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Sign up right now and over the next 7 days you will receive the following free
bonuses to help you better understand Stoicism, an ancient philosophy used by
everyone from George Washington to the New England Patriots as a source of
much needed strength and stamina for their challenging lives. This highly curated
7-Day Guide will expand your knowledge and provide actionable tools and ideas
to make you stronger, more resilient and happier. You will get an introduction to
Stoicism, curated list of resources, Stoic exercises, a guide to help you through
adversity and much more!

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Here's what you'll get

1. Introduction to Stoicism — Our first email gives you a brief introduction

to Stoicism. What does it stand for? Who were the famous practitioners? Why
should you study it? It concludes with this great quote from Thoreau: “To be a
philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school…it is
to solve some of the problems of life not only theoretically, but practically.” If you’re
concerned this might get too academic or dry, don’t worry. Thoreau’s quote should
be clear about what our aim is.

2. Resources on Stoicism — If you’re here it is probably because you also

want to learn more and grow your understanding of this ancient philosophy. This
bonus provides you exactly with that with what we consider some of the best
resources out there: books, articles, essays, blogs. We got you covered.

3. The Stoic Art of Journaling — In Stoicism the art of journaling is more

than some simple diary. This daily practice is the philosophy. Preparing for the day
ahead. Reflecting on the day that has passed. Reminding oneself of the wisdom
we have learned from our teachers, from our reading, from our own experiences.
This bonus will teach you the exact framework you need to put this exercise to

4. Memento Mori: The Timeless Stoic Exercise — This powerful

exercise from the Stoics is a reminder of one’s mortality. Used properly, memento
mori is a tool to create priority and meaning, one that generations have used to
create real perspective and urgency. To treat our time as a gift and not waste it on
the trivial and vain. Death doesn’t make life pointless but rather purposeful. And
fortunately, we don't have to nearly die to tap into this. This simple exercise can
bring us closer to living the life we want.

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5. The 7 Steps Guide to Controlling Your Perceptions Like a

Stoic — The obstacles that come in our way make us emotional. This guide will
help you navigate adversity and failure by controlling your emotions and your
perceptions of the situation. It is the first part in tackling the problem in front of us
—remaining coolheaded and objective. This guide will provide you with helpful
instructions to achieve that.

6. Premeditatio Malorum: The Stoic Art of Negative

Visualization —Premeditatio malorum (“the premeditation of evils”) is a Stoic
exercise of imagining things that could go wrong or be taken away from us. It helps
us prepare for life’s inevitable setbacks. We don’t always get what is rightfully ours,
even if we’ve earned it. Not everything is as clean and straightforward as we think
they may be. Psychologically, we must prepare ourselves for this to happen. This
guide shows you how.

7. Here’s How To Have Your Best Week Ever: 7 Practices From

The Stoics — This excerpt from the Wall Street Journal bestseller The Daily
Stoic includes some of the best Stoic passages and exercises with the idea of
creating the perfect week — seven days of Stoic thinking to help you live better,
more resiliently, and more peacefully.

So what are YOU waiting for?

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Stoic Quotes: The Best Quotes From The Stoics

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