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Cummins ISL-G

Fuel Systems
Level Two

Technical Resource Guide

Doing what matters for jobs and the economy with funding provided by the
California Energy Commission (senate bill AB118) through a partnership
with the California Community Colleges, Office of Workforce Development,
Advanced Transportation and Renewable Energy sector.

Project Director/Editor
Cal Macy

Development team of Subject Matter Experts

Cal Macy
Bob Vannix
Rich Mensel
Pete Sparks

Cal Macy
Bob Vannix

Created by:
Long Beach City College
Advanced Transportation Technology Center
1305 E. Pacific Coast Highway
Long Beach, CA 90806
562-938-3067 This material is based upon work supported by the
[email protected] California Energy Commission under Grant No. 12-041-008

Revision 1 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

October 1, 2014
Course Title Course Benefits
Cummins ISL-G Level II Students will learn the proper and safe methods of
working with the high pressure Natural Gas fuel
systems using the laptop diagnostic software specific
Course Length
to the Cummins controllers. This class is a must for
16 hours technicians involved with diagnosis and repair of
Natural Gas engine management and fuel delivery
systems. The latest in information regarding known
Course Description
good readings, common failures, and technical service
This is an expansion of the lessons learned in the bulletins is included.
Level I and INSITE™ courses to further the tech-
nician’s understanding of diagnostic procedures. Prerequisites
Technicians are given training in the hands-on skills
needed to diagnose and repair the 8.9L Cummins Level I and INSITE™ is our recommended sequence.
ISL-G CNG fuel system. The 105 PIDs for the sen-
sors and actuators are covered with an emphasis on Objectives
known values and real world diagnostic applications
using Cummins Electronic Service Tools. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
The course includes advanced analysis of: ▪▪ Diagnose faults using INSITE™ to analyze:
▪▪ Computerized engine management system modes ▪▪ Ignition Systems
of operation ▪▪ Temperature Sensors
▪▪ Sensor fault analysis ▪▪ Pressure Sensors
▪▪ Actuator fault analysis ▪▪ Position Sensors
▪▪ Cummins Electronic Service Tools utilization ▪▪ Voltage Producing Sensors
in diagnosis ▪▪ Mass Gas and Airflow Sensors
Technicians are encouraged to bring a USB ▪▪ Compare fault code enabling criteria
Memory drive to obtain the Reference Materials
provided upon completion of Levels I and II. ▪▪ Inspect components for proper operation

▪▪ Use INSITE™ to assess parameters and formulate

diagnostic strategies

Competence will be measured by both lab
demonstration, pre and post tests.

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 1

Course Introduction

Important Agenda
The materials presented in this training are ▪▪ Coil-on-Plug Ignition
informational in design and not intended to replace
▪▪ INSITE™ Diagnostics
ANY manufacturer or fleet-established procedures.
All manufacturer or fleet-established procedures, ▪▪ Temperature Sensors
TSBs and recommendations shall be followed as they
supersede this material. ▪▪ Pressure Sensors

▪▪ Position Sensors

▪▪ Voltage Producing Sensors

▪▪ Mass Gas and Airflow Sensors

2 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Course Introduction

ISL-G Fuel Systems
1. What is Engine Limp-In mode?
a. A condition when DTCs are set. The engine will continue to run to return to
home base.
b. A condition when no DTCs are set. The engine will continue to run to return to
home base.

2. What is the ratio between the crankshaft and camshaft rotation?

a. 1:1
b. 2:1
c. 3:1
d. 4:1

3. An infrared pyrometer reads infrared energy emitted by objects and displays a reading.
a. True
b. False

4. What sensor signals the ECM for TDC on #1 Cylinder?

a. Camshaft sensor
b. Crankshaft Sensor
c. Accelerator Pedal Sensor
d. Throttle Plate Sensor

5. Why should you never touch the spark plugs?

a. Oil on hands can cause carbon tracking
b. They are brittle
c. Oil on hands can make them slippery and easy to drop
d. It is OK to touch the plug

6. Name one problem that can cause multiple faults to be set?

a. This is never a problem
b. Poor grounds or 5 volt supply to sensor supply circuits
c. Shorted engine coolant temperature signal
d. Shorted engine manifold pressure signal

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 3

Table of Contents
A. Introduction
▪▪ Pretest

1. Ignition Systems
▪▪ ISL-G Coil On Plug Ignition Systems
▪▪ Ignition Control Module (ICM)
▪▪ Inputs
▪▪ Outputs
▪▪ ICM Spark Voltage and Misfire Signals
▪▪ ICM Module / Harness Checks
▪▪ Activity 2.1

2. Diagnostics Utilizing INSITE™

▪▪ Diagnosis

3. Sensors
▪▪ Temperature Sensors
▪▪ Activity 2.2
▪▪ Activity 2.2.5
▪▪ Activity 2.3
▪▪ Activity 2.4
▪▪ Position Sensors
▪▪ Signal Producing Sensors
▪▪ Other Sensors and Switches
▪▪ Activity 2.5
▪▪ Activity 2.6
▪▪ Mass Gas Sensor
▪▪ Mass Airflow Sensor
▪▪ Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Humidity Sensor
▪▪ Coolant Level Sensor

4. Outputs, Actuators, Solenoids and Signals

▪▪ Outputs, Actuators, Solenoids and Signals
▪▪ Fuel Control Valve
▪▪ Wastegate Control Valve
▪▪ Throttle Actuator
▪▪ Activity 2.7

4 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Natural Gas Safety Considerations

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 5

1 Module One

6 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Ignition Systems

ISL-G Ignition Systems second? This would be near idle speed and doubles
when cruising. At freeway speed, the coils must fire
In Level 1, we discussed how the various system 4 times faster per second. Hint: the answer relies on
components work and how to manually test them. 4-stroke theory. Now, imagine a 6-cylinder engine
Level 2 will revisit these systems with an emphasis with only one coil. It would have to fire 6 times for
on diagnosis and repair. Technical Service Bulletins each 4-stroke cycle, working 6 times as hard and fast.
and diagnostic strategies will be discussed as they We drive thousands of miles with the coil working
apply. This advanced level will be lab dominant this hard under varying load conditions that are a
utilizing INSITE™ and advanced diagnostic challenge for the plug. When a misfire is isolated to
strategies learned in the INSITE™ class. a cylinder, the plug and coils are likely suspects that
should be checked out carefully. Perform standard
The capacitive discharge ignition stores electrons in
diagnostics by checking the resistance across the
a capacitor and shoots them off to ground through
coils and inspecting the coils for cracks where sparks
the primary of the coil. When the spark plug fires,
could arc to the engine block. When in doubt, change
the air around the spark plug is ionized and primed
them out as the standard visual checks will not
to ignite. As long as there is enough voltage stored in
usually reveal issues.
the capacitor and the ICM switch is closed, the spark
plug will continue to fire until the capacitor dissipates
or the circuit is broken. The additional closed switch
time and stored voltage allows multiple sparks to Ignition Control Module
occur as long as the switch is closed. As engine RPM The Ignition Control
increases, the possibility of multi-spark decreases as Module (ICM)
this switched on time is shortened. contains a DC-to-
Multiple spark discharge can occur at all times on the DC converter and a
ISL-G engines. It cannot be measured or seen with a separate coil driver for
meter. It is induced by increasing the on time spark
Ignition Control Module each spark plug. The
signal from the ECM. DC-to-DC converter
steps up the 12-volt battery supply voltage to 300 to
400 volts. Overheating of the Coil on Plug (COP)
ignition coils is minimized by an increased primary
Spark Plugs
voltage and filled coils. The higher voltage allows the
A spark plug works very hard to make the engine current requirement to be reduced, which creates less
run with the higher ignition temperature required heat.
for natural gas. The ignition system is challenged
This voltage can provide a dangerous jolt on the
repeatedly to ignite the natural gas under very
primary side of the coil that can cause bodily injury.
difficult circumstances and with extreme speed.
It discharges when shut down but the capacitors can
The amount of time needed for the coil to saturate
always provide a jolt if they become energized with
and discharge has required the use of coil on plug
the key on.
designs. Using 600 rpm on these 4-stroke engines as
an example, how many times would ONE coil fire per

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 7

Module One

This voltage charges the capacitor in each of the coil Coil On Plug Ignition
drivers. It is important to never disconnect the ICM
harness with engine running or damage can occur. There is one coil per
cylinder that is direct fired
The ICM has misfire detection and kV per cylinder by the ICM. The coil can
tracking. Kilovolt detection is performed by induce a total voltage
monitoring the primary current drawn as 300+ volts to the plugs of 40Kv.
is supplied to the coils. This voltage is then applied Coil On Plug (COP) Ignition The average spark is
across the spark plug gap. The current across the approximately 15 – 20Kv,
spark plug gap is then analyzed. depending upon engine load and conditions. This is
Misfire detection is performed through ion sensing the required voltage which leaves a reserve voltage
of the positively charged electrons that have been to accommodate changing engine conditions and
disassociated from atoms during heat of combustion. component deterioration without a misfire.
Good combustion generates a current peak. Misfire
is indicated by a low current, which is a flat
response. Late combustion reduces and delays the ISL-G Ignition System
current waveform. These ECM inputs are beneficial The ECM and ICM are located on the same side
to diagnostics but if they malfunction, will not of the engine as the fuel control housing and air
usually affect engine operation. intake manifold. The ECM and ICM on the ISL-G
is similar to ECMs and ICMs of previous Cummins
Westport engines but they are not interchangeable.
Ignition System Failure to use an ICM with the correct part number
The ignition system begins with the Electronic for the engine will result in misfire faults and other
Control Module (ECM) sending ignition information intermittent behavior. Once load and speed are
to the Ignition Control Module (ICM) as it receives determined, the ECM then commands the ICM to
engine position and engine speed signals from fire its capacitors through the grounded coils. This
the camshaft and crankshaft position sensors, is different from most conventional systems as they
respectively. The ICM then sends the appropriate ground the coils through the computer to charge them
firing signals to the individual coils based upon and break this ground to fire the plug.
the firing order in its memory. The ICM is both a The primary resistance on the Coil on Plug (COP)
processor and the ignition coil driver, but remains is measured between pins “A” and “B”. This
dependent upon the ECM for its timing commands. It measurement should be approximately 3 ohms.
only knows the firing order.
The secondary winding measurement for the COP
resistance is taken between the spark plug connection
and either pins B or C of the 4-pin connector.

