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Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / g e o m o r p h

Geomorphometry and landform mapping: What is a landform?

Ian S. Evans
Department of Geography, Durham University, South Road, Durham City, DH1 3LE, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Starting from a concept of the land surface, its definition and subdivision from Digital Elevation Models
Accepted 8 September 2010 (DEMs) is considered. High-resolution DEMs from active remote sensing form a new basis for
Available online 27 March 2011 geomorphological work, which is moving on from consideration of whether data are accurate enough to
how the surface of interest can be defined from an overabundance of data. Discussion of the operational
definition and delimitation of specific landforms of varying degrees of difficulty, from craters to mountains, is
followed by the applicability of ‘fuzzy’ boundaries. Scaling, usually allometric, is shown to be compatible with
Operational definitions the scale-specificity of many landforms: this is exemplified by glacial cirques and drumlins. Classification of a
Landform delimitation whole land surface is more difficult than extraction of specific landforms from it. Well-dissected fluvial
DEMs landscapes pose great challenges for areal analyses. These are tackled by the delimitation of homogeneous
elementary forms and/or land elements in which slope position is considered. The boundaries are mainly
breaks in gradient or aspect, but may also be in some type of curvature: breaks in altitude are rare. Elementary
forms or land elements are grouped together into functional regions (landforms) such as ‘hill sheds’. It may
often be useful to recognise fuzziness of membership, or core and periphery of a surface object.
Plains and etched or scoured surfaces defy most of these approaches, and general geomorphometry remains
the most widely applicable technique. It has been applied mainly within arbitrary areas, and to some extent to
drainage basins, but more experimentation with mountain ranges and other landforms or landform regions is
needed. Geomorphological mapping is becoming more specialised, and its legends are being simplified. Its
incorporation into geographical information systems (GIS) has required greater precision with definitions,
and the separation of thematic layers, so that it is converging with specific geomorphometry and becoming
more flexible and more applicable, with a broader range of visualisation techniques.
© 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction Others put it slightly differently:

“A definition is useless unless the thing defined can be recognized “Geomorphology is the study of the Earth surface.” (Butzer, 1976 p.1)
in terms of the definition when it occurs.” H. Jeffreys, 1961 p.8 “Geomorphology is the scientific study of the geometric features of
the Earth's surface.” (Chorley et al., 1984 p.3)
Recent work has asked questions such as ‘What (or where) is a “Geomorphology is the science concerned with the form of the
mountain?’ (Smith and Mark, 2003; Fisher et al., 2004), which raises landsurface and the processes which create it.” (Summerfield, 1991
perceptual and linguistic as well as geomorphological considerations. p.3).
Here I tackle the question ‘What is a landform?’, and take a more
strongly geomorphology-centred approach. Landforms are central to
Recent research has concentrated on processes, materials and
many definitions of geomorphology, e.g.:
chronology, but the land surface itself remains central in geomorphology.
“Geomorphology, or the study of landforms…” (Lobeck, 1939 p.3) Its analysis is essential in the verification or calibration of models (Dietrich
“Geomorphology is the study of landforms.” (Pitty, 1971 p.1) et al., 2003). Thus, the specialised subject of geomorphometry (Pike, 2000;
“After about 1860 the study of landforms…was later also known Hengl and Reuter, 2009) has grown tremendously in recent years as more
as physiography or geomorphology.” (Chorley et al., 1964 p. xi) and better DEMs (Digital Elevation Models) have become available.
“Geomorphology is the science that investigates the landforms of An important distinction between ‘landform’ and ‘land surface form’
the earth.” (Ahnert, 1998 p.1). parallels the distinction between specific and general geomorphometry
(Evans, 1972; Goudie, 1990). Land surface form is continuous and covers
the whole globe (both subaerial and subaqueous), as well as other
E-mail address: [email protected]. planets, moons and asteroids. General geomorphometry analyzes this

0169-555X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.

I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106 95

continuous field. Landforms are bounded segments of a land surface and to consider finally the application of general geomorphometry and
may be discontinuous: they need not cover the whole surface (Fig. 1). geomorphological mapping. First, the concept of the land surface is
Specific geomorphometry analyzes the geometric and topological defined, and the DEMs from which it may be analysed for landform
characteristics of landforms. The question of what to do with ‘the bits definition are considered. Cirques and drumlins are used as examples of
left between’ deserves consideration. clearly-bounded landforms: other landforms and terrains vary in the
The definition of landforms of various sorts is an essential part difficulty of delimiting forms. The objectives are to make connections, to
of geomorphological mapping. Complete delimitation is a further review concepts and progress in defining and measuring landforms, and
necessity for specific geomorphometry: to measure their geomor- to illustrate landform allometry and scale-specificity. Such a concern
phological characteristics, individual landforms must be separated with the essence of landforms relates to the philosophical field of
from their surroundings. Characteristics such as area and mean slope ontology (Smith and Mark, 2003). Hierarchies and broader-scale
gradient require a complete boundary: thus, it is not sufficient to map divisions, such as land systems, landscape types and physiographic
a cirque by a crescent (indicating the headwall crest in a generalised provinces, are not discussed here. The focus is on the geometry of
way) as on many traditional geomorphological maps. A prerequisite landforms, not topology or relation to materials and processes, and on
for specific geomorphometry is to draw a closed boundary: this is the areal more than linear features.
procedure known as delimitation, marking the limits of the landform
(Evans, 1987; 2010). The question whether these limits can be fuzzy, 2. The land surface concept: scale
or must be precise, is considered below.
This paper moves from the definition and properties of specific Reflecting perhaps the influence of many years in a Geography
landforms in relatively clear-cut cases, through more difficult situations, Department, my concept of the land surface starts at the human scale:

Fig. 1. Comparison of drumlins mapped for an area close to Loch Lomond in Scotland by (a) intensive field mapping by J. Rose. Drumlins, crestlines and summits are mapped. The
esker (marked ‘E’) was erroneously mapped as two drumlins in (b), mapping from the NEXTMap 5 m DEM. In (b) solid black drumlins coincide with field mapping; black outlines are
those found from the DEM but not in the field, and the boxes highlight areas where field mapping found examples that were not seen in the DEM.
From Clark et al. (2009).
96 I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106

