Tyroid 5

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Riedel’s Thyroiditis Riedel’s thyroiditis is a Hypothyroid patients are treated with

rare variant of thyroid hormone

thyroiditis also known as Riedel’s struma or replacement. Some patients who remain
invasive fibrous symptomatic have been
thyroiditis that is characterized by the reported to experience dramatic improvement
replacement of all or part after treatment
of the thyroid parenchyma by fibrous with corticosteroids and tamoxifen. More
tissue, which also invades recently mycophenolate
into adjacent tissues. The etiology of this mofetil has been used to attenuate the
disorder is controversial, inflammatory process
and it has been reported to occur in and led to dramatic symptom improvements in
patients with other some patients.14
autoimmune diseases. This association, Goiter. Any enlargement of the thyroid gland
coupled with the presence is referred to as
of lymphoid infiltration and response to a goiter. The causes of nontoxic goiters
steroid therapy, are listed in Table 38-3.
suggests a primary autoimmune etiology. Goiters may be diffuse, uninodular, or
Riedel’s thyroiditis multinodular. Most nontoxic
also is associated with other focal goiters are thought to result from TSH
sclerosing syndromes including stimulation secondary
mediastinal, retroperitoneal, periorbital, to inadequate thyroid hormone synthesis and
and retro-orbital other paracrine
fibrosis and sclerosing cholangitis, growth factors.15 Elevated TSH levels induce
suggesting that it may, in diffuse thyroid
fact, be a primary fibrotic disorder. The hyperplasia, followed by focal hyperplasia,
disease occurs predominantly resulting in nodules
in women between the ages of 30 and 60 that may or may not concentrate iodine,
years old. It colloid nodules, or
typically presents as a painless, hard microfollicular nodules. The TSH-dependent
anterior neck mass, which nodules progress
progresses over weeks to years to produce to become autonomous. Familial goiters
symptoms of compression, resulting from inherited
including dysphagia, dyspnea, choking, and deficiencies in enzymes necessary for
hoarseness. thyroid hormone
Patients may present with symptoms of synthesis may be complete or partial. The
hypothyroidism term endemic goiter refers to the occurrence
and hypoparathyroidism as the gland is of a goiter in a significant proportion of
replaced by fibrous individuals in a particular geographic
tissue. Physical examination reveals a region. In the past, dietary
hard, “woody” thyroid iodine deficiency was the most common cause
gland with fixation to surrounding tissues. of endemic goiter.
The diagnosis needs This condition has largely disappeared in
to be confirmed by open thyroid biopsy, North America
because the firm and due to routine use of iodized salt and
fibrous nature of the gland renders FNAB iodination of fertilizers,
inadequate. animal feeds, and preservatives. However,
Surgery is the mainstay of the treatment. in areas of iodine
The chief goal deficiency, such as Central Asia, South
of operation is to decompress the trachea America, and Indonesia,
by wedge excision up to 90% of the population have goiters.
of the thyroid isthmus and to make a tissue Other dietary goitrogens
diagnosis. More that may participate in endemic goiter
extensive resections are not advised due to formation include
the infiltrative nature kelp, cassava, and cabbage. In many
of the fibrotic process that obscures usual sporadic goiters, no obvious
landmarks and structures. cause can be identified.
Clinical Features Most patients with nontoxic decrease and/or stabilization of goiter
goiters are size and is most effective
asymptomatic, although patients often for small diffuse goiters. Endemic goiters
complain of a pressure are treated by iodine
sensation in the neck. As the goiters administration. Surgical resection is
become very large, compressive reserved for goiters that (a)
symptoms such as dyspnea and dysphagia continue to increase despite T4 suppression,
ensue. Patients (b) cause obstructive
also describe having to clear their throats symptoms, (c) have substernal extension,
frequently (catarrh). (d) have malignancy
Dysphonia from RLN injury is rare, except suspected or proven by FNAB, and (e) are
when malignancy is cosmetically
present. Obstruction of venous return at unacceptable. Near-total or total
the thoracic inlet from a thyroidectomy is the treatment
substernal goiter results in a positive of choice, and patients require lifelong T 4
Pemberton’s sign—facial therapy.
flushing and dilatation of cervical veins Solitary Thyroid Nodule
upon raising the arms Solitary thyroid nodules are present in
above the head (Fig. 38-13A). Sudden approximately 4% of
enlargement of nodules individuals in the United States, whereas
or cysts due to hemorrhage may cause acute thyroid cancer has a
pain. Physical much lower incidence of 40 new cases per 1
examination may reveal a soft, diffusely million. Therefore,
enlarged gland (simple it is of utmost importance to determine
goiter) or nodules of various size and which patients with solitary
consistency in case of a thyroid nodule would benefit from surgery.
multinodular goiter. Deviation or History. Details regarding the nodule, such
compression of the trachea as time of onset,
may be apparent. change in size, and associated symptoms
Diagnostic Tests Patients usually are such as pain, dysphagia,
euthyroid with normal dyspnea, or choking, should be elicited.
