatory systems.
b) describes the function of of the diaphragm keep air circulatory system work b) explain the different types of
each parts of the go in and out of the lungs. together. circulatory systems.
breathing system. b) describe the blood flow and
gas exchange with in the
heart, circulatory systems.

Week 2 a) Identify the parts of a a) measure and describe your a) identify the harmful a. write down information about ICL
human heart. own pulse (heart rate) after components of a tabacco the different deseases affecting
b) describe how the heart several activities. cigarette. the respiratory and circulatory
functions. b) explain how to use different b) explain the negative effects system and their common
c) explain how blood is time intervals to measure of cigarette smoking in the causes.
pumped by the heart your heart rate. respiratory and circulatory

Learning 2. Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems. (S9LT – Ic -27)

Week 3 a. identify ways of detecting a) Infer how’s one lifestyle can a) make/design a wall First Summative Test ICL
and preventing diseases affect the functioning of the poster or placard for a
in the respiratory and respiratory and circulatory helpful information
circulatory systems. system. about effective ways of
b. appreciate the importance b) compose a short poem taking care of the
of a healthy lifestyle in about how one’s lifestyle cn respiratory and
avoiding such diseases. affect the functioning of the circulatory systems.
respiratory & circulatory
system and recite it in the


Learning Competency: a.Describes the location of genes in chromosomes. (S9LT – Id – 28) b.Explain the different patterns of non mendelian inheritance.(S9LT-Id-29)
Week 4 a. explain how sex is a. explain the incomplete a) describe sex-linked genes a. describe the A B O blood type 2nd summative test
determined and dominance pattern of traits, sex limited traits and in humans.
inherited. inheritance. sex influenced traits. b. identify the components of a
b. draw a punnet square b. Illustrate a cross involving b) solve problems related to DNA molecule.
showing inheritance of incomplete dominance sex linked traits and sex
the sex cromosomes. pattern of inheritance using limited traits.
a punnet square

MODULE 3. Biodiversity and Evolution

Learning 1. Relate species extinctions to the failure of populations of organisms to adapt abrupt changes in the environment;and
Competency: a. Explain the importanceof biological diversity.
b. Find out how changes in the environment can affect species extinction.
c. Distinguish environment changes that may result in the loses of the species.(S9LT-Ie-f-30)
Week 5 ICL
a. define biological a. understand changes a. determine the pattern of a. demonstrate using
diversity. in population, factors population distribution using simulation activity,that
b. find out the amount affecting population mathematical formula. habitat destruction can
of biodiversity and growth and size and b. compare the distribution contribute to species
species distribution learn about the patterns of the different extinction.
in a community. needs populations.
and characteristics
of population.

Week 6 a.determine differences a. distinguish probable causes of a. enumerate some local 3rd summative test
between two hypothetical species extinction. and global environment
islands b. Understands the effects of issues that contributed to
b.explain the decrease in plant environmental issues on species extinction.
and animal population and other ecosystem
environment problems would
MODULE 4. Ecosystems: Life Energy
Learning Competency: Differenciate basic feature and importance of photosynthesis and respiration. (S9LT-Ig-j-32)
Week 7 a) describes photosynthesis. a) identify the cell a) examine the structure that a) conduct investigations shows ICL
b) explain the raw materials structure and function enables the entrance and evidence that plants are
needed for photosynthesis. of plants involved in the exit of gases in the leaf. capable of making food.
food making. a.1) show that oxygen is produce
b) explain phases involved by photosynthesis.
in photosynthesis

Week 8 a.2) Show that sugar is produce a.3) Show the effectof light a.4) Show that carbon dioxide is a.5) Show the effect of the ICL
by photosynthesis. in the rate of needed in photosynthesis. varying amount of chlorophyll
photosynthesis. in the rate of photosynthesis.

Week 9 a) describe Cellular a) identify the parts and a) explain how stored energy a) compare photosynthesis ICL
Respiration. function of the from food is changed to from a cellular
b) explain the phases mitochondrion. chemical energy for cell use. respiration.
involved in Cellular b) describe glycolysis,krebs
Respiration. cycle and electron transport
Week 10 a) analyze the importance of a) identify strategies to 4th Summative test Monthly test ICL
photosynthesis in the improve farm practices.
quality and quantity of the


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Unit II. Countless and Active Particles of Matter
Learning 1. describe how the Bohr model of 2. explain how the Quantum
Competency: the atom improved Rutherford’s Mechanical Model of the atom
atomic model (S9MT-IIa-21) and describes the energies and
positions of the electrons
Week 1 a. determine the characteristic a. describe how it is likely to a. define electron configuration. a. determine the pattern of filling 1st Summative Test
colors that metal salts emit` find the electron in an b. write the electron the orbitals of the given
b. relate the colors emitted by atom by probability. configuration of the elements elements
metal salts to the structure of b. describe quantum in the periodic table of b. use the rules in filling th orbitlas
the atom` mechanical madel. elements.
Learning 1. explain the formation of ionic
Competency: and covalent bonds (S9MT-IIa-13)
Week 2 a. define valence electron a. write the Lewis a. define chemical bond a. explain how covalent Independent Cooperative
b. determine the valence Dot Structure of b. illustrate how ionic bonding takes place Learning
electrons of atoms elements bond is formed b. illustrate the sharing of

