(1980) Approved Lists of Bacterial Names

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Approved Lists of Bacterial Names

edited by
Department of Microbiology, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland 4067, Australia' and MRC
Microbial Systematics Unit, University of Leicester, Leicester LEI England 7RH,'
on behalf of
The Ad Hoc Committee of the Judicial Commission of the ICSB

INTRODUCTION The initial Committee agreed that, as a

basis for inquiry, all names which had been
At the meeting of the Judicial Commission included in the eighth edition of Bergey's
of the ICSB held in Jerusalem on the 29th Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, whether
March, 1973 an Ad Hoc Committee was listed as recognised species, synonyms, species
appointed (Minute 22) to organize a review of incertae sedis, or under other headings should
the currently valid names of bacteria with the be circulated; that all Subcommittees on
object of retaining only names for those taxa Taxonomy of the ICSB should be asked for
which were adequately described and, if advice on the retention of taxa for which the
cultivable, for which there was a Type, Neotype Subcommittees were responsible and that
or Reference strain available; to compile these specialists be approached for advice on other
names under the title of Approved Lists of taxa - only a small list of taxa remained to be
Bacterial Names and to publish the lists in the considered by the Ad Hoc Committee itself.
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriolo- Advice was also sought on additional names of
gy, to become effective on January 1, 1980. taxa which had been validly published since the
This date would then replace May 1, 1753 publication of the Manual. Special provision
(International Code of Nomenclature of Bacte- had been made in the Code of Nomenclature
ria and Viruses. Rule 10) as the new date for for the inclusion of names validly published
determining priorities for names of new taxa. after the 1st January, 1978 (Rule 24a).
The members of the Ad Hoc Committee A list of specialists was drawn up and
originally appointed to oversee the task were approved by the Ad Hoc Committee. Each
S.P. Lapage, H.P.R. Seeliger and V.B.D. specialist was asked to associate two others in
Skerman (Chairman). Following his election as reaching a decision on name retention. The
President-Elect of IAMS, H.P.R. Seeliger Chairman accepted the responsibility for
resigned from the Committee and was replaced coordination of work associated with the
by J.G. Holt. P.H.A. Sneath, as Chairman of selection of generic names and specific and
the Judicial Commission, was coopted to the subspecific epithets and P.H.A. Sneath for the
Committee. This Committee was responsible for names of higher taxa.
the editing of the first draft of the Approved
Lists of Bacterial Names published in the IJSB Names of Genera, Species and Subspecies:
(26, 1976, 563-599).
The Ad Hoc Committee was reconstituted The Lists of names of species and
by the Judicial Commission during its meetings subspecies were circulated by airmail in April,
at the International Congress of the IAMS in 1976 and a draft list of names recommended
Munich in September, 1978, with V.B.D. for retention published in the IJSB (26, 1976,
Skerman (Chairman), P.H.A. Sneath (newly 563-599) together with the list of those people
elected Chairman of the ICSB) and L.G. associated with that stage of the project.
Wayne (newly elected Chairman of the Judicial Reference may be made to the draft list for
Commission) as Committee members. This details of the procedures adopted in processing
Committee was assigned wide powers to the information.
complete the work on the Lists and arrange The object of publishing the draft list was
publication. to enable microbiologists, in general, to submit

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opinions to the Ad Hoc Committee. Several enabled the inclusion in the Approved Lists of
were received. Some of these resulted in names of all new taxa which had been validated
modification to lists submitted by Subcommit- by publication in the October, 1979 issue of the
tees on Taxonomy and others. IJSB and so has obviated the need to make any
Rule 24a of the Code .of Nomenclature further additions to the Approved Lists of
provided, inter alia, for the publication with Bacterial Names.
each bacterial name the name(s) of the Formal notice of these requirements was
author(s) who originally proposed it, a reference circulated, by airmail, to all Subcommittees and
to an effectively published description of each specialists on 5th February, 1979 requesting
species and its nomenclatural type whenever return of the information by 31st August, 1979.
possible, and a Type, Neotype or Reference Meanwhile, the Chairman and his staff
strain by its designation. proceeded as far as possible with the
To conserve space in publication, it was compilation of the whole of the required
agreed that for all references to the 8th edition information, subsequently making use of such
of Bergey’s Manual (Buchanan, R.E. and N.E. submissions as were ultimately received from
Gibbons (eds). 1974. Bergey’s Manual of others, to verify compilations already made.
Determinative Bacteriology, 8th ed. The Computer printouts, in the final format of
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore) be con- assembled information, were distributed by
tracted to ‘Bergey 8’. airmail to all participants in July, 1979 for the
Although these requirements were formally purpose of verification and for the provision of
published in the Code on 1st January, 1976 information which was still missing.
little action was taken by those responsible for A final decision to retain or delete some
various taxa and in order to assist resolution of names was based on our ability to obtain the
the problem, the Chairman and his staff relevant in forma tion.
produced a document which listed Collections of
Cultures of Microorganisms which held Type, Names of Taxa Above the Rank of Genus:
Neotype and Reference strains for those species
whose names appeared in the draft list and Compilation of names of higher taxa was
subsequent amendments. This list, which will be undertaken by Sneath and his associates. No
published elsewhere as a publication of the draft list was published but a proposal was
World Data Center for Microorganisms, has discussed at some length in an open meeting at
been used as a guide to the deletion of the Munich Congress. The format of the list as
numerous names for which no cultures could be submitted was modified to conform with the
located. format adopted for the names of the genera and
The requirements of Rule 24a together with species. References given in this section of the
the list of strains, were discussed at a meeting lists are restricted to those relating to the
of the ICSB with Subcommittees on Taxonomy higher taxa. Those to genera will be found in
at the Internationai Congress for Microbiology the list of genera and species.
in Munich in September, 1978 where the
decision was made to list only one designation Designation of Strains:
for each strain and preferably that of the
American Type Culture Collection, where Strains have been designated by accession
available. Because of difficulties associated with numbers of Culture Collections in which they
locating references to publications in which have been deposited. Every effort has been
Type strains, Neotype strains or Reference made to ensure that the strains are actually
strains had been designated, it was agreed that available but no guarantee of this can be given.
references would be given only to those Names, which have been omitted, may be
publications concerned with the naming of the revived if the location of suitable strains can be
taxa and to descriptions of the taxa. ascertained.
The Judicial Commission also determined The following is a list of addresses of
that publication should be in the January institutions, together with acronyms used to
(1980) issue of the IJSB, thus negating the assign accession numbers.
requirement of Rule 24a that publication take AMRC FAO-WHO International Refer-
place prior to 1st January, 1980. This action ence Centre for Animal Myco-
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plasmas, Institute for Medical Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Microbiology, University of NCDO National Collection of Dairy
Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. Organisms, National Institute for
ATCC American Type Culture Collec- Research in Dairying, University
tion, Rockville, Maryland 20852, of Reading, England, UK.
U.S.A. NClB National Collection of Industrial
BKM All-Union Collection of Microor- Bacteria, Torry Research Station,
ganisms, Institute of Microbiolo- Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
gy, USSR Academy of Sciences, NCMB National Collection of Marine
Moscow, USSR. Bacteria, Torry Research Station,
BKMW Culture Collection, Institute of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Microbiology, USSR Academy of NCPPB National Collection of Plant
Sciences, Moscow, USSR. Pathogenic Bacteria, Plant Pa-
CBS Cen traal bureau voor thology Laboratory, Harpenden,
Schimmelcultures, Baarn, The England, UK.
Netherlands. NCTC National Collection of Type
CCM Czechoslovak Collection of Mi- Cultures, Central Public Health
croorganisms, J.E. Purkyne Laboratory, Colindale, London,
University, Brno, Czechoslovakia. England, UK.
CDC Center for Disease Control, At- NIAID National Institute of Allergy and
lanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Infectious Diseases, Hamilton,
CIP Collection of the Institute Pas- Montana, U.S.A.
teur, Paris, France. NIHJ National Institute of Health,
DSM Deutsche Sammlung von Mi- Tokyo, Japan.
kroorganismen, Gottingen, NRC National Research Council, Ot-
tawa, Canada.
Federal Republic of Germany.
NRL Neisseria Reference Laboratory,
IAM institute of Applied Microbiolo-
US Public Health Service Hospi-
gy, University of Tokyo, Tokyo,
tal, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Japan. NRRL Northern Utilization Research
I FO Institute for Fermentation, Osa- and Development Division, US
ka, Japan. Department of Agriculture,
IMRU Institute of Microbiology, Rut- Peoria, Illinois, U.S.A.
gers - The State University, New PDDCC Culture Collection of Plant Dis-
Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A. eases Division, New Zealand
IMV Institute of Microbiology and Department of Scientific and
Virology, Academy of Sciences of industrial Research, Auckland,
the Ukrainian SSR. New Zealand.
INA Institute for New Antibiotics, TC Thaxter Collection, Farlow Her-
Moscow, USSR. barium, Harvard University, Bos-
INMI Institute for Microbiology, USSR ton, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, UMH University of Missouri
USSR. Herbarium, Missouri, U.S.A.
IPV Istituto di Patologia Vegetale, UQM Culture Collection, Department
Milan, Italy. of Microbiology, University of
KCC Kaken Chemical Company Ltd., Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Tokyo, Japan. VKM Institute of Microbiology, Acade-
LIA Museum of Cultures, Leningrad my of Sciences of the USSR,
Research Institute of Antibiotics, Moscow, USSR.
23 Ogorodnikov Prospect, VPI Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
Leningrad L-20, USSR. State University, Blacksburg, Vir-
LSU Louisiana State University, Baton ginia, U.S.A.
Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A. WINDSOR Culture Collection, University of
LMD Laboratorium voor Microbiologie Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Can-
der Landbouwhogeschool, ada.
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Acknowledgements: Lists and other information and to the
numerous other unnamed people who have
Whilst the task of compilation and assisted in various ways in laboratories
preparation of manuscripts for publication has throughout the world.
been of necessity concentrated in two areas, the The computer programs used in compiling
successful completion of the task would not these lists were written and controlled by Mr.
have been possible without the associated efforts Geoffrey Dengate, Systems Programmer, Pren-
of a large number of people whose names are tice Computer Centre, University of Queensland.
recorded here. His help and expertise are sincerely acknowledged.
T.V. Aristovskaya, P.K.C. Austwick, E. Financial assistance of the following is grate-
Baldacci, L. Barksdale, E. Barnes, P. Baumann, fully acknowledged: Bergey’s Manual Trust,
J.H. Becking, E.L. Biberstein, I. Bousfield, K. Deutsche Gesellschaft fir Hygiene und Mikro-
Bovre, W.J. Brinley-Morgan, D. Brenner, T. biologie, International Association of Microbio-
Brock, E. Brockman, M. Bryant, J.C. Burnham, logical Societies, International Union of Biolog-
ical Sciences, Society for Applied Bacteriology,
J. Carr, W. Catlin, E.P. Cato, D. Claus, G. Society for General Microbiology, and the
Colman, R.R. Colwell, M.J. Corbel, K.T. United Kingdom Federation of Culture Collec-
Crabtree, T. Cross, G.A. Dubinina, P. Dugan, tions.
D.W. Dye, K. Eimhjellen, G. Eldering, W.H.
Ewing, S. Faine, S.M. Finegold, E.A. Freundt,
W. Frederiksen, A.L. Furniss, E. Garvie, N.E. SPECIFIC INFORMATION RELATING TO
Gibbons, M. Goodfellow, M. Gordon, B.V. THE APPROVED LISTS OF BACTERIAL
Gronov, H. Hatt, A.C. Hayward, M. Hendrie, NAMES
S.D. Henriksen, A. Henssen, G.J. Hermann, G.
Gobbs, L.V. Holdeman, R. Hugh, D.B. The names included in these Lists are those
Johnstone, D. Jones, L.V. Kalakoutskii, 0. selected by Subcommittees on Taxonomy of the
Kandler, K.-A. Karlsson, R.M. Keddie, M. ICSB, specialist advisers and, where the former
Killian, K. Kitahara, J. Knapp, W. Knapp, M. have not been available or have declined to
Kocur, N.R. Krieg, S.P. Lapage, J.M. Larkin, advise, by the members of the Ad Hoc
H. Lautrop, H.A. Lechevalier, J. DeLey, R. Committee.
Locci, S. Maier, N.S. Mair, P.H. Makela, M. With few exceptions (vide infra) names
Mandel, E. McCoy, H.D. McCurdy, K. which have been included in the Lists are those
McNiel, W.E.C. Moore, N. Nishida, H. which
Nonomura, R.A. Ormsbee, F. Orskov, I. . were validly published before the 1st
Orskov, E. van Oye, O.M. Parinkina, N. January, 1978 and which have been listed by
Pfennig, J.E. Phillips, F. Pichinoty, M. Pittman, advisers.
T. Pridham, (2.1. Randles, J.W.M. LaRiviere, . have been validly published since the 1st
M. Rhodes-Roberts, D.S. Roberts, R. Rohde, B. January, 1978 by publication in the IJSB or by
Rowe, E.B. Rozlycky, E. Runyon, R. Sakazaki, inclusion in the lists of new names cited in the
V. Scardovi, D. Schafer, R.J. Sidler, J.M. IJSB (to and including Volume 29, Part 4,
Shewan, G.C. Simmons, I.J. Slotnick, R.M. 1979) as having been effectively published in
Smibert, P.H. Smith, J.T. Staley, M. Starr, Y. other Journals.
Terasaki, Y.T. Tchan, E. Thal, J. Thompson,
H. Truper, G. Tunevall, D.C. Turk, M. Veron,
N. Walker, S.W. Watson, G. Wauters, L. Specific attention is drawn to the following
Wayne, R.E. Weaver, O.B. Weeks, E. Weiss,
H.J. Welshimer, S. Williams, G.A. Zavarzin, 1. Names included in the Approved List of
J.G. Zeikus, K. Zinneman. Bacterial Names are the only names which are
Thanks are also due to Miss Annette nomenclaturally valid as at the 1st January,
McLennan who typed the original manuscripts 1980. All other names which have appeared in
and to Dr. Lindsay Sly, Dr. Horst Doelle and the literature prior to 1st January, 1980 are
Mrs. Elizabeth Marden for considerable assis- nomenclaturally invalid. Names which have
tance in the search for Culture Collections been effectively published in Journals other than
maintaining strains of taxa in the Approved the IJSB but which have not been cited in the

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lists of new names published in the IJSB, have hoped that early action will be taken to request
not been validly published under Rule 27 of the the Judicial Commission to conserve these
Code of Nomenclature. Such names may be genera with new Type Species in order that
validated by publication in forthcoming issues of each species within these genera will be
the IJSB and will simply constitute names of represented by a Type strain in a recognised
new taxa. culture collection.

2. No name appearing in the Approved Lists of 6. The Ad Hac Committee has repeatedly
Bacterial Names is conserved in the sense stressed that its task was nomenclatural and not
defined under Rule 56b of the Code of taxonomic; further that Subcommittees and
Nomenclature (1 976 Revision). others were not required to solve taxonomic
problems before advising on retention of names.
3. Any name previously rejected by the Judicial They were requested to omit names of doubtful
Commission remains a nomen rejiciendum and species as such species could be revived (see 8
can no longer be used to name a bacterium. below).
Because there are some differences of
4. By majority decision of the Ad Hoc opinion regarding the generic position of some
Committee, supported by an overwhelming species it has been necessary to include the
majority of the members of the ICSB, all same microorganism under two names, each
strains of bacteria which were submitted as with the same specific epithet and the same
nomenclatural Type strains, Neotype strains, nomenclatural type strain. In such instances
Proposed Neotype strains or Reference strains cross-reference has been made to the alternate
have been elevated to the status of Type strains. name. This applied specifically to the species in
The few objections which were received to the the genus Beneckea and the genus Vibrio and to a
elevation of reference strains to Type status few instances in the Enterobacteriaceae. For
were based on concern that such reference this reason it is necessary here to reaffirm the
strains may not prove to be the best choice for statement made previously that no name in the
Type strains. This objection however, applies Approved Lists of Bacterial Names has been
equally to quite a number of Type strains, conserved. Names in the Lists may later be
particularly monotypes of which there are, and conserved, rejected, merged with other names or
will continue to be, several. It seemed more subjected to any other valid nomenclatural act.
appropriate that names appearing in the
Approved Lists of Bacterial Names, which 7. The names of some genera, for which there
constitutes a new base for future nomenclature, are no available strains for the Type Species,
should have Type status or be omitted. have been omitted from the Lists in order to
permit the resolution of a very difficult
5. For some names included in the Lists no nomenclatural situation arising from the recent
strains were available. These names were publication of provisional names which have no
retained to preserve the status of standing in nomenclature but which have been

A. some microorganisms for which habitats cited by subsequent authors as though they
are well known, which have distinct were valid. Addition of new species, with
morphological characters but which have never nomenclatural types, to an invalidly published
been isolated. In most cases only the Type generic name renders the new names equally
Species has been retained to preserve the status invalid. This refers specifically to the methane
of the genus. oxidising bacteria, where the otherwise valid
B. a genus which contained well described name Methanomonas has been omitted in the
species for which representative strains were hope that by so doing the impasse caused by
available for all but the Type Species of the the illegitimate substitution of the name
genus itself. Methyfomonas may be resolved. Specialists in
Exclusion of the Type Species would have this field are now urged to publish a fully
necessitated the exclusion of the genus as a validated list of appropriate species.
whole under Rule 2Oc of the Code of
Nomenclature. There were several of these. It is 8. Reuse and revival of names which do not

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appear in the Approved Lists of Bacterial Approved Lists of Bacterial Names. As such
Names is authorized by Rule 28a. In addition, infrasubspecific pathovars may later be elevated
the Code of Nomenclature ( 1976 Revision) to the status of subspecies or species,
contains a number of Provisional Rules. At the preemption of the pathovar name as a specific
time of publication of this List these Rules still or subspecific epithet of a different taxon would
have only provisional status. It will require a obviously cause confusion.
specific act on the part of the Judicial The International Society for Plant Patholo-
Commission at a formally constituted meeting gy is publishing, in the Review of Plant
to raise these Provisional Rules to Rule status. Pathology, a list of pathovars of species which
Meanwhile they continue to be inapplicable. appear in the Approved Lists of Bacterial
Names. Taxonomists are urged to consult this
Revival of Names: A name which has not list before proposing new specific epithets or
appeared in the Approved Lists of Bacterial reusing or reviving old epithets for new species
Names and which has not been listed as a within the relevant genera.
nomen rejiciendum by the Judicial Commission
may be revived (nomen revicturn) if it is to be used Reuse of generic names: The reuse of a generic
for the same taxon to which (in the author’s opin- name which has not appeared in the Approved
ion) it was originally applied. For citation of such Lists of Bacterial Names and which has not
been listed as a nomen rejiciendum by the
names see Rule 28a and Provisional Rules B2 and
Judicial Commission does not appear to be
fraught with the same difficulties as those
As most names which have not been
associated with specific and subspecific epithets.
included in the Approved Lists of Bacterial
Taxonomists are nevertheless asked to seriously
Names have been omitted because of uncertain-
consider the possibility of confusion arising from
ty of the validity of the taxa to which they
the use of such names before taking such
apply, the revival of names should be practised
very conservatively.
The correct form of citation for reused
names is given in Provisional Rules B1 and B4.
Reuse of names - Specific and Subspecific
epithets: There never has been any rule which 9. Omissions from Approved Lists of Bacterial
forbids the use of the same specific epithet for Names. No names will be added to or removed
taxa within different genera. from the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names.
Many contributors to the Approved Lists of Attention may be drawn to errors in
Bacterial Names have voiced considerable nomenclature or to errors in spelling or citations
concern at the possibility that a specific epithet of references and such communications should
may be used within the same genus as that in be directed to the Executive Secretary, ICSB
which it was originally used but for the naming for transmission to the appropriate body. Please
of a taxon to which it was not originally note that the omission of diacritical signs was
applied. intentional and dictated by the limitations of
Unless the Judicial Commission takes action the computers used in setting up the type.
to prevent such usage, the Ad Hoc Committee These omissions do not constitute ‘errors’ in the
can only urge taxonomists to avoid such reusage aboye sense.
as may lead to considerable confusion in future Every effort has been made to obviate
nomenclature. errors by reference of the computer printouts of
For the same reason taxonomists are urged the final information to the original advisers for
not to use as a specific epithet within a genus a correction and also for insertion of some missing
name which has been used for an infrasubspec- information. The final printout prior to
ific subdivision of a species within that genus. production of the bromide copy for printing has
This applies particularly to several genera of been checked by the Chairman but the
predominantly plant pathogens, where previously magnitude of the task allowed only of a search
cited species have been relegated to the status for the more glaring errors of which there were
of pathovars within species listed in the fortunately few.

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Note: No Nomenclatural Type is required for the categories of Division, Class or Subclass.
Firmacutes Gibbons and Murray 1978 Actihomycetales Buchanan 191 7
Gibbons, N.E. and R.G.E. Murray. 1978. Buchanan, R.E. 1917. Journal of Bacteri-
International Journal of Systematic Bac- ology 2:155-164. Type genus: Actinomyces
teriology 28:1-6. Harz 1877

Gracilicutes Gibbons and Murray 1978 BaciUales Prevot 1953

Gibbons, N.E. and R.G.E. Murray. 1978. Prevot, A.R. 1953 in Hauduroy, P., G.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Ehringer, G. Guillot, J. Magrou, A.R.
teriology 28:1-6. Prevot, Rosset and A. Urbain. Diction-
naire des bacteries pathogenes. 2nd ed.
CLASS Masson, Paris. pp. 692. Type genus:
Actinomycetes Krassilnikov 1949 Bacillus Cohn 1872
Krassilnikov, N.A. 1949. Opredelitelv
Bakterii i Actinomicetov. Akademii Nauk Beggiatoales Buchanan 1957
SSSR Moscow. pp. 328. Buchanan, R.E. 1957 in Breed, R.S.,
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds).
Bacteria Haeckel 1894 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Haeckel, E.H. 1894.Systematische Phylo- iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
genie der Protisten und Planzen. I.G. Co., Baltimore. pp. 837-853.Type genus:
Reimer, Berlin. p. 40. Beggiatoa Trevisan 1842

Microtatobiotes Philip 1956 Caryophanales Peshkoff 1939

Philip, C.B. 1956. Canadian Journal of Peshkoff, M.A. 1939. Doklady Akademii
Microbiology 2:26 1-270. Nauk SSSR 25239-242. Type genus:
Caryophanon Peshkoff 1939
Mollicutes Edward and Freundt 1967
Edward, D.G. ff. and E.A. Freundt. 1967. Caulobacterales Henrici and Johnson 1935
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Henrici, A.T. and D. Johnson. 1935.
teriology 17:267-268. Journal of Bacteriology 29:3-4. Type
genus: Caulobacter Henrici and Johnson
Photobacteria Gibbons and Murray 1978 1935
Gibbons, N.E. and R.G.E. Murray. 1978.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Cblamydiales Storz and Page 1971
teriology 28:1-6. Storz, J. and L.A. Page. 1971.
International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Schizomycetes Naegeli 1857 teriology 21:332-334. Type genus: Chla-
Naegeli, C. von. 1857 in Caspari, R. mydia Jones, Rake and Stearns 1945
Botanische Zeitung 15749-776.
Cblorobiales Gibbons and Murray 1978
Scotobacteria Gibbons and Murray 1978 Gibbons, N.E. and R.G.E. Murray. 1978.
Gibbons, N.E. and R.G.E. Murray. 1978. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
International Journal of Systematic teriology 28:1-6.Type genus: Chlorobium
Bacteriology 28:1-6. Nadson 1906

SUBCLASS Clostridiales Prevot 1953

Anoxyphotobacteriae Gibbons and Murray 1978 Prevot, A.R. 1953 in Hauduroy, P., G.
Gibbons, N.E. and R.G.E. Murray. 1978. Ehringer, G. Guillot, J. Magrou, A.R.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Prevot, Rosset and A. Urbain.
teriology 28:1-6. Dictionnaire des bacteries pathogenes. 2nd

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ed. Masson, Paris. pp. 692. Type genus: Pseudomonadales Orla-Jensen 192 1
Clostridium Prazmowski 1880 Orla-Jensen, S. 1921. Journal of
Bacteriology 6:263-273. Type genus: Pseu-
Cytophagales Leadbetter 1974 domonas Migula 1894
Leadbetter, E.R. 1974. in Bergey 8. pp.
99-127. Type genus: Cytophaga Wino- Rhodospirillales Pfennig and Truper 1971
gradsky 1929 Pfennig, N. and H.G. Truper. 1971.
International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Eubacteriales Buchanan 1917 teriology 21:17-18. Type genus: Rhodospi-
Buchanan, R.E. 1917. Journal of Bacteri- rillum Molisch 1904
ology 2:347-350. Type genus: Eubacterium
Prevot 1938 Ricketfsiales Gieszczkiewicz 1939
Gieszczkiewicz, M. 1939. Bulletin de
Hypbomicrobiales Douglas 1957 1’Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Serie
Douglas, H.C. 1957 in Breed, R.S., des Sciences Biologiques 1:9-27. Type
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). genus: Rickettsia da Rocha-Lima 19 I 6
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Spirillales Prevot 1940
Co., Baltimore. pp. 276-280. Type genus: Prevot, A.R. 1940. Manuel de
Hyphomicrobium Stutzer and Hartleb classification et de determination des
1899 bacteries anaerobies. 1st ed. Masson,
Paris. pp. 223. Type genus: Spirillum
Lysobacterales Christensen and Cook 1978 Ehrenberg 1832
Christensen, P. and F.D. Cook. 1978.
International Journal of Systematic Spirocbaetales Buchanan 1917
Bacteriology 28:367-393. Type genus: Buchanan, R.E. 19 17. Journal of Bactefi-
Lysobacter Christensen and Cook 1978 ology 2: 155- 164. Type genus: Spirochaeta
Ehrenberg 1835
Micrococcales Prevot 1940
Prevot, A.R. 1940. Manuel de classifica-
tion et de determination des bacteries
anaerobies. 1st ed. Masson, Paris. pp. Caulobacterineae Breed, Murray and Hitchens
223. Type genus: Micrococcus Cohn 1872 1944
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
Mycobacteriales Janke 1924 Hitchens. 1944. Bacteriological Reviews 8:
Janke, A. 1924. Allgemeine technische 255-260. Type genus: Caulobacter Henrici
Mikrobiologie. I. Teil. Die Mikroorganis- and Johnson 1935
men. T. Steinkopf, Dresden und Leipzig.
pp. 1-342. Type genus: Mycobacterium Eubacteriineae Breed, Murray and Hitchens
Lehmann and Neumann 1896 1944
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
Mycoplasmatales Freundt 1955 Hitchens. 1944. Bacteriological Reviews 8:
Freundt, E.A. 1955. International Bulletin 255-260. Type genus: Eubacterium Prevot
of Bacteriological Nomenclature and 1938
Taxonomy 5:67-78. Type genus: Myco-
plasma Nowak 1929 Pseudomonadineae Breed, Murray and Smith
Myxococcales Tchan, Pochon and Prevot 1948 Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R.
Tchan, Y.T., J. Pochon and A.R. Prevot. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi-
1948. Annales de l’lnstitut Pasteur (Paris) native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams
74:394-400. Type genus: Myxococcus and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 67. Type
Thaxter 1892 genus: Pseudomonas Migula 1894

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
TRIBE Escberichieae Bergey, Breed, Murray and
Acetobactereae Pribram 1929 Hitchens 1939
Pribram, E. 1929. Journal of Bacteriology Bergey, D.H., R.S. Breed, E.G.D. Murray
18:36 1-394. Type genus: Acetobacter and A.P. Hitchens (eds). 1939. Bergey’s
Beijerinck 1898 Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
5th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Bacteroideae Castellani and Chalmers 1919 Baltimore. p. 388. Type genus: Escheri-
Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919. chia Castellani and Chalmers 1919
Manual of tropical medicine, 3rd ed.
Williams, Wood and Co., New York. Eubacterieae Prevot 1961
Type genus: Bacteroides Castellani and Prevot, A.R. 1961. Traite de systematique
Chalmers 1919 bacterienne. Dunod, Paris. Volume 2. pp.
771. Type genus: Eubacterium Prevot
Brevibacterieae Prevot 1961 1938
Prevot, A.R. 1961. Traite de systematique
bacterienne. Dunod, Paris. Volume 2. pp. Haemopbileae Castellani and Chalmers 1919
77 1. Type genus: Brevibacterium Breed Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919.
1953 Manual of tropical medicine, 3rd ed.
Williams, Wood and Co., New York. p.
Brucelleae Murray 1948 933. Type genus: Haemophilus Winslow,
Murray, E.G.D. 1948 in Breed, R.S., Broadhurst, Buchanan, Krumwiede, Rog-
E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). ers and Smith 1917
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Lactobacilleae Winslow, Broadhurst, Buchanan,
Co., Baltimore. pp. 545-595. Type genus: Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith 1920
Brucella Meyer and Shaw 1920 Winslow, C.E.A., J, Broadhurst, R.E.
Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A.
Cbromobacterieae Winslow, Broadhurst, Bu- Rogers and G.H. Smith. 1920. Journal of
chanan, Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith Bacteriology 5:191-229. Type genus: Lac-
1920 tobacillus Beijerinck 1901
Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E.
Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A. Micrococceae Prevot 1961
Rogers and G.H. Smith. Journal of Prevot, A.R. 1961. Traite de systematique
Bacteriology 5:191-229. Type genus: Chro- bacterienne. Dunod, Paris. Volume 2. p.
mobacterium Bergonzini 1881 31. Type genus: Micrococcus Cohn 1872

Ehrlicbieae Philip 1957 Pasteurelleae Castellani and Chalmers 1919

Philip, C.B. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919.
Murray and N.R. Smith ( 4 s ) . Bergey’s Manual of tropical medicine, 3rd ed.
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Williams, Wood and Co., New York. p.
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., 943. Type genus: Pasteurella Trevisan
Baltimore. p. 933. Type genus: Ehrlichia 1887
Moshkovski 1945
Proteeae Castellani and Chalmers 1919
Exwinieae Winslow, Broadhurst, Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919.
Buchanan,Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith Manual of tropical medicine, 3rd ed.
1920 Williams, Wood and Co., New York. p.
Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E. 932. Type genus: Proteus Hauser 1885
Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A.
Rogers and G.H. Smith. 1920. Journal of Pseudomonadeae Kluyver and van Niel 1936
Bacteriology 5:191-229. Type genus: Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936.
Erwinia Winslow, Broadhurst, Buchanan, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie,
Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith 1920 Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type Thiobacilleae Pribram 1929

genus: Pseudomonas Migula 1894 Pribram, E. 1929. Journal of Bacteriology
18:361-394. Type genus: Thiobacillus
Rhizobieae Prevot 1948 Beijerinck 1904
Prevot, A.R. 1948. Manuel de classifica-
tion et de determination des bacteries Wolbachieae Philip 1955
anaerobies. 2nd ed. Masson, Paris. pp. Philip, C.B. 1955. Bacteriological Reviews
290. Type genus: Rhizobium Frank 1889 19271. Type genus: Wolbachia Hertig
Rickettsieae Philip 1957
Philip, C.B. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. FAMILY
Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Acholeplasmataceae Edward and Freundt 1970
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Edward, D.G. ff. and E.A. Freundt. 1970.
Baltimore. Type genus: Rickettsia da Journal of General Microbiology 62:1-2.
Rocha-Lima 1916 Type genus: Acholeplasma Edward and
Freundt 1970
SalmoneUeae Kalz 1957
Kalz, G. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Acbromatiaceae Massart 1901
Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Massart, J. 1901. Recueil de l’institut
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Botanique ‘Leo Errara‘, (Bruxelles) 5 2 5 1-
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., 282. Type genus: Achromatium Schewia-
Baltimore. pp. 368-384. Type genus: koff 1893
Salmonella Lignieres 1900
Actinomycetaceae Buchanan 1918
Serratieae Bergey, Breed, Murray and Hitchens Buchanan, R.E. 1918. Journal of Bacteri-
1939 ology 3403-406. Type genus: Actinomyces
Bergey, D.H., R.S. Breed, E.G.D. Murray Harz 1877
and A.P. Hitchens (eds). 1939. Bergey’s
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Actbophnaceae Couch 1955
5th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Couch, J.N. 1955. Journal of Elisha
Baltimore. p. 359. Type genus: Serratia Mitchell Scientific Society 71:269. Type
Bizio 1823 genus: Actinoplanes Couch 1950

Spirilleae Kluyver and van Niel 1936 Anaplasmataceae Philip 1957

Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936. Philip, C.B. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
ene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
genus: Spirillum Ehrenberg 1832 Baltimore. pp. 980-984. Type genus:
Anaplasma Theiler 19 10
Staphylococceae Prevot 1940
Prevot, A.R. 1940. Manuel de Archangiaceae Jahn 1924
classification et de determination des Jahn, E. 1924. Beitrage zur botanishcen
bacteries anaerobies. 1st ed. Masson, Protistologie. I. Die Polyangiden. Verlag
Paris. pp. 223. Type genus: Staphylo- von Gebruder Borntraeger, Leipzig. p. 66.
coccus Rosenbach 1884 T y k genus: Archangium Jahn 1924

Streptococceae Trevisan 1889 Azotobacteraceae Pribram 1933

Trevisan, V. 1889. I generi e le specie Pribram, E. 1933. Klassification der
delle Batteriacee. Zanaboni and Gabuzzi, Schizomyceten. F. Deuticke, Leipzig. pp.
Milano. p. 29. Type genus: Streptococcus 1- 143. Type genus: Azotobacter Beijerinck
Rosenbach 1884 1901

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Bacillaceae Fischer 1895 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Fischer, A. 1895. Jahrbuch fur Wissen- Baltimore. pp. 957-968. Type genus:
schaftliche Botanik 27:1- 163. Type genus: Chlamydia Jones, Rake and Stearns 1945
Bacillus Cohn 1872
Cblorobtceae Copeland 1956
Bacteroidaceae Pribram 1933 Copeland, H.F. 1956. The classification of
Pribram, E. 1933. Klassification der lower organisms. Pacific Books, Palo Alto,
Schizomyceten. F. Deuticke, Leipzig. pp. California. p. 31. Type genus: Chlorobium
1 - 143. Type genus: Bacteroides Castellani Nadson 1906
and Chalmers 1919
Cbromatiaceae Bavendamm 1924
Bartonellaceae Gieszczykiewicz 1939 Bavendamm, W. 1924 in Kalkwitz (ed).
Gieszczykiewicz, M. 1939. Bulletin de Die farblosen und roten Schwefelbakterien
1’Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Serie des Suss-und Salzwassers. Pflanzenfor-
des Sciences Biologiques 1:9-27. Type schung, Berlin-Dahlem. pp. 1 - 1 56. Type
genus: Bartonella Strong, Tyzzer and genus: Chromatium Perty 1852
Sellards 19 1 5
Clostridiaceae Pribram 1933
Jkggiatoaceae Migula 1894 Pribram, E. 1933. Klassification der
Migula, W. 1894. Arbeiten aus dem Schizomyceten. F. Deuticke, Leipzig. pp.
Bakteriologischen Institut der Technischen 1 - 143. Type genus: Clostridium
Hochschule zu Karlsruhe 1:235-238. Type Prazmowski 1880
genus: Beggiatoa Trevisan 1842
Corynebacteriaceae Lehma nn and Neuma nn
Brevibacteriaceae Breed 1953 1907
Breed, R.S. 1953. Riassunti delle Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1907.
Communicazioni, VI Congresso Inter- Lehmann’s Medizin, Handatlanten X.
nazionale Microbiologia Roma, 1:10- 15. Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
Type genus: Brevibacterium Breed 1953 und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologis-
chen Diagnostik. 4. Auflage. J.F. Leh-
Brucellaceae Breed, Murray and Smith 1957 mann, Munchen. p. 500. Type genus:
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Corynebacterium Lehmann and Neumann
Smith (eds). 1957. Bergey’s Manual of 1896
Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed. The
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. Crenotrichaceae Hansgirg 1888
394. Type genus: Brucella Meyer and Hansgirg, A. 1888. Oesterreichische Bo-
Shaw 1920 tanische Zeitsch rift 38:227-230. Type
genus: Crenothrix Cohn 1870
Caryophanaceae Peshkoff 1939
Peshkoff, M.A. 1939. Doklady Akademii Cystobacteraceae McCurdy 1970
Nauk SSSR 25239-242. Type genus: McCurdy, H.D. 1970. International
Caryophanon Peshkoff I939 Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 20:
283-296. Type genus: Cystobacter Schroe-
Caulobacteraceae Henrici and Johnson 1935 ter 1886
Henrici, A.T. and D. Johnson. 1935.
Journal of Bacteriology 29:3-4. Type Cytopbagaceae Stanier 1940
genus: Caulobacter Henrici and Johnson Stanier, R.Y. 1940. Journal of Bacteriolo-
1935 gy 40519-636. Type genus: Cytophaga
Winogradsky 1929
Chlamydiaceae Rake 1957
Rake, G. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Dermatophilrrceae Austwick 1958
Murray and N.R. Smith (4s). Bergey’s Austwick, P.K.C. 1958. Veterinary Re-
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, views and Annotations 4:33-48. Type

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

genus: Dermatophilus (Van Saceghem Leptospiraceae Hovind-Houger 1978

1915) Gordon 1964 Hovind-Houger, K. 1978. International
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:
Ebrlichiaceae Moshkovski 1945 245-251. Type genus: Leptospira Noguchi
Moshkovski, S.D. 1945. Advances in 1917
Modern Biology (Moscow) 19:1-44.Type
genus: Ehrlichia Moshkovski 1945 Leucotrichaceae Buchanan 1957
see below Buchanan, R.E. 1957 in Breed, R.S.,
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds).
Frankiaceae Becking 1970 Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Becking, J.H. 1970. International Journal iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
of Systematic Bacteriology 20:201-220. Co., Baltimore. pp. 850-851.Type genus:
Type genus: Frankia Brunchorst 1886 Leucothrix Oersted 1884
Gallionellnceae Henrici and Johnson 1935 Lysobacteraceae Christensen and Cook 1978
Henrici, A.T. and D. Johnson. 1935. Christensen, P. and F.D. Cook. 1978.
Journal of Bacteriology 29:3-4. Type International Journal of Systematic Bac-
genus: Gallionella Ehrenberg 1838 teriology 28:367-393. Type genus: Lyso-
bacter Christensen and Cook 1978
Halobacteriaceae Gibbons 1974
Gibbons, N.E. 1974. in Bergey 8. pp. Methanobacteriaceae Barker 1956
269-272. Type genus: Halobacterium Barker, H.A. 1956. Bacterial
Elazari-Volcani 1957 fermentations. John Wiley, New York. p.
15. Type genus: Methanobacterium Kluy-
Hypbomicrobiaceae Babudieri 1950 ver and van Niel 1936
Babudieri, B. 1950. R.C. 1st Supplement,
Sanita, Roma 13580-591. Type genus: Micrococcaceae Pribram 1929
Hyphomicrobium Stutzer and Hartleb Pribram, E. 1929. Journal of Bacteriology
1899 18:361-394. Type genus: Micrococcus
Cohn 1872
Lactobacillsceae Winslow, Broadhurst,
Buchanan, Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith Micromonosporaceae Krassilnikov 1938
1917 Krassilnikov, N.A. 1938. Ray fungi and
Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E. related organisms, Actinomycetales. Aka-
Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A. demii Nauk SSSR, Moscow. p. 272. Type
Rogers and G.H. Smith 1917. Journal of genus: Micromonospora Orskov 1923
Bacteriology 2505-566. Type genus: Lac-
tobacillus Beijerinck 1 901 Mycobacteriaceae Chester 1 897
Chester, F.D. 1897. Delaware Agricultur-
LegioneUaceae Brenner, Steigerwalt and al Experiment Station Bulletin 9:38- 145.
McDade 1979 Type genus: Mycobacterium Lehmann and
Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steigerwalt and J.E. Neumann 1896
McDade. 1979. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 29:436; Effective Mycoplasmataceae Freundt 1955
publication Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steig- Freundt, E.A. 1955. International Bulletin
erwalt and J.E. McDade. 1979. Annals of of Bacteriological Nomenclature and
Internal Medicine W656-658. Type Taxonomy 5:67-78. Type genus:
genus: Legionella Brenner, Steigerwalt Mycoplasma Nowak 1929
and McDade 1979
t Editor's note: The family name Enterobacteriaceae Rahn Mvxococcaceae Jahn 1924

1937 (type genus Escherichia Castellani and Chalmers 1919) Jahn, E. 1924. Beitrage zur botanischen
has been challenged and is presently sub judice (see S.P.
LaDage. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 29:265-266, 1979; Judicial Protistologie. I. Die Polyangiden. Verlag
Co-m;hission Minute 29, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 29:267-269, von Gebruder Borntraeger, Leipzig. p.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
403. Type genw. Myxococcus Thaxter Propionibacteriaceae Delwiche 1957
1892 Delwiche, E.A. 1957 in Breed, R.S.,
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds).
Neisseriaceae Prevot 1933 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Prevot, A.R. 1933. Annales des Sciences iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Naturelles Zoologie et Biologie Animale Co., Baltimore. p. 569. Type genus:
15:23-260.Type genus: Neisseria Trevisan Propionibacterium Orla- Jensen I 909
Pseudomonadaceae Winslow, Broadhust,
Nevskiaceae Henrici and Johnson 1935 Buchanan, Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith
Henrici, A.T. and D. Johnson. 1935. 1917
Journal of Bacteriology 29:3-4. Type Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E.
genus: Nevskia Famintzin 1892 Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A.
Rogers and G.H. Smith. 1917. Journal of
Nitrobacteraceae Buchanan 191 7 Bacteriology 2505-566.Type genus: Pseu-
Buchanan, R.E. 1917. Journal of Bacteri- domonas Migula 1894
ology 2347-350. Type genus: Nitrobacter
Winogradsky 1892 Rhizobiaceae Conn 1938
Conn, H.J. 1938. Journal of Bacteriology
Nocardiaceae Castellani and Chalmers 1919 W320-321.Type genus: Rhizobium Frank
Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919. 1889
Manual of tropical medicine, 3rd ed.
Williams, Wood and Co., New York. p. Rhodospirillaceae Pfennig and Truper 1971
1040. Type genus: Nocardia Trevisan Pfennig, N. and H.G. Truper. 1971.
1889 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
teriology 21:17-18.Type genus: Rhodospi-
Oscillospiraceae Peshkoff 1940 rillum Molisch 1907
Peshkoff, M.A. 1940. Zhurnal Obshchei
Biologii 1597-617.Type genus: Oscillos- Rickettsiaceae Pinkerton 1936
pira Chatton and Perard 1913 Pinkerton, H. 1936. Parasitology 28:172-
189. Type genus. Rickettsia da Rocha-
Pasteuriaceae Laurent 1890 Lima 1916
Laurent, E. 1890. Comptes Rendus de
1’Academie des Sciences Paris 111:754- Simonsiellaceae Steed 1962
756. Type genus: Pasteuria Metchnikoff Steed, P.D.M. 1962. Journal of General
1888 Microbiology 29:615-624. Type genus:
Simonsiella Schmid 1922
Peptococcaceae Rogosa 1971
Rogosa, M. 1971. International Journal of Spirillaceae Migula 1894
Systematic Bacteriology 21:234-237. Type Migula, N. 1894. Arbeiten aus dem
genus: Peptococcus Kluyver and van Niel Bakteriologischen Institut der Technischen
1936 Hochschule zu Karlsruhe 1:235:238.Type
genus: Spirillum Ehrenberg 1832
Planococcaceae Krassilnikov 1949
Krassilnikov, N.A. 1949. Opredelitelv Spirochaetaceae Swellengrebel 1907
Bakterii i Actinomicetov. Akademii Nauk Swellengrebel, N.H. 1907. Annales de
SSSR, Moscow. pp. 328. Type genus: 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 21562-586.Type
Planococcus Migula 1894 genus: Spirochaeta Ehrenberg 1835

Polyangiaceae Jahn 1924 Spirosomaceae Larkin and Borrall 1978

Jahn, E. 1924. Beitrage zur botanischen Larkin, J.M. and R. Borrall. 1978.
Protistologie. I. Die Polyangiden. Verlag International Journal of Systematic
von Gebruder Borntraeger, Leipzig. p. 75. Bacteriology 28595-596. Type genus:
Type genus: Polyangium Link 1809 Spirosoma Migula 1894

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Streptomycetaceae Waksman and Henrici 1943 E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1943. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Journal of Bacteriology 46:337-34 1. Type iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
genus: Streptomyces Waksman and Henri- Co., Baltimore. pp. 1051-1058. Type
ci 1943 genus: Treponemu Schaudinn 1905

Streptococcaceae Deibel and Seeley 1974 VeiUonehceae Rogosa 1971

Deibel, R.H. and H.W. Seeley Jr. 1974. Rogosa, M. 1971. International Journal of
in Bergey 8. pp. 490-517. Type genus: Systematic Bacteriology 21:23 1-233. Type
Streptococcus Rosenbach 1884 genus: VeiZZoneZZu Prevot 1933

Tbiocapsaceae Bavendamm 1924 Vibriooslceae Veron 1965

Bavendamm, W. 1924. Die farblosen und Veron, M. 1965. Comptes Rendus de
roten Schwefelbakterien des Suss-und I’Academie des Sciences Paris 2615243-
Salzwassers. Pflanzenforschung, Berlin- 5246. Type genus: Vibrio Pacini 1854
Dahlem. pp. 1-156. Type genus: Thiocap-
sa Winogradsky 1888 Vitrecwcillaceae Pringsheim 1949
Pringsheim, E.G. 1949. Bacteriological
Trepowmahceae Robinson 1948 Reviews 13:47-98. Type genus:
Robinson, G.H. 1948 in Breed, R.S., VitreosciZZu Pringsheim 1949

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Note: Abbreviations used for genera in the following lists are used for brevity only and are not intended or
recommended as contractions in the nomenclatural sense.

Acetobacter Beijerinck 1898 22.1

Beijerinck, M. 1898. Zentralblatt fur Description: Bergey 8.
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- A. pwteurianus subsp. ascendens (Henneberg
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 1898) De Ley and Frateur 1974
4:209-216. Type species: A. aceti (Pasteur Henneberg, W. 1898. Deutsche Essi-
1864) Beijerinck 1898 gindustrie 2:145-148; De Ley, J. and J.
Description: Bergey 8. Frateur. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type strain:
A. aceti (Pasteur 1864) Beijerinck 1898 LMD 51.1
Pasteur, L. 1864. Annales scientifiques de Description: Bergey 8.
1’Ecole normale superieure. Paris 1:1 13- A. pasteurianus subsp. estunensis (Carr 1958)
158; Beijerinck, M. 1898. Zentralblatt fur De Ley and Frateur 1974
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Carr, J.G. 1958. Antonie van Leeuwen-
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. hoek Journal of Microbiology and
4:209-216. Type strain: NCIB 8621 Serology 24:157-160; De Ley, J. and J.
Description: Bergey 8. Frateur. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type strain:
A. aceti subsp. aceti (Pasteur 1864) De Ley ATCC 23753
and Frateur 1974 Description: Bergey 8.
Pasteur, L. 1864. Annales scientifiques de A. pasteurianus subsp. lovaniensis (Frateur
1’Ecole normale superieure. Paris 1:113- 1950) De Ley and Frateur 1974
158; De Ley, J. and J. Frateur. 1974 in Frateur, J. 1950. Cellule 53287-392; De
Bergey 8. Type strain: NCIB 8621 Ley, J. and J. Frateur. 1974 in Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. Type strain: ATCC 12875
A. aceti subsp. liquefaciens (Asai 1935) De Ley Description: Bergey 8.
and Frateur 1974 A. pasteurianus subsp. paradoxus (Frateur
Asai, T. 1935. Journal of the Agricultural 1950) De Ley and Frateur 1974
Chemical Society of Japan 11:674-708; Frateur, J. 1950. Cellule 53: 287-392; De
De Ley, J. and J. Frateur. 1974 in Ley, J. and J. Frateur. 1974 in Bergey 8.
Bergey 8. Type strain: IAM 1834 Type strain: LMD 53.6
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
A. aceti subsp. orleanensis (Henneberg 1906) A. pasteurianus subsp. pasteurianus (Hansen
De Ley and Frateur 1974 1879) De Ley and Frateur 1974
Henneberg, W. 1906. Deutsche Essi- Hansen, E.C. 1879. Compte Rendu des
gindustrie 10:106-108; De Ley, J. and J. Travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg 1:96-
Frateur. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type strain: 100; De Ley, J. and J. Frateur. 1974 in
ATCC 12876 Bergey 8. Type strain? LMD 22.1
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
A. aceti subsp. xylinurn (Brown 1886) De Ley A. peroxydans Visser’t Hooft 1925
and Frateur 1974 Visser’t Hooft, F: 1925. Dissertation.
Brown, A.J. 1886. Journal of the Technical University, Delft, Meinema. pp.
Chemical Society (London) 49:432-439; 1-129. Type strain: ATCC 12874
De Ley, J. and J. Frateur. 1974 in Description: Bergey 8.
Bergey 8. Type strain: ATCC 23767
Description: Bergey 8. Acetobacterium Balch, Sdhoberth, Tanner and
A. pasteurianus (Hansen 1879) Beijerinck 19 16 Wolfe 1977
Hansen, E.C. 1879. Compte Rendu des Balch, W.E., S. Schoberth, R.S. Tanner
travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg 1:96- and R.S. Wolfe. 1977. International
100; Beijerinck, M. 1916. Verslagen van Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 27:
de gewone vergadering der wis- en 355-361. Type species: A . woodii Balch,
natuurkundige afdeeling. Koninklijke Schoberth, Tanner and Wolfe 1977
Akademie van wetenschappen te Amster- Description: Balch, W.E., S. Schoberth,
dam 18:1198-2000. Type strain: LMD R.S.Tanner and R.S. Wolfe. 1977. Ibid.
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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

A. woodii Balch, Schoberth, Tanner and Wolfe Freundt, E.A. 1955. International Bulletin
1977 of Bacteriological Nomenclature and
Balch, W.E., S. Schoberth, R.S. Tanner Taxonomy 567-78; Edward, D.G. ff. and
and R.S. Wolfe. 1977. International E.A. Freundt. 1970. Journal of General
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 27: Microbiology 62: 1-2. Type strain: ATCC
355-361. Type strain: ATCC 29683 23206
Description: Balch, W.E., S. Schoberth, Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile,
R.S. Tanner and R.S. Wolfe. 1977. Ibid. M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F.
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca-
Acholeplasma Edward and Freundt 1970 demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp.
Edward, D.G. ff. and E.A. Freundt. 1970. 43 1-449.
Journal of General Microbiology 62: 1-2. A. modicum Leach 1973
Type species: A. laidlawii (Freundt 1955) Leach, R.H. 1973. Journal of General
Edward and Freundt 1970 Microbiology 75: 1 35- 153. Type strain:
Description: Bergey 8. ATCC 29102
A. axanthum Tully and Razin 1970 Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile,
Tully, J.G. and S. Razin. 1970. Journal M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F.
of Bacteriology 103:75 1-754. Type strain: Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca-
ATCC 25176 demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp.
Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile, 43 1-449.
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. A. oculi Al-Aubaidi, Dardiri, Muscoplatt and
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca- McCauley 1973
demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp. Al-Aubaidi, J.M., A.H. Dardiri, C.C.
43 1-449. Muscoplatt and E.H. McCauley. 1973.
A. equifetale Kirchoff 1974 Cornell Veterinarian 63: 1 17- 129. Type
Kirchoff, H. 1974. Zentralblatt fur strain: ATCC 27350
Veterinarmedizin Reihe B 21:207-210. Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile,
Type strain: ATCC 29724 M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully R.F.
Description: Kirchoff, H. 1978. Interna- Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca-
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp.
28176-8 1. 43 1-449.
A. granularum (Switzer 1964) Edward and
Freundt 1970 Acbromatium Schewiakoff 1 893
Switzer, W.P. 1964 in Dunne (ed). Schewiakoff, W. 1893. Uber einen neuen
Diseases of Swine, 2nd ed. Iowa State bacterienahnlichen Organismus des
University Press, Ames. pp. 498-507; Susswassers. Habilitations schrift, Univer-
Edward, D.G. ff. and E.A. Freundt. 1970. sitat Heidelberg C. Winter. pp. 1-36.
Journal of General Microbiology 62: 1-2. Type species: A. oxalij'erum Schewiakoff
Type strain: ATCC 19168 1893
Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile, Description: Bergey 8.
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. A. oxaliferum Schewiakoff 1893
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca- Schewiakoff, W. 1893. Uber einen neuen
demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp. bacterienahnlichen Organismus des
43 1-449. Susswassers. Habilitations schrift, Univer-
A. hippikon Kirchoff 1974 sitat Heidelberg C. Winter. pp. 1-36.
Kirchoff, H. 1974. Zentralblatt fur Type strain: no culture isolated.
Veterinarmedizin Reihe B 21:207-2 10. Description: West, G.S. and B.M. Grif-
Type strain: ATCC 29725 fiths. 1909. Proceedings of the Royal
Description: Kirchoff, H. 1978. Society London B, Biological Sciences 81:
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 398-405.
teriology 28:76-8 1.
A. laidlawii (Freundt 1955) Edward and Acidaminococcus Rogosa 1969
Freundt 1970 Rogosa, M. 1969. Journal of Bacteriology

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98:756-766. Type species: A. fermentans 587. Type strain: NCTC 9710
Rogosa 1969 Description: King, E.O. and H.W. Tatum.
Description: Bergey 8. 1962. Journal of Infectious Diseases 11 1:
A. fermentans Rogosa 1969 85-94.
Rogosa, M. 1969. Journal of Bacteriology A. capsulatus Arseculeratne 1962
98:756-766.Type strain: ATCC 25085 Arseculeratne, S.N. 1962. Journal of
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe 72:33-39.Type strain: Frederiksen P243
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Description: Arseculeratne, S.N. 1962.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ibid.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. A. equuli (van Straaten 1918) Haupt 1934
van Straaten, H. 1918. Bacteriologische
Acinetobacter Brisou and Prevot 1954 Bevindingen bij eenigo gevallen van Pyo-
Brisou, J. and A.R. Prevot. 1954.Annales septicaemie (Lahme) der veulens. Verslag
de I’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 86722-728. van den Werksaamheden der Rijksserum-
Type species: A. calcoaceticus (Beijerinck inrichting voor 1916-1917, Rotterdam. pp.
191 1) Baumann, Doudoroff and Stanier 71-76; Haupt, H. 1934. Archiv fur
1968 wissenschaftliche und pra ktische Tierheil-
Description: Bergey 8. kunde 67513-524. Type strain: ATCC
A. calcoaceticus (Beijerinck 191 1) Baumann, 19392
Doudoroff and Stanier 1968 Description: Bergey 8.
Beijerinck, M.W. 191 1. Proceedings of A. lignieresii Brumpt 1910
the Royal Academy of Sciences (Amster- Brumpt, E. 1910. Precis de Parasitologie.
dam) 13:1066-1077; Baumann, P., M. 1st ed., Masson et Cie, Paris. p. 849.
Doudoroff and R.Y. Stanier. 1968. Type strain: NCTC 4189
Journal of Bacteriology 95:1 520-1 541. Description: Bergey 8.
Type strain: ATCC 23055 A. suis van Dorssen and Jaartsveld 1962
Description: Henriksen, S.D. 1973. van Dorssen, C.A. and F.H.J. Jaartsveld.
Bacteriological Reviews 37522-561. 1962. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde
A. lwoffii (Audureau 1940) Brisou and Prevot 87:448-450.Type strain: CCM 5586
1954 Description: Mair, N.S., C.J. Randall,
Audureau, A. 1940. Annales de 1’Institut G.W. Thomas, J.F. Harbourne, C.T.
Pasteur (Paris) 64:126-166; Brisou, J. and McCrea and K.P. Cowl. 1974. Journal of
A.R. Prevot. 1954. Annales de 1’Institut Comparative Pathology 84:1 13-1 19.
Pasteur (Paris) 86:722-728.Type strain:
ATCC 15309. Actinomadura Lechevalier and Lechevalier 1970
Description: Henriksen, S.D. 1973. Bac- Lechevalier, H.A. and M.P. Lechevalier.
teriological Reviews 37522-561. 1970 in Prauser, H. (ed). The
Actinomycetales. VEB Gustav Fischer
Actinobacillus Brumpt 1910 Verlag, Jena. pp. 393-405.Type species:
Brumpt, E. 1910. Precis de Parasitologie. A. madurae (Vincent 1894) Lechevalier
1st ed., Masson et Cie, Paris. Type and Lechevalier 1970
species: A. lignieresii Brumpt 1910 Description: Lechevalier, H.A. and M.P.
Description: Bergey 8. Lechevalier. 1970. Ibid.
A. actinomycetemcomitans (Klinger 1 91 2) Top- A. africana Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshnikova
ley and Wilson 1929 1974
Klinger, R. 1912. Zentralblatt fur Bakter- Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and M.A. Svesh-
iologie, Parasi ten kunde, nikova. 1974. Mikrobiologiya 43:735-738.
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- Type strain: INA 1839
teilung I. 62:191-200; Topley, W.W.C. Description: Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and
and G.S. Wilson. 1929. The principles of M.A. Sveshnikova. 1974.Ibid.
bacteriology and immunity. 1st ed. A. aurantiaca Lavrova and Preobrazhenskaya
Edward Arnold and Co., London. pp. 1- 1975

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Lavrova, N .V. and T.P. Preobrazhen- A. flava Gauze, Maksimova, Ollkhovatova,

skaya. 1975. Antibiotiki 20:483-488. Type Sveshnikova, Kochetkova and Ilchenko
strain: INA 1933 1974
Description: Lavrova, N.V. and T.P. Gauze, G.F., T.S. Maksimova, O.L.
Preobrazhenskaya. 1975. Ibid. 011khovatova, M .A. Sveshnikova, G. V.
A. carminata Gauze, Sveshnikova, Ukholina, Kochetkova and G.B. Ilchenko. 1974.
Gavrilina, Filicheva and Gladkikh 1973 Antibiotiki 9:771-775. Type strain: ATCC
Gauze, G.F., M.A. Sveshnikova, R.S. 29533
Ukholina, G.V. Gavrilina, V.A. Filicheva Description: Gauze, G.F., T.S.
and E.G. Gladkikh. 1973. Antibiotiki 18: Maksimova, O.L. Ollkhovatova, M.A.
675-678. Type strain: INA 4281 Sveshnikova, G.V. Kochetkova and G.B.
Description: Gauze, G.F., M.A. Sveshni- Ilchenko. 1974. Ibid.
kova, R.S. Ukholina, G.V. Gavrilina, V.A. A. belvata Nonomura and Ohara 1971
Filicheva and E.G. Gladkikh. 1973. Ibid. Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971.
A. citrea Lavrova, Preobrazhenskaya and Journal of Fermentation Technology 49:
Sveshnikova 1972 904-912. Type strain: ATCC 27295
Lavrova, N.V., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara.
and M.A. Sveshnikova. 1972. Antibiotiki 1971. Ibid.
17:965-970. Type strain: ATCC 27887 A. livida Lavrova and Preobrazhenskaya 1975
Description: Lavrova, N.V., T.P. Preobra- Lavrova, N.V. and T.P. Preobrazhen-
zhenskaya and M.A. Sveshnikova. 1972. skaya. 1975. Antibiotiki 20:483-488. Type
Ibid. strain: INA 1678
A. coerulea Preobrazhenskaya, Lavrova, Ukholi- Description: Lavrova, N.V. and T.P.
na and Nechaeva 1975 Preobrazhenskaya. 1975. Ibid.
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.V. Lavrova, A. longispora Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshniko-
R.S. Ukholina and N.P. Nechaeva. 1975. va 1974
Antibiotiki 20:404-409. Type strain: INA Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and M.A. Svesh-
765 nikova. 1974. Mikrobiologiya 43:864-868.
Description: Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.V. Type strain: INA 10222
Lavrova, R.S. Ukholina and N.P. Description: Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and
Nechaeva. 1975. Ibid. M.A. Sveshnikova. 1974. Ibid.
A. coeruleofusca Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshni- A. luteofluorescens (Shinobu 1962)
kova 1974 Preobrazhenskaya, Lavrova and Blinov
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and M.A. Svesh- 1975
nikova. 1974. Mikrobiologiya 43:735-738. Shinobu, R. 1962. Memoirs of the Osaka
Type strain: INA 1335 University of the Liberal Arts and
Description: Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and Education B Natural Science 11:1 15- 122;
M.A. Sveshnikova. 1974. Ibid. Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.V. Lavrova
A. cremea Preobrazhenskaya, Lavrova, Ukholina and N.O. Blinov. 1975. Mikrobiologiya
and Nechaeva 1975 44524-527. Type strain: I F 0 13057
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.V. Lavrova, Description: Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.V.
R.S. Ukholina and N.P. Nechaeva. 1975. Lavrova and N.O. Blinov. 1975. Ibid.
Antibiotiki 20:404-409. Type strain: INA A. madurae (Vincent 1894) Lechevalier and
292 Lechevalier 1970
Description: Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N. V. Vincent, H. 1894. Annales de 1’Institut
Lavrova, R.S. Ukholina and N.P. Neche- Pasteur (Paris) 8:129- 15 1 ; Lechevalier,
va. 1975. Ibid. H.A. and M.P. Lechevalier. 1970 in
A. fastidiosa Soina, Sokolov and Agre 1975 Prauser, H. (ed). The Actinomycetales.
Soina, V.S., A.A. Sokolov and N.S. Agre. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. pp.
1975. Mikrobiologiya 44:883-887. Type 393-405. Type strain: NCTC 5654
strain: INMI 104 Description: Lechevalier, H.A. and M.P.
Description: Soina, V.S., A.A. Sokolov Lechevalier. 1970. Ibid.
and N.S. Agre. 1975. Ibid. A. malacbitica Lavrova, Preobrazhenskaya and

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Sveshnikova 1972 Lavrova, R.S. Ukholina and N.P.
Lavrova, N.V., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya Nechaeva. 1975. Ibid.
and M.A. Sveshnikova. 1972. Antibiotiki A. spadix Nonomura and Ohara 197 1
17:965-970. Type strain: ATCC 27888 Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971.
Description: Lavrova, N.V., T.P. Preobra- Journal of Fermentation Technology 49:
zhenskaya and M.A. Sveshnikova. 1972. 904-912. Type strain: ATCC 27298
Ibid. Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara.
A. pelletieri (Laveran 1906) Lechevalier and 1971. Ibid.
Lechevalier 1970 A. verrucosospora Nonomura and Ohara 197 1
Laveran, A. 1906. Comptes Rendus des Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971.
Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris) Journal of Fermentation Technology 49:
61:340-341; Lechevalier, H.A. and M.P. 904-912. Type strain: ATCC 27299
Lechevalier. 1970 in Prauser, H. (ed). Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara.
The Actinomycetales. VEB Gustav Fisch- 1971. Ibid.
er Verlag, Jena. pp. 393-405. Type strain: A. vinacea Lavrova and Preobrazhenskaya 1975
NCTC 4162 Lavrova, N.V. and T.P. Preobrazhen-
Description: Lechevalier, H.A. and M.P. skaya. 1975. Antibiotiki 20:483-488. Type
Lechevalier. 1970. Ibid. strain: INA 1682
A. pusilla Nonomura and Ohara 1971 Description: Lavrova, N.V. and T.P.
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971. Preobrazhenskaya. 1975. Ibid.
Journal of Fermentation Technology 49:
904-912. Type strain: ATCC 27296 Actinomyces Harz 1877
Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. Harz, C.O. 1877- 1878. Deutsche
1971. Ibid. Zeitschrift fur Thiermedizin 5: 125- 140.
A. roseoh Lavrova and Preobrazhenskaya 1975 Type species: A. bovis Harz 1877
Lavrova, N.V. and T.P. Preobrazhen- Description: Bergey 8.
skaya. 1975. Antibiotiki 20:483-488. Type A. bovis Harz 1877
strain: INA 1671 Harz, C.O. 1877-1878. Deutsche
Description: Lavrova, N.V. and T.P. Zeitschrift fur Thiermedizin 5:125- 140.
Preobrazhenskaya. 1975. Ibid. Type strain: ATCC 13683
A. roseoviolacea Nonomura and Ohara 1971 Description: Bergey 8.
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971. A. bumiferus Gledhill and Casida 1969
Journal of Fermentation Technology 49: Gledhill, W.E. and L.E. Casida. 1969.
904-912. Type strain: ATCC 27297 Applied Microbiology 18:1 14- 12 1. Type
Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. strain: ATCC 25174
1971. Ibid. Description: Gledhill, W.E. and L.E.
A. rubra (Sveshnikova, Maksimova and Kudrina Casida. 1969. Ibid.
1969) Meyer and Sveshnikova 1974 A. israelii (Kruse 1896) Lachner-Sandoval 1898
Sveshnikova, M.A., T.S. Maksimova and Kruse, W. 1896 in Flugge, C. Die
E.S. Kudrina. 1969. Mikrobiologiya 38: Mikroorganismen 3rd ed. Vol. 2, Vogel,
883-893; Meyer, J. and M.A. Leipzig. pp. 48-96; Lachner-Sandoval, V.
Sveshnikova. 1974. Zeitschrift fur All- 1898. Uber Strahlenpilze. Inaugural Dis-
gemeine Mikrobiologie 14: 167-170. Type sertation Strassburg. Universitats Buch-
strain: ATCC 27031 druckerei Von Carl Georgi, Bonn. Type
Description: Meyer, J. and M.A. Sveshni- strain: ATCC 12102
kova. 1974. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
A. salmonea Preobrazhenskaya, Lavrova, Ukho- A. naeslundii Thompson and Lovestedt 195 1
liila and Nechaeva 1975 Thompson, L. and S.A. Lovestedt. 1951.
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.V. Lavrova, Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the
R.S. Ukholina and N.P. Nechaeva. 1975. Mayo Clinic 2 6 169- 175. Type strain:
Antibiotiki 20:404-409. Type strain: INA ATCC 12104
2488 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.V. A. odontolyticus Batty 1958

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Batty, I. 1958. Journal of Pathology and Description: Bergey 8.

Bacteriology 75:455-459. Type strain: A. philippinensis Couch 1950
ATCC 17929 Couch, J.N. 1950. Journal of the Elisha
Description: Bergey 8. Mitchell Scientific Society 66:87-92. Type
A. viscosus (Howell, Jordan, Georg and Pine strain: ATCC 12427
1965) Georg, Pine and Gerencser 1969 Description: Bergey 8.
Howell, A., H.V. Jordan, L.K. Georg and A. rectilineatus Lechevalier and Lechevalier
L. Pine. 1965. Sabouraudia 4:65-67; 1975
Georg, L.K., L. Pine and M.A. Ger- Lechevalier, M.P. and H.A. Lechevalier.
encser. 1969. International Journal of 1975. International Journal of Systematic
Systematic Bacteriology 19:291-293. Type Bacteriology 25:37 1-376. Type strain:
strain: ATCC 15987 ATCC 29234
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Lechevalier, M.P. and H.A.
Lechevalier. 1975. Ibid.
Actinoplanes Couch 1950 A. utahensis Couch 1963
Couch, J.N. 1950. Journal of the Elisha Couch, J.N. 1963. Journal of the Elisha
Mitchell Scientific Society 6697-92. Type Mitchell Scientific Society 7953-70. Type
species: A . philippinensis Couch 1950 strain: ATCC 14539
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
A. armeniacus Kalakoutskii and Kusnetsov 1964
Kalakoutskii, L.V. and V.D. Kusnetsov. Actinopolyspora Gochnauer, Leppard, Komara-
1964. Mikrobiologiya 33:613. Type strain: tat, Kates, Novitsky and Kushner 1975
ATCC 15676 Gochnauer, M.B., G.G. Leppard, P.
Description: Bergey 8. Komaratat, M. Kates, T. Novitsky and
A. brasiliensis Thiemann, Beretta, Coronelli and D.J. Kushner. 1975. Canadian Journal of
Pagani 1969 Microbiology 21: 1500- 15 1 1. Type species:
Thiemann, J.E., G. Beretta, C. Coronelli A. halophila Gochnauer, Leppard, Ko-
and H. Pagani. 1969. Journal of maratat, Kates, Novitsky and Kushner
Antibiotics 22:119-125. Type strain: 1975
ATCC 25844 Description: Gochnauer, M.B., G.G. Lep-
Description: Thiemann, J.E., G. Beretta, pard, P. Komaratat, M. Kates, T.
C. Coronelli and H. Pagani. 1969. Ibid. Novitsky and D.J. Kushner. 1975. Ibid.
A. deccanensis Parenti, Pagani and Beretta A. halophila Gochnauer, Leppard, Komaratat,
1975 Kates, Novitsky and Kushner 1975
Parenti, F., H. Pagani and G. Beretta. Gochnauer, M.B., G.G. Leppard, P.
1975. Journal of Antibiotics 28:247-252. Komaratat, M. Kates, T. Novitsky and
Type strain: ATCC 21983 D.J. Kushner. 1975. Canadian Journal of
Description: Parenti, F., H. Pagani and G. Microbiology 21: 1500- 15 1 1. Type strain:
Beretta. 1975. Ibid. ATCC 27976
A. ferrugineus Palleroni 1978 Description: Gochnauer, M.B., G.G.
Palleroni, N.J. 1978. International Journal Leppard, P. Komaratat, M. Kates, T.
of Systematic Bacteriology 2 9 5 1-55. Type Novitsky and D.J. Kushner. 1975. Ibid.
strain: ATCC 29868
Description: Palleroni, N.J. 1978. Ibid. Actinopycnidium Krassilnikov 1962
A. italicus Beretta 1973 Krassilnikov, N.A. 1962. Mikrobiologiya
Beretta, G. 1973. International Journal of 31:250-253 (English Translation 204-207).
Systematic Bacteriology 23:37-41. Type Type species: A. caeruleurn Krassilnikov
strain: ATCC 27366 1962
Description: Beretta, G. 1973. Ibid. Description: Krassilnikov, N.A. 1962.
A. missouriensis Couch 1963 Ibid.
Couch, J.N. 1963. Journal of the Elisha A. caeruleum Krassilnikov 1962
Mitchell Scientific Society 7953-70. Type Krassilnikov, N.A. 1962. Mikrobiologiya
strain: ATCC 14538 31:204-207. Type strain: ATCC 157 19

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Description: Krassilnikov, N.A. 1962. A. viridans Williams, Hirch and Cowan 1953
Ibid. Williams, R.E.O., A. Hirch and S.T.
Cowan. 1953. Journal of General Micro-
Actinosporangium Krassilnikov and Yuan 1961 biology 8:475-480. Type strain: NCTC
Krassilnikov, N.A. and C.S. Yuan. 1961. 8251
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Description: Williams, R.E.O., A. Hirch
Biologicheskaya 8:1 13-1 16. Type species: and S.T. Cowan. 1953. Ibid.
A. violaceurn Krassilnikov and Yuan 1961
Description: Krassilnikov, N.A. and C.S. Aeromonas Kluyver and van Niel 1936
Yuan. 1961. Ibid. Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936.
A. violaceurn Krassilnikov and Yuan 1961 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Krassilnikov, N.A. and C.S. Yuan. 1961. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya ene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type
Biologicheskaya 8:1 13-1 16. Type strain: species: A. hydrophila (Chester 1901)
ATCC 15813 Stanier 1943
Description: Krassilnikov, N.A. and C.S. Description: Bergey 8.
Yuan. 1961. Ibid. A. hydrophila (Chester 1901) Stanier 1943
Chester, F.D. 1901. A Manual of
Actinosynnema Hasegawa, Lechevalier and Determinative Bacteriology. The
Lechevalier 1978 MacMillan Co., New York. pp. 1-401;
Hasegawa, T., M.P. Lechevalier and H.A. Stanier, R.Y. 1943. Journal of Bacteriolo-
Lechevalier. 1978. International journal gy 46:213-214.Type strain: ATCC 7966
of Systematic Bacteriology 2%:304-310. Description: Bergey 8.
Type species: A. mirum Hasegawa, A. hydrophila subsp. anaerogenes Schubert I964
Lechevalier and Lechevalier 1978 Schubert, R.H.W. 1964. Zentralblatt fur
Description: Hasegawa, T., M.P. Leche- Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
valier and H.A. Lechevalier. 1978. Ibid. skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I.
A. mirum Hasegawa, Lechevalier and Lechevali- 193:343-352.Type strain: ATCC 15467
er 1978 Description: Bergey 8.
Hasegawa, T., M.P. Lechevalier and H.A. A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila (Chester 1901 )
Lechevalier. 1978. International Journal Stanier 1943
of Systematic Bacteriology 28:304-310. Chester, F.D. 1901. A Manual of
Type strain: IMRU 3971 Determinative Bacteriology. The MacMil-
Description: Hasegawa, T., M.P. Leche- lan Co., New York. pp. 1-401;Stanier,
valier and H.A. Lechevalier. 1978. Ibid. R.Y. 1943. Journal of Bacteriology 46:
213-214.Type strain: ATCC 7966
Aegyptianella Carpano 1929 Description: Bergey 8.
Carpano, M. 1929. Bulletin of the A. hydrophila subsp. proteofytica (Merkel,
Ministry of Agriculture Egypt 86:1- 12. Traganza, Mukherjee, Griffin and Pres-
Type species: A. pullorum Carpano 1929 cott 1964) Schubert 1969
Description: Bergey 8. Merkel, J.R., E.D. Traganza, B.B.
A. pdorum Carpano 1929 Mukherjee, T.B. Griffin and J.M. Pres-
Carpano, M. 1929. Bulletin of the cott. 1964. Journal of Bacteriology 87:
Ministry of Agriculture Egypt 86:1 - 12. 1227-1233; Schubert, R.H. W. 1969. Zen-
Type strain: no culture isolated. tralblatt fur Bakteriologie,
Description: Bergey 8. Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
Hygiene. Abteilung I. 211:409-412.Type
Aerococcus Williams, Hirch and Cowan 1953 strain: ATCC 15338
Williams, R.E.O., A. Hirch and S.T. Description: Bergey 8.
Cowan. 1953. Journal of General A. punctata (Zimmermann 1890) Snieszko 1957
Microbiology 8:475-480.Type species: A. Zimmermann, O.E.R. 1890. 1. Reihe,
viridans Williams, Hirch and Cowan 1953 Elfter Bericht der Naturwissenschaftlichen
Description: Bergey 8. Gesellschaft Chemnitz, pp. 54-154; Sni-

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eszko, S.F. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. and Friddle 1953
Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896.
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologis-
Baltimore. pp. 189-193. Type strain: chen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann,
ATCC 15468 Munchen; Griffin, P.J., S.F. Snieszko and
Description: Bergey 8. S.B. Friddle. 1953. Transactions of the
A. punctata subsp. caviae (Scherago 1936) American Fisheries Society 82: 129- 138.
Schubert 1964 Type strain: NCMB 1102
Scherago, M. 1936. Journal of Bacteriolo- Description: Bergey 8.
gy 31:83; Schubert, R.H.W. 1964. Zen-
tralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Agrobacterium Conn 1942
Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Conn, H.J. 1942. Journal of Bacteriology
Hygiene. Abteilung I. 193:343-352. Type 44:353-360. Type species: A . tumefaciens
strain: ATCC 15468 (Smith and Townsend 1907) Conn 1942
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
A. punctata subsp. punctata (Zimmermann A. radiobacter (Beijerinck and van Delden
1890) Snieszko 1957 1902) Conn 1942
Zimmermann, O.E.R. 1890. 1 Reihe Beijerinck, M.W. and A. van Delden.
Elfter Bericht der Naturwissenschaftlichen 1902. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Para-
Gesellschaft Chemnitz, pp. 54- 154; Sni- sitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hy-
eszko, S.F. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. giene. Abteilung 11. 9:3-43; Conn, H.J.
Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s 1942. Journal of Bacteriology 44:353-360.
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Type strain: ATCC 19358
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Description: Bergey 8.
Baltimore. pp. 189-193. Type strain: A. rbizogenes (Riker, Banfield, Wright, Keitt
ATCC 15468 and Sagen 1930) Conn 1942
Description: Bergey 8. Riker, A.J., W.M. Banfield, W.H.
A. salmonicida (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Wright, G.W. Keitt and H.E. Sagen.
Griffin, Snieszko and Friddle 1953 1930. Journal of Agricultural Research
Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896. 41507-540; Conn, H.J. 1942. Journal of
Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie Bacteriology 44:353-360. Type strain:
und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologis- ATCC 11325
chen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann, Description: Burkholder, W.J. 1957 in
Munchen; Griffin, P.J., S.F. Snieszko and Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R.
S.B. Friddle. 1953. Transactions of the Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
American Fisheries Society 82:129- 138. Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed. The
Type strain: NCMB 1102 Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Description: Bergey 8. 288-292.
A. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes (Smith A. rubi (Hildebrand 1940) Starr and Weiss
1963) Schubert 1967 1943
Smith, I.W. 1963. Journal of General Hildebrand, E.M. 1940. Journal of
Microbiology 33:263-274; Schubert, Agricultural Research 61:685-696; Starr,
R.H.W. 1967, International Journal of M.P. and J.E. Weiss. 1943. Phytopatholo-
Systematic Bacteriology 17:273-279. Type gy 33:314-318. Type strain: ATCC 13335
strain: NCMB 1 1 10 Description: Burkholder, W.J. 1957.
Description: Bergey 8. A. tumefaciens (Smith and Townsend 1907)
A. salmonicida subsp. masoucida Kimura 1969 Conn 1942
Kimura, T. 1969. Fish Pathology (Tokyo) Smith, E.F. and C.O. Townsend. 1907.
3:45-52. Type strain: ATCC 27013 Science (Washington) 25:67 1-673; Conn,
Description: Bergey 8. H.J. 1942. Journal of Bacteriology 44:
A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida (Lehmann 353-360. Type strain: ATCC 23308
and Neumann 1896) Griffin, Snieszko Description: Bergey 8.

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Bacteriology 19:375-390. Type strain:

Agromyces Gledhill and Casida 1969 ATCC 17697
Gledhill, W.E. and L.E. Casida. 1969. Description: Davis, D.H. 1969. Ibid.
Applied Microbiology 18:340-349. Type A. faecalis Castellani and Chalmers 1919
species: A. ramosus Gledhill and Casida Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919.
1969 Manual of Tropical Medicine, 3rd ed.
Description: Gledhill, W.E. and L.E. Williams, Wood and Co., New York.
Casida. 1969. Ibid. Type strain: ATCC 8750
A. ramosus Gledhill and Casida 1969 Description: Castellani, A. and A.J.
Gledhill, W.E. and L.E. Casida. 1969. Chalmers. 1919. Ibid.
Applied Microbiology 18:114- 121. Type A. latus Palleroni and Palleroni 1978
strain: ATCC 25173 Palleroni, N.J. and A.V. Palleroni. 1978.
Description: Gledhill, W.E. and L.E. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Casida. 1969. Ibid. teriology 28:416-424. Type strain: ATCC
Alcaligenes Castellani and Chalmers 19 19 Description: Palleroni, N.J. and A.V.
Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919. Palleroni. 1978. Ibid.
Manual of Tropical Medicine, 3rd ed. A. pacifus Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and
Williams, Wood and Co., New York. Allen 1972
Type species: A. faecalis Castellani and Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel
Chalmers 19 19 and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of
Description: Bergey 8. Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain:
A. aestus Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and ATCC 27122
Allen 1972 Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann,
Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid.
and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of A. paradoxus Davis 1969
Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain: Davis, D.H. 1969 in Davis, D.H., M.
ATCC 27128 Doudoroff, R.Y. Stanier and M. Mandel.
Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann, International Journal of' Systematic Bac-
M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid. teriology 19:375-390. Type strain: ATCC
A. aquamarinus (ZoBell and Upham 1944) 17713
Hendrie, Holding and Shewan 1974 Description: Davis, D.H. 1969. Ibid.
ZoBell, C.E. and H.C. Upham. 1944. A. ruhlandii (Packer and Vishniac 1955)
Bulletin Scripps Institution of Oceanogra- Aragno and Schlegel 1977
phy University of California (Technical Packer, L. and W. Vishniac. 1955.
Series) 5239-292; Hendrie, M.S., A.J. Journal of Bacteriology 70:216-233; Arag-
Holding and J.M. Shewan. 1974. Interna- no, M. and H. Schlegel. 1977.
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology International Journal of Systematic Bac-
24534-550. Type strain: ATCC 14400 teriology 27:279-28 1. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Zobell, C.E. and H.C. 15749
Upham. 1944. Ibid. Description: Aragno, M. and H. Schlegel.
A. cupidus Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and 1977. Ibid.
Allen 1972 A. venustus Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and
Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel Allen 1972
and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel
Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain: and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of
ATCC 27124 Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain:
Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann, ATCC 27125
M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid. Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann,
A. eutropbus Davis 1969 M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid.
Davis, D.H. 1969 in Davis, D.H., M.
Doudoroff, R.Y. Stanier and M. Mandel. Alteromonas Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and
International Journal of Systematic Allen 1972

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Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid.
and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of A. rubra Gauthier 1976
Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type species: Gauthier, M.J. 1976. International Jour-
A. macleodii Baumann, Baumann, Man- nal of Systematic Bacteriology 26:459-
del and Allen 1972. 466. Type strain: ATCC 29570
Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann, Description: Gauthier, M.J. 1976. Ibid.
M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid. A. undina Chan, Baumann, Garza and Bau-
A. aurantia Gauthier and Breittmayer 1979 mann 1978
Gauthier, M.J. and V.A. Breittmayer. Chan, K.Y., L. Baumann, M.M. Garza
1979. International Journal of Systematic and P. Baumann. 1978. International
Bacteriology 29:366-372. Type strain: Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:
ATCC 33046 217-222. Type strain: ATCC 29660
Description: Gauthier, M.J. and V.A. Description: Chan, K.Y., L. Baumann,
Breittmayer. 1979. Ibid. M.M. Garza and L. Baumann. 1978.
A. citrea Gauthier 1977 Ibid.
Gauthier, M.J. 1977. International Jour- A. vaga Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and Allen
nal of Systematic Bacteriology 27:349- 1972
354. Type strain: ATCC 29719 Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel
Description: Gauthier, M.J. 1977. Ibid. and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of
A. communis Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and Bacteriology 110: 402-429. Type strain:
Allen 1972 ATCC 271 19
Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann,
and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid.
Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain:
ATCC 271 18 Alysiella Langeron 1923
Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann, Langeron, M. 1923. Annales de Parasito-
M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid. logie Humaine et Comparee 1:1 13-123.
A. espejiana Chan, Baumann, Garza and Type species: A. filifdrmis (Schmid 1922)
Baumann 1978 Langeron 1923
Chan, K.Y., L. Baumann, M.M. Garza Description: Bergey 8.
and P. Baumann. 1978. International A. filiformis (Schmid 1922) Langeron 1923
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28: Schmid, G. 1922 in Simons, H.
217-222. Type strain: ATCC 29659 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Description: Chan, K.Y ., L. Baumann, kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und €3ygi-
M.M. Garza and P. Baumann. 1978. Ibid. ene. Abteilung I. 88:50 1-510; Langeron,
A. baloplanktis (ZoBell and Upham 1944) M. 1923. Annales de Parasitologie
Reichelt and Baumann 1973 Humaine et Comparee 1:113-123. Type
ZoBell, C.E. and H.C. Upham. 1944. strain: ATCC 15532
Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Description: Steed, P.D.M. 1962. Journal
Oceanography, University of California 5: of General Microbiology 29:615-624.
239-292; Reichelt, J.L. and P. Baumann.
1973. International Journal of Systematic Amoebobacter Winogradsky 1888
Bacteriology 23:438-441. Type strain: Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur
ATCC 14393 Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri-
Description: Reichelt, J.L. and P. en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und
Baumann. 1973. Ibid. Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur
A. macleodii Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type species: A.
Allen 1972 roseus Winogradsky 1888
Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel Description: Bergey 8.
and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of A. pendens (Molisch 1906) Pfennig and Truper
Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain: 1971
ATCC 27126 Molisch, H. 1906. Botanische Zeitung.
Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann, Abteilung I. 64:223-232; Pfennig, N. and

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H.G. Truper. 1971. International Journal Mitchell Scientific Society 80:29. Type
of Systematic Bacteriology 21: 1 1-14. Type strain: ATCC 15350
strain: DSM 236 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. A. regularis (Couch 1963) Couch 1964
A. roseus Winogradsky 1888 Couch, J.N. 1963. Journal of the Elisha
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur Mitchell Scientific Society 79:5 3- 70;
Morphologie und Physiologie der Couch, J.N. 1964. Journal of the Elisha
Bacterien. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und Mitchell Scientific Society 80:29. Type
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur strain: DSM 43151
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type strain: Description: Bergey 8.
DSM 235
Description: Bergey 8. Anaerobiospirillum Davis, Cleven, Brown and
Balish 1976
Amorpbosporangium Couch 1963 Davis, C.P., D. Cleven, J. Brown and E.
Couch, J.N. 1963. Journal of the Elisha Balish. 1976. International Journal of
Mitchell Scientific Society 7953-70. Type Systematic Bacteriology 26:498-504. Type
species: A. auranticolor Couch 1963 species: A. succiniciproducens Davis,
Description: Bergey 8. Cleven, Brown and Balish 1976
A. auranticolor Couch 1963 Description: Davis, C.P., D. Cleven, J.
Couch, J.N. 1963. Journal of the Elisha Brown and E. Balish. 1976. Ibid.
Mitchell Scientific Society 7953-70. Type A. succiniciproducens Davis, Cleven, Brown and
strain: ATCC 15330 Balish 1976
Description: Bergey 8. Davis, C.P., D. Cleven, J. Brown and E.
A. globisporum Thiemann 1967 Balish. 1976. International Journal of
Thiemann, J.E. 1967. Mycopathologia et Systematic Bacteriology 26:498-504. Type
Mycologia Applicata 33:233-240. Type strain: ATCC 29305
strain: ATCC 23056 Description: Davis, C.P., D. Cleven, J.
Description: Thiemann, J.E. 1967. Ibid. Brown and E. Balish. 1976. Ibid.

