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Report of Ug Siemens NX Modeling

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This Report has been checked, accepted and legalized by supervisor, knowing
by Head of Mechanical Engineering Department Wuxi Institute of Technology and
Head of Mechanical Engineering Department University Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

Composed by
Name : M. Alan wijaya
NIM : 1020186003/D20A153005

Passed in

Day :

Date :

Supervisior I Supervisor II

(Dr. Qin Feng) (Wijianto, S.T, M.Eng., Sc)

Head of Mechanical Eng. Department Head of Mechanical Eng. Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Wuxi Institute of Technology

(Ir. Subroto M.T) (Zhang Zheng, M.Eng)


Thanks Allah SWT who has given His-mercy and guidance, so writer
can accomplish this Report as time scheduled.
The Writer would not finished this report without any help and
guidance from people that have supported. Therefore, on this opportunity
writer would like to grateful for :

1. Ir. Subroto, MT. as the head of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
2. Mr. Zhang Zheng as Head of Mechanical Eng. Department
Wuxi Institute of Technology.
3. Mr. Wijianto, ST., M.Eng., Sc. as my second supervisor and
coordinator of the final project.
4. Mr. Tang LiPing and Mr. Qin Feng, Ph.D. as Supervisor of
5. My Parents who always give the best prayer and support to me,
also pay my study in WXIT

Finally, the writer hopes this report is useful for everyone that read it.

Wuxi Jiangsu, January 2019

1.1. Definition of UG Siemens NX
NX is a full spectrum design modeling, analysis, simulation and
manufacturing CAD/CAE/CAM software from Unigraphics Solutions and one
of the older and well-established CAD/CAE/CAM system. NX is software of
choice for a wide variety of applications, especially in automotive and
aerospace product development.
It is used, among other tasks, for:
1. Design (parametric and direct solid/surface modelling)
2. Engineering analysis (static; dynamic; electro-magnetic; thermal, using
the finite element method; and fluid, using the finite volume method).
3. Manufacturing finished design by using included machining modules.

The range of UG NX capabilities allows it to be applied in a wide variety

of industries, such as aerospace, automotive, industrial machinery, electrical,
electronics, shipbuilding, plant design, and consumer goods, including design
for such diverse products as jewelry and clothing.
1.2. Definition Of Vericut CNC Simulation
For four axis part to use of machine has must choose the tools with the
diameter and size are suitable. To detect the right of diameter the drill of tools,
use the software to detect the tools and simulation for four axis CNC machine.
This is Vericut CNC Simulation.
a. Vericut Verification
→VERICUT is a 3D solids-based software program that interactively
simulates the material removal process of an NC program. Base
Verification verifies 3-axis milling and 2-axis turning (including multiple
setup positions). The Multi-Axis module is required to detect collisions
between the tool, stock and fixture for rotary 4 & 5-axis
positioning/indexing motion.
b. Feed Rate Optimization
→VERICUT is a true knowledge-based machining system. Through the
simulation process, it learns the exact depth, width, and direction of each
cut. And it knows exactly how much material is removed by each cut
c. CNC Machine Simulation
→VERICUT shows material removal at the workpiece level, but can also
simulate entire machine tools as they appear on a shop floor. Machine
Simulation detects collisions and near-misses between all machine tool
components such as axis slides, heads, turrets, rotary tables, spindles, tool
changers, fixtures, work pieces, cutting tools, and other user-defined

