Glynn 2012 CA Correspondence Analysis
Glynn 2012 CA Correspondence Analysis
Glynn 2012 CA Correspondence Analysis
Dylan Glynn
Lund University
ical case, or a syntactic pattern. These examples can then be analysed, using
traditional intuition-based analysis for a range of usage-features, such as
tense, aspect, argument structure, agent type, the ground or path type, and the
register or genre from which the example is taken. The results of analysing
the examples for these usage-features can be summarised as counts of how
often each of the features occurs. Significance tests can then be used to show
that the occurrence of certain features is substantially more common than
could be expected by chance. This statistically significant variation can then,
in turn, be interpreted as representing a distinct pattern of usage.
However, with more than a couple of different dimensions of analysis or
large numbers of features at play, interpreting the numbers of occurrences
becomes increasingly difficult, if not impossible. Quite simply, correspond-
ence analysis is an exploratory tool that helps one find which usage-features
co-occur with other usage-features, giving a map of their overall patterning.
Assuming that one is adopting a cognitive or functional approach to language,
these usage-patterns can be interpreted as grammatical description, operation-
alised in terms of relative frequency.
It must be stressed that this technique is designed solely for exploratory
purposes. In other words, it is a tool for finding things, not for establishing
their significance or discerning their relevance. Therefore, it offers you no
assurance that patterns found are anything more than a chance result, specific
to the sample under observation. Moreover, this tool does not tell you where
to look. Although exploratory, one must avoid ‘fishing’ for results by ran-
domly combining factors in the hope of finding correlations that could be
interpretable. Even if one finds correlations that ‘make sense’, such an ap-
proach increases the chance of finding co-incidental correlations or chance
patterns in the sample.2 A metaphor that might be helpful is that of the shovel
for the archaeologist: if one digs randomly, everywhere, it increases the
chances of finding irrelevant things. Correspondence analysis is a tool for
digging in the data for patterns and correlations. Yet the metaphor can still
serve us further: when an archaeologist finds an artefact, it is still up to the
archaeologist to interpret the finding as well as to verify its authenticity. Cor-
respondence analysis, assuming you have a reasonable hypothesis about
where to look, is a basic and useful tool for unearthing patterns in the data,
but it is no more than that.
Correspondence analysis 135
The concept behind the visualisation in a biplot is quite simple to understand.
The correspondence analysis has calculated proximity values for the combi-
nation of the cells across the rows and columns of a contingency table. These
can be plotted. Each dimension of the plot (there are two dimensions ina bip-
lot) will explain a certain percentage of the data variation, or ‘inertia’. Plot-
ting a single dimension, a simple line or the x-axis, will place the data points
on this line at varying distances from each other. However, in most situations,
this will poorly represent the relations between those features. If we add a
second dimension, the y-axis, we obtain a two-dimensional biplot, typical of
correspondence analysis and a range of other space reduction techniques. This
will, hopefully, explain a great deal of the variation in the data. The scores of
the explained inertia (or variation) are typically given for these first two axes.
Although, theoretically, it is possible to take any two dimensions and plot
Normally, a combination of the first two dimensions captures a large per-
centage of the variation. Adding a third dimension, the z-axis, produces a
three-dimensional plot that will even more accurately represent the behaviour
of the data. Three-dimensional plots are also possible in R, but are not con-
sidered in this discussion. Sometimes, it is useful to examine combinations of
dimensions one and three or even two and three in biplots, especially when
the explained inertia is low. For most data sets, though, a combination of the
first two dimensions offers the most accurate and interpretable visualisation
of the variation and association in the data. The numerical summary of a cor-
respondence analysis will list all the dimensions, but above the third- or
fourth-dimension, it is rare that further dimensions represent anything more
than a small fraction of the variation. In order to completely represent a con-
tingency table, one would need all the dimensions. The number of possible
dimensions is equal to the number of rows or columns (which ever is smaller)
minus one. So, to visualise a table with five rows and eight columns, one
would need four dimensions.
Unfortunately, there is a range of terminology that varies from one book to
another and even from one R package to the next. A few basic terms that may
arise, especially in the numerical summaries of the analysis include: ‘Eigen-
values’, which indicates the inertia; the ‘percentages of explained variance’,
or simply the percentage of inertia; and ‘communalities’, which are the per-
centages of explained inertia for individual rows or columns. If one wishes to
work with the technique, there are three excellent books that explain its func-
tioning in a clear manner, accessible even to readers with no statistical train-
138 Dylan Glynn
spondence analysis, we will not know if there are interactions between the
different factors. We may find that, for example, the conditional mood has an
important correlation with the imperfective aspect in a certain register. This
may be interesting in itself, but it may also severely bias the results if not
accounted for separately – for this given register, is the lexical-grammatical
correlation observed due to the conditional or the imperfect or a combination?
An answer to such a question is more difficult to discern in binary analysis.
Therefore, there is always a trade-off – binary correspondence analysis gives
more ‘reliable’ results and numerical indicators of explained variation, but it
can struggle to capture the interaction of more than two factors simultaneous-
Other than simple binary correspondence analysis, detrended correspond-
ence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis have been developed.
