(1980) Approved Lists of Bacterial Names
(1980) Approved Lists of Bacterial Names
(1980) Approved Lists of Bacterial Names
edited by
Department of Microbiology, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland 4067, Australia' and MRC
Microbial Systematics Unit, University of Leicester, Leicester LEI England 7RH,'
on behalf of
The Ad Hoc Committee of the Judicial Commission of the ICSB
opinions to the Ad Hoc Committee. Several enabled the inclusion in the Approved Lists of
were received. Some of these resulted in names of all new taxa which had been validated
modification to lists submitted by Subcommit- by publication in the October, 1979 issue of the
tees on Taxonomy and others. IJSB and so has obviated the need to make any
Rule 24a of the Code .of Nomenclature further additions to the Approved Lists of
provided, inter alia, for the publication with Bacterial Names.
each bacterial name the name(s) of the Formal notice of these requirements was
author(s) who originally proposed it, a reference circulated, by airmail, to all Subcommittees and
to an effectively published description of each specialists on 5th February, 1979 requesting
species and its nomenclatural type whenever return of the information by 31st August, 1979.
possible, and a Type, Neotype or Reference Meanwhile, the Chairman and his staff
strain by its designation. proceeded as far as possible with the
To conserve space in publication, it was compilation of the whole of the required
agreed that for all references to the 8th edition information, subsequently making use of such
of Bergey’s Manual (Buchanan, R.E. and N.E. submissions as were ultimately received from
Gibbons (eds). 1974. Bergey’s Manual of others, to verify compilations already made.
Determinative Bacteriology, 8th ed. The Computer printouts, in the final format of
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore) be con- assembled information, were distributed by
tracted to ‘Bergey 8’. airmail to all participants in July, 1979 for the
Although these requirements were formally purpose of verification and for the provision of
published in the Code on 1st January, 1976 information which was still missing.
little action was taken by those responsible for A final decision to retain or delete some
various taxa and in order to assist resolution of names was based on our ability to obtain the
the problem, the Chairman and his staff relevant in forma tion.
produced a document which listed Collections of
Cultures of Microorganisms which held Type, Names of Taxa Above the Rank of Genus:
Neotype and Reference strains for those species
whose names appeared in the draft list and Compilation of names of higher taxa was
subsequent amendments. This list, which will be undertaken by Sneath and his associates. No
published elsewhere as a publication of the draft list was published but a proposal was
World Data Center for Microorganisms, has discussed at some length in an open meeting at
been used as a guide to the deletion of the Munich Congress. The format of the list as
numerous names for which no cultures could be submitted was modified to conform with the
located. format adopted for the names of the genera and
The requirements of Rule 24a together with species. References given in this section of the
the list of strains, were discussed at a meeting lists are restricted to those relating to the
of the ICSB with Subcommittees on Taxonomy higher taxa. Those to genera will be found in
at the Internationai Congress for Microbiology the list of genera and species.
in Munich in September, 1978 where the
decision was made to list only one designation Designation of Strains:
for each strain and preferably that of the
American Type Culture Collection, where Strains have been designated by accession
available. Because of difficulties associated with numbers of Culture Collections in which they
locating references to publications in which have been deposited. Every effort has been
Type strains, Neotype strains or Reference made to ensure that the strains are actually
strains had been designated, it was agreed that available but no guarantee of this can be given.
references would be given only to those Names, which have been omitted, may be
publications concerned with the naming of the revived if the location of suitable strains can be
taxa and to descriptions of the taxa. ascertained.
The Judicial Commission also determined The following is a list of addresses of
that publication should be in the January institutions, together with acronyms used to
(1980) issue of the IJSB, thus negating the assign accession numbers.
requirement of Rule 24a that publication take AMRC FAO-WHO International Refer-
place prior to 1st January, 1980. This action ence Centre for Animal Myco-
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plasmas, Institute for Medical Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Microbiology, University of NCDO National Collection of Dairy
Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. Organisms, National Institute for
ATCC American Type Culture Collec- Research in Dairying, University
tion, Rockville, Maryland 20852, of Reading, England, UK.
U.S.A. NClB National Collection of Industrial
BKM All-Union Collection of Microor- Bacteria, Torry Research Station,
ganisms, Institute of Microbiolo- Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
gy, USSR Academy of Sciences, NCMB National Collection of Marine
Moscow, USSR. Bacteria, Torry Research Station,
BKMW Culture Collection, Institute of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Microbiology, USSR Academy of NCPPB National Collection of Plant
Sciences, Moscow, USSR. Pathogenic Bacteria, Plant Pa-
CBS Cen traal bureau voor thology Laboratory, Harpenden,
Schimmelcultures, Baarn, The England, UK.
Netherlands. NCTC National Collection of Type
CCM Czechoslovak Collection of Mi- Cultures, Central Public Health
croorganisms, J.E. Purkyne Laboratory, Colindale, London,
University, Brno, Czechoslovakia. England, UK.
CDC Center for Disease Control, At- NIAID National Institute of Allergy and
lanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Infectious Diseases, Hamilton,
CIP Collection of the Institute Pas- Montana, U.S.A.
teur, Paris, France. NIHJ National Institute of Health,
DSM Deutsche Sammlung von Mi- Tokyo, Japan.
kroorganismen, Gottingen, NRC National Research Council, Ot-
tawa, Canada.
Federal Republic of Germany.
NRL Neisseria Reference Laboratory,
IAM institute of Applied Microbiolo-
US Public Health Service Hospi-
gy, University of Tokyo, Tokyo,
tal, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Japan. NRRL Northern Utilization Research
I FO Institute for Fermentation, Osa- and Development Division, US
ka, Japan. Department of Agriculture,
IMRU Institute of Microbiology, Rut- Peoria, Illinois, U.S.A.
gers - The State University, New PDDCC Culture Collection of Plant Dis-
Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A. eases Division, New Zealand
IMV Institute of Microbiology and Department of Scientific and
Virology, Academy of Sciences of industrial Research, Auckland,
the Ukrainian SSR. New Zealand.
INA Institute for New Antibiotics, TC Thaxter Collection, Farlow Her-
Moscow, USSR. barium, Harvard University, Bos-
INMI Institute for Microbiology, USSR ton, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, UMH University of Missouri
USSR. Herbarium, Missouri, U.S.A.
IPV Istituto di Patologia Vegetale, UQM Culture Collection, Department
Milan, Italy. of Microbiology, University of
KCC Kaken Chemical Company Ltd., Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Tokyo, Japan. VKM Institute of Microbiology, Acade-
LIA Museum of Cultures, Leningrad my of Sciences of the USSR,
Research Institute of Antibiotics, Moscow, USSR.
23 Ogorodnikov Prospect, VPI Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
Leningrad L-20, USSR. State University, Blacksburg, Vir-
LSU Louisiana State University, Baton ginia, U.S.A.
Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A. WINDSOR Culture Collection, University of
LMD Laboratorium voor Microbiologie Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Can-
der Landbouwhogeschool, ada.
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Acknowledgements: Lists and other information and to the
numerous other unnamed people who have
Whilst the task of compilation and assisted in various ways in laboratories
preparation of manuscripts for publication has throughout the world.
been of necessity concentrated in two areas, the The computer programs used in compiling
successful completion of the task would not these lists were written and controlled by Mr.
have been possible without the associated efforts Geoffrey Dengate, Systems Programmer, Pren-
of a large number of people whose names are tice Computer Centre, University of Queensland.
recorded here. His help and expertise are sincerely acknowledged.
T.V. Aristovskaya, P.K.C. Austwick, E. Financial assistance of the following is grate-
Baldacci, L. Barksdale, E. Barnes, P. Baumann, fully acknowledged: Bergey’s Manual Trust,
J.H. Becking, E.L. Biberstein, I. Bousfield, K. Deutsche Gesellschaft fir Hygiene und Mikro-
Bovre, W.J. Brinley-Morgan, D. Brenner, T. biologie, International Association of Microbio-
Brock, E. Brockman, M. Bryant, J.C. Burnham, logical Societies, International Union of Biolog-
ical Sciences, Society for Applied Bacteriology,
J. Carr, W. Catlin, E.P. Cato, D. Claus, G. Society for General Microbiology, and the
Colman, R.R. Colwell, M.J. Corbel, K.T. United Kingdom Federation of Culture Collec-
Crabtree, T. Cross, G.A. Dubinina, P. Dugan, tions.
D.W. Dye, K. Eimhjellen, G. Eldering, W.H.
Ewing, S. Faine, S.M. Finegold, E.A. Freundt,
W. Frederiksen, A.L. Furniss, E. Garvie, N.E. SPECIFIC INFORMATION RELATING TO
Gibbons, M. Goodfellow, M. Gordon, B.V. THE APPROVED LISTS OF BACTERIAL
Gronov, H. Hatt, A.C. Hayward, M. Hendrie, NAMES
S.D. Henriksen, A. Henssen, G.J. Hermann, G.
Gobbs, L.V. Holdeman, R. Hugh, D.B. The names included in these Lists are those
Johnstone, D. Jones, L.V. Kalakoutskii, 0. selected by Subcommittees on Taxonomy of the
Kandler, K.-A. Karlsson, R.M. Keddie, M. ICSB, specialist advisers and, where the former
Killian, K. Kitahara, J. Knapp, W. Knapp, M. have not been available or have declined to
Kocur, N.R. Krieg, S.P. Lapage, J.M. Larkin, advise, by the members of the Ad Hoc
H. Lautrop, H.A. Lechevalier, J. DeLey, R. Committee.
Locci, S. Maier, N.S. Mair, P.H. Makela, M. With few exceptions (vide infra) names
Mandel, E. McCoy, H.D. McCurdy, K. which have been included in the Lists are those
McNiel, W.E.C. Moore, N. Nishida, H. which
Nonomura, R.A. Ormsbee, F. Orskov, I. . were validly published before the 1st
Orskov, E. van Oye, O.M. Parinkina, N. January, 1978 and which have been listed by
Pfennig, J.E. Phillips, F. Pichinoty, M. Pittman, advisers.
T. Pridham, (2.1. Randles, J.W.M. LaRiviere, . have been validly published since the 1st
M. Rhodes-Roberts, D.S. Roberts, R. Rohde, B. January, 1978 by publication in the IJSB or by
Rowe, E.B. Rozlycky, E. Runyon, R. Sakazaki, inclusion in the lists of new names cited in the
V. Scardovi, D. Schafer, R.J. Sidler, J.M. IJSB (to and including Volume 29, Part 4,
Shewan, G.C. Simmons, I.J. Slotnick, R.M. 1979) as having been effectively published in
Smibert, P.H. Smith, J.T. Staley, M. Starr, Y. other Journals.
