Mercantile Law

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General Law of iv) Anthony, a major, executes a promisso1.

y note in favour of Roberts for the

Contract I
necessaries supplied by Roberts to Anthony during Anthony's minority. IS
Anthony liable to Roberts on the promissory note?
(Hint: No, Anthony is not liable t o pay)
v) Shailendra, on behalf of her minor daughter, entered into a contract with
Girish whereby Girish promised to marry her. Later on, Girish refused to
marry. Can she sue Girish for damages?
(Hint: Yes, she could maintain a suit for damages as it was for hgr
benefit .)

Note: These questions and exercises will help you to understand the unit better. Try
t o write answers for them. But do not send your answers t o the University. These
are for your practice only.


4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Meaning of Consent
4.3 Concept of Free Consent
4.4 Coercion
4.4,1 What is Coercion?
4.4.2 Effect of Coercion
4.4.3 Burden o f Proof
4.'5 liJndue Influence
4.5.1 What is Undue Influence?
4.5.2 Presumptior~of Domination of Wil!
4.5.3 Effect o f Undue Influenc
4.5.1 Burden o f Proof

4.6 Distinction between Coercion and Undue Influence

4.7 Fraud
4.7.1 What is Fraud?
4.7.2 Does Silence Amount to Fraud?
4.7.3 Consequences of Fraud

4.8.1 What is Misrepresentati~n?

4.8.2 Essentials of Miirepresentation
4 h . 3 Effect of Misreprcsentation

4.9 Distinction between Fraud and Misrepresentation

4.10 Mistake
4.10.1 Mistake of Law
4.10.2 Mistake of Fact
4.10.3 Effect of Mistake
4.1 1 Let Us Strm Up
4.12 Key Words
4.13 Answers to Check Y ~ u Progress
4.14 Terminal Questions/Exercises


After studying this unit you should be able to:

explain the meaning of consent
describe the circumstances when consent is not free
explain the meaning of coercion and undue influence, and their effect on the
validity of a contract
distinguish between 'coercion and undue influence'
explain the meaning of misrepresentation and fraud, and describe their
effect on the validity of a contract
distinguish between misrepresentation and fraud

describe various types of mistakes and their effect on the validity

of a contract.

You have learnt that there are some essentials of a valid contract and one of them
is that the consent of the contracting parties must be free. If the consent is not
free, the contract shall be treated as void or voidable depending upon the factor
which affected the consent. In thiS unit you will learn about the meaning of
consent and the various factors that affect the consent viz., coercion, undue
influence, fraud, misrepresentation, and mistake. You will also learn how far the
validity of an agreement is affected by each of these factors.


You have learnt that when two parties enter into a contract they should give their
consent. The consent of the parties means that they understand the same thing in
the same sense. There must be no misunderstanding between the parties about the
subject matter of the contract. Section 13 of the Indian Contract Act defines the
term 'Consent' as Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon
the same thing in the same sense.
Thus, consent involves identity of minds in respect of the subject matter of the
contract. In English Law, this is called 'consensus-ad-idem'. If the parties are not
ad-idem on the subject matter of the contract, then there is no real agreement
between them. When two pesons enter into a contract concerning a particular
person or a thigg and it turns out that each of them had a different person or
thing in mind, no contract would exist between them. For example, A has two
Maruti cars, one is blue and the other red. H e wants to sell his red Maruti car. B
who knows of only A's blue car, offers to buy A's car for Rs. 60,000. B accepts
the offer thinking it to be an offer for his red Maruti car. Here the two parties are
not thinking in terms of the same subject matter. Hence, there is no consent and
the contract will not be valid. In Foster v. Mackinnon, the defendant has
purported to endorse a bill of exchange which he was told was a guarantee. The
court held that he was not liable as his mind did not go with that writing and he
never intended to sign a bill of exchange. There was no consent and consequently
no agreement arose.


For a contract to be valid it is not enough that the parties have given their
consent. The consent should also be free i.e., it has been given by the free will of
the parties involving no pressure or use of force. Section 10 of the Contract Act
specifically provides that All agreements are contracts if they are made by the free
consent of the parties .....................
Now let us understand when the consent is
said to be free.
Section 14 of the Act states that Consent is said to be free when it is not caused
by ( i ) coercion, or (ii) undue influence, or (iii) fraud, or ( i v ) misrepresentation,
or ( v ) mistake. Thus, the consent of the parties to a contract is regarded as free if .
it has not been induced by any of the five factors stated under Section 14. In other
words, the consent is not free if it can be proved that it has been caused by
coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, or mistake, For example, X,
at a gun point, makes Y agree to sell his house to X for Rs. 50,000. Here, Y's
consent has been obtained by coercion and therefore, it shall not regarded as free.
When the consent of any party is not free, the contract is usually treated as
voidable at the option of the party whose consent was not free. If, however, the
consent has been caused by mistake on the part of both the pmies, the contract is
considered void. Look at Figure 4.1. It depicts the factors affecting free consent
and their effect on the validity of the contract.
Figure 4.1.

Factors Affecting Free Coment


1 11coercion
Undue Influence
11 1
1 1

You should note that there is a difference between, the two situations viz.,
(i) when there is no free consent, and (ii) when there is no consent at all. In case
the consent is n ~ free
t the contract is voidable, at the option of the party whqse
consent was not free. But, in case there is complete absence of consent, the
agreement is void ab-initio i.e., it is not enforceable at the option of the party
whose consent was not free. But in case there is complete absence of consent, the
agreement is void ab-initio i.e., it is not enforceable at the option of either party.
Let us now discuss each of these five factors of free consent in detail.


4.4.1 What is Coercion?

Coercion means forcibly compelling a person to enter into a contract i.e., the
consent of the party is obtained by use of force or under a threat. Section 15 of
the Contract Act defines 'coercion' as Coercion is ( i ) the cqmmitting or
threatening to commit, any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code; or ( i i ) the
unlawful detaining or threatening to detain, any property, to the prejudice of any
t person whatever, with the intention of causing any person to enter into an
agreement. In other words, the consent is said to be caused by coercion when it is
obtained by exercising some pressure by either committing or threatening to
commit any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code or unlawfully detaining or
threatening to detain any property. Coercion, thus, implies committing or
threateriing to commit some act which is contrary to law. Let us now analyse the
implications of this definition.

1) Committing any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code : When the consent
of a person is obtained by committing any act which is forbidden by the
Indian Penal Code, the consent is said to be obtained by coercion.
Committing a murder, kidnapping, causing hurt, rape, defamation, theft etc.
are some of the examples of the acts forbidden by the Indian Penal Code.
For example, A beats B and compels him to sell his scooter for Rs. 2,000. In
this case the consent of B is induced by coercion.
In the case of Ranganayakamma v. Alwar Setti, A Hindu Widow of 13, was
forced to adopt a boy under threat that her husbands dead body would not
be allowed to be removed unless she adopts the boy..The widow adopted the
boy and subsequently applied for cancellation of the adoption. It was held
that the adoption was voidable at her option as her consent was obtained by
coercion because preventing the dead body from being removed for cremation
is an offence under Section 297 of the Indian Penal Code.