Detrended correspondence analysis includes a bias added to the distance ma-
trix calculation. It is designed to counter a well-known effect with ‘long’ gra-
dients, called the ‘horseshoe’ effect, whereby the data points tend to form an
arch. The effect is occasionally visible in plots, but any experience with cor-
respondence analysis should avoid misinterpreting results because of it.3 It
should be noted that Greenacre (1984: 232) is sceptical about detrended cor-
respondence analysis and it does not enjoy wide currency. It is, nevertheless,
straightforward to perform in R.4
Canonical correspondence analysis, also termed constrained correspond-
ence analysis, is popular in the life sciences, but is also directly relevant to
linguistics. For the reader familiar with mixed effects regression modelling,
the idea is similar. In a given study, it is perfectly common to be dealing with
two different kinds of variables. Some categories interact with each other, but
all relative to a different kind of category. For example, aspectual structure
interacts with Aktionsart and tense in complicated and close ways. The role
of, for example, register, in their interaction is of a different nature. We may
not want to have the correspondence analysis treating the register features of
conversation, news press and literature equally ‘mixed’ in with aspectual and
temporal features. We can, therefore, treat the register dimension as an ‘ex-
ternal’ factor and the grammatical semantics as the ‘internal’ factors. The
correspondence analysis then knows that we are actually interested in the
internal factors and it accordingly attempts to map that space relative to the
structure of the other. This results in less explained inertia overall, but (hope-
fully) more explained inertia for the factor that is the object of study.5
Multiple correspondence analysis techniques are an extension of binary
correspondence analysis for the treatment of multi-way tables (binary corre-
140 Dylan Glynn
Before we begin with the application per se, we must cover a few general
questions that are relevant to every correspondence analysis. The first im-
portant question is – what to look for. There are four issues: ‘fishing’, over-
simplicity, over-complexity, and data sparseness. Let us briefly consider each
in turn.
By fishing, we mean the arbitrary (or near-arbitrary) selection of factors
in the hope that one will find correlations. Correspondence analysis is a tool
for identifying correlations, a tool that needs to be used in a reasoned fashion.
There is no point in establishing correlations between the use of language
features that bear no interpretable correlation in reality, or worse, bear an
interpretable correlation, but are just a result of few a chance occurrences. In
section 1.1, the metaphor of an archaeologist digging was used to explain this
Correspondence analysis 141
point: by digging everywhere, it is sure that something will be found, but the
chances of finding irrelevant things increase exponentially.
Over-simplicity is less serious a problem, but still must be borne in mind.
There is no use in using correspondence analysis to identify a correlation that
a simple pie chart or histogram, combined with a test for significance, would
do even better. Similarly, obvious correlations can dominate results at the
expense of less obvious, and therefore, more interesting results. For example,
in the case of a correlation between first person singular uses of a mental
predicate and parenthetical uses of a mental predicate – since the vast majori-
ty all parenthetical uses will be in the first person, entering these factors
(grammatical person and parentheticality) will reveal an obvious correlation.
The problem is, if these two factors are amongst a more complex range of
factors, the obvious correlation could ‘override’, or ‘hide’, other correlations.
Although it is sometimes necessary to leave such obvious correlations in an
analysis because one is seeking structures in other parts of the data, if it is
possible to avoid doing so, then it should be avoided. Obvious correlations
run the risk of ‘hiding’ the more interesting results. In other words, the plot
will identify what is most strongly correlated instead of the subtler, yet ana-
lytically more important correlations.
Over-complexity occurs in binary correspondence analysis when using
concatenated tables (see section 2.2.3 below) and in a multiple correspond-
ence analysis when too many factors are examined simultaneously. For ex-
ample, there is obviously no point analysing, simultaneously, 22 factors, each
with 16 features, even if one has thousands of examples. Without even con-
sidering the impossibility of accounting for the variation (inertia), in such a
dataset, the results would not be interpretable for the simple reason that the
visualisation of so many factors becomes impossible to decipher. Moreover,
the chance of ‘false’ associations increases dramatically with the more varia-
bles and features that are considered simultaneously. There is no steadfast
rule, but thinking about how the analysis works and being realistic about its
limitations are the safest ways to avoid the problem of over-complexity.
One way to avoid such over-complexity is to work with subsets. Subsets
may be logical divisions within the data: for example, examining two dialects
independently from one another or examining two lexemes or grammatical
constructions separately. Similarly, certain features or factors can be com-
bined. As long as the choice is reasoned and reported, it can help to simplify
the interactions that the analysis is trying to explain.
This principle extends to data sparseness and ‘small cells’. As a rule of
thumb, one aims to have at least ten examples in each cell of the cross-
142 Dylan Glynn
tabulated matrix (see below, this section). Obviously, this is not always pos-
sible, but cells of less than eight tend to cause distortions in the analysis. One
may find that the analysis is ‘trying so hard’ to account for some relatively
infrequent use, that the important associations are not represented. A response
to this problem is to leave out the examples (the rows in a flat data-frame, see
below, this section) that contribute features only occurring a few times. First
performing the correspondence analysis on the full set of data and then grad-
ually taking out these small cells (rows of infrequent examples) is a good
heuristic. Not only will it result in a better final analysis, the exploratory na-
ture of correspondence analysis will help you to better understand the data
and the correlations within them. The numerical output of binary correspond-
ence analysis can be very helpful in identifying such problems. Using the
numerical output, one can quickly see which data points are being poorly
represented. This is explained in section 2.3.1.
Let us now turn to the computation and interpretation of correspondence
analysis in R. Some common packages for correspondence analysis include:
{MASS}, {ca}, {languageR}, {anacor}, {homals}, {FactoMineR}, {ve-
gan}, {ade4} and {pamctdp}. Unfortunately, for reasons of brevity, we re-
strict the demonstration to a small selection of functionalities in the first four
of these packages. However, references to further information and tutorials on
each are offered.