Learning 2. recognize different types of compounds (ionic or covalent) based on their properties such as melting point, hardness, polarity, and
Competency: electrical and thermal conductivity (S9MT-IIb-14)
Week 3 a. define electronegativity and a. identify ionic bond based on a. identify polar and nonpolar a. identify ionic and covalent 2ND Summative Test
ionization energy the type of elements they covalent bond based on its compounds based on their
b. describe the electronegativity formed polarity physical properties
value difference scale

Learning 3. explain properties of metals in

Competency: terms of their structure (S9MT-IIc-
Week 4 a. define metallic bond a. explain how a. Make a model of a metallic a. Relate the properties of metals Independent Cooperative
b. describe metallic metallic bond takes bond to the kind of bond they are Learning
properties place made of

Learning 4. explain how ions are formed

Competency: (S9MT-IIe-f-16)
Week 5 a. define ions a. explain how a. draw Electron Dot 3RD Summative Test
b. differentiate cations and elements loose and Structure based on Octet
anions gain electrons rule

Learning 5. explain how the structure of the

Competency: carbon atom affects the type of
bonds it forms (S9MT-IIg-17)

Week 6 a. describe organic compounds a. determine the b. describe the properties of a. recognize the uses of common Independent Cooperative
b. give example of organic structure of carbon organic compounds organic compounds Learning
compounds compounds

Learning 6. recognize the general classes

Competency: and uses of organic compounds
Week 7 a. define hydrocarbons a. identify the type of a. recognize the uses of a. give the common Independent Cooperative
b. recognize common kinds of bonds formed in common alcohols uses of acetone Learning
alkanes, alkenes and alkanes, alkenes b. identify the structures and formalin
alkynes and their uses and alkynes of the different kins of b. b. relate the
b. relate the alcohol structures of
structures of acetone and
alkanes, alkenes formalin to the
and alkynes carbonyl group
and their

Learning 7. use the mole concept to

Competency: express mass of substances;
Week 8 a. determine the rules in a. define mole a. measure the quantities of a. compute for the molar Independent Cooperative
significant figures concept substances expressed as mass of common Learning
b. describe number of moles substances
avogadro’s number

Learning 8. determine the percentage

Competency: composition of a compound given
its chemical formula and vice
versa. (S9MT-IIj-20)
Week 9 a. describe the relationships a. convert the number a. define percentage a. compute the Independent Cooperative
among the number of of items to its composition percentage Learning
moles,mass,and number equivalent mass in b. determine the formula in composition of a given
of particles grams or vice versa computing percentage element in a
composition compound

Week 10 a. apply concept of a. realize the amount a. prepare a concept map 4th Summative Test Independent Cooperative
percentage composition in of substance on mole concept Learning
choosing grocery items intake can be
monitored with the
use of percentage


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Unit III. Earth and Space
Learning 1. Describe the different types 2. Differentiate between active
Competency: of volcanoes and inactive volcanoes (S9ES -
(S9ES -IIIa-25) IIIa-27)

Week 1 a. Describe the physical b. Recognize the characteristics a. List some volcanoes found in b. Classify volcanoes as active or
features of volcanoes of volcanoes the Philippines inactive

Learning 3. Explain what happens when

Competency: volcanoes erupt
(S9ES -IIIb-28)
Week 2 a. Explain what causes c. Identify factors that affects the d. Describe the types of volcanic e. Describe the relationship
volcanoes to erupt viscosity of magma eruptions. between volcanic emission and
b. Discuss the nature of the shape of its slope
volcanic eruption.

Learning 4. Illustrate how energy from

Competency: volcanoes may be tapped for
human use.
(S9ES –IIIc-d29)
Week 3 - 4 a. Explain what is geothermal b. Identify what are the steps to c. Discuss how do volcanic FIRST SUMMATIVE TEST
energy. generate electricity in a eruptions affect society
geothermal power plant.

Learning 5. explain how different factors

Competency: affect the climate of an area
Week 5 a. explain how latitude, altitude, b. differentiate windward and c. explain how topography d. Explain how ocean currents
and distance from the ocean leeward sides of a high land affects climate affect climate.
affects climate

Learning 6. describe certain climatic

Competency: phenomena that occur on a
global level (S9ES-IIIf-31)
Week 6 a. Define what is climate c. Identify the main component d. Describe the impacts of SECOND SUMMATIVE TEST
change. of air causes the rising of the climate change.
b. Identify what traps heat in global temperature
the atmosphere

Learning 7. infer the characteristics of

Competency: stars based on the
characteristics of the Sun
Week 7 a. Describe how stars differ in b. Relate color with temperature c. Relate color with temperature c. Explain the factors that may
many ways. of a star. of a star. affect the brightness of a star.