2) Threatening to commit any act forbidden by the Indian Penal dode : From
the definition you will observe that not only the committing of an act
forbidden by the Indian Penal Code amounts to coercion but even a threat to
commit such act amounts to coercion. Thus, a threat to shoot, to murder, to
kidnap or to cause bodily injury will amount to coercion. For example, A
threatens to shoot B, if he does not sell his ship to A for Rs. 1,00,Q00. B
agrees t o sell his ship to A. Here the consent of I3 has been obtained by
Cenenl L a w of As per the explanation of Section 15, it does not matter whether the Indian
Contract I Penal Code is or is not in force In place where the coercion is employed. If
the suit is filed in India, this provision will apply. For example, A, on board
an English ship on the high seas, causes B to enter into an agreement by ail
act amounting to criminal intimidation under the Indian Penal Code. A,
afterwards sues B for breach of contract at Calcutta. A has employed
coercion, although his act is not an offence by the law of England and
although Section 506 of the Indian Penal Code was not in force at the time
when, or the place where, the act was committed.
3) Unlawful detaining of any property : If a person unlawfully detains the
property of another person and compels him to enter into a contract with
him, the consent is said to be induced by coercion. For example, an agent
refused to hand over the account books of the principal to the new agent
appointed in his place unless the principal released hirn from dl liabilities.
The principal had to give a release deed as demanded. It was held that the
release was not binding because the consent of the principal was obtained by
exercising coercion (Muthia v. Karuippan).

4) Threatening to detain any property rnnlawffirlly : If a threat is held out to

detain any property of another person, this also amounts to coercion. In
Bansmj v. The secretary of State, the ~'rovermrnentgave a threat of
attachment against the property of A for Ihe recovery of a fine due from B,
the son of A. A paid the fine. It was held that the consent of A was induced
by coercion and he could recover the amount paid under coercion.

5) Intention of causing any person to enter into an agreement : The act of

coercion must have been done with the object of inducing or compelling any
person to enter into a cbntract.
From the above discussion it bccoines clear that the dcfirlition does not say
anywhere as .to by whom or against whom coercion can be exercised. Hence,
whether the act of coercion is directed against the promisor or @rayother
person in whose welfare the promisor is Interested, the c~nscsntwill not be
free. For example, A threatens to kill B's son C if B refuses to sell his car to
him. Here, the threat is directed against C (B's son). So, the consent is
treated as induced by coercion. Similarly, it ia not necessary that the threat
should come from a party to the contract, it may come from a stranger, For
rsxamplc, A threatens to kill B if he, does rkot sell his house to L9. I3 agrees to
sell his house to D. Though A is a Stranger to the contract*the consent is
caused by coercion. What ia important, theief'ore, is that a forbidden act was
involved to obtain the consent of the other party. Whether it ~nluvesfrom the
party or a stranger to the contract, is immaterial.
Threat to File a Suit
Sometimes a doubt may arise whether a threat to file a suit amounts to coercion or
not. You should know that a threat to file a civil or criminal suit does not amount
to coercion because it is not forbidden by the Indian Penal Code. However, a
threat to file a suit on false charge amounts to coercion since such an act is
forbidden by the Indian Penal Code.
Threat to Commit Suicide
Under the Indian Penal Code a suicide and a 'threat to commit suicide' are not
punishable. But, an attempt to commit suicide is punishable. Now, the questions
arises whether a 'threat to commit suicide' shall amount to coercion or not. This
point was considered by Madras High Court in the case of Ammiraju v.
Seshamma. In this case a person, by a threat to commit suicide, induced his wife
and son to execute a release deed in favour of his brother in respect'of certain
property. The transaction was set aside on the ground of coercion. The court held
that though a threat to commit suicide is not punishable under the Indian Penal
Code, it is deemed to be forbidden by that code.

4.4.2 Effect of Coercion

50 The effect of coercion is explained in Sections 19 and 72 of the Act. Section 19
provides that when the consent of a party to an agreement is obtained by coercion, Free Consent
the control is voidable at the option of the party whose consent was not free (also
called aggrieved party). In other words, it is upto the aggrieved party t o decide
whether to set aside the contract or perform it. If, however, the aggrieved party
decides to avoid the contract, he cannot be compelled to perform his promise. But
in that case, he has to restore any benefit received by him under the contract, 20
the other party from whom it had been received. For example, A threatens to kill
B if he refuses to sell his scooter for Rs. 1,000 to A. B sells his scooter to A and
receives the payments. Here B's consent was 'not free and if B decides to avoid the
contract then he will have to return Rs. 1,000 which he had received from A.

Section 72 clearly provides a person to whom money has been paid anything
delivered under coercion, must repay or return it. For example, a railway company
refused to deliver certain goods to the consignee, except upon the payment of some
illegal charges for carriage. he consignee paid the illegal charges in order to
obtain the goods. Here he is entitled to recover so much amount of the charges as
were illegal and excessive.

4.4.3 Burden sf Proof

The burden of proving that consent was induced by coercion lie$ on the party who
wants to avoid the contract. In other words, it is for the aggrieved party to prove
that his consent was not free. This could be done by proving that he would not
have entered into this contract had coercion not been employed.


4.5.1 ,What is Undue Influence?

The second factor which affects consent and makes it unfree, is undue influence.
The term 'undue influence' means the improper or unfair use of one's superior
power in order to obtain the consent of a person who is in a weaker position.
Section 16 (i) of the Contract Act defines undue influence as 'A contract is said to
be induced by undue influence' where the relations subsisting between the parties
are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of the other
and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage over the other.
If we analyse this definition, two essentials of undue influence become clear :
i) the relations subsisting between the parties should be such that one of them is
in a position to dominate the will of the other, and
ii) the dominant party should have used that position to obtain an unfair
advantage over the other.
Both the characteristics must be present simultaneously. The presence of one
without the other will not invalidate the contract on the ground of undue
- influence,

a) A, a lady gifted all her property to B, her spiritual guru so that she may
secure benefits to her soul in next world. Later on, she disputed the validity
of the gift deed. Here, the spiritual guru was in a position to dominate the
will of his disciple A and by using his strong position obtained an unfair
advantage. Hence, it was held that the consent of A was obtained by undue

b) A was suffering from a number of ailments and B was treating him. B by

exercising his influence over A as his medical attendent, induced A to agree
to pay B an unreasonable sum for his professional services. In this case B has
used his superior position to obtain an unfair advantage over A. Thus, you
observe that undue influence compels a person in a weaker position to do
something which he otherwise would not have done had he been left free to
do the things. Undue influence destroys the free mind of a person and
compels him to do something which is against his will. Thus, undue influence
is a kind of mental pressure and not a physical coercion.