Each package is a suite of commands for performing correspondence
analysis. They have different options and possibilities. The program R, works
with functions, such as the function to read a table, to plot results of an analy-
sis and, of course, to perform a statistical analysis. In simple terms, the func-
tions are the commands that tell R what to do. Each function also has a set of
‘arguments’. These arguments are the ‘options’ that R should take into ac-
count in executing the command. They should be carefully typed – spaces
have no effect, but capitals commas, brackets, and so forth must be entered
exactly. Moreover, keeping a record of what you have done is vital in learn-
ing to use the program. There are lots of additions in R for keeping your
working history and also for storing the functions you use often. However,
when just beginning, it is perhaps simplest, to use a text file and to simply
‘copy’ and ‘paste’ to and from R. Also at the end of an R session, it is wise to
save the history (what you have done) either within R or in a separate text
file. This will help you to remember the steps you took the next time you
perform an analysis.
In the R sessions below, after each line of command another short line is
added, following the # sign. This sign indicates that the program R should
Correspondence analysis 143
ignore what follows it and not try to interpret it as arguments belonging to the
function. It is standard practice to explain command lines after such hash (#)
For the purposes of explaining how to perform and interpret the analyses
in R, we will use artificial data. Let us take a range of near-synonymous verbs
in an imaginary language. In this language, let us say, there are three mental
predicates think, believe, and suppose, and three communication predicates,
say, speak, and talk, which can be used figuratively to also indicate epistemic
stance, just like the mental predicates. We take 575 occurrences of the verbs,
more or less equally distributed. Correspondence analysis does not require
equal distribution in such a situation, but we want to have as many examples
as possible of each form, so making a balanced selection fulfils this require-
ment. The imaginary language possesses a three-way distinction in the aspect-
mood system, distinguishing between ‘Perfective’, ‘Imperfective’ and ‘Mod-
al’ forms. Each of the examples is analysed for this grammatical category.
The examples are also analysed for the grammatical person of the verb and
the semantic type of the indirect object. Table 1 illustrates kind of results one
expects from such an analysis.
Before we start the R session, an important aside must be made. There are
two different data formats that the R functions use. It is crucial that the data
be in the correct format. Details on loading the data can be found in van de
Weijer & Glynn (this volume), but this fact is essential enough that it is worth
repeating. We can call one format the flat ‘data-frame’ and the other numeri-
cal ‘cross-tabulation’ (or contingency table). The data-frame is typically what
one obtains after annotating (coding) linguistic examples in Excel, Filemaker
or some database application. The cross-tabulation is a result of calculating,
144 Dylan Glynn
The package {MASS} (Venables & Ripley 2002) comes pre-installed and so it
only needs to be loaded. It has simple, but effective, functions for both binary
correspondence analysis and multiple correspondence analysis. The first step
is to load the package:
> library(MASS)
This command line loads the data into R, calls it ‘data’ and specifies that the
first row in the table is the column labels, or headers (header= TRUE). It also
assumes that any blank space, tab or otherwise, is the sign of a new field. You
can use function sep= “ ” to specify how the columns are separated. This is
necessary if you have labels with blank spaces in them. If you are exporting
data from a spreadhseet or database, then the columns are most likley to be
tab delimited, in which case, add the argument sep= “\t”. When first be-
ginning, it is perhaps easiest to make sure there are no blank spaces in your
labels and let R guess the structure of the table. The argument row.names= 1
specifies that the first column is the labels for the rows. This last argument is
needed when loading a numerical cross-tabulation, not for the data-frame.
The function for performing a binary correspondence analysis in the
package {MASS} is corresp.
Although the graphic options in R are excellent, the {MASS} package offers
only a simple, yet efficient, set of possibilities. To the last line of code above
(plot(ca_analysis)), we can add the graphic ‘arguments’ which determine
the appearance of the plot.6 For example, the argument cex changes the size
of the font, the argument col specifies the colours, and xlim and ylim
‘zoom’ the plot by delimiting the x and y axes. These arguments should be
added ‘inside’ the plot command, as shown in the example below:
The col argument can specify a range of colours by name “red”, black”,
“blue” or by numbers, “1”, “2”, “3” etc. The argument cex takes a number
that indicates the type size (1 = is default, 1.2 is larger, 1.3 larger still, and 0.8
smaller, and so forth).
Zooming can be tricky at first, but it is simple when mastered. The plots
present numbers on the x and y axes. These numbers show the distance from
the centre of the plot. The x and y axes can be limited both in the negative and
in the positive range with the following arguments xlim= c(-.05,.05),
ylim= c(-.05,.05). Adding this string to the plot function will make the
146 Dylan Glynn
cut-off points for the plot -0.05 and +0.05 on the x-axis and -0.05 and +0.05
on the y-axis. Change those numbers to delimit, and therefore ‘zoom’, the
plot. Experimenting with the zoom function will allow you to get a more leg-
ible plot. In Figure 1, data points were positioned to make maximum use of
the space, that is, to make sure that the entire box was used to display the
ordination of the data points.
The data submitted to this analysis are extremely simple, but the result
will allow us to understand the principles in interpreting correspondence bip-
lots. The dispersion of the data points represents the variation of the co-
occurrence of the different usage features – here six verbs (columns) and
three grammatical categories (rows). Proximity and distance represent de-
grees of correlation between the different features. The centre of the plot,
indicated by the numbers on the x and y axes and by the cross in the centre,
divides the plot into quadrants. This helps identify association.
-0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
Modal suppose
think say talk
The corresp function in {MASS} does not produce the most attractive plots,
but since it is the simplest to perform and comes pre-installed in R, we will
explain the principles of interpretation with it. In the following sections, you
Correspondence analysis 147
will see how more sophisticated, yet still simple to use, packages produce
superior biplots.