Ampullariella Couch 1964 Anaeroplasma Robinson, Allison and Hartman

Couch, J.N. 1964. Journal of the Elisha 1975
Mitchell Scientific Society 80:29. Type Robinson, I.M., M.J. Allison and P.A.
species: A. regularis (Couch 1963) Couch Hartman. 1975. International Journal of
1964 Systematic Bacteriology 25:173-181. Type
Description: Bergey 8. species: A. abactoclasticum Robinson,
A. campanulata (Couch 1963) Couch 1964 Allison and Hartman 1975
Couch, J.N. 1963. Journal of the Elisha Description: Robinson, I.M., M.J. Allison
Mitchell Scientific Society 7953-70; and P.A. Hartman. 1975. Ibid.
Couch, J.N. 1964. Journal of the Elisha A. abactoclasticum Robinson, Allison and Hart-
Mitchell Scientific Society 80:29. Type man 1975
strain: DSM 43148 Robinson, I.M., M.J. Allison and P.A.
Description: Bergey 8. Hartman. 1975. International Journal of
A. digitata (Couch 1963) Couch 1964 Systematic Bacteriology 25: 173- 18 1. Type
Couch, J.N. 1963. Journal of the Elisha strain: ATCC 27879
Mitchell Scientific Society 79:5 3- 70; Description: Robinson, I.M., M.J. Allison
Couch, J.N. 1964. Journal of the Elisha and P.A. Hartman. 1975. Ibid.
Mitchell Scientific Society 80:29. Type A. bactoclasticum (Robinson and Hungate
strain: ATCC 15349 1973) Robinson and Allison 1975
Description: Bergey 8. Robinson, J.P. and R.E. Hungate. 1973.
A. lobata (Couch 1963) Couch 1964 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Couch, J.N. 1963. Journal of the Elisha teriology 23: 17 1- 18 1; Robinson, I .M. and
Mitchell Scientific Society 7953-70; M.J. Allison. 1975. International Journal
Couch, J.N. 1964. Journal of the Elisha of Systematic Bacteriology 25: 182- 186.

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Type strain: ATCC 271 12 95:192 1 - 1942. Type species: A . adetum

Description: Robinson, I.M. and M.J. Staley 1968
Allison. 1975. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
A. adetum Staley 1968
Anaerovibrio Hungate 1966 Staley, J.T. 1968. Journal of Bacteriology
Hungate, R.E. 1966. The rumen and its 95:1921-1942. Type strain: ATCC 23632
microbes. Academic Press, New York. Description: Staley, J.T. 1968. Ibid.
Type species: A. lipolyrica Hungate 1966
Description: Hungate, R.E. 1966. Ibid. Aquaspirillum Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and
A. lipolytica Hungate 1966 Jannasch 1973
Hungate, R.E. 1966. The rumen and its Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg
microbes. Academic Press, New York. and H. W. Jannasch. 1973. International
Type strain: VPI 7553 Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 23:
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 340-380. Type species: A . serpens
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jannasch
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 1973
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Description: Bergey 8.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. A. anulus (Williams and Rittenberg 1957)
Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jannasch
Anaplasma Theiler 19 10 1973
Theiler, A. 1910. Report to the Govern- Williams, M.A. and S.C. Rittenberg.
ment, Transvaal, South Africa. Veterinary 1957. International Bulletin of Bacterio-
Bacteriology, Department of Agriculture logical Nomenclature and Taxonomy 7:
1908-9:7-64. Type species: A . marginale 49-1 10; Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr.,
Theiler 19 10 N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 1973.
Description: Bergey 8. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
A. marginale Theiler 1910 teriology 23:340-380. Type strain: NCIB
Theiler, A. 1910. Transvaal S. Afr. Rep. 9012
Vet. Bacteriol. Dep. Agr. 1908-9:7-64. Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
Type strain: no culture isolated. Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
Description: Bergey 8. 1973. Ibid.
A. ovis Lestoquard 1924 A. aquaticum Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and
Lestoquard, F. 1924. Bulletin de la Jannasch 1973
Societe de Pathologie Exotique 17:784- Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg
787. Type strain: no culture isolated. and H.W. Jannasch. 1973. International
Description: Bergey 8. Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 23:
340-380. Type strain: ATCC 11330
Ancalochloris Gorlenko and Lebedeva 197 1 Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
Gorlenko, V.M. and E.V. Lebedeva. 1971. Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
Mikrobiologiya 40: 1035- 1039. Type spe- 1973. Ibid.
cies: A. perfilievii Gorlenko and Lebedeva A. autotrophicum Aragno and Schlegel 1978
1971 Aragno, M. and H.G. Schlegel. 1978.
Description: Gorlenko, V.M. and E.V. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Lebedeva. 1971. ?bid. teriology 28: I 12- 116. Type strain: DSM
A. perfilievii Gorlenko and Lebedeva 1971 732
Gorlenko, V.M. and E.V. Lebedeva. 1971. Description: Aragno, M. and H.G.
Mikrobiologiya 40: 1035- 1039. Type strain: Schlegel. 1978. Ibid.
no pure culture. A. bengal Kumar, Banerjee, Bowdre, McElroy
Description: Gorlenko, V.M. and E.V. and Krieg 1974
Lebedeva. 197 1. Ibid. Kumar, R., A.K. Banerjee, J.H. Bowdre,
LlJ. McElroy and N.R. Krieg. 1974.
Ancalomicrobium Staley 1968 International Journal of Systematic
Staley, J.T. 1968. Journal of Bacteriology Bacteriology 24:453-458. Type strain:

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ATCC 27641 Canale-Parola, E., S.L. Rosenthal and
Description: Kumar, R., A.K. Banerjee, D.G. Kupfer. 1966. Antonie van
J.H. Bowdre, L.J. McElroy and N.R. Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology
Krieg. 1974. Ibid. and Serology 32:1 13-124; Hylemon, P.B.,
A. delicatum (Leifson 1962) Hylemon, Wells, J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W.
Krieg and Jannasch 1973 Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of
Leifson, E. 1962. International Bulletin of Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380. Type
Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxon- strain: ATCC 19624
omy 12:161 - 1 70; Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of 1973. Ibid.
Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380.Type A. itersonii (Giesberger 1936) Hylemon, Wells,
strain: ATCC 14667 Krieg and Jannasch 1973
Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Giesberger, G. 1936. Inaugural Disserta-
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. tion Utrecht. pp. 1-136; Hylemon, P.B.,
1973. Ibid. J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W.
A. dispar Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jannasch Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of
1973 Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380. Type
Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg strain: ATCC 12639
and H.W. Jannasch. 1973. International Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 23: Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
340-380.Type straia: ATCC 27510 1973. Ibid.
Description: Krieg, N.R. and P.B. Hylem- A. itersonii subsp. itersonii (Giesberger 1936)
on. 1976. Annual Review of Microbiology Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jannasch
30~303-325. 1973
A. fascicdus Strength, Isani, Linn, Williams, Giesberger, G. 1936. Inaugural Disserta-
Vandermolen, Laughon and Krieg 1976 tion Utrecht. pp. 1-136;Hylemon, P.B.,
Strength, W.J., B. Isani, D.M. Linn, F.D. J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W.
Williams, G.E. Vandermolen, B.E. Lau- Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of
ghon and N.R. Krieg. 1976. International Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380.Type
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 26: strain: ATCC 12639
253-267.Type strain: ATCC 27740 Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
Description: Strength, W.J., B. Isani, Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
D.M. Linn, F.D. Williams, G.E. 1973. Ibid.
Vandermolen, B.E. Laughon and N.R. A. iterwnii subsp. nipponicum (Terasaki 1973)
Krieg. 1976. Ibid. Terasaki 1979
A. giesbergeri (Williams and Rittenberg 1957) Terasaki, Y. 1973. Bulletin of the
Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jannasch Suzugamine Women's College, Natural
1973 Science 17:l-71; Terasaki, Y. 1979.
Williams, M.A. and S.C. Rittenberg. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
1957. International Bulletin of Bacterio- teriology 29:130-144. Type strain: I F 0
logical Nomenclature and Taxonomy 7: 13615
49-110; Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr., Description: Terasaki, Y. 1979. Ibid.
N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 1973. A. metamorphum (Terasaki 1961 ) Hylemon,
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Wells, Krieg and Jannasch 1973
teriology 23~340-380.Type strain: ATCC Terasaki, Y. 1961. Botanical Magazine
11334 (Tokyo) 74220-227;Hylemon, P.B., J.S.
Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W.
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of
1973. Ibid. Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380.Type
A. gracile (Canale-Parola, Rosenthal and Kup- strain: ATCC 15280
fer 1966) Hylernon, Wells, Krieg and Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
Jannasch 1973 Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.

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1973. Ibid. teriology 29: 130- 144. Type strain: I FO

A. peregrinum (Pretorius 1963) Hylemon, 13611
Wells, Krieg and Jannasch 1973 Description: Terasaki, Y. 1979. Ibid.
Pretorius, W.A. 1963. Journal of General A. putridiconchylium (Terasaki 1961) Hylemon,
Microbiology 32:403-408; Hylemon, P.B., Wells, Krieg and Jannasch 1973
J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Terasaki, Y. 1961. Botanical Magazine
Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of (Tokyo) 74:79-85; Hylemon, P.B., J.S.
Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380. Type Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W.
strain: ATCC 15387 Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of
Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380. Type
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. strain: ATCC 15279
1973. Ibid. Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
A. peregrinum subsp. integrum (Terasaki 1973) Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
Terasaki 1979 1973. Ibid.
Terasaki, Y. 1973. Bulletin of the A. serpens (Muller 1786) Hylemon, Wells,
Suzugamine Women’s College, Natural Krieg and Jannasch 1973
Science 17:l-71; Terasaki, Y. 1979. Muller, O.F. 1786. Animalcula Infusoria
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Fluviatilia et Marina, Quae Detexit.
teriology 29: 130- 144. Type strain: I F 0 Systematice Descripsit et Ad Vivum
13617 Delineari Curavit, pp. 1-367; Hylemon,
Description: Terasaki, Y. 1979. Ibid. P.B., J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and
A. peregrinum subsp. peregrinum (Pretorius H.W. Jannasch. 1973. International Jour-
1963) Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jan- nal of Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-
nasch 1973 380. Type strain: ATCC 12638
Pretorius, W.A. 1963. Journal of General Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
Microbiology 32:403-408; Hylemon, P.B., Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. 1973. Ibid.
Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of A. sinuosum (Williams and Rittenberg 1957)
Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380. Type Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jannasch
strain: ATCC 15387 1973
Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Williams, M.A. and S.C. Rittenberg.
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 1957. International Bulletin of
1973. Ibid. Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxon-
A. polymorphum (Williams and Rittenberg omy 7:49-110; Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
1957) Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jan- Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
nasch 1973 1973. International Journal of Systematic
Williams, M.A. and S.C. Rittenberg. Bacteriology 23:340-380. Type strain:
1957. International Bulletin of ATCC 9786
Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxon- Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
omy 7:49-110; Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 1973. Ibid.
1973. International Journal of Systematic
Bacteriology 23:340-380. Type strain: Arachnia Pine and Georg 1969
ATCC 11332 Pine, L. and L.K. Georg. 1969. Interna-
Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 19:267-272. Type species: A. propionica
1973. Ibid. (Buchanan and Pine 1962) Pine and
A. psycbrophilum (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki Georg 1969
1979 Description: Bergey 8.
Terasaki, Y. 1973. Bulletin of the A. propionica (Buchanan and Pine 1962) Pine
Suzugamine Women’s College, Natural and Georg 1969
Science 17:l-71; Terasaki, Y. 1979. Buchanan, B.B. and L. Pine. 1962.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Journal of General Microbiology 28:305-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
323; Pine, L. and L. Georg. 1969.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 13347
teriology 19:267-272. Type strain: ATCC Description: Lochhead, A.G. 1958. Ibid.
14157 A. flavescens Lochhead 1958
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Lochhead, A.G. 1958. Archiv fur Mikro-
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe biologie 31: 163- 170. Type strain: ATCC
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 13348
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Description: Lochhead, A.G. 1958. Ibid.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. A. globiformis (Conn 1928) Conn and Dimmick
Archangium Jahn 1924 Conn, H.J. 1928. New York State
Jahn, E. 1924. Beitrage zur botanischen Agricultural Experimental Station Techni-
Protistologie. I. Die Polyangiden. Verlag cal Bulletin No. 138:3-26; Conn, H.J. and
von Gebruder Borntraeger, Leipzig. Type I. Dimmick. 1947. Journal of Bacteriology
species: A. gephyru Jahn 1924 54:291-303. Type strain: ATCC 8010
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
A. gephyra Jahn 1924 A. histidinolovorans Adams 1954
Jahn, E. 1924. Beitrage zur botanischen Adams, E. 1954. Journal of Biological
Protistologie. I. Die Polyangiden. Verlag Chemistry 209:829-846. Type strain:
von Gebruder Borntraeger, Leipzig. Type ATCC 11442
strain: ATCC 25201 Description: Keddie, R.M. and G.L. Cure.
Description: Bergey 8. 1977. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 42:
Arthrobacter Conn and Dimmick 1947 A. mysorens Nand and Rao 1972
Conn, H.J. and I. Dimmick. 1947. Nand, K. and D.V. Rao. 1972. Zentral-
Journal of Bacteriology 54:291-303. Type blatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde,
species: A. globiformis (Conn 1928) Conn Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
and Dimmick 1947 teilung 11. 127:324-33 1. Type strain:

Description: Bergey 8. NCIB 10583

A. atrocyaneus Kuhn and Starr 1960 Description: Nand, K. and D.V. Rao.
Kuhn, D.A. and M.P. Starr. 1960. Archiv 1972. Ibid.
fur Mikrobiologie 36:175- 18 1. Type strain: A. nicotianae Giovannozzi-Sermanni 1959
ATCC 13752 Giovannozzi-Sermanni, G. 1959. I1 Tabac-
Description: Kuhn, D.A. and M.P. Starr. co (Rome) 6383-86. Type strain: ATCC
1960. Ibid. 15236
A. aurescens Phillips 1953 Description: Giovannozzi-Sermanni, G.
Phillips, H.C. 1953. Iowa State Journal of 1959. Ibid.
Science 27:240-241. Type strain: ATCC A. oxydans Sguros 1954
13344 Sguros, P.L. 1954. Bacteriological
Description: Phillips, H.C. 1953. Ibid. Proceedings 1954:21-22. Type strain:
A. citreus Sacks 1954 ATCC 14358
Sacks, L.E. 1954. Journal of Bacteriology Description: Sguros, P.L. 1955. Journal of
67:342-345. Type strain: ATCC 11624 Bacteriology 6928-37.
Description: Bergey 8. A. pascens Lochhead and Burton 1953
A. crystallopoietes Ensign and Rittenberg 1963 Lochhead, A.G. and M.O. Burton. 1953.
Ensign, J.C. and S.C. Rittenberg. 1963. Canadian Journal of Botany 31:7-22.
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 47: 137- 153. Type strain: ATCC 13346
Type strain: ATCC 15481 Description: Lochhead, A.G. and M.O.
Description: Ensign, J.C. and S.C. Burton. 1953. Ibid.
Rittenberg. 1963. Ibid. A. picolinophilus Tate and Ensign 1974
A. duodecadis Lochhead 1958 Tate, R.L. and J.C. Ensign. 1974.
Lochhead, A.G. 1958. Archiv fur Mikro- Canadian Journal of Microbiology 20:69 1-
biologie 31:163- 170. Type strain: ATCC 694. Type strain: ATCC 27854

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Description: Tate, R.L. and J.C. Ensign. strain: ATCC 6947

1974. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
A. polychromogenes Schippers-Lammertse, A. ureafaciens (Krebs and Eggleston 1939)
Muijsers and Klatser-Oedekerk 1963 Clark 1955
Schippers-Lammertse, A.F., A.O. Krebs, H.A. and L.V. Eggleston. 1939.
Muijsers and K.B. Klatser-Oedekerk. Enzymologia 7:310-320; Clark, F.E. 1955.
1963. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal International Bulletin of Bacteriological
of Microbiology and Serology 29: 1- 15. Nomenclature and Taxonomy 5:1 1 1- 1 13.
Type strain: ATCC 15216 Type strain: ATCC 7562
Description: Schippers-Lammertse, A.F., Description: Bergey 8.
A.O. Muijsers and K.B. Klatser-Oedek- A. variabilis Muller 1961
erk. 1963. Ibid. Muller, G. 1961. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri-
A. radiotolerans Yoshinaka, Yano and Yamagu- ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran-
chi 1973 kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 114:
Yoshinaka, T., K. Yano and H. Yamagu- 520-537. Type strain: ATCC 15753
chi. 1973. Agricultural and Biological Description: Muller, G. 196 1. Ibid.
Chemistry 37:2269-2275. Type strain: A. viscosus Gasdorf, Benedict, Cadmus,
IAM 12072 Anderson and Jackson 1965
Description: Yoshinaka, T., K. Yano and Gasdorf, H.J., R.G. Benedict, M.C.
H. Yamaguchi. 1973. Ibid. Cadmus, R.F. Anderson and R.W.
A. ramosus Jensen 1960 Jackson. 1965. Journal of Bacteriology 90:
Jensen, V. 1960. Kongelige Veterinaer-og 147-150. Type strain: ATCC 19584
Landbohojskole Arsskrift pp. 123-132. Description: Gasdorf, H.J., R.G. Benedict,
Type strain: ATCC 13727 M.C. Cadmus, R.F. Anderson and R.W.
Description: Jensen, V. 1960. Ibid. Jackson. 1965. Ibid.
A. siderocapsulatus Dubinin and Zhdanov 1975
Dubinin, G. and A.V. Zhdanov. 1975. Asticcacaulis Poindexter 1964
International Journal of Systematic Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological
Bacteriology 25:340-350. Type strain: Reviews 28:231-295. Type species: A .
BKM-B N 1122 excentricus Poindexter 1964
Description: Dubinin, G. and A.V. Zhda- Description: Bergey 8.
nov. 1975. Ibid. A. biprosthecium Pate, Porter and Jordan 1973
A. simplex (Jensen 1934) Lochhead 1957 Pate, J.L., J.S. Porter and T.L. Jordan.
Jensen, H.L. 1934. Proceedings of the 1973. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal
Linnean Society of New South Wales 59: of Microbiology and Serology 39569-583.
19-61; Lochhead, A.G. 1957 in Breed, Type strain: ATCC 27554
R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith Description: Pate, J.L., J.S. Porter and
(eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative T.L. Jordan. 1973. Ibid.
Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and A. excentricus Poindexter 1964
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 605-612. Type Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological
strain: ATCC 6946 Reviews 28:23 1-295. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Bergey 8. 15261
A. terregens Lochhead and Burton 1953 Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid.
Lochhead, A.G. and M.O. Burton. 1953.
Canadian Journal of Botany 31:7-22. Azomonas Winogradsky 1938
Type strain: ATCC 13345 Winogradsky, S. 1938. Annales de
Description: Bergey 8. 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 60:35 1-400. Type
A. tumescens (Jensen 1934) Conn and Dimmick species: A. agiZis (Beijerinck 1901)
1947 Winogradsky 1938
Jensen, H.L. 1934. Proceedings of the Description: Bergey 8.
Linnean Society of New South Wales 59: A. +agilis*(Beijerinck1901) Winogradsky 1938
19-61; Conn, H.J. and I. Dimmick. 1947. Beijerinck, M.W. 1901. Zentralblatt fur
Journal of Bacteriology 54:291-303. Type Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Krieg and J. Dobereiner. 1978. Canadian
7561-582; Winogradsky, S. 1938. Annales Journal of Microbiology 24:967-980. Type
de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 60:35 1-400. strain: ATCC 29707
Type strain: ATCC 7494 Description: Tarrand, J.J., N.R. Krieg
Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D. and J. Dobereiner. 1978. Ibid.
Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - the
taxonomy and ecology of the aerobic Azotobacter Beijerinck 1901
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Academic Press, Beijerinck, M.W. 1901. Zentralblatt fur
London. pp. 290-294. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
A. insignis (Derx 1951) Jensen 1955 skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Derx, H.G. 1951. Proceedings Koninklijke 71561-582. Type spe~ie~: A. chroococcum
Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschap- Beijerinck 1901
pen Series C 54:342-350; Jensen, V. 1955. Description: Bergey 8.
Botanisk Tidsskrift 52:143-157. Type A. beijerinckii Lipman 1904
strain: UQM 1966 Lipman, J.G. 1904. Report of the New
Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D. Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - the 25237-289. Type strain: ATCC 19360
taxonomy and ecology of the aerobic Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D.
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Academic Press, Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - the
London. pp. 294-297. taxonomy and ecology of the aerobic
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Academic Press,
Azospirillum Tarrand, Krieg and Dobereiner London. pp. 277-28 1.
1979 A. chroococcum Beijerinck 1901
Tarrand, J.J., N.R. Krieg and 3. Beijerinck, M.W. 1901. Zentralblatt fur
Dobereiner. 1979. International Journal of Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Systematic Bacteriology 2939-80; Effec- skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
tive publication Tarrand, J.J., N.R. Krieg 7561-582. Type strain: ATCC 9043
and J. Dobereiner. 1978. Canadian Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D.
Journal of Microbiology 24:967-980. Type Skerman 1979. Azotobacteraceae - the
species: A. lipoferum (Beijerinck 1925) taxonomy and the ecology of the aerobic
Tarrand, Krieg and Dobereiner 1979 nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Academic Press,
Description: Tarrand, J.J., N.R. Krieg London. pp. 263-266.
and J. Dobereiner. 1978. Ibid. A. macrocytogenes Jensen 1955
A. brasiliense Tarrand, Krieg and Dobereiner Jensen, H. 1955. Acta Agriculturae
1979 Scandinavica 5:280-294. Type strain:
Tarrand, J.J., N.R. Krieg and J. ATCC 12335
Dobereiner. 1979. International Journal of Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D.
Systematic Bacteriology 29:79-80; Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - the
Effective publication Tarrand, J.J., N.R. taxonomy and ecology of the aerobic
Krieg and J. Dobereiner. 1978. Canadian nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Academic Press,
Journal of Microbiology 24:967-980. Type London. pp. 306-309. (as Azomonotrichon
strain: ATCC 29145 macrocytogenes)
Description: Tarrand, J.J., N.R. Krieg A. nigricans Krassilnikov 1949
and J. Dobereiner. 1978. Ibid. Krassilnikov, N.A. 1949. Guide to the
A. lipoferum (Beijerinck 1925) Tarrand, Krieg bacteria and actinomycetes. Akademiya
and Dobereiner 1979 Nauk SSSR, Moscow. pp. 1-830. Type
Beijerinck, M.W. 1925. Zentralblatt fur strain: UQM 1967
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D.
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae -
63:353-359; Tarrand, J.J., N.R. Krieg and taxonomy and ecology of the aerobic
J. Dobereiner. 1979. International Journal nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Academic Press,
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79-80; London. pp. 267-27 1.
Effective publication Tarrand, J.J., N.R. A. paspali Dobereiner 1966

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Dobereiner, J. 1966. Pesquisas Agropecu- Vol. 2. Gustav Fischer, Jena. Type strain:
ar Brasil 1:357-365. Type strain: ATCC ATCC 8246
23833 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D. B. cereus Frankland and Frankland 1887
Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - taxon- Frankland, G.C. and P.F. Frankland.
omy and ecology of the aerobic nitrogen- 1887. Royal Society London, Philosophi-
fixing bacteria. Academic Press, London. cal Transactions, Series B, Biological
pp. 306-309. (as Azorhizophilus paspali) Sciences 178:257-287. Type strain: ATCC
A. vinelandii Lipman 1903 14579
Lipman, J.G. 1903. Report of the New Description: Bergey 8.
Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station B. circulans Jordan 1890
24:217-285. Type strain: ATCC 478 Jordan, E.O. 1890 in Sedgewick, W.T. in
Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D. The Report of the Massachusetts Board
Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - taxon- of Health. pp. 821-844. Type strain:
omy and ecology of the aerobic nitrogen- ATCC 4513
fixing bacteria. Academic Press, London. Description: Bergey 8.
pp. 283-287. B. coagulans Hammer 1915
Hammer, B.W. 1915. Iowa Agricultural
Bacillus Cohn 1872 Experimental Station Research Bulletin
Cohn, F. 1872. Beitrage zur Biologie der 19: 1 19- 13 1. Type strain: ATCC 7050
Pflanzen 1:127-224. Type species: B. Description: Bergey 8.
subtilis (Ehrenberg 1835) Cohn 1872 B. fastidiosus den Dooren de Jong 1929
Description: Bergey 8. den Dooren de Jong, L.E. 1929. Zentral-
B. acidocaldarius Darland and Brock 1971 bla tt fur Ba kteriologie, Parasi ten kunde,
Darland, G. and T.D. Brock. 1971. Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene.
Journal of General Microbiology 67:9-15. Abteilung 11. 79:344-353. Type strain:
Type strain: ATCC 27009 Delft LMD 29- 14
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bongaerts, G.P.A. and G.D.
B. alcalopbilus Vedder 1934 Vogels. 1976. Journal of Bacteriology 125:
Vedder, A. 1934. Antonie van 689-697.
Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology B. firmus Bredemann and Werner 1933
and Serology 1:14 1- 147. Type strain: Bredemann, G. and W. Werner. 1933 in
ATCC 27647 Werner, W. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriolo-
Description: Boyer, E.W., M.B. Ingle and gie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten
G.D. Mercer. 1973. International Journal und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 87:446-475.
of Systematic Bacteriology 23:238-242. Type strain: ATCC 14575
B. alvei Cheshire and Cheyne 1885 Description: Gordon, R.E., J.L. Hyde and
Cheshire, F.R. and W.W. Cheyne. 1885. J.A. Moore. 1977. International Journal
Journal of the Royal Microscopic Society, of Systematic Bacteriology 27:256-262.
Series I1 5581-601. Type strain: ATCC B. globisporus Larkin and Stokes 1967
6344 Larkirt, J.M. and J.L. Stokes. 1967.
Description: Bergey 8. Journal of Bacteriology 94:889-895. Type
B. antbracis Cohn 1872 strain: ATCC 23301
Cohn, F. 1872. Beitrage zur Biologie der Description: Bergey 8.
Pflanzen 1:127-224. Type strain: ATCC B. globisporus subsp. globisporus Larkin and
14578 Stokes 1967
Description: Bergey 8. Larkin, J.M. and J.L. Stokes. 1967.
B. badius Batchelor 1919 Journal of Bacteriology 94:889-895. Type
Batchelor, M.D. 1919. Journal of Bacteri- strain: ATCC 23301
ology 4:23-34. Type strain: ATCC 14574 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. B. globisporus subsp. marinus Ruger and
B. brevis Migula 1900 Richter 1979
Migula, W. 1900. System der Bakterien, Ruger, H.-J. and G. Richter. 1979.

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International Journal of Systematic Bac- 46. Type strain: ATCC 23464
teriology 29: 196-203. Type strain: ATCC Description: Marshall, B.J. and D.F.
29841 Ohye. 1966. Ibid.
Description: Ruger, H.-J. and G. Richter. B. megaterium de Bary 1884
1979. Ibid. de Bary, A. 1884. Vergleichende Morpho-
B. insolitus Larkin and Stokes 1967 logie und Biologie der Pilze, Mycetozoen
Larkin, J.M. and J.L. Stokes. 1967. und Bacterien. Wilhelm Engelmann,
Journal of Bacteriology 94:889-895. Type Leipzig. Type strain: ATCC 1458 1
strain: ATCC 23299 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Larkin, J.M. and J.L. Stokes. B. mycoides Flugge 1886
1967. Ibid. Flugge, C. 1886. Die Mikroorganismen.
B. larvae White 1906 F.C. W. Vogel, Leipzig. Type strain:
White, G.F. 1906. United States Depart- ATCC 6462
ment of Agriculture, Bureau of Description: Bergey 8.
Entomology, Technical Series No. 14. B. pantothenticus Proom and Knight 1950
Type strain: ATCC 9545 Proom, H. and B.C.J.G. Knight. 1950.
Description: Bergey 8. Journal of General Microbiology 4539-
B. laterosporus Laubach 1916 541. Type strain: ATCC 14576
Laubach, C.A. 19 16. Journal of Bacteriol- Description: Bergey 8.
ogy 1505-512. Type strain: ATCC 64 B. pasteurii (Miquel 1889) Chester 1898
Description: Bergey 8. Miquel, P. 1889. Annales Micrographie 1:
B. lentimorbus Dutky 1940 506-5 19; Chester, F.D. 1898. Delaware
Dutky, S.R. 1940. Journal of Agricultural Agricultural Experimental Station Annual
Research 6157-68. Type strain: ATCC Report 10:47- 137. Type strain: ATCC
14707 11859
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
B. lentus Gibson 1935 B. polymyxa (Prazmowski 1880) Mace 1889
Gibson, T. 1935. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Prazmowski, A. 1880. Inaugural Disserta-
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- tion. Hugo Voigt, Leipzig. pp. 1-58;
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 92: Mace, E. 1889. Traite Pratique de
364-380. Type strain: ATCC 10840
’ Bacteriologie, 1st ed. J.-B. Balliere. Paris.
Description: Gordon, R.E., J.L. Hyde and pp. 1-7 1 1. Type strain: ATCC 842
J.A. Moore. 1977. International Journal Description: Bergey 8.
of Systematic Bacteriology 27:256-26 2. B. popilliae Dutky 1940
B. licbeniformis (Weigmann 1898) Chester Dutky, S.R. 1940. Journal of Agricultural
1901 Research 6157-68, Type strain: ATCC
Weigmann, H. 1898. Zentralblatt fur 14706
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Description: Bergey 8.
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- B. pumilus Meyer and Gottheil 1901
teilung 11. 4920-834; Chester, F.D. 1901. Meyer, A. and 0. Gottheil. 1901 in
A Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Gottheil, 0. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriolo-
The Macmillan Co., New York, pp. 1- gie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten
401. Type strain: ATCC 14580 und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 7:680-69 1.
Description: Bergey 8. Type strain: ATCC 7061
B. macerans Schardinger 1905 Description: Bergey 8.
Schardinger, F. 1905. Zentralblatt fur B. sphaericus Meyer and Neide 1904
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Meyer, A. and E. Neide. 1904 in Neide,
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. E. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasi-
14:772-781. Type strain: ATCC 8244 tenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
Description: Bergey 8. Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 12:337-352. Type
B. rnacquariensis Marshall and Ohye 1966 strain: ATCC 14577
Marshall, B.J. and D.F. Ohye. 1966. Description: Bergey 8.
Journal of General Microbiology 44:4 1- B. stearothermophilus Donk 1920

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Donk, P.J. 1920. Journal of Bacteriology in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.
5373-374. Type strain: ATCC 12980 Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore,
Description: Bergey 8. R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds).
B. subtilis (Ehrenberg 1835) Cohn 1872 Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1835. Physikalische bacteriology, 2nd revision. Virginia Poly-
Abhandlungen der Koeniglichen Akadem- technic Institute, Anaerobe Laboratory,
ie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin aus den Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 33-44; Finegold,
Jahren 1833-1835, pp. 145-336; Cohn, F. S.M. and E.M. Barnes. 1977.
1872. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen International Journal of Systematic Bac-
1875 1:127-224. Type strain: ATCC 6051 teriology 27:388-391. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Bergey 8. 25260
B. thuringiensis Berliner 191 5 Description: Finegold, S.M. and E.M.
Berliner, E. 1915. Zeitschrift fur an- Barnes. 1977. Ibid.
gewandte Entomologie Berlin 2:29-56. B. bivius Holdeman and Johnson 1977
Type strain: ATCC 10792 Holdeman, L.V. and J.L. Johnson. 1977.
Description: Bergey 8. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
teriology 27:337-345. Type strain: ATCC
Bacterionema Gilmour, Howell and Bibby 1961 29303
Gilmour, M.N., A. Howell Jr. and B.G. Description: Holdeman, L.V. and J.L.
Bibby. 1961. Bacteriological Reviews 25: Johnson. 1977. Ibid.
131-141. Type species: B. matruchotii B. capillosus (Tissier 1908) Kelly 1957
(Mendel 1919) Gilmour, Howell and Tissier, H. 1908. Annales de 1’Institut
Bibby 1961 Pasteur (Paris) 22: 189-208; Kelly, C.D.
Description: Bergey 8. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and
B. matruchotii (Mendel 19 19) Gilmour, Howell N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
and Bibby 1961 Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed. The
Mendel, J. 1919. Comptes Rendus des Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Seances de la Societe de Biologie 424-436, Type strain: ATCC 29799
(Filiales) 82583-586; Gilmour, M.N., A. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato
Howell Jr. and B.G. Bibby. 1961. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Bacteriological Reviews 25: 13 1- 14 1. Type Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
strain: ATCC 14266 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Bergey 8. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
B. coagulans Eggerth and Gagnon 1933
Bacteroides Castellani and Chalmers 1919 Eggerth, A.H. and B.H. Gagnon. 1933.
Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919. Journal of Bacteriology 25:389-413. Type
Manual of tropical medicine. 3rd ed. strain: ATCC 29798
Williams, Wood and Co., New York. pp. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
959-960. Type species: B. fragilis (Veillon and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
and Zuber 1898) Castellani and Chalmers Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
1919 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Bergey 8. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
B. amylophilus Hamlin and Hungate 1956 B. disiens Holdeman and Johnson 1977
Hamlin, L.J. and R.E. Hungate. 1956. Holdeman, L.V. and J.L. Johnson. 1977.
Journal of Bacteriology 72548-554. Type International Journal of Systematic Bac-
strain: ATCC 29744 teriology 27:337-345. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Cato, E.P., W.E.C. Moore 29426
and M.P. Bryant. 1978. International Description: Holdeman, L.V. and J.L.
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28: Johnson. 1977. Ibid.
491-495. B. distasonis Eggerth and Gagnon 1933
B. asaccharolyticus (Holdeman and Moore Eggerth, A.H. and B.H. Gagnon. 1933.
1970) Finegold and Barnes 1977 Journal of Bacteriology 25389-413. Type
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970 strain: ATCC 8503

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe B. melaninogenicus (Oliver and Wherry 1921)
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Roy and Kelly 1939
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Oliver, W.W. and W.B. Wherry. 1921.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Journal of Infectious Diseases 28:341-344;
B. eggerthii Holdeman and Moore 1974 Roy, T.E. and C.D. Kelly. 1939 in
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Bergey, D.H., R.S. Breed, E.G.D. Murray
1974. International Journal of Systematic and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: of Determinative Bacteriology, 5th ed.
ATCC 27754 The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 pp. 556-558. Type strain: ATCC 25845
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.’ Polytechnic Institute and State University,
B. fragilis (Veillon and Zuber 1898) Castellani Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
and Chalmers 1919 B. melaninogenicus subsp. intermedius Holde-
Veillon, A. and A. Zuber. 1898. Archives man and Moore 1970
de Medecine Experimentale et d’Anatomie Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970
Pathologique 1 0 517-545; Castellani, A. in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.
and A.J. Chalmers. 1919. Manual of Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore,
tropical medicine. 3rd ed. Williams, Wood R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds).
and Co., New York. Type strain: ATCC Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic
25285 bacteriology, 2nd revision. Virginia Poly-
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 technic Institute Anaerobe Laboratory,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 33-44. Type
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia strain: ATCC 2561 1
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
B. furcosus (Veillon and Zuber 1898) Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Hauduroy, Ehringer, Urbain, Guillot and Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Magrou 1937 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Veillon, A. and A. Zuber. 1898. Archives B. melaninogenicus subsp. melaninogenicus
de Medecine Experimentale et d’Anatomie (Oliver and Wherry 1921) Holdeman and
Pathologique 10:5 17-545; Hauduroy, P., Moore 1970
G. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G. Guillot and J. Oliver, W.W. and W.B. Wherry. 1921.
Magrou. 1937. Dictionnaire des bacteries Journal of Infectious Diseases 28:341-344;
pathogenes. Masson et Cie, Paris. Type Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970
strain: ATCC 25662 in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W .E.C. Moore,
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds).
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic
Polytechnic Institute and State University, bacteriology, 2nd revision. Virginia Poly-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. technic Institute Anaerobe Laboratory,
B. hypermegas Harrison and Hansen 1963 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 33-44. Type
Harrison, Jr., A.P. and P.A. Hansen. strain: ATCC 25845
1963. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
of Microbiology and Serology 29:22-28. and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe
Type strain: ATCC 25560 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia B. microfusus Kaneuchi and Mitsuoka 1978
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Kaneuchi, C. and T. Mitsuoka. 1978.

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International Journal of Systematic Bac- Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0

teriology 28:478-48 1. Type strain: ATCC and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
29728 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Kaneuchi, C. and T. Mitsuo- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
ka. 1978. Ibid. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
B. multiacidus Mitsuoka, Terada, Watanabe B. pneumosintes (Olitsky and Gates 1921)
and Uchida 1974 Holdeman and Moore 1970
Mitsuoka, T., A. Terada, K. Watanabe Olitsky, P.K. and F.L. Gates. 1921.
and K. Uchida. 1974. International Journal of Experimental Medicine 33:713-
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 24:35- 729; Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore.
41. Type strain: ATCC 27723 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds).
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic
Polytechnic Institute and State University, bacteriology.. 2nd revision. Virginia Poly-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. technic Institute Anaerobe Laboratory,
B. nodosus (Beveridge 1941) Mraz 1963 Blacksburg, Virginia. Type strain: ATCC
Beveridge, W.I.B. 1941. Council of 33048
Scientific Industrial Research Australian Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Bulletin 14O:l-56; Mraz, 0. 1963 in and W.E.C. Moore (eds), 1977. Anaerobe
Mraz, O., J. Tesarcik and R. Varejka Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
(eds). Nomina und Synonyma der Polytechnic Institute and State University,
pathogenen und saprophytaren Mikroben, Blacksburg Virginia. pp. 1-156.
isoliert aus den wirtschaftlich oder B. praeacutus (Tissier 1908) Holdeman and
epidemiologisch bedeutenden Wirbeltieren Moore 1970
und Lebensmitteen tierischer Herkunft. Tissier, H. 1908. Annales de 1’Institut
VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. pp. 53- Pasteur (Paris) 22: 189-208; Holdeman,
334. Type strain: ATCC 25549 L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970 in Cato,
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia and L.DS. Smith (eds). Outline of clinical
Polytechnic Institute and State University, methods in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. revision. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
B. ocbraceus Prevot, Joubert, Tardieux and de Anaerobe Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virgin-
Cadore 1956 ia. Type strain: ATCC 25539
Prevot, A.R., P. Tardieux, L. Joubert and Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
F. de Cadore. 1956. Annales de 1’Institut and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Pasteur (Paris) 91:787- 798. Type strain: Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
ATCC 27872 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Bergey 8. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
B. oralis Loesche, Socransky and Gibbons 1964 B. putredinis (Weinberg, Nativelle and Prevot
Loesche, W.J., S.S. Socransky and R.J. 1937) Kelly 1957
Gibbons. 1964. Journal of Bacteriology Weinberg, M., R. Nativelle and A.R.
88:1329-1337. Type strain: VPI D27B-24 Prevot. 1937. Les Microbes Anaerobies.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Masson et Cie, Paris. pp. 1-1 186; Kelly,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe C.D. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual
Polytechnic Institute and State University, of Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore.
B. ovatus Eggerth and Gagnon 1933 pp. 424-436, Type strain: ATCC 29800
Eggerth, A.H. and B.H. Gagnon. 1933. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Journal of Bacteriology 25389-41 3. Type and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
strain: ATCC 8483 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Moore 1970
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Sebald, M. 1962. Etude sur les bacteries
B. ruminicola Bryant, Small, Bouma and Chu anaerobies gram-negatives asporulees.
1958 Theses de L’universite Paris, Imprimerie
Bryant, M.P., N. Small, C. Bouma and Barneoud S. A. Laval, France. pp. 1-171;
H. Chu. 1958. Journal of Bacteriology 76: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970
15-23. Type strain: ATCC 19189 in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds).
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic
Polytechnic Institute and State University, bacteriology, 2nd revision. Virginia Poly-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. technic Institute Anaerobe Laboratory,
B. ruminicola subsp. brevis Bryant, Small, Blacksburg, Virginia. Type strain: NCTC
Bouma and Chu 1958 11300
Bryant, M.P., N. Small, C. Bouma and Description: Sebald, M. 1962. Ibid.
H. Chu. 1958. Journal of Bacteriology 76: B. thetaiotaomicron (Distaso 1912) Castellani
15-23. Type strain: ATCC 19188 and Chalmers 1919
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Distaso, A. 1912. Zentralblatt fur Bakter-
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe iologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran-
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 62:433-
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 468; Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. 1919. Manual of Tropical Medicine, 3rd
B. ruminicola subsp. rumhicola Bryant, Small, ed. Williams, Wood and Co., New York.
Bouma and Chu 1958 Type strain: ATCC 29148
Bryant, M.P., N. Small, C. Bouma and Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
H. Chu. 1958. Journal of Bacteriology 7 6 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
15-23. Type strain: ATCC 19189 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia B. uniformis Eggerth and Gagnon 1933
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Eggerth, A.H. and B.H. Gagnon. 1933.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Journal of Bacteriology 25:389-413. Type
B. spiancbnicus Werner, Rintelen and Kunstek- strain: ATCC 8492
Santos 1975 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Werner, H., G. Rintelen and H. Kunstek- and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Santos. 1975. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriolo- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
gie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten Polytechnic Institute and State University,
und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 231:133-144. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Type strain: ATCC 29572 B. ureolyticus Jackson and Goodman 1978
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Jackson, F.L. and Y.E. Goodman. 1978.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe International Journal of Systematic
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Bacteriology 28: 197-200. Type strain:
Polytechnic Institute and State University, NCTC 10941
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Description: Jackson, F.L. and Y.E.
B. succinogenes Hungate 1950 Goodman. 1978. Ibid.
Hungate, R.E. 1950. Bacteriological B. vulgatus Eggerth and Gagnon 1933
Reviews 14:l-49. Type strain: ATCC Eggerth, A.H. and B.H. Gagnon. 1933.
19169 Journal of Bacteriology 25:389-413. Type
Description: Cato, E.P., W.E.C. Moore strain: ATCC 8482
and M.P. Bryant. 1978. International Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28: and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
491-495. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
B. termitidis (Sebald 1962) Holdeman and Polytechnic Institute and State University,

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. and Serology 29:217-248. Type strain:

NCIB 9529
Bactoderma Tepper and Korshunova 1973 Description: Stolp, H.J. and M.P. Starr.
Tepper, S.Z. and G.F. Korshunova. 1973. 1963. Ibid.
Mikrobiologiya 42:430-434. Type species: B. starrii Seidler, Mandel and Baptist 1972
B. alba Tepper and Korshunova 1973 Seidler, R.J., M. Mandel and J.N.
Description: Tepper, S.Z. and G.F. Baptist. 1972. Journal of Bacteriology
Korshunova. 1973. Ibid. 109:209-2 17. Type strain: ATCC 15 145
B. alba Tepper and Korshunova 1973 Description: Seidler, R.J., M. Mandel and
Tepper, S . Z . and G.F. Korshunova. 1973. J.N. Baptist. 1972. Ibid.
Mikrobiologiya 42:430-434. Type strain: B. stolpii Seidler, Mandel and Baptist 1972
no culture available. Seidler, R.J., M. Mandel and J.N.
Description: Tepper, S.Z. and G.F. Baptist. 1972. Journal of Bacteriology
Korshunova. 1973. Ibid. 109:209-217. Type strain: DSM 50722
B. rosea (Winogradsky and Winogradsky 1933) Description: Seidler, R.J., M. Mandel and
Tepper and Korshunova 1973 J.N. Baptist. 1972. Ibid.
Winogradsky, S.N. and H. Winogradsky.
1933. Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) Beggiatoa Trevisan 1842
50:350-434; Tepper, S.Z. and G.F. Trevisan, V. 1842. Prospetto della Flora
Korshunova. 1973. Mikrobiologiya 42:430- Euganea. Coi Tipi Del Seminario, Padova.
434. Type strain: BKMW €344 pp. 1-68. Type species: B. alba (Vaucher
Description: Tepper, S.Z. and G.F. 1803) Trevisan 1845
Korshunova. 1973. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
B. alba (Vaucher 1803) Trevisan 1845
Bartonella Strong, Tyzzer and Sellards 19 15 Vaucher, J.P. 1803. Histoire des conferves
Strong, R.P., E.E. Tyzzer and A.W. d’eau douce, contenant leurs different
Sellards. 1915. Journal of the American modes de reproduction, et la description
Medical Association 64:806-808. Type de leurs principales especes. J.J. Pas-
species: B. bacilliformis (Strong, Tyzzer, choud, Geneva. pp. 1-285; Trevisan, V.
Brues, Sellards and Gastiaburu 19 13) 1845. Nomenclator Algarum. Impr du
Strong, Tyzzer and Sellards 1915 seminaire, Padone. pp. 58-59. Type strain:
Description: Bergey 8. LSU B18LD
B. bacilliformis (Strong, Tyzzer, Brues, Sellards Description: Bergey 8.
and Gastiaburu 1913) Strong, Tyzzer and
Sellards 19 1 5 Beijerinckia Derx 1950
Strong, R.P., E.E. Tyzzer, C.T. Brues, Derx, H.G. 1950. Proceedings Koninklijke
A.W. Sellards and J.C. Gastiaburu. 1913. Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschap-
Journal of the American Medical Associa- pen Series C 53:140-147. Type species: B.
tion 61:1713-1716; Strong, R.P., E.E. indica (Starkey and De 1939) Derx 1950
Tyzzer and A.W. Sellards. 1915. Journal Description: Bergey 8.
of the American Medical Association 64: B. ddrxii Tchan 1957
806-808. Type strain: no culture available. ’ Tchan, Y.T. 1957. Proceedings of the
Description: Bergey 8. Linnean Society New South Wales 82:
314-316. Type strain: UQM 1968
Bdellovibrio Stolp and Starr 1963 Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D.
Stolp, H.J. and M.P. Starr. 1963. Antonie Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae -
van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology taxonomy and ecology of the aerobic
and Serology 29:217-248. Type species: B. nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Academic Press,
bacteriovorus Stolp and Starr 1963 London. pp. 347-352.
Description: Bergey 8. B. fluminensis Dobereiner and Ruschel 1958
B. bacteriovorus Stolp and Starr 1963 Dobereiner, J. and A.P. Ruschel. 1958.
Stolp, H.J. and M.P. Starr. 1963. Antonie Revista de Biologia 1:261-272. Type
van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology strain: UQM 1685

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D. B. barveyi (Johnson and Shunk 1936) Reichelt
Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - taxon- and Baumann 1973 (See also Lucibacteri-
omy and ecology of the aerobic nitrogen- um harveyi)
fixing bacteria. Academic Press, London. Johnson, F.H. and I.V. Shunk. 1936.
pp. 337-341. Journal of Bacteriology 31585-593;
B. indica (Starkey and De 1939) Derx 1950 Reichelt, J.L. and P. Baumann. 1973.
Starkey, R.L. and P.K. De. 1939. Soil Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 94:283-330.
Science 47:329-343; Derx, H.G. 1950. Type strain: ATCC 14126
Proceedings Koninklijke Nederlandse Ak- Description: Reichelt, J.L. and P. Bau-
ademie van Wetenschappen Series C 53: mann. 1973. Ibid.
140-147. Type strain: ATCC 9039 B. natriegens (Payne, Eagon and Williams
Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D. 1961) Baumann, Baumann and Mandel
Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - taxon- 1971
omy and ecology of the aerobic nitrogen- Payne, W.J., R.G. Eagon and A.K.
fixing bacteria. Academic Press, London. Williams. 1961. Antonie van Leeuwen-
pp. 328-332. hoek Journal of Microbiology and Serolo-
B. mobilis Derx 1950 gy 27:121-128; Baumann, P., L. Baumann
Derx, H.G. 1950. Bogoriensis 1: 1- 1 1. and M. Mandel. 1971. Journal of
Type strain: UQM 1969 Bacteriology 107:268-294. Type strain:
Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D. ATCC 14048
Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - Description: Baumann, P., L. Baumann
taxonomy and ecology of the aerobic and M. Mandel. 1971. Ibid.
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Academic Press, B. nigrapulchrituda Baumann, Baumann,
London. pp. 333-336. Mandel and Allen 1971
Baumann, P., L. Baumann, M. Mandel
Beneckea Campbell 1957 and R.D. Allen. 1971. Journal of
Campbell, L.L. 1957 in Breed, R.S., Bacteriology 108:1380- 1383. Type strain:
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). ATCC 27043
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Description: Baumann, P., L. Baumann,
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1971. Ibid.
Co., Baltimore. pp. 328-332. Type species: B. parahaemolytica (Fujino, Miwatani, Yasuda,
B. campbellii Baumann, Baumann and Kondo, Takeda, Akita, Kotera, Okada,
Mandel 1971 Nishimura, Shimizu, Tamura and Tamura
Description: Campbell, L.L. 1957. Ibid. 1965) Baumann, Baumann and Mandel
B. alginolytica (Miyamoto, Nakamura and 197 1 (See also Vibrio parahaemolyticus)
Takizawa 1961) Baumann, Baumann and Fujino, T., T. Miwatani, J. Yasuda, M.
Mandel 1971 (See also Vibrio alginolyt- Kondo, Y. Takeda, Y. Akita, K. Kotera,
icus) M. Okada, H. Nishimura, Y. Shimizu, T.
Miyamoto, Y., K. Nakamura and K. Tamura and Y. Tamura. 1965. Biken
Takizawa. 196 1. Japanese Journal of Journal 8:63-71; Baumann, P., L. Bau-
Microbiology 5:477-486; Baumann, P., L. mann and M. Mandel. 1971. Journal of
Baumann and M. Mandel. 1971. Journal Bacteriology 107:268-294. Type strain:
of Bacteriology 107:268-294. Type strain: ATCC 17802
ATCC 17749 Description: Baumann, P., L. Baumann
Description: Baumann, P., L. Baumann and J.L. Reichelt. 1973. Journal of
and M. Mandel. 1971. Ibid. Bacteriology 113:1144- 1 155.
B. campbellii Baumann, Baumann and Mandel B. pelagia Baumann, Baumann and Mandel
1971 1971
Baumann, P., L. Baumann and M. Baumann, P., L. Baumann and M.
Mandel. 197 1. Journal of Bacteriology Mandel. 197 1. Journal of Bacteriology
107:268-294. Type strain: ATCC 25920 107:268-294. Type strain: ATCC 25916
Description: Baumann, P., L. Baumann Description: Baumann, P., L. Baumann
and M. Mandel. 1971. Ibid. and M. Mandel. 1971. Ibid.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

B. splendida (Beijerinck 1900) Reichelt, Bau- Systematic Bacteriology 24:2 1- 18. Type
mann and Baumann 1979 strain: ATCC 25527
Beijerinck, M.W. 1900. Proceedings of Description: Scardovi, V. and L.D.
the Academy of Sciences (Amsterdam) 3: Trovatelli. 1974. Tbid.
352-365; Reichelt, J.L., P. Baumann and B. asteroides Scardovi and Trovatelli 1969
L. Baumann. 1979 in International Scardovi, V. and L.D. Trovatelli. 1969.
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79- Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
80; Effective publication Reichelt, J.L., P. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
Baumann and L. Baumann. 1976. Ar- Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 123:64-88. Type
chives of Microbiology 110:101- 120. Type strain: ATCC 25910
strain: NCMB 1 Description: Scardovi, V. and L.D.
Description: Reichelt, J.L., P. Baumann Trovatelli. 1969. Ibid.
and L. Baumann. 1976. Ibid. B. bifidum (Tissier 1900) Orla-Jensen 1924
B. vulnifica Reichelt, Baumann and Baumann Tissier, H. 1900. Theses, Paris pp. 1-253;
1979 Orla-Jensen, S. 1924. Lait 4:468-474.
Reichelt, J.L., P. Baumann and L. Type strain: TilTissier) Anaerobe Collec-
Baumann. 1979 in International Journal tion, Institut Pasteur Lille
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79-80; Description: Werner, H. and H.P.R.
Effective publication Reichelt, J.L., P. Seeliger. 1964. Pathologia et Microbiolo-
Baumann and L. Baumann. 1976. gia 27:212-215.
Archives of Microbiology 11O:lOl-120. B. bourn Scardovi, Trovatelli, Biavati and Zani
Type strain: ATCC 27562 1979
Description: Reichelt, J.P., P. Baumann Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovarelli, B. Biavati
and L. Baumann. 1976. Ibid. and G. Zani. 1979. International Journal
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:291-311.
Bifidobacterium Orla-Jensen 1924 Type strain: ATCC 27917
Orla-Jensen, S. 1924. Lait 4:468-474. Description: Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli,
Type species: B. bifidum (Tissier 1900) B. Biavati and G. Zani. 1979. Ibid.
Orla-Jensen 1924 B. breve Reuter 1963
Description: Bergey 8. Reuter, G. 1963. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri-
B. adolescentis Reuter 1963 ologie, Parasitenkunde,
Reuter, G. 1963. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- teilung I. 191:486-507. Type strain:
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 191: ATCC 15700
486-507. Type strain: ATCC 15703 Description: Reuter, G. 1971. Internation-
biotype a al Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 21:
Description: Reuter, G. 1971. Internation- 273-275.
al Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 21: B. catenulatum Scardovi and Crociani 1974
27 3-275. Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani. 1974.
B. angulatum Scardovi and Crociani 1974 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani. 1974. teriology 24:6-20. Type strain: ATCC
International Journal of Systematic 27539
Bacteriology 24:6-20. Type strain: ATCC Description: Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani.
27535 1974. Ibid.
Description: Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani. B. choerinum Scardovi, Trovatelli, Biavati and
1974. Ibid. Zani 1979
B. animalis (Mitsuoka 1969) Scardovi and Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli, B. Biavati
Trovatelli 1974 and G. Zani. 1979. International Journal
Mitsuoka, T. 1969. Zentralblatt fur of Systematic Bacteriology 29:29 1-31 1.
Ba kteriologie, Parasiten kunde, In fektion- Type strain: ATCC 27686
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. Description: Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli,
21052-64; Scardovi, V. and L.D. Trova- B. Biavati and G. Zani. 1979. Ibid.
telli. 1974. International Journal of B. cuniculi Scardovi, Trovatelli, Biavati and

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Zani 1979 Description: Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli,
Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli, B. Biavati B. Biavati and G. Zani. 1979. Ibid.
and G. Zani. 1979. International Journal B. pseudolongum Mitsuoka 1969
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:291-3 1 1. Mitsuoka, T. 1969. Zentralblatt fur
Type strain: ATCC 27916 Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Description: Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli, skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 1.
B. Biavati and G. Zani. 1979. Ibid. 210:52-64. Type strain: ATCC 25526
B. dentium Scardovi and Crociani 1974 Description: Mitsuoka, T. 1969. Ibid.
Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani. 1974. B. pullorurn Trovatelli, Crociani, Pedinotti and
International Journal of Systematic Scardovi 1974
Bacteriology 24:6-20. Type strain: ATCC Trovatelli, L.D., F. Crociani, M. Pedinotti
27534 and V. Scardovi. 1974. Archives of
Description: Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani. Microbiology 98: 187- 198. Type strain:
1974. Ibid. ATCC 27685
B. indicum Scardovi and Trovatelli 1969 Description: Trovatelli, L.D., F. Crociani,
Scardovi, V. and L.D. Trovatelli. 1969. M. Pedinotti and V. Scardovi. 1974. Ibid.
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- B. suis Matteuzzi, Crociani, Zani and Trovatelli
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- 1971
ene. Abteilung 11. 123:64-88. Type strain: Matteuzzi, D., F. Crociani, G. Zani and
ATCC 25912 L.D. Trovatelli. 197 1. Zeitschrift fur
Description: Scardovi, V. and L.D. Allgemeine Mikrobiologie 11:387- 395 .
Trovatelli. 1969. Ibid. Type strain: ATCC 27533
B. infantis Reuter 1963 Description: Matteuzzi, D., F. Crociani,
Reuter, G. 1963. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- G. Zani and L.D. Trovatelli. 1971. Ibid.
ologie, Parasitenkunde, B. thermophilium Mitsuoka 1969
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- Mitsuoka, T. 1969. Zentralblatt fur
teilung 1. 191:486-507. Type strain: Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
ATCC 15697 skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 1
Description: Reuter, G. 197 I. Internation- 21052-64. Type strain: ATCC 25525
al Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 21: Description: Mitsuoka, T. 1969. Ibid.
27 3-27 5.
B. longum Reuter 1963 Blastobacter Zavarzin 196 1
Reuter, G. 1963. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Zavarzin, G.A. 1961. Mikrobiologiya 30:
ologie, Parasitenkunde, 952-975 (English translation 774-791).
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- Type species: B. henricii Zavarzin 1961
teilung I. 191:486-507. Type strain: Description: Bergey 8.
ATCC 15707 B. henricii Zavarzin 1961
Description: Reuter, G. 1971. Internation- Zavarzin, G.A. 1961. Mikrobiologiya 30:
al Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 21: 952-975 (English translation 774-79 1).
273-275. Type strain: no culture isolated.
B. magnum Scardovi and Zani 1974 Description: Bergey 8.
Scardovi, V. and G. Zani. 1974.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Blastococcus Ahrens and Moll 1970
teriology 24:29-34. Type strain: ATCC Ahrens, R. and G. Moll. 1970. Archiv fur
27540 Mikrobiologie 70:243-265. Type species:
Description: Scardovi, V. and G. Zani. B. aggregatus Ahrens and Moll 1970
1974. Ibid. Description: Ahrens, R. and G. Moll.
B. pseudocatendatum Scardovi, Trovatelli, 1370. Ibid.
Biavati and Zani 1979 B. aggregatus Ahrens and Moll 1970
Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli, B. Biavati Ahrens, R. and G. Moll. 1970. Archiv fur
and G. Zani. 1979. International Journal Mikrobiologie 70243-265. Type strain:
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:29 1-3 11. ATCC 25902
Type strain: ATCC 27919 Description: Ahrens, R. and G. Moll.

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1970. Ibid. Borrelia Swellengrebel 1907

Swellengrebel, N.H. 1907. Annales de
Blattabacterium Hollande and Favre 193 1 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 21:562-586. Type
Hollande, A.C. and R. Favre. 1931. species: B. anserina (Sakharoff 189 1)
Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and
Societe de Biologie (Paris) 107:752-754. Huntoon 1925
Type species: B. cuenoti (Mercier 1906) Description: Bergey 8.
Hollande and Favre 1931 B. anserina (Sakharoff 1891) Bergey, Harrison,
Description: Bergey 8. Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1925
B. cuenoti (Mercier 1906) Hollande and Favre Sakharoff, M.N. 1891. Annales de
1931 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 5564-566; Ber-
Mercier, L. 1906. Comptes Rendus des gey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris) B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon (eds).
61:682-684; Hollande, A.C. and R. Favre. 1925. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
1931. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Bacteriology, 2nd ed. The Williams and
Societe de Biologie (Paris) 107:752-754. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-462. Type
Type strain: no culture isolated. strain: no culture available.
Description: Brooks, M.A. 1970. Journal Description: Bergey 8.
of Invertebrate Pathology 16:249-258. 8. brasiliensis Davis 1952
Davis, G.E. 1952. Journal of Parasitology
Bordetella Moreno-Lopez 1952 38:473-476. Type strain: no culture
Moreno-Lopez, M. 1952. Microbiologia available.
Espanola 5:1 17- 18 1. Type species: B. Description: Bergey 8.
pertussis (Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Ham- B. caucasica (Kandelaki 1945) Davis 1957
mer and Huntoon 1923) Moreno-Lopez Kandelaki according to Maruashvili, G.M.
1952 1945. Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i
Description: Bergey 8. Parazitarnye Bolezni 14:24-27; Davis,
B. broncbiseptica (Ferry 19 12) Morenb-Lopez G.E. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray
1952 and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual
Ferry, N.S. 1912. Veterinary Journal 68: of Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed.
376-39 1 ; Moreno-Lopez, M. 1952. Micro- The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore.
biologia Espanola 5: 1 17- 18 1. Type strain: pp. 892-907. Type strain: no culture
ATCC 19395 available.
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
B. parapertussis (Eldering and Kendrick 1938) B. crocidurae (Leger 19 17) Davis 1957
Moreno-Lopez 1952 Leger, A. 1917. Bulletin de la Societe de
Eldering, G. and P. Kendrick. 1938. Pathologie Exotique 10:280-28 1 ; Davis,
Journal of Bacteriology 35561 -572; G.E. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray
Moreno-Lopez, M. 1952. Microbiologia and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual
Espanola 5: 11 7- 18 1. Type strain: NCTC of Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed.
5952 The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore.
Description: Bergey 8. pp. 892-907. Type strain: no culture
B. pertussis (Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer available.
and Huntoon 1923) Moreno-Lopez 1952 Description: Bergey 8.
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B. dugesii (Mazzotti 1949) Davis 1957
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. Mazzotti, L. 1949. Revista del Instituto
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales
iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins Mexico 10:277-281; Davis, G.E. 1957 in
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442; Moreno-Lopez, Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R.
M, 1952. Microbiologia Espanola 5:117- Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi-
18 I , Type strain: ATCC 9797 native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams
Description: Bergey 8. and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 892-907.
Type strain: no culture available.

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Description: Bergey 8. Hygiene 6313-17. Type strain: no culture
B. duttonii (Novy and Knapp 1906) Bergey, available.
Harrison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon Description: Bergey 8.
1925 B. parkeri (Davis 1942) Steinhaus 1946
Novy, F.G. and R.E. Knapp. 1906. Davis, G.E. 1942. Publications of the
Journal of Infectious Diseases 3:29 1-393; American Association for the Advance-
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, ment of Science No. 18, pp. 41-47;
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon (eds). Steinhaus, E.A. 1946. Insect Microbiolo-
1925. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative gy. Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca,
Bacteriology, 2nd ed. The Williams and New York. Type strain: no culture
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-462. Type available.
strain: no culture available. Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. B. persica (Dschunkowsky 1913) Steinhaus
B. graingeri (Heisch 1953) Davis 1957 1946
Heisch, R.B. 1953. Parasitology 43: 133- Dschunkowsky, E. 1913. Deutsche Mediz-
135; Davis, G.E. 1957 in Breed, R.S., inische Wochenschrift 39:4 19-420;
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Steinhaus, E.A. 1946. Insect Microbiolo-
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative gy. Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca,
Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and New York. Type strain: no culture
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 892-907. Type available.
strain: no culture available. Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. B. recurrentis (Lebert 1874) Bergey, Harrison,
B. harveyi (Garnham 1947) Davis 1948 Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1925
Garnham, P.C.C. 1947. East African Lebert, H. 1874 in Ziemssen’s Handbuch
Medical Journal 24:47-5 1; Davis, G.E. der Speciellen Pathologie und Therapie,
1948. Annual Review of Microbiology 2: Ed. 2. F.C.W. Vogel, Leipzig. pp. 267-
305-334. Type strain: no culture available. 304; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S.
Description: Bergey 8. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon
B. hermsii (Davis 1942) Steinhaus 1946 (eds). 1925. Bergey’s Manual of Determi-
Davis, G.E. 1942. Publications of the native Bacteriology, 2nd ed. The Williams
American Association for the Advance- and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-462.
ment of Science No. 18, pp. 41-47; Type strain: no culture available.
Steinhaus, E.A. 1946. Insect Microbiolo- Description: Bergey 8.
gy. Cornstock Publishing Co., Ithaca, B. tbeileri (Laveran 1903) Bergey, Harrison,
New York. Type strain: no culture Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1925
available. Laveran, A. 1903. Compte Rendu de
Description: Bergey 8. 1’Academie des Sciences (Paris) 136939-
B. hispanica (de Buen 1926) Steinhaus 1946 941; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S.
de Buen, S. 1926. Annales de Parasitolo- Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon
gie Humaine et Comparee 4: 185- 192; (eds). 1925. Bergey’s Manual of Determi-
Steinhaus, E.A. 1946. Insect native Bacteriology, 2nd ed. The Williams
Microbiology. Comstock Publishing Co., and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-462.
Ithaca, New York. Type strain: no culture Type strain: no culture available.
available. Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. B. tillae Zumpt and Organ 1961
B. latyschewii (Sofiev 1941) Davis 1948 Zumpt, F. and D. Organ. 1961. South
Sofiev, M.S. 1941. Medical Parasitology African Journal of Laboratory and
(Moscow) 10:337-373; Davis, G.E. 1948. Clinical Medicine 7:31-35. Type strain: no
Annual Review of Microbiology 2:305- culture available.
334. Type strain: no culture available. Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. B. turicatae (Brumpt 1933) Steinhaus 1946
B. mazzottii Davis 1956 Brumpt, E. 1933. Comptes Rendus des
Davis, G.E. 1956. American Journal of Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris)

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
113:1369-1372; Steinhaus, E.A. 1946. Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka. 1964.
Insect Microbiology. Comstock Publishing Journal of the Agricultural Chemical
Co., Ithaca, New York. Type strain: no Society of Japan 38:496-502. Type strain:
culture available. ATCC 15831
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka.
B. venezuelensis (Brumpt 1921) Brumpt 1922 1964. Ibid.
Brumpt, E. 1921 in Lavier, These, Paris. B. ammoniagenes (Cooke and Keith 1927)
p. 207; Brumpt, E. 1922 in Roger, G.H., Breed 1953
F. Widal and P.J. Teissier (eds). Nouveau Cooke, J.V. and H.R. Keith. 1927.
Traite de Medecine. Masson, Paris 4:491- Journal of Bacteriology 13:3 15-319;
53 1. Type strain: no culture available. Breed, R.S. 1953. Riassunti delle Corn-
Description: Bergey 8. municazione VI Congresso Internazionale
di Microbiologia, Roma 1:13-14. Type
Branhamella Catlin 1970 strain: ATCC 6871
Catlin, B.W. 1970 International Journal Description: Keddie, R.M. and G.L. Cure.
of Systematic Bacteriology 20: 155-159. 1978 in Bousfield, I.J. and A.G. Callely
Type species: B. catarrhah (Frosch and (eds). Special Publications of the Society
Kolle 1896) Catlin 1970 for General Microbiology I. Coryneform
Description: Bergey 8. Bacteria. Academic Press, London. pp,
B. catarrhalis (Frosch and Kolle 1896) Catlin 47-84.
1970 B. citreum Komagata and Iizuka 1964
Frosch, P. and W. Kolle. 1896 in Flugge, Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka. 1964.
C. (ed). Die Mikroorganismen. F.C.W. Journal of the Agricultural Chemical
Vogel, Leipzig. pp. 154-155; Catlin, B.W. Society of Japan 38:496-502. Type strain:
1970. International Journal of Systematic ATCC 15828
Bacteriology 20:155-159. Type strain: Description: Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka.
ATCC 25238 1964. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. B. divaricatum Su and Yamada 1960
Su, Y. and K. Yamada. 1960. Bulletin of
Brevibacterium Breed 1953 the Agricultural Chemical Society of
Breed, R.S. 1953. Riassunti delle Japan 24:69-74. Type strain: ATCC
Communicazione VI Congresso Inter- 14020
nazionale di Microbiologia, Roma 1: 13- Description: Abe, S., K. Takayama and S.
14. Type species: B. linens (Wolff 1910) Kinoshita. 1967. Journal of General and
Breed 1953 Applied Microbiology 13:279-301.
Description: Breed, R.S. 1953. Ibid. B. fermentans Chatelain and Second 1966
B. acetylicum (Levine and Soppeland 1926) Chatelain, R. and L. Second. 1966.
Breed 1957 Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 111:
Levine, M. and L. Soppeland. 1926. 630-644. Type strain: CIP 661 1
Bulletin of the Iowa State Agricultural Description: Chatelain, R. and L. Second.
College 77:l-72; Breed, R.S. 1957 in 1966. Ibid.
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. B. frigoritolerans Delaporte and Sasson 1967
Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi- Delaporte, B. and A. Sasson. 1967.
native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams Compte Rendu de 1’Academie des Scienc-
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 490-503. es. Paris, Series D, 264:2257-2260. Type
Type strain: ATCC 953 strain: ATCC 25097
Description: Keddie, R.M. and G.L. Cure. Description: Delaporte, B. and A. Sasson.
1978 in Bousfield, I.J. and A.G. Callely 1967. Ibid.
(eds). Special Publications of the Society B. halotolerans Delaporte and Sasson 1967
for General Microbiology I. Coryneform Delaporte, B. and A. Sasson. 1967.
Bacteria. Academic Press, London. pp. Compte Rendu de 1’Academie des Scienc-
47-84. es. Paris, Series D, 264:2257-2260. Type
B. albidum Komagata and Iizuka 1964 strain: ATCC 25096

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Description: Delaporte, B. and A. Sasson. Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 111:

1967. Ibid. 630-644. Type strain: CIP 6612
B. imperiale (Steinhaus 1941) Breed 1953 Description: Chatelain, R. and L. Second.
Steinhaus, E.A. 1941. Journal of 1966. Ibid.
Bacteriology 42:757-790; Breed, R.S. B. protophormiae Lysenko 1959
1953. Riassunti delle Communicazione VI Lysenko, 0. 1959. Journal of Insect
Congresso Internazionale di Microbiolo- Pathology 1:34-42. Type strain: ATCC
gia, Roma 1:13-14. Type strain: ATCC 19271
8365 Description: Lysenko, 0. 1959. Ibid.
Description: Steinhaus, E.A. 1941. Ibid. B. pusillurn Iizuka and Komagata 1965
B. incertum (Steinhaus 1941) Breed 1953 Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata. 1965.
Steinhaus, E.A. 1941. Journal of Bacteri- Journal of General and Applied Microbi-
ology 42757-790; Breed, R.S. 1953. ology 11:l-14. Type strain: ATCC 19096
Riassunti delle Communicazione VI Con- Description: Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata.
gresso Internazionale di Microbiologia, 1965. Ibid.
Roma 1:13-14. Type strain: ATCC 8363 B. saperdae Lysenko 1959
Description: Steinhaus, E.A. 1941. Ibid. Lysenko, 0. 1959. Journal of Insect
B. linens (Wolff 1910) Breed 1953 Pathology 1:34-42. Type strain: ATCC
Wolff, M. 1910. Mitteilungen des Kaiser- 19272
Wilhelm-Instituts fur Landwirtschaft in Description: Lysenko, 0. 1959. Ibid.
Bromberg 3:69-92; Breed, R.S. 1953. B. stationis (ZoBell and Upham 1944) Breed
Riassunti delle Communicazione VI 1953
Congresso Internazionale di Microbiolo- ZoBell, C.E. and H.C. Upham. 1944.
gia, Roma 1:13-14. Type strain: ATCC Bulletin Scripps Institution of
9172 Oceanography University of California
Description: Crombach, W.H.J. 1974. (Technical Series) 5:239-292; Breed, R.S.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of 1953. Riassunti delle Cmmunicazione Vi
Microbiology and Serology 40:361-376. Congresso Internazionale di Microbiolo-
B. liquefaciens Okabayashi and Masuo 1960 gia, Roma 1:13-14. Type strain: ATCC
Okabayashi, T. and E. Masuo. 1960. 14403
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Description: ZoBell, C.E. and H.C.
(Tokyo) 8:1084-1088. Type strain: ATCC Upham. 1944. Ibid.
14929 B. testaceum Komagata and Iizuka 1964
Description: Okabayashi, T., M. Ide, T. Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka. 1964.
Hattori and A. Yoshimoto. 1962. Annual Journal of the Agricultural Chemical
Report of Shionogi Research Laboratory Society of Japan 38:496-502. Type strain:
12:191-197. ATCC 15829
B. luteum Komagata and Iizuka 1964 Description: Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka.
Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka. 1964. 1964. Ibid.
Journal of the Agricultural Chemical B. vitarumen (Bechdel, Honeywell, Dutscher
Society of Japan 38:496-502. Type strain: and Knutsen 1928) Breed 1957
ATCC 15830 Bechdel, S.I., H.E. Honeywell, R.A.
Description: Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka. Dutscher and M.H. Knutsen. 1928.
1964. Ibid. Journal of Biological Chemistry 80:23 1 -
B. lyticum Takayama, Udagawa and Abe 1960 238; Breed, R.S. 1957 in Breed, R.S.,
Takayama, K., K. Udagawa and S. Abe. E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds).
1960. Journal of the Agricultural Chemi- Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
cal Society of Japan 34:652-656. Type iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
strain: ATCC 15921 Co., Baltimore. pp. 490-503. Type strain:
Description: Takayama, K., K. Udagawa ATCC 10234
and S. Abe. 1960. Ibid. Description: Breed, R.S. 1957. Ibid.
B. oxydans Chatelain and Second 1966
Chatelain, R. and L. Second. 1966. Brochothrix Sneath and Jones 1976

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Sneath, P.H.A. and D. Jones. 1976. Buddle, M.B. 1956. Journal of Hygiene
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 54:35 1-364. Type strain: ATCC 25840
teriology 26: 102- 104. Type species: B. Description: Bergey 8.
thermosphacta (McLean and Sulzbacher B. suis Huddleson 1929
1953) Sneath and Jones 1976 Huddleson, I.F. 1929. Michigan State
Description: Sneath, P.H.A. and D. Jones. College Agricultural Experimental Station
1976. Ibid. Technical Bulletin 100:1- 16. Type strain:
B. thermosphacta (McLean and Sulzbacher ATCC-23444
1953) Sneath and Jones 1976 Description: Bergey 8.
McLean, R.A. and W.L. Sulzbacher.
1953. Journal of Bacteriology 65:428-433; Butyrivibrio Bryant and Small 1956
Sneath, P.H.A. and D. Jones. 1976. Bryant, M.P. and N. Small. 1956.
International Journal of Systematic Journal of Bacteriology 72: 16-2 1. Type
Bacteriology 26: 102- 104. Type strain: species: B. Jibrisolvens Bryant and Small
ATCC 1 1 509 1956
Description: Sneath, P.H.A. and D. Jones. Description: Bergey 8.
1976. Ibid. B. crossotus Moore, Johnson and Holdeman
Brucella Meyer and Shaw 1920 Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V.
Meyer, K.F. and E.B. Shaw. 1920. Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of
Journal of Infectious Diseases 27: 173- 184. Systematic Bacteriology 26:238-252. Type
Type species: B. melitensis (Hughes 1893) strain: VPI T9-40A
Meyer and Shaw 1920 Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson
Description: Bergey 8. and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid.
B. abortus (Schmidt 1901) Meyer and Shaw B. fibrisolvens Bryant and Small 1956
1920 Bryant, M.P. and N. Small. 1956.
Schmidt, J. 1901 in Schmidt, J. and F. Journal of Bacteriology 72: 16-2 1. Type
Weis. Bakterienne. Naturhistorisk strain: ATCC 19171
Grundlag for det Bakteriologiske Studi- Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
um, Morten Porsild, Kobenhavn 1899- and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
1901. pp. 248-296; Meyer, K.F. and E.B. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Shaw. 1920. Journal of Infectious Diseas- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
es 27:173-184. Type strain: ATCC 23448 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-1 56.
Description: Bergey 8.
B. canis Carmichael and Bruner 1968 Calymmatobacterium Aragao and Vianna 19 13
Carmichael, L.E. and D.W. Bruner. 1968. Aragao, H. and G. Vianna. 1913.
Cornell Veterinarian 58579-592. Type Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Rio
strain: ATCC 23365 de Janeiro 5:211-238. Type species: C.
Description: Bergey 8. granulomatis Aragao and Vianna 19 1 3
B. melitensis (Hughes 1893) Meyer and Shaw Description: Bergey 8.
1920 C. grandomatis Aragao and Vianna 19 13
Hughes, M.L. 1893. Mediterranean Na- Aragao, H. and G. Vianna. 1913.
ture 2:325-327; Meyer, K.F. and E.B. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Rio
Shaw. 1920. Journal of Infectious de Janeiro 5:211-238. Type strain: no
Diseases 27:173- 184. Type strain: ATCC strain extant.
23456 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8.
B. neotomae Stoenner and Lackman 1957 Campylobacter Sebald and Veron 1963
Stoenner, H.G. and D.B. Lackman. 1957. Sebald, M. and M. Veron. 1963. Annales
American Journal of Veterinary Research de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 105:897-9 10.
18:947-95 1. Type strain: ATCC 23459 Type species: C. fetus (Smith and Taylor
Description: Bergey 8. 1919) Sebald and Veron 1963
B. ovis Buddle 1956 Description: Bergey 8.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
C. coli (Doyle 1948) Veron and Chatelain 1973 Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 23:
Doyle, L.P. 1948. American Journal of 122-134. Type strain: strain Forsyth ER33
Veterinary Research 950-5 1; Veron, .M. (Location not yet determined)
and R. Chatelain. 1973. International Description: Loesche, W.J., R.J. Gibbons
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 2 3 and S.S. Socransky. 1965. Journal of
122-134. Type strain: CIP 7080 Bacteriology 89:1 109-1 1 16.
Description: Veron, M. and R. Chatelain. C. sputorum subsp. bubulus (Florent 1953)
1973. Ibid. Veron and Chatelain 1973
C. fetus (Smith and Taylor 1919) Sebald and Florent, A. 1953. Comptes Rendus des
Veron 1963 Seances de la Societe de Biologie 147:
Smith, T. and M.S. Taylor. 1919. Journal 2066-2069; Veron, M. and R. Chatelain.
of Experimental Medicine 3O:299-3 11; 1973. International Journal of Systematic
Sebald, M. and M. veron. 1963. Annales Bacteriology 23: 122-134. Type strain: CIP
de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 105:897-910. 53103
Type strain: CIP 5396 Description: Veron, M. and R. Chatelain.
Description: Veron, M. and R. Chatelain. 1973. Ibid.
1973. International Journal of Systematic C. sputorum subsp. sputorum (Prevot 1940)
Bacteriology 23: 133- 134. Veron and Chatelain 1973
C. fetus subsp. fetus (Smith and Taylor 1919) Prevot, A.R. 1940. Annales de 1’Institut
Veron and Chatelain 1973 Pasteur (Paris) 64:1 17-125; Veron, M.
Smith, T. and M.S. Taylor. 1919. Journal and R. Chatelain. 1973. International
of Experimental Medicine 30:299-3 11; Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 23:
Veron, M. and R. Chatelain. 1973. 122-134. Type strain: strain Forsyth ER33
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Description: Loesche, W.J., R.J. Gibbons
teriology 23: 122-134. Type strain: CIP and S.S. Socransky. 1965. Journal of
5396 Bacteriology 89:1 109-1 1 16.
Description: Veron, M. and R. Chatelain.
1973. Ibid. Capsularis Prevot 1938
C. fetus subsp. venereafis (Florent 1959) Veron Prevot, A.R. 1938. Annales de 1’Institut
and Chatelain 1973 Pasteur (Paris) 60:285-307. Type species:
Florent, A. 1959. Proceedings 10th C. zoogleiformans (Weinberg, Nativelle
International Veterinary Congress Madrid and Prevot 1937) Prevot 1938
2:953-957; Veron, M. and R. Chatelain. Description: Prevot, A.‘R., A. Turpin and
1973. International Journal of Systematic P. Kaiser. 1967. Les bacteries anaerobies.
Bacteriology 23: 122- 134. Type strain: Dunod, Paris. p. 272.
ATCC 19483 C. zoogleiformans (Weinberg, Nativelle and
Description: Veron, M. and R. Chatelain. Prevot 1937) Prevot 1938
1973. Ibid. Weinberg, M., R. Nativelle and A.R.
C. jejuni (Jones, Orcutt and Little 1931) Veron Prevot. 1937. Les microbes anaerobies.
and Chatelain 1973 Masson et Cie; Prevot, A.R. 1938.
Jones, F.S., M. Orcutt and R.B. Little. Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 60:
1931. Journal of Experimental Medicine 285-307. Type strain: VPI D28K-1
53:853-864; Veron, M. and R. Chatelain. Description: Prevot, A.R., A. Turpin and
1973. International Journal of Systematic P. Kaiser. 1967. Les bacteries anaerobies.
Bacteriology 23: 122-134. Type strain: CIP Dunod, Paris. p. 272.
Description: Veron, M. and R. Chatelain. Cardiobacterium Slotnick and Dougherty 1 964
1973. Ibid. Slotnick, I.J. and M. Dougherty. 1964.
C. sputorum (Prevot 1940) Veron and Chatelain Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of
1973 Microbiology and Serology 3O:26 1-272.
Prevot, A.R. 1940. Annales de I’Institut Type species: C. hominis Slotnick and
Pasteur (Paris) 64:1 17-125; Veron, M. Dougherty 1964
and R. Chatelain. 1973. International Description: Bergey 8.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