4.5.2 Presumption of Domination of Will

You have learnt that undue influence is involved only when one party is in a
position to dominate the will of the other. Now the question arises as to when can
a person be said to be in a position to dominate the will of the other. Answer to
this question is provided by Section 16 (2) of the Act. It states that o person is
deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of another where :

i) He holds a real or apparent authority over the other : Examples of such cases
are relations between master and the servant, parent and child, inlco~~ie
officer and assessee.

ii) He stands in a fiduciary relation to the other: It means a relationship based

on trust and confidence. The category of fiduciary relatinil is very wide. It
includes the relationship of guardian and ward, spiritual adviser (guru) and
his disciples, doctor, and patient, solicitor and client, trustee and beneficiary,
a woman and her confidential managing agent. You should note that by
judicial decisions it has been held that undue influence cannot be presuined
between husband and wife, landlord and t,eriant, a.nd creditor. and debtor.
iii) He makes a contract with a person whose raeental ceapueity is temporoiaily or
permanently affected by reason of age, illrrress, or mental or bodilly distress.
. Persons of weak intelligence, old age, indifferent health or those who are
illiterate can be easily influenced. Hence, the law gives thein protection. For
example, A, an illiterate old man of about 90 years, physically in firm and
mentally in distress, executed a gift deed of his properties in favour of B, his
nearest relative who was looking after his daily needs and managing his
cultivation. The court held that B was in a position to doininate the will of A
(Sher Singh v. Prithi Singh).

4.5.3 Effect of Undue Influence

If the consent of a party is induced by undue influence, the contract is voidable at
the option of the party whose consent has been so caused. Sectia 1 19 A of the Act
states the effect of undue influence as when consent to an crgreemerrt i . mused
~ hy
undue influenceathe agreement is a contract voiduble at the option qf the party
whose consent was so caused. Any such contract may be set a,$ideeither
absolutelya ora if the party who was entitled to avoid has rrlceive$ any bcneji't
thereunder, upon such terms and conditions as the court may seem just. For
example, A, a money-lender, advanced Rs. 100 to B, an agriculturist, and by
undue influence, induced B to execute a bond for Rs. 200 with a n interest at 6
percent per month. The court may set the bond aside, ordering B to repay Rs. 100
with such interest as may seem just.

In case of coercion, you learnt that if the aggrieved party decides to avoid the
contract, he has to return or restore the benefit received by him. But, when a
contract is avoided on the ground of undue influence, the cQurt has the discretion
to ask the aggrieved party for refunding the benefit either in full or in part of set
aside the contract without any direction to the aggrieved party to refund the

4.5.4 Burden of Proof

When a party to a contract decides to avoid the contract o n the ground of undue
influence, he will have to prove that
i) the other party was in a position to dominate his will. It may be remembered
that mere proof of nearness of relations is not sufficient for the court t o
assume that one person was in a position to dominate the will of the other, the
dominating position of the stronger party has to be proved.
ii) the other party actually used his influence to obtain an unfair advantage. The Free Consent
aggrieved party has not only to prove the dominating position of the strulger
party but he has also to show that the stronger party had actually used his
position and influenced his will to obtain an unfair advantage over him.
When the weaker party has proved the above mentioned two points, it is then for
the stronger party to prove that he has not used any undue influence and show
that the consent of the other party was freely obtained.
The above provision is contained in Section 16 (3) of the Contract Act which states
that, Where a person who is in a position to dominate the will of another enters
into a contract with him, and the transaction appears, on the face of it or in the
evidence adduced, to be unconscionable, the burden of proving that such contract
was not induced by undue influence shall be upon the person in a position to
dominate the will of the other.

Unconscionable Transactions
You will notice that in Section 16 (3) the term 'unconscionable transactions' has
been used. The transaction is said to be unconsciol~ablewhen a person who was in
a position to dominate the will of the other makes use of his position and enters
into a contract which is of great benefit to himself and is unfair to the other party.
In other words, if the stronger party makes an exorbitant profit of the other's
distress, the transaction will be unconscionable i.e., it is something which shocks
the conscience.
In case of unconscionable transactions, the stronger party has to prove that the
contract is not induced by any undue influence. For example, A, being in debt to
B, the money-lender of his village, contracts a fresh loan on terms which appear t o
be unconscionable. It lies on B'to prove that the contract was not induced by
undue influence.
You should note, that simply because the rate of interest is very high, it does not
become a n unconscionable transaction. For example, A applied to a banker for a
loan at a time when there was stringency in the money market. The banker
declined t o make the loan except at an unusually high rate of interest. A accepted
the loan on these terms. This was a transaction in the ordinary course of business
and the contract was not induced by undue influence. Thus, a transaction will not
be set aside merely because the rate of interest is too high. However, if the rate of
interest is so high that the court considers it unconscionable, say when the interest
rate is 75 per cent or 100 per cent per annum, the court may modify the rate of
interest. Example A, a poor Hindu widow was in great need of money to establish
her right to maintenance. She took a loan of Rs. 1,500 bearing a rate of interest of
100% p.a. the court held it to be an unconscionable transaction and modified the
interest rate t o 24% p.a. (Ranee Annapurni v. Swaminatha).
You should also note that a party to a contract cannot avoid it on the ground of
undue influence by merely showing that the transaction is unconscionable. He will
also have to prove that the other party was in a position to dominate his will and
he has used that position t o obtain an unfair advantage.
The presumption of undue influence can be rebuted by showing that
i) the stronger party had made a full disclosure of all the facts to the aggrieved
party before making the contract,
ii) the price was adequate, and
iii) the weaker party was in receipt of competent independent'advice before
entering into the contract.

Contracts with Pardanashin Woman

A pardariashin woman is one who observes complete seculsion i.e., who does not
come in contact with people other than her family members. Law provides a
special protection to pardanashin woman on the ground of their being ignorant so
far as the worldly knowledge goes. A contract with a pardanashin woman is
presumed t o have been induced by undue influence. The burden of proving that no
undue influence was used lies on the other party. The other party will have to
prove that (i) the terms of the contract were fully explained t o her, (ii) she
understood the implications, (iii) free independent advice was available to her, and
(iv) she freely consented to the contract. Here you should note that this protection
is available only to a woman who observes complete parda. Some degree of par&
or seculsion is not sufficient to entitle her to get special protection.



In case of both coercion and undue influence the consent is not free and the
contract is voidable at the option of the aggrieved party. But there are some basic
points of difference between the two. These are summarised as follows:

Coercion Undue Influence

1) Relationship between the parties is Some sort of relationship must exist

not necessary. between parties.
2) Consent is given under the threat of Consent is obtained by dominating the
an offence. will, no offence is committed.
3) It involves physical force or threat. It involves moral pressure.
4) It may move from even a stranger It is employed by the a party to the
and may be against the promisor contract.
himself o r a person in whose welfare
the promisor is interested.
5) When the contract is avoided, any When the contract is avoided, it is at
benefit received has to be restored or the discretion of the court t o direct the
refunded. aggrieved party to restore or refund the.
benefit received.