8 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Ignition Systems

Ignition Inputs to ECM on the crankshaft for when to send commands to

the respective coils to fire the spark plugs for each
The primary inputs to the cylinder.
Engine Control Module (ECM)
for spark timing are the Engine The ECM interprets the 7th signal input as the
Camshaft Position (ECP) beginning of a new cycle in the firing order and
Sensor and the Manifold generates a timing reference signal for the ICM
Absolute Pressure (MAP) to restart the sequence. Any interruption of this
Manifold Absolute
Pressure Sensor. The MAP is the load signal can lead to the ECM starting over on the
sensing element that the ECM firing order, causing drivability problems. Radio
uses to adjust the base timing Frequency Interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic
and as an input for air mass Field Interference (EFI) can cause havoc with the
calculation. This is equivalent signal in the ECM so special protection is used. The
to the vacuum advance protrusions can be damaged by prying on or dropping
CAM Sensor systems in 1980 vintage them during repair operations so care must be taken.
vehicles. Because of the
throttle plate, the manifold pressure before and after
the throttle plate may be different due to turbocharger Camshaft/Speed Sensor
boost pressure. Intake manifold vacuum leaks can
Interruptions in the frequency of the signal would
reduce the reading and cause extra fueling to occur.
cause misfires and tachometer problems. If this
The Engine Camshaft Speed/Position Sensor sensor fails, you can have a no-start condition and the
measures the position of the camshaft by the use lock-off solenoid may not open. These sensors can
of a Hall-effects sensor and seven cast protrusions fail intermittently under certain conditions caused by
on the camshaft gear. Whenever the camshaft gear connector resistance or winding shorts or opens that
protrusions pass the Engine Camshaft Speed/Position will usually show up with the heat of operation.
Sensor, a signal is produced. These sensors produce a
digital on-off signal that is used to determine engine
position (#1 cylinder) and speed. The engine will not Knock Sensors
run without a tachometer signal but may run without
Knock sensors sense engine detonation that occurs
a reference by the camshaft sensor. A Digital Storage
under load. Knock sensor 1 monitors the front three
Oscilloscope is required to see these signals.
cylinders and knock sensor 2 monitors the three rear
cylinders. There are three levels of knock.

Camshaft Gear Light knock is the lowest of the three thresholds. It

is designed to guard against damage from light to
The Camshaft gear has protrusions that when passed
mild knock. The ECM will retard ignition timing
across the camshaft Hall-Effect sensor, sends a signal
and slightly de-rate the throttle. A yellow lamp will
to the ICM when to start the firing order. In turn, the
illuminate to warn the operator that light knock has
crankshaft sensor receives signals from protrusions

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 9

Module One

been detected. Heavy knock warning will be activated When checking plugs, always check for cracks and
if the light knock protection fails to eliminate the wear to the electrodes. Natural gas is a dry, low-
problem or a knock is detected that crosses the heavy carbon gas that will not usually leave residue or
knock threshold. The ECM will trigger a severe wetness if fouled. It is difficult to determine a rich
throttle de-rate and illuminate the red warning lamp. running engine by plug inspection alone. Coils can
A cold knock threshold provides severe protection be easily damaged when removing and reinstalling.
while the engine is reaching a stable operating Install all coils and their brackets loosely before
temperature. Time at this threshold is a function torqueing them down.
of coolant temperature at startup. The cold knock
threshold is disabled when the engine temperature
reaches 160 °F (71°C). Multiple Spark Discharge
When testing sensors, use an ohmmeter and check for This engine incorporates multiple spark discharge
continuity. A frequency counting DVOM can also be at all times to fire the spark plug. The capacitor
used with the engine running providing a load can be keeps discharging until the available voltage drops
created. enough below required voltage that the ionization
trail is broken and the plug stops discharging. This
Detonation percentages can also be monitored with
is similar to Mallory ignition from the 1970s. The
INSITE™ as it is hard to get it to react during an idle
rapid firing of the coil helps to overcome high ignition
or stall test.
temperature requirements, increasing dependability
Paint on the bottom of the sensor or its mounting and performance.
location (block or head) can cause a dampening of the
signal. If Cummins paint is interfering, clean the areas
and torque the bolt to proper spec.

ICM Outputs
External testing of the coil should be done carefully.
The coil is oil filled, so it must be mounted 45°
to vertical if fired. If this is not done, coils will
prematurely fail. Shorting or disconnecting coils
to do a cylinder balance test is not recommended,
Coil and Spark Plug
as the resulting misfire can damage the expensive
catalyst substrate. Swapping of coils or plugs from
one cylinder to another can be time consuming but
will confirm the misfire culprit if done. Swapping
of connectors on the coils will cause misfires on the
incorrectly driven coil.

10 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Ignition Systems

ICM Spark Voltage and Misfire with denatured alcohol. Plugs should be torqued to
Signals the proper manufacturer specification (28-32 ft lbs) to
dissipate heat which is critical to plug life.
Coils can be checked for output using several
commercially available hand-held testers or It is imperative that the maintenance intervals are
INSITE™. Disabling coils while the engine is kept in accordance to the ISL-G, per Cummins. These
running during a cylinder balance test can damage levels are based upon an average speed of 15mph.
the catalyst so this ECM test is not available. It is difficult to test the ignition system with an
The ICM sends signals for spark plug voltages and ignition scope due to the multiple coils. Firing of
misfires back to the ECM that can be monitored in coils without proper grounding can damage a coil.
INSITE™. This is for diagnostic purposes only. INSITE™ shows ignition spark voltages and misfires
but won’t test a coil to prevent catalyst damage. In
False reading for cylinder Kv voltages are possible order to check ignition coil operation, a coil tester is
from time to time with no misfires - this is caused recommended. The Cummins ignition coil tester part
by the diagnostic side of the ICM. This has no effect number is #3164486.
on carrying out the basic ignition control as it is for
diagnostic purposes only.

Coil Over Plug Ignition

A new design plug incorporating 3 electrodes is being
utilized to help prevent misfires. The spark plugs
perform under extreme dry conditions that tax their
abilities when they fire. Three electrodes ensure that
the plug will be able to find a ground path under all
operating loads. The proper plug should always be
used without substitution for best performance and
Coil Over Plug (COP) Ignition
comes with a new pre-greased boot.

The plugs in the ISL-G are triple ground-electrode

plugs which are different than the Cummins 12L.
Always use the Cummins replacement procedures
when changing spark plugs to avoid carbon tracking
and premature spark plug failure. These procedures
include the use of a 5/8 deep well magnetic socket
3-Electrode Plug Design
to install plugs without a rubber insert. In addition,
do not touch the spark plugs as fingerprints cause
carbon tracking on the plug. If touched, clean plugs

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 11

Module One

ICM Module Check harness. The torque on the ECM Harness is very low
This is the Cummins procedure to check the ICM
module for any shorts in the harness and confirm that the If the harness is faulty or there is an open or shorted
module is functioning properly. Before disconnecting circuit, either repair or replace the harness. INSITE™
this module, make sure that the ignition is off or damage has an ECM diagnostic test that includes a “wiggle
can occur to the ECM and/or ICM modules. test” to check for intermittent connections.

Wiring Harness
After checking that the Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) connector was providing proper
power and ground, a DVOM would be used to check
continuity of the wiring harness between the ECM
and ICM.

To remove this harness from its support brackets and

the ECM, it is necessary to remove the connectors Electronic Control Module (ECM)
from several components first, per Cummins test
procedures. Continuity checks can be made with a Wiring Harness Servicing
The ICM cannot always be removed without first
disconnecting the ECM wiring. Using a DVOM to test
the ICM harness can be done without removing the
ICM. When reinstalling, make sure that the latches are
in place to secure all plugs to the ECM module so that
vibration does not loosen any connections.

ICM Module Check

Cummins outlines procedures for diagnosing shorts
and open circuits in the wiring harness between the
Wiring Harness
ICM and ignition coils. This is a top-down process
where you first check the resistance between coils to
Wiring Harness Inspection confirm continuity. The next step is to confirm that
there are no shorts in the wiring. After confirming
Refer to the engine manufacturer’s repair manual there are no short circuits, attach the harness to the
when servicing and troubleshooting the wiring ICM to confirm continuity and that no shorts occur
when harness is connected to the ICM.

12 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Ignition Systems

Activity 2.1:
Ignition System Harness
Tools required:
1. Inch-pound torque wrench (only if removing ICM) 2. Sockets
3. Pocket screwdriver 4. DVOM
5. Spark tester 6. Jumper wire
6. Insulated needle-nose pliers

OEM Wiring Harness

The original equipment manufacturer (OEM) harness is supplied and installed by the vehicle manufacturer.
Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s procedures if replacement is necessary. Refer to the vehicle manufacturer’s
troubleshooting and repair manual.

  Engine Harness Installation

1. Connect the engine harness to ECM.

2. Torque Value: 3 n.m [27 in-lbs]
3. Install the harness clamps that hold the engine harness to the block.
4. Connect the sensors and switches to the engine harness.
5. Connect the battery cables.