C. hominis Slotnick and Dougherty 1964 C. halobacteroides Poindexter 1964

Slotnick, I.J. and M. Dougherty. 1964. Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Reviews 28:23 1-295. Type strain: ATCC
Microbiology and Serology 30:261-272. 15269
Type strain: ATCC 15826 Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. C. henricii Poindexter 1964
Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological
Caryophanon Peshkoff 1939 Reviews 28:231-295. Type strain: ATCC
Peshkoff, M.A. 1939. Doklady Akademii 15253
Nauk SSSR 25239-242. Type species: C. Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid.
latum Peshkoff 1939 C. intermedius Poindexter 1964
Description: Bergey 8. Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological
C. latum Peshkoff 1939 Reviews 28:231-295. Type strain: ATCC
Peshkoff, M.A. 1939. Doklady Akademii 15262
Nauk SSSR 25:239-242. Type strain: Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid.
NCIB 9533 C. leidyia Poindexter 1964
Description: Bergey 8. Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological
Reviews 28:231-295. Type strain: ATCC
Caseobacter Crombach 1978 15260
Crombach, W.H.J. 1978. International Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid.
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28: C. maris Poindexter 1964
354-366. Type species: C. polymorphus Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological
Crombach 1978 Reviews 28:231-295. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Crombach, W.H.J. 1978. 15268
I bid. Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid.
C. polymorphus Crombach 1978 C. subvibrioides Poindexter 1964
Crombach, W.H.J. 1978. International Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28: Reviews 28:23 1-295. Type strain: ATCC
354-366. Type strain: LMD AC 256 15264
Description: Crombach, W.H.J. 1978. Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid.
Ibid. C. vibrioides Henrici and Johnson 1935
Henrici, A.T. and D. Johnson. 1935.
Caulobacter Henrici and Johnson 1935 Journal of Bacteriology 30:6 1-92. Type
Henrici, A.T. and D. Johnson. 1935. strain: Stove CB51 (not extant)
Journal of Bacteriology 305 1-92. Type Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacter-
species: C. vibrioides Henrici and Johnson iological Reviews 28:23 1-295.
Description: Bergey 8. Cellulomonas Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer
C. bacteroides Poindexter 1964 and Huntoon 1923
Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
Reviews 28:23 1-295. Type strain: ATCC B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon 1923.
15254 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid. iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
C. crescentus Poindexter 1964 Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type species:
Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological C. flavigena (Kellerman and McBeth
Reviews 28:231-295. Type strain: ATCC 19 12) Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer
15252 and Huntoon 1923
Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
C. fusiformis Poindexter 1964 C. biazotea (Kellerman, McBeth, Scales and
Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Bacteriological Smith 1913) Bergey, Harrison, Breed,
Reviews 28:23 1-295. Type strain: ATCC Hammer and Huntoon 1923
15257 Kellerman, K.F., I.G. McBeth, F.M.
Description: Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Ibid. Scales and N.R. Smith. 1913.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
ene. Abteilung 11. 39502-522; Bergey, ATCC 482
D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Description: Bergey 8.
Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. C. gelida (Kellerman, McBeth, Scales and
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Smith 1913) Bergey, Harrison, Breed,
iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins Hammer and Huntoon 1923
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain: Kellerman, K.F., I.G. McBeth, F.M.
ATCC 486 Scales and N.R. Smith. 1913.
Description: Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
Huntoon. 1923. Ibid. ene. Abteilung 11. 39502-522; Bergey,
C. cellasea (Kellerman, McBeth, Scales and D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W.
Smith 1913) Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
Hammer and Huntoon 1923 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Kellerman, K.F., I.G. McBeth, F.M. iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Scales and N.R. Smith. 1913. Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- ATCC 488
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Description: Kellerman, K.F., I.G.
ene. Abteilung 11. 39502-522; Bergey, McBeth, F.M. Scales and N.R. Smith.
D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. 1913. Ibid.
Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. C. uda (Kellerman, McBeth, Scales and Smith
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- 1913) Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer
iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins and Huntoon 1923
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain: Kellerman, K.F., I.G. McBeth, F.M.
ATCC 487 Scales and N.R. Smith. 1913. Zentral-
Description: Kellerman, K.F., I.G. blat t fur Ba k teriologie, Parasiten ku nd e,
McBeth, F.M. Scales and N.R. Smith. Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
1913. Ibid. teilung 11. 39502-522; Bergey, D.H., F.C.
C. fimi (McBeth and Scales 1913) Bergey, Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and
Harrison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon F.M. Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Manual of
1923 Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The
McBeth, I.G. and F.M. Scales. 1913. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
United States Department of Agriculture 1-442. Type strain: ATCC 491
Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 266: 1- Description: Kellerman, K.F., I.G.
52; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. McBeth, F.M. Scales and N.R. Smith.
Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1913. Ibid.
1923. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and Cbainia Thirumalachar 1955
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type Thirumalachar, M.J. 1955. Nature (Lon-
strain: ATCC 484 don) 176:934-935. Type species: C.
Description: McBeth, I.G. and F.M. antibiotica Thirumalachar 1 955
Scales. 1913. Ibid. Description: Thirulmalachar, M.J. 1955.
C. flavigena (Kellerman and McBeth 1912) Ibid.
Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and C. antibiotica Thirumalachar 1955
Huntoon 1923 Thirumalachar, M.J. 1955. Nature (Lon-
Kellerman, K.F. and I.G. McBeth. 1912. don) 176:934-935. Type strain: ATCC
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- 15721
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ene. Abteilung 11. 34:485-494; Bergey, Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Systematic Bacteriology 22265-394.
Hammer and F.M. Huntoon 1923. C. flava Thirumalachar and Sukapure 1964
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Thirumalachar, M.J. and R.S. Sukapure.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
1964. Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin 6
157-166. Type strain: ATCC 19347 1964
Description: Thirulmalachar, M.J. and Thirumalachar, M.J. and R.S. Sukapure.
R.S. Sukapure. 1964. Ibid. 1964. Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin 6:
C. fumigata Thirumalachar, Sukapure, Rahal- 157-166.Type strain: ATCC 19348
kar and Gopalkrishnan 1966 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Thirumalachar, M.J., R.S. Sukapure, Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
P.W. Rahalkar and K.S. Gopalkrishnan. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
1966. Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin 9: 10- C. rosea Thirumalachar I966
14.Type strain: ATCC 19345 Thirumalachar, M.J. 1966 in Thirumala-
Description: Thirulmalachar, M.J., R.S. char, M.J.,R.S. Sukapure, P.W.Rahal-
Sukapure, P.W. Rahalkar and K.S. kar and K.S. Gopalkrishnan. Hindustan
Gopalkrishnan. 1966. Ibid. Antibiotics Bulletin 9:10-14. Type strain:
C. minutisclerotica Thirumalachar, Rahalkar, ATCC 17755
Deshmukh and Sukapure 1965 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Thirumalachar, MJ., P.W. Rahalkar, Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
P.V. Deshrnukh and R.S. Sukapure. 1965. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin 8:6-9.Type C. rubra Thirumalachar 1955
strain: ATCC 17757 Thirumalachar, M.J. 1955. Nature (Lon-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. don) 176:934-935. Type strain: ATCC
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 17754
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
C. nigra Thirumalachar 1955 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Thirumalachar, M.J. 1955. Nature (Lon- Systematic Bacteriology 22-265-394.
don) 176:934-935. Type strain: ATCC C. violens Kalakoutskii and Krassilnikov 1960
17756 Kalakoutskii, L.V. and N.A. Krassilnikov.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1960. Transactions of the Institute of
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Microbiology, Academy of Science USSR
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. 8:45-55.Type strain: ATCC 15898
C. ocbracea Kuznetsov 1962 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Kuznetsov, V.D. 1962. Mikrobiologiya 31: Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
534-539.Type strain: ATCC 15814 Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Chlamydia Jones, Rake and Stearns 1945
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Jones, H., G. Rake and B. Stearns. 1945.
C. olivacea Thirumalachar and Sukapure 1964 Journal of Infectious Diseases 7655-69.
Thirumalachar, M.J. and R.S. Sukapure. Type species: C. trachomatis (Busacca
1964. Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin 6: 1935) Rake 1957
157-166. Type strain: ATCC 15722 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. C. psittaci (Lillie 1930) Page 1968
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Cillie, R.D. 1930. Public Health Report
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. ‘45:773-778; Page, L.A. 1968. Internation-
C. poonensis Thirumalachar 1960 al Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:
Thirumalachar, M.J. 1960 in Kalakout- 51-66.Type strain: ATCC VR 125
skii, L.V. and N.A. Krassilnikov in Description: Bergey 8.
Rautenshtein, Ya. I. Transactions of the C. tracbomatis (Busacca 1935) Rake 1957
Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Busacca, A. 1935. Archives
Sciences USSR 8:1-344. Type strain: d’Opht halmologie 52:567-572; Rake, G .
ATCC 15723 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed. The
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
C. purpurogena Thirumalachar and Sukapure 957-968.Type strain: ATCC VR 571

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Description: Bergey 8.
Cblorobium Nadson 1906 Description: Dubinina, G.A. and V.M.
Nadson, G.A. 1906. Bulletin du Jardin Gorlenko. 1975. Ibid.
Botanique, St. Petersbourg 6: 190. Type C. giganteurn Dubinina and Gorlenko 1975
species: C. limicola Nadson 1906 Dubinina, G.A. and V.M. Gorlenko. 1975.
Description: Bergey 8. Mikrobiologiya 4 4 5 1 1-517. Type strain:
C. chlorovibrioides Gorlenko, Chebotarev and no pure culture.
Kachalkin 1974 Description: Dubinina, G.A. and V.M.
Gorlenko, V.M., E.N. Chebotarev and Gorlenko. 1975. Ibid.
V.I. Kachalkin. 1974. Mikrobiologiya 43:
908-914. Type strain: DSM 1377 Cbondromyces Berkeley and Curtis 1874
Description: Gorlenko, V.M., E.N. Chebo- Berkeley, M.J. and M.A. Curtis. 1874 in
tarev and V.I. Kachalkin. 1974. Ibid. Berkeley, M.J. Grevillea 3:49-64. Type
C. limicola Nadson 1906 species: C. crocatus Berkeley and Curtis
Nadson, G.A. 1906. Bulletin du Jardin 1874
Botanique, St. Petersbourg 6:190. Type Description: Bergey 8.
strain: DSM 245 C. apiculatus Thaxter 1897
Description: Bergey 8. Thaxter, R. 1897. Botanical Gazette 23:
C. phaeobacteroides Pfennig 1968 395-41 1. Type strain: TC 448 1
Pfennig, N. 1968. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo- Description: Bergey 8.
gie 63:224-226. Type strain: DSM 266 C. catenulatus Thaxter 1904
Description: Bergey 8. Thaxter, R. 1904. Botanical Gazette 37:
C. phaeovibrioides Pfennig 1968 405-416. Type strain: TC 45 17
Pfennig, N. 1968. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo- Description: Bergey 8.
gie 63:224-226. Type strain: DSM 269 C. crocatus Berkeley and Curtis 1874
Description: Bergey 8. Berkeley, M.J. and M.A. Curtis. 1874 in
C. vibrioforme Pelsh 1936 Berkeley, M.J. Grevillea 3:49-64. Type
Pelsh, A.D. 1936. Trudy Solyanoi strain: TC 601
Laboratorii, Vsesoyuznogo Instituta Me- Description: Bergey 8.
tallurgi NISNKT. Izdatelstvo Akademya C. lanuginosus Kofler 1 9 13
Nauk SSSR, Moscow Kofler, L. 1913. Sitzungsberichte der
eningrad 5:49-126. Type strain: DSM 260 Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien.
Description: Bergey 8. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche
Klasse Abteilung I. 122:845-876. Type
Chloroflexus Pierson and Castenholz 1974 strain: T C 4494
Pierson, B.K. and R.W. Castenholz. 1974. Description: Kofler, L. 1913. Ibid.
Archives of Microbiology 100524. Type C. pediculatus Thaxter 1904
species: C. aurantiacus Pierson and Thaxter, R. 1904. Botanical Gazette 37:
Castenholz 1974 405-416. Type strain: TC 4524
Description: Pierson, B.K. and R.W. Description: Bergey 8.
Castenholz. 1974. Ibid.
C. aurantiacus Pierson and Castenholz 1974 Chromatium Perty 1852
Pierson, B.K. and R.W. Castenholz. 1974. Perty, M. 1852. Zur Kenntnis kleinster
Archives of Microbiology 100524. Type Lebensformen. Jent and Reinert, Bern I-
strain: ATCC 29366 VIII, pp. 1-228. Type species: C. okenii
Description: Pierson, B.K. and R.W. (Ehrenberg 1838) Perty 1852
Castenholz. 1974. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
C. buderi Truper and Jannasch 1968
Cbloronema Dubinina and Gorlenko 1975 Truper, H.G. and H.W. Jannasch. 1968.
Dubinina, G.A. and V.M. Gorlenko. 1975. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 61:363-372.
Mikrobiologiya 4 4 5 11-5 17. Type species: Type strain: ATCC 25588
C. giganteum Dubinina and Gorlenko Description: Bergey 8.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

C. gracile Strzeszewski 1913 C. weissei Perty 1852

Strzeszewski, B. 1913. Bulletin de Perty, M. 1852. Zur Kenntnis kleinster
1’Academie des Sciences de Cracovie, Lebensformen. Jent and Reinert, Bern I-
Serie B. pp. 309-334. Type strain: DSM VIII. pp. 1-228. Type strain: DSM 171
203 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8.
C. minus Winogradsky 1888 Chromobacterium Bergonzini 188 1
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur Bergonzini, C. 1881. Annuar SOC. Nat.
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri- Modena, Series 2, 14:149-158. Type
en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und species: C.violaceurn Bergonzini 188 1
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur Description: De Ley, J., P. Segers and M .
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type strain: Gillis. 1978. International Journal of
DSM 178 Systematic Bacteriology 28: 154-168.
Description: Bergey 8. C. violaceum Bergonzini 188 1
C. minutissimum Winogradsky 1888 Bergonzini, C. 1881. Annuar. SOC.Nat.
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur Modena, Series 2, 14:149-158. Type
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri- strain: ATCC 12472
en. Heft 1. Zur Morphologie und Description: De Ley, J., P. Segers and M.
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur Gillis. 1978. International Journal of
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type strain: Systematic Bacteriology 28: 154-168.
DSM 1376
Description: Bergey 8. Citrobacter Werkman and Gillen 1932
C. okenii (Ehrenberg 1838) Perty 1852 Werkman, C.H. and G.F. Gillen. 1932.
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1838. Die Infusionsthier- Journal of Bacteriology 23:167-1 82. Type
chen als vollkommene Organismen. L. species: C. freundii (Braak 1928) Werk-
Voss, Leipzig; Perty, M. 1852. Zur mann and Gillen 1932
Kenntnis kleinster Lebensformen. Jent Description: Bergey 8.
and Reinert, Bern I-VIII, pp. 1-228. Type C. diversus (Burkey 1928) Werkman and Gillen
strain: DSM 169 1932
Description: Bergey 8. Burkey, L.A. 1928. Iowa State College
C. vinosum (Ehrenberg 1838) Winogradsky Journal of Science 357- 100; Werkman,
1888 C.H. and G.F. Gillen. 1932. Journal of
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1838. Die Bacteriology 23: 167-182. Type strain:
Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Or- ATCC 27156
ganismen. L. Voss, Leipzig; Winogradsky, Description: Ewing, W.H. and B.R. Davis.
S. 1888. Beitrage zur Morphologie und 1972. International Journal of Systematic
Physiologie der Bacterien. Heft I. Zur Bacteriology 22: 12-18.
Morphologie und Physiologie der Schwe- C. freundii (Braak 1928) Werkman and Gillen
felbacterien. Arthur Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1- 1932
120. Type strain: ATCC 17899 Braak, H.R. 1928. Onderzoekingen over
Description: Bergey 8. vergisting van glycerine. Thesis. Meinema
C. violascens Perty 1852 W.D. Uitgever- Delft. pp. 1-233;
Perty, M. 1852. Zur Kenntnis kleinster Werkman, C.H. and G.F. Gillen. 1932.
Lebensformen. Jent and Reinert, Bern I- Journal of Bacteriology 23:167-182. Type
VIII. pp. 1-228. Type strain: ATCC strain: ATCC 8090
17096 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. C. koseri Frederiksen 1970
C. warmingii (Cohn 1875) Migula 1900 Frederiksen, W. 1970. Publication of the
Cohn, F. 1875. Beitrage zur Biologie der Faculty of Sciences University J.E.
Pflanzen 1:141-207; Migula, W. 1900. Purkyne, Brno. 47:89-94. Type strain:
System der Bakterien, Voi. 2. Gustav ATCC 27028
Fischer, Jena. Type strain: ATCC 14959 Description: Frederiksen, W. 1970. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Clostridium Prazmowski 1880 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Prazmowski, A. 1880. Inaugural Disserta- C. barati (Prevot 1938) Holdeman and Moore
tion Hugo Voigt, Leipzig. pp. 1-58. Type 1970
species: C. butyricum Prazmowski 1880 Prevot, A.R. 1938. Annales de 1’Institut
Description: Bergey 8. Pasteur (Paris) 61:72-91; Holdeman, L.V.
C. absonum Nakamura, Shimamura, Hayase and W.E.C. Moore. 1970 in Cato, E.P.,
and Nishida 1973 C.S. Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L.
Nakamura, S., T. Shimamura, M. Hayase Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert
and S. Nishida. 1973. International and L.DS. Smith (eds). Outline of clinical
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 23: methods in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd
419-429. Type strain: ATCC 27555 revision. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Description: Nakamura, S., T. Shimamu- Anaerobe Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virgin-
ra, M. Hayase and S. Nishida. 1973. ia. pp. 57-66. Type strain: ATCC 27638
Ibid. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
C. acetobutylicum McCoy, Fred, Peterson and and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Hastings 1926 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
McCoy, E., E.B. Fred, W.H. Peterson Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and E.G. Hastings. 1926. Journal of Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Infectious Diseases 39:457-483. Type C. barkeri Stadtman, Stadtman, Pastan and
strain: ATCC 824 Smith 1972
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Stadtman, E.R., T.C. Stadtman, I. Pastan
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe and L.DS. Smith. 1972. Journal of
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Bacteriology 110:758-760. Type strain:
Polytechnic Institute and State University, ATCC 25849
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
C. acidiurici (Liebert 1909) Barker 1938 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Liebert, F. 1909. Verslagen van de Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
gewone vergadering der wis- en natuur- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
kundige afdeeling. K. Akademie van Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
wetenschappen te Amsterdam. 17:990- C. beijerinckii Donker 1926
1001; Barker, H.A. 1938. Journal of Donker, H.J.L. 1926. Dissertations Delft.
Bacteriology 36:322-323. Type strain: W.D. Meinema, Delft. Type strain:
ATCC 7906 ATCC 25752
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
C. aminovalericum Hardman and Stadtman and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
1960 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Hardman, J.K. and T.C. Stadtman. 1960. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Journal of Bacteriology 79549-552. Type Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-1 56.
strain: ATCC 13725 C. bifermentans (Weinberg and Seguin 19 18)
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Huntoon 1923
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Weinberg, M. and P. Seguin. 1918. La
Polytechnic Institute and State University, gangrene gazeuse-Bacteriologie, Reproduc-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. tion experimentale, Sereotherapie. Masson
C. aurantibutyricum Hellinger 1944 et Cie, Paris, pp. 1-444; Bergey, D.H.,
Hellinger, E. 1944. Commemorative F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer
Volume to Dr. Weizmann’s 70th Birthday and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s
Private print November 1944. pp. 37-46. Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Type strain: ATCC 17777 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain: ATCC
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe 638
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Polytechnic Institute and State University, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 743-790. Type strain: ATCC 25777
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-1 56. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
C. botulinum (van Ermengem 1896) Bergey, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Harrison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon Laboratory Manual 4th ed. Virginia
1923 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
van Ermengem, E. 1896. Zentralblatt fur Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- C. celatum Hauschild and Holdeman 1974
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. Hauschild, A.H. W. and L.V. Holdeman.
19:442-444; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, 1974. International Journal of Systematic
R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Bacteriology 24:478-48 1. Type strain:
Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Manual of ATCC 27791
Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Description: Hauschild, A.H.W. and L.V.
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Holdeman 1974. I bid.
1-442. Type strain: ATCC 25763 C. cellobioparum Hungate 1944
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Hungate, R.E. 1944. Journal of Bacteriol-
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe ogy 48:499-513. Type strain: ATCC
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 15832
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
C. butyricum Prazmowski 1880 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Prazmowski, A. 1880. Inaugural Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Dissertation Hugo Voigt, Leipzig, pp. 1- Blackburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
58. Type strain: ATCC 19398 C. chauvoei (Arloing, Cornevin and Thomas
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 1887) Scott 1928
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Arloing, S., Cornevin and Thomas. 1887.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Le charbon symptomatique du boeuf. 2nd
Polytechnic Institute and State University, ed. Asselin and Houzeau, Paris. pp. I -
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. 281; Scott, J.P. 1928. Cornell Veterinari-
C. cadaveris (Klein 1899) McClung and McCoy an 18:259-271. Type strain: ATCC 10092
1957 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Klein, E. 1899. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriol- and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
ogie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 25:278- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
284; McClung, L.S. and E. McCoy. 1957 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. C. clostridiiforme (Burri and Ankersmit 1906)
Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi- Kaneuchi, Watanabe, Terada, Benno and
native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams Mitsuoka 1976
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 634-693. Burri, R. and P. Ankersmit. 1906 in
Type strain: ATCC 25783 Ankersmit, P. Zentralblatt fur
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 40: 100-118; Kaneuchi, C., K. Watanabe,
Polytechnic Institute and State University, A. Terada, Y. Benno and T. Mitsuoka.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. 1976. International Journal of Systematic
C. carnis (Klein 1904) Spray 1939 Bacteriology 26:195-204, 341. Type strain:
Klein, E. 1904. Zentralblatt fur ATCC 25537
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Description: Cato, E.P. and C.W. Salmon.
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 1976. International Journal of Systematic
35:459-461; Spray, R.S. 1939 in Bergey, Bacteriology 26:205-2 11.
D.H., R.S. Breed, E.G.D. Murray and C. coccoides Kaneuchi, Benno and Mitsuoka
A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of 1976
Determinative Bacteriology, 5th ed. The Kaneuchi, C., Y. Benno and T. Mitsuoka.

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1976. InternationaI Journal of Systematic Societe de Biologie, Paris 78:686-689;
Bacteriology 26:482-486. Type strain: Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
ATCC 29236 B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
Description: Kaneuchi, C., Y. Benno and Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
T. Mitsuoka. 1976. Ibid. Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and
C. cochlearium (Douglas, Fleming and Cole- Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type
brook 19 19) Bergey, Harrison, Breed, strain: ATCC 19400
Hammer and Huntoon 1923 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Douglas, S.R., A. Fleming and L. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Colebrook. 1919. Medical Research Coun- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
cil (Great Britain) Special Report Series Polytechnic Institute and State University,
57: 1- 1 59; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
R.S. Breed, B.W.Hammer and F.M. C. felsineum (Carbone and Tombolato 1917)
Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Manual of Bergey, Breed, Murray and Hitchens
Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The 1939
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Carbone, D. and A. Tombolato. 1917.
1-442. Type strain: ATCC 17787 Stazioni Sperimentali Agrarie Italiane 50:
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 563-575; Bergey, D.H., R.S. Breed,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 1939. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Bacteriology, 5th ed. The Williams and
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Wilkins CO., Baltimore. pp. 1-1032. Type
C. cocleatum Kaneuchi, Miyazato, Shinjo and strain: ATCC 17788
Mitsuoka 1979 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Kaneuchi, C., T. Miyazato, T. Shinjo and and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
T. Mitsuoka. 1979. International Journal Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
of Systematic Bacteriology 29: 1-12. Type Polytechnic Institute and State University,
strain: ATCC 29902 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Description: Kaneuchi, C., T. Miyazato, C. formicoaceticum Andreesen, Gottschalk and
T. Shinjo and T. Mitsuoka. 1979. Ibid. Schlegel 1970
C. dif‘ficile (Hall and O’Toole 1935) Prevot Andreesen, J.R.,G. Gottschalk and H.G.
1938 Schlegel. 1970. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie
Hall, I.C. and E. OToole. 1935. 72: 154-174. Type strain: ATCC 27076
American Journal of Diseases of Children Description: Andreeson, J.R., G.
49:390-402; Prevot, A.R. 1938. Annales Gottschalk and H.G. Schlegel. 1970. Ibid.
de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 61:72-91. C. ghoni Prevot 1938
Type strain: ATCC 9689 Prevot, A.R. 1938. Annales de 1’Institut
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Pasteur (Paris) 61:72-91. Type strain:
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe ATCC 25757
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Polytechnic Institute and State University, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
C. durum Smith and Cat0 1974 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Smith, L.DS. and E.P. Cato. 1974. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 20: C. glycolicum Gaston and Stadtman 1963
1393-1397. Type strain: ATCC 27763 Gaston, L.W. and E.R. Stadtman. 1963.
Description: Smith, L.DS. and E.P. Cato. Journal of Bacteriology 85356-362. Type
1974. Ibid. strain: ATCC 14880
C. fallax (Weinberg and Seguin 1915) Bergey, Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Harrison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
1923 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Weinberg, M. and P. Seguin. 1915. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.

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C. haemolyticum (Hall 1929) Scott, Turner and ATCC 14501
Vawter 1935 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Hall, I.C. 1929. Journal of Infectious and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Diseases 45: 156-162; Scott, J., A.W. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Turner and L.R. Vawter. 1935. Twelfth Polytechnic Institute and State University,
International Veterinary Congress 2:168- Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 1 56.
182. Type strain: ATCC 9650 C. irregularis (Choukevitch 1911) Prevot 1938
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Choukevitch, J. 191 1. Annales de
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe l’lnstitut Pasteur (Paris) 25345-368;
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Prevot, A.R. 1938. ‘Annales de 1’Institut
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Pasteur (Paris) 61:72-91. Type strain:
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. ATCC 25756
C. hastiforme MacLennan 1939 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
MacLennan, J.D. 1939. Journal of and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Pa thology and Bacteriology 49:5 35-548. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Type strain: VPI 12193 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe C. kluyveri Barker and Taha 1942
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Barker, H.A. and S.M. Taha. 1942.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Journal of Bacteriology 43:347-363. Type
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. strain: NCIB 10680
C. histolyticum (Weinberg and Seguin 1916) Description: Bergey 8.
Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and C. lentoputrescens Hartsell and Rettger 1 934
Huntoon 1923 Hartsell, S.E. and L.F. Rettger. 1934.
Weinberg, M. and P. Seguin. 1916. Journal of Bacteriology 27497-5 14. Type
Comptes Rendus de 1’Academie des strain: ATCC 17794
Seances Paris 163:449-451; Bergey, D.H., Description: Bergey 8.
F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer C. leptum Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976
and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V.
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of
1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Systematic Bacteriology ’26:238-252. Type
Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain: ATCC strain: ATCC 29065
1940 1 Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe C. limosum Andre 1948
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Andre, 1948 in Prevot, A.R. Annales de
Polytechnic Institute and State University, I’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 74: 157-170. Type
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. strain: ATCC 25620
C. indolis McClung and McCoy 1957 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
McClung, L.S. and E. McCoy. 1957 in and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 634-693. C. lituseburense (Laplanche and Saissac 1948)
Type strain: ATCC 25771 McClung and McCoy 1957
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Laplanche, J. and R. Saissac. 1948 in
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Prevot, A.R. Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia (Paris) 74:157-170; McClung, L.S. and E.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, McCoy. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s
C. innocuum Smith and King 1962 Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Smith, L.DS. and E. King. 1962. Journal 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
of Bacteriology 83:938-939. Type strain: Baltimore. pp. 634-693. Type strain:

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ATCC 25759 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. C. oceanicum Smith 1970
C. malenominatum (Weinberg, Nativelle and Smith, L.DS. 1970. Journal of Bacteriolo-
Prevot 1937) Spray 1948 gy 103:811-813. Type strain: ATCC
Weinberg, M., R. Nativelle and A.R. 25647
Prevot. 1937. Les Microbes Anaerobies. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Masson et Cie, Paris. pp. 1-1186; Spray, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
R.S. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual Polytechnic Institute and State University,
of Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. C. oroticum (Wachsman and Barker 1954)
pp. 763-827. Type strain: ATCC 25776 Cato, Moore and Holdeman 1968
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Wachsman, J.T. and H.A. Barker. 1954.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Journal of Bacteriology 68:400-404; Cato,
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia E., W.E.C. Moore and L.V. Holdeman.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1968. International Journal of Systematic
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Bacteriology 18:9-13. Type strain: ATCC
C. mangenotii (Prevot and Zimmes-Chaverou 13619
1947) McClung and McCoy 1957 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Prevot, A.R. and Zimmes-Chaverou. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
1947. Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
73502-604; McClung, L.S. and E. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
McCoy. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s C. paraperfringens Nakamura, Tamai and Nish-
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. ida 1970
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Nakamura, S., K. Tamai and S. Nishida.
Baltimore. pp. 634-693. Type strain: 1970. Medical Biology 80:137-140. Type
ATCC 25761 strain: ATCC 27639
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Description: Nakamura, S., T. Shimamu-
and W.E.C. Moore (4s). 1977. Anaerobe ra, M. Hayase and S. Nishida. 1973.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Ibid.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, C. paraputrificum (Bienstock 1906) Snyder
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. 1936
C. nexile Holdeman and Moore 1974 Bienstock, B. 1906. Annales de 1’Institut
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Pasteur (Paris) 20:407-415; Snyder, M.L.
1974. International Journal of Systematic 1936. Journal of Bacteriology 32:40 1-410.
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: Type strain: ATCC 25780
ATCC 27757 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Moore. 1974. Ibid. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
C. novyi (Migula 1894) Bergey, Harrison, Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Migula, W. 1894. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene C. pasteurianum Winogradsky 1895
17:209; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Winogradsky, S. 1894-95. Archives of
Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. Science and Biology, St. Petersbourg 3:
1923. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative 297-352. Type strain: ATCC 6013
Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
strain: ATCC 17861 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia

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Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.

Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. C. putrificum (Trevisan 1889) Reddish and
C. perenne (Prevot 1940) McClung and McCoy Rettger 1922
1957 Trevisan, V. 1889. I Generi e le Specie
Prevot, A.R. 1940. Comptes Rendus des delle Battieriacee. Zanaboni and Gabuzzi,
Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris) Milano; Reddish, G. and L. Rettger.
133574-577; McClung, L.S. and E. 1922. Abstracts of Bacteriology 6 9 . Type
McCoy. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. strain: ATCC 25784
Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Baltimore. pp. 634-693. Type strain: Polytechnic Institute and State University,
ATCC 25782 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1 - 156.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 C. quercicolum Stankewich, Cosenza and Shigo
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe 1971
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Stankewich, J.P., B.J. Cosenza and A.L.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Shigo. 1971. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Journal of Microbiology and Serology 37:
C. perfringens (Veillon and Zuber 1898) 299-302. Type strain: ATCC 25974
Hauduroy, Ehringer, Urbain, Guillot and Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Magrou 1937 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Veillon, A. and A. Zuber. 1898. Archives Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
de Medicine Experimentale et d’Anatomie Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Pathologique 10517-545; Hauduroy, P., Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
G. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G. Guillot and .I. C. ramosum (Veillon and Zuber 1898)
Magrou. 1937. Dictionnaire des bacteries Holdeman, Cat0 and Moore 197 1
pathogenes. Masson et Cie, Paris. pp. 1- Veillon, A. and A. Zuber. 1898. Archives
597. Type strain: ATCC 13124 de Medecine Experimentale et d’Anatomie
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Pathologique 1 0 51-545; Holdeman, L.V.,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe E.P. Cat0 and W.E.C. Moore. 1971.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Polytechnic Institute and State University, teriology 21:35-39. Type strain: ATCC
Blacksurg, Virginia. pp. 1- 1 56. 25582
C. propionicum Cardon and Barker 1946 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Cardon, B.P. and H.A. Barker. 1946. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Journal of Bacteriology 52:629-634. Type Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
strain: ATCC 25522 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe C. rectum (Heller 1922) Holdeman and Moore
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 1972
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Heller, H.H. 1922. Journal of Bacteriolo-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. gy 7:l-38; Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C.
C. putrefaciens (McBryde 1911) Sturges and Moore. 1972. Anaerobe Laboratory
Drake 1927 Manual Virginia Polytechnic Institute
McBryde, C.N. 1911. United States Anaerobe Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virgin-
Bureau of Animal Industry 132:1-55; ia. Type strain: ATCC 25751
Sturges, W.S. and E.T. Drake. 1927. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Journal of Bacteriology 14:175-179. Type and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
strain: ATCC 25786 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia C. sardiniensis Prevot 1938
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Prevot, A.R. 1938. Annales de 1’Institut

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Pasteur (Paris) 61:72-91.Type strain: VPI -
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1 156.
297 1 C. sphenoides (Douglas, Fleming and Colebrook
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 1919) Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe and Huntoon 1923
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Douglas, S.R., A. Fleming and L.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Colebrook. 19 19. Medical Research Coun-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. cil (Great Britain) Special Report Series
C. sartagoformum Partansky and Henry 1935 57:l-159; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison,
Partansky, A.M. and B.S. Henry. 1935. R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M.
Journal of Bacteriology 3039-571.Type Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Manual of
strain: ATCC 25778 Determinative Bacteriology, 1 st ed. The
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe 1-442.Type strain: ATCC 19403
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Polytechnic Institute and State University, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-1 56. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
C. scatologenes (Weinberg and Ginsbourg 1927) Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Prevot 1948 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1 - 1 56.
Weinberg, M. and B. Ginsbourg. 1927. C. spiroforme Kaneuchi, Miyazato, Shinjo and
Donnees recentes dur les microbes anaero- Mitsuoka 1979
bies et leur role en pathologie. Masson et Kaneuchi, C., T. Miyazato, T. Shinjo and
Cie, Paris. pp. 1-291;Prevot, A.R. 1948. T. Mitsuoka. 1979. International Journal
Manuel de classification et de determina- -
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:1 12. Type
tion des bacteries anaerobies, 2nd ed. strain: ATCC 29900
Masson et Cie, Paris, pp. 1-290. Type Description: Kaneuchi, C., T. Miyazato,
strain: ATCC 25775 T. Shinjo and T. Mitsuoka. 1979. Ibid.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 C. sporogenes (Metchnikoff 1908) Bergey, Har-
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe rison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Metchnikoff, E. 1908. Annales de
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 22:929-955;
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-1 56. Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
C. septicurn (Mace 1889) Ford 1927 B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
Mace, E. 1889. Traite Pratique de Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Bacteriologie, 1 st ed. J.-B. Balliere and iology 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Sons, Paris 1-111. pp. 1-711;Ford, W.W. Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
1927. Text-book of Bacteriology. ATCC 3584
Saunders, Philadelphia. pp. 1 - 1069. Type Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
strain: ATCC 12464 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, C. sporosphaeroides Soriano and Soriano 1948
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Soriano, S. and A. Soriano. 1948. Revista
C. sordellii (Hall and Scott 1927) Prevot 1938 de la Asocion Argentina de Dietologia 6:
Hall, I.C. and J.P. Scott. 1927. Journal of 36-41.Type strain: ATCC 25781
Infectious Diseases 41:329-335; Prevot, Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
A.R. 1938. Annales de l’lnstitut Pasteur and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
(Paris) 61:72-91. Type strain: NCIB Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
10717 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1 - 156.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe C. sticklandii Stadtman and McClung 1957
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Stadtman, T.C.and L.S. McClung. 1957.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Journal of Bacteriology 73:218-219. Type

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strain: ATCC 12662 D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W.

Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. ATCC 19406
C. subterminale (Hall and Whitehead 1927) Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Spray 1948 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Hall, I.C. and R.W. Whitehead. 1927. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Journal of Infectious Diseases 4 1 5 1-69; Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Spray, R.S. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s C. thermoaceticum Fontaine, Peterson, McCoy
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, and Johnson 1942
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Fontaine, F.E., W.H. Peterson, E. McCoy
Baltimore. pp. 763-827. Type strain: and M.J. Johnson. 1942. Journal of
ATCC 25774 Bacteriology 43:701-715. Type strain:
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 DSM 521
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Description: Fontaine, F.E., W.H. Peter-
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia son, E. McCoy and M.J. Johnson. 1942.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ibid.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. I - 156. C. thermocellum Viljoen, Fred and Peterson
C. symbiosum (Stevens 1956) Kaneuchi, Watan- 1926
abe, Terada, Benno and Mitsuoka 1976 Viljoen, J.A., E.B. Fred and W.H.
Stevens, W.C. 1956. Taxonomic studies Peterson. 1926. Journal of Agricultural
on the genus Bacteroides and similar Science Cambridge 16: 1 - 17. Type strain:
forms. Thesis, Vanderbilt University; ATCC 27405
Kaneuchi, C., K. Watanabe, A. Terada, Description: Bergey 8.
Y. Benno and T. Mitsuoka. 1976. C. thermohydrosulfuricum Klaushofer and Park-
International Journal of Systematic Bac- kinen 1965
teriology 26: 195-204. Type strain: ATCC Klaushofer, H. and E. Parkkinen. 1965.
14940 Zeitschrift fur Zuckerindustrien Boehmen
Description: Kaneuchi, C., K. Watanabe, 15:445-449. Type strain: DSM 567
A. Terada, Y. Benno and T. Mitsuoka. Description: Matteuzzi, D., F. Hollaus
1976. Ibid. and B. Bravati. 1978. International
C. tedium (Henry 1917) Bergey, Harrison, Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:
Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923 528-53 1.
Henry, H. 1917. Journal of Pathology C. thermosaccharolyticum McClung 1935
and Bacteriology 21:344-385; Bergey, McClung, L.S. 1935. Journal of
D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Bacteriology 29:189-203. Type strain:
Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. ATCC 7956
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
strain: ATCC 14573 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe C. tyrobutyricum van Beynum and Pette 1935
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia van Beynum, J. and J.W. Pette. 1935.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. I - 156. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
C. tetani (Flugge 1886) Bergey, Harrison, ene. Abteilung 11. 93:198-212. Type
Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923 strain: ATCC 25755
Flugge, C. 1886. Die Mikroorganismen. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
F.C.W. Vogel, Leipzig. pp. 1-692; Bergey, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Description: Dye, D.W. and W.J. Kemp.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1977. New Zealand Journal of
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Agricultural Research 20:563-5 82.
C. villosum Love, Jones and Bailey 1979 C. beticola Abdou 1969
Love, D.N., R.F. Jones and M. Bailey. Abdou, M. A-F. 1969. Phytopathologische
1979. International Journal of Systematic Zeitschrift 66:147- 167. Type strain:
Bacteriology 29:24 1-244. Type strain: NCPPB 2256
NCTC 11220 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Love, D.N., R.F. Jones and C. bovis Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and
M. Bailey. 1979. Ibid. Huntoon 1923
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
Coprococcus Holdeman and Moore 1974 B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
1974. International Journal of Systematic iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type species: C. Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
eutactus Holdeman and Moore 1974 ATCC 7715
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Description: Bergey 8.
Moore. 1974. Ibid. C. callunae (Lee and Good 1963) Yamada and
C. catus Holdeman and Moore 1974 Komagata 1972
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Lee, W.H. and R.C. Good. 1963. Official
1974. International Journal of Systematic Gazette of the United States Patent
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: VPI Office 789:1349; Yamada, K. and K.
C6-6 1 Komagata. 1972. Journal of General and
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Applied Microbiology 18:417-431. Type
Moore. 1974. Ibid. strain: ATCC 15991
C. comes Holdeman and Moore 1974 Description: Yamada, K. and K. Komaga-
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. ta. 1972. Journal of General and Applied
1974. International Journal of Systematic Microbiology 18:399-416.
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: VPI C. cystitidis Yanagawa and Honda 1978
Cl-38 Yanagawa, R. and E. Honda. 1978.
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Moore. 1974. Ibid. teriology 28:209-216. Type strain: ATCC
C. eutactus Holdeman and Moore 1974 29593
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Description: Yanagawa, R. and E. Honda.
1974. International Journal of Systematic 1978. Ibid.
Bacteriology 24260-277. Type strain: C. dipbtberiae (Kruse 1886) Lehmann and
ATCC 27759 Neumann 1896
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Kruse, W. 1886 in Flugge, C. Die
Moore. 1974. Ibid. Mikroorganismen. F.C.W. Vogel, Leipzig;
Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896.
Corynebacterium Lehmann and Neumann 1896 Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896. und Lehrbuch der speziellen
Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie bakteriologischen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F.
und Lehrbuch der speciellen bakteriologis- Lehmann, Munchen. Type strain: ATCC
chen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann, 270 10
Munchen. Type species: C. diphtheriae Description: Barksdale, L. 1970. Bacterio-
(Kruse 1886) Lehmann and Neumann logical Reviews 34:4 14.
1896 C. equi Magnusson 1923
Description: Bergey 8. Magnusson, M. 1923. Archiv fur wissen-
C. betae Keyworth, Howell and Dowson 1956 schaftliche u. praktische Tierheilkunde 50:
Keyworth, W.G., J.T.S. Howell and W.J. 22-38. Type strain: ATCC 6939
Dowson. 1956. Plant Pathology 588-90. Description: Bergey 8.
Type strain: NCPPB 374 C. fascians (Tilford 1936) Dowson 1942

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Tilford, P.E. 1936. Journal of Agricultur- of the Linnean Society of New South
al Research 53:383-394; Dowson, W.J. Wales 59:19-61. Type strain: NCPPB
1942. Transactions of the British 1109
Mycological Society 25:3 I 1-314. Type Description: Bergey 8.
strain: ATCC 12974 C. kutscberi (Migula 1900) Bergey, Harrison,
Description: Bergey 8. Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1925
C. flaccumfaciens (Hedges 1922) Dowson 1 942 Migula, W. 1900. System der Bakterien,
Hedges, F. 1922. Science (Washington) Vol. 2. Gustav Fischer, Jena; Bergey,
55:433-434; Dowson, W.J. 1942. Transac- D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W.
tions of the British Mycological Society Hammer and F.M. Huntoon (eds). 1925.
25:311-314. Type strain: NCPPB 1446 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Description: Bergey 8. iology, 2nd ed. The Williams and Wilkins
C. flavescens Barksdale, Laneelle, Pollice, Assel- Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-462. Type strain:
ineau, Welby and Norgard 1979 ATCC 15677
Barksdale, L., M.-A. Leneelle, M.C. Description: Bergey 8.
Pollice, J. Asselineau, M. Welby and C. lilium Lee and Good 1963
M.V. Norgard. 1979. International Jour- Lee, W.H. and R.C. Good. 1963. Official
nal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:222- Gazette of the United States Patent
233. Type strain: ATCC 10340 Office 789:1349. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Barksdale, L., M.-A. 15990
Laneelle, M.C. Pollice, J. Asselineau, M. Description: Yamada, K. and K.
Welby and M.V. Norgard. 1979. Ibid. Komagata. 1972. Journal of General and
C. glutamicum (Kinoshita, Nakayama and Aki- Applied Microbiology 18:399-416.
ta 1958) Abe, Takayama and Kinoshita C. michiganense (Smith 1910) Jensen 1934
1967 Smith, E.F. 1910. Science (Washington)
Kinoshita, S., S. Nakayama and S. Akita. 31:794-796; Jensen, H.L. 1934. Proceed-
1958. Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemi- ings of the Linnean Society of New South
cal Society of Japan 22:176-185; Abe, S., Wales 59:19-61. Type strain: NCPPB
K. Takayama and S. Kinoshita. 1967. 2979
Journal of General and Applied Microbi- Description: Bergey 8.
ology 13:279-301. Type strain: ATCC C. nebraskense (Schuster, Hoff, Mandel and
13032 Lazar 1973) emend. Vidaver and Mandel
Description: Yamada, K. and K. 1974
Komagata. 1972. Journal of General and Schuster, M.L., B. Hoff, M. Mandel and
Applied Microbiology 18:399-416. I. Lazar. 1973. 27th Annual Corn and
C. hoagii (Morse 1912) Eberson 1918 Sorghum Research Conference Proceed-
Morse, M.E. 1912. Journal of Infectious ings, 1972, 27: 176-191 ; Vidaver, A.K. and
Diseases 1k253-285; Eberson, F. 1918. M. Mandel. 1974. International Journal
Journal of Infectious Diseases 23: 1-42. of Systematic Bacteriology 24:482-485.
Type strain: ATCC 7005 Type strain: NCPPB 2581
Description: Yamada, K. and K. Komaga- Description: Vidaver, A.K. and M.
ta. 1972. Journal of General and Applied Mandel. 1974. Ibid.
Microbiology 18:399-416. C. oortii Saaltink and Maas Geesteranus 1969
C. ilicis Mandel, Guba and Litsky 1961 Saaltink, G.J. and H.P. Maas Geester-
Mandel, M., E.F. Guba and W. Litsky. anus. 1969. Netherlands Journal of Plant
1961. Bacteriological Proceedings 1961:61. Pathology 75:123-128. Type strain: ATCC
Type strain: ATCC 14264 25283
Description: Dye, D.W. and W.J. Kemp. Description: Saaltink, G.J. and H.P. Maas
1977. New Zealand Journal of Agricul- Geesteranus. 1969. Ibid.
tural Research 20: 563- 582. C. paurometabolum Steinhaus 1941
C. insidiosum (McCulloch 1925) Jensen 1934 Steinhaus, E.A. 1941. Journal of
McCulloch, L. 1925. Phytopathology 15: Bacteriology 42:757-790. Type strain:
496-497; Jensen, H.J. 1934. Proceedings ATCC 8368

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Description: Bergey 8. 1906. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Para-
C. pilosum Yanagawa and Honda 1978 sitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
Yanagawa, R. and E. Honda. 1978. Hygiene. Abteilung 1. 40:79-91. Type
International Journal of Systematic Bac- strain: ATCC 19412
teriology 28:209-216. Type strain: ATCC Description: Bergey 8.
29592 C. sepedonicum (Spieckermann and Kotthoff
Description: Yanagawa, R. and E. Honda. 1914) Skaptason and Burkholder 1942
1978. Ibid. Spieckermann, A. and P. Kotthoff. 1914.
C. poinsettiae (Starr and Pirone 1942) Bur- Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbucher Berlin 46:
kholder 1948 659-732; Skaptason, J.B. and W.H.
Starr, M.P. and P.P. Pirone. 1942. Burkholder. 1942. Phytopathology 32:439-
Phytopathology 321076-1081; Burkholder, 441. Type strain: ATCC 33 113
W.H. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Description: Bergey 8.
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s C. striatum (Chester 1901) Eberson 1918
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Chester, F.D. 1901. A manual of
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., determinative bacteriology. The Macmil-
Baltimore. pp. 381-408. Type strain: Ian Co., New York. pp. 1-401; Eberson,
ATCC 9682 F. 1918. Journal of Infectious Diseases
Description: Bergey 8. 23:l-42. Type strain: ATCC 6940
C. pseudodiphtberiticum Lehmann and Neu- Description: Bergey 8.
mann 1896 C. xerosis Lehmann and Neumann 1899
Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896. Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1899.
Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie Lehmann’s Medizin, Handatlanten X.
und Lehrbuch der speziellen Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
bakteriologischen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologis-
Lehmann, Munchen. Type strain: ATCC . chen Diagnostik. 2. Auflage. 2:1-497.
10700 Type strain: ATCC 373
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
C. pseudotuberculosis (Buchanan 1911) Eberson
1918 Cowdria Moshkovski 1947
Buchanan, R.E. 191 1. Veterinary Bacteri- Moshkovski, S.D. 1947. Science (Wash-
ology. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia; ington) 106:62. Type species: C.
Eberson, F. 1918. Journal of Infectious ruminantiurn (Cowdry 1925) Moshkovski
Diseases 23: 1-42. Type strain: ATCC 1947
19410 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. C. ruminantium (Cowdry 1925) Moshkovski
C. pyogenes (Glage 1903) Eberson 1918 1947
Glage, F. 1903. Zeitschrift fur Fleisch Cowdry, E.V. 1925. Journal of Experi-
und Milchhygiene 13:166-175; Eberson, F. mental Medicine 42:23 1-252; Moshkovski,
1918. Journal of Infectious Diseases 23: 1- S.D. 1947. Science (Washington) 106:62.
42. Type strain: ATCC 19411 Type strain: no culture isolated.
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
C. ratbayi (Smith 1913) Dowson 1942
Smith, E.F. 1913. Science (Washington) Coxiella (Philip 1943) Philip 1948
38:926; Dowson, W.J. 1942. Transactions Philip, C.B. 1943. American Journal of
of the British Mycological Society 2531 1- Hygiene 37:301-309; Philip, C.B. 1948.
314. Type strain: NCPPB 2980 Public Health Report 63:58. Type species:
Description: Dye, D.W. and W.J. Kemp. C. burnetii (Derrick 1939) Philip 1948
1977. New Zealand Journal of Agricul- Description: Bergey 8.
tural Research 20563-582. C. burnetii (Derrick 1939) Philip 1948
C. renaie (Migula 1900) Ernst 1906 Derrick, E.H. 1939. Medical Journal of
Migula, W. 1900. System der Bakterien, Australia 1:14; Philip, C.B. 1948. Public
VoI. 2. Gustav Fischer, Jena; Emst, W. Health Report 6358.Type strain: ATCC

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VR 615 C. luteum (Komagata and Iizuka 1964) Yama-
Description: Bergey 8. da and Komagata 1972
Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka. 1964.
Crenothrix Cohn 1870 Journal of the Agricultural Chemical
Cohn, F. 1870. Beitrage zur Biologie der Society of Japan 38:496-502; Yamada, K.
Pflanzen 1:108-131. Type species: C. and K. Komagata. 1972. Journal of
polyspora Cohn 1870 General and Applied Microbiology 18:
Description: Bergey 8. 417-431. Type strain: IAM 1623
C. polyspora Cohn 1870 Description: Yamada, K. and K. Kornaga-
Cohn, F. 1870. Beitrage zur Biologie der ta. 1972. Ibid.
Pflanzen 1:108-131. Type strain: no C. pusillum (Iizuka and Komagata 1965)
culture isolated. Yamada and Komagata 1972
Description: Bergey 8. Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata. 1965.
Journal of General and Applied
Cristispira Gross 1910 Microbiology 11:l-14; Yamada, K. and K.
Gross, J. 1910. Mitteilungen aus der Komagata. 1972. Journal of General and
Zoologischen Station zu Neapel 20:4 1-93. Applied Microbiology 18:417-43 1. Type
Type species: C. pectinis Gross 1910 strain: ATCC 19096
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Yamada, K. amd K. Korna-
C. pectinis Gross 1910 gata. 1972. Ibid.
Gross, J. 1910. Mitteilungen aus der C. saperdae (Lysenko 1959) Yamada and
Zoologischen Station zu Neapel 20:41-93. Komagata 1972
Type strain: no culture isolated. Lysenko, 0. 1959. Journal of Insect
Description: Bergey 8. Pathology 1:34-42; Yamada, K. and K.
Komagata. 1972. Journal of General and
Curtobacterium Yamada and Komagata 1972 . Applied Microbiology 18:417-43 1. Type
Yamada, K. and K. Komagata. 1972. strain: ATCC 19272
Journal of General and Applied Microbi- Description: Yamada, K. and K. Komaga-
ology 18:417-431. Type species: C. ta. 1972. Ibid.
citreum (Komagata and Iizuka 1964) C. testaceum (Komagata and Iizuka 1964)
Yamada and Komagata 1972 Yamada and Komagata 1972
Description: Yamada, K. and K. Komaga- Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka. 1964.
ta. 1972. Ibid. Journal of the Agricultural Chemical
C. albidum (Komagata and Iizuka 1964) Society of Japan 38:496-502; Yamada, K.
Yamada and Komagata 1972 and K. Komagata. 1972. Journal of
Komagata, K. and H. Iizuka. 1964. General and Applied Microbiology 18:
Journal of the Agricultural Chemical 417-431. Type strain: ATCC 15829
Society of Japan 38:496-502; Yamada, K. Description: Yamada, K. and K. Komaga-
and K. Komagata. 1972. Journal of ta. 1972. Ibid.
General and Applied Microbiology 18:
4 17-431. Type strain: ATCC 15831 Cystobacter Schroeter 1886
Description: Yamada, K. and K. Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F.
Komagata. 1962. Ibid. Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3,
C. citreum (Komagata and Iizuka 1964) Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau.
Yamada and Komagata 1972 pp. 1-814. Type species: C. fuscus
Komagata, K. and H. lizuka. 1964. Schroeter 1886
Journal of the Agricultural Chemical Description: Bergey 8.
Society of Japan 38:496-502; Yamada, K. C. ferrugineus (Krzemieniewska and
and K. Komagata. 1972. Journal of Krzemieniewski 1927) McCurdy 1970
General and Applied Microbiology 18: Krzemieniewska, H. and S. Krzemieniews-
41 7-43 1. Type strain: ATCC 15828 ki. 1927. Acta Societatis Botanicorurn
Description: Yamada, K. and K. Komaga- Poloniae 579-98; McCurdy, H.D. 1970.
ta. 1972. Ibid. International Journal of Systematic Bac-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

teriology 20:283-296. Type strain: Wind- ATCC 17061

sor M-203 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. C. latercula Lewin 1969
C. fuscus Schroeter 1886 Lewin, R.A. 1969. Journal of General
Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F. Microbiology 58: 189-206. Type strain:
Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3, ATCC 23177
Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Ibid.
pp. 1-814. Type strain: ATCC 25194 C. lytica Lewin 1969
Description: Bergey 8. Lewin, R.A. 1969. Journal of General
C. minus (Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniewski Microbiology 58: 189-206. Type .strain:
1926) McCurdy 1970 ATCC 23178
Krzemieniewska, H. and S. Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Ibid.
Krzemieniewski. 1926. Acta Societatis C. salmonicolor Veldkamp 196 1
Botanicorum Poloniae 4: 1-54; McCurdy, Veldkamp, H. 1961. Journal of General
H.D. 1970. International Journal of Microbiology 26:33 1-342. Type strain:
Systematic Bacteriology 20:283- 296. Type ATCC 19041
strain: Windsor M-307 Description: Veldkamp, H. 1961. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8.
Dactylosporangium Thiemann, Pagani and Ber-
Cytopbaga Winogradsky 1929 etta 1967
Winogradsky, S. 1929. Annales de Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani and G.
I’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 43549-633. Type Beretta. 1967. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie
species: C. hutchinsonii Winogradsky 58:42-52. Type species: D. aurantiacum
1929 Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta 1967
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
C. aquatilis Strohl and Tait 1978 D. aurantiacum Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta
Strohl, W.R. and L.R. Tait. 1978. 1967
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani and G.
teriology 28:293-303. Type strain: ATCC Beretta. 1967. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie
2955 1 58:42-52. Type strain: ATCC 23491
Description: Strohl, W.R. and L.R. Tait. Description: Bergey 8.
1978. Ibid. D. thailandense Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta
C. fermentans Bachmann 1955 1967
Bachmann, B.J. 1955. Journal of General Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani and G.
Microbiology 13541-551. Type strain: Beretta. 1967. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie
ATCC 19072 58:42-52. Type strain: ATCC 23490
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
C. flevensis van der Meulen, Harder and
Veldkamp 1974 Dermatopbilus (Van Saceghem 19 1 5) Gordon
van der Meulen, H.J., W. Harder and H. 1964
Veldkamp. 1974. Antonie van Leeuwen- Van Saceghem, R. 1915. Bulletin de la
hoek Journal of Microbiology and Serolo- Societe de Pathologie Exotique 8:354-359;
gy 40:329-346. Type strain: ATCC 27944 Gordon, M.A. 1964. Journal of Bacteriol-
Description: van der Meulen, H.J., W. ogy 88509-522. Type species: D. congo-
Harder and H. Veldkamp. 1974. Ibid. Zensis (Van Saceghem 1915) Gordon 1964
C. butchinsonii Winogradsky 1929 Description: Bergey 8.
Winogradsky, S. 1929. Annales de D. congolensis (Van Saceghem 19 15) Gordon
1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 43549-633. Type 1964
strain: NCIB 9469 Van Saceghem, R. 1915. Bulletin de la
Description: Bergey 8. Societe de Pathologie Exotique 8:354-359;
C. jobnsonae Stanier 1947 Gordon, M.A. 1964. Journal of
Stanier, R.Y. 1947. Journal of Bacteriology 88509-522. Type strain:
Bacteriology 53:297-3 15. Type strain: ATCC 14637

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Widdel, F. and N. Pfennig.
1977. Ibid.
Derxia Jensen, Petersen, De and Bhattacharya D. nigrificans (Werkman and Weaver 1927)
1960 Campbell and Postgate 1965
Jensen, H.L., E.J. Petersen, P.K. De and Werkman, C.H. and H.J. Weaver. 1927.
R. Bhattacharya. 1960. Archiv fur Iowa State Journal of Science 257-67;
Mikrobiologie 36: 182-195. Type species: Campbell, L.L. and J.R. Postgate. 1965.
D. gummosa Jensen, Petersen, De and Bacteriological Reviews 29:359-363. Type
Bhattacharya 1960 strain: ATCC 19998
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
D. gummosa Jensen, Petersen, De and Bhatta- D. orientis Campbell and Postgate 1965
charya 1960 Campbell, L.L. and J.R. Postgate. 1965.
Jensen, H.L., E.J. Petersen, P.K. De and Bacteriological Reviews 29:359-363. Type
R. Bhattacharya. 1960. Archiv fur strain: ATCC 19365
Mikrobiologie 36: 182-195. Type strain: Description: Bergey 8.
ATCC 15994 D. ruminis Campbell and Postgate 1965
Description: Thompson, J.P. and V.B.D. Campbell, L.L. and J.R. Postgate. 1965.
Skerman. 1979. Azotobacteraceae - the Bacteriological Reviews 29:359-363. Type
taxonomy and ecology of the aerobic strain: ATCC 23193
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Academic Press, Description: Bergey 8.
London. pp. 3 10-313.
Desulfovibrio Kluyver and van Niel 1936
Desulfomonas Moore, Johnson and Holdeman Kluyver, A.J. and B.C. van Niel. 1936.
1976 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type
Systematic Bacteriology 26238-252. Type species: D. desuffuricans (Beijerinck
species: D. pigra Moore, Johnson and 1895) Kluyver and van Niel 1936
Holdeman 1976 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson D. africanus Campbell, Kasprzycki and Postgate
and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid. 1966
D. pigra Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976 Campbell, L.L., M.A. Kasprzycki and
Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. J.R. Postgate. 1966. Journal of Bacteriol-
Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of ogy 92: 1122-1 127. Type strain: NCIB
Systematic Bacteriology 26238-252. Type 840 1
strain: ATCC 29098 Description: Campbell, L.L., M.A.
Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson Kasprzycki and J.R. Postgate. 1966. Ibid.
and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid. D. desulfuricans (Beijerinck 1895) Kluyver and
van Niel 1936
Desulfotomaculum Campbell and Postgate 1965 Beijerinck, M.W. 1895. Zentralblatt fur
Campbell, L.L. and J.R. Postgate. 1965. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Bacteriological Reviews 29:359-363. Type skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 1:
species: D. nigrificans (Werkman and 104-114; Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel.
Weaver 1927) Campbell and Postgate 1936. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Para-
1965 sitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hy-
Description: Bergey 8. giene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type
D. acetoxidans Widdel and Pfennig 1977 strain: NCIB 8307
Widdel, F. and N. Pfennig. 1977 in Description: Bergey 8.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- D. desulfuricans subsp. aestuarii Postgate and
teriology 27:306; Effective publication Campbell 1966
Widdel, F, and N. Pfennig. 1977. Postgate, J.R. and L.L. Campbell. 1966.
Archives of Microbiology 112:I 19-122. Bacteriological Reviews 30:7 32-738. Type
Type strain: DSM 771 strain: NCIB 9335

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Description: Bergey 8. Pfennig, N. and H. Biebl. 1976. Archives
D. desulfuricans subsp. desulfuricans (Beijerinck of Microbiology 110:1 - 10. Type species:
1895) Kluyver and van Niel 1936 D. acetoxidans Pfennig and Biebl 1977
Beijerinck, M.W. 1895. Zentralblatt fur Description: Pfennig, N. and H. Biebl.
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, 1976. Ibid.
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- D. acetoxidans Pfennig and Biebl 1977
teilung I. 1:104-114; Kluyver, A.J. and Pfennig, N. and H. Biebl. 1977 in
C.B. van Niel. 1936. Zentralblatt fur International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- teriology 27:306; Effective publication
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Pfennig, N. and H. Biebl. 1976. Archives
94:369-403. Type strain: NCIB 8307 of Microbiology 110:1- 10. Type strain:
Description: Bergey 8. DSM 684
D. gigas Le Gall 1963 Description: Pfennig, N. and H. Biebl.
Le Gall, J. 1963. Journal of Bacteriology 1976. Ibid.
86:1120. Type strain: NCIB 9332
Description: Le Gall, J. 1963. Ibid.
D. salexigens Postgate and Campbell 1966
Postgate, J.R. and L.L. Campbell. 1966.
Bacteriological Reviews 30:732-738. Type Ectothiorhodospira Pelsh 1936
strain: ATCC 14822 Pelsh, A.O. 1936. Trudy Solyanoi Labora-
Description: Bergey 8. torii Vsesoyuznogo Instituta Metallurgii
D. thermophilus Rozanova and Khudyakova NISNKT. Izdatelstvo Akademya Nauk
1974 SSSR, Moscow
Rozanova, E.P. and A.I. Khudyakova. eningrad 5: 49-126. Type species: E.
1974. Microbiology 43:908-9 12. Type mobilis Pelsh 1936
strain: VKM V-1128 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Rozanova, E.P. and A.I. E. halochloris Imhoff and Truper 1979
Khudyakova. 1974. Ibid. Imhoff, J.F. and H.G. Truper. 1979 in
D. vulgaris Postgate and Campbell 1966 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Postgate, J.R. and L.L. Campbell. 1966. teriology 29:79-80; Effective publication
Bacteriological Reviews 30:732-738. Type Imhoff, J.F. and H.G. Truper. 1977.
strain: DSM 644 Archives of Microbiology 114:1 14- 12 1.
Description: Bergey 8. Type strain: DSM 1059
D. vulgaris subsp. oxamicus Postgate and Description: Imhoff, J.F. and H.G.
Campbell 1966 Truper. 1977. Ibid.
Postgate, J.R. and L.L. Campbell. 1966. E. halophila Raymond and Sistrom 1969
Bacteriological Reviews 30732-738. Type Raymond, J.C. and W.R. Sistrom. 1969.
strain: NCIB 9442 Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 69: 121- 126.
Description: Bergey 8. Type strain: DSM 244
D. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Postgate and Camp- Description: Bergey 8.
bell 1966 E. mobilis Pelsh 1936
Postgate, J.R. and L.L. Campbell. 1966. Pelsh, A.D. 1936. Trudy Solyanoi
Bacteriological Reviews 30:732-738. Type Laboratorii. Vsesoyuznogo Instituta Me-
strain: DSM 644 tallurgii NISNKT. Izdatelstvo Akademya
Description: Bergey 8. Nauk SSSR, Moscow
eningrad 549-126. Type strain: DSM 237
Description: Bergey 8.
E. shaposhnikovii Cherni, Soloveva, Fedorova
and Kondrateva 1969
Desulfuromonas Pfennig and Biebl 1977 Cherni, N.E., J.V. Soloveva, V.D. Fedoro-
Pfennig, N. and H. Biebl. 1977 in va and E.N. Kondrateva. 1969. Mikrobi-
International Journal of Systematic ologiya 38:479-484. Type strain: DSM
Bacteriology 27:306; Effective publication 243

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

Description: Bergey 8. on Tick-borne Diseases of livestock, Cairo.

United Nations, Rome 1962. pp. 41-43.
Edwardsiella Ewing and McWhorter 1965 Type strain: no culture isolated.
Ewing, W.H. and A.C. McWhorter. 1965 Description: Bergey 8.
in Ewing, W.H., A.C. McWhorter, M.R. Eikenella Jackson and Goodman 1972
Escobar and A.H. Lubin. International Jackson, F.L. and Y.E. Goodman. 1972.
Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature International Journal of Systematic Bac-
and Taxonomy 15:33-38. Type species: E. teriology 22:73-77. Type species: E.
tarda Ewing and McWhorter 1965 corrodens (Eiken 1958) Jackson and
Description: Bergey 8. Goodman 1972
E. anguillimortifera (Hoshina 1962) Sakazaki Description: Jackson, F.L. and Y.E.
and Tamura 1975 Goodman. 1972. Ibid.
Hoshina, T. 1962. Bulletin of the Society
E. corrodens (Eiken 1958) Jackson and Good-
of Scientific Fisheries (Japan) 28: 162;
man 1972
Sakazaki, R. and K. Tamura. 1975.
Eiken, M. 1958. Acta Pathologica et
International Journal of Systematic
Microbiologica Scandinavica 43:404-4 16;
Bacteriology 25:219-220. Type strain:
Jackson, F.L. and Y.E. Goodman. 1972.
ATCC 15947
International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Description: Sakazaki, R. and K. Tamura.
teriology 22:73-77. Type strain: ATCC
1975. Ibid.
E. tarda Ewing and McWhorter 1965
Description: Bergey 8.
Ewing, W.H. and A.C. McWhorter. 1965
in Ewing, W.H., A.C. McWhorter, M.R.
Escobar and A.H. Lubin. International
Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature
and Taxonomy 15:33-38. Type strain: Elytrosporangium Falcao de Morais, Batista and
ATCC 15947 Massa 1966
Description: Ewing, W.H., A.C. Falcao de Morais, J.O., A.C. Batista and
McWhorter, M.R. Escobar and A.H. D.M.G. Massa. 1966. Mycopathologia et
Lubin. 1965. Ibid. Mycologia Applicata 30: 16 1- 17 1 . Type
species: E. brasifiensis Falcao de Morais,
Batista and Massa 1966
Description: Falcao de Morais, J.O., C.
Batista and D.M.G. Massa. 1966. Ibid.
Ebrlicbia Moshkovski 1945 E. brasiliensis Falcao de Morais, Batista and
Moshkovski, S.D. 1945. Advances in Massa 1966
Modern Biology (Moscow) 19:1-44. Type Falcao de Morais, J.O., C. Batista and
species: E. canis (Donatien and Lesto- D.M.G. Massa. 1966. Mycopathologia et
quard 1935) Moshkovski 1945 Mycologia Applicata 30: 161- 171. Type
Description: Bergey 8. strain: ATCC 23727
E. canis (Donatien and Lestoquard 1935) Description: Falcao de Morais, J.O., C.
Moshkovski 1945 Batista and D.M.G. Massa. 1966. Ibid.
Donatien, A. and F. Lestoquard. 1935. E. carpinense Falcao de Morais, Oliveira da
Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Silva and Machado 1971
Exotique 28:418-419; Moshkovski, S.D. Falcao de Morais, J.O., J. Oliveira da
1945. Advances in Modern Biology Silva and C. Machado. 1971. Revista
(Moscow) 19:l-44. Type strain: no culture Microbiologia Brazil 2:203-206. Type
isolated. strain: 70-6-2 (Lab. Microbiol. Inst.
Description: Bergey 8. Biociencias Univer. Federal Pernambucco,
E. phagocytophila (Foggie 1949) Philip 1962 Recife, Brazil)
Foggie, A. 1949. Journal of General Description: Falcao de Morais, J.O., J.
Microbiology 35-6; Philip, C.B. 1962. Oliveira da Silva and C. Machado. 1971.
Report 2nd Meeting FAOIE Expert Panel Ibid.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
E. spirale Falcao de Morais 1970 E. coccoides Schilling 1928
Falcao de Morais, J.O. 1970. Revista Schilling, V. 1928. Klinische Wochen-
Microbiologia Brazil 1:79-84. Type strain: schrift 7:1854-1855. Type strain: no
ATCC 25664 culture isolated.
Description: Falcao de Morais, J.O. 1970. Description: Bergey 8.
Ibid. E. ovis Neitz, Alexander and du Toit 1934
Neitz, W.O., R.A. Alexander and P.J. du
Toit. 1934. Onderstepoort Journal of
Veterinary Science 3:263-274. Type strain:
no culture isolated.
Description: Bergey 8.
Enterobacter Hormaeche and Edwards 1960 E. parvum Splitter 1950
Hormaeche, E. and P.R. Edwards. 1960. Splitter, E.J. 1950. Science (Washington)
International Bulletin of Bacteriological 111513-514. Type strain: no culture
Nomenclature and Taxonomy 10:71-74. isolated.
Type species: E . cloacae (Jordan 1890) Description: Bergey 8.
Hormaeche and Edwards 1960 E. suis Splitter 1950
Description: Bergey 8. Splitter, E.J. 1950. Science (Washington)
E. aerogenes Hormaeche and Edwards 1960 111:5 13-514. Type strain: no culture
Hormaeche, E. and P.R. Edwards. 1960. isolated.
International Bulletin of Bacteriological Description: Bergey 8.
Nomenclature and Taxonomy 10:7 1-74. E. wenyonii Adler and Ellenbogen 1934
Type strain: ATCC 13048 Adler, S. and V. Ellenbogen. 1934.
Description: Hormaeche, E. and P.R. Journal of Comparative Pathology 47:220-
Edwards. 1960. Ibid. 221. Type strain: no culture isolated.
E. agglomerans Ewing and Fife 1972 Description: Bergey 8.
Ewing, W.H. and M.A. Fife. 1972.
International Journal of Systematic Envinia Winslow, Broadhurst, Buchanan,
Bacteriology 224-1 1. Type strain: ATCC Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith 1920
27 155 Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E.
Description: Ewing, W.H. and M.A. Fife. Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A.
1972. Ibid. Rogers and G.H. Smith. 1920. Journal of
E. cloacae (Jordon 1890) Hormaeche and Bacteriology 5:191-229. Type species: E .
Edwards 1960 amylovora (Burrill 1882) Winslow, Bro-
Jordan, E.O. 1890 in Sedgewick, W.T. adhurst, Buchanan, Krumwiede, Rogers
Report of the Massachusettes Board of and Smith 1920
Public Health, pp. 821-844; Hormaeche, Description: Bergey 8.
E. and P.R. Edwards. 1960. International E. amylovora (Burrill 1882) Winslow, Broad-
Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature hurst, Buchanan, Krumwiede, Rogers and
and Taxonomy 10:71-74. Type strain: Smith 1920
ATCC 13047 Burrill, T.J. 1882. Illinois Industrial
Description: Hormaeche, E. and P.R. University 11th Report pp. 93-157;
Edwards. 1960. Ibid. Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E.
Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A.
Rogers and G.H. Smith. 1920. Journal of
Bacteriology 5:19 1-229. Type strain:
ATCC 15580
Description: Bergey 8.
Eperytbrozoon Schilling 1928 E. ananas Serrano 1928
Schilling, V. 1928. Klinische Wochen- Serrano, F.B. 1928. Philippine Journal of
schrift 7:1854-1855. Type species: E . Science 36:27 1-305. Type strain: NCPPB
coccoides Schilling 1928 1846
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
E. cancerogena Urosevic 1966 also Pectobacterium cypripedii)
Urosevic, B. 1966. Lesnicky casopsis 12: Hori, S. 19 1 1. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriol-
493-505. Type strain: NCPPB 2176 ogie, Parasi ten kunde,
Description: Urosevic, B. 1966. Ibid. Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
E. carnegieana Standring 1942 (See also teilung 11. 31:85-92; Bergey, D.H., F.C.
Pectobacterium carnegieana) Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and
Standring, E.T. 1942 in Lightle, P.C., F.M. Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Manual of
E.T. Standring and J.G. Brown. Phytopa- Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The
thology 32:303-3 13. Type strain: NCPPB Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
439 1-442. Type strain: PDDCC 1591
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
E. carotovora (Jones 1901) Bergey, Harrison, E. dissolvens (Rosen 1922) Burkholder 1948
Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923 (See Rosen, H.R. 1922. Phytopathology 12:
also Pectobacterium carotovorum) 497-499; Burkholder, W.H. 1948 in
Jones, L.R. 1901. Zentralblatt fur Bakter- Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
iologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 7:12- Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. The
21; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 463-478. Type strain: ATCC 23373
1923. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Description: Dye, D.W. 1969. New
Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and Zealand Journal of Science 12:833-839.
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type E. herbicola (Lohnis 191 1) Dye 1964
strain: ATCC 15713 Lohnis, F. 191 1. Landwirtschaftlich-
Description: Bergey 8. bakteriologisches Praktikum. Gebruder
E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica (van Hall Borntraeger, Berlin. pp. 1- 156; Dye, D.W.
1902) Dye 1969 1964. New Zealand Journal of Science 7:
van Hall, C.J.J. 1902. Inaugural 261-269. Type strain: NCPPB 2971
Dissertation Amsterdam; Dye, D. W. 1969. Description: Bergey 8.
New Zealand Journal of Science 12:81- E. mallotivora Goto 1976
97. Type strain: NCPPB 549 Goto, M. 1976. International Journal of
Description: Bergey 8. Systematic Bacteriology 26:467-473. Type
E. carotovora subsp. carotovora (Jones 190 1) strain: ATCC 29573
Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and Description: Goto, M. 1976. Ibid.
Huntoon 1923 E. milletiae (Kawakami and Yoshida 1920)
Jones, L.R. 1901. Zentralblatt fur Bakter- Magrou 1937
iologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- Kawakami, K. and S. Yoshida. 1920.
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 7:12- Botanical Magazine Tokyo 34: 1 10- 1 15;
21; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Magrou, J. 1937 in Hauduroy, P., G.
Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G. Guillot and J.
1923. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Magrou (eds). Dictionnaire des bacteries
Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and pathogenes. Masson et Cie, Paris. p. 60.
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type Type strain: NCPPB 2519
strain: ATCC 15713 Description: Dye, D.W. 1969. New
Description: Bergey 8. Zealand Journal of Science 12:223-236.
E. chrysanthemi Burkholder, McFadden and E. nigrifluens Wilson, Starr and Berger 1957
Dimock 1953 (See also Pectobacterium Wilson, E.E., M.P. Starr and J.A. Berger.
chrysanthemi) 1957. Phytopathology 47:669-673. Type
Burkholder, W.H., L.A. McFadden and strain: ATCC 13028
A.V. Dimock. 1953. Phytopathology 43: Description: Wilson, E.E., M.P. Starr and
522-526. Type strain: ATCC 11663 J.A. Berger. 1957. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. E. nimipressuralis (Carter 1945) Dye 1969
E. cypripedii (Hori 1911 ) Bergey, Harrison, Carter, J.C. 1945. Illinois Natural Histo-
Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923 (See ry Survey Bulletin 23:407-448; Dye, D.W.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
1969. New Zealand Journal of Science Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923
12:833-839. Type strain: ATCC 9912 Smith, E.F. 1895. Zentralblatt fur
Description: Dye, D.W. 1969. Ibid. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
E. paradisiaca Fernandez-Borrero and Lopez- skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Duque 1970 1:364-373; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison,
Fernandez-Borrero, 0. and S. Lopez- R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M.
Duque. 1970. Cenicafe 21:3-44. Type Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Manual of
strain: NCPPB 251 1 Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The
Description: Fernandez-Borrero, 0. and S. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Lopez-Duque. 1970. Ibid. 1-442. Type strain: NCPPB 2452
E. quercina Hildebrand and Schroth 1967 Description: Bergey 8.
Hildebrand, D.C. and M.N. Schroth. E. uredovora (Pon, Townsend, Wessman,
1967. Phytopathology 57:250-253. Type Schmitt and Kingsolver 1954) Dye 1963
strain: ATCC 29281 Pon, D.S., C.E. Townsend, G.E. Wess-
Description: Hildebrand, D.C. and M.N. man, C.G. Schmitt and C.H. Kingsolver.
Schroth. 1967. Ibid. 1954. Phytopathology 44:707-7 10; Dye,
E. rhapontici (Millard 1924) Burkholder 1948 D.W. 1963. New Zealand Journal of
(See also Pectobacterium rhapontici) Science 6: 146-149. Type strain: ATCC
Millard, W.A. 1924. Bulletin of the 19321
University of Leeds and the Yorkshire Description: Bergey 8.
Council for Agricultural Education 134:1-
28; Burkholder, W.H. 1948 in Breed, Erysipelothrix Rosenbach 1909
R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens Rosenbach, F.J. 1909. Zeitschrift fur
(eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten Med-
Bacteriology, 6th ed. The Williams and izinische Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 463-478. Type Virologie 63:343-37 1. Type species: E .
strain: ATCC 29283 rhusiopathiae (Migula 1900) Buchanan
Description: Bergey 8. 1918
E. rubrifaciens Wilson, Zeitoun and Fredrickson Description: Bergey 8.
1967 E. rhusiopathiae (Migula 1900) Buchanan 1918
Wilson, E.E., F.M. Zeitoun and D.L. Migula, W. 1900. System der Bakterien,
Fredrickson. 1967. Phytopathology 57: Vol. 2. Gustav Fischer, Jena; Buchanan,
618-621. Type strain: ATCC 29291 . R.E. 1918. Journal of Bacteriology 3:27-
Description: Wilson, E.E., F.M. Zeitoun 61. Type strain: ATCC 19414
and D.L. Fredrickson. 1967. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
E. salicis (Day 1924) Chester 1939
Day, W.R. 1924. Oxford Forestry Mem- Escherichia Castellani and Chalmers 1919
oirs 3:l-30; Chester, F.D. 1939 in Bergey, Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919.
R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens Manual of tropical medicine, 3rd ed.
(eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Williams, Wood and Co., New York.
Bacteriology, 5th ed. The Williams and Type species: E. coli (Migula 1895)
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 404-420. Type Castellani and Chalmers 1919
strain: ATCC 15712 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. E. adecarboxylata Leclerc 1962
E. stewartii (Smith 1898) Dye 1963 Leclerc, H. 1962. Annales de 1’Institut
Smith, E.F. 1898. Proceedings of the Pasteur (Paris) 102:726-741. Type strain:
American Association for the ATCC 23216
Advancement of Science 47:422-426; Dye, Description: Leclerc, H. 1962. Ibid.
D.W. 1963. New Zealand Journal of E. blattae Burgess, McDermott and Whiting
Science 6:495-506. Type strain: ATCC 1973
8199 Burgess, N.R.H., S.N. McDermott and J.
Description: Bergey 8. Whiting. 1973. Journal of Hygiene
E. tracbeiphila (Smith 1895) Bergey, Harrison, (Cambridge) 71:l. Type strain: CDC

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9005-74 Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C.