Check Your Prognss A

1) Define consent.

2) When is consent said to be free?

3) What is coercion ?
4) When is a party said to be in a position to dominate the will of another?

5) What is an unconscionable transaction?

6) State whether the following statements are True or False.
i) In the absence of consent, there can be no contract. ;...............................
ii) A threat amounting to coercion must necessarily proceed from a party to
the contract. .....................................................................................
iii) When consent is obtained by coercion, the contract is void. .: ....................
iv) A threat to commit suicide amounts to coercion ......................................
v) Undue influence involves use of moral pressure ........................................
vi) There is a presumption of undue influence in the relationship of creditor
and debtor. ......................................................................................
vii) Undue influence can be exercised only by a party to the contract. ..............

-- - -


4.7.1 What is Fraud?

Fraud simply means a wilful wrong representation of fact, made by a party to a
contract with the intention to deceive the other party or to induce him to enter
into a contract. The term 'fraud' is defined by Section 17 of the Indian Contract
Act as follows:

"Fraud means and includes any of the following acts committed by a party to a
contract or by any one with his connivance or by his agent, .with intent to deceive
another party thereto or his agent, or to induce him to enter into the contract:
i) the suggestion, as to a fact, of that which is not true, by one who does not
believe it to be true;
ii) the active concealment of a .fact by one having knowledge or belief of the fact;
iii) a promise made without an,y intention of performing it;
iv) any other act fitted to deceive;
v) an9 such act or omission as the law specially declares to be fraudulent."

From the analysis of the above definition it follows that the following elements
must be present in the act to constitute fraud.

1) The fraud must be committed by a party to the contract by or aay one with
his connivance, or by his agent. The fraud by a stranger to the contract does
not affect the validity of the contract. For example, A was induced to buy
shares of a company on the basis of a false statement made by 0. B was .
neither the director nor the representative of the company, he was a mere
stranger. Hence, A cannot avoid the contract on the ground of fraud because
the false statement was made by a stranger to the contract and not by the
General Law of company or its agent. But, if the false statement had been made by a director.
Contract I
of the company, A could avoid the contract.

2) The fraud must be committed with an intention to deceive the other party. For
example, A intending to deceive B makes a false statement to him that 100
units are manufactured every month in his factory, though A is aware that
only 75 to 80 units are produced every month. B is induced t o buy the factory.
Here B's consent is obtained by fraud.

3) There must be a representation or assertion and it must be false. T o constitute

fraud there must be some representation or assertion which is false and the
party making it knows that it is false. Example, A while selling his scooter to
B says that it is brand new knowing fully well that it is a used one. A's
statement amounts to fraud.
Sometimes it may so happen that when a representation was made it was true,
but before the contract is entered into, it becomes untrue and this fact is
known to the party. In such a situation, it must be corrected. If it is not
corrected, it will amount to fraud. In this connection you should also note that
if the person making representation honestly believes his statement to be true,
he cannot be held liable for fraud, no matter how ill-advised, negligent or
stupid he might have been. In order to constitute fraud, the false
representation must have been made intentionally.

4) The representation must relate to a fact. A mere opinion, a statement of

expression or intention or puffing expression is not treated as fraud. For
example, A says to B while selling his horse, "my horse is as good as that of
Y". This is a statement of opinion. But, if A says that this horse cost him Rs.
5,000, it becomes a statement of fact and if it is incorrect it amounts to fraud.

5) Active concealment of a fact also amounts to fraud. When the party takes
positive steps to prevent an informaticn from reaching the other party it is
called active concealment and this amounts to fraud. For example, A, a horse
dealer showed a horse to B. A knew that the horse had a cracked hoof which
he had filled up in such a way as to defy detection. The defect was
subsequently discovered by B. So, he refused to buy the horse. It was held that
the contract could be avoided by B as his consent was obtained by fraud.

6) 'Che fraud must have actually deceived the other party. The act committed with
intent to deceive must actually deceive. The party must have relied on it to
accord his consent. In other words, an attempt to deceive the other party by
which the other party is not actually deceived, is not fraud. In Horsefall v.
Thomos, A had a defective cannon. In order to canceal it, he put a metal plug
on it. B did not examine the gun and bought it. The cannon burst before the
payment was made by B. B refused to pay. It was held that B was bound to
pay because he was not actually deceived. He would have bought the cannon
even if the plug had not been inserted, he never examined it. Thus, it can be
said that a deceit which does not deceive is not fraud.

7) The party acting on the representation must have suffered some loss. It is a
common rule that "there can be no fraud without damage and there can be no
damage without an injury". The damage or injury may be in the form of loss
of money or money's worth or in some other form.

4.7.2 Does Silence Amount to Fraud?

Mere silence on the part of a party to the contract about certain material facts
relating to the subject matter of the contract does not generally amount to fraud.
The general rule is that a party to the contract is under no legal obligation t o
disclose the whole truth to the other party or to give him the whole information in
his possession. This rule is given in Explanation to Section 17 which says "Mere
silence as to facts likely to effect the willingness of a person to enter into a
contract is not fraud". For example, A sells by auction to B, a horse which A
knows to be unsound. A says nothing to B about the horse's unsoundness. This is
not a fraud.
However, there arc two exceptions to this rule in which silence also amounts to Free Consent
fraud. These are as follows.

1) Where the circumstances of the case are such that, regard being had to them,
it is the duty of the person keeping silence to speak. Such duty to speak arises
in the following cases.
i) Fiduciary relationship
Where onz party reposes trust and {confidence in the other, the party
must reveal the truth. For example, A sells by auction a horse to B, his
daughter who has just come of age. Here, the relation between the parties
are such that it becomes A's duty to) tell B about the unsoundness of the
ii) Contracts of absolute good faith
Where one party has to depend upon the good faith of the other, the
other party is bound to speak. For example, in all contracts of
insurance, it is the duty of the proposer to make full disclosure of all
material facts to the insurance company. If an assured conceals the
material facts like long illness, the insurance company can avoid the
contract on the ground of fraud. Similarly, contracts of family
settlements, marriage and allotment of shares, sale of immovable
property, guarantee, etc. are such where full disclosure must be made.

2) Where the silence is, in itself, equivalent to speech. Sometimes, the silence is
equivalent to speech. In such cases, the silence of a person amounts to fraud.
For example, A is selling his horse to B. The horse appears to be sound. Even
then R says to A, "If you don't deny it, I shall assume that the horse is
sound" A says nothing. Here A's silence is equivalent to speech.

