Matt 5 Questions

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Name __________________________________________ Date __________________ MS Bible 7-8

☆ Matthew 5 * Use your Bible and notes. *

1. Where did Jesus go sit down? _______________________________________________

2. Whom did Jesus teach first in Matthew 5? _____________________________________
3. What does “blessed” mean in Matthew 5? (Look this up if you’re unsure)

4. How many “blessed” points are there? _________________________________

5. What does “mourn” mean? ___________________________________________________


6. What does “meek” mean? ____________________________________________________


7. What does “mercy” mean? ___________________________________________________


8. What does “pure” mean? _______________________________________________


9. What does “peace-making” mean?


10. What does “persecute” mean?

11. What does “rejoice” mean?

12. In Matthew 5.13: What does Jesus tell his disciples they are?

13. In Matthew 5.14: What does Jesus tell his disciples they are?

14. Did Jesus come to get rid of the Law or Prophets? _____________________________

15. Who are the two groups Jesus mentions (5.20)? ________________________________
16. What does Jesus say is the consequence of calling someone “a fool”?

17. What is the new meaning Jesus gives to adultery (5.28)?


18. What does Jesus say about lust? _____________________________________________


19. What does “lust” mean? ____________________________________________________

20. What is an “oath”? ________________________________________________________
21. What does Jesus say to do if someone slaps you? _____________________________

22. What does Jesus say to do if someone makes you “go one mile”?
23. What does Jesus say about “your enemies”?

24. What does “perfect” mean?


25. How is “salt” used and what does it do?


26. How is “light used and what does it do?


27. Read over the Beatitudes again (5.3-12): which “blessed” caught your attention to
apply to your life?
28. What do each of the following texts say about rewards?

Matthew 5.12 _________________________________________________________________


Luke 6.22-24 _________________________________________________________________


Colossians 3.23-24 _____________________________________________________________


Hebrews 11.6 _________________________________________________________________

29. From Matthew 5, what is the reason for a believer to let his/her light shine?

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