1.5 m. It does not end there, but a long tradition in slope studies 1970s and 1980s (50 m or 100 m mesh: Evans, 1980) could hardly be
involves measuring over this slope length, notably with Pitty's (1971 compared with field-based measurements of slope profiles (Young,
pp. 402–404; Cox, 1990) slope pantometer. Finer-scale variation is 1972; Parsons, 1988; Cox, 1990).
described as microrelief, although its upper limit has rarely been Sampling adequacy was also of great concern, together with the
clearly defined. Whatever the pros and cons of generalising to 1 or 2 effects of errors in DEMs interpolated from contours (Wise, 2007). For
m, it does give a common basis from which measurements can be example, as streams typically do not cooperate by passing through
compared. grid points, the related low points could often be missed, creating
Many geomorphologists have focused on the surface smoothed at spurious pits upstream. Smoothing does not solve this problem, and
a scale of a few metres. In slope profile survey, Young (1972 p. 146) filling the sink by raising levels up to the apparent outlet creates
recommended that “No measured length shall be more than 20 m or artefactual plains and falsifies data at many grid points. Rather than
less than 2 m… for topography of normal scale”. Gerrard and raising points over an area, it is better to lower points along a drainage
Robinson (1971) analysed gradients for fixed measured lengths line, as this is equivalent to displacing them (by less than one grid
from 1.5 m to 10 m, and discussed the effects of small protrusions and mesh) to the position of the presumed nearby channel, and fewer data
depressions (microrelief) that can give variations of a few degrees for points are modified. Pits can be removed by breaching (Martz and
measuring lengths of a few metres. Pitty (1971) advocated fixed Garbrecht, 1999) or carving (Soille et al., 2003), yet it is dangerous to
lengths and used a frame giving a constant slope length of 1.5 m apply this automatically as even in fluvial topographies real de-
(previously 5 feet, i.e. 1.52 m) for gradient measurement: this ‘human pressions occur, becoming very common not only in karst areas but
scale’ relates to the practicality of one-person operation. Debate also in areas of eluviation of fines, or of deflation (Reuter et al., 2009;
concerning fixed versus variable measuring lengths along profiles Li et al., 2011). A large body of literature grew up on ‘drainage tracing’
continued (Cox, 1990) and had some parallels with the debate about from DEMs (Gruber and Peckham, 2009), but the possibility remained
fixed grids, adaptive grids and irregular triangulations as bases for of major mis-assignments of drainage direction because of channels
DEMs. In slope profiling the basic idea was to exclude individual missed between well-spaced grid points. These algorithms could not
particles (stones), minor bumps and depressions, and repeated match the accuracy of drainage nets plotted directly from air photos.
microrelief such as earth hummocks (best analysed separately, by With the development of two types of active remote sensing,
appropriate means of analysis, as are vertical cliffs, overhangs, pipes things are now very different (Nelson et al., 2009; Reuter et al., 2009;
and caves). The influence of grain size was removed; boulders would Smith and Pain, 2009). Radar-based products are available at various
generally be avoided. Buildings and vegetation were also excluded. resolutions. Airborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
Boulders several metres long, for example in rockfall or glacial (IFSAR) can be flown at high altitudes and fast speeds, covering
deposits, pose a problem. If they sit on the surface, they can be large areas with few problems from weather. Western Europe and the
excluded from the concept of land surface in the same way as trees or conterminous USA are covered by the 5 m resolution NEXTMap IFSAR
buildings. If the boulders are close together or partly buried (and all DEM. For Britain this was provided in two versions, the initial product
degrees of burial exist), however, it is more appealing to pass a surface (digital surface model: DSM) showing forests, hedges and buildings,
through the boulders, either averaged if the boulders are close and a smoothed product (digital terrain model enhanced: DTME)
together, or interpolated from the surrounding surface if this is where these had been filtered out. Livingstone et al. (2008) mapped
relatively smooth. Thus, we reach a geomorphological concept of the drumlins, glacial lineations and other features in much of northern
(real) land surface, with a lower limiting scale of a metre or two, and England, manually interpreting hill-shaded NEXTMap DEMs with two
relating to the ground, a continuous body or aggregate of material, orthogonal illumination directions, as well as a slope gradient map.
rather than to individual particles. Wherever human modification is Interestingly, they worked mainly from the initial DSM product
considerable, this is not the ‘natural’ land surface, which leads to because it retained relevant detail lost in the filtering process. A
difficulties discussed below. Exclusion of caves etc. is a necessary number of workers using visual interpretation have preferred to use
simplification to give a single-valued surface as a function of hori- the unfiltered DSM, but it would be difficult to automate landform
zontal coordinates, permitting representation by a DEM. Here DEM is recognition without filtering out vegetation and buildings.
used in the narrower sense, as in Hengl and Reuter (2009): elevation Laser scanning can give such dense point clouds that gridding at 1
(altitude) values for a gridded set of points in Cartesian coordinates. m represents generalisation. Once we could process ‘last returns’ as
Technological progress has made DEMs an increasingly important well as ‘first returns’, the ground and not just the forest canopy could
basis for geomorphological research. be mapped accurately from the air, and absolute vertical accuracies
better than 0.3 m could be achieved (Pirotti and Tarolli, 2010). Under
3. Defining the land surface on DEMs dense forest, however, the ‘bare earth’ DEM is interpolated from fewer
points and is less accurate than elsewhere because only a small
Until recently, reliable measurements at 1 to 10 m scale required proportion of returns are from the ground (Norheim et al., 2002).
fieldwork. Early DEMs were coarse (with horizontal resolutions – grid Although airborne laser scanning (LiDAR: Light Detection and Rang-
mesh spacings – around 100 m) and mainly derived from contours ing) is expensive, it is so promising, especially for hazard evaluation,
manually digitised from medium scale maps (Tobler, 1969), e.g. at 1: that coverage of laser-based DEMs with 1 m resolution is rapidly
50,000 or 1: 25,000 — or even small-scale, 1: 250,000. Better quality increasing: for example, for the whole of Switzerland below 2000 m,
was obtained by photogrammetry, e.g. the 10 m DEM used by and for entire Länder in Austria. Belgium, the Netherlands and Alberta
Hancock et al. (2006), or at large scales for engineering works or from are covered at 2 to 5 m resolution. Terrestrial laser scanning can pro-
photos taken in the field (Lane, 1998), covering limited areas. It is well vide even greater detail for individual landforms, and even for coarse-
known that mean and standard deviation of slope gradient reduce grained sediments (Hodge et al., 2009): in studying overland flow,
rapidly as measured from coarser grids (Evans, 1972: Deng et al., (Smith et al., 2010) use a 2 mm resolution DEM. With fine-resolution
2007). Although altitude and regional variables may be insensitive to LiDAR, many old problems fade, and new ones appear. Error
scale (Shary et al., 2005), curvatures are affected even more than assessment is changed radically (Fisher and Tate, 2006): technical
gradients: an order-of-magnitude gap remained, between most DEM- errors have become rather small, but errors of definition remain and
based calculations and 1 m scale field measurements. Having rejected loom large.
the fractal model in this context (Evans and McClean, 1995; McClean Laser and radar returns produce data some of which is of
and Evans, 2000), it was clear that extrapolation was dangerous. In geomorphological interest, and some not. We have to think even
particular, gradients and curvatures from the coarse DEMs of the more carefully, exactly what is the land surface? What version of the
I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106 97