TSH and low-normal or normal free T4 levels. Pain is an
If some nodules unusual symptom and, when present, should
develop autonomy, patients have suppressed raise suspicion
TSH levels or for intrathyroidal hemorrhage in a benign
become hyperthyroid. RAI uptake often shows nodule, thyroiditis, or
patchy uptake malignancy. Patients with MTC may complain
with areas of hot and cold nodules. FNAB is of a dull, aching
recommended in sensation. A history of hoarseness is
patients who have a dominant nodule or one worrisome, as it may be
that is painful or secondary to malignant involvement of the
enlarging, as carcinomas have been reported RLNs. Most importantly,
in 5% to 10% of patients should be questioned regarding
multinodular goiters. CT scans are helpful risk factors for
to evaluate the extent malignancy, such as exposure to ionizing
of retrosternal extension and airway radiation and family
compression (Fig. 38-13B). history of thyroid and other malignancies
Treatment Most euthyroid patients with associated with
small, diffuse goiters thyroid cancer.
do not require treatment. Some physicians External-Beam Radiation Low-dose therapeutic
give patients radiation has
with large goiters exogenous thyroid been used to treat conditions such as tinea
hormone to reduce the capitis (6.5 cGy), thymic
TSH stimulation of gland growth; this enlargement (100 to 400 cGy), enlarged
treatment may result in tonsils and adenoids
(750 cGy), acne vulgaris (200 to 1500 cGy), such as Cowden’s syndrome, Werner’s
and other conditions syndrome (adult
such as hemangioma and scrofula. Radiation progeroid syndrome), and familial
(approximately adenomatous polyposis
4000 cGy) is also an integral part of the (Table 38-4). Nonmedullary thyroid cancers
management of can also occur
patients with Hodgkin’s disease. It is now independently of these syndromes as the
known that a history predominant tumors in
of exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation the families. The definition of familial
to the thyroid gland nonmedullary thyroid
places the patient at increased risk for cancer (FNMTC) is variable across the
developing thyroid cancer. literature; however, in
The risk increases linearly from 6.5 to most studies, it is defined by the presence
2000 cGy, beyond of two or more firstdegree
which the incidence declines as the relatives with follicular cell–derived
radiation causes destruction cancers. FNMTC is
of the thyroid tissue. The risk is maximum now recognized as a distinct clinical
20 to 30 years entity associated with a
after exposure, but these patients require high incidence of multifocal tumors and
lifelong monitoring. benign thyroid nodules.
During the nuclear fallout from Chernobyl Some studies report that these patients
in 1986, 131I release have higher locoregional
was accompanied by a marked increase in the recurrence rates and consequent shorter
incidence of both disease-free
benign and malignant thyroid lesions noted survival. Several candidate loci that
within 4 years of predispose to these tumors
exposure, particularly in children.16 Most have been identified, including MNG1
thyroid carcinomas (14q32), thyroid carcinoma
following radiation exposure are papillary, with oxphilia (TCO, on 19p13.2),
and some of these fPTC/papillary renal
cancers with a solid type of histology and neoplasia (PRN, on 1q21), NMTC (2q21), FTEN
presence of RET/PTC (8p23.1-p22),
translocations appear to be more and the telomere-telomerase complex.17
aggressive. In general, there Physical Examination. The thyroid gland is
is a 40% chance that patients presenting best palpated
with a thyroid nodule from behind the patient and with the neck
and a history of radiation have thyroid in mild extension.
cancer. Of those patients The cricoid cartilage is an important
who have thyroid cancer, the cancer is landmark, as the isthmus
located in the dominant is situated just below it. Nodules that are
nodule in 60% of patients, but in the hard, gritty, or fixed
remaining 40% of patients, to surrounding structures such as the
the cancer is in another nodule in the trachea or strap muscles
thyroid gland. Family History A family history are more likely to be malignant. The
of thyroid cancer is a risk factor cervical chain of lymph
for the development of both medullary and nodes should be assessed as well as the
nonmedullary nodes in the posterior
thyroid cancer. Familial MTCs occur in triangle. Diagnostic Investigations. An
isolation or in association algorithm for the workup of
with other tumors as part of multiple a solitary thyroid nodule is shown in Fig.
endocrine neoplasia 38-14.
type 2 (MEN2) syndromes. Nonmedullary Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy FNAB has become
thyroid cancers can the single
occur in association with other known most important test in the evaluation of
familial cancer syndromes thyroid masses and can
be performed with or without ultrasound The most common lesion in this setting is a
guidance.18 Ultrasound follicular nodule
guidance is recommended for nodules that (includes adenomatoid nodule, colloid
are difficult to palpate, nodule, and follicular
for cystic or solid-cystic nodules that adenoma). Other diagnoses include
recur after the initial lymphocytic (Hashimoto’s)
aspiration, and for multinodular goiters. A thyroiditis and granulomatous thyroiditis.