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 13

Module One

ICM Wiring Harness


1. Unlatch the connectors by using a small screwdriver to open the connector.

2. Slide the latch fully to remove the connector from ICM.
3. Remove the four capscrews and ICM.

Tech Tip: In some applications, the ICM cannot be removed without first disconnecting the ECM wiring.

Installation after Inspection

1. Install the new ICM and four cap screws.

2. Torque Value: 24 N.m [212 in-lbs]
3. Connect the two (or three) harness connectors.
4. Slide the connector lock until a click is heard and the slide face is flush with the connector.

ICM Harness Inspection

NOTE: NEVER disconnect a module with the ignition in the ON position or it can damage the computer.

Check the ICM outputs.

1. Turn the key switch to the OFF position and remove key from the ignition.
2. Disconnect the harness from ignition coil #6 and momentarily ground terminal “C” for 30 seconds to
dissipate the Capacitor.
3. Disconnect the ignition coil harness connector from the ICM.
4. Measure the resistance between the chassis ground pins on the ICM (pins #7 and #15) and block
What is this resistance? ________________ ohms
Note: In order to proceed, this resistance must be 10 ohms or less.
5. Measure the resistance on the ICM output for each coil and block ground.
What is this Resistance? ________________ ohms (should be INFINITE)
6. Disconnect all coils from the harness to isolate the harness for testing.
7. Notice that all coil pins are wired in parallel for both A and C and share a common pin for each at the
ICM connector. Using the supplied Cummins documentation, what are the harness pin numbers and
what is the wiring harness resistance to each coil plug, for coil pins A, B, and C (with coils disconnected)?
Note: Check resistance from ICM harness connector to each coil plug.

ICM Pin# _____ Coil Pin A______ Ohms

ICM Pin# _____ Coil (1) Pin B____ Ohms ICM Pin# _____ Coil (2) Pin B____ Ohms
ICM Pin# _____ Coil (3) Pin B____ Ohms ICM Pin# _____ Coil (4) Pin B____ Ohms
ICM Pin# _____ Coil (5) Pin B____ Ohms ICM Pin# _____ Coil (6) Pin B____ Ohms
ICM Pin# _____ Coil Pin C______ Ohms

14 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Ignition Systems

Note: The resistance must be 10 ohms or less. If the resistance is incorrect, repair or replace the wiring harness.

8. To check for shorted connectors or wiring, measure the resistance of each pin on the ignition coil end
of harness to ground.

Coil Pin A_______ Ohms

Coil (1) Pin B_____ Ohms Coil (2) Pin B____ Ohms
Coil (3) Pin B_____ Ohms Coil (4) Pin B____ Ohms
Coil (5) Pin B_____ Ohms Coil (6) Pin B____ Ohms
Coil Pin C_______ Ohms
Note: The resistance must be infinite. If the resistance is incorrect, repair or replace the wiring harness

9. To check the ICM for an internal short, reconnect the harness and check resistance to ground.

Coil Pin A______ Ohms

Coil (1) Pin B____ Ohms Coil (2) Pin B____ Ohms
Coil (3) Pin B____ Ohms Coil (4) Pin B____ Ohms
Coil (5) Pin B____ Ohms Coil (6) Pin B____ Ohms
Coil Pin C______ Ohms
Note: The resistance must show an open circuit (100k ohms or more).
If the circuit is not open, there is an internal short in the ICM. Replace the ICM.

10. Are there any internal shorts? (Y / N) ________________

Checking ICM Outputs

11. Reconnect all connectors to both coil packs and the ICM module correctly.
12. By back probing, measure the voltages on Pins A, B, and C to ground of a coil pack with key in the
following positions;

KOEO Pin A: ___________ Volts Pin B: __________ Volts Pin C: _________ Volts
KOER Pin A: ___________ Volts Pin B: __________ Volts Pin C: _________ Volts

13. Which pin is the control signal from the ICM to the coil? ______________

(Optional) instructor led demo on spark tester(s)

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 15

2 Module Two

16 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Diagnostics Utilizing INSITE™™

Diagnosis There are 6 different voltage supplies and each has

its assignments. Sources from 5-15v are assigned
When engine faults occur due to failed sensor/ to these supply circuits with the Gas Mass Meter
components, the ECM will attempt to keep the requiring 15V to operate. If multiple faults are noted
engine running with Engine Limp-in Mode to get the in INSITE™, it may be due to sensors powered by
vehicle back to home base. In this mode, the ECM the same Sensor Voltage Supply Line from the ECM.
will either assign default values or substitute another If this is the case, the problem may be due to wiring
sensor’s values to start or keep the engine running. harness problems for the group of sensors, either
The method used by the ECM to attempt limp-in will on the common voltage supply side or through the
depend on which sensor is failing. When a sensor common return.
fails, the engine protection is lost through that sensor
as the ECM no longer has reliable data from this
failed sensor.

The ECM uses the 90/10 concept to determine

whether or not a sensor is providing good data to the
ECM. This concept states that if the signal voltage
is within 10% - 90% of the reference voltage (5V),
the ECM believes that the data is correct. If that
data is less than 10% or greater than 90% of the
reference voltage, the ECM considers the data to be
unacceptable and out of range, which sets a fault. The
90/10 is a concept to understand what determines if
a sensor is providing accurate data and may fluctuate
in actual minimum and maximum percentages,
depending upon the system component design.

There are three de-rate methods available that

provide engine protection when faults are set.
They are torque, RPM, and/or shutdown methods.
Depending on the fault, INSITE™ may incorporate
multiple methods sequentially if the fault continues to
provide engine protection. An example of this would
be an engine fault for low oil pressure.

The de-rate thresholds can be found in INSITE™

under the Advanced ECM Data section. They include
time-delay effects on the engine and light functions
for each de-rate method.

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 17

3 Module Three

18 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Sensor Types Engine Coolant Temperature

The types of sensors that are on this engine are:
The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
▪▪ Temperature
is a two-wire sensor that has signal and return.
▪▪ Pressure Temperature sensors are thermistor devices and
change resistance with temperature changes.
▪▪ Position When testing temperature sensors and comparing
▪▪ Voltage Producing their corresponding temperature with known good
values, the temperature should be accurate within 5
▪▪ Mass Gas degrees of its base temperature or the sensor is not
calibrated correctly.
▪▪ Mass Airflow
If engine temperature rises over 217°, the ECM
▪▪ Switches and Miscellaneous Signals
will set a torque de-rate. If the temperature rises
We will review sensors that are on this engine and to 233.6°, the ECM will shut down the engine.
cover new information.

Temperature Sensors
There are 8 temperature sensors to help maintain a
Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio:

▪▪ Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

▪▪ Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor

▪▪ Compressor Inlet Humidity/Temperature Sensor

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
▪▪ Turbine Inlet Temperature Sensor

▪▪ EGR Temperature Sensor

▪▪ Fuel Outlet Pressure/Temperature Sensor

▪▪ Catalyst Temperature Sensor

▪▪ Mass Airflow Temperature Sensor

Temperature sensors of either the pyrometer or

thermistor type are tested similarly.

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 19

Module Three

Intake Manifold Pressure/ fuel delivery. This sensor is tested for the presence
Temperature Sensor of the 5v supply on the temperature signal and a
signal return (ground) through the ECM. Check the
The combination Intake Manifold Pressure/ readings on INSITE™ and then manually verify the
Temperature Sensor will torque de-rate the engine at temperature right at the base of the sensor.
152.6 °F with a 5 second delay and shutdown at 192.2
°F with a 50 second delay. It will use both amber
and then flashing red warnings. The Sensor has a
4-wire plug in which the return is common for both
the pressure and temperature sensors. When checking
voltage drop for the temperature sensor, measure the
temperature signal on pin 4 and the signal return on
pin 2. The pressure signal should be measured on pin
3, the common signal on pin 2.

Turbocharger Temperature Sensor

EGR Temperature Sensor

The EGR Temperature Sensor is a thermistor that
provides a torque de-rate at 266 °F and shut down
at 284 °F with a red flashing lamp. This temperature
sensor, along with the Delta Pressure Sensor,
provide information for the EGR to keep EGR flow
Intake Manifold Pressure/Temperature Sensor
to a maximum of 30%.

Turbocharger Compressor Inlet

Humidity/Temperature Sensor
The temperature portion of the Compressor Inlet
Humidity/Temperature Sensor is a thermistor subject
to voltage drops with intake air temperature changes.
The temperature of the charged air varies the amount
of oxygen charge being introduced into the engine,
which changes the ratio. Driveability issues can
occur in hot environments with these variations so
the ECM will make slight adjustments to lean out the
EGR Temperature Sensor

20 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


If the EGR cooler is replaced, make sure that the Catalyst Temperature Sensor
cooling system is purged of air pockets. Refer to
TSB 110056 for the procedures on refilling coolant The Catalyst temperature is a pyrometer. The
and bleeding system. When refilling cooling system ECM will provide a torque de-rate if the catalyst
always fill until coolant comes out at bleeder fitting temperature exceeds 1247° and an RPM de-rate if the
on top of the EGR cooler and/or hose to recovery temperature exceeds 1337°.
tank at top of radiator. Run engine with radiator
cap off and heater turned on for 10-20 minutes,
depending on vehicle, to make sure cooling system
is free or air pockets.

Fuel Outlet Pressure/Temperature

The Fuel Outlet Pressure/Temp Sensor is before
the Fuel Control Valve and just after the secondary
regulator. This sensor has a common return with other
sensors and can set multiple fault if the return has Catalyst Temperature Sensor

Always reset Fuel tables in INSITE™ whenever

replacing any fuel system component.