Description: Burgess, N.R.H., S.N. Moore. 1974. International Journal of
McDermott and J. Whiting. 1973. Ibid. Systematic Bacteriology 24:260-277.
E. coli (Migula 1895) Castellani and Chalmers E. budayi (Le Blaye and Guggenheim 1914)
1919 Holdeman and Moore 1970
Migula, W. 1895 in Engler, A. and K. Le Blaye, R. and H. Guggenheim. 1914.
Prantl (eds). Die Naturlichen Pfanzen- Manuel pratique de diagnostic
familien, W. Engelmann, Leipzig, Teil I, bacteriologique et de technique appliquee
Abteilung Ia. pp. 20-30; Castellani, A. a la determination des bacteries. Vigot
and A.J. Chalmers. 1919. Manual of Freres (eds). Paris. pp. 1-444; Holdeman,
tropical medicine. 3rd ed. Williams, Wood L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970 in Cato,
and Co., New York. Type strain: ATCC E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L.
11775 Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert
Description: Bergey 8. and L.DS. Smith (eds). Outline of clinical
methods in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd
Eubacterium Prevot 1938 revision. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Prevot, A.R. 1938. Annales de 1’Institut Anaerobe Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virgin-
Pasteur (Paris) 60:285-307. Type species: ia. pp. 23-30. Type strain: ATCC 25541
E. fuedans (Klein 1908) Prevot 1938 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Description: Bergey 8. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
E. aerofaciens (Eggerth 1935) Prevot 1938 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Eggerth, A.H. 1935. Journal of Bacteriol- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
ogy 30:277-299; Prevot, A.R. 1938. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 1 56.
Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 60: E. cellulosolvens (Bryant, Small, Bouma and
285-307. Type strain: ATCC 25986 Robinson 1958) Holdeman and Moore
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato 1972
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Bryant, M.P., N. Small, C. Bouma and
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia I.M. Robinson. 1958. Journal of Bacteri-
Polytechnic Institute and State University, ology 76529-537; Holdeman, L.V. and
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. W.E.C. Moore. 1972 in Holdeman, L.V.
E. alactolyticum (Prevot and Taffanel 1942) and W.E.C. Moore (eds). Anaerobe
Holdeman and Moore 1970 Laboratory Manual. Virginia Polytechnic
Prevot, A.R. and J. Taffanel. 1942. Institute Anaerobe Laboratory,
Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 68: Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 39-47. Type
259-262; Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. strain: Bryant B348
Moore. 1970. in Cato, E.P., C.S. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods Polytechnic Institute and State University,
in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe E. combesii (Prevot and Laplanche 1947)
Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 23- Holdernan and Moore 1970
30. Type strain: ATCC 23263 Prevot, A.R. and J. Laplanche. 1947.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 73:
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe 687-688; Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Moore. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson,
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS.
E. biforme (Eggerth 1935) Prevot 1938 Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods
Eggerth, A.H. 1935. Journal of Bacteriol- in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision.
ogy 30:277-299; Prevot, A.R. 1938. Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe
Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 60: Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 23-
285-307. Type strain: ATCC 27806 30. Type strain: ATCC 25545

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Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Microbiology 71:457-463. Type strain:
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe NCIB 10446
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Description: Taylor, M.M. 1972. Ibid.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, E. formicigenerans Holdeman and Moore 1974
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore.
E. contortum (Prevot 1947) Holdeman, Cat0 1974. International Journal of Systematic
and Moore 1971 Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain:
Prevot, A.R. 1947. Annales de I’Institut ATCC 27755
Pasteur (Paris) 73409-4 18; Holdeman, Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C.
L.V., E.P. Cat0 and W.E.C. Moore. 1971. Moore. 1974. Ibid.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- E. hadrum Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976
teriology 21:304-306. Type strain: ATCC Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V.
25540 Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Systematic Bacteriology 26238-252. Type
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe strain: VPJ B2-52
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson
Polytechnic Institute and State University, and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. E. hallii Holdeman and Moore 1974
E. cylindroides (Rocchi 1908) Holdeman and Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore.
Moore 1970 1974. International Journal of Systematic
Rocchi, G. 1908. Bulletin0 delle Scienze Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: VPI
Mediche (Societa di Bologna) %:457-528; B4-27
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970 Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C.
in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. Moore. 1974. Ibid.
Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, E. lentum (Eggerth 1935) Prevot 1938
R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds). Eggerth, A.H. 1935. Journal of Bacteriol-
Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic ogy 30:277-299; Prevot, A.R. 1938.
bacteriology, 2nd revision. Virginia Poly- Annales de l’lnstitut Pasteur (Paris) 60:
technic Institute Anaerobe Laboratory, 285-307. Type strain: ATCC 25559
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 23-30. Type Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
strain: ATCC 27803 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
and W.E.C. Moore (4s). 1977. Anaerobe Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, E. limosum (Eggerth 1935) Prevot 1938
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Eggerth, A.H. 1935. Journal of
E. dolichum Moore, Johnson and Holdeman Bacteriology 30:277-299; Prevot, A.R.
1976 1938. Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris)
Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. 60:285-307. Type strain: ATCC 8486
Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Systematic Bacteriology 26:238-252. Type and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
strain: ATCC 29143 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
E. eligens Holdeman and Moore 1974 E. moniliforme (Repaci 1910) Holdeman and
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Moore 1970
1974. International Journal of Systematic Repaci, G. 1910. Comptes Rendus des
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: VPI Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris)
C 15-48 68:410-412; Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C.
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S.
Moore. 1974. Ibid. Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson,
E. fissicatena Taylor 1972 W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS.
Taylor, M.M. 1972. Journal of General Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods

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in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision. E. rectale (Hauduroy, Ehringer, Urbain, Guillot

Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe and Magrou 1937) Prevot 1938
Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 23- Hauduroy, P., G. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G.
30. Type strain: ATCC 25546 Guillot and J. Magrou. 1937. Dictionnaire
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 des bacteries pathogenes. Masson et Cie,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Paris; Prevot, A.R. 1938. Annales de
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 60:285-307. Type
Polytechnic Institute and State University, strain: VPI 0989
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
E. multiforme (Distaso 191 1) Holdeman and and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Moore 1970 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Distaso, A. 19 11. Zentralblatt fur Bakter- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
iologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 59:97- E. ruminantium Bryant 1959
103; Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Bryant, M.P. 1959. Bacteriological Re-
1970. in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. views 23:125-153. Type strain: ATCC
Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, 17233
R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds). Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato
Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
bacteriology, 2nd revision. Virginia Poly- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
technic Institute Anaerobe Laboratory, Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 23-30. Type Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
strain: ATCC 25552 E. saburreum (Prevot 1966) Holdeman and
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Moore 1970
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Prevot, A.R. 1966. Manual for the
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia classification and determination of the
Polytechnic Institute and State University, anaerobic bacteria. 1st American ed.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. transl. by V. Fredette, Lea and Febiger,
E. nitritogenes Prevot 1940 Philadelphia. pp. 1-402; Holdeman, L.V.
Prevot, A.R. 1940. Comptes Rendus des and W.E.C. Moore. 1970. In Cato, E.P.,
Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris) C.S. Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L.
134:353-355. Type strain: ATCC 25547 Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 and L.DS. Smith (eds). Outline of clinical
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe methods in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia revision. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Anaerobe Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virgin-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. ia. pp. 23-30. Type strain: VPI 11763
E. plexicaudatum Wilkins, Fulghum and Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Wilkins 1974 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Wilkins, T.D., R.S. Fulghum and J.H. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Wilkins. 1974. International Journal of Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Systematic Bacteriology 24:408-411. Type Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
strain: VPI 7582 E. siraeum Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976
Description: Wilkins, T.D., R.S. Fulghum Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V.
and J.H. Wilkins. 1974. Ibid. Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of
E. ramulus Moore, Johnson and Holdeman Systematic Bacteriology 26:238-252. Type
1976 strain: ATCC 29066
Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson
Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid.
Systematic Bacteriology 26:238-252. Type E. tarantellus Udey, Young and Sallman 1977
strain: ATCC 29099 Udey, L.R., E. Young and B. Sallman.
Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson 1977 in International Journal of System-
and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid. atic Bacteriology 27:306; Effective

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publication Udey, L.R., E. Young and B. E. viridilutea Agre and Guzeva 1975
Sallman. 1977. Journal of the Fisheries Description: Agre, N.S. and L.N. Guzeva.
Research Board of Canada 34:402-409. 1975. Ibid.
Type strain: ATCC 29255 E. viridilutea Agre and Guzeva 1975
Description: Udey, L.R., E. Young and B. Agre, N.S. and L.N. Guzeva. 1975.
Sallman. 1977. Ibid. Mikrobiologiya 44:459-463. Type strain:
E. tenue (Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer INMI 187
and Huntoon 1923) Holdeman and Moore Description: Agre, N.S. and L.N. Guzeva.
1970 1975. Ibid.
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. Flavobacterium Bergey, Harrison, Breed,
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Hammer and Huntoon 1923
iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442; Holdeman, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970 in Cato, Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type species:
and L.DS. Smith (4s). Outline of clinical F. aquatile (Frankland and Frankland
methods in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd 1889) Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer
revision. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Huntoon 1923
Anaerobe Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virgin- Description: Bergey 8.
ia. pp. 23-30. Type strain: ATCC 25553 F. acidificum Steinhaus 1941
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Steinhaus, E.A. 1941. Journal of Bacteri-
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe ology 42:757-790. Type strain: NCIB
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 989 1
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Description: Steinhaus, E.A. 1941. Ibid.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. F. acidurans Millar 1973
E. tortuosum (Debono 1912) Prevot 1938 Millar, W.N. 1973. International Journal
Debono, M. 1912. Zentralblatt fur of Systematic Bacteriology 23: 142- 1 50.
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Type strain: ATCC 27383
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. Description: Millar, W.N. 1973. Ibid.
62:229-234; Prevot, A.R. 1938. Annales F. aquatile (Frankland and Frankland 1889)
de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 60:285-307. Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and
Type strain: ATCC 25548 Huntoon 1923
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Frankland, G.C. and P.F. Frankland.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe 1889. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene und Infek-
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia tionskrankheiten Medizinische
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Virologie
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. 6:373-400; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison,
E. ventriosum (Tissier 1908) Prevot 1938 R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M.
Tissier, H. 1908. Annales de I’Institut Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Manual of
Pasteur (Paris) 22: 189-208; Prevot, A.R. Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The
1938. Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
60:285-307. Type strain: ATCC 27560 1-442. Type strain: ATCC 11947
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Description: Weeks, O.B. 1955. Journal of
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Bacteriology 69:649-658.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia F. balustinum Harrison 1929
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Harrison, F.C. 1929. Canadian Journal of
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Research 1:214-239. Type strain: NCTC
Excellospora Agre and Guzeva 1975 Description: Harrison, F.C. 1929. Ibid.
Agre, N.S. and L.N. Guzeva. 1975. F. capsulatum Leifson 1962
Mikrobiologiya 44:459-463. Type species: Leifson, E. 1962. International Bulletin of

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Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxon- Description: Campbell, L.L. and O.B.
omy 12161-170. Type strain: ATCC Williams. 195 1. Ibid.
14666 F. marinotypicum ZoBell and Upham 1944
Description: Leifson, E. 1962. Ibid. ZoBell, C.E. and H.C. Upham. 1944.
F. devorans (Zimmermann 1890) Bergey, Harri- Bulletin Scripps Institution of Oceanogra-
son, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923 phy University of California (Technical
Zimmermann, O.E.R. 1890. 1. Reihe, Series) 5:239-292. Type strain: ATCC
Elfter Bericht der Naturwissenschaftlichen 19260
Gesellschaft Chemnitz, pp. 54-1 54; Ber- Description: Zobell, C.E. and H.C.
gey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, Upham. 1944. Ibid.
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. F. meningosepticum King 1959
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative King, E.O. 1959. American Journal of
Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and Clinical Pathology 31:241-247. Type
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain: ATCC 13253
strain: ATCC 10829 Description: King, E.O. 1959. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. F. oceanosedimentum Carty and Litchfield 1978
F. esteraromaticum (Omelianski 1923) Bergey, Carty, C.E. and C.D. Litchfield. 1978.
Harrison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon International Journal of Systematic Bac-
1930 teriology 28:56 1-566. Type strain: ATCC
Omelianski, V.L. 1923. Journal of Bacter- 31317
iology 8:393-419; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Description: Carty, C.E. and C.D. Litch-
Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and field. 1978. Ibid.
F.M. Huntoon (eds). 1930. Bergey’s F. odoratum Stutzer 1929
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Stutzer, M. 1929. Zentralblatt fur Bakter-
3rd ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., iologie, Parasitenkunde,
Baltimore. pp. 1-589. Type strain: ATCC Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
809 1 teilung I. 102:113. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, 465 1
R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Description: Stutzer, M. 1929. Ibid.
Huntoon. 1930. Ibid. F. okeanokoites ZoBell and Upham 1944
F. ferrugineum Sickles and Shaw 1934 ZoBell, C.E. and H.C. Upham. 1944.
Sickles, G.M. and M. Shaw. 1934. Bulletin Scripps Institution of Oceanogra-
Journal of Bacteriology 28:4 15-43 1. Type phy University of California (Technical
strain: ATCC 13524 Series) 5:239-292. Type strain: CCM 320
Description: Sickles, G.M. and M. Shaw. Description: Zobell, C.E. and H.C.
1934. Ibid. Upham. 1944. Ibid.
F. halmephilium Elazari-Volcani 1940 F. resinovorum Delaporte and Daste 1956
Elazari-Volcani, B. 1940. Studies on the Delaporte, B. and P. Daste. 1956. Compte
microflora of the Dead Sea. In Hebrew, Rendu de 1’Academie des Sciences (Paris)
English summary. Thesis, Hebrew Univer- 24283 1-834. Type strain: NCIB 8767
sity Jerusalem. Type strain: ATCC 19717 Description: Delaporte, B. and P. Daste.
Description: Elazari-Volcani, B. 1940. 1956. Ibid.
Ibid. F. uliginosum ZoBell and Upham 1944
F. heparinum Payza and Korn 1956 ZoBell, C.E. and H.C. Upham. 1944.
Payza, A.N. and E.D. Korn. 1956. Bulletin Scripps Institution of Oceanogra-
Journal of Biological Chemistry 223353- phy University of California (Technical
858. Type strain: ATCC 13125 Series) 5:239-292. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Payza, A.N. and E.D. Korn. 14397
1956. Ibid. Description: Zobell, C.E. and H.C.
F. indoltheticum Campbell and Williams 195 1 Upham. 1944. Ibid.
Campbell, L.L. and O.B. Williams. 1951.
Journal of General Microbiology 55394- Flectobacillus Larkin, Williams and Taylor 1 977
905. Type strain: ATCC 27950 Larkin, J.M., P.M. Williams and R.

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Taylor. 1977. International Journal of ATCC 27820

Systematic Bacteriology 27: 147-156. Type Description: Lewin, R.A. 1974. Ibid.
species: F. major Larkin, Williams and F. roseolus Lewin 1969
Taylor 1977 Lewin, R.A. 1969. Journal of General
Description: Larkin, J.M., P.M. Williams Microbiology 58: 189-206. Type strain:
and R. Taylor. 1977. Ibid. ATCC 23088
F. major (Gromov 1963) Larkin, Williams and Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Tbid.
Taylor 1977 F. ruber Lewin 1969
Gromov, B.V. 1963. Doklady Akademii Lewin, R.A. 1969. Journal of General
Nauk SSSR 152:733-734; Larkin, J.M., Microbiology 58: 189-206. Type strain:
P.M. Williams and R. Taylor. 1977. ATCC 23103
International Journal of systematic Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Ibid.
Bacteriology 27: 147-156. Type strain: F. sancti Lewin 1969
DSM 103 Lewin, R.A. 1969. Journal of General
Description: Larkin, J.M., P.M. Williams Microbiology 58: 189-206, Type strain:
and R. Taylor. 1977. Ibid. ATCC 23092
F. marinus (Raj 1976) Borrall and Larkin 1978 Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Ibid.
Raj, H.D. 1976. International Journal of F. tractuosus (Lewin 1969) Leadbetter 1974
Systematic Bacteriology 26528-544; Bor- Lewin, R.A. 1969. Journal of General
rall, R. and J.M. Larkin. 1978. Interna- Microbiology 58: 189-206; Leadbetter,
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology E.R. 1974 Bergey 8. Type strain: ATCC
28:341-343. Type strain: ATCC 25205 23168
Description: Raj, H.D. 1976. Ibid. Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Ibid.

Flexibacter Soriano 1945 Flexithrix Lewin 1970

Soriano, S. 1945. Ciencia e Investigacion Lewin, R.A. 1970. Canadian Journal of
(Buenos Aires) 1:92-93. Type species: F. Microbiology 16:s 11-515. Type species: F.
flexifis Soriano 1945 dorotheae Lewin 1970
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
F. aggregans (Lewin 1969) Leadbetter 1974 F. dorotheae Lewin 1970
Lewin, R.A. 1969. Journal of General Lewin, R.A. 1970. Canadian Journal of
Microbiology 58:189-206; Leadbetter, Microbiology 16511-5 15. Type strain:
E.R. 1974 Bergey 8. Type strain: ATCC ATCC 23163
23 162 Description: Lewin, R.A. 1970. Ibid.
Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Ibid.
F. aurantiacus Lewin 1969 Francisella Dorofeev 1947
Lewin, R.A. 1969. Journal of General Dorofeev, K.A. 1947. Symposium Re-
Microbiology 58:189-206. Type strain: search Works Institute Epidemiology and
ATCC 23107 Microbiology Chita 1:170-180. Type spe-
Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Ibid. cies: F. tufarensis (McCoy and Chapin
F. flexilis Soriano 1945 1912) Dorofeev 1947
Soriano, S. 1945. Ciencia e Investigacion Description: Bergey 8.
(Buenos Aires) 1:92-93. Type strain: F. novicida (Larson, Wicht and Jellison 1955)
ATCC 23079 Olsufiev, Emelyanova and Dunaeva 1959
Description: Soriano, S, 1945. Ibid. Larson, C.L., W. Wicht and W.L.
F. litoralis Lewin 1969 Jellison. 1955. Public Health Report 70:
Lewin, R.A. 1969. Journal of General 253-258; Olsufiev, N.G., O.S. Emelyanova
Microbiology 58:189-206. Type strain: and T.N. Dunaeva. 1959. Journal of
ATCC 23117 Hygiene, Epidemiology, Microbiology and
Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Ibid. Immunology (Prague) 3:138-149. Type
F. polymorphus Lewin 1974 strain: ATCC 15482
Lewin, R.A. 1974. Journal of General Description: Bergey 8.
Microbiology 82:393-403. Type strain: F. tularensis (McCoy and Chapin 1912) Doro-

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feev 1947 Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. Holde-

McCoy, G.W. and C.W. Chapin. 1912. man, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, R.M.
Journal of Infectious Diseases 10:61-72; Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds). Outline
Dorofeev, K.A. 1947. Symposium of clinical methods in anaerobic bacteriol-
Research Works Institute Epidemiology ogy 2nd revision. Virginia Polytechnic
and Microbiology Chita 1:170-180. Type Institute Anaerobe Laboratory,
strain: ATCC 6223 Blacksburg, Virginia. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Bergey 8. 25557
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Frankia Brunchorst 1886 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Brunchorst, J. 1886. Botanische Institut Laboratory Manual 4th ed. Virginia
Tubingen 2:151-177. Type species: F. alni Polytechnic Institute and State University,
(Woronin 1866) Von Tubeuf 1895 Blacksubrg, Virginia. pp. 1- 1 56.
Description: Bergey 8. F. naviforme (Jungano 1909) Moore and
F. alni (Woronin 1866) Von Tubeuf 1895 Holdeman 1970
Woronin, M. 1866. Memoires de Jungano, M. 1909. Comptes Rendus des
1’Academie des Sciences St Petersburg 10: Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris)
1-10; Von Tubeuf, K. 1895. Pflanzenkran- 66:122-124; Moore, W.E.C. and L.V.
kheiten durch kryptogame Parasiten Holdeman. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S.
verursacht. Verlag J Springer, Berlin. pp. Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson,
1-599. Type strain: no culture isolated. W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS.
Description: Bergey 8. Smith (eds). Outline of clinical in
anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision. Vir-
Fusobacterium Knorr 1922 ginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe Lab-
Knorr, M. 1922. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- oratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. Type strain:
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- ATCC 25832
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 89:4- Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
22. Type species: F. nucleatum Knorr and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
1922 Laboratory Manual 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Bergey 8. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
F. gonidiaformans (Tunnicliff and Jackson Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
1925) Moore and Holdeman 1970 F. necrogenes (Weinberg, Nativelle and Prevot
Tunnicliff, R. and L. Jackson. 1925. 1937) Moore and Holdeman 1970
Journal of Infectious Diseases 36:430-438; Weinberg, M., R. Nativelle and A.R.
Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1970 Prevot. 1937. Masson et Cie, Paris. pp. 1-
in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. 1186; Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. Holde-
Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, man. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins,
R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds). L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C.
Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith
bacteriology 2nd revision. Virginia Poly- (eds). Outline of clinical methods in
technic Institute Anaerobe Laboratory, anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision.
Blacksburg, Virginia. Type strain: ATCC Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe
25563 Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. Type
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato strain: ATCC 25556
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Laboratory Manual 4th ed. Virginia
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
F. mortiferum (Harris 1901) Moore and Holde- Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
man 1970 F. necrophorum (Flugge 1886) Moore and
Harris, N.M. 1901. Journal of Experi- Holdeman 1969
mental Medicine 6:5 19-547; Moore, Flugge, C. 1886. Die Mikroorganismen
W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman 1970 in F.C.W. Vogel, Leipzig. pp. 1-692; Moore,

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W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1969 in W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS.
Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. Holde- Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods
man, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, R.M. in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision.
Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds). Outline Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe
of clinical methods in anaerobic bacteriol- Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. Type
ogy, 1st revision. Virginia Polytechnic strain: ATCC 27768
Institute Anaerobe Laboratory, Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-107. Type and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
strain: ATCC 25286 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 1 56.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia F. russii (Hauduroy, Ehringer, Urbain, Guillot
Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Magrou 1937) Moore and Holdeman
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. 1970
F. nucleatum Knorr 1922 Hauduroy, P., G. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G.
Knorr, M. 1922. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Guillot, and J. Magrou. 1937. Diction-
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- naire des bacteries pathogenes. Masson et
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 89:4- Cie, Paris. pp. 1-597; Moore, W.E.C. and
22. Type strain: ATCC 25586 L.V. Holdeman. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson,
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods
Polytechnic Institute and State University, in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe
F. perfoetens (Tissier 1905) Moore and Holde- Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. Type
man 1973 strain: ATCC 25533
Tissier, H. 1905. Annales de 1’Institut Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Pasteur (Paris) 19:109-123; Moore, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1973. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
teriology 23:69-74. Type strain: ATCC Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
29250 F. varium (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Moore
Description: Van Assche, P.F. and A.T. and Holdeman 1969
Wilssens. 1977. International Journal of Eggerth, A.H. and B.H. Gagnon. 1933.
Systematic Bacteriology 27: 1-5. Journal of Bacteriology 25:389-413;
F. plauti Seguin 1928 Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1969
Seguin, P. 1928. Comptes Rendus des in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.
Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris) Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore,
99:439-442. Type strain: ATCC 29863 R.M. Smibert and L.DS Smith (eds).
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe bacteriology, 1st revision. Virginia Poly-
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia tech Institute Anaerobe Laboratory,
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 107. Type
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. strain: ATCC 8501
F. prausnitzii (Hauduroy, Ehringer, Urbain, Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Guillot and Magrou 1937) Moore and and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977
Holdeman 1970 Anaerobe Laboratory Manual, 4th ed.
Hauduroy, P., G. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Guillot, and J. Magrou. 1937. Diction- University, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-
naire des bacteries pathogenes. Masson et 156.
Cie, Paris. pp. 1-597; Moore, W.E.C. and
L.V. Holdeman. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S. Gallionella Ehrenberg 1838
Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, Ehrenberg, C.G. 1838. Die Infusionsthier-

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chen als vollkommene Organismen. L. Cluconobacter (Asai 1935) Asai, Iizuka and
Voss, Leipzig. Type species: G. ferruginea Komagata 1964
Ehrenberg 1838 Asai, T. 1935. Journal of the Agricultural
Description: Bergey 8. Chemical Society of Japan 11:674-708;
G. ferruginea Ehrenberg 1838 Asai, T., H. Iizuka and K. Komagata.
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1838. Type strain: no 1964. Journal of General and Applied
culture isolated. Microbiology 10:95-126. Type species: G.
Description: Bergey 8. oxydans (Henneberg 1897) De Ley 1961
Description: Bergey 8.
Gemella Berger 1960 G. oxydans (Henneberg 1897) De Ley 1961
Berger, U. 1960. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene Henneberg, W. 1897. Zentralblatt fur
und Infektionskrankheiten Medizinische Bakteriologie, Parasiten kunde,
Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Virologie Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
146:253-259. Type species: G. haemolys- teilung 11. 3:223-231; De Ley, J. 1961.
ans (Thjotta and Boe 1938) Berger 1960 Journal of General Microbiology 24:3 1-
Description: Bergey 8. 50. Type strain: ATCC 19357
G. baemolysans (Thjotta and Boe 1938) Berger Description: Bergey 8.
1960 G. oxydans subsp. industrius (Henneberg 1898)
Thjotta, T. and J. Boe. 1938. Acta De Ley and Frateur 1974
Pathologica et Bacteriologica Scandinavi- Henneberg, W. 1898. Deutsche Essi-
ca Supplement 37527-531; Berger, U. gindustrie 2:145-148; De Ley, J. and J.
1960. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene und Frateur. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type strain:
Infektionskrankheiten Medizinische Mi- LMD 24.1
krobiologie, Immunologie und Virologie Description: Bergey 8.
146:253-259. Type strain: ATCC 10379 G. oxydans subsp. melanogenes (Beijerinck
Description: Bergey 8. 1911) De Ley and Frateur 1974
Beijerinck, M. 1911. Zentralblatt fur
Gemmiger Gossling and Moore 1975 Ba kteriologie, Parasi ten kunde, In fek tion-
Gossling, J. and W.E.C. Moore. 1975. skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 29:169-176; De Ley, J. and J. Frateur.
teriology 25:202-207. Type species: G. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type strain: LMD 29.2
formicilis Gossling and Moore 1975 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Gossling, J. and W.E.C. G. oxydans subsp. oxydans (Henneberg 1897)
Moore. 1975. Ibid. De Ley 1961
G. formicilis Gossling and Moore 1975 Henneberg, W. 1897. Zentralblatt fur
Gossling, J. and W.E.C. Moore. 1975. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde,
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
teriology 25202-207. Type strain: ATCC teilung 11. 3:223-231; De Ley, J. 1961.
27749 Journal of General Microbiology 24:3 1-
Description: Gossling, J. and W.E.C. 50. Type strain: ATCC 19357
Moore. 1975. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
G. oxydans subsp. sphaericus Ameyama 1975
Geodermatophilus Luedemann 1968 Ameyama, M. 1975. International Journal
Luedemann, G.M. 1968. Journal of of Systematic Bacteriology 25:365-370.
Bacteriology 96: 1848-1858. Type species: Type strain: I F 0 12467
G. obscurus Luedemann 1968 Description: Ameyama, M. 1975. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. G. oxydans subsp. suboxydans (Kluyver and de
G. obscurus Luedemann 1968 Leeuw 1924) De Ley and Frateur 1974
Luedemann, G.M. 1968. Journal of Kluyver, A.J. and F.J.G. de Leeuw. 1924.
Bacteriology 96:1848-1858. Type strain: Tijdschrift voor vergeeijkende genees-
ATCC 25078 kunde, gezondheidsleer en parasitaire en
Description: Luedemann, G.M. 1968. Ibid. infectieziekten 10:170-28I; De Ley, J. and
J. Frateur. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type strain:

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LMD 23.2 parasitologie humaine, 5th ed. J. Lemaire
Description: Bergey 8. Paris; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S.
Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon.
Haemobartonella Tyzzer and Weinman 1939 1923. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
Tyzzer, E.E. and D. Weinman. 1939. Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and
American Journal of Hygiene 30: 14 1- 157. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 271. Type
Type species: H. muris (Mayer 1921) strain: CIP 542
Tyzzer and Weinman 1939 Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of
Description: Bergey 8. General Microbiology 93:9-62.
H. muris (Mayer 1921) Tyzzer and Weinman H. haemoglobinophilus (Lehmann and Neumann
1939 1907) Murray 1939
Mayer, M. 1921. Archiv fur Schiffs und Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1907.
Tropenhygiene 25: 1 50- 152; Tyzzer, E.E. Lehmann’s Medizin, Handatlanten. X
and D. Weinman. 1939. American Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
Journal of Hygiene 30:141-157. Type und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologis-
strain: no culture isolated. chen Diagnostik. Vol. 2, 4th ed. p. 270;
Description: Bergey 8. Murray, R.G.E. 1938 in Bergey, D.H.,
R.S. Breed, E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
Haemophilus Winslow, Broadhurst, Buchanan, Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith 1917 Determinative Bacteriology, 5th ed. The
Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p.
Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A. 309. Type strain: NCTC 1659
Rogers and G.H. Smith. 1917. Journal of Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of
Bacteriology 2505-566. Type species: H . General Microbiology 93:9-62.
influenzae (Lehmann and Neumann H. haemolyticus Bergey, Harrison, Breed,
1896) Winslow, Broadhurst, Buchanan, Hammer and Huntoon 1923
Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith 1917 Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
Description: Bergey 8. B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
H. aegyptius (Trevisan 1889) Pittman and Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Davis 1950 iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Trevisan, V. 1889. I. Generi e le Specie Co., Baltimore. p. 271. Type strain:
delle Battieriacee. Zanaboni and Gabuzzi, NCTC 10659
Milano; Pittman, M. and D.J. Davis. Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of
1950. Journal of Bacteriology 59:413-426. General Microbiology 93:9-62.
Type strain: ATCC I 1 116 H. influenzae (Lehmann and Neumann 1896)
Description: Pittman, M. and D.J. Davis. Winslow, Broadhurst, Buchanan,
1950. Ibid. Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith 1917
H. aphrophilus Khairat 1940 Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896.
Khairat, 0. 1940. Journal of Pathology Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
and Bacteriology 50:497-505. Type strain: und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologis-
NCTC 5906 chen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann,
Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of Munchen; Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broad-
General Microbiology 93:9-62. hurst, R.E. Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr.,
H. avium Hinz and Kunjara 1977 L.A. Rogers and G.H. Smith. 1917.
Hinz, K.H. and C. Kunjara. 1977. Journal of Bacteriology 2505-566. Type
International Journal of Systematic Bac- strain: NCTC 8143
teriology 27:324-329. Type strain: ATCC Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of
29546 General Microbiology 93:9-63.
Description: Hinz, K.H. and C. Kunjara. H. paragallinarum Biberstein and White 1969
1977. Ibid. Biberstein, E.L. and D.C. White. 1969.
H. ducreyi (Neveu-Lemaire 1921) Bergey, Har- Journal of Medical Microbiology 2:75-78.
rison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923 Type strain: ATCC 29545
Neveu-Lemaire, M. 1921. Precis de la Description: Hinz, K.H. and C. Kunjara.

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1977. International Journal of Systematic Kilian, M. 1977 in International Journal
Bacteriology 27:324-329. of Systematic Bacteriology 27:306; Effec-
H. parahaemolyticus Pittman 1953 tive publication Kilian, M. 1976. Journal
Pittman, M. 1953. Journal of Bacteriolo- of General Microbiology 93:9-62. Type
gy 65:750-751. Type strain: ATCC 10014 strain: NCTC 10977
Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of Description: Kilian, M. and J. Theilade.
General Microbiology 93:9-62. 1978. International Journal of Systematic
H. parainfluenzae Rivers 1922 Bacterioloy 28:4 1 1-415.
Rivers, T.M. 1922. Johns Hopkins H. vaginalis Gardner and Dukes 1955
Hospital Bulletin 33:429-43 1. Type strain: Gardner, H.L. and C.D. Dukes. 1955.
NCTC 7857 American Journal of Obstetrics and
Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of Gynecology 69:962-976. Type strain:
General Microbiology 93:9-62. ATCC 14018
H. paraphrohaemolyticus Zinnemann, Rogers, Description: Bergey 8.
Frazer and Devaraj 1971
Zinnemann, K., K.B. Rogers, J. Frazer Hafnia Moller 1954
and S.K. Devaraj. 1971. Journal of Moller, V. 1954. Acta Pathologica et
Medical Microbiology 4:139-143. Type Microbiologica Scandinavica 35:259-277.
strain: NCTC 10670 Type species: H. alvei Moller 1954
Description: Zinnemann, K., K.B. Rogers, Description: Bergey 8.
J. Frazer and S.K. Devaraj. 1971. Ibid. H. alvei Moller 1954
H. paraphrophilus Zinnemann, Rogers, Frazer Moller, V. 1954. Acta Pathologica et
and Boyce 1968 Microbiologica Scandinavica 35259-277.
Zinnemann, K., K.B. Rogers, J. Frazer Type strain: ATCC 13337
and J.M.H. Boyce. 1968. Journal of Description: Ewing, W.H. and M.A. Fife.
Pathology and Bacteriology 96:4 13-4 19. 1968. International Journal of Systematic
Type strain: NCTC 10557 Bacteriology 18:263-271.
Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of
General Microbiology 93:9-62. Haliscomenobacter van Veen, van der Kooij,
H. parasuis Biberstein and White 1969 Geuze and van der Vlies 1973
Biberstein E.L. and D.C. White. 1969. van Veen, W.L., D. van der Kooij,
Journal of Medical Microbiology 2:75-78. E.C.W.A. Geuze and A.W. van der Vlies.
Type strain: ATCC 19417 1973. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal
Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of of Microbiology and Serology 39:207-2 16.
General Microbiology 93:9-62. Type species: H. hydrossis van Veen, van
H. piscium Sniezko, Griffin and Friddle 1950 der Kooij, Geuze and van der Vlies 1973
Sniezko, S.F., P.J. Griffin and S.B. Description: van Veen, W.L., D. van der
Friddle. 1950. Journal of Bacteriology 59: Kooij, E.C. W.A. Geuze and A.W. van der
699-710. Type strain: ATCC 10801 Vlies. 1973. lbid.
Description: Kilian, M. 1976. Journal of H. hydrossis van Veen, van der Kooij, Geuze
General Microbiology 93:9-62. and van der Vlies 1973
H. pleuropneumoniae (Matthews and Pattison van Veen, W.L., D. van der Kooij,
1961) Shope 1964 E.C.W.A. Geuze and A.W. van der Vlies.
Matthews, P.R.J. and I.H. Pattison. 1961. 1973. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal
Journal of Comparative Pathology 71:44- of Microbiology and Serology 39:207-2 16.
52; Shope, R.E. 1964. Journal of Type strain: ATCC 27775
Experimental Medicine 119:357-368. Type Description: van Veen, W.L., D. van der
strain: ATCC 27088 Kooij, E.C. W.A. Geuze and A. W. van der
Description: Kilian, M., J. Nicolet and Vlies. 1970. Ibid.
E.L. Biberstein. 1978. International
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:20- Halobacterium Elazari-Voicani 1957
26. Elazari-Volcani, B. 1957 in Breed, R.S.,
H. segnis Kilian 1977 E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds).

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Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- of Systematic Bacteriology 29:379-399.
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins H. trapanicum (Petter 193 1) Elazari-Volcani
Co., Baltimore. pp. 207-212. Type speci-es: 1957
H . salinarium (Harrison and Kennedy Petter, H.F.M. 193 1. Proceedings Acade-
1922) Elazari-Volcani 1957 my of Science, Amsterdam 34: 14 17- 1423;
Description: Bergey 8. Elazari-Volcani, B. 1957 in Breed, R.S.,
H. cutirubrum (Lochhead 1934) Elazari-Volcani E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds).
1957 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Lochhead, A.G. 1934. Canadian Journal iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
of Research 10:275-286; Elazari-Volcani, Co., Baltimore. pp. 207-212. Type strain:
B. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray NRC 34021
and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual Description: Petter, H.F.M. 193 1. Ibid.
of Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed. H. vallisrnortis Gonzalez, Gutierrez and
The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. Ramirez 1979
pp. 207-212. Type strain: NRC 34001 Gonzalez, C., C. Gutierrez and C.
Description: Colwell, R.R., C.D. Litch- Ramirez. 1979 in International Journal of
field, R.H. Vreeland, N.E. Gibbons and Systematic Bacteriology 29:436; Effective
L.A. Kiefer. 1979. International Journal publication Gonzalez, C., C. Gutierrez
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:379-399. and C. Ramirez. 1978. Canadian Journal
H. balobium (Petter 1931) Elazari-Volcani 1957 of Microbiology 24:7 10-715. Type strain:
Petter, H.F.M. 193 1. Proceedings ATCC 29715
Academy of Science, Amsterdam 34:14 17- Description: Gonzalez, C., C. Gutierrez
1423; Elazari-Volcani, B. 1957 in Breed, and C. Ramirez. 1978. Ibid.
R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith H. volcanii Mullakhanbhai and Larson 1975
(eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Mullakhanbhai, M.F. and H. Larson.
Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and 1975. Archives of Microbiology 104:207-
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 207-212. Type 214. Type strain: NCMB 2012
strain: NCIB 8720 Description: Mullakhanbhai, M.F. and H.
Description: Petter, H.F.M. 1931. Ibid. Larson. 1975. Ibid.
H. saccbarovorum Tomlinson and Hochstein
1977 Halococcus Schoop 1935
Tomlinson, G.A. and L.I. Hochstein. 1977 Schoop, G. 1935. Deutsche Tierarztliche
in International Journal of Systematic Wochenschrift 43:8 17-820. Type species:
Bacteriology 27:306; Effective publication H . morrhuae (Farlow 1880) Kocur and
Tomlinson, G.A. and L.I. Hochstein. Hodgkiss 1973
1976. Canadian Journal of Microbiology Description: Bergey 8.
22587-591. Type strain: ATCC 29252 H. morrbuae (Farlow 1880) Kocur and
Description: Tomlinson, G.A. and L.I. Hodgkiss 1973
Hochstein. 1976. Ibid. Farlow, W.G. 1880. United States Fisher-
H. salinarium (Harrison and Kennedy 1922) ies Commission Report for 1878 pp. 969-
Elazari-Volcani 1957 974; Kocur, M. and W. Hodgkiss. 1973.
Harrison, F.C. and M.E. Kennedy. 1922. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Proceedings of the Royal Society of teriology 23: 1 5 1- 156. Type strain: ATCC
Canada, Section 5, 16:101- 152; Elazari- 17082
Volcani, B. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Description: Kocur, M. and W. Hodgkiss.
Murray and N.R. Smith ( 4 s ) . Bergey’s 1973. Ibid.
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Herpetosiphon Holt and Lewin 1968
Baltimore. pp. 207-212. Type strain: NRC Holt, J.G. and R.A. Lewin. 1968. Journal
34002 of Bacteriology 952407-2408. Type spe-
Description: Colwell, R.R., C.D. Litch- cies: H . aurantiacus Holt and Lewin 1968
field, R.H. Vreeland, N.E. Gibbons and Description: Bergey 8.
L. A. Kiefer. 1979. International Journal H. aurantiacus Holt and Lewin 1968

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Holt, J.G. and R.A. Lewin. 1968. Journal
of Bacteriology 95:2407-2408. Type strain: Intrasporangium Kalakoutskii, Kirillova and
ATCC 23779 Krassilnikov 1967
Description: Holt, J.G. and R.A. Lewin. Kalakoutskii, L.V., I.P. KiriIIova and
1968. Ibid. N.A. Krassilnikov. 1967. Journal of
H. cohaerens Lewin 1970 General Microbiology 48:79-85. Type
Lewin, R.A. 1970. Canadian Journal of species: I . calvum Kalakoutskii, Kirillova
Microbiology 16:5 17-520. Type strain: and Krassilnikov 1967
ATCC 23123 Description: Kalakoutskii, L.V., I.P. Kiril-
Description: Lewin, R.A. 1970. Ibid. lova and N.A. Krassilnikov. 1976. Ibid.
H. geysericola (Copeland 1936) Lewin 1 970 I. calvum Kalakoutskii, Kirillova and Krassilni-
Copeland, J.J. 1936. Annals of the New kov 1967
York Academy of Sciences 36: 1-232; Kalakoutskii, L.V., I.P. Kirillova and
Lewin, R.A. 1970. Canadian Journal of N.A. Krassilnikov. 1967. Journal of
Microbiology 165 17-520. Type strain: General Microbiology 48:79-85. Type
ATCC 23076 strain: ATCC 23552
Description: Lewin, R.A. 1970. Ibid. Description: Kalakoutskii, L.V., I.P. Kiril-
H. nigricans Lewin 1970 lova and N.A. Krassilnikov. 1967. Ibid.
Lewin, R.A. 1970. Canadian Journal of
Microbiology 1 6 5 17-520. Type strain: Janthinobacterium De Ley, Segers and Gillis
ATCC 23147 1978
Description: Lewin, R.A. 1970. Ibid. De Ley, J., P. Segers and M. Gillis. 1978.
H. persicus Lewin 1970 International Journal of Systematic
Lewin, R.A. 1970. Canadian Journal of Bacteriology 28:1 54- 168. Type species: J .
Microbiology 165 17-520. Type strain: lividum (Eisenberg 1891) De Ley, Segers
ATCC 23167 and Gillis 1978
Description: Lewin, R.A. 1970. Ibid. Description: De Ley, J., P. Segers and M.
Gillis. 1978. Ibid.
Hypbomicrobium Stutzer and Hartleb 1899 J. lividum De Ley, Segers and Willis 1978
Stutzer, A. and R. Hartleb. 1899. De Ley, J., P. Segers and M. Gillis. 1978.
Mitteilungen des Landwirtschaftlichen International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Institutes der Kaiserlichen Universitat teriology 28:154- 168. Type strain; NCTC
Breslau 1:75-100. Type species: H . 9796
vulgare Stutzer and Hartleb 1899 Description: De Ley, J., P. segers and M.
Description: Bergey 8. Gillis. 1978. Ibid.
H. indicum Johnson and Weisrock 1969
Johnson, R.M. and W.P. Weisrock. 1969. Kineosporia Pagani and Parenti 1978
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Pagani, H. and F. Parenti. 1978.
teriology 19:295-307. Type strain: ATCC International Journal of Systematic Bac-
19614 teriology 28:401-406. Type species: K.
Description: Bergey 8. aurantiaca Pagani and Parenti 1978
H. neptunium Leifson 1964 Description: Pagani, H. and F. Parenti.
Leifson, E. 1964. Antonie van Leeuwen- 1978. Ibid.
hoek Journal of Microbiology and Serolo- K. aurantiaca Pagani and Parenti 1978
gy 30:249-256. Type strain: ATCC 15444 Pagani, H. and F. Parenti. 1978.
Description: Bergey 8. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
H. vulgare Stutzer and Hartleb 1899 teriology 28:401-406. Type strain: ATCC
Stutzer, A. and R. Hartleb. 1899. 29727
Mitteilungen des Landwirtschaftlichen Description: Pagani, H. and F. Parenti.
Institutes der Kaiserlichen Universitat 1978. Ibid.
Breslau 1:75-100. Type strain: NCIB
8698 Kingella Henriksen and Bovre 1976
Description: Bergey 8. Henriksen, S.D. and K. Bovre. 1976.

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International Journal of Systematic Description: Bergey 8.
Bacteriology 26:447-450. Type species: K . K. nagasakiensis Matsumae and Hata 1968
kingae (Henriksen and Bovre 1968) Matsumae, A.M. and T. Hata. 1968 in
Henriksen and Bovre 1976 Matsumae, A.M., M. Ohtani, H. Takeshi-
Description: Henriksen, S.D. and K. ma and T. Hata. Journal of Antibiotics
Bovre. 1976. Ibid. (Tokyo) 21:616-625. Type strain: ATCC
K. denitrificans Snell and Lapage 1976 27789
Snell, J.J.S. and S.P. Lapage. 1976. Description: Bergey 8.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- K. purpurea Matsumae and Hata 1968
teriology 26:45 1-458. Type strain: NCTC Matsumae, A.M. and T. Hata. 1968 in
10995 Matsumae, A.M., M. Ohtani, H. Takeshi-
Description: Snell, J.J.S. and S.P. Lapage. ma and T. Hata. Journal of Antibiotics
1976. Ibid. (Tokyo) 21:616-625. Type strain: ATCC
K. indologenes Snell and Lapage 1976 27787
Snell, J.J.S. and S.P. Lapage. 1976. Description: Bergey 8.
International Journal of Systematic Bac-
teriology 2645 1-458. Type strain: ATCC Klebsiella Trevisan 1885
25869 Trevisan, V. 1885. Atti della Accademia
Description: Snell, J.J.S. and S.P. Lapage Fisica-Medica-Statistica in Milano (ser 4)
1976. Ibid. 3:92-107. Type species: K. pneumoniae
K. kingae (Henriksen and Bovre 1968) Henrik- (Schroeter 1886) Trevisan 1887
sen and Bovre 1976 Desrciption: Bergey 8.
Henriksen, S.D. and K. Bovre. 1968. K. mobilis Bascomb, Lapage, Willcox and
Journal of General Microbiology 51:377- Curtis 1971
385; Henriksen, S.D. and K. Bovre. 1976. Bascomb, S., S.P. Lapage, W.R. Willcox
International Journal of Systematic and M.A. Curtis. 1971. Journal of
Bacteriology 26:447-450. Type strain: General Microbiology 66:279-295. Type
ATCC 23330 strain: ATCC 13048
Description: Henriksen, S.D. and K. Description: Bascomb, S., S.P. Lapage,
Bovre. 1976. Ibid. W.R. Willcox and M.A. Curtis. 1971.
Kitasatoa Matsumae and Hata 1968 K. ozaenae (Abel 1893) Bergey, Harrison,
Matsumae, A.M. and T. Hata. 1968 in Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1925
Matsumae, A.M., M. Ohtani, H. Takeshi- Abel, R. 1893. Zentralblatt fur
ma and T. Hata. Journal of Antibiotics Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
(Tokyo) 21:616-625. Type species: K . skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I.
purpurea Matsumae and Hata 1968 13:161-173; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison,
Description: Bergey 8. R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M.
K. diplospora Matsumae, Ohtani and Hata Huntoon (eds). 1925. Bergey’s Manual of
1968 Determinative Bacteriology, 2nd ed. The
Matsumae, A.M., M. Ohtani and T. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Hata. 1968 in Matsumae, A.M., M. 1-462. Type strain: ATCC 1 1296
Ohtani, H. Takeshima and T. Hata. Description: Bergey 8.
Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) 21:616- K. oxytoca (Flugge 1886) Lautrop 1956
625. Type strain: ATCC 27788 Flugge, C. 1886. Die Mikroorganismen.
Description: Bergey 8. F.C.W. Vogel, Leipzig; Lautrop, H. 1956.
K. kauaiensis Matsumae, Ohtani and Hata Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scan-
1968 dinavica 39:375-384. Type strain: ATCC
Matsumae, A.M., M. Ohtani and T. 13182
Hata. 1968 in Matsumae, A.M., M. Description: Lautrop, H. 1956. Ibid.
Ohtani, H. Takeshima and T. Hata. K. pneumoniae (Schroeter 1886) Trevisan 1887
Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) 21:616- Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F.
625. Type strain: ATCC 21405 Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3,

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Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. kunde und physiche Erziehung 52:38-55;
pp. 1-814;Trevisan, V. 1887. Rendiconti Hansen, P.A. and G. Mocquot. 1970.
dell’Instituto Lombardo di Scienze e International Journal of Systematic
Lettere (Ser 2) 20:88-105. Type strain: Bacteriology 20:325-327. Type strain:
ATCC 13883 ATCC 4356
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Hansen, P.A. and G. Moc-
K. rbinoscleromatis Trevisan 1887 quot. 1970. Ibid.
Trevisan, V. 1887. Rendiconti L. brevis (Orla-Jensen 1919) Bergey, Breed,
dell’Instituto Lombardo di Scienze e Hammer, Huntoon, Murray and Harrison
Lettere (Ser 2) 20:88-105. Type strain: 1934
ATCC 13884 Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid
Description: Bergey 8. bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1 - 196;
Bergey, D.H., R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer,
Kurthia Trevisan 1885 F.M. Huntoon, E.G.D. Murray and F.C.
Trevisan, V. 1885. Atti della Accademia Harrison. 1934. Bergey’s Manual of
Fisia-Medica-Sta tistica in Milano (Series Determinative Bacteriology, 4th ed. The
4) 3:92-107. Type species: K. zopfii Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
(Kurth 1883) Trevisan 1885 1-664.Type strain: ATCC 14869
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A. Han-
K. zopfii (Kurth 1883) Trevisan 1885 sen. 1971. International Journal of
Kurth, H. 1883. Berichte der Deutschen Systematic Bacteriology 21:177-186.
botanischen Gesellschaft k97-100; Trevi- L. buchneri (Henneberg 1903) Bergey, Harri-
san, V. 1885. Atti della Accademia Fisia- son, Breed, Hammer, and Huntoon 1923
Medica-Statistics in Milano (Series 4) 3: Henneberg, W. 1903. Zeitschrift fur
92-107.Type strain: NCIB 9878 Spiritusindustrie 26:329-332; Bergey,
Description: Bergey 8. D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W.
Hammer, and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
Lachnospira Bryant and Small 1956 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Bryant, M.P. and N. Small. 1956. iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Journal of Bacteriology 72:22-26. Type Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
species: L. multiparis Bryant and Small ATCC 4005
1956 Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A. Han-
Description: Bergey 8. sen. 1971. Ibid.
L. multiparis Bryant and Small 1956 L. bulgaricus (Orla-Jensen 1919) Rogosa and
Bryant, M.P. and N. Small. 1956. Hansen 1971
Journal of Bacteriology 72:22-26. Type Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid
strain: ATCC 19207 bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1 - 196;
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Rogosa, M. and P.A. Hansen. 1971.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia teriology 21:177-186. Type strain: ATCC
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 11842
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1 - 1 56. Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A.
Hansen. 1971. Ibid.
Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901 L. casei (Orla-Jensen 1916) Hansen and Lessel
Beijerinck, M.W. 1901. Archives Neerlan- 1971
daises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles Orla-Jensen, S. 19 16. Maelkeri-Bakteriol-
(Section 2) 6:212-243. Type species: L. ogi. Schonberske Forlag, Copenhagen;
delbrueckii (Leichmann 1896) Beijerinck Hansen, P.A. and E.F. Lessel. 1971.
1901 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Description: Bergey 8. teriology 2159-71. Type strain: ATCC
L. acidophilus (Moro 1900) Hansen and 3’93
Mocquot 1970 Description: Bergey 8.
Moro, E. 1900. Jahrbuch fur Kinderheil- L. casei subsp. alactosus Mills and Lessel 1973

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Mills, C.K. and E.F. . Lessel. 1973. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
teriology 23:67-68. Type strain: A T E Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
27216 L. cellobiosus Rogosa, Wiseman, Mitchell and
Description: Mills, C.K. and E.F. Lessel. Disraely 1953
1973. Ibid. Rogosa, M., R.F. Wiseman, J.A. Mitchell
L. casei subsp. casei (Orla-Jensen 1916) and M.N. Disraely. 1953. Journal of
Hansen and Lessel 1971 Bacteriology 65:68 1-699. Type strain:
Orla-Jensen, S. 1916. Maelkeri- ATCC 11739
Bakteriologi. Schonberske Forlag, Copen- Description: Bergey 8.
hagen; Hansen, P.A. and E.F. Lessel. L. collinoides Carr and Davies 1972
1971. International Journal of Systematic Carr, J.G. and P.A. Davies. 1972. Journal
Bacteriology 21:69-7 1. Type strain: ATCC of Applied Bacteriology 35:463. Type
393 strain: ATCC 27612
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Carr, J.G. and P.A. Davies.
L. casei subsp. pseudoplantarum Abo-Elnaga 1972. Ibid.
and Kandler 1965 L. confusus (Holzapfel and Kandler 1969)
Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965. Sharpe, Garvie and Tilbury 1972
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- Holzapfel, W. and 0. Kandler. 1969.
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Zentral blatt fur Bakteriologie,
ene. Abteilung 11. 119:l-36. Type strain: Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
ATCC 25598 Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 123:657-666;
Description: Bergey 8. Sharpe, M.E., E.I. Garvie and R. Tilbury.
L. casei subsp. rhamnosus Hansen 1968 1972. Applied Microbiology 23:389-397.
Hansen, P.A. 1968. A report by the Type strain: ATCC 10881
Taxonomic Subcommittee on Lactobacilli Description: Sharpe, M.E., E.I. Garvie
and Closely Related Organisms. American and R. Tilbury. 1972. Ibid.
Type Culture Collection, Rockville, L. coryniformis Abo-Elnaga and Kandler 1965
Maryland. p. 76. Type strain: ATCC Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965.
7469 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Description: Bergey 8. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
L. casei subsp. tolerans Abo-Elnaga and ene. Abteilung 11. 119:l-36. Type strain:
Kandler 1965 DSM 20001
Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965. Description: Bergey 8.
Zentral blatt fur Ba kteriologie, Parasi ten- L. coryniformis subsp. coryniformis Abo-Elnaga
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- and Kandler 1965
ene. Abteilung 11. 119:l-39. Type strain: Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965.
ATCC 25599 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Description: Bergey 8. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
L. catenaforme (Eggerth 1935) Moore and Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 119:1-36. Type
Holdeman 1970 strain: DSM 20001
Eggerth, A.H. 1935. Journal of Bacteriol- Description: Bergey 8.
ogy 30:277-299; Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. L. coryniformis subsp. torquens Abo-Elnaga and
Holdeman. 1970. IN Cato, E.P., C.S. Kandler 1965
Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965.
W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision. ene. Abteilung 11. 119:l-36. Type strain:
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe ATCC 25600
Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia pp. 15- Description: Bergey 8.
22. Type strain: ATCC 25536 L. crispatus (Brygoo and Aladame 1953) Moore
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 and Holdeman 1970
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Brygoo, E.R. and N. Aladame. 1953.

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Annales de 1’Jnstitut Pasteur (Paris) 84: Kodama, R. 1956. Journal of the

640-641; Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan
Holdeman. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S. 30:705-708. Type strain: ATCC 13 162
Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, Description: Kodama, R. 1956. Ibid.
W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS. L. helveticus (Orla-Jensen 1919) Bergey, Harri-
Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods son, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1925
in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision. Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1- 196;
Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 15- Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
21. Type strain: VPI 3199 B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon (eds).
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 1925. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Bacteriology, 2nd ed. The Williams and
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-462. Type
Polytechnic Institute and State University, strain: ATCC 15009
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Description: Kogosa, M. and P.A.
L. curvatus (Troili-Petersson 1903) Abo-Elnaga Hansen. 1971. International Journal of
and Kandler 1965 Systematic Bacteriology 21: 177-186.
Troili-Petersson, G. 1903. Zentralblatt fur L. heterohiochii Kitahara, Kaneko and Goto
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- 1957
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Kitahara, K., T. Kaneko and 0. Goto.
11:120-143; Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. 1957. Journal of General and Applied
Kandler. 1965. Zentralblatt fur Microbiology 3:1 I 1- 120. Type strain:
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- ATCC 15435
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Description: Bergey 8.
119:l-36. Type strain: ATCC 25601 L. hilgardii Douglas and Cruess 1936
Description: Bergey 8. Douglas, H.C. and W.V. Cruess. 1936.
L. delbrueckii (Leichmann 1896) Beijerinck Food Research 1:113-1 19. Type strain:
1901 ATCC 8290
Leichmann, G. 1896. Zentralblatt fur Description: Bergey 8.
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- L. homohiochii Kitahara, Kaneko and Goto
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung IT. 1957
2:281-285; Beijerinck, M.W. 1901. Ar- Kitahara, K., T. Kaneko and 0. Goto.
chives Neerlandaises des Sciences Exactes 1957. Journal of General and Applied
et Naturelles (Section 2) 6:2 12-243. Type Microbiology 3:1 1 1- 120. Type strain:
strain: ATCC 9649 ATCC 15434
Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A. Description: Bergey 8.
Hansen. 1971. International Journal of L. jensenii Gasser, Mandel and Rogosa 1970
Systematic Bacteriology 21: 177-186. Gasser, F., M. Mandel and M. Rogosa.
L. fermentum Beijerinck 1901 1970. Journal of General Microbiology
Beijerinck, M.W. 1901. Archives Neerlan- 62:219-222. Type strain: ATCC 25258
daises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles Description: Bergey 8.
(Section 2) 6:212-243. Type strain: ATCC L. lactis (Orla-Jensen 19 19) Bergey, Breed,
1493 1 Hammer, Huntoon, Murray and Harrison
Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A. Han- 1934
sen. 1971. International Journal of Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid
Systematic Bacteriology 21:177-186. bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1- 196;
L. fructivorans Charlton, Nelson and Werkman Bergey, D.H., R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer,
1934 F.M. Huntoon, E.G.D. Murray and F.C.
Charlton, D.B., M.E. Nelson and C.H. Harrison (eds). 1934. Bergey’s Manual of
Werkman. 1934. Iowa State Journal of Determinative Bacteriology, 4th ed. The
Science 9:l-11. Type strain: ATCC 8288 Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Description: Bergey 8. 1-664. Type strain: ATCC 12315
L. fructosus Kodama 1956 Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A. Han-

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sen. 197 1. International Journal of Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Systematic Bacteriology 21: 177- 186. iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
L. leichmannii (Henneberg 1903) Bergey, Harri- Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
son, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923 ATCC 14917
Henneberg, W. 1903. Zeitschrift fur Description: Bergey 8.
Spiritusindustrie 26329-332; Bergey, L. rogosae Holdeman and Moore 1974
D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore.
Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. 1974. International Journal of Systematic
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: VPI
iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins C37-38
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain: Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C:
ATCC 4797 Moore. 1974. Ibid.
Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A. Han- L. ruminis Sharpe, Latham, Garvie, Zirngibl
sen. 197 1. International Journal of and Kandler 1973
Systematic Bacteriology 21: 177- 186. Sharpe, M.E., M.J. Latham, E.I. Garvie,
L. mali Carr and Davies 1970 J. Zirngibl and 0. Kandler. 1973. Journal
Carr, J.G. and P.A. Davies. 1970. Journal of General Microbiology 77:37-49. Type
of Applied Bacteriology 33:768-774. Type strain: ATCC 27780
strah: ATCC 27053 Description: Sharpe, M.E., M.J. Latham,
Description: Carr, J.G. and P.A. Davis. E.I. Garvie, J. Zirngibl and 0. Kandler.
1970. Ibid. 1973. Ibid.
L. maltaromicus Miller, Morgan and Libbey L. sake Katagiri, Kitahara and Fukami 1934
1974 Katagiri, H., K. Kitahara and K. Fukami.
Miller 111, A., M.E. Morgan and L.M. 1934. Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemi-
Libbey. 1974. International Journal of cal Society of Japan 10:156-157. Type
Systematic Bacteriology 24:346-354. Type strain: ATCC 15521
strain: ATCC 27865 Description: Katagiri, H., K. Kitahara
Description: Miller 111, A., M.E. Morgan and K. Fukami. 1934. Ibid.
and L.M. Libbey. 1974. Ibid. L. salivarius Rogosa, Wiseman, Mitchell and
L. minutus (Hauduroy, Ehringer, Urbain, Guil- Disraely 1953
lot and Magrou 1937) Moore and Rogosa, M., R.F. Wiseman, J.A. Mitchell
Holdeman 1972 and M.N. Disraely. 1953. Journal of
Hauduroy, P., G. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G. Bacteriology 65:68 1-699. Type strain:
Guillot and J. Magrou. 1937. Dictionnaire ATCC 11741
des bacteries pathogenes. Masson et Cie, Description: Bergey 8.
Paris. pp. 1-597; Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. L. salivarius subsp. salicinius Rogosa, Wiseman,
Holdeman. 1972 in Holdeman, L.V. and Mitchell and Disraely 1953
W.E.C. Moore (4s). Anaerobe Rogosa, M., R.F. Wiseman, J.A. Mitchell
Laboratory Manual. Virginia Polytechnic and M.N. Disraely. 1953. Journal of
Institute Anaerobe Laboratory, Bacteriology 6568 1-699. Type strain:
Blacksburg, Virginia. Type strain: VPI ATCC 11742
9428 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato, L. salivarius subsp. salivarius Rogosa,
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe Wiseman, Mitchell and Disraely 1953
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Rogosa, M., R.F. Wiseman, J.A. Mitchell
Polytechnic Institute and State University, and M.N. Disraely. 1953. Journal of
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Bacteriology 6568 1-699. Type strain:
L. plantarum (Orla-Jensen 19 19) Bergey, Harri- ATCC 11741
son, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923 Description: Bergey 8.
Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid L. trichodes Fornachon, Douglas and Vaughn
bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1- 196; 1949
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, Fornachon, J.C.M., H.C. Douglas and
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. R.H. Vaughn. 1949. Hilgardia 19:129-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

132. Type strain: ATCC 27394 Schlesien. Band 3, Heft 3, Pilze J.U.
Description: Bergey 8. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. pp. 1-814. Type
L. viridescens Kandler and Abo-Elnaga 1966 strain: ATCC 11041
Kandler, 0. and I.G. Abo-Elnaga. 1966. Description: Bergey 8.
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Legionella Brenner, Steigerwalt and McDade
ene. Abteilung 11. 120:753-754. Type 1979
strain: ATCC 12706 Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steigerwalt and J.E.
Description: Bergey 8. McDade. 1979. International Journal of
L. vitulinus Sharpe, Latham, Garvie, Zirngibl Systematic Bacteriology 29:436; Effective
and Kandler 1973 publication Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steig-
Sharpe, M.E., M.J. Latham, E.I. Garvie, erwalt and J.E. McDade. 1979. Annals of
J. Zirngibl and 0. Kandler. 1973. Journal Internal Medicine 90:656-658. Type
of General Microbiology 77:37-49. Type species: L. pneumophila Brenner, Steig-
strain: ATCC 27783 erwalt and McDade 1979
Description: Sharpe, M.E., M.J. Latham, Description: Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steig-
E.I. Garvie, J. Zirngibl and 0. Kandler. erwalt and J.E. McDade. 1979. Ibid.
1973. Ibid. L. pneumopbila Brenner, Steigerwalt and
L. xylosus Kitahara 1938 McDade 1979
Kitahara, K. 1938. Journal of the Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steigerwalt and J.E.
Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan McDade. 1979. International Journal of
14:1449-1465. Type strain: ATCC 15577 Systematic Bacteriology 29:436; Effective
Description: Bergey 8. pbulication Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steig-
erwalt and J.E. McDade. 1979. Annals of
Lamprocystis Schroeter 1886 Internal Medicine 90:656-658. Type
Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F. strain: ATCC 33152
Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3, Description: Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steig-
Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. erwalt and J.E. McDade. 1979. Ibid.
pp. 1-814. Type species: L. roseopersicina
(Kutzing 1849) Schroeter 1886 Leptospira Noguchi 1917
Description: Bergey 8. Noguchi, H. 1917. Journal of Experimen-
L. roseopersicina (Kutzing 1849) Schroeter tal Medicine 25:755-763. Type species: L.
1886 interrogans (Stimson 1907) Wenyon 1926
Kutzing, F.T. 1849. Species Algarum. Description: Bergey 8.
Lipsiae, pp. 1-922; Schroeter, J. 1885- L. biflexa (Wolbach and Binger 1914) Noguchi
1889 in Cohn, F. Kryptogamenflora von 1918
Schlesien. Band 3, Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Wolbach, S.B. and C.A.L. Binger. 1914.
Kern’s Verlag. Breslau, pp. 1-814. Type Journal of Medical Research 30:23-26;
strain: DSM 229 Noguchi, H. 1918. Journal of Experimen-
Description: Bergey 8. tal Medicine 27575-592. Type strain:
ATCC 23582
Lampropedia Schroeter 1886 Description: Bergey 8.
Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F. L. interrogans (Stimson 1907) Wenyon 1926
Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3, Stimson, A.M. 1907. Public Health
Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. Report 22541; Wenyon, C.M. 1926 in
pp. 1-814. Type species: L. hyalina Wenyon, C.M. Protozoology, Vol. 2.
(Ehrenberg 1832) Schroeter 1886 Williams, Wood and Co., New York. pp.
Description: Bergey 8. 1233-1288. Type strain: ATCC 23581
L. hyalina (Ehrenberg 1832) Schroeter 1886 Description: Bergey 8.
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1832. Abhandlungen der
Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften kptothiix Kutzing 1843
zu Berlin 183O:l-88; Schroeter, J. 1885- Kutzing, F.T. 1843. Phycologia Generalis.
1889 in Cohn, F. Kryptogamenflora von Leipzig. Type species: L. ochracea (Roth

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
1797) Kutzing 1843 Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 79:75-85; Garvie,
Description: Bergey 8. E.I. 1960. Journal of Dairy Research 27:
L. cholodnii Mulder and van Veen 1963 283-292. Type strain: NCDO 543
Mulder, E.G. and W.L. van Veen. 1963. Description: Garvie, E.I. 1979. Interna-
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Microbiology and Serology 29: 121- 153. 29: 149- 15 I .
Type strain: LVMW 99 L. dextranicum (Beijerinck 19 12) Hucker and
Description: Mulder, E.G. and W.L. van Pederson 1930
Veen. 1963. Ibid. Beijerinck, M. W. 19 12. Folia Mikrobiolo-
L. lopholea Dorff 1934 giya (Delft) 1:4-100; Hucker, G.J. and
Dorff, P. 1934. Pflanzenforschung, Jena. C.S. Pederson. 1930. Technical Bulletin
161-62. Type strain: LVMW 124 New York State Agricultural Experiment
Description: Mulder, E.G. and W.L. van Station 167:3-80. Type strain: NCDO 529
Veen. 1963. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Description: Garvie, E.1. 1979. Interna-
Journal of Microbiology and Serology 29: tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
12 1-1 53. 29: 149- 15 1.
L. ocbracea (Roth 1797) Kutzing 1843 L. lactis Garvie 1960
Roth, A.W. 1797. Catalecta botanica Garvie, E.I. 1960. Journal of Dairy
quibus plantae novae et minus cognitae Research 27:283-292. Type strain: NCDO
describuntur atque illustrantur. Lipsiae in 533
Bibliopolio I.G. Mulleriano, Fasc. 1; Description: Garvie, E.I. 1960. Ibid.
Kutzing, F.T. 1843. Phycologia Generalis. L. mesenteroides (Tsenkovskii 1878) van
Leipzig. Type strain: no culture available. Tieghem 1878
Description: Bergey 8. Tsenkovskii, L. 1878. Proceedings of the
Society of Natural Sciences of the
Leptotrichia Trevisan 1879 Imperial University of Kharkov 12:137-
Trevisan, V. 1879. R C Institut 167; van Tieghem, P. 1878. Annales des
Lombardo (Seriale 2) 12:133-15 1. Type Sciences Naturelles Botanique 7: 180-203.
species: L. buccalis (Robin 1853) Trevi- Type strain: ATCC 8293
san 1879 Description: Garvie, E.I. 1979. Interna-
Description: Bergey 8. tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
L. buccalis (Robin 1853) Trevisan 1879 29: 149- 15 1.
Robin, C. 1853. J.-B. Bailliere, Paris. pp. L. Oenos Garvie 1967
1-702; Trevisan, V. 1879. R C Institut Garvie, E.I. 1967. Journal of General
Lombardo (Seriale 2) 12: 133- 15 1. Type Microbiology 48:43 1-438. Type strain:
strain: ATCC 14201 NCDO 1674
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Description: Garvie, E.I. 1967. Ibid.
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe L. paramesenteroides Garvie 1967
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Garvie, E.I. 1967. Journal of General
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Microbiology 48:439-447. Type strain:
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. NCDO 803
Description: Garvie, E.I. 1967. Ibid.
Leuconostoc van Tieghem 1878
van Tiegham, P. 1878. Annales des Leucotbrix Oersted 1844
Sciences Naturelles Botanique 7: 180-203. Oersted, A.S. 1844. De Regionibus
Type species: L. mesenteroides (Tsen- marinis. Elementa Topographiae Histori-
kovskii 1878) van Tiegham 1878 conaturalis Freti Oeresund. Inaugural
Description: Bergey 8. Dissertation. J.C. Scharling, Copenhagen.
L. cremons (Kundsen and Sorenson 1929) Type species: L. mucor Oersted 1844
Garvie 1960 Description: Bergey 8.
Kundsen, S. and A. Sorenson. 1929. L. mucor Oersted 1844
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- Oersted, A.S. 1844. De Regionibus
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Marinis. Elementa Topographiae Histori-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
conaturalis Freti Oeresund. Inaugural Swann. 1926. Journal of Pathology and
Dissertation. J.C. Scharling, Copenhagen. Bacteriology 29:407-439; Pirie, J.H.H.
Type strain: ATCC 25107 1940. Science (Washington) 91:383. Type
Description: Bergey 8. strain: ATCC 15313
Description: Bergey 8.
Levinea Young, Kenton, Hobbs and Moody L. murrayi Welshimer and Meredith 1971
1971 Welshimer, H.J. and A. Meredith. 1971.
Young, V.M., D.M. Kenton, B.J. Hobbs International Journal of Systematic Bac-
and M.R. Moody. 1971. International teriology 21:3-7. Type strain: ATCC
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 2158- 25401
63. Type species: L. amalonatica Young, Description: Bergey 8.
Kenton, Hobbs and Moody 1971
Description: Young, V.M., D.M. Kenton, Lucibacterium Hendrie, Hodgkiss and Shewan
B.J. Hobbs and M.R. Moody. 1971. Ibid. 1970
L. amalonatica Young, Kenton, Hobbs and Hendrie, M.S., W. Hodgkiss and J.M.
Moody 1971 Shewan. 1970. Journal of General Micro-
Young, V.M., D.M. Kenton, B.J. Hobbs biology 64: 15 1- 169. Type species: L.
and M.R. Moody. 197 1. International harveyi (Johnson and Shunk 1936)
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 2133- Hendrie, Hodgkiss and Shewan 1970
63. Type strain: ATCC 25405 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Young, V.M., D.M. Kenton, L. barveyi (Johnson and Shunk 1936) Hendrie,
B.J. Hobbs and M.R. Moody. 1971. Ibid. Hodgkiss and Shewan 1970 (See also
L. malonatica Young, Kenton, Hobbs and Beneckea harveyi)
Moody 1971 Johnson, F.H. and I.V. Shunk. 1936.
Young, V.M., D.M. Kenton, B.J. Hobbs Journal of Bacteriology 31585-592;
and M.R. Moody. 197 1. International Hendrie, M.S., W. Hodgkiss and J.M.
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 2158- Shewan. 1970. Journal of General Micro-
63. Type strain: ATCC 25408 biology 64:15 1- 169. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Young, V.M., D.M. Kenton, 14126
B.J. Hobbs and M.R. Moody. 1971. Ibid. Description: Johnson, F.H. and I.V.
Shunk. 1936. Ibid.
Listeria Pirie 1940
Pirie, J.H.H. 1940. Science (Washington) Lysobacter Christensen and Cook 1978
91:38 3. Type species: L. monocytogenes Christensen, P. and F.D. Cook. 1978.
(Murray, Webb and Swann 1926) Pirie International Journal of Systematic Bac-
1940 teriology 28:367-393. Type species: L.
Description: Bergey 8. enzymogenes Christensen and Cook 1978
L. denitrificans Prevot 196 1 Description: Christensen, P. and F.D.
Prevot, A.R. 1961. Traite de Cook. 1978. Ibid.
Systematique Bacterienne, Vol. 2, Dunod, L. antibioticus Christensen and Cook 1978
Paris. pp. 1-771. Type strain: ATCC Christensen, P. and F.D. Cook. 1978.
14870 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Description: Bergey 8. teriology 28:367-393. Type strain: ATCC
L. grayi Errebo Larsen and Seeliger 1966 29479
Errebo Larsen, H. and H.P.R. Seeliger. Description: Christensen, P. and F.D.
1966. Proceedings of the Third Interna- Cook. 1978. Ibid.
tional Symposium on Listeriosis July 13- L. brunescens Christensen and Cook 1978
16, Bilthoven. p. 35. Type strain: ATCC Christensen, P. and F.D. Cook. 1978.
19120 International Journal of Systematic
Description: Bergey 8. Bacteriology 28:367-393. Type strain:
L. monocytogenes (Murray, Webb and Swann ATCC 29482
1926) Pirie 1940 Description: Christensen, P. and F.D.
Murray, E.G.D., A.A. Webb and M.B.R. Cook. 1978. Ibid.

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L. enzymogenes Christensen and Cook 1978 species: M . boletus Jahn 1924

Christensen, P. and F.D. Cook. 1978. Description: Bergey 8.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- M. alboraceum (Peterson 1959) McCurdy 197 1
teriology 28:367-393. Type strain: ATCC Peterson, J.E. 1959. Mycologia 51:163-
29487 172; McCurdy, H.D. 1971. International
Description: Christensen, P. and F.D. Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 2130-
Cook. 1978. Ibid. 54. Type strain: UMH Slides Peterson 72
L. gummosus Christensen and Cook 1978 Description: Peterson, J.E. 1959. Ibid.
Christensen, P. and F.D. Cook. 1978. M. boletus Jahn 1924
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Jahn, E. 1924. Beitrage zur botanischen
teriology 28:367-393. Type strain: ATCC Protistologie. I. Die Polyangiden. Verlag,
29489 von Gebruder Borntraeger, Leipzig. Type
Description: Christensen, P. and F.D. strain: not
Cook. 1978. Ibid. Description: Jahn, E. 1924. Ibid.
M. licbenicola (Thaxter 1892) McCurdy 1971
Macromonas Utermohl and Koppe 1924 Thaxter, R. 1892. Botanical Gazette 17:
Utermohl, H. and F. Koppe. 1924 in 389-406; McCurdy, H.D. 1971. Interna-
Koppe, F. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 14: tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
619-672. Type species: M . mobilis (Lau- 2150-54. Type strain: ATCC 25944
terborn 1915) Utermohl and Koppe 1924 Description: McCurdy, H.D. 197 1. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8.
M. mobilis (Lauterborn 1915) Utermohl and Meniscus Irgens 1977
Koppe 1924 Irgens, R.L. 1977. International Journal
Lauterborn, R. 19 15. Verhandlungen des of Systematic Bacteriology 27:38-43. Type
Naturhistorisch- Medizinischen Vereins zu species: M. glaucopis Irgens 1977
Heidelberg 13:395-48 1. Type strain: no Description: Irgens, R.L. 1977. Ibid.
culture available. M. glaucopis Irgens 1977
Descriptior Bergey 8. Irgens, R.L. 1977. International Journal
of Systematic Bacteriology 27:38-43. Type
Megasphaera Rogosa 197 1 strain: ATCC 29398
Rogosa, M. 1971. International Journal of Description: Irgens, R.L. 1977. Ibid.
Systematic Bacteriology 21: 187- 189. Type
species: M. elsdenii (Gutierrez, Davis, Methanobacterium Kluyver and van Niel 1936
Lindahl and Warwick 1959) Rogosa 1971 Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936.
Description: Bergey 8. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
M. elsdenii (Gutierrez, Davis, Lindahl and kunde, Infektionskrankhei ten und
Warwick 1959) Rogosa 1971 Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type
Gutierrez, J., R.E. Davis, I.L. Lindahl species: M.formicicum Schnellen 1947
and E.J. Warwick. 1959. Applied Description: Bergey 8.
Microbiology 7:16-22; Rogosa, M. 197 1. M. arbopbilicum Zeikus and Henning 1975
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Zeikus, J.G. and D.L. Henning. 1975.
teriology 21: 187-189. Type strain: ATCC Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of
25940 Microbiology and Serology 41543-552.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Type strain: DSM 1125
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe Description: Zeikus, J.G. and D.L.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Henning. 1975. Ibid.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, M. formicicum Schnellen 1947
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. SchneIlen, C.G.T.P. 1947. Onderzoekingen
over de methaangisting. Thesis, Delft. pp.
Melittangium Jahn 1924 1-137. Type strain: DSM 863
Jahn, E. 1924. Beitrage zur botanischen Description: Mylorie, R.L. and R.E.
Protistologie. I. Die Polyangiden. Verlag Hungate. 1954. Canadian Journal of
von Gebruder Borntraeger, Leipzig. Type Microbiology 155-64.

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M. mobile Paynter and Hungate 1968 over de methaangisting. Thesis, Delft. pp.
Paynter, M.J.B. and R.E. Hungate. 1968. 1-137. Type strain: DSM 800
Journal of Bacteriology 95: 1943-195 1. Description: Mah, R.A., M.R. Smith and
Type strain: DSM 1539 L. Baresi. 1978. Applied and Environmen-
Description: Paynter, M.J.B. and R.E. tal Microbiology 35: 1 174- 1184.
Hungate. 1968. Ibid. M. methanica (Smit 1930) Kluyver and van
M. ruminantium Smith and Hungate 1958 Niel 1936
Smith, P.H. and R.E. Hungate. 1958. Smit, J. 1930. Die Garungssarcinen. Eine
Journal of Bacteriology 75:7 13-7 18. Type Monographie. Pflanzenforschung Heft 14,
strain: DSM 1093 pp. 1-59; Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van
Description: Bergey 8. Niel. 1936. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie,
M. thermoautotrophicum Zeikus and Wolfe Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
1972 Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type
Zeikus, J.G. and R.S. Wolfe. 1972. strain: not
Journal of Bacteriology 109:707-7 13. Type Description: Bergey 8.
strain: ATCC 29096
Description: Zeikus, J.G. and R.S. Wolfe. Methanospirillum Ferry, Smith and Wolfe 1974
1972. Ibid. Ferry, J.G., P.H. Smith and R.S. Wolfe.
1974. International Journal of Systematic
Methanococcus Kluyver and van Niel 1936 Bacteriology 24:465-469. Type species: M .
emend. Barker 1936 hungatii Ferry, Smith and Wolfe 1974
Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936. Description: Ferry, J.G., P.H. Smith and
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- R.S. Wolfe. 1974. Ibid.
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- M. hungatii Ferry, Smith and Wolfe 1974
ene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403; Barker, Ferry, T.G., P.H. Smith and R.S. Wolfe.
H.A. 1936. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 7: 1974. International Journal of Systematic
420-438. Type species: M . mazei Barker Bacteriology 24:465-469. Type strain:
1936 ATCC 27890
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Ferry, J.G., P.H. Smith and
M. mazei Barker 1936 R.S. Wolfe. 1974. Ibid.
Barker, H.A. 1936. Archiv fur Mikrobiol-
ogie 7:420-438. Type strain: not Methylobacillus Yordy and Weaver 1977
Description: Bergey 8. Yordy, J.R. and T.L. Weaver. 1977.
M. vannielii Stadtman and Barker 195 1 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Stadtman, T.C. and H.A. Barker. 1951. teriology 27:247-255. Type species: M .
Journal of Bacteriology 62:269-280. Type glycogenes Yordy and Weaver 1977
strain: DSM 1224 Description: Yordy, J.R. and T.L.
Description: Stadtman, T.C. and H.A. Weaver. 1977. Ibid.
Barker. 1951. Ibid. M. glycogenes Yordy and Weaver 1977
Yordy, J.R. and T.L. Weaver. 1977.
Methanosarcina Kluyver and van Niel 1936 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
emend. Barker 1956 teriology 27:247-255. Type strain: ATCC
Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936. 29475
Zen tralblat t fur Bakteriologie, Description: Yordy, J.R. and T.L. Weav-
Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und er. 1977. Ibid.
Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403; Bark-
er, H.A. 1956. Bacterial fermentations. Methylobacterium Patt, Cole and Hanson 1976
John Wiley and Sons, New York. pp. 1- Patt, T.E., G.C. Cole and R.S. Hanson.
95. Type species: M . methanica (Smit 1976. International Journal of Systematic
1930) Kluyver and van Niel 1936 Bacteriology 26226-229. Type species: M .
Description: Bergey 8. organophilurn Patt, Cole and Hanson
M. barkeri Schnellen 1947 1976
Schnellen, C.G.T.P. 1947. Onderzoekingen Description: Patt, T.E., G.C. Cole and

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
R.S. Hanson. 1976. Ibid.
M. organopbilum Patt, Cole and Hanson 1976 1974
Patt, T.E., G.C. Cole and R.S. Hanson. Gerber, N.N. and M.P. Lechevalier.
1976. International Journal of Systematic 1964. Biochemistry 3598-602; Cross, T.
Bacteriology 26:226-229. Type strain: 1964. Bergey 8. Type strain: ATCC
ATCC 27886 15448
Description: Patt, T.E., G.C. Cole and Description: Bergey 8.
R.S. Hanson. 1976. Ibid. M. amethystogenes Nonomura and Ohara 1960
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1960.
Metbylococcus Foster and Davis 1966 Journal of Fermentation Technology 38:
Foster, J.W. and R.H. Davis. 1966. 401-409. Type strain: DSM 43164
Journal of Bacteriology 91: 1924-1931. Description: Bergey 8.
Type species: M. capsulatus Foster and M. bispora (Henssen 1957) Lechevalier 1965
Davis 1966 Henssen, A. 1957. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Description: Foster, J.W. and R.H. Davis. gie 26:373-414; Lechevalier, H.A. 1965.
1966. Ibid. International Bulletin of Bacteriological
M. capsulatus Foster and Davis 1966 Nomenclature and Taxonomy 15:139- 142.
Foster, J.W. and R.H. Davis. 1966. Type strain: ATCC 19993
Journal of Bacteriology 91: 1924-193 1. Description: Bergey 8. .
Type strain: ATCC 19069 M. chromogenes Nonomura and Ohara 1960
Description: Foster, J.W. and R.H. Davis. Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1960.
1966. Ibid. Journal of Fermentation Technology 38:
M. tbermopbilus Malashenko, Romanovskaya, 401-409. Type strain: DSM 43165
Bogachenko and Stved 1975 Description: Bergey 8.
Malashenko, Y .R., V.A. Romanovskaya, M. diastatica Nonomura and Ohara 1960
V.N. Bogachenko and A.D. Stved. 1975. Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1960.
Mikrobiologiya 44:855-862 (English trans- Journal of Fermentation Technology 38:
lation 773-779). Type s t r a h IMV-2Yu 401-409. Type strain: KCC A-0023
Description: Malashenko, Y .R., V.A. Description: Bergey 8.
Romanovskaya, V.N. Bogachenko and M. echinospora Nonomura and Ohara 1971
A.D. Stved. 1975. Ibid. Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971.
Journal of Fermentation Technology 49:
Microbacterium Orla-Jensen 1919 887-894. Type strain: ATCC 27300
Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara.
bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1-196. 1971. Ibid.
Type species: M. lacticum Orla-Jensen M. parva Nonomura and Ohara 1960
1919 Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1960.
Description: Robinson, K. 1966. Journal Journal of Fermentation Technology 38:
of Applied Bacteriology 29:607-615. 401-409. Type strain: KCC A-0024
M. lacticum Orla-Jensen 1919 Description: Bergey 8.
Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid M. rosea Nonomura and Ohara 1957
bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1- 196. Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1957.
Type strain: ATCC 8180 Journal of Fermentation Technology 35:
Description: Robinson, K. 1966. Journal 307-31 1. Type strain: ATCC 12950
of Applied Bacteriology 29:607-6 15. Description: Bergey 8.
M. tbermodiastatica Nonomura and Ohara
Microbispora Nonomura and Ohara 1957 1969
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1957. Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1969.
Journal of Fermentation Technology 35: Journal of Fermentation Technology 47:
307-311. Type species: M. rosea 701-709. Type strain: ATCC 27098
Nonomura and Ohara 1957 Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara.
Description: Bergey 8. 1969. Ibid.
M. aerata (Gerber and Lechevalier 1964) Cross M. tbermorosea Nonomura and Ohara 1969

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Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1969. and Technology 13: 1202- 1228. Type
Journal of Fermentation Technology 47: strain: ATCC 29093
701-709. Type strain: ATCC 27099 Description: Kocur, M., K.H. Schleifer
Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. and W.E. Kloos. 1975. International
1969. Ibid. Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 25:
Micrococcus Cohn 1872 M. roseus Flugge 1886
Cohn, F. 1872. Beitrage zur Biologie der Flugge, C. 1886. Die Mikroorganismen.
Pflanzen 1:127-224. Type species: M. F.C. W. Vogel, Leipzig. Type strain:
luteus (Schroeter 1872) Cohn 1872 ATCC 186
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Kocur, M. and Z. Pacova.
M. agilis Ali-Cohen 1889 1970. International Journal of Systematic
Ali-Cohen, C.H. 1889. Zentralblatt fur Bacteriology 20:233-240.
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- M. sedentarius ZoBell and Upham 1944
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 6: ZoBell, C.E. and H.C. Upham. 1944.
33-36. Type strain: ATCC 966 Bulletin Scripps Institution of Oceanogra-
Description: Kocur, M. and K.H. Schleif- phy University of California (Technical
er. 1975. International Journal of Series) 5239-292. Type strain: ATCC
Systematic Bacteriology 25:294-297. 14392
M. halobius Onishi and Kamekura 1972 Description: Kloos, W.E., T.G. Tornabene
Onishi, H. and M. Kamekura. 1972. and K.H. Schleifer. 1974. International
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 24:79-
teriology 22:233-236. Type strain: ATCC 101.
21727 M. varians Migula 1900
Description: Onishi, H. and M. Kameku- Migula, W. 1900. System der Bakterien.
ra. 1972. Ibid. Vol. 2. Gustav Fischer, Jena. Type strain:
M. kristinae Kloos, Tornabene and Schleifer ATCC 15306
1974 Description: Kocur, M. and T. Martinec.
Kloos, W.E., T.G. Tornabene and K.H. 1972. International Journal of Systematic
Schleifer. 1974. International Journal of Bacteriology 22:228-232.
Systematic Bacteriology 24:79-101. Type
strain: ATCC 27570 Microcyclus Orskov 1928
Description: Kloos, W.E., T.G. Tornabene Orskov, J. 1928. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri-
and K.H. Schleifer. 1974. Ibid. ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran-
M. luteus (Schroeter 1872) Cohn 1872 kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 107:
Schroeter, J. 1872 in Cohn, F. 1875. 180-184. Type species: M. aquaticus
Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen, J.U. Orskov 1928
Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. pp. 109- 126; Description: Larkin, J.M., P.M. Williams
Cohn, F. 1872. Beitrage zur Biologie der and R. Taylor. 1977. International
Pflanzen 1:127-224. Type strain: ATCC Journal of Systematic Bacteriology27: 147-
4698 156.
Description: Kocur, M., Z. Pacova and T. M. aquaticus Orskov 1928
Martinec. 1972. International Journal of Orskov, J. 1928. Zentralblatt fur
Systematic Bacteriology 22:2 18-223. Ba kteriologie, Parasi ten kunde, In fektion-
M. lylae Kloos, Tornabene and Schleifer 1974 skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I.
Kloos, W.E., T.G. Tornabene and K. 107:180- 184. Type strain: ATCC 25396
Schleifer. 1974. International Journal of Description: Larkin, J.M., P.M. Williams
Systematic Bacteriology 24:79- 101. Type and R. Taylor. 1977. International
strain: ATCC 17566 Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 27:
Description: Kloos, W.E., T.G. Tornabene 147-156.
and K. Schleifer. 1974. Ibid.
M. nishinomiyaensis Oda 1935 Microellobosporia Cross, Lechevalier and Leche-
Oda, M. 1935. Journal of Fermentation valier 1963

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Cross, T., M.P. Lechevalier and H.A. M. brunnea Sveshnikova, Maksimova and Ku-
Lechevalier. 1963. Journal of General drina 1969
Microbiology 31:421-429. Type species: Sveshnikova, M.A., T.S. Maksimova and
M. cinerea Cross, Lechevalier and Leche- E.S. Kudrina. 1969. Mikrobiologiya 38:
valier 1963 754-763. Type strain: ATCC 27334
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Sveshnikova, M.A., T.S.
M. cinerea Cross, Lechevalier and Lechevalier Maksimova and E.S. Kudrina. 1969. Ibid.
1963 M. carbonacea Luedemann and Brodsky 1965
Cross, T., M.P. Lechevalier and H.A. Luedemann, G.M. and B.C. Brodsky.
Lechevalier. 1963. Journal of General 1965. Antimicrobial Agents and Che-
Microbiology 31:421-429. Type strain: motherapy 1964:47-52. Type strain:
ATCC 15840 ATCC 271 14
Description: Cross, T., M.P. Lechevalier Description: Bergey 8.
and H.A. Lechevalier. 1963. Ibid. M. carbonacea subsp. auruntiaca Luedemann
M. flavea Cross, Lechevalier and Lechevalier and Brodsky 1965
1963 Luedemann, G.M. and B.C. Brodsky.
Cross, T., M.P. Lechevalier and H.A. 1965. Antimicrobial Agents and Che-
Lechevalier. 1963. Journal of General motherapy 1964:47-52. Type strain:
Microbiology 31:42 1-429. Type strain: ATCC 271 15
ATCC 15332 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Cross, T., M.P. Lechevalier M. carbonacea subsp. curbonucea Luedemann
and H.A. Lechevalier. 1963. Ibid. and Brodsky 1965
M. grisea (Konev, Tsyganov, Minbayev and Luedemann, G.M. and B.C. Brodsky.
Morozov 1967) Pridham 1970 1965. Antimicrobial Agents and Che-
Konev, I.E., V.A. Tsyganov, P. Minbayev motherapy 1964:47-52. Type strain:
and V.M. Morozov. 1967. Mikrobiologiya ATCC 27114
36:308-3 17; Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin Description: Bergey 8.
of the United States Department of M. chalcea (Foulerton 1905) Orskov 1923
Agriculture 1424:1-55. Type strain: Foulerton, A.G.R. 1905. Lancet 1:1 199-
ATCC 19618 1200; Orskov, J. 1923. Investigations into
Description: Bergey 8. the morphology of the ray fungi. Levin
M. violacea (Tsyganov, Zhukova and Timofeeva and Munksgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1964) Pridham 1974 Type strain: ATCC 12452
Tsyganov, V.A., R.A. Zhukova and K.A. Description: Bergey 8.
Timofeeva. 1964. Mikrobiologiya 33:863- M. coerulea Jensen 1932
869; Pridham, T.G. 1974. Bergey 8. Type Jensen, H.L. 1932. Proceedings of the
strain: DSM 43167 Linnean Society of New South Wales 57:
Description: Bergey 8. 173-180. Type strain: ATCC 27008
Description: Bergey 8.
Micromonospora Orskov 1923 M. echinospora Luedemann and Brodsky 1964
Orskov, J. 1923. Investigations into the Luedemann, G.M. and B.C. Brodsky.
morphology of the ray fungi. Levin and 1964. Antimicrobial Agents and Che-
Munksgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark. motherapy 1963:1 16- 124. Type strain:
Type species: M. chakeu (Foulerton ATCC 15837
1905) Orskov 1923 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. M. echinospora subsp. echinospora Luedemann
M. aurantiaca Sveshnikova, Maksimova and and Brodsky 1964
Kudrina 1969 Luedemann, G.M. and B.C. Brodsky.
Sveshnikova, M.A., T.S. Maksimova and 1964. Antimicrobial Agents and Che-
E.S. Kudrina. 1969. Mikrobiologiya 38: motherapy 1963:116- 124. Type strain:
754-763. Type strain: ATCC 27029 ATCC 15837
Description: Sveshnikova, M.A., T.S. Description: Bergey 8.
Maksimova and E.S. Kudrina. 1969. Ibid. M. echinospora subsp. ferruginea Luedemann

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and Brodsky 1964 Luedemann, G.M. and B.C. Brodsky.