surface is relevant to the problem in hand? We can agree that trees especially with conceptualisation, operational definition and delim-
and bushes should be removed, but what about buildings? Here views itation. As yet, delimitation of specific forms is mainly manual, using
may diverge between those attempting to explain the natural land visual identification: automation of the process remains a research
surface, and those working on applications such as flood routing and frontier, with acceptable success rates somewhat elusive. Progress is
slope stability. If buildings are solidly built of stone or brick, they will being made with both supervised and unsupervised classification of
obstruct water flow — up to the point where the walls collapse. Cellars DEMs (Seijmonsbergen et al., in press).
may extend below the natural ground surface, and the land around a Islands and lakes form special cases that can be delimited precisely
building will often have been levelled leaving a steeper cut on one or by the water level at a given time, although this does vary a few m even
more sides. This makes it difficult to interpolate through a building within a year, and much more over the long term. Nunataks are
from the surrounding surface, and algorithms to remove buildings likewise limited by the ice surface, which also varies over the years. On
may often leave ghostly artefacts betraying building position. the other hand it could be argued that the true landform of an island or
Working at 1 m resolution, or even 5 m, major road and rail cuts nunatak extends below the water or ice, for example giving the true
are clearly represented: removal is difficult and perhaps unreason- height of Mauna Loa, Hawaii (over the Pacific Ocean floor) as 10,099 m.
able. The anthropogenic nature of much of the modern-day land The more clearly a landform can be defined, the more likely is it to be
surface must be accepted. Rather than being removed, such features the subject of a morphometric study, i.e. of specific geomorphometry
should be identified and delimited as specific landforms, analysed (Goudie, 1990; Evans, 2010). In glacial geomorphology, this has meant
separately from the remaining surface. drumlins, lake basins and cirques, but studies have been extended to
The complexity of desirable filtering algorithms is formidable if we ribbed moraine, megascale glacial lineations, and troughs.
consider not only buildings and trees, but also vehicles, livestock and Drumlins and many other depositional or mobile forms have
feeding troughs, and derelict parts of these. Producing a LiDAR DEM limited vertical dimension and are, thus, poorly portrayed on standard
compatible with the above concept of land surface seems to require a contour maps. Fieldwork and air photo interpretation have been
full initial remote-sensing identification of all other objects in the data. essential in achieving accurate mapping (Rose and Smith, 2008).
One implication of LiDAR is that the amount of data to be pro- Although drumlins are clearly defined, multi-convex landforms,
cessed can be huge: fortunately, the relentless increase in computer Smith and Wise (2007) showed that the number identified increased
power makes this acceptable. Although the distinction between considerably as satellite image resolution increased (from 30 m to 15
point-based and pixel (area-based) raster data is important for m). Probably the same applies to increasing DEM resolution. Smith
analysis (Strobl, 2008), the generation of 1 m raster grids from LiDAR et al. (2006) used visual interpretation of LiDAR data gridded at 2 m
point clouds with several returns per m2 does produce some conver- both to check and to improve on field-based mapping of drumlins.
gence. Another implication of such highly detailed grids is that stream Differences occurred in both directions, but the LiDAR data permit
banks are often visible, and only the tiniest stream channels can be subtle hummocks and lineations to be noticed that were missed in the
missed. Pirotti and Tarolli (2010) find it best to smooth or thin 1 m field. Bedrock distribution, however, is less clear on the LiDAR images
DEMs to map small channels and channel heads successfully, from than in the field. DEMs from digitised contours on 1: 50,000 and 1:
points with curvature deviations exceeding 2 standard deviations. 10,000 maps were inadequate for drumlin delimitation, and satellite
This means that gross errors in drainage tracing should not occur. But radar data at both 90 m and 25 m horizontal resolution provided no
representation of the water surface means that results depend on the useful data (Smith et al., 2006 Fig. 4).
water level (stage) at the time of survey. As the true land surface Unfortunately the LiDAR data were available for only a small area
includes the channel bed (also lake beds) rather than the fluctuating and both this and later British studies made extensive use of
water surface, grid points falling on the surface should be coded as NEXTMap airborne radar-based DEMs at 5 m resolution. Fig. 1
such: survey of the water bed requires different techniques and is not compares the delimitations of this set of landforms, showing both
available unless bathymetric LiDAR is used (Hilldale and Raff, 2008). superiority to field data and some omissions (Clark et al., 2009). While
not as detailed as LiDAR data, NEXTMap has proved a very useful
4. Delimiting landforms source for the manual identification of glacial depositional forms and
has shown patterns which had not been recognised in the field or
Landforms are one type of geomorphological (or geomorpho- from air photos. The identification of drumlins requires high-quality
metric) object (Schmidt and Dikau, 1999: MacMillan and Shary, data, but once recognised they should be relatively easy to delimit
2009). Other types are linear features: ridge lines, slope lines, course (either manually or automatically).
(valley) lines and break lines, and special points: peaks, passes and Smith et al. (2009) have developed a ‘cookie cutter’ tool for first
pits. Landforms in this narrower sense are areal objects on a DEM, and approximations to the volume of convex (or concave) landforms in
in general they have a third dimension — they are volumetric. Mark relation to a horizontal plane. They used it to calculate the volumes of
and Smith (2004 Table 3.1) define 25 broad specific landform types, drumlins by superimposing digitised outlines onto the 5 m DEM. The
with many subsets. Some features have multiple identities: all large outlines are delimited manually, so the technique is described as
volcanoes are mountains, and some volcanoes are islands, but many ‘semi-automated’.
islands and mountains are not volcanoes. In geomorphometry and Visual interpretation of elongate features from a hill-shaded model
geomorphological mapping, the more precise term ‘volcano’ is usually is biased by the direction of illumination used (Smith and Clark, 2005;
adopted, rather than the broader terms. Full classifications recognise Smith and Wise, 2007). It is necessary to use multiple directions – I
nested hierarchies of terms: for example, barchan dunes are a type of suggest at least four, as does Smith – and to combine interpretations
transverse dune, a subset of aeolian dunes. Other processes also from the different models. This can be cumbersome, and it would be
produce dunes, which are a mobile type of bedform, and bedforms are desirable to automate boundary delimitation by direct processing
a major type of landform. of the DEM. A map of slope gradient is equivalent to a vertically
Evans (1987) specified nine stages in a specific geomorphometric illuminated model (with contrast enhancement), and it eliminates
study, starting with conceptualisation and operational definition of bias. The outer boundaries of drumlins are essentially concave breaks
the landform type. Further operations can now be performed on- in slope, whether they are surrounded by lower areas or contiguous
screen or by computer calculation: delimitation, measurement, with other drumlins. Slope gradient steepens away from the summit:
derivation of ratios, assessment of frequency distributions, interrela- if this profile convexity is followed by a basal concavity, postglacial
tion and mapping. Finally comes the more subjective procedure of redistribution of material by wash or creep is suspected. It is usually
interpretation in relation to genesis and chronology. Concern here is assumed that postglacial modification has been slight, except where
98 I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106