In Figure 1, we see two distinct groupings of the verbs, distinguishing the
mental predicates and the communication predicates. The verb suppose lies
between the two groups, though clearly still on the same side of the plot as
the other mental predicates. From this, we know that although it behaves like
a mental predicate, its use is closer to the communication predicates. We also
see that although the mental predicates form a distinct group, they are also
distinguished along the horizontal axis. The items believe and think are dis-
tinguished by the grammatical categories of Modal and Perfective. Although
the distance between think and believe is relatively small, they are in different
quadrants of the plot, and most importantly, the grammatical categories are on
the ‘far side’ of the lexeme data points relative to each other. This shows the
association to be distinctive. If the data points Modal and think were inter-
changed, then believe would be distinctly associated with Perfective, but think
would only be associated with Modal, not distinctly so. It is for this same
reason that we know there is a distinct association between the communica-
tion predicates and the Imperfective. The data point for the Imperfective lies
on the ‘other side’ of the communication predicates data points relative to the
mental predicates. This shows the distinctiveness of the Imperfective use with
this group.
A note should be made about the scales printed on the axes. They are not
informative on their own, but help one to gauge relative distance. This is es-
pecially important when plots are not square, but are elongated or stretched to
permit the representation of all the data points. In Figure 1, we have a slightly
unusual situation where the plot is skewed. In this instance, it is not interfer-
ing with the results, but if the cloud of data points were more dense or the
array more complex, this would have to be taken into account.
We can summarise the interpretation of the plot as follows:
The numerical output for the {MASS} package is not helpful at this stage. We
will examine the numerical output below in section 2.3.1.
We add abbrev= T (T for ‘true’) to the mca function. This tells the function
not to include the factor labels. Also, note row= F (F for ‘false’); this tells the
plot function not to add the row numbers (that is example numbers, in lin-
guistic analysis) to the plot. It is sometimes interesting to plot the row num-
bers in order to determine which examples are causing the interactions visual-
ised in the plot. As for the factor labels, if one has features whose labels are
the same for different factors, then one needs to add the factor labels to dis-
Correspondence analysis 149
tinguish them on the plot. To activate these options, exchange F and T in the
command line.
Figure 2 presents the results of the multiple correspondence analysis of
the three factors. Firstly, you will notice that some of the data points overlap.
This can cause problems for interpretation. This is a natural result of visualis-
ing association through the proximity of data points, yet it means that often
one must enlarge plots (after having saved them as image files) or zoom in on
them in R, in order to discern what data points are overlapping. These, in
turn, must be explained and described in further detail when reporting results.
There exists a package, {FactoMineR}, which has an option for so called
dynamic graphing which allows one to move the labels (as opposed to small
data points) interactively so that they do not over lap. Details are given in
section 2.5. It is this packages that was used to make the plots in descriptive
studies presented in volume 2.
speak talk
Modal Imperfective
dimensions. This means that data points may appear close to each other but,
in fact, are placed far apart on the oblique dimension, back ‘into the page’, as
it were. Caution, and a little experience, makes interpreting such plots reason-
ably straightforward. However, as one increases the numbers of factors to
four or five, the plots can only be used as a rough guide and one must return
to the data to check every correlation visualised.
In Figure 2, above, imagine the plot divided diagonally, horizontally and
vertically. Locating the centre at the intersection of 0.00 and 0.00, we move
out to see the three grammatical features, Imperfective, Perfective, and Mod-
al, dividing up the dispersion of the plot. Once again, the Imperfective domi-
nates the right side, where two of the communication predicates are located,
talk and speak. With them is the indirect object semantic feature of Concrete
Thing (Cncrt_thing). The position of the Imperfective data point between the
centre and the two communication predicates suggests that having added the
semantic features makes this less distinctly associated with the communica-
tion predicates. This interpretation would still see the Imperfective as a char-
acteristic feature of the communication predicates, being located in the right
half of the plot, but would see its distinctiveness being lessened. Although at
first sight, this may seem reasonable, herein lies the trick of interpreting mul-
tiple correspondence analysis.
Another interpretation, and one more likely to be accurate, is that the Im-
perfective is still highly distinctive of the communication predicates, but it is
being drawn to the centre by the third communication verb, say, which is now
on the bottom left side of the plot. It is probable that there is a multiple inter-
action here along this dimension of use. Adding the indirect object semantics
has separated say from the group of communication predicates. Seeing that its
position on the plot almost overlaps with the indirect object semantic feature
of Human, but also that these two features cluster together a long way from
the centre of the plot, we can safely suppose that say is highly associated with
a Human indirect object. We also know, from the previous analysis, that the
Imperfective is highly associated with say. In this situation, a likely interpre-
tation would be that both the Imperfective and the Human indirect object are
associated with say, but that the Human Indirect object is ‘pulling’ the lexeme
away from its Imperfective – communication verb cluster, leaving the Imper-
fective data point stretched between say and the two other lexemes, speak and
talk. This happens because the Human indirect object must be highly associ-
ated with some other feature and / or highly disassociated with the other
communication predicates. If this were not the case, it too would group with
the Imperfective on the right of the plot. This interpretation is complex, but
Correspondence analysis 151
Firstly, note that the cross-tabulation was transposed, or inverted (data.t <-
t(data)). This is simply because some of the data point labels were ‘hang-
ing’ off the edge of the plot, and transposing the table inverts the plot and
thus the direction of the labels, improving legibility. The title function
should be self-explanatory. It is entered after the plot line and adds the label-
ling to the plot. It works for most packages. There are a great many more
functionalities with plotting and labelling that we do not cover here. In R, if
one wishes to find what arguments (options) are available for a given func-
Correspondence analysis 153
tion, one should type a question mark and then the function (e.g.: ?title), a
help page will appear with all the arguments available.