4.7.3 Consequences of Fraud

When consent to a contract is induced by fraud, the contract is voidable at the
option of the party whose consent was so caused. In case of fraud, the aggrieved
party usually has the following remedies: ,

1) He can rescind (cancel) the contract, but it must be done within a reasonable
time. The right to avoid the contract is, however, lost in the following cases.
i) When the party whose consent was caused by fraudulent silence had the means
of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence;
ii) Where the party was not defrauded i.e., the party gave the consent in
ignorance of fraud;
iii) Where a party, after becoming aware of the fraud, takes a benefit under the
contract or affirms it in some other way;
iv) Where, an innocent third party, before the contract is rescind, acquires, for,
consideration; some interest in the property passing under the contract; or
v) Where the parties cannot be restored to their original position.
2) If the party whose consent was not free thinks it proper to accept the contract,
he may d o so and insist upon its performance. The second para of Section 19
provides that a party whose consent was caused by fraud may, if he thinks fit,
insist that the contract shall be performed, and that he shall be put in the
position in which he would have been if the representation made had been true.
For example, A fraudulently informs B that A's estate is free from
encumbrances. B, believing the statement to the true, bought the estate. It was
later discovered that the estate was subject to a mortgage. In this case, B may
either avoid the contract or insist on its being carried out subject to the
mortgage debt being redeemed.
3) The aggrieved party can also sue for damages. Fraud is a civil wrong. Hence,
compensation can be claimed. For example, a party suffers some injury because
of>he unsound horse. If the fact of the unsoundness of horse was not disclosed
despite enquiry, due compensation can be demanded.

4.8.1 What is Misrepresentation ?

The word representation means a statement of fact made by one party to the
other, either before or at the time of making the contract, with regard t o some
matter essential for the contract, with an intention ta- induce the other party to
enter into contract. A representation, when wrongly made, either innocently or
intentionally, is called 'misrepresentation'. You know when ti wrong representation
is made wilfully with the intention to deceive the other party, it is called fraud.
But, when it is made innocently i.e., without any intention to deceive the other
party, it is termed as 'misrepresentation'. In such a situation, the party making the
wrong representation honestly believes it to be true. For example, A while selling
his car to B, informs him that the car runs 18 kilometers per litre of petrol. A
himself believes this. Later on, B finds that the car runs only 10 kilometers p r
litre. This is a misrepresentation by A.
Section 18 of the contract Act classifies acts of misrepresentation into the
following three groups:
1) Positive assertion: When a person makes a positive statement of material facts
honestly believing it to be true though it is false, such act amounts t o
misrepresentation. For example, A while selling his farm to B, tells him that 100
quintals of rice are produced in his farm. A honestly believes the statement t o
be true. Later on, it is found that the farm produces only 80 quintals of rice.
Here, A has made a misrepresentation.
2) Breach of Duty: Section 18(2) says that any breach of duty which, without an
intent to deceive, gives an advantage t o the person committing it, or anyone
under him, by misleading another t o his prejudice or to the prejudice of anyone
claiming under him, amounts t o misrepresentation. In such a case, there is no
intention to deceive, but party representing commits a breach of duty which he
owes to the other party. A breach of duty would also exist where a party bound
to disclose certain information does not do so. Such non-disclosure would also
amount to misrepresentation. For example, in a life policy, the assured does not
disclose the fact that he had previously suffered from some serious ailments.
The non-disclosure, however, innocent it may be, would entitle the insurer t o
avoid the contract on the ground of misrepresentation of facts. Such a duty
exists between banker and customer, landlord and tenant and all contracts of
utmDst good faith. Such cases can also be termed as 'constructive fraud'.
3) Inducing mistake about subject-matter: The subject matter of every agreement
must clearly be understood by the concerned parties. If one of the parties, leads
the other, even innocently, to commit a mistake regarding the nature o r quality
of the subject-matter, it is considered misrepresentation. Section 18(3) of the
Act says when a party causes, however innocently, the other party to the
agreement to make a mistake as to the substance of the thing which is the
subject-matter of the contract, this is misrepresentation. For example, A
chartered a ship to B, which was described in the 'charter party' and was
represented to him as being not more than 2,800 tonnage register. It turned out
that She registered tonnage was 3,045 tons. A refused to accept the ship in
fulfilment of the charter party, and it was held that he was entitled to avoid the
charter party by reason of the erroneous statements as t o tonnage (The Oceanic
Steam Navigation Co., V. Soonderdas Dhrumsy).
4.8.2 Essentials of Misrepresentation
1) The representation should be made innocently, honestly believing it to be true
and without the intention of deceiving the other party.
2) Misrepresentation should be of facts material to the contract. A mere expression
of one's opinion is not a statement of facts.
3) The representation must be untrue, but the person makkg it should honestly
believe it to be true.
4) The representation must be made with a view to inducing the other party to
enter into contract and the other party must have acted on the faith of the!
representation. A party cannot complain of misrepresentation if he had the
means of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence.
5 ) The false representation must have been made by one party to the contract to
the other who is misled. If it is not addressed to the party who is misled, then it
is not misrepresentation. In Peek v. Gurney, some false statements were made
in the prospectlrrs of a company. A purchased some shares from El, the allottee,
on the basis of prospectus. A wanted to avoid the contract on the ground of
misrepresentation. It was held that he cannot avoid the contract because the
prospectus was addressed to the first allottee and not to A.

1 4.8.3 Effect of Misrepresentation

Section 19 of Contract Act provides that when consent to an agreement is caused
by misrepresentation, the agreement is voidable at the option of the party whose
consent was so caused. Thus, the aggrieved party has the following two rights:
a) He can rescind the contract. This right is available only in such cases where he
was not in a position to discover the truth with ordinary diligence. For
Example, A by misrepresentation, leads B erroneously to believe that 500
quintals of indigo are made annually at A's factory. B examines the records of
the factory, which show that only 400 quintals of indigo have been produced.
After this B decides to buy the factory. Here, the contract cannot be avoided by
B on the ground of misrepresentation.
b) If the aggrieved party thinks it proper, he may accept the contract and insist
upon its performance. He may compel the other party to put him in the
position in which he would have been if the representation made had been true.
Loss of Right to m i n d the contract: You have seen that the party whose consent
was caused by misrepresentation can avoid or rescind the contract. However, this
, right'is lost in the following cases:

I i) If he could discover the truth with ordinary diligence.

I .
ii) If his consent is not induced by misrepresentation.
iii) If he, after coming to know about the misrepresentation, expressly affirms the
contract or acts in such a manner which shows that he has accepted it.
iv) If, before the contract is rescinded, the third party acquires some right in the
subject-matter in good faith and for some consideration.
1 v) If the parties cannot be restored to their original position.