rivers or former meltwater channels have cut into drumlins and left gradually with surrounding gentle slopes. Craters, volcanoes, pingos,
obviously anomalous steep bluffs. The main complications are where dolines and salt domes are unusual in tending to radial symmetry,
younger drumlins are superimposed on larger ones that have been whereas most bedforms, plus cirques and slope forms such as land-
only partially remoulded, and where long streamlined tails merge slides, tend to bilateral symmetry about the downstream/downslope
into a hillside. Many drumlins contain some bedrock, but Clark et al. direction. Among karst features, poljes are more irregular and difficult
(2009) exclude those which are entirely bedrock and focus on to delimit than dolines and tower karst (mogotes): likewise alas
drumlins formed in deformable materials. depressions in thermokarst (on permafrost) are not so easy to delimit.
Most bedforms are mobile and should, therefore, be categorised as Landslide scars are delimited by sharp convexities; landslide deposits,
neither depositional nor erosional. Fluvial and aeolian bedforms (such by concavities which are initially sharp unless the material is so fluid
as dunes and bars of various types) have more in common with each that the lower boundary is unclear. Landslides have clear geomorpho-
other than either class has with glacial bedforms. They also evolve metric signatures (Pike, 1988).
faster and are more accessible to study, so that the growth and decay Cirques (Fig. 2) are easily defined around the crestal convexities,
of individuals can be studied over time, unlike most bedrock erosional which are sharp unless modified by overriding ice. The aim is to
forms. Dunes vary from the easily delimited barchan, where mobile recognise simple, double-concave (plan and profile) features (Fig. 3:
material is sparse, to the complicated coalescent patterns of aklé and Rasemann et al., 2004). The down-valley limits are no problem for
compound dunes. cirques with clear thresholds (convex breaks in slope below the floor)
Volcanic and meteoritic craters are the most easily defined but difficult for some valley-head cirques without clear lateral convex
erosional features, because of sharp convexities often separating slope changes (buttresses). Sometimes more than one down-valley
opposing slopes. Yardangs and whalebacks are fairly well delimited. limit is feasible — not so much a ‘fuzzy’ boundary (see below) as two
Another easily delimited form is a lake basin, but if we are interested or three alternative boundaries. But in most cases a decision can be
in the rock surface underlying its sedimentary fill, expensive geo- made such that the headwall curves around the floor, and every cirque
physical survey is required. Pingos usually have a sharp basal concave (including nested ones) has its own floor and a distinct section of
break in slope that clearly delimits them. Volcanoes are rather more headwall (Evans and Cox, 1995). The main problems arise from cirque
difficult because broad pediments of lava or lahar deposits may merge coalescence around a valley-head (‘splitters’ and ‘lumpers’ may differ
on the number of cirques recognised — on the prominence of the
buttress required to recognise two instead of one) and from cirque-in-
cirque forms (each lower cirque must have its own section(s) of
headwall as well as a distinct floor).
Two topographical terms used for steep-sided valleys in northeast
England are ‘dene’ and ‘gill’. Inspection of their use in proper names on
maps of East Durham shows that application is consistent. “Denes
start around 100 m altitude and their channels slope at 14 to 30 m
km− 1: their active development continues, eroding into both glacial
deposits and Permian dolomite bedrock. … Valley-side slopes are
generally steeper than 14 degrees. Similar valleys shorter than 700 m
are known as gills.” (Evans, 1999 p. 57). Sharp convexities at the crests
of these valleys delimit them clearly. Gullies representing a change in
process, such as the onset of soil erosion, are similarly delimitable.
Likewise glacial meltwater channels have steep bluffs with upper
convexities and rather flat floors.
Returning to ‘What is a mountain?’, the philosopher W.V. Quine
proposed an interesting if compound definition. He advocated keeping
the absolute term but resolving its vagueness by arbitrary stipulations:

“we may define a mountain as any region…such that

a) the boundary is of uniform altitude.

b) the highest point, or one of them, is at an inclination of at least ten
degrees above every boundary point and twenty degrees above
some, and is at least a thousand feet above them, and
c) the region is part of no other region fulfilling (a) and (b).” (Quine
1981 p. 33).

Fig. 2. Sale Pot, (2°51′E,54°30′N) in the High Street Range above Hawes Water,
Northern England, is a well‐defined‐valley‐head cirque with a minor bog and a clear
threshold; it is eroded into mixed Borrowdale Volcanic rocks. Its drainage divide
The vagueness Quine considered is of three types: of acceptable
(dashed), crest (solid line), downvalley limit and floor: headwall boundary (dashed) altitude, of basal boundary, and of indecision whether two summits
are indicated. Contours are shown every 50 m. F: Cirque focus, middle of threshold. The count as two mountains or one (cf. the distinction between Munro's
median axis is drawn from ‘F’ so that area on left = area on right. It intersects the crest ‘separate mountains’ and ‘tops’: currently 283 Scottish mountains are
at 6. Length (of axis) = 590 m; width (normal to axis) = 790 m. Axis aspect = 121°;
recognised as being ‘separate’ and over 914.4 m altitude). Separate-
wall aspect = 085° (steeper wall faces north and east). Altitudes: 1. lowest, 520 m;
2. floor modal, 525 m; 3. max floor 582 m; 4. max crest 772 m; 5. max above 792 m; ness may be based on distance as well as altitude change along a
6. median crest 752 m. 7. Grid reference, middle of axis: 3443 east, 5123 north. 8. 30 m connecting ridge but, following J. R. Corbett, Dawson (1992) has used
fall in 18 m: max gradient = 59°; 9. 10 m fall in 195 m: min gradient = 2.9°. 10. Wall a rise of 152.4 m in all directions (rounded to 150 m) to list 1542
height = 770-570 = 200 m (max along any slope line). C: the col here cuts two 10 m separate hill and mountain summits in Great Britain, regardless of
contours, but 20 m this is below the minimum depth requirement (30 m), hence
‘col’ = 0. M‐M‐M Terminal moraine. planclos = (360-298) + 110 = 172° (measured
altitude. He includes 205 mountains over 914.4 m altitude in Scotland.
over 100 m lengths, the mid-height contour, at 650 m, heads toward 298°, turns Dawson mentions others who have listed hills or mountains with
clockwise through north, and reaches 110°). summit magnitudes (rise in all directions) variously exceeding 10, 15,
I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106 99

Fig. 3. Definition of cirques and cirque floors in the Iezer Range, Romania. From Cirque definition map of Iezer Mountains.
North is at top. From Mîndrescu et al. (2010).

30, 100 and 150 m. This concept of height above the lowest closed being convex (Mark and Smith, 2004) — and large/high: each of these
contour within which a peak is the highest point – prominence or can be measured quantitatively and can, thus, be the basis of a
summit magnitude – is now widely used by mountaineers (http:// definition if international scientists can agree, whatever the variations It permits nested in common speech. It must be accepted, however, that ‘mountain’ is a
mountains, contrary to Quine's point (c). vaguer term than cirque, drumlin, crater or landslide, and different
definitions may be useful in different contexts.
Quine concluded with a theorem: At the least, each geomorphological study should state specifically
the landform definitions it is attempting to employ. Terms such as
“the boundary of a mountain is the outermost contour line that small, short, light or weak are usefully kept relative, not absolute, but
lies wholly within ten degrees of steepness from the summit and landforms should not be defined in a relative (contextual) way if they
partly within twenty.” are to be mapped or measured. Thus, operational definitions are
needed for all landforms to which specific morphometry is applied. In
We may argue with the arbitrary summit magnitude thresholds, this respect, some studies are more opaque than others: the need for
with Quine's arbitrary (10°, 20°, 1000 feet) thresholds, or with the transparency is axiomatic. Geomorphological mappers have a poor
need for a contour as the boundary. Macmillan (personal communi- record in providing operational definitions of the terms in their map
cation 2010) prefers a boundary inclined down-valley. This is relevant keys.
to a binary distinction between ‘mountain’ and ‘valley’. Those starting Currently most landform delimitation is by on-screen digitising of
from supposedly equivalent terms to ‘mountain’ in other languages manually identified boundaries, on maps, satellite images or rectified
are very likely to propose different thresholds (Mark and Smith, air photos (Clark et al., 2009). Much can be done using Google Earth.
2004). But unless our definition includes some such arbitrary criteria, Two decades after the pioneer efforts of Tribe (1991), automated
it is unlikely to be operational — that is, to be applicable consistently in identification of specific types of landform remains difficult (van
practice. The most fundamental property of the type ‘mountain’ is Asselen and Seijmonsbergen, 2006). We should be able to do better, at
100 I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106