Terasaki, Y.T. Tchan, E. Thal, J. Thompson,
H. Truper, G. Tunevall, D.C. Turk, M. Veron,
N. Walker, S.W. Watson, G. Wauters, L. Specific attention is drawn to the following
Wayne, R.E. Weaver, O.B. Weeks, E. Weiss,
H.J. Welshimer, S. Williams, G.A. Zavarzin, 1. Names included in the Approved List of
J.G. Zeikus, K. Zinneman. Bacterial Names are the only names which are
Thanks are also due to Miss Annette nomenclaturally valid as at the 1st January,
McLennan who typed the original manuscripts 1980. All other names which have appeared in
and to Dr. Lindsay Sly, Dr. Horst Doelle and the literature prior to 1st January, 1980 are
Mrs. Elizabeth Marden for considerable assis- nomenclaturally invalid. Names which have
tance in the search for Culture Collections been effectively published in Journals other than
maintaining strains of taxa in the Approved the IJSB but which have not been cited in the
2. No name appearing in the Approved Lists of 6. The Ad Hac Committee has repeatedly
Bacterial Names is conserved in the sense stressed that its task was nomenclatural and not
defined under Rule 56b of the Code of taxonomic; further that Subcommittees and
Nomenclature (1 976 Revision). others were not required to solve taxonomic
problems before advising on retention of names.
3. Any name previously rejected by the Judicial They were requested to omit names of doubtful
Commission remains a nomen rejiciendum and species as such species could be revived (see 8
can no longer be used to name a bacterium. below).
Because there are some differences of
4. By majority decision of the Ad Hoc opinion regarding the generic position of some
Committee, supported by an overwhelming species it has been necessary to include the
majority of the members of the ICSB, all same microorganism under two names, each
strains of bacteria which were submitted as with the same specific epithet and the same
nomenclatural Type strains, Neotype strains, nomenclatural type strain. In such instances
Proposed Neotype strains or Reference strains cross-reference has been made to the alternate
have been elevated to the status of Type strains. name. This applied specifically to the species in
The few objections which were received to the the genus Beneckea and the genus Vibrio and to a
elevation of reference strains to Type status few instances in the Enterobacteriaceae. For
were based on concern that such reference this reason it is necessary here to reaffirm the
strains may not prove to be the best choice for statement made previously that no name in the
Type strains. This objection however, applies Approved Lists of Bacterial Names has been
equally to quite a number of Type strains, conserved. Names in the Lists may later be
particularly monotypes of which there are, and conserved, rejected, merged with other names or
will continue to be, several. It seemed more subjected to any other valid nomenclatural act.
appropriate that names appearing in the
Approved Lists of Bacterial Names, which 7. The names of some genera, for which there
constitutes a new base for future nomenclature, are no available strains for the Type Species,
should have Type status or be omitted. have been omitted from the Lists in order to
permit the resolution of a very difficult
5. For some names included in the Lists no nomenclatural situation arising from the recent
strains were available. These names were publication of provisional names which have no
retained to preserve the status of standing in nomenclature but which have been
A. some microorganisms for which habitats cited by subsequent authors as though they
are well known, which have distinct were valid. Addition of new species, with
morphological characters but which have never nomenclatural types, to an invalidly published
been isolated. In most cases only the Type generic name renders the new names equally
Species has been retained to preserve the status invalid. This refers specifically to the methane
of the genus. oxidising bacteria, where the otherwise valid
B. a genus which contained well described name Methanomonas has been omitted in the
species for which representative strains were hope that by so doing the impasse caused by
available for all but the Type Species of the the illegitimate substitution of the name
genus itself. Methyfomonas may be resolved. Specialists in
Exclusion of the Type Species would have this field are now urged to publish a fully
necessitated the exclusion of the genus as a validated list of appropriate species.
whole under Rule 2Oc of the Code of
Nomenclature. There were several of these. It is 8. Reuse and revival of names which do not
ed. Masson, Paris. pp. 692. Type genus: Pseudomonadales Orla-Jensen 192 1
Clostridium Prazmowski 1880 Orla-Jensen, S. 1921. Journal of
Bacteriology 6:263-273. Type genus: Pseu-
Cytophagales Leadbetter 1974 domonas Migula 1894
Leadbetter, E.R. 1974. in Bergey 8. pp.
99-127. Type genus: Cytophaga Wino- Rhodospirillales Pfennig and Truper 1971
gradsky 1929 Pfennig, N. and H.G. Truper. 1971.
International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Eubacteriales Buchanan 1917 teriology 21:17-18. Type genus: Rhodospi-
Buchanan, R.E. 1917. Journal of Bacteri- rillum Molisch 1904
ology 2:347-350. Type genus: Eubacterium
Prevot 1938 Ricketfsiales Gieszczkiewicz 1939
Gieszczkiewicz, M. 1939. Bulletin de
Hypbomicrobiales Douglas 1957 1’Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Serie
Douglas, H.C. 1957 in Breed, R.S., des Sciences Biologiques 1:9-27. Type
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). genus: Rickettsia da Rocha-Lima 19 I 6
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Spirillales Prevot 1940
Co., Baltimore. pp. 276-280. Type genus: Prevot, A.R. 1940. Manuel de
Hyphomicrobium Stutzer and Hartleb classification et de determination des
1899 bacteries anaerobies. 1st ed. Masson,
Paris. pp. 223. Type genus: Spirillum
Lysobacterales Christensen and Cook 1978 Ehrenberg 1832
Christensen, P. and F.D. Cook. 1978.
International Journal of Systematic Spirocbaetales Buchanan 1917
Bacteriology 28:367-393. Type genus: Buchanan, R.E. 19 17. Journal of Bactefi-
Lysobacter Christensen and Cook 1978 ology 2: 155- 164. Type genus: Spirochaeta
Ehrenberg 1835
Micrococcales Prevot 1940
Prevot, A.R. 1940. Manuel de classifica-
tion et de determination des bacteries
anaerobies. 1st ed. Masson, Paris. pp. Caulobacterineae Breed, Murray and Hitchens
223. Type genus: Micrococcus Cohn 1872 1944
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
Mycobacteriales Janke 1924 Hitchens. 1944. Bacteriological Reviews 8:
Janke, A. 1924. Allgemeine technische 255-260. Type genus: Caulobacter Henrici
Mikrobiologie. I. Teil. Die Mikroorganis- and Johnson 1935
men. T. Steinkopf, Dresden und Leipzig.
pp. 1-342. Type genus: Mycobacterium Eubacteriineae Breed, Murray and Hitchens
Lehmann and Neumann 1896 1944
Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P.
Mycoplasmatales Freundt 1955 Hitchens. 1944. Bacteriological Reviews 8:
Freundt, E.A. 1955. International Bulletin 255-260. Type genus: Eubacterium Prevot
of Bacteriological Nomenclature and 1938
Taxonomy 5:67-78. Type genus: Myco-
plasma Nowak 1929 Pseudomonadineae Breed, Murray and Smith
Myxococcales Tchan, Pochon and Prevot 1948 Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R.
Tchan, Y.T., J. Pochon and A.R. Prevot. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi-
1948. Annales de l’lnstitut Pasteur (Paris) native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams
74:394-400. Type genus: Myxococcus and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. p. 67. Type
Thaxter 1892 genus: Pseudomonas Migula 1894
1937 (type genus Escherichia Castellani and Chalmers 1919) Jahn, E. 1924. Beitrage zur botanischen
has been challenged and is presently sub judice (see S.P.
LaDage. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 29:265-266, 1979; Judicial Protistologie. I. Die Polyangiden. Verlag
Co-m;hission Minute 29, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 29:267-269, von Gebruder Borntraeger, Leipzig. p.
Streptomycetaceae Waksman and Henrici 1943 E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1943. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Journal of Bacteriology 46:337-34 1. Type iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
genus: Streptomyces Waksman and Henri- Co., Baltimore. pp. 1051-1058. Type
ci 1943 genus: Treponemu Schaudinn 1905
A. woodii Balch, Schoberth, Tanner and Wolfe Freundt, E.A. 1955. International Bulletin
1977 of Bacteriological Nomenclature and
Balch, W.E., S. Schoberth, R.S. Tanner Taxonomy 567-78; Edward, D.G. ff. and
and R.S. Wolfe. 1977. International E.A. Freundt. 1970. Journal of General
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 27: Microbiology 62: 1-2. Type strain: ATCC
355-361. Type strain: ATCC 29683 23206
Description: Balch, W.E., S. Schoberth, Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile,
R.S. Tanner and R.S. Wolfe. 1977. Ibid. M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F.
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca-
Acholeplasma Edward and Freundt 1970 demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp.
Edward, D.G. ff. and E.A. Freundt. 1970. 43 1-449.
Journal of General Microbiology 62: 1-2. A. modicum Leach 1973
Type species: A. laidlawii (Freundt 1955) Leach, R.H. 1973. Journal of General
Edward and Freundt 1970 Microbiology 75: 1 35- 153. Type strain:
Description: Bergey 8. ATCC 29102
A. axanthum Tully and Razin 1970 Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile,
Tully, J.G. and S. Razin. 1970. Journal M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F.
of Bacteriology 103:75 1-754. Type strain: Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca-
ATCC 25176 demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp.
Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile, 43 1-449.
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. A. oculi Al-Aubaidi, Dardiri, Muscoplatt and
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca- McCauley 1973
demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp. Al-Aubaidi, J.M., A.H. Dardiri, C.C.
43 1-449. Muscoplatt and E.H. McCauley. 1973.
A. equifetale Kirchoff 1974 Cornell Veterinarian 63: 1 17- 129. Type
Kirchoff, H. 1974. Zentralblatt fur strain: ATCC 27350
Veterinarmedizin Reihe B 21:207-210. Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile,
Type strain: ATCC 29724 M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully R.F.
Description: Kirchoff, H. 1978. Interna- Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca-
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp.
28176-8 1. 43 1-449.
A. granularum (Switzer 1964) Edward and
Freundt 1970 Acbromatium Schewiakoff 1 893
Switzer, W.P. 1964 in Dunne (ed). Schewiakoff, W. 1893. Uber einen neuen
Diseases of Swine, 2nd ed. Iowa State bacterienahnlichen Organismus des
University Press, Ames. pp. 498-507; Susswassers. Habilitations schrift, Univer-
Edward, D.G. ff. and E.A. Freundt. 1970. sitat Heidelberg C. Winter. pp. 1-36.