Fraud and misrepresentation have many points in common. For example, in both
cases a false representation is made by a party. Similarly, in both cases the
contract is voidable. But there are many points of difference. These are
summarised as follows:

Fraud Misrepresentstion
1) Wrong statement is made Wrong statement is made innocently.
2) The person making the wrong The person making the wrong
statement does not believe it to be statement believes it to be true.
3) .There is an intention to deceive.
I '
There is no intention to deceive.
Geneml Law of 4) Besides rescinding the contract, the The aggrieved party can rescind the
Contract I aggrieved party can also claim contract but cannot claim damages.
5) Except where the silence amounts to The aggrieved party cannot avoid the
fraud, the contract is voidable even if contract if he had the means of
the party defrauded had the means discovering the truth with ordinary
of discovering the truth with diligence.
ordinary diligence.

Check Your Progress 5

1) Define 'Fraud'

2) What is 'Misrepresentation' ?

3) What are the consequences of fraud ?

4) State whether the following statements are True or False.

i) When a person positively asserts that a fact is true when his information
does not warrant it to be so, though he believes it to be true, there is
ii) A contract induced by fraud is voidable at the option of either party to the
iii) A mere attempt to deceive is fraud whether the other party has been
deceived or not.
iv) Mere silence as to facts likely to affect the willingness of a person to enter
into a contract is not fraud.
v) If there is no damage, there is no fraud.
vi) The aggrieved party in case of active fraud loses the right to rescind the
contract if he had the means of discovering the truth by ordinary diligence.


You know that if the consent is obtained by coercion, undue influence, fraud,
misrepresentation or mistake, it is not considered as free consent. You have learnt
about coercion, undue influence, fraud and misrepresentation. We shall, now
discuss about 'mistake'.
Mistake may be defined as the erroneous belief concerning something. Whenever an Free Consent 1
agreement is made under a mistake, there is no consent, and the agreement is nor
valid. Broadly speaking, Mistake may be of two types: (1) Mibtake of Law and
(2) Mistake of fact. Mistake of law can be further classified into (a) mistake of
Indian law, and (b) mistake o f foreign law. Similarly, mistake of fact can be
(a) biiateral mistake or (b) unilateral mistake. Look at figure 4.2, for detailed
of mistakes.
Figlare 4.2
Types of Mistakes

'-4 Mistake

G Mistake of Law

I Mistake of Fact


Possibility of
Performance II Identify of
Nature of

4.10.1 Mistake of Law

A; stated earlier, mistake of law may be (a) mistake of lndian Law, or (b) mistake
of foreign law.

a) Mistake of Indian Law: The general rule is that mistake of law of the land is
no excuse. Section 21 lays down that a contract is not voidable because it was
caused by a mistake as to any law in force in India. It is because every one is
supposed to know the law of the country and if a person does not know the
law of his country, then he must suffer the consequences, Thus, a mistake of
Indian law will not affect the validity of the contract. For example, A and B
make a contract grounded on the erroneous belief that a particular debt is time
barred by thc Indian Law of limitations. .This contract is valid.

b) Mistake of Foreign Law: A person is supposed to know the laws of his

country but he cannot be expected to know the laws of other countries.
Therefore, the rule that 'ignorance of law is no excuse' cannot be applied to
foreign law. A mistake of foreign law is treated as a mistake of fact. Section
21 lays down that a mistake as t o a law not in force in India has the same
effect as a mistake of fact. Hence, the contract will be void, if both the parties
are under a mistake as to a foreign law.

4.10.2 Mistake of Fact

You have learnt that mistake of fact ,nay be classified into two groups.viz.,
(a) Bilateral mistake, and (b) Unilateral mistake. Let us now understand the nature
, and effect of such mistakes.

Bilateral Mistake: When both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake of
fact essential to the agreement, the mistake is known as bilateral mistake of fact.
In such a situation, there is no agreement at all because there is complete absence
of consent. Section 20 of the Act.provides where both the parties to an agreement
are under a mistake as t o a matter of fact essential to the agreement, the
agreement is void. Thus, for declaring an agreement void under this section, the
following three conditions must be satisfied.

i) Both the parties musl be under a mistake: The mistake,must be mutual, For
example, A, having two cars, a Fiat aed another Maruti, offers to sell his Fiat
car to B and B qot knowing that A has two cars, thinks of the Maruti car and -
agrees to buy it. In this case, there is no consent whatsoever. Therefore, the
agreement shall be void. . 61

- A
General Law of ii) Mistake musl be of fact and not of law: Explanation to Section 20 provides
E~tmrnct1 that a n erroneous opinion as to the value of the thing which forms the subject-
matter of the agreement is not treated as mistake relating to a matter of fact.
For example, A buys a painting believing it to be worth Rs. 10,000 while in
fact it is worth only Rs. 2,000. The contract remains valid. A will have to
blame himself for ignorance of the true value of the painting.

iii) Mistake must relate to a s essential fact: The mistake must relate to a matter of
fact which is essential t o the agreement. In other words, oilly such mistake of
fact that goes to the root of the zgreenlent, renders the agreement void. For
example, A agrees to buy from B a certain horse. It turns out that the horse
was dead at the time of the bargain, though neither party was aware of the
fact. The agreement is void, because the mistake relates t o something i.e., the
horse, which is essential to the contract.

A bilateral mistake may be (a) mistake as to the subject-matter, or (b) mistake as

to the possibility of perfornsance.
a) Mistake as to the subject-matter of the contract: Where both the parties to a n
agreement are under a mistake relating to the subject-matter of the contract,
the agreement is void. A mistake as to the subject-matter may take following
i) Mistake as to alie existence of the subject-matter: When both the parties
are under a mistake regarding the existence of the subject-matter, the
agreement is void. For example; A agrees to sell to B a specific cargo of
goods supposed to be on its way from England to Bombay. It turns out
that, before the day of the bargain, the ship carrying the cargo had been
cast away and the goods lost. Neither the party was aware of these facts.
The agreement is void.
ii) Mistake as to the identity of subject-matter: Where the parties to a
contract have different subject-matter in their minds i.e., one party had
one thing in mind and the other party had another, the agreement is void
because there is no consensus-ad-idem. For example, A offers to sell hi.
old Delhi house to B. A had another house in South Delhi. B thinks he i s
buying the South Delhi's house. There is no agreement between A and B.
iii) Mistake as to the title of the subject-matter: Sometimes the buyer already
owns the property which a person wants to sell to him, but the concerned
parties are not aware of this fact. In such a case, the agreement is void as
there is a mistake about the title of the subject-matter (Cooper v. Phibbs).
iv) Mistake as to the quantity of the subject-matter: Where both the seller and
the buyer make a mistake regarding the quantity of the subject-matter, the
agreement is void. 111 the case of Henked v. Pape, P inquired about the
price of rifles from H suggesting that he might buy fifty rifles. On
receiving the quotation, P telegraphed "send three rifles". But. because of
the mistake of the telegraph authorities, the message transmitted was
"send the rifles" H despatched fifty rifles. P accepted three rifles and
returned the remaining forty seven rifles. It was held that there was no
contract. However, P was liable to pay for three rifles on the basis of a n
implied contract.
v) Mistake as to the quality of the subject-matter: If the subject-matter is
something essentially different from what the parties thought it to be, the
agreement is void. For example, A contracis to sell a particular horse to B.
A and B believe it to be ,a race horse. But, it turns to be a cart horse. The
agreement is void.
vi) Mistake as to the price of the subject-matter: Where there is a mutual
mistake as to the price of the subject-matter, the agreement is void. For
example, where a seller of certain goods 1,ientioned in his letter the price
as Rs. 1,250 when he really intended to w:ite Rs. 2,250, the agreement is
void. In this connection, you should remesber that an erroneous opinion
as t o the value of the thing which forms !he subject-matter of the
agreement is not treated as a mistake of fact.
b) Mistake as to tire possibility of performance: If the parties to t l ~ eagreement Free Consent
believe that the contract is capable of performance, while in fact it is not so,
the agreement is treated as void or. the ground of impossibility. It may be (i) a
physical impossibility or (ii) a legal impossibility.
i) Physical impossibility: A contract for the hiring of a room for witnessing
the coronation procession of EdwLrd VII was held to be void because
unknown to the parties the procession had already keen cancelled and
there is no question of witnessing i f . (Grifdth v. Esymsr).
ii) Legal impossibility: An agreeme11 is void if it provides that something
shall be done which cannot legally be done.