Interpreting Figure 3 should be straightforward, the only important differ-
ence to Figure 2 being the inversion. It is superior in its representation to the
plot produced in {MASS}. The four quadrants are clearly indicated and the
relationship between the different data points much more clearly depicted.
Factor 2 (7.4 %)
talk think
Factor 1 (92.6 %)
package - languageR, function - corres.fnc
not valid, but it does mean that extra care should be taken in interpreting the
plot. It is difficult to indicate a figure that represents a ‘good’ level of ex-
plained inertia because it depends on the complexity of the data. Normally, in
simple binary correspondence analysis, the combination of the first two di-
mensions should be over 75%. This will often be lower for canonical corre-
spondence analysis and, as stressed above, for multiple correspondence anal-
ysis, the score is not interpretable.
This shows there is significant variation between the lexemes. We can then
call the Pearson residuals to see which categories are causing the most varia-
tion. Again, this is explained in chapter 1.
> x2.test$res
believe think suppose say speak talk
Perfect 1.887480 0.844261 -0.383690 -0.888823 -0.387302 -1.24804
Imperfect -2.236471 -2.433997 -0.837797 1.599814 2.195817 2.104913
Modal 0.748989 1.739817 1.114179 -0.888356 -1.855656 -1.108766
We see from the Pearson residuals that the Imperfective uses of speak and
talk and the lack of Imperfective uses of think and believe are the most im-
portant. We can bear this in mind when interpreting the plots. Looking at
Figure 3, we see this fact represented visually and clearly.
saw the complexity in interpretation that arises in some data sets. Although
multiple correspondence analysis is necessary for finding correlations be-
tween the factors, there are two other ways of handling data that permit some
exploration of different dimensions of use.
First of all, using the pivot command in Excel, one can concatenate, or
‘stack’ tables. One literally generates two-dimensional tables and puts them
together in a row, creating one long table. For instance, we can take the data
for verb and grammatical category and, using the so-called ‘pivot’ function,
produce a cross-tabulation. Then we repeat the operation for the verb and
indirect object semantics. This gives us two tables we can join and submit to a
binary correspondence analysis. Further information on how to handle data is
presented in the Appendix, First Steps in R.
Table 3 is an example of such concatenated results. It is perfectly ac-
ceptable to tabulate data in this manner, but it must be remembered that when
used in multivariate statistics, it has conflated two conceptually different di-
mensions of language structure – the indirect object semantics and the gram-
matical categories of aspect and mood. Combining the factors in this way
means we will only be able to see the interaction of these categories relative
to the different verbs, not the interaction between them. If we are only inter-
ested in the verbs and know there are no important interactions between indi-
rect object semantics and mood-aspect, then this poses no problems.
Table 4, below, shows another way of getting more information into a table.
Here we have combined two different factors. In Table 1, grammatical person
and verb were listed as separate columns. However, conceptually, it is per-
fectly reasonable to combine these two factors into one, a verb-person catego-
ry. To obtain the new combined factor, ‘sort’ the two columns in Excel and
add a new empty column, create the new combined factor using the ‘copy-
paste’ and ‘change all’ functions in Excel. Table 4 shows this combined fac-
tor of verb and person added to the cross-tabulation.
156 Dylan Glynn
Aplying the same command line as that used to produce Figure 3 to the data
presented in Table 3, produces the plot in Figure 4, below. Although the plot
is inverted, the dispersion of the data points has shifted a little, and the graph-
ical representation in this package is superior, the results are the same. In-
deed, the fact that the Imperfect is being ‘stretched’ between two quadrants of
the plot is clearer. Note also that the data point for Abstract States of Affairs
lies just off the plot, distinctly and highly associated with believe, just as in
Figure 2. It is also noteworthy that the explained inertia of the first two di-
mensions is 85% (dim 1: 63% + dim 2: 22.4%). This shows that the analysis
is stable and we can interpret the plot with some confidence.
Correspondence analysis 157
Factor 2 (22.4 %)
Perfect TALK
Factor 1 (63 %)
Figure 5, below, visualises yet a more complex data set, presented in Table 4.
In these data, we have combined, or added, the grammatical person to the
verbs as well as concatenated the grammatical categories and the indirect
object semantics. The added complexity reduced the amount of explained
variation, which is now just over 72% for the first two dimensions. This is
still a relatively high figure and assures us that the plot remains stable, despite
the added complexity.
We see that speak and talk behave in a similar manner to what we saw
above in Figure 4. It seems that the addition of the variation in grammatical
person does not affect their interaction with the aspect-mood and object se-
mantics to any great extent.
158 Dylan Glynn
Factor 2 (21 %)
Human Imperfect
Factor 1 (51.5 %)
However, the behaviour of say, which we saw was distinct in Figure 4, has
been explained. The 1st person say is found on the Imperfective / communica-
tion verb side of the plot, but the 3rd Person usage of say is found right in the
centre of a mental predicate cluster, with the Modal and Perfective profilings.