least for all forms bounded by convex and concave breaks. A uncertainty in x and y (as, for example, in sea level chronologies)
promising combined approach is manual identification of a point or rather than points.
line within a landform, followed by algorithmic delimitation of a I know of no specific geomorphometry study where the charac-
boundary (Schneider and Klein, 2010). Further approaches might be teristics of the ‘leftover’ land surface between the delimited landforms
adopted from the pattern recognition literature. Automation of are analysed. This has seemed irrelevant to studies focused on the
morphometric mapping has been achieved (Hengl and Reuter, identified landforms. It may, however, be relevant to the interpreta-
2009), and automation of morphographic mapping should not be tion of differences between regions: the specific landforms are com-
difficult. Mapping of landforms, however, involves morphogenesis, ponents of a land system at a broader scale that incorporates the
and it is often necessary to perform fieldwork with geophysical, whole surface. In the case of drumlins, whether they rest on a plain, on
sedimentological and stratigraphic analyses to be confident of undulating topography, or over a series of transverse valleys, makes a
morphogenesis. big difference to their development and morphometry. For context,
therefore, I recommend relating specific geomorphometric studies to
the general geomorphometry of the region and/or of the excluded
5. Fuzzy boundaries and leftover spaces land surface.

Even with precise operational definitions, considerable uncertain- 6. Landform scale-specificity and allometry
ty remains. Given high-density data such as DEMs, it is realistic to
recognise that some parts are more difficult to classify than others. It Two general concepts of size and shape, applicable to any set of
is easy to define mountain (peaks) as points, and valleys (thalwegs, specific landforms, are of interest. Given a set of measurements of a
not following the sinuosity of channels on floodplains) as lines, but type of landform, many workers quote the range in size of ‘most’ of
assigning an area to either of them leaves much room for uncertainty the forms, which is rather vague; the overall range, maximum–
and disagreement. ‘Fuzzy classification’ maps the degree of member- minimum, is precise but is an unstable and often unrepresentative
ship to a set of recognised classes (Irvin et al., 1997; Burrough et al., statistic. The inter-quartile range is better, but pays no detailed
2000; MacMillan et al., 2000). For example, Fisher et al. (2004) attention to the tails of the distribution. The trouble with using
classified the surface of the English Lake District in terms of affinity to
six topologically distinct classes of form: peaks, ridges, passes, planes,
channels and pits. Affinity varied with scale: a channel at one scale
Cirque size variables, B.C.
might be located on a plane or peak at a broader scale — or vice versa. 5000
A single map (instead of six) could be produced by assigning each
Dimensions (m), logarithmic scale

point to its modal class, over a range of horizontal scales (from 100 to
3700 m). An entropy map showed the degree of uncertainty in this 2000
Deng and Wilson (2008) also measured ‘peakness’ across a range 1000 Length
of spatial scales. This was based on four criteria: local relief, local mean
slope gradient, relative altitude in a wider area, and (low) number 500 Width
of local (competing) summits. Each property was related to its
maximum and minimum at that scale, and combined as a weighted
sum between 0 and 1. Various modifiable thresholds are involved. 200
Properties of the class ‘peak’ at each scale provided a comparator from
which the ‘peakedness’ of each pixel could be calculated, providing 100 546 cirques: Cayoosh,
fuzzy areas of peak entities. These are ‘fuzzy’ in terms of boundaries, Bendor & Shulaps Ranges
varying typicality and non-uniform contents. I prefer to keep the term
‘peak’ for a point, but these fuzzy areas can provide a further definition -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
of ‘mountains’. Standard normal deviates
In a glaciated mountain area, Arrell et al. (2007) classified slopes of b
varying degrees of divergence, convergence or planarity, and ridges, at Cirque size variables, Britain
four scales (horizontal resolutions, grid meshes from 50 to 400 m).
Each classification was ‘defuzzified’ by using the class for which 2000
Dimensions (m), logarithmic scale

membership (on a 0–1 scale) was greatest, except that if the ratio of
the second membership to the largest exceeded 0.6 the point was 1000 Width
identified as an ‘intergrade’. They found that ridges and low-gradient
planar areas – ‘extreme morphometric classes’ – were persistent, in
that they occupied similar areas at all resolutions. The various types of Length
slope, on the other hand, varied considerably with resolution. The
classes identified could be regarded as types of elementary form.
The main value of the ‘fuzzy classification’ concept seems to be the Amplitude
recognition and measurement of uncertainty in classification of pixels.
If the concept were applied to whole landforms, specific geomorpho- 100
metry could be applied in the traditional way only once defuzzifica- 418 cirques:
tion was applied. A more advanced application would be to delimit a Wales & Lake District
core and periphery of each landform, or a series of outlines based on
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
different membership thresholds, and produce multiple measures
of attributes such as length, height and gradient, leading to a best Standard normal deviates
estimate (e.g. weighted average) bounded by a range of uncertainty. Fig. 4. Quantile–quantile plots of cirques in (a) British Columbia (Cayoosh, Bendor and
That this requires considerably more computation should no longer Shulaps Ranges of the southern Coast Mountains), and (b) Wales and the English Lake
be an obstacle. Scatter plots would become plots of crosses showing District. The x-axis is in standard deviation units. For the method used see Cox (2005).
I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106 101