Journal of General Microbiology 62: 1-2. Type species: A. oxalij'erum Schewiakoff
Type strain: ATCC 19168 1893
Description: Tully, J.G. 1979 in Barile, Description: Bergey 8.
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. A. oxaliferum Schewiakoff 1893
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca- Schewiakoff, W. 1893. Uber einen neuen
demic Press, New York, Volume I. pp. bacterienahnlichen Organismus des
43 1-449. Susswassers. Habilitations schrift, Univer-
A. hippikon Kirchoff 1974 sitat Heidelberg C. Winter. pp. 1-36.
Kirchoff, H. 1974. Zentralblatt fur Type strain: no culture isolated.
Veterinarmedizin Reihe B 21:207-2 10. Description: West, G.S. and B.M. Grif-
Type strain: ATCC 29725 fiths. 1909. Proceedings of the Royal
Description: Kirchoff, H. 1978. Society London B, Biological Sciences 81:
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 398-405.
teriology 28:76-8 1.
A. laidlawii (Freundt 1955) Edward and Acidaminococcus Rogosa 1969
Freundt 1970 Rogosa, M. 1969. Journal of Bacteriology
Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid.
and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of A. rubra Gauthier 1976
Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type species: Gauthier, M.J. 1976. International Jour-
A. macleodii Baumann, Baumann, Man- nal of Systematic Bacteriology 26:459-
del and Allen 1972. 466. Type strain: ATCC 29570
Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann, Description: Gauthier, M.J. 1976. Ibid.
M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid. A. undina Chan, Baumann, Garza and Bau-
A. aurantia Gauthier and Breittmayer 1979 mann 1978
Gauthier, M.J. and V.A. Breittmayer. Chan, K.Y., L. Baumann, M.M. Garza
1979. International Journal of Systematic and P. Baumann. 1978. International
Bacteriology 29:366-372. Type strain: Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28:
ATCC 33046 217-222. Type strain: ATCC 29660
Description: Gauthier, M.J. and V.A. Description: Chan, K.Y., L. Baumann,
Breittmayer. 1979. Ibid. M.M. Garza and L. Baumann. 1978.
A. citrea Gauthier 1977 Ibid.
Gauthier, M.J. 1977. International Jour- A. vaga Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and Allen
nal of Systematic Bacteriology 27:349- 1972
354. Type strain: ATCC 29719 Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel
Description: Gauthier, M.J. 1977. Ibid. and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of
A. communis Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and Bacteriology 110: 402-429. Type strain:
Allen 1972 ATCC 271 19
Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann,
and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid.
Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain:
ATCC 271 18 Alysiella Langeron 1923
Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann, Langeron, M. 1923. Annales de Parasito-
M. Mandel and R.D. Allen. 1972. Ibid. logie Humaine et Comparee 1:1 13-123.
A. espejiana Chan, Baumann, Garza and Type species: A. filifdrmis (Schmid 1922)
Baumann 1978 Langeron 1923
Chan, K.Y., L. Baumann, M.M. Garza Description: Bergey 8.
and P. Baumann. 1978. International A. filiformis (Schmid 1922) Langeron 1923
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28: Schmid, G. 1922 in Simons, H.
217-222. Type strain: ATCC 29659 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Description: Chan, K.Y ., L. Baumann, kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und €3ygi-
M.M. Garza and P. Baumann. 1978. Ibid. ene. Abteilung I. 88:50 1-510; Langeron,
A. baloplanktis (ZoBell and Upham 1944) M. 1923. Annales de Parasitologie
Reichelt and Baumann 1973 Humaine et Comparee 1:113-123. Type
ZoBell, C.E. and H.C. Upham. 1944. strain: ATCC 15532
Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Description: Steed, P.D.M. 1962. Journal
Oceanography, University of California 5: of General Microbiology 29:615-624.
239-292; Reichelt, J.L. and P. Baumann.
1973. International Journal of Systematic Amoebobacter Winogradsky 1888
Bacteriology 23:438-441. Type strain: Winogradsky, S. 1888. Beitrage zur
ATCC 14393 Morphologie und Physiologie der Bacteri-
Description: Reichelt, J.L. and P. en. Heft I. Zur Morphologie und
Baumann. 1973. Ibid. Physiologie der Schwefelbacterien. Arthur
A. macleodii Baumann, Baumann, Mandel and Felix, Leipzig. pp. 1-120. Type species: A.
Allen 1972 roseus Winogradsky 1888
Baumann, L., P. Baumann, M. Mandel Description: Bergey 8.
and R.D. Allen. 1972. Journal of A. pendens (Molisch 1906) Pfennig and Truper
Bacteriology 110:402-429. Type strain: 1971
ATCC 27126 Molisch, H. 1906. Botanische Zeitung.
Description: Baumann, L., P. Baumann, Abteilung I. 64:223-232; Pfennig, N. and
Donk, P.J. 1920. Journal of Bacteriology in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.
5373-374. Type strain: ATCC 12980 Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore,
Description: Bergey 8. R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds).
B. subtilis (Ehrenberg 1835) Cohn 1872 Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1835. Physikalische bacteriology, 2nd revision. Virginia Poly-
Abhandlungen der Koeniglichen Akadem- technic Institute, Anaerobe Laboratory,
ie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin aus den Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 33-44; Finegold,
Jahren 1833-1835, pp. 145-336; Cohn, F. S.M. and E.M. Barnes. 1977.
1872. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen International Journal of Systematic Bac-
1875 1:127-224. Type strain: ATCC 6051 teriology 27:388-391. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Bergey 8. 25260
B. thuringiensis Berliner 191 5 Description: Finegold, S.M. and E.M.
Berliner, E. 1915. Zeitschrift fur an- Barnes. 1977. Ibid.
gewandte Entomologie Berlin 2:29-56. B. bivius Holdeman and Johnson 1977
Type strain: ATCC 10792 Holdeman, L.V. and J.L. Johnson. 1977.
Description: Bergey 8. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
teriology 27:337-345. Type strain: ATCC
Bacterionema Gilmour, Howell and Bibby 1961 29303
Gilmour, M.N., A. Howell Jr. and B.G. Description: Holdeman, L.V. and J.L.
Bibby. 1961. Bacteriological Reviews 25: Johnson. 1977. Ibid.
131-141. Type species: B. matruchotii B. capillosus (Tissier 1908) Kelly 1957
(Mendel 1919) Gilmour, Howell and Tissier, H. 1908. Annales de 1’Institut
Bibby 1961 Pasteur (Paris) 22: 189-208; Kelly, C.D.
Description: Bergey 8. 1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and
B. matruchotii (Mendel 19 19) Gilmour, Howell N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of
and Bibby 1961 Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed. The
Mendel, J. 1919. Comptes Rendus des Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Seances de la Societe de Biologie 424-436, Type strain: ATCC 29799
(Filiales) 82583-586; Gilmour, M.N., A. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cato
Howell Jr. and B.G. Bibby. 1961. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Bacteriological Reviews 25: 13 1- 14 1. Type Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
strain: ATCC 14266 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Bergey 8. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
B. coagulans Eggerth and Gagnon 1933
Bacteroides Castellani and Chalmers 1919 Eggerth, A.H. and B.H. Gagnon. 1933.
Castellani, A. and A.J. Chalmers. 1919. Journal of Bacteriology 25:389-413. Type
Manual of tropical medicine. 3rd ed. strain: ATCC 29798
Williams, Wood and Co., New York. pp. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
959-960. Type species: B. fragilis (Veillon and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
and Zuber 1898) Castellani and Chalmers Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
1919 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Bergey 8. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
B. amylophilus Hamlin and Hungate 1956 B. disiens Holdeman and Johnson 1977
Hamlin, L.J. and R.E. Hungate. 1956. Holdeman, L.V. and J.L. Johnson. 1977.
Journal of Bacteriology 72548-554. Type International Journal of Systematic Bac-
strain: ATCC 29744 teriology 27:337-345. Type strain: ATCC
Description: Cato, E.P., W.E.C. Moore 29426
and M.P. Bryant. 1978. International Description: Holdeman, L.V. and J.L.
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 28: Johnson. 1977. Ibid.
491-495. B. distasonis Eggerth and Gagnon 1933
B. asaccharolyticus (Holdeman and Moore Eggerth, A.H. and B.H. Gagnon. 1933.
1970) Finegold and Barnes 1977 Journal of Bacteriology 25389-413. Type
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. 1970 strain: ATCC 8503
B. splendida (Beijerinck 1900) Reichelt, Bau- Systematic Bacteriology 24:2 1- 18. Type
mann and Baumann 1979 strain: ATCC 25527
Beijerinck, M.W. 1900. Proceedings of Description: Scardovi, V. and L.D.
the Academy of Sciences (Amsterdam) 3: Trovatelli. 1974. Tbid.
352-365; Reichelt, J.L., P. Baumann and B. asteroides Scardovi and Trovatelli 1969
L. Baumann. 1979 in International Scardovi, V. and L.D. Trovatelli. 1969.
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79- Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
80; Effective publication Reichelt, J.L., P. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
Baumann and L. Baumann. 1976. Ar- Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 123:64-88. Type
chives of Microbiology 110:101- 120. Type strain: ATCC 25910
strain: NCMB 1 Description: Scardovi, V. and L.D.
Description: Reichelt, J.L., P. Baumann Trovatelli. 1969. Ibid.
and L. Baumann. 1976. Ibid. B. bifidum (Tissier 1900) Orla-Jensen 1924
B. vulnifica Reichelt, Baumann and Baumann Tissier, H. 1900. Theses, Paris pp. 1-253;
1979 Orla-Jensen, S. 1924. Lait 4:468-474.
Reichelt, J.L., P. Baumann and L. Type strain: TilTissier) Anaerobe Collec-
Baumann. 1979 in International Journal tion, Institut Pasteur Lille
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:79-80; Description: Werner, H. and H.P.R.
Effective publication Reichelt, J.L., P. Seeliger. 1964. Pathologia et Microbiolo-
Baumann and L. Baumann. 1976. gia 27:212-215.
Archives of Microbiology 11O:lOl-120. B. bourn Scardovi, Trovatelli, Biavati and Zani
Type strain: ATCC 27562 1979
Description: Reichelt, J.P., P. Baumann Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovarelli, B. Biavati
and L. Baumann. 1976. Ibid. and G. Zani. 1979. International Journal
of Systematic Bacteriology 29:291-311.
Bifidobacterium Orla-Jensen 1924 Type strain: ATCC 27917
Orla-Jensen, S. 1924. Lait 4:468-474. Description: Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli,
Type species: B. bifidum (Tissier 1900) B. Biavati and G. Zani. 1979. Ibid.