We now know that it was a simplification to understand say as being between
the communication predicates and the mental predicates. It is, in fact, only the
3rd person uses that behave similarly to the mental predicates. Moreover, we
see now that believe has joined the mental predicate cluster, which suggests
that it was never so distinct from the mental predicate cluster as a whole. In-
stead, we see that it was just distinct from the 1st person uses of say, from
which it was being pushed away in the visualisation. Finally, suppose in the
Correspondence analysis 159
1st person has shifted right across to the Imperfective, completing the picture
of a continuum between the two groups of verbs, where suppose in the 1st
person behaves like a communication verb and say in the 3rd person like a
mental predicate. Adding the extra dimensions of use has clarified the interac-
tion of the verbs. It is precisely this kind of multivariate complexity that cor-
respondence analysis is designed to capture.
If the reader wishes to perform these analyses, the command line present-
ed in section 2.2.1 will produce the plots.
The package {ca}, developed by Nenadić & Greenacre (2007) and Greenacre
& Nenadić (2010), is another commonly-used package for performing binary
and multiple correspondence analysis. The package does not come with the R
installation and must be downloaded separately using the package installer. It
is described in detail in Greenacre (2007: 232-240). Before we begin, load the
Due to the limitations of space, the plot of this analysis is not included. It
presents the same information as above. However, the numerical output in
{ca} is comprehensive and informative and so we will focus on this. Alt-
hough most of the output does not need reporting, as one becomes more expe-
rienced with correspondence analysis, the mass and explained inertia for the
individual rows and columns can help one interpret unusual patterns, espe-
cially with data sets more complex than those we are using here. There are
160 Dylan Glynn
two sets of numerical output. The first is obtained by simply typing the object
of the ca function. We called this object ca_analysis. This output is not
presented here because it is quite voluminous. The second numerical output is
obtained by asking for a summary of the results of the analysis. The summary
below is of the analysis presented, above, in Figure 5.
> summary(ca_analysis)
Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
The summary call begins with what it labels a ‘scree plot’. Scree plots are
used to help decide how many dimensions are needed to explain the variation
in the data. In principal components analysis, factor analysis and also in mul-
tidimensional scaling, such ‘plots’ are common. They offer a factor-by-factor
Correspondence analysis 161
breakdown of how much variation the analysis has explained. One looks for
an ‘elbow’ in the plot, that is, a dimension where there is a marked drop in the
amount of variation explained. There are no mathematical rules to decide this
point, but typically it is clear – ‘most’ of the variation in the dispersion of
data is explained by only a few of the dimensions. The more gradual the ‘de-
scent’ of the scree plot, the more trouble the analysis is having in explaining
the dispersion of the data.
The table in the summary call, ‘Principal inertias’, contains the vital in-
formation for understanding the structure of a correspondence analysis. It
begins with the dimensions (dim), then lists the Eigenvalues (value), con-
verts these to percentages of explained variation (%), and then calculates the
cumulative explained variation with the addition of each dimension (cum%).
Since biplot visualisations of the results of a correspondence analysis typical-
ly depict the first two dimensions, the numerical output here tells us that the
first two dimensions explain 72.5% of the inertia. This means the plot that we
interpret does not account for just over one quarter of the variation in the data.
This information is a guide to how confident we can be about the accuracy of
the depiction. At 72.5%, less variation is explained than in the previous (sim-
pler) analyses, but this figure is still sufficiently high to interpret the plot,
though with some caution. The scree plot shows us that it might be informa-
tive to also visualise the third-dimension, either in a three-dimensional plot or
by producing two more biplots, with dimension 1 by dimension 3 and dimen-
sion 2 by dimension 3. Many of the R packages offer these possibilities, but
we do not consider them here.
Unlike {languageR}, the {ca} package does not automatically label the
plots with the amount of explained inertia. If one wishes to label the x and y
axes with the percentages of explained inertia, one simply uses the title func-
tion as above, for example: title(xlab= "Dim 1 (51.5%)", ylab= "Dim 2
In the second half of the summary we have two tables of information, one
for the rows and one for the columns of the contingency table that is the basis
of the analysis. Coordinates are only given for the first two dimensions (k=1
and k=2), the dimensions visualised in a biplot (note the plots produced in
languageR call these factors 1 and 2). Normally, in correspondence analysis,
interpretation is restricted to these first two dimensions. This table breaks
down the analysis for you. For each row and each column in the table, the
weight assigned to that column or row is indicated (mass). This was explained
in section 1.2. It is essentially a bias added to the calculation to stop small
numbers having a disproportionate effect.
162 Dylan Glynn
The next score listed is the quality (qlt) and, as the name would suggest,
this is a measure of the accuracy of the visualisation. This is a very useful
score to consider. A low quality score for any given ‘feature’, that is, row or
column, means the interpretation of its position on the plot should be treated
with extra care. The numbers are given in thousandths, so a figure of 375
would be 37.5% and it indicates the explained inertia for a given row or col-
umn (that is the labels on the plot). So, in the table above, the representation
in the plot of TALK_1 would be 97.1% accurate, where BELIEVE_1 would
be only 38.3% accurate. A quality score of less than 500 (50%) would suggest
that the position of data point in question does not necessarily accurately rep-
resent the relation of that feature to the others. This is often because a given
feature is common to a wide range of different situations, it correlates with
distinct phenomena. For example, it may be equally used in the past tense and
in the future tense, two tenses which are otherwise distinct in the analysis. In
such situations, the data point will lie close to the centre of the plot, the inter-
section of the two axes. The other situation is mathematically similar, but
analytically different. In situations where there are only few occurrences of a
given feature, and those few occurrences behave in different ways, the same
effect is obtained. In the latter situation, if it possible to do so with loosing too
much data, these examples can be omitted.
