Unit Test 1st English 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools Division Office Urdaneta City
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Telefax No: (075) 568-2737


SY 2019 – 2020

NAME: _____________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ____________________ SCORE:____________

DIRECTION: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of your choice by writing the letter of the correct answer on
your answer sheet.

I SPEAKING: Choose the word with the correct stress.

1. a. empty b. event c. argue d. without

2. a. everlasting b. Venezuela c. education d. adolescence

3. a. democracy b. historical c. opportunity d. emergency

II READING COMPREHENSION: Read the following selections carefully then answer the questions that follow.

One Saturday, Ricky went to his uncle’s farm. He brought with him ten different kites to show
off to his friends. The boys in the neighborhood saw him get off the bus. How happy they were.
“Here comes Ricky!” they shouted. And they ran to meet him. “We can fly kites again.” Like Ricky,
the boys were crazy about kites.

These boys were his cousin Raffy’s playmates. They became Ricky’s friends since the first time
he came to the farm. They were friendly boys.


4. Where did Ricky go on Saturday?

a. at the zoo b. to his uncle’s farm c. at the mall d. to his friends’ house
5. Whose playmates are the boys?
a. uncle’s playmates b. Ricky’s playmates c. Raffy’s playmates d. neighbor’s playmates
6. What did they do in the farm?
a. flew kites b. had a picnic c. rode a bus d. helped their uncle
7. What is the mood used in the story?
a. sad b. excited c. upset d. scared


It was my 13th birthday. Mother and father took me to Manila. I had always stayed in Batangas.
This was my first trip to the city. I was excited.

We took a bus, the Victory Transit. On the way, I saw many big buildings and stores. I saw many
people, too. I saw the Cultural Center of the Philippines and Folk Arts Theater.

8. What is the main idea of the above paragraph?
a. first day of school b. birthday celebration c. first trip to the city d. first time to ride a bus
9. What was the feeling of the narrator on his trip?
a. not feeling well b. excited c. confused d. bored
10. What did the narrator see in Manila?
a. animals b. busses c. buildings and stores d. monuments
11. How old is the narrator when he went to Manila?
a. 30 years old b. 13 years old c. 3 years old d. 33 years old


Long, long ago there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged, widowed
mother. They owned a bit of land which supplied them with food, and their humble were peaceful and
happy. Shinano was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great and cowardly
shrinking from anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This caused him to send out a cruel
proclamation. The entire province was given strict orders to immediately put to death all aged people.
Those were barbarous days, and the custom of abandoning old people to die was not common.

12. Who lived at the foot of the mountain?

a. a despotic leader c. a poor farmer and his aged mother
b. abandoned people d. a warrior
13. The place which was governed by a despotic leader is ___
a. mountain b. Shinano c. Japan d. province
14. What was the cruel proclamation of the leader?
a. put to death all aged people c. supply the people with food
b. to govern Shinano d. to own a bit of land

What structure should be added to complete parallelism in the sentence?

15. They got together, conversed, and __________________, but to no avail.
a. disperses b. dispersed c. dispersing d. will disperse
16. Samantha likes running and _____________.
a. jumped around in her backyard c. jumps around in her backyard
b. will jump around in her backyard d. jumping around in her backyard

What coordinating conjunction is used to complete the sentence?

17. I could not go out last night ____ I was too busy.
a. that b. because c. yet d. but
18. It was my birthday ____he didn’t send me a card.
a. that b. because c. yet d. but
19. I was tired after my journey, ____ I had been forced to bike 20 miles.
a. but b. for c. or d. yet
20. The problem is, you neither asked ____listened.
a. nor b. or c. and d. so

21.The peasants in the crowd were ____ improved when they saw Rostov’s rapid, firm steps and resolute frowning face.
a. similarly b. unless c. as well as d. such as
22. Texting while driving is dangerous; ______ it’s illegal in some states.
a. but b. however c. whereas d. moreover
23. I don’t want you to give that number to anyone ____it’s an emergency, you understand?
a. unless b. now c. unlike d. equally

24. We arrived shortly _____ six o’clock.
a. while b. before c. after d. once
25. _____ Sherri blew out the candles atop her birthday cake, she caught her hair on fire.
a. As b. Whenever c. After d. While
26. _____ she is, I’d be more comfortable if she were in police hands.
a. Once b. Wherever c. Whenever d. After

27. Which of the following sentences that has a noun clause?
a. You are amazing in gymnastics. c. He is loving to his pets.
b. It was very obvious that this was the murder weapon. d. Geff is afraid of spiders and snakes.
28. Which of the following sentences that has a prepositional phrase?
a. Mom was so happy that they finally got married. c. Zach is eager for his birthday to arrive.
b. His family was happy when the dog returned home. d. Denise is undecided when it comes to choosing music
for the party.