Unilateral Mistake

The term 'unilateral mistake' means where only one party to the agreement is
under a mistake. Generally, a unilateral mistake does not make the agreement
void. According to Section 22, a conlract is not i/oid;ible merel-y because it was
caused by one of the parties to it being under a mistake as bo a matter of fact. If
a man due to his own negligence or lack of reasonable care does not ascertain
what he is contracting about, he must bear thc consequences. For example, A sold
oats to B by sample and 3.3, thinking that they were old oats, purchased them. In
fact, the oats were new. It was held that B was bound by the'contract, (Smitln v.
In some cases, however, a unilateral 'mistake may be fundamental and may affect
the character of the contract. In such a situation, the agreement is void. Thi~s,in
the following cases, even though the mistake is unilateral, the agreenlent is void.

I ) Mistake ns to the identity of the person contrltcded with: Mistake as to the

identity of the person violates a contract. For examplc, where A intends to
contract only with B, but enters into a contract with C believing him to be B,
the contract is void. It should be noted that a mistake about the identity of the
contracting party will render the contract void only if (a) the identity of the
party is of materid importance to the agreement, and (b) the other party
knows that he is not intended to be a party to the agreement. The following
cases illustrate this point.

In the case of Ci~ndyv. Lindsnv, o ~ l eBlenkarn, knowing that Blenkiron &

Co., were the reputed customers of Lindsay & Co. placed an order with
Lindsay & Co. by imitating the signature of Blenkiron. The goods were then
sold to Cundy, an innocent buyer. In a suit by Lindsay & Co. against Cundy
for recovery of goods, it was held that as Lindsay never intended to contract
with Blenkarn, there was no contract between them and as such even an
innocent buyer (Chndy) did not get a good title. Hence, Cundy must return the
goods or make payments of price.

In the case of Lake v. Sirnrnsn3, a woman, by falsely misrepresenting her to

be the wife of a well known Baron (a millionaire) obtained two pearl necklaces
from a firm of jewellers on the pretext of showing them to her husband before
buying. She pledged them with a broker, who in good faith, paid her Ks.
10,000. I t was held that there was no contract between the jeweller and the
woman and p e n an innocent buyer or a broker did not get a good title. The
brokcr must return the necklaces to the jeweller. Hcrc the jeweller intendec! LO
deal not with her but with quite a different person, i.e., the wife of a Baron.

In the case of Said v. Butt, S knew that on account of his criticism of the
plays in the past, he would not be allowed entry at the performance of a play
at-the theatre. Tile mllnaging director of the theatre, gave instructions that a
ticket st~ouldnot be sold to S. S, however, obtained a tickct through one of
his friends. On being refused admission to the theatre, he sued for damages
for breach of contract. It was held that there was no contract with S, as the
theatre company never intended to contract wit11 S.
. 1
-.ts the nature of the contract: A contract is void when one of the
it any fault o f his own, makes a mistake as to the very nature of
the contract. Thus, when a person is induced to sign a written document
General Law of containing a contract fundamentally different in nature from what he thinks he
Contracl I
is signing, the contract shall be void.
In the case of Foster v. Mackinnon,an old illiterate man was induced to sign
a bill o f exchange, by means of a false representation that it was a mere
guarantee. Held, he is not liable for the bill as he never intended to sign a bill
of exchange.

4.18.3 Effect of Mistake

While discussing various types of mistakes, the effect of each type of mistake has
been clearly stated. It can now be summarised as follows:
1) Where both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake as t o a matter of
fact essential to the agreement, the agreement is void.
2) In most cases of unilateral mistake, the contract is not void. But, where
unilateral mistake defeats the true consent of the parties, the agreement is
treated as void.
3) Any person who has received any advantage under such agreement, $e is
bound to restore it, or to make compensation for it, to the person from whom
he had received it.
4) A person to whom money has been paid or anything delivered by mistake must
repay or return it.

Cheek Your Progress' C

1) What is ~ i ' s t a k e?


2) What do you understand by mistake of fact ?

3) What is a unilateral mistake ?

4) State whether the following statements are True or False.

i) Where both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake as to a matter
of fact, the agreement is voidable.
ii) If both the parties believe the subject-matter of a contract t o be in
existence, which in fact is non existent, the contract is void.
iii) An agreement which is not capable of being performed is void.
iv) Ignorance of law is no excuse.
v) A mistake regarding the identity of the person contracted makes the ".
contract voidable.
vi) A contract is void if one of the parties to the contract is under a mistake of
64 fact.

Free Consent

TWO or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon the same thing in
'. the same sense. Consent is said to be free when it is not caused by i) coercion,
ii) undue influence, iii) fraud, iv) misrepresentation, or v) misti~ke.

Coercion is the committing or threatening to cdmmit, any act forbidden by the

Indian Penal Code, or the unlawful detaining or threatening to detain any property
to the prejudice of any person whatever, with the intention c4f causing any person
to enter into an agreement. In this case the contract is voidable.

Where the relations subsisting between the parties are such that one party can
dominate the will of another and by using this positiod he obtains an unfair
advantage over the other, the consent is said to have been caused by undue
influence and the contract is voidable.

A person is deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of another (a) where

he holds a real or apparent authority over the other, or where he stands in a
fiduciary relation to the other, or (b) where he makes a contract with a person
whose mental capacity is temporarily or permanently affected by reason of age,
illness or mental or bodily distress.