To understand why this is the case, we need to think about how the bi-
plots work. The plot is a representation of a complex n-dimensional set of
associations in just two dimensions. Therefore, the points of the labels are not
in their original, or mathematically true, positions, having been moved to
enable a two-dimensional representation. In other words, their true position is
better described by one of the axes not represented in the plot. By default, the
biplots present the first two dimensions, but recall that the actual number of
dimensions is the number or rows or columns (whichever is less), minus one.
So in the table above, we have seven dimensions (the columns, minus one).
Greenacre (2007: 87) explains this in greater detail, but the principle is that
the quality score here is the inertia score, explained above, broken down for
each row and column (or plot label / data point).
The inertia value (inr), to the right, is used to calculate the quality. But it
can also be directly interpreted. The figure listed is the contribution of that
row or column (feature) to explaining the total inertia. It is expressed in thou-
sandths, so that in the output above, BELIEVE_1 explains 13.3% of the iner-
tia in the analysis. So, given that the plot captures 72.5% of the inertia (distri-
bution / variation in the data), this particular feature accounts for nearly 20%
of the structure of the plot (13.3 / 72.5 x 100).
Correspondence analysis 163
The next two sections of the table, to the right, give the correlation (cor)
and the contribution (ctr) for each of the two dimensions. These scores are,
perhaps, less useful in most circumstances, but warrant explanation. The ctr
is the contribution that a given row or column has made to explaining the
inertia along a single principal axis, that is, one of the first two dimensions.
For instance, the horizontal axis (k-1) in Figure 5 is largely determined by
three features, TALK_1, SPEAK_1, and THINK_3. The correlation scores
indicate the correlation between a principal axis and the row or column in
question. Typically, though not necessarily, a high correlation between a fea-
ture and an axis indicates high contribution to that axis.
The output here has been abbreviated. Importantly, we see only that 18.8% of
the inertia is explained. This is to be expected in multiple correspondence
analysis and need not be reported.
We will not consider the results of the Burt multiple correspondence
analysis. It suffices to point out that the explained inertia using the Burt ma-
trix is slightly better at 27.1%, but again this is unrealistically pessimistic.
The command for the Burt multiple correspondence analysis is:
The plot function includes two arguments that we have not seen before. The
command labels= c(0,2) hides the row numbers (which correspond to the
number of one’s actual language example in the raw data set). Obviously,
upon occasion, it is important to see which examples are causing the disper-
sion in a plot, especially when looking for exemplary occurrences in linguis-
tic discussion and result reporting. The second argument, col= c("white",
"black") hides the co-occurrence points. This can be used at times to show
how the co-occurrence of features is projected across the plot. For instance,
Correspondence analysis 165
Verb.SPEAK_3rdPrs ObjSem.Cncrt_thing
ObjSem.Human Verb.THINK_1stPrs
> summary(mca_joint_analysis)
Diagonal inertia discounted from eigenvalues: 0.2324778
Percentage explained by JCA in 2 dimensions: 70.4%
166 Dylan Glynn
We only consider two lines of the numerical summary of the joint corre-
spondence analysis. As mentioned, joint analysis functions by removing the
diagonals of the analysis. These ‘intersections’ of the tables contribute little to
the explanatory power of the analysis. The first line shows us that we im-
proved our explanation of inertia by 23% through their removal. The second
line tells us that the explained inertia for the first two dimensions is 70.4%.
Such a score should be reported, given the necessary caveat that estimating
the explained inertia in a multiple correspondence analysis is normally unre-
alistically pessimistic and that this score is produced through a joint analysis.
Plot interpretation is no different to the example interpretations presented
above. We will not, therefore, interpret Figure 7, but will move onto the ad-
justed Burt analysis. The command line follows what we saw above. We
begin with a numerical summary of the analysis:
The above numerical summary is truncated. We see that the explained inertia
in the first two dimensions is 55.8%. This is relatively low, but for a multiple
correspondence analysis, we can still confidently interpret the biplot. For the
plotting, once again we hide the data points and example numbers. The com-
mand for plotting Figure 8 follows:
The plots in Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the same results. However, if one
compares the dispersion of the data points carefully, the spread is a little
clearer in Figure 8, confirming Greenacre’s (2006) results in comparing the
two methods. Moreover, the results here mirror those of the binary corre-
spondence analysis presented in Figure 5. This shows that there are no im-
portant interactions between the factors aspect-mood and indirect object se-
Correspondence analysis 167
Verb.SAY_3rdPrs Verb.SPEAK_1stPrs
The plot offers a coherent picture of the clustering of the mental predicates
with perfective aspect and modal uses. The exceptions are the first person
uses of think and suppose, which are similar to the communication predicates
due to their association with the Imperfective. Relative to the mental predi-
cates, the communication predicates talk and speak also form a cluster in the
top right quadrant. This cluster is less homogenous, being based vaguely upon
Concrete Things as object semantics and the Imperfect. The position of the
Imperfect between the top and the bottom of the right side of the plot shows
how it is drawn between the 3rd person say and the rest of the communication
verb cluster.