Figure 2.2. VERICUT CNC Machine

1.3. Interface of UG Siemens NX
In the UG Siemens NX, there are the default view who we are given by UG
NX. NX gives you a wide range of programming and customization tools to
help you extend and tailor NX software capabilities to your specific needs. NX
customization tools can be employed by product development personnel as
well as application developers.
There are many display function for engineers in the UG NX like as :
1. Automation for Engineers
→ Simple NX Application Programming (SNAP) is an application
programming interface (API) focused on simplicity and ease of
learning. For simple applications, SNAP offers very efficient
programming and compact code.
2. Journaling for Rapid Automation
→ NX also offers a journaling capability that records, edits and replays
interactive NX sessions. You can edit the sessions with simple
programming constructs and user interface components to rapidly
create customized programs.
3. Customizing the User Interface
→ With menu and dialog box customization tools, you can easily tailor
the NX user interface to your preferences, or create menus and dialog
boxes for custom programs. These tools support interactive visual and
drag-and-drop methods that streamline the process.
4. Tools for Application Developers
→ For programming specialists, NX delivers a robust API that
supports standard integrated development environments. This
language-neutral API provides complete access to NX core application
functionality, and supports identical automation for Visual
Basic, .NET, C#, Java and Open C++.
5. Knowledge-Based Engineering
→ You can increase NX speed and productivity by capturing design
intent and engineering intelligence with Knowledge Fusion programs.
A fully integrated knowledge-based engineering tool, Knowledge
Fusion can create custom programs with embedded rules that capture
design intent, performance requirements, and manufacturing
Figure 2.3. The interface of UG NX default
1.4 Type of Part Design
There are so many types of design part on UG NX. But we only have the
two types of design part like as :
a. Three axis part
→ Three axis CNC machines still have a place in modern day
manufacturing. Whether or not a three axis CNC machine is the best
option for your business does rely on a number of reasons relating to
the size of your production run, the workpiece properties, accuracy and
finish requirements, materials costs, stock holding capabilities, etc.
Three axis CNC machines have simple and intricate parts that can
be cut rapidly and precisely with a high quality toolpath. The cycles in
all three axis CNC machines can be modified to stay contained in one
area or to avoid another area.
Many of the main benefits of three axis CNC machines are that the
whole machining element is able to be modelled which includes
machine parts, clamps, stock and fixtures.
Not only that, The three axis CNC machines also have the machine
who different with other CNC machines.
Figure 2.4. Example of Three-axis part

Figure 2.5. CNC Machine for 3 Axis part

b. Four axis part
→ 4 Axis CNC machining is an interesting and important sub-part of
the CNC milling world. Most manual machining 4th axis work is about
cutting features along an arc, something that’s hard to do with a manual
machine. With CNC, cutting along an arc is easy–that’s what the G02
and G03 g-codes are for. There are cases where we do continuous
machining with a 4th axis–in other words, we want the cutter to be
machining as the 4th axis turns.
A 4th axis is typically either used in an “indexing” mode or a
“continuous” mode. When indexing, no cutting happens until the 4th
axis is stopped (and often locked with a brake of some kind).

Figure 2.6. Machining a gear with four axis CNC machine

Figure 2.7. The system of Four axis CNC Machine
Usually, the four axis part has used in the part who have the teeth
and serration like as Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.8. Example of Four axis part

Figure 2.9. CNC Machine for Four axis part

2.1. Preparation

To begin the design of product, the engineer has must prepare the tools to
begin the design of product. One of them is a software design. To choose the
best of software design, make sure choose the software which can be apilcated
on the CNC machine. One of most software design is UG Siemens NX. This
time, we use UG NX 10.0 to design the product. How to preparation the
design of product, and how to operate the UG Siemens NX, follow the steps
below :