symmetrical pairs of other percentiles, such as 90–10, is that so many For both drumlins and cirques (Evans, 2010 table 5 and p. 145) the
alternative pairs exist. Thus, I prefer to use the standard deviation, on resulting geometric standard deviations of length are around 0.2 on a
a scale which is not too skewed. For most size variables, this means log10 scale; this is equivalent to multiplying or dividing by 100.2, i.e. by
using a logarithmic scale to reduce positive skewness. (L-moments 1.6. Combined with symmetrical histograms, and linear quantile–
calculated using linear combinations of the ordered data reflect all quantile plots (Fig. 4), this is good evidence that the distributions are
percentiles and provide promising, robust alternatives to standard unimodal and the landforms are scale-specific. The log-normal (log-
deviation and moment-based skewness (Hosking, 1990). They have Gaussian) model may be accepted as a first approximation, and
often been used in hydrology and climatology but have as yet seen regressions and correlations should be performed on logarithmic
little application in geomorphology.) scales. The main differences between the two data sets in Fig. 4 are
that the British Columbian cirques are longer (geometric mean 705 m
cf. 591 m for the British) and higher (geometric mean amplitude 301
m cf. 221 m). Geometric mean widths are 670 m and 674 m respec-
a tively. Geometric standard deviations are higher for British Columbia,
length (m) length regression
width (m) width regression but all are between 0.16 and 0.21 (log10 scale).
amplitude (m) amplitude regression Evidence from the literature, reviewed for example in Evans
(2003), suggests that similar considerations apply to other glacial and
fluvial bedforms, to sinkholes (dolines), karren, karst towers, tors,
impact craters, pingos, volcanoes and to some tectonic forms: all are
scale-specific, regionally if not globally. The magnitude–frequency
2000 distributions of landslides, which cover a greater range of scales than
cirques, have of late generated some controversy. They follow a power
law (a negative Pareto distribution), but only over a limited range of
1000 scales. With due allowance for the ‘censoring’ of distributions –
distortion by the incompleteness of detection of smaller features or
the infrequency of very large features– I conclude that landslides too
500 are scale-specific, especially for particular types or for clusters
produced by single events (Evans, 2010). The lower size limit reflects
a threshold ‘critical mass’: the upper size limit may reflect the frame,
the available slope relief.
A further type of scale-specificity is where breaks in slope occur in
plots of frequency against size, as in some landslide distributions
(Brardinoni and Church, 2004), or of one dimension against another,
100 546 cirques, for example the depth and diameter of impact craters (Pike, 1980). In
B.C. Coast Mountains these cases, scaling is combined with scale-specificity. More generally,
scaling is observed within the single order of linear magnitude (two
200 500 1000 2000 orders of areal magnitude) embraced by drumlins or cirques. Fig. 5
Size (m) shows how different size variables scale with a combined, overall
measure of size (the cube root of length × width × vertical amplitude).
b Again the greater lengths and amplitudes in British Columbia are
length (m) length regression
width (m)
noticeable, but the gradients of the three logarithmic regressions are
width regression
amplitude (m) amplitude regression very similar in the two study areas. The vertical amplitude of cirques
increases with overall size more slowly than do length and width.
With 95% confidence limits, the respective exponents are 1.10 ± 0.04
2000 and 1.14 ± 0.04 for length, 1.03 ± 0.05 and 1.03 ± 0.07 for width, and
0.88 ± 0.05 and 0.83 ± 0.07 for amplitude, for British Columbia and
Wales plus Cumbria respectively. The confidence intervals on ampli-
1000 tude exponents are far from overlapping the others, showing that rate
of change of amplitude with size is lower than that of length and
width, at a high significance level.
500 Cirques exhibit static allometry (Evans, 2006b; 2010): the shape of
cirques varies with size. Unfortunately, it is not possible to observe
change over the long periods of time involved in cirque formation. For
rapidly changing bedforms, such as aeolian and fluvial dunes, fre-
200 quently repeated field survey might test allometric growth directly.
With modern observation techniques dynamic allometry – true
allometric growth – can be established for mobile bedforms in the
100 laboratory. Nevertheless the static allometry of scale-specific land-
forms shows that scaling is compatible with scale-specificity. This
418 cirques,
implies that the limits to observed scaling should always be stated;
Wales and Cumbria the existence of limits generates further hypotheses.

200 500 1000

7. Hillslopes in fluvial basins: what are the landforms?
Size (m)

Fig. 5. Allometric plots of cirques in (a) British Columbia (Cayoosh, Bendor and Shulaps
Scaling over broader ranges is observed in drainage networks.
Ranges of the southern Coast Mountains), and (b) Wales and the English Lake District. These have a long history of manual analysis by specific morphometric
Vertical scales are dimensions in metres. methods (Chorley, 1969). Much of this is based on lines and networks
102 I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106

rather than areas. Channels, floodplains, landslides and fans are easily (2009) have applied such classification to large areas, for ecological
delimited and have been studied by specific geomorphometry, but interpretation, and Drăguţ and Blaschke (2008) have satisfactorily
hillslopes have more often been treated differently. Although classified coarse (90 m) radar data. Association of land elements in a
hillslopes or hillsides are generally recognised as landforms, they toposequence leads on to the landscape scale of analysis. Skidmore
have rarely been analysed as areal patches. Rather, they have been (1990) quantified slope position in a DEM by first defining a ridge
studied as profiles (Pitty, 1971; Young, 1972). This may be because in network and a stream network. Relative position is (distance to
well-dissected terrain hillslopes cover almost all the landscape; or nearest valley cell)/(sum of distances to nearest valley cell and
because although it is easy to delimit upper and lower boundaries (at nearest ridge cell). The critical phase here is agreeing on the limits of
ridges or crests and channels or floodplain margins), lateral bound- the two networks. MacMillan et al. (2009) analysed vertical as well as
aries are generally indistinct. Nevertheless, profiles can only take us so horizontal relative position.
far in analysing the 3-dimensional surface and further methods are Whereas Minár and Evans (2008) emphasise homogeneity in local
needed. properties before considering position, MacMillan et al. (2000; 2004)
MacMillan and Shary (2009) illustrated five different classifica- and MacMillan and Shary (2009 figs. 10 and 12) recommend defining
tions of form elements (or of local surface shape) based essentially on landform elements on the basis of slope position as well as surface
plan and profile curvature: for example convex, straight or concave in derivatives. They start by delimiting local catchments of downslope
plan, and in profile. They pointed out a disadvantage in schemes that and notional upslope flow and intersecting these to define ‘hill sheds’.
recognise ‘straight’ in plan: the results depend on whether plan These are landforms (functional regions) rather than elementary
(contour) curvature or tangential curvature is used. Any of the five forms (formal, homogeneous regions), and are likely to contain
classifications can be applied to any point on the surface, and mapped several of the latter. See also the valley-side basins delimited by
automatically: they are properties of the land surface rather than Rasemann et al. (2004). Hill sheds could form the basis of repeated
classes of landform. By fitting generalised surfaces, they can be landform patterns (land systems). The use of drainage tracing is also
applied to elementary forms in the sense of Minár and Evans (2008). at the basis of the TAPES-C approach to fluvial landscapes outlined and
Also many landforms can be forced into one or other of these cur- applied in Wilson and Gallant (2000).
vature categories, but other properties such as elongation, gradient Such a mosaic map, dividing an area exhaustively and uniquely
and position may be more important in defining landforms. Most into sets of qualitatively different patches, can be analysed quantita-
geomorphologists use variables and form classes related to the gravity tively in terms of proximity or contiguity of these sets. Considering the
field, but Shary (1995) and Shary et al. (2002, 2005) also recognise a boundaries between, say, type i and type j, the number of boundary
set of field-invariant morphometric variables such as unsphericity, segments nij can be counted to give a matrix of proximities. This
mean curvature, and total Gaussian curvature, and forms such as C- can be the evidence for a toposequence in three dimensions, down-
depressions, dimples in the surface that are open and, thus, do not valley as well as down-slope. More precisely, the length of common
accumulate water. boundary lij can be measured (in a GIS, not manually). It may be
Starting from DEMs, surface-specific points (peaks, passes and necessary to standardise entries in this matrix by expressing each as a
pits) and lines (ridges and channels) can also be defined automatically proportion of the total length of boundaries of i and j combined.
at a given scale. Break lines and inflections, however, are more useful Finally, the characteristics of each boundary segment can be measured
in delimiting basic units. These small patches of near-uniform and summarised: the average altitude and the average change in
morphometry are termed elementary forms by Minár and Evans gradient at each boundary segment, and the difference in average
(2008): see the application by Mentlík et al. (2010). They are basic altitude or other properties between the adjacent patches, can be
geomorphological objects; they cover the whole land surface and each assessed.
is united by homogeneity in altitude, slope, curvature or change in It would be interesting to see such analysis applied in geomorphol-
curvature, and bounded by break lines or inflections in one or more of ogy and landscape ecology. In structural geomorphology, Minar et al.
these local surface derivatives. The positions of elementary forms (2011) have measured the change in average altitude across the
within the hillslope and drainage basin may then be used to specify boundaries of geomorphometric regions, but few other examples exist.
the broader spatial structure, and used as the basis for classification. In summary, classificatory (atomistic) approaches to well-dissected
Drăguţ and Blaschke (2006) first define forms from homogeneity in fluvial topography still pose many challenges (Cox, 1978). Until they are
elevation, profile curvature, plan curvature and slope gradient, and fully solved, the application of profile analyses and of general
then classify these in terms of slope position. Given fine-resolution geomorphometric techniques to drainage basins remains a safer option.
data, such as DEMs with 1 m grid mesh, classification of the whole But fluvial topography is not the most difficult terrain for the recognition
surface directly from pixels or grid points is inefficient and potentially of landforms and the application of specific geomorphometry.
misleading: areal geomorphological objects should be generated first
(Drăguţ and Blaschke, 2006; Strobl, 2008). 8. Plains and difficult terrains
Definition of elementary forms has as yet been subjective, part of
geomorphological mapping (Mentlík et al., 2010). Theory suggests that Further topographies exist, not discussed above, where specific
more objective, repeatable definition should be approached from two morphometry encounters difficulties. One is very extensive plains, as
directions: the recognition of breaks in slope and curvature to provide in savanna regions such as central Chad, where no clear breaks or
boundaries, and the measurement of internal uniformity. A basic changes in the topography occur for tens or hundreds of kilometres.
problem, still to be solved, is the trade-off between the sharpness of a Also on extensive fluvial plains, such as the Indo-Gangetic, the only
break, the degree of a change, and the lateral continuity, all of which interruptions are river channels. Past channels may be mapped, but
make it more useful as a landform or elementary form boundary. Clear their surface expression is often more subtle than anthropogenic
boundaries rarely close completely around a landform so, as in the case features on the surface.
of cirques, compromises must often be made in closing them. Rather than recognising very extensive elementary forms, most of
The landscape position of elementary forms can be described as us would revert to general geomorphometry in such situations. Unless
upper, middle and lower slope or footslope, and terms such as crest/ channel beds are included, these plains have very low standard
interfluve, buttress/nose, hollow/open depression, hillock and ridge deviations of altitude and of slope gradient, very low mean slope
can be applied (Speight, 1990). Types of elementary form that take gradient and, thus, near-zero profile curvature. Plan curvatures, how-
position into account may be termed land elements, after Schmidt and ever, can be extreme — witness the intricate contours on floodplains.
Hewitt (2004) and Schmidt and Andrew (2005). MacMillan and Shary It may be useful to recognise regional slopes, governing the general
I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106 103