Fuel Outlet Pressure/Temperature Sensor

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 21

Module Three

Activity 2.2:
Cummins ISL-G Temperature Sensor
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Classroom handouts 2. INSITE™

Step 1:
Using your classroom materials, locate the ECT wiring diagram.
ECT – Temperature signal wire terminal _________
Sensor return wire terminal _________
Step 2:

Connect INSITE™.

CLEAR all inactive fault codes.

Start engine and View the Temperature Sensor parameters.

A. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness connected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

B. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness disconnected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information

MIL light status _______ Fault Code _______ Lamp color ________ PID/SID _______

C. Record the Parameter with the sensor signal/return shorted.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information.

MIL light status ______ Fault Code _______ Lamp color _______ PID/SID _______


22 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Step 3

Go to the classroom and look up the fault codes for steps B and C on the classroom computers using
INSITE™. Answer the following questions for B and C below.

Referring to B. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Referring to C. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Are the fault codes numbered sequentially?

Are there other fault codes for this sensor?

Is so, what fault codes?

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 23

Module Three

EGR Temperature Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Classroom handouts 2. INSITE™

Step 1:

Using your classroom materials locate the EGRT wiring diagram.

EGRT – Temperature signal wire terminal _________

Sensor return wire terminal _________

Step 2:

Connect INSITE™.

CLEAR all inactive fault codes

Start engine and View the Temperature Sensor parameters

A. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness connected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

B. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness disconnected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code_______ Lamp color _______ PID/SID ______

C. Record the Parameter with the sensor signal/return shorted.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View fault codes and record the fault code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code ______ Lamp color _________ PID/SID ________


24 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Step 3

Go to the classroom and look up the fault codes for steps B and C on the classroom computers using
INSITE™ Answer the following questions for B and C below.

Referring to B. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Referring to C. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Are the fault codes numbered sequentially?

Are there other fault codes for this sensor?

Is so, what fault codes?

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 25

Module Three

Catalyst Outlet Temperature Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Classroom handouts 2. INSITE™

Step 1:

Using your classroom materials, locate the CAT TEMP wiring diagram.

CAT TEMP – 5-volt supply wire terminal _________

Sensor return wire terminal _________

Step 2:

Connect INSITE™

CLEAR all inactive fault codes

Start engine and View the Temperature Sensor parameters.

A. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness connected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

B. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness disconnected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code_______ Lamp color _______ PID/SID ______

C. Record the Parameter with the sensor signal/return shorted.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the fault code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code ______ Lamp color _________ PID/SID ________


26 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Step 3

Go to the classroom and look up the fault codes for steps B and C on the classroom computers using
INSITE™. Answer the following questions for B and C below.

Referring to B. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Referring to C. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Are the fault codes numbered sequentially?

Are there other fault codes for this sensor?

Is so, what fault codes?

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 27

Module Three

Fuel Temperature/Outlet Pressure Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Classroom handouts 2. INSITE™

Step 1:
Using your classroom materials locate the CAT TEMP wiring diagram.
FOP/T – 5-volt supply wire terminal _________
Pressure Signal terminal__________
Signal return wire terminal__________
Temperature Signal terminal__________

Step 2:
Connect INSITE™.

CLEAR all inactive fault codes.

Start engine and View the Temperature Sensor parameters.

A. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness connected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

B. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness disconnected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code_______ Lamp color _______ PID/SID ______

C. Record the Parameter with the sensor signal/return shorted.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the fault code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code ______ Lamp color _________ PID/SID ________


28 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Step 3

Go to the classroom and look up the fault codes for steps B and C on the classroom computers using
INSITE™. Answer the following questions for B and C below.

Referring to B. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Referring to C. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Are the fault codes numbered sequentially?

Are there other fault codes for this sensor?

Is so, what fault codes?

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 29

Module Three

Turbine Intake Temperature Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Classroom handouts 2. INSITE™

Step 1:

Using your classroom materials locate the Turbine Inlet Temp Senor wiring diagram

Turbine Inlet Temp sensor – 5-volt supply wire terminal _________

Sensor return wire terminal _________

Step 2:

Connect INSITE™.

CLEAR all inactive fault codes.

Start engine and View the Temperature Sensor parameters.

A. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness connected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

B. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness disconnected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code_______ Lamp color _______ PID/SID ______

C. Record the Parameter with the sensor signal/return shorted.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code ______ Lamp color _________ PID/SID ________


30 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Step 3

Go to the classroom and look up the fault codes for steps B and C on the classroom computers using
INSITE™. Answer the following questions for B and C below.

Referring to B. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Referring to C. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Are the fault codes numbered sequentially?

Are there other fault codes for this sensor?

Is so, what fault codes?

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 31

Module Three

Intake Manifold (Air) Temperature Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Classroom handouts 2. INSITE™

Step 1:
Locate the IMT sensor
IMT –5-volt supply wire terminal _________
Sensor signal wire terminal _________
Sensor return wire terminal _________

Step 2:

Connect INSITE™.

CLEAR all inactive fault codes.

Start engine and View the Temperature Sensor parameters.

A. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness connected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

B. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness disconnected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code_______ Lamp color _______ PID/SID ______

C. Record the Parameter with the sensor signal/return shorted.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the fault code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code ______ Lamp color _________ PID/SID _________


32 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Step 3

Go to the classroom and look up the fault codes for steps B and C on the classroom computers using
INSITE™. Answer the following questions for B and C below.

Referring to B. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Referring to C. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Are the fault codes numbered sequentially?

Are there other fault codes for this sensor?

Is so, what fault codes?

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 33

Module Three

Compressor Intake Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Classroom handouts 2. INSITE™

Step 1:
Locate the Temperature side of the HAT sensor
Temp Sensor – Wire Terminal _________ Function__________
Wire Terminal _________Function__________

Step 2:

Connect INSITE™.

CLEAR all inactive fault codes

Start engine and View the Temperature Sensor parameters.

A. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness connected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

B. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness disconnected.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code_______ Lamp color _______ PID/SID ______

C. Record the Parameter with the sensor signal/return shorted.

Temp _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View fault codes and record the fault code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code ______ Lamp color _________ PID/SID _________


34 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Step 3

Go to the classroom and look up the fault codes for steps B and C on the classroom computers using
INSITE™. Answer the following questions for B and C below.

Referring to B. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Referring to C. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Are the fault codes numbered sequentially?

Are there other fault codes for this sensor?

Is so, what fault codes?

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 35

Module Three

Activity 2.2.5:
Cummins ISL-G Pressure Sensors
Tools and equipment:

1. Classroom handouts 2. INSITE™

Step 1:

Using your classroom materials locate the pressure sensor on the wiring diagram
5 Volt Supply____________
Pressure signal wire terminal _________
Sensor return wire terminal _________

Step 2:

Connect INSITE™.

CLEAR all inactive fault codes.

Start engine and View the Pressure Sensor parameters.

A. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness connected.

Pressure _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

B. Record the Parameters with the sensor harness disconnected.

Pressure _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View Fault codes and record the Fault Code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code_______ Lamp color _______ PID/SID ______

C. Record the Parameter with the sensor signal/return shorted.

Pressure _______ Volts ________ Are these default values? Yes/No

View fault codes and record the fault code information.

MIL light status _______ Fault Code ______ Lamp color _________ PID/SID _________


36 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Step 3

Go to the classroom and look up the fault codes for steps B and C on the classroom computers using
INSITE™. Answer the following questions for B and C below.

Referring to B. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Referring to C. What conditions must be present to run the diagnostics and set this code?

How do you validate the repair?

What conditions must be present for the ECM to turn off the check engine/MIL light?



When does the ECM reset the inactive fault codes?

Is there any engine protection or de-rating available?

Are the fault codes numbered sequentially?

Are there other fault codes for this sensor?

Is so, what fault codes

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 37

Module Three

ISL-G Electronics rear bed absorbs O2 in the platinum and palladium,

which oxidizes the HC and COs. An engine that is
The ECM is the brains behind the system. The cal- biased excessively rich will overheat the Catalytic
ibration for each engine is installed and compliant converter just like misfires.
with EPA and CARB regulations to meet the emis-
sion requirements in effect. There are 27 sensor Because of the BTU and density of natural gas, the stoi-
inputs and 8 switched inputs to the ECM that drive chiometric A/F ratio is adjusted to around 16.5:1, which
9 outputs. The slightest variance in the components is leaner than gasoline or diesel. This varies with operat-
can cause an engine to have drivability issues. In ing conditions and is calculated using mass airflow and
some cases issues can be caused by calibrations that gas mass flow calculations along with the input sensors.
need to be changed by downloading from the factory.
Always look in QuickServ for possible bulletins and
updates that may need to be applied to resolve symp-
toms. The system has 2 Communication protocols
(J1587 and J1939) to network the computer with its
inputs and outputs, as well as, to allow calibration
changes. The higher number J1939 is preferred as it
is the fastest and contains the most data available.

Emissions and Operation Modes

When an engine is not up to operating temperature,
fuel enrichment is necessary. It takes about 1 ½ min-
utes to go from open loop to closed loop each time
the ISL-G is started. The system can enter closed
loop during this cold enrichment mode.

In closed loop, the catalytic converter reduces oxides

of nitrogen (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon
monoxide (CO). Misfires result in no combustion
which allows HC and oxygen (O2) to pass to the
catalyst unburned. Both gasses re-burn in the 3-way
catalyst (TWC), causing excessive heat which can
drastically shorten its life. During closed loop the
system must vary between rich and lean evenly for
proper catalyst operation. During the rich cycle CO
reacts with the rhodium to reduce NOx in the front
bed or reduction section. During the lean cycle, the

38 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Activity 2.3
Fuel Control Valve and Closed Loop Analysis
Tools and Equipment:

1. Cummins Troubleshooting and Repair Manual 2. Tool Set

3. INSITE™ 4. Propane Enrichment
5. Classroom handouts

Step 1: Closed Loop Analysis

Note: Every time engine is started a timer is set for approximately 1½ minutes before engine goes into
closed loop operation.

