Lesson Plan - Simiarities of Triangle

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Name: Cris Jan M.

Subject: Geometry

Lesson Plan for Grade 9 – Mathematics

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. define and identify similar figures;

b. illustrate similarity of objects and figures; and
c. judge accuracy of objects presented.

II. Subject Matter: Similarities of Triangles

Text and Reference: Dilao, et. al. (2009) Geometry, SD Publishing Inc. pp. 237-239
Texas Geometry (2008), Pearson Education, Inc.
Materials: visual aids, cartolina, markers, DVD Player, Television, Video clip, pictures, Fact
and Bluff Cards

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Preparation

The teacher will prepare the classroom ready for instruction and will ask the students for the
prayer. The teacher assures that all seats are aligned and trashes and scratch paper is to be put on the
bin. After that checking of attendance will be done.

2. Review:

The teacher introduces a game called “Simons says Geometry” [5 minutes]

3. Motivation

The teacher will show to them the images of super heroes like Captain America, Spiderman, Superman,
Wonder woman, Wolverine and Thor. Students will be asked if what they have in common, the students may
respond that they have special powers and abilities. Superheroes are strong and that they have similar goal
“saving humanity” [10 minutes]

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation of the Lesson

Now, the class will be divided into 3 groups and will be named into superheroes. [15 minutes]

Activity 1

The teacher presented the topic called Similarities of triangles and quadrilaterals. This time the students
will be given 6 triangles – 2 congruent, 2 similar, 2 different. Ask them to make three pairs of triangles. (Hint that
one pair will consist of congruent triangles, another will consist of completely different triangles.

What does the third pair consist of?

These triangles aren’t congruent, but they seem to be similar

Congruent – equal or the same measure, same shape
Similar – the same shape but not necessarily the same measure.
Congruent triangles can be similar; similar triangles may not be congruent.

Arts are formed through the application of polygons to create an exclusive display of vivid imagination.

2. Discussion/Analysis

Activity 2 [10 minutes]

Each group will have different activities.

Group 1 – Find any figures that are similar or congruent and discuss or describe in the class.
Group 2 – Draw a figure that shows similarity. Present in the class.
Group 3 – Describe the parts of the body that shows similarity. Choose only one part.

3. Application

Activity 3 [7 minutes]
In a group, everyone must form 2 similar figures. (1) Form a circle that are similar; (2) Form 2 triangles
that are similar; (3) Form 2 quadrilateral that are similar.

C. Generalization

For the objects to be similar, it must be that 3 parts of the triangle must be present in the other figures
like the given figures [4 minutes
IV. Evaluation

1. ABD ~ DCA find the required congruent parts.

a. B  d. AB 

b. C  e. BD 

c. BAD  f. AD 

2. For each pair of similar shapes find the missing lengths.

Prepared by:



Observer 1 Observer 2 Observer 3

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