Orla-Jensen 1924 B. breve Reuter 1963
Description: Bergey 8. Reuter, G. 1963. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri-
B. adolescentis Reuter 1963 ologie, Parasitenkunde,
Reuter, G. 1963. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- teilung I. 191:486-507. Type strain:
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 191: ATCC 15700
486-507. Type strain: ATCC 15703 Description: Reuter, G. 1971. Internation-
biotype a al Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 21:
Description: Reuter, G. 1971. Internation- 273-275.
al Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 21: B. catenulatum Scardovi and Crociani 1974
27 3-275. Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani. 1974.
B. angulatum Scardovi and Crociani 1974 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani. 1974. teriology 24:6-20. Type strain: ATCC
International Journal of Systematic 27539
Bacteriology 24:6-20. Type strain: ATCC Description: Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani.
27535 1974. Ibid.
Description: Scardovi, V. and F. Crociani. B. choerinum Scardovi, Trovatelli, Biavati and
1974. Ibid. Zani 1979
B. animalis (Mitsuoka 1969) Scardovi and Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli, B. Biavati
Trovatelli 1974 and G. Zani. 1979. International Journal
Mitsuoka, T. 1969. Zentralblatt fur of Systematic Bacteriology 29:29 1-31 1.
Ba kteriologie, Parasiten kunde, In fektion- Type strain: ATCC 27686
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. Description: Scardovi, V., L.D. Trovatelli,
21052-64; Scardovi, V. and L.D. Trova- B. Biavati and G. Zani. 1979. Ibid.
telli. 1974. International Journal of B. cuniculi Scardovi, Trovatelli, Biavati and
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 743-790. Type strain: ATCC 25777
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-1 56. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
C. botulinum (van Ermengem 1896) Bergey, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Harrison, Breed, Hammer and Huntoon Laboratory Manual 4th ed. Virginia
1923 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
van Ermengem, E. 1896. Zentralblatt fur Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- C. celatum Hauschild and Holdeman 1974
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. Hauschild, A.H. W. and L.V. Holdeman.
19:442-444; Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, 1974. International Journal of Systematic
R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer and F.M. Bacteriology 24:478-48 1. Type strain:
Huntoon. 1923. Bergey’s Manual of ATCC 27791
Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The Description: Hauschild, A.H.W. and L.V.
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. Holdeman 1974. I bid.
1-442. Type strain: ATCC 25763 C. cellobioparum Hungate 1944
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Hungate, R.E. 1944. Journal of Bacteriol-
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe ogy 48:499-513. Type strain: ATCC
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 15832
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
C. butyricum Prazmowski 1880 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Prazmowski, A. 1880. Inaugural Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Dissertation Hugo Voigt, Leipzig, pp. 1- Blackburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
58. Type strain: ATCC 19398 C. chauvoei (Arloing, Cornevin and Thomas
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 1887) Scott 1928
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Arloing, S., Cornevin and Thomas. 1887.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Le charbon symptomatique du boeuf. 2nd
Polytechnic Institute and State University, ed. Asselin and Houzeau, Paris. pp. I -
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. 281; Scott, J.P. 1928. Cornell Veterinari-
C. cadaveris (Klein 1899) McClung and McCoy an 18:259-271. Type strain: ATCC 10092
1957 Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Klein, E. 1899. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriol- and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
ogie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 25:278- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
284; McClung, L.S. and E. McCoy. 1957 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and N.R. C. clostridiiforme (Burri and Ankersmit 1906)
Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Determi- Kaneuchi, Watanabe, Terada, Benno and
native Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Williams Mitsuoka 1976
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 634-693. Burri, R. and P. Ankersmit. 1906 in
Type strain: ATCC 25783 Ankersmit, P. Zentralblatt fur
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia 40: 100-118; Kaneuchi, C., K. Watanabe,
Polytechnic Institute and State University, A. Terada, Y. Benno and T. Mitsuoka.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. 1976. International Journal of Systematic
C. carnis (Klein 1904) Spray 1939 Bacteriology 26:195-204, 341. Type strain:
Klein, E. 1904. Zentralblatt fur ATCC 25537
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Description: Cato, E.P. and C.W. Salmon.
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 1976. International Journal of Systematic
35:459-461; Spray, R.S. 1939 in Bergey, Bacteriology 26:205-2 11.
D.H., R.S. Breed, E.G.D. Murray and C. coccoides Kaneuchi, Benno and Mitsuoka
A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of 1976
Determinative Bacteriology, 5th ed. The Kaneuchi, C., Y. Benno and T. Mitsuoka.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Description: Dye, D.W. and W.J. Kemp.
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1977. New Zealand Journal of
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. Agricultural Research 20:563-5 82.
C. villosum Love, Jones and Bailey 1979 C. beticola Abdou 1969
Love, D.N., R.F. Jones and M. Bailey. Abdou, M. A-F. 1969. Phytopathologische
1979. International Journal of Systematic Zeitschrift 66:147- 167. Type strain:
Bacteriology 29:24 1-244. Type strain: NCPPB 2256
NCTC 11220 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Love, D.N., R.F. Jones and C. bovis Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer and
M. Bailey. 1979. Ibid. Huntoon 1923
Bergey, D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed,
Coprococcus Holdeman and Moore 1974 B.W. Hammer and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
1974. International Journal of Systematic iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type species: C. Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
eutactus Holdeman and Moore 1974 ATCC 7715
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Description: Bergey 8.
Moore. 1974. Ibid. C. callunae (Lee and Good 1963) Yamada and
C. catus Holdeman and Moore 1974 Komagata 1972
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Lee, W.H. and R.C. Good. 1963. Official
1974. International Journal of Systematic Gazette of the United States Patent
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: VPI Office 789:1349; Yamada, K. and K.
C6-6 1 Komagata. 1972. Journal of General and
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Applied Microbiology 18:417-431. Type
Moore. 1974. Ibid. strain: ATCC 15991
C. comes Holdeman and Moore 1974 Description: Yamada, K. and K. Komaga-
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. ta. 1972. Journal of General and Applied
1974. International Journal of Systematic Microbiology 18:399-416.
Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: VPI C. cystitidis Yanagawa and Honda 1978
Cl-38 Yanagawa, R. and E. Honda. 1978.
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Moore. 1974. Ibid. teriology 28:209-216. Type strain: ATCC
C. eutactus Holdeman and Moore 1974 29593
Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore. Description: Yanagawa, R. and E. Honda.
1974. International Journal of Systematic 1978. Ibid.
Bacteriology 24260-277. Type strain: C. dipbtberiae (Kruse 1886) Lehmann and
ATCC 27759 Neumann 1896
Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Kruse, W. 1886 in Flugge, C. Die
Moore. 1974. Ibid. Mikroorganismen. F.C.W. Vogel, Leipzig;
Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896.
Corynebacterium Lehmann and Neumann 1896 Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie
Lehmann, K.B. and R. Neumann. 1896. und Lehrbuch der speziellen
Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie bakteriologischen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F.
und Lehrbuch der speciellen bakteriologis- Lehmann, Munchen. Type strain: ATCC
chen Diagnostik. 1st ed. J.F. Lehmann, 270 10
Munchen. Type species: C. diphtheriae Description: Barksdale, L. 1970. Bacterio-
(Kruse 1886) Lehmann and Neumann logical Reviews 34:4 14.
1896 C. equi Magnusson 1923
Description: Bergey 8. Magnusson, M. 1923. Archiv fur wissen-
C. betae Keyworth, Howell and Dowson 1956 schaftliche u. praktische Tierheilkunde 50:
Keyworth, W.G., J.T.S. Howell and W.J. 22-38. Type strain: ATCC 6939
Dowson. 1956. Plant Pathology 588-90. Description: Bergey 8.
Type strain: NCPPB 374 C. fascians (Tilford 1936) Dowson 1942
W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1969 in W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS.
Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V. Holde- Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods
man, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore, R.M. in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision.
Smibert and L.DS. Smith (eds). Outline Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe
of clinical methods in anaerobic bacteriol- Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. Type
ogy, 1st revision. Virginia Polytechnic strain: ATCC 27768
Institute Anaerobe Laboratory, Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-107. Type and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
strain: ATCC 25286 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 1 56.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia F. russii (Hauduroy, Ehringer, Urbain, Guillot
Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Magrou 1937) Moore and Holdeman
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. 1970
F. nucleatum Knorr 1922 Hauduroy, P., G. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G.
Knorr, M. 1922. Zentralblatt fur Bakteri- Guillot, and J. Magrou. 1937. Diction-
ologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskran- naire des bacteries pathogenes. Masson et
kheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung I. 89:4- Cie, Paris. pp. 1-597; Moore, W.E.C. and
22. Type strain: ATCC 25586 L.V. Holdeman. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S.
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson,
and W.E.C. Moore ( 4 s ) . 1977. Anaerobe W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS.
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods
Polytechnic Institute and State University, in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision.
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156. Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe
F. perfoetens (Tissier 1905) Moore and Holde- Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia. Type
man 1973 strain: ATCC 25533
Tissier, H. 1905. Annales de 1’Institut Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Pasteur (Paris) 19:109-123; Moore, and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1973. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
teriology 23:69-74. Type strain: ATCC Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
29250 F. varium (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Moore
Description: Van Assche, P.F. and A.T. and Holdeman 1969
Wilssens. 1977. International Journal of Eggerth, A.H. and B.H. Gagnon. 1933.
Systematic Bacteriology 27: 1-5. Journal of Bacteriology 25:389-413;
F. plauti Seguin 1928 Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1969
Seguin, P. 1928. Comptes Rendus des in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.
Seances de la Societe de Biologie (Paris) Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, W.E.C. Moore,
99:439-442. Type strain: ATCC 29863 R.M. Smibert and L.DS Smith (eds).
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Outline of clinical methods in anaerobic
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe bacteriology, 1st revision. Virginia Poly-
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia tech Institute Anaerobe Laboratory,
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 107. Type
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156. strain: ATCC 8501
F. prausnitzii (Hauduroy, Ehringer, Urbain, Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Guillot and Magrou 1937) Moore and and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977
Holdeman 1970 Anaerobe Laboratory Manual, 4th ed.
Hauduroy, P., G. Ehringer, A. Urbain, G. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Guillot, and J. Magrou. 1937. Diction- University, Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-
naire des bacteries pathogenes. Masson et 156.