Procedure: In the following steps, we are going to record the values from INSITE™ (at 30-second intervals)
as the engine warms up and goes from “Open Loop” mode of operation to “Closed Loop”
operation. We will also estimate how long it takes for the engine to go into “Closed Loop” mode.

a) Turn Cummins engine ignition to the on position (do not start).

b) Connect INSITE™ and establish communication with engine.

c) Add the following parameters to INSITE™:

• Mass Gas Sensor
• Fuel Control Valve
• Input and Output O2 Sensor voltages
• Engine Coolant Temperature

d) Connect DVOM to O2 and monitor when sensor starts cross-counting (approximately 1 ½ minutes).

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 39

Module Three

Step 2: INSITE™ parameter Readings

Start engine and run @ 1200 RPM while recording the following information at 30 second intervals;

Mass Gas Mass Gas Fuel Control Input Output

Time ECT Temp Flow Voltage Valve Cmd O Sensor
O2 Sensor

________ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________

a) Are there any of indicators of closed loop operation? _______________________________

b) Disconnect one coil pack momentarily and compare to the readings for a normal idle. (closed loop)

Mass Gas Mass Gas Fuel Control Input Output

Flow Voltage Valve Cmd O Sensor O2 Sensor

________ ________ _______ ________ ________

________ ________ _______ ________ ________

c) How did the Mass Gas and O2 readings change and why? _________________________________

d) Reconnect the coil packs.

40 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Step 3: Locate the Fuel Control Valve

Visually locate the Fuel Control Valve and identify the power and ground wires:

#1 ground Wire terminal ________________________

#1 power Wire terminal ________________________

Step 4:

Connect the laptop to the diagnostic connector and view the Fuel Control Valve data parameters.
Run the engine at the following speeds and record the appropriate data:
Lowest Value Highest Value

KOEO _____________ ______________

KOER @ Idle _____________ ______________
Snap the throttle and observe any changes _____________ ______________

Step 5:

Note the Mass Gas Flow Compensation and Fuel Control Valve prior to propane enrichment and record
the value.

KOER @ 1000 RPM Compensation + / - ________ FCV _____________

Note the HO2S PID ______________

Step 6:

Note the Mass Gas Flow Compensation and Fuel Control Valve while performing the propane enrichment and
record the value.

KOER @ 1000 RPM Compensation + / - ________ FCV _____________

Note the HO2S PID ______________

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 41

Module Three

Step 7:

a) With KOER, disconnect Fuel Control Valve.

b) Note if a code is set and what fault code through INSITE™. Fault Code ____________
Fault Description:______________________________________________
c) According to INSITE™, what are the effects of this set fault?:
d) What are the conditions to set? ________________________________________________
e) When do the conditions for setting this code take place?________________________________
f) What are the possible causes for setting this code?____________________________________
g) What are the conditions for clearing this fault? ______________________________________
h) What is the action taken when the fault is active? _____________________________________
i) Is there an “Engine De-rate” for this sensor? (Y / N) What is the de-rate? _____________________
j) In Step 6, we have forced the Gas Mass Sensor (high, low)

Reconnect Sensor and clear fault codes.

42 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Activity 2.3

4-Gas Analyzer

If a 4-Gas Analyzer is available, record the following reading simultaneously during step 2.

Time HC (ppm) CO (%) CO2(%) O2 (%) ECT Temp O2 Sensor

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

a) Are there any of indicators of closed loop operation? _______________________________

b) Disconnect one coil pack momentarily and compare to the readings for a normal idle. (closed-loop)

HC CO CO2 O2 O2 Sensor
________ ________ _______ ________ ________

c) How did the HC and O2 readings change and why? ____________________________________

d) Reconnect the coil packs.

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 43

Module Three

Pressure Sensors calibration, compare voltage drop measurements with

known good values for actual pressure.
There are 8 pressure sensors to help maintain a Stoi-
chiometric air/fuel ratio:
▪▪ Intake Manifold Pressure/Temp Mixer Inlet Pressure Sensor
▪▪ EGR Differential Pressure The Mixer Inlet (Boost) Pressure Sensor has had
▪▪ Mixer Inlet (Boost Pressure) several name changes. It is listed in INSITE™ as the
Engine Turbocharger Boost Pressure Sensor and other
▪▪ Fuel Inlet Pressure Cummins documentation as throttle or mixer inlet
pressure. Terminology differences can exist. This is a
▪▪ Fuel Outlet Pressure
3-wire transducer sensor. When taking DVOM mea-
▪▪ Engine Oil Pressure surements for this pressure sensor, compare to known
good values, using the signal (Pin A) and return (Pin
B) pins. You will also want to confirm that the sensor
These are pressure transducers that are 3-wire compo-
has the appropriate 5V to operate properly.
nents with a 5V source voltage that increases corre-
sponding to pressure increases.
If secondary fault codes are being set for low sec-
ondary pressure, check for blocked boost signal line.

EGR Differential Pressure Sensor To test this sensor, back probe the sensor plug with
The EGR Differential (Delta) Pressure Sensor is a Key On Engine Running (KOER) and measure
3-wire pressure sensor that compares the pressure voltage with a DVOM on the signal (Pin C) and
differential between the exhaust and intake manifold return pins (Pin B), and confirm that there is 5V
while keeping flow to a maximum of 30%. Multiple at Pin A. To confirm calibration, compare voltage
EGR related fault codes are set from water in DPS drop measurements with known good values for
circuit feeds. Having water or moisture in the feed actual pressure.
ports under the DPS can be resolved some times by
removing the DPS and blowing it out with low-pres-
sure shop air. If there has been an EGR cooler leak/re-
placement, the EGR DPS may have become ethylene
glycol coated ,which creates additional issues. There
are bulletins on a new design cooler and sensor.

To check the calibration of this sensor with the EGR

valve, the engine needs to be under load or in a stall.
Back probe the sensor plug and measure voltage with
a DVOM on the signal (Pin C) and return pins (Pin
B). Confirm that there is 5V at Pin A. To confirm
Mixer Inlet Pressure Sensor

44 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Fuel Inlet Pressure Sensor Fuel Outlet Pressure Sensor

The Fuel Inlet Pressure Sensor is a 3-wire sensor. The Fuel Outlet Pressure Sensor is a 4-wire combina-
The pressure from the chassis to this sensor is in tion sensor. This sensor monitors the fuel temperature
the 110 to 120 PSIA range as required by Cummins. and pressure. The pressure from the secondary regu-
Low pressures on the chassis side can cause second- lator must be 65 - 73 PSIA under load or the engine
ary fault codes to be set as the fuel supplied from will run lean and lack power. Check secondary and
the chassis will not be able to keep up under load. primary regulators for sticking and contaminated fil-
Check the primary regulator for sticking. Contam- ters if fault codes are being set and/or low on power.
inated filters can be a cause of this low volume
resulting in a pressure drop. The mixer inlet fitting When checking sensor calibration, measure voltage
at the mixer housing and in front of the mass airflow across signal and return, compare to known good val-
sensor can have debris blocking the boost signal ues, and then to pressure gauge. To test this sensor,
pressure to the secondary regulator. @ KOER, back probe sensor plug and measure volt-
age with a DVOM on the signal (Pin 3) and return
When checking the sensor calibration, measure the pins (Pin 2), and confirm that there is 5V at Pin 1. To
voltage across signal and return, compare to known confirm calibration, compare voltage drop measure-
good values, and then to the pressure gauge. To test ments with known good values for actual pressure.
this sensor, @KOER back probe sensor plug and
measure voltage with a DVOM on the signal (Pin C)
and return pins (Pin B). Confirm that there is 5 volts
at Pin A. To confirm calibration, compare voltage
drop measurements with known good values for
actual pressure.

Fuel Outlet Pressure Sensor

Fuel Inlet Pressure Sensor

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 45

Module Three

ISL-G System Pressures Engine Oil Pressure Sensor

Fuel pressure readings should be taken when the The oil pressure sensor is a three-wire pressure
engine is under load to ensure enough volume to sensor/transducer device. The ECM uses input from
keep the engine running. Use either a mechanical the oil pressure sensor for engine protection. If the
or electric gauge on the port to see absolute read- oil pressure is too low, engine de-rate and possible
ings. Gauge readings will be 14.7 PSI different shutdown will occur.
from INSITE™ at sea level. Cummins uses quick
disconnect couplings and nipples on the engine for The oil pressure should read ZERO with the Key On
this purpose. Part numbers are Quick Disconnect # Engine Off (KOEO). If the transducer sticks it could
3376859 and Coupling Nipple # 3042619. be reporting that there is oil pressure when there is
none. An engine failure could occur due to lack of
registered oil pressure. If the pressure is above 0, then
replace sensor. Cummins Engineering is working to
change software to recognize whatever pressure is at
startup to be zero baseline and read from there as a
sensor check. If the pressure does not increase from
baseline – engine shut down should occur.

To test this sensor, @KOER back probe sensor plug

and measure voltage with a DVOM on the signal
(Pin C) and return pins (Pin B). Confirm that there
Manual Gauge on Secondary Pressure is 5 volts at Pin A. To confirm calibration, compare
voltage drop measurements with known good values
for actual pressure.

Engine Oil Pressure Sensor

Electronic Transducer on Meter

46 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Activity 2.4
INSITE™ Diagnostics

Tools and equipment:


Condition: Driver states bus doesn’t run as well as the others he drives.