Luedemann, G.M. and B.C. Brodsky. 1964. Antimicrobial Agents and Che-
1964. Antimicrobial Agents and Che- motherapy 1963: 1 16- 124. Type strain:
motherapy 1963:1 16- 124. Type strain: ATCC 15835
ATCC 15836 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. M. purpureochromogenes (Waksman and Curtis
M. echinospora subsp. pallida Luedemann and 19 16) Luedemann 197 1
Brodsky 1964 Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916.
Luedemann, G.M. and B.C. Brodsky. Soil Science 1:99-134; Luedemann, G.M.
1964. Antimicrobial Agents and 197 1. International Journal of Systematic
Chemotherapy 1963: 1 16- 124. Type strain: Bacteriology 21:240-247. Type strain:
ATCC 15838 ATCC 27007
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
M. gallica (Erikson 1935) Waksman 1961 M. rhodorangea Wagman, Testa, Marquez and
Erickson, D. 1935. Medical Research Weinstein 1974
Council (Great Britain) Special Report Wagman, G.H., R.T. Testa, J.A. Mar-
series 2035-6 1; Waksman, S.A. 196 1. quez and M.J. Weinstein. 1974.
The Actinomycetes. Vol. 2. Classification, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
identification and descriptions of genera 6144-149. Type strain: ATCC 27932
and species. The Williams and Wilkins Description: Wagman, G.H., R.T. Testa,
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-363. Type strain: J.A. Marquez and M.J. Weinstein. 1974.
NCTC 4582 I bid.
Description: Bergey 8.
M. halophytica Weinstein, Luedemann, Oden Micropolyspora Lechevalier, Solotorovsky and
and Wagman 1968 McDurmont 196 1
Weinstein, M.J., G.M. Luedemann, E.M. Lechevalier, H.A., M. Solotorovsky and
Oden and G.H. Wagman. 1968. Antimi- C.I. McDurmont. 1961. Journal of
crobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1967: General Microbiology 26: 1 1 - 18. Type
435-441. Type strain: ATCC 27596 species: M . brevicatena Lechevalier, Solo-
Description: Bergey 8. torovsky and McDurmont 196 1
M. halopbytica subsp. halophytica Weinstein, Description: Bergey 8.
Luedemann, Oden and Wagman 1968 M. angiospora Zhukova, Tsyganov and Morozov
Weinstein, M.J., G.M. Luedemann, E.M. 1968
Oden and G.H. Wagman. 1968. Antimi- Zhukova, R.A., V.A. Tsyganov and V.M.
crobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1967: Morozov. 1968. Mikrobiologiya 37:724-
435-441. Type strain: ATCC 27596 728. Type strain: LIA 3479-30
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Zhukova, R.A., V.A. Tsyga-
M. halophytica subsp. nigra Weinstein, Luede- nov and V.M. Morozov. 1968. Ibid.
mann, Oden and Wagman 1968 M. brevicatena Lechevalier, Solotorovsky and
Weinstein, M.J., G.M. Luedemann, E.M. McDurmont 196 1
Oden and G.H. Wagman. 1968. Lechevalier, H.A., M. Solotorovsky and
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy C.1. McDurmont. 1961. Journal of
1967:435-441. Type strain: ATCC 33088 General Microbiology 26: 1 1- 1 8. Type
Description: Bergey 8. strain: ATCC 15333
M. inositola Kawamoto, Okachi, Kato, Yama- Description: Bergey 8.
moto, Takahahashi, Takasawa and Nara M. faeni Cross, Maciver and Lacey 1968
1974 Cross, T., A.M. Maciver and J. Lacey.
Kawamoto, I., R. Okachi, H. Kato, S. 1968. Journal of General Microbiology
Yamamoto, I. Takahashi, S. Takasawa 50:35 1-359. Type strain: ATCC 15347
and T. Nara. 1974. Journal of Antibiotics Description: Bergey 8.
27:493-501. Type strain: ATCC 21773 M. internatus Agre, Guzeva and Dorokhova
Description: Bergey 8. 1974
M. purpurea Luedemann and Brodsky 1964 Agre, N.S., L.N. Guzeva and L.A.

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Dorokhova. 1974. Mikrobiologiya 43577- Description: Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani

583. Type strain: INMI 632 and G. Beretta. 1968. Journal of General
Description: Agre, N.S., L.N. Guzeva and Microbiology 50:295- 303.
L.A. Dorokhova. 1974. Ibid. M. viridis Nonomura and Ohara 1971
M. rectivirgula (Krassilnikov and Agre 1964) Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971.
Prauser and Momirova 1970 Journal of Fermentation Technology 49:
Krassilnikov, N.A. and N.S. Agre. 1964. 887-894. Type strain: ATCC 27103
Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin 6:97- 107; Description: Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani
Prauser, H. and S. Momirova. 1970. and G. Beretta. 1968. Journal of General
Zeitschrift fur A1lgemeine Mikrobiologie Microbiology 50295-303.
10:219-222. Type strain: INMI 683
Description: Bergey 8. Moraxella Lwoff 1939
Lwoff, A. 1939. Annales de 1’Institut
Microscilla Pringsheim 195 1 Pasteur (Paris) 62: 168- 176. Type species:
Pringsheim, E.G. 195 1. Journal of Gener- M . lacunata (Eyre 1900) Lwoff 1939
al Microbiology 5:124- 149. Type species: Description: Bergey 8.
M . marina Pringsheim 1951 M. anatipestifer (Hendrickson and Hilbert
Description: Pringsheim, E.G. 1951. Ibid. 1932) Bruner and Fabricant 1954
M. marina (Pringsheim 1951) Lewin 1969 Hendrickson, J.M. and K.F. Hilbert.
Pringsheim, E.G. 1951. Journal of 1932. Cornell Veterinarian 22:239-252;
General Microbiology 5:124- 149; Lewin, Bruner, D.W. and J. Fabricant. 1954.
R.A. 1969. Journal of General Microbiol- Cornell Veterinarian 44:46 1-464. Type
ogy 58:189-206. Type strain: ATCC strain: ATCC 11845
23 134 Description: Henriksen, S.D. 1973. Bac-
Description: Lewin, R.A. 1969. Ibid. teriological Reviews 37:522-56 1.
M. atlantae Bovre, Fuglesang, Hagen, Jan tzen
Microtetraspora Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta and Froholm 1976
1968 Bovre, K., J.E. Fuglesang, N. Hagen, E.
Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani and G. Jantzen and L.O. Froholm. 1976. Interna-
Beretta. 1968. Journal of General Micro- tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
biology 50:295-303. Type species: M . 26511-521. Type strain: ATCC 29525
glauca Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta Description: Bovre, K., J.E. Fuglesang, N.
1968 Hagen, E. Jantzen and L.O. Froholm.
Description: Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani 1976. Ibid.
and G. Beretta. 1968. Ibid. M. bovis (Hauduroy, Ehringer, Urbain, Guillot
M. fusca Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta 1968 and Magrou 1937) Murray 1948
Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani and G. Hauduroy, P., G. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G.
Beretta. 1968. Journal of General Micro- Guillot and J. Magrou. 1937. Dictionnaire
biology 50:295-303. Type strain: ATCC des Bacteries Pathogenes. Masson et Cie,
23058 Paris. p. 247; Murray, E.G.D. 1948 in
Description: Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
and G. Beretta. 1968. Ibid. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
M. glauca Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta 1968 Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. The
Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani and G. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Beretta. 1968. Journal of General 590-592. Type strain: ATCC 10900
Microbiology 50:295-303. Type strain: Description: Henriksen, S.D. 1973. Bac-
ATCC 23057 teriological Reviews 37522-56 1.
Description: Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani M. catarrbalis (Frosch and Kolle 1896)
and G. Beretta. 1968. Ibid. Henriksen and Bovre 1968
M. niveoalba Nonomura and Ohara 1971 Frosch, P. and W. Kolle. 1896 in Flugge,
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971. C. Die Mikroorganismen. 3rd ed. Verlag
Journal of Fermentation Technology 49: von Vogel, Leipzig. Part 2. p. 154;
887-894. Type strain: ATCC 27301 Henriksen, S.D. and K. Bovre. 1968.

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Journal of General Microbiology 51:387- International Journal of Systematic Bac-

392. Type strain: ATCC 25238 teriology 17:343-360. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Catlin, B.W. 1970. Interna- 23333
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology Description: Henriksen, S.D. 1973.
20: 155-159. Bacteriological Reviews 37322-56 1.
M. caviae (Pelczar 1953) Henriksen and Bovre M. saccharolytica Flamm 1956
1968 Flamm, H. 1956. ZentralbIatt fur Bakter-
Pelczar, M.J. 1953. Journal of Bacteriolo- iologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran-
gy 65:744; Henriksen, S.D. and K. Bovre. kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 166:
1968. Journal of General Microbiology 498-502. Type strain: ATCC 19245
51:387-392. Type strain: ATCC 14659 Desqription: Flamm, H. 1956. Ibid.
Description: Berger, U. 1963. Ergebnisse M. urethralis Lautrop, Bovre and Frederiksen
der Mikrobiologie, Immunitatsforschung 1970
und experimentellen Therapie 36:97-167. Lautrop, H., K. Bovre and W. Frederik-
M. equi Hughes and Pugh 1970 sen. 1970. Acta Pathologica et
Hughes, D.E. and G.W. Pugh. 1970. Microbiologica Scandinavica, Section B,
American Journal of Veterinary Research 78:255-256. Type strain: ATCC 17960
31:457-462. Type strain: ATCC 25576 Description: Lautrop, H., K. Bovre and
Description: Hughes, D.E. and G.W. W. Frederiksen. 1970. Ibid.
Pugh. 1970. Ibid.
M. lacunata (Eyre 1900) Lwoff 1939 Morganella Fulton 1943
Eyre, J.W. 1900. Journal of Pathology Fulton, MacD. 1943. Journal of Bacteriol-
and Bacteriology 6:l-13; Lwoff, A. 1939. ogy 46:79-81. Type species: M. morgunii
Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 62: (Winslow, Kligler and Rothberg 1919)
168-176. Type strain: ATCC 17967 Brenner, Farmer, Fanning, Steigerwalt,
Description: Henriksen, S.D. 1973. Bac- Klykken, Wathen, Hickman and Ewing
teriological Reviews 37522-561. 1978
M. nonliquefaciens (Scarlett 1916) Lwoff 1939 Description: Fulton, MacD. 1943. Ibid.
Scarlett, M. 1916. Annales d’oculistique M. morganii (Winslow, Kligler and Rothberg
(Paris) 153:lOO-111; Lwoff, A. 1939. 1919) Brenner, Farmer, Fanning, Steig-
Annales de I’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 62: erwalt, Klykken, Wathen, Hickman and
168-176. Type strain: ATCC 19975 Ewing 1978
Description: Henriksen, S.D. 1973. Winslow, C.E.A., I.J. Kligler and W.
Bacteriological Reviews 37522-561. Rothberg. 1919. Journal of Bacteriology
M. osloensis Bovre and Henriksen 1967 4:429-503; Brenner, D.J., J.J. Farmer 111,
Bovre, K. and S.D. Henriksen. 1967. G.R. Fanning, A.G. Steigerwalt, P.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Klykken, H.G. Wathen, F.W. Hickman
teriology 17:127-135. Type strain: ATCC and W.H. Ewing. 1978. International
19976 Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:
Description: Henriksen, S.D. 1973. Bac- 269-282. Type strain: ATCC 25830
teriological Reviews 37522-561. Description: Brenner, D.J., J.J. Farmer
M. ovis (Lindqvist 1960) Henriksen and Bovre 111, G.R. Fanning, A.G. Steigerwalt, P.
1968 Klykken, H.G. Wathen, F.W. Hickman
Lindqvist, K. 1960. Journal of Infectious and W.H. Ewing. 1978. Ibid.
Diseases 106 162-165; Henriksen, S.D.
and K. Bovre. 1968. Journal of General Mycobacterium Lehmann and Neumann 1896
Microbiology 51:387-392. Type strain: Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896.
ATCC 33078 Atlas und Grundriss der Bacteriologie und
Description: Berger, U. 1963. Ergebnisse Lehrbuch der speziellen bacteriologischen
der Mikrobiologie, Immunitatsforschung Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann, Mun-
und experimentellen Therapie 36:97- 167. chen. Type species: M. tuberculosis (Zopf
M. phenylpyruvica Bovre and Henriksen 1967 1883) Lehmann and Neumann 1896
Bovre, K. and S.D. Henriksen. 1967. Description: Bergey 8.

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M. africanum Castets, Rist and Boisvert 1969 Frerichs 1953) Kubica, Baess, Gordon,
Castets, M., N. Rist and H. Boisvert. Jenkins, Kwapinski, McDurmont, Pattyn,
1969. Medecin D’Afrique Noire 1632 1 - Saito, Silcox, Stanford, Takeya and
322. Type strain: ATCC 25420 Tsukamura 1972
Description: Bergey 8. Moore, M. and J.B. Frerichs. 1953.
M. asiaticum Weiszfeiler, Karasseva and Journal of Investigative Dermatology 20:
Karczag 1971 133-169; Kubica, G.P., 1. Baess, R.E.
Weiszfeiler, J., G.V. Karasseva and E. Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwapinski,
Karczag. 197 1 . Acta Microbiologica Aca- C. McDurmont, S.R. Pattyn, H. Saito, V.
demiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 18:247- Silcox, J.L. Stanford, K. Takeya and M.
252. Type strain: ATCC 25276 Tsukamura. 1972. Journal of General I

Description: Weiszfeiler, J., G.V. Karasse- Microbiology 7 3 3 - 7 0 . Type strain:

va and E. Karczag. 1971. Ibid. ATCC 19977
M. aurum Tsukamura 1966 Description: Kubica, G.P., I. Baess, R.E.
Tsukamura, M. 1966. Journal of General Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwapinski,
Microbiology 45253-273. Type strain: G. McDurmont, S.R. Pattyn, H. Saito, V.
ATCC 23366 Silcox, J.L. Stanford, K. Takeya and M.
Description: Tsukamura, M. 1966. Ibid. Tsukamura. 1972. Ibid.
M. avium Chester 1901 M. chelonei subsp. chelonei (Bergey, Harrison,
Chester, F.D. 1901. A manual of Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923)
determinative bacteriology. The Macmil- Kubica, Baess, Gordon, Jenkins, Kwapin-
lan Co., New York. Type strain: ATCC ski, McDurmont, Pattyn, Saito, Silcox,
2529 1 Stanford, Takeya and Tsukamura 1972
Description: Meissner, G., K.H. Schroder, Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
G.E. Amadio, W. Anz, S. Chaparas, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
H.W.B. Engel, P.A. Jenkins, W. Kappler, Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
H.H. Kleeberg, E. Kubala, M. Kubin, D. iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Lauterbach, A. Lind, M. Magnusson, Zd. Co., Baltimore; Kubica, G.P., I. Baess,
Mikova, S.R. Pattyn, W.B. Schaefer, J.L. R.E. Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwap-
Stanford, M. Tsukamura, L.G. Wayne, I. inski, C. McDurmont, S.R. Pattyn, H.
Willers and E. Wolinsky. 1974. Journal of Saito, V. Silcox, J.H. Stanford, K.
General Microbiology 83207-235. Takeya and M. Tsukamura. 1972. Journal
M. bovis Karlson and Lessel 1970 of General Microbiology 7355-70. Type
Karlson, A.G. and E.F. Lessel. 1970. strain: NCTC 946
International Journal of Systematic Description: Kubica, G.P., I. Baess, R.E.
Bacteriology 20273-282. Type strain: Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwapinski,
ATCC 19210 C. McDurmont, S.R.Pattyn, H. Saito, V.
Description: Karlson, A.G. and E.F. Silcox, J.L. Stanford, K. Takeya and M.
Lessel. 1970. Ibid. Tsukamura. 1972. Ibid.
M. chelonei Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer M. chitae Tsukamura 1967
and Huntoon 1923 Tsukamura, M. 1967. Japanese Journal of
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, Microbiology 11:43-47. Type strain:
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. ATCC 19627
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Description: Tsukamura, M. 1967. Ibid.
iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins M. duvalii Stanford and Gunthorpe 1971
Co., Baltimore. Type strain: NCTC 946 Stanford, J.L. and W.J. Gunthorpe. 1971.
Description: Kubica, G.P., I. Baess, R.E. British Journal of Experimental Pathology
Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwapinski, 52627-637. Type strain: NCTC 358
C. McDurmont, S.R. Pattyn, H. Saito, V. Description: Stanford, J.L. and W.J.
Silcox, J.L. Stanford, K. Takeya and M. Gunthorpe. 197 1 . Ibid.
Tsukamura. 1972. Journal of General M. farcinogenes Chamoiseau 1973
Microbiology 7355-70. Chamoiseau, G. 1973. Annales de Micro-
M. cheloaei subsp. abscessus (Moore and biologie de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 124:

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215-222. Type strain: NCTC 10955 Sompolinsky, D., A. Lagziel, D. Naveh

Description: Chamoiseau, G. 1973. Ibid. and L. Yankilevitz. 1978. International
M. flavescens Bojalil, Cerbon and Trujillo 1962 Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:67-
Bojalil, L.F., J. Cerbon and A. Trujillo. 75. Type strain: ATCC 29548
1962. Journal of General Microbiology Description: Sompolinsky, D., A. Lagziel,
28:333-346. Type strain: ATCC 14474 D. Naveh and T. Yankilevitz. 1978. Ibid.
Description: Kubica, G.P., I. Baess, R.E. M. intracellulare (Cuttino and McCabe 1949)
Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwapinski, Runyon 1965
C. McDurmont, S.R.Pattyn, H. Saito, V. Cuttino, J.T. and A.M. McCabe. 1949.
Silcox, J.L. Stanford, K. Takeya and M. American Journal of Clinical Pathology
Tsukamura. 1972. Journal of General 251-34; Runyon, E.H. 1965. Advances in
Microbiology 73:55- 70. Tuberculosis Research 14:2 35- 287. Type
M. fortuitum da Costa Cruz 1938 strain: ATCC 13950
da Costa Cruz, J.C. 1938. Acta Medica Description: Meissner, G., K.H. Schroder,
(Rio de Janeiro) 1:297-301. Type strain: G.E. Amadio, W. Anz, S. Chaparas,
ATCC 6841 H.W.B. Engel, P.A. Jenkins, W. Kappler,
Description: Kubica, G.P., I. Baess, R.E. H.H. Kleeberg, E. Kubala, M. Kubin, D.
Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwapinski, Lauterbach, A. Lind, M. Magnusson, Zd.
C. McDurmont, S.P. Pattyn, H. saito, V. Mikova, S.R.Pattyn, W.B. Schaefer, J.L.
Silcox, J.L. Stanford, K. Takeya and M. Stanford, M. Tsukamura, L.G. Wayne, I.
Tsukamura. 1972. Journal of General Willers and E. Wolinsky. 1974. Journal of
Microbiology 73:55-70. General Microbiology 83:207-235.
M. gadium Casal and Calero 1974 M. kansasii Hauduroy 1955
Casal, M. and J.R. Calero. 1974. Hauduroy, P. 1955. Derniers aspects du
Tubercle 55299-308. Type strain: ATCC monde des mycobacteries. Masson et Cie,
27726 Paris. Type strain: ATCC 12478
Description: Casel, M. and J.R. Calero. Description: Bergey 8.
1974. Ibid. M. komossense Kazda and Muller 1979
M. gastri Wayne 1966 Kazda, J. and K. MuEler. 1979. Interna-
Wayne, L.G. 1966. American Review of tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Respiratory Diseases 93:9 19-928. Type 29:361-365. Type strain: ATCC 33013
strain: ATCC 15754 Description: Kazda, J. and K. Muller.
Description: Wayne, L.G. 1966. Ibid. 1979. Ibid.
M. gilvum Stanford and Gunthorpe 1971 M. leprae (Hansen 1880) Lehmann and Neu-
Stanford, J.L. and W.J. Gunthorpe. 1971. mann 1896
British Journal of Experimental Pathology Hansen, G.A. 1880. Virchows Archiv fur
52527-637. Type strain: NCTC 10742 pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie
Description: Stanford, J.L. and W.J. und fur klinische Medizin 79:32-42;
Gunthorpe. 1971. Ibid. Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896.
M. gordonae Bojalil, Cerbon and Trujillo 1962 Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
Bojalil, L.F., J. Cerbon and A. Trujillo. und Lehrbuch der speziellen
1962. Journal of General Microbiology bakteriologischen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F.
28:333-346. Type strain: ATCC 14470 Lehmann, Munchen. Type strain: Has not
Description: Wayne, L.G., T.M. Dietz, C. been cultivated.
Gernez-Rieux, P.A. Jenkins, W. Kappler, Description: Bergey 8.
G.P. Kubica, J.B.G. Kwapinski, G. M. lepraemurium Marchoux and Sorel 1912
Meissner, S.R. Pattyn, E.H. Runyon, Marchoux, E. and F. Sorel. 1912.
K.H. Schroder, V.A. Silcox, A. Tacquet, Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 26:
M. Tsukamura and E. Wolinsky. 1971. 675-700. Type strain: Difficult to culti-
Journal of General Microbiology 66255- vate.
271. Description: Saito, H., K. Yamaoka and
M. haemophilum Sompolinsky, Lagziel, Naveh K. Kiyotani. 1976. International Journal
and Yankilevitz 1978 of Systematic Bacteriology 26: 1 1 1- 1 15.

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M. malmoense Schroder and Juhlin 1977 Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 374. Type
Schroder, K.H. and 1. Juhlin. 1977. strain: ATCC 19698
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Description: Thorel, M.F. and L. Valette.
teriology 27:24 1-246. Type strain: ATCC 1976. Annales Recherches Veterinaire 7:
2957 1 207-213.
Description: Schroder, K.H. and I. Juhlin. M. phlei Lehmann and Neumann 1899
1977. Ibid. Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1899.
M. marinum Aronson 1926 Lehmann’s Medizin, Handatlanten X.
Aronson, J.D. 1926. Journal of Infectious Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
Diseases 39:3 14-320. Type strain: ATCC und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologis-
927 chen Diagnostik. 2 Auflage. Type strain:
Description: Bergey 8. ATCC 1 I758
M. microti Reed 1957 Description: Kubica, G.P., I. Baess, R.E.
Reed, G.B. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwapinski,
Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s C. McDurmont, S.R. Pattyn, H. Saito, V.
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Silcox, J.L. Stanford, K. Takeya and M.
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Tsukamura. 1972. Journal of General
Baltimore. p. 703. Type strain: NCTC Microbiology 7355-70.
8710 M. scrofulaceurn Prissick and Masson 1956
Description: Bergey 8. Prissick, F.H. and A.M. Masson. 1956.
M. nonchromogenicum Tsukamura 1965 Canadian Medical Association Journal 75:
Tsukamura, M. 1965. Medical Biology 798-803. Type strain: ATCC 19981
71:llO-113. Type strain: ATCC 19530 Description: Wayne, L.G., T.M. Dietz, C.
Description: Meissner, G., K.H. Schroder, Gernez-Rieux, P.A. Jenkins, W. Kappler,
G.E. Amadio, W. Anz, S. Chaparas, G.P. Kubica, J.B.G. Kwapinski, G.
H.W.B. Engel, P.A. Jenkins, W. Kappler, Meissner, S.R. Pattyn, E.H. Runyon,
H.H. Kleeberg, E. Kubala, M. Kubin, D. K.H. Schroder, V.A. Silcox, A. Tacquet,
Lauterbach, A. Lind, M. Magnusson, Zd. M. Tsukamura and E. Wolinsky. 1971.
Mikova, S.R. Pattyn, W.B. Schaefer, J.L. Journal of General Microbiology 66:255-
Stanford, M. Tsukamura, L.G. Wayne, I. 271.
Willers and E. Wolinsky. 1974. Journal of M. senegaleme (Chamoiseau 1973) Chamoiseau
General Microbiology 83:207-235. 1979
M. neoaurum Tsukamura 1972 Chamoiseau, G. 1973. Annales de Micro-
Tsukamura, M. 1972. Medical Biology biologie de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 124:
85:229-233. Type strain: ATCC 25795 21 5-222; Chamoiseau, G. 1979. Interna-
Description: Tsukamura, M. 1972. Ibid. tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
M. parafortuitum Tsukamura 1966 29:407-410. Type strain: NCTC 10956
Tsukamura, M. 1966. Journal of General Description: Chamoiseau, G. 1973. Ibid.
Microbiology 42:7- 12. Type strain: ATCC M. simiae Karassova, Weiszfeiler and Krasznay
19686 1965
Description: Saito, H., R.E. Gordon, I. Karassova, V., J. Weiszfeiler and E.
Juhlin, W, Kappler, J.B.G. Kwapinski, C. Krasznay. 1965. Acta Microbiologica
McDurmont, S.R. Pattyn, E.H. Runyon, Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 12:
J.L. Stanford, I. Tarnok, H. Tasaka, M. 275-282. Type strain: ATCC 25275
Tsukamura and J. Weiszfeiler. 1977. Description: Bergey 8.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- M. smegmatis (Trevisan 1889) Lehmann and
teriology 27:75-85. Neumann 1899
M. paratuberculosis Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Trevisan, V. 1889. I Generi e le Specie
Hammer and Huntoon 1923 delle Bacteriacee. Zanaboni and Gabuzzi,
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, Milano; Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann.
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. 1899. Lehmann’s Medizin Handatlanten
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative X. Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and und Lehrbuch der speziellen

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bakteriologischen Diagnostik. 2 Auflage. MacCallum, P., J.C. Tolhurst and G.

Type strain: ATCC 19420 Buckle. 1950 in Fenner, F. Medical
Description: Kubica, G.P., I. Baess, R.E. Journal of Australia 2:8 13-8 18. Type
Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwapinski, strain: ATCC 19423
C. McDurmont, S.R. Pattyn, H. Saito, V. Description: Boisvert, H. 1977. Bulletin de
Silcox, J.L. Stanford, K. Takeya and M. la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 70: 125-
Tsukamura. 1972. Journal of General 131.
Microbiology 7 3 5 5-70. M. vaccae Bonicke and Juhasz 1964
M. szulgai Marks, Jenkins and Tsukamura Bonicke, R. and S.E. Juhasz. 1964.
1972 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie,
Marks, J., P.A. Jenkins and M. Tsukamu- Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
ra. 1972. Tubercle 53:210-214. Type Hygiene. Abteilung I. 192:133-135. Type
strain: NCTC 10831 strain: ATCC 15483
Description: Marks, J., P.A. Jenkins and Description: Saito, H., R.E. Gordon, I.
M. Tsukamura. 1972. Ibid. Juhlin, W. Kappler, J.B.G. Kwapinski, C.
M. terrae Wayne 1966 McDurmont, S.R. Pattyn, E.H. Runyon,
Wayne, L.G. 1966. American Review of J.L. Stanford, I. Tarnok, H. Tasaka, M.
Respiratory Diseases 9 3 9 19-928. Type Tsukamura and J. Weiszfeiler. 1977.
strain: ATCC 15755 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Description: Meissner, G., K.H. Schroder, teriology 27:7 5-85.
G.E. Amadio, W. Anz, S. Chaparas, M. xenopi Schwabacher 1959
H.W.B. Engel, P.A. Jenkins, W. Kappler, Schwabacher, H. 1959. Journal of Hygi-
H.H. Kleeberg, E. Kubala, M. Kubin, D. ene 5757-67. Type strain: NCTC 10042
Lauterbach, A. Lind, M. Magnusson, Zd. Description: Meissner, G., K.H. Schroder,
Mikova, S.R. Pattyn, W.B. Schaefer, J.L. G.E. Amadio, W. Anz, S. Chaparas,
Stanford, M. Tsukamura, L.G. Wayne, I. H.W.B. Engel, P.A. Jenkins, W. Kappler,
Willers and E. Wolinsky. 1974. Journal of H.H. Kleeberg, E. Kubala, M. Kubin, D.
General Microbiology 83:207-235. Lauterbach, A. Lind, M. Magnusson, Zd.
M. thermoresistibile Tsukamura 1966 Mikova, S.R. Pattyn, W.B. Schaefer, J.L.
Tsukamura, M. 1966. Journal of General Stanford, M. Tsukamura, L.G. Wayne, I.
Microbiology 45253-273. Type strain: Willers and E. Wolinsky. 1974. Journal of
ATCC 19527 General Microbiology 83:207-235.
Description: Tsukamura, M. 1966. Ibid.
M. triviale Kubica 1970 Mycoplana Gray and Thornton 1928
Kubica, G.P. 1970 in Kubica, G.P., V.A. Gray, P.H.H. and H.G. Thornton. 1928.
Silcox, J.O. Kilburn, R.W. Smithwick, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
R.E. Beam, W.D. Jones, Jr. and K.D. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
Stottmeier. International Journal of Sys- Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 73:74-96. Type
tematic Bacteriology 20: 16 1- 174. Type species: M. dimorpha Gray and Thornton
strain: ATCC 23292 1928
Description: Kubica, G.P. 1970. Ibid. Description: Gray, P.H.H. and H.G.
M. tuberculosis (Zopf 1883) Lehmann and Thornton. 1928. Ibid.
Neumann 1896 M. bullata Gray and Thornton 1928
Zopf, W. 1883. Die Spaltpilze, Edward Gray, P.H.H. and H.G. Thornton. 1928.
Trewendt, Breslau. pp. 1- 100; Lehmann, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896. Atlas und kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
Grundriss der Bakteriologie und Lehrbuch ene. Abteilung 11. 73:74-96. Type strain:
der speziellen bakteriologischen Diagnos- ATCC 4278
tik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann, Munchen. Type Description: Gray, P.H.H. and H.G.
strain: ATCC 27294 Thornton. 1928. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. M. dimorpha Gray and Thornton 1928
M. ulcerans MacCallum, Tolhurst and Buckle Gray, P.H.H. and H.G. Thornton. 1928.
1950 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-

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kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und M. arthritidis (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955
Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 73:74-96. Type Sabin, A.B. 1941. Bacteriological Reviews
strain: ATCC 4279 5: 1-66; Freundt, E.A. 1955. International
Description: Gray, P.H.H. and H.G. Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature
Thornton. 1928. Ibid. and Taxonomy 5:67-78. Type strain:
ATCC 19611
Mycoplasma Nowak 1929 Description: Cassell, G.H. and A. Hill.
Nowak, J. 1929. Annales de 1’Institut 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully
Pasteur (Paris) 43: 1330-1352. Type spe- and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplas-
cies: M. mycoides (Borrel, Dujardin- mas. Academic Press, New York, Volume
Beaumetz, Jeantet and Jouan 1910) 11. pp. 235-273.
Freundt 1955 M. bovigenitalium Freundt 1955
Description: Bergey 8. Freundt, E.A. 1955. International Bulletin
M. agalactiae (Wroblewski 1931) Freundt 1955 of Bacteriological Nomenclature and
Wroblewski, W. 1931. Annales de Taxonomy 5:67-78. Type strain: ATCC
1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 47:94- 115; 19852
Freundt, E.A. 1955. International Bulletin Description: Gourlay, R.N. and C.J.
of Bacteriological Nomenclature and Howard. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin,
Taxonomy 567-78. Type strain: NCTC J.G. Tully and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The
10123 Mycoplasmas. Academic Press, New
Description: Cottew, G.S. 1979 in Barile, York, Volume 11. pp. 49-102.
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. M. bovirhinis Leach 1967
Whitcomb (4s). The Mycoplasmas. Aca- Leach, R.H. 1967. Annals of the New
demic Press, New York, Volume 11. pp. York Academy of Sciences 143:305-316.
103-132. Type strain: ATCC 27748
M. alkalescens Leach 1973 Description: Gourlay, R.N. and C.J.
Leach, R.H. 1973. Journal of General Howard. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin,
Microbiology 75:135-153. Type strain: J.G. Tully and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The
ATCC 29103 Mycoplasmas. Academic Press, New
Description: Leach, R.H. 1973. Ibid. York, VoIume 11. pp. 49-102.
M. alvi Gourlay, Wyld and Leach 1977 M. bovis (Hale, Helmboldt, Plastridge and
Gourlay, R.N., S.G. Wyld and R.H. Stula 1962) Askaa and Ern0 1976
Leach. 1977. International Journal of Hale, H.H., C.F. Helmboldt, W.N.
Systematic Bacteriology 27:86-96. Type Plastridge and E.F. Stula. 1962. Cornell
strain: ATCC 29626 Veterinarian 52582-591; Asksa, G. and
Description: Gourlay, R.N., S.G. Wyld H. Erno. 1976. International Journal of
and R.H. Leach. 1977. Ibid. Systematic Bacteriology 2 6 3 23 - 3 25. Type
M. anatis Roberts 1964 strain: ATCC 25523
Roberts, D.H. 1964. Veterinary Record Description: Askaa, G. and H. Erno.
76:470-473. Type strain: ATCC 25524 1976. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. M. bovoculi Langford and Leach 1973
M. arginini Barile, Del Giudice, Carski, Gibbs Langford, E.V. and R.H. Leach. 1973.
and Morris 1968 Canadian Journal of Microbiology 19:
Barile, M.F., R.A. Del Giudice, T.R. 1435-1444. Type strain: ATCC 29104
Carski, C.J. Gibbs and J.A. Morris. 1968. Description: Langford, E.V. and R.H.
Proceedings of the Society for Experimen- Leach. 1973. Ibid.
tal Biology and Medicine 129:489-494. M. buccale Freundt, Taylor-Robinson, Purcell,
Type strain: ATCC 23838 Chanock and Black 1974
Description: Gourlay, R.N. and C.J. Freundt, E.A., D, Taylor-Robinson, R.H.
Howard. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin, Purcell, R.M. Chanock and F.T.Black.
J.G. Tully and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The 1974. International Journal of Systematic
Mycoplasmas. Academic Press, New Bacteriology 24:252-255. Type strain:
York, Volume 11. pp. 49-102. ATCC 23636

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Description: Freundt, E.A., D. Taylor- Nagatomo. 1978. Ibid.

Robinson, R.H. Purcell, R.M. Chanock M. columborale Shimizu, Erno and Nagatomo
and F.T. Black. 1974. Ibid. 1978
M. canadense Langford, Ruhnke and Onoviran Shimizu, T., H. Erno and H. Nagatomo.
1976 1978. International Journal of Systematic
Langford, E.V., H.L. Ruhnke and 0. Bacteriology 28538-546. Type strain:
Onoviran. 1976. International Journal of ATCC 29258
Systematic Bacteriology 26:2 12-219. Type Description: Shimizu, T., H. Ern0 and H.
strain: ATCC 29418 Nagatomo. 1978. Ibid.
Description: Langford, E.V., H.L. Ruhnke M. conjunctivae Barile, Del Giudice and Tully
and 0. Onoviran. 1976. Ibid. 1972
M. canis Edward 1955 Barile, M.F., R.A. Del Giudice and J.G.
Edward, D.G. ff. 1955. International Tully. 1972. Infection and Immunity 5:70-
Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature 76. Type strain: ATCC 25834
and Taxonomy 5535-93. Type strain: Description: Barile, M.F., R.A. Del
ATCC 19525 Giudice and J.G. Tully. 1972. Ibid.
Description: Rosendal, S. 1979 in Barile, M. cynos Rosendal 1973
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. Rosendal, S. 1973. International Journal
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. of Systematic Bacteriology 23:49-54. Type
Academic Press, New York, Volume 11. strain: ATCC 27544
pp. 217-234. Description: Rosendal, S. 1973. Ibid.
M. capricolum Tully, Barile, Edward, Theodore M. dispar Gourlay and Leach 1970
and Erno 1974 Gourlay, R.N. and R.H. Leach. 1970.
Tully, J.G., M.F. Barile, D.G. ff. Edward, Journal of Medical Microbiology 3 : l l l -
T.S. Theodore and H. Erno. 1974. 123. Type strain: ATCC 27 140
Journal of General Microbiology 85:102- Description: Gourlay, R.N. and C.J.
120. Type strain: ATCC 27343 Howard. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin,
Description: Tully, J.G., M.F. Barile, J.G. Tully and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The
D.G. ff. Edward, T.S. Theodore and H. Mycoplasmas. Academic Press, New
Erno. 1974. Ibid. York, Volume 11. pp. 49-102.
M. caviae Hill 1971 M. edwardii Tully, Barile, Del Giudice, Carski,
Hill, A. 1971. Journal of General Armstrong and Razin 1970
Microbiology 65:109-11 3. Type strain: Tully, J.G., M.F. Barile, R.A. Del
ATCC 27108 Giudice, T.R. Carski, D. Armstrong and
Description: Cassel, G.H. and A. Hill. S. Razin. 1970. Journal of Bacteriology
1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully 101:346-349. Type strain: ATCC 23462
and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplas- Description: Rosendal, S. 1979 in Barile,
mas. Academic Press, New York, Volume M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F.
11. pp. 235-273. Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca-
M. citelli Rose, Tully and Langford 1978 demic Press, New York, Volume 11. pp.
Rose, D.L., J.G. Tully and E.V. Lang- 217-234.
ford. 1978. International Journal of M. equigenitalium Kirchhoff 1978
Systematic Bacteriology 28567-572. Type Kirchhoff, H. 1978. International Journal
strain: ATCC 29760 of Systematic Bacteri01 ogy 28:496-5 02.
Description: Rose, D.L., J.G. Tully and Type strain: ATCC 29869
E.V. Langford. 1978. Ibid. Description: Kirchhoff, H. 1978. Ibid.
M. columbinum Shimizu, Erno and Nagatomo M. equirhinis Allam and Lemcke 1975
1978 Allam, N.M. and R.M. Lemcke. 1975.
Shimizu, T., H. Erno and H. Nagatomo. Journal of Hygiene Cambridge 74:385-
1978. International Journal of Systematic 408. Type strain: ATCC 29420
Bacteriology 28538-546. Type strain: Description: Allam, N.M. and R.M.
ATCC 29257 Lemcke. 1975. Ibid.
Description: Shimizu, T., H. Ern0 and H. M. faucium Freundt, Taylor-Robinson, Purcell,

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Chanock and Black 1974 1458. Type strain: ATCC 23392

Freundt, E.A., D. Taylor-Robinson, R.H. Description: Bergey 8.
Purcell, R.M. Chanock and F.T. Black M. hominis (Freundt 1953) Edward 1955
1974. International Journal of Systematic Freundt, E.A. 1953. Acta Pathologica et
Bacteriology 24:252-255. Type strain: Microbiologica Scandinavica 32:468-480;
ATCC 25293 Edward, D.G. ff. 1955. International
Description: Freundt, E.A., D. Taylor- Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature
Robinson, R.H. Purcell, R.M. Chanock and Taxonomy 585-93. Type strain:
and F.T. Black. 1974. Ibid. ATCC 23114
M. feliminutum Heyward, Sabry and Dowdle Description: Bergey 8.
1969 M. hyopneumoniae Mare and Switzer 1965
Heyward, J.T., M.Z. Sabry and W.R. Mare, C.J. and W.P. Switzer. 1965.
Dowdle. 1969. American Journal of Veterinary Medicine a 8 4 1-846. Type
Veterinary Research 30:6 15-622. Type strain: ATCC 25934
strain: ATCC 25749 Description: Rose, D.L., J.G. Tully and
Description: Rosendal, S. 1979 in Barile, R.G. Wittler. 1979. International Journal
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. of Systematic Bacteriology 29:83-91.
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. M. hyorhinis Switzer 1955
Academic Press, New York, Volume 11. Switzer, W.P. 1955, American Journal of
pp. 217-234. Veterinary Research 16540-544. Type
M. felis Cole, Golightly and Ward 1967 strain: ATCC 17981
Cole, B.C., L. Golightly and J.R. Ward. Description: Whittlestone, P. 1979 in
1967. Journal of Bacteriology 94: 145 1- Barile, M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and
1458. Type strain: ATCC 23391 R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas.
Description: Bergey 8. Academic Press, New York, Volume 11.
M. fermentans Edward 1955 pp. 133-176.
Edward, D.G. ff. 1955. International M. hyosynoviae Ross and Karmon 1970
Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature Ross, R.F. and J.A. Karmon. 1970.
and Taxonomy 585-93. Type strain: Journal of Bacteriology 103:707-713. Type
ATCC 19989 strain: ATCC 25591
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Whittlestone, P. 1979 in
M. flocculare Meyling and Friss 1972 Barile, M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and
Meyling, A. and N.F. Friis. 1972. Acta R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas.
Veterinaria Scandinavica 13:287-289. Academic Press, New York, Volume 11.
Type strain: ATCC 27399 pp. 133-176.
Description: Rose, D.L. J.G. Tully and M. iners Edward and Kanarek 1960
R.G. Wittler. 1979. International Journal Edward, D.G. ff. and A.D. Kanarek.
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:83-91. 1960. Annals of the New York Academy
M. gallinarum Freundt 1955 of Sciences 79:696-702. Type strain:
Freundt, E.A. 1955. International Bulletin ATCC 19705
of Bacteriological Nomenclature and Description: Bergey 8.
. Taxonomy 567-78. Type strain: ATCC M. lipophilum Del Giudice, Purcell, Carski and
19708 Chanock 1974
Description: Bergey 8. Del Giudice, R.A., R.H. Purcell, T.R.
M. gallisepticum Edward and Kanarek 1960 Carski and R.M. Chanock 1974. Interna-
Edward, D.G. ff. and A.D. Kanarek. tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
1960. Annals of the New York Academy 24:147-153. Type strain: ATCC 27104
of Sciences 79:696-702. Type strain: Description: Del Giudice, R.A., R.H.
ATCC 19610 Purcell, T.R. Carski and R.M. Chanock.
Description: Bergey 8. 1974. Ibid.
M. gateae Cole, Golightly and Ward 1967 M. maculosum Edward 1955
Cole, B.C., L. Golightly and J.R. Ward. Edward, D.G. ff. 1955. International
1967. Journal of Bacteriology 94: 145 1- Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature

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and Taxonomy 585-93. Type strain: M. mycoides subsp. mycoides (Borrel, Dujardin-
ATCC 19327 Beaumetz, Jeantet and Jouan 1910)
Description: Rosendal, S. 1979 in Barile, Freundt 1955
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. Borrel, A., E. Dujardin-Beaumetz, Jeantet
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca- and Jouan. 1910. Annales de 1’Institut
demic Press, New York, Volume 11. pp. Pasteur (Paris) 24: 168- 179; Freundt, E.A.
2 17-234. 1955. International Bulletin of Bacterio-
M. meleagedis Yamarnoto, Bigland and Ort- logical Nomenclature and Taxonomy 5:
mayer 1965 67-78. Type strain: NCTC 101 14
Yamamoto, R., C.H. Bigland and H.B. Description: Gourlay, R.N. and C.J.
Ortmayer. 1965. Journal of Bacteriology Howard. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin,
90:47-49. Type strain: ATCC 25294 J.G. Tully and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The
Description: Bergey 8. Mycoplasmas. Academic Press, New
M. moatsii Madden, Moats, London, Matthew York, Volume 11. pp. 103-132.
and Sever 1974 M. neurolyticum (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955
Madden, D.L., K.E. Moats, W.T. London, Sabin, A.B. 1941. Bacteriological Reviews
E.B. Matthew and J.L. Sever. 1974. 5: 1-66; Freundt, E.A. 1955. International
International Journal of Systematic Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature
Bacteriology 24:459-464. Type strain: and Taxonomy 5:67-78. Type strain:
ATCC 27625 ATCC 19988
Description: Madden, D.L., K.E. Moats, Description: Cassell, G.H. and A. Hill.
W.T. London, E.B. Matthew and J.L. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully
Sever. 1974. Ibid. and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplas-
M. molrre Rosendal 1974 mas. Academic Press, New York, Volume
Rosendal, S. 1974. International Journal 11. pp. 235-273. .
of Systematic Bacteriology 24:125-130. M. opalescens Rosendal 1975
Type strain: ATCC 27746 Rosendal, S. 1975. Acta Pathologica et
Description: Rosendal, S. 1974. Ibid. Microbiologica Scandinavica Section B
M. mycoides (Borrel, Dujardin-Beaumetz, Jean- 83463-470. Type strain: ATCC 27921
tet and Jouan 1910) Freundt 1955 Description: Rosendal, S. 1975. Ibid.
Borrel, A., E. Dujardin-Beaumetz, Jeantet M. orale Taylor-Robinson, Canchola, Fox and
and Jouan. 1910. Annales de I’Institut Chanock 1964
Pasteur (Paris) 24: 168- 179; Freundt, E.A. Taylor-Robinson, D., J. Canchola, H. Fox
1955. International Bulletin of Bacterio- and R.M. Chanock. 1964. American
logical Nomenclature and Taxonomy 5: Journal of Hygiene 80:13 5- 148. Type
67-78. Type strain: NCTC 10114 strain: ATCC 23714
Description: Gourlay, R.N. and C.J. Description: Bergey 8 .
Howard. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin, M. ovipneumoniae Carmichael, St. George,
J.G. Tully and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The Sullivan and Horsfall 1972
Mycoplasmas. Academic Press, New Carmichael, L.E., T.D. St. George, N.D.
York, Volume 11. pp. 103-132. Sullivan and N. Horsfall. 1972. Cornell
M. mycoides subsp. capri (Edward 1953) Veterinarian 62554-679. Type strain:
Freundt 1955 ATCC 29419
Edward, D.G. ff. 1953. Veterinary Record Description: Cottew, G.S. 1979 in Barile,
65:873-874; Freundt, E.A. 1955. Interna- M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F.
tional Bulletin of Bacteriological Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas.
Nomenclature and Taxonomy 5:67-78. Academic Press, New York, Volume 11.
Type strain: NCTC 10137 pp. 103-132.
Description: Cottew, G.S.1979 in Barile, M. pneumoniae Somerson, Taylor-Robinson and
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. Chanock 1963
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca- Somerson, N.L., D. Taylor-Robinson and
demic Press, New York, Volume 11. pp. R.M. Chanock. 1963. American Journal
103-132. of Hygiene 77: 122- 128. Type strain:

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ATCC 15531 and R.H. Leach. 1978. Ibid.

Description: Bergey 8. M. subdolum Lemcke and Kirchhoff 1979
M. primatum Del Giudice, Carski, Barile, Lemcke, R.M. and H. Kirchhoff. 1979.
Lemcke and Tully 1971 International Journal of Systematic
Del Giudice, R.A., T.R. Carski, M.F. Bacteriology 29:42-50.Type strain: ATCC
Barile, R.M. Lemcke and J. Tully. 1971. 29870
Journal of Bacteriology 108:439-445.Type Description: Lemcke, R.M. and H.
strain: ATCC 25948 Kirchhoff. 1979. Ibid.
Description: Del Giudice, R.A., T.R. M. synoviae Olson, Kerr and Campbell 1964
Carski, M.F. Barile, R.M. Lemcke and Olson, N.O., K.M. Kerr and A. Camp-
J.G. Tully. 1971. Ibid. bell. 1964. Avian Diseases 8:209-214.
M. pulmonis (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955 Type strain: ATCC 25204
Sabin, A.B. 1941. Bacteriological Reviews Description: Bergey 8.
5:1-66;Freundt, E.A. 1955. International M. verecundum Gourlay, Leach and Howard
Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature 1974
and Taxonomy 5:67-78. Type strain: Gourlay, R.N., R.H. Leach and C.J.
ATCC 19612 Howard. 1974. Journal of General
Description: Cassell, G.H. and A. Hill. Microbiology 81:475-484. Type strain:
1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully ATCC 27862
and R.F. Whitcomb ( 4 s ) . The Mycoplas- Description: Gourlay, R.N., R.H. Leach
mas. Academic Press, New York, Volume and C.J. Howard. 1974. Ibid.
11. pp. 235-273.
M. putrefaciens Tully, Barile, Edward, Theo- Myxococcus Thaxter 1892
dore and Ern0 1974 Thaxter, R. 1892. Botanical Gazette 17:
Tully, J.G., M.F. Barile, D.G. ff. Edward, 389-406. Type species: M. fulvus (Cohn
T.S. Theodore and H. Erno. 1974. 1875) Jahn 1911
Journal of General Microbiology 85:102- Description: Bergey 8.
120. Type strain: ATCC 15718 M. coralloides Thaxter 1892
Description: Tully, J.G., M.F. Barile, Thaxter, R. 1892. Botanical Gazette 17
D.G. ff. Edward, T.S. Theodore and H. 389-406.Type strain: ATCC 25202
Erno. 1974. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
M. salivarium Edward 1955 M. disciformis Thaxter 1904
Edward, D.G. ff. 1955. International Thaxter, R. 1904. Botanical Gazette 37:
Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature 405-416.Type strain: ATCC 33172
and Taxonomy 535-93. Type strain: Description: Thaxter, R. 1904. Ibid.
ATCC 23064 M. fulvus (Cohn 1875) Jahn 1911
Description: Bergey 8. Cohn, F. 1875. Beitrage zur Biologie der
M. spumans Edward 1955 Pflanzen 1:141-207; Jahn, E. 1911.
Edward, D.G. ff. 1955. International Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg
Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature 5:187-206.Type strain: ATCC 25199
and Taxonomy 5:85-93. Type strain: Description: Bergey 8.
ATCC 19526 M. macrosporus (Krzemieniewska and Krzemi-
Description: Rosendal, S. 1979 in Barile, eniewski 1926) Zahler and McCurdy
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. 1974
Whitcomb ( 4 s ) . The Mycoplasmas. Aca- Krzemieniewska, H. and S. Krzemieniews-
demic Press, New York, Volume 11. pp. ki. 1926. Acta Societatis Botanicorum
217-234. Poloniae 4:l-54; Zahler, S.A. and H.D.
M. sualvi Gourlay, Wyld and Leach 1978 McCurdy. 1974. Bergey 8. Type strain:
Gourlay, R.N., S.G. Wyld and R.H. Windsor M27 1
Leach. 1978. International Journal of Description: Bergey 8.
Systematic Bacteriology 28:289-292. Type M. stipitatus Thaxter 1897
strain: NCTC 10170 Thaxter, R. 1897. Botanical Gazette 23:
Description: Gourlay, R.N., S.G. Wyld 395-411. Type strain: Windsor M78

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Description: Bergey 8. 5th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,

M. virescens Thaxter 1892 Baltimore. pp. 278-288. Type strain:
Thaxter, R. 1892. Botanical Gazette 17: ATCC 14685
389-406. Type strain: ATCC 25203 Description: Murray, E.G.D. 1939. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. N. cuniculi Berger 1962
M. xanthus Beebe 1941 Berger, U. 1962. Zentralblatt fur
Beebe, J.M. 1941. Journal of Bacteriology Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
42: 193-223. Type strain: ATCC 25232 skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Description: Bergey 8. 148:445-457. Type strain: ATCC 14688
Description: Berger, U. 1962. Ibid.
Nannocystis Reichenbach 1970 N. denitrificans Berger 1962
Reichenbach, H. 1970. Archiv fur Berger, U. 1962. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri-
Mikrobiologie 7 0 1 19-138. Type species: ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran-
N. exedens Reichenbach 1970 kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 148:
Description: Bergey 8. 445-457. Type strain: ATCC 14686
N. exedens Reichenbach 1970 Description: Berger, U. 1962. Ibid.
Reichenbach, H. 1970. Archiv fur Mikro- N. elongata Bovre and Holten 1970
biologie 70:119-I 38. Type strain: DSM 71 Bovre, K. and E. Holten. 1970. Journal of
Description: Reichenbach, H. 1970. Ibid. General Microbiology 60:67-75. Type
strain: ATCC 25295
Neisseria Trevisan 1885 Description: Bovre, K. and E. Holten.
Trevisan, V. 1885. Atti della Accademia 1970. Ibid.
Fisica-Medica-Statistica in Milano (Ser 4) N. elongata subsp. elongata Bovre and Holten
3:92-107. Type species: N. gonorrhoeae 1970
(Zopf 1885) Trevisan 1885 Bovre, K. and E. Holten. 1970. Journal of
Description: Bergey 8. General Microbiology 60:67-75. Type
N. animalis Berger 1960 strain: ATCC 25295
Berger, U. 1960, Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Description: Bovre, K. and E. Holten.
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- 1970. Ibid.
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 147: N. elongata subsp. glycolytica Henriksen and
158-161. Type strain: NCTC 10212 Holten 1976
Description: Berger, U. 1960. Ibid. Henriksen, S.D. and E. Holten. 1976.
N. canis Berger 1962 International Journal of Systematic
Berger, U. 1962. Zentralblatt fur Bacteriology 26:478-48 1. Type strain:
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- ATCC 29315
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Description: Henriksen, S.D. and E.
148:445-457. Type strain: ATCC 14678 Holten. 1976. Ibid.
Description: Berger, U. 1962. Ibid. N. flava Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and
N. caviae Pelczar 1953 Huntoon 1923
Pelczar, M.J. 1953. Journal of Bacteriolo- Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
gy 65744. Type strain: ATCC 14659 B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
Description: Branham, S.E. 1957 in Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi- Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams NRL 30,008
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 480-485. Description: Branham, S.E. 1957 in
N. cinerea (von Lingelsheim 1906) Murray Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R.
1939 Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi-
von Lingelsheim, W. 1906. Klinisches native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams
Jahrbuch 15:373-489; Murray, E.G. D. and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 480-485.
1939 in Bergey, D.H., R.S. Breed, E.G.D. N. flavescens Branham 1930
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Branham, S.E. 1930. United States Public
Manual af Determinative Bacteriology, Health Services Public Health Report 45:

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
845-849. Type strain: ATCC 13120 I. 59:457-476; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harri-
Description: Bergey 8. son, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M.
N. gonorrhoeae (Zopf 1885) Trevisan 1885 Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Manual of
Zopf, W. 1885. Die Spaltpilze, 3rd ed. Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The
Edward Trewendt, Breslau. pp. 1 - 127; Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Trevisan, V. 1885. Atti della Accademia 1-442. Type strain: NRL 30,016
Fisica-Medica-Statistica in Milano (Ser 4) Description: Bergey 8.
3:92-107. Type strain: ATCC 19424 N. subflava (Flugge 1886) Trevisan 1889
Description: Bergey 8. Flugge, 1886. Die Mikroorganismen.
N. lactamica Hollis, Wiggins and Weaver 1969 F.C.W. Vogel, Leipzig; Trevisan, V. 1889.
Hollis, D.G., G.L. Wiggins and R.E. I. Generi e le Specie delle Bactieriacee.
Weaver. 1969. Applied Microbiology 17: Zanaboni and Gabuzzi, Milano. Type
71-77. Type strain: ATCC 23970 strain: NRL 30,017
Description: Hollis, D.G., G.L. Wiggins Description: Bergey 8.
and R.E. Weaver. 1969. Ibid.
N. meningitidis (Albrecht and Ghon 1901) Neorickettsia Philip, Hadlow and Hughes 1953
Murray 1929 Philip, C.B., W.J. Hadlow and L.E.
Albrecht, H. and A. Ghon. 1901. Wiener Hughes. 1953. Riassunti della
klinische Wochenschrift 14:984-996; Mur- Communicazione V1 Congresso Inter-
ray, E.G.D. 1929. Medical Research nazionale di Microbiologia, Roma 2:256-
Council (Great Britain) Special Report 257. Type species: N . helminthoeca Philip,
Series 124:7-142. Type strain: ATCC Hadlow and Hughes 1953
13077 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. N. belminthoeca Philip, Hadlow and Hughes
N. mucosa Veron, Tult and Second 1959 1953
Veron, M., P. Thibault and L. Second. Philip, C.B., W.J. Hadlow and L.E.
1959. Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) Hughes. 1953. Riassunti della Communi-
‘97:497-510. Type strain: ATCC 19696 cazione VI Congresso Internazionale di
Description: Bergey 8. Microbiologia, Roma 2:256-257. Type
N. ovis Lindqvist 1960 strain: no culture isolated.
Lindqvist, K. 1960. Journal of Infectious Description: Bergey 8.
Diseases 106:162- 165. Type strain: ATCC
33078 Nevskia Famintzin 1892
Description: Lindqvist, K. 1960. Ibid. Famintzin, A. 1892. Bulletin of the
N. perflava Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer Academy of Science St. Petersbourg New
and Huntoon 1923 Series 2 34:481-486. Type species: N .
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, ramosa Famintzin 1892
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. Description: Bergey 8.
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative N. ramosa Famintzin 1892
Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and Famintzin, A. 1892. Bulletin of the
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type Academy of Science St. Petersbourg New
strain: ATCC 10555 Series 2 34:481-486. Type strain: no
Description: Branham, S.E. 1957 in culture isolated.
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Description: Bergey 8.
Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi-
native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams Nitrobacter Winogradsky 1892
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 480-485. Winogradsky, S. 1892. Arkhiv Biologi-
N. sicca (von Lingelsheim 1908) Bergey, cheskikh Nauk (St. Petersbourg) 1237-
Harrison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 137. Type species: N . winogradskyi
1923 Winslow, Broadhurst, Buchanan,
von Lingelsheim, W. 1908. Zentralblatt Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith 1917
fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infek- Description: Bergey 8.
tionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung N. winogradskyi Winslow, Broadhurst, Buchan-

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an, Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith 1917 N. multiformis Watson, Graham, Remsen and
Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E. Valois 1971
Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A. Watson, S.W., L.B. Graham, C.C.
Rogers and G.H. Smith. 1917. Journal of Remsen and F.W. Valois. 1971. Archiv
Bacteriology 2505-566. Type strain: fur Mikrobiologie 7693-203. Type strain:
ATCC 25391 ATCC 25196
Description: Watson, S.W. 1971. Interna- Description: Watson, S.W. 1971. Interna-
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
21:254-270. 2 1:2 5 4- 270.

Nitrococcus Watson and Waterbury 197 1 Nitrosomonas Winogradsky 1892

Watson, S.W. and J.B. Waterbury. 1971. Winogradsky, S. 1892. Arkhiv Biologi-
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 77:203-230. cheskikh Nauk (St. Petersbourg) 1:87-
Type species: N . mobilis Watson and 137. Type species: N . europaea Wino-
Waterbury 197 1 gradsky 1892
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
N. mobifis Watson and Waterbury 1971 N. europaea Winogradsky 1892
Watson, S.W. and J.B. Waterbury. 1971. Winogradsky, S. 1892. Arkhiv
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 77:203-230. Biologicheskikh Nauk (St. Petersbourg) 1:
Type strain: ATCC 25380 87-137. Type strain: ATCC 25978
Description: Watson, S.W. and J.B. Description: Watson, S.W. 1971. Interna-
Waterbury. 1971. Ibid. tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Nitrosococcus Winogradsky 1892
Winogradsky, S. 1892. Arkhiv Biologi- Nitrosospira Winogradsky and Winogradsky
cheskikh Nauk (St. Petersbourg) 197- 1933
137. Type species: N . nitrosus (Migula Winogradsky, S. and H. Winogradsky.
1900) Buchanan 1925 1933. Annales de l’lnstitut Pasteur (Paris)
Description: Bergey 8. 50:350-434. Type species: N . briensis
N. nitrosus (Migula 1900) Buchanan 1925 Winogradsky and Winogradsky 1933
Migula, W. 1900. System der Bakterien, Description: Bergey 8.
Vol. 2. Gustav Fischer, Jena; Buchanan, N. briensis Winogradsky and Winogradsky 1933
R.E. 1925. General Systemic Bacteriolo- Winogradsky, S. and H. Winogradsky.
gy. The Williams and Wilkins Co., 1933. Annales de l’lnstitut Pasteur (Paris)
Baltimore. Type strain: no culture 50:350-434. Type strain: no culture
isolated. available.
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Watson, S.W. 1971. Interna-
N. oceanus (Watson 1965) Watson 1971 tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Watson, S.W. 1965. Limnology and 21:254-270.
Oceanography 10:274-289; Watson, S.W.
197 1. International Journal of Systematic Nitrospina Watson and Waterbury 197 1
Bacteriology 21:254-270. Type strain: Watson, S.W. and J.B. Waterbury. 1971.
ATCC 19707 Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 77:203-230.
Description: Watson, S.W. 197 1. Ibid. Type species: N . gracilis Watson and
Waterbury 197 1
Nitrosolobus Watson, Graham, Remsen and Description: Bergey 8.
Valois 1971 N. gracilis Watson and Waterbury 1971
Watson, S.W., L.B. Graham, C.C. Watson, S.W. and J.B. Waterbury. 1971.
Remsen and F.W. Valois. 1971. Archiv Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 77:203-230.
fur Mikrobiologie 76:83-203. Type species: Type strain: no culture available.
N . multiformis Watson, Graham, Remsen Description: Watson, S.W. and J.B.
and Valois 1971 Waterbury. 197 1. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8.

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Nocardia Trevisan 1889 London. Type strain: ATCC 6847

Trevisan, V. 1889. I Generi e le Specie Description: Gordon, R.E., S.K. Mishra
delle Battieriacee. Zanaboni and Gabuzzi, and D.A. Barnett. 1978. Journal of
Milano. Type species: N. asteroides General Microbiology 109:69-78.
(Eppinger 189 1) Blanchard 1896 N. cellulans Metcalf and Brown 1957
Description: Bergey 8. Metcalf, G. and M. Brown. 1957. Journal
N. amarae Lechevalier and Lechevalier 1974 of General Microbiology 17567-572. Type
Lechevalier, M.P. and H.A. Lechevalier. strain: ATCC 12830
1974. International Journal of Systematic Description: Metcalf, G. and M. Brown.
Bacteriology 24278-288. Type strain: 1957. Ibid.
ATCC 27808 N. coeliaca (Gray and Thornton 1928)
Description: Lechevalier, M.P. and H.A. Waksman and Henrici 1948
Lechevalier. 1974. Ibid. Gray, P.H.H. and H.G. Thornton. 1928.
N. asteroids (Eppinger 1891) Blanchard 1896 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Eppinger, H. 1891. Beitrage zur patholo- kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
gischen Anatomie 9:287-328; Blanchard, ene. Abteilung 11. 73:74-96; Waksman,
R. 1896 in Bouchard, C. Traite de S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed,
Pathologie Generale, Vol. 2, G. Masson, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens
Paris. pp. 1-932. Type strain: ATCC (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
19247 Bacteriology, 6th ed. The Williams and
Description: Gordon, R.E. and J.M. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 892-928. Type
Mihm. 1957. Journal of Bacteriology 73: strain: ATCC 17041
15-27. Description: Gordon, R.E., D.A. Barnett,
N. autotrophica (Takamiya and Tubaki 1956) J.E. Handerhan and C. Hor-Nay Pang.
Hirsch 1961 1974. * International Journal of System-
Takamiya, A. and K. Tubaki. 1956. atic Bacteriology 2454-63.
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 2558-64; N. corynebacterioides Serrano, Tablante,
Hirsch, P. 1961. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie Serrano, San Blas and Imaeda 1972
39:360-373. Type strain: ATCC 19727 Serrano, J.A., R.V. Tablante, A.A.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Serrano, G.C. San Blas and T. Imaeda.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of 1972. Journal of General Microbiology
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. 70:339-349. Type strain: ATCC 14898
N. brasiliensis (Lindenberg 1909) Pinoy 1913 Description: Serrano, J.A., R.V. Tablante,
Lindenberg, A. 1909. Archives de Parasi- A.A. Serrano, G.C. San Blas and T.
tologie 13:265-282; Pinoy, E. 1913. Imaeda. 1972. Ibid.
Bulletin de 1’Institut Pasteur 1 k929-938. N. farcinica Trevisan 1889
Type strain: ATCC 19296 Trevisan, V. 1889. I. Generi e le Specie
Description: Gordon, R.E. and J.M. delle Battieriacee. Zanaboni and Gabuzzi,
Mihm. 1959. Journal of General Microbi- Milano. Type strain: ATCC 3318
ology 20: 129-135. Description: Trevisan, V. 1889. Ibid.
N. calcarea Metcalf and Brown 1957 N. globerula (Gray 1928) Waksman and
Metcalf, G. and M. Brown. 1957. Journal Henrici 1948
of General Microbiology 17567-572. Type Gray, P.H.H. 1928. Proceedings of the
strain: ATCC 19369 Royal Society Series B 102:263-280;
Description: Metcalf, G. and M. Brown. Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1948
1957. Ibid. in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
N. c a m (Rossi Doria 1891) Castellani and Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
Chalmers 1913 Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. The
Rossi Doria, T. 1891. Annali dell’ Istituto Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
d’Igiene Sperimentale, Universita Roma 1: 892-928. Type strain: ATCC 19370
399-438; Castellani, A. and A.J. Chal- Description: Bergey 8.
mers. 1913. Manual of Tropical Medicine, N. hydrocarbonoxydans Nolof and Hirsch 1962
2nd ed. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, Nolof, G. and P. Hirsch. 1962. Archiv fur

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Mikrobiologie 44:266-277. Type strain: Phytopathology 42:249-252. Type strain:

ATCC 15104 ATCC 1 1092
Description: Nolof, G. and P. Hirsch. Description: Demaree, J.B. and N.R.
1962. Ibid. Smith. 1952. Ibid.
N. mediterranei (Margalith and Beretta 1960)
Thiemann, Zucco and Pelizza 1969 Nocardioides Prauser 1976
Margalith, P. and G. Beretta. 1960. Prauser, H. 1976. International Journal of
M ycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata Systematic Bacteriology 26:58-65. Type
12: 189- 195; Thiemann, J.E., G. Zucco species: N . albus Prauser 1976
and G. Pelizza. 1969. Archiv fur Description: Prauser, H. 1976. Ibid.
Mikrobiologie 67: 147- 155. 'Type strain: N. albus Prauser 1976
ATCC 13685 Prauser, H. 1976. International Journal of
Description: Thiemann, J.E., G. Zucco Systematic Bacteriology 2658-65. Type
and G. Pelizza. 1969. Ibid. strain: ATCC 27980
N. orientalis (Pittenger and Brigham 1956) Description: Prauser, H. 1976. Ibid.
Pridham and Lyons 1969
Pittenger, R.C. and R.B. Brigham. 1956. Nocardiopsis Meyer 1976
Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 6:642-647; Meyer, J. 1976. International Journal of
Pridham, T.G. and A.J. Lyons. 1969. Systematic Bacteriology 26:487-493. Type
Developments in Industrial Microbiology species: N . dassonvillei Meyer 1976
10:183-22 1. Type strain: ATCC 19795 Description: Meyer, J. 1976. Ibid.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. N. dassonvillei Meyer 1976
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Meyer, J. 1976. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Systematic Bacteriology 26:487-493. Type
N. otitidis-caviarum Snijders 1924 strain: ATCC 23218
Snijders, E.P. 1924. Geneeskundig Description: Meyer, J. 1976. Ibid.
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie 64:85-
87. Type strain: ATCC 14629 Obesumbacterium Shimwell 1963
Description: Bergey 8. Shimwell, J.L. 1963. Brewers Journal 99:
N. petroleophila Hirsch and Engel 1956 759-760. Type species: 0. proteus
Hirsch, P. and H. Engel. 1956. Berichte Shimwell 1963
der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft Description: Shimwell, J.L. 1963. Ibid.
69:441-454. Type strain: ATCC 15777 0. proteus Shimwell 1963
Description: Hirsch, P. and H. Engel. Shimwell, J.L. 1963. Brewers Journal 99:
1956. Ibid. 759-760, Type strain: NCIB 8771
N. restricta (Turfitt 1944) McClung 1974 Description: Shimwell, J.L. 1963. Ibid.
Turfitt, G.E. 1944. Journal of Bacteriolo-
gy 47:487-493; McClung, N.M. 1974 Oceanospirillum Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and
Bergey 8. Type strain: DSM 43199 Jannasch 1973
Description: Bergey 8. Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg
N. saturnea Hirsch 1960 and H.W. Jannasch. 1973. International
Hirsch, P. 1960. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 23:
35:391-4 14. Type strain: ATCC 15809 340-380. Type species: 0. linum (Wil-
Description: Hirsch, P. 1960. Ibid. liams and Rittenberg 1957) Hylemon,
N. transvalensis Pijper and Pullinger 1927 Wells, Krieg and Jannasch 1973
Pijper, A. and B.D. Pullinger. 1927. Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygi- Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
ene 30:153-156. Type strain: ATCC 6865 1973. Ibid.
Description: Gordon, R.E., S.K. Mishra 0. beijerinckii (Williams and Rittenberg 1957)
and D.A. Barnett. 1978. Journal of Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jannasch
General Microbiology 109:69-78. 1973
N. vaccinii Demaree and Smith 1952 Williams, M.A. and S.C. Rittenberg.
Demaree, J.B. and N.R. Smith. 1952. 1957. International Bulletin of Bacterio-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
logical Nomenclature and Taxonomy 7: Watanabe, N. 1959. Botanical Magazine
49-110; Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr., (Tokyo) 72:77-86; Hylemon, P.B., J.S.
N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 1973. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of
teriology 23:340-380.Type strain: ATCC Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380.Type
12754 strain: ATCC 19193
Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch.
1973. Ibid. 1973. Ibid.
0. biroshimense (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki 1979 0. multiglobuliferum (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki
Terasaki, Y. 1973. Bulletin of the 1979
Suzugamine Women’s College, Natural Terasaki, Y. 1973. Bulletin of the
Science 17:l-71; Terasaki, Y. 1979. Suzugamine Women’s College, Natural
International Journal of Systematic Science 17:l-71; Terasaki, Y. 1979.
Bacteriology 29:130-144. Type strain: I F 0 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
13616 teriology 29:130-144. Type strain: I F 0
Description: Terasaki, Y. 1979. Ibid. 13614
0. japonicum (Watanabe 1959) Hylemon, Description: Terasaki, Y. 1979. Ibid.
Wells, Krieg and Jannasch 1973 0. pelagicum (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki 1979
Watanabe, N. 1959. Botanical Magazine Terasaki, Y. 1973. Bulletin of the
(Tokyo) 72:77-86; Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Suzugamine Women’s College, Natural
Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Science 17:1-71 ; Terasaki, Y. 1979.
Jannasch. 1973. International Journal of International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Systematic Bacteriology 23:340-380.Type teriology 29:130-144. Type strain: I F 0
strain: ATCC 19191 13612
Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Description: Terasaki, Y. 1979. Ibid.
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 0. pusillum (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki 1979
1973. Ibid. Terasaki, Y. 1973. Bulletin of the
0. linum (Williams and Rittenberg 1957) Suzugamine Women’s College, Natural
Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jannasch Science 17:l-71; Terasaki, Y. 1979.
1973 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Williams, M.A. and S.C. Rittenberg. teriology 29:130-144. Type strain: I F 0
1957. International Bulletin of Bacterio- 13613
logical Nomenclature and Taxonomy 7: Description: Terasaki, Y. 1979. Ibid.
49-110; Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr.,
N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 1973. Oerskovia Prauser, Lechevalier and Lechevalier
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 1970
teriology 23:340-380.Type strain: ATCC Prauser, H., M.P. Lechevalier and H.A.
11336 Lechevalier. 1970. Applied Microbiology
Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells 19534. Type species: 0.turbata (Erikson
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 1954) Prauser, Lechevalier and
1973. Ibid. Lechevalier 1970
0. maris Hylemon, Wells, Krieg and Jannasch Description: Prauser, H., M.P. Lechevalier
1973 and H.A. Lechevalier. 1970. Ibid.
Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells Jr., N.R. Krieg 0. turbata (Erikson 1954) Prauser, Lechevalier
and H.W. Jannasch. 1973. International and Lechevalier 1970
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 23: Erikson, D. 1954. Journal of General
340-380.Type strain: ATCC 27509 Microbiology 11:198-208; Prauser, H.,
Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells M.P. Lechevalier and H.A. Lechevalier.
Jr., N.R. Krieg and H.W. Jannasch. 1970. Applied Microbiology 19534. Type
1973. Ibid. strain: ATCC 25835
0. minutulum (Watanabe 1959) Hylemon, Description: Prauser, H., M.P. Lechevalier
Wells, Krieg and Jannasch 1973 and H.A. Lechevalier. 1970. Ibid.

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0. xanthineolytica Lechevalier 1972 species: P. multocida (Lehmann and
Lechevalier, M.P. 1972. International Neumann 1899) Rosenbusch and Mer-
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 22: chant 1939
260-264. Type strain: ATCC 27402 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Lechevalier, M.P. 1972. Ibid. P. aerogenes McAllister and Carter 1974
McAllister, H A . and G.R. Carter. 1974.
Oscillospira Chatton and Perard 19 13 American Journal of Veterinary Research
Chatton, E. and C. Perard. 1913. 35:917-922. Type strain: ATCC 27883
Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Description: McAllister, H.A. and G.R.
Societe de Biologie (Paris) 74:1159-1162. Carter. 1974. Ibid.
Type species: 0. guilliermondi Chatton P. gallicida (Burrill 1883) Buchanan 1925
and Perard 1913 Burrill, T.J. 1883. The American Na-
Description: Bergey 8. turalist 17:3 19-320; Buchanan, R.E. 1925.
0. guilliermondi Chatton and Perard 1913 General systematic bacteriology. The
Chatton, E. and C. Perard. 1913. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Comptes Rendus des Seances de la 412-415. Type strain: NCTC 10322
Societe de Biologie (Paris) 74:1159- 1 162. Description: Buchanan, R.E. 1925. Ibid.
Type strain: no culture isolated. P. gallinarum Hall, Heddleston, Legenhausen
Description: Bergey 8. and Hughes 1955
Hall, W.J., K.L. Heddleston, D.H.
Paracoccus Davis 1969 Legenhausen and R.W. Hughes. 1955.
Davis, D.H. 1969 in Davis, D.H., M. American Journal of Veterinary Research
Doudoroff, R.Y. Stanier and M. Mandel. 16598-604. Type strain: ATCC 13361
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Description: Mraz, O., P. Jelen and J.
teriology 19:375-390. Type species: P. Bohacek. 1977. Acta Veterinaria Brno 46:
denitrijicans (Beijerinck and Minkman 135-147.
1910) Davis 1969 P. haemolytica Newsome and Cross 1932
Description: Bergey 8. Newsome, I.E. and F. Cross. 1932.
P. denitrificans (Beijerinck and Minkman 19 10) Journal of the American Veterinary
Davis 1969 Medical Association 80:7 1 1-7 19. Type
Beijerinck, M.W. and D.C. J. Minkman. strain: NCTC 9380
19 10. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Para- Description: Bergey 8.
sitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hy- P. multocida (Lehmann and Neumann 1899)
giene. Abteilung 11. 25:30-63; Davis, D.H. Rosenbusch and Merchant 1939
1969 in Davis, D.H., M. Doudoroff, R.Y. Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1899.
Stanier and M. Mandel. International Lehmann’s Medizin, Handatlanten Band
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 19: X. Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
375-390. Type strain: ATCC 17741 und Lehrbuch der speziellen
Description: Davis, D.H. 1969. Ibid. bakteriologischen Diagnostik. 2 Auflage,
P. halodedtrificans (Robinson and Gibbons Munchen. p. 196; Rosenbusch, C.T. and
1952) Davis 1969 I.A. Merchant. 1939. Journal of Bacteri-
Robinson, J. and N.E. Gibbons. 1952. ology 37:69-89. Type strain: NCTC 10322
Canadian Journal of Botany 30:147- 154; Description: Bergey 8.
Davis, D.H. 1969 in Davis, D.H., M. P. pneumotropica Jawetz 1950
Doudoroff, R.Y. Stanier and M. Mandel. Jawetz, E. 1950. Journal of Infectious
International Journal of Systematic Diseases 86:172- 183. Type strain: NCTC
Bacteriology 19:375-390. Type strain: 8141
ATCC 13511 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. P. ureae Jones 1962
Jones, D.M. 1962. Journal of Pathology
Pasteurella Trevisan 1887 and Bacteriology 83:143- 15 1. Type strain:
Trevisan, V. 1887. Reale Istituto Lombar- ATCC 25976
do Rendiconti (Ser 2) 20:88-105. Type Description: Jones, D.M. 1962. Ibid.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Type strain: ATCC 15713
Pasteuria Metchnikoff 1888 Description: Bergey 8.
Metchnikoff, E. 1888. Annales de P. cbrysantbemi (Burkholder, McFadden and
I’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 2: 165- 170. Type Dimock 1953) Brenner, Steigerwalt, Mik-
species: P. rumosu Metchnikoff 1888 10s and Fanning 1973 (See also Erwinia
Description: Bergey 8. chrysanthemi)
P. ramom Metchnikoff 1888 Burkholder, W.H., L.A. McFadden and
Metchnikoff, E. 1888. Annales de A.V. Dimock. 1953. Phytopathology 43:
l’lnstitut Pasteur (Paris) 2: 165- 170. Type 522-526; Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steigerwalt,
strain: ATCC 27377 G.V. Miklos and G.R. Fanning. 1973.
Description: Staley, J.T. 1973. Canadian International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Journal of Microbiology 19609-614. teriology 23:205-2 16. Type strain: ATCC
Pectinatus Lee, Mabee and Jangaard 1978 Description: Bergey 8.
Lee, S.Y., M.S. Mabee and N.O. P. cypripedii (Hori 1911) Brenner, Steigerwalt,
Jangaard. 1978. International Journal of Miklos and Fanning 1973 (See also
Systematic Bacteriology 28582-594. Type Erwinia cypripedii)
species: P. cerevisiiphilus Lee, Mabee and Hori, S. 1911. Zentralblatt fur
Jangaard 1978 Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Description: Lee, S.Y.,M.S. Mabee and skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
N.O. Jangaard. 1978. Ibid. 31:85-92; Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steigerwalt,
P. cerevisiiphilus Lee, Mabee and Jangaard G.V. Miklos and G.R. Fanning. 1973.
1978 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Lee, S.Y., M.S. Mabee and N.O. teriology 23:205-216. Type strain:
Jangaard. 1978. International Journal of PDDCC 1591
Systematic Bacteriology 28582-594. Type Description: Bergey 8.
strain: ATCC 29359 P. rhapontici (Millard 1924) Patel and Kulkar-
Description: Lee, S.Y.,M.S. Mabee and ni 1951 (See also Erwinia rhapontici)
N.O. Jangaard. 1978. Ibid. Millard, W.A. 1924. Bulletin of the
Univeristy of Leeds and the Yorkshire
Pectobacterium Waldee 1945 Counsil for Agricultural Education 134:1-
Waldee, E.L. 1945. Iowa State Journal of 28; Patel, M.K. and Y.S.Kulkarni. 1951.
Science 19:435-484. Type species: P. Indian Phytopathology 4:74-84. Type
curotovorum (Jones 1901) Waldee 1945 strain: ATCC 29283
Description: Waldee, E.L. 1945. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
P. camegieana (Standring 1942) Brenner, Steig-
erwalt, Miklos and Fanning 1973 (See Pediococcus Balcke 1884
also Erwinia carnegieana) Balcke, J. 1884. Wochenschrift fur
Standring, E.T. 1942 in Lightle, P.C., Brauerei 1:257 Type species: P. damnosus
E.T. Standring and J.G. Brown. Phytopa- Claussen 1903
thology 32:303-3 13; Brenner, D.J., A.G. Description: Bergey 8.
Steigerwalt, G.V. Miklos and G.R. P. acidilactici Lindner 1887
Fanning. 1973. International Journal of Lindner, P. 1887. Wochenschrift fur
Systematic Bacteriology 23:205-2 16. Type Brauerei 4437-440. Type strain: NCDO
strain. NCPPB 439 1859
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Garvie, E.I. 1974. Interna-
P. carotovorum (Jones 1901) Waldee 1945 (See tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
also Erwinia carotovora) 24:30 1-306.
Jones, L.R. 1901. Zentralblatt fur Bakter- P. damnosus Claussen 1903
iologie, Parasitenkunde, Claussen, N.H. 1903. Compte Rendu des
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- Travaux du Laboratoire de Carlsberg 6:
teilung 11. 7:12-21; Waldee, E.L. 1945. 64-83. Type strain: NCDO 1832
Iowa State Journal of Science 19:435-484. Description: Garvie, E.I. 1974. Interna-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology born 1913
24:301-306. Description: Bergey 8.
P. dextrinicus (Coster and White 1964) Back P. clathratiforme (Szafer 191 1) Lauterborn
1978 1913
Coster, E. and H.R. White. 1964. Journal Szafer, W. 191 1. Bulletin de 1’Academie
of General Microbiology 37:15-31; Back, des Sciences de Cracovie, Serie B. pp.
W. 1978. International Journal of 160-167; Lauterborn, R. 191 3. Allgemeine
Systematic Bacteriology 28523-527.Type Botanische Zeitschrift 19:97-100. Type
strain: DSM 20335 strain: no pure culture.
Description: Back, W.1978. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
P. halopbilus Mees 1934 P. luteolum (Schmidle 1901) Pfennig and
Mees, R.H. 1934. Thesis. Technical Truper 1971
University Delft, Holland. pp. 1-1 10. Type Schmidle, W. 1901. Beihefte zum
strain: NCDO 1635 Botanischen Zentralblatt 10:179-180;
Description: Gunther, H.L. and H.R. Pfennig, N. and H.G. Truper. 1971.
White. 1961. Journal of General Microbi- International Journal of Systematic Bac-
ology 26185-197. teriology 21:ll-14.Type strain: DSM 273
P. parvulus Gunther and White 1961 Description: Bergey 8.
Gunther, H.L. and H.R. White. 1961. P. phaeum Gorlenko 1972
Journal of General Microbiology 26:185- Gorlenko, V.M. 1972. Mikrobiologiya 41:
197.Type strain: NCDO 1634 370-372.Type strain: DSM 728
Description: Gunther, H.L., E. Coster and Description: Gorlenko, V.M. 1972. Ibid.
H.R. White. 1962. International Bulletin
of Bacteriological Nomenclature and Peptococcus Kluyver and van Niel 1936
Taxonomy 12:189-190. Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936.
P. pentosaceus Mees 1934 Zen tral bla tt fur Bakterioiogie, Parasi ten-
Mees, R.H. 1934. Thesis. Technical kunde, Infektionskran kheiten und Hygi-
University, Delft, Holland. pp. 1-1 10. ene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type
Type strain: NCDO 990 species: P. niger (Hall 1930) Kluyver and
Description: Garvie, E.I. 1974. Interna- van Niel 1936
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology Description: Bergey 8.
241301-306. P. asaccharolyticus (Distaso 1912) Douglas
Pedomicrobium Aristovskaya 1961 Distaso, A. 1912. Zentralblatt fur
Aristovakaya, T.V. 1961.Doklady Akade- Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
mii Nauk SSSR 136:954-957. Type skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I.
species: P.ferrugineurn Aristovskaya 1961 62:433-468;Douglas, H.C.1957 in Breed,
Description: Bergey 8. R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith
P. ferrugineum Aristovskaya 1961 (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
Aristovskaya, T.V. 1961. Doklady Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and
Akademii Nauk SSSR 136:954-957.Type Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 474-480.Type
strain: IFAM S-1290 strain: ATCC 14963
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
P. manganicum Aristovskaya 1 961 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Aristovskaya, T.V. 1961. Doklady Akade- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
mii Nauk SSSR 136:954-957.Type strain: Polytechnic Institute and State University,
IFAM E-1129 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. I - 156.
Description: Bergey 8. P. glycinophilus (Cardon and Barker 1946)
Douglas 1357
Pelodictyon Lauterborn 191 3 Cardon, B.P. and H.A. Barker. 1946.
Lauterborn, R. 1913. Allgemeine Botan- Journal of Bacteriology 52:629-634;
ische Zeitschrift 19:97-100. Type species: Douglas, H.C. 1957 in Breed, R.S.,
P. cluthrutiforme (Szafer 191 1) Lauter- E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds).