Cie, Paris. pp. 1-597; Moore, W.E.C. and
L.V. Holdeman. 1970 in Cato, E.P., C.S. Gallionella Ehrenberg 1838
Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, Ehrenberg, C.G. 1838. Die Infusionsthier-
chen als vollkommene Organismen. L. Cluconobacter (Asai 1935) Asai, Iizuka and
Voss, Leipzig. Type species: G. ferruginea Komagata 1964
Ehrenberg 1838 Asai, T. 1935. Journal of the Agricultural
Description: Bergey 8. Chemical Society of Japan 11:674-708;
G. ferruginea Ehrenberg 1838 Asai, T., H. Iizuka and K. Komagata.
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1838. Type strain: no 1964. Journal of General and Applied
culture isolated. Microbiology 10:95-126. Type species: G.
Description: Bergey 8. oxydans (Henneberg 1897) De Ley 1961
Description: Bergey 8.
Gemella Berger 1960 G. oxydans (Henneberg 1897) De Ley 1961
Berger, U. 1960. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene Henneberg, W. 1897. Zentralblatt fur
und Infektionskrankheiten Medizinische Bakteriologie, Parasiten kunde,
Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Virologie Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
146:253-259. Type species: G. haemolys- teilung 11. 3:223-231; De Ley, J. 1961.
ans (Thjotta and Boe 1938) Berger 1960 Journal of General Microbiology 24:3 1-
Description: Bergey 8. 50. Type strain: ATCC 19357
G. baemolysans (Thjotta and Boe 1938) Berger Description: Bergey 8.
1960 G. oxydans subsp. industrius (Henneberg 1898)
Thjotta, T. and J. Boe. 1938. Acta De Ley and Frateur 1974
Pathologica et Bacteriologica Scandinavi- Henneberg, W. 1898. Deutsche Essi-
ca Supplement 37527-531; Berger, U. gindustrie 2:145-148; De Ley, J. and J.
1960. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene und Frateur. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type strain:
Infektionskrankheiten Medizinische Mi- LMD 24.1
krobiologie, Immunologie und Virologie Description: Bergey 8.
146:253-259. Type strain: ATCC 10379 G. oxydans subsp. melanogenes (Beijerinck
Description: Bergey 8. 1911) De Ley and Frateur 1974
Beijerinck, M. 1911. Zentralblatt fur
Gemmiger Gossling and Moore 1975 Ba kteriologie, Parasi ten kunde, In fek tion-
Gossling, J. and W.E.C. Moore. 1975. skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
International Journal of Systematic Bac- 29:169-176; De Ley, J. and J. Frateur.
teriology 25:202-207. Type species: G. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type strain: LMD 29.2
formicilis Gossling and Moore 1975 Description: Bergey 8.
Description: Gossling, J. and W.E.C. G. oxydans subsp. oxydans (Henneberg 1897)
Moore. 1975. Ibid. De Ley 1961
G. formicilis Gossling and Moore 1975 Henneberg, W. 1897. Zentralblatt fur
Gossling, J. and W.E.C. Moore. 1975. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde,
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
teriology 25202-207. Type strain: ATCC teilung 11. 3:223-231; De Ley, J. 1961.
27749 Journal of General Microbiology 24:3 1-
Description: Gossling, J. and W.E.C. 50. Type strain: ATCC 19357
Moore. 1975. Ibid. Description: Bergey 8.
G. oxydans subsp. sphaericus Ameyama 1975
Geodermatophilus Luedemann 1968 Ameyama, M. 1975. International Journal
Luedemann, G.M. 1968. Journal of of Systematic Bacteriology 25:365-370.
Bacteriology 96: 1848-1858. Type species: Type strain: I F 0 12467
G. obscurus Luedemann 1968 Description: Ameyama, M. 1975. Ibid.
Description: Bergey 8. G. oxydans subsp. suboxydans (Kluyver and de
G. obscurus Luedemann 1968 Leeuw 1924) De Ley and Frateur 1974
Luedemann, G.M. 1968. Journal of Kluyver, A.J. and F.J.G. de Leeuw. 1924.
Bacteriology 96:1848-1858. Type strain: Tijdschrift voor vergeeijkende genees-
ATCC 25078 kunde, gezondheidsleer en parasitaire en
Description: Luedemann, G.M. 1968. Ibid. infectieziekten 10:170-28I; De Ley, J. and
J. Frateur. 1974 in Bergey 8. Type strain:
Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. kunde und physiche Erziehung 52:38-55;
pp. 1-814;Trevisan, V. 1887. Rendiconti Hansen, P.A. and G. Mocquot. 1970.
dell’Instituto Lombardo di Scienze e International Journal of Systematic
Lettere (Ser 2) 20:88-105. Type strain: Bacteriology 20:325-327. Type strain:
ATCC 13883 ATCC 4356
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Hansen, P.A. and G. Moc-
K. rbinoscleromatis Trevisan 1887 quot. 1970. Ibid.
Trevisan, V. 1887. Rendiconti L. brevis (Orla-Jensen 1919) Bergey, Breed,
dell’Instituto Lombardo di Scienze e Hammer, Huntoon, Murray and Harrison
Lettere (Ser 2) 20:88-105. Type strain: 1934
ATCC 13884 Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid
Description: Bergey 8. bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1 - 196;
Bergey, D.H., R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer,
Kurthia Trevisan 1885 F.M. Huntoon, E.G.D. Murray and F.C.
Trevisan, V. 1885. Atti della Accademia Harrison. 1934. Bergey’s Manual of
Fisia-Medica-Sta tistica in Milano (Series Determinative Bacteriology, 4th ed. The
4) 3:92-107. Type species: K. zopfii Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
(Kurth 1883) Trevisan 1885 1-664.Type strain: ATCC 14869
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A. Han-
K. zopfii (Kurth 1883) Trevisan 1885 sen. 1971. International Journal of
Kurth, H. 1883. Berichte der Deutschen Systematic Bacteriology 21:177-186.
botanischen Gesellschaft k97-100; Trevi- L. buchneri (Henneberg 1903) Bergey, Harri-
san, V. 1885. Atti della Accademia Fisia- son, Breed, Hammer, and Huntoon 1923
Medica-Statistics in Milano (Series 4) 3: Henneberg, W. 1903. Zeitschrift fur
92-107.Type strain: NCIB 9878 Spiritusindustrie 26:329-332; Bergey,
Description: Bergey 8. D.H., F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W.
Hammer, and F.M. Huntoon. 1923.
Lachnospira Bryant and Small 1956 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Bryant, M.P. and N. Small. 1956. iology, 1st ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Journal of Bacteriology 72:22-26. Type Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-442. Type strain:
species: L. multiparis Bryant and Small ATCC 4005
1956 Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A. Han-
Description: Bergey 8. sen. 1971. Ibid.
L. multiparis Bryant and Small 1956 L. bulgaricus (Orla-Jensen 1919) Rogosa and
Bryant, M.P. and N. Small. 1956. Hansen 1971
Journal of Bacteriology 72:22-26. Type Orla-Jensen, S. 1919. The lactic acid
strain: ATCC 19207 bacteria. Host, Copenhagen. pp. 1 - 196;
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 Rogosa, M. and P.A. Hansen. 1971.
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia teriology 21:177-186. Type strain: ATCC
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 11842
Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1 - 1 56. Description: Rogosa, M. and P.A.
Hansen. 1971. Ibid.
Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901 L. casei (Orla-Jensen 1916) Hansen and Lessel
Beijerinck, M.W. 1901. Archives Neerlan- 1971
daises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles Orla-Jensen, S. 19 16. Maelkeri-Bakteriol-
(Section 2) 6:212-243. Type species: L. ogi. Schonberske Forlag, Copenhagen;
delbrueckii (Leichmann 1896) Beijerinck Hansen, P.A. and E.F. Lessel. 1971.
1901 International Journal of Systematic Bac-
Description: Bergey 8. teriology 2159-71. Type strain: ATCC
L. acidophilus (Moro 1900) Hansen and 3’93
Mocquot 1970 Description: Bergey 8.
Moro, E. 1900. Jahrbuch fur Kinderheil- L. casei subsp. alactosus Mills and Lessel 1973
Mills, C.K. and E.F. . Lessel. 1973. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
International Journal of Systematic Bac- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
teriology 23:67-68. Type strain: A T E Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
27216 L. cellobiosus Rogosa, Wiseman, Mitchell and
Description: Mills, C.K. and E.F. Lessel. Disraely 1953
1973. Ibid. Rogosa, M., R.F. Wiseman, J.A. Mitchell
L. casei subsp. casei (Orla-Jensen 1916) and M.N. Disraely. 1953. Journal of
Hansen and Lessel 1971 Bacteriology 65:68 1-699. Type strain:
Orla-Jensen, S. 1916. Maelkeri- ATCC 11739
Bakteriologi. Schonberske Forlag, Copen- Description: Bergey 8.
hagen; Hansen, P.A. and E.F. Lessel. L. collinoides Carr and Davies 1972
1971. International Journal of Systematic Carr, J.G. and P.A. Davies. 1972. Journal
Bacteriology 21:69-7 1. Type strain: ATCC of Applied Bacteriology 35:463. Type
393 strain: ATCC 27612
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Carr, J.G. and P.A. Davies.
L. casei subsp. pseudoplantarum Abo-Elnaga 1972. Ibid.
and Kandler 1965 L. confusus (Holzapfel and Kandler 1969)
Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965. Sharpe, Garvie and Tilbury 1972
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten- Holzapfel, W. and 0. Kandler. 1969.
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Zentral blatt fur Bakteriologie,
ene. Abteilung 11. 119:l-36. Type strain: Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
ATCC 25598 Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 123:657-666;
Description: Bergey 8. Sharpe, M.E., E.I. Garvie and R. Tilbury.
L. casei subsp. rhamnosus Hansen 1968 1972. Applied Microbiology 23:389-397.
Hansen, P.A. 1968. A report by the Type strain: ATCC 10881
Taxonomic Subcommittee on Lactobacilli Description: Sharpe, M.E., E.I. Garvie
and Closely Related Organisms. American and R. Tilbury. 1972. Ibid.
Type Culture Collection, Rockville, L. coryniformis Abo-Elnaga and Kandler 1965
Maryland. p. 76. Type strain: ATCC Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965.
7469 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Description: Bergey 8. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
L. casei subsp. tolerans Abo-Elnaga and ene. Abteilung 11. 119:l-36. Type strain:
Kandler 1965 DSM 20001
Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965. Description: Bergey 8.
Zentral blatt fur Ba kteriologie, Parasi ten- L. coryniformis subsp. coryniformis Abo-Elnaga
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- and Kandler 1965
ene. Abteilung 11. 119:l-39. Type strain: Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965.