The Service Technician confirmed and performed the following:

When taken out for test drive and Service Tech noticed that bus lacks power on hills;

After- Treatment System was checked for blockage - Good

EGR Checked - Good

Accelerator Pedal (App1 and App2) Checked Good

Throttle Plate and Accelerator Pedal- In-sync and No Glitches

Turbo Boost and Waste Gate Operation- Normal

For the purposes of analyzing a log file, we want to limit our parameter list to only the possible areas of
concern. Use the following parameters and generate a log file through INSITE™:

Amber Warning Lamp Status

Red Stop Lamp Status
Engine Speed (RPM)
Fuel Control Valve Int. Pressure (psi)
Fuel Control Valve Int. Pressure Sensor Signal Volt
Fuel Supply Pressure Sensor (In Hg)
Fuel Supply Pressure Sensor Voltage (V)
Intake Manifold Pressure (In Hg)
Mass Gas Flow Compensation (Percent)
Throttle Plate Position 1 (Percent)


Step 1: Start engine and launch INSITE™. Consider the above parameters in determining your
parameter list for the INSITE™ log file. You may want to view the above parameters before
actual recording of your log file.

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 47

Module Three

Step 2: Warm-up engine and then follow procedure below to diagnose possible causes.

Run a diagnostic sequence by recording a snapshot to determine if there are any drivability
concerns. Record a drive cycle data log of the following sequence of events:

1. Idle for 30 seconds

2. 1000 rpm for 10 seconds
3. Snap the throttle once
4. Idle for 10 seconds
5. 1500 rpm for 10 seconds
6. Back to idle - Drive Cycle Complete
Save the drive cycle data log to a fi le and print it in an Excel format for use in the classroom.

Step 3: Use your data log info to diagnose the symptoms. Look at the drive cycle parameters,
referencing the specifi c frames, to determine if a condition exists and what symptoms are
present. Record your fi ndings below.

Symptomatic analysis of snapshot:

Time Seq:___________ symptom________________________________________________

Time Seq:___________ symptom________________________________________________

Time Seq:___________symptom________________________________________________

Time Seq:___________symptom________________________________________________

Time Seq:___________symptom________________________________________________

Time Seq:___________symptom________________________________________________

Time Seq:___________symptom________________________________________________

Time Seq:___________symptom________________________________________________

Time Seq:___________symptom________________________________________________

Time Seq:___________symptom________________________________________________



48 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Camshaft Speed/Position Sensor Crankshaft Speed/Position

The camshaft speed sensor is a three-wire Hall-Effect
sensor. Crankahaft and camshaft sensors are not in- The crankshaft speed sensor is also a three-wire
terchangeable, as the reach is different between them. Hall-Effect sensor. Camshaft and crankshaft sensors
When testing this sensor, check the output across the are not interchangeable, as the reach is different
signal and return pins. These Hall-Effect sensors can between them. When testing this sensor, check output
be intermittent or fail completely. If this sensor fails, across the signal and return pins. These Hall-Effect
the ECM will switch to the crankshaft sensor as need- sensors can be intermittent or fail completely. If this
ed to limp-in. When testing, check for signal on pins senor fails, the ECM will switch to the camshaft
B and C, along with 5V reference on Pin A. Testing sensor as needed to limp-in. When testing, check for
can be performed using a DVOM to measure both signal on pins B and C, along with 5V reference on
voltage and frequency. The preferred method is to use Pin A. Testing can be performed using a DVOM to
an Automotive Oscilloscope. measure both voltage and frequency. The preferred
method is to use an Automotive Oscilloscope.

Camshaft Speed/Position Sensor Crankshaft Speed/Position Sensor

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 49

Module Three

Speed Sensor Rationale Throttle Plate Position Sensor

Speed Sensor Rationale if a sensor fails: The Throttle housing has two throttle position sen-
sors to determine throttle position and the throttle
On startup: actuator. Older throttle pedals used a single throttle
▪▪ Camshaft Speed Position Sensor – must be func- position sensor and an idle validation switch. If fault
tional in order for engine to start. codes 132 and 1241 are active when the accelerator
pedal is in the idle position and fault code 132 goes
▪▪ Crankshaft Speed Position Sensor – engine will
inactive and fault code 1239 goes active when the ac-
start without a signal after a long crank.
celerator is depressed, the incorrect accelerator pedal
While running; has been installed in the vehicle. A throttle pedal with
▪▪ Camshaft Speed Sensor Signal - loss of signal two accelerator position sensors should be installed.
will have no impact to engine operation until the
engine is turned off.
▪▪ Crankshaft Speed Position Sensor – signal loss
will result in a severe knock condition derate.
▪▪ If sensors disagree by a pre-determined threshold,
engine will use the sensor outputting the faster

Vehicle Speed Sensor

The Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) is a two-wire sen-
sor and is comprised of a coil that has a magnet pass
Throttle Plate Position Sensor
through it, inducing an A/C voltage that changes in
frequency. This sensor is similar to most ABS wheels
sensors. When testing this sensor, check for resistance Accelerator Pedal Sensor
and AC output, noticing a frequency change as output
The accelerator pedal has two Accelerator Pedal
shaft speed changes.
Position Sensors (APP) connected to ECM via a
three-wire connector for each sensor. The purpose
Position Sensors for two sensors is to provide a degree of redun-
dancy and safety. Each APP sensor can be tested
Position sensors are 3-wire potentiometers, sensing with INSITE™ graphing or an oscilloscope while
movement of a mechanical device. doing a sweep on the pedal @ KOEO. This sweep
test will detect opens, or glitches, that may not be

50 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


detectable with the DVOM. Normally, the APP will Remote Accelerator Pedal
return approximately 10% of the supply voltage at Assembly
idle, and approximately 90% at wide open throttle.
As the accelerator pedal is slowly pushed down, the The remote throttle is switched by the ECM to con-
signal return voltage at terminal B of the sensor will trol the main or remote accelerator pedal sensors.
gradually increase from .5V to 4.0V. If the accelera- This is performed by switching the wiper from the
tor position voltage is determined to be out of range main accelerator pedal to the wiper on the remote.
by the ECM a code 18 will be set and the engine
will idle only. The override switch will provide limp EGR Position Sensor
home operation of the system. The EGR valve position sensors sense the position of
the EGR valve. The sensor confirms that the valve is
in one of three positions and updates this information
to the ECM which keeps flow to a maximum of 30%
under load. This valve cannot be tested unless the
vehicle is under load or in a stall test.

Accelerator Pedal Sensor

EGR Position Sensor

Signal Producing Sensors

Signal producing sensors can be tested for signal
output using INSITE™ graphing, a DVOM or Digital
Storage Oscilloscope (DSO).

Dual Accelerator Position Sensor Trace

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 51

Module Three

Catalyst Inlet Oxygen Sensor Catalyst Outlet Oxygen Sensor

The catalyst inlet oxygen sensor zirconia element is Cummins has removed the blue seal to allow ambi-
sensitive to contamination. The element can become ent air to travel up between the wire and insulation
coated by contaminants such as silicone so care must passing through the connector and to the O2 sensor to
be taken to use only O2 sensor safe products. prevent false readings. The zircon element must be
able to read the ambient oxygen and compare it to the
The oxygen sensing portion of the sensor should exhaust stream O2 to function properly.
never be tested with an ohmmeter like how the heater
is checked. The voltage output of the sensor is read
using an electronic service tool such as INSITE™. If
this sensor becomes coated, for example, with eth-
ylene glycol from an EGR cooler leak it can provide
false readings. This sensor should also be tested for
slow response (lazy O2 response) as it can cause poor
mileage and performance. To test for this perform a
“Snap Throttle Test” using propane and INSITE™.

Blue Seal is Removed

Catalyst Inlet Oxygen Sensor

52 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Combustion Knock Sensors Snap Throttle Test

1 and 2
To perform Snap-Throttle Test, you will need to con-
Use an ohmmeter to check continuity. Detonation can nect the vehicle to INSITE™ and use propane enrich-
be monitored with INSITE™ or you can create a sim- ment to force the engine rich. To start the test, add
ulated knock and monitor with an oscilloscope. When propane to intake while engine is running, noting the
replacing knock sensors, clean all paint from bottom Inlet O2 sensor voltage. When this voltage exceeds
of sensor and mounting location (block or head). 800mV, remove propane (forcing the engine lean be-
cause the FCV has cut back). The O2 sensor will now
Torque bolt to proper specification. Make sure when report a lean mixture. Next, snap the throttle, and
air compressor is replaced, the timing marks are pause INSITE™ and note the readings on INSITE™
checked and aligned. See timing of air compressor when O2 sensor trace went from lean to rich.
per Quick-Serv #012-014.
If sensor response is greater than an 800mV change
with less than 100ms response time when forced rich,
O2 sensor is OK. If sensor does not meet either or
both requirements, sensor is lazy.

Combustion Knock Sensors

O2 Sensor Snap Test

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 53

Module Three

Activity 2.5
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Classroom materials 2. INSITE™

3. Hand tool Set 4. DVOM

Step 1: Locate terminals on the APPS wiring diagram.

APPS Sensor 1 Return Wire terminal _______________

APPS Sensor 1 Signal Wire terminal _______________
APPS Sensor 1 5-volt Supply Wire terminal _______________
APPS Sensor 2 Return Wire terminal _______________
APPS Sensor 2 Signal Wire terminal _______________
APPS Sensor 2 5-volt Supply Wire terminal _______________

Using the wiring diagram locate the APP wiring diagram.

Step 2:
Back probe the throttle actuator APPS2 signal wire with DVOM.
Make sure the ignition is turned off.
Turn ignition on (KOEO).
Turn on INSITE™ and monitor APP2 in graph mode.
Press “FREEZE” when the pattern appears full screen.
Draw the wave-form in the space provided.
Have the instructor demonstrate open and short issues.