Fig. 6. A difficult terrain for specific geomorphometry: view northwest from Jebel Musa, Sinai, Egypt.

direction of flow. This would certainly be the case on submarine fans density) or relate attributes to stream order, but application of
bordering abyssal plains, as it is for rather steeper subaerial fans. general geomorphometry implies analysis of distributed attributes
Etched or scoured, largely rocky surfaces (such as southern Sinai, and interrelations.
Fig. 6) are a different problem. Further examples are the glacially 3. Mountain ranges or other landforms. Mountain ranges are in many
scoured Shield areas of Canada and Fennoscandia, the etched karst of ways the dual of drainage basins, and are delimited by valleys and
Guangxi in south China, the inselbergs of southwest Jordan, and low passes (that is, they are more extensive than ‘mountains’ dis-
numerous other granitic terrains. Considering maps such as those in cussed above). They are natural units for analyses where variation
Thomas (1994), it would be possible to measure the shape, size with altitude is important, as for glacial features (Evans, 2006a).
and mutual relations of each outcrop, bounded by plain or by major Mountain ranges are in themselves broad-scale landforms, and
joints. Alternatively, it would be less work to perform a general geo- general geomorphometry can be applied also to the variability of
morphometric analysis of the whole region. Comparison of the two altitude, slope, and curvature within any definable landforms, or
approaches would be interesting. landscapes with repeated landform patterns (land systems).

9. Study areas for general geomorphometry The land surface can be divided exhaustively and uniquely into
map sheets (approximate rectangles), into drainage basins (bounded
Given these difficulties with specific geomorphometry, general by divides) or into mountain ranges (‘hills’, bounded by thalwegs and
geomorphometry should be more widely used. It is, indeed, generally passes). Unlike map sheets, basins and ranges cannot in general have
applicable. Also “Studies of process… are much more easily har- equal areas, but each can claim to be natural divisions for some
monised with local or global representations of the Earth's surface in purposes, and they can be defined algorithmically. If a large area were
terms of fields of elevations, rather than with quantitative or divided into approximately equal numbers of each of these types, the
qualitative representations of shapes or forms.” (Mark and Smith, summary statistics should not be expected to be similar. Each type of
2004 p. 81). Early studies (Evans, 1972) were restricted to local division can be the basis for quantitative characterization of topo-
properties (altitude, slope and curvature distributions and interrela- graphy, but basins and ranges are more likely to lead to interesting
tions), but once drainage tracing and positional variables could be comparisons — of process relevance.
computed for large data sets they became a major part of general
geomorphometry (Dietrich et al., 2003; Wilson and Gallant, 2000). 10. Geomorphological mapping in a GIS environment
General geomorphometry has an inherent diversity based on the
way in which study areas or cases are defined. I suggest an essentially To most Europeans, ‘geomorphological maps’ mean comprehen-
three-fold division: sive multi-colour, multi-layer maps covering morphography, mor-
phometry, genesis, current processes, materials (lithology, structure)
1. Arbitrary areas such as map sheets, rectangles or circles. This is and chronology, plus a base map, such as the two German series
easiest, as it is the way data are provided, and convenient in that a (Barsch and Liedtke, 1980). Most North American and British
series of cases of the same areal extent may be compared. But scientists, on the other hand, regard comprehensive geomorpholog-
boundary effects are a problem when drainage tracing and regional ical maps as too complex and difficult to read — especially if the
variables are calculated. legend covers more space than any map sheet. They see major
2. Drainage basins. These are most evidently appropriate in fluvial problems in integrating so much information on one map, over-
landscapes (Chorley, 1969), but can be useful elsewhere. Many loading the power of the human visualisation system. They prefer
studies use overall attributes of drainage basins (shape, drainage simpler and clearer maps focused on a group of related landforms
104 I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106