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-1 56.
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins P. saccbarolyticus (Foubert and Douglas 1948)
Co., Baltimore. pp. 474-480. Type strain: Douglas 1957
ATCC 23195 Foubert Jr., E.L. and H.C. Douglas.
Description: Douglas, H.C. 1957. Ibid. 1948. Journal of Bacteriology 56:25-34;
P. indolicus (Christiansen 1934) Sorensen 1975 Douglas, H.C. 1957 in Breed, R.S.,
Christiansen, M. 1934. Acta Pathologica E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds).
et Microbiologica Scandinavica, Supple- Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
ment 18:42-63; Sorensen, G. 1975. Acta iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Veterinaria Scandinavica 16:2 18-225. Co., Baltimore. pp. 474-480. Type strain:
Type strain: ATCC 29427 ATCC 14953
Description: Sorensen, G. 1973. Acta Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Veterinaria Scandinavica 14:301-326. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
P. magnus (Prevot 1933) Holdeman and Moore Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
1972 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Prevot, A.R. 1933. Annales Societe Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Nature 15:23-260; Holdeman, L.V. and
W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1972. Anaerobe Peptostreptococcus Kluyver and van Niel 1936
Laboratory Manual. Virginia Polytechnic Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936.
Institute Anaerobe -Laboratory, Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Blacksburg, Virginia. Type strain: ATCC kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
15794 Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 species: P. anaerobius (Natvig 1905)
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Kluyver and van Niel 1936
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Description: Bergey 8.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, P. anaerobius (Natvig 1905) Kluyver and van
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Niel 1936
P. niger (Hall 1930) Kluyver and van Niel Natvig, H. 1905. Archiv fur Gynakologie
1936 (Berlin) 76:701-858; Kluyver, A.J. and
Hall, I.C. 1930. Journal of Bacteriology C.B. van Niel. 1936. Zentralblatt fur
20:407-415; Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Niel. 1936. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Parasi ten kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und 94:369-403. Type strain: ATCC 27337
Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
strain: ATCC 27731 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Description: Wilkins, T.D., W.E.C. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Moore, S.E.H. West and L.V. Holdeman. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
1975. International Journal of Systematic Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
Bacteriology 25:47-49. P. micros (Prevot 1933) Smith 1957
P. prevotii (Foubert and Douglas 1948) Douglas Prevot, A.R. 1933. Annales des Sciences
1957 Naturelles 15:23-260; Smith, L.DS. 1957
Foubert Jr., E.L. and H.C. Douglas. in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R.
1948. Journal of Bacteriology 56:25-34; Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi-
Douglas, H.C. 1957 in Breed, R.S., native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 533-541.
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Type strain: VPI 5464
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Co., Baltimore. pp. 474-480. Type strain: and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe
ATCC 9321 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia P. parvulus (Weinberg, Nativelle and Prevot
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1937) Smith 1957

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Weinberg, M., R. Nativelle and A.R. 283-330.Type strain: ATCC 7744
Prevot. 1937. Les Microbes Anaerobies. Description: Reichelt, 3.L. and P. Bau-
Masson et Cie, Paris. pp. 1-1 186; Smith, mann. 1973. Ibid.
L.DS. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. P. leiognathi Boisvert, Chatelain and Bassot
Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s 1967
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Boisvert, H., R. Chatelain and J.-M.
7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Bassot. 1967. Annales de l’lnstitut
Baltimore. pp. 533-541.Type strain: VPI Pasteur (Paris) 112520-524.Type strain:
0546 ATCC 25521
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Description: Reichelt, J.L. and P.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977.Anaerobe Baumann. 1975. International Journal of
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Systematic Bacteriology 25:208-209.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, P. phosphoreum (Cohn 1878) Beijerinck 1889
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1 - 1 56. Cohn, F. 1878. Letter to J. Penn which
P. productus (Prevot 1941) Smith 1957 describes Micrococcus phosphoreum. Ver-
Prevot, A.R. 1941. Comptes Rendus des sameling van stucken betreffende het
Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris) geneeskundig staats toerzich, 126-130;
135:105-107;Smith, L.DS. 1957 in Breed, Beijerinck, M.W. 1889. Archives Neerlan-
R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith daises des Science Exactes et Naturelles
(eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative 23:401-415.Type strain: ATCC 1 1040
Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and Description: Reichelt, J.L. and P. Bau-
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 533-541.Type mann. 1973. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 94:
strain: ATCC 27340 283-330.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Pilimelia Kane 1966
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Kane, W.D.1966. Journal of the Elisha
Polytechnic Inst itUte and State University, Mitchell Scientific Society 82:220-230.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Type species: P. terevasa Kane 1966
Description: Bergey 8.
Photobacterium Beijerinck I889 P. andata Kane 1966
Beijerinck, M.W. 1889. Archives Neerlan- Kane, W.D.1966. Journal of the Elisha
daises des Science Exactes et Naturelles Mitchell Scientific Society 82:220- 230.
23:401-415. Type species: P. phosphoreum Type strain: ATCC 25604
(Cohn 1878) Ford 1927 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. P. terevasa Kane 1966
P. angustum Reichelt, Baumann and Baumann Kane, W.D. 1966. Journal of the Elisha
1979 Mitchell Scientific Society 82:220-230.
Reichelt, J.L., P. Baumann and L. Type strain: ATCC 25603
Baumann. 1979 in International Journal Description: Bergey 8.
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79-80;
Effective publication Reichelt, J.L., P. Planctomyces Gimesi 1924
Baumann and L. Baumann. 1976. Gimesi, N. 1924. Budapest, Kiadja a
Archives of Microbiology 110:101 - 1 20. Magyar Ciszterci. Rend, pp. 1-8. Type
Type strain: ATCC 25915 species: P. bekefii Gimesi 1924
Description: Baumann, P., L. Baumann Description: Bergey 8.
and M. Mandel. 1971. Journal of P. bekefii Gimesi 1924
Bacteriology 107:268-294. Gimesi, N. 1924. Budapest, Kiadja a
P. fischeri (Beijerinck 1889) Reichelt and Magyar Ciszterci. Rend, pp. 1-8. Type
Baumann 1973 (See also Vibrio fischeri) strain: no culture isolated.
Beijerinck, M.W. 1889. Archives Neerlan- Description: Bergey 8.
daises des Science Exactes et Naturelles
23:401-415; Reichelt, J.L. and P. Bau- Planobispora Thiemann and Beretta 1968
mann. 1973. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 94: Thiemann, J.E. and G. Beretta. 1968.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 62: 157- 166. Description: Bergey 8.
Type species: P. longispora Thiemann and P. parontospora subsp. antibiotica Thiemann,
Beretta 1968 Coronelli, Pagani, Beretta, Tamoni and
Description: Bergey 8. Arioli 1968
P. longispora Thiemann and Beretta 1968 Thiemann, J.E., C. Coronelli, H. Pagani,
Thiemann, J.E. and G. Beretta. 1968. G. Beretta, G. Tamoni and V. Arioli.
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 62: 157- 166. 1968. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo)
Type strain: ATCC 23867 Series A 21525-531. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Bergey 8. 23864
P. rosea Thiemann 1970 Description: Bergey 8.
Thiemann, J.E. 1970 in Prauser, H. (ed). P. parontospora subsp. parontospora Thiemann,
The Actinomycetales. The Jena Pagani and Beretta 1967
International Symposium on Taxonomy, Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani and G.
Sept. 1968. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag Beretta. 1967. Giornale di Microbiologia
Jena. pp. 245-257. Type strain. ATCC 15:27-38. Type strain: ATCC 23863
23866 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. P. venezuelensis Thiemann 1970
Thiemann, J.E. 1970 in Prauser, H. (ed).
Planococcus Migula 1894 The Actinomycetales. The Jena Interna-
Migula, W. 1894. Arbeiten aus dem tional Symposium on Taxonomy, Sept.
Bak t eriologischen Inst itu t der Technischen 1968. VEB Gustav Fischer Veriag Jena.
Hochschule zu Karlsruhe 1:235-238. Type pp. 245-257. Type strain: ATCC 23865
species: P. citreus Migula 1894 Description: Thiemann, J.E. 1970. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8.
P. citreus Migula 1894 Pleisomonas Habs and Schubert 1962
Migula, W. 1894. Arbeiten aus dem Habs, H. and R.H.W. Schubert. 1962.
Bakteriologischen Institut der Technischen Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie,
Hochschule zu Karlsruhe 1:235-238. Type Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
strain: ATCC 14404 Hygiene. Abteilung I. 186:316-327. Type
Description: Kocur, M., Z. Pacova, W. species: P. shigelloides (Bader 1954)
Hodgkiss and T. Martinec. 1970. Interna- Habs and Schubert 1962
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology Description: Bergey 8.
20:24 1-248. P. shigelloides (Bader 1954) Habs and Schubert
P. halophilus Novitsky and Kushner 1976 1962
Novitsky, T.J. and D.J. Kushner. 1976. Bader, R.E. 1954. Zentralblatt fur
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
teriology 2653-57. Type strain: ATCC skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I.
27964 140:450-456; Habs, H. and R.H.W.
Description: Novitsky, T.J. and D.J. Schubert. 1962. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri-
Kushner. 1976. Ibid. ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran-
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 186:
Planomonospora Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta 316-327. Type strain: ATCC 14029
1967 Description: Bergey 8.
Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani and G.
Beretta. 1967. Giornale di Microbiologia Polyangium Link 1809
1527-38. Type species: P. parontospora Link, H.F. 1809. Gesellschaft fur Natur
Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta 1967 (Berlin) 33-42. Type species: P.
Description: Bergey 8. vitellinum Link 1809
P. parontospora Thiemann, Pagani and Beretta Description: Bergey 8.
1967 P. fumosum Krzemieniewska and Krzemieniews-
Thiemann, J.E., H. Pagani and G. ki 1930
Beretta. 1967. Giornale di Microbiologia Krzemieniewska; H. and S. Krzemieniews-
1527-38. Type strain. ATCC 23863 ki. 1930. Acta Societatis Botanicorum

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

Poloniae 7:250-273. Type strain: Windsor teilung 11. 22:305-346. Type strain:
M257 ATCC 25562
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
P. minor (Peterson 1959) McCurdy 1970 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Peterson, J.E. 1959. Mycologia 51: 1-8; Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
McCurdy, H.D. 1970. International Jour- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
nal of Systematic Bacteriology 20:283- Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
296. Type strain: UMH Peterson 44 P. acnes (Gilchrist 1900) Douglas and Gunter
Description: Peterson, J.E. 1959. Ibid. 1946
P. rugiseptum (Peterson 1959) McCurdy 1970 ' Gilchrist, T.C. 1900. Johns Hopkins
Peterson, J.E. 1959. Mycologia 51:1-8; Hospital Report 9:409-430; Douglas, H.D.
McCurdy, H.D. 1970. International and S.E. Gunter. 1946. Journal of
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 20: Bacteriology 52: 15-23. Type strain: ATCC
283-296. Type strain: UMH Peterson 5 1 6919
Description: Peterson, J.E. 1959. Ibid. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
P. vitellinum Link 1809 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Link, H.F. 1809. Gesellschaft fur Natur Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
(Berlin) 3:3-42. Type strain: TC 4564 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Bergey 8. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
P. avidum (Eggerth 1935) Moore and Holde-
Promicromonospora Krassilnikov, Kalakoutskii man 1969
and Kirillova 1961 Eggtrth, A.H. 1935. Journal of Bacteriol-
Krassilnikov, N.A., L.V. Kalakoutskii and ogy 30:277-299; Moore, W.E.C. and L.V.
N.F. Kirillova. 1961. Bulletin of the Holdeman. 1969 in Cato, E.P., C.S.
Academy of Sciences USSR (Series Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson,
Biology) 1:107-112. Type species: P . W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS.
citrea Krassilnikov, Kalakou tskii and Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods
Kirillova 196 1 in anaerobic bacteriology. Virginia
Description: Krassilnikov, N.A., L.V. Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe Laborato-
Kalakoutskii and N.F. Kirillova. 1961. ry, Blacksburg, Virginia. Type strain:
I bid. ATCC 25577
P. citrea Krassilnikov, Kalakoutskii and Kirillo- Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
va 1961 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Krassilnikov, N.A., L.V. Kalakoutskii and Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
N.F. Kirillova. 1961. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Academy of Sciences USSR (Series Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
Biology) 1:107- 1 12. Type strain: ATCC P. freudenreichii van Niel 1928
15908 van Niel, C.B. 1928. The propionic acid
Description: Krassilnikov, N.A., L.V. bacteria. Uitgeverszaak and Boissevain
Kalakoutskii and N.F. Kirillova. 1961. and Co., Haarlem, Holland. pp. 1-187.
Ibid. Type strain: ATCC 6207
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Propionibacterium Orla-Jensen 1909 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Orla-Jensen, S. 1909. Zentralblatt fur Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
22:305-346. Type species: P. freuden- P. freudenreicbii subsp. freudenreichii (van Niel
reichii van Niel 1928 1928) Moore and Holdeman 1970
Description: Bergey 8. van Niel, C.B. 1928. The propionic acid
P. acidi-propionici Orla-Jensen 1909 bacteria. Uitgeverszaak and Boissevain
Orla-Jensen, S. 1909. Zentralblatt fur and Co., Haarlem, Holland. pp. 1-187;
Ba kteriologie Parasitenkunde, Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1970
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.

Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by

On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, Type strain: ATCC 4868
R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds). Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
bacteriology, 2nd revision. Virginia Poly- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
technic Institute Anaerobe La b r a tory, Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 15-2 1. Type Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
strain: ATCC 6207 P. lympbophilum (Torrey 1916) Johnson and
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Cummins 1972
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Torrey, J.C. 1916. Journal of Medical
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Research 34:65-80; Johnson, J.L. and
Polytechnic Institute and State University, C.S. Cummins. 1972. Journal of Bacteri-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. ology 109:1047- 1066. Type strain: ATCC
P. freudenreichii subsp. shermanii (van Niel 27520
1928) Holdeman and Moore 1970 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
van Niel, C.B. 1928. The propionic acid and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
bacteria. N.V. Uitgeverszaak and J.W. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Boissevain and Co., Haarlem, Holland. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
pp. 1-187; Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
Holdeman. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S. P. tboenii van Niel 1928
Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, van Niel, C.B. 1928. The propionic acid
W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS. bacteria. Uitgeverszaak and Boissevain
Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods and Co., Haarlem, Holland. pp. 1-187.
in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision. Type strain: ATCC 4874
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 15- and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
21. Type strain: ATCC 9614 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Prosthecocbloris Gorlenko 1970
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Gorlenko, V.M. 1970. Zeitschrift fur
P. granulosum (Prevot 1938) Moore and Allgemeine Mikrobiologie 10:147- 149.
Holdeman 1970 Type species: P. aestuurii Gorlenko 1970
Prevot, A.R. 1938. Annales de 1’Institut Description: Bergey 8.
Pasteur (Paris) 60:285-307; Moore, P. aestuarii Gorlenko 1970
W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1970 in Gorlenko, V.M. 1970. Zeitschrift fur
Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. Holde- Allgemeine Mikrobiologie 10:147- 149.
man, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Type strain: DSM 271
Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds). Outline Description: Bergey 8.
of clinical methods in anaerobic bacteriol-
ogy, 2nd revision. Virginia Polytechnic Prostbecomicrobium Staley 1968
Institute Anaerobe Laboratory, Staley, J.T. 1968. Journal of Bacteriology
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 15-2 1. Type 951921-1942. Type species: P. pneumati-
strain: ATCC 25564 cum Staley 1968
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Description: Bergey 8.
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe P. enhydrum Staley 1968
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Staley, J.T. 1968. Journal of Bacteriology
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 95:1921- 1942. Type strain: ATCC 23634
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Description: Staley, J.T. 1968. Ibid.
P. jensenii van Niel 1928 P. pneumaticurn Staley 1968
van Niel, C.B. 1928. The propionic acid Staley, J.T. 1968. Journal of Bacteriology
bacteria. Uitgeverszaak and Boissevain 95:1921- 1942. Type strain: ATCC 23633
and Co., Haarlem, Holland. pp. 1-187. Description: Staley, J.T. 1968. Ibid.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

Island Agricultural Experimental Station

Proteus Hauser 1885 174:l-216; Rustigian, R. and C.A. Stuart.
Hauser, G. 1885. Uber Faulnisbakterien 1943. Proceedings of the Society for
und deren Beziehungen zur Septicamie. Experimental Biology and Medicine 53:
Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Spalt- 241-243. Type strain: ATCC 29944
pilze. Vogel, Leipzig. Type species: P. Description: Rustigian, R. and C.A.
vulgaris Hauser 1885 Stuart. 1943. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. P. vulgaris Hauser 1885
P. inconstans (Orstein 1920) Shaw and Clarke Hauser, G. 1885. Uber Faulnisbakterien
1955 und deren Beziehungen zue Septicamie.
Orstein, M. 1920. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der
91:152-178; Shaw, C. and P.H. Clarke. Spaltpilze. Vogel. Leipzig. p. 12. Type
1955. Journal of General Microbiology strain: ATCC 13315
13:155-161. Type strain: ATCC 9886 Description: Rustigian, R. and C.A.
Description: Shaw, C. and P.H. Clarke. Stuart. 1943. Proceedings of the Society
1955. Ibid. for Experimental Biology and Medicine
P. mirabilis Hauser 1885 53:241-243.
Hauser, G. 1885. Uber Faulnisbakterien
und deren Beziehungen zur Septicamie. Providencia Ewing 1962
Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Spalt- Ewing, W.H. 1962. International Bulletin
pilze. Vogel, Leipzig. p. 34. Type strain: of Bacteriological Nomenclature and
ATCC 29906 Taxonomy 12:93-102. Type species: P.
Description: Rustigian, R. and C.A. alcalifaciens (de Salles Gomes 1944)
Stuart. 1943. Proceedings of the Society Ewing 1962
for Experimental Biology and Medicine Description: Ewing, W.H. 1962. Ibid.
53~241-243. P. alcalifaciens (de Salles Gomes 1944) Ewing
P. morganii (Winslow, Kligler and Rothberg 1962
1919) Yale 1939 (See also Morganella de Salles Gomes, L. 1944. Revista do
morganii) Instituto Adolfo Lutz 14:182-195; Ewing,
Winslow, C.E.A., I.J. Kligler and W. W.H. 1962. International Bulletin of
Rothberg. 1919. Journal of Bacteriology Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxon-
4:429-503; Yale, M.W. 1939 in Bergey, omy 12:93-102. Type strain: ATCC 9886
D.H., R.S. Breed, E.G.D. Murray and Description: Ewing, W.H. 1962. Ibid.
A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of P. rettgeri (Hadley, Elkins and Caldwell 1918)
Determinative Bacteriology, 5th ed. The Brenner, Farmer, Fanning, Steigerwalt,
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Klykken, Wathen, Hickman and Ewing
430-436. Type strain: ATCC 25830 1978 (See also Proteus rettgeri)
Description: Rustigian, R. and C.A. Hadley, P., M.W. Elkins and D.W.
Stuart. 1943. Proceedings of the Society Caldwell. 1918. Bulletin of the Rhode
for Experimental Biology and Medicine Island Agricultural Experimental Station
53~241-243. 174:l-216; Brenner, D.J., J.J. Farmer 111,
P. myxofaciens Cosenza and Podgwaite 1966 G.R. Fanning, A.G. Steigerwalt, P.
Cosenza, B.J. and J.D. Podgwaite. 1966. Klykken, H.G. Wathen, F.W. Hickman
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of and W.H. Ewing. 1978. International
Microbiology and Serology 32: 187-191. Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:
Type strain: ATCC 19692 269-282. Type strain: ATCC 29944
Description: Cosenza, B.J. and J.D. Description: Rustigan, R. and C.A.
Padgwaite. 1966. Ibid. Stuart. 1943. Proceedings of the Society
P. rettgeri (Hadley, Elkins and Caldwell 1918) for Experimental Biology and Medicine
Rustigian and Stuart 1943 (See also 53~241- 243.
Providencia rettgeri) P. stuartii (Buttiaux, Osteux, Fresnoy and
Hadley, P., M.W. Elkins and D.W. Moriamez 1954) Ewing 1962
Caldwell. 1918. Bulletin of the Rhode Buttiaux, R., R. Osteux, R. Fresnoy and

Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by

On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
J. Moriamez. 1954. Annales de 1’Institut Smith, E.F. 191 1. Carnegie Institute,
Pasteur (Paris) 87:375-386;Ewing, W.H. Washington 2:l-368; Stapp, C. 1928 in
1962. International Bulletin of Bacterio- Sorauer, Handbuch der
logical Nomenclature and Taxonomy 12: Pflanzenkrankheiten, 5th ed. Paul Parey,
93-102.Type strain: ATCC 29914 Berlin. pp. 758. Type strain: ATCC 23061
Description: Ewing, W.H. 1962. Ibid. Description: Goto, M. and M.P. Starr.
1971. Annals of the Phytopathological
Pseudomonas Migula 1894 Society of Japan 37:233-241.
Migula, W. 1894. Arbeiten aus dem P. anguilliseptica Wakabayashi and Egusa 1972
Bakteriologischen Institut der Technischen Wakabayashi, H. and S. Egusa. 1972.
Hochschule zu Karlsruhe 1:235-238.Type Bulletin of the Japanese Society of
species: P. aeruginosa (Schroeter 1872) Scientific Fisheries 38577-587. Type
Migula 1900 strain. NCMB 1949
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Wakabayashi, H. and S.
P. acidovorans den Dooren de Jong 1926 Egusa. 1972. Ibid.
den Dooren de Jong, L.E. 1926. Bijdrage P. asplenii (Ark and Tompkins 1946) Savulescu
tot de kennis van het Mineralisatieproces. 1947
Thesis. Technische Hoogeschool, Delft. Ark, P.A. and C.M. Tompkins. 1946.
pp. 1-199.Type strain: ATCC 15668 Phytopathology 36:758-761 ; Savulescu, T.
Description: Bergey 8. 1947. Analele Academiei Romane Series
P. aeruginosa (Schroeter 1872) Migula 1900 I11 Tom 22, Memoire 4:l-26.Type strain:
Schroeter, J. 1872 in Cohn, F. 1875. ATCC 23835
Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen, J.U. Description: Ark, P.A. and C.M. Tomp-
Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. pp. 109-126; kins. 1946. Ibid.
Migula, W. 1900. System der Bakterien, P. aurantiaca Nakhimovskaya 1948
Vol. 2. Gustav Fisher, Jena. Type strain. Nakhimovskaya, M.I. 1948. Mikrobiologi-
ATCC 10145 ya 1758-65.Type strain: NCIB 10068
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Nakhimovskaya, M.I. 1948.
P. agarici Young 1970 Ibid.
Young, J.M. 1970. New Zealand Journal P. aureofaciens Kluyver 1956
of Agricultural Research 13:977-990. Kluyver, A.J. 1956. Journal of Bacteriolo-
Type strain: ATCC 25941 gy 72:406-411.Type strain: ATCC 13985
Description: Young, J.M. 1970. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
P. alcaligenes Monias 1928 P. avenae Manns 1909
Monias, B.L. 1928. Journal of Infectious Manns, T.F. 1909. Bulletin of the Ohio
Diseases 43:330-334.Type strain: ATCC Agriculture Experiment Station 210:91-
14909 167. Type strain: NCPPB 101 1
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Schaad, N.W., C.I. Kado and
P. aminovorans den Dooren de Jong 1926 D.R. Sumner. 1975. International Journal
den Dooren de Jong, L.E. 1926.Bijdrage of Systematic Bacteriology 25:133-137.
tot de kennis van het mineralisatieproces. P. azotoformans Iizuka and Komagata 1963
Thesis. Technische Hoogeschool, Delft. Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata. 1963.
pp. 1-199.Type straia: ATCC 23314 Journal of the Agricultural Chemical
Description: den Dooren de Jong, L.E. Society of Japan 37:137-141.Type strain:
1926. Ibid. IAM 1603
P. amygdali Psallidas and Panagopoulos 1975 Description: Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata.
Psallidas, P.G. and C.G. Panagopoulos. 1963. Ibid.
1975. Annales de 1’Institut Phytopatholo- P. beijerinckii Hof 1935
gique Benaki N.S. 11:94-108.Type strain: Hof, T. 1935. Recueil des Travaux
NCPPB 2607 -
Botaniques Neerlandais 32:1 5 1 1 73. Type
Description: Psallidas, P.G. and C.G. strain: ATCC 19372
Panagopoulos. 1975. Ibid. Description: Haynes, W.C. 1957 in Breed,
P. amlropogonis (Smith 1911) Stapp 1928 R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith

Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by

On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
(eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative 1-589.Type strain: ATCC 9446
Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and Description: Bergey 8.
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 89-183. P. cichorii (Swingle 1925) Stapp 1928
P. betle (Ragunathan 1928) Savulescu 1947 Swingle, D.B. 1925. Phytopathology 15:
Ragunathan, C. 1928. Annals of the 730; Stapp, C. 1928. In Sorauer,
Royal Botanical Garden of Peradeniya, Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten, 5th
Ceylon 1 1 5 1-61 ; Savulescu, T. 1947. ed. Paul Parey, Berlin. pp. 758. Type
Analele Academiei Romane Series I11 strain: ATCC 10857
Tom 22, Memoire 4:l-26.Type strain: Description: Bergey 8.
ATCC 19861 P. cissicola (Takimoto 1939) Burkholder 1948
Description: Ragunathan, C. 1928. Ibid. Takimoto, S. 1939. Annals of the
P. boreopolis Gray and Thornton 1928 Phytopathological Society, Japan 9:41-43;
Gray, P.H.H. and H.G.Thornton. 1928. Burkholder, W.H. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 73:74-96. Type iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
strain: NCIB 9401 Co., Baltimore. pp. 82-150.Type strain:
Description: Haynes, W.C. 1957 in Breed, NCPPB 2982
R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith Description: Goto, M. and T. Makino.
(eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative 1977. Annals of the Phytopathological
Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and Society, Japan 43:40-45.
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 101. P. citronellolis Seubert 1960
P. caricapapayae Robbs 1956 Seubert, W. 1960. Journal of Bacteriology
Robbs, C.F. 1956. Revista da Sociedade 79:426-434.Type strain: ATCC 13674
Brasileira de Agronomia 12:73-76.Type Description: Seubert, W. 1960. Ibid.
strain: NCPPB 1873 P. cocovenenans van Damme, Johannes, Cox
Description: Robbs, C.F. 1956. Ibid. and Berends 1960
P. caryophylli (Burkholder 1942) Starr and van Damme, P.A., A.G. Johannes, H.C.
Burkholder 1942 Cox and W. Berends. 1960. Recueil des
Burkholder, W.H. 1942. Phytopathology Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas 79:255-
32:141-149; Starr, M.P. and W.H. 267. Type strain: NCIB 9450
Burkholder. 1942. Phytopathology 32:598- Description: van Damme, P.A., A.G.
604.Type strain: ATCC 25418 Johannes, H.C. Cox and W. Berends.
Description: Burkholder, W.J. 1942. Ibid. 1960. Ibid.
P. cattleyae (Pavarino 191 1) Savulescu 1947 P. delafieldii Davis 1970
Pavarino, G.L. 1911. Atti della Reale Davis, D.H. 1970 in Davis, D.H., R.Y.
Accademia dei Lincei 20:233-237;Savu- Stanier, M. Doudoroff and M. Mandel.
lescu, T. 1947. Analele Academiei Ro- Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 70:1 - 13. Type
mane Series I11 Tom 22, Memoire 4:l-26. strain: ATCC 17505
Type strain: NCPPB 961 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Ark, P.A. and H.E. Thomas. P. didiinuta Leifson and Hugh 1954
1946. Phytopathology 36:695-698. Leifson, E. and R. Hugh. 1954. Journal
P. chlororaphis (Guignard and Sauvageau of General Microbiology 10:68-70.Type
1894) Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer strain: ATCC 1 1 568
and Huntoon 1930 Description: Leifson, E. and R. Hugh.
Guignard, L. and C. Sauvageau. 1894. 1954. Ibid.
Comptes Rendus des Seances de la P. doudoroffii Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and
Societe de Biologie, Paris, Series 10, 1: Allen 1972
841-843; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel
R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of
Huntoon (eds). 1930. Bergey’s Manual of Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain:
Determinative Bacteriology, 3rd ed. The ATCC 27123
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Description. Baumann, L., P. Baumann,

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 110.
P. ecbinoides Heumann 1962 P. fulva Iizuka and Komagata 1963
Heumann, W. 1962. Biologisches Zentral- Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata. 1963.
blatt 81:341-354. Type strain: ATCC Journal of the Agricultural Chemical
14820 Society of Japan 37:137-141. Type strain:
Description: Heumann, W. 1962. Ibid. IAM 1529
P. elongata Humm 1946 Description: Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata.
Humm, H.J. 1946. Bulletin of Duke 1963. Ibid.
University Marine Station 3:45-75. Type P. gelidicola Kadota 1951
strain: ATCC 10144 Kadota, H. 1951. Memoirs of the College
Description: Humm, H.J. 1946. Ibid. of Science, Kyoto University 59:54-67.
P. facilis (Schatz and Bovell 1952) Davis 1969 Type strain: IAM 1127
Schatz, A. and C.R. Bovell. 1952. Journal Description: Kadota, H. 1951. Ibid.
of Bacteriology 63:87-98; Davis, D.H. P. geniculata (Wright 1895) Chester 1901
1969 in Davis, D.H., R.Y. Stanier, M. Wright, J.H. 1895. Memoirs of the
Doudoroff and M. Mandel. International National Academy of Science 7:422-484;
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 19: Chester, F.D. 1901. A manuaI of
375-390. Type strain: ATCC 11228 determinative bacteriology. The Macmil-
Description: Bergey 8. lan Co., New York. pp. 1-401. Type
P. flava (Niklewski 1910) Davis 1969 strain: ATCC 19374
Niklewski, B. 1910. Jahrbuch fur Wissen- Description: Haynes, W.C. 1957 in Breed,
schaftliche Botanik 48: 113- 142; Davis, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith
D.H. 1969 in Davis, D.H., R.Y. Stanier, (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
M. Doudoroff and M. Mandel. Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 105.
teriology 19:375-390. Type strain: DSM P. gladioli Severini 1913
619 Severini, G. 1913. Annali di Botanica
Description: Bergey 8. (Roma) 11:413-424. Type strain: NCPPB
P. flectens Johnson 1956 1891
Johnson, J.C. 1956. Queensland Journal Description: Hildebrand, D.C., N.J. Pal-
of Agricultural Science 13:127- 158. Type leroni and M. Doudoroff. 1973.
strain: ATCC 12775 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Description: Johnson, J.C. 1956. Ibid. teriology 23:433-437.
P. fluorescens Migula 1895 P. glathei Zolg and Ottow 1975
Migula, W. 1895 in Engler, A. and K. Zolg, W. and J.C.G. Ottow. 1975.
Prantl (eds). Die Naturlichen Pfanzen- Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Mikrobiologie
familien, W. Engelmann, Leipzig, Teil I, 15:287-299. Type strain: ATCC 29195
Abteilung Ia. pp. 20-30. Type strain: Description: Zolg, W. and J.C.G. Ottow.
ATCC 13525 1975. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. P. glumae Kurita and Tabei 1967
P. fragi (Eichholz 1902) Gruber 1905 Kurita, T. and H. Tabei. 1967. Annals of
Eichholz, W. 1902. Zentralblatt fur the Phytopathological Society, Japan 33:
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- 1 1 1. Type strain: NCPPB 298 1
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Description: Kurita, T. and H. Tabei.
9:425-428; Gruber, T. 1905. Zentralblatt 1967. Ibid.
fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, P. hibiscicola Moniz 1963
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- Moniz, L. 1963. Current Science 32:177.
teilung 11. 14:122-123. Type strain: Type strain: ATCC 19867
ATCC 4973 Description: Moniz, L. 1963. Ibid.
Description: Haynes, W.C. 1957 in Breed, P. buttiensis Leifson 1962
R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith Leifson, E. 1962. International Bulletin of
( 4 s ) . Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxon-
Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and omy 12:161-170. Type strain: ATCC

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and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 135.

14670 P. marina (Cobet, Wirsen and Jones 1970)
Description: Leifson, E. 1962. Ibid. Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and Allen
P. indigofera (Voges 1893) Migula 1900 1972
Voges, 0. 1893. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Cobet, A.B., C. Wirsen and G.E. Jones.
ologie, Parasitenkunde, 1970. Journal of General Microbiology
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- 62: 159-169; Baumann, L., P. Baumann,
teilung I. 14:301-314; Migula, W. 1900. M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal
System der Bakterien, Vol. 2. Gustav of Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain:
Fischer, Jena. Type strain: ATCC 19706 ATCC 25374
Description: Elazari-Volcani, B. 1939. Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann,
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 10:343-358. M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid.
P. iners Iizuka and Komagata 1964 P. mendocina Palleroni 1970
Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata. 1964. Palleroni, N.J. 1970 in Palleroni, N.J., M.
Journal of General and Applied Microbi- Doudoroff, R.Y. Stanier, R.E. Solanes
ology 10:223-231. Type strain: IAM 1419 and M. Mandel. Journal of General
Description: Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata. Microbiology 60:215-231. Type strain:
1964. Ibid. ATCC 25411
P. lanceolata Leifson 1962 Description: Bergey 8.
Leifson, E. 1962. International Bulletin of P. mephitica Claydon and Hammer 1939
Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxon- Claydon, T.J. and B.W. Hammer. 1939.
omy 12:161-170. Type strain: ATCC Journal of Bacteriology 37:252-258. Type
14669 strain: NCIB 9672
Description: Leifson, E. 1962. Ibid. Description: Haynes, W.C. 1957 in Breed,
P. lemoignei Delafield, Doudoroff, Palleroni, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith
Lusty and Contopoulou 1965 (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
Delafield, F.P., M. Doudoroff, N.J. Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and
Palleroni, C.J. Lusty and C.R. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 11 1.
Contopoulou. 1965. Journal of Bacteriolo- P. mesophilica Austin and Goodfellow 1979
gy 90:1455-1466. Type strain: ATCC Austin, B. and M. Goodfellow. 1979.
17989 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Description: Delafield, F.P., M. Doudo- teriology 29:373-378. Type strain: ATCC
roff, N.J. Palleroni, C.L. Lusty and C.R. 29983
Contopoulou. 1965. Ibid. Description: Austin, B. and M.
P. mallei (Zopf 1885) Redfearn, Palleroni and Goodfellow. 1979. Ibid.
Stanier 1966 P. mucidolens Levine and Anderson 1932
Zopf, W. 1885. Die Spaltpilze, 3rd ed. Levine, M. and D.Q. Anderson. 1932.
Edward Trewendt, Breslau. pp. 1- 127; Journal of Bacteriology 23:337-347. Type
Redfearn, M.S., N.J. Palleroni and R.Y. strain: ATCC 4685
Stanier. 1966. Journal of General Micro- Description: Levine, M. and D.Q. Ander-
biology 43:293-3 13. Type strain: ATCC son. 1932. Ibid.
23344 P. nautica Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and
Description: Bergey 8. Allen 1972
P. marginalis (Brown 1918) Stevens 1925 Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel
Brown, N.A. 1918. Journal of and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of
Agricultural Research 13367-388; Ste- Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain:
vens, F.L. 1925. Plant Disease Fungi. ATCC 27132
MacMillan Co., New York. pp. 469. Type Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann,
strain: ATCC 10844 M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid.
Description: Burkholder, W.J. 1957 in P. nitroreducenk Iizuka and Komagata 1964
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata. 1964.
Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi- Journal of General and Applied Microbi-
native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams ology 10~207-221.Type strain: IAM 1439

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Description: Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata. Description: Gray, P.H.H. and H.G.

1964. Ibid. Thornton. 1928. Ibid.
P. oleovorans Lee and Chandler 1941 P. pseudoalcaligenes Stanier 1966
Lee, M. and A.C. Chandler. 1941. Stanier, R.Y. 1966 in Stanier, R.Y., N.J.
Journal of Bacteriology 41:373-386.Type Palleroni and M. Doudoroff. Journal of
strain: ATCC 8062 General Microbiology 43:159-271. Type
Description: Lee, M. and A.C. Chandler. strain: ATCC 17440
1941. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
P. palleronii Davis 1970 P. pseudoalcaligenes subsp. citrulli Schaad,
Davis, D.H. 1970 in Davis, D.H., R.Y. Sowell, Goth, Colwell and Webb 1978
Stanier, M. Doudoroff and M. Mandel. Schaad, N.W., G. Sowell, R.W. Goth;
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 70:1 - 13. Type R.R. Colwell and R.E. Webb. 1978.
strain: ATCC 17724 International Journal of Systematic
Description: Davis, D.H., R.Y. Stanier, Bacteriology 28:1 17-125. Type strain:
M. Doudoroff and M. Mandel. 1970. ATCC 29625
Ibid. Description: Schaad, N. W., G. Sowell,
P. paucimobilis Holmes, Owen, Evans, Malnick R.W. Goth, R.R. Colwell and R.E.
and Willcox 1977 Webb. 1978. Ibid.
Holmes, B., R.J.. Owen, A. Evans, H. P. pseudoalcaligenes subsp. pseudoalcaligenes
Malnick and W.R. Willcox. 1977. Inter- Stanier 1966
national Journal of Systematic Stanier, R.Y. 1966 in Stanier, R.Y., N.J.
Bacteriology 27:133-146. Type strain: Palleroni and M. Doudoroff. Journal of
ATCC 29837 General Microbiology 43:159-271. Type
Description: Holmes, B., R.J. Owen, A. strain: ATCC 17440
Evans, H. Malnick and W.R. Willcox. Description: Bergey 8.
1977. Ibid. P. pseudoflava Auling, Reh, Lee and Schlegel
P. pertucinogena Kawai and Yabuuchi 1975 1978
Kawai, Y. and E. Yabuuchi. 1975. Auling, G., M. Reh, C.M. Lee and H.G.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Schlegel. 1978. International Journal of
teriology 25:3 17-323. Type strain: ATCC Systematic Bacteriology 28:82-95. Type
190 strain: DSM 1034
Description: Kawai, Y. and E. Yabuuchi. Description: Auling, G., M. Reh, C.M.
1975. Ibid. Lee and H.G. Schlegel. 1978. Ibid.
P. phenazinium Bell and Turner 1973 P. pseudomallei (Whitmore 1913) Haynes 1957
Bell, S.C. and J.M. Turner. 1973. Whitmore, A. 1913. Journal of Hygiene
Biochemical Society Transactions 1:75 1- 13:l-34; Haynes, W.C. 1957 in Breed,
753. Type strain: NCIB 11027 R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith
Description: Bell, S.C. and J.M. Turner. (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
1973. Ibid. Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and
P. pickettii Ralston, Palleroni and Doudoroff Wilkins Co.,Baltimore. pp. 89-152.Type
1973 strain: ATCC 23343
Ralston, E., N.J. Palleroni and M. Description: Brindle, C.S. and S.T.
Doudoroff. 1973. International Journal of Cowan. 1951. Journal of Pathology and
Systematic Bacteriology 23:15-19. Type Bacteriology 63571-575.
strain: ATCC 2751 1 P. putida (Trevisan 1889) Migula 1895
Description: Ralston, E., N.J. Palleroni Trevisan, V. 1889. I Generi e le Specie
and M. Doudoroff. 1973. Ibid. delle Battieriacee. Zanaboni and Ga buzzi,
P. pictorum Gray and Thornton 1928 Milano; Migula, W. 1895 in Engler, A.
Gray, P.H.H. and H.G. Thornton. 1928. and K. Prantl (eds). Die Naturlichen
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- Pflanzenfamilien, W. Engelmann, Leipzig,
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Teil I, Abteilung Ia. pp. 1-44. Type
ene. Abteilung 11. 73:74-96.Type strain: strain: ATCC 12633
ATCC 23328 Description: Bergey 8.

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P. pyrrocinia Imanaka, Kousaka, Tamura and Description: Bergey 8.
Arima 1965 P. solanacearum (Smith 1896) Smith 1914
Imanaka, H., M. Kousaka, G. Tamura Smith, E.F. 1896. Bulletin, Division of
and K. Arima. 1965.Journal of Antibiot- Vegetable Physiology and Pathology,
ics (Tokyo) Series A 18:205-206.Type United States Department of Agriculture
strain: ATCC 15958 12:l-28; Smith, E.F. 1914. Carnegie
Description: Imanaka, H., M. Kousaka, Institute, Washington 3:1-309. Type
G. Tamura and K. Arima. 1965. Ibid. strain: ATCC 11696
P. radiora Ito and Iizuka 1971 Description: Bergey 8.
Ito, H. and H. Iizuka. 1971.Agricultural P. spinosa Leifson 1962
and Biological Chemistry 35:1566-1571. Leifson, E. 1962. International Bulletin of
Type strain: ATCC 27329 Bacteriological Nomenclature and Taxon-
Description: Ito, H. and H. Iizuka. 1971. omy 12:89-92.Type strain: ATCC 14606
I bid. Description: Leifson, E. 1962. Ibid.
P. resinovorans Delaporte, Raymond and Daste P. straminae Iizuka and Komagata 1963
1961 Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata. 1963.
Delaporte, B., M. Raymond and P. Daste. Journal of the Agricultural Chemical
1961. Comptes Rendus des Seances de Society of Japan 37:1 37-141. Type strain:
1’Academie des Sciences Paris 252:1073- IAM 1598
1075. Type strain: ATCC 14235 Description: Iizuka, H. and K. Komagata.
Description: Delaporte, B., M. Raymond 1963. Ibid.
and P. Daste. 1961.Ibid. P. stutzeri (Lehmann and Neumann 1896)
P. rhodos Heumann 1962 Sijderius 1946
Heumann, W. 1962. Biologisches Zentral- Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896.
blatt 81:341-354. Type strain: ATCC Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
14821 und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologjs-
Description: Heumann, W. 1962. Ibid. chen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann,
P. rubrilineans (Lee, Purdy, Barnum and Munchen; Sijderius, R. 1946. Hetero-
Martin 1925) Stapp 1928 trophe Bacterien, die thiosulfaat
Lee, H.A., H.A. Purdy, C.C. Barnum and oxydeeren. Thesis, University Amsterdam,
J.P. Martin. 1925. Bulletin, Experiment pp. 1-146.Type strain: ATCC 17588
Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Description: Bergey 8.
Association pp. 64-74;Stapp, C. 1928 in P. synxantha (Ehrenberg 1840) Holland 1920
Sorauer, Handbuch der Pflanzenkran- Ehrenberg, C.G. 1840. Bericht Bekannt
kheiten, 5th ed. Paul Parey, Berlin. pp. Verhandlungen der Koniglisch-Preussichen
758. Type strain: ATCC 19307 A kademie der W issenschaft lichen, Ber1in
Description: Hayward, A.C. 1962. 1840:197-219; Holland, D.F. 1920 in
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Insti- Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E.
tute Occasional Paper No. 13:13-27. Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A.
P. rubrisubalbicans (Christopher and Edgerton Rogers and G.H. Smith. Journal of
1930) Krassilnikov 1949 Bacteriology 5:191-229. Type strain:
Christopher, W.N. and C.W. Edgerton. ATCC 9890
1930. Journal of Agricultural Research Description: Haynes, W.C. 1957 in Breed,
41:259-267; Krassilnikov, N.A. 1949. R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith
Moskva - Leningrad, Izdatel’stvo Akade- (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
mii Nauk SSSR. pp.1-830.Type strain: Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and
ATCC 19308 Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 104.
Description: Hayward, A.C. 1962. Mauri- P. syringae van Hall 1902
tius Sugar Industry Research Institute van Hall, C.J.J. 1902. Inaugural Disserta-
Occasional Paper No. 13:pp. 27. tion. Amsterdam. pp. 198. Type strain:
P. saccharophila Doudoroff 1940 ATCC 19310
Doudoroff, M. 1940. Enzymologia 959- Description: Bergey 8.
72. Type strain: ATCC 15946 P. taetrolens Haynes 1957

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Haynes, W.C. 1957 in Breed, R.S., Description: Bergey 8.
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). P. spinosa Schafer 1971
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Schafer, D. 1971 in Henssen, A. and D.
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Schafer. International Journal of System-
Co., Baltimore. pp. 89-152. Type strain: atic Bacteriology 21:29-34. Type strain:
ATCC 4683 ATCC 25924
Description: Haynes, W.C. 1957. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
P. testosteroni Marcus and Talalay 1956 P. thermophila Henssen 1957
Marcus, P.I. and P. Talalay. 1956. Henssen, A. 1957. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Journal of Biological Chemistry 218:66 1. gie 26:373-414. Type strain: ATCC 19285
Type strain: ATCC 11996 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8.
P. tolaasii Paine 1919 Rhizobium Frank 1889
Paine, S.G. 1919. Annals of Applied Frank, B. 1889. Berichte der Deutschen
Biology 5:206-2 19. Type strain: NCPPB Botanischen Gesellschaft 7:332-346. Type
2192 species: R. Ieguminosarum (Frank 1879)
Description: Burkholder, W.H. 1957 in Frank 1889
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Description: Bergey 8.
Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi- R. japonicum (Kirchner 1896) Buchanan 1926
native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams Kirchner, 0. 1896. Beitrage zur Biologie
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 136. der Pflanzen 7:213-224; Buchanan, R.E.
P. vesicularis (Busing, Doll and Freytag 1953) 1926. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy
Galarneault and Leifson 1964 of Science 33:81-90. Type strain: ATCC
Busing, K.H., W. Doll and K. Freytag. 10324
1953. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 1952-86; Description: Bergey 8.
Galarneault, T.P. and E. Leifson. 1964. R. leguminosarum (Frank 1879) Frank 1889
International Bulletin of Bacteriological Frank, B. 1879. Bericht der Deutschen
Nomenclature and Taxonomy 14: 165-168. Botanischen Gesellschaft 37:394-399;
Type strain: ATCC 11426 Frank, B. 1889. Berichte der Deutschen
Description: Bergey 8. Botanischen Gesellschaft 7:332-346. Type
P. viridiflava (Burkholder 1930) Dowson 1939 strain: ATCC 10004
Burkholder, W.H. 1930. Memoirs, Cornell Description: Bergey 8.
University Agricultural Experiment R. lupini (Schroeter 1886) Eckhardt, Baldwin
Station 127:l-88; Dowson, W.J. 1939. and Fred 1931
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F.
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3,
ene. Abteilung 11. 100:177-193. Type Heft 3, Pihe J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau.
strain: ATCC 13223 pp. 1-814; Eckhardt, M.M., I.R. Baldwin
Description: Billing, E. 1970. Journal of and E.B. Fred. 1931. Journal of Bacteriol-
Applied Bacteriology 33:492-500. ogy 21:273-285. Type strain: ATCC
P. woodsii (Smith 1911) Stevens 1925 10319
Smith, E.F. 1911. Carnegie Institute, Description: Bergey 8.
Washington 2:l-368; Stevens, F.L. 1925. R. meliloti Dangeard 1926
Plant disease fungi. MacMillan. New Dangeard, P.A. 1926. Botaniste (Paris)
York. Type strain: ATCC 1931 1 16:l-275. Type strain: ATCC 9930
Description: Burkholder, W.H. and C.E.F. Description: Bergey 8.
Guterman. 1935. Phytopathology 25: 1 14- R. phaseoli Dangeard 1926
120. Dangeard, P.A. 1926. Botaniste (Paris)
161-275. Type strain: ATCC 14482
Pseudonocardia Henssen 1957 Description: Bergey 8.
Henssen, A. 1957. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo- R. trifolii Dangeard 1926
gie 26:373-414. Type species: P. Dangeard, P.A. 1926. Botaniste (Paris)
therrnophila Henssen 1957 16:l-275. Type strain: ATCC 14480

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Description: Bergey 8. Microbiology 1OO:99- 122. Type strain:

ATCC 25729
Rhodococcus Zopf 1891 Description: Goodfellow, M. and G.
Zopf, W. 1891. Berichte der Deutschen Alderson. 1977. Ibid.
Botanischen Gesellschaft 9:22-28. Type R. erythropolis (Gray and Thornton 1928)
species: R. rhodochrous (Zopf 1891) Goodfellow and Alderson 1979
Tsukamura 1974 Gray, P.H.H. and H.G. Thornton. 1928.
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Alderson. 1977. Journal of General kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
Microbiology 100:99- 122. ene. Abteilung 11. 73:74-96; Goodfellow,
R. bronchialis (Tsukamura 1971) Tsukamura M. and G. Alderson. 1979. International
1974 Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79-
Tsukamura, M. 1971. Journal of General 80; Effective publication Goodfellow, M.
Microbiology 68:15-26; Tsukamura, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of
1974. Japanese Journal of Microbiology General Microbiology 100:99- 122. Type
18:37-44. Type strain: ATCC 25592 strain: ATCC 4277
Description: Goodfelhw, M. and G. Description: Goodfellow, M. and G.
Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Alderson. 1977. Ibid.
Microbiology 100:99- 122. R. rhodnii Goodfellow and Alderson 1979
R. coprophilus Rowbotham and Cross 1979 Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1979.
Rowbotham, T.J. and T. Cross. 1979. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
International Journal of Systematic Bac- teriology 29:79-80; Effective publication
teriology 29:79-80; Effective publication Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977.
Rowbotham, T.J. and T. Cross. 1977. Journal of General Microbiology 100:99-

Journal of General Microbiology 100:123- 122. Type strain: KCC A-0203

138. Type strain: ATCC 29080 Description: Goodfellow, M. and G.
Description: Rowbotham, T.J. and T. Alderson. 1977. Ibid.
Cross. 1977. Ibid. R. rhodochrous (Zopf 1891) Tsukamura 1974
R. corallinus (Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Ham- Zopf, W. 1891. Berichte der Deutschen
mer and Huntoon 1923) Goodfellow and Botanischen Gesellschaft 9:22-28;
Alderson 1979 Tsukamura, M. 1974. Japanese Journal of
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, Microbiology 18:37-44. Type strain:
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. ATCC 13808
Bergey's Manual of Determinative Description: Goodfellow, M. and G.
Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Williams and Alderson. 1977. Journal of General
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442; Microbiology 100:99-122.
Goodfeliow, M. and G. Alderson. 1979. R. ruber (Kruse 1896) GoodfeHow and Alderson
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 1979
teriology 29:79-80; Effective publication Kruse, W. 1896 in Flugge, C. Die
Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977. Mikroorganismen. Vol. 2, pp. 48-66;
Journal of General Microbiology 100:99- Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1979.
122. Type strain: ATCC 25593 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. teriology 29:79-80; Effective publication
Alderson. 1977. Ibid. Goodfellow, M. and G. Alderson. 1977.
R. equi (Magnusson 1923) Goodfellow and Journal of General Microbiology 100:99-
Alderson 1979 122. Type strain: KCC A-0205
Magnusson, H. 1923. Archiv fur Wissen- Description: Goodfellow, M. and G.
schaftliche und Praktische Tierheilkunde Alderson. 1977. Ibid.
50:22-38; Goodfellow, M. and G. Alder- R. rubropertinctus (Hefferan 1904) Goodfellow
son. 1979. International Journal of and Alderson 1979
Systematic Bacteriology 29:79- 80; Hefferan, M. 1904. Zentralblatt fur
Effective publication Goodfellow, M. and Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
G. Alderson. 1977. Journal of General skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
11:397-404; Goodfellow, M. and G. nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer,
Alderson. 1979. International Journal of Jena I-VII, pp. 1-95;van Niel, C.B. 1944.
Systernatic Bacteriology 29:79-80;Effec- Bacteriological Reviews 8:1- 1 18. Type
tive publication Goodfellow, M. and G. strain: ATCC 1 1 166
Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Description: Weaver, P.F., J.D. Wall and
Microbiology 100:99-122. Type strain: H. Gest. 1975. Archives of Microbiology
ATCC 14352 105207-216.
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. R. gelatinosa (Molisch 1907) van Niel 1944
Alderson. 1977. Ibid. Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien
R. terrae (Tsukamura 1971) Tsukamura 1974 nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer,
Tsukamura, M. 1971. Journal of General Jena I-VII, pp. 1-95;van Niel, C.B. 1944.
Microbiology 68:15-26; Tsukamura, M. Bacteriological Reviews 8:1 - 1 1 8. Type
1974. Japanese Journal of Microbiology strain: ATCC 1701 1
18:37-44.Type strain: ATCC 25594 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Goodfellow, M. and G. R. globiformis Pfennig 1974
Alderson. 1977. Journal of General Pfennig, N. 1974. Archives of
Microbiology 1OO:99-122. Microbiology 100:197-206. Type strain:
DSM 161
Rbadocyclus Pfennig 1978 Descriptio~:Pfennig, N. 1974. Ibid.
Pfennig N. 1978. International Journal of R. palustris (Molisch 1907) van Niel 1944
Systematic Bacteriology 28:283-288.Type Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien
species: R. purpureus Pfennig 1978 nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer,
Description: Pfennig, N. 1978. Ibid. Jena I-VII, pp. 1-95;van Niel, C.B. 1944.
R. purpureus Pfennig 1978 Bacteriological Reviews 8:1- 1 18. Type
Pfennig, N. 1978. International Journal of strain: ATCC 17001
Systematic Bacteriology 28:283-288.Type Description: Bergey 8.
strain: DSM 168 R. sphaeroides van Niel 1944
Description: Pfennig, N. 1978. Ibid. van Niel, C.B. 1944. Bacteriological
Reviews 8:l-118. Type strain: ATCC
Rhodomicrobium Duchow and Douglas 1949 17023
Duchow, E. and H.C. Douglas. 1949. Description: Bergey 8.
Journal of Bacteriology 58:409-416. Type R. sdfidophila Hansen and Veldkamp 1973
species: R. vannielii Duchow and Douglas Hansen, T.A. and H. Veldkamp. 1973.
1949 Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 92:45-58.Type
Description: Bergey 8. strain: DSM 1374
R. vannielii Duchow and Douglas 1949 Description: Hansen, T.A. and H. Veld-
Duchow, E. and H.C. Douglas. 1949. kamp. 1973. Ibid.
Journal of Bacteriology 58:409-416.Type R. sulfoviridis Keppen and Gorlenko 1975
strain: ATCC 17100 Keppen, 0.1. and V.M. Gorlenko. 1975.
Description: Bergey 8. Mikrobiologiya 44:258-264. Type strain:
DSM 729
Rbodopseudomonas Kluyver and van Niel 1937 Description: Keppen, 0.1. and V.M.
Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1937. Gorlenko. 1975. Ibid.
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 8:99-124. Type R. viridis Drews and Giesbrecht 1966
species: R. palustris (Molisch 1907) van Drews, G. and P. Giesbrecht. 1966.
Niel 1944 Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 53:255-262.
Description: Bergey 8. Type strain: ATCC 19567
R. acidophila Pfennig 1969 Description: Bergey 8.
Pfennig, N. 1969.Journal of Bacteriology
99~597-602. Type strain: ATCC 25092 Rhodospirillum Molisch 1907
Description: Bergey 8. Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien
R. capsulata (Molisch 1907) van Niel 1944 nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer,
Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien Jena I-VII, pp. 1-95. Type species: R.

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rubturn (Esmarch 1887) Molisch 1907 Lackmann. 1967. Canadian Journal of

Description: Bergey 8. Microbiology 13:503-5 10. Type strain:
R. fulvum van Niel 1944 ATCC VR 610
van Niel, C.B. 1944. Bacteriological Description: Bergey 8.
Reviews 8:l-118. Type strain: ATCC R. conorii Brumpt 1932
157980 Brumpt, E. 1932. Comptes Rendus des
Description: Bergey 8. Seances de la Societe de Biologie Filiales
R. molischianum Giesberger 1947 110:1 199-1202. Type strain: NIAID Mal-
Giesberger, G. 1947. Antonie van ish 7
Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology Description: Bergey 8.
and Serology 13:135-148. Type strain: R. parkeri Lackman, Bell, Stoenner and Pickens
ATCC 14031 1965
Description: Bergey 8. Lackman, D.B., E.J. Bell, H.G. Stoenner
R. photometricum Molisch 1907 and E.G. Pickens. 1965. Health
Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpurbakterien Laboratory Science 2: 135-141. Type
nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Fischer, strain: NIAID maculatum 20
Jena I-VII, pp. 1-95. Type strain: DSM Description: Bergey 8.
122 R. prowazekii da Rocha-Lima 1916
Description: Bergey 8. da Rocha-Lima, H. 1916. Berliner
R. rubrum (Esmarch 1887) Molisch 1907 Klinische Wochenschrift 53:567-569. Type
Esmarch, E. 1887. Zentralblatt fur strain: ATCC VR 142
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Description: Bergey 8.
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 1: R. rickettsii (Wolbach 1919) Brumpt 1922
225-230; Molisch, H. 1907. Die Purpur- Wolbach, S. 1919. Journal of Medical
bakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen. G. Research 41:l-197; Brumpt, E. 1922.
Fisher, Jena I-VII, pp. 1-95. Type strain: Precis de Parasitologie. 3rd ed. Masson et
ATCC 11170 Cie, Paris. Type strain: ATCC VR 149
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
R. tenue Pfennig 1969 R. sennetsu Misao and Kobayashi 1956
Pfennig, N. 1969. Journal of Bacteriology Misao, R. and Y. Kobayashi. 1956.
99:6 19-920. Type strain: ATCC 25093 Journal of the Japanese Association for
Description: Bergey 8. Infectious Diseases 30:453-465. Type
strain: ATCC VR 367
Rickettsia da Rocha-Lima 1916 Description: Bergey 8.
da Rocha-Lima, H. 1916. Berliner R. sibirica Zdrodovskii 1948
Klinische Wochenschrift 53567-569. Type Zdrodovskii, P.F. 1948. Academy of
species: R. prowazekii da Rocha-Lima Medical Science Moscow. Type strain:
1916 ATCC VR 151
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
R. akari Huebner, Jellison and Pomerantz 1946 R. tsutsugamushi (Hayashi 1920) Ogata 1931
Huebner, R.J., W.L. Jellison and C. Hayashi, N. 1920. Journal of Parasitology
Pomerantz. 1946. Public Health Report 753-68; Ogata, N. 1931. Zentralblatt fur
61:1677-1682. Type strain: ATCC VR Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
148 skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I.
Description: Bergey 8. 122:249-253. Type strain: ATCC VR 150
R. australis Philip 1950 Description: Bergey 8.
Philip, C.B. 1950 in Pullen, R.L. R. typhi (Wolbach and Todd 1920) Philip 1943
Communicable Diseases. Lea and Febiger Wolbach, S.B. and J.L. Todd. 1920.
Co., Philadelphia. pp. 78 1-788. Type Annales de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 34:
strain: NIAID Phillips 32 153-158; Philip, C.B. 1943. American
Description: Bergey 8. .Journal of Hygiene 37:301-309. Type
R. Canada McKiel, Bell and Lackmann 1967 strain: ATCC VR 144
McKiel, J.A., E.J. Bell and D.B. Description: Bergey 8.

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Description: Bergey 8.
Rickettsiella Philip 1956
Philip, C.B. 1956. Canadian Journal of Ruminococcus Sijpesteijn 1948
Microbiology 2261-270. Type species: R. Sijpesteijn, A.K. 1948. Cellulose-
popiffiae (Dutky and Gooden 1952) Philip decomposing bacteria from the rumen of
1956 cattle. Thesis. University of Leiden, The
Description: Bergey 8. Netherlands. p. 152. Type species: R.
R. popilliae (Dutky and Gooden 1952) Philip flavefaciens Sijpesteijn 1948
1956 Description: Bergey 8.
Dutky, S.R. and E.L. Gooden. 1952. R. albus Hungate 1957
Journal of Bacteriology 63:743-750; Phil- Hungate, R.E. 1957. Canadian Journal of
ip, C.B. 1956. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 3:289-3 1 1. Type strain:
Microbiology 2 2 6 1-270. Type strain: no ATCC 27210
culture isolated. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Description: Bergey 8. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
R. stethorae Hall and Badgley 1957 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Hall, I.M. and M.E. Badgley. 1957. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Journal of Bacteriology 74:452-455. Type Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-1 56.
strain: no culture isolated. R. bromii Moore, Cat0 and Holdeman 1972
Description: Bergey 8. Moore, W.E.C., E.P. Cat0 and L.V.
Holdeman. 1972. International Journal of
Rochalimaea (Macchiavello 1947) Krieg 1961 Systematic Bacteriology 2278-80. Type
Macchiavello, A. 1947. Prima Reunione strain: ATCC 27255
Interamericana del Tifo, Mexico. pp. 405- Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
426; Krieg, A. 1961. Grundlagen der and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Insekten-pathologie. Dr. Dietrich Stein- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
kofpp. Verlag, Darmstadt. Type species: Polytechnic Institute and State University,
R. quintana (Schmincke 1917) Krieg Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
1961 R. callidus Holdeman and Moore 1974
Description: Bergey 8. Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore.
R. quintana (Schmincke 1917) Krieg 1961 1974. International Journal of Systematic
Schmincke, A. 19 17. Munchener Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: VPI
Medizinische Wochenschrift 64:96 1; 57-3 1
Krieg, A. 1961. Grundlagen der Insekten- Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C.
pathologie. Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff. Ver- Moore. 1974. Ibid.
lag, Darmstadt. Type strain: ATCC VR R. flavefaciens Sijpesteijn 1948
358 Sijpesteijn, A.K. 1948. Cellulose-decom-
Description: Bergey 8. posing bacteria from the rumen of cattle.
Thesis, University of Leiden, The Nether-
Rotbia Georg and Brown 1967 lands. Type strain: ATCC 19208
Georg, L.K. and J.M. Brown. 1967. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
International Journal of Systematic Bac- and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
teriology 17:79-88. Type species: R. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
dentocariosa (Onishi 1949) Georg and Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Brown 1967 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Description: Bergey 8. R. gnavus Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976
R. dentocariosa (Onishi 1949) Georg and Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V.
Brown 1967 Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of
Onishi, M. 1949. Journal of Dental Systematic Bacteriology 26:238-252. Type
Research 6:273-282; Georg, L.K. and strain: ATCC 29149
J.M. Brown. 1967. International Journal Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson
of Systematic Bacteriology 17:79-88. Type and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid.
strain: ATCC 1793 1 R. lactaris Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976

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Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V.

Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of Saccharopolyspora Lacey and Goodfellow 1975
Systematic Bacteriology 26:238-252. Type Lacey, J. and M. Goodfellow. 1975.
strain: ATCC 29176 Journal of General Microbiology 88:76-
Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson 78. Type species: S. hirsuta Lacey and
and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid. Goodfellow 1975
R. obeum Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976 Description: Lacey, J. and M.Goodfellow.
Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V. 1975. Ibid.
Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of S. hirsuta Lacey and Goodfellow 1975
Systematic Bacteriology 26:238-252. Type Lacey, J. and M. Goodfellow. 1975.
strain: ATCC 29174 Journal of General Microbiology 88:76-
Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson 78. Type strain: ATCC 27875
and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid. Description: Lacey, J. and M. Goodfellow.
R. torques Holdeman and Moore 1974 1975. Ibid.
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore.
1974. International Journal of Systematic Salmonella Lignieres 1900
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: Lignieres, J. 1900. Bulletin of the Society
ATCC 27756 for Central Medical Veterinarians ns 18:
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. 389-43 1. Type species: S. choierae-suis
Moore. 1976. Ibid. (Smith 1894) Weldin 1927
Description: Bergey 8.
Runella Larkin and Williams 1978 S. arizonae (Borman 1957) Kauffman 1964
Larkin, J.M. and P.M. Williams. 1978. Borman, E.K. 1957 in Breed, R.S.,
International Journal of Systematic Bac- E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds).
teriology 28:32-36. Type species: R. Bergey's Manual of Determinative
slithyformis Larkin and Williams 1978 Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams and
Description: Larkin, J.M and P.M. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 346-348;
Williams. 1978. Ibid. Kauffman, F. 1964 in van Oye, E. The
R. slitbyformis Larkin and Williams 1978 world problem of slamonellosis. Junk
Larkin, J.M. and P.M. Williams. 1978. Publications, The Hague. Type strain:
International Journal of Systematic ATCC 13314
Bacteriology 28:32-36. Type strain: ATCC Description: Kauffman, F. 1964. Ibid.
29530 S. cholerae-suis (Smith 1894) Weldin 1927
Description: Larkin, J.M. and P.M. Smith, T. 1894. Bulletin of the United
Williams. 1978. Ibid. States Bureau of Animal Industry 6:6-40;
Weldin, J.C. 1927. Iowa State Journal of
Saccbaromonospora Nonomura and Ohara 1971 Science 1:121- 197. Type strain: ATCC
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971. 13312
Journal of Fermentation Technology 49: Description: Bergey 8.
895-903. Type species: 5'. viridis (Schuur- S. enteritidis (Gaertner 1888) Castellani and
mans, Olson and San Clemente 1956) Chalmers 1919
Nonomura and Ohara 1971 Gaertner, E. 1888. Korrespondenzblatt
Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. des Allgemeinen arztilchen Vereins von
1971. Ibid. Thuringen 17573-600; Castellani, A. and
S. viridis (Schuurmans, Olson and San Cle- A.J. Chalmers. 1919. Manual of tropical
mente 1956) Nonomura and Ohara 1971 medicine, 3rd ed. Williams, Wood and
Schuurmans, D.M., B.H. Olson and C.L. Co., New York. p. 939. Type strain:
San Clemente. 1956. Applied Microbiolo- ATCC 13076
gy 4:61-66; Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. Description: Bergey 8.
1971. Journal of Fermentation Technology S. typbi (Schroeter 1886) Warren and Scott
49395-903. Type strain: ATCC 15386 1930
Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F.
1971. Ibid. Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3,

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Heft 3, Pilze. J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Description: Bergey 8.
Breslau. pp. 1-814; Warren S.H. and S. ruminantiurn (Certes 1889) Wenyon 1926
W.M. Scott. 1930. Journal of Hygiene Certes, A. 1889. Bulletin de la Societe
29:415-417. Type strain: ATCC 19430 Zoologie Francaise 14:70-73; Wenyon,
Description: Bergey 8. C.M. 1926. Protozoology, Vol. 1.
S. typhimurium (Loeffler 1892) Castellani and Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London. pp. 1-
Chalmers 19 19 778. Type strain: ATCC 12561
Loeffler, F. 1892. Zentralblatt fur Bakter- Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
iologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 11:129- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
141; Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
1919. Manual of tropical medicine, 3rd Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
ed. Williams, Woad and Co., New York. S. ruminantium subsp. lactilytica Bryant 1956
p. 939. Type strain: ATCC 13311 Bryant, M.P. 1956. Journal of Bacteriolo-
Description: Bergey 8. gy 72:162-167. Type strain: ATCC 19205
Description: Bergey 8.
Saprospira Gross 19 1 1 S. ruminantium subsp. ruminantium Bryant
Gross, J. 1911. Mitteilungen aus der 1974
Zoologischen Station zu Neapel 20: 188- Bryant, M.P. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type
203. Type species: S. grandis Gross 1911 strain: ATCC 12561
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
S. grandis Gross 1911 S. sputigena (Flugge 1886) Boskamp 1922
Gross, J. 1911. Mitteilungen aus der Flugge, C. 1886. Die Mikroorganismen.
Zoologischen Station zu Neapel 20: 188- F.C. W. Vogel, Leipzig; Boskamp, E.
203. Type strain: ATCC 23 119 1922. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie Para-
Description: Bergey 8. sitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hy-
giene. Abteilung 1. 88:58-73. Type strain:
Sarcina Goodsir 1842 VPI 10068
Goodsir, J. 1842. Edinburgh Medical Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Surgery Journal 57:430-443. Type species: and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
S. ventriculi Goadsir 1842 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Bergey 8. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
S. maxima Lindner 1888 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Lindner, P. 1888. Inaugural Dissertation,
Friedrich-Wilhems Universitat, pp. 1-59. Seliberia Aristovskaya and Parinkina 1963
Type strain: DSM 316 Aristovskaya, T.V. and O.M. Parinkina.
Description: Bergey 8. 1963. Bulletin of the Academy of
S. ventriculi Goodsir 1842 Sciences USSR (Series Biology) 218:49-
Goodsir, J. 1842. Edinburgh Medical 56. Type species: S. stellara Aristovskaya
Surgery Journal 57:430-443. Type strain: and Parinkina ;1963
ATCC 19633 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 S. stellata Aristovskaya and Parinkina 1963
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Aristovskaya, T.V. and O.M. Parinkina.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 1963. Bulletin of the Academy of
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Sciences USSR (Series Biology) 218:49-
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. 56. Type strain: INMI N-9
Description: Bergey 8.
Selenomonas von Prowazek 1913
von Prowazek, S. 1913. Zentralblatt fur Serpens Hespell 1977
Bakteriologie Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Hespell, R.B. 1977. International Journal
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. of Systematic Bacteriology 27:37 1-381.
70:32-36. Type species: S. sputigena Type species: S. flexibilis Hespell 1977
(Flugge 1886) Boskamp 1922 Description: Hespell, R.B. 1977. Ibid.

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S. flexibilis Hespell 1977 Microbiology 98:39-66.

Hespell, R.B. 1977. International Journal S. odorifera Grimont, Grimont, Richard, Davis,
of Systematic Bacteriology 27:37 1-381. Steigerwalt and Brenner 1978
Type strain: ATCC 29606 Grimont, P.A.D., F. Grimont, C. Richard,
Description: Hespell, R.B. 1977. Ibid. B.R. Davis, A.G. Steigerwalt and D.J.
Brenner. 1978. International Journal of
Serratia Bizio 1823 Systematic Bacteriology 28:453-463. Type
Bizio, B. 1823. Biblioteca Italiana o sia strain: CDC 1979-77
Giornale di Letteratura, Scienz e Arti Description: Grimont, P.A.D., F. Grimont,
(Anno VIII) 30:275-295. Type species: S. C. Richard, B.R. Davis, A.G. Steigerwalt
marcescens Bizio 1823 and D.J. Brenner. 1978. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. S. plymuthica (Dyar 1895) Bergey, Harrison,
S. fonticola Gavini, Ferragut, Izard, Trinel, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon 1923
Leclerc, Lefebvre and Mossel 1979 Dyar, H.G. 1895. Annals of the New
Gavin, F., C. Ferragut, D. Izard, P.A. York Academy of Sciences 8:322-380;
Trinel, H. Leclerc, B. Lefebvre and Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
D.A.A. Mossel. 1979. International B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:92- Bergey’s Manual Determinative Bacteriol-
101. Type strain: ATCC 29844 ogy, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Description: Gavini, F., C. Ferragut, D. Co., Baitimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
Izard, P.A. Trinel, H. Leclerc, B. ATCC 183
Lefebvre and D.A.A. Mossel. 1979. Ibid. Description: Grimont, P.A.D., F. Grimont,
S. liquefaciens (Grimes and Hennerty 1961) H.L.C. Dulong de Rosnay and P.H.A.
Bascomb, Lapage, Willcox and Curtis Sneath. 1977. Journal of General Micro-
1971 biology 98:39-66.
Grimes, M. and P.J. Hennerty. 1961. S. proteamaculans (Paine and Stansfield 1919)
Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Grimont, Grimont and Starr 1978
Society Dublin 20:89-97; Bascomb, S., Paine, S.G. and H. Stansfield. 1919.
S.P. Lapage, W.R. Willcox and M.A. Annals of Applied Biology 6:27-39;
Curtis. 1971. Journal of General Microbi- Grimont, P.A.D., F. Grimont and M.P.
ology 66:279-295. Type strain: ATCC Starr. 1978. International Journal of
27592 Systematic Bacteriology 28503-5 10. Type
Description: Bascomb, S., S.P. Lapage, strain: ATCC 19323
W.R. Willcox and M.A. Curtis. 1971. Description: Grimont, P.A.D., F. Grimont
Ibid. and M.P. Starr. 1978. Ibid.
S. marcescens Bizio 1823 S. rubidaea (Stapp 1940) Ewing, Davis, Fife
Bizio, B. 1923. Biblioteca Italianna o sia and Lessel 1973
Giornale di Letteratura, Scienze e Arti Stapp, C. 1940. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri-
(Anno VIII) 30:275-295. Type strain: ologie, Parasitenkunde,
ATCC 13880 Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
Description: Grimont, P.A.D., F. Grimont, teilung 11. 102:25 1-266; Ewing, W.H.,
H.L.C. Dulong de Rosnay and P.H.A. B.R. Davis, M.A. Fife and E.F. Lessel.
Sneath. 1977. Journal of General Micro- 1973. International Journal of Systematic
biology 98:39-66. Bacteriology 23:217-225. Type strain:
S. marinorubra ZoBell and Upham 1944 ATCC 27593
ZoBell, C.E. and H.C. Upham. 1944. Description: Ewing, W.H., B.R. Davis,
Bulletin Scripps Institution of Oceanogra- M.A. Fife and E.F. Lessel. 1973. Ibid.
phy University of California (Technical
Series) 5:239-292. Type strain: ATCC Shigella Castellani and Chalmers 1919
27593 Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919.
Description: Grimont, P.A.D., F. Grimont, Manual of tropical medicine, 3rd ed.
H.L.C. Dulong de Rosnay and P.H.A. Williams, Wood and Co., New York.
Sneath. 1977. Journal of General Type species: S. dysenteriae (Shiga 1898)

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Castellani and Chalmers 19 19 Kuhn, D.A. and D.A. Gregory. 1979 in

Description: Bergey 8. International Journal of Systematic
S. boydii Ewing 1949 Bacteriology 29:79-80; Effective publica-
Ewing, W.H. 1949. Journal of Bacteriolo- tion Kuhn, D.A. and D.A. Gregory. 1978.
gy 57:633-638. Type strain: ATCC 8700 Current Microbiology 1:1 1- 14. Type
Description: Ewing, W.H. 1949. Ibid. strain: ATCC 27409
S. dysenteriae (Shiga 1898) Castellani and Description: Kuhn, D.A. and D.A. Grego-
Chalmers 19 19 ry. 1978. Ibid.
Shiga, K. 1898. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri-
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Sphaerotilus Kutzing 1833
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- Kutzing, F.T. 1833. Linnaea 8:335-387.
teilung I. 24:8 17-828; Castellani, A. and Type species: S. natans Kutzing 1833
A.J. Chalmers. 1919. Manual of tropical Description: Bergey 8.
medicine, 3rd ed. Williams, Wood and S. natans Kutzing 1833
Co., New York. p. 935. Type strain: Kutzing, F.T. 1833. Linnaea 8:335-387.
ATCC 13313 Type strain: ATCC 13338
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Stokes, J.L. 1954. Journal of
S. flexneri Castellani and Chalmers 1919 Bacteriology 67:278-29 1.
Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919.
Manual of tropical medicine, 3rd ed. Spirillospora Couch 1963
Williams, Wood and Co., New York. p. Couch, N.J. 1963. Journal of the Elisha
937. Type strain: ATCC 29903 Mitchell Scientific Society 79:53-70. Type
Description: Bergey 8. species: S. albida Couch 1963
S. sonnei (Levine 1920) Weldin 1927 Description: Bergey 8.
Levine, M. 1920. Journal of Infectious S. albida Couch 1963
Diseases 27:31-39; Weldin, J.C. 1927. Couch, J.N. 1963. Journal of the Elisha
Iowa State Journal of Science 1:121-197. Mitchell Scientific Society 7953-70. Type
Type strain: ATCC 29930 strain: ATCC 15331
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.