54 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Camshaft Speed/Position Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Cummins Troubleshooting and Repair Manual 2. DSO - Lab Scope

Step 1: Using the repair manual, locate the Camshaft and Crankshaft Speed/Position sensor wiring diagram:

CS/P 5V supply (Camshaft) Wire terminal _______________________

CS/P Signal Return Wire terminal _______________________
CS/P Sensor Signal Wire terminal _______________________

Step 2: Using a Lab-scope, connect the positive lead to Camshaft Speed/Position Signal wire. Draw the
waveform in the space provided: KEY ON ENGINE RUNNING (KOER)

Depress the throttle pedal, slowly increasing the RPM to 1500 and watch the signal change.

Time base setting ____________

Voltage setting ______________

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 55

Module Three

Crankshaft Speed/Position Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Cummins Troubleshooting and Repair Manual 2. DSO - Lab Scope

Step 1: Using the repair manual, locate the Camshaft and Crankshaft Speed/Position sensor wiring diagram:

CS/P 5V supply (Camshaft) Wire terminal _______________________

CS/P Signal Return Wire terminal _______________________
CS/P Sensor Signal Wire terminal _______________________

Step 2: Using a Lab-scope, connect the positive lead to Crankshaft Speed/Position Signal wire.
Draw the waveform in the space provided: KEY ON ENGINE RUNNING (KOER).

Depress the throttle pedal slowly increasing the RPM to 1500 and watch the signal change.

Time base setting ____________

Voltage setting ______________

56 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Knock Sensor

Tools and equipment:

1. Cummins Troubleshooting and Repair Manual 2. DSO - Lab Scope

Step 1: Locate the knock sensor wiring diagram:

Knock 2 signal Wire terminal _______________________

Knock 2 Signal return Wire terminal _______________________

Step 2: Using a Lab-scope, connect the positive lead to Knock Signal wire and the negative to
the return.
Draw the waveform in the space provided: KEY ON ENGINE RUNNING (KOER).
Watch knock signal in INSITE™ using graph mode if available.

Increase the RPM to 1000 and tap on a head bolt with a rattling wrench.

Time base setting ____________

Voltage setting ______________

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 57

Module Three

Activity 2.6
O2 Sensor Testing
Tools and equipment:

1. Cummins Troubleshooting and Repair Manual 2. INSITE™

3. Propane Enrichment Tool

Step 1: Using the Classroom manual, locate the Catalyst Inlet and Outlet Oxygen Sensor wiring diagram:
Inlet Outlet
HO2S signal Wire terminal ___________ ____________
HO2S signal return Wire terminal ___________ ____________
12V heater supply Wire terminal ___________ ____________
12V heater return Wire terminal ___________ ____________

If the oxygen sensor is working properly, it must be able to:

Rise to at least 800 mV.
Drop to at least 175 mV.
Rise from a minimum to maximum voltage in less than 100 milliseconds.

What is the Catalytic Converter outlet temperature? _____________________

Set INSITE™ to graph output voltages of Inlet Oxygen Sensor @ 20 ms sample rate:

Step 1: Let the engine idle, in closed loop – remember not all vehicles will maintain closed loop at idle.
For those vehicles you may have to hold just above idle. Use INSITE™ to monitor the oxygen
sensor waveform.
What are the O2 sensors Min and Max voltages?
Minimum Voltage:_________ Maximum Voltage:__________

Step 2: Put the hose from the propane enrichment tool into the air intake or intake manifold vacuum
port and slowly begin adding propane.

Step 3: Keep adding propane in small increments until the computer can no longer compensate for
the extra fuel enrichment. The oxygen sensor voltage should be at its highest voltage output
and at least 800 mV.
What was the highest voltage? _________mV

58 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Step 4: Quickly shut the propane off. The oxygen sensor voltage should drop to its minimum output
below 175 mV.
What was the lowest voltage? __________________ mV

Step 5: While the oxygen sensor is at minimum voltage, snap the throttle all the way open. The
mixture should jump full rich and the oxygen sensor voltage should also jump. The rise
time should be less than 100 milliseconds. Use the freeze feature of INSITE™ to freeze the
display during this test. Then measure the rise time in milliseconds.
What was the actual rise time in milliseconds? ____________________

Step 6: What is the average O2 sensor voltage? __________

Step 7: Repeat step 1-4 with the Catalyst Outlet Oxygen Sensor.

Step 8: (optional) View the Inlet and Outlet O2 sensor data parameters.

Run the engine at the following speeds and record the appropriate data for the “Inlet Sensor”

Low Voltage High Voltage
KOEO _______ _______
KOER @ Idle _______ _______
KOER @ 1000 RPM _______ _______
KOER @ 1500 RPM _______ _______
KOER @ Idle (w/ propane enrichment) _______ _______

Run the engine at the following speeds and record the appropriate data for the “Outlet Sensor”.

Low Voltage High Voltage
KOEO _______ _______
KOER @ Idle _______ _______
KOER @ 1000 RPM _______ _______
KOER @ 1500 RPM _______ _______
KOER @ Idle (w/ propane enrichment) _______ _______

Snap the throttle and observe any changes ___________________________________________

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 59

Module Three

Step 9: With KOER, disconnect the O2 Sensor and note if a fault code is set through INSITE™.

a) Fault Code and Fault Description:_____________________________________________

b) According to INSITE™, what are the effects of this set fault?:
c) When do the conditions for setting this code take place?______________________________
d) What are the conditions for clearing this fault? ____________________________________
e) What is the action taken when the fault is active ?__________________________________
f) Is there an “Engine De-rate” for this sensor? (Y / N) What is the de-rate? __________________
g) Reconnect sensor and clear fault codes.

Step 10: With KOER, disconnect and short the O2 Sensor connector signal to return.
Note what fault code is set through INSITE™.

a) Fault Code and Fault Description:_____________________________________________

b) What are the conditions to set? _______________________________________
c) When do the conditions for setting this code take place?______________________________
d) What are the possible causes for setting this code? _________________________________
e) What is the action taken when the fault is active? __________________________________
f) In Step 4, we have forced the O2 Mass Sensor (high, low)

Remove the short from connector; reconnect the sensor and clear fault codes.

Step 11: Using INSITE™, set the parameters to monitor the following:
Fuel Control Valve (FCV) Mass Gas Sensor (GMS)
Mass Air Sensor (AMS) Catalyst Inlet and Outlet Oxygen Sensors

60 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Run the engine at the following speeds and record the appropriate data for the “Inlet Sensor”:
HOS Input HOS Output Mass Gas Mass Air Fuel Control Valve
Low/High Volts Low/High Volts Low/High Volts Low/High lbs/hr Low/High Command
KOEO _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/______ _____%/_____%
KOER @ Idle _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/______ _____%/_____%
KOER @ Idle _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/______ _____%/_____%
with Coil-Pack #6 disconnected
Reconnect Coil Pack #6
KOER @ 1000 RPM _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/______ _____%/_____%
KOER @ 1500 RPM _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/______ _____%/_____%
KOER @ Idle _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/_____ _____/______ _____%/_____%
(with propane enrichment)

Step 12: What happens to each sensor voltage when the system is made rich?
Fuel Control Valve (FCV) _____________________________%
Mass Gas Sensor (MGS) ______________________________
Mass Air Sensor (MAS)______ _____________________lbs/hr
Catalyst Inlet Oxygen Sensor (HO2S)_____________________
Outlet Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) __________________________

What is the reading of the FUEL CONTROL VALVE while performing the propane enrichment test?

What is the reading of the FUEL CONTROL VALVE at idle. Write the value in the space provided.

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 61

Module Three

Mass Gas Sensor Mass Airflow Sensor

INSITE™ graphing is used to show the relationship The Mass Airflow sensor (MAF) is used to deter-
between the Fuel Control Valve, Mass Air and Mass mine the rate of incoming air. It is only present on
Gas Sensors, as engine demand increases and de- some ISL-G engines. Otherwise, the airflow rate is
creases. Notice that when engine RPM drops the fuel calculated using the other sensors.
delivery decreases. Otherwise, as the demand for load
increases, both the demand for air and fuel increases
although at different levels. In INSITE™, the units of
measure for Mass Air and Mass Gas are in lbs/hr.

Mass Airflow Sensor

Mass Air, Mass Gas and Fuel Control Valve

Mass Gas Sensor

62 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Coolant Level Sensor

Humidity/Temperature Sensor
The engine coolant level sensor is a three-wire ca-
The humidity portion of the Compressor Inlet Hu- pacitance type sensor. When the coolant level drops
midity/Temperature Sensor is a difficult component below a certain level the ECM will de-rate and/or
to test alone. Humidity changes the amount of oxy- shutdown the engine. The level of de-rate becomes
gen and moisture charge being introduced into the greater with time if the problem is not corrected.
engine, which changes the ratio. Drivability issues This sensor is prone to leaking as the plastic be-
can occur in humid environments with these varia- comes fatigued and cracks.
tions so the ECM will make slight adjustments. When
testing this sensor, it is necessary to use INSITE™ to This sensor can have the signal lead shorted high,
monitor the parameters as manual testing procedures which will prevent shutdown and limp-in if it fails.
are not easily accomplished. Never continually drive vehicle in this condition as
there is no critical engine protection for coolant.