23-gauge needle is False-negative results are reported in up
inserted into the thyroid mass, and several to 3% of cases, and follow-up is
passes are made while recommended.
aspirating the syringe. After releasing the A result of “atypia of unknown
suction on the syringe, significance (AUS) or
the needle is withdrawn and the cells are follicular lesion of unknown significance
immediately placed on prelabeled dry glass (FLUS)” is obtained
slides; some are immersed in a 70% alcohol in 3% to 6% of biopsies. The risk of
solution while others are air dried. A malignancy in this scenario
sample of the aspirate is is difficult to determine; however, it is
also placed in a 90% alcohol solution for thought to be in the range
cytospin or cell pellet. of 10% to 35% for FLUS and 60% to 75% for
The slides are stained by Papanicolaou’s AUS. Clinical
or Wright’s stains and correlation and a repeat FNA are
examined under the microscope. If a bloody recommended for AUS lesions
aspirate is obtained, (which often results in a more definitive
the patient should be repositioned in a interpretation), although
more upright position and clinical observation or surgery may be
the biopsy repeated with a finer (25- to appropriate because of
30-gauge) needle. worrisome clinical or ultrasound findings.
After FNAB, the majority of nodules can be The category of
classified into “follicular neoplasm” is intended to
several categories that determine further identify nodules that might
management. To be follicular carcinomas. The term suspicious
address the issue of variability in the for a follicular
terminology of fine-needle neoplasm is preferred by some laboratories
aspiration (FNA), the National Cancer for this category
Institute (NCI) hosted the because up to 35% of cases turn out not to
“NCI Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration State be neoplasms but
of the Science hyperplastic proliferations of follicular
Conference,” which then defined the cells, most commonly
Bethesda criteria for those of multinodular goiter. Lobectomy is
thyroid FNA.19 Accordingly, optimum cytology the preferred treatment
specimens for this result, and approximately 15% to
should have at least six follicles each 35% of lesions
containing at least 10 to 15 placed in this category prove to be
cells from at least two aspirates. malignant. Hurthle cell neoplasms
The FNA is classified as “nondiagnostic or are also included in this category. Most
unsatisfactory” papillary and other
in 2% to 20% of cases and typically results carcinomas can be diagnosed by FNA, but the
from a virtually acellular features are subtle
specimen, cyst fluid, or the presence of at times, such as in follicular variant of
blood or clotting papillary carcinomas. If the
artifact. The risk of malignancy in this diagnosis is uncertain, the lesions are
setting ranges from 1% to classified as “suspicious for
4%, and reaspiration under ultrasound malignancy.” Lobectomy or near-total
guidance is recommended. thyroidectomy is recommended
A “benign” result is obtained in 60% to because more than 60% turn out to be
70% of thyroid FNAs. malignant. This
category also includes lesions suspicious of malignancy, such as fine stippled
for medullary carcinoma calcification and enlarged
and lymphoma, and ancillary testing such as regional nodes; however, a tissue diagnosis
immunohistochemical is strongly recommended
analysis and flow cytometry may be helpful. before thyroidectomy.20 Ultrasound also
The risk of provides a
malignancy in lesions classified as “ noninvasive and inexpensive method of
malignant” by FNA is 97% to following the size of
99%, and near-total/total thyroidectomy is suspected benign nodules diagnosed by FNAB
recommended. and for identifying
Laboratory Studies Most patients with thyroid enlarged lymph nodes. Ultrasound
nodules are elastography is used
euthyroid. Determining the blood TSH level to evaluate tissue stiffness noninvasively.