Where a person who was in a strong position to dominate the will of' the other and
the transaction appears to be unconscionable, the burden of proving tbat the
contract was not induced by undue influence shall lie upon the pcrscln who was in
a strong position.
Willful wrong representation of material facts with the intention tb deceive the
other party is fraud. For a fraud, it is necessary that (i) a false representation or
assertion is made, (ii) it must be of a fact, (iii) it must be made with the
knowledge of its falsehood or without belief in its truth or is made I-ecklessly,
(iv) it must be made with the intention to deceive the other party, (v) the other
party must have acted on the basis of such representation, and (vi) the other party
must have suffered some loss. In case of fraud, the contract is void,.tble and the
aggrieved party can also claim the damages.
Misrepresentation refers to a mis-statement of material facts made i:nnocently or
the non-disclosure of a material fact without any intention to deceive the other
party. In case of misrepresentation, the contract is voidable but the damages
cannot be claimed.

Mistake is an erroneous belief concerning something. Mistake may be a mistake of

law or a mistake of fact.

.Mistake of law can be of two types- (i) mistake regarding the law of the land
(Indian laws), and (ii) mistake regarding foreign laws. A )mistake of Indian law is
not excusable, while a mistake of foreign law is treated .as a mistak:e of fact. A
mistake of fact can also be divided into two groups : (a) bilateral mistake,
(b) unilateral mistake.

Bilateral mistake may relate t o the subject-matter o r -the possibility of

performance. Mistake of fact regarding subject-matter may be as tlo (i) existence of
the subject-matter, (ii) identity of the subject-matter, (iii) title of the subject-
matter, (iv) quantity of the subject-matter, (v) quality of the subject-matter,
(vi) price of the subject-matter. Such mistake of fact make an agreement vdd.

A unilateral mistake, generally does not render the agreement void. But when there
is a mistake regarding the identity of'the person contracted with o r it relates to the
nature of the contiact, the agreement is-void,

, -

Aggrieved Party : The party to an agreement whose consent is not free.

General Law of Bilateral Mistake : Where 'both the contracting parties are working under a
Contract I
common mistake.
Coercion : Coniniitting or threatening to commit any act forbidden by the Indain
Penal Code or detaining or threatening to detain any property of another to his
prejudice with the intention of causing him to enter into an agreement.
Free Consent : Consent to an agreement without influence or pressure of any type.
Fraud : A false representation made wilfully with a view to deceive the other
,- party.

Misrepresentation : A false representation made innocently, without any intention

to deceive the other party.
Purdannsl~iriWomen : 4 woman who by custom or' the counfry or usage of the
particular community she belongs, is obligate to observe complete seclusion.
Undue I~~flucnce: Use of a position to dominate the will of another to obtain any
unfair advantage over the other in cor~nectionwith an agreement with him.
Udiatesal Mistake : Where only one party to the contract is under a mistake.


A) 6 ) i) True, ii) False, iii) False, iv) True, v) True, vi) False,
vii) True
B) 4) i) True, ii) False, iii) False, i;) True, v) True, vi) False
C) 4) i) False, ii) True, iii) True, iv) True, v) False, vi) False.


1) Define Consent. When Consent is said to be free?

2) What is the effect of coercion on the validity of the contract?
3) Does a threat to commit suicide amounts to coercion?
4) When is a person deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of'
5) Define fraud and point out its effects on the validity of the contract.
'6 ) "Mere silence as to facts is not fraud". Explain with examples.
7) Distinguish between :
i) Coercion and undue influence
ii) Fraud and Misrcpreserrtation
8) What is the position of a contract made with a pardanashin woman?
9j Define mistake and explain various types of mistakes.
10) Explai~land illustrate the effect of a 'mistake of fact' on contracts:

11) On whom 'the burden of proof lie in case of undue influence? State the cases
in which undue influence is presumed.
12) Answer the following problems giving reasons for your answer:
i) A threatens to shoot B if'he does not sell his scooter to him (A) for Rs.
1,000 B signs the necessary documents for the sale of scooter. Later
on, 13 wants to avoid the contract. Will he succeed? If so, why?
(Hint: I3 can avoid the contract on the ground of coercion).
ii) Mahesh was suffering from some disease and was in great pain. His
doctor agreed to treat him 'provided he signs a promissory note for Rs.
20,000. On recovering from the disease, Mahesh refused to honour the
66 pro-note. Can the doctor recover the amount of the-promissory note?
(Hint : Doctor has employed undue influence on Maliesh. Mahesh Free Consent
is liable to pay only reasonable fee).
iii) Hari sells his horse to Rajesh. Hari knows that the health of the horse
is unsound. Hari says nothing to Rajesh about the unsoundness of the
health of horse. Is this contract valid?
(Hint : Yes, this contract is valid, because it is not the duty
o f the seller to disclose defects).
iv) N entered into a jeweller's shop and selected some jewels. He gave a
cheque in the name of G.B., a man of repute. The jeweller accepted the
cheque and allowed N to take the jewels. N pledged the jewels with B
who had no knowledge of thg iraud. Can the jeweller recover the jewels
from' B?
(Hint : No, the jeweller cannot recover the jewels from third party. It is
not a mistake regarding the identity of person contracted with,
but only about her attributes.)
v) Avinash, while selling an unsound horse t o Rakesh puts on the stable's.
door a forged certificate from a veterinary doctor that the horse is
sound. Kakesh sees the horse casually but does not notice the certificate
and buys the horse. Rakesh wants to terminate the contract on grounds
of fraud. Will he succeed?
(Hint : Rakesh will not succced. His consent was not affected by the
forged certificate).
vi) A sells a painting to B saying that it is an original work of Picaso.
Unknown to both the parties, the original painting was stolen and its
copy was placed there. Is the contract valid?
(Hint : The contract is void o n ground of bilateral mistake as to
the quality of the subject-matter).
vii) Prem offers t o sell a painting to Vikas which Prem knows is the copy
of a well known masterpiece. Vikas, thinking that the painting is the
original one, decides to buy it at a very high price. Is this a valid
(Hint : Yes, the contract is valid. Vikas has a wrong impression
about the value of the painting),

Note :These questions and exercises will help you to understand the unit better Try
to write answers for them. But d o not send your answers to the University. These
are for your practice only.


Gulshan, S. S. and G . K. Kapoor, 1989. Business Law, Wiley Eastein Limited:
New Delhi (Chapters 1-5)
Kapoor, N. D., 1988. Mercantile LOW,Sultan Chand & Sons: New Delhi (Chapters
Kuchhal, M. C., 1989, Mercantile Law,lrikas Publishing Private Limited:
New Delhi (Chapters 1-5)
Maheshwari, R. P . and S. N. Maheshwari, 1989. Business Law, Naiional
Publishing House: New Delhi (Chapters 1-5)
Shukla, M. C., 1987. A Manual of Mercantile Law, S. Chand & Co., New ~ e i h i
(Chapter 1). 67
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