Turbocharger Temperature Sensor

Coolant Level Sensor

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 63

4 Module Four

64 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Outputs, Actuators, Solenoids and Signals

Outputs, Actuators,Solenoids, Fuel Control Valve

and Signals
This is a two-wire, normally closed (n/c) valve that
The work producing outputs from the ECM are elec- delivers fuel to the mixer like an injector. The DSO
tromagnets with the exceptions of the communication lab scope is the preferred method to view the Pulse-
to and from the ECM and the fault lamps: Width Modulated (PWM) signal as INSITE™ will
only provide the duty-cycle as a parameter. The
▪▪ Fuel Control Valve
ECM controls the on time and assumes the pressure
▪▪ Wastegate Control Valve
will be constant. Be sure to check both pressure and
▪▪ Throttle Actuator
volume of gas if a fuel trim issue arises.
▪▪ Fuel Shut-off Valve
▪▪ Ignition Timing Control
▪▪ Ignition Control Module Reference The resistance of this valve is between 3 to 5 ohms.
▪▪ Warning and Fault Lamps Check both hot and cold resistance and confirm that
▪▪ EGR Valve the it does not vary more than 10%. This valve is
▪▪ Starter Lockout Signal known to stick, or the coil fails to open. Remember
▪▪ Cooling Fan Control that the ECM commands this valve and does not con-
▪▪ CAN Communication Bus firm that the valve is functioning properly other than
by getting feedback through the Mass Gas Sensor.

After the fuel is released by the Fuel Control valve,

it enters the intake manifold where it becomes mixed
with charged air and is distributed to each cylinder.

Fuel Control Valve

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 65

Module Four

Wastegate Control Valve Throttle Actuator

This valve is what we call “high-side” controlled as The throttle actuator controls the actual throttle posi-
the ECM powers up the valve to actuate it instead of tion (drive by wire). If this actuator fails or there is an
grounding it. This is done as a safety factor to prevent intermittent connection in the harness for the Drive by
accidental grounding of the solenoid valve and un- wire circuit, the system will only idle and set a fault.
wanted actuation. To test this valve, use an ohmmeter Contamination or blockage in the fuel-air mixer can
to test the solenoid coil. In addition, the signal to this set fault codes or low RPM surging. See Quick-Serv.
valve is PWM so the duty can be tested for this valve. for latest TSB# 101120.
Higher duty cycle will equal more boost.
A sticking waste gate, caused by coolant leaks, can
cause power problems and unwanted boost.

Throttle Actuator

Wastegate Control Valve

66 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Outputs, Actuators, Solenoids and Signals

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 67

Module Four

Activity 2.7
Mass Air and Gas Sensors

Tools and equipment:

1. Cummins Troubleshooting and Repair Manual 2. Tool Set
3. INSITE™ 4. Propane Enrichment Tool

Step 1: Using the classroom manual, locate the Air and Gas Mass Sensors in the wiring diagram:
a) Mass Gas Sensor Return Wire terminal _____________
b) Mass Gas Signal Return Wire terminal _____________
c) Mass Gas Sensor Signal Wire terminal _ ___________
d) Mass Gas 15V Supply Wire terminal _ ___________
e) Mass Air Signal Return Wire terminal _____________
f) Mass Airflow Signal Wire terminal _____________
g) Mass Air 12V Supply Wire terminal _ ___________

Step 2: Locate the Air Mass and Gas Mass Sensors.

Connect INSITE™ and view the MASS sensor data parameters.
Run the engine at the following speeds and record the appropriate data:

Mass Air Mass Air Mass Gas Mass Gas
Low Volume High Volume Low Voltage High Voltage
KOEO _______ _______ _______ _______
KOER @ Idle _______ _______ _______ _______
KOER @ 1000 RPM _______ _______ _______ _______
KOER @ 1000 RPM _______ _______ _______ _______
(with propane enrichment)
KOER @ 1500 RPM _______ _______ _______ _______

Snap the throttle and observe any changes ___________________________________________

Step 3: With KOER, disconnect the Mass Gas Sensor, and note if a fault code is set through INSITE™.

a) Fault Code and Description:_____________________________________________

b) According to INSITE™, what are the effects of this set fault? ___________________________
c) What are the conditions to set?______________________________________________

68 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

Outputs, Actuators, Solenoids and Signals

d) What are the possible causes for setting this code? _________________________________
e) What are the conditions for clearing this fault? ____________________________________
f) Reconnect the Gas Mass Sensor.

Step 4: With KOER, disconnect the Mass Air Sensor, and note if there is a fault code through INSITE™.

a) Fault Code and Description:________________________________________________

b) According to INSITE™, what are the effects of this set fault? :___________________________
c) What are the conditions to set? _____________________________________________
d) What are the conditions for clearing this fault? ____________________________________
e) Is there an “Engine De-rate” for this sensor? (Y / N) What is the De-rate?___________________
f) Reconnect the Sensor.

Step 5: With KOER, disconnect and short the Mass Gas Sensor connector signal to return. Note if a
code is set through INSITE™.

a) Fault Code and Description:____________________________________________

b) According to INSITE™, what are the effects of this set fault? ___________________________
c) What are the conditions for clearing this fault? ____________________________________
d) Is there an “Engine De-rate” for this sensor? (Y / N) What is the De-rate? __________________
e) What is the action taken when the fault is active __________________________________
f) In Step 4, we have forced the Gas Mass Sensor (high, low)

Remove the short from connector; reconnect the sensor.

Step 6: With KOER, disconnect and short the Mass Air Sensor connector signal to return. Note if a
code is set through INSITE™.

a) Fault Code and Description:________________________________________________

b) What are the conditions to set? _____________________________________________
c) When do the conditions for setting this code take place?______________________________
d) What are the possible causes for setting this code?_________________________________
e) What is the action taken when the fault is active ___________________________________

Remove the short from connector; reconnect the sensor and clear fault codes.

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 69

Natural Gas Safety Considerations
TOXICITY: Nontoxic - it is not a poison like COLLISION: Cylinders must have a Detailed
Carbon Monoxide but it does displace Oxygen. Visual Inspection and hardware should be carefully
inspected for damage. Cylinders should be closed
and ¼ turn valve closed if vehicle is involved in an
FLAMMABILITY: Flammability range is narrow
5-15% - below 5 is too lean to burn, above 15
too rich. Edges of a cloud could be right mixture.
Heaters and other spark producing items must be STORAGE: LNG vehicles should be stored outside
relocated. due to venting of tank. CNG system is sealed and
will not leak to atmosphere.

VENTILATION: Must be trapped vertically to

be dangerous--- look up for traps at ceiling/ SHOP SAFETY/EQUIPMENT: Methane detectors
false ceilings, etc. Lighter than air so most shops and ceiling ventilation should be reviewed by
are equipped with auto vents on the methane engineering. Special tools kit being provided to
detection circuit. perform defueling, etc.

LEAK DETECTION: Mercaptin NOT present

in LNG unless infused so it will have no odor.
Methane detectors and hand held combustible gas
detectors available along with commercial bubble
style leak detectors. CG detectors will go off on
many substances such as glycol, silicone, diesel,
hyd. fluid so it is just a gross indicator.

70 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 71
Post Test
ISL-G Fuel Systems
1. What is the ratio between the crank and cam shaft rotation?
a. 1:1 b. 2:1
c. 3:1 d. 4:1

2. What is Engine Limp-in mode?

a. A condition when DTCs are set. The engine will continue to run to return to home base.
b. A condition when no DTCs are set. The engine will continue to run to return to home base.

3. What type of sensor is the crankshaft sensor?

a. Magnetic Reluctance Sensor
b. Thermistor Device
c. Hall-Effect Sensor
d. Transducer Device

4. Is the air-fuel mixture leaner or richer on cold start-up?

a. Richer at cold start-up
b. Leaner at cold start-up
c. Doesn’t change

5. What sensor signals the ECM for TDC on #1 Cylinder?

a. Camshaft sensor
b. Crankshaft Sensor
c. Accelerator Pedal Sensor
d. Throttle Plate Sensor

6. What is the Fuel Control Valve used for?

a. Controls the EGR flow using the Delta P Sensor
b. Controls the Wastegate
c. Fuel control to the engine like a fuel injector
d. The Cummins ISL-G does not use a Fuel Control Valve

7. Why should you never touch the spark plugs?

a. They are brittle
b. Oil on hands can cause Carbon Tracking
c. Oil on hands can make them slippery and easy to drop
d. It is OK to touch the plug

8. Name one problem that can cause multiple faults to be set?

a. This is never a problem
b. Poor grounds or 5V supply to sensor supply circuits
c. Shorted ECT Signal
d. Shorted Engine Manifold Pressure Signal

72 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 73

Sources: Publications:

Compressed Gas Association CGA C-6.4, “Methods for External Visual

1725 Jefferson Davis Highway, Inspection of Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel
#1004 Arlington, VA 22202-4102 Containers and Their Installations,” 1st
Telephone: 703-412-0900 Edition (1997)

Gas Research Institute NFPA 52, “Standards for Compressed

8600 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue Natural Gas Vehicular Fuel Systems”
Chicago, IL 60631-3652 National Fire Protection Association,
Telephone: 773-399-8352 1 Batterymarch Park, Box 9101, Quincy, MA
American National Standards Institute
11 W. 42nd Street ANSI/AGA-NGV2, “ Basic Requirements for
New York, NY 10036 Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel
Telephone: 212-642-4900 Containers,” American Gas Association
Laboratories, 8501 East Pleasant Valley
National Fire Protection Association Road, Cleveland, OH 44131
11 Tracy Drive
Avon, MA 02322 FMVSS304, “Compressed Natural Gas Fuel
Telephone: 800-593-6372 Container Integrity,” Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards, US DOT, NHTSA
Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition
1515 Wilson Blvd. Suite 1030 Gas Research Institute, “ Natural Gas
Arlington, VA 22209 Vehicle Cylinder Care and Maintenance
Telephone: 703-527-3022 Handbook” (1997)

Department of Transportation CHP Title 13

400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590
Telephone: 202-366-4000

74 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two

ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 75

76 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 77


78 ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two


ISL-G Fuel Systems Level Two 79

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