Simonsiella Schmid 1922 Spirillum Ehrenberg 1832

Schmid, G. 1922 in Simons, H. Zentral- Ehrenberg, C.G. 1832. Abhandlungen der
blatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Infektions- krankheiten und Hygiene. zu Berlin 1830, pp. 1-88. Type species: S.
Abteilung I. 88:501-510. Type species: S. volutans Ehrenberg 1832
muelleri Schmid 1922 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. S. volutans Ehrenberg 1832
S. crassa Schmid 1922 Ehrenberg, C.G. 1832. Abhandlungen der
Schmid, G. 1922 in Simons, H. Zentral- Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften
blatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, zu Berlin 1830, pp. 1-88. Type strain:
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. ATCC 19554
Abteilung I. 88:501-510. Type strain: Description: Hylemon, P.B., J.S. Wells
ATCC 15533 Jr., J.H. Bowdre, T.O. MacAdoo and
Description: Bergey 8. N.R. Krieg. 1973. International Journal
S. muelleri Schmid 1922 of Systematic Bacteriology 23:20-27.
Schmid, G. 1922 in Simons, H. Zentral-
blatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Spirochaeta Ehrenberg 1835
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- Ehrenberg, C.G. 1835. Abhandlungen der
teilung I. $8501-510. Type strain: ATCC Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaf-
29453 ten (Berlin) aus den Jahre 1833-1835, pp.
Description: Kuhn, D.A. and D.A. Grego- 143-336. Type species: S. plicatilis
ry. 1978. Current Microbiology 1:1 1- 14. Ehrenberg 1835
S. steedae Kuhn and Gregory 1979 Description: Bergey 8.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
S. balopbila Greenberg and Canale-Parola 1977 Bakteriologischen Institut der Technischen
Greenberg, E.P. and E. Canale-Parola. Hochschule zu Karlsruhe 1:235-238. Type
1977 in International Journal of System- strain: DSM 74
atic Bacteriology 27:306; Effective Description: Larkin, J.M., P.M. Williams
publication Greenberg, E.P. and E. and R. Taylor. 1977. International
Canale-Parola. 1976. Archives of Microbi- Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 27:
ology 110:185-194. Type strain: ATCC 147-156.
Description: Greenberg, E.P. and E. Sporicbtbya Lechevalier, Lechevalier and Hol-
Canale-Parola. 1976. Ibid. bert 1968
S. plicatilis Ehrenberg 1835 Lechevalier, M.P., H.A. Lechevalier and
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1835. Abhandlungen der P.E. Holbert. 1968. Annales de 1’Institut
Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaf- Pasteur (Paris) 114:277-285. Type species:
ten (Berlin) aus den Jahre 1833-1835, pp. S. polymorpha Lechevalier, Lechevalier
143-336. Type strain: no culture available. and Holbert 1968
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
S. stenostrepta Zuelzer 1912 S. polymorpba Lechevalier, Lechevalier and
Zuelzer, M. 1912. Archiv fur Protisten- Holbert 1968
kunde 24:l-59. Type strain: ATCC 25083 Lechevalier, H.A., M.P. Lechevalier and
Description: Bergey 8. P.E. Holbert. 1968. Annales de 1’Institut
Pasteur (Paris) 114:277-285. Type strain:
Spiroplasma Saglio, Lhospital, Lafleche, ATCC 23823
Dupont, Bove, Tully and Freundt 1973 Description: Lechevalier, M.P., H.A.
Saglio, P., M. Lhospital, D. Lafleche, G. Lechevalier and P.E. Holbert. 1968. Ibid.
Dupont, J.M. Bove, J.G. Tully and E.A.
Freundt. 1973. International Journal of Sporocytopbaga Stanier 1940
Systematic Bacteriology 23: 191-204. Type Stanier, R.Y. 1940. Journal of Bacteriolo-
species: S. citri Saglio, Lhospital, La- gy 40:619-636. Type species: S.
fleche, Dupont, Bove, Tully and Freundt myxococcoides (Krzemieniewska 1933)
1973 Stanier I940
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Bergey 8.
S. citri Saglio, Lhospital, Lafleche, Dupont, S. myxococcoides (Krzemieniewska 1933) Stani-
Bove, Tully and Freundt 1973 er 1940
Saglio, P., M. Lhospital, D. Lafleche, G. Krzemieniewska, H. 1933. Archiv fur
Dupont, J.M. Bove, J.G. Tully and E.A. Mikrobiologie 4:394-408; Stanier, R.Y.
Freundt. 1973. International Journal of 1940. Journal of Bacteriology 40:619-636.
Systematic Bacteriology 23: 191-204. Type Type strain: ATCC 10010
strain: ATCC 27556 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Saglio, P., M. Lhospital, D.
Lafleche, G. Dupont, J.M. Bove, J.G. Sporolactobacillus Kitahara and Suzuki 1963
Tully and E.A. Freundt. 1973. Ibid. Kitahara, K. and J. Suzuki. 1963. Journal
of General and Applied Microbiology 9:
Spirosoma Migula 1894 59-71. Type species: S. inulinus (Kitahara
Migula, W. 1894. Arbeiten aus dem and Suzuki 1963) Kitahara and Lai 1967
Bakteriologischen Institut der Technischen Description: Bergey 8.
Hochschule zu Karlsruhe 1:235-238. Type S. inulinus (Kitahara and Suzuki 1963) Ki-
species: S. linguale Migula 1894 tahara and Lai 1967
Description: Larkin, J.M., P.M. Williams Kitahara, K. and J. Suzuki. 1963. Journal
and R. Taylor. 1977. International of General and Applied Microbiology 9:
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 27: 59-71; Kitahara, K. and C.L. Lai. 1967.
147-156. Journal of General and Applied Microbi-
S. linguale Migula 1894 ology 13:197-203. Type strain: ATCC
Migula, W. 1894. Arbeiten aus dem 15538

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 S. epidermidis (Winslow and Winslow 1908)
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Evans 1916
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Winslow, C.E.A. and A.R. Winslow.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1908. The systematic relationships of the
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Coccaceae. John Wiley, New York;
Evans, A.C. 1916. Journal of Infectious
Sporosarcina Kluyver and van Niel 1936 Diseases 18:437-476. Type strain: ATCC
Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936. 14990
Zentral bla tt fur Bakteriologie, Description: Bergey 8.
Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und S. haemolyticus Schleifer and Kloos 1975
Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type Schleifer, K.H. and W.E. Kloos. 1975.
species: S. ureae (Beijerinck 1901) International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Kluyver and van Niel 1936 teriology 2550-6 1. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Bergey 8. 29970
S. ureae (Beijerinck 1901) Kluyver and van Description: Schleifer, K.H. and W.E.
Niel 1936 Kloos. 1975. Ibid.
Beijerinck, M.W. 1901. Zentralblatt fur S. hominis Kloos and Schleifer 1975
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Kloos, W.E. and K.H. Schleifer. 1975.
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
7:33-61; Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. teriology 2562-79. Type strain: ATCC
1936. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Para- 27844
sitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hy- Description: Kloos, W.E. and K.H.
giene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type Schleifer. 1975. Ibid.
strain: ATCC 6473 S. hyicus (Sompolinski 1953) Devriese, Hajek,
Description: Bergey 8. Oeding, Meyer and Schleifer 1978
Sompolinski, D. 1953. Schweizerishces
Staphylococcus Rosenbach 1884 Archiv fur Tierheilkunde 95:302-339;
Rosenbach, F.J. 1884. Microorganismen Devriese, L.A., V. Hajek, P. Oeding, S.A.
bei den Wund-Infections-Krankheiten des Meyer and K.H. Schleifer. 1978.
Menschen. J.F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
pp. 1-122. Type species: S. aureus teriology 28:482-490. Type strain: ATCC
Rosenbach 1884 11249
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Devriese, L.A., V. Hajek, P.
S. aureus Rosenbach 1884 Oeding, S.A. Meyer and K.H. Schleifer.
Rosenbach, F.J. 1884. Microorganismen 1978. Ibid.
bei den Wund-Infections-Krankheiten des S. byicus subsp. chromogenes Devriese, Hajek,
Menschen. J.F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden. Oeding, Meyer and Schleifer 1978
pp. 1-122. Type strain: ATCC 12600 Devriese, L.A., V. Hajek, P. Oeding, S.A.
Description: Bergey 8. Meyer and K.H. Schleifer. 1978. Interna-
S. capitis Kloos and Schleifer 1975 tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Kloos, W.E. and K.H. Schleifer. 1975. 28:482-490. Type strain: NCTC 10530
International Journal of Systematic Description: Devriese, L.A., V. Hajek, P.
Bacteriology 2562-79. Type strain: ATCC Oeding, S.A. Meyer and K.H. Schleifer.
27840 1978. Ibid.
Description: Kloos, W.E. and K.H. S. hyicus subsp. hyicus (Sompolinski 1953)
Schleifer. 1975. Ibid. Devriese, Hajek, Oeding, Meyer and
S. cohnii Schleifer and Kloos 1975 Schleifer 1978
Schleifer, K.H. and W.E. Kloos. 1975. Sompolinski, D. 1953. Schweizerisches
International Journal of Systematic Bac-
, Archiv fur Tierheilkunde 95:302- 3 39;
teriology 2550-6 1. Type strain: ATCC Devriese, L.A., V. Hajek, P. Oeding, S.A.
29974 Meyer and K.H. Schleifer. 1978. Interna-
Description: Schleifer, K.H. and W.E. tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Kloos. 1975. Ibid. 28:482-490. Type strain: ATCC 11249

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Description: Devriese, L.A., V. Hajek, P. S. xylosus Schleifer and Kloos 1975
Oeding, S.A. Meyer and K.H. Schleifer. Schleifer, K.H. and W.E. Kloos. 1975.
1978. Ibid. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
S. intermedius Hajek 1976 teriology 2550-6 1. Type strain: ATCC
Hajek, V. 1976. International Journal of 2997 1
Systematic Bacteriology 26401-408. Type Description: Schleifer, K.H. and W.E.
strain: ATCC 29663 Kloos. 1975. Ibid.
Description: Hajek, V. 1976. Ibid.
S. saprophyticus (Fairbrother 1940) Shaw, Stitt Stibiobacter Lyalikova 1974
and Cowan 1951 Lyalikova, N.N. 1974. Mikrobiologiya 43:
Fairbrother, R.W. 1940. Journal of 799-805. Type species: S. senarrnontii
Pathology and Bacteriology 5033-88; Lyalikova 1974
Shaw, C., J.M. Stitt and S.T. Cowan. Description: Lyalikova, N.N. 1974. Ibid.
195 1. Journal of General Microbiology 5: S. senarmontii Lyalikova 1974
1010-1023. Type strain: ATCC 15305 Lyalikova, N.N. 1974. Mikrobiologiya 43:
Description: Bergey 8. 799-805. Type strain: VKM MV-I 130
S. sciuri Kloos, Schleifer and Smith 1976 Description: Lyalikova, N.N. 1974. Ibid.
Kloos, W.E., K.H. Schleifer and R.F.
Smith. 1976. International Journal of Stigmatella Berkeley and Curtis 1875
Systematic Bacteriology 26:22-37. Type Berkeley, M.J. and Curtis. 1875 in
strain: ATCC 29062 Berkeley, M.J. Grevillea 3:97-112. Type
Description: Kloos, W.E., K.H. Schleifer species: S. aurantiaca Berkeley and Curtis
and R.F. Smith. 1976. Ibid. 1875
S. sciuri subsp. lentus Kloos, Schleifer and Description: Bergey 8.
Smith 1976 S. aurantiaca Berkeley and Curtis 1875
Kloos, W.E., K.H. Schleifer and R.F. Berkeley, M.J. and Curtis. 1875 in
Smith. 1976. International Journal of Berkeley, M.J. Grevillea 3:97- 1 12. Type
Systematic Bacteriology 2622-37. Type strain: ATCC 25190
strain: ATCC 29070 Description: Reichenbach, H. and M.
Description: Kloos, W.E., K.H. Schleifer Dworkin. 1969. Journal of General
and R.F. Smith. 1976. Ibid. Microbiology 58:3-14.
S. sciuri subsp. sciuri Kloos, Schleifer and S. erecta (Schroeter 1886) McCurdy 197 1
Smith 1976 Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F.
Kloos, W.E., K.H. Schleifer and R.F. Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3,
Smith. 1976. International Journal of Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau.
Systematic Bacteriology 2622-37. Type pp. 1-814; McCurdy, H.D. 1971. Interna-
strain: ATCC 29062 tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Description: Kloos, W.E., K.H. Schleifer 21:40-49. Type strain: ATCC 25191
and R.F. Smith. 1976. Ibid. Description: McCurdy, H.D. 197 1. Ibid.
S. simulans Kloos and Schleifer 1975
Kloos, W.E. and K.H. Schleifer. 1975. Streptobacillus Levaditi, Nicolau and Poincloux
International Journal of Systematic 1925
Bacteriology 2562-79. Type strain: ATCC Levaditi, C., S. Nicolau and P. Pioncloux.
27848 1925. Compte Rendu Hebdomadaire des
Description: Kloos, W.E. and K.H. Seances de 1’Academie des Sciences
Schleifer. 1975. Ibid. (Paris) 180:1 188- 1 190. Type species: S.
S. warneri Kloos and Schleifer 1975 moniliformis Levaditi, Nicolau and
Kloos, W.E. and K.H. Schleifer. 1975. Poincloux 1925
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Description: Bergey 8.
teriology 2562-79. Type strain: ATCC S. moniliformis Levaditi, Nicolau and Poincloux
27836 1925
Description: Kloos, W.E. and K.H. Levaditi, C., S. Nicolau and P. Poincloux.
Schleifer. 1975. Ibid. 1925. Compte Rendu Hebdomadaire des

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Seances de 1’Academie des Sciences Description: Whitehead, H .R., C.A. E .
(Paris) 180:1 188- 1 190. Type strain: Briggs, E.I. Garvie and L.G.M. Newland.
ATCC 14647 1956. Journal of Dairy Research 23:315-
Description: Bergey 8. 318.
S. cricetus Coykendall 1977
Streptococcus Rosenbach 1884 Coykendall, A.L. 1977. International
Rosenbach, F.J. 1884. Microorganismen Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 27:26-
bei den Wund-Infections- Krankheiten des 30. Type strain: ATCC 19642
Menschen. K.F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden, Description: Coykendall, A.L. 1977. Ibid.
pp. 1-122. Type species: S. pyogenes S. equi Sand and Jensen 1888
Rosenbach 1884 Sand, G. and C.O. Jensen. 1888:
Description: Bergey 8. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Tiermedizin und
S. acidominimus Ayers and Mudge 1922 Vergleichende Pathologie 13:437-464.
Ayers, S.H. and C.S. Mudge. 1922. Type strain: NCTC 9682
Journal of Infectious Diseases 31:40-50. Description: Bergey 8.
Type strain: NCDO 2025 S . equinus Andrewes and Horder 1906
Description: Bergey 8. Andrewes, F.W. and T.J. Horder. 1906.
S. agalactiae Lehmann and Neumann 1896 Lancet 2:708-7 13. Type strain: ATCC
Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896. 9812
Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie Description: Fuller, R. and L.G.M.
und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologis- Newland. 1963. Journal of General
chen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann, Microbiology 31:43 1-434.
Munchen. Type strain: NCTC 8181 S. faecalis Andrewes and Horder 1906
Description: Bergey 8. Andrewes, F.W. and T.J. Horder. 1906.
S. anginosus (Andrewes and Horder 1906) Lancet 2:708-7 13. Type strain: NCTC
Smith and Sherman 1938 775
Andrewes, F.W. and T.J. Horder. 1906. Description: Shattock, P.Y.F. and A.T.R.
Lancet 2:708-713; Smith, F.R. and J.M. Mattick. 1943. Journal of Hygiene
Sherman. 1939. Journal of Infectious Cambridge 43: 173- 188.
Diseases 62:189. Type strain: NCTC S. faecium Orla-Jensen 1919
10713 Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid
Description: Betgey 8. bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1- 196.
S. bovis Orla-Jensen 1919 Type strain: NCTC 7171
Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid Description: Bergey 8.
bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1-196. S. hansenii Holdeman and Moore 1974
Type strain: NCDO 597 Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore.
Description: Garvie, E.I. and A.J. Bram- 1974. International Journal of Systematic
ley. 1979. Journal of Applied Bacteriology Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain:
4 6 5 5 7- 566. ATCC 27752
S. constellatus (Prevot 1924) Holdeman and Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C.
Moore 1974 Moore. 1974. Ibid.
Prevot, A.R. 1924. Comptes Rendus des S. iniae Pier and Madin 1976
Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris) Pier, G.B. and S.H. Madin. International
91:426-428; Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 26:
Moore. 1974. International Journal of 545-553. Type strain: ATCC 29178
Systematic Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type Description: Pier, G.B. and S.H. Madin.
strain: ATCC 27823 1976. Ibid.
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. S. intermedius Prevot 1925
Moore. 1974. Ibid. Prevot, A.R. 1925. Annales de 1’Institut
S. cremoris Orla-Jensen 1919 Pasteur (Paris) 39:417-447. Type strain:
Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid ATCC 27335
bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1- 196. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Type strain: NCDO 607 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Rosenbach, F.J. 1884. Microorganismen

Polytechnic Institute and State University, bei den Wund-Infections- Krankheiten des
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 1 56. Menschen. J.F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden pp.
S. lactis (Lister 1873) Lohnis 1909 1-122. Type strain: ATCC 12344
Lister, J. 1873. Quarterly Journal of Description: Bergey 8.
Microbiological Science 13:380-408; S. raffinolactis Orla-Jensen and Hansen 1932
Lohnis, F. 1909. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Orla-Jensen, A.D. and P.A. Hansen.
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- 1932. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Para-
kheiten und Hygiene, Abteilung 11. 22: sitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
553-555. Type strain: NCDO 604 Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 86:6-29. Type
Description: Shattock, P.Y .F. and A.T.R. strain: NCDO 617
Mattick. 1943. Journal of Hygiene Description: Garvie, E.I. 1979. Interna-
Cambridge 43: 173-188. tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
S. mitis Andrewes and Horder 1906 29: 152.
Andrewes, F.W. and T.J. Horder. 1906. S. rattus Coykendall 1977
Lancet 2:708-713. Type strain: NCTC Coykendall, A.L. 1977. International
3165 Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 27:26-
Description: Bergey 8. 30. Type strain: ATCC 19645
S. morbillorum (Prevot 1933) Holdeman and Description: Coykendall, A.L. 1977. Ibid.
Moore 1974 S. salivarius Andrewes and Horder 1906
Prevot, A.R. 1933. Annales des sciences Andrewes, F.W. and T.J. Horder. 1906.
naturelles 1523-260; Holdeman, L.V. and Lancet 2:708-7 13. Type strain: ATCC
W.E.C. Moore. 1974. International Jour- 7073
nal of Systematic Bacteriology 24:260- Description: Bergey 8.
277. Type strain: ATCC 27824 S. sanguis White and Niven 1946
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. White, J.C. and C.F. Niven Jr. 1946.
Moore. 1974. Ibid. Journal of Bacteriology 51:7 17-722. Type
S. mutans Clarke 1924 strain: ATCC 10556
Clarke, J.K. 1924. British Journal of Description: Bergey 8.
Experimental Pathology 5141-147. Type S. thermophilus Orla-Jensen 19 19
strain: ATCC 25175 Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid
Description: Coykendall, A.L. 1977. bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1 - 196.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Type strain: NCDO 573
teriology 27:26-30. Description: Bergey 8.
S. pleomorphus Barnes, Impey, Stevens and Peel S. uberis Diernhofer 1932
1979 Diernhofer, K. 1932. Milchwirtschaftliche
Barnes, E.M., C.S. Impey, B.J.H. Stevens Forschungen 13:368-374. Type strain:
and J.L. Peel. 1977. International Journal NCTC 3858
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79-80; Description: Garvie, E.I. and A.J. Bram-
Effective publication Barnes, E.M., C.S. ley. 1979. Journal of Applied Bacteriology
Impey, B.J.H. Stevens and J.L. Peel. 461295-304.
1977. Journal of General Microbiology
102:45-53. Type strain: NCTC 11087 Streptomyces Waksman and Henrici 1943
Description: Barnes, E.M., C.S. Impey, Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1943.
B.J.H. Stevens and J.L. Peel. 1977. Ibid. Journal of Bacteriology 46:337-341. Type
S. pneumoniae (Klein 1884) Chester 1901 species: S. aZbus (Rossi Doria 1891)
Klein, E. 1884. Practitioner 32:321-352; Waksman and Henrici 1943
Chester, F.D. 1901. A manual of Description: Bergey 8.
determinative bacteriology, The MacMil- S. aburaviensis Nishimura, Kimura, Tawara,
lan Co., New York. pp. 1-401. Type Sasaki, Nakajima, Shimaoka, Okamoto,
strain: NCTC 7465 Shimohara and Isono 1957
Description: Bergey 8. Nishimura, H., T. Kimura, K. Tawara,
S. pyogenes Rosenbach 1884 K. Sasaki, K. Nakajima, N. Shimaoka, S.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Okamoto, M. Shimohara and J. Isono. Shimo, M., T. Shiga, T. Tomosugi and I.
1957. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Kamoi. 1959. Journal of Antibiotics
Series A 10:205-212. Type strain: ATCC (Tokyo) Series A 12:l-6. Type strain:
23869 ATCC 23871
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
S. achromogenes Okami and Umezawa 1953 S. alanosinicus Thiemann and Beretta 1966
Okami, Y. and H. Umezawa. 1953 in Thiemann, J.E. and G. Beretta. 1966.
Umezawa, H., T. Takeuchi, Y. Okami Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A
and T. Tazaki. Japanese Journal of 19:155- 160. Type strain: ATCC 157 10
Medical Science and Biology 6:26 1-268. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Type strain: ATCC 12767 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 22:26 5- 394.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. albaduncus Tsukiura, Okanishi, Ohmor,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Koshiyama, Miyaki, Kitazima and
S. achromogenes subsp. achromogenes Okami Kawaguchi 1964
and Umezawa 1953 Tsukiura, H., M. Okanishi, T. Ohmor, H.
Okami, Y. and H. Umezawa. 1953 in Koshiyama, T. Miyaki, H. Kitazima and
Umezawa, H., T. Takeuchi, Y. Okami H. Kawaguchi. 1964. Journal of Antibiot-
and T. Tazaki. Japanese Journal of ics (Tokyo) Series A 17:39-47. Type
Medical Science and Biology 6:26 1-268. strain: ATCC 14698
Type strain: ATCC 12767 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Systematic Bacteriology l8:69- 189. S. albidoflavus (Rossi Doria 1891) Waksman
S. achromogenes subsp. rubradiris Bhuyan, and Henrici 1948
Owen and Dietz 1965 Rossi Doria, T. 1891. Annali dell’ Istituto
Bhuyan, B.K., S.P. Owen and A. Dietz. d’Igiene Sperimentale della Rendiconti
1965. Antimicrobial Agents and Che- Universita di Roma 1:399-438; Waksman,
motherapy 1964:91-96. Type strain: CBS S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed,
566.70 R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens
Description: Bhuyan, B.K., S.P. Owen and (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
A. Dietz. 1965. Ibid. Bacteriology, 6th ed. The Williams and
S. acrimycini (Preobrazhenskaya, Blinov and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type
Ryabova 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and strain: ATCC 25422
Benedict 1958 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.O. Blinov and Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
I.D. Ryabova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-512.
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. S. albofaciens Thirumalachar and Bhatt 1960
Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni- Thirumalachar, M.J. and V.V. Bhatt.
kova, Problems of classification of actino- 1960. Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin 3:6 1-
mycetes-antagonists. Government 63. Type strain: ATCC 25184
Publishing House of Medical Literature, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Medgiz, Moscow. 1-398; Pridham, T.G., Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type S. alboflavus (Waksman and Curtis 1916)
strain: ATCC 19885 Waksman and Henrici 1948
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Soil Science 1:99- 134; Waksman, S.A.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
S. afghaniensis Shimo, Shiga, Tomosugi and E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Kamoi 1959 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-

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iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
ATCC 12626 Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ATCC 15394
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Pridham, T.G., A.J. Lyons
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Jr. and H.L. Seckinger. 1965. Internation-
S. albogriseolus Benedict, Shotwell, Pridham, al Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomencla-
Lindenfelser and Haynes 1954 ture and Taxonomy 15:191-237.
Benedict, R.G., O.L. Shotwell, T.G. S. albosporeus subsp. albosporeus (Krainsky
Pridham, L.A. Lindenfelser and W.C. 1914) Waksman and Henrici 1948
Haynes. 1954. Antibiotics and Chemoth- Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur
erapy 4:653-656. Type strain: NRRL B- Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde,
1305 Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. teilung 11. 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
S. albolongus Tsukiura, Okanishi, Koshiyama, Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Ohmori, Miyaki and Kawaguchi 1964 iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Tsukiura, H., M. Okanishi, H. Koshiya- Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
ma, T. Ohmori, T. Miyaki and H. ATCC 15394
Kawaguchi. 1964. Journal of Antibiotics Description: Pridham, T.G., A.J. Lyons
(Tokyo) Series A 17:223-229. Type strain: Jr. and H.L. Seckinger. 1965. Internation-
ATCC 27414 al Bulletin of Bacteriological
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Nomenclature and Taxonomy 15:191-237.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of S. albosporeus subsp. labilomyceticus Okami,
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Suzuki and Umezawa 1963
S. alboniger Porter, Hewitt, Hesseltine, Krupka, Okami, Y., M. Suzuki and H. Umezawa.
Lowery, Wallace, Bohonos and Williams 1963. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo)
1952 Series A 16:152-154. Type strain: NIHJ
Porter, J.N., R.I. Hewitt, C.W. Hessel- 425
tine, G. Krupka, J.A. Lowery, W.S. Description: Okami, Y., M. Suzuki and
Wallace, N. Bohonos and J.H. Williams. H. Umezawa. 1963. Ibid.
1952. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 2: S. albovinaceus (Kudrina 1957) Pridham, Hes-
409-410. Type strain: ATCC 12461 seltine and Benedict 1958
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
S. albospinus Wang, Hamada, Okami and kova. Problems in the classification of
Umezawa 1966 actinomycetes-an tagonists. State Publish-
Wang, E.L., M. Hamada, Y. Okami and ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz,
H. Umezawa. 1966. Journal of Antibiotics Moscow, USSR; Pridham, T.G., C.W.
(Tokyo) Series A 19:216-221. Type strain: Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
ATCC 29808 Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
Description: Wang, E.L., M. Hamada, Y. strain: ATCC 15823
Okami and H. Umezawa. 1966. Ibid. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. albosporeus (Krainsky 1914) Waksman and Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Henrici 1948 Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur S. alboviridis (Duche 1934) Pridham, Hesseltine
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- and Benedict 1958
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Duche, J. 1934. Encyclopedie Mycolo-
41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. gique 6: 1-375; Pridham, T.G., C. W.
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type

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strain: ATCC 25425
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1957
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Yamaguchi, H., Y. Nakayama, K.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. Takeda, K. Tawara, K. Maeda, T.
S. albulus Routien 1969 Takeuchi and H. Umezawa. 1957. Journal
Routien, J.B. 1969 in Pridham, T.G. and of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A 10:195-
A.J. Lyons, Jr. Developments in Industrial 200. Type strain: ATCC 19724
Microbiology 10:183-22 1. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ATCC 12757 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 1 89.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of S. amakusaensis Nagatsu, Anzai, Ohkuma and
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265 - 394. Suzuki 1963
S. albus (Rossi Doria 1891) Waksman and Nagatsu, J., K. Anzai, K. Ohkuma and S.
Henrici 1943 Suzuki. 1963. Journal of Antibiotics
Rossi Doria, T. 1891. Annali dell’ Istituto (Tokyo) Series A 16:207-210. Type strain:
d’Igiene Sperimentale della Rendiconti ATCC 23876
Universita di Roma 1:399-438; Waksman, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1943. Journal of Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Bacteriology 46:337-341. Type strain: Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
ATCC 3004 S. ambofaciens Pinnert-Sindico 1954
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Pinnert-Sindico, S. 1954. Annales de
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 87:702-707. Type
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. strain: ATCC 23877
S. albus subsp. albus (Rossi Doria 1891) Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Waksman and Henrici 1943 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Rossi Doria, T. 1891. Annali dell’ Istituto Systematic Bacteriology 18:27 9- 392.
d’Igiene Sperimentale della Rendiconti S. aminopbilus Foster 1961
Universita di Roma 1:399-438; Waksman, Foster, W.J. 1961 in Oswald, E.J., R.J.
S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1943. Journal of Reedy and W.A. Randall. 1956 in Hutter,
Bacteriology 46:337-341. Type strain: R. 1961. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 38:
ATCC 3004 367-383. Type strain: ATCC 14961
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279- 392.
S. albus subsp. pathocidicus Nagatsu, Anzai S. anandii Batra and Bajaj 1965
and Suzuki 1962 Batra, S.K. and B.S. Bajaj. 1965. Indian
Nagatsu, J., K. Anzai and S. Suzuki. Journal of Experimental Biology 3:240-
1962. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) 242. Type strain: ATCC 19388
Series A 15103-106. Type strain: ATCC Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
14510 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Description: Bergey 8. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
S. almquistii (Duche 1934) Pridham, Hesseltine S. antbocyanicus (Krassilnikov, Sorokina, Al-
and Benedict 1958 ferova and Bezzubenkova 1965) Pridham
Duche, J. 1934. Encyclopedie Mycolo- 1970
gique 61-375; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Krassilnikov, N.A., E.J. Sorokina, V .A.
Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Alferova and A.P. Bezzubenkova. 1965 in
Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type Krassilnikov, N.A. (ed). Biology of
strain: ATCC 618 selected groups of Actinomycetes (in
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Russian). Institute of Microbiology, Acad-
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of emy of Science, Publishing Firm ‘Nauka‘,
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. Moscow, USSR. pp. 74- 123; Pridham,
S. althioticus Yamaguchi, Nakayama, Takeda, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the United States
Tawara, Maeda, Takeuchi and Umezawa Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55.

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Type strain: ATCC 19821 S. argenteolus Tresner, Davies and Backus 1961
Description: Bergey 8. Tresner, H.D., M.C. Davies and E.J.
S. antibioticus (Waksman and Woodruff 1941) Backus. 1961. Journal of Bacteriology 81:
Waksman and Henrici 1948 70-80. Type strain: ATCC 1 1009
Waksman, S.A. and H.B. Woodruff. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
194 1. Journal of Bacteriology 42:23 1-249; Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P. S. atratus Shibata, Higashide, Yamamoto and
Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Nakazawa 1962
Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. The Shibata, M., E. Higashide, H. Yamamoto
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. and K. Nakazawa. 1962. Agricultural and
929-980. Type strain: ATCC 8663 Biological Chemistry 26:228-233. Type
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. strain: I F 0 3897
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shibata, M., E. Higashide,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. H. Yamamoto and K. Nakazawa. 1962.
S. antimycoticus Waksman 1957 Ibid.
Waksman, S.A. 1957 in Breed, R.S., S. atroolivaceus (Preobrazhenskaya, Blinov and
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Ryabova 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Benedict 1958
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.O. Blinov and
Co., Baltimore. pp. 744-825. Type strain: I.D. Ryabova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
NRRL 2421 Preobrazhenskova, E.S. Kudrina, N .O.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of kova. Problems in the classification of
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. actinomycetes-antagonists. Government
S. anulatus (Beijerinck 19 12) Waksman 1957 Publishing House of Medical Literature,
Beijerinck, M.W. 1912. Folia Mikrobiolo- Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
giya (Delft) 1:4- 100; Waksman, S.A. T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of strain: ATCC 19725
Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Type strain: CBS 100.18 Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. aurantiacus (Rossi Doria 1891) Waksman
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 1953
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Rossi Doria, T. 1891. Annali dell’ Istituto
S. arabicus Shibata, Nakazawa, Miyake, Inoue d’Igiene Sperimentale della Rendiconti
and Okabori 1957 Universita di Roma 1:399-438; Waksman,
Shibata, M., K. Nakazawa, A. Miyake, S.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A.
M. Inoue and A. Okabori. 1957. Annual cechevalier. Guide to the classification
Report of the Takeda Research Laborato- and identification of the actinomycetes
ry 16:32-37. Type strain: ATCC 23881 and their antibiotics. The Williams and
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of strain: ATCC 19822
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. arenae Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
1958 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. S. aurantiogriseus (Preobrazhenskaya 1957)
Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6: Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958
52-79. Type strain: NRRL 2377 Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze,
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudri-
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of na, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Publishing House of Medical Literature, Systematic Bacteriology 22:265- 3 94.
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, S. azureus Kelly, Kutscher and Tuoti 1959
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. Kelly, J., A.H. Kutscher and F. Tuoti.
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type 1959. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and
strain: ATCC 19887 Oral Pathology 12:1334-1339. Type strain:
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ATCC 14921
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. aureocirculatus (Krassilnikov and Yuan Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
1965) Pridham 1970 S. baarnensis Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict
Krassilnikov, N.A. and T. Yuan. 1965 in 1958
Krassilnikov, N.A. (ed). Biology of Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G.
individual groups of Actinomycetes (in Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6:
Russian). pp. 28-57; Pridham, T.G. 1970. 52-79. Type strain: CBS 306.55
Bulletin of the United States Department Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
of Agriculture 1424:l-55. Type strain: Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
ATCC 19823 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. bacillaris (Krassilnikov 1958) Pridham 1970
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Krassilnikov, N.A. 1958. Folia Biologica
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. (Praha) 4:257-265; Pridham, T.G. 1970.
S. aureofaciens Duggar 1948 Bulletin of the United States Department
Duggar, B. 1948. Annals of the New of Agriculture 1424:1-55. Type strain:
York Academy of Science 51:177- 18 1 . ATCC 15855
Type strain: NRRL 2209 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. S. badius (Kudrina 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine
S. aureoverticillatus (Krassilnikov and Yuan and Benedict 1958
1960) Pridham 1970 Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
Krassilnikov, N.A. and C.-S. Yuan. 1960. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
Mikrobiologiya 29:482-489 (English Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
Translation 354-358); Pridham, T.G. kova. Problems of classification of actino-
1970. Bulletin of the United States mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish-
Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55. ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz,
Type strain: ATCC 15854 Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. strain: ATCC 19888
S. avellaneus Baldacci and Grein 1966 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Baldacci, E. and A. Grein. 1966. Giornale Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
di Microbiologia 14 185- 198. Type strain: Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-1 89.
ATCC 23730 S. bambergiensis Wallhausser, Nesemann, Prave
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. and Steigler 1966
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Wallhausser, K., G. Nesemann, P. Prave
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. and A. Steigler. 1966. Antimicrobial
S. avidinii Stapley, Mata, Miller, Demny and Agents and Chemotherapy 1965734-736.
Woodruff 1964 Type strain: ATCC 13879
Stapley, E.O., J.M. Mata, I.M. Miller, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
T.C. Demny and H.B. Woodruff. 1964. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Systematic Bacteriology 22265-394.
196320-27. Type strain: NRRL 3077 S. bellus Margalith and Beretta 1960
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Margalith, P. and G. Beretta. 1960.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
12:189- 195. Type strain: ATCC 14925 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. cacaoi subsp. asoensis Isono, Nagatsu,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Kawashima and Suzuki 1965
S. bikiniensis Johnstone and Waksman 1947 Isono, K., J. Nagatsu, Y. Kawashima and
Johnstone, D.B. and S.A. Waksman. S. Suzuki. 1965. Agricultural and Biologi-
1947. Proceedings of the Society for cal Chemistry 29:848-854. Type strain:
Experimental Biology and Medicine 65: I F 0 13813
294-295. Type strain: ATCC 11062 Description: Isono, K., J. Nagatsu, Y.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Kawashima and S. Suzuki. 1965. Ibid.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. cacaoi subsp. cacaoi (Waksman 1932)
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Waksman and Henrici 1948
S. bluensis Mason, Dietz and Hanka 1963 Waksman, S.A. 1932 in Bunting, R.H.
Mason, D.J., A. Dietz and L.J. Hanka. Annals of Applied Biology 195 15-5 17;
1963. Antimicrobial Agents and Che- Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1948
motherapy 1962:607-613. Type strain: in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
NRRL 2876 Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. The
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. 929-980. Type strain: ATCC 3082
S. bobili (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Waks- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
man and Henrici 1948 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Soil Science 1:99-134; Waksman, S.A. S. caelestis De Boer, Dietz, Wilkins, Lewis and
and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., Savage 1955
E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). De Boer, C., A. Dietz, J.R. Wilkins, C.N.
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Lewis and G.M. Savage. 1955. Antibiotics
iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Annual 1954:831-84 1. Type strain: NRRL
Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: 2418
ATCC 3310 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. S. caeruleus (Baldacci 1944) Pridham, Hessel-
S. bottropensis Waksman 1961 tine and Benedict 1958
Waksman, S.A. 1961. The Actinomycetes. Baldacci, E. 1944. Atti dell’Istituto
Vol. 2. Classification, identification and Botanic0 della Universita Laboratorio
descriptions of genera and species. The Crittogamico di Pavia Series 5, 3: 139- 193;
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G.
1-363. Type strain: ATCC 25435 Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6:
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 52-79. Type strain: ATCC 27421
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
S. cacaoi (Waksman 1932) Waksman and Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Henrici 1948 S. californicus (Waksman and Curtis 19 16)
Waksman, S.A. 1932 in Bunting, R.H. Waksman and Henrici 1948
Annils of Applied Biology 195 15-5 17; Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916.
Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 Soil Science 1:99- 134; Waksman, S.A.
in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. The Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
929-980. Type strain: ATCC 3082 Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:

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ATCC 3312 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.

Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. S. cavourensis Skarbek and Brady 1978
S. calvus Backus, Tresner and Campbell 1957 Skarbek, J.D. and L.R. Brady. 1978.
Backus, E.J., H.D. Tresner and T.H. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Campbell. 1957. Antibiotics and Che- teriology 28:45-53. Type strain: ATCC
motherapy 7532-541. Type strain: ATCC 14889
13382 Description: Skarbek, J.D. and L.R.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Brady. 1978. Ibid.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. cavourensis subsp. cavourensis Skarbek and
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Brady 1978
S. canarius Vavra and Dietz 1965 Skarbek, J.D. and L.R. Brady. 1978.
Vavra, J. and A. Dietz. 1965. Antimicro- International Journal of Systematic Bac-
bial Agents and Chemotherapy 1964:75- teriology 28:45-53. Type strain: ATCC
79. Type strain: NRRL 2976 14889
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Skarbek, J.D. and L.R.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Brady. 1978. Ibid.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. S. cavourensis subsp. washingfonensis Skarbek
S. canescens Waksman 1957 and Brady 1978
Waksman, S.A. 1957 in Breed, R.S., Skarbek, J.D. and L.R. Brady. 1978.
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- teriology 28:45-53. Type strain: ATCC
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins 27732
Co., Baltimore. Type strain: ATCC 19736 Description: Skarbek, J.D. and L.R.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Brady. 1978. Ibid.
Gottlie6. 1968. International Journal of S. cellostaticus Hamada 1958
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Hamada, S. 1958. Tohoku Journal of
S. canus Heinemann, Kaplan, Muir and Hooper Experimental Medicine 67:173- 179. Type
1953 strain: ATCC 23894
Heinemann, B., M.A. Kaplan, R.D. Muir Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
and I.R. Hooper. 1953. Antibiotics and Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Chemotherapy 3:1239- 1242. Type strain: Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
ATCC 12237 S. celluloflavus Nishimura, Kimura and Kuroya
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1953
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Nishimura, H., T. Kimura and M.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Kuroya. 1953. Journal of Antibiotics
S. capoamus Goncalves de Lima, Albert and (Tokyo) Series A 657-65. Type strain:
Goncalves de Lima 1964 I F 0 13780
Goncalves de Lima, V.O., C.A. Albert Description: Bergey 8.
and 0. Goncalves de Lima. 1964. Anais S. cellulosae (Krainsky ‘1914) Waksman and
da Academia Brazileira de Ciencias 36: Henrici 1948
317-322. Type strain: ATCC 19006 Krainsky, A. 19 14. Zentralblatt fur
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
S. catenulae Davisson and Finlay 1961 Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Davisson, J.W. and A.C. Finlay. 1961 in Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Waksman, S.A. The Actinomycetes. Vol. Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
2. Classification, identification and de- 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
scriptions of genera and species. The Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: CBS
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 122.18
1-363. Type strain: ATCC 12476 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.

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Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.

Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
S. champavatii Uma and Narasimha Rao 1959 strain: ATCC 23896
Uma, B.N. and P.L. Narasimha Rao. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
1959. Indian Institute of Sciences Golden Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Jubilee Research Vol. 1909-1959. Banga- Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
lore, India. pp. 130-141. Type strain: S. chryseus (Krassilnikov, Korenyako and Niki-
NRRL B-5682 tina 1965) Pridham 1970
Description: Bergey 8. Krassilnikov, N.A., A.I. Korenyako and
S. chartreusis Leach, Calhoun, Johnson, Teeters N.I. Nikitina. 1965 in Krassilnikov, N.A.
and Jackson 1953 (ed). Biology of selected groups of
Leach, B.E., K.M. Calhoun, L.E. John- actinomycetes (in Russian). Institute of
son, C.M. Teeters and W.G. Jackson. Microbiology, Academy of Science, Pub-
1953. Journal of i h e American Chemical lishing Firm 'Nauka', Moscow, USSR.
Society 75:4011-4012.Type strain: NRRL pp. 1-372;Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin
2287 of the United States Department of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Agriculture 1424:l-55. Type strain:
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of ATCC 19829
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. chattanoogensis Burns and Holtman 1959 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Burns, J. and D.F. Holtman. 1959. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 9:398-405. S. chrysomallus Lindenbein 1952
Type strain: ATCC 13358 Lindenbein, W. 1952. Archiv fur Mikrobi-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ologie 17:361-383. Type strain: ATCC
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of 11523
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. chibaensis Suzuki, Nakamura, Okuma and Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Tomiyama 1958 Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Suzuki, S., G. Nakamura, K. Okuma and S. chrysomallus subsp. chrysomafhs Lindenbein
Y. Tomiyama. 1958. Journal of Antibiot- 1952
ics (Tokyo) Series A 11:81-83. Type Lindenbein, W. 1952.Archiv fur Mikrobi-
strain: ATCC 23895 ologie 17:361-383. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 11523
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. chrestomyceticus Canevazzi and Scotti 1959 Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Canevazzi, G. and T. Scotti. 1959. S. chrysomallus subsp. fumigutus Frommer
Giornale di Microbiologia 7:242-250. 1959
Type strain: ATCC 14947 Frommer, W. 1959. Archiv fur Mikrobiol-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ogie 32:187-206.Type strain: NRRL B-
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 2289
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Description: Hutter, R. 1963. Giornale di
S. chromofuscus (Preobrazhenskaya, Blinov and Microbiologia 11:191-246.
Ryabova 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and S. cinereoruber Corbaz, Ettlinger, Keller-Schi-
Benedict 1958 erlein and Zahner 1957
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S., N.O. Blinov and Corbaz, R., L. Ettlinger, W. Keller-
I D . Ryabova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F.,T.P. Schierlein and H. Zahner. 1957. Archiv
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. fur Mikrobiologie 25:325-332.Type strain:
Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni- ATCC 19740
kova. Problems of classification of actino- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish- Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz, Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Moscow. pp. 1-398;Pridham, T.G., C.W. S. cinereoruber subsp. cinereoruber Corbaz,

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Ettlinger, Keller-Schierlein and Zahner yaki, Tsukiura, Matsuzaki and Kawaguchi
1957 1963
Corbaz, R., L. Ettlinger, W. Ke1le.r- Koshiyama, H., M. Okanishi, T. Ohmori,
Schierlein and H. Zahner. 1957. Archiv T. Miyaki, H. Tsukiura, M. Matsuzaki
fur Mikrobiologie 25:325-332. Type strain: and H. Kawaguchi. 1963. Journal of
ATCC 19740 Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A 1659-66.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Type strain: ATCC 14699
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
S. cinereoruber subsp. fructofermentans Corbaz, Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Ettlinger, Keller-Schierlein and Zahner S. citreofluorescens (Korenyako, Krassilnikov,
1957 Nikitina and Sokolova 1960) Pridham
Corbaz, R., L. Ettlinger, W. Keller- 1970
Schierlein and H. Zahner. 1957. Archiv Korenyako, A.I., N.A. Krasillnilov, N.I.
fur Mikrobiologie 25: 325-332. Type strain: Nikitina and A.I. Sokolova. 1960 in
NRRL 2588 Rautenshtein, Ya. I. Transactions of the
Description: Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and Institute of Microbiology, Academy of
R. Hutter. 1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo- Science USSR 8:l-344; Pridham, T.G.
gie 31:326-358. 1970. Bulletin of the United States
S. cinerocbromogenes Miyairi, Takashima, Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55.
Shimizu and Sakai 1966 Type strain: ATCC 15858
Miyairi, N., M. Takashima, K. Shimizu Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
and H. Sakai. 1966. Journal of Antibiot- Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
ics (Tokyo) Series A 1956-62. Type Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
strain: I F 0 13922 S. clavifer (Millard and Burr 1926) Waksman
Description: Miyairi, N., M. Takashima, 1953
K. Shimizu and H. Sakai. 1966. Ibid. Millard, W.A. and S. Burr. 1926. Annals
S. cinnabarinus (Ryabova and Preobrazhenskaya of Applied Biology 13580-644; Waksman,
1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict S.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A.
1958 Lechevalier. Guide to the classification
Ryabova, I.D. and T.P. Preobrazhenskaya. and identification of the actinomycetes
1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhen- and their antibiotics. The Williams and
skaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type
Ryabova and M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems strain: CBS 101.27
of classification of actinomycetes-antagon- Description: Bergey 8.
ists. Government Publishing House of S. clavuligerus Higgens and Kastner 1971
Medical Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. Higgens, C.E. and R.E. Kastner. 1971.
1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine International Journal of Systematic Bac-
and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied teriology 21:326-33 1. Type strain: NRRL
Microbiology 6:52-79. Type strain: ATCC 3585
23617 Description: Higgens, C.E. and R.E.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Kastner. 1971. Ibid.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of S. coelescens (Krassilnikov, Sorokina, Alferova
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. and Bezzubenkova 1965) Pridham 1970
S. cinnamonensis Okami 1952 Krassilnikov, N.A., E. J. Sorokina, V.A.
Okami, Y. 1952 in Maeda, K., Y. Okami, Alferova and A.P. Bezzubenkova. 1965 in
H. Kosaka, 0. Taya and H. Umezawa. Krassilnikov, N.A. (ed). Biology of
Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) 5572-573. selected groups of actinomycetes (in
Type strain: ATCC 12308 Russian). Institute of Microbiology, Acad-
Description: Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and emy of Science, Publishing Firm 'Nauka',
R. Hutter. 1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo- Moscow, USSR. pp. 1-372; Pridham, T.G.
gie 31:326-358. 1970. Bulletin of the United States
S. cirratus Koshiyama, Okanishi, Ohmori, Mi- Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55.

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Type strain: ATCC 19830 Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. actinomycetes-antagonists. Government
Gottl'leb. 1972. International Journal of Publishing House of Medical Literature,
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
S. coelicolor (Muller 1908) Waksman and T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
Henrici 1948 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
Muller, R. 1908. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- strain: ATCC 19896
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 46:195- Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
222; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and S. collinus Lindenbein 1952
A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey's Manual of Lindenbein, W. 1952. Archiv fur Mikrobi-
Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. The ologie 17:361-383. Type strain: ATCC
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 19743
929-980. Type strain: CBS 210.27 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. S. colombiensis Pridham, Hesseltine and Bened-
S. coeruleofuscus (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) ict 1958
Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G.
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze, Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6:
G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudri- 52-79. Type strain: ATCC 27425
na, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Publishing House of Medical Literature, S. corchorusii Ahmad and Bhuiyan 1958
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, Ahmad, K. and J.A.M. Bhuiyan. 1958.
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. Pakistan Journal of Biological and
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type Agricultural Sciences 1:137-143. Type
strain: ATCC 23618 strain: ATCC 25444
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-512.
S. coeruleorubidus (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) S. cremeus (Kudrina 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine
Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 and Benedict 1958
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze, Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudri- Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
na, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of kova. Problems in the classification of
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government actinomycetes-antagonists. State Publish-
Publishing House of Medical Literature, ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz,
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, Moscow. USSR; Pridham, T.G., C.W.
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
strain: ATCC 13740 strain: ATCC 19897
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
S. coerulescens (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Prid- S. crystallinus Tresner, Davies and Backus 1961
ham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 Tresner, H.D., M.C. Davies and E.J.
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze, Backus. 1961. Journal of Bacteriology 81:
G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudri- 70-80. Tyw strain: NRRL B-3629
na, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Description: Bergey 8.

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S. curacoi Cataldi 1963 Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55.
Cataldi, M. 1963 in Trejo, W. and R.E. Type strain: ATCC 15859
Bennett. Journal of Bacteriology 85:676- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
690. Type strain: ATCC 13385 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. daghestanicus (Sveshnikova 1957) Pridham,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Hesseltine and Benedict 1958
S. cuspidosporus Higashide, Hasegawa, Shibata, Sveshnikova, M.A. 1957 in Gauze, G.F.,
Mizuno and Akaike 1966 T.P. Preobrazhenska y a, E .S. K ud r i na ,
Higashide, E., T. Hasegawa, M. Shibata, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A.
K. Mizuno and H. Akaike. 1966. Annual Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of
Report of the Takeda Research Laborato- actinomycetes-antagonists. Government
ry 25:l-14.Type strain: I F 0 12378 Publishing House of Medical Literature,
Description: Higashide, E., T. Hasegawa, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
M. Shibata, K. Mizuno and H. Akaike. T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
1966. Ibid. 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79.Type
S. cyaneofuscatus (Kudrina 1957) Pridham, strain: ATCC 23620
Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni- S. diastaticus (Krainsky 1914) Waksman and
kova. Problems of classification of actino- Henrici 1948
mycetes-antagonists. Government Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur
Publishing House of Medical Literature, Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79.Type Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
strain: ATCC 23619 Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
S. cyaneus (Krassilnikov 1941) Waksman 1953 ATCC 3315
Krassilnikov, N.A. 1941. Guide to the Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
bacteria and Actinomycetes (in Russian). Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Science, Publishing Firm ‘Nauka‘, Mos- S. diastaticus subsp. ardesiacus (Baldacci,
cow, USSR. pp. 1-830; Waksman, S.A. Grein and Spalla 1955) Pridham, Hessel-
1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A. tine and Benedict 1958
Lechevalier. Guide to the classification Baldacci, E., A. Grein and C. Spalla.
and identification of the Actinomycetes 1955. Giornale di. Microbiologia 1:127-
and their antibiotics. The Williams and 143; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-245.Type R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiolo-
strain: ATCC 14923 gy 652-79.Type strain: CBS 100.56
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Hutter, R. 1964. Zentralblatt
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infek-
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. tionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung
S. cyanoalbus (Krassilnikov and Agre 1960) 11. 117:603-661.
Pridham 1970 S. diastaticus subsp. diastaticus (Krainsky
Krassilnikov, N.A. and N.S. Agre. 1960 1914) Waksman and Henrici 1948
in Rautenshtein, Ya. I. Transactions of Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur
the Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Ba kteriologie, Parasiten kunde, Infektion-
Science USSR 8:1-344; Pridham, T.G. skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
1970. Bulletin of the United States 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.

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Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. al Agents and Chemotherapy 1965:734-

Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s 736. Type strain: ATCC 15304
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Description: Bergey 8.
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., S. endus Anderson and Gottlieb 1952
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: Anderson, H.W. and D. Gottlieb. 1952.
ATCC 3315 Economic Botany 6294-308. Type strain:
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. NRRL 2339
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. diastatocbromogenes (Krainsky 19 14) Waks- Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
man and Henrici 1948 S. erumpens Calot and Cercos 1963
Krainsky, A. 19 14. Zentralblatt fur Calot, L. and A.P. Cercos. 1963. Annales
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- de 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 105:159- 16 1.
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Type strain: ATCC 23266
41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Description: Bergey 8.
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. S. erythraeus (Waksman 1923) Waksman and
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Henrici 1948
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Waksman, S.A. 1923 in Bergey, D.H.,
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., F.C. Harrison, R.S.Breed, B.W. Hammer
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: and F.M. Huntoon. Bergey’s Manual of
ATCC 12309 Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 339-371; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
S. djakartensis Huber, Wallhausser, Fries, Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Steigler and Weidenmuller 1962 Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Huber, G., K.H. Wallhausser, L. Fries, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
A. Steigler and H.-L. Weidenmuller. Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
1962. Arzneimittel Forschung 12:1191- ATCC 11635
1195. Type strain: DSM 40743 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Bergey 8. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
S. durhamensis Gordon and Lapa 1966 Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-3 94.
Gordon, M.A. and E.W. Lapa. 1966. S. erythrogriseus Falcao de Morais and Dalia
Applied Microbiology 14:754-760. Type Maia 1959
strain: ATCC 23194 Falcao de Morais, J.O. and M.H. Dalia
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Maia. 1959. Revista do Instituto de
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Antibioticos, Universidade do Recife 2:63-
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. 67. Type strain: CBS 485.74
S. echinatus Corbaz, Ettlinger, Gaumann, Kell- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
er-Schierlein, Kradolfer, Neipp, Prelog, Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Reusser and Zahner 1957 Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Corbaz, R., L. Ettlinger, E, Gaumann, S. eurythermus Corbaz, Ettlinger, Gaumann,
W. Keller-Schierlein, F. Kradolfer, L. Keller-Schierlein, Kradolfer, Neipp, Pre-
Neipp, V, Prelog, P. Reusser and H. log, Reusser and Zahner 1957
Zahner. 1957. Helvetica Chimica Acta Corbaz, R., L. Ettlinger, E. Gaumann,
40: 199-204. Type strain: ATCC 19748 W. Keller-Schierlein, F. Kradolfer, L.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Neipp, V. Prelog, P. Reusser and H.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Zahner. 1957. Helvetica Chimica Acta
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. 40: 199-203. Type strain: ATCC 1497 5
S. ederensis Wallhausser, Nesemann, Prave and Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Steigler 1966 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Wallhausser, K.H., G. Nesemann, P. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Prave and A. Steigler. 1966. Antimicrobi- S. exfoliatus (Waksman and Curtis 1916)

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Waksman and Henrici 1948 Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,

Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916. 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Soil Science 1:99-134; Waksman, S.A. Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: CBS
and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., 420.34
E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: S. finlayi (Szabo, Martin, Buti and Partai
ATCC 12627 1963) Pridham 1970
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Szabo, I., M. Marton, 1. Buti and G.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Partai. 1963. Acta Microbiologica Aca-
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. demiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 10:207-
S. felleus Lindenbein 1952 214; Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the
Lindenbein, W. 1952. Archiv fur Mikrobi- United States Department of Agriculture
ologie 17:361-383. Type strain: ATCC 1424:l-55. Type strain: ATCC 23340
19752 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. S. flaveolus (Waksman 1923) Waksman and
S. filamentosus Okami and Umezawa 1953 Henrici 1948
Okami, Y. and H. Umezawa. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. 1923 in Bergey, D.H.,
Okami, Y., T. Okuda, T. Takeuchi, K. F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer
Nitta and H. Umezawa. Journal of and F.M. Huntoon. Bergey’s Manual of
Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A 6 153-157. Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The
Type strain: ATCC 19753 Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 339-371; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
S. filipinensis Ammann, Gottlieb, Brock, Carter Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
and Whitfield 1955 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Ammann, A., D. Gottlieb, T.D. Brock, Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
H.E. Carter and G.B. Whitfield. 1955. ATCC 3319
Phytopa thology 45559-563. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
NRRL 2437 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. flavidovirens (Kudrina 1957) Pridham, Hes-
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. seltine and Benedict 1958
S. fimbriatus (Millard and Burr 1926) Waks- Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
man and Lechevalier 1953 Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
Millard, W.A. and S. Burr. 1926. Annals Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
of Applied Biology 13580-644; Waksman, kova. Problems of classification of actino-
S.A. and H.A. Lechevalier. 1953. Guide mycetes-antagonists. Government
to the classification and identification of Publishing House of Medical Literature,
the actinomycetes and their antibiotics. Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
pp. 1-246. Type strain: ATCC 15051 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
Description: Bergey 8. strain: ATCC 19900
S. fimicarius (Duche 1934) Waksman and Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Henrici 1948 Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Duche, J. 1934. Encyclopedie Mycolo- Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
gique 61-375; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. S. flavogriseus (Duche 1934) Waksman and
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Lechevalier 1953
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Duche, J. 1934. Encyclopedie Mycolo-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
gique 6:l-375; Waksman, S.A. and H.A. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Lechevalier. 1953. Guide to the classifica- Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
tion and identification of the actinomy- Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
cetes and their antibiotics. The Williams S. floridae Bartz, Ehrlich, Mold, Penner and
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Smith 1951
Type strain: CBS 101.34 Bartz, Q., J. Ehrlich, J.D. Mold, M.A.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Penner and R.M. Smith. 1951. American
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Review of Tuberculosis 63:4-6. Type
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-512. strain: NRRL 2423
S. flavotricini (Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshni- Description: Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and
kova 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and R. Hutter. 1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Benedict 1958 gie 31:326-358.
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and M.A. Svesh- S. fluorescens (Krassilnikov 1958) Pridham
nikova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. 1970
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Krassilnikov, N.A. 1958. Folia Biologica
Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni- (Praha) 4:257-265; Pridham, T.G. 1970.
kova. Problems of classification of Bulletin of the United States Department
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government of Agriculture 1424: 1-55. Type strain:
Publishing House of Medical Literature, ATCC 15860
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
strain: ATCC 23621 S. fradiae (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Waks-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. man and Henrici 1948
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Soil Science k99-134; Waksman, S.A.
S. flavovirens (Waksman 1923) Waksman and and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
Henrici 1948 E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Waksman, S.A. 1923 in Bergey, D.H., Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
and F.M. Huntoon. Bergey’s Manual of Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The ATCC 10745
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
339-371; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s S. fragilis Anderson, Ehrlich, S u n and Bur-
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, kholder 1956
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Anderson, L.E., J. Ehrlich, S.H. Sun and
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: P.R. Burkholder. 1956. Antibiotics and
ATCC 3320 Chemotherapy 6:100-1 1 5. Type strain:
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. NRRL 2424
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. flocculus (Duche 1934) Waksman and Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Henrici 1948 S. fulvissimus (Jensen 1930) Waksman and
Duche, J. 1934. Encyclopedie Mycolo- Henrici 1948
gique 6:l-375; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Jensen, H.L. 1930. Proceedings of the
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Linnean Society of New South Wales 55:
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s 231-249; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
ATCC 25453 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,

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Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: Waksman, S.A. 1923 in Bergey, D.H.,
NRRL B-1453 F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. and F.M. Huntoon. Bergey’s Manual of
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
S. fumanus (Sveshnikova 1957) Pridham, Hes- 339-371; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
seltine and Benedict 1958 Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Sveshnikova, M.A. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government ATCC 3323
Publishing House of Medical Literature, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type S. geysiriensis Wallhausser, Nesemann, Prave
strain: ATCC 19904 and Steigler 1966
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Wallhausser, K.H., G. Nesemann, P.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Prave and A. Steigler. 1966. Antimicrobi-
, Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12. al Agents and Chemotherapy 1965:734-
S. galbus Frommer 1959 736. Type strain: ATCC 15303
Frommer, W. 1959. Archiv fur Mikrobiol- Description: Bergey 8.
ogie 32:187-206. Type strain: ATCC S. gbanaensis Wallhausser, Nesemann, Prave
23910 and Steigler 1966
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Wallhausser, K.H., G. Nesemann, P.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Prave and A. Steigler. 1966. Antimicrobi-
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. al Agents and Chemotherapy 1965:734-
S. galilaeus Ettlinger, Corbaz and Hutter 1958 736. Type strain: ATCC 14672
Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and R. Hutter. Description: Bergey 8.
1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 31:326- S. gibsonii (Erikson 1935) Waksman and
358. Type strain: NRRL 2722 Henrici 1948
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Erikson, D. 1935. Medical Research
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Council (Great Britain) Special Report
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Series 2035-61; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
S. gancidicus Suzuki 1957 Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Suzuki, M. 1957. Journal Chiba Medical Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Society 33535-542. Type strain: NRRL Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
B- 1872 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Description: Bergey 8. Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
S. gardneri (Waksman 1942) Waksman 1961 ATCC 6852
Waksman, S.A. 1942 in Waksman, S.A., Description: Bergey 8.
E.S. Horning, M. Welsch and H.B. S. glaucescens (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Prid-
Woodruff. Soil Science W 2 8 1-296; ham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958
Waksman, S.A. 1961. The Actinomycetes. Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze,
Vol. 2. Classification, identification and G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S.
descriptions of genera and species. The Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems of classifica-
1-363. Type strain: ATCC 9604 tion of actinomycetes-an tagonis ts. Govern-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ment Publishing House of Medical
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398;
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G.
S. gelaticus (Waksman 1923) Waksman and Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6:
Henrici 1948 52-79. Type strain: ATCC 23622

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of 1-246.Type strain: ATCC 15864
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. globisporus (Krassilnikov 1941) Waksman Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
1953 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Krassilnikov, N.A. 1941. Guide to the S. globosus (Krassilnikov 1941) Waksman 1953
Bacteria and Actinomycetes (in Russian). Krassilnikov, N.A. 1941. Guide to the
Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow. pp. 1- Bacteria and Actinomycetes (in Russian).
830; Waksman, S.A. 1953 in Waksman, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow. pp. 1-
S.A. and H.A. Lechevalier. Guide to the 830; Waksman, S.A. 1953 in Waksman,
classification and identification of the S.A. and H.A. Lechevalier. Type strain:
Actinomycetes and their antibiotics. The NRRL B-2292
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Description: Bergey 8.
1-246.Type strain: ATCC 15864 S. glomeroaurantiacus (Krassilnikov and Yuan
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1965) Pridham 1970
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Krassilnikov, N.A. and T. Yuan. 1965 in
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Krassilnikov, N.A. (ed). Biology of
S. globisporus subsp. caucasicus (Kudrina 1957) individual groups of Actinomycetes (in
Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 Russian). pp. 28-57;Pridham, T.G. 1970.
Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Bulletin of the United States Department
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. of Agriculture 1424:1-55. Type strain:
Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni- ATCC 15866
kova. Problems of classification of actino- Description: Shiriing, E.B. and D.
mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish- Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz, Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Moscow. pp. 1-398;Pridham, T.G., C.W. S. gobitricini (Preobrazhenska ya and Sveshniko-
Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. va 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Bened-
Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type ict 1958
strain: ATCC 19907 Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and M.A. Svesh-
Description: Bergey 8. nikova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
S. globisporus subsp. fravofuscus (Kudrina Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A.
1958 Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of
Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. actinomycetes-antagonists. Government
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Publishing House of Medical Literature,
Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni- Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
kova. Problems of classification of actino- T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish- 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79.Type
ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz, strain: CBS 123.60
Moscow. pp. 1-398;Pridham, T.G., C.W. Description: Bergey 8.
Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. S. goshikiensis Niida 1966
Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type Niida, T. 1966 in Shirling, E.B. and D.
strain: ATCC 19908 Gottlieb. International Journal of System-
Description: Bergey 8. atic Bacteriology 16:313-340.Type strain:
S. globisporus subsp. globisporus (Krassilnikov ATCC 23914
1941) Waksman 1953 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Krassilnikov, N.A. 1941. Guide to the Gottlieb. 1968, International Journal of
Bacteria and Actinomycetes (in Russian). Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow. pp. 1- S. gougerotii (Duche 1934) Waksman and
830; Waksman, S.A. 1953 in Waksman, Henrici 1948
S.A. and H.A. Lechevalier. Guide to the Duche, J. 1934. Encyclopedie Mycolo-
classification and identification of the gique 6:l-375;Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Actinomycetes and their antibiotics. The Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.

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Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.

Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, S. griseoflavus (Krainsky 1914) Waksman and
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Henrici 1948
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: CBS Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur
422.34 Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
S. graminofaciens Charney, Fisher, Curran, Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Machlowitz and Tytell 1953 Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Charney, J., W.P. Fisher, C. Curran, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
R.A. Machlowitz and A.A. Tytell. 1953. Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 3:1283- ATCC 25456
1286. Type strain: ATCC 12705 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. S. griseofuscus Sakamoto, Kondo, Yumoto and
S. griseinus Waksman 1959 Arishima 1962
Waksman, S.A. 1959. Proceedings of the Sakamoto, J.M., S.4. Kondo, H. Yumoto
National Academy of Science, U S A . 45: and M. Arishima. 1962. Journal of
1043-1047. Type strain: ATCC 23915 Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A 1598- 102.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Type strain: ATCC 23916
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. griseoaurantiacus (Krassilnikov and Yuan Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
1965) Pridham 1970 S. griseoincarnatus (Preobrazhenskaya, Ryabova
Krassilnikov, N.A. and T. Yuan. 1965. in and Blinov 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and
Krassilnikov, N.A. (ed). Biology of Benedict 1958
individual groups of Actinomycetes (in Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., I.D. Ryabova and
Russian). pp, 28-57; Pridham, T.G. 1970. N.O. Blinov. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
Bulletin of the United States Department Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
of Agriculture 1424:l-55. Type strain: Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
ATCC 19840 kova. Problems of classification of actino-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish-
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz,
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W.
S. griseobrunneus Waksman 1961 Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
Waksman, S.A. 1961. The Actinomycetes. Applied Microbiology 6:52-79. Type
Vol. 2. Classification, identification and strain: ATCC 23623
descriptions of genera and species. The Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
1-363. Type strain: ATCC 19762 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. griseoloalbus (Kudrina 1957) Pridham, Hes-
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of seltine and Benedict 1958
Systematic Bacteriology M69- 189. Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
S. griseocbromogenes Fukunaga 1955 Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
Fukunaga, K. 1955 in Fukunaga, K., T. Biinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
Misato, I. Ishii and M. Asakawa. Bulletin kova. Problems of classification of actino-
of the Agricultural Chemical Society of mycetes-antagonists. Government
Japan 19:181- 188. Type strain: ATCC Publishing House of Medical Literature,
1451I Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type

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strain: ATCC 23624 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. S. griseorubens (Preobrazhenskaya, Blinov and
S. griseolus (Waksman 1923) Waksman and Ryabova 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and
Henrici 1948 Benedict 1958
Waksman, S.A. 1923 in Bergey, D.H., Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.O. Blinov and
F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer I.D. Ryabova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
and F.M. Huntoon. Bergey’s Manual of Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. kova. Problems of classification of actino-
339-371; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish-
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz,
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W.
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: strain: ATCC 19909
ATCC 3325 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 1 89.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. S. griseoruber Yamaguchi and Saburi 1955
S. griseoluteus Umezawa, Hayano, Maeda, Yamaguchi, T. and Y. Saburi. 1955.
Ogata and Okami 1950 Journal of General and Applied Microbi-
Umezawa, H., S. Hayano, K. Maeda, Y. ology 1:201-235. Type strain: ATCC
Ogata and Y. Okami. 1950. Japanese 23919
Medical Journal 3:1 1 1- 1 17. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ATCC 12768 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279- 392.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of S. griseorubiginosus (Ryabova and Preobrazhen-
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. skaya 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and
S. griseomycini (Preobrazhenskaya, Blinov and Benedict 1958
Ryabova 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Ryabova, I.D. and T.P. Preobrazhenskaya.
Benedict 1958 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhen-
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.O. Blinov and skaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D.
J.D. Ryabova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. of classification of actinomycetes-antagon-
Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni- ists. Government Publishing House of
kova. Problems of classification of antino- Medical Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp.
mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish- 1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine
ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz, and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied
Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Microbiology 652-79. Type strain: ATCC
Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. 23627
Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
strain: ATCC 23625 Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. griseosporeus Niida and Ogasawara 1960
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Niida, T. and M. Ogasawara. 1960.
S. griseoplanus Backus, Tresner and Campbell Scientific Reports of Meiji Seika Kaisha
1957 3:23-26. Type strain: ATCC 27435
Backus, E.J., H.D. Tresner and T.H. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Campbell. 1957. Antibiotics and Che- Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
motherapy 7532-541. Type strain: ATCC Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
19766 S. griseostramineus (Preobrazhenskaya, Kudri-

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na, Blinov and Ryabova 1957) Pridham, Description: Bergey 8.

Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 S. griseus subsp. griseus (Krainsky 1914)
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., E.S. Kudrina, Waksman and Henrici 1948
N.O. Blinov and I.D. Ryabova. 1957 in Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur
Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems of classifica- 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
tion of actinomycetes-antagonists.Govern- Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
ment Publishing House of Medical Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6: Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
52-79. Type strain: ATCC 23628 ATCC 23345
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Systematic Bacteriology18:279-392.
S. griseoviridis Anderson, Ehrlich, Sun and S. griseus subsp. solvijiuciens Pridham 1970
Burkholder 1956 Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the
Anderson, L.E., J. Ehrlich, S.H. Sun and United States Department of Agriculture
P.R. Burkholder. 1956. Antibiotics and 1424:l-55. Type strain: NRRL B-1561
Chemotherapy 6: 100-115. Type strain: Description: Bergey 8.
NRRL 2427 S. halstedii (Waksman and Curtis 1916)
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Waksman and Henrici 1948
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Soil Science 1:99- 134; Waksman, S.A.
S. griseus (Krainsky 1914) Waksman and and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
Henrici 1948 E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. ATCC 10897
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., S. hawaiiensis Cron, Whitehead, Hooper,
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: Heinemann and Lein 1956
ATCC 23345 Cron, M.J., D.F. Whitehead, I.R. Hooper,
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. B. Heinemann and J. Lein. 1956.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 6:63-67.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Type strain: ATCC 12236
S. griseus subsp. alpha (Ciferri 1927) Pridham Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
1970 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Ciferri, R. 1927. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
ologie, Parasi ten kunde, In fektionskran- S. helvaticus (Krassilnikov, Korenyako and
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 71:80- Nikitina 1965) Pridham 1970
93; Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the Krassilnikov, N.A., A.I. Korenyako and
United States Department of Agriculture N.I. Nikitina. 1965 in Krassilnikov N.A.
142411-55.Type s h i n : CBS 219.25 Biology of selected groups of actinomy-
Description: Bergey 8. cetes (in Russian). Institute of Microbiol-
S. griseus subsp. cretosus Pridham 1970 ogy, Academy of Science, Publishing
Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the Firm ‘Nauka‘, Moscow, USSR. pp. 1-372;
United States Department of Agriculture Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the
1424:l-55. Type strain: CBS 137.21 United States Department of Agriculture

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1424:l-55. Type strain: ATCC 19841 S. hygroscopicus subsp. angustmyceticus

Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Yuntsen, Ohkuma, Ishii and Yonehara
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 1956
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Yuntsen, H., K. Ohkuma, Y. Ishii and H.
S. herbaricolor Kawato and Shinobu 1959 Yonehara. 1956. Journal of Antibiotics
Kawato, N. and R. Shinobu. 1959. (Tokyo) Series A 9:195-201. Type strain:
Memoirs of the Osaka University of the ATCC 15484
Liberal Arts and Education B. Natural Description: Bergey 8.
Science 8:1 14-1 19. Type strain: ATCC S. hygroscopicus subsp. decoyicus Vavra, Dietz,
23922 Churchill, Siminoff and Koepsell 1959
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Vavra, J.J., A. Dietz, B.W. Churchill, P.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Siminoff and H.J. Koepsell. 1959. Anti-
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. biotics and Chemotherapy 9:427-43 1.
S. hirsutus Ettlinger, Corbaz and Hutter 1958 Type strain: NRRL 2666
Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and R. Hutter. Description: Bergey 8.
1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 31:326- S. hygroscopicus subsp. glebosus Ohmori, Ok-
358. Type strain: ATCC 19773 anishi and Kawaguchi 1962
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Ohmori, T., M. Okanishi and H.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Kawaguchi. 1962. Journal of Antibiotics
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. (Tokyo) Series A 15:21-27. Type strain:
S. humidus Nakazawa and Shibata 1956 ATCC 14607
Nakazawa, K. and M. Shibata. 1956 in Description: Ohmori, T., M. Okanishi and
Imamura, A., M. Hori, K. Nakazawa, M. H. Kawaguchi. 1962. Ibid.
Shibata, S. Tatsuoka and A. Miyake. S. hygroscopicus subsp. hygroscopicus (Jensen
Proceedings of the Japanese Academy of 1931) Waksman and Henrici 1948
Science 32:648-653. Type strain: ATCC Jensen, H.L. 1931. Proceedings of the
12760 Linnean Society of New South Wales 56:
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 345-370; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
S. hydrogenans Lindner, Junk, Nesemann and Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Schmidt-Thome 1958 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Lindner, F., R. Junk, G. Nesemann and Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
J. Schmidt-Thome. 1958. Hoppe-Seyler’s ATCC 27438
Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie 313: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
117-123. Type strain: ATCC 19631 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of S. hygroscopicus subsp. ossamyceticus Schmitz,
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Jubinski, Hooper, Crook, Price and Lein
S. hygroscopicus (Jensen 1931) Waksman and 1965
Henrici 1948 Schmitz, H., S.D. Jubinski, I.R. Hooper,
Jensen, H.L. 1931. Proceedings of the K.E. Crook Jr., K.E. Price and J. Lein.
Linnean Society of New South Wales 56: 1965. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo)
345-370; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Series A 18:82-88. Type strain: ATCC
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. 15420
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Description: Schmitz, H., S.D. Jubinski,
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, I.R. Hooper, K.E. Crook Jr., K.E. Price
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., and J. Lein. 1965. Ibid.
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: S. iakyrus deQuerioz and Albert 1962
ATCC 27438 de.Querioz, V.M. and C.A. Albert. 1962.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Revista do Instituto de Antibioticos,
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Universidade do Recife 4:33-46. Type
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. strain: ATCC 15375

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Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1960 in Rautenshtein, Ya. I. Transactions

Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of of the Institute of Microbiology, Academy
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. of Sciences USSR 8:l-344; Pridham, T.G.
S. indigofem Shinobu and Kawato 1960 1970. Bulletin of the United States
Shinobu, R. and M. Kawato. 1960. Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55.
Memoirs of the Osaka University of the Type strain: ATCC 15870
Liberal Arts and Education B Natural Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Science 9:49-53. Type strain: ATCC Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
23924 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. kanamyceticus Okami and Umezawa 1957
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Okami, Y. and H. Umezawa 1957 in
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Umezawa, H., M. Ueda, K. Maeda, K.
S. intermedius (Kruger 1904) Waksman 1953 Yagashita, S. Kondo, Y. Okami, R.
Kruger, F. 1904. Arbeiten aus der Utahara, Y. Osato, K. Nitta and T.
Biologischen Abteilung fur Land- und Ta keuchi. Journal of An tibiotics (Tokyo)
Forstwirtschaft am Kaiserlichen Gesun- Series A 10:181-188. Type strain: ATCC
dheitsamte Band IV, Heft 3, Verlagsbu- 12853
chhandlung Paul Parey, Verlagsbu- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
chhandlung Julius Springer, Berlin. pp. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
275-318; Waksman, S.A. 1953 in Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Waksman, S.A. and H.A. Lechevalier. S. katrae Gupta and Chopra 1963
Guide to the classification and identifica- Gupta, K.C. and I.C. Chopra. 1963.
tion of the Actinomycetes and their Indian Journal of Microbiology 3:1-4.
antibiotics. The Williams and Wilkins Type strain: ATCC 27440
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ATCC 3329 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of S. kurssanovii (Preobrazhenskaya, Kudrina, Ry-
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. abova and Blinov 1957) Pridham, Hessel-
S. inusitatus Hasegawa, Yamano and Masahiko tine and Benedict 1958
I978 Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., E.S. Kudrina,
Hasegawa, T., T. Yamano and Y. I.D. Ryabova and N.O. Blinov. 1957 in
Masahiko. 1978. International Journal of Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S.
Systematic Bacteriology 28:407-410. Type Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and
strain: I F 0 13601 M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems of classifica-
Description: Hasegawa, T., T. Yamano tion of actinomycetes-antagonists.
and Y. Masahiko. 1978. Ibid. Government Publishing House of Medical
S. ipomoeae (Person and Martin 1940) Waks- Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398;
man and Henrici 1948 Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G.
Person, L.H. and W.J. Martin. 1940. Benedict, 1958. Applied Microbiology 6:
Phytopathology 30:9 13-926; Waksman, 52-79. Type strain: ATCC 15824
S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
(eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Bacteriology, 6th ed. The Williams and S. lanatus Frommer 1959
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type Frommer, W. 1959. Archiv fur Mikrobiol-
strain: ATCC 25462 ogie 32:187-206. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 19775
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. janthinus (Artamonova and Krassilnikov Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
1960) Pridham 1970 S. lateritius (Sveshnikova 1957) Pridham, Hes-
Artamonova, 0.1. and N.A. Krassilnikov. seltine and Benedict 1958

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Sveshnikova, M.A. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., Krassilnikov, Taptykova and Gesheva

T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, 1961) Pridham 1970
N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Kuchaeva, A.G., N.A. Krassilnikov, S.D.
Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of Taptykova and R.L. Gesheva. 1961.
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government Izvestiya Na Mikrobiologicheskiya Insti-
Publishing House of Medical Literature, tut, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Class
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, of Biological Sciences, Sofia 13:103-124;
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type United States Department of Agriculture
strain: ATCC 19913 1424:l-55. Type strain: ATCC 15875
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Bergey 8.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. lavendulae subsp. lavendulae (Waksman and
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Curtis 1916) Waksman and Henrici 1948
S. laurentii Trejo, Dean, Pluscec, Meyers and Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916.
Brown 1979 Soil Science 1:99-134; Waksman, S.A.
Trejo, W.H., L.D. Dean, J. Pluscec, E. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
Meyers and W.E. Brown. 1979. Interna- E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
29:79-80; Effective publication Trejo, iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
W.H., L.D. Dean, J. Pluscec, E. Meyers Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
and W.E. Brown. 1977. Journal of ATCC 8664
Antibiotics 30:639-643. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ATCC 31255 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Trejo, W.H., L.D. Dean, J. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Pluscec, E. Meyers and W.E. Brown. S. lavendulocolor (Kuchaeva, Krassilnikov, Tap-
1977. Ibid. tykova and Gesheva 1961) Pridham 1970
S. lavendofoliae (Kuchaeva, Krassilnikov, Tap- Kuchaeva, A.G., N .A. Krassilnikov, S.D.
tykova and Gesheva 1961) Pridham 1970 Taptykova and R.L. Gesheva. 1961.
Kuchaeva, A.G., N.A. Krassilnikov, S.D. Izvestiya Na Mikrobiologicheskiya Insti-
Taptykova and R.L. Gesheva. 1961. tut, Bulgarian Academy of sciences, Class
Izvestiya Na Mikrobiologicheskiya Insti- of Biological sciences, Sofia 13:103-124;
tut, Bulgarian Academy of sciences, Class Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the
of Biological sciences, Sofia 13:103-124; United States Department of Agriculture
Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the 1424:l-55. Type strain: ATCC 15871
United States Department of Agriculture Description: Bergey 8.
1424:l-55. Type strain: ATCC 15872 S. libani Baldacci and Grein 1966
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Baldacci, E. and A. Grein. 1966. Giornale
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of di Microbiologia 14:185-198. Type strain:
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. CBS 753.72
S. lavendulae (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Waksman and Henrici 1948 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Soil Science 1:99- 134; Waksman, S.A. S. libani subsp. libani Baldacci and Grein 1966
and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., Baldacci, E. and A. Grein. 1966. Giornale
E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). di Microbiologia 14:185-198. Type strain:
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- CBS 753.72
iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Co., Baltimore. pp- 929-980. Type strain: Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
ATCC 8664 Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. libani subsp. rufus Baldacci and Grein 1966
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Baldacci, E. and A. Grein. 1966. Giornale
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. di Microbiologia 14:185-198. Type strain:
S. lavendulae subsp. grasserius (Kuchaeva, ATCC 23731

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Description: Bergey 8. Waksman, S.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A.
S. limosus Lindenbein 1952 and H.A. Lechevalier. Guide to the
Lindenbein, W. 1952. Archiv fur Mikrobi- classification and identification of the
ologie 17:361-383. Type strain: ATCC Actinomycetes and their antibiotics. The
19778 Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1-246.Type strain: ATCC 1991 5
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 1859-189. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. lincolnensis Mason, Dietz and DeBoer 1963 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Mason, D.J., A. Dietz and C. DeBoer. S. longispororuber Waksman 1953
1963. Antimicrobial Agents and Che- Waksman, $.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A.
motherapy 196234-559. Type strain: and H.A. Lechevalier. Guide to the
NRRL 2936 classification and identification of the
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Actinomycetes and their antibiotics. The
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. 1-246.Type strain: ATCC 27443
S. lipmanii (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Waks- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
man and Henrici 1948 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Soil Science k99-134; Waksman, S.A. S. longisporus (Krassilnikov 1941) Waksman
and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., 1953
E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Krassilnikov, N.A. 1941. Guide to the
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- bacteria and Actinomycetes (in Russian).
iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow. pp. 1 -
Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980.Type strain: 830; Waksman, S.A. 1953 in Waksman,
ATCC 3331 S.A. and H.A. Lechevalier. Guide to the
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. classification and identification of the
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Actinomycetes and their antibiotics. The
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
S. litmocidini (Ryabova and Preobrazhenskaya 1-246.Type strain: ATCC 2393 1
1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
1958 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Ryabova, I.D. and T.P. Preobrazhenskaya. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhen- S. lucensis Arcamone, Bertazzoli, Canevazzi,
skaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. diMarco, Ghione and Grein 1957
Ryabova and M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems Arcamone, F., C. Bertazzoli, G. Canevaz-
of classification of actinomycetes-antagon- zi, A. diMarco, M. Ghione and A. Grein.
ists. Government Publishing House of 1957. Giornale di Microbiologia 4:1 19-
Medical Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 128. Type strain: ATCC 17804
1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied Micro- Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
biology 652-79. Type strain: ATCC Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
19914 S. luridus (Krassilnikov, Korenyako, Meksina,
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Valedinskaya and Veselov 1957) Waks-
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of man 1961
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Krassilnikov, N.A., A.I. Korenyako, M.M.
S. lomonderrsis Johnson and Dietz 1969 Meksina, L.K. Valedinskaya and N.M.
Johnson, L.E. and A. Dietz. 1969. Veselov. 1957. Mikrobiologiya 26:558-564;
Applied Microbiology 17:755-759. Type Waksman, S.A. 1961.The Actinomycetes.
strain: NRRL 3252 Vol. 2. Classification, identification and
Description: Johnson, L.E. and A. Dietz. descriptions of genera and species. The
1969. Ibid. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
S. longisporoflavus Waksman 1953 1-363.Type strain: ATCC 19782

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Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Franceschi, Grein, Penco and Spalla 1969
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Arcamone, F., B. Camerino, E. Cotta, G.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Franceschi, A. Grein, S. Penco and C.
S. lusitanus Villax 1963 Spalla. 1969. Experientia 24:241-242.
Villax, I. 1963. Antimicrobial Agents and Type strain: NCIB 10969
Chemotherapy 1962:661-668. Type strain: Description: Bianchi, M.L., A. Grein, P.
NCIB 9585 Julita, M.P. Marnati and C. Spalla. 1970.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Mikrobiologie
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 10:237-244.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. S. melanogenes Sugawara and Onuma 1957
S. luteogriseus Schmitz, Deak, Crook and Sugawara, A. and M. Onuma. 1957.
Hooper 1964 Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A
Schmitz, H., S.B. Deak, K.E. Crook Jr. 10:138- 142. Type strain: ATCC 23937
and I.R. Hooper. 1964. Antimicrobial Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Agents and Chemotherapy 1963339-94. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Type strain: ATCC 15072 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. melanosporofaciens Arcamone, Bertazzoli,
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Ghione and Scotti 1959
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Arcamone, F., C. Bertazzoli, M. Ghione
S. lydicus De Boer, Dietz, Silver and Savage and T. Scotti. 1959. Giornale di Microbi-
1956 ologia 7:207-2 16. Type strain: ATCC
De Boer, C., A. Dietz, W.S. Silver and 25473
G.M. Savage. 1956. Antibiotics Annual Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
1955-1956:886-892. Type strain: NRRL Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
2433 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. michiganensis Corbaz, Ettlinger, Keller-
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Schierlein and Zahner 1957
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. Corbaz, R., L. Ettlinger, W. Keller-
S. massasporeus Shinobu and Kawato 1959 Schierlein and H. Zahner. 1957. Archiv
Shinobu, R. and M. Kawato. 1959. fur Mikrobiologie 26: 192-208. Type strain:
Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) 72:283-288. ATCC 14970
Type strain: ATCC 19785 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. S. microflavus (Krainsky 19 14) Waksman and
S. matensis Margalith, Beretta and Timbal Henrici 1948
1959 Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur
Margalith, P., G. Beretta and M.T. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Timbal. 1959. Antiobiotics and Chemoth- skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
erapy 971-75. Type strain: ATCC 23935 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
S. mauvecolor Okami and Umezawa 1960 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Okami, Y. and H. Umezawa. 1960 in Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: CBS
Murase, M., T. Hikiji, K. Nitta, Y. 124.18
Okami, T. Takeuchi and H. Umezawa. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
14:113-118. Type strain: ATCC 29835 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Description: Murase, M., T. Hikiji, K. S. minutiscleroticus (Thirumalachar 1965) Prid-
Nitta, Y. Okami, T. Takeuchi and H. ham 1970
Umezawa. 1960. Ibid. Thirumalachar, M.J. 1965 in Thirumala-
S. mediolani Arcamone, Camerino, Cotta, char, M.J., P.W. Rahalkar, P.V. Desh-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

mukh and R.S. Sukapure. Hindustan Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of

Antibiotics Bulletin 8:6-9; Pridham, T.G. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
1970. Bulletin of the United Sta'tes S. naganishii Yamaguchi and Saburi 1955
Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55. Yamaguchi, H. and Y. Saburi. 1955.
Type strain: ATCC 17757 Journal of General and Applied Microbi-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ology 1:201-135. Type strain: ATCC
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 23939
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. mirabilis Ruschmann 1952 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Ruschmann, G. 1952. Pharmazie 7542- Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
550. Type strain: ATCC 27447 S. narbonensis Corbaz, Ettlinger, Gaumann,
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Keller-Schierlein, Kradolfer, Kyburz,
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Neipp, Prelog, Reusser and Zahner 1955
Systematic Bacteriology 22:26 5- 394. Corbaz, R., L. Ettiinger, E. Gaumann,
S. misakiensis Nakamura 196 1 W. Keller-Schierlein, F. Kradolfer, E.
Nakamura, G. 1961. Journal of Antibiot- Kyburz, L. Neipp, V. Prelog, R. Reusser
ics (Tokyo) Series A 1496-89. Type and H. Zahner. 1955. Helvetica Chimica
strain: ATCC 23938 Acta 38:935-942. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 19790
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279- 392. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. misionensis Cercos, Eilberg, Goyena, Souto, Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Vautier and Widuezynski 1962 S. nashvillensis McVeigh and Reyes 1961
Cercos, A.P., B.L. Eilberg, J.G. Goyena, McVeigh, 1. and C.R. Reyes. 1961.
J. Souto, E.E. Vautier and I. Widuezyn- Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 11:3 12-
ski. 1962. Revista de Investigaciones 3 19. Type strain: ATCC 25476
Agricolas 165-27. Type strain: ATCC Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
14991 Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of S. neyagawaensis Yamamoto, Nakazawa, Horii
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12. and Miyake 1960
S. murinus Frommer 1959 Yamamoto, H., K. Nakazawa, S. Horii
Frommer, W. 1959. Archiv fur Mikrobiol- and A. Miyake. 1960. Journal of the
ogie 32:187-206. Type strain: ATCC Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan
19788 34:268-272. Type strain: ATCC 27449
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265 - 394.
S. mutabilis (Preobrazhenskaya and Ryabova S. nigrescens (Sveshnikova 1957) Pridham,
1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict Hesseltine and Benedict 1958
1958 Sveshnikova, M.H. 1957 in Gauze, G.F.,
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and I.D. Ryabova. T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina,
1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhen- N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A.
skaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Sveshnikova. Problems in the classification
Ryabova and M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems of actinomycetes-antagonists. State Pub-
of classification of actinomycetes-antagon- lishing House of Medical Literature,
ists. Government Publishing House of Medgiz, Moscow, USSR; Pridham, T.G.,
Medical Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied Micro- strain: ATCC 23941 +

biology 652-79. Type strain: ATCC Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.