168 Dylan Glynn
De Leeuw & Mair (2009a) developed an excellent package for simple binary
and binary canonical correspondence analysis. Although canonical analysis is
a useful type of correspondence analysis, described in section 1.3, we cannot
cover the technique here. Beyond its ability to perform canonical analysis, the
package offers a rich variety of scaling and plotting options. We will consider
one of these. The package must be first downloaded. At the beginning of the
R session it must also be loaded:
> library(anacor)
The anacor function takes the argument scaling=, which specifies the scal-
ing method for the x and y-axis. The plotting command takes the argument
plot.type=, which specifies the type of plot desired. We have used the joint
plot, which includes confidence ellipsoids. These ellipsoids are not based on a
test for statistical significance, but estimate it using what the authors call the
Correspondence analysis 169
delta method (De Leeuw & Patrick 2009a). The ellipsoids are set at a ‘signifi-
cance’ level of 95%, matching the alpha level of p<0.05, standard in the so-
cial sciences. Although they do not represent p-values, but confidence inter-
vals, they can be thought of as a kind of estimated significance value. The
plot reveals the same associations as the binary plots above, but the addition
of the confidence ellipsoids is a welcome advance and will prove extremely
useful for some datasets. For example, it here reveals that the associations
between suppose in the 1st person and say in the 1st person and the Imperfect
are almost surely significant. Of course, we must return to the data for specif-
ic tests of association and / or move to configurational frequency analysis and
log-linear regression for confirmatory results. The confidence ellipsoids are
merely further guides to help understand
plot visualised in a biplot.
Modal TALK_1stPrs
Dimension 2
Human Imperfect
The numerical output is basic but clear. The percentage of explained inertia
for the first two-dimensions, using the standard scaling, comes out at 82% – a
stable result:
> summary(ca_analysis)
170 Dylan Glynn
R-package {homals}
De Leeuw & Mair (2009b), the developers of the {anacor} package, present-
ed above, also author {homals}. This package has even more powerful
graphic options than {anacor}. Not only does it offer joint plots and star
plots, but there is also the option of static and interactive three-dimensional
plotting. The interactive plotting allows one to turn the plot as an object in
space, in order to obtain the optimal viewing point or to see how the data
points are related when they are hidden behind each other. The R code is sur-
prisingly simple, though there are large numbers of dependent packages, so
make sure ‘install dependencies’ is selected when downloading / installing
R-package {vegan}
The {vegan} package, Oksanen (2006) and Oksanen et al. (2011), permits
the detrended correspondence analysis described in section 1.3. It also has
excellent ordination graphics. It offers the option to ‘build’ correspondence
plots, using a text function, to add labels for categories, rows, or columns,
one at a time. This option is excellent for complex datasets with large num-
bers of categories. The analysis is performed on the entire set, but only certain
data points are labelled, facilitating interpretation and reporting.
R-package {ade4}
The R package {ade4} (Dray & Dufour 2007) is, in fact, an impressive suite
of functions developed (and being developed) for the environmental sciences.
Correspondence analysis 171
Many of the techniques available in the package are useful for linguists. The
suite includes a range of options for performing different kinds of corre-
spondence analysis as well as for plotting both the ordinate results and nu-
merical output.
R-package {FactoMineR}
A rich and powerful package, {FactoMineR} (Lê et al. 2008) performs prin-
cipal components analysis (a form of correspondence for continuous data),
binary correspondence analysis and multiple correspondence analysis. One of
its main advantages is an argument in the plot function invisible= which
allows one to hide certain rows or columns. Although it is possible in vegan
to build up a plot by adding rows and columns iteratively, this simple tool
makes it easy to quickly see data points that are hidden, but also to remove
complexity to aid in reporting. It also posseses interactive possibilities, ena-
bling the user to move the labels on the plots to improve legibility, but also to
hide certain clusters of data points and even to select certain clusters and
zoom in on them. For some of these functionalities, one needs to download
third party (yet free) software. The correspondence analyses presented in the
second volume use this package.
R-package {pamctdp}
The package {pamctdp} (Pardo 2010) offers a range of tools for dealing with
contingency tables and controlling the rows and columns in correspondence
analysis. One function that has wide application is the ability to produce
barplots of the profiles of the rows or the columns of a correspondence analy-
sis. This simple visualisation technique can help with reporting complex data
sets. Producing such plots ‘manually’ in R is straightforward, but time con-
There are many statistical techniques and their number is growing. One of the
most confounding hurdles for anyone beginning to use quantitative tech-
niques is knowing which techniques are possible for a given data type and
which are most suitable for a given research question. This section outlines,
as briefly as possible, a technique comparable to correspondence analysis and
offers information on how to choose between them.
172 Dylan Glynn
20 Perfective
Factor 2 (7.4 %)
talk think
edge #
Dimension 2
talk think
90 82
100 96
72 73
3 2
100 96
3rdP.think 3rdP.suppose
1stP.beleive CrtThing
Modal 1stP.TALK
3rdP.say 3rdP.SUPPOSE
1stP.think 3rdP.BELIEVE
3rdP.beleive AbsSoA 3rdP.SAY
1stP.SUPPOSE Imperfect
1stP.speak Human
Let us move to a comparison of the visual outputs. Figures 10-15, above, set
out, side by side, the graphical representations resulting from the same data in
the two techniques. Figure 10 is a dendrogram of a hierarchical agglomerative
cluster analysis of the data presented in Figure 3, which is duplicated here as
Figure 11 to aid in comparison. The cluster analysis in Figure 10 was per-
formed using the package {MASS} and the function hclust. The distance
matrix used is Euclidean and the agglomeration method for clustering “aver-
age”. The functions expect the data to be in a numerical cross-tabulation (con-
tingency table) format. The command line is:
4. Summary
1. I would like to thank Koen Plevoets who first taught me to this technique and
Joost van de Weijer for his help polishing this paper. All shortcomings are my own.
2. Weller & Romney (1990: 57) suggest performing tests for independence, such
as those presented in chapter 1, to ascertain if there exists statistically significant
Correspondence analysis 177
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