29. A character has a briefcase, is taking a ride on an airplane, and is late for a meeting. What do you infer on this
a. a businessperson b. a professor c. a senator d. a pilot
30. You walk into the room and the teacher tells you to clear your desk and get out a piece of paper and a pencil. What do
you think will happen next?
a. you will clean your room c. you will have a snack break
b. you will have a quiz d. you will paint the desk

IV VOCABULARY: Identify the meaning of the underlined word through context.

31. Once in a blue moon, some monkeys can be seen in this area.
a. situation that is difficult to deal with c. watch alertly or attentively
b. attract someone’s attention d. something that happens very rarely.
32. She was ready to throw in the towel, but remembered her goal and kept going.
a. to eat a lot c. to be very angry
b. to quit; to give up d. to be very quiet
33. Elijah, my fifth grade grade, remained the apple of my eye until the eighth grade when I fell in love with Ethan.
a. to be very busy c. something or someone cherished above others
b. sweet and helpful d. similar in a pleasing way
34. Sand scatters the beach
Waves crash on the sandy shore
Blue water shimmers.
a. waves b. sparkles c. cold d. dims
35. An elephant big
This enormous trunk and feet
In a jungle big.
a. miniature b. midget c. tiny d. huge
36. No one should ever come near the furnace.
a. forest place b. glass furniture c. colony of ants d. one for melting metals
37. Migration to cities will never come to end.
a. to travel b. to move from one place c. to conquer d. to pollute
38. Man thought him more cruel and more despotic than he actually was.
a. honest b. autocratic c. helpful d. weak
39. Yet there is a solidarity between the chosen few and the masses which produce them.
a. unity b. war c. alone d. work

V. LITERATURE: Identify the item asked in each number.

40. ______ is the author of the “Hands of the Black.”
a. Lafcadio Basho b. Matsu Basho c. Luis Bernardo Honwana d. Francisco Benitez
41. The message about the poem, “I am an African Child” is _
a. African child is the target of pity c. Africans are not talented and weak
b. Proud of their skin color and culture d. Africans have no dreams
42. Which is NOT a quality of an educated Filipino?
a. has to contribute to the wealth of the people c. has to be the superior
b. has the will to support himself d. has the power to do
43. What reflection can we get from the story, The Soul of the Great Bell?
a. love for father c. love for nature
b. love for self d. love for God
44.” They always went about their hands folded together, praying in secret,” is the explanation of ___________
why the hands of the black are lighter than their body.
a. Señor Antunes b. Doña Dores c. Father Cristiano d. Senior Frias
45. ______ is the mountain of the “abandoning of aged.”
a. Mt. Obatsuyama b. Mt. Fuji c. Mt. Asama d. Mt. Takao

VI LOGICAL ORGANIZATION: Decide on the correct sequence of the following sentences, then answer the questions that
follow. Select the letter of your answer.

How to Make a Cup of Tea?

A. Add some sugar and drink
B. Serve the water in a cup
C. We boil some water
D. Put the teabag in the water.

46. Which should be the first sentence?

a. B b. C c. D d. A
47. Which is best order of the above sentences to come up with a well – organized paragraph?
a. A-B-C-D b. C-B-D-A c. B-C-D-A d. D-C-B-A

Create a Haiku

A. An old silent pond…

B. In the twilight rain heavily
C. Splash! Silence again.
D. A frog jumps into the pond
48. Which line is NOT a part of the poem?
a. A b. B c. C d. D

49. Which is the correct order of lines to come up with a perfect haiku?
a. A-B-C c. D-B-A c. A-D-C d. B-A-D
50. What is the best title for the given haiku?
a. Sound of Silence b. The Clean Pond c. The Rain d. Frog in the Pond

Prepared by:


Noted by:

Head Teacher VI, English Dept.

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