19919 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.

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S. nigrifaciens Waksman 1961 Bhuyan, B.K. and A. Dietz. 1966.
Waksman, S.A. 1961. The Actinomycetes. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Vol. 2. Classification, identification and 1965:836-844.Type strain: NRRL 3035
descriptions of genera and species. The Description: Bhuyan, B.K. and A. Dietz.
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1966. Ibid.
1-363.Type strain: ATCC 19791 S. nojiriensis Ishida, Kumagai, Niida, Hamamo-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. to and Shomura 1967
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Ishida, N., K. Kumagai, T. Niida, K.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Hamamoto and T. Shomura. 1967.
S. nitrosporeus Okami 1952 Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A
Okami, Y. 1952. Classification of the 20:62-65.Type strain: ATCC 29781
antagonistic ray fungi of Japan of the Description: Ishida, N., K. Kumagai, T.
family Streptomycetaceae (in Japanese). Niida, K. Hamamoto and T. Shomura.
Doctoral Dissertation, Hokkaido Universi- 1967. Ibid.
ty. Type strain: ATCC 12769 S. noursei Brown, Hazen and Mason 1953
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Brown, R., E.L. Hazen and A. Mason.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of 1953. Science 117:609-610. Type strain:
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. ATCC 11455
S. niveoruber Ettlinger, Corbaz and Hutter Description: Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and
1958 R. Hutter. 1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and R. Hutter. gie 31:326-358.
1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 31:326- S. novaecaesareae Waksman and Henrici 1948
358. Type strain: ATCC 14971 Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1948
Description: Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
R. Hutter. 1958. Ibid. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
S. niveus Smith, Dietz, Sokolski and Savage Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. The
1956 Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Smith, C.G., A. Dietz, W.T. Sokolski and 929-980.Type strain: ATCC 27452
G.M. Savage. 1956. Antibiotics and Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Chemotherapy 6:135-142. Type strain: Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
NRRL 2466 Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Description: Hutter, R. 1963. Giornale di S. ochraceiscleroticus Pridham 1970
Microbiologia 11:191-246. Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the
S. noboritoensis Isono, Yamashita, Tomiyama, United States Department of Agriculture
Suzuki and Sakai 1957 1424:l-55.Type strain: ATCC 15814
Isoni, K., S.Yamashita, Y. Tomiyama, S. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Suzuki and H. Sakai. 1957. Journal of Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A 10:21-30. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Type strain: ATCC 25477 S. odorifer (Rullmann 1895) Waksman 1953
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Rullmann, W. 1895. Inaugural Disserta-
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of tion. Akademische Buchdruckerei von F.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. Straw, Munchen, pp. 1-47; Waksman,
S. nodosus Trejo 1961 S.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A.
Trejo, W. 1961 in Waksman, S.A. The Lechevalier. Guide to the classification
Actinomycetes. Vol. 2. Classification, and identification of the Actinomycetes
identification and descriptions of genera and their antibiotics. The Williams and
and species. The Williams and Wilkins Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246.Type
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-363. Type strain: strain: ATCC 6246
ATCC 14899 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. S. olivaceiscleroticus Pridham 1970
S. nogahter Bhuyan and Dietz 1966 Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
United States Department of Agriculture Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
14241-55. Type strain: ATCC 15722 Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of S. olivoviridis (Kuchaeva, Krassilnikov, Skryabin
Systematic Bacteriology 22: 265- 394. and Taptykova 1960) Pridham 1970
S. olivaceoviridis (Preobrazhenskaya and Ryabo- Kuchaeva, A.G., N.A. Krassilnikov, G.K.
va 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Bened- Skryabin and S.D. Taptykova. 1960 in
ict 1958 Rautenshtein, Ya. I. Transactions of the
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and I.D. Ryabova. Institute of Microbiology, Academy of
1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhen- Sciences USSR 8:1-344; Pridham, T.G.
skaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. 1970. Bulletin of the United States
Ryabova and M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55.
of classification of actinomycetes- Type strain: ATCC 15882
antagonists. Government Publishing House Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
of Medical Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
pp. 1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hessel- Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
tine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied S. omiyaensis Umezawa and Okami 1950
Microbiology 652-79. Type strain: ATCC Umezawa, H. and Y. Okami. 1950 in
23630 Umezawa, H., T. Tazaki, Y.Okami and
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. Fukuyama. Journal of Antibiotics
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of (Tokyo) 3:292-296. Type strain: ATCC
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-512. 27454
S. olivaceus (Waksman 1923) Waksman and Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Henrici 1948 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Waksman, S.A. 1923 in Bergey, D.H., Systematic Bacteriology 22265-394.
F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer S. pactum Bhuyan, Dietz and Smith 1962
and F.M. Huntoon. Bergey’s Manual of Bhuyan, B.K., A. Dietz and C.G. Smith.
Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The 1962. Antimicrobial Agents and Che-
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. motherapy 1961:184-190. Type strain:
339-371; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. NRRL 2939
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Description: Bhuyan, B.K., A. Dietz and
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (4s). Bergey’s C.G. Smith. 1962. Ibid.
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, S. panullus Waksman and Gregory 1954
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Waksman, S.A. and F.J. Gregory. 1954.
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 4:1050-
ATCC 3335 1056. Type strain: ATCC 12434
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 18:68- 189. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
S. olivochromogews (Waksman 1923) Waks- S. panus (Krainsky 1914) Waksman and
man and Henrici 1948 Henrici 1948
Waksman, S.A. 1923 in Bergey, D.H., Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur
F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
and F.M. Huntoon. Bergey’s Manual of skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
339-371; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., NRRL B-1455
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ATCC 3336 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of

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Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Applied Microbiology 4:243-250. Type
S. peucetius Grein, Spalla, Di Marco and strain: NRRL 2364
Canevazzi 1963 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Grein, A., C. Spalla, A. Di Marco and G. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Canevazzi. 1963. Giornale de Microbiolo- Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
gia 11:109-118. Type strain: ATCC 29050 S. plicatus Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict
Description: Bergey 8. 1958
S. phaeochromogenes (Conn 19 17) Waksman Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G.
1957 Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6:
Conn, H.J. 1917. Bulletin of the New 52-79. Type strain: NRRL 2428
York State Agricultural Experiment Sta- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
tion 60:3-25; Waksman, S.A. 1957 in Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-512.
Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi- S. pluricolorescens Okami and Umezawa 1961
native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams Okami, Y. and H. Umezawa. 1961 in
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 778. Type Waksman, S.A. The Actinomycetes. Vol.
strain: ATCC 3338 2. Classification, identification and de-
Description: Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and scriptions of genera and species. The
R. Hutter. 1958. Archiv fur Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Mikrobiologie 32: 326-358. 259-260. Type strain: ATCC 19798
S. phaeofaciens Maeda, Okami, Taya and Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Umezawa 1952 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Maeda, K., Y. Okami, 0. Taya and H. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Umezawa. 1952. Japanese Medical Jour- S. polycbromogenes Hageman, Penasse and
nal 5:237-338. Type strain: ATCC 15034 Teillon 1964
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Hageman, G., L. Penasse and J. Teillon.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 1964 in Hutter, R. Zentralblatt fur
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
S. phaeopurpureus Shinobu 1957 skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Shinobu, R. 1957. Memoirs of the Osaka 117:603- 661. Type strain: ATCC 12595
University of the Liberal Arts and Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Education B Natural Science 6:63-73. Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Type strain: ATCC 23946 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. poonensis (Thirumalachar 1960) Pridham
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of 1970
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Thirumalachar, M.J. 1960 in Kalakout-
S. phaeoviridis Shinobu 1957 skii, L.V. and N.A. Krassilnikov in
Shinobu, R. 1957. Memoirs of the Osaka Rautenshtein, Ya. I. Transactions of the
University of the Liberal Arts and Institute of Microbiology, Academy of
Education B Natural Science 6:63-73. Sciences USSR 8:l-344; Pridham, T.G.
Type strain: ATCC 23947 1970. Bulletin of the United States
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Type strain: ATCC 15723
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. pilosus Ettlinger, Corbaz and Hutter 1958 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and R. Hutter. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 31:326- S. praecox (Millard and Burr 1926) Waksman
358. Type strain: ATCC 19797 1953
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Millard, W.A. and S. Burr. 1926. Annals
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of of Applied Biology 13580-644; Waksman,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. S.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A.
S. platensis Tresner and Backus 1956 Lechevalier. Guide to the classification
Tresner, H.D. and E.J. Backus. 1956. and identification of the Actinomycetes

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
and their antibiotics. The Williams and Okami, Y. and H. Umezawa. 1955 in
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type Okami, Y., R. Utahara, H. Oyagi, S.
strain: ATCC 3374 Makamura, H. Umezawa, K. Yanagisawa
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. and Y. Tsunematsu. Journal of Antibiot-
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of ics (Tokyo) Series A 8:126-131. Type
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. strain: ATCC 12770
S. prasinopilosus Ettlinger, Corbaz and Hutter Description: Hutter, R. 1967. Systematik
1958 der Streptomyceten unter besonderer
Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and R. Hutter. Berucksichtigung der von ihnen gebildeten
1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 31:326- Antibiotica. Bibl. Microbiol. Fasc. 6,5.
358. Type strain: ATCC 19799 Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland. pp. 262-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 288.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. pseudovenezuelae (Kuchaeva, Krassilnikov,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Taptykova and Gesheva 1961) Pridham
S. prasinosporus Tresner, Hayes and Backus 1970
1966 Kuchaeva, A.G., N.A. Krassilnikov, S.D.
Tresner, H., J.A. Hayes and E.J. Backus. Taptykova and R.L. Gesheva. 1961.
1966. International Journal of Systematic Izvestiya Na Mikrobiologicheskiya Insti-
Bacteriology 16:161 - 169. Type strain: tut, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Class
ATCC 17918 of Biological Sciences, Sofia 13:103-124;
Description: Tresner, H.,J.A. Hayes and Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the
E.J. Backus. 1966. Ibid. United States Department of Agriculture
S. prasinus Ettlinger, Corbaz and Hutter 1958 1424:l-55.Type strain: ATCC 23951
Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and R. Hutter. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 31:326- Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
358. Type strain: ATCC 19800 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Description: Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and S. pulveraceus Shibata, Higashide, Kanzaki,
R. Hutter. 1958. Ibid. Yamamoto and Nakazawa 1961
S. prunicolor (Ryabova and Preobrazhenskaya Shibata, M., E. Higashide, T. Kanzaki,
1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict H. Yamamoto and K. Nakazawa. 1961.
1958 Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 25:
Ryabova, I.D. and T.P. Preobrazhenskaya. 171-175. Type strain: ATCC 13875
1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhen- Description: Shibata, M.,E. Higashide, T.
skaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Kanzaki, H. Yamamoto and K. Naka-
Ryabova and M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems zawa. 1961. Ibid.
of classification of actinomycetes-antagon- S. puniceus Patelski 1951
ists. Government Publishing House of Patelski, R.A. 1951 in Routien, J.B. and
Medical Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. A. Hofmann. Antibiotics and Chemother-
1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine apy 1:387-389.Type strain: ATCC 19801
and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied Micro- Description: Hutter, R. 1963. Giornale di
biology 652-79. Type strain: ATCC Microbiologia 11:19 1-246.
25487 S. purpeofuscus Yamaguichi and Saburi 1955
Description: Shirling, E.B. anD D. Yamaguichi, T. and Y. Saburi. 1955.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Journal of General and Applied Microbi-
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-51 2. ology 1:201-235. Type strain: ATCC
S. psammoticus Virgilio and Hengeller 1960 23952
Virgilio, A. and C. Hengeller. 1960. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Farmaco, Edizione Scientifica 15:164-174. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Type strain: CBS 175.61 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. purpurascens Lindenbein 1952
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Lindenbein, W. 1952. Archiv fur Mikrobi-
Systematic Bacteriology 19391-512. ologie 17:361-383. Type strain: ATCC
S. pseudogriseolus Okami and Umezawa 1955 25489

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Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 21-36; Falcao de Morais, J.O., 0.

Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Goncalves de Lima and M.H. Dalia
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-512. Maia. 1957. Anais da Sociedade de
S. purpurogeneiscleroticus Pridham 1970 Biologia de Pernambuco 15:239-253. Type
Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the strain: ATCC 19803
United States Department of Agriculture Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
1424:l-55. Type strain: ATCC 19348 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of S. regensis Gupta, Sobti and Chopra 1963
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Gupta, K.C., R.R. Sobti and I.C. Chopra.
S. racemochromogenes Sugai 1956 1963. Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin 6:12-
Sugai, T. 1956. Journal of Antibiotics 16. Type strain: ATCC 27461
(Tokyo) Series B 9:170-179. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ATCC 23954 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. resistomycificus Lindenbein 1952
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Lindenbein, W. 1952. Archiv fur Mikrobi-
S. rameus Shibata 1959 ologie 17:361-383. Type strain: NRRL
Shibata, M. 1959. Journal of Antibiotics 2290
(Tokyo) Series B 12:398-400. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ATCC 21273 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shibata, M. 1959. Ibid. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
S. ramulosus Ettlinger, Gaumann, Hutter, Kell- S. rimosus Sobin, Finlay and Kane 1953
er-Schierlein, Kradolfer, Neipp, Prelog Sobin, B.A., A.C. Finlay and J.H. Kane.
and Zahner 1958 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A.
Ettlinger, L., E. Gaumann, R. Hutter, W. Lechevalier. Guide to the classification
Keller-Schierlein, F. Kradolfer, L. Neipp, and identification of the Actinomycetes
V. Prelog and H. Zahner. 1958. Helvetica and their antibiotics. The Williams and
Chimica Acta 41:216-219. Type strain: Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type
ATCC 19802 strain: NRRL 2234
Description: Ettlinger, L., E. Gaumann, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
R. Hutter, W. Keller-Schierlein, F. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Kradolfer, L. Neipp, V. Prelog and H. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Zahner. 1958. Ibid. S. rimosus subsp. paromomycinus Coffey, An-
S. rangoon (Erikson 1935) Pridham, Hesseltine derson, Fisher, Galbraith, Hillegas, Koh-
and Benedict 1958 berger, Thompson, Weston and Ehrlich
Erikson, D. 1935. Medical Research 1959
Council (Great Britain) Special Report Coffey, G.L., L.E. Anderson, M.W.
Series 203561; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Fisher, M.M. Galbraith, A.B. Hillegas,
Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. D.L. Kohberger, P.E. Thompson, K.S.
Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type Weston and J. Ehrlich. 1959. Antibiotics
strain: ATCC 6860 and Chemotherapy 9:730-738. Type
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. strain: NRRL 2455
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Description: Bergey 8.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-512. S. rimosus subsp. rimosus Sobin, Finlay and
S. recifensis (Goncalves de Lima, Machado, Kane 1953
Araujo, Falcao de Morais and Biermann Sobin, B.A., A.C. Finlay and J.H. Kane.
1955) Falcao de Morais, Goncalves de 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A.
Lima and Dalia Maia 1957 Lechevalier. Guide to the classification
Goncalves de Lima, O., M.P. Machado, and identification of the Actinomycetes
L. de A. Araujo, J.O. Falcao de Morais and their antibiotics. The Williams and
and H. Biermann. 1955. Anais da Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type
Sociedade de Biologia de Pernambuco 13: strain: NRRL 2234

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Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudri-
S. rishiriemis Kawaguchi, Tsukiura, Okanishi, na, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A.
Miyaki, Ohmori, Fujisawa and Koshiyama Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of
1965 actinomycetes-antagonists. Government
Kawaguchi, H., H. Tsukiura, M. Okan- Publishing House of Medical Literature
ishi, T. Miyaki, T. Ohmori, K. Fujisawa Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
and H. Koshiyama. 1965. Journal of T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A 18:1- 10. 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79.Type
Type strain: ATCC 14812 strain: ATCC 19921
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
S. rocbei Berger, Jampolsky and Goldberg 1953 S. roseolilacinus (Preobrazhenskaya and Svesh-
Berger, J., L.M. Jampolsky and M.W. nikova 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and
Goldberg. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and Benedict 1958
H.A. Lechevalier. Guide to the classifica- Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and M.A. Svesh-
tion and identification of the Actinomy- nikova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
cetes and their antibiotics. The Williams Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
Type strain: ATCC 10739 kova. Problems of classification of
Descriptioa: Shirling, E.B. and D. actinomycetes-antagonists. Government
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Publishing House of Medical Literature,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
S. roseiscleroticus Pridham 1970 T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79.Type
United States Department of Agriculture strain: ATCC 19922
1424:l-55.Type strain: ATCC 17755 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. S. roseolus (Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshnikova
S. roseodiastaticus (Duche 1934) Waksman 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict
1953 1958
Duche, J. 1934. Encyclopedie Mycolo- Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and M.A. Svesh-
gique 61-375; Waksman, S.A. 1953 in nikova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
Waksman, S.A. and H.A. Lechevalier. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
Guide to the classification and identifica- Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
tion of the actinomycetes and their kova. Problems of classification of actino-
antibiotics. The Williams and Wilkins mycetes-antagonists. Government
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type strain: Publishing House of Medical Literature,
CBS 102.34 Medgiz, Moscow, pp. 1-398; Pridham,
Description: Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
R. Hutter. 1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo- 1968. Applied Microbiology 652-79.Type
gie 31:326-358. strain: ATCC 23210
S. roseof'lavus Arai 1951 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Arai, T. 1951. Journal of Antibiotics Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
(Tokyo) Series A 4:215-221.Type strain: Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
NRRL B-2789 S. roseosporus Falcao de Morais and Dalia
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Maia 1961
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Falcao de Morais, J.O. and M.H. Dalia
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Maia. 1961. Revista do Instituto de
S. roseofdvus (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Prid- Antibioticos, Universidade do Recife 3:33-

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

60. Type strain: ATCC 23958 Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.

Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of kova. Problems of classification of actino-
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish-
S. roseoviolaceus (Sveshnikova 1957) Pridham, ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz,
Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 Moscow. pp. 1-398;Pridham, T.G., C.W.
Sveshnikova, M.A. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. strain: ATCC 19927
Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Publishing House of Medical Literature, Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, S. rutgersensis (Waksman and Curtis 1916)
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. Waksman and Henrici 1948
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79.Type Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916.
strain: ATCC 25493 Soil Science 1:99-134; Waksman, S.A.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
S. roseoviridis (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Prid- iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
ham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980.Type strain:
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze, ATCC 3350
G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudri- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
na, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of Systematic Bacteriology 1869-189.
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government S. rutgersensis subsp. custelurense Cercos 1954
Publishing House of Medical Literature, Cercos, A.P. 1954. Revista de Investiga-
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, ciones Agricolas 8:263-283. Type strain:
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. ATCC 15191
1958. Applied Microbiology 632-79.Type Description: Bergey 8.
strain: ATCC 23959 S. rutgersensis subsp. rutgersensis (Wa ksman
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. and Curtis 1916) Waksman and Henrici
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of 1948
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916.
S. rubiginosohelvolus (Kudrina 1957) Pridham, Soil Science k99-134; Waksman, S.A.
Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F.,T.P. E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni- iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
kova. Problems of classification of actino- Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980.Type strain:
mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish- ATCC 3350
ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Moscow. pp. 1-398;Pridham, T.G., C.W. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type S. sampsonii (Millard and Burr 1926) Waks-
strain: ATCC 19926 man 1953
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Millard, W.A. and S. Burr. 1926. Annals
Gottlieb. 1968. of Applied Biology 13:580-644;Waksman,
S. rubiginosus (Preobrazhenskaya, Blinov and S.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A.
Ryabova 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Lechevalier. Guide to the classification
Benedict 1958 and identification of the actinomycetes
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.O.Blinov and and their antibiotics. The Williams and
I.D. Ryabova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type

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strain: ATCC 25495 Henrici 1948

Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Brumpt, E. 1906. Archives de Parasitolo-
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal - of gie 10:489-527; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
S. sclerotialus Pridham 1970 Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
United States Department of Agriculture 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
1424:l-55. Type strain: ATCC 15721 Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ATCC 33201
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Description: Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Henrici. 1948. Ibid.
S. setonii (Millard and Burr 1926) Waksman S. sparsogenes Owen, Dietz and Camiener 1963
1953 Owen, S.P., A. Dietz and G.W. Camien-
Millard, W.A. and S. Burr. 1926. Annals er. 1963. Antimicrobial Agents and
of Applied Biology 13580-644; Waksman, Chemotherapy 1962:772-779. Type strain:
S.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A. NRRL 2940
Lechevalier. Guide to the classification Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
and identification of the actinomycetes Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
and their antibiotics. The Williams and Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type S. spectabilis Mason, Dietz and Smith 1961
strain: ATCC 25497 Mason, D.J., A. Dietz and R.M. Smith.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1961. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 11:
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 118-122. Type strain: NRRL 2494
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. sbowdoensis Nishimura, Mayama, Komatsu, Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Kato, Shimaoka and Tanaka 1964 Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Nishimura, H., M. Mayama, Y. Komatsu, S. spberoides Wallick, Harris, Reagan, Ruger
H. Kato, N. Shimaoka and Y. Tanaka. and Woodruff 1956
1964. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Wallick, H., D.A. Harris, M.A. Reagan,
Series A 17:148-155. Type strain: ATCC M. Ruger and H.B. Woodruff. 1956.
15105 Antibiotics Annual 1955-56:909-917. Type
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. strain: NRRL 2449
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-3 94. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. sindenensis Nakazawa and Fujii 1957 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Nakazawa, K. and S. Fujii. 1957. Annual S. spiroverticillatus Shinobu 1958
Report Takeda Research Labcratory 16: Shinobu, R. 1958. Botanical Magazine
109-1 10. Type strain: ATCC 23963 (Tokyo) 71:87-93. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1981 1
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
S. sioyaensis Nishimura, Okamoto, Mayama, Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
Ohtsuka, Nakajima, Tawara, Shimohira S. subrutilus Arai, Kuroda, Yamagishi and
and Shimaoka 1961 Katoh 1964
Nishimura, H., S. Okamoto, M. Mayama, Arai, T., S. Kuroda, S. Yamagishi and Y.
H. Ohtsuka, K. Nakajima, K. Tawara, Katoh. 1964. Journal of Antibiotics
M. Shimohira and N. Shimaoka. 1961. (Tokyo) Series A 17:23-28. Type strain:
Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A ATCC 27467
14:255-263. Type strain: ATCC 13989 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. S. sulpbureus (Gasperini 1894) Waksman 1953
S. somaliensis (Brumpt 1906) Waksman and Gasperini, G. 1894. Processi verbali della

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Societa Toscana di Scienze naturali di Type strain: ATCC 23385
Pisa 9:64-89; Waksman, S.A. 1953 in Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Waksman, S.A. and H.A. Lechevalier. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Guide to the classification and identifica- Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
tion of the actinomycetes and their S. tbermoviolaceus Henssen 1957
antibiotics. The Williams and Wilkins Henssen, A. 1957. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type strain: gie 26:373-414. Type strain: ATCC 19283
ATCC 27468 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. S. tbermoviolaceus subsp. apingens Henssen
S. tanasbiensis Hata, Ohki and Higuchi 1952 1957
Hata, T., N. Ohki and T. Higuchi. 1952. Henssen, A. 1957. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A gie 26:373-414. Type strain: ATCC 19994
5529-534. Type strain: ATCC 23967 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. thermoviolaceus subsp. thermoviolaceus
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Henssen 1957
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Henssen, A. 1957. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
S. tendae Ettlinger, Corbaz and Hutter 1958 gie 26:373-414. Type strain: ATCC 19283
Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and R. Hutter. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 31:326- Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
358. Type strain: ATCC 19812 Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Description: Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and S. thermovulgaris Henssen 1957
R. Hutter. 1958. Ibid. Henssen, A. 1957. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
S. termitum Duche, Heim and Laboureur 1951 gie 26373-414. Type strain: ATCC 19284
Duche, J., R. Heim and P. Laboureur. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
1951 in Heim, R. Bulletin de la Societe Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Mycologique France 67:359-364. Type Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12.
strain: ATCC 25499 S. torulosus Lyons and Pridham 1971
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Lyons, A.J. and T.G. Pridham. 1971.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Applied Microbiology 22: 190- 193. Type
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. strain: NRRL B-3889
S. tbermodiastaticus (Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Description: Lyons, A.J. and T.G. Prid-
Hammer and Huntoon 1923) Waksman ham. 1971. Ibid.
1953 S. toxytricini (Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshniko-
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, va 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Bened-
B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923. ict 1958
Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacter- Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and M.A.
iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins Sveshnikova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442; Waksman, S.A. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
Lechevalier. Guide to the classification kova. Problems of classification of actino-
and identification of the actinomycetes mycetes-antagonists. Government Publish-
and their antibiotics. The Williams and ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz,
Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W.
strain: ATCC 27472 Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of strain: ATCC 19813
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. tbermonitrificans Desai and Dhala 1967 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Desai, A.J. and S.A. Dhala. 1967. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of S. tricolor (Wollenweber 1920) Waksman 196 1
Microbiology and Serology 33:137- 144. Wollenweber, H.W. 1920. Arbeiten des

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Forschungsinstitutes fur Kartoffelbau, strain: ATCC 19930
Verlagsbuchandlung Paul Parey, Berlin, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
No. 2, pp. 1-102; Waksman, S.A. 1961. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
The Actinomycetes. Vol. 2. Classification, Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
identification and descriptions of genera S. varsoviensis Kurylowicz and Woznicka 1967
and species. The Williams and Wilkins Kurylowicz, W. and W. Woznicka. 1967.
Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-363. Type strain: Medycyna Doswiadczalna i Mikrobiologia
CBS 103.21 19:l-9.Type strain: ATCC 25505
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. tubercidicus Nakamura 1961 Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Nakamura, G. 1961. Journal of Antibiot- Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
ics (Tokyo) Series A 14:90-93. Type S, vastus Szabo and Marton 1958
strain: ATCC 25502 Szabo, I. and M. Marton. 1958. Agrok-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. emia es Talajtan 7:243-262.Type strain:
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of ATCC 25506
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. tuim Albert and Malaquias de Querioz Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
1963 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
Albert, C.A. and V.M. Malaquias de S. venezuelae Ehrlich, Gottlieb, Burkholder,
Querioz. 1963. Revista do Instituto de Anderson and Pridham 1948
Antibioticos, Universidade do Recife 543- Ehrlich, J., D. Gottlieb, P.R. Burkholder,
51. Type strain: ATCC 19007 L.E. Anderson and T.G. Pridham. 1948.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Journal of Bacteriology 56467-477.Type
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of strain: NRRL 2277
Systematic Bacteriology 22265-394. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. umbrinus (Sveshnikova 1957) Pridham, Hes- Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
seltine and Benedict 1958 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
Sveshnikova, M.A. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., S. vinaceus Jones 1952
T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, Jones, K.L. 1952. Papers from the
N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and
Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of Letters 37:47-48. Type strain: NRRL
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government 2382
Publishing House of Medical Literature, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79.Type S. vinaceusdrappus Pridham, Hesseltine and
strain: ATCC 19929 Benedict 1958
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6:
Systematic Bacteriology 19391-512. 52-79. Type strain:. NRRL 2363
S. variabilis (Preobrazhenskaya, Ryabova and Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Blinov 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Gottlieb. 1969.* International Journal of
Benedict 1958 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., I.D. Ryabova and S. violaceochromogenes (Ryabova and Preobra-
N.O. Blinov. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. zhenskaya 1957) Pridham 1970
Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Ryabova, I.D. and T.P. Preobrazhenskaya.
Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni- 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhen-
kova. Problems of classification of actino- skaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D.
rnycetes-antagonists. Government Publish- Ryabova and M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems
ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz, of classification of actinomycetes-antagon-
Moscow. pp. 1-398;Pridham, T.G., C.W. ists. Government Publishing House of
Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Medical Literature, Medgiz, Moscow, pp.
Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type 1-398; Pridham, T.G. 1970. Bulletin of

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the United States Department of 1970. Bulletin of the United States

Agriculture 1424:l-55. Type strain: Department of agriculture 1424:1-55.
ATCC 19932 Type strain: ATCC 14980
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-512. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
S. violaceolatus (Krassilnikov, Sorokina, Alfero- S. violaceus (Rossi Doria 1891) Waksman 1953
va and Bezzubenkova 1965) Pridham Rossi Doria, T. 1891. Annali dell’ Istituto
1970 d’Igiene Sperimentale della Rendiconti
Krassilnikov, N.A., E.J. Sorokina, V.A. Universita di Roma 1:399-438; Waksman,
Alferova and A.P. Bezzubenkova. 1965 in S.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A.
Krassilnikov, N.A. (ed). Biology of Lechevalier. Guide to the classification
selected groups of actinomycetes (in and identification of the actinomycetes
Russian). Institute of Microbiology, Acad- and their antibiotics. The Williams and
emy of Science, Publishing Firm ‘Nauka‘, Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type
Moscow, USSR. pp. 1-372; Pridham, T.G. strain: ATCC 15888
1970. Bulletin of the United States Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55. Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Type strain: ATCC 19847 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. violarus (Artamonova and Krassilnikov 1960)
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Pridham 1970
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. Artamonova, 0.1. and N.A. Krassilnikov.
S. violaceoniger (Waksman and Curtis 1916) 1960 in Rautenshtein, Ya. I. Transactions
Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958 of the Institute of Microbiology, Academy
Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Curtis. 1916. of Science USSR 8:l-344; Pridham, T.G.
Soil Science 1:99-134; Pridham, T.G., 1970. Bulletin of the United States
C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Department of Agriculture 1424:1-55.
Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type Type strain: ATCC 15891
strain: NRRL B-1476 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. S. violascens (Preobrazhenskaya and Sveshniko-
S. violaceorectus (Ryabova and Preobrazhen- va 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and Bened-
skaya 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and ict 1958
Benedict 1958 Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. and M.A. Svesh-
Ryabova, I.D. and T.P. Preobrazhenskaya. nikova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhen- Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
skaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A.
Ryabova and M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of
of classification of actinomycetes-antagon- actinomycetes-antagonists. Government
ists. Government Publishing House of Publishing House of Medical Literature,
Medical Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
Microbiology 652-79. Type strain: ATCC strain: ATCC 23968
25514 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. S. violatus (Artamonova and Krassilnikov 1960)
S. violaceoruber (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Pridham 1970
Pridham 1970 Artamonova, 0.1. and N.A. Krassilnikov.
Waksman, S.A. and R.E. Cutris. 1916. 1960 in Rautenshtein, Ya. I. Transactions
Soil Science 1:99-134; Pridham, T.G. of the Institute of Microbiology, Academy

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of Science USSR 8:l-344; Pridham, T.G. 1955. Giornale di Microbiologia 1:127-

1970. Bulletin of the United States 143; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and
Department of Agriculture 1424:1 45. R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiolo-
Type strain: ATCC 15892 gy 652-79. Type strain: ATCC 25518
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512.
S. virginiae Grundy, Whitman, Rdzok, Rdzok, S. viridosporus Pridham, Hesseltine and Bened-
Hanes and Sylvester 1952 ict 1958
Grundy, W.E., A.L. Whitman, E.G. Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G.
Rdzok, E.J. Rdzok, M.E. Hanes and J.C. Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6:
Sylvester. 1952. Antibiotics and Chemoth- 52-79. Type strain: NRRL 2414
erapy 2:399-408. Type strain: ATCC Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
19817 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. werraensis Wallhausser, Huber, Nesemann,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Prave and Zepf 1964
S. viridiviolaceus (Ryabova and Preobrazhen- Wallhausser, K.H., G. Huber, G. Nesem-
skaya 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and a m , P. Prave and K. Zepf. 1964.
Benedict 1958 Arzneimittel Forschung 14:356- 360. Type
Ryabova, I.D. and T.P. Preobrazhenskaya. strain: ATCC 14424
1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P. Preobrazhen- Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
skaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Ryabova and M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
of classification of actinomycetes-antagon- S. willmorei (Erikson 1935) Waksman and
ists. Government Publishing House of Henrici 1948
Medical Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. Erikson, D. 1935. Medical Research
1-398; Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine Council (Great Britain) Special Report
and R.G. Benedict. 1958. Applied Series 203561; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Microbiology 652-79. Type strain: ATCC Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
27478 Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
S. viridochromogenes (Krainsky 1914) Waks- ATCC 6867
man and Henrici 1948 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Systematic Bacteriology 22: 265-394.
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. S. xanthochromogenes Arishima, Sakamoto and
41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Sat0 1956
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Arishima, M., J.M. Sakamoto and T.
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Sato. 1956. Journal of the Agricultural
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Chemical Society of Japan 30:469-47 1.
6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Type strain: ATCC 19818
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ATCC 14920 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of S. xanthocidicus Asahi, Nagatsu and Suzuki
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. 1966
S. viridodiastaticus (Baldacci, Grein and Spalla Asahi, K., J. Nagatsu and S. Suzuki.
1955) Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1966. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo)
1958 Series A 19:195-199. Type strain: ATCC
Baldacci, E., A. Grein and C. Spalla. 27480

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Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 405-409. Type strain: KCC A-2006

Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Description: Bergey 8.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. S. cormgaturn Williams and Sharples 1976
S. xantboliticus (Konev and Tsyganov 1962) Williams, S.T. and G.P. Sharples. 1976.
Pridham 1970 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Konev, I.E. and V.A. Tsyganov. 1962. teriology 26:45-52. Type strain: ATCC
Mikrobiologiya 31: 1023-1028; Pridham, 2933 1
T.G. 1970. Bulletin of the United States Description: Williams, S.T. and G.P.
Department of Agriculture 1424:l-55. Sharples. 1976. Ibid.
Type strain: ATCC 27481 S. indianesis Gupta 1965
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gupta, K.C. 1965. Journal of Antibiotics
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of (Tokyo) Series A 18:125-127. Type strain:
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. KCC A-0053
S. xantbopbaeus Lindenbein 1952 Description: Gupta, K.C. 1965. Ibid.
Lindenbein, W. 1952. Archiv fur Mikrobi- S. longisporum Schafer 1969
ologie 17361-383. Type strain: ATCC Schafer, D. 1969. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
19819 gie 66365-373. Type strain: ATCC 25212
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Bergey 8.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. nondiastaticum Nonomura and Ohara 1969
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1969.
S. yokosukanensis Nakamura 1961 Journal of Fermentation Technology 47:
Nakamura, G. 1961. Journal of Antibiot- 701-709. Type strain: ATCC 27101
ics (Tokyo) Series A 14:94-97. Type Description: Bergey 8.
strain: ATCC 25520 S. pseudovulgare Nonomura and Ohara 1969
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1969.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Journal of Fermentation Technology 47:
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. 701-709. Type strain: ATCC 27100
S. zaomyceticus Hinuma 1954 Description: Bergey 8.
Hinuma, Y. 1954. Journal of Antibiotics S. coseum Couch 1955
(Tokyo) Series A 7:134-136. Type strain: Couch, J.N. 1955. Journal of the Elisha
ATCC 27482 Mitchell Scientific Society 71: 148-155.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Type strain: ATCC 12428
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Description: Bergey 8.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. S. violaceocbromogenes Kawamoto, Takasawa,
Okachi, Kohakura, Takahashi and Nara
Streptosporangium Couch 1955 1975
Couch, J.N. 1955. Journal of the Elisha Kawamoto, I., S. Takasawa, R. Okachi,
Mitchell Scientific Society 71:148-155. M. Kohakura, I. Takahashi and T. Nara.
Type species: S. roseurn Couch 1955 1975. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) 28:
Description: Bergey 8. 358-365. Type strain: ATCC 21807
S. albidum Furumai, Ogawa and Okuda 1968 Description: Kawamoto, I., S. Takasawa,
Furumai, T., H. Ogawa and T. Okuda. R. Okachi, M. Kohakura, I. Takahashi
1968. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) 21: and T. Nara. 1975. Ibid.
179-18 1. Type strain: ATCC 25243 S. viridialbum Nonomura and Ohara 1960
Description: Bergey 8. Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1960.
S. album Nonomura and Ohara 1960 Journal of Fermentation Technology 38:
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1960. 405-409. Type strain: KCC A-027
Journal of Fermentation Technology 38: Description: Bergey 8.
405-409. Type strain: DSM 43023 S. viridogriseum Okuda, Furumai, Watanabe,
Description: Bergey 8. Okugawa and Kimura 1966
S. ametbystogenes Nonomura and Ohara 1960 Okuda, T., T. Furumai, E. Watanabe, Y.
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1960. Okugawa and S. Kimura. 1966. Journal
Journal of Fermentation Technology 38: of Antibiotics (Tokyo) 19:121- 127. Type

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strain: ATCC 25242 17:l-60. Type strain: NRRL 2401

Description: Bergey 8. Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B.
S. viridogriseum subsp. kofuense Nonomura and Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid.
Ohara 1969 S. ardum (De Boer, Dietz, Lummis and Savage
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1969. 1961) Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini
Journal of Fermentation Technology 47: Baldan 1969
701-709. Type strain: ATCC 27102 De Boer, C., A. Dietz, N.E. Lummis and
Description: Bergey 8. G.M. Savage. 1961. Antimicrobial Agents
S. viridogriseum subsp. viridogriseum Okuda, Annual pp. 17-22; Locci, R., E. Baldacci
Furumai, Watanabe, Okugawa and Kimu- and B. Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di
ra 1966 Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type strain:
Okuda, T., T. Furumai, E. Watanabe, Y. NRRL 2817
Okugawa and S. Kimura. 1966. Journal Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B.
of Antibiotics (Tokyo) 19:121-127. Type Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid.
strain: ATCC 25242 S. aureoversales Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini
Description: Bergey 8. Baldan 1969
S. vulgare Nonomura and Ohara 1960 Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1960. Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Microbiologia
Journal of Fermentation Technology 38: 17:l-60. Type strain: ATCC 15853
405-409. Type strair KCC A-0028 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Bergey 8. Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Streptoverticillium Baldacci 1958 S. baldaccii Farina and Locci 1966
Baldacci, E. 1958. Giornale di Farina, G. and R. Locci. 1966. Giornale
Microbiologia 6: 10-27. Type species: S. di Microbiologia 14:33-52. Type strain:
baldaccii Farina and Locci 1966 ATCC 23654
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Farina, G. and R. Locci.
S. abikoense (Umezawa, Tazaki and Fukuyama 1966. Ibid.
1951) Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini S. biverticillatum (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Fari-
Baldan 1969 na and Locci 1966
Umezawa, H., T. Tazaki and S. Fukuya- Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze,
ma. 1951. Japariise Medical Journal 4: G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudri-
331-346; Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. na, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A.
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Sveshnikova. Problems in the classification
Microbiologia 17:l-60, Type strain: of actinomycetes-antagonists. Publishing
ATCC 12766 House of Medical Literature, Medgiz,
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Moscow. pp. 1-398; Farina, G. and R.
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid. Locci. 1966. Giornale di Microbiologia
S. albireticuli (Nakazawa 1955) Locci, Baldacci 14:33-52. Type strain: ATCC 23615
and Petrolini Baldan 1969 Description: Shiriing, E.B. and D.
Nakazawa, K. 1955. Journal of the Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
29:647-649; Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. S. blastmyceticum (Watanabe, Tanaka, Fuku-
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di hara, Miyairi, Yonehara and Umezawa
Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type strain: 1957) Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini
ATCC 19721 Baldan 1969
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Watanabe, K., T. Tanaka, K. Fukuhara,
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of N. Miyairi, H. Yonehara and H.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Umezawa. 1957. Journal of Antibiotics
S. album Lucci, Baldacci and Petrolini Baldan (Tokyo) Series A 10:39-45; Locci, R., E.
1969 Baldacci and B. Petrolini Baldan. 1969.
Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini Giornale di Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type
Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Microbiologia strain: ATCC 19731

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Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 17:l-60. Type strain: NRRL 2886

Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid.
S. cinnamoneum (Benedict, Dvonch, Shotwell, S. ehimense (Shibata, Honjo, Tokui and Naka-
Pridham and Lindenfelser 1952) Baldacci, zawa 1954) Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini
Farina and Locci 1966 Baldan 1969
Benedict, R.G., W. Dvonch, O.L. Shibata, M., M. Honjo, Y. Tokui and N.
Shotwell, T.G. Pridham and L.A. Linden- Nakazawa. 1954. Journal of Antibiotics
felser. 1952. Antibiotics and Chemothera- (Tokyo) Series B 7:168; Locci, R., E.
py 2:591-594; Baldacci, E., G. Farina and Baldacci and B. Petrolini Baldan. 1969.
R. Locci. 1966. Giornale di Microbiologia Giornale di Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type
14:153-171. Type strain: NRRL B- 1285 strain: ATCC 23903
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. S. eurocidicum (Okami, Utahara, Nakamura
S. cinnamoneum subsp. albosporum Thirumala- and Umezawa 1954) Locci, Baldacci and
char 1968 Petrolini Baldan 1969
Thirumalachar, M.J. 1968 in Rahalkar, Okami, Y., R. Utahara, S. Nakamura
P. W. and M.J. Thirumalachar. Hindustan and H. Umezawa. 1954. Journal of
Antibiotics Bulletin 11:90-96. Type strain: Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A 7:98- 103;
ATCC 25186 Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Microbiologia
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di 17:l-60. Type strain: ATCC 27428
Microbiologia 17:1-60. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. cinnamoneum subsp. cinnamoneum Baldacci Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
and Locci 1974 Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Baldacci, E. and R. Locci. 1974. Bergey S. fervens (De Boer, Dietz, Evans and Michaels
8. Type strain: NRRL B-1285 1960) Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Baldan 1969
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of De Boer, C., A. Dietz, J.S. Evans and
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. R.M. Michaels. 1960. Antibiotics Annual
S. cinnamoneum subsp. lanosum Thirumalachar pp. 220-226; Locci, R., E. Baldacci and
1968 B. Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di
Thirumalachar, M.J. 1968 in Rahalkar, Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type strain:
P.W. and M.J. Thirumalachar. Hindustan NRRL 2755
Antibiotics Bulletin 11:90-96. Type strain: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
ATCC 25187 Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Systematic Bacteriology 22: 26 5- 394.
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di S. fervens subsp. fervens Baldacci and Locci
Microbiologia 17:1-60. 1974
S. cinnamoneum subsp. sparsum Thirumalachar Baldacci, E. and R. Locci. 1974. Bergey
1968 8. Type strain: NRRL 2755
Thirumalachar, M.J. 1968 in Rahalkar, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
P.W. and M.J. Thirumalachar. Hindustan Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Antibiotics Bulletin 11:90-96. Type strain: Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
ATCC 25185 S. fervens subsp. melrosporus Mason, Lummis
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. and Dietz 1965
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Mason, D.J., W.L. Lummis and A. Dietz.
Microbiologie 17:1-60. 1965. Antimicrobial Agents and Che-
S. distallicum Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini motherapy 1964:1 10- 1 13. Type strain:
Baldan 1969 NRRL 3117
Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B.
Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Microbiologia Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Microbiologia 17:1-60. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. flavopersicum (Oliver, Goldstein, Bower, Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Holper and Otto 1961) Locci, Baldacci Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189.
and Petrolini Baldan 1969 S. kasbmirense (Gupta and Chopra 1963)
Oliver, T.J., A. Goldstein, R.R. Bower, Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini Baldan 1969
J.C. Holper and R.H. Otto. 1961. Gupta, K.C. and I.C. Chopra. 1963.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin 5: 1 10-1 12;
1960:495-502; Locci, R., E. Baldacci and Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini
B. Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Microbiologia
Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type strain: 17:l-60. Type strain: ATCC 27439
NRRL 2820 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
S. griseocarneum (Benedict, Stodola, Shotwell, S. kentuckense (Barr and Carman 1956)
Borud and Lindenfelser 1950) Baldacci, Baldacci, Farina and Locci 1966
Farina and Locci 1966 Barr, F.S. and P.E. Carman. 1956.
Benedict, R.G., F.H. Stodola, O.L. Antibiotics and Chernotherapy 6:286-289;
Shotwell, A.M. Borud and L.A. Linden- Baldacci, E., G. Farina and R. Locci.
felser. 1950. Science (Washington) 112: 1966. Giornale di Microbiologia 14:153-
77-78; Baldacci, E., G. Farina and R. 171. Type strain: ATCC 12691
Locci. 1966. Giornale di Microbiologia Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
14:153- 17 1. Type strain: NRRL B- 1068 Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of S. kishiwadense (Shinobu and Kayamura 1964)
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Locci, 'Baldacci and Petrolini Baldan 1969
S. griseoverticillatum (Shinobu and Shimada Shinobu, R. and Y. Kayamura. 1964.
1962) Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) 77: 176- 180;
Baldan 1969 Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini
Shinobu, R. and Y. Shimada. 1962. Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Microbiologia
Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) 75: 170- 175; 17:l-60. Type strain: ATCC 25464
Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B.
Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Microbiologia Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid.
17:1-60. Type strain: ATCC 27436 S. ladakanum Hanka, Evans, Mason and Dietz
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1966
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Hanka, L.J., J.S. Evans, D.J. Mason and
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. A. Dietz. 1967. Antimicrobial Agents and
S. hachijoense (Hosoya, Komatsu, Soeda and Chemotherapy 1966619-624. Type strain:
Sonoda 1952) Locci, Baldacci and Petroli- NRRL 3191
ni Baldan i969 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Hosoya, S., N. Komatsu, M. Soeda and Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Y. Sonoda. 1952. Japanese Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Experimental Medicine 22505-509; Locci, S. lavendulipiseum Locci, Baldacci and Petroli-
R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini Baldan. ni Baldan 1969
1969. Giornale di Microbiologia 17:1-60. Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini
Type strain: ATCC 19769 Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Microbiologia
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. 171-60. Type strain: ATCC 13306
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid. Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B.
S. hirosbimense (Shinobu 1955) Farina and Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid.
Locci 1966 S. lilacinum (Nakazawa, Tanabe, Shibata, Mi-
Shinobu, R. 1955. Seibutsugakkaishi 6:43- yake and Takewaka 1956) Locci, Baldacci
46; Farina, G. and R. Locci. 1966. and Petrolini Baldan 1969
Giornale di Microbiologia 14:33-52. Type Nakazawa, K., K. Tanabe, M. Shibata,
strain: ATCC 19772 A. Miyake and T. Takewaka. 1956.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series B 9: Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
81; Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di S. olivoreticulum (Arai, Nakada and Suzuki
Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type strain: 1957) Baldacci, Farina and Locci 1966
ATCC 23930 Arai, M., T. Nakada and M. Suzuki.
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. 1957. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 7:
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid. 435-442; Baldacci, E., G. Farina and R.
S. luteoverticillatum (Shinobu 1956) Locci, Locci. 1966. Giornale di Microbiologia
Baldacci and Petrolini Baldan 1969 14:153-171. Type strain: ATCC 23943
Shinobu, R. 1956. Memoirs of the Osaka Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
University of the Liberal Arts and Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Education B 5:84-93; Locci, R., E. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Baldacci and B. Petrolini Baldan. 1969. S. olivoverticillatum (Shinobu 1956) Baldacci,
Giornale di Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type Farina and Locci 1966
strain: ATCC 23933 Shinobu, R. 1956. Memoirs of the Osaka
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. University of the Liberal Arts and
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid. Education B 534-93; Baldacci, E., G.
S. masbuense (Sawazaki, Suzuki, Nakamura, Farina and R. Locci. 1966. Giornale di
Kawasaki, Yamashita, Isono, Anzai, Seri- Microbiologia 14:153-171. Type strain:
zawa and Sekiyama 1955) Locci, Baldacci NRRL B-1994
and Petrolini Baldan 1969 Description: Baldacci, E., G. Farina and
Sawazaki, T., S. Suzuki, G. Nakamura, R. Locci. 1966. Ibid.
M. Kawasaki, S. Yamashita, K. Isono, K. S. orinoci Cassinelli, Grein, Orezzi, Pennella
Anzai, Y. Serizawa and Y. Sekiyama. and Sanfilippo 1967
1955. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Cassinelli, G., A. Grein, P. Orezzi, P.
Series A 8:44-47; Locci, R., E. Baldacci Pennella and A. Sanfilippo. 1967. Archiv
and B. Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di fur Mikrobiologie 55:358-368. Type strain:
Microbiologia 17:l-60. Type strain: ATCC 23202
ATCC 23934 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid. Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
S. mobaraense (Nagatsu and Suzuki 1963) S. parvisporogenum Locci, Baldacci and Petroli-
Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini Baldan 1969 ni Baldan 1969
Nagatsu, J. and S. Suzuki. 1963 in Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini
Tamura, S., N. Takahashi, S. Miyamoto, Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Microbiologia
R. Mori, S. Suzuki and J. Nagatsu. 1963. 17:l-60. Type strain: ATCC 12568
Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 27: Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
576-582; Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394.
Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type strain: S. rectiverticillatum (Krassilnikov and Yuan
ATCC 29032 1965) Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Baldan 1969
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid. Krassilnikov, N.A. and T. Yuan. 1965 in
S. netropsis (Finlay, Hochstein, Sobin and Krassilnikov, N.A. (ed). Biology of
Murphy 1951) Baldacci, Farina and Locci individual groups of Actinomycetes (in
1966 Russian). Institute of Microbiology, Acad-
Finlay, A.C., F.A. Hochstein, B.A. Sobin emy of Science, Publishing Firm 'Nauka',
and F.X. Murphy. 1951. Journal of the Moscow, USSR. pp. 28-57; Locci, R., E.
American Chemical Society 73:34 1-343; Baldacci and B. Petrolini Baldan. 1969.
Baldacci, E., G. Farina and R. Locci. Giornale di Microbiologia 17:1-60. Type
1966. Giornale di Microbiologia 14: 153- strain: ATCC 19845
171. Type strain: NRRL 2268 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-512. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
S. roseoverticillaturn (Shinobu 1956) Farina and Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Locci 1966 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Shinobu, R. 1956. Memoirs of the Osaka Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1 - 156.
University of the Liberal Arts and
Education B 584-93; Farina, G. and R. Succinivibrio Bryant and Small 1956
Locci. 1966. Giornale di Microbiologia Bryant, M.P. and N. Small. 1956.
14:33-52.Type strain: ATCC 19807 Journal of Bacteriology 72:22-26.Type
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. species: S. dextrinosolvens Bryant and
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Small 1956
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69-189. Description: Bergey 8.
S. salmonis (Baldacci, Farina and Locci 1966) S. dextrinosolvens Bryant and Small 1956
Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini Baldan 1969 Bryant, M.P. and N. Small. 1956.
Baldacci, E., G. Farina and R. Locci. Journal of Bacteriology 7222-26. Type
1966. Giornale di Microbiologia 14:153- strain: ATCC 19716
171; Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Giornale di and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Microbiologia 17:l-60. Type strain: Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
NRRL B-1472 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 1 56.
Petrolini Baldan. 1969. Ibid.
S. septatum Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini Sulfolobus Brock, Brock, Belly and Weiss 1972
Baldan 1969 Brock, T.D., K.M.Brock, R.T. Belly and
Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini R.L. Weiss. 1972. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Baldan. 1969. Gionale di Microbiologia gie 8454-68. Type species: S. acidocal-
171-60.Type strain: NRRL 2974 darius Brock, Brock, Belly and Weiss
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. 1972
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Description: Brock, T.D., K.M. Brock,
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. R.T.Belly and R.L. Weiss. 1972. Ibid.
S. thioluteum (Okami 1952) Baldacci, Farina S. acidocaldarius Brock, Brock, Belly and Weiss
and Locci 1966 1972
Okami, Y. 1952. Doctoral Dissertation, Brock, T.D., K.M. Brock, R.T. Belly and
Hokkaido University; Baldacci, E., G. R.L. Weiss. 1972. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Farina and R. Locci. 1966. Giornale di gie 8454-68.Type strain: DSM 639
Microbiologia 14:1 53-171. Type strain: Description: Brock, T.D., K.M. Brock,
CBS 642.72 R.T. Belly and R.L. Weiss. 1972. Ibid.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Symbiotes Philip 1956
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Philip, C.B. 1956. Canadian Journal of
Microbiology 2:261-270.Type species: S.
Succinimonas Bryant, Small, Bouma and Chu lectularius (Arkwright, Atkin and Bacot
1958 1921) Philip 1956
Bryant, M.P., N. Small, C. Bouma and Description: Bergey 8.
H. Chu. 1958. Journal of Bacteriology 76: S. lectularius (Arkwright, Atkin and Bacot
15-23. Type species: S. amylolytica 1921) Philip 1956
Bryant, Small, Bouma and Chu 1958 Arkwright, J.A., E.E. Atkin and A.
Description: Bergey 8. Bacot. 1921. Parasitology 13:27-36;
S. amylolytica Bryant, Small, Bouma and Chu Philip, C.B. 1956. Canadian Journal of
1958 MicrobioIogy 2:261-270.Type strain: no
Bryant, M.P., N. Small, C. Bouma and culture isolated.
H. Chu. 1958. Journal of Bacteriology 76: Description: Bergey 8.
15-23.Type strain: ATCC 19206
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 TBermoactinomyces Tsiklinsky 1899

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Tsiklinsky, P. 1899. Annales de 1’Institut International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Pasteur (Paris) 13500-505. Type species: teriology 26:220-225. Type strain: ATCC
T. vulgaris Tsiklinsky 1899 2903 3
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Phillips Jr., W.E. and J.J.
T. candidus Kurup, Barboriak, Fink and Leche- Perry. 1976. Ibid.
valier 1975 T. roseum Jackson, Ramaley and Meinschein
Kurup, V.P., J.J. Barboriak, J.N. Fink 1973
and M.P. Lechevalier. 1975. International Jackson, T.J., R.F. Ramaley and W.G.
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 25: Meinschein. 1973. International Journal
150-154. Type strain: ATCC 27868 of Systematic Bacteriology 23:28-36. Type
Description: Kurup, V.P., J.J. Barboriak, strain: ATCC 27502
J.N. Fink and M.P. Lechevalier. 1975. Description: Jackson, T.J., R.F. Ramaley
I bid. and W.G. Meinschein. 1973. Ibid.
T. dichotomica (Krassilnikov and Agre 1964)
Cross and Goodfellow 1973 Thermomonospora Henssen 1957
Krassilnikov, N.A. and N.S. Agre. 1964. Henssen, A. 1957. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Mikrobiologiya 33:935-943; Cross, T. and gie 26:373-414. Type species: T. curvata
M. Goodfellow. 1973 in Sykes, G. and Henssen 1957
F.A. Skinner (eds). Actinomycetales, Description: Bergey 8.
characteristics and practical importance. T. alba (Locci, Baldacci and Petrolini Baldan
Academic Press, London. pp. 1 1- 1 12. 1967) Cross and Goodfellow 1973
Type strain: strain 114 (Department Soil Locci, R., E. Baldacci and B. Petrolini
Biology, Moscow University) Baldan. 1967. Giornale di Microbiologia
Description: Krassilnikov, N.A. and N.S. 15:79-91; Cross, T. and M. Goodfellow.
Agre. 1964. Ibid. 1973 in Sykes, G. and F.A. Skinner.
T. peptonophilus Nonomura and Ohara 1971 Act inomyceta les, character istics and pra c-
Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971. tical importance. Academic Press.
Journal of Fermentation Technology 49: London. pp. 11-1 12. Type strain: IPV
895-903. Type strain: ATCC 27302 1900
Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. Description: Cross, T. and M. Goodfellow.
1971. Ibid. 1973. Ibid.
T. sacchari Lacey 1971 T. curvata Henssen 1957
Lacey, J. 1971. Journal of General Henssen, A. 1957. Archiv fur Mikrobiolo-
Microbiology 66:327-338. Type strain: gie 26373-414. Type strain: ATCC 19995
ATCC 27375 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Lacey, J. 1971. Ibid. T. mesophila Nonomura and Ohara 1971
T. vulgaris Tsiklinsky 1899 Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1971.
Tsiklinsky, P. 1899. Annales de 1’Institut Journal of Fermentation Technology 49:
Pasteur (Paris) 13500-505. Type strain: 895-903. Type strain: ATCC 27303
KCC A-0162 Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara.
Description: Bergey 8. ’1971. Ibid.
T. mesouviformis Nonomura and Ohara 1974
Thermomicrobium Jackson, Ramaley and Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara. 1974.
Meinschein 1973 Journal of Fermentation Technology 52:
Jackson, T.J., R.F. Ramaley and W.G. 10-13. Type strain: ATCC 27644
Meinschein. 1973. International Journal Description: Nonomura, H. and Y. Ohara.
of Systematic Bacteriology 23:28-36. Type 1974. Ibid.
species: T. roseurn Jackson, Ramaley and
Meinschein 1973 Thermoplasma Darland, Brock, Samsonoff and
Description: Jackson, T.J., R.F. Ramaley Conti 1970
and W.G. Meinschein. 1973. Ibid. Darland, G., T.D. Brock, W. Samsonoff
T. fosteri Phillips and Perry 1976 and S.F. Conti. 1970. Science (Washing-
Phillips Jr., W.E. and J.J. Perry. 1976. ton) 170:1416-1418. Type species: T.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
acidophilum Darland, Brock, Samsonoff 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
and Conti 1970 Baltimore. pp. 83-88. Type strain: NCIB
Description: Bergey 8. 8539
T. acidophilum Darland, Brock, Samsonoff and Description: Bergey 8.
Conti 1970 T. novellus Starkey 1934
Darland, G., T.D. Brock, W. Samsonoff Starkey, R.L. 1934. Journal of
and S.F. Conti. 1970. Science (Washing- Bacteriology 28:365-386. Type strain:
ton) 170:1416- 141 8. Type strain: AMRC- ATCC 8093
C165 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Brock, T.D. 1978. T. perometabolis London and Rittenberg 1967
Thermophilic microorganisms and life at London, J.P. and S.C. Rittenberg. 1967.
high temperatures. Springer-Verlag, New Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 59:218-225.
York. pp. 92-1 16. Type strain: ATCC 23370
Description: London, J.P. and S.C.
Tbermus Brock and Freeze 1969 Rittenberg. 1967. Ibid.
Brock, T.D.and H. Freeze. 1969. Journal T. thiooxidans Waksman and Joffe 1922
of Bacteriology 98:289-297. Type species: Waksman, S.A. and J.S. Joffe. 1922.
T. aquaticus Brock and Freeze 1969 Journal of Bacteriology 7:239-256. Type
Description: Brock, T.D. and H. Freeze. strain: ATCC 19377
1969. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
T. aquaticus Brock and Freeze 1969 T. thioparus Beijerinck 1904
Brock, T.D. and H. Freeze. 1969. Journal Beijerinck, M.W. 1904. Archives Neerlan-
of Bacteriology 98:289-297. Type strain: daises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
ATCC 25104 (Section 2) 9: 13 1- 157. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Brock, T.D. and H. Freeze. 8158
1969. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.

Tbiobacillus Beijerinck 1904 Tbiocapsa Winogradsky 1888

Beijerinck, M.W. 1904. Archives Neerlan- Winogradsky, S. 1888, Beitrage zur
daises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri-
(Section 2) 9:131-157. Type species: T. en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und
thioparus Beijerinck 1904 Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur
Description: Bergey 8. Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type species: T.
T. concretivorus Parker 1945 roseopersicina Winogradsky 1888
Parker, C.D. 1945. Australian Journal of Description: Bergey 8.
Experimental Biology and Medical Sci- T. pfennigii Eimhjellen 1970
ence 23:81-90. Type strain: NCIB 8345 Eimhjeilen, K.E. 1970. Archiv fur Mikro-
Description: Parker, C.D. 1945. Ibid. biologie 73: 193- 194. Type strain: DSM
T. ferrooxidans Temple and Colmer 195 1 1375
Temple, K.L. and A.R. Colmer. 195 1. Description: Bergey 8.
Journal of Bacteriology 62:605-6 11. Type T. roseopersicina Winogradsky 1888
strain: ATCC 23270 Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur
Description: Temple, K.L. and A.R. Morphologie und Physiologie der
Colmer. 1951. Ibid. Bacterien. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und
T. intermedius London 1963 Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur
London, J.P. 1963. Archiv fur Mikrobiol- Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type strain:
ogie 46:329-337. Type strain: ATCC DSM 217
15466 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: London, J.P. 1963. Ibid.
T. neapolitanus Parker 1957 Thiocystis Winogradsky 1888
Parker, C.D. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur
Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri-
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur Kuenen, J.G. and H. Veldkamp. 1972.
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1- 120. Type species: T. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of
violacea Winogradsky 1888 Microbiology and Serology 38:241-256.
Description: Bergey 8. Type species: T. pelophila Kuenen and
T. gelatinosa (Winogradsky 1888) Pfennig and Veldkamp 1972
Truper 197 1 Description: Kuenen, J.G. and H. Veld-
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur kamp. 1972. Ibid.
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri- T. denitrificans Timmer-ten Hoor 1975
en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und Timmer-ten Hoor, A. 1975. Netherlands
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur Journal of Sea Research 9:343-351. Type
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120; Pfennig, N. and strain: DSM 1251
H.G. Truper. 1971. International Journal Description: Timmer-ten Hoor, A. 1975.
of Systematic Bacteriology 21: 1 1- 14. Type I bid.
strain: DSM 215 T. pelophila Kuenen and Veldkamp 1972
Description: Bergey 8. Kuenen, J.G. and H. Veldkamp. 1972.
T. violacea Winogradsky 1888 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur Microbiology and Serology 38:24 1-256.
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri- Type strain: ATCC 27801
en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und Description: Kuenen, J.G. and H.
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur Veldkamp. 1972. Ibid.
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type strain:
DSM 207 Thiopedia Winogradsky 1888
Description: Bergey 8. Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri-
Thiodictyon Winogradsky 1888 en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur
Morphologie und Physiologie der Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type species: T.
Bacterien. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und rosea Winogradsky 188 8
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur Description: Bergey 8.
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type species: T. T. rosea Winogradsky 1888
elegans Winogradsky 1888 Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur
Description: Bergey 8. Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri-
T. bacillosum (Winogradsky 1888) Pfennig and en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und
Truper 197 1 Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type strain: no
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri- pure culture.
en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und Description: Bergey 8.
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120; Pfennig, N. and Thioploca Lauterborn 1907
H.G. Truper. 197 1. International Journal Lauterborn, R. 1907. Berichte der Deut-
of Systematic Bacteriology 21: 1 1- 14. Type schen Botanischen Gesellschaft 25238-
strain: DSM 234 242. Type species: T. schmidlei
Description: Bergey 8. Lauterborn 1907
T. elegans Winogradsky 1888 Description: Bergey 8.
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur T. scbmidlei Lauterborn 1907
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri- Lauterborn, R. 1907. Berichte der Deut-
en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und schen Botanischen Gesellschaft 25:238-
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur 242. Type strain: no culture isolated.
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type strain: Description: Lauterborn, R. 1907, Ibid.
DSM 232
Description: Bergey 8. Thiospira Visloukh 19 14
Visloukh, S.M. 19 14. Zhurnal Mikrobiolo-
Thiomicrospira Kuenen and Veldkamp 1972 gii 1:42-51. Type species: T. winogradskyi

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
(Omelianski 1905) Visloukh 1914 Botanischen Gesellschaft 31: 189-202. Type
Description: Bergey 8. species: T. majus Hinze 1913
T. winogradskyi (Omelianski 1905) Visloukh Description: Bergey 8.
1914 T. majus Hinze 1913
Omelianski, W. 1905. Zentralblatt fur Hinze, G. 1913. Berichte der Deutschen
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Botanischen Gesellschaft 31: 189-202. Type
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. strain: no culture isolated.
14769-772; Visloukh, S.M. 19 14. Zhurnal Description: de Boer, W.E., J.W.M. La
Mikrobiologii 1:42-51. Type strain: no Riviere and A.L. Houwink. 1961. Antanie
culture available. van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology
Description: Bergey 8. and Serology 27:447-456.

ThiospiriUum Winogradsky 1888 Toxothrix Molisch 1925

Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur Molisch, H. 1925. Zentralblatt fur
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde,
Bacterien. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur teilung 11. 65:130-139. Type species: T.
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type species: T. trichogenes (Cholodny 1924) Beger 1953
jenense (Ehrenberg 1838) Migula 1900 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. T. trichogenes (Cholodny 1924) Beger 1953
T. jenense (Ehrenberg 1838) Migula 1900 Cholodny, N. 1924. Zentralblatt fur
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1838. Die Infusionsthier- Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
chen als vollkommene Organismen. L. skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Voss, Leipzig; Migula, W. 1900. System 61:292-298; Beger, H. 1953 in Beger, H.
der Bakterien, Vol. 2. Gustav Fischer, and Bringmann. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri:
Jena. Type straia: DSM 216 ologie, Parasitenkunde,
Description: Bergey 8. Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
teilung 11. 107318-334. Type strain: no
Tbiothrix Winogradsky 1888 culture isolated.
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur Description: Krul, J.M., P. Hirsch and
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri- J.T. Staley. 1970. Antonie van Leeuwen-
en. Heft 1. Zur Morphologie und hoek Journal of Microbiology and Serolo-
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur gy 36:409-420.
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type species: T.
nivea (Rabenhorst 1865) Winogradsky Treponema Schaudinn 1905
1888 Schaudinn, F. 1905. Deutsche
Description: Bergey 8. Medizinische Wochenschrift 31: 1728.
T. nivea (Rabenhorst 1865) Winogradsky 1888 Type species: T. pallidum (Schaudinn and
Rabenhorst, L. 1865. Flora Europaea Hoffmann 1905) Schaudinn 1905
Algarum aquae dulcis et submarinae. E. Description: Bergey 8.
Kummer, Leipzig, Section 11. pp. 1-319; T. hyodysenteriae Harris, Glock, Christensen
Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur and Kinyon 1972
Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri- Harris, D.L., R.D.Glock, C.R. Christen-
en. Heft 1. Zur Morphologie und sen and J.M. Kinyon. 1972. Veterinary
Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur Medicine - Small Animal Clinician 67:61-
Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type strain: no 64. Type strain: ATCC 27164
culture isolated. Description: Kinyon, J.M. and D.L.
Description: Bland, J.A. and J.T. Staley. Harris. 1979. International Journal of
1978. Archives of Microbiology 117:79- Systematic Bacteriology 29:102- 109.
87. T. innocens Kinyon and Harris 1979
Kinyon, J.M. and D.L. Harris. 1979.
Thiovulum Hinze 1913 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Hinze, G. 1913. Berichte der Deutschen teriology 29:102- 109. Type strain: ATCC

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S. Razin and F.T. Black. 1974. Interna-

29796 tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
Description: Kinyon, J.M. and D.L. 24: 160- 17 1. Type strain: ATCC 276 18
Harris. 1979. Ibid. Description: Shepard, M.C., C.D. Lunce-
T. minutum Dobell 1912 ford, D.K. Ford, R.H. Purcell, D. Taylor-
Dobell, C.C. 1912. Archiv fur Protisten- Robinson, S. Razin and F.T. Black. 1974.
kunde 26: 1 17-240. Type strain: CIPP Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. Veillonella Prevot 1933
T. pallidum (Schaudinn and Hoffmann 1905) Prevot, A.R. 1933. Annales Societe
Schaudinn 1905 Nature 1523-260. Type species: V.
Schaudinn, F. and E. Hoffmann. 1905. parvula (Veillon and Zuber 1898) Prevot
Arbeiten aus dem Kaiserlichen 1933
Gesundheitsamte (Berlin) 22528-534; Description: Bergey 8.
Schaudinn, F. 1905. Deutsche Medizin- V. alcalescens Prevot 19 33
ische Wochenschrift 31: 1728. Type strain: Prevot, A.R. 1933. Annales Societe
no culture available. Nature 15:23-260. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Bergey 8. 17745
T. paraluis-cuniculi (Jacobsthal 1920) Smibert Description: Bergey 8.
1974 V. alcalescens subsp. alcalescens Prevot 1933
Jacobsthal, E. 1920. Dermatologische Prevot, A.R. 1933. Annales Societe
Wochenschrift 71569-57 1; Smibert, R.M. Nature 1523-260. Type strain: ATCC
1974. Bergey 8. Type strain: no culture 17745
available. Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. V. alcalescens subsp. criceti Rogosa 1965
T. pertenue (Castellani 1905) Castellani and Rogosa, M. 1965. Journal of Bacteriology
Chalmers 19 10 90:704-709. Type strain: ATCC 17747
Castellani, A. 1905. Journal of the Ceylon Description: Bergey 8.
Branch of the British Medical Association V. alcalescens subsp. dispar Rogosa 1965
254; Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. Rogosa, M. 1965. Journal of Bacteriology
1910. Manual of Tropical Medicine, 1st 90:704-709; Type strain: ATCC 17748
ed. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London. Description: Bergey 8.
Type strain: no culture available. V. alcalescens subsp. ratti Rogosa 1965
Description: Bergey 8. Rosgosa, M. 1965. Journal of
Bacteriology 90:704-709. Type strain:
Ureaplasma Shepard, Lunceford, Ford, Purcell, ATCC 17746
Taylor-Robinson, Razin and Black 1974 Description: Bergey 8.
Shepard, M.C., C.D. Lunceford, D.K. V. parvula (Veillon and Zuber 1898) Prevot
Ford, R.H. Purcell, D. Taylor-Robinson, 1933
S. Razin and F.T. Black. 1974. Interna- Veillon, A. and A. Zuber. 1898. Archives
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology de Medicine Experimentale et d’Anatomie
24: 160- 17 1. Type species: U. urealyticum Pathologique 10:5 17-545; Prevot, A.R.
Shepard, Lunceford, Ford, Purcell, Tay- 1933. Annales Societe Naturelles 1523-
lor-Robinson, Razin and Black 1974 260. Type strain: ATCC 10790
Description: Shepard, M.C., C.D. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Lunceford, D.K. Ford, R.H. Purcell, D. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Taylor-Robinson, S. Razin and F.T. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Black. 1974. Ibid. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
U. urealyticum Shepard, Lunceford, Ford, Pur- Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
cell, Taylor-Robinson, Razin and Black V. parvula subsp. atypica Rogosa 1965
1974 Rogosa, M. 1965. Journal of Bacteriology
Shepard, M.C., C.D. Lunceford, D.K. 90:704-709; Type strain: ATCC 17744
Ford, R.H. Purcell, D. Taylor-Robinson, Description: Bergey 8.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00

V. parvula subsp. parvulu Rogosa 1965 strain: NCMB 701

Rogosa, M. 1965. Journal of Bacteriology Description: Bergey 8.
90:704-709. Type strain: ATCC 10790- V. fiscberi (Beijerinck 1889) Lehmann and
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Neumann 1896 (See also Photobacterium
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe fischeri)
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Beijerinck, M. W. 1889. Archives neerlan-
Polytechnic Institute and State University, daises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. 23:401-427; Lehmann, K.B. and R.
V. panula subsp. rodentium Rogosa 1965 Neumann. 1896. Atlas und Grundriss der
Rogosa, M. 1965. Journal of Bacteriology Bakteriologie und Lehrbuch der speziellen
90:704-709; Type strain: ATCC 17743 bakteriologischen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F.
Description: Bergey 8. Lehmann, Munchen. Type strain: ATCC
Vibrio Pacini 1854 Description: Hendrie, M.S., W. Hodgkiss
Pacini, F. 1854. Gazette Medicale de and J.M. Shewan. 1971. International
Italiana Toscano Firenze 6405-41 2. Type Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 21:
species: V . cholerae Pacini 1854 217-221.
Description: Bergey 8. V. metscbnikovii Gamaleia 1888
V. albensis Lehmann and Neumann 1896 Gamaleia, M.N. 1888. Annales de
Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896. 1’Institut Pasteur (Paris) 2:482-488. Type
Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie strain: NCTC 8443
und Lehrbuch der speziellen bakteriologis- Description: Lee, J.V., T.J. Donovan and
chen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann, A.L. Furniss. 1978. International Journal
Munchen. Type strain: ATCC 14547 of Systematic Bacteriology 28:99- 111.
Description: Hendrie, M.S.,W. Hodgkiss V. parahaemolyticus Sakazaki, Iwanami and
and J.M. Shewan. 1970. Journal of Fukumi 1963 (See also Beneckea par-
General Microbiology 64: 15 1- 169. ahaemolytica)
V. alginolyticus (Miyamoto, Nakamura and Sakazaki, R., S. Iwanami and H. Fukumi.
Takizawa 1961) Sakazaki 1968 (See also 1963. Japanese Journal of Medical
Beneckea alginolytica) Science and Biology 16:16 1- 1 88. Type
Miyamoto, Y., K. Nakamura and K. strain: ATCC 17802
Takizawa. 1961. Japanese Journal of Description: Fujino, T., R. Sakazaki and
Microbiology 5:477-486; Sakazaki, R. K. Tamura. 1974. International Journal of
1968. Japanese Journal of Medical Systematic Bacteriology 24:447-449.
Science and Biology 21:359-362 Type V. succinogenes Wolin, Wolin and Jacobs 1961
strain: ATCC 17749 Wolin, M.J., E.A. Wolin and N.J. Jacobs.
Description: Sakazaki, R. 1968. Ibid. 1961. Journal of Bacteriology 81:9 1 1-917.
V. anguillarum Bergeman 1909 Type strain: ATCC 29543
Bergeman, A.M. 1909. Berichte der Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Bayerischen Biologischen Versuchs-Station and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
2:lO-54. Type strain: ATCC 19264 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Hastein, T. and J.E. Smith. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
1977. Journal of Fish Biology 11:69-75. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
V. cholerae Pacini 1854
Pacini, F. 1854. Gazette Medicale de Vitreoscilla Pringsheim 1949
Italiana Toscano Firenze 6:405-412. Type Pringsheim, E.G. 1949. Bacteriological
strain: ATCC 14035 Reviews 13:47-98. Type species: V.
Description: Hugh, R. 1965. International beggiatoides Pringsheim 1949
Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature Description: Bergey 8.
and Taxonomy 15:13-24. V. beggiatoides Pringsheim 1949
V. costicola Smith 1938 Pringsheim, E.G. 1949. Bacteriological
Smith, F.B. 1938. Proceedings of the Reviews 13:47-98. Type strain: no culture
Royal Society Queensland 49:29-52. Type available.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
Description: Bergey 8. X. flavus Malik and Claus 1979
V. stercoraria Pringsheim 1951 Malik, K.A. and D. Claus. 1979.
Pringsheim, E.G. 1951. Journal of International Journal of Systematic Bac-
General Microbiology 5:124-149. Type teriology 29:283-287. Type strain: DSM
strain: ATCC I5218 338
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Malik, K.A. and D. Claus.
1979. Ibid.
Wolbacbia Hertig 1936
Hertig, M. 1936. Parasitology 28:453-486. Xantbomonas Dowson 1939
Type species: W.pipientis Hertig 1936 Dowson, W.J. 1939. Zentralblatt fur
Description: Bergey 8. Ba kteriologie, Parasi ten kunde, Infekt ion-
W. melopbagi (Noller 1917) Philip 1956 skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
Noller, W. 1917. Archiv fur Schiffs und 100:177-193. Type species: X. campestris
Tropenhygiene 2153-94; Philip, C.B. (Pammel 1895) Dowson 1939
1956. Canadian Journal of Microbiology Description: Bergey 8.
2:261-270. Type strain: no culture isolat- X. albilineans (Ashby 1929) Dowson 1943
ed. Ashby, S.F. 1929. Tropical Agriculture,
Description: Bergey 8. Trinidad 6:135-138;Dowson, W.J. 1943.
W. persica Suitor and Weiss 1961 Transactions of the British Mycological
Suitor Jr., E.C. and E. Weiss. 1961. Society 26:4-14. Type strain: NCPPB
Journal of Infectious Diseases 108:95-106. 2969
Type strain: ATCC VR 331 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Bergey 8. X. ampelina Panagopoulos 1969
W. pipientis Hertig 1936 Panagopoulos, C.G. 1969. Annales de
Hertig, M. 1936. Parasitology 28:453-486. 1’Institut Phytopathologique Benaki NS 9:
Type strain: no culture isolated. 59-81.Type strain: NCPPB 2217
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Panagopoulos, C.G. 1969.
Xantbobacter Wiegel, Wilke, Baumgarten, Opitz X. axonopodis Starr and Garces 1950
and Schlegel 1978 Starr, M.P. and C. Garces. 1950. Revista
Wiegel, J., D. Wilke, J. Baumgarten, R. Facultad Nacional de Agronomia
Opitz and H.G. Schlegel. 1978. Interna- (Medellin) Colombia 11:73-83. Type
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology strain: ATCC 19312
28573-581. Type species: X . autotro- Description: Starr, M.P. and C. Garces.
phicus (Baumgarten, Reh and Schlegel 1950. Ibid.
1974) Wiegel, Wilke, Baumgarten, Opitz X. campestris (Pammel 1895) Dowson 1939
and Schlegel 1978 Pammel, L.H. 1895. Bulletin of the Iowa
Description: Wiegel, J., D. Wilke, J. State College Agricultural Experiment
Baumgarten, R. Opitz and H.G. Schlegel. Station 27:130-134; Dowson, W.J. 1939.
1978. Ibid. Zen tral blatt fur Ba k teriologie, Pa rasi ten-
X. autotrophicus (Baumgarten, Reh and kunde und Infektionskrankheiten. Ab-
Schlegel 1974) Wiegel, Wilke, Baumgar- teilung 11. 100:177-193. Type strain:
ten, Opitz and Schlegel 1978 NCPPB 528
Baumgarten, J., M. Reh and H.G. Description: Bergey 8.
Schlegel. 1974. Archives of Microbiology X. fragariae Kennedy and King I962
100:207-217. Wiegel, J., D. Wilke, J. Kennedy, B.W. and T.H. King. 1962.
Baumgarten, R. Opitz and H.G. Schlegel. Phytopathology 52:873-875. Type strain:
1978. International Journal of Systematic NCPPB 1469
Bacteriology 28573-581. Type strain: Description: Kennedy, B.W. and T.H.
DSM 432 King. 1962. Ibid.
Description: Wiegel, J., D. Wilkie, J.
Baumgarten, R. Opitz and H.G. Schlegel. Xenorbabdus Thomas and Poinar 1979
1978. Ibid. Thomas, G.M. and G.O. Poinar Jr. 1979.

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On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 15-16. Type strain: ATCC 19428
teriology 29:352-360. Type species: X . Description: Bergey 8.
nematophilus (Poinar and Thomas 1965) Y. philomiragia Jensen, Owen and Jellison 1969
Thomas and Poinar 1979 Jensen, W.I., C.R. Owen and W.L.
Description: Thomas, G.M. and G.O. Jellison. 1969. Journal of Bacteriology
Poinar Jr. 1979. Ibid. 100:1237-1241. Type strain: ATCC 25015
X. luminescens Thomas and Poinar 1979 Description: Jensen, W.I., C.R. Owen and
Thomas, G.M. and G.O. Poinar Jr. 1979. W.L. Jellison. 1969. Ibid.
International Journal of Systematic Y. pseudotuberculosis (Pfeiffer 1889) Smith and
Bacteriology 29:352-360. Type strain: Thal 1965
ATCC 29999 Pfeiffer, A. 1889. Uber die bacillare
Description: Thomas, G.M. and G.O. Pseudotuberkulose bei Nagethieren. Ver-
Poinar Jr. 1979. Ibid. lag von George Thieme, Leipzig. pp. 1-42;
X. nematophilus (Poinar and Thomas 1965) Smith, J.E. and E. Thal. 1965. Acta
Thomas and Poinar 1979 Pathologica and Microbiologica Scandi-
Poinar Jr., G.O. and G.M. Thomas. 1965. navica 64:213-223. Type strain: ATCC
International Bulletin of Bacteriological 29833
Nomenclature and Taxonomy 15:249-252; Description: Bergey 8.
Thomas, G.M. and G.O. Poinar Jr. 1979. Y. ruckeri Ewing, Ross, Brenner and Fanning
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 1978
teriology 29:352-360. Type strain: ATCC Ewing, W.H., A.J. Ross, D.J. Brenner
1906 1 and G.R. Fanning. 1978. International
Description: Thomas, G.M. and G.O. Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:37-
Poinar Jr. 1979. Ibid. 44. Type strain: ATCC 29473
Description: Ewing, W.H., A.J. Ross, D.J.
Yersinia van Loghem 1944 Brenner and G.R. Fanning. 1978. Ibid.
van Loghem, J.J. 1944. Antonie van
Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology Zoogloea Itzigsohn 1868
and Serology 1015-16. Type species: Y. Itzigsohn, H. 1868. Sitzungs-Berichte der
pestis (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) van Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu
Loghem 1944 Berlin, 19 November 1867, pp. 30-3 1.
Description: Bergey 8. Type species: 2. rumigera Itzigsohn 1868
Y. enterocolitica (Schleifstein and Coleman Description: Bergey 8.
1939) Frederiksen 1964 Z. ramigera Itzigsohn 1868
Schleifstein, J.I. and M.B. Coleman. Itzigsohn, H. 1868. Sitzungs-Berichte der
1939. New York State Journal of Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu
Medicine 39:1749-1753; Frederiksen, W. Berlin, 19 November 1867, pp. 30-3 1.
1964. Proceedings of the XIV Scandinavi- Type strain: ATCC 19544
an Congress of Pathology and Microbiolo- Description: Unz, R.F. 197 1. International
gy, Oslo 1964. Norwegian Universities Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 21:91-
Press, Oslo. pp. 103-104. Type strain: 99.
ATCC 9610
Description: Bottone, E.J. 1977. CRC Zymomonas Kluyver and van Niel 1936
Critical Review in Microbiology 5:2 11. Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. van Niel. 1936.
Y. pestis (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) van Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Loghem 1944 kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896. Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94:369-403. Type
Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie species: 2. mobilis (Lindner 1928)
und Lehrbuch der speziellen Kluyver and van Niel 1936
bacteriologischen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Description: Bergey 8.
Lehmann, Munchen. p. 194; van Loghem, Z. mobilis (Lindner 1928) Kluyver and van
J.J. 1944. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Niel 1936
Journal of Microbiology and Serology 10: Lindner, P. 1928. Bericht des Westpreus-

Downloaded from www.microbiologyresearch.org by

On: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00
sischen Botanisch-Zoologischen Vereins, J. Swings. 1976. International Journal of
50. pp. 253-255; Kluyver, A.J. and C.B. Systematic Bacteriology 26: 146-157. Type
van Niel. 1936. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- strain: ATCC 10988
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- Description: De Ley, J. and J. Swings.
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 94: 1976. Ibid.
369-403. Type strain: ATCC 10988 Z. mobilis subsp. pomaceae (Millis 1956) De
Description: De Ley, J. and J. Swings. Ley and Swings 1976
1976. International Journal of Systematic Millis, N.F. 1956. Journal of General
Bacteriology 26: 146- 157. Microbiology 15521-528; De Ley, J. and
2. mobilis subsp. mobilis (Lindner 1928) De J. Swings. 1976. International Journal of
Ley and Swings 1976 Systematic Bacteriology 26: 146- 157. Type
Lindner, P. 1928. Bericht des strain: ATCC 29192
Westpreussischen Botanisch- Zoologischen Description: De Ley, J. and J. Swings.
Vereins, 50. pp. 253-255; De Ley, J. and 1976. Ibid.

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