Learning 8. infer that the arrangement of

Competency: stars in a group (constellation)
does not change (S9ES-IIIh-33)
Week 8 a. Define what is constellation b. Group stars together in a b. Identify the different examples c. Describe the motion of stars
recognizable pattern. of constellation similar to the motion of the Sun

Learning 9. observe that the position of a

Competency: constellation changes in the
course of a night (S9ES-IIIi-34)
Week 9 a. Describe why do stars move. b. Describe the apparent c. Explain why are some d. Identify what constellations are
motion of stars constellations only visible at prominent during winter, fall,
at night. particular months. summer and spring

Learning 10. show which constellations

Competency: may be observed at different
times of the year using models
Week 10 a. Explain why some b. Describe how early people c. Use charts that show which THIRD PERIODICAL EXAMINATION
constellations are used the constellations constellations may be observed
not seen at certain months. at different time of the year


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Learning 1. Describe the horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile.2. Investigate the relationship between the angle of release and the
Competency: (S9FE-IVa-34) height and range of the projectile. (S9FE-IVa-35)
Week 1 a. Describe Uniformly a. Describe Uniformly a. Define projectile motion; a. Use kinematic equations to
Accelerated Motion (UAM) Accelerated Motion vertical b. Explain the horizontal and analyze and solve horizontally-
horinzontal dimension (UAM) dimension vertical components of the launched projectile problems.
b. Solve problems involving b. Solve problems involving UAM velocity of a projectile. b. Use kinematic equations to
UAM horizontal dimension vertical dimension analyze and solve angle-launched
projectile problems.

Learning 3. Relate impulse and 4. Infer that the total momentum 5. Examine effects and predict
Competency: momentum to collision of before and after collision is causes of collision related
objects (e.g., vehicular equal. (S9FE-IVb-37) damages/injuries. (S9FE-IVc-38)
collision); (S9FE-IVb-36)
Week 2 a. Define impulse and linear a. State and explain the law of a. Solve problems on impulse, FIRST SUMMATIVE TEST
momentum. conservation of linear momentum and the law of
b. Identify the factors that affect momentum. conservation of linear
the force of impact on moving b. Differentiate elastic from momentum.
objects. inelastic collisions. b. Investigate the effects and
causes of collision related to
damages / injuries.

Learning 6. Explain energy 7. Perform activities to

Competency: transformation in various demonstrate conservation of
activities/events (e.g., mechanical energy. (S9FE-IVd-
waterfalls, archery, amusement 40)
rides. (S9FE-IVc-39)
Week 3 a. Define what is Energy Week 4 a. Construct a simple turbine
Transformation. unit.
b. Trace and infer the energy b. Demostrate mechanical
transformations in various energy transformation and
activities. conservation.

Learning 8. Infer that the total 9. Construct a model to demonstrate that heat can do work. (S9FE-
Competency: mechanical energy remains the IVe-42)
same during any process.
Week 5 a. Define the Consevation of a. Define Heat energy. a. Demonstrate that heat can be SECOND SUMMATIVE TEST
Mechanical Energy. b. Design a model that shows turned to work.
b. Examine the conservation of heat can do work. b. Solve problems on how heat is
Mechanical Energy in a Roller related to work
c. Investigate the
transformation between
potential energy and kinetic

Learning 10. Infer that heat transfer can be used to do work, and that work 11. Explain why machines are never 100-percent efficient. (S9FE-IV-
Competency: involves the release of heat. (S9FE-IV-f-43) f-44)
Week 6 a. Define what is heat transfer. b. Discuss how heat is converted a. Define what is thermal a. Discuss why is heat engine not
into work or work is converted efficiency. 100% efficient.
into heat. b. Solve and analyze problems
on the efficiency of simple

Learning Explain how heat transfer and energy transformation make heat engines like geothermal plants work.
Competency: (S9FE-IVg-45)
Week 7 a. Describe what is Heat a. Discuss the four – cycle stroke a. Illustrate how heat engines will THIRD SUMMATIVE TEST
Engine. of a gasoline engine. be used to run a power plant like
b. Differentiate internal from in geothermal power plant.
external combustion engines.

Learning Competency: 13. Explain how electrical energy is generated, transmitted, and distributed. (S9FE-IVh-j-46)
Week 8 a. Define Electical Energy. a. Identify the location of some a. Determine the Region in which a. Describe how is electricity
b. Describe how is electricity power plants in the Philippine the power plant belongs. transmitted and distributed in our
produced. map. areas.

Week 9 a. Trace the path of electricity a. Differentiate between a step- a. Identify specific areas where FOURTH SUMMATIVE TEST
from generating station, up transformer and a step- step –up transformers and step-
transmission station and down transformer. down transformers are utilized.
residential areas.
Week 10 a. Calculate how is the cost of a. Explain how does magnetism a. Define Simple Electric FIRST PERIODICAL EXAMINATION
electrical energy consumption produce electricity. Generator.
computed. b. Build a model of a simple
electric generator.

Prepared by:


Master Teacher I Master Teacher II
Tagum City National Comprehensive High School Tagum City National High School


Master Teacher I Teacher I
Tagum City National High School Tagum City National High School

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