(Evans, 1990), even if this means ignoring other aspects of the land subdivide seems to exist: also processes such as undercutting,
surface. In other words they are more specialised and more in tune incision and faulting produce numerous breaks in slope that provide
with specific geomorphometry, but at risk of missing interactions useful, non-arbitrary boundaries. In geomorphometry and in geo-
between different geomorphic systems. Some convergence has morphological mapping, both general and specific (i.e. both con-
occurred, as the legends of comprehensive coloured geomorpholog- tinuous field and object-based) approaches are needed, and are
ical maps have tended to simplify some components, for example in complementary.
Dutch (de Graaff et al., 1987) and Italian examples (Pasuto et al., One facet that has been missing from most quantitative work is the
2005) which have little chronological or morphometric information. A spatial pattern of areas (rather than points or channel networks).
Greek view of traditional geomorphological mapping, abundantly Scope exists to develop mosaic analysis for ‘patch maps’ where the
illustrated and with many proposed symbols, is given by Pavlopoulos whole area is allocated to one form or another; contiguities are of
et al. (2009). Further simplification may be required to incorporate genetic significance, and relative positions affect current processes.
maps into GIS (Gustavsson et al., 2006, 2008). Some ideas are discussed in Fortin and Dale (2005, ch. 4), in an
The rationale of putting everything on one map was to permit ecological context. Further development is needed for patches such as
visual interrelation of the different components. This was generally drumlins and cirques which do not occupy the whole surface:
unsuccessful in correlating spatial patterns because of the non- representation as points is problematic, but Fortin and Dale (2005 p.
relevant information interfered; comprehensive maps permitted ‘data 64–75) discuss definitions of neighbour and the use of Minimum
mining’ by reading off the various attributes of a particular point, spanning trees. The importance of land systems implies that we
rather than giving a synoptic view of spatial patterns. A successful should relate landforms to context (MacMillan et al., 2004; Deng,
multi-layered GIS (Minár et al., 2005; Gustavsson et al., 2008) avoids 2007), to position within the broader system, but this has rarely been
these problems by permitting any one layer to be viewed with any quantified. Studies of systems are now well entrenched in process
other, and coded subsets of any layer to be used. Together with the use geomorphology: the components produced by geomorphological
of simpler, clearer, more specialised maps, this has revived interest mapping and analysed by specific geomorphometry should, accord-
in geomorphological mapping (Paron and Smith, 2008; Pavlopoulos ingly, be reassembled and interrelated quantitatively. Object delim-
et al., 2009; Smith et al., in press). Modern computing has also pro- itation should be followed by contiguity and contextual (positional)
vided many new ways, including animation, of visualising complex analysis and system synthesis.
data (Dykes et al., 2005). The land surface of Earth is complex because of the range of
The general-purpose geomorphological map may be dead, but long processes that have fashioned it from a variety of materials, and to the
live geomorphological maps! With the abundance of data now way these processes have changed over time, both interacting and
available, and the range of visualisation techniques, geomorphological alternating. Even if the view of the surface is simplified to a single-
mapping is more important than ever before. valued function of latitude and longitude (no pipes, caves, overhangs
or vertical slopes), and human modifications are excluded, the land
11. Discussion and conclusions surface cannot be represented accurately by any mathematical model
with a small number of parameters (Evans and McClean, 1995;
I have attempted to relate geomorphometry to geomorphological McClean and Evans, 2000). Such models (e.g. fractal or spectral; also
mapping through their common dependence on defining and delimi- Fourier series and other families of polynomials) have uses, but it is
ting landforms and elementary forms. This leads to fuller develop- dangerous to regard them as realistic, or even as capturing the essence
ment of concepts of specific and general geomorphometry. As yet, of a real land surface. The science of geomorphology has devoted
both have rarely been applied together and compared in a specific much effort to classifying land surfaces and to recognising specific
landscape. Specific geomorphometry is clearly more applicable to surface features (landforms and elementary forms) and measuring
some landscapes than to others, and the number of studies published relationships between surface attributes. Specific global and regional
reflects these differences. Landscapes of bedforms and of distinct scales are recognised in the form of the land surface. We need to apply
erosional forms lend themselves to specific geomorphometry of areal both specific and general geomorphometry, and to supplement
forms, whereas analysis of fluvial landscapes is more often linear- multiple geomorphological maps with numerous geomorphometric
based: both, of course, should have a vertical dimension. Point-based maps, interrelating them in a GIS environment.
analysis seems less applicable, because most features of interest (most Apart from demonstrating the scale-specificity and static allom-
geomorphological objects except for peaks, passes and pits) have etry of many landforms, this paper has reviewed semantic and
linear or areal extent. (Point pattern analysis has been applied for conceptual frameworks for mapping and analysing landforms.
example to drumlins, but it is problematic because each drumlin Situations where specific or general geomorphometry are appropriate
covers an area that is large relative to the separation of drumlin have been discussed. The importance of fine resolution DEMs,
centroids.) especially LiDAR, for this enterprise has been emphasised, and a
Specific morphometry can lead on to various types of generalisa- number of proposals for further work have been made. Some parts of
tion, including scale-specificity and allometry. We are much more the land surface belong to more than one landform, and there are
likely to define types of feature as ‘landforms’ if they have limited and ‘leftover’ areas difficult to allocate. Classification, therefore, need not
characteristic size ranges. Scale specificity relates either to process be exclusive, or exhaustive: nesting and superposition occur, and
thresholds or to the scale of controlling frameworks (e.g. relief of a hierarchies are common.
whole valley-side, for mass movements) (Evans, 2003; 2010). Algorithms are needed that produce results that are consistent,
Cox (1978) objected to ‘atomistic’ approaches to subdivision of the and very accurate in approximating geomorphologists' views of
land surface. Cox makes the case that extracting patches from a landforms. We need to move from manual delimitation, whether on-
continuous surface is unphysical in that the whole surface forms screen or on printed images, to automated recognition and delimi-
together (Cox, 2007, and personal communication, 2010), whether tation of landforms and elementary forms from DEMs. (Measurement
subaerial, subaqueous, supraglacial or subglacial. Diffusive processes of delimited forms is a more easily automated task.) Local properties
tend to flatten the surface, limiting relief and slope gradients and such as altitude, slope and curvature are fundamental, but many
blurring boundaries. The demand for subdivision of the surface into forms need to be related to the flow network as position and context
manageable objects, however, continues and even grows — for are important for their classification or recognition as land elements
example among soil scientists (MacMillan et al., 2004; Deng, 2007; or types of landform. Extensive plains and highly irregular topogra-
and chapters in Hengl and Reuter, 2009). A psychological need to phies pose special challenges.
I.S. Evans / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 94–106 105

In conclusion, a quotation from Chorley (1969, pp. 96–97) has Series Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer, Berlin, pp.
proved highly prescient: Dykes, J., MacEachren, A.M., Kraak, M.J. (Eds.), 2005. Exploring Geovisualization.
Elsevier, Amsterdam. 730 pp.
“In the past, morphometric analysis from maps has been a rather Evans, I.S., 1972. General geomorphometry, derivatives of altitude, and descriptive
tedious and time-consuming task, …. programming … promises statistics. In: Chorley, R.J. (Ed.), Spatial Analysis in Geomorphology. Methuen,
to release the masses of data locked up in topographic maps and London, pp. 17–90.
Evans, I.S., 1980. An integrated system of terrain analysis and slope mapping. Zeitschrift
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