1. From the Windows screen, click on Start → All Program → Siemens

NX 10.0 → NX 10.0
2. Wait a moment ago
3. To create a new file, you can click on the ‘New’ command on top of the
screen or go through the ‘File’ drop-down tab.
4. If there are file, you can click on the ‘Open’ command on top of the
screen or go through the ‘File’ drop-down tab.
2.2. Design The Part
In the design, we have the two types of part so we will design the two types
of part. How to design the two types of part, follow the steps below :
3.3.1. Three Axis Part
Before make the product of three axis part, we will design the part.
To three axis part has called name impeller wheel. The function of
impeller wheel is converted into kinetic energy and the exhaust gas at the
wheel circumference is directed at constant velocity to the turbine wheel.
Any steps which is conducted to design the three axis part, follow the
steps below :
1. Determine the Datum Coordinate System. To type, choose the
Dynamic then for Reference CSYS click Absolute – Displayed Part
and click the object who will click then OK.
2. Make sketch the body. There are some steps to design the sketch of
body. Follow these steps with the size like as table below.
Length Width Diameter Curve Range Angle
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
SKETCH_000 - - 25 - - -
SKETCH_001 20,4 - - 29 - -
SKETCH_002 - - 78 - -
SKETCH_003 32,4 23,5 - - - 1020
SKETCH_004 - - 30 - - -
SKETCH_005 - - 30 - - -
SKETCH_006 - - 25 - - -
SKETCH_007 27 12 - - - -
SKETCH_008 - - 8 - 8,5 -
SKETCH_009 97,6 80,3 - - - -
SKETCH_010 38,5 16 - - - -
SKETCH_011 10 12,7 - - - -
Table 3. Table of sketch body

Figure 3.1. Example for Sketch body

3. Make the Extrude. There are some steps. Follow these steps with the
size like as table below.
Start Distance End Distance Tolerance
(mm) (mm)
Extrude (2) 0 15 0,0010
Extrude (5) 0 15 0,0010
Extrude (11) - 15 0,0010
Extrude (14) -1 17,5 0,0010
Extrude (19) 0 3 0,0010
Extrude (33) -30,3 50 0,0010
Extrude (36) - 20 0,0010
Extrude (37) 0 12 0,0010
Extrude (38) 0 10 0,0010
Table 4. Table of Extrude body

Figure 3.2. One of example for make Extrude body

4. Design the leaf blade with the following steps. To make the sketch of
curve use the Projected Curve and Through Curve to find the
direction of axis. To make the thickness of leaf blade, use the Thicken
with offset 1 has 1 mm and offset 2 has -1 mm. To make the body
and cutting the sketch use Trim Body and Unite.
5. To make the many items, use the Pattern Features. Because the design
of body has circular, use the Circular mode. The Pattern Features also
can be used to cutting the sketch of body in large quantities.

Figure 3.3. The Pattern Features function

6. To make the curve in the edge of body, use the Edge Blend with the
certainty G1 (Tangent) and total select edge and radius like the table
Total Select Edge Radius (mm)
Edge Blend (20) 1 10
Edge Blend (27) 50 0,5
Edge Blend (28) 13 1,5
Edge Blend (29) 52 1,5
Table 5. Table of Edge Blend

Figure 3.4. Example for Edge Blend

7. Make the two hole on the under the body with the size diameter 5
mm, depth 8 mm and tip angle 1180. Then the result will be like this.

Figure 3.5. Two hole on the under body

3.3.2. Four Axis Part

Before make the product of four axis part, we will design the
part. The name of part is idler pulley. The function of idler pulley
is regulates the belts that connect to the crankshaft and are used to
produce movement in numerous engine accessories, such as the
alternator, steering pump and air-conditioner compressor. Any
steps which is conducted to design the four axis part, follow the
steps below :
1. Make the Body like Figure 3.6. Then click Extrude with the
certainty for Limits Start, the distance has 0 mm and for Limits
End, the distance has 60 mm, tolerance 0,0254.

Figure 3.6. Body

2. Make the Datum Plane on the top and bottom body with
distance 10 mm.

Figure 3.7. Datum Plane

3. Cut the body with Trim Body and to cut the sheet body use Trim
4. Click the Offset in Face with certainty like the table below.
Total Select Curve Offset (mm)
Offset in Face (18) 10 11
Offset in Face (19) 10 11
Offset in Face (20) 12 11
Offset in Face (21) 12 11
Offset in Face (22) 10 11
Offset in Face (23) 10 11
Table 6. Offset in Face
5. Make the Bridge Curve on the top and bottom body with value
0% and 100%.

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