is helpful. If a This technique takes
patient with a nodule is found to be advantage of the fact that malignant
hyperthyroid, the risk of nodules tend to be harder
malignancy is approximately 1%. Serum Tg than benign nodules and thus deform less
levels cannot differentiate compared with the
benign from malignant thyroid nodules surrounding normal thyroid parenchyma. 21
unless the levels Larger studies are
are extremely high, in which case warranted before elastography can be
metastatic thyroid cancer routinely included in the
should be suspected. Tg levels are, evaluation of thyroid nodules. CT and MRI
however, useful in following are unnecessary in
patients who have undergone total the routine evaluation of thyroid tumors
thyroidectomy for thyroid except for large, fixed,
cancer and also for serial evaluation of or substernal lesions. Scanning the thyroid
patients undergoing with 123I or 99mTc
nonoperative management of thyroid nodules. is rarely necessary, and thyroid scanning
Serum calcitonin currently is recommended
levels should be obtained in patients with in the assessment of thyroid nodules only
MTC or a family history in patients
of MTC or MEN2. There is insufficient who have follicular thyroid nodules on FNAB
evidence to recommend and a suppressed
routine calcitonin testing for all nodules. TSH. PET scanning does not play a major
All patients with role in the primary
MTC should be tested for RET oncogene evaluation of thyroid nodules.
mutations and have a Management. Malignant tumors are treated
24-hour urine collection with measurement by thyroidectomy,
of levels of vanillylmandelic as discussed earlier and later in this
acid (VMA), metanephrine, and catecholamine chapter in Surgical Treatment
levels to rule out a coexisting under Malignant Thyroid Disease. Simple
pheochromocytoma. About 10% thyroid cysts
of patients with familial MTC and MEN2A resolve with aspiration in about 75% of
have de novo RET cases, although some
mutations, so that their children are at require a second or third aspiration. If
risk for thyroid cancer. the cyst persists after
Imaging Ultrasound is helpful for detecting three attempts at aspiration, unilateral
nonpalpable thyroid thyroid lobectomy is recommended.
nodules, differentiating solid from cystic Lobectomy also is recommended for cysts >4
nodules, and cm in
identifying adjacent lymphadenopathy. diameter or complex cysts with solid and
Ultrasound evaluation cystic components, as
can identify features of a nodule that the latter have a higher incidence of
increase the a priori risk malignancy (15%). When
FNAB is used in complex nodules, the solid oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are
portion should be involved in thyroid
sampled. If a colloid nodule is diagnosed tumorigenesis,22 as depicted in Table 38-5.
by FNAB, patients The RET
should still be observed with serial proto-oncogene (Fig. 38-15) plays a
ultrasound and Tg measurements. significant role in the
If the nodule enlarges, repeat FNAB often pathogenesis of thyroid cancers. It is
is indicated. located on chromosome
Although controversial, levothyroxine in 10 and encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase,
doses sufficient to which binds several
maintain a serum TSH level between 0.1 and growth factors such as glial-derived
1.0 U/mL may neurotrophic factor
also be administered. In areas with a high and neurturin. The RET protein is expressed
prevalence of iodine in tissues derived
deficiency, this can decrease nodule size from the embryonic nervous and excretory
and potentially prevent systems. Therefore,
the growth of new nodules. In iodine- RET disruption can lead to developmental
sufficient populations, the abnormalities in
data are less impressive. Randomized organs derived from these systems, such as
controlled trial analyses the enteric nervous
have shown that less than 25% of benign system (Hirschsprung’s disease) and
nodules shrink more kidney. Germline mutations
than 50% with TSH suppression in iodine- in the RET proto-oncogene are known to
replete populations. predispose to MEN2A, MEN2B, and familial
Thyroidectomy should be performed if a MTCs, and somatic mutations
nodule enlarges on have been demonstrated in tumors derived
TSH suppression or causes compressive from the neural crest,
symptoms, or for cosmetic such as MTCs (30%) and pheochromocytomas.
reasons. An exception to this general rule The tyrosine
is the patient kinase domain of RET can fuse with other
who has had previous irradiation of the genes by rearrangement.
thyroid gland or has These fusion products also function as
a family history of thyroid cancer. In oncogenes and
these patients, total or have been implicated in the pathogenesis of
near-total thyroidectomy is recommended PTCs. At least 15
because of the high RET/PTC rearrangements have been described
incidence of thyroid cancer and decreased and appear to be
reliability of FNAB early events in tumorigenesis. Young age
in this setting. and radiation exposure
Malignant Thyroid Disease seem to be independent risk factors for the
In the United States, thyroid cancer development
accounts for <1% of all of RET/PTC rearrangements. Up to 70% of
malignancies (2% of women and 0.5% of men) papillary cancers
and is the most in children exposed to the radiation
rapidly increasing cancer in women. Thyroid fallout from the 1986 Chernobyl
cancer is responsible disaster carry RET/PTC rearrangements, the
for six deaths per million persons most common
annually. Most patients being RET/PTC1 and RET/PTC3. These
present with a palpable swelling in the rearrangements
neck, which initiates confer constitutive activation of the
assessment through a combination of receptor tyrosine kinases.
history, physical examination,
and FNAB.
Molecular Genetics of Thyroid
Tumorigenesis. Several

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