ATCC 25599 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Description: Bergey 8. kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und
L. catenaforme (Eggerth 1935) Moore and Hygiene. Abteilung 11. 119:1-36. Type
Holdeman 1970 strain: DSM 20001
Eggerth, A.H. 1935. Journal of Bacteriol- Description: Bergey 8.
ogy 30:277-299; Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. L. coryniformis subsp. torquens Abo-Elnaga and
Holdeman. 1970. IN Cato, E.P., C.S. Kandler 1965
Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson, Abo-Elnaga, I.G. and 0. Kandler. 1965.
W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi-
in anaerobic bacteriology, 2nd revision. ene. Abteilung 11. 119:l-36. Type strain:
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe ATCC 25600
Laboratory, Blacksburg, Virginia pp. 15- Description: Bergey 8.
22. Type strain: ATCC 25536 L. crispatus (Brygoo and Aladame 1953) Moore
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0 and Holdeman 1970
and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe Brygoo, E.R. and N. Aladame. 1953.
132. Type strain: ATCC 27394 Schlesien. Band 3, Heft 3, Pilze J.U.
Description: Bergey 8. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. pp. 1-814. Type
L. viridescens Kandler and Abo-Elnaga 1966 strain: ATCC 11041
Kandler, 0. and I.G. Abo-Elnaga. 1966. Description: Bergey 8.
Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-
kunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygi- Legionella Brenner, Steigerwalt and McDade
ene. Abteilung 11. 120:753-754. Type 1979
strain: ATCC 12706 Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steigerwalt and J.E.
Description: Bergey 8. McDade. 1979. International Journal of
L. vitulinus Sharpe, Latham, Garvie, Zirngibl Systematic Bacteriology 29:436; Effective
and Kandler 1973 publication Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steig-
Sharpe, M.E., M.J. Latham, E.I. Garvie, erwalt and J.E. McDade. 1979. Annals of
J. Zirngibl and 0. Kandler. 1973. Journal Internal Medicine 90:656-658. Type
of General Microbiology 77:37-49. Type species: L. pneumophila Brenner, Steig-
strain: ATCC 27783 erwalt and McDade 1979
Description: Sharpe, M.E., M.J. Latham, Description: Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steig-
E.I. Garvie, J. Zirngibl and 0. Kandler. erwalt and J.E. McDade. 1979. Ibid.
1973. Ibid. L. pneumopbila Brenner, Steigerwalt and
L. xylosus Kitahara 1938 McDade 1979
Kitahara, K. 1938. Journal of the Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steigerwalt and J.E.
Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan McDade. 1979. International Journal of
14:1449-1465. Type strain: ATCC 15577 Systematic Bacteriology 29:436; Effective
Description: Bergey 8. pbulication Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steig-
erwalt and J.E. McDade. 1979. Annals of
Lamprocystis Schroeter 1886 Internal Medicine 90:656-658. Type
Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F. strain: ATCC 33152
Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3, Description: Brenner, D.J., A.G. Steig-
Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. erwalt and J.E. McDade. 1979. Ibid.
pp. 1-814. Type species: L. roseopersicina
(Kutzing 1849) Schroeter 1886 Leptospira Noguchi 1917
Description: Bergey 8. Noguchi, H. 1917. Journal of Experimen-
L. roseopersicina (Kutzing 1849) Schroeter tal Medicine 25:755-763. Type species: L.
1886 interrogans (Stimson 1907) Wenyon 1926
Kutzing, F.T. 1849. Species Algarum. Description: Bergey 8.
Lipsiae, pp. 1-922; Schroeter, J. 1885- L. biflexa (Wolbach and Binger 1914) Noguchi
1889 in Cohn, F. Kryptogamenflora von 1918
Schlesien. Band 3, Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Wolbach, S.B. and C.A.L. Binger. 1914.
Kern’s Verlag. Breslau, pp. 1-814. Type Journal of Medical Research 30:23-26;
strain: DSM 229 Noguchi, H. 1918. Journal of Experimen-
Description: Bergey 8. tal Medicine 27575-592. Type strain:
ATCC 23582
Lampropedia Schroeter 1886 Description: Bergey 8.
Schroeter, J. 1885-1889 in Cohn, F. L. interrogans (Stimson 1907) Wenyon 1926
Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. Band 3, Stimson, A.M. 1907. Public Health
Heft 3, Pilze J.U. Kern’s Verlag, Breslau. Report 22541; Wenyon, C.M. 1926 in
pp. 1-814. Type species: L. hyalina Wenyon, C.M. Protozoology, Vol. 2.
(Ehrenberg 1832) Schroeter 1886 Williams, Wood and Co., New York. pp.
Description: Bergey 8. 1233-1288. Type strain: ATCC 23581
L. hyalina (Ehrenberg 1832) Schroeter 1886 Description: Bergey 8.
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1832. Abhandlungen der
Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften kptothiix Kutzing 1843
zu Berlin 183O:l-88; Schroeter, J. 1885- Kutzing, F.T. 1843. Phycologia Generalis.
1889 in Cohn, F. Kryptogamenflora von Leipzig. Type species: L. ochracea (Roth
M. africanum Castets, Rist and Boisvert 1969 Frerichs 1953) Kubica, Baess, Gordon,
Castets, M., N. Rist and H. Boisvert. Jenkins, Kwapinski, McDurmont, Pattyn,
1969. Medecin D’Afrique Noire 1632 1 - Saito, Silcox, Stanford, Takeya and
322. Type strain: ATCC 25420 Tsukamura 1972
Description: Bergey 8. Moore, M. and J.B. Frerichs. 1953.
M. asiaticum Weiszfeiler, Karasseva and Journal of Investigative Dermatology 20:
Karczag 1971 133-169; Kubica, G.P., 1. Baess, R.E.
Weiszfeiler, J., G.V. Karasseva and E. Gordon, P.A. Jenkins, J.B.G. Kwapinski,
Karczag. 197 1 . Acta Microbiologica Aca- C. McDurmont, S.R. Pattyn, H. Saito, V.
demiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 18:247- Silcox, J.L. Stanford, K. Takeya and M.
252. Type strain: ATCC 25276 Tsukamura. 1972. Journal of General I
and Taxonomy 585-93. Type strain: M. mycoides subsp. mycoides (Borrel, Dujardin-
ATCC 19327 Beaumetz, Jeantet and Jouan 1910)
Description: Rosendal, S. 1979 in Barile, Freundt 1955
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. Borrel, A., E. Dujardin-Beaumetz, Jeantet
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca- and Jouan. 1910. Annales de 1’Institut
demic Press, New York, Volume 11. pp. Pasteur (Paris) 24: 168- 179; Freundt, E.A.
2 17-234. 1955. International Bulletin of Bacterio-
M. meleagedis Yamarnoto, Bigland and Ort- logical Nomenclature and Taxonomy 5:
mayer 1965 67-78. Type strain: NCTC 101 14
Yamamoto, R., C.H. Bigland and H.B. Description: Gourlay, R.N. and C.J.
Ortmayer. 1965. Journal of Bacteriology Howard. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin,
90:47-49. Type strain: ATCC 25294 J.G. Tully and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The
Description: Bergey 8. Mycoplasmas. Academic Press, New
M. moatsii Madden, Moats, London, Matthew York, Volume 11. pp. 103-132.
and Sever 1974 M. neurolyticum (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955
Madden, D.L., K.E. Moats, W.T. London, Sabin, A.B. 1941. Bacteriological Reviews
E.B. Matthew and J.L. Sever. 1974. 5: 1-66; Freundt, E.A. 1955. International
International Journal of Systematic Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature
Bacteriology 24:459-464. Type strain: and Taxonomy 5:67-78. Type strain:
ATCC 27625 ATCC 19988
Description: Madden, D.L., K.E. Moats, Description: Cassell, G.H. and A. Hill.
W.T. London, E.B. Matthew and J.L. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully
Sever. 1974. Ibid. and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplas-
M. molrre Rosendal 1974 mas. Academic Press, New York, Volume
Rosendal, S. 1974. International Journal 11. pp. 235-273. .
of Systematic Bacteriology 24:125-130. M. opalescens Rosendal 1975
Type strain: ATCC 27746 Rosendal, S. 1975. Acta Pathologica et
Description: Rosendal, S. 1974. Ibid. Microbiologica Scandinavica Section B
M. mycoides (Borrel, Dujardin-Beaumetz, Jean- 83463-470. Type strain: ATCC 27921
tet and Jouan 1910) Freundt 1955 Description: Rosendal, S. 1975. Ibid.
Borrel, A., E. Dujardin-Beaumetz, Jeantet M. orale Taylor-Robinson, Canchola, Fox and
and Jouan. 1910. Annales de I’Institut Chanock 1964
Pasteur (Paris) 24: 168- 179; Freundt, E.A. Taylor-Robinson, D., J. Canchola, H. Fox
1955. International Bulletin of Bacterio- and R.M. Chanock. 1964. American
logical Nomenclature and Taxonomy 5: Journal of Hygiene 80:13 5- 148. Type
67-78. Type strain: NCTC 10114 strain: ATCC 23714
Description: Gourlay, R.N. and C.J. Description: Bergey 8 .
Howard. 1979 in Barile, M.F., S. Razin, M. ovipneumoniae Carmichael, St. George,
J.G. Tully and R.F. Whitcomb (eds). The Sullivan and Horsfall 1972
Mycoplasmas. Academic Press, New Carmichael, L.E., T.D. St. George, N.D.
York, Volume 11. pp. 103-132. Sullivan and N. Horsfall. 1972. Cornell
M. mycoides subsp. capri (Edward 1953) Veterinarian 62554-679. Type strain:
Freundt 1955 ATCC 29419
Edward, D.G. ff. 1953. Veterinary Record Description: Cottew, G.S. 1979 in Barile,
65:873-874; Freundt, E.A. 1955. Interna- M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F.
tional Bulletin of Bacteriological Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas.
Nomenclature and Taxonomy 5:67-78. Academic Press, New York, Volume 11.
Type strain: NCTC 10137 pp. 103-132.
Description: Cottew, G.S.1979 in Barile, M. pneumoniae Somerson, Taylor-Robinson and
M.F., S. Razin, J.G. Tully and R.F. Chanock 1963
Whitcomb (eds). The Mycoplasmas. Aca- Somerson, N.L., D. Taylor-Robinson and
demic Press, New York, Volume 11. pp. R.M. Chanock. 1963. American Journal
103-132. of Hygiene 77: 122- 128. Type strain:
an, Krumwiede, Rogers and Smith 1917 N. multiformis Watson, Graham, Remsen and
Winslow, C.E.A., J. Broadhurst, R.E. Valois 1971
Buchanan, C. Krumwiede Jr., L.A. Watson, S.W., L.B. Graham, C.C.
Rogers and G.H. Smith. 1917. Journal of Remsen and F.W. Valois. 1971. Archiv
Bacteriology 2505-566. Type strain: fur Mikrobiologie 7693-203. Type strain:
ATCC 25391 ATCC 25196
Description: Watson, S.W. 1971. Interna- Description: Watson, S.W. 1971. Interna-
tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology tional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
21:254-270. 2 1:2 5 4- 270.
Poloniae 7:250-273. Type strain: Windsor teilung 11. 22:305-346. Type strain:
M257 ATCC 25562
Description: Bergey 8. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
P. minor (Peterson 1959) McCurdy 1970 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Peterson, J.E. 1959. Mycologia 51: 1-8; Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
McCurdy, H.D. 1970. International Jour- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
nal of Systematic Bacteriology 20:283- Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
296. Type strain: UMH Peterson 44 P. acnes (Gilchrist 1900) Douglas and Gunter
Description: Peterson, J.E. 1959. Ibid. 1946
P. rugiseptum (Peterson 1959) McCurdy 1970 ' Gilchrist, T.C. 1900. Johns Hopkins
Peterson, J.E. 1959. Mycologia 51:1-8; Hospital Report 9:409-430; Douglas, H.D.
McCurdy, H.D. 1970. International and S.E. Gunter. 1946. Journal of
Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 20: Bacteriology 52: 15-23. Type strain: ATCC
283-296. Type strain: UMH Peterson 5 1 6919
Description: Peterson, J.E. 1959. Ibid. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
P. vitellinum Link 1809 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Link, H.F. 1809. Gesellschaft fur Natur Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
(Berlin) 3:3-42. Type strain: TC 4564 Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Description: Bergey 8. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
P. avidum (Eggerth 1935) Moore and Holde-
Promicromonospora Krassilnikov, Kalakoutskii man 1969
and Kirillova 1961 Eggtrth, A.H. 1935. Journal of Bacteriol-
Krassilnikov, N.A., L.V. Kalakoutskii and ogy 30:277-299; Moore, W.E.C. and L.V.
N.F. Kirillova. 1961. Bulletin of the Holdeman. 1969 in Cato, E.P., C.S.
Academy of Sciences USSR (Series Cummins, L.V. Holdeman, J.L. Johnson,
Biology) 1:107-112. Type species: P . W.E.C. Moore, R.M. Smibert and L.DS.
citrea Krassilnikov, Kalakou tskii and Smith (eds). Outline of clinical methods
Kirillova 196 1 in anaerobic bacteriology. Virginia
Description: Krassilnikov, N.A., L.V. Polytechnic Institute Anaerobe Laborato-
Kalakoutskii and N.F. Kirillova. 1961. ry, Blacksburg, Virginia. Type strain:
I bid. ATCC 25577
P. citrea Krassilnikov, Kalakoutskii and Kirillo- Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
va 1961 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Krassilnikov, N.A., L.V. Kalakoutskii and Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
N.F. Kirillova. 1961. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Academy of Sciences USSR (Series Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-156.
Biology) 1:107- 1 12. Type strain: ATCC P. freudenreichii van Niel 1928
15908 van Niel, C.B. 1928. The propionic acid
Description: Krassilnikov, N.A., L.V. bacteria. Uitgeverszaak and Boissevain
Kalakoutskii and N.F. Kirillova. 1961. and Co., Haarlem, Holland. pp. 1-187.
Ibid. Type strain: ATCC 6207
Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Propionibacterium Orla-Jensen 1909 and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Orla-Jensen, S. 1909. Zentralblatt fur Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- Polytechnic Institute and State University,
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
22:305-346. Type species: P. freuden- P. freudenreicbii subsp. freudenreichii (van Niel
reichii van Niel 1928 1928) Moore and Holdeman 1970
Description: Bergey 8. van Niel, C.B. 1928. The propionic acid
P. acidi-propionici Orla-Jensen 1909 bacteria. Uitgeverszaak and Boissevain
Orla-Jensen, S. 1909. Zentralblatt fur and Co., Haarlem, Holland. pp. 1-187;
Ba kteriologie Parasitenkunde, Moore, W.E.C. and L.V. Holdeman. 1970
Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab- in Cato, E.P., C.S. Cummins, L.V.
Description: Bergey 8.
Rickettsiella Philip 1956
Philip, C.B. 1956. Canadian Journal of Ruminococcus Sijpesteijn 1948
Microbiology 2261-270. Type species: R. Sijpesteijn, A.K. 1948. Cellulose-
popiffiae (Dutky and Gooden 1952) Philip decomposing bacteria from the rumen of
1956 cattle. Thesis. University of Leiden, The
Description: Bergey 8. Netherlands. p. 152. Type species: R.
R. popilliae (Dutky and Gooden 1952) Philip flavefaciens Sijpesteijn 1948
1956 Description: Bergey 8.
Dutky, S.R. and E.L. Gooden. 1952. R. albus Hungate 1957
Journal of Bacteriology 63:743-750; Phil- Hungate, R.E. 1957. Canadian Journal of
ip, C.B. 1956. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 3:289-3 1 1. Type strain:
Microbiology 2 2 6 1-270. Type strain: no ATCC 27210
culture isolated. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
Description: Bergey 8. and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
R. stethorae Hall and Badgley 1957 Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
Hall, I.M. and M.E. Badgley. 1957. Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Journal of Bacteriology 74:452-455. Type Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1-1 56.
strain: no culture isolated. R. bromii Moore, Cat0 and Holdeman 1972
Description: Bergey 8. Moore, W.E.C., E.P. Cat0 and L.V.
Holdeman. 1972. International Journal of
Rochalimaea (Macchiavello 1947) Krieg 1961 Systematic Bacteriology 2278-80. Type
Macchiavello, A. 1947. Prima Reunione strain: ATCC 27255
Interamericana del Tifo, Mexico. pp. 405- Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
426; Krieg, A. 1961. Grundlagen der and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
Insekten-pathologie. Dr. Dietrich Stein- Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
kofpp. Verlag, Darmstadt. Type species: Polytechnic Institute and State University,
R. quintana (Schmincke 1917) Krieg Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
1961 R. callidus Holdeman and Moore 1974
Description: Bergey 8. Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C. Moore.
R. quintana (Schmincke 1917) Krieg 1961 1974. International Journal of Systematic
Schmincke, A. 19 17. Munchener Bacteriology 24:260-277. Type strain: VPI
Medizinische Wochenschrift 64:96 1; 57-3 1
Krieg, A. 1961. Grundlagen der Insekten- Description: Holdeman, L.V. and W.E.C.
pathologie. Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff. Ver- Moore. 1974. Ibid.
lag, Darmstadt. Type strain: ATCC VR R. flavefaciens Sijpesteijn 1948
358 Sijpesteijn, A.K. 1948. Cellulose-decom-
Description: Bergey 8. posing bacteria from the rumen of cattle.
Thesis, University of Leiden, The Nether-
Rotbia Georg and Brown 1967 lands. Type strain: ATCC 19208
Georg, L.K. and J.M. Brown. 1967. Description: Holdeman, L.V., E.P. Cat0
International Journal of Systematic Bac- and W.E.C. Moore (eds). 1977. Anaerobe
teriology 17:79-88. Type species: R. Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Virginia
dentocariosa (Onishi 1949) Georg and Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Brown 1967 Blacksburg, Virginia. pp. 1- 156.
Description: Bergey 8. R. gnavus Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976
R. dentocariosa (Onishi 1949) Georg and Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson and L.V.
Brown 1967 Holdeman. 1976. International Journal of
Onishi, M. 1949. Journal of Dental Systematic Bacteriology 26:238-252. Type
Research 6:273-282; Georg, L.K. and strain: ATCC 29149
J.M. Brown. 1967. International Journal Description: Moore, W.E.C., J.L. Johnson
of Systematic Bacteriology 17:79-88. Type and L.V. Holdeman. 1976. Ibid.
strain: ATCC 1793 1 R. lactaris Moore, Johnson and Holdeman 1976
iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
ATCC 12626 Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ATCC 15394
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Pridham, T.G., A.J. Lyons
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Jr. and H.L. Seckinger. 1965. Internation-
S. albogriseolus Benedict, Shotwell, Pridham, al Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomencla-
Lindenfelser and Haynes 1954 ture and Taxonomy 15:191-237.
Benedict, R.G., O.L. Shotwell, T.G. S. albosporeus subsp. albosporeus (Krainsky
Pridham, L.A. Lindenfelser and W.C. 1914) Waksman and Henrici 1948
Haynes. 1954. Antibiotics and Chemoth- Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur
erapy 4:653-656. Type strain: NRRL B- Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde,
1305 Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. Ab-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. teilung 11. 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of and A.T. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S.,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. E.G.D. Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds).
S. albolongus Tsukiura, Okanishi, Koshiyama, Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter-
Ohmori, Miyaki and Kawaguchi 1964 iology, 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins
Tsukiura, H., M. Okanishi, H. Koshiya- Co., Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
ma, T. Ohmori, T. Miyaki and H. ATCC 15394
Kawaguchi. 1964. Journal of Antibiotics Description: Pridham, T.G., A.J. Lyons
(Tokyo) Series A 17:223-229. Type strain: Jr. and H.L. Seckinger. 1965. Internation-
ATCC 27414 al Bulletin of Bacteriological
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Nomenclature and Taxonomy 15:191-237.
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of S. albosporeus subsp. labilomyceticus Okami,
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Suzuki and Umezawa 1963
S. alboniger Porter, Hewitt, Hesseltine, Krupka, Okami, Y., M. Suzuki and H. Umezawa.
Lowery, Wallace, Bohonos and Williams 1963. Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo)
1952 Series A 16:152-154. Type strain: NIHJ
Porter, J.N., R.I. Hewitt, C.W. Hessel- 425
tine, G. Krupka, J.A. Lowery, W.S. Description: Okami, Y., M. Suzuki and
Wallace, N. Bohonos and J.H. Williams. H. Umezawa. 1963. Ibid.
1952. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 2: S. albovinaceus (Kudrina 1957) Pridham, Hes-
409-410. Type strain: ATCC 12461 seltine and Benedict 1958
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Kudrina, E.S. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, N.O.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
S. albospinus Wang, Hamada, Okami and kova. Problems in the classification of
Umezawa 1966 actinomycetes-an tagonists. State Publish-
Wang, E.L., M. Hamada, Y. Okami and ing House of Medical Literature, Medgiz,
H. Umezawa. 1966. Journal of Antibiotics Moscow, USSR; Pridham, T.G., C.W.
(Tokyo) Series A 19:216-221. Type strain: Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
ATCC 29808 Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
Description: Wang, E.L., M. Hamada, Y. strain: ATCC 15823
Okami and H. Umezawa. 1966. Ibid. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. albosporeus (Krainsky 1914) Waksman and Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Henrici 1948 Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur S. alboviridis (Duche 1934) Pridham, Hesseltine
Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion- and Benedict 1958
skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11. Duche, J. 1934. Encyclopedie Mycolo-
41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T. gique 6: 1-375; Pridham, T.G., C. W.
Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. 1958.
Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
Type strain: ATCC 19821 S. argenteolus Tresner, Davies and Backus 1961
Description: Bergey 8. Tresner, H.D., M.C. Davies and E.J.
S. antibioticus (Waksman and Woodruff 1941) Backus. 1961. Journal of Bacteriology 81:
Waksman and Henrici 1948 70-80. Type strain: ATCC 1 1009
Waksman, S.A. and H.B. Woodruff. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
194 1. Journal of Bacteriology 42:23 1-249; Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Waksman, S.A. and A.T. Henrici. 1948 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and A.P. S. atratus Shibata, Higashide, Yamamoto and
Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s Manual of Nakazawa 1962
Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed. The Shibata, M., E. Higashide, H. Yamamoto
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. and K. Nakazawa. 1962. Agricultural and
929-980. Type strain: ATCC 8663 Biological Chemistry 26:228-233. Type
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. strain: I F 0 3897
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Description: Shibata, M., E. Higashide,
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. H. Yamamoto and K. Nakazawa. 1962.
S. antimycoticus Waksman 1957 Ibid.
Waksman, S.A. 1957 in Breed, R.S., S. atroolivaceus (Preobrazhenskaya, Blinov and
E.G.D. Murray and N.R. Smith (eds). Ryabova 1957) Pridham, Hesseltine and
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacter- Benedict 1958
iology, 7th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Preobrazhenskaya, T.P., N.O. Blinov and
Co., Baltimore. pp. 744-825. Type strain: I.D. Ryabova. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., T.P.
NRRL 2421 Preobrazhenskova, E.S. Kudrina, N .O.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. Sveshni-
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of kova. Problems in the classification of
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. actinomycetes-antagonists. Government
S. anulatus (Beijerinck 19 12) Waksman 1957 Publishing House of Medical Literature,
Beijerinck, M.W. 1912. Folia Mikrobiolo- Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham,
giya (Delft) 1:4- 100; Waksman, S.A. T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict.
1957 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D. Murray and 1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type
N.R. Smith (eds). Bergey’s Manual of strain: ATCC 19725
Determinative Bacteriology, 7th ed. The Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Type strain: CBS 100.18 Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. aurantiacus (Rossi Doria 1891) Waksman
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 1953
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Rossi Doria, T. 1891. Annali dell’ Istituto
S. arabicus Shibata, Nakazawa, Miyake, Inoue d’Igiene Sperimentale della Rendiconti
and Okabori 1957 Universita di Roma 1:399-438; Waksman,
Shibata, M., K. Nakazawa, A. Miyake, S.A. 1953 in Waksman, S.A. and H.A.
M. Inoue and A. Okabori. 1957. Annual cechevalier. Guide to the classification
Report of the Takeda Research Laborato- and identification of the actinomycetes
ry 16:32-37. Type strain: ATCC 23881 and their antibiotics. The Williams and
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. 1-246. Type
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of strain: ATCC 19822
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
S. arenae Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
1958 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. S. aurantiogriseus (Preobrazhenskaya 1957)
Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6: Pridham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958
52-79. Type strain: NRRL 2377 Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze,
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudri-
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of na, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A.
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of
Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: Waksman, S.A. 1923 in Bergey, D.H.,
NRRL B-1453 F.C. Harrison, R.S. Breed, B.W. Hammer
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. and F.M. Huntoon. Bergey’s Manual of
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed. The
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp.
S. fumanus (Sveshnikova 1957) Pridham, Hes- 339-371; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
seltine and Benedict 1958 Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Sveshnikova, M.A. 1957 in Gauze, G.F., Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S. Kudrina, Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and M.A. 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Sveshnikova. Problems of classification of Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
actinomycetes-antagonists. Government ATCC 3323
Publishing House of Medical Literature, Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398; Pridham, Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G. Benedict. Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
1958. Applied Microbiology 652-79. Type S. geysiriensis Wallhausser, Nesemann, Prave
strain: ATCC 19904 and Steigler 1966
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Wallhausser, K.H., G. Nesemann, P.
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Prave and A. Steigler. 1966. Antimicrobi-
, Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12. al Agents and Chemotherapy 1965:734-
S. galbus Frommer 1959 736. Type strain: ATCC 15303
Frommer, W. 1959. Archiv fur Mikrobiol- Description: Bergey 8.
ogie 32:187-206. Type strain: ATCC S. gbanaensis Wallhausser, Nesemann, Prave
23910 and Steigler 1966
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Wallhausser, K.H., G. Nesemann, P.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Prave and A. Steigler. 1966. Antimicrobi-
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. al Agents and Chemotherapy 1965:734-
S. galilaeus Ettlinger, Corbaz and Hutter 1958 736. Type strain: ATCC 14672
Ettlinger, L., R. Corbaz and R. Hutter. Description: Bergey 8.
1958. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 31:326- S. gibsonii (Erikson 1935) Waksman and
358. Type strain: NRRL 2722 Henrici 1948
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Erikson, D. 1935. Medical Research
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Council (Great Britain) Special Report
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Series 2035-61; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
S. gancidicus Suzuki 1957 Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Suzuki, M. 1957. Journal Chiba Medical Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Society 33535-542. Type strain: NRRL Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
B- 1872 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Description: Bergey 8. Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain:
S. gardneri (Waksman 1942) Waksman 1961 ATCC 6852
Waksman, S.A. 1942 in Waksman, S.A., Description: Bergey 8.
E.S. Horning, M. Welsch and H.B. S. glaucescens (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Prid-
Woodruff. Soil Science W 2 8 1-296; ham, Hesseltine and Benedict 1958
Waksman, S.A. 1961. The Actinomycetes. Preobrazhenskaya, T.P. 1957 in Gauze,
Vol. 2. Classification, identification and G.F., T.P. Preobrazhenskaya, E.S.
descriptions of genera and species. The Kudrina, N.O. Blinov, I.D. Ryabova and
Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. pp. M.A. Sveshnikova. Problems of classifica-
1-363. Type strain: ATCC 9604 tion of actinomycetes-an tagonis ts. Govern-
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. ment Publishing House of Medical
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Literature, Medgiz, Moscow. pp. 1-398;
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Pridham, T.G., C.W. Hesseltine and R.G.
S. gelaticus (Waksman 1923) Waksman and Benedict. 1958. Applied Microbiology 6:
Henrici 1948 52-79. Type strain: ATCC 23622
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Franceschi, Grein, Penco and Spalla 1969
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Arcamone, F., B. Camerino, E. Cotta, G.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. Franceschi, A. Grein, S. Penco and C.
S. lusitanus Villax 1963 Spalla. 1969. Experientia 24:241-242.
Villax, I. 1963. Antimicrobial Agents and Type strain: NCIB 10969
Chemotherapy 1962:661-668. Type strain: Description: Bianchi, M.L., A. Grein, P.
NCIB 9585 Julita, M.P. Marnati and C. Spalla. 1970.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Mikrobiologie
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of 10:237-244.
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. S. melanogenes Sugawara and Onuma 1957
S. luteogriseus Schmitz, Deak, Crook and Sugawara, A. and M. Onuma. 1957.
Hooper 1964 Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A
Schmitz, H., S.B. Deak, K.E. Crook Jr. 10:138- 142. Type strain: ATCC 23937
and I.R. Hooper. 1964. Antimicrobial Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Agents and Chemotherapy 1963339-94. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Type strain: ATCC 15072 Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. melanosporofaciens Arcamone, Bertazzoli,
Gottlieb. 1972. International Journal of Ghione and Scotti 1959
Systematic Bacteriology 22:265-394. Arcamone, F., C. Bertazzoli, M. Ghione
S. lydicus De Boer, Dietz, Silver and Savage and T. Scotti. 1959. Giornale di Microbi-
1956 ologia 7:207-2 16. Type strain: ATCC
De Boer, C., A. Dietz, W.S. Silver and 25473
G.M. Savage. 1956. Antibiotics Annual Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
1955-1956:886-892. Type strain: NRRL Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
2433 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. S. michiganensis Corbaz, Ettlinger, Keller-
Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of Schierlein and Zahner 1957
Systematic Bacteriology 19:39 1-5 12. Corbaz, R., L. Ettlinger, W. Keller-
S. massasporeus Shinobu and Kawato 1959 Schierlein and H. Zahner. 1957. Archiv
Shinobu, R. and M. Kawato. 1959. fur Mikrobiologie 26: 192-208. Type strain:
Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) 72:283-288. ATCC 14970
Type strain: ATCC 19785 Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189.
Systematic Bacteriology 18:69- 189. S. microflavus (Krainsky 19 14) Waksman and
S. matensis Margalith, Beretta and Timbal Henrici 1948
1959 Krainsky, A. 1914. Zentralblatt fur
Margalith, P., G. Beretta and M.T. Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektion-
Timbal. 1959. Antiobiotics and Chemoth- skrankheiten und Hygiene. Abteilung 11.
erapy 971-75. Type strain: ATCC 23935 41:649-688; Waksman, S.A. and A.T.
Description: Shirling, E.B. and D. Henrici. 1948 in Breed, R.S., E.G.D.
Gottlieb. 1968. International Journal of Murray and A.P. Hitchens (eds). Bergey’s
Systematic Bacteriology 18:279-392. Manual of Determinative Bacteriology,
S. mauvecolor Okami and Umezawa 1960 6th ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.,
Okami, Y. and H. Umezawa. 1960 in Baltimore. pp. 929-980. Type strain: CBS
Murase, M., T. Hikiji, K. Nitta, Y. 124.18
Okami, T. Takeuchi and H. Umezawa. Description: Shirling, E.B. and D.
Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) Series A Gottlieb. 1969. International Journal of
14:113-118. Type strain: ATCC 29835 Systematic Bacteriology 19:391-5 12.
Description: Murase, M., T. Hikiji, K. S. minutiscleroticus (Thirumalachar 1965) Prid-
Nitta, Y. Okami, T. Takeuchi and H. ham 1970
Umezawa. 1960. Ibid. Thirumalachar, M.J. 1965 in Thirumala-
S. mediolani Arcamone, Camerino, Cotta, char, M.J., P.W. Rahalkar